#My 7 month old puppers
monsterrae1 · 1 year
Okay, but now I wanna see the puppers 🥺👉👈
Here’s the pups!
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The husky is 11 months old and I haven’t known peace since she came into my life.
The mixed one is 7 years old and he just wanna be left alone to nap all day
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thesavagemuffin · 1 year
Get to know me
Tagged by @rindemption thank you very much🥺
1. Are you named after anyone? 
My mom named me after a character from an old movie.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday fhjgasfas work be tough sometimes.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. Don't plan to have any either.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
Probably a tiiiny bit too much.
5. What sports do you play/have you played? 
I've started doing more exercises but I wouldn't say I enjoy any particular sport. I'm always happy once I got it behind me.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
Propably whatever they're wearing since that's the first thing you see.
7. Eye color? 
Gray-ish blue or kinda green idk. Depends on the lighting.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? 
Whatever I feel like in the moment but either work.
9. Any special talents? 
Eeeh... drawing? Otherwise my hidden talent is being sleepy throughout the day and then being very awake when I gotta go to bed.
10. Where were you born? 
Santa Rosa, CA but I don't life there anymore. Spend my life 50/50 between the US and Germany.
11. What are your hobbies? 
Drawing, RP, DnD, sometimes writing, and playing a lot of games. Baking is fun too when I'm in the mood for it.
12. Do you have any pets? 
Got an 11 month old pupper at home that keeps me pretty busy.
13. How tall are you?
Around 167cm or so. Been a while since I've checked. Maybe I magically grew past 170.
14. Fave subject in school? 
Art, history, and biology.
15. Dream job? 
Something that won't suck the life out of me or has me interacting with customers.
Tagging a couple people, feel free to ignore this if you already got tagged or don't feel like it @sicc-nasti @scrumptioussynths @mth3gr34t @transitpresident @wraithsoutlaws @onlymeandlife @for-lovely-things
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ourpetco · 1 year
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Just want to share my 7 month old or 6 month old according to my vet aspin pupper.
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somulmaxima · 2 years
This isn't my first venture into Tumblr, but it's been several years since I've been here.
Hello~ I'm Somul! I'm a 24 year old Gay gamer and introvert. I'm married and have a doggo and a pupper. The doggo is 7 and the pupper is 5 months old.
I hang around on Twitch a lot watching mostly queer streamers playing anything from Dead by Daylight or Minecraft to RPing in GTA V or RDR2.
Some games I play sometimes: Fortnite, Dead by Daylight, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Tetris 99, or whatever game friendos wanna play~
Feel free to say hi!~
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aamethyst000 · 2 years
Nov 5,22 3:55pm
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I woke up 1230 to lay comfortably on my bed, cuddling with my cat. while scrolling on my phone, I am thinking of postponing my therapy appointments for next year. I know that, starting this month and onwards, I will be busy with Christmas and possibly decorating. I am not on my first cup of coffee and you know what I forgot to do yesterday? I'll tell ya, I forgot to take my pills. misses one day, I am hoping it doesn't have much affect on me today. I'm thinking of getting my laundry done after I make myself something to eat. I get the feeling my ma will ask me to make her something too.
also, I think I am going to go back on my posts and add in some hashtags just for my Journaling posts, in case anyone wants to go read some of my old post or just curious. who knows, maybe my story will start to get interesting before I could even blink.
4:13pm - yeah, that is what ill be doing, is thinking up of hashtags to use and go back to my old posts and edit them ^-^ I am also just going to get started on my laundry, and my second cup of coffee. I have yet to take my meds still.
4:46pm - just having a toke with my family, just started my laundry. and I have thought of what hashtags I can use when I post. I'll be updating my old posts with them later on
5:37pm - I just made ichiban for my first meal, I will be making another pot of coffee soon after this toke sesh. then I will be checking on my laundry soon after. mum and I will be making breakfast for supper, but only after her pens game is over. I'd be watching it with her but i have chores to do, ill be resting tomorrow.
my mums poor pupper (he is 13 years old) went blind a while back, so because of that. we are having a more difficult time to clip his claws. as old as he is, the old pupper is STRONG when he feels that there is clipers near by. he can give you a nose bleed if you are not careful. both of us reassure him too, and the poor thing still gets nervous. he calms down after he gets put back under his blankies, his safe space.
7:12pm - I am just going to get ready to start dinner, I got half of my laundry done and i am on my third cup of coffee. this will be fun, oh, and I finally took my pills. I don't want to miss another day again. or week, for that matter lol
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From: My 7 month old puppers @taydog64
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fellatiogal94 · 3 years
Stranger Danger for Puppers
Yesterday my Dad and I decided to get some chinese take-away near our home. We drove up with our soon-to-be 7 month old Chow, Mochi, to the place as there is this perfect area to practice Heel and Short-leash in a noisy and highly distracting park area. This is like advance training that I wanted to test out on Mochi to see if he will remember his training in this area.
So I walk out to the park while my Dad went to the take-away, as soon as I crossed the road over the park, this overweight middle aged (over 40) white guy limps away from his seat infront of this cafe, making moon eyes at my dog. “Oh look at ‘im, he’s so fluffy, can I pet ‘im? Oh please, I love dogs”
Now, I really need to train Mochi. He goes up to everyone and every dog hoping to make friends and get the world record of the most pets he can get. I need this to stop as he could and has, run out on a road. He might get hit or hurt, maybe the dog is not friendly or the person has severe dog phobia. So I tell the guy that I am very sorry but I need to train my dog, I gave him my reason and tried to walk away but my dog is like 20kg (40 pounds) and he is going no where as there is a big person that is gushing at him.
The guy ignores my wishes and starts lathering Mochi with pets while gushing on and on on about “How fluffy”, He tells me how he understands “You see?”, he has a friend who had such a sweet dog, “but he ran out and got killed by a car, you see?” “It was a terrible terrible accident” “I wanted to walk ‘im so I let ‘im out” “But I didn’t have ‘is leash, you see” “I didn’t kill ‘im” “It was an accident” “terrible terrible”
At that point I am getting warning bells, Mochi had enough of the pets and turned to watch a car drive past, the guy was fingering his collar looking and trying to see past the fluff. and then Mochi veered away and I see the collar slump a little. I lunged forward and grabbed my dog by his butt fluff and the guy backed off, walking behind me. THE FUCKER HAD RELEASED THE FUCKING CLASP ON MOCHI’S GOSH DARN COLLAR!
He walked up behind me and Mochi, sensing my fear, went around, removing my grip, and started nipping at the guy’s heels until he chased the guy off of the sidewalk and then heeled by my side, loose collar, my heart in my throut.
The guy limped off laughing “he likes me, he likes me” and I bent down and reclasped the quick release collar and walked into the park dragging Mochi away.
If I hadn’t been vigorously training Mochi, he might have run across the road where it’s slightly busy and gotten hit....and If he did, I would have killed the guy, I don’t care if I went to jail, that dog is my fucking life, I didn’t spend more than 3 months loving and raising my fluffy land shark, just so some creepy prick can kill my dog and call it a “terrible terrible accident”. 
I didn’t tell my Dad about how close that guy got, I didn’t want him to worry or to chase the guy down. I was tempted to call the police but I had no proof or evidence, it would be my word against his...but NEVER AGAIN. If I see that guy again, I’m not going to fucking let him near my baby.
Have a picture of my dog, look at that pose! My little lion!! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
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serpentinesarang · 4 years
pairing: chan (bang chan) x gender-neutral reader
genre: no smut, married!au, emotionally heavy, lots of plot build-up/context description, slow burn, fluff at the end, second-person POV
word count: 2098
content warnings: themes of death, depression/grieving, lack of eating, swearing; this is a SERIOUS piece that may make you cry. please proceed with caution and take a mental breather after. 
summary: your husband chan died a year ago, and life hasn’t been the same until you meet a peculiar stray dog whom you decide to keep.
a/n: partly inspired by the netflix anime film “a whisker away.” hint hint: australian dingo...
korean key:
⦿ sasaengpaen (사생팬) = crazy spy-like super fans, sasaeng for short; pronounced “sah-seng”
⦿ annyeong (안녕) = multipurpose word that translates to hi/bye and no; in this story, it’s used in the hi/bye sense. pronounced “on-yawng”
It happened a year ago. The crash. The sasaengs. The coma. The stroke. The doctors’ denial of life support. The funeral.
Your husband Chan had died tragically after a catastrophic car accident outside the JYPE building in Seoul when a group of sasaengs tried to take control of an already chaotic situation on the street. Chan had been rushed to the hospital, so bloodied and so internally fractured that he immediately fell comatose and incidentally suffered a stroke due to the bodily trauma. 
You’d begged with all your might for the doctors to put him on life support, but they refused, saying he’d be vegetative for the rest of your life. They even sent an insurance liason up to Chan’s ICU suite to speak with you about having to pay for his life support as long as you continued to live, and you were just so beaten down by all the hospital staff that you agreed to release his body to the funeral home his parents had flown in to coordinate with.
And you were destroyed. 
Your employer had given you three months’ bereavement, but you still couldn’t bear to go to work for four more months. You slept 12 hours on Chan’s side of the bed every night and only wore his clothes during those four months of intermittent crying. After you used up the remaining sick days and paid time off you’d accrued over the years, your manager finally terminated you for missing too much. The next two months were spent on the couch with no appetite and inconsistent sleep, the good memories of Chan continually flooding back to you at random times. 
This was when you’d decided it was time to get your shit together because the scale declared you 15 lbs [7 kg] lighter; the circles under your eyes scared you each time you dared to glance in a mirror; and your phone’s mailbox had filled to its limit with messages from anyone and everyone offering their condolences for your loss. So three months passed, and you were able to gain back most of your weight, sleep more consistently, and clean out your social media.
Those last three months were the cleansing your soul so desperately needed, and for the first time since the incident, you were starting to feel a level of normalcy again. You’d even pushed yourself to get back into the workforce, and thankfully, this new employer didn’t cause a scene about your 11-month gap in job history. 
The dominoes were falling back into place. Sadly, you’d felt compelled at one point to ghost the rest of Stray Kids because it was just too painful for you to act like you could handle yourself around them. Out of worry and compassion, they all individually sent you messages here and there, but you told yourself maybe in the future. After all, your life had disintegrated to less than dust, so you were your priority moving forward.
Your phone’s alarm wakes you to another dreary November day. It’s a snippet of an audio message he’d left you long, long ago when he was away for a tour. “Good morning to you, [Mr./Mrs.] Bang, my beautiful angel. I’m thinking of you as always. Text me when you get this. Love you, honey.”
November 25th, to be exact: the one-year anniversary of Chan’s death.
You sigh, whispering to the ceiling, “I love you too, baby.”
You pick yourself up, go through all the usual motions, and head to work in the morning snow, trying to keep your mind as numb as you’ve been recently feeling. Perhaps you’ll do a little something once you return home, you resolve.
The workday passes; the snow continues blanketing the city; and nothing really good or bad has happened in the meantime.
You step off the elevator onto your floor of the apartment building. You’re freezing from the windchill, mindlessly deleting spam email on your phone while trudging in your heavy boots to your door.
Once you reach your unit, something at the edge of your eyesight causes you to freeze. You take in the sight before you: a large, tan and white dog lying on your welcome mat with its front paws extended toward you. Its deep brown eyes stare right into yours, and you feel all the air in your lungs disappear.
“A-annyeong,” you murmur softly, pocketing your phone. 
The dog blinks in response, not moving his gaze.
You crouch down in front of the dog slowly, trying not to spook it. “Are you lost, sweetie?”
The dog emits a barely audible whimper, and you can’t tell if it’s sad or relieved to have been found. It’s not wearing a collar, and its abundant fur looks clean, like an inside pet.
Feeling conflicted, you purse your lips. “You must be... I’ll tell you what: you be good and stay here for me, okay?”
The dog exhales sharply before closing its eyes.
Wow, well trained pupper, you think to yourself as you rise. You spend the next five minutes ringing the entire floor’s doorbells, even banging on the doors of the units that didn’t respond to the bell. Each and every neighbor of yours denies owning a dog that looks like a Shiba Inu, and they all claim to not know anyone else who might have one.
“Fuck,” you hiss under your breath after the last person closes their door.
Returning back to your unit, you find the dog hasn’t moved an inch, but it must recognize your presence because its eyes fly open, and its head shoots up toward you.
“I guess you’re mine for now,” you address it. You enter your passcode and push the door open, pointing expectantly with an approving facial expression for the dog to understand it’s okay to go in.
And it happily trots inside, sniffing around the entryway while you shuck off your boots, parka, and other winter layers. 
The dog seems to be waiting for you to finish because, once you turn toward it, it immediately turns around and saunters to the bedroom on the far end of the apartment. You keep up at its side and determine with a friendly visual inspection that this dog is a boy.
Approaching Chan’s old side of the mattress, he turns back to you and sits down in front of the nightstand, digging his eyes into yours once more.
Your brow furrows as you try to piece together what’s happening. “What? What’s up, sweetie?”
The dog replies with a heartwrenching whimper, angling his snout forward as if asking for you.
You pad closer and sit on the backs of your legs. “Will you let me touch you?” you ask him softly, raising a hand for him to sniff.
Oddly, he straight up disregards your hand and leans forward to lick your chin.
“Awww,” you gush at his sudden affection. “I’ll take that as a yes, then.” You stroke the top of his tan head, and again, the poor thing whimpers while leaning into your touch.
You scratch at the bases of his ears before cupping his jowls in your hands. “You’re such a sweet boy, you know that?”
The dog blinks rapidly, pushing forward again to gently lick at your unsuspecting lips this time.
Giggling and stroking his front shoulder areas, you say, “Ohh, thank you, thank you. I haven’t been kissed in a year, so I appreciate that, sweet boy.”
A moment passes, but you have to do a double-take when you notice the thick stream of fluid cascading from his shiny eyes.
You gasp. “Oh nooo, are you crying?” With your thumbs, you carefully wipe away his tears. “Don’t cry, sweetie. I did enough of that for nine months straight, and I can’t have you making me sad too,” you confide with the animal, stroking his head again.
He responds by standing on all fours and pressing the top of his head to your own forehead, and you go breathless again.
He’s so human-like... so emotional... you think, raising your arms over his body and hugging him. You stay there for a solid minute before he finally pulls back and sits again.
You sigh quietly, evaluating his expression. “I don’t know about you, but it’s been a long day.” You nudge your chin up to the bed. ���Wanna rest for a while?”
The dog ever so quietly barks with its snout closed, as if in acknowledgement, and he waits for you to move first. So you rise and position the pillows on Chan’s side against the wall for you to sit upright. You spread your legs in a butterfly position, and without you having to beckon or give permission, the dog hops to the corner of the bed and situates himself between your legs. You notice then that he’s eyeing something on the wall above the bed.
The professional landscape shot of Chan with his arms tightly curled around you under a peony-adorned gazebo near a lake, the day of your wedding. You were looking into each other’s eyes with the sincerest of smiles.
You turn to glance at the framed photo. “Yeah,” you sigh deeply, turning back to the dog. “That’s Channie, my husband.”
The dog picks up on your change of tone and scoots forward as close as he can get, resting his paws on your upper thighs and his snout on your stomach. His gleaming eyes practically compel you to go on.
Placing your hands on his soft back, you continue in a strained voice: “He was taken from me last year, on this day actually, November 25th. He was so badly hurt in the accident that he went into a coma and had a stroke a couple days later.”
You pause, and the dog whimpers on your stomach, his sad gaze making your throat constrict and your eyes water. 
How can a dog be so in tune with me...?
You push that question away with a sigh and bring a hand to rest on his head. “I never left the hospital. The nurses had to kick me out of his room when he passed. And I cried my eyes out for almost a year.” 
Your eyes drift off, glancing at the ceiling and the walls while remembering your grieving process. “So now I sleep on his side of the bed... I wear only his clothes at home... and I shower with the same things he always did. He’s always with me, even when I’m not wearing my ring.”
Tears have started falling onto your cheeks, and you look back down at the quiet dog to find him crying again as well, his glassy eyes still intently watching you.
An uncontrolled sob escapes your lips before you mash them together, trying to keep it together.
“I love him so much,” you throw your head back against the wall. “I love him so, so fucking much,” you whisper, the hot tears falling faster now.
You hear the dog whine rather loudly, so you focus on him again as he raises his head. “He was my person, and now I have no one,” you blubber, using your hands to angrily wipe away the tears.
The dog replies with a seemingly uncharacteristic growl, its eyes still very soft in contrast.
“Okay, okay, now I have you,” you concede, catching your breath. “I don’t know where your parents are, and I’ve been alone for too long.” You pause, almost unwilling to continue. “Will you stay with me, sweet boy?”
He barks out a high-pitched yelp, spastically moving his paws against you so they’re digging into your abdomen now.
Cheered up by the dog’s responsive expressions of emotion, you burst into a brief laugh and scratch the underside of his snout. “You remind me of him, you know. Soft hair, gorgeous brown eyes, super caring.”
Again, he whimpers, very quietly this time. You tenderly kiss his moist nose. “I’ll call you Chris... because only I was allowed to call him that.”
Chris responds by licking your lips again.
Your random gasp makes him jump a little. “Oh my gosh, I bet you’re hungry or thirsty!” You try shifting on the bed, but Chris’s weight holds you firmly. “Do you want food?”
Chris lowers his snout, resting it on your chest now. He doesn’t make any noises, but you can guess what he means by this.
“Okay, Chris, I gotcha. We’ll stay here and eat when you’re ready,” you promise as you smooth his pointed ears backward.
I found them... if only they knew it’s me... I’m Channie, and I’m still yours, honey. 
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totallydoglife · 4 years
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My 7 month old puppers
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andromedous · 7 years
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selfies i forgot to post ft. THE BEST BOY I HAVE EVER ENCOUNTERED
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lostboy2937 · 3 years
Tonight I was asked what a major goal in my life is. I thought about it for a while and then said that I want to adopt kids and pets. I was then asked a follow up question: “why?” At the moment, I wasn’t sure why so I said, “just cuz.” Afterward, however, I thought about it some more and found my reason. I want to have the chance to give kids and anI also the best life possible. I have some friends that were put into the foster system as young children because their birth parents were neglectful towards them. They were then adopted by Loving parents who cared about them and helped them succeed. I would love the chance to be able to do that for a child. To be able to give a child a safe, loving home and family to grow up in would just be...amazing.
The same goes for pets. My dog was abandoned at 7 months old at a local shelter. He was severely underweight and had wounds and scars that indicated he had been living in a crate. The shelter got him all checked out and cleaned up and that’s when we (my family and I) came in. I had been asking for a dog since I was, like, 3 years old and at age 10, my mom told me we were going to stop by a shelter. Walking amongst the kennels, I looked in every one but stopped in front of one where a dog was sitting in the back corner, not barking like the other dogs. I squatted down in front of the kennel and the shelter volunteer that was with us said that he was shy and very wary of humans. I gently put my hand against the bars and he slowly came forward and licked my fingers. I smiled and I swear he smiled back even a little bit in his doggy way. It took a little work but he eventually came to trust my family and other people, starting with me, and we got him healthily fed and rounded him out a little. He’s a bit of a spoiled pupper but we love him so much and he has such a great life. I’d hate to think where he’d be if he had continued to live in a kennel, not being fed, taken care of, or loved. I want that for all animals but since I can’t adopt them all, I’ll do what I can to make the few animal lives I can better and happier.
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tsushimanoonryo · 4 years
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Nicknames: Kimi (irl and online because I’m unoriginal)
Zodiac: Western- Aquarius. Eastern- Rabbit
Height: 5′ 5″ 
Timezone: CST (GMT -6)
Sexuality: Chaotic Bisexual
Favorite Video Games: The Mass Effect trilogy (Andromeda was bad, fight me), Bully (or Canis Canem Edit if you don’t live in America), Crusader Kings 2, Stardew Valley, the Harvest Moon series (the old stuff before it became Story of Seasons) Animal Crossing (any gen.), the Yakuza series (I’m deep in Yakuza hell right now), the Uncharted series, and Ghost of Tsushima!
Favorite Band / Artist: The Phenomenauts, Awich, Holly Golightly, The White Stripes, The Aquabats, Coeur de Pirate, Zombina and the Skeletones, Blondie
Favorite Movie: My top three (in this order) are The Lost Boys, Yojimbo, and What We Do in the Shadows
Favourite Show: Parks and Recreation, Cowboy Bebop, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, xxxHolic, What We Do in the Shadows, Schitt’s Creek. I’m also enjoying the Baby Yoda Show right now, but i wouldn’t call it a favorite.
Song Stuck in my Head: “Amazon”- M.I.A.
Last Movie I Saw: We re-watched Club Dread recently.
Last Thing i Googled: “Onna Joshu Naotora cast”
Do I Get Asks: Hardly ever. Only if it’s a meme that @odatodeath wants to use to bully Jin.
Average Amount of Sleep:  9 hours (I’m baby okay I need sleep)
What I’m wearing: Blue pajama shorts that have polar bears doing various summer activities on them, an black t-shirt of my friend’s old metal band, a black New Orleans Saint’s zip-up hoodie that I stole from my husband, and my glasses.
Favorite Food: All (that’s a lie, I fucking hate avocado).
Favorite Animal: Opossum, bats, bees, puppers
Play Any Instruments: I have rudimentary guitar and ukulele skills that don’t improve because I only pick my instruments up once every few months, play for like 3 weeks, then put them down for another few months and forget almost everything and lose my finger callouses. I can also play like 3 very simple songs on piano.
Eye Color: Mostly green, sometimes grey depending on the lighting. I feel like when I was a child, they were more dynamic. People told me they could see them change color sometimes? I never saw it, but reliable sources have told me it’s happened. That makes me sound like a Mary Sue, tho, so we’ll just say green.
Haiir Color: Poo Brown
Languages you speak: English. I can understand SOME French, but not enough to speak it. I need to start practicing on Duolingo again.
Random Fact: All ten of my fingers are double jointed in at least one joint, sometimes more than one. I have little racoon hands. I can pop my thumbs out of their sockets very easily and it doesn’t cause me pain. 
Describe Yourself as an Aesthetic: Dumpster Fire or Walking Shitpost
Any Tattoos: I have 8!  1. A bird on my hip. 2. My maiden name in Arabic script on my ribcage (it’s an Arabic name, don’t worry, I’m not being a stupid white person, lol). 3. An illustration from the Alice in Wonderland book of Alice holding the “Drink Me” bottle on my back... I’m actually going to get this covered up because I got it when I was 19 and the artist wasn’t very good and it’s ugly. 4. A little ghostie on my right wrist. 5. An onna-bugeisha wielding a naginata on my left outer bicep 6. A cute lil samurai bat on my left inner bicep 7. A chochin-obake on the upper side of my left forearm. 8. The woman from the Botan Doro (Peony Lantern) Japanese ghost story holding the peony lantern on the underside of my left forearm. MY LEFT ARM IS MY WEEB SLEEVE THAT I’M CURRENTLY WORKING ON, OBVIOUSLY.
Piercings: One in each earlobe. I also had an industrial piercing in my left ear a few years ago, but it didn’t heal properly so I took it out. Now I have little tiny bumps where it used to be. ;_;
Tagged by:  I actually stole this from @specialagentace
Tagging: @odatodeath, @koretohyuganokami, @agentsterling, @iamdarcylewis @ghostlyanon and anyone else who wants to
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intriga-hounds · 4 years
I ran out of things to do today so I went back through all of your sivisbabies tag and Oh my gosh I forgot what a darling little chubby baby Baz was just a few short months ago! 7 week old Baz was peak chub perfection and I cried over him and his lil pupper fat. And now he's so sleek and handsome. I can't get over it.
i’m personally a BIG fan of 5 week old bazzy prancing around with a toy the same size as him
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My neighbors/basically family took in their grandson's dog just a few days ago cuz he couldn't give him as much attention from working so much. I even met him on the day he arrived and I fell in love instantly! His name is Waylon, and he's only 7 months old!! He's such a big gentle boi! I love him to pieces! 😊♥️
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I never claimed to be a film scholar, and that’s why I was almost 33 years old before I saw Jaws the first time (and yes, it is my birthday next week thank you so much for asking!) It’s not that I never wanted to - but by the time I had overcome my fear that Jaws was going to eat me in my bathtub, I didn’t want to watch it cut up by commercials on a Saturday afternoon on TNT and we didn’t own it and if you think I was going to waste my one pick at Blockbuster on a movie from 25 years ago instead of renting Now and Then for the fifth time, you are just a plain fool. So here we are in a quarantine and I’m doing some much needed catching up.
One thing I’ve discovered about these classic completely-permeated-in-pop-culture films is that they’re not immune to the phenomenon of high expectations->very disappointed. I was a little worried that, because I’ve had the “you’re gonna need a bigger boat” scene imprinted on my retinas since I was about 7 years old, the film just wouldn’t have the same oomph as it did when it became the world’s first true blockbuster. So, to an avid movie-watcher like me, does Jaws still have teeth? Well...
This is not a controversial opinion - yeah, it does. Jaws is pretty fucking awesome. Sometimes things really are that simple. For the uninitiated (although honestly who doesn’t know the plot of Jaws), it’s pretty simple. There’s a shark. Like....a really big one. He’s feeling peckish, and starts looking for snacks around Amity Island, a touristy (fictional) beach community somewhere off the coast of New England. The local chief of police, Brody (Roy Scheider) is staunchly anti-shark attack but the mayor is like “we’ll just have to accept the risk that the weak ones will die because we can’t shut the economy down!” But because this is a fantasy movie, after 4 people die, the authorities do everything they can to stop the threat, including hiring a scientist named Hooper from the Oceanographic Institute (Richard Dreyfuss), and a crusty ol’ sea captain named Quint (Robert Shaw) to hunt the shark down and kill it. 
Some thoughts:
That John Williams score just kicks you in the teeth right from the beginning, doesn’t it.
It’s interesting, regarding all the scenes I’ve seen just in the context of living in a world where Jaws is part of pop culture - they always come in these little 30-second bursts without the context, enough to suggest the dread and terror but not really sit in it for long. As a result, this first initial shark attack scene goes on for SO MUCH LONGER than I was expecting. I was genuinely disturbed.
I’m seeing many Very Good dogs, which is fantastic news. There’s the Chief’s cocker spaniel, there’s a frisky black Lab on the beach chasing a stick, a couple more when all the fisherman are arriving, and many puppers in boats!
I mean, I know it’s sad that kid Alex got eaten on his raft but why haven’t they given us reassurance that Pippet is ok??
This intro to Quint is truly one of the best character introductions I’ve ever seen. What an iconic and instantly memorable performance, this salty, grizzled fisherman/bounty hunter who literally never stops talking. He’s a walking sea shanty, a collection of dirty jokes held together with sheepshank knots and moonshine. I love him in spite of his vague, amorphous sexism and relentless repetition of the same terrible song.
God, I had no idea how young Richard Dreyfuss is in this!
I already knew a lot of the parallels existed, but Wife wanted me to point out explicitly that watching this film is deeply upsetting in the time of Covid-19. The same willful ignorance, the same disregard for public safety, and the same reverence for “the economy” at all cost to human life is relevant, to say the least.
It’s easy to forget, but having watched more of his early stuff in the past few months, I completely get why Steven Spielberg was such an absolute lightning bolt to the film industry. The naturalistic way everyone talks, the overlapping dialogue, the use of light with the moon on the ocean and these spotlights in the fog, that iconic dolly zoom shot - it really is unlike any other director’s films, especially in this era. 
Who the fuck does this mayor think he is? If the people are at the beach, isn’t that enough? Why do you NEED them to go in the water? How does that help you? If they’re on the beach and not swimming, you get the best of both worlds - people are there spending money and they’re also y’know, not dead.
I’ve seen the moment dozens of times, and everyone knows the line, but goddammit when we first see the shark in all his glory and Brody says “You’re gonna need a bigger boat” it honest to god made my heart nearly leap outta my chest. 
What I didn’t know about in all the familiarity I had with Jaws before this was this long night scene with the three men drinking and singing and comparing battle scars and stories and bonding the way men in wartime do. Quint’s monologue is especially haunting. This is all just...it’s really good. 
I’m a little uncomfortable (especially in the time of Covid) with this class warfare, working class grunt knows better than the academic tug-of-war going on between Quint and Hooper. For a long stretch it seems like Quint has a point, that Hooper doesn’t know what he’s doing out there in the dangerous reality of a fickle ocean and a murderous predator. But once they get on the boat, Hooper proves himself more the capable. Maybe the man who is actually like, a doctor of sharkology can know just as much - or maybe more?? - than the man who has been hunting and killing them for years. Aaah fiction. It’s a good thing you have nothing to teach us about reality. 
Did I Cry? No, and I kinda thought I would when Alex Kitner’s mother confronts Brody about how he did nothing to prevent her son’s death, but I was too preoccupied with the fact that she and her husband looked about 60 and I was trying to figure out how they could be the parents of an 8-year-old boy. 
In all the clips I’ve seen, I really haven’t been exposed to shots of the shark for that long, and that’s for the good. The only thing that isn’t quite pitch perfect about the movie is how, in the longer sequences, the shark robot begins to quickly lose its authentic feel. The shadows, quick glimpses, and brief chomps really do have a much greater impact. Thank goodness Bruce (the shark robot’s name) malfunctioned as much as he did, because if he had been seen up close from the very beginning, there’s no way this film would be the icon it is. 
Oh damn, that ending really comes at you quick, huh?
I love that “this is gonna be the beginning of a beautiful friendship” final exchange. 
I don’t know what to tell you, guys, this movie is just really, really good. The scares are scary, the characters are interesting, memorable, and have a lot of emotional heft to them, and the shark is sharky. There’s nothing not to like. Even if you think you know what it’s gonna be like, it’s worth it to take a couple hours and really absorb it the way it deserves, because it does deserve it.  
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
woah, my pupper is around 6-7 months old! :D ~ ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
Oh, nice! I’ll bet they’re pretty cute ^^
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