seeing SO many fucking idiots in these notes going "can we focus on SYSTEMIC racism here?? im not racist because i dont listen to a genre!!!" as if refusing to even try to engage with a black-dominated genre or really black culture in general with sincerity isnt a result of that very fucking thing. also the virtue signaling is crazy you people dont care about solving any of the problems youre yapping about youre just making excuses for your ignorance. shut the hell up and unpack yourself
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mwagneto · 4 days
hungarian/nomadic magyar tumblr circa 998AD dashboard simulator
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🏞️ vándor-ló-979 Follow
not yall still spreading emese's foundation myth??? she literally claims she fucked a bird????? like either she's lying or she cheated and she's trying to cover it up or well. i dont even want to consider the third option
🪺 magánügyek Follow
tengri forbid women do anything???
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🦅 szél-könnyű-szárnyán-szállj Follow
okay im sick of the discourse let's do this.
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🐎 istván-rovására Follow
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that took so long lmao -> !!!!!!!∧◇ᛏ⋈∧
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🐴 csillagösvény Follow
i'm so serious rn if you support """istván""" in any way just unfollow and block me. we do NOT need him or his dumbass god and what he's been doing to our people to spread his religion is shameful.
🐴 csillagösvény Follow
btw we all know your real name is vajk stop larping as a christian it's EMBARRASSINGGGG
✝️ esztergom-örökké Follow
love seeing my mutuals reblogging this /s anyway op has multiple posts on their blog supporting quartering and human sacrifice. in case you were wondering. anyway stand with István
🐴 csillagösvény Follow
1) we dont even do human sacrifices, are you fucking stupid??? show me ONE post where i talk about that. 2) are you seriously forgetting that your bestie istván LITERALLY QUARTERED HIS UNCLE?????
#sorry to put this dumbass on the dash😭 dont even engage just block them #ur not making it up the tree of life lmao #discourse
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🌅 bolygó-kárpáti Follow
friendly reminder that just because you're white passing doesn't mean you're not a real magyar!! people with mixed parents are just as valid <3
🏇 attila-népe Follow
cranky coz ur ancestors decided to mix with the europeans arent you
🧺 lemezelő Follow
isnt your girlfriend literally frankish????
🏇 attila-népe Follow
you had to have done some serious stalking to find that💀 and first of all i didn't have a choice, my parents picked the tribe, and second of all she's not my "girlfriend" i got her via ritual kidnapping (WITH consent. before anyone gets weird)
🌐 a-kiber-kovács Follow
Couldn't you have kidnapped another magyar woman? Or someone from another mongoloid tribe?
🔅 hadúrsimp Follow
ohh sure so now human pet guy is gonna chime in to advocate for the kidnapping of our women while being lowkey racist. what are you even doing on nomadblr????
🌅 bolygó-kárpáti Follow
what the fuck happened to my post
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🪔 rakabonciás Follow
for the nth time, you're only a true shaman if you were born with teeth OR with extra fingers OR in the sac. the rest of you are faking & we can tell.
🦅szél-könnyű-szárnyán-szállj Follow
okay people keep spreading this but this is literally just wrong?? like congrats on the 6 fingers op im glad u and Little Golden Father have a special connection (genuinely) but like. táltos and sámán and mágus and garabonciás and javas etc are all different things with completely different requirements and life paths which you should definitely know if you're claiming to be one?? especially since your post says shaman but you're listing the criteria for a táltos, and your username looks like a play on garabonciás so. which is it🤔 maybe get your facts in order before trying to gatekeep
anyway don't listen to op!! your connection to the Upper World is yours alone and you're the best judge of what the Fathers and Mothers want your path in life to be!!
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🛐 mea-culpa Follow
It breaks my heart that the majority of my people still refuse to see the One True God and insist on sticking to their pagan spirits. I fear that when judgement day comes, we will all be wiped out thanks to their foul godless ways.
🐴 csillagösvény Follow
how tf am i godless when i literally have dozens of gods? little mothers and little fathers are in everything all around us & it must suck ass to live in a world where you're not surrounded by the small gods that inhabit everything. manifesting that the fene and the guta tag team beat your ass tonight
🔅 hadúrsimp Follow
hadúr will literally strike op down personally. he told me himself. whispered it to me sweetly even
🐴 csillagösvény Follow
while i agree with you, i feel like you might also have ulterior motives, nomadblr user hadúrsimp
#but live your truth! doubly so on the posts of these freak repressed bible lovers. meanwhile on the #COOL side of magyarhood we walk around butt ass naked!!! op have fun never experiencing joy ever again tho #discourse
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👑 sanctus-stephanus Follow
posting from an alt so i don't get cancelled but lowkey i'm starting to think koppány was right.... maybe this christianity thing isn't gonna work out after all
👑 sanctus-stephanus Follow
👑 sanctus-stephanus Follow
🪺 magánügyek Follow
ISTVÁN????????????? 💀
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ca-suffit · 3 months
ppl from the book side of the fandom telling us they're deep intellectuals but then shoving aside claudia's death to examine shadows on lestat's wrists that "might be bruises :(" and seek reasons he's still the real victim in the trial sure are something else.
did u know ur the theatre audience irl or did u catch that.
the thing is, ppl know what happens in the books. largely bcuz u all won't shut up about it. what ppl keep being intentionally ignorant about is that ur insistence on keeping the focus on lestat and having pity for lestat only no matter what is the problem.
the show is not at the point where the focus should be on lestat. this episode (2x7) was about claudia. the show is telling a long story and ur so fucking racist that ur shoving black and brown characters aside left and right to say wait for the *real* story to start when the white guy is the one telling it. he's not that bad, he's been abused too!
two years in, u need to look at urself if this is u and see the real reasons why the fandom finds issue with it. it's not the character itself, it's ur racist defense of him. ppl have *been* talking about this too, u just aren't listening.
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antiradqueer · 1 year
for anon who asked abt general explanation why being radqueer is bad. (i'm kinda interested in this theme and recently have read a lot of rqs' and transids' shit so here is a summary).
1. their ideology is built on a dangerous idea. they present themselves as "accepting everything," but, in fact, no one should accept everything. unacceptable things are called unacceptable for a reason. they mistake or purposely distort the idea of acceptance. acceptance isn't dragging everyone in harmful things, acceptance isn't pulling ur beliefs & labels on someone. they call themselves "the most tolerant community," but some things shouldn't be tolerated.
2. going further into their ideas. they claim they support paraphilias & transids. the second part is awful in any way (it'll be in the next paragraph). abt the first one. they may say strangers that they don't support harmful actions, but actually a big part of them do. u can even find them on tumblr, making pride flags for awful things. ex-rqs tell stories abt radqueer servers where they teach each other grooming and raping. where they push minors to predators. where they convince them to share their photos. so their 'anti contact' is mostly a mask for strangers to look innocent, not actual value. so, this movement is harmful for minors, animals, ones who have self-destructive urges or paraphilias (because they can and will literally push them to abuse) and people with harmful paraphilias who don't wanna contact and need support on their recovery way, not pressuring them into contact. also, their actions worsened the reputation of para-community because rqs make associations with themselves. so some people feel unsafe to be open abt their paraphilias because they may be seen as radqueers.
3. abt transids. (transids are identities for people who identify themselves with other race, age, disability that they don't have & so on). there are a lot of problems with this idea. first: it's transphobic in the core. gender is a thing that u understand by self-investigating. humanity too. these two are vague things with tons of lays and they're not closed. race, age, and disabilities are different. they have really huge basics determined besides self-identification. so trying to 'became a different race/age' or 'get a disability' is racist/creepy/ableist. abt their ideas of getting disabilities: they don't actually want it. it's not like in biid, it's more like they wanna wear it like a cool outfit. put it on when it's convenient, and take it off when inconveniences appear. same with race/ethnicity. u know, some cultures have open practices or ways to convert, but they don't actually try to understand the reality of the group they relate with. they don't try to respect them. they just wear it like a cool outfit. aren't going to actually convert. aren't going to listen, learn, and respect. aren't going to face discrimination and actually live 'chosen' life. just making fun. and it's a really bad way. it's diminishing of the experience of being <identity>. their actions show clearly that they don't understand. like, i saw it clearly when read abt 'medically unrecognized disorders'. they literally coin disorders by will (and it's either descriptions of existing disorders or normal things). they coin 'community terms'. like, do u know abt community terms for disorders in disabled community? it's abt history of medical abuse. of dehumanization, neglect, looking on living, thinking, feeling person like on an object. it's abt searching independence. abt searching names for actual experience. it's not abt making fun (at least not only abt making fun). it's a need, not a game or smth rqs think. i can rant a lot abt this but it seems enough.
4. 'but if someone claim themself radqueer but won't do these awful things?' 1) to be radqueer u have to accept transids (it's bad). 2) u can be dragged in dangerous situations. 3) u can be convinced that bad things 'aren't that bad'. and believe me, everyone can be convinced. because complaying is a really deep thing in our brain. people pressured by majority or authority can agree with things they won't agree before. can do things they won't do before. and u will be pressured hard.
so, my advice abt this: stay as far from radqueers as u can. there's no good inside. don't give them even silent support by staying with them.
thank you so much anon
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TW/CW// Brief mentions of Homophobia, Transphobia, and Islamophobia, Mentions of Abuse, Racism, and general fandom idiocy
If you replace a poc with someone else, lets say another minority, and it is obvious that they r a minority, like they r wearing pride flag stuff, they're wearing a hijab, etc. and something vague that someone says about that person, like. idk. about them not being the kinda person you should hang around with. and you would call that person homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic, etc. for saying that about the person? It isn't bigotry. If the statement could be applied to anyone. Then it isn't bigotry.
Yes this is about Billy Hargrove. Also YOU GUYS HAVE NO CLUE WHAT CONTEXT MEANS AND IT SHOWS. Max literally yelled at Lucas IN FRONT OF BILLY. HE WAS LIKE 20 FEET AWAY WATCHING AND LISTENING TO THE FIGHT. She yelled at him that he makes her feel like shit/that he treats her like shit. And whether u wanna admit it or not, Billy does care about Max. And even if he didn't, he is forced to take care of her. He has to be the parent. SO WHY THE HELL. After hearing that this random boy he's never met, treats his little sister who he cares about and is forced to be responsible for, like shit. Would he NOT tell her that there are some people you shouldn't be around. And that that boy is one of them. And in the Byer house where he sees her with Lucas again, AFTER HE WAS JUST ABUSED BECAUSE SHE RAN AWAY, of fucking course he's gonna target Lucas and not one of the other boys. He hasn't seen them with Max, he has no reason to thing of them as being bad influences or harmful.
And fuck no it doesn't excuse his actions or make them okay. He still attacked a 13/14 (don't remember their exact age) yr old. But nothing about his words or actions are explicitly, outwardly, whatever word u wanna use, racist. And even if he is racist (which by the way, every yt person, especially/specifically in America has institutionalized racism at the very least which takes a long time, and lots of education to break down, which isn't gonna fucking happen when u live in an abusive household where you have other things you have to focus on so you and ur kid sister don't fucking die, especially in the 80's), Max never fucking says anything about it. Even if what he said or did was racist, Max never said or did anything. Obviously I could understand her not saying anything to Billy because she might think he'd get angry. But she never goes to Lucas trying to comfort him, apologize for Billy's behavior, anything.
While I'm on the topic I might as well bring up the fact that NO ONE IN THE SHOW. EVER FUCKING TREATS LUCAS WITH RESPECT OR UNDERSTANDING IN RELATION TO HIS STRUGGLES WITH BEING A BLACK TEENAGER IN THE 80'S. In season 1, he gets SO MUCH shit from the fandom for not trusting Jane/El. A random girl who showed up out of no where, who, through no fault of her own, brings a bunch of dangerous ppl coming after the group. And basically no one gives Mike any shit for doing the same thing to Max in season 2. In season 4 when he is trying to fit in, to not be seen as a weirdo, outcast, freak, etc. So fucking many people treated him like he's an asshole for that. He is a black 15 yr old boy in the fucking 80's. In a town that is predominantly white. Where all of his friends are white. Most of the people at his school, are white. Of fucking course he's gonna do whatever he can to "fit in" and stay with the popular crowd. Not doing that would put even more of a target on his back. I'm so happy they put in that brief moment at Benny's where the only other black person on the team and at the house comes over to tell him it will be okay after the police show up. That he's not gonna be in trouble. Despite a good portion of the fandom being really diverse, be it queer, poc, etc. so many of y'all put the cishet yt characters on a pedestal and either ignore or straight up shit on the few queer characters & poc characters.
That's the end of my fucking rant for now. I'm tired. Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk. night guys.
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97-liners · 1 year
God ur so self righteous it hurts 😭 all u ever do is sit here and throw around ur hot takes and opinions and then expect ur little gremlins to agree with you, but as soon as its another person who has a hot take or an opinion that opposes you, and a few people defend them whether it be a friend or an anon, they are evil, and this is just fatphobia aside like this is EVERY "moral" take you have its just all hot garbage and you being a hypocrit 💀 half the time its stuff that you have literally no say on anyway.
Are you a vampire? Have you always been afraid of mirrors?
"Moral backbone" my ass you just say whatever you will think would appeal to various minorities so you can look like the good guy who happens to be blunt. Its not even being blunt you arent cool for being a cunt towards everyone and it will never be cool. Stick to talking about shit that relates to you and maybe, just maybe, people wouldn't hate on you so much. It's no wonder half of caratblr can't stand ur ass
I dont think this take is as bad as that one time, or well multiple times you have shat on peoples writing styles or the content they write about just because it doesnt fit your vanilla cis straight woman narrative, now thats awful
Or maybe the times you've vagueposted about some of your closest moots just for them to still be here, defending your ass when all you do is talk shit about them constantly
you think i’m just saying what i think will appeal to various minorities. it’s really telling that you think people have the political beliefs they do just to look good. like do you really believe people have the beliefs they do performatively? do you find it hard to believe that people hold beliefs not out of a desire to look good, but because that’s what they believe???
also because this is weird: since when have i vagueposted about mutuals. when have mutuals defended me???? like what are you actually talking about … i don’t care if half of caratblr can’t stand my ass, if they’re that willing to support anything just because a fic writer did it, i don’t really care what they think. like i say it here all the time, i don’t care what y’all think of me. just unfollow me if you don’t want me on your dash.
the main thing i have to say here though. “half of the time it’s shit you have no say in anyway” like i don’t have to be black to think that anti-blackness is bad. this goes beyond whatever this anon is talking about — the problem with “listen to x voices” is that, while it’s important to put oppressed viewpoints in the forefront of discussions, it’s not a free pass out of critical thought. ppl forget “listen to x voices” started out in academic study. it wasn’t about the ppl you choose to defend or the viewpoints you hold publicly. and it’s not about minority voices saying “x isn’t harmful” taking precedence over established theory to the contrary. i think this is something ANY poc understands acutely and painfully because it’s always the conservative and white supremacist sellouts that get put to the forefront. (this includes diasporic poc more so than non-minority people native to their nation. like how irritating that bts has a voice on violence against asian americans when their experience as native koreans has NOTHING to do with the diasporic asian experience!?)
it also gives people an out. if you believe that only x people should talk or care about x issues, then that lets you just sit back and say “well, i’m not x so i’m not involved”… and more irritatingly, it gives you the perceived right to say “well I’M a minority so my opinion is right !!!!”. being a person of color doesn’t make me an expert on racism and i don’t pretend to be an expert. there are white anti-imperialist scholars who have a better understanding of racist power structures than i do and i’m not arrogant enough to just write that off because they’re white.
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menalez · 1 year
I find it really insulting and hypocritical for people who blog about TRAS coercing and raping lesbians all day long, who argue with them for advocating for conversion therapy of lesbians to have piv with tims, who highlight how lesbians legally can't have spaces or anything that excludes males but sit here and try to justify saying abortions are only for straight women. They never actually pay any attention to lesbians and our oppression, they keep acting like we aren't women or go through misogyny.
The rate of lesbian rape has been higher since the TRA movement and generally for years now, I saw this posted in radblr a long time ago. Conversion therapy from conservatives is still real. Lesbians are still forced into marriages and relationships. I am one of many lesbians who's been harassed by tims for sex, it's really common. Especially for teen lesbians are getting raped by tims or even males in their family to "fix" them. This is why i'm done with radblr.
They tokenize lesbians to their benefit and don't have the same energy towards homophobic/lesphobic (looking at you sailor-moon-rage and 239823 more women here) who harass or say horrible things to gay women. I wish they would stop acting so hight and might when they don't actually care about minority women or listen to them. Simply getting so pissy at lesbians for being told to not be heteronormative something they should have stopped doing years ago? Especially when it comes to the topic of rape? As if bi women don't exist either? How fucking pathetic of OSA women.
LITERALLY!!!! it’s truly appalling that we have to hear that getting an abortion is a heterosexual thing from “radfems” and being told to shut up and accept it when they treat sex as automatically a thing between a man and a woman, and then get mad at us for simply asking that they don’t make such implications. and then they turn around and say there’s no lesbophobia on radblr and lesbians are the dominant voice etc. meanwhile they’ll happily utilise lesbophobia from TRAs to criticise TRAs, as if they actually care. they do this with racism too. “tras are soooo racist omgggg” but when u criticise their racism they tell u ur looking for drama.
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delcakoo · 2 years
He’s so SOCIALLY AWARE about cultural incompetence and appropriation!!! He appreciates black brown and Asian communities so fucking much and it’s like, yes!! FINALLY!! He also has so many Roe v Wade posters BECAUSE HE BELIEVES ABORTION IS A HUMAN FUCKING RIGHT‼️‼️‼️‼️ he talked about how rock and roll is literally from Black women, a church sister moved really fast on her guitar and BAM ROCK AND ROLL and he outright admitted that white people appropriated the heck out of it and made it a “white thing” 😨
Since he’s half Filipino, he has this fish hook (?) necklace and tattoo because it honors his leadership. And he said when people ask him “omg u have a Maui necklace” he feels bad because his culture is reduced to a cartoon character!!! And I made so many connections with him in terms of cultural disrespect. I said that it’s sort of like jasmine bc I said “when I complain that there’s no south Asian representation in media someone and their mother has to tell me ‘what about jasmine/Aladdin’ these media are never culturally accurate. Bc aladddin is literally made of Turk, Desi, and Arabic culture mixed in to one to give white people “ a taste of south Asians 😜😍” and I said that and he was like “RIGHT, ITS SO FRUSTRATING BEING REDUCED TO SOMETHING THATS NOT CULTURALLY ACCURATE.” AND I WAS LIKE?! HELLO HE’S SO AWARE ABOUT CURRENT MEDIA LIKE MY OLD HISTORY TEACHER COULD NEVER 😩
NEXT WE WERE READING THESE POEMS AND THE TOPIC KF MISOGNy and you wanna know what he told the boys?!
“All you little boys here, if you wanna be a REAL man in the future then being a REAL man is not putting down women. Women have to right to speak up and put you in your place if you’re being rude, which men have a long history of doing. If you ever disrespect a woman gouge your eyes out and be ashamed. I don’t wanna see that Andrew Tate behavior in my classroom. I also don’t thing your mothers will be happy you spend your life on sexism and misogyny, so If you don’t wanna explain your actions to your own mother, i demand you change your mentality if you haven’t already.”
He’s my new fav teacher no questions asked.
Also my playlist KEPT PLAYING MY FAVORITE SONGS?! Like it must be that I followed you and realized that your so amazing that I got all this good karma 🥵🥵🥵
ANYWAYS ILYSM KOOTI FRUITY 😍😍😍😍🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 HOW WAS UR DAY?!
bro just the name andrew tate makes me furious i’ve only seen a few clips of him because i genuinely cannot listen to the shit rhat comes out of his mouth 💀 so happy he got his platform taken away BUT AGHH UR TEACHER SAID NOTHING BUT FACTS. SO TRUE BRO ESPECIALLY ABORTION. ANYONE WHO THINKS ABORTION SHOULD BE ILLEGAL NEEDS TO GET TF AWAY FROM ME LIKE ABSOLUTELY NOT 🥰🥰 as he should he would be my favorite too ☝️💯
OMG YES WHATRE SOME OF UR FAVORITE SONGS I’D LOVE TO LISTEN TO THEM 🫶🫶 and yeah that was actually me i personally told ur playlist to play the bops!! 💯🥰 ur welcome!!
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
pls do talk more about b*s and their current image (censoring because if you don’t have great things to say i don’t want you to be attacked by their crazy stans :))
i always bring this up when i talk about them but it’s really :( that they are the way they are now. like i was a fan because of their hyyh era and their songs about the troubled youth. and of course they can’t stay in that image forever (because we all grow up and it would just be v fake if they tried to continue it given their status and wealth now.) it’s just disappointing that they went down the ‘safe, disney image’ and are releasing generic mainstream pop songs people will forget after a couple listens. i’m no longer a fan of them now but yuh.
also not to mention how they essentially made kpop boring for me now lol i wish companies had fun with their music selections instead of aiming for whatever b*s has. like we will never get a group like orange caramel again (i know wjsn chocome’s concept was similar but it just didn’t feel the same. you talked about it before and i wholeheartedly agree with ur points.)
thank you for the consideration of censoring the name but honestly i'm not that worried about it. i do however find the increasingly creative ways people censor it to be extremely hilarious so keep it up if you would like.
i addressed most of the first part of your ask in the second part of my response here, this is now the third installment in a series, somehow. (the first part is here).
not to level this at you in specific anon, because i know a lot of people share this sentiment of kpop being 'boring' now, and while there is an element of this that is influenced by bts, and although it is true we aren't getting the same level of wild that produced orange caramel, there is actually interesting and kinda weird stuff happening in kpop; it's just not by the groups that are getting the most attention. dreamcatcher has been out here doing horror rock since their debut in 2017. onf has put out two excellent summer pop tracks with fun and stupid genre mvs. i love this recent ghost9 track. i'm obsessed with the instrumental in the chorus of bdc's moon walker. just b debuted last month with a strange bang yongguk track and a very 2013 feeling mv. here's another weird and fun boy group debut, blitzers. a.c.e have put out favourite boys, the fave boyz remix, down, and higher as their last four releases which all have the most coherent and well designed concepts in the last year. and while i'm at it i might as well include take me higher and undercover. oneus put out a mad max themed performance video randomly for no reason like three weeks ago. the rest of the industry were cowards for not following up on to be or not to be with a shakespeare comeback wave. rip onlyoneof but they gave us a whole three week comeback of dick grabs. hanya brought my attention to this weird as shit debut track from a group that has now totally disappeared. knk's sunset exists. we moved on way too fast from the mv because taeyang was being cunty on music shows but sf9's teardrop has probably some of the most interesting shots in a kpop mv in the last several years. and we definitely moved on too fast from my favourite just some guy and goofy movie character woodz's feel like.
i think it's pretty fatalistic to view bts as having singlehandedly made the industry boring because honestly......i don't think they have. if you want to talk about the downturn to plainclothes styling....well that's shinee's fault. and the general trend to less dramatic fashion and visual tastes is not exclusive to the kpop industry, it's been a whole cultural trend. the mid to late 2010s were the rise of 'normcore' and we haven't burst the bubble yet. bts is just reflecting trends happening in the wider world, and in particular the western one. for the most viewed kpop mv of 2020 dynamite did....what exactly? it didn't really spawn any significant copycats in terms of sound or aesthetics, with the exception of maybe superm's we do if you look at it a bit sideways. although this is one of bts' better styled mvs, 70s retro did not make any resurgence in kpop styling, EXCEPT in magazine and fashion shoots, which it was already doing in the west. taemin's criminal was significantly more influential; i can think of at least three different male soloist mvs that borrowed heavily from it. honestly i think stylists and groups are trying to steer as clear as possible of whatever aesthetics bts uses, lest they accidentally doom themselves to a (perceived) slighted fanbase. plus, there's been a pretty sizable resurgence in contemporary hanbok styling, so even though there is a lot more outward attention going to things like international promotions for other groups and whatever the hell sm keeps trying to do with nct, i think a fair amount of companies are interested in maintaining the koreanness of kpop while facilitating broader global access.
and honestly, bigger acts have also put out interesting things in the last year. we did all see taemin's back to back release roster for ngda right? criminal? idea???? advice???????? fuck, chocolate was barely a year ago. whatever your opinions on yunho are, thank u is fucking brilliant mv. sunmi's tail. lie to me and tell me the mv for you can't sit with us isn't fun as fuck. i dunno what the hell the new nct127 song is gonna be like but the teaser photos and mood sampler are weird as hell and i'm absolutely interested. he's only kpop adjacent at the moment but jackson's 100 ways and lmly are really sharply produced low budget mvs with clean and interesting visuals. maniac shot to the top of my most listened immediately after it dropped because lia kim AND those slick horns in the instrumental???? ten's paint me naked was not at all what i was expecting but it's still fun as hell and has a pretty unique aesthetic.
the tldr of this whole three parter is this: bts has always been reactionary to wider cultural trends and that's been how they've made it this far. yes their influence on the industry looms very large because of the predominence of them on the scene, but it's mostly in the perception of kpop rather than in the artistry of it.
i don't think any company is going to be able to achieve what bts and hybe have, which i think is fine. they're the scale tipped too far. hopefully by now most companies have probably noticed that they don't need to cater to the western market so hard, and that it's probably not a good idea to offer their artists up on the racist chopping block of the western pop scene. you can market to an international fanbase without trying to gun for a grammy or for billboard or whatever. creating interesting art should be at the fore, not numbers goals. but we're just gonna have to wait and see what happens in the next year or so.
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filipinoizukuu · 3 years
pls tell me more of ur fic pet peeves
so i have like. a FUCK ton of pet peeves for fics, and i just wanted to say first that fanfic should not be placed in any boxes or standards because it is freely written and it is something meant to be enjoyed. these are my opinions and all peeve me to only a certain degree (meaning it squicks me out at worst)—so if you are a fic writer and you find yourself doing any of these things, do NOT take it to heart and just know i love you for doing what you do and i wish you all the best ♡
im gonna give reasons why certain things peeve me so i dont just sound like im bitching but generally, when reading ANY fics, i dislike the ff:
- long paragraphs with no breaks. bro i have adhd i cant go through all of this im going to get LOST.
- underlining, bolding, italicizing, AND capitalizing statements for emphasis like sir its chill i think i get the point. imho if you wrote your scene well enough and paced it properly, the most you'll need is an italics and maybe an exclamation mark. u gotta trust ur own writing and the reading comprehension of your audience.
- jittery perspective jumps especially when its fic about characters who use the same pronouns and youre constantly shifting the thoughts being presented. it... gets kinda confusing.
everything else like grammar and punctuation and spelling is literally just. whatever. like as long as i get your point i really dont care. sometimes writers dont speak english fluently. sometimes writers just fuck up and dont have betas. sometimes writers just post their chapters at 3 am and leave all their mistakes out for god. i have no right to judge.
for personal bnha fic pet peeves, ig most of my annoyance lies on characterization and my own personal beliefs
- i already said it previously but i cannot STRESS how much i dislike the whole "fuck redemption arcs and fuck all authority figures except LoV for some reason" theme. it annoys me and i just flat out dont agree with it
- HATE tropes that reduce deku to being like 🥺👉👈 uwu okie soft helpless bean. theres nothing wrong with it if thats how you prefer deku, but i just get annoyed by it
- ANYTIME BKDK HAS AN UNEQUAL DYNAMIC. again. nothing wrong with exploring it in fanfiction. i just dislike reading fics that make either deku or bakugou blatantly weaker than the other. i love quirkless deku fics but i hate ones where he's also characterized as amounting to nothing and still acts like bakugous punching bag/okay with bakugou disrespecting him. their whole dynamic in canon is built on a great deal of respect
- speaking of bkdks power dynamic, FRICK GOSH I HATE SEEING FICS WHERE DEKU "realizes bakugous been abusing him for years!" and gets him expelled from ua and everyone claps. like. LIKE??? N. NO???? thats not how it works 😭
- all might slander. also unjustified or unnuanced endeavor slander where they dont tackle the complexity of his character. also also unjustified or unnuanced bakugous mom slander. this ones a bit controversial so i wont talk about it much.
- sexist homophobic or racist bakugou. im kicking that away. no. especially fics where bakugous past bullying is explained as "repressed homosexuality". i like making that as a joke but i genuinely do no believe in it.
- fics where ochako is obviously very reduced into a supporting figure with absolutely no dimension except being a supportive character and maybe having a shoe-horned wlw romance just for the sake of making her unavailable. shes my fave bnha girl and sometimes in fics i can literally FEEL her character being butchered to only show up when deku needs Love Advice. *note that this only applies when literally every other male character has something else going on for them and its just the females being sidelined into Boy Advice Givers and Talking Sense.
- fics that very obviously belittle asian principles and culture. family means a GOOD DEAL to a lot of asian cultures and fics that spout "if you dont like your family then leave and find your own! its that simple!" usually sound incredibly ignorant or outright claim moral superiority to the weight of familial bond in asian culture. same with manners, respect, and discipline.
- "murdering is ok if its characters i hate 🥰" ... listen, you do you bestie but like. no thanks. if i wanted to read about mineta getting murdered by momo with a pistol i dont think id be opening a bkdk soulmarks au
- any dekusquad slander 😭 i love them okay
- *kicks mean/bakugou-hating todoroki out the door*
- *kicks 'all mha characters text, talk, and behave like 14 year old stan twt users (no offense ok i speak like that too)' fics out the door*
- *kicks bratty deku and/or bakugou out the door*
thats. all i can think of atm.
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spaaacevodka · 4 years
all of y'all white people changing ur minds about tma episode 185 now that jonny has had to expose his own trauma says everything
it was never about the content. or y'all didn't fucking read the transcript idk. but it rly shows how much y'all just love to play white saviour!!!
white folks were accusing poc left and right of being white & racist bc they had no issue with the episode (funny, tryna tell someone they're racist against themselves no?)
you were all screaming that we should listen to black voices and ignoring every black voice that disagreed with you
it's an uncomfortable episode. and people r allowed to find it triggering, and dislike it, and skip it and stop listening to the podcast.
but all y'all white folk calling for jonny to cancel the episode and only deciding he can release it after he had to prove his trauma??? fuck you. it was never about protecting poc. it was never about standing up against racism. it was all just one big show of how "woke" u fucking are
u can't b woke and treat poc as a monolith. u can't be woke and ignore the fact that the police system has harmed many lives (disproportionately those of poc but not exclusively) because it is a System with too much power. because it is an oppressive tool that can turn against anyone when convenient. it is an important thing to address!
u can dislike the execution. but the fact that u wanted to call some1 racist for talking about a corrupt system (and not even dipping his toe in the racial aspect bc he Knows he can't speak from that perspective) is really telling. maybe direct ur energy to actually tryna help the poc u harassed for disagreeing w/ u. maybe direct ur energy towards fighting actual racism. maybe drop the white saviour bullshit bc none of us r enjoying it
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ca-suffit · 3 months
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"The thing about the racism discourse about this is that, once more, it dismisses the book canon."
jfc that is rly a choice of a sentence there.
And the effort the show took already to not make Louis a petty liar, who ranted about his ex. In-universe, mind you.
The meta analysis here especially re the white guy speaking the truth is valid and of course it can be and should be discussed.
But it doesn’t change the fact imho that the show ALREADY added so much NUANCE to avoid that, with the racial recasts (now canon) trap.
This show doesn't exist in a vacuum. Nalyra and Virginia and whoever else who have been popular book ppl have kept sweeping race off to the side and been directly responsible for feeding this fandom's racism bcuz of it. They are responsible, with others, for creating an attitude that anyone who talks about race isn't a real fan, is illiterate and didn't read the books, and v specifically targeting black fans. "That subset" was used in place of a racial slur by them for a *long* time. They only stopped doing this as much once this account showed up and they couldn't rely on this phantom boogeyman story anymore. The fandom PSAs have stopped too.
A lot of the show's commentary about race is not understood by white audiences. If ur going to be in the AMC fandom and tie the books and show together, u need to engage with race. U cannot tell ppl, especially with the feedback on this that I *know* they both got, that u can ignore things about the show or the fandom bcuz of "the book canon." If u label talk about racism as "fandom wank" and say shit like what's up above, it's v intentional racism. especially after years of being here.
The fandom is going to come to these characters with all the racial biases they hold IRL. If you're not doing something to make ppl think about that then u don't need to be the one talking about it. Saying the show has everything racial handled (so everyone's just seeking a reason to cause "discourse" if we speak more about it) and scoffing at the idea that "the books" don't actually work as a blanket excuse for a lot of what ppl are rly talking about here is just fucking intellectually lazy (and racist!!!!!)
Ppl don't call out racism for fun. Nobody comes to fandoms to do this shit and have to confront ppl like this and risk all the abuse and denial that comes with it. When ppl do it anyway, and especially when it's a LOT of ppl? that's when u listen and stop doubling down. that's when u DON'T call it fucking "discourse" or "wank." U take it seriously, u look at urself, u make changes. u fucking grow up.
Do not doubt that this part of the fandom is racist bcuz this is all v fucking intentional and it has been for a longgggggggggggg time. I said it before in an older post but this fake "nice" voice they all have and this vague acceptance of topics (lestat is flawed, the fandom's racism discussions are good, every other month maybe reblogging some post about race / racism in the show) is all manipulation. If they gave a fuck about not being racists and encouraging racism within the fandom they would not say shit like that big quote up there ^ what the FUCK is that.
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literaphobe · 4 years
Ngl seeing so many white people use this to try to prove how woke they are and paint Noelle as the sole problematic one is really rubbing me the wrong way. We should absolutely hold Noelle accountable and criticise them, but this should really be a moment for white allies to analyse and reflect on their own racism and anti-blackness. Cause if they think this couldn't have easily been them or they haven't pulled racially insensitive comments like that before too, they're only fooling themselves.
i get that some of u white allies want to be supportive, but i think some of u are also going a little bit too overboard? like the things some of u are saying run along the lines of “she ra is cancelled forever!!!!! horrible worst show!!!!! if u like it ur a demon!!!!!!” and like. that kind of invalidates some of the feelings fans of color are having? i think y’all should focus on just listening and uplifting voices of color, mostly black voices on this issue. like it’s not ur place as a white person to decide that Everyone needs to stop liking she-ra now Or Else nor is it your place to stop poc from being upset. just focus on self-reflection and educate yourself. of course if any black she-ra fans or fans of color wanna completely denounce the show, that’s fine, that’s perfectly fine, if you followed me for she-ra and now want she-ra out of your life, i completely understand u wanting to cut me off too. but white people shouldn’t be leading these discussions or conversations at all, so keep that in mind
also yes i think people are putting this all on noelle in a way that’s a little bit... confusing? because i get that they were she-ra’s showrunner but this whole thing wasn’t Just them. and they didn’t have As much power as people think they did and also the show is over now? it’s not like they were forcing those other white people to be racist. and i think there are a lot more people we should be criticizing too, and i think some of she-ra’s white writers deserve more criticism than noelle, actually, and are taking even less action to hold themselves accountable for things they have perpetuated 
also some of u are mad that noelle didn’t shut down the cishet white male host for saying the d slur. and i get that but also i think about. what if someone said a racial slur like one targeted at asian people, in front of me, because it was part of the name for like an asian show. would i be able to tell them not to say it? i would feel v put on the spot. so i don’t think i can personally feel mad at noelle about that. idk. also there were so many people there why is it noelle’s job to do the calling out just because she’s a lesbian? like if you wouldn’t hold Me responsible for calling out people using anti-asian slurs why not extend that to lesbians re the d slur u know? but yeah it’s just. a thought i have. i’m not trying to defend noelle like maybe they just didn’t care but it made me think 
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 4X19 Jump the Shark
Oh hey is this the illegitimate brother plotline
boy I love me some sweet sweet ANGST
whelp she's fucking dead
picture of JOHN?
Sam's peacefully brushing his teeth and Dean's Not a Morning Person
boy he's having a bad morning
to be fair, living out of the car is kinda not fun either
"I'm his son" Dean: I'm gonna fUCKING KIL-
they're going to ruin his life too aren't they, Aren't The-
Dean is taking this really well
I mean he did get the brunt of John's Issues, so I get it, yike
ASDFPIHP them discussing their dad's ~sex life~ is very funny though
Dean was...preteen? when this kid was born? Sam was under ten definitely
Dean Please
No that's your Actual Brother guys PLEASE
hunting accident "ah fair enough"
"who is a nuclear family these days" FEELS SO LOADED
Dean...Dean please don't fUCKING KILL HIM DEAN
"he took you to a baseball game" IDSFHAPF
He's Trying not to CRY OH MY GOD NO WAIT
Sam resonates with the away from college thing oh NO
Dean is trying SO HARD not to snap
at least he's...trying..to keep adam out
corpse snatching => HEY LOOK IT's THE BONE STEALING WIT-
I think I need to stop being online jesus christ
the [both sigh] was so good
well...that's a lot of blood
How the hell do you break it to your illegitimate brother that you're ~technically Wanted by the FBI
at least he's not an idiot
I mean obligatory dead mom
"do i get a say in this?" "NO!"
Middle sibling + younger sibling gang up on elder
"have u thought about eternity" "bro i've literally been to hell Idk what to tell u"
Dean doing it solo but Sad is...:(
Oh he worked the old case, that's neat
"so it's over for you" welllllll
dean + long dark coat truthing tonight HE LOOKS G O O D
it wants revenge
and Adam Instantly wants revenge, you sir are definitely a Winchester
"it's life" WELL IT SHOULDn'T BE
the stupid isolationism I hate it
Sam's becoming his dad, and Dean isn't
LET HIM BE NORMAL! HAPPY! IT IS TOO LATE FOR YOU RIGHT NOW(NOT ALWAYS)(Also very close to the thing with zachariah in placement(eye emojis) BUT LEAVE HIM ALONE!
I do appreciate Dean Eldest Sibling'ed it up even if he didn't like the kid/was jealous. Goddammit I wish we got connection in this stupid show
I was expecting a jump scare but somehow the squish is worse
sOn oF aBitcH
I do like the little angel Icon though, that's what's Dean's way out
Ghouls is a racist term?what????
no john winchester was 100% a monster
ah it was their father
yada yada father killing circle idk
Ghoul!mom is really really good. I liked Scared Adam better though
the slicing sam scene is BRUTAL jesus christ
So...John got his own son killed in the end...
awww caring Dean is nice
"Adam's in a better place" :(
Dean tried to fit himself into the Dad box, Sam's actually him
"you take it any way you want" oh for FUC- HE- I-
he looked so Sad, so like...he's stopped idolizing him
jesus christ.
boy there's gonna be overlap ok here we go.
1. poor dean. Ok couple things: 1) he elder sibling'ed it SO HARd! he didn't even like Adam, but he still tried to keep him safe(I think). he gave him a hunter's funeral! I just. It was nice to see. It was also INCREDIBLY painful to hear the realization of "you were always like dad, I never could be" and the fact that he didn't even see it as a good thing anymore? fUCK man, that huRT me. Dean tried so hard to be something he wasn't, he got probably the brunt of the abuse(because he didn't measure up to that metric like Sam always would), and in the end all it got him was...just. so much pain. Like it felt like John left his Broken children behind to get a new one, and just turned them into his quest for revenge. It was SO So fucked
Hey actually speaking of
LIKE ok listen. John's kinda set up as the ideal of hunting. They martyred him! And I was halfway sold provided they didn't mention him again. Then! he did this thing where he abandoned his kids, seeing them only as tools to fulfill his quest for revenge, literally broke them(that too late thing+zachariah saying "it's in your blood" when really it was just trained from a young age), got a NEW family he treated a lot better. I just. I have...NO idea how I'm supposed to see him as a good guy here. Maybe I just kin Dean, or his plight is WAY more sympathetic(it is, Sam is kinda pissing me off), but John's just...coming off worse and worse and they KEEP doing it!
Also! this whole cycle of revenge thing! about how if you keep taking an eye for an eye, everyone ends up blind! they barely escaped this time, and I think this was the second revenge plot that I can think of with MONSTERS alone! it was a BIG theme! Like!! hunting sucks! revenge makes you end up in worse places! it's like this one episode was made to show how SHIT hunting was!
wait who wrote this
Dabb+lofflin. The hunting sucks always comes from-
3. Fuck John Winchester
4. Individualism. Ok this is a big one. Alongside the whole revenge plot thing(which is BIG, and a hunting sucks), this one drove home the sheer individuality of hunting. But while some of the writers see that as Badass, this one made it seem lonely, and painful. Like the flip side to American Individualism is American Chronic Loneliness. I know this one was used to process the ennui of the post recession/post 9/11 time, and it's doing very well for that, but it kinda ends up like this show is EVERYONE'S therapy all at once! the gang's all here! and we're gonna traumatize you in the process as well.
EDIT: and yeah yeah yada yada american individualism is King and then so is it’s accompanying loneliness in the post 9/11 post war in iraq post recession world(we were not having fun in 08/09)
and I get that this show is the writer’s therapy and whatever
(I just thing this is phrased better)
5. bring him back. Connect! Look. I know it breaks the core ethos of this episode. But having Weird Esoteric Hunter siblings would have been SO FUNNY!
give me more sibling content! Sam+Adam teaming up against the Eldest Sibling Dean WAS SO FUNNY! I WANT MORE OF THAT
6. SAM WHAT THE FU-. Look. I hate John. I very much hate John. They set up the Sam/Dean dichotomy in regards to John first episode, and Sam acting more like an ass+like his dad is. Not making me like him. Also I feel like this was written to sympathize with Dean. Which makes the finale even more ironic, I feel.
7. Listen. Listen. One of you has to keep track of continuity. Like I know this becomes a WAY bigger problem later in the series, but if a certain writer wants to process/examine a certain part of the Life/Story(and they should, they set up a lot of interesting stuff), they have to keep track! Because then the show becomes everything all at once.
Like this show has ALREADY started feeling like fanfic of itself, where it just kinda does whatever it wants with its own concepts. And the concepts are GREAT! but you can TELL how inconsistent it is, even in the kripke era
like it ends up being Study of X, Riff on X! and I think that's where the inconsistency comes from. It's also why it's so fucking Excellent in places.
whelp this was a lot holy hell.
Bela didn't fit the narrative. That's why they didn't like her. I said at the beginning that an Int'l art thief does NOT fit the vibe of "grungy Angsty American Midwestern gothic" and I was right. With the lucifer story and the vibe she didn't fit, and so they just killed her as foreshadowing, and only used her like that. God I wish they'd riffed on her, especially because her callouts were all completely correct
we're Bela Salting again
listen she was preppy Jack Sparrow with some spiritualism, how dare you tell me not to like her.
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edwardsvirginity · 4 years
And now... I introduce my best friend to Eclipse! 
[riley’s first appearance]
Friend: who's that
(the rest of the commentary for the movie is under the readmore!)
[bella reciting the opening monologue: some say the world will end in fire…]
Friend: wow…drama queen
[Edward and bella in the meadow]
Friend: is this real or is this more of her crazy headspace
Edward: marry me
Bella: I have an English final
Friend: wow……. Rude
[Charlie grounding bella]
Friend: charlie…. is the only sane character tbh lmfao
he knows an abusive relationship when he sees one
[Edward sabatoges bella’s truck]
Friend:  Y I K E S
this is not romantic lol
Renee: I just want to make sure ur making the right choices for you
Friend: she's NOT
[renee gives bella the quilt from all their trips]
Friend: awwww
except she's selling out her fam for bloodsuckers
[all the cullens wait for Victoria in the forest]
Friend: is it whatshername
the redheaded bitch
Friend: i'm just gonna say….alice and carlisle are the only valid vampires
Me: whyso?
Friend: idk anything about jasper and emmett, edward is weird, who else even is there
Me: [pauses movie because a spider has appeared by my head and I’m freaking out]
[it lands on my laptop and I scream and close it]
Ok… we can resume
Friend: what happened?
Me: [explains]
Him: ? ? ? why didn't you kill it?!
Me: killing it requires getting close enough to touch it, and that's Too Close
i don't kill spiders
Him: what?!? lmfao
you don't kill spiders
Me: killing them is too scary
Him: i'd rather kill it and know it's dead than wonder where it is
me: i just scream until someone else comes to do it for me
him: that's a lot to take in
[jake confronting Edward about being on their territory]
Edward: I was trying to protect u by not telling u abt Victoria
Friend: mmmm yikes
bella just needs to move tf back to florida
this is….Too Much
[bella goes to lapush]
Friend: tbh i like his pack
Leah: if ur here to torture jake some more u can leave
Friend: oooooh
[movie introduces imprinting]
Friend: tbh i think that whole concept is insane™ and i dont get it
bc it like absolves you of your own…actions
& removes the other person's choice
it's really fucking creepy
Friend: also it would be soooo weird to be able to read people's thoughts
Me: i know it would freak me out
i would hate being able to hear everything my packmates thought
Friend: i don't need anyone else to know how horny i am
[Jacob arguing with bella about the cullens]
Jacob: theyre not even alive
Friend: "they're not even alive" y i k e s
[riley creeping in bella’s house]
Friend: man i'd be sleepin with a shotgun lmfao
& like 12 dogs
[Edward yelling at bella abt bella disappearing with jake]
Me: he’s so overprotective
Friend: she needs it tho
Me: because she's such a danger magnet?
Friend: um….yeah
& she is a fucking damsel in distress
she has no power of her own :((
Friend: he's so…ugly
me: Edward?
Friend: yeah ……….
[Jake appears shirtless]
Edward: doesn’t he own a shirt
Friend: “doesn't he own a shirt"
LMFAO edward voicing my thoughts
[Edward kissing bella before passing her off to jake, who immediately hugs her]
Friend: the way they …. fight with each other by using her body :|
Friend: what do native americans think of this?
Me: [explains]
Friend: so what is the redeeming quality of these movies exactly lmfao
Me: they’re… fun?
Friend: i guess
like indiana jones
racist trash, but fun(?)
Me: I hate his sideburns in this movie
Friend: don't think they're that bad
his whole face tho is not great
especially pale af
[nonconsensual kiss scene]
Jake: ill fight until ur heart stops beating
Bella: u wont have to wait for long
Friend: YIKES
[Edward and Jake fighting post-punch]
Jake: she’s not sure what she wants
Friend: Y I K E S
[Carlisle bandaging bella]
Friend: carlisle is so hot
i wanna marry dr. carlisle
the way he medicines everyone up…
edward is useless
seduce Carlisle
edward's been alive 100 years and hasn't become a doctor??? c'mon
[Rosalie killing her rapists]
Friend: LM FAO
love that
that's a more interesting story than bella's LMFAO
[Rosalie trying to convince bella to stay human]
Rose: there’s one thing you’ll want more than Edward… one thing you’ll kill for… blood
Friend: ohhh….
Friend: & also bella's assumption that Edward is That Great
she's 18….. she hasn't even TRIED college boys
has she even had sex with anyone, ever?
Friend: Evil Dakota Fanning is ….. scary af
Friend: i'll say what i want about stephanie meyer being a fucked up mormon…. but her music taste is p good
Me: she didn’t do the soundtracks
Friend: ummm…i remember stephanie meyer specifically thanking Muse in her books
in the "acknolwedgements" section
 or did you, the twilight princess, not read that part
[graduation party]
Friend: I feel like there should be a twilight spoof..
where a high school girl has to choose between dating a furry and a goth
bc that's what this feels like to me
Friend: he freaks me out
the beefy one
[training scene]
Friend: jasper's kinda sexy too
well, everyone looks good next to robert :|
[jasper’s backstory]
Friend: jasper was a confederate soldier?!?!??!
what?? lmfao
confederate vampires? thanks i hate it
Friend: didn't he have like a life and morals before becoming a vampire or
i mean i guess he's a confederate so maybe not but
[jasper’s backstory]
Friend: he just listens to her lmfao
his Evil Mexican Bruja
[about Victoria]
Friend: she should just make someone sexy a vampire and fuck them tho
she has the power here
[about Jacob]
Friend: is there a REASON he never wears a shirt?
[Jake trying to convince bella she has feelings for him]
Jake: you can love more than one person… like sam, Emily, and leah
Friend: thruple!
that's the only resolution here
jacob & edward need to fuck each other and get over it
there's too much tension between them
Alice: you and Edward will have the house to yourself tonight
Friend: oooooo
Alice: you’re welcome
Friend: LMFAO
alice is a bro
Bella [immediately after the scene with Alice]: hey dad, I was wondering
Friend: hey dad… i was wondering. do you have any condoms
Bella: dad I’m a virgin
Friend: not for long….
Friend: but like honestly it's all so deeply unclear to me
he has like no blood, right?
HOW does he get hard
Me: he’s always hard
Friend: i don't think that's how that works
[Edward and bella in edward’s room]
Bella: I wanna ask u something
Friend: "can we fuck"
Friend: i feel like "becoming a vampire" is just a metaphor for "losing virginity"
[Bella tried to jump Edward]
Edward: bella…no
Friend: ???????????
they already kiss and stuff?????????
Me: yeah
i think he's worried he'd like. fuck her to death
idk… her vulva is delicate i guess
 Friend: they could do some Other Stuff
Me: yeah i know
edward is just…. too old school to understand anything but piv
Friend: fuck her to death…with his flaccid vampire dick
this is so………Weird
?????????? sex is not a sin
[Edward talking abt how he would have courted bella in 1918]
Friend: ???????????? i dont believe that at all
people fucked in the 1800s
edward is a fucking weirdo
[Edward starts his grand speech]
Friend: Ew
this is…. a Lot
tbh it's Not Sexy that he can't adapt to a more feminist era
[Edward proposes]
Friend: this is…… a Lot
he Keeps Asking
[bella accepts]
Friend: she's only saying yes because she's horny!!!!
Friend: also….tbh it's sad that these vampires have to deny their instincts and have no control over themselves
like ….maybe they should just be euthanized
 Me: :O
Friend: is it fair to deny them their nature???
we don't force tigers to be vegetarians
what is the difference
Me: because… they're sentient and intellectual and can decide for themselves not to eat humans
Friend: i'm not sure i buy that
Me: you think they're not smart enough to make their own decision not to eat humans?
Friend: it seems like they have to be rehabilitated to deny a very natural instinct that they have no control over
are the cullens themselves a metaphor for mormonism?
 Me: yeah but carlisle CHOSE a vegetarial lifestyle… no one forced it on him
Friend: i guess
but at what cost
[tent scene]
Jacob: I am hotter than u
Friend: LMFAO
Friend: why didn't they bring more blankets?????
how fucking cold is it
[Edward and jake arguing over bella]
Friend: idk bella….
i'd rather fuck a hot wolf than a freezing rock hard PussyDestroying Vampire
those wolves are HUGE…. huge dicks im sure
[Edward talking about how he doesn’t want bella to be a vamp to jake]
 Friend: i feel like they're Bonding
over their inability to control this woman lmfao
[jake and Edward fighting over bella]
Friend: bella is not that interesting? ? ? ?
Edward: if you weren’t trying to steal bella I might actually like u
Friend: wow
THIS is where they should fuck
t h r u p l e
look deep into each other's eyes
Friend: she'd warm up if they were having sex
[post tent scene]
Friend: she's not even wearing a hat rn
bella…what the fuck
[Edward and bella talking about being engaged, jake overhears]
Bella: it’s the 21st century
Friend: yeah, it is the 21st century…. marry them both
[bella asks jake to kiss her]
Friend: what the FUCK is happening
[bella and jake making out]
Friend: she's not even wearing anything warm
Friend: carlisle…. kung fu master
Me: renaissance man
Friend: only breaks the hippocratic oath when absolutely necessary
[confrontation with riley and Victoria, Edward trying to convince riley to turn on Victoria]
Edward: think about it riley.. .you’re from forks… you know the area
Friend: "you're from forks… who would want that"
[Carlisle healing jake]
Friend: god…..my sexy, classy dad
… so smart….. so kind
Bella: I’m not normal
Friend: bella….you are SO normal
the reason every middle school girl read these books and thought they were like bella is bc you are just THAT normal
Edward: I guess we should start planning the wedding
Bella: no… something more difficult first… more dangerous
Friend: is she still talking about her virginity
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grizztheexplorer · 4 years
Ep 5 Love Victor live reaction:
- what do you mean you don’t understand a Madonna reference how old am I??
- girl they hate u bc u are cheater I think u are gonna have to at least try getting along with the in laws💀 like starting a fight over it is not it💀🌚
- I hate that Victor has to do shit he clearly doesn’t want to do to turn off the fires in his family. People (THE PARENTS) need to start actually listening to their kids and not just want they wanna hear
- she said piñata for a 16 year old😭 ma’am piñatas are until ur 14 year old bday and then never again until like 18 or up ONLY when everyone else is drunk at the party and the piñatas turn ironic. Thats the rule.
- omg Lake invited Benji!!! Let Victor have one break from his gay breakdown omg (but also yesss)
- “he’s a very macho boy” [squeals] ajdjdjdjd i loved that😭😭
-omg Pilar stfu???? Sjdjjddjdj i love the family drama but let it stay in the fam not with in laws that already hate ur mom
- ik they were gonna be homophobic but jesus christ💀 let the little kid play with the damn wand fuck
- Mia!!! Looks!!! So good with the hair half up and blue eyeliner!!!!!!!! Fuck it up girl!!!!!
- they need to stop watching soccer if the guests come
- omg Mia JUST arrived and i am now realizing grandpa could be racist too fuckkkkk
- omg they are not god bless
- aah :(((( that dad is so happy bc he had a girlfriend 😭😭
- omg the mom is gonna hate the girlfriend?? She’s been so rude what a boring cliché. Bitch you cheated and have a bad relationship bc grandma is a bitch. U planning on continuing the tradition?? Even if shit is bad bc if u?? THE LEAST U CAN DO IS BE NICE💀
- follow him around with google translate LMAOOOO
- 😭😭😭 i only like the kids in the family I don’t really like the parents or grandparents someone save Benji and his bf they aren’t there yet but I don’t want them there
- its been a sec and i hate the bf omg rip. Him and Benji have interacted so little but god the actors!!!!! They have this eye contact thats so good!!!! The actor who plays Victor totally has chemistry with Mia and has these cute ass looks but with Benji!!!!!! Is such a loaded look too!!!!!! This actor is killing it!!!!! Is like less dopey and more in trance whenever Benji is around😭 Benji too bitch got a bf but be staring at Victor.
- Victor noooo how u gonna introduce them like that. He should have let them know beforehand of his grandparents. For a friend i would be in a uncomfortable situation but only if they let me know beforehand. Being surprised at the moment and caught off guard is so much more disrespectful (at least in my opinion).
- Benji is pissed and he has every right to but also i wanna die
- I can’t with grandma saying devil music lmaooooo. Thank god my grandma didn’t give a shit about those things even tho she was religious af
- also where is victor going pls don’t make Benji feel worse
- in a way I understand if Benji’s bf is pissed at him for hiding it. On another, this is benji’s FRIEND’S house. Its his family. And he asked a very ride thing last min, but it is better to leave than to flatout make a scene when you were asked to avoid it. I respect Benji for that, bc he 100% didn’t have to but it was the nice thing to do. He would be justified to make a scene or to just leave. But i feel like that should be Benji’s call more than his bf’s and the bf shouldn’t be upset at it. The relationship that can be affected is Benji’s. Its his friend and coworker. While the bf is involved and is disrespectful to him too, the call here isn’t his. And he needs to stand by whatever Benji decides to do, whether that’s cause a scene, leave, or hide for the day.
- Felix is cute. He looks like the Benji from My Babysitter is a Vampire and WHO didn’t have a crush on THAT Benji growing up??? Get him Lake. The Stiles of this world are always worth it.
-Now i stand with the bf tho. If Derek wants to go Benji could talk to Victor and go. I do think is unfair to make Derek stay in a circumstance he wasn’t told beforehand. And Victor’s fam might not necessarily be physically violent, but Derek nor Benji know that. Derek could not only be extremely uncomfortable, possibly triggered, but also might feel in danger. Benji SHOULD understand that and tell Victor they can talk it out later and head out. He just won’t leave bc he is also lowkey crushing on Victor tho.
- shitshitshit they kissing and they saw it. Omg thank fucking god the grandpa didn’t make a scene.
- no omg don’t ask for a word for it?? Is not a big deal jesus fuck. Omg fuck this a “family party” nah just leave.
- yes omg confront them. Hell fucking yeah.
- i love the mom confronting them over her shit too but sjdjdjdj do they know there’s other people in this house💀💀 his girlfriend AND crush and crush’s bf are all there i would die
- not dad pretending like he’s standing up for his fam when he was talking about “is a family party” 3 mins ago. Nah son u blacklisted unfil further notice.
-i really thought Pilar was gonna fuck up and i was about to scream
- aaaaah that’s why shit they do is similar to me. They are colombiannnnn. Made me wonder bc the bendicion thing is something we venezuelans do but never heard cubans, mexicans, or any mainstream latinx family do before. Makes sense, venezuelans and colombians have a lot in common (more than other latinx cultures)
- where the fuck did the kids go to lmao. After all these speeches i would have lowkeu gone too💀💀
-Benji bitch im sorry too I can’t imagine being out into the position he was put on. Even if Victor stood up for him. Benji also most be so confused about Victor bc they def have had moments.
-omg the direct eye contact with the candles these kids are BOLD
- y’all Mia and Victor would have made a power couple if he hadn’t met Benji and salivated for him sjdjdjdj. Once they figure their shit out they are gonna be fucking power friends dude.
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