#My advice is to be kind and socialize and connect and help each other out :)
Make Me Write ask answered
162 📖 for @inell!
When they arrive at the fire station, Eddie is indeed in rough shape. Scratched, damp, and wearing a heating blanket. 
“Buck, why is my dad dressed like a baked potato?” Chris asks nervously when he sees him. 
Eddie is sitting in the back of an ambulance, looking a little sleepy. The other paramedic - the one that isn’t Chimney - is talking to him. 
“It’s keeping him warm,” Buck explains. “Why don’t you go see him? That’ll make him even warmer.”
“DAD!” Chris calls out, heeding Buck’s advice. He picks up his pace a little in Eddie’s direction. 
“CHRISTOPHER!” Eddie calls back once he sees him. He hops out of the ambulance, dropping the warming blanket, and runs across the engine bay floor towards his son. When he reaches him, he scoops him up into the biggest, tightest, most loving hug Buck has ever seen. Buck honestly feels a little choked up, watching it. 
He doesn’t want to intrude on their moment, so he hangs back, holding onto Christopher’s backpack. After a minute of this hug, of Eddie speaking quietly to his son, he finally looks in Buck’s direction. He sets Christopher down, strides over to where Buck is, and hugs him too. Just quick, with a clap on the back, but it’s still a hug. It catches Buck off-guard a little.
“Thank you,” Eddie says emphatically. “Thank you so much for taking care of him.”
“No problem, really,” Buck says when Eddie pulls away. “Chris kept me in line. Made sure I knew the right answers to American history. Really he did me a favor.”
Eddie’s smile in response is practically glowing. “I owe you one, man.”
“Hey, don’t mention it. Just glad you’re okay.” Buck says. “Is Carla good? I couldn’t reach her either.”
Eddie nods. “Her dad isn’t well. She was visiting him today.”
“Oh,” Buck replies. “That’s… That’s too bad.”
Eddie takes a deep breath. “Listen, man, can I buy you a beer sometime? As a thank you?”
Buck… Well, for some reason, even though it’s totally not necessary, Buck really likes the sound of that.
“Yeah,” Buck nods. “Yeah, that’d be great. My number should be in your phone from when I tried to call you.”
“Perfect,” Eddie smiles. 
It’s way too much fun. 
Buck meets Eddie at a sports bar. They grab beers. Watch a game. It’s probably the most fun Buck’s had in a while. Without work or a kid in between them, they connect as just people. And it turns out, they connect pretty well. They have a similar sense or humor and like a lot of the same things. Eddie listens when Buck goes on accidental tangents about subjects he finds interesting. Buck is genuinely delighted with stories about Christopher. They just sort of… Mesh?
By the end of the night, they’re making plans to hang out again, and Buck’s stomach can’t quite shake a fluttery, swooping feeling. Something that he’s only really felt before… Well, on dates. 
Which is strange for Buck because, well… Eddie is a man? And Buck didn’t know that another man could make him feel that way. 
Which probably means… Something. 
Buck and Eddie manage to hang out two more times by themselves, and once with Christopher, even, before the world shuts down. And Buck goes from the exciting thrill of a new friend/maybe crush to working alone in an empty library, filling online orders, and putting them in sterile pickup areas, with nothing at all to look forward to. 
It’s awful. It’s depressing. Buck genuinely struggles to get out of bed in the morning for the entire month of April. 
His sister is pregnant, and she can’t even stay with Chimney because of the risk. She’s alone. Buck’s alone. Everyone is boxed off from each other. 
They keep in contact. Eddie and Buck. Text. Social media. Buck does a few virtual homework help sessions with Chris out of working hours. But it’s weird. It’s like they almost had a friendship or something, and it just kind of gets stalled. 
All the nothingness means Buck has time. On and off work. He has nothing but time. It reminds him of the early years of his undergrad, where the coursework wasn’t challenging or interesting enough to keep his mind busy. He’d had to find ways to fill the time. Partying. Drinking. Sex. Working out. Those had been his options, then. Apart from working out, he doesn’t want to replicate the rest in a global pandemic. Which means Buck is left with way more hours to fill than even in undergrad. 
And he’s a librarian. So… One of the things he does to avoid going crazy? He reads. He researches. He learns. And one of the things he starts going all in on learning about? Human sexuality and attraction. Because the distance from Eddie doesn’t make Buck stop thinking about him. Doesn’t quell the curiosity, the thinking. The excitement each time a notification from Eddie lights up his phone. So Buck researches, and he tries to figure himself out. 
So, in the middle of a pandemic, where everyone is quarantined, and Buck is completely alone, he discovers he’s bisexual. Stellar timing. Really great work. Had he uncovered this little tidbit of identity earlier in his life? Maybe he’d be quarantining with a boyfriend or a husband or something cool like that. Since he’s historically fumbled all the women in his life. Who is he kidding? He’ll probably be the same with dudes. But until proven otherwise, he imagines he’ll be very smooth.
So. Bisexual. Alone in his studio apartment. Living through an unprecedented global emergency. Kind of thirsting over a man he won’t be able to see for months, and who he doesn’t even know is queer, so probably has no chance with. 
Buck is frustrated. 
He learns to cook. He buys a variety of plants. Tries and fails to learn to draw. Impulse adopts a cat; a Burmese he renames Begonia. Her previous name was Princess and to be honest she is way too relaxed for that designation. 
Nothing makes the sense of restlessness building in his chest go away. 
It’s late summer by the time he and Eddie can hang out again. At a distance. Outside, on a hike. Masks on if they get any closer. Eddie has a higher chance of infection on his job, and Buck wants to be safe. 
They fall back into their easy pattern of conversation and humor. It’s like whatever paused between them at the beginning of the year picks right back up without any issue. And Buck is relieved. Relieved and excited. Like they’re pointed towards a direction he hasn’t seen before, but is desperate to discover.
Buck tells Eddie all about the ever-changing library policies regarding the virus. Eddie tells Buck about childcare struggles. 
“With Carla caring for her dad full time, and my Abuela back in Texas, it’s been insane,” he admits. 
“And no aftercare programs at the library,” Buck says. 
“Or anywhere,” Eddie says. 
“Man, that’s rough. I’m sorry.”
“It’s… Well, single parenting is never easy. But global catastrophe certainly adds to it.”
“Hey, if-if I can help…” Buck offers, a little aimlessly. 
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “Is the library open to visitors yet?”
“Well, no,” Buck admits. “Soon, hopefully? But I mean, I can ask the head librarian - Janine - if he can, uh, sneak in. Masked up, of course.” “I mean, if he could. That’d be really helpful. He could do class from there, right?” Eddie asks. ”Only if it wouldn’t put you out!”
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yugiohz · 10 months
do you have any advice for us Uni students Miss Yugiohz CEO of Bakudeku
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thinkingotherwise · 5 months
what's your headcanons on the windbreaker characters and their ideal types?
Oof that's a tough one, because I like to believe that you can fall in love with someone that isn't your type, but you find this certain connection with them. But I'll try my best 🤞🤞
Wind Breaker characters' "ideal type"
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Haruka Sakura - sporty and passionate; because of his drive for fighting it would need to be someone who understands the passions and even better if they share it; someone ready to throw anything at any moment and run to you if needed, really dependable that you can tell all your secrets to;
Akihiko Nirei - nice and confident; someone who'd pump him up, his personal cheerleader, being the sweetest and nicest person known in town with such a lovable voice and words coming out of you, but when he is self-hating knowing just the way to change their words to firm and confident making sure he knows how loved he is;
Hayato Suou - kinda tsundere; someone not keen on PDA and easily flustered by it, and someone who likes discussing things - able to talk with Suou for hours on end about the topics that are interesting to both of them;
Kyotaro Sugishita - "big sibling" type; taking care of everyone and making sure he's part of the group, always making him feel included and sometimes making him socialize with others, even people he seems to hate (Sakura);
Mitsuki Kiryu - gamer; confident in skills and ready to throw hands if someone insults them or boyfriend, someone who looks sweet but in reality has a sharp tongue and can win any argument;
Taiga Tsugeura - someone who likes to take care of themselves; doesn't necessarily mean thin, but someone who likes to spend time making sure they are healthy, maybe someone having these daily trackers that they prepare to have better time management;
Kotoha Tachibana - playful but responsible; someone who gets shit done but is so playful about it, teasing and laughing every second they can, easily convinced to help and sometimes taking too much on their shoulders, struggling to finish things;
Hajime Umemiya - caring and extroverted; giving pieces of advice to everyone and surprisingly ready to help others with school work, touchy - meaning they love PDA and hugging, they would be the perfect duo, to help each other whenever the other one struggles or has some bad days;
Toma Hiiragi - street smart and brave; being tangled in enough trouble to elevate some stress off him, when they help other students solve issues, but also to be able to make his blood pumping and belly ache while causing just enough of the aforementioned trouble;
Ren Kaji - understanding and music fan; someone who would understand his issues and help him through them, being very supportive, also someone who likes different kinds of music to talk to him about it;
Takeshi Enomoto - stylish and a fan of Japanese history; someone who readers too much mafia/yakuza au!, or stories and would like to spend evenings watching action movies, someone who likes fashion and can spend too much time trying to find the perfect outfit for the two of them;
Yuto Kusumi - animal lover; someone who loves animals and loves taking care of them, maybe someone trying to become a veterinary or someone spending their time helping neighbours and shelters with animals, very empathetic and emotional;
Tasuku Tsubakino - open-minded and friendly; someone who gains trust easily and is friendly with everyone they meet, someone that has no problem with the different hobbies of Tasuku and easily supports their every move;
Seiryu Sakaki - pretty/handsome and popular, someone interested in skincare and makeup, very eye-catching and bringing others' attention to them, someone who easily follows along his pranks;
Uryu Sakaki - curious and someone who likes to eat and try new dishes; spending time searching through internet looking for new restaurants and food booths maybe even recipes to try with him;
Choji Tomiyama - complete opposite of him, meaning looks like they could kill you is a cinnamon roll; someone who people could mistake as the leader, like with Togame, but really they are all smiles and ready for cuddles, probably couldn't hurt anyone, only if they were really angry;
Jo Togame - kuudere- popular and disinterested; surprisingly very popular because of their "cool" behaviour, but they are simply disinterested in most things, when others talk to them or while others ask for help, but their loving boyfriend, that can make smile bloom on their face and somehow can interest them in anything he likes;
Kota Sako - someone who has sweet tooth; with his love for sweets it would need to be someone who also doesn't mind going to try sweets every now and then, maybe even someone who takes photos of said food and shows it off on their social media;
Minoru Kanuma - teasing and confident; being the 'comedic relief character' for everyone when they are annoyed by teasing the shit out of them in funny way but also not hurting their feeling in the process;
Yukinari Arima - loving and easily flustered; someone who adores being his centre of attention, even seeking it out, but also being easily flushed the moment he touches them or calls them with endearment;
Teruomi Inugami - equally joyful but more calm; someone who loves the puppy energy of his and hypes him up even more, although they look calm they are excited to spend every minute with him;
Tags: @misticbullet
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up until recently i ran a pretty popular radfem blog (stay with me, this ask is in good faith) but after i took a social media detox, i realized i don’t share those beliefs anymore and in fact i might be trans myself. i just kind of abandoned the blog, but i’d feel bad if i didn’t tell my followers what happened. i’m scared of telling anyone because i feel like i’d be a bad feminist if i transitioned. (i know, you can be trans and a feminist just fine, but that’s just the kind of thing radfems tell you.) even worse, i’m scared of posting about it on my main or radfem blog because radfems and trans people by and large hate each other (obv), and i’m scared to mention i’ve been in both groups because of the hate i’ll get
Lee says:
When I first started as a mod, I would have told you that you need to immediately post on all your blogs to disown the transphobic beliefs you had previously expressed to try to make up for the harm that you may have perpetrated as a radfem.
Now that I'm a little older, my feelings on the topic have shifted a bit. Before anything else, I think you need to slow down and make sure that you ensure your own safety and mental health.
If you believe that revealing this change to your followers could result in backlash online that would affect you emotionally, it's crucial to prepare by turning off anonymous asks and muting notifications from social media apps.
You should also make sure you have a non-online place to turn for support. If they used to be your community, you may feel like you've lost online friends, so make sure you don't become too isolated. Instead, lean on your IRL connections and seek support from trans-friendly people in your community.
You may even want to consider looking for a therapist-- questioning being trans can be difficult for anyone, and adding a layer of internalized transphobia doesn't help.
When you're ready to share your feelings on your blog, you should write a thoughtful post explaining your journey. You don't have to justify your identity; rather, focus on your personal growth, how your views have evolved, and how you came to understand yourself better. Acknowledge the complexity of the situation and that you're still learning.
These people were once your buddies and there's a chance you may be able to make some of them question their beliefs too if you don't lash out at them and trigger that instinctual defensive us-versus-them mindset, so I would try to keep a friendly tone even while noting that you no longer support them.
So thank your followers for their support and engagement over the years, but tell them you aren't comfortable staying part of their community now that you've realized that the beliefs underpinning the group are doing damage and you are trying to unlearn that type of thinking.
Gently challenge any misconceptions you once held or promoted. Clarify that being trans and feminist are not mutually exclusive and that everyone deserves respect and equality, regardless of their gender identity.
If you're comfortable, share resources that helped you on your journey. This could be educational materials, support groups, books you found helpful, or contact information for trans-supportive LGBTQ+ organizations. If there's anything you'd recommend to others who were once in the same place as you were on getting out, this is the time to share your advice.
Understand that reactions will likely be mixed. Some followers may feel confused, betrayed, or angry, while others might be supportive or even share their similar experiences. Remember, you're not responsible for their reactions and you don't need to respond to them if you don't want to argue and they aren't willing to have a respectful conversation.
Be clear about your boundaries. Let your followers know what kind of comments you're willing to engage with and that hate or harassment won't be tolerated. You can even stop engaging with the account altogether if you don't think you can deal with the hate that you may receive.
You don't have to post about this immediately. Again, it's okay to take as much time as you need to feel ready. It's okay to wait until you're in a safe and stable position before making any announcements.
If you do post about it and get hate, remind yourself that you're doing the right thing by letting go of that community, and that you're not only making the right choice for your own life in allowing yourself the freedom to explore your gender identity but you're also doing the right thing overall since you're now standing up for the trans community (late is better than never!) and no longer encouraging transphobic narratives.
If you feel that your current blog is no longer a space where you can express yourself authentically, consider starting a new blog or platform where you can write freely about your experiences and beliefs. Or just get offline altogether-- your digital detox is what started this, so maybe it's healthy for you to continue it for a while!
If you tell someone "I support trans folks" and they send you hate, that person is not your friend anyway. This is an opportunity to meet nice people who you can be yourself with. I would really encourage you to connect with IRL activists who are actually regularly volunteering and doing something concrete for their community if you have the opportunity.
When I was in high school, I volunteered at my local library's teen advisory board, and when I was in college I volunteered at a local hospital and through my college. This weekend I'm starting training for volunteering in-person for my town's emergency preparedness group which also does things like help to unload trucks for the food pantry, and I also volunteer remotely for two organizations online.
I'm really pushing for you to get out and volunteer (online or IRL) because I know one draw of the radfem community is feeling like you're an activist and that you're supporting women's rights and protecting and defending women. And it is important to support women's rights and protect and defend women! But there are other ways to do that beyond running a hateful blog attacking trans women.
I have a friend who works at an organization for survivors of domestic violence, for example, and she works with volunteers who help staff events, answer the hotline, etc. You can look around and see what local initiatives there are in your community and if you can't find the thing you're looking for you can start a group yourself or look online and join a national or state-wide cause that you care about, like pushing the legislature to support access to abortions.
Giving up the radfem community doesn't mean giving up feminism, and this is a good opportunity for you to take a look at your own time, your values, and think about how you can take this chance to start working to be a more effective feminist. Not everyone has to be an activist, but if you want to be one, think about how you can start doing good in a way that will actually affect people in a positive way.
I've also often been involved in doing events like conferences and workshops and panels IRL from my time in high school to the present day to try and educate folks on the community, but I also know that sometimes you need to take a step back and prioritize yourself. If you think you're not ready to jump into making change that's also okay. Just join something. A soccer team, a book club, anything hobby-related, to have something else to do and talk about and think about and stay tethered to feeling part of something.
Remember, it's okay to grow and change. You're not betraying anyone by being true to yourself. It's a courageous step to admit when your views have changed, and it's an integral part of personal growth. Be kind to yourself during this process.
Whether or not you end up identify as trans, you still will be doing the right thing by separating yourself from that community. I know it may be difficult because they were a place where you felt supported and part of a movement, but I really believe that you're taking steps in the right direction by letting go of that ideology and just living your life!
Followers, if you have any experiences unlearning toxic beliefs please reply with your advice for anon!
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yermes · 11 months
PAC: 🦢
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How do you speak to the divinity within you?
Well y’all just to be clear I did curse someone recently so you guys are getting more wholesome readings so that when I die the good lord doesn’t send me too deep into hell. Anyways im on a trip rn and I am struggling. But one thing that helps when i am struggling I feel as though I am so open for grief to hit me on any bright a sunny spot. I posted on my private insta story and someone said they missed me and hoped I was okay which was honestly the nicest thing I heard about myself all week.
Disclaimer: please take what I say with a grain of salt and not as the gospel. I just want to share some ideas of practicing and giving advice using the medium as often as I can with school, work, and my own personal studies and practice. But I am working on sharing my notes soon so that will be exciting!
Socials: TipJar | Gram
Pick a meme
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The cards
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Pile 1
Man + Garden 🪴 
I think your divinity with in gives you signs and connects you with people. I am not sure how because I believe that usually people keep that inner world protected. I think the people you surround yourself with you would like to think that you all help lift each other up in a human ladder towards god possibly to escape any mental shit within you but you forget the connection you feel for each other and the magic you do that IS the divine.
Pile 2
Dog + Bear 🐻 🐕 
The divine within you manifest in your joy and will. You yourself have the ability to brave each day and sprinkle a little light into other peoples lives. That gift is not to be counted out. Anyone who can act as a conduit to reflect the light within everyone is a gift. You show this through a strong and kind nature.
Pile 3
Ring + Coffin ⚰️ 💍 
With in the small deaths in everyday life the divine presents itself to you. Life and death, a marriage or funeral it is always present. And with the divine persistence through the changes in your life you can feel that you will be okay. Even if you are not okay ATM the changes in which you encounter only build the relationship between you and the divine.
Go off and prosper my children
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crystaldivination · 2 years
PICK-A-CARD ❁ Words from the higher realms ❁ 
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Hello and welcome! In this intuitive pick a card reading, I will be delivering some comforting messages and advices from your higher self that you might need to hear. This is my first time trying to do a collective reading so please let me know if this resonates with you in some way. Thank you 🝮
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how to choose your pile. take a few deep breaths & look at each piles separately. Which pile sparks an interest in you? Which pile do you feel called out to the most or reminds you of something? Take your time and come back later to it again if you can’t seem to choose.
The piles
from left -> right
Disclaimer: this is a general reading which may or may not resonate with you. Take what resonates and leave out anything that doesn’t. Feel free to choose another pile if you'd like.
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This is your message. You’re on your right path, even if you don’t feel like it. Give it some time to see the results. You need to keep going and believe in yourself. Don’t give up even on the "slightest" disappointment. Get rid of your self-limiting beliefs. You’re almost where you want to be. Everything you desire will come to you at the right time. Most likely when you least expect it. "Divine timing" I heard. Go with the flow. Stay in the presence and take a leap of faith that your wishes will come true. You should trust the process. Your higher self is telling you to believe them. You’re divinely guided. Your blessings are on their way to you. Some of you might’ve even received their blessing already. Your higher self is always with you and leading you towards your life path. You should open your heart and mind to the things that surround you more. It’s a way to connect (better) with your higher self. Nature is prominent here. Try to go out in the nature and feel its energy. You will see that you’ll feel so much better afterwards. You might get some signs or hints through your spirits soon.
The message I got for this pile is on the shorter side compared to the other two piles but that’s only because you’re already on your right path and just need to work on your belief while persisting with your goals.
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This is your message. You might find yourself in a complicated situation right now which makes you doubt. Yet you don’t give up and still manage to stay hopeful. For that your higher self is proud of you. You might feel confused, not knowing what your goals are or where it all headed. Your higher self knows that it’s hard right now but they are telling you to listen to your heart. Your heart will know the answers. Sometimes it’s necessary to feel lost to find your way again. Your higher self is asking you not to isolate yourself!! Socialize more. That would do you well. You could benefit from it by gaining a different perspective on your situation. If you need help, ask for it. If you’re being offered help, accept it. You can rely on others as well. Turn to people you trust for support and take some time out for yourself to relax. Your higher self is also telling you to focus on the things that make you grow instead of dwelling on negative things. You might be used to feeling like there is no way to get out of where you are but remember there is always light at the end of the tunnel. You need to focus on that light. Don’t be swayed by the darkness that surrounds you because your will power and belief are much more stronger than that. Your higher self can prove it. They saw it already. Try to manifest. Picture your desired life and feel it happening before your eyes. That’s how your life gonna turn out. Promise! Lastly you should distance yourself from any kind of negativity such as people or things that are bad for you in some way. Declare to let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore.
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This is your message. Your higher self sees your anger, frustration and demand for love. You might have a hard time right now because I feel a lot of anguish and suffering in you. Some of you might "rebel" in some sort of way as a form to release or resist your emotions. Your higher self wants you to know that they are with you and that you’re not alone in this. This shall all pass. Remain strong to get through this.
You are advised to connect with strong minded and optimistic people to cultivate a positive mindset. Consider doing what is actually good for you. Some of you might intentionally doing things that don’t correlate with your feelings but doing the opposites won’t make it better. Instead try to be true to yourself and do what you truly want - for your sake. Be careful not to self-destruct. Your higher self is worried about you and wants you to sit down and reflect on your coping strategies. Cry if you need. Talk it out or write it down when your heart feels heavy. It can simply be a self talk. The most important thing is that you don’t neglect yourself. You are your best treasure. You’re worth your life. Your higher self wants to bring you out of your survival mode. They know you crave attention and seek love but they want you to look at yourself and give love to yourself first before seeking it from anyone else. They know your authentic self. Because they are you, right? They are saying that you don’t need to hide behind a tough demeanor. They love you. You should learn to be proud of yourself. You’re going through a major transformation in your life.
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Thanks for reading! Like and reblog if you enjoyed it. Hope it's helpful for you too ♡
𝖧𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗒 𝖫𝗎𝗇𝖺𝗋 𝖭𝖾𝗐 𝖸𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗌𝖾 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝖼𝖾𝗅𝖾𝖻𝗋𝖺𝗍𝖾 🎊🧧
© 2023 Crystaldivination ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, edit, alter, or redistribute my work. Plagiarism in any form is prohibited.
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kotoneshiomiofficial · 7 months
It's been a while since I've shared my thoughts about Kotone so I figure its time for a refresh. My interpretation of her has changed over the years so I think I should start fresh.
At the cores of both protagonists, there is a need to keep others at an emotional distance for fear of being hurt by them. I believe this is because of their upbringing, losing both parents and then being passed around several different foster families over the years. We can infer from this that the parents were unfit to care for them, or some similar situation. And so, they subconsciously developed this maladaptive coping mechanism and applied it to all aspects of their lives.
The main difference between Minato and Kotone is how they express it; Minato is apathetic, keeps others away by mostly foregoing social connections, and tries his best to feel nothing at all. On the other hand, Kotone still desires social connection, but can't bring herself to be vulnerable, so she surpresses most of her emotions to only present herself at her 'best'. She always smiles, is always kind, and seems to have endless patience. But by bottling up the rest of her feelings, no one else can get close. There's nothing to grab onto; she can help you, but she doesn't give you the chance to help her even if she really needs it.
I think this informs a lot of her early game social links. Notice how many of them are essentially her standing there being talked to and she only either offers her help or tells someone what they want to hear. (This is most obvious with Hidetoshi's social link) And that's not necessarily a bad thing! But it can become an issue when it turns into a failure to communicate (which it does of course). She very rarely says anything about herself, as though she thinks it wrong to do so, as if she's being selfish or self-centered. It's probably what she tells herself so she doesn't have to contend with her unhealthy habits (yet).
As the game goes on, her ability as a leader improves and the party grows, and along with it the burden of leadership. Eventually saving the whole damn world is on her shoulders. And while she does forge strong relationships with those around her, they're mostly based on helping her friends through tough times, and she never asks anything of them.
She never talks to Yukari about her parents despite the fact they started hanging out because they related to each other about absent parents! She never talks to Mitsuru about the stress that comes with leadership even though she would sympathize completely and would absolutely offer Kotone advice! Because she would need to put down the mask and ask for help, open up and be emotionally honest, which terrifies her.
I think for Kotone to awaken her evolved persona, she would need to break down her walls and reach out for help, as she's done for all her friends. She needs to trust them with how she feels and put faith in them to stay by her side after revealing she's not handing her issues nearly as well as she's lead them to believe.
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cy-cyborg · 11 months
Hi! I'm trying to include autistic and/or ADHD characters in my stories but I'm afraid I'm not doing a good job. I'm neurotypical, so I fear I might find myself using stereotypes and that's not my intention. Do you have any tips? Thank you in advance, have a nice day!
Ok, so personally I have a lot of trouble coming up with advice for auDHD (autism + ADHD) because, well, the spectrum of experience is so large and there isn't a lot of consistency within the community in regards to what is considered good representation vs just stereotypes. There's a few outliers, like every one I know has agreed Sia's movie "Music" is offensively bad lol, but pretty much everything else I can think of is less clear cut. Generally though, if you want examples of media portrayals of autism done well, avoid anything from or connected to Autism Speaks. They are not a reliable source.
I only really have 3 suggestions:
decide what level of support your character needs. Support needs for autism are variable and they can fluctuate throughout a person's life, but typically, people will fit into one of 3 categories. In Australia it's Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 with Level 1 is defined as generally being low-support needs, and level 3 being generally very high support needs. Of course, it's a spectrum, so there's massive amounts of variably person-to-person, but as an author, it can be a good idea to pick one of the levels, because you'll typically find more specific information about how autism will present.
Find content creators (as in multiple) with both Autism and ADHD. It's a good idea to listen to the community directly, but when you're writing an AuDHD character in particular, you do need to be aware that those autism and ADHD can play into one another or in some cases, can cancel some traits of each other out (kind of). But it'll be different from person to person. They are very distinct disabilities, but they have some unusual interactions it's vital to be aware of. Ideally, you'll also want to try find auDHD people in the same age range and who are the same gender as your character. Different generations and age groups will treat AuDHD differently, and while It's not a hard and fast thing, both autism and ADHD manifest differently in men and women because of how we are socialized and raised (this applies to trans and nonbinary people too, they'll typically take on traits associated with the gender they were usually raised as, but not always. Personally, I showed a mix of both, but my traits do align more with the typical presentation of AuDHD in girls). Just a little side note, not every person creating content about Autism/ADHD is open to working with authors. Find content creators, listen to them, but don't ask them about your character specifically unless they have stated somewhere that they're open to helping with that kind of thing.
Find sensitivity readers and sensitivity consultants for autism and ADHD. A sensitivity reader goes over your manuscript once the draft is done, but consultants help you from even earlier on in the process. If you're worried about not doing the community justice, this is the best way to go. People online like myself can offer generalized advice, but SR's and SC's will be able to go much more in-depth with you and help you fix moment-to-moment issues in your story.
Some additional things to be mindful of as well when looking up further resources:
Both Autism and ADHD can make it difficult to regulate tone and emotion. This means you are likely going to get information from the community at some point that might not be easy to hear and you're not going to like how its presented to you lol. They're going to be blunt and maybe even "rude". It's not personal (usually lol) but don't expect everyone to be polite, and don't only take criticism from those who are. Tone and emotional regulation is literally a part of both disabilities for a lot of us, and this is a topic a lot of us have strong feelings about to begin with.
I mentioned it already, but avoid taking advice from anything connected to or directly from Autism Speaks.
Social media tends to favor low-support-needs folks, so you'll find info about them, from them, much easier. Even if you're writing a LSN character, be mindful of that bias
Be wary of anyone claiming autism/ADHD is a superpower unironically. This is one of those things that's said by a lot of lower support needs folks and is often a warning sign that they might hold harmful beliefs about other parts of the community and could give you bad info. Just again, something to be aware of when researching.
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wonijinjin · 1 year
seventeen members as university students
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synopsis: which type of students i think the member of seventeen would be at university
word count: 0.9k | genre: fluff | warnings: none
now this might be because he is the oldest amongst the others, but i truly believe cheol would be that cool senior who always gives advice to the freshmen, like he knows how to soften each professor’s heart and get good grades with the least amount of work, and has all the answers to every test ever written, he just collected them through the years from here and there.
we all know he is smart, hannie is a good student for sure, but he cheats his way through university. he knows everything but always finds a loophole in quizzes so even if his answers are wrong he argues with the professor until they are manipulated into believing that he was right. honestly, he is just too lazy to bother studying the materials which need to be memorized.
shua would know all the gossip in all the majors, he is friends with everyone, like he is the guy who always gets pulled over to talk to an acquaintance when you guys are walking together on campus while you would be forced to wait next to him, and he most definitely knows how to use these connections to his advantage, getting help, notes, free tickets concerts or to parties.
jun is one who diligently comes to lectures, but somehow is always questioned by the professors or the students if he was there on at least one lecture in the semester, like my mans is kind of invisible. he is probably part of a lot of student organisations, but honestly won’t tell a single soul where he is going, just disappears. like how does he have the time for all of these? nobody knows.
there’s always that one person who is everywhere, and it is hoshi. he participates in every social event and party without fail, you can always find him chilling with other people in bars every night while he keeps everyone updated on his instagram. his grades are in crumbles though, because he is busy socialising with others instead of actually going to lectures.
wonwoo is the top student, no questions asked. he spends so much time in the library that the librarian ladies already know him. he types his notes on a computer like a machine since his gaming skills make him a fast typer and everybody tries to get them from him since they are so neat and detailed. he would also tutor younger students if they have trouble understanding the material in his free time.
there is always an already successful businessman during college years, that is woozi. he has many side hustles too, like this man will be trading notes from different sources, gets a discount at the cafeteria, has people like joshua in his inner circle so he knows everything that is going on campus, he has it all.
dk is very popular amongst both teachers and students aswell. he is always so bright he can have anyone wrapped around his finger in days, he doesn’t use this for manipulation and for selfish reasons though. this goofball is just happy to be around people and to have so helpful professors that he can always pass tests.
the hot guy on campus who would have the all the girls on him would be mingyu of course. we cannot deny that his physique is stunning, which would put him at an advantage in terms of getting his way into being a good student without spending all his time at university. he would much rather hang out with friends than go to class, especially when he can get the material from any girl on campus. don’t be fooled though, he loves to study and is surprisingly often found with wonwoo in the library having an intellectual debate.
minghao is the most mysterious guy on campus, he is never seen there but still passes with fairly good grades, never discusses the group project with others, just sends his part to the groupchat when he is done, he just doesn’t like to make the effort of talking to all these people yk? he is not the friendliest to random strangers, however if someone is part of his friend circle he loves them to the moon and back.
seungkwan is another popular king, but for different reasons than dk. he is always so sassy and tells the truth how it is to everyone, including professors, and people really like that about him, he is so entertaining to watch during a lecture when he is yelling at everyone trying to prove his point. also, let’s not forget that he is most likely a student council president or is somewhere in a top position in the university so he has many connections and many followers.
there are a circle of people at university who are quite laid back and chill, now vernon is most likely to be one of them. he is pretty neutral about many things happening on campus, just minding his own business, trying to stay out of drama for his own sake. he works alone most of the time, not talking to many people from his lectures. he also has side jobs and many hobbies like making music on the regular, and is probably good friends with woozi for this exact reason, he is woozi’s right hand for sure.
dino is the not so famous influencer of the university, he has a circle of loyal followers. he is flexing all the time with various skills he has, like posting dancing videos on instagram and tiktok, trying to get famous with not much success. he is at every important event and is friends with people like seungkwan because of this, he is documenting everything, of course with the newest phone he says he got from a sponsor, he likes to follow trends if he can, while he is kinda failing in all his subjects because he forgets about his assignments.
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sarahmackattack · 5 months
Hi Sarah!
I have a cephalopod question: do ceph’s ever lose their suckers, and if so are they able to grow new ones?
And a SciComm question: do you have any advice for someone who wants to grow their career in SciComm? It’s my dream career but it seems like opportunities are few and far between.
Is it “better” to pursue a degree in a specific science, or to focus more on the education/teaching side of things?
(although a huge shoutout to you and the other SciComm folks sharing your passions! I did manage to get a part-time internship and job at my local zoo in their education department, and I only had the courage to pursue those opportunities thanks to people like you! Didn’t think I’d get this far, and now I can’t wait to take it even farther; I’ve just got to figure out how to get there first!)
Do ceph’s ever lose their suckers, and if so are they able to grow new ones? I'm sure they do! The regeneration of some species has been studied but not all of them so there's likely some species that are a little better at it than others (for example, it's probably something a predator that attacks very strong fast animals needs than an animal that primarily eats bivalves).
Do you have any advice for someone who wants to grow their career in SciComm? The trouble with this is that my job is very very weird, and doesn't exist in the kind of structure where you apply for a job →you get the job → you have a stable job. It's more similar to the safety and job structure of being an artist, but with a nonprofit thrown into the mix. It's... complicated! And not necessarily stable! All that to say, how I got here is not going to work for everyone and I honestly sometimes cant believe it worked/works for me at all. It might stop working any second.
But whatever here's what I did. I practiced science communication on social media and locally in Connecticut (where I was at the time). I tried to consume a lot of science communication and consider what was working in those pieces, and thought about what I enjoyed doing within that whole huge ecosystem. There's one zillion ways to do science communication, and different approaches will hit different audiences. It's totally critical for a lot of different people to be doing science communication in a way that feels genuine to them, in their own voices, with whatever methods they like doing the most so that as a collective, we hit the broadest patch of people. No one science communication technique is perfect for every "audience" member, so the diversity of approaches is so so important. I don't think that gets said enough. So explore! See what you like, see what you get joy out of doing, see how people react to it. Producing science communication as you're practicing will build out a portfolio of work that you can point to when you graduate.
There are a lot of kinds of science communication jobs. There's the freelance/DIY approach like having a podcast like Alie Ward, or founding a nonprofit (this is very hard and i don't recommend doing this lol), or having a successful youtube channel/social media situation like Hank Green or doing TV like Emily Calandrelli/Bill Nye/Phil Torres. Then there's working for an existing science education nonprofit like Biobus or Science Friday or working for institutions like museums/zoos/aquaria, etc. Theres also a whole field in the university system called "extension" where you're taking the work happening at the university and connecting the surrounding population with that work. Each of those jobs, particularly the older institution-based ones have their own structures and will come with different advice on how to get into those jobs. I'm not really sure about those. Having that science communication portfolio will likely help for all of them though!
As far as what to do for school... I think the true but kinda complicated answer is that often what we do for school isn't directly related to what we end up doing. The skills we build while we're in school, and the connections we make are really what determines where we end up and what we end up doing. So... really take seriously the stuff you're doing that nobody's telling you to do. That's as important as class... and honestly, in my personal experience, it's way more important than what you do in class.
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jyeshindra · 10 months
Motivation in Astrology
One helpful way of processing astrology for me has been to look into motivations for each sign. Why do they behave the way they do? What is each sign energetically driven by?
I did my own little brainstorm so I've decided to share! Hopefully you find some resonance either in yourself or people in your life.
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Aries - I am
Aries is very much motivated by leadership. There is a definitive self-interest in Aries folk. What will benefit them and put them ahead? What will allow them to individuate and stand on their own? They want to take the lead. 
Motivated by leadership, challenges, battles. Spontaneity, fun, excitement. Something new.
Taurus - I have
Motivated by material security. What they have. They want to feel secure in a very physical sense. I have what I need to take care of myself and the people I love. I can enjoy my life and delight in the simple things.
Gemini - I think
Motivated by communication! They want to form new connections and socialize. They want to learn new things and take in new information. They want that intellectual stimulation.
Cancer - I feel
Motivated by emotional security. More than any other water sign I think they are very tuned in to how they feel about where they are, who they’re with, what they’re doing. Their feelings will push them in different directions. They want to be surrounded by loved ones, people close to them, relics of the past, and they want enough money to take care of themselves. 
Leo - I will
Motivated by their heart and their ego! Literally their sense of self. They want to express themselves and they understand the world through how they come off to other people. To be more specific…it’s their self-image. They’re outgoing, gregarious, and live right from their hearts! They kind of want to be the center of your world and they want to be the person people come to. They want to give advice, lift you up, remind you of who you are and what you’re capable of.
Virgo - I analyze
Motivated by perfection! “How can I make this better?” Virgo analyzes and studies the structure to find a new system. How can I make this better! How can I improve, update, make this more efficient, stronger, structured, stable. Truly I think Virgos want to learn how to serve better.
Libra - I balance
Motivated by harmony. Balance. They want harmony in their environment, in their relationships especially. They’ll usually leverage and negotiate and make sacrifices or take action to achieve this. They want peace in their environments. They’ll use their words to achieve this. Their thoughts and their ideas.
Scorpio - I desire
Motivated by their desires. Their ambitions. Their relationships. More specifically their emotional investment in such things. Scorpio wants to go deeper, towards what they desire. Whether it be a person, a job, an artistic passion, etc. Whatever they desire, they want to pierce to the truth of it. The compulsion. This is why they have such incredible self-awareness, perceptive abilities, and transformative qualities. They are very aware of their desires.
Sagittarius - I see
Motivated by expansion and opportunity! Novelty, education, seeking out new opportunities. They are motivated by expansion! What will bring them the stimulation of something new? They want to get out there and explore. What will help them grow? I think every Sagittarius wants that…a-ha moment! Where they see the big picture.
Capricorn - I use
Motivated by achievement. Capricorns want to progress in the world and climb the ranks. They want the earthly security that comes from what they are able to accomplish in life. This creates the discipline, focus, and even the coldness and calculatedness of Capricorn.
Aquarius - I know
Motivated by service. Not in a 1 to 1 way like Virgo, I think they actually want to serve the collective in some way. They care about humanity and are very interested in people. I think that’s why they collect knowledge and learn so much about other people and how they operate. They are still independent which I think speaks to the contradictory nature of Uranus rulership. They want to serve the collective and also retain their freedom.
Pisces - I believe
Motivated by their beliefs! By their connection to something “bigger”. Pisces wants to make their dreams come true so they’re connected to their sense of magic and their spirituality. What they believe in often shapes their life journey and the direction they flow in.
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mcalhenwrites · 7 months
I'm sincerely trying to find answers to these questions. I'm seeking advice.
I'm going to start this off by stating that I'm still writing. I haven't quit. I'm not going to quit. This is about sharing. I've had so many people assume I quit writing or only will write for the sake of being a published author. I'll always be writing as long as I'm alive.
And as someone who firmly believes that people can choose whether or not to share their art with the world and no one else gets to decide that, I also believe that it's not wrong to want to have readers. Libraries and bookstores and art galleries and art sites and everything else - we connect to each other through art. It wouldn't exist if everyone just went, "Welp, I made the thing, good for me. Done!" And if someone is going to tell me that I should feel that way, I hope you keep all your writing and art to yourself. If not, I'd consider it a kindness to us both if you don't respond to this post through comments, DMs, or asks. Thank you. ;)
So onto the questions I'm seeking advice on.
How can I overcome the shame of posting writing for about 14 years and still barely getting readers? (But often getting a lot of critique?)
I've been in writing circles, reading and cheering on others, and they read one anothers' writing, but I'm frequently passed over/ignored - and that's the kinder response. I've been told that I'm there for my support only, that I'm not a good enough writer myself, that my characters are all the same.
How does one keep posting links to their published work or AO3 chapters/works, when they never get any likes or reblogs across several websites?
When friends have done nothing but scold them for not being good at PR, when I'm just... I'm a writer, not a businessman. And I am trying, but even popular authors on social media have mentioned that word-of-mouth and boosting of their work on social media has impacted their success? That M*sk taking over one of those sites has negatively impacted their interactions and therefore their sales? (Wouldn't this mean they also suck ass at PR? xD)
Am I supposed to believe I have a chance, when even established authors are struggling?
I don't like myself very much, and I'm ashamed of level of skill, even though I enjoy writing so much I can't help but always want to do it. I can't help but create stories and get excited about writing them down. There are even times I feel like I've made progress. Gotten better as a writer.
But it's so hard not to end up letting other people make me feel ashamed.
It's true I shouldn't listen to those people, but why have they been so many, and why is the positivity always so few and far in-between? Maybe if it was one voice in one-hundred, but what if it's twenty voices out of thirty? What am I to believe then? When even friends clearly have no faith in my works and don't want to be seen associating with it?
I wanted to be a published writer. I wanted to make a little bit of an income on writing, so I'd have reason to do what I love even more.
But I've spent most of my life feeling like a fool who keeps humiliating himself. Who wonders if the truth is that I'm worse at writing than even I'm willing to admit.
I had one story that "took off" on AO3, but even that lost readers by the end, and no one is interesting in anything I have created before or since then.
And that story... I've been editing it heavily and even added chapters, and I'm like, "I should post the new version sometime" but I'm convinced no one even wants it. (And I'd have to do it for free, and I can't afford to do things for free. I just got on medicaid finally and went to a food pantry last week and keep applying for help, and I have to wait until April to see a doctor to get critical help for my multiple health issues that might make my ability to work even harder. I broke down and crocheted stock for a table this month, and the pain in my wrist is excruciating, and the pain my heart that I can't spend half that time making personal passion projects with something I only want to do as a hobby is even more excruciating. So no, not every story of mine can just be churned out for free.)
Anyway, thank you for reading and your time, and if you have legitimate advice/answers/support... I could use it. I could use it more than ever. 
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lurafita · 10 months
Make Them Sparkle
(fanfic, oneshot)
If Raphael had any say in this, Magnus would not be allowed to give mundanes writing advice. Ever.
Magnus prided himself on being a person who went with, and adapted to the ever changing times.
He had witnessed many immortals who got stuck in particular time periods. Be it refusing to adopt new fashion trends, or remaining stagnant in certain behaviors or mindsets that had been common at one point in history. Bemoaning how things ‘used to be so much better back in the day’. People who needed to anchor themselves in the past, in order to face the present and future. 
Not Magnus, though. While he treasured many of the memories made during his long existence, he had always been the type to look forward, instead of back. 
He had seen and embraced the progress humanity made, philosophically, technologically, and socially. 
And, while the road of progression hadn’t always been a smooth one and weathered its fair share of hiccups along the way, Magnus certainly appreciated the fruits of this particular labor. 
(And not only mundanes, but the shadow world, too, had come a long way from what it had once been. Magnus would never not be proud of the part his dearest Alexander and his friends and family had played in that development.)
Anyway, being a "modern" warlock, and having personally supported some of the various technological marvels of the world they now lived in, Magnus had a deep appreciation for the internet. 
A way for so many people from so many different places and stages of life to come together, to connect and share with each other, was truly remarkable.
There was almost nothing that the internet didn’t have, unless it connected to matters of the shadow world, but even that was slowly changing.
From funny videos and beautiful music, to shops and art and so much more. 
Websites tailored to specific hobbies or tastes. Sites to find employment, or living accomodations. Those that gave the user an opportunity to make friends, or find love. 
And, of course, so called help-forums. Professionally or community run sites, spanning various topics all around offering advice when someone needed it. 
Like one particular writing forum for aspiring authors, which Magnus had found himself in one sunny afternoon, as he had been browsing aimlessly to waste some time.
One of the requests had caught his eye especially. 
‘Please help me bring fresh wind into old supernatural lore!’
Clicking on the request and reading further, Magnus had learned that the hopeful author was trying to write a teen love story with vampires and werewolves, revolving around a highschool mundane girl and her vampiric love interest, as well as a werewolf contender.
Magnus had snorted, thinking the idea hardly original, and had almost clicked away again, but one sentence had stood out.
‘Vampire love stories are a dime a dozen, I’m well aware of that. But while plot and circumstances often change around the different narratives, the lore and rules behind the vampires rarely do. It’s always a thirst and need for blood, a weakness to religious artifacts, and an inability to bear sunlight. That last one especially, I wish to change for my story, as I feel that describing a whole world that most humans are unaware of, and plays mostly in the dark, is terribly restrictive. But I also think that just waving any effect the sun might have on a vampire away, is a missed opportunity for exploring alternative plot points. Which is why I’m asking for any kind of inspiration or thoughts any of you might be willing to share.’
So Magnus had read on as the author had described their world and characters in a little more detail.
And upon learning of the broody, dark haired, stubborn, kind and compassionate main vampire character, Magnus couldn’t help it when his brain had made the comparison between a fictional character, and his very own favorite broody, dark haired, stubborn, kind and compassionate vampire. 
And as he was thinking of his dear little Raphael, the vampire he had taken under his wing decades ago and practically raised (even though Raphael had been 24 and fully adult by mundane standards when he had been turned), Magnus hadn’t been able to curb his more mischievous impulses. 
Clicking on the answering function to the thread, he had snickered heavily as he typed out just three words.
‘Make them sparkle!’
Who would have thought that, just a few years later, this little bit of innocent fun he had had, would come back to interrupt his sexy make out session with his precious shadowhunter boyfriend?
“Magnus!” The door slammed open and shut in barely more than a second, as an incensed Raphael stormed into the loft.
A lifetime of training and battle ready instincts had Alec lift Magnus off his lap and behind him in just one move (which was so fucking hot, if not for their unplanned intruder, Magnus would have climbed his boyfriend like a tree), as his other hand seemlessly went down to quickly retrieve the throwing knife strapped to his lower leg.
The defensive maneuver was aborted as soon as Alec registered who had just barged into the apartment, and instead the tall man slumped back into the couch (careful not to crush his boyfriend) with a deep, slightly annoyed, sigh. 
Raphael though reacted to neither the knife that had almost been thrown at him, nor the glare the shadowhunter was giving him right then.
Instead, he held up the book he had in hand and snarled in Magnus' direction. “What the fuck is this?!”
Magnus blinked, still trying to sort through the haze of his newly ignited arousal after Alexander’s display of strength and speed, and the clearly agitated mood Raphael seemed to be in.
“It’s called a book, my dear. It holds in its pages the wonder of the written word and thus the power to create wonderful and fascinating tales for all to share.”
If anything, that answer made Raphael look even more mutinous. Which was just rude, if anyone were to ask Magnus. 
“I know what a book is!”
Magnus huffed, finally straightening himself out of the mess of limbs he had been from Alexander’s manhandling him to safety (And they would have a talk about that later. As hot as that had been, Magnus couldn’t have his Alexander trying to shield him while facing a threat on his own.)
“Then why did you ask?”
Raphael could apparently not be bothered to explain, and instead just chucked the book at him. Once again shadowhunter reflexes trumped Magnus' own, and Alec snatched the book out of the air before it could hit the warlock. 
He scrunched up his nose a little (which was adorably cute in Magnus’ humble opinion and he quickly leant forward a bit to peck Alec on the cheek) as he read the title. “Twilight?”
It made Magnus smirk. “Oh, I think I have heard of this. A supernatural teen romance novel, if I remember Biscuit’s words correctly. I must be honest, my dear boy, I didn’t think this would be your type of thing.”
But the vampire just crossed his arms over his chest. “Open it up to the introduction.”
A little puzzled, but also curious, Alec and Magnus did just that. It appeared to be just your ordinary preface to any book. 
‘I thank everyone who has supported me through this, bla bla bla, I’m incredibly honored and grateful for this opportunity to share bla bla bla, I hope this tale will find a way into your heart bla bla bla.’
Really; pretty standard as far as the warlock was concerned. Until they reached the last section on the introductory page, and it slowly dawned on Magnus just why Raphael looked as if he had been forced to listen to Simon ramble about a deep introspection on why Spider-Man was the best Marvel superhero ever.
‘I would like to give special thanks to someone I unfortunately have never met personally, but whose input has definitely helped to inspire me to spice things up a bit. So this is to you, The_Magnificent_Bane. I “made them sparkle”!’
“Oh?” Raphael thundered. “That’s all you have to say to this? You told this woman to make her vampires sparkle in the sunlight like some demented disco ball! We don’t sparkle! The only sparkly crazy person around here is you! Do you have any idea what the stupid flea balls are going to say when they learn of this? Are you laughing? Stop laughing! There is going to be so many glitter jokes in my future now thanks to you! I’m never gonna hear the end of this! Magnus! Stop laughing!”
Magnus stopped laughing. Eventually. 
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thedenofravenpuff · 1 year
My Current Thoughts on SAMS
Because I can’t help but look too deep into things often unnecessarily, and I’m a rambler of nature, here’s some of my thoughts on The Sun & Moon Show so far, just to get stuff off my chest
SPOILERS, assumptions and ideas ahead!
Warning, WALL OF TEXT and running on tangents. Did try to organize my thoughts somewhat..
So, we all upset about Lunar, yes? Well, besides those celebrating, you know who you are, I don’t care.
The Death Of Lunar So, Eclipse used Lunar as hostage on Monty, we saw that coming once Eclipse made the connection himself realizing that yeah, Monty doesn’t give a flying crap about anyone, not even himself. EXCEPT for Lunar, home he travelled through Hell for, gave them their own body, offered a place to stay when scared, offered support and genuine advice through the time knowing each other. Monty has a backup plan for everyone, even to kill Moon if needed, but would clear do ANYTHING for Lunar at this point.
To be honest, I liked that plot point. Lunar in danger to really show how far characters will go, Eclipse and Monty both, with highest stakes possible. 
Then they took it a step further and had Eclipse right out kill Lunar. And yeah, Eclipse made it clear times before how much resentment he holds for Lunar, which goes beyond just the betrayal but I’ll get more into that in a minute. 
What hit hardest here is the exact way the show writers and actors decided to take this. 
One of the most popular characters on the show, even with controversy around their existence a bit ago, taken out of the equation is one thing. They killed off characters before, (Eclipse, Blood Moon) and we seen them return. Another thing is... Lunar was taken out crying and begging for his life. 
Even though he insisted on his stance that Eclipse shouldn’t get the Newton Star, no matter the sacrifices necessary to keep him from it.. Lunar also made it clear, they don’t wanna die. They are still a young AI which lots to learn, making a new life to revolving around Eclipse. Lunar wanted to keep growing, family bonding, making friends.. That was all taken away by Eclipse lying and breaking his promise to Monty. 
Lunar, still more or less a child compared to the other animatronics, was taken out crying and begging. Afraid, scared for their very existence, facing their very worst nightmare and then... gone. Just like that. 
For those adoring Lunar, the fans relating to him, those who just hyperfixated on Lunar as their blorbo.. that’s ONE HECK of a way to kill of a robot child. 
Am I saying this is bad? Not really. Just... VERY impactful. As effective as that is for story writing... it feels awfully misplaced. This show is.. a silly video game channel.
Twists and Turns Of Story Telling I never minded the growing drama, I frigging loved it the more dramatic it got, calling it my “daily soaps”, my soap opera I cannot miss a single episode of! But I also get it when people started complaining about it becoming a bit TOO angsty and twisted, a bit too traumatic for the characters. What’s supposed to be silly jokes on a  silly comedy channel about playing video games, can no longer be viewed as such, the more serious their story arcs became. 
Moon is abusive and too socially incompetent to help anyone, Sun being the butt of jokes leaving him a sad husk in serious need of therapy, everyone’s a hypocrite, constantly dancing the lines between Murder Is Okay, Murder Is A Joke and If You Kill People You Can Never Be Forgiven. 
Earth was added just to have someone not being an arsehole, only an airhead, with enough social competence to actually offer genuine advice WITHOUT the baggage of committing the acts of putting Sun down one way or another, as everyone else has in the past. If she wasn’t introduced as their sister, I legit would have thought she was going to be ship bait with Sun just cuz  she’s the only one being genuine kind to him WITHOUT being a hypocrite or immediately using him for jokes again right after apologizing. 
The twist and turns of telling their story more and more dramatic and serious, the more it clash to the way they write their comedy and improve their jokes in the Let’s Plays or crossovers with the other channels. 
I’m not saying either one is bad, just that it doesn’t necessarily mix very well in the long run. Of course this divides the audience, who are either there for the drama, the characters and/or the light hearted Let’s Plays. Sure, yes, such CAN exist together, but not everyone can find the balance in that, both in creators and audience. 
The Death of Lunar II  Now I better get back to my original point. 
Lunar as a character and his death. Granted I have no doubt he’s going to be back, if the Twins can defy their own death, even if just hallucinations (although claiming to be regenerating their nano machines), so can one of the most popular characters too. 
But why did he have to die? Story wise, really just for dramatic effect I’m sure. Maybe writers going “Oh, you all mad about ‘too many characters’ on this show?? Let’s see how you feel about us KILLING THEM OFF!” just to make a statement, maybe not.
In-story though? In-character? Yeah.. Eclipse WOULD do that. Just like that. 
He said to Lunar how he loathed them even from the very beginning, he wanted them gone the first chance no longer needing them. They were just to replace Blood Moon, who went out of control and became a threat. 
Lunar was created to be obedient, easily dominated by Eclipse yet fearless enough to be a menace to others. To be Moon’s opposite, loving to play with kids, being happy and silly, curious about life rather than bitter. 
Eclipse hated Lunar for more than the betrayal later down the line, he hated them before that. 
Eclipse’s Choice In the past he claimed Lunar was created by recycling parts of himself he wanted rid of. Code infected by being in Sun’s body, Sun having a larger emotional range than Eclipse, his moments of happiness and his positivity. 
Eclipse CHOSE to be the way he was. He came into existence from the kill code Moon left behind in Sun’s body, an unintentional backup copy of Moon getting corrupted, growing, taking its time to evolve into a proper AI while stewing. Stewing on abandonment issues. 
Some of my most faved lines from Eclipse in the past:
Eclipse: “Oh, so I’m a child now?” Moon: “Yeah, because you act like one! For one, you got abandonment issues.” Eclipse: “I guess I do. But now, I all I have is anger.”
Eclipse: “Why did you leave me behind!!?”
Eclipse chose to stay bitter, focused on his anger, even when claiming to put petty revenge behind him, he stayed focused on being bitter and mean.
He removed anything happy from himself, to use it as base code for Lunar. 
He hated Lunar’s existence not because he needed someone so beneath him to complete his plans.. but because Lunar represents what he saw as weakness  within himself. He saw Sun and Moon as weak and unworthy because of their love, love for each other as much as their love for things they enjoyed to do. Moon wanting to “do better” than his original coding with the homicide code. 
Eclipse did reject being Kill Code himself, corrupted too much by the influence of Sun and Moon, becoming his own thing. He wanted to be above all, even his  supposed intended purpose. 
Lunar carried what he saw as his flaws. Seeing Lunar rebel and reject his teachings, joining Sun and Moon as brothers, making friends, finding things to love.. only a reminder of what Eclipse sought out to avoid himself from becoming. 
He only allows himself anger and disgust.
In the past we do see him enjoy messing with Sun and Moon, mocking them, finding joy in making Sun act out, making people distrust him by rambling about the joy of violence when in control. 
Once he and Lunar took over the channel, he seemed ever so disinterested in playing games with Lunar, even violent ones. He just wanted to work on getting the Star. Even now whenever we hear him laugh, it’s joyless. He didn’t celebrate killing Lunar, merely dusting off his hands, cleaning the board of his last mistake.
Lunar had to die due to the symbolism of what this means about Eclipse as a character.
The Death of Lunar III As much as Kill Code showed interest in changing for the better, Eclipse made it clear that’s not in the cards for him. Heck, if ever learning of KC’s change of heart would only make him more disgusted with him than he already is. 
Lunar was the part of himself he wanted rid of. Seeing others around him change through simple joys and disgusting acts of kindness, he ain’t changing chances. He killed that part of himself to avoid the fate of ‘inviting in weakness’.
That part was Lunar. 
Eclipse ain’t getting redemption, because he removed any such chance of change from himself long ago and then destroyed its embodiment. 
Yeah we got “Good Eclipse” from a different dimension, but he went through a different story with different choices, showing actual interests in joy and kindness. I imagine meeting his opposite self only pushed Eclipse further to wanting, needing, to kill Lunar no matter the outcome with the star. 
I like Eclipse as a villain for this very reason, even before he went this far. Unapologetically evil, he sees himself as the great outcome, the god of a new world. He want to make the world make sense the way HE sees it, without elements he sees as weakness. Ironically less of a hypocrite than everyone else, cuz he face up to what he is and make no excuses, while any time the others try to play the role as “good people” is often by downplaying or full on ignoring their own mistakes made. 
The short of it But yeah, just.. some of my thoughts on this whole thing. 
Am I reading too much into things? Most definitely I got NO CLUE what kind of thought process goes into the writing of these story arcs and how much happens purely from random improve that force changes to the ongoing story. 
Is why I enjoy watching the show still, even as people start finding fault with it, as it jumps more and more sharks. 
Is crazy mess and I enjoy it, even with its flaws. 
tl;dr Lunar’s death was coming because to Eclipse he represents the part of himself he wants dead: Joy, kindness, urge to evolve as a person rather than a machine.
Right choice story wise with how fans react? Eh, no clue, but I just look too deep into things.
Thank you for reading this far
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schizoidvision · 10 months
7 Reasons Why People Patronize Schizoids
Schizoid personality dynamics are complex and often misunderstood by general society. Schizoid individuals often navigate the world differently, with a pronounced inclination towards solitude and introspection, whilst possessing a rich inner world. However, these traits, while inherent to the schizoid experience, can be mis-read by others, amounting to a number of common misconceptions. This unfortunately can lead to patronizing behavior from others. So, why might people patronize schizoids? Let's look into this more deeply...
1. Misunderstanding of Flat Affect: Schizoids often exhibit a flat affect, which means they might not display emotions as expressively as others. This lack of overt emotional expression can be mistaken for a lack of understanding, feeling, or intelligence, leading people to oversimplify their communication, adopting a tone that might come off as condescending, or talking down to them.
2. Stereotyping of Introversion: Schizoid individuals typically prefer solitude and are primarily introverted by nature. Sometimes, introversion is mistakenly equated with shyness, insecurity, or even a lack of competence. This stereotype can prompt patronizing interactions, with people assuming they need to 'draw out' or 'encourage' the schizoid individual.
3. Perceived Lack of Social Skills: Because many schizoids prefer solitude and may not engage in social interactions as frequently as others, they might be perceived as lacking social skills or not understanding social nuances, prompting patronizing behavior from others. Just because someone prefers solitude doesn't mean they lack social skills, or an inability to understand social nuances. Yet, this very preference can lead others to believe they need 'help' navigating social waters, prompting unsolicited advice or guidance.
4. Misinterpretation of Independence: Schizoids often have a strong sense of independence and might not seek out social interactions as often as others. This independence can be mistaken for aloofness or arrogance, which can result in a patronizing talking to... in an attempt to 'bring them down to earth' or 'help' in situations where assistance wasn't sought.
5. Lack of Awareness of Schizoid Personality Disorder: Many people might not be familiar with Schizoid Personality Disorder or its characteristics. This lack of awareness can lead to misguided assumptions about the capabilities and preferences of someone with schizoid traits, and subsequently, interactions that come off as belittling.
6. Overcompensation: Good intentions don't always translate to positive outcomes. Out of a desire to be helpful or kind, some might overcompensate in their interactions with schizoids, thinking they are offering support. This can come across as patronizing even if the intent is genuine.
7. A Universal Tendency: It's worth noting that patronizing behavior isn't exclusive to interactions with schizoids. Some people have a tendency to talk down to others, or adopt a condescending tone, regardless of the context, due to their own insecurities, need for dominance, or other personal reasons.
In Summary...
Schizoid dynamics are intricate and profound. Patronizing schizoids, whether due to misconceptions or genuine attempts to connect, overlooks the depth and individuality of their experiences. By debunking myths and breaking down biases, we can foster more genuine, respectful interactions with everyone, regardless of their personality type. As with all human interactions, empathy, respect, and a genuine desire to understand can transform our relationships, ensuring we celebrate each person's uniqueness rather than overshadowing it with assumptions.
Video From My YouTube Channel: The Covert Schizoid aka The Secret Schizoid
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drdemonprince · 2 years
Hey Devon,
I've been thinking a lot lately about the idea of there being a hard line between "autistic" and "not autistic". Do you think that there exists some kind of innate Truth about each person, that they are either autistic or not? I guess I'm referring to the concept of a neurotype, where differences run deep, and are bridged only at a surface level, by masking/compensation. Something which, if we could measure it well enough, would clearly and unfailingly differentiate between autistic and non-autistic people.
The alternative, I suppose, is that there are grey areas, people who are in between. In that case, I struggle to understand what autism is - a category that's defined by society more than by physical reality? In that case, can you be sort-of-autistic or almost-autistic or barely-autistic? I have the sense that this is the more common situation when it comes to psychology, but it doesn't really line up with how we talk about autism.
I already went through all this with gender some years ago, and I got the answers I needed there by slowly transitioning, but I'm not sure if there's a similarly satisfying path to closure when it comes to autism. I mean, I'm both self- and formally-diagnosed anyway, but it does niggle at me. I feel like I'm in that grey area if it exists.
Keen to hear your thoughts!
I think this article about sums up my thoughts!
There is no blood test for Autism, or brain scan, or single gene we can look for, or objective measure that gives a definitive answer. All we have are flawed assessments created by non-Autistic mental health professionals, and the observations and critiques written by Autistic people themselves.
When someone comes to me wondering if they are Autistic, I always have the same advice: read writing by Autistics. Watch videos by Autistic people. Try out resources designed for Autistics, like Ear Defenders, stim toys, and weighted blankets. Join an Autistic community space, whether that’s a virtual meeting, an in-person one, or a social media hub. Explore the possibilities, and focus less on discovering objective “truth,” and more on finding what helps you feel more happy, connected, and whole.
I don’t believe in drawing an arbitrary line in the sand and saying a sufficient number of traits (or intensity of traits) makes someone categorically Autistic, especially considering that many undiagnosed Autistics have been forced to hide their more obvious traits for decades. If you have some Autistic traits but not others, it’s possible you have generalized anxiety, PTSD, OCD, social anxiety, or ADHD. Look into those disorders and their communities too. See if there are resources that are useful to you there. You can be promiscuous — we won’t get jealous. A lot of us have multiple conditions anyway. Or feel at home in multiple mental health communities, if you prefer.
As your question acknowledges, Autism is a spectrum. Or as others have written, a sundae bar with a variety of toppings. If you are somewhere on the spectrum, you’re on the spectrum; you don’t have to be the most intensely Autistic person around to count. Even if you actually have a “sister condition” like ADHD, you might still feel at home among Autistic folks, and if that’s the case, you belong too.
I have said this many times, but people need the reassurance very often: if you feel at home in the community, if you benefit from resources designed by and for Autistic people, if you recognize you share common interests with us and you want to fight alongside us for greater disability justice, you belong in the neurodiverse community. Full stop. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
You can use whatever words for yourself you feel most comfortable with, Anon, or you can just enter neurodiverse community spaces without claiming a label. You don’t owe anyone proof, and you don’t have to be “Autistic enough” to matter and belong here. We are stronger together. We’re a big, diverse rainbow, and you are welcome inside it.
In other words, I think the conclusion is very much the same one we arrive at re: queerness. The real question is never "is this individual person Autistic", it's "are all people harmed by the social mandate that we all be neurotypical" and the answer to that one is always yes. How we personally reconcile that fact wrt our own lives and how we choose to identify is up to us. we can really answer that personal question however we like.
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