peggingeddiediaz · 2 days
Hello, I know I’ve been gone for a while, but I received a lot of hate for not staning a side character and I had to take a break. Now though, I don’t care.
The obsession with BuckTommy as a couple is pretty much fetishization and misogyny bc I'm 100% sure that if Tommy had been a female love interest, his stans wouldn't have been so obsessed with the relationship and would’ve hated every single thing he did last season.
Buck’s coming out as bi should be the focus, but as always, such an important storyline gets reduced to a rushed relationship and a obsession for a side character with not enough background to fill a napkin.
Buck being bi doesn't mean he has to end with the first guy he kisses or that people have to like whatever he has going with Tommy, especially when he’s had so little development that his characterization is whatever head canon you guys gaslight yourself into and think that makes him the best gay character ever. Y’all really went insane over those cameos.
I don’t think you guys really care about good, well crafted, quality narrative representation of queer relationships, you only care about flaunting around your canon surface level ship. It’s pretty obvious why a lot of Bucktommy blogs used to be Buddie accounts in the months prior. It’s bc y’all only cared about Buck messing around with any guy he could find. A white man specifically.
The negativity towards Buck and Eddie skyrocketed from "They won't be canon, Eddie is straight" to the absolute extreme with "Why not just have Eddie die so Tommy and Buck can raise Chris?" The increase in blatant racism using shipping as a cover is incredibly sad.
A lot of you had no issue with Tommy, a white man randomly appearing again being revealed to be queer or Buck’s coming out but the idea of Eddie, a mexican man with catholic guilt and failed relationships with women, is too insane to happen somehow. And let’s not get into the “theories” about how Eddie, a latino man, is gonna side with Gerrard’s racism because of a mustache but Tommy’s active bigotry towards Chim and Hen during season 2 should be ignored because “he changed”. I wonder WHITE that is...?
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oimatchstickman · 7 months
Overall I just think that @staff know for a fact that the selling of user data and ability to scrape the site for AI garbage should have been opt-in rather than opt-out but the higher-up people who made that decision are cowards and know that they would've never gotten enough people to opt-in to make it worth it so they're banking on most of the userbase to not even know about this and/or that all the abandoned blogs will provide enough "content" for the AIs to spit out utter garbage with 🙃
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littlestpersimmon · 2 months
Am caught in a death spiral my lieges. I don't feel entitled to anyone's time, effort or resources but I feel so beat down. I am disabled, I am working so much I genuinely developed a hunched back. I am alone responsible for my autistic sister, her parentified sibling, and my two parents who are disabled with extremely limited movement. I have three jobs. I can't ask for help on twitter because people I work for follow me there. My work requires me to draw every day, without a day off, ever. I have a "morality clause" which means if I or the author I work with are deemed to be acting in any way the company thinks inappropriate, we are immediately fired and would have to return every single cent we have made. I feel at my wits end. My employers are american- but I am not. I live in the global south- government assistance in the Philippines is *nonexistent*
Last week I asked for help to pay for electricity. The other week I asked for help with my sister who had to be rushed to the ER.
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I doxxed myself and posted medical info to this blog, so many strangers know my address, my legal name, everything just for me to be able to seek mutual aid- Wallah I do not want to be this person, but if anyone could please, pick up a print from my inprnt, or subscribe to my patreon, I already have 300+ drawings up there and I upload thrice to four times a month, or if you could send direct tips it would make a world's difference. I will try to open commissions next week but as the world is being plunged into wherever it is we are headed, it's getting harder and harder to get clients.
Currently myself dealing with housing insecurity- we only have a year or two to fix our traditional filipino house as it is falling apart due to the philippine storms and termites- *please* help me and my disabled family of three. I feel I am rambling now bc there's so much on my mind, on my plate, I've asked friends and my partner for help, my sister and my cousins and my friends are all I have. My mom's side of the family cannot help as they are all extremely poor themselves, and my paternal side of the family have emotionally abused me and have members that committed routine csa on me. I do not take any of the help I receive here for granted, and I'm sorry. Reblogs are off as I am asking for help from followers as I feel very ashamed / embarrassed/ humiliated to still be stuck in this dark place . Sorry and thank you again
Inprnt is having a sale rn, everything is like at 40% off!
And my tipping jars:
Sorry and thank you again. If you can't donate or purchase its OK, just please please please include me in your prayers, make mi shebeirach for my health so I csn continue to work, or any prayers at all for me. Thank you
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shamia962 · 8 days
🚨Help Shamia family🍉🙏
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Jamal Shamia, Iam a criminal lawyer, lam suffering of many diseases hypertension and diabetic mellitus and Muscle spasms and always got shocked and coma
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Unfortunately, I was injured in the war and suffered a very serious injury, which was a blood clot in the hip joint area,
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which caused him many infections and the infection spread in the area. is currently in Gaza, and my home was destroyed at the beginning of the war. We have lost security and peace. We have witnessed how a single rocket can destroy your entire life, both your past and your future. Our dreams have been shattered. Now the future is unknown and dark. There is no home, no basic life essentials, no job. We are now seeking to leave this country for a life abroad and to obtain security. We estimate our loss to be at least $50,000 to rebuild a home and start our lives anew.
My wife, Mufida, is 62 years old. She traveled before the war to have surgery on her eye alone, and now she is stuck on the Egyptian side. She has no breadwinner and needs many medications and medical supplies.
After that, she suffered a broken hand due to the lack of necessary care for her. I want to collect money to go to her and support her.
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Ahmad Jamal Shamia resides in Gaza and is a third-year student in dental school. He lost his education due to the devastating war in Gaza. He was studying at Al-Azhar University in Gaza, and his home was destroyed in the war. He is currently suffering from moving from one temporary shelter to another. Ahmad was a diligent, ambitious, and creative student who ranked first in his class. He didn't limit himself to what he learned in university. He attended courses and workshops online with Egyptian doctors to learn more and excel in his field. He always sought excellence and worked hard for it, and he loved helping all students.
He now needs money to continue his education, which will cost him a lot of money since he will complete his studies in Egypt.
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My family is living in extreme danger due to the brutal bombing of their city. There are daily explosions and attacks. The city is no longer safe for them. My family has been unable to work for 11 months due to the war, and they are living on minimal food and water while constantly suffering from fear and shock from the attacks around them. Many in the family have medical needs, and their lives are at risk every moment. Prices have risen in Gaza, and they struggle daily to meet their basic needs.
The family is requesting help to cross the border into Egypt so they can begin rebuilding their lives. Time is of the essence! Help us transport them across the border to Egypt so we know they are safe from the increasing and indiscriminate attacks.
I hope we can work together to help my family leave Gaza. Their escape from the difficulties will only be possible through this fundraising campaign. They are counting on us! Thank you for your support. Thank you for coming together
@pcktknife @palestinegenocide @plomegranate @punkitt-is-here @northgazaupdates2 @el-shango-drew-and-shot @enabledseal @sar-soor @sayruq @helpingg @horrorhorizon @heydreamchild @terezbian @tamamita @everydaylouie @palipunk-blog @queerstudiesnatural @onedollopofsourcream @relevant @itslucyhenley @jackrackhams @just-british-things @junosaccount @what-even-is-thiss @wildandmoody @walaa @arabian-batboy @soon-palestine @gazafunds
Virefitted by :
@gazavetters no#82
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another account for me
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From a seed grows
Chapter I: Thyme
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Pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon x reader
Synopsis: To claim a dragon one must be prepared to give up their life, yet this is the one thing you never wished to give up.
Wordcount: 3.5K
Warnings: implications of death, mentions of death, but really light nothing graphic.
Author's note: It's done, the first chapter! Fun little fact: every chapter will be named after a plant/flower that represents an emotion/theme of one of the characters :) I put a lot of thought into this story, the chapter names, and the character so I hope you will feel that as you read.
One last thing, a huge thank you to @madame-fear for showing interest into the story which prompted me to continue working on it! I adore her and her work, you should check out her blog!
English is not my first language, apologies for any mistakes.
Happy reading <3
‎⋆ ˚。⋆୨ ♡Masterlist♡ ୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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Blood dripped from your hands, the dagger clattering to the floor. The sound echoed through the dark, empty alleyway and reverberated in your head. Soft, sharp gasps left you as you staggered backwards, your legs struggling to keep you standing as you buckled to the ground.
Blood dripped from your hands, the dagger clattering to the floor. The sound echoed through the dark, empty alleyway and reverberated in your head. Soft, sharp gasps left you as you staggered backwards, your legs struggling to keep you standing as you buckled to the ground.
“What have I done?” your voice whispered to the night, your hands gripped the stone of the street as you struggled to regain your breath. You couldn’t stay here; staying here meant getting caught, getting caught meant being punished, and the punishment would most likely be death.
A life for a life.
You looked around you, hoping you were concealed enough that you wouldn’t be recognized. The only light was a single street lantern at the entry to the alley and the moon. You knew you had very few options: leave the city, leave and hope you’ll never be found out, be found out and flogged, tortured, flayed, or hanged. None of them sounded particularly great, but one sounded the best.
You crawled to where you had dropped the dagger, knowing you couldn’t leave it behind, no matter how rusty or stained it was. You took out an old handkerchief you always carried and wiped the blood off the blade, before stuffing the dagger in its holder. You sat there for a moment, trying to regain your breath before forcing yourself upwards and onwards. You prayed as you walked towards your home, prayed for forgiveness, prayed for mercy, prayed for help.
Prayed to all the Gods you knew of, old and new, to grant you safe passage out of the city. You passed people and shops, pleasure houses and closed homes, you passed by your life, your dreams and hopes. All to be left behind.
A moment later you were at the humble shack you called home, or at least your home was one of the rooms within the shack. Fleabottom wasn’t known for having particularly good real estate, but you and all the others made do. You went to your room, unlocking the shabby door that had seen too many beatings to really be considered safe and entered your little haven.
It was by all accounts small and in an abysmal shape, mold decorated the bleak walls alongside various other stains whom you did not wish to identify. Your bed was on the left side of the room, with a clear view of the door (just in case) and your small, very small, dresser was in front of it.
You dug through the room searching for a bag of any kind, when you found it you filled it with anything that could be considered even remotely valuable. It may have been little, but it should allow you to buy a one-way trip on a ship. The destination mattered little, as long as it wasn’t King's Landing.
As you ruffled through the top drawer of the dresser you stumbled upon what felt like a button. In all your years of owning it, you had never once felt this weird object hidden amidst your possessions. Curiosity beguiled you to push it and a latch opened on the top of the dresser, revealing a small hidden compartment.
Although curiosity had won the first battle, you were unsure if you wanted it to win this one. Alas, you had dipped a toe in the water and the waves were now too strong to get out. A hidden compartment was no novelty, many stories started with the protagonist finding an object of great significance in such a place and then embarking on an earth-changing adventure to save all of mankind.
You, however, felt like quite the opposite of such, even when your fingers felt an object hidden in the dark, hidden place. You almost laughed at the absurdity of this day, perhaps the Gods above were in a jesting mood. Slowly, carefully, you pulled the strange object from its hiding place, and soon you were face to face with something you had never seen before.
It looked to be a necklace, a simple silver chain with a simple pendant, it looked much like the necklaces you saw people wear around Flea Bottom. There was truly nothing notable about it, except for maybe the seven-pointed star of the Seven decorating the front and the small engraving on the back.
An engraving that had faded badly, presumably from the necklace having been worn a lot. It could only be seen when held at a certain angle, with ample light to decipher the words: Naejot issa byka zaldrīzes.
You rolled the words over your tongue, trying your hardest to grasp whatever language it was. It sounded oddly familiar, as if it were something from a dream, a memory unclear and nearly forgotten but now resurfacing. Whatever the words may mean, you presumed them to be words the previous owner must have cherished when taking into account how faded they were.
As you looked at the words more closely you noticed small initials beneath them, your eyes lit up slightly. This necklace must have been a gift. The initials were vague, two letters common enough they could belong to anyone.
An odd feeling washed over you as you imagined what must have happened to the owner of this beautiful piece, how it ended up hidden in a dirty old dresser, in a shabby room in an even shabbier house. You did not have much time left to waste pondering the necklace’s history, dawn was creeping up into the sky, you could see small streaks of early morning light on the horizon.
In a hurry you put the necklace around your neck and hid it under your simple clothes. You braided your hair, in a quick manner, so it would not hinder you as you hurried through the maze of Flea Bottom.
You arrived at the harbor quickly through some risky but effective shortcuts, nearly avoiding a drunken brawl. At last you had made it to what would hopefully lead you to safety, or close to it. Sailors were moving around you carrying various sizes of knapsacks and their fellow sailors who had partaken too much in cheap ale. Dockworkers were starting their morning shifts as they moved to unload the various ships laying in their docks.
They carried crates filled with the finest fabrics, with spices you could not pronounce nor taste for they would surely cost more than you’d ever be able to afford. Your eyes wandered around to find someone you could approach and soon enough you spotted a young man with silvery blond hair and shabby clothes moving towards one of the ships. As you looked to see where he was going, you noticed some others moving towards the same ship. All sporting that same silvery blond hair.
You jogged towards the man who was surprised to see you approach him, “excuse me,” you smiled at him as he came to a halt, a silent invitation for you to continue, “where is that ship headed?”
The man furrowed his eyebrows at you, as if you just asked the most idiotic thing known to man. “To Dragonstone,” was all he said before he took off, increasing the speed in his step, almost as if to deter you from following.
You pondered to yourself for a moment, as you watched more silvery blondes approach the ship. There had been rumors, for there are always rumors in Flea Bottom, about the Black Queen looking for Targaryen bastards. Anyone with either silvery blond hair, lilac eyes, or both or even neither was urged to come to Dragonstone for an opportunity to bond with a dragon. Perhaps it was more than a rumor as you saw more and more people board the ship.
It was foolish, really, truly, well and wholly foolish, you thought to yourself as you stood in front of Dragonstone, the holdfast large and formidable. Guards escorted the large group to a small courtyard, as you looked through the crowd most of them had silvery blond hair, some light, others dark. There were a few on the other hand who had come with brown hair, red hair, or even black.
All had come to stand before the Black Queen, to serve her cause by potentially claiming a Targaryen dragon. On your journey, the people had been speaking of nothing else but the dragons, their size, their coloring, their behavior.
Much regarding the opinions of dragons had changed after the Greens paraded Meleys’ head around King’s Landing for all to see. There used to hang an air of unspoken devotion to dragons, they were to be feared, regaled, and not opposed, unless one wished for imminent death.
They were gods flying high above men, and the people who rode them were their only link to humanity. Now the smallfolk knew dragons were mortal, killable, vulnerable, and that the very house who rode them also killed them, paraded them, and unlike the small folk, did not worship them.
People whispered of killing dragons, where before those words were said in bouts of drunken foolishness, they were now said with drunken confidence. The people were hungry, and the dragons were potential food. Food for the stomach of starving men, ailing peasants, and also food to fuel a rebellion.
So now, for one of these dragonriders to actively seek out Targaryen bastards and lure them with a possibility of becoming equals, many could not resist. Not even you. You knew the dangers involved in claiming such a phenomenal beast, knew it most likely meant your death if you truly tried to claim a dragon. You also knew that you were now away from King’s Landing, in what could possibly be the only place safe for no one would dare attack this stronghold with all the dragons that lay within.
A guard came up to you as you were letting your eyes wander, his Kingsguard uniform reflecting the sun caught your attention, “Hoods down,” he commanded as he reached over to pull it down himself.
Before you could stop him, you could already feel the wind tussling your braid and tickling your ear. Now, with your hood down and hair a mess, you were just like all the others.
A silver-haired bastard.
A dragonseed.
What a cruel fate you had.
Not long after, a young man strolled up to a platform in the courtyard, silence befell the crowd as they realized who he was.
Clad in the dark red and black of the Targaryens, his hands crossed on top of the pommel of his sword, brown curls whirling around his face.
Jacaerys Velaryon, heir to the Iron Throne, daughter to Rhaenyra Targaryen, and he was a beautiful, beautiful man. He addressed the crowds, warning them of the danger, thanking them for their arrival, yet it all felt weirdly aggressive. There was no thankfulness or appreciation to be found in his tone, his brows furrowed and his lips downturned.
You heard a man behind you whisper that he was just a coddled princeling and another chuckled in response, you looked behind you briefly hoping that a stare would silence them. As you looked up back to the prince, you noticed him looking in your very direction. It almost felt as though he was looking directly at you, into your own eyes.
Others who had the same notion as you lowered their heads in reverence, in respect for their prince albeit that some carried an air of reluctance to them as they did. You felt no such devotion, felt no such need and your actions reflected that. There would be no bowing to a man meters in front of you, who spoke to you with contempt, as if your lives meant nothing at all.
His speech was over quickly, and he was gone with a few guards following in his steps. Another guard stepped up and made one last declaration before the group was to go into the dragons’ lair. “All those who wish to leave may leave, no harm shall befall you. You will be escorted back via ship at the earliest possible moment. All the others-” he signaled another guard who opened up the barricades put in place earlier, “follow me.”
Many of the crowd left, deciding that the threat of death so brutal was too large to face in comparison to the one they would face in King’s Landing. You supposed you could not blame them, a death by dragon fire or dragon stomping didn’t sound pleasant, however the fate that would no doubt await you in Flea Bottom sounded worse.
The ones left over were escorted to the inner parts of the castle, staircase after staircase, never once allowed to dawdle or gawk. The Queensguard were strict and didn’t hesitate to employ certain tactics to keep all in line. You winced as one of the guards struck a young man for touching a statue, the guard said nothing as he did so, only pushing the lad back into the line when he was done.
Tears pricked in the corner of the boy’s eyes, his hand cradling his hurting cheek. He had been pushed right in front of you, almost causing you two to collide. You tapped his shoulder as you procured an old handkerchief from your pocket, “here” you said as you practically shoved it into his non-occupied hand. He smiled a soft smile at you in thanks, before taking the fabric and dabbing at his eyes.
He didn’t seem much younger than you, perhaps he wasn’t. You didn’t ponder it too much however, chances were that he would die in the dragon pit just like many others. There would be no benefit in cosying up with the others, knowing that after this most of you will likely be dead or have risen too far in station to consider yourself with your lessers.
You cursed yourself and your cynicism often, however, today you proved yourself right. You were clinging to the walls of the dragon’s cave, hoping for dear life he had not seen you. The only light source you had were the flames that had come from Vermithor as he erupted in a fury that made him worthy of his name.
By now he must have devoured nearly all of the bastards that came to try and stake a claim. You pitied all of them, they tried to improve their standing however now all they were were ash and bones. Growls followed by screams were heard in the distance from yourself, perhaps the distance was large enough for you to get out and run, flee, escape, whatever the apt word might be.
An escape would be difficult, were it not for the fact that Vermithor was deeply engrossed in hunting a few people in the opposite direction of where you needed to go. You stalked through his enclosure with practiced ease, you tried to remain calm with your heart pounding in your chest, clouding your hearing and making your breath erratic. You refused to die here, you refused to be a burned corpse or some dragon’s dinner. No, you wanted to be more, so much more.
You wanted to be more than a peasant from Flea Bottom, a silver-haired bastard, a woman, you wanted to be more than all that. You wanted to be more than a dragonseed, more than what your parents doomed you to be. In order to achieve that, you would need to rise to the occasion and escape. With every ounce of strength, willpower, resentment, and fear you had in you, you ran towards the exit.
As you reached the opening you noticed it didn’t lead to solid ground, no grass or rocks to greet you. As you smelled the fresh air you also smelled the unmistakable smell of the sea. A salty fishy smell filled your nostrils and consumed your lungs.
Into the sea you soon jumped, a stupid, reckless idea, but far better than trying to climb down a mountain. All you hoped for was that the Gods would show you mercy and carry you to shore. The sea was cold, colder than you had expected, it took you great power to swim close to shore and drag your body through the sand before collapsing.
Your chest moved up and down in quick succession, desperate for air, as you tried to regain your strength you closed your eyes, letting the happenings of the day pass through your mind.
Sleep tried to claim you, alas, it was to no avail, for soon thereafter a loud roar resonated into the sky causing you to bolt upright from where you laid. A winged creature flew above you. It was large and formidable, you believed it to be even larger than the dragon you had seen in the Dragonstone caves.
The formidable beast’s shadow covered you as it flew over the sun, for as far as your eyes could see the world was now shrouded in darkness, only in the far distance could you see the sun rays touch the ground once more. The roars it let out were bone-chilling, a feeling of dread had washed over you from the moment you rose but now you were rooted to the ground with the fear of death settling in your veins which ironically left you unable to move. You had never imagined your death this way. Where nobles imagined dying in their canopy beds on silken sheets, you would be lucky if you died by a clean cut to your neck.
Now, however, it seemed you would die from this dragon thinking you made a decent hors d'oeuvre, before finding something larger or more plentiful to truly fill its stomach. Gods you really had a most cruel fate.
Once more a deafening roar resounded to the sky, causing your knees to buckle in fear as your hands shot to your ears in a vain attempt to dampen the noise. You kept your eyes locked onto the large figure as it soared through the sky, going higher and then lower, as if taunting you, playing with you, truly regarding you as prey.
In an odd way it frustrated you, standing there, waiting, baiting your breath as to when the dragon finally decided to end you. Anger rose through you more and more the longer this cat and mouse dance continued. Fear became an afterthought as your anger of a futile death overcame you.
“I’m here!” You screamed at the sky “Kill me! I dare you!” If anyone saw you, they’d be regarding you as a madwoman, which admittedly you were. However, it seemed as though no one was there, on this vast beach with waves continuing their cycle of ebb and flow, you were alone. Alone with the dragon. One last attempt you thought as you opened your mouth to scream, yet no sound could come for that very moment the dragon chose to descend onto the ground.
Your frozen feet suddenly could not move any faster, the large dragon got closer as you scrambled to get away, the sand making for incredibly difficult terrain when you want to be quick. One wrong step and you were sent tumbling down, face first in the sand. With the thought of impending death overtaking your mind, you found the tiniest bit of energy to turn around. In doing so, you were facing the dragon as it descended, shielding your eyes as sand was blown in all directions from the beating of the wings. A loud thud echoed on the empty beach as the beast finally stood on solid ground, its large body covered you in shadow.
Its snout was so close to your face, you could feel the puffs of hot breath. Bright, emerald green eyes were in stark contrast to the pitch black of its scales. The dragon was magnificent as it was terrifying, you gulped and took rapid breaths. Panic had settled in now, panic, fear, and anger, none were a pretty feeling. One of your hands went up to clutch your new necklace as you closed your eyes.
Waiting for the inevitable.
On a distant dune stood a smaller dragon, much smaller than the one hovering over the young woman. Upon that small dragon, with scales of olive green and wings decorated with a pale orange, sat the young prince, a spyglass held to one of his eyes as he witnessed the scene.
A part of him felt a great sense of pity for the woman. She looked young, perhaps around his age, and she had showed great courage in fleeing from Vermithor. A pity she would die so soon, yet at the same time. A bastard less or more would not make any difference
He closed his spyglass and pocketed it inside his tunic. There was no need to watch the scene unfold, he thought. He buckled his saddle tighter and spoke to his dragon, “sōvēs Vermax.”
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logansargeantsbabymom · 3 months
Take It Like A Good Girl
Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mad!Lando, cursing, SMUT
Summary: After Lando's DNF he takes his anger out on you in his driver's room.
A/N: Not that anyone asked, but I’m 2 followers away from 300 and I want to say: THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I never thought that 298 people would like my fics enough to follow me and to come back for more but I’m eternally grateful for each and every single one of you! I hope you’re enjoying the content I’m putting out and I’m not going no where!!!!
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
F1 Masterlist
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Seeing my boyfriend jump out of his Formula 1 car usually is a great sight to see. However, this time he's jumping out because he had to retire the car after a damning fight for the lead of the race against Max Verstappen and the contact was just too much for the car to bear.
The McLaren garage was half filled with a mixture of sadness and happiness. Sadness because Lando had to retire but happiness because Oscar has brought himself up to P2, which would still bring the team a significant amount of points.
When Lando actually got into the garage he walked past everyone without a second glance. I thought Lando was going to walk past me too with how fast he was walking away, however, he grabbed my hand and yanked me in the direction he was walking in.
It didn't take long for us to get to whatever destination I was being dragged to, which happened to be his drivers room. I didn't have a chance to ask him why he dragged me here before he shoved me inside and took off his helmet before speaking.
"Take off your clothes"
Now I'm used to Lando demanding me to take my clothes off when we're about to have sex but the way he was telling me right now sent heat blooming in my core.
"I'm not going to ask again. Take your clothes off" I figured it was better to not question Lando right now given how upset he is at the moment.
I only got to taking off my shirt before I felt Lando yank my body to his and smashing our lips together in a passionate and heated kiss. I felt his tongue brush against my bottom lip as if begging for entrance which I happily granted. Our tongues fought for dominance but Lando's ultimately won in the end. My arms wrapped around his neck trying to pull him impossibly closer to me as we continued to make out. Without breaking the kiss, Lando started to rid himself of his race suit and fireproofs as I started to undo the buckle of my belt before yanking it off of me with so much force, I broke a belt loop.
I felt Lando grab a hold of my wrists as I began to unbutton my pants
"Let me take care of you." Lando mumbled against my lips
"I should be saying the same thing to you" I said as I pulled away to look in his eyes
"If you want to make me feel better, you'll let me do anything I want to you. Right here, right now." Lando said as his hand collided with my ass which made a loud clap echo through his drivers room.
A slight nod of my head gave Lando all the permission he needed at the moment because the second he registered that I was giving him permission to take total control right now, I saw him drop to his knees as he unbuttoned my jeans and slowly pulled them down until they pooled at met ankles, leaving kisses in his wake before pulling them off and throwing them in a forgotten corner of his room.
Lando started by my ankle, kissing up my leg and the inside of my thigh before pulling my panties to the side and licking a long strip from my clit to my hole as he thrusted his tongue in me. My body tensed at the feeling of his tongue on my bare pussy before instantly relaxing into his touch as he threw one of my legs over his shoulder, my hands finding his hair instantly.
Lando sucked and licked my clit as he inserted two fingers into my aching hole, thrusting them at a merciless pace. I could feel my orgasm approaching closer which caused me to clench around Lando's fingers as he continued to fuck them into me. My hand that was in his hair grabbed a chunk of it as I started bucking my hips up into his face to push myself over the edge, which Lando didn't take kindly to. Pulling his fingers out, Lando placed a harsh slap against my bare pussy causing a mixture of a yelp and a moan to escape my lips as he did so.
"Did I give you permission to cum?" Lando said as he looked dead into may soul.
I didn't have time to answer before Lando stood up and manhandled me, turning me around and bending me over the massage bed before lining himself up to my entrance. Lando dragged his cock from my hole to my clit and back to my aching hole before roughly thrusting into me without warning.
Lando's grip on my hips was sure to leave marks later but I couldn't focus on that when all my mind could think of was the delicious pleasure Lando was so kindly giving me.
All that could be heard in the room was the sound of my moans, Lando’s grunts and a whole bunch of skin to skin contact as Lando’s pace grew relentless. Every few thrusts Lando would slap my ass hard before rubbing a hand over it as if to soothe the pain right away.
I could feel my orgasm building again and Lando could tell, he could read my body as if it was an open book. My broken moans started growing louder as my orgasm was quickly making itself evident. Just before I was about to fall of the edge and relish the euphoria of an orgasm, Lando pulls out and flips me so he could lift me up to sit on the massage bed before aligning himself up with my entrance again and continuing his rough pace.
“I know you’re close but I need you to hold off for me. Can you do that? Can you hold off your orgasm for me? I’m getting close.” My brain couldn’t register the words being spoken right now as all it wanted was to finally think about something else than an orgasm that’s been denied twice already.
I felt Lando slightly slap my cheeks to get my attention before saying “Aww, look at my baby. So cock drunk already and we just barely started.” All I could do was moan at the words coming out of his mouth. How I absolutely loved when Lando talked dirty in bed, it just made me go feral for him.
“I’m close baby, I need you to let go. Cum for me baby. Cum all over my cock, yes, take it like a good girl, ride it out” A wave of Euphoria waved over my body as I finally got to cum before quickly turning into my body jolting with overstimulation as Lando kept fucking me through this orgasm.
Lando’s hips faltered as he too was getting close to his orgasm “I’m about to cum, where do you want it?” Lando said, stuttering as he talked because he was too busy on trying not to cum inside on me before I gave him an answer.
I weakly muttered my response “My mouth. I want you to fuck your orgasm into my mouth. Please daddy, I need it” Lando didn’t need to hear my response a second time before he quickly pulled out of me and brought my face down to his cock before thrusting into it.
I flattened my tongue to give Lando more clearance to fuck my throat at a merciless pace while he chased his orgasm. Once Lando’s hips stuttered and he knew he was about to spurt his cum down my throat, he grabbed the back of my head, pulling me impossibly closer to him so his cock was angled down my throat at he continued to fuck my face. It wasn’t long before I felt the hot spurts of Land’s cum glide down my throat, I couldn’t enjoy it as much as I wanted to because all I could think about was air. I hadn’t been in this position long but my airway was completely blocked off and I felt like I was going to pass out.
When Lando finally pulled back with a string of saliva being the only thing still attaching us to one another, I was able to gasp for air as I swallowed the remainder of his cum that was barely spurting out of his swollen head as he was pulled out.
Lando cupped my face and stared at me in silence for a few seconds before talking, “Did I go too hard?”
A little giggle left my lips. Even in his dirtiest of moments, Lando was always a gentleman and one to make sure that he didn’t overstep any boundaries in the process.
“M’fine, I couldn’t breathe for a second but it was hot” I said as I bit my bottom lip
“Fuckkk, you’re so hot” Lando said as he pulled me in for a kiss, tasting himself on my tongue as he tried to devour me while trying to get ready for round 2.
A knock at the door is what halted Lando’s movements “podiums are in 5 mate, we need you out here to celebrate me!” a male voice, who we made out to be Oscar could be heard from the other side of the door
Before pulling himself completely off of me, Lando wrapped a hand around the back of mt head and pulled me close to whisper in my ear
“Rest up now because when we get back to the hotel, you’re not getting sleep tonight.”
Sorry this is shit. I wanted to give you something before I knocked tf out.
If you enjoyed please like, comment, reblog and follow! I really appreciate all the love and support I’ve been getting!
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @eddieharrington @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti @dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy @a-panseuxalmess @love-simon @tallrock35 @iiaik0ii @Milkyymelanine @ilovsyou3000morgan
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thedeerman · 2 months
has anyone else gotten a weird amount of spam messages that don’t seem like spam at first?
i’ve had five different accounts send me messages as if they just wanna chat, usually asking what my fave characters are, if i have any OCs. once i’ve told them, they ask if i’d like to see some art they made, then send something that very much looks AI made. and then they ask if i’d like “something special” made for the characters ive told them about, trying to sell them.
every single blog that does this has their first post in like june or july, some AI pics and 20-30 reblogged hazbin/helluva posts, that’s it.
i may decide to find someone to do some commissions for my fic someday, but i promise it will NOT be someone that sends AI spam to my inbox 😒 if you’re just trying to sell me things like this please stop sending me shit.
i’m making this post so hopefully y’all don’t bother with these blogs as much as i have lol. on the flip side, if you ACTUALLY wanna chat about hazbin/helluva/my fic/ just rambling about your day/etc and not try to sell me AI “art” pls feel free to message me!
EDIT: Check out the below link for details on this scam and the ever growing list of blogs to block
The List
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roseykat · 11 months
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TITLE: Eat, sleep, play.
PAIRING: Minho x Jisung x reader
SUMMARY: an established poly relationship between you and Minsung, along with an account of what Jisung likes to call ‘play time’. 
WARNING: minors DNI with this post or my blog. I create NSFW SKZ related content and I know I won't be able to regulate/monitor every single potential interaction with these posts so please do not engage with my work and page whatsoever.
TAGS: pre-established poly relationship, bondage, unprotected sex, blowjobs, swearing, oral sex (f!receiving and m!receiving), a dash of bratty yet sub-Jisung, sub reader, ball gags, cum eating.
TAGLIST: @kbitties @luneskies @mal-lunar-28 @kibs-and-bits @aaasia111 @fairy-lixie @dreamingaboutjisung @lizzekat @queenmea604 🩷🩷🩷
“I wanna eat her out,” Jisung mutters, unable to take his eyes off of your bound body. It was almost like he was truly hungry, nearly salivating. 
Minho looks down at you but not with a gaze of pity. He just spent the last five minutes binding your body with rope; your legs are bent at your sides as you lie on your back, and your wrists are tied to your ankles. To top it off, Minho had stuffed your mouth with a ball gag. It wasn’t necessarily for punishment, but mainly because he likes being mean.  
“I did have other plans for the both of you, but I guess we can start that after.”
For a moment Jisung wondered what exactly those plans were. It’s always exciting to not know what’s coming next and with Minho, nine times out of ten, it’s something mind blowing. He can adapt to Jisung’s desires and decides to sit cross legged on the bed behind you. So Minho scoots underneath your head so that you’re nearly in his lap. It gives him a better view of Jisung and what he’s about to do to you.
Jisung lies on the bed tummy first, his mouth ready to be put to use in between your legs. The warmth of his breath is a subtle relief followed by the tender kisses he places on each inner thigh, slowly inching down to your clit. Just when he does, your eyes are already fluttering back.
Minho smirks down at you, “can’t say anything now can you?”
Jisung wraps his hands around your upper thighs to bring your pussy closer to his face. The feel of his wet, hot tongue lapping and sucking sends you into a state of oversensitivity. He’s always been good at giving head, same with Minho, so you always count yourself lucky with two partners who are good at what they do. 
His mouth has you moaning like a whore around the ball gag, even though neither of them can audibly hear you as properly. Your legs are already shivering and shaking from the pleasure that’s beginning to surge throughout your body. To top it off, Minho makes his hands useful by rolling your nipples in between his thumbs and fingers. The nervy reaction forces your head back into Minho’s lap, trying to cry out as much as possible. 
“Baby girl likes that doesn’t she?” Minho asks, pinching and tugging at the sensitive buds to make you scream into the gag. 
Your chest starts heaving quicker and quicker, a sign to Minho that you’re about to cum, and just before you do, he has to yank Jisung by his hair to stop him from achieving that. His head lifts up from your pussy, his mouth glistening unashamely with your juices as his eyes looked dazed and spaced out. 
“That’s enough,” Minho warns. “I said you could eat her out, I never said you were allowed to make her cum.” 
Jisungs happens to take a lot of pride in making you orgasm. He thinks it’s the most fascinating yet cute thing at the same time. He enjoys watching you shake, scream, cry, shiver, moan - all of the above when you cum. It’s something he has that really emulates the characteristics of a ‘giver’ even though he himself is, the majority of the time, a ‘receiver’. 
“Don’t be mean to her like that,” he whines. “Wanted to feel her cum.”
“Not yet,” Minho halts. “For now, you’re going to fuck her.” 
Jisung’s eyes light up once more as he props himself up onto his knees while Minho slides out from behind you and takes a seat on the chair next to the bed so he can watch. Having been achingly hard in his pants since the scene began, Jisung starts to feel waves of relief when he’s able to take his dick out. You watch him eagerly with your last line of patience.
“C’mere baby,” he murmurs, almost like he’s tipsy. 
Jisung’s cock is somewhat thick and has the perfect length and curve that it’s enough to make you cum like you’ve never before each and every single time. He gets excited just thinking about it as he rubs the tip of his cock in between your wet folds. Minho crosses one leg over the other as he watches the pair of you, seeing Jisung unintentionally tease your entrance with his cock; only pushing in less than an inch and slowly retracting out. 
It doesn’t matter how much preparation they both put you through, it’s not nearly enough to get you ready for how filling it feels for when Jisung is fully inside of you. 
He squeezes a small dollop of the lube that was pulled out earlier from the bedside table and runs some of the product on his length and some around your pussy. 
The reintroduction of his touch makes you groan, desperate and longing for more that soon comes when he starts to push inside of you. 
“Yes, fuck oh my god,” Jisung mumbles incoherently. “Can never get over this pussy, feels unreal.” 
Heat always rises to your cheeks whenever one of them praises your body. For whatever reason, it gets you to cum quicker. Minho found that out when they were both fucking you once and wouldn’t stop commenting about how gorgeous you looked taking both of them at the same time. Needless to say the mess you made on them was a sign. 
“Fuck, I don’t think I’m going to last,” Jisung starts fucking you shallowly and slowly, not wanting to put in all of his energy into his thrusts in case he cums too early. 
“Lean some more of your weight down to fill her out,” Minho instructs, turning Jisung’s spaced out face into a look of irritation. 
He was just basking in the sensation of wet heat wrapping around him. Despite the context of the scene, Jisung feels very comfortable. He could stay buried inside of you for as long as you’d let him. In saying that, his submissiveness always bends for Minho’s orders. That, fortunately for him, is just how the both of you are built. 
So Jisung listens and leaned further down into your body. Just that subtle adjustment in the position makes you twist from the waist up at how deep Jisung’s cock is now filling you. It brings a sick smile to his face when your moans get louder around the ball gag. The only method of dealing with the pleasure is clenching your fists at your ankles. Even that isn’t enough to manage it. 
“Fuck her like you mean it Jisung,” Minho snaps, growing impatient with how his boyfriend is performing.
Jisung lowers himself down onto both of his elbows, resting more of his weight on top of your body. It allows him to slide in deeper, filling you right out that it squeezes a series of raspy moans from the base of your throat that are muted by the gag. Jisung visibly shudders when he bottoms out, feeling like if he thrusts a few more times, he’ll cum in an instant.
“Can you believe him?” He asks you in your ear, staring at Minho at the same time. “Telling me what to do.”  
His tone and volume were deliberate and provoked a reaction from Minho. He stands up from his seat with  force, walks over to you both with an agitated gait and expression before grabbing a fistful of Jisung’s hair and yanking it back. 
“Do I have to shut you up with a ball gag too?” He questions. 
Jisung grins, thriving in the sting spreading around his scalp, “I wouldn’t be opposed to it.”
Minho’s eye twitches. Out of you and Jisung, Minho would have to say that Jisung can be the brattiest at the worst of times, and you at the best of times. You’ll play up here and there, but Jisung has a tendency to not listen at all until Minho completely subdues him. If Jisung is still talking by the end of a session, Minho hasn’t done enough work to put him in his place. 
“Course you wouldn’t,” Minho releases his hand. “That’s because you’re a fucking slut.”
Jisung’s eyes glaze over, darkening as Minho speaks to him in such a degrading tone. It’s the only method of taming him; degradation and manhandling - the only ways to get Jisung off his high horse. His brain stalls and submits whenever Minho calls him types of names, treats him like a whore, even sometimes when he’s neglected in bed. 
His method of control when it comes to you needs to be an equal balance of degradation, bondage, and physicality - whether that’s pain play, clamps, orgasm torture, maybe a tantalising mixture of all three. 
Over the years that you’ve all been together, he's figured you both out. 
“That’s what you are, isn’t it Jisung?” He asks him. 
“Y-Yes,” he stammers before Minho releases and gives his head a bit of a shove - not too hard, but just enough for a lewd smile to grow on Jisung’s face.  
“Get out of her,” Minho orders. “On your knees.” 
“Now,” he says threateningly, cutting his boyfriend's words short. “Wanna keep talking, might as well put that mouth of yours to use.”
Jisung licks his lips and swallows. He gently pulls out of you as you moan at the loss. Minho unbuckles the restraints that have been keeping your legs separate, and your ankles bound to your hands. Even though it feels good to be out of the same position, you miss the heavy feeling of being restrained. The idea of not being able to move itches a part of your brain that you didn’t know existed - especially when you’re being physically and literally bound to cum. 
Even though you’re free now, you still behave obediently and follow through with whatever Minho says. 
“Please fuck me instead,” Jisung mumbles with deep doughy eyes that can make just about anyone fold. 
Not Minho though. Not when he’s in an unshakeable mindset as he manhandles Jisung onto his back on the bed with so much ease, pinning his wrists next to his head, “you’ve already asked for too much tonight. You can just take whatever I decide to give you.”
Jisung pouts. While he wallows in the sadness of the hope to get railed, Minho tends back to you to untie all the rope. When he’s finished, he places it to one side and unlatches the buckle to the ball gag from behind your head. A long line of saliva connects from your lips and the device that was used to keep you from talking. Minho likes seeing it though. A sick and twisted part of him almost makes him want to spit in your mouth. 
“You, on your knees too,” he says to you before you join Jisung on the floor, waiting patiently. 
“W-Why can’t you fuck me?” You ask him.
“Don’t you want to be a good girl for me?” Minho asks you back.
“Yes but-“
“Good girls do what they’re told the first time they’re asked to do something,” he cuts you mid sentence right away. He’s not about to put up with an attitude from you right now. Not when he’s this horny.
Minho sits on the edge of the bed, unzips his pants to reveal his cock already leaking with pre-cum at the tip. Both you and Jisung are keen to get your mouths around your boyfriend's cock, almost salivating when you see it.
“Open,” Minho instructs.
There’s no time either of you waste trying to blow him. You use your mouths as if you were both made for it - made to please him. So you take turns in taking as much of his cock as you both can down your throats. Minho’s hands bunch into fists, gripping the sheets beneath him as his head tips back. Without looking at either of you, the lewd, wet sounds and the hot sensation of your mouths are enough to keep him going. 
Then again, he enjoys watching you work. So he brings his head back up, taking a look at Jisung who’s eagerly waiting for his turn while you use your mouth up and down Minho’s length. He pets under Jisung’s chin and caresses the side of your face at the same time. But when his high approaches fast, he resorts to gripping a fistful of your hair instead.
"So fucking good," Minho grunts through his gritted teeth. Jisung listens to you being praised and scooches closer so that he can try to get his mouth around Minho's cock too.
"Fuck!" He groans. "That's it...making me cum."
In a matter of seconds, Minho doesn't hold back. Both you and Jisung peel off of him as he paints both of your faces with strings of white, warm cum. Minho has always been a 'heavy load' type of guy which is a godsend for people like you and Jisung who don't dare to waste any of it.
As Minho descends from his dizzy, euphoric high, it gives him a bit of time to absorb the mess he's made before him. Jisung uses his thumb to carefully swipe some of Minho's jizz from your lips and gets you to suck it off.
He then gently slides his hand across the underside of your face to the side of your head where he pulls you in to kiss him. That kiss quickly turns into a heated and aggressive makeout where Jisung pins you on your back to the floor. 
“On the floor?” Minho raises a brow, trying not to smile while he catches his breath. 
It only occurs to him now as Jisung is holding you down that you both must be desperate for each other to fuck on the ground. Despite the mess, neither of you cares about it. You can taste Minho on Jisung’s tongue and vice versa. The instigator sitting on the edge of the bed thinks it’s equally as hot, but not a surprise. 
"Fuck me," you whimper when you break free from each other momentarily. "Hurry, please."
"Shh," Jisung hushes with a shaky breath as he aligns the tip of his cock with your entrance once more.
It's not before long until Jisung actually starts fucking you properly this time. Earlier on, he never had the proper chance to after being interrupted by Minho. That's only because his ego interfered. Now he can fuck you as if it's the last thing he's ever going to do.
It's a pleasure for Minho to sit back and enjoy watching you both fuck until you’re shaking around each other. He just loves this - seeing you both rabid with lust that nothing else matters. Minho reckons if anyone were to just walk into the room, that wouldn’t stop you and Jisung from fucking. If anything, he thinks Jisung would probably go harder.
The thought gives him a naughty idea. 
He knows what happens when you’re both needy at the exact same time. It’s always Minho trying to train two untamed animals just going at each other or him. However, Minho will never complain because there is no reason to. He appreciates the level of need you both have for each other, for him as well. That’s what makes the relationship tick, is that love is distributed equally and at high volumes.  
"R-Right there," you mutter, eyelids fluttering as Jisung rocks into you repeatedly. "Cumming...gonna cum."
You bite down into the skin of his shoulder, trying so hard not to scream from the way he’s making you cum. Jisung on the other hand is the opposite - moaning like a slut when he runs face first into an eye-rolling orgasm. 
“Yes, yes! Fuck…making me cum so fucking hard…” Jisung wrestles the words out of his mouth before moans start ripping his throat. 
Neither of you had orgasmed any quicker. If it weren’t for Minho and his deliberate teasing, both you and Jisung would’ve taken longer to cum. Instead, your walls are spasming around Jisung’s cock when it shoots a hot load inside of you.
You’re clinging onto him when he cums, hearing him so vocal always turns you on - same with Minho. It’s a sign that they feel good, and that’s always the hope whenever they stuff you to the hilt.  
"Holy shit," Jisung is panting, almost like he just swam to the surface for air. His hips slow down to a reasonable pace, dragging in and out of you for as long as he can before he pulls out.
From the bed still witnessing all the antics unfold, Minho can't help but watch the way Jisung's cum slowly leaks out of you. It almost makes him wish he was hard enough again to fuck it back into you. But he knows there's probably another time for that.
"You both okay?" Minho asks.
Your hand rests on your head, still splayed on the floor, "mm."
Jisung doesn't answer verbally, but gives a silent nod.
"Okay, I’ll help you both up and we can head to the bathroom so I can clean you up,” Minho adds. “That sound okay? Then afterwards, I’ll order us some food and we can relax for the rest of the evening.”
“Sounds perfect,” Jisung replies.
A/N: I swear I'm not useless by not uploading lol as I mentioned in another post, I've been so busy with work that it's just not even funny. I will still power on with Kinktober though! Once again, thank you for supporting my work and being patient with me! xxx
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callsignfate · 6 months
HELLO HELLO! Happy New Year! From 1 to 10, how would you rate 2023? (10 being the BEST YEAR OF YOUR LIFE and 1 being the worst year)
It's not my first time reading your work (which is amazing), but it's my first time making a request in your blog. I don't see one of those posts with the rules and boundaries to make a request soooo I hope this isn't disrespecting any of your rules.
Valeria Garza could have any woman she wants by her side. But not her personal assistant (reader). Reader always kindly reject valeria every time she invites her on a date or for a drink. Valeria never understand why but respect her decision.
One day valeria finds out reader is a single mother!!
Reader rejects valeria not because she's not interested but because she thinks when valeria finds out she has a kid, she would change her mind.
Take your time and take care 🫶
Valeria x Single mother
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A/N: This is lightly edited as most posts might be for a bit, I'm just finishing all the drafts I left hanging and editing them as much as I can for the night. Thank you Anon for this idea and I have some fluff one-shots for this idea I might post as well. As for my 2023, it was rough so I would say 2 or 3 for most of it but it did have some nice times. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
TW: Mentions torture and hints to murder, child is gn! but referred to as beautiful.
Loving a woman who runs Las Almas would be a mistake, a huge mistake you always told yourself. Moving here to Las Almas to get away from the man who threatened everything you loved was one thing but to fall in love with a woman who was more dangerous than him was something you cursed at yourself for even thinking about it mentally every day.
The day you caved and took her offer to become some sort of secretary was one that you wish you could regret, but you often didn’t. The pay was great, giving you the chance to give you and your child something you dreamed of the day you had them. Stability. All you did was show people to her office and answer calls that weren’t the dangerous kind. Sometimes you’d keep track of whatever accounts she trusted you with and make sure nothing was coming in or out unexpectedly, easy enough.
You worked efficiently while you thought of the thing that usually plagued your mind, why you? She must have had hundreds of not thousands of people at her disposal, so why you? You didn’t let yourself think too deeply about it as the fear of losing the comfortable life you had made for you and your child over the now two years you worked for her.
You rarely missed days, only taking a few when your kid was sick or needed you, often saying instead that you were sick, she didn’t question it and never told you off for taking a day or two, only eyeing you slightly when you arrived back.
Valeria was always impressed with your work, she didn’t at first need a secretary, rather using it as an excuse to get closer to the woman who ran through her thoughts often when she first heard of a beautiful outsider's arrival to Las Almas, nothing came up that made her worry, and the few things she trusted you with at first always stayed in her inner circle so you were trustworthy, even if the things she told you at first were false, tests to see if the info would end up anywhere else.
As the months went on things got more comfortable, as she hoped they would. Hoping her little flirtatious comments would get through, they did most of the time, not that you weren’t quick to offer a small smile but quickly get back to the point of the conversation. The gifts she gave were met with endless thank you’s and a small smile before she'd find the items worth of money back into one of her accounts soon after.
Valeria was getting slightly impatient and confused, She could have anyone she wanted as most were at her feet, willing to receive gifts of her wealth that she rarely personally used on anything but well-made clothes or the standard needs for herself. Why weren’t you cracking? Why were you evading her efforts so well? Why were you so unwilling to take a gift, other than a holiday bonus? Many others have asked for this and tried to get close to El Sin Nombre for the same treatment you received.
The weekend rolled around again and like always she walked by your empty desk where you had always left a reminder sticky note for her, something that needed to be done over the weekend when you couldn't remind her yourself. She huffed and kept walking, taking a stroll through the streets of her empire for something to do wasn’t the worst idea, you told her many times to try it, and this once she did.
At first, Valeria walked with her men trailing her far back, looking as if they were too just strolling the bustling streets in the crowds. The store windows and many street vendors had nothing she could think of getting you that you wouldn’t return or pay her back for anyway. Valeria’s eyes scanned the street, and the people, many times over, until she spotted you being pulled around by a child who looked strikingly similar to you, you had an exhausted smile as you followed the kid seemingly pulling your arm off as you nodded and watched as the kid pointed to some toy a vendor was selling, she walked through the small crowds as she got closer to hear you talking, you were asking if they were sure if that's what they wanted, the kid nodded quickly, your back was to her but she could already tell that was you, and that was your child that held on tightly to your clothes with a tight fist, anxiously.
Before you could get out the money for the toy Valeria already paid for it, you looked over to her with a smile that fell into shock, the one secret you had desperately held on to, the one thing you had feared her finding out was now indisputable, there was nothing you could say to sway her otherwise. You stood there frozen before clearing your throat and trying to think of something, anything to say.
“Thank.. You.” You finally mumbled out before you looked down to see the toy already in their hands as they moved it around in the air, some dragon toy they had asked for many times, a toy they had only seen a few times because you didn’t want Valeria’s men to see you and possibly report back to her, you were so careful, your head felt like it was building with pressure, the soft thrumming your blood pumping through your veins filled your ears as you assumed they, like your face, were bright red.
Valeria noticed the shock and fear immediately, she wasn't a stranger to people looking at her like this, yet until now you hadn’t. You always had a polite smile and kind words to offer, even small talk when you both had the chance. Valeria was perfect at keeping her emotions hidden, yet this time she struggled to not react in any way to the fear that was so prevalent on your face that it looked like she had tied you to the chair and was getting ready to torture you.
Your mind was racing with anything to say or to do, but you felt paralyzed. She wouldn’t harm you but would she stop talking to you? Offering you small compliments and the job if she found out you were taking sick days for your child instead? You knew Valeria had a soft spot in her somewhere but were you in it?
“They’re beautiful, they look just like you,” Valeria said before offering them a piece of candy from the vendor, which she quickly paid for. Of course, they took it excitedly, with a small thank you before putting it in their mouth.
“Thank you… Again. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I just didn’t want you to worry I wouldn’t be there or that I.. single mothers are somewhat frowned upon sometimes and I-” You rambled on filled with anxiety that felt like the world around you was louder and brighter than before.
Valeria saw this quickly, how anxious you were, how you pulled your child behind you and pressed them against you, for a moment she wished she had a mother who was willing to stand in front of someone deadly and still put themselves between it all. She offered her normal smile and a laugh, hoping to ease your worries.
“I’m not worried, I’m guessing this is why you always told me no to my many advances,” Valeria said with an amused tone, finally realizing it wasn’t that you weren’t interested, but rather you were worried she’d perceive you differently. Valeria was happy to know that her killing that man who ended up putting hits out on you and hunting you down wasn’t a terrible Idea. She could see the smallest resemblance to the father's in the child's face.
“I don’t want anyone in my life that isn't supportive or willing to help me take care of my child, they are my priority, always.” You said as the confidence slowly filled your town, the protectiveness Valeria could see in your eyes.
Before Valeria could say another word, she watched as your child begged to be picked up which you obliged, struggling to carry the bags with everything else. Valeria sighed and clicked her tongue in disagreement while shaking her head before she slid the bags off of your shoulders and tilted her head for you to lead the way to wherever else you were headed.
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
Based on this post and the other posts on my blog about #bigdickdynamight.
Warnings: 18+, suggestive convos, Bakugou has a canonically big dick, calling him daddy as a joke.
Word Count: 0.6k.
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“Babe, you’ve got to stop tweetin’ that shit. My PR team are literally up my fuckin’ ass about it again.” He groaned as he heard you laugh on the other side of the phone.
The tweet still sat across his laptop screen as he watched the retweets and likes continue to increase, glad he had his notifications muted.
The tweet was in relation to an official photograph his PR team had handpicked from their latest Dynamight merchandise drop. Bakugou stood topless— wearing a pair of sweats slung low on his hips, the hem of his boxers peeking out from beneath the black fabric as his hero name was printed down the left leg.
I want you in my guts. Dick so big I can feel it in my throat.
Thousands of tweets sat beneath it, a huge amount including the #bigdickdynamight hashtag you’d come up with a few months prior. His PR team had been furious about the tweet, but every single item from that merchandise drop had sold out in the last six hours. It was the quickest launch to completely sell out sand the sweatpants he was wearing in that particular tweet were the first item to go.
“Well, what do you expect me to do?” You grinned, “Stop being so hot and I won’t have to comment on it.”
“Piss off,” Bakugou replied, but he couldn’t hide the smirk that was pinching at the corner of his lips, “Got this lady panicking in the office right now, trying to do damage control.”
“Damage control?” You replied curiously, “Does she realise the internets in agreement with me? They all want you to dick them down too, I’m just lucky that you stick it in me every—”
“Yeah, yeah. Alright, sweetheart.” Bakugou cut you off, watching the head of PR out of the corner of his eye as he felt a heat rise to his cheeks, “They asked me to tell you to cool it.”
“So they were fine when everyone thought you were beating me last month.”
Bakugou felt regret form in the pit of his stomach at the memory, a night of messy drunken sex had resulted in you sporting a black eye and although your friends and family were understanding, it had been hell trying to explain to the public that he hadn’t hit you.
“Remember your same stupid team wanted you to do a whole public apology like you were guilty of something.” You almost snarled, “What a great idea that was.”
“It was supposed to be an interview for the both of us.” Bakugou smiled, “Although I think they would’ve wanted you to sit and look pretty.”
Instead of waiting for him to give some sort of public apology, you’d found a random fan account that had tweeted to ask about the situation and replied to them.
Oh, he’s never hit me. But he beats something up😽
And #bigdickdynamight had trended for the next fortnight.
“They just don’t want me to speak my truth.” You sighed.
“Nah, I think it’s cause you’ve got such a way with words, sweetheart.”
“Hey, at least I’m consistent,” You grinned, “I’ll have to tell them about that thing you do with your tongue that makes me—”
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare.” Bakugou’s cock twitched at the thought as he cut you off.
“I’m joking, baby. I’m joking.” You laughed.
“Yeah, yeah. Ya better fuckin’ not, or you’ll be tweetin’ about how hard I spanked the brat out of ya tonight.”
“Oh, yeah?” You almost purred on the other side of the phone at the suggestion, “Is that a threat or a promise.”
“You know exactly what it is, princess.”
“Yes, daddy.”
“Hah, fuck off.” Bakugou’s cheeks were flushed red now as he heard you cackle on the other side of the phone, trying to hide the semi he was now sporting at work as he was about to enter “damage control” with his head of PR.
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Yo! Good morning/evening, hope you are fine^^💝. I wanted to ask you a question but I was afraid that it may bother you or something (you know..that feeling when you are scared that you might disturb someone or being an unwelcome person) but yeah I will ask you since i was serious about your answer for some time now so I hope I'm not annoying you or something *feel free to answer only if you wish^^. You seem to know the characters pretty well, you are quite capable and great at reading and understanding them, one of the things I'm serious about is what do you think would make someone qualified enough to be with malleus? Do they have to be of the same species?certain Reputation, stature or traits?(sorry can't help it since I can't rest until I know everything about what interests me and figure it all out😅). Thanks for giving me some of your precious time I really like your blog, you're amazing💜
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No worries, you’re not bothering me at all ^^ I love to talk about my hyperfixations www
Now, I know a lot of fans (particularly on the EN side) like to ship Malleus with their OC and especially with Yuu so I want to first make it clear that my response is NOT meant to invalidate those Malleus shippers. Whatever I say here is based on my own interpretation of canon lore (and let’s be real here, TWST won’t ever confirm if anyone is romantically interested in Yuu because it might not work with how some players view their own relationship with that character). In fanon, anyone can be with anyone, but in canon there are very specific in-universe rules and expectations laid out for Malleus so these are what I will be referring to.
I also want to emphasize that the final traits I discuss in this post do NOT reflect Malleus’s personal tastes or views. He has little say in what kind of an individual his spouse would be, so his own preferences are not speculated about or taken into account here. The traits I will be bringing up are based on what I believe the lore implies are the desirable traits for those marrying into the Draconia royal family.
We got it? Good 👍 Read more below the cut!!
Firstly, I’m completely disregarding the ideas of “Malleus can love whoever he wants to love”, “Malleus can scare people into accepting who he loves”, and/or “Malleus can change the law so he can marry who he loves” (a la Sultan from Aladdin or through some other Disney magic or logic). Here’s why:
In general, those solutions for “high stakes issues” are too simple, and that has never been how Twisted Wonderland tackles complicated problems. Just look at every single OB boy’s backstory. They’re so complex that they aren’t totally resolved by the end of their books; these problems persist and are long term things each of them are working on addressing. This is also true of the politics TWST introduces to us; Leona for example explains how there is social pushback and resistance to the idea of infrastructure reform because the culture of the Sunset Savanna stresses harmony with nature. This has made it difficult for them to adopt new technologies because real politicians in their world have to seriously weigh their cultural values with their health and societal progress. The only time there are really easy solutions are in events or vignettes where the emotional stakes are not super high, but who Malleus marries is, in fact, super important since this will entirely change the life of a main character and his country.
With that first bullet point in mind… No, Malleus cannot love whoever he wants to love. Certainly, he may feel affection for another but he can never truly be with them. He is royalty and the only heir to the throne of Briar Valley. It follows that he is expected to marry for political reasons/to better his nation. This is a non-negotiable obligation for him.
Rather than saying, “Malleus cannot scare people into accepting who he loves”, I think it’s more accurate to say Malleus knows he probably shouldn’t. I mean, yes, he may be upset about his S/O not being accepted by his people but I feel that is discrediting a lot of the loyalty he has for his own country. As a kid he may have thrown tantrums when he was upset and potentially harmed staff, but as a 178 year old he has a much better understanding of decorum and maintaining it in spite of his own grudges. For example, even though he personally dislikes Leona he still commands Sebek to apologize to him because, at the end of the day, this could harm Briar Valley’s relationship with the Sunset Savanna. That’s not to say that Malleus can’t be petty (he definitely is)—but implying he would be petty toward basically his entire country just because they would disapprove of the one he loves?? (We know this would likely be true because Sebek’s parents faced similar backlash when they got together.) I feel like his own sense of awareness and responsibility for his country, crown, and people would override that. As an example, Malleus states that he has never been in a car before because the senate would be against it and often kept Malleus in the castle. Someone of his power could easily ignore them and sneak out and do whatever he wanted, yet the dialogue implies Malleus didn’t. He obeyed his political advisors even when he was younger and arguably much more immature. Malleus might not like certain decisions made about his life but it sounds like he ultimately complies with them.
Continuing from the previous point, let’s say for the sake of argument that Malleus does scare everyone into line. What about his public image and the mental health of his S/O? Maybe Malleus can frighten people to not talk out of turn to his face, but he cannot control what people whisper about him behind closed doors or to treat his S/O well or like they actually like them. Not only would they be alienated (away from their own home and forced to adapt to a new one) but they’d be treated oddly by others too. What kind of reputation is that for Malleus? To be a tyrant king who throws a hissy fit anytime someone talks about his partner in a way he doesn’t approve of? With a spouse who is not at their best mentally because of the constant ostracization? (This is similar to what Leona experienced in his childhood.) I don’t think Malleus would want to subject anyone to that kind of life, especially not one he loves. And again, this attitude would be the vast majority of his people. It’s not like it can be avoided or resolved in an easy manner, especially when the people of Briar Valley have proven to be against change.
Lastly, Malleus would not change the law so he can be with whoever he wants to. To begin with, I doubt this is a unilateral position the senate would approve of. But okay, let’s accept that Malleus is royalty so his power overrides the advisors’ power. So he effectively just changed a law for a very selfish and personal reason rather than changing something to actually benefit his people. That doesn’t feel in-character for him, not when Malleus seems to understand that it is the duty of those in higher status to help those below them rather than themselves (see: Riddle’s Suitor Suit vignettes. Malleus has acted selfish before, yes (who remembers Endless Halloween Night? His Dorm Uniform vignettes? I do.)—but never at the cost of changing the status quo of his country. (Book 7 is not included here because he’s in a very distressed emotional state then; this “new law” scenario posits that Malleus is in a normal state of mind.) This is a major change—change which Briar Valley, its people, and most importantly, Malleus, are not ready for. You think there wouldn’t be social pushback against this? From a society that has become complacent with its own way of life and is still isolated from the rest of the world? That Malleus, someone who struggles greatly with accepting life changes himself, could enact such a big change so easily? (On a more technical level, you don’t just pass a law and it instantly becomes tangible or real, there is a process of approval and then implementation.)
Additionally, it’s made clear in Ghost Marriage that “[Malleus] cannot enter into an engagement lightly”, which is why Sebek goes in his place. Eliza, the Ghost Bride, is royalty (er, albeit dead) but it seems that royal status is not enough to qualify as his partner. Maybe this is because she’s dead and doesn’t have anything of value for Briar Valley (no land, no people, no political power), but it could also mean that the partner has to be given the thumbs up by other parties.
All that being said, here are some of the conditions I think would have to be met for Malleus’s future spouse:
Has to be someone of equal or at least high status. This means they also have to be a royal or at least of nobility. This appears to be true of Malleus’s dad, who is referred to as a duke.
Because of how self-contained Briar Valley is + nocturnal fae having beef with diurnal fae, I imagine his partner would have to also be a nocturnal fae. This would also solve the MASSIVE lifespan difference between fae and non-fae because at least fae would be far closer to each other even if their lifespans fluctuate but subspecies.
Someone suited to rule by his side. Being married into any royal family is no joke—it comes with the expectation that you will contribute somehow, and the partner should be fully equipped to enter the world of politics with him.
Piggybacking off the last point, I think mental fortitude is also a prerequisite. This is because being a politician (navigating the social climate both within your country and outside of it, keeping your people and colleagues happy, maintaining public approval, managing laws, dealing with potential attempts on your life, etc.) can be very stressful and can hurt those who are faint of heart or not prepared for the responsibility. Leaders have to make tough calls at the drop of a hat, and they have to be ready for it.
Has a lot to offer in terms of benefits to Briar Valley as a country. This could be in terms of resources, connections, and/or political savvy. This appears to be true of Malleus’s dad, who acted as a diplomat for Briar Valley.
Vetting and formal approval from the senate. lmao good luck with that
Has to be able and willing to have a child. They at least need an heir to the throne to succeed Malleus. (However, knowing how exclusionary and conservative as heck the senators are, I doubt they would accept anything but a biological child 💀)
Preferably someone with powerful magic or is skilled at magic already so as to lessen the chance of “tainting” the bloodline with a weak mage or a non-mage.
I believe that Briar Valley would prefer someone with old fashioned values like them, not someone pushing for massive reform. They have a culture that is resistant to change and a history of fighting for resources with outsiders, so if Malleus’s new spouse tries to introduce a bunch of technology or open its borders to other countries (even if they have good intentions), the people + the senate may oppose them. His father is implied to be open-minded, but he at least understood that such change isn’t reasonable without time and effort dedicated to the endeavor.
All that being said 💦 I think that this topic is actually less about what Malleus as an individual wants and what his country, his people, and, yes, even his asshole senators, want. This is basically an arranged marriage situation so that their country can maintain power and relevance. It’s about the collective and what Malleus must do for their perceived security and prosperity.
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fairuzfan · 6 months
why do so many liberal zionists add "non-palestinian" in front of "non-jewish" whenever they complain about antizionists and insist that all the palestinians are just offscreen agreeing with them about the real way to peace? do they not realize palestinians have social media accounts or are they just banking on everyone else also isolating themselves in a zionist echo chamber with no actual palestinians to contradict them? bc theyre not convincing anyone who knows that every single palestinian on here and online in general fucking hates them. like i know it's a rhetorical darvo to paint antizionism as a privileged western gentile position of ppl that can't possibly understand the complex issue who just want to hate Bad Jews but its so insane to see them rbing literal palestinians to call them raging antisemites and then the next post is about how every palestinian actually supports a two state solution and condemns hamas and this is spearheaded by "western tankie gentiles"
i havent been like interacting with zionists or looking at their blogs these past couple months because i can't take that much anger in my life anymore and ive come to the point where it doesn't matter what they say they're seriously intellectually dishonest and useless. the people who listen to them and agree with them have a vested interest in keeping the state of israel functioning and if they wanna pretend its for "peace" go right ahead but dont pretend like youre the authority on these things lol. in general ive only taken to reblogging zionist additions to my posts to let people know to block.
it might be the latest zionist strategy of saying "non palestinians and nonjews" to reinforce the idea that its an "internal" issue (which its not to be clear) and they proceed to ignore the fact that palestinians are begging people to get involved to help them. but whatever! the people who are convinced by them at this point are people who genuinely dont care about palestinians at all and i am not willing to argue with them on this.
i will say, zionists on here have become more brazenly pro-fascist! either in interacting with fascists or letting fascist speak in their spaces or even just defending them under the guise of "defending jews" (think of the bingo blocklist. they're still at it btw, the bingo board, but like i have yet to see a single person on the zionist side of tumblr at all admonish the idea of the bingo at all which is telling in itself.) anyways these people are disgusting and selfish and like i say, i abhor selfishness more than anything.
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fairlyang · 8 months
Starstruck 🕷️
in which miguel is a famous singer that bumped into you, you only knowing who he is because your sister is in love with him
w/c: 11.4K
pairing:famous!miguel x latina!reader
tags: you despise his ass so bad, your sister is a borderline stalker, she makes you tag along to find him, he accidentally knocks you out, 18+ smut. journey starts after that, you forcibly follow him around, change of heart, making out, fingering
notes: this is one of my personal favs bc I loved starstruck the movie by disney sm, just made it mexican/latine 🫶🏼
"I just love Miguel O'Hara." I heard my sister say when I walked into the living room, staring dreamily at the tv.
I widened my eyes and felt one of them twitch, is this girl serious? Again?
I rolled my eyes and walked in front of the tv standing there on purpose, earning myself an immediate yell and groan, "Y/n!!!"
"Oh perdón Saraí, am I blocking your view of what's his name?" I say and give her a fake pout as her face distorts in pure annoyance. Score. (Sorry)
"Mhmm," she mumbles with a nod and continues, "Entonces muévete o yo te muevo hermanita." she warns and I just roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen. (So move or I'll move you little sister)
Just then our parents walk in, my dad with our suitcases and my mom with some laundry she'd just done. "Ya agarren sus maletas." My dad said making me sigh. (Come grab your suitcases)
"Vengan agarrar su ropa para empacar." My mom calls out placing the laundry basket next to Saraí. (Come grab your clothes to pack)
"Nos vamos al aeropuerto mañana después de que salgan de sus clases." She adds making Saraí squeal, hurting my poor ears. (We're leaving to the airport tomorrow after you guys get out of your classes)
I open the fridge and take out the carton of orange juice, placing it on the counter then walking over and open the cabinet, grabbing a glass. I freeze watching Saraí take out my clothes and make faces at them. This girl-
"In less than twenty-four hours I'll be in California where Miguel lives!!!" She says excitedly making me raise an eyebrow.
I walk back to the counter and pour myself a glass. I take a sip while Saraí just keeps going, "what if he picks me up at the airport-"
I burst out laughing, the juice immediately spilling all over the place while I quickly shut my mouth and wipe the remnants off the side of my face. "Bitch why the fuck would he do that?!?" I say after calming down still giggling to myself.
She quickly turns to me and glares, "I'm like his number one fan, I follow all his accounts, listen to every single song and keep track of everything he's doing on his blog." I blink at how absolutely insane my sister sounds when she adds, "Te aseguró, el me quiere conocer." (I assure you, he wants to meet me)
Just then my mom walks in behind me and I turn to her desperately, "ya es muy tarde para ser la única hija?" (Is it too late to be the only daughter?)
"Si." She says not even turning to look at me. (Yes)
"Entonces por favor me puedo quedar?" I plead and she finally looks up from her phone. (So can I please stay home)
"Porque?" (Why?)
"Porque tu abuela no te ha visto en dos años y estás son tus vacaciones." She says and brings a hand up to my cheek.
My dad walks in and chuckles at my sad state, "y que jovencita va reclamar de ir a California?" He says and laughs. (And what young woman is going to complain about going to California?)
I sigh and shake my head, "pero tiene que ser con ella." (but it has to be with her)
Suddenly Saraí shushes all of us and leans in, her eyes wide as she turns the volume up on the Mexican news channel talking about this man.
I walk behind her and cross my arms against the chest watching the fucking news segment this dude got after getting awards at the Latin American Music Awards. There he was carrying four awards in his arms as he was giving a speech on the red carpet.
"Les quiero decir muchas gracias a los fans que me han apoyado durante toda mi carrera, los amo mucho." He says and shines a bright smile directly into the camera. (I just wanna say thank you to all the fans that have supported me throughout my whole career, I love you so much)
"Es tan increíble." Sara sighs and smiles up at the tv. (He's so incredible)
"Definitivamente no es increíble." I say and shake my head. (He definitely is not incredible)
"Um claro que si lo es, y si tu lo conocías como yo lo conozco, no dirías eso." She says turning her head to look at me. (Um of course he is, and if you knew him like I knew him, you wouldn't say that)
"Estas loca? Vivimos en Michigan, tu no lo conoces." I spit out and roll my eyes. This bitch is crazy. (Are you crazy? We live in Michigan, you do not know him)
"Pero lo se, yo sé todo sobre el." She says facing back to the tv. (But I do know, I know everything about him)
"I know where he works, eats, shops, surfs, and parties." She says and sinks into the couch.
I groan and walk out of the living room heading to my room, she's going to be so insufferable.
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It was the next day and I was stood by Saraí and her friend, Lina as I was telling her about going to the campus-wide dance one of the fraternities was holding soon. She laughed in my face and shook her head, "No estas invitada hermana." (You're not invited sister)
"Como que no- it's a campus-wide dance." I say and roll my eyes. (What do you mean-)
"Y tu no bailas- qué vergüenza." She says and elbows Lina. (And you don't dance- how embarrassing)
"You won't have to worry about that, I'll just be there to write for the school newspaper..." I tell her and roll my eyes.
"Oh..." She says and I chuckle. Bet she feels somewhat bad now.
"Oh vas a llevar tu cámara contigo a California?" Lina asks and Saraí turns her attention to her. (Oh are you gonna take your camera with you to California?)
"Lina, por supuesto que me lo voy a llevar." She says and grins. (Of course I'm going to take it)
"Porque todavía necesitamos más fotos de Miguel...." Lina says taking out a fucking scrapbook with a picture of said man and I feel my eye twitching again. (Because we still need more pictures of Miguel...)
Are all the girls insane???
"Hablando, caminando, cantando, bailando, moviéndose, respirando... todo posible." She adds and I was just dumbfounded. (Talking, walking, singing, dancing, moving, breathing. Anything possible)
They are insane.
"Porque están tan obsesionadas con este tipo?" I ask and they both immediately turned to look at me in disgust. (Why are you both so obsessed with this guy?)
"Este tipo?!?!" Lina exclaims, her eyebrows knitted in a deep cut glare at me. (This guy?!?!)
"Mhm. Ahora ves con que vivo." Saraí retorts and rolls her eyes at me. (Now you see with what I have I live with)
"Pobre de ti." Lina mutters making me laugh. (Poor you)
Saraí turns to me and gives me a smile, "Hermanita cuando estemos en California, tu puedes jugar lotería con abuela, pero yo voy a conocer a Miguel O'Hara." (Little sister when we're in California, you can play bingo with grandma, but I'm going to meet Miguel O'Hara.)
"Y cómo estás planeando hacer eso?" I ask and chuckle. (And how are you planning on doing that?)
Suddenly Lina opens the scrapbook and in the first pages is filled with notes, scribbles, hearts. "Pues hemos trazado cada uno de sus movimientos durante los últimos dieciocho meses." She says, acting as if this isn't the most psychotic thing ever imaginable. (Well we've traced every one of his movements for the past eighteen months)
"Yo sé cuándo y dónde es probable que esté cada segundo de cada día." Saraí says too casually. (I know when and where he's likely to be every second of every day)
"About the time we'll be leaving for LA, he'll be having his daily meeting with his managers." She says and they both sigh looking off into the distance. Freaks.
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"Do not fucking tell me you brought homework to California-" Saraí says looking at me dumb-smacked.
"No- I am reading, you should try it some time." I tell her and snort.
"I read-"
"These-" I start and turn behind me to grab one of her hundreds of magazines, "are fucking pictures, this doesn't count."
She gasps and quickly smacks my hand away, grabbing her magazine back. She gives me a glare and then looks out to the parking lot, impatiently tapping her foot on the ground. "Why are they dragging ass-"
"Ugh just get me a car so I can go meet Miguel O'Hara!!" She squeals and I look behind her and shrug.
"You can't drive." I say and she scoffs.
"Yes I can, I have my license dumbass." She snorts and I shake my head.
"No you can't, sign!" I say and point behind her.
She turns around and reads the sign that says you have to be at least 25 to rent a car from the specific rental we were by. And so sad she barely turned 23 a few months ago.... "What?"
"How am I meant to go out and about-"
"Y hacer que?" My dad asks, as he and my mom walk towards us. (And do what?)
"Llevar a mi hermanita de turismo!!" She says and quickly walks over to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder. (Take my little sister sightseeing!!)
"Creo que tu abuela tiene un carro que te puede prestar." He says and she lets go of me and sighs. (I think your grandma has a car you can borrow)
"Gracias a Dios." She mutters making me snicker. (Thank god)
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We arrived at my grandma's house and right as my dad parked my mom took off her seat left and got out of the car because grandma was on step stools cutting off leaves off a hedge which of course put mom on edge.
We all followed with her besides Saraí staying in the car, and grandma came down with the help of a man we haven't seen before. "Mija cálmate estoy bien-" (calm down I'm okay)
My mom stood behind her watching her as the man helped her down, "Héctor me estaba ayudando!" She says with a wide smile as she gives my mom a hug. (Héctor was helping me!)
When grandma pulled away my mom just gave her a look and she just innocently smiled then went on to give my dad a hug. I walk over to her and immediately go in for a hug, "Abuela te extrañe!!" I say and squeeze her gently. (Grandma I missed you!)
She hugs me back then pulls away bringing a hand up to my cheek, lightly pinching. "Yo también te extrañe mi angelita." She says and grins. (I missed you too my little angel)
She then turns to Saraí admiring grandma's 2012 baby pink Volkswagen Beetle. "Saraí la puedes usar cuando gustes." Grandma tells her making Saraí just nervously laugh. (You can use her whenever you'd like)
"No me van a encontrar muerta en esta cosa-" she says and groans, almost throwing a hissy fit. (You wont catch me dead in this thing)
"Entonces nos vas acompañar a jugar lotería?" I joke and she glared at me but it had grandma giggling. (So does that mean you'll be joining us to play bingo?)
⋆。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。⋆
I walked into the room Saraí was sleeping in because grandma was saying she was pacing too much. "Abue dice que te calmes, que vas hacer un agujero en el piso." I say and she stops to look at me with crazy eyes. (Grandma says to calm down, that you're gonna make a hole on the floor)
"I just got off the phone with Lina who saw a tweet about a blog account who got a text about Miguel O'Hara. He's singing at Lyla's birthday party. I have to go-" she rants and I blink. Who the fuck is Lyla- actually it's better I don't ask...
"Good luck convincing mom and dad." I say and walk away from her doorway.
"Come with me." She says and I turn back around.
I scoff and shake my head, leaning against the doorway staring at her not a slightest bit shocked. "No."
"Si tu vas conmigo me van a dejar ir!!" She says and and I roll my eyes. (If you go with me they'll let me go!!)
"Y yo para que quiero ir-" I say then stop, "ya me hartaste de tu mentado Miguel O'Hara-" (And why would I wanna go? You've made me tired of your mentioned Miguel O'Hara-)
"I'll shut up."
"If you come with me and I meet Miguel, I'll shut up about him.... For the rest of our trip." She pleads and I bite my lip.
"Mejor por el resto de tu vida." I mutter and she looks at me expectantly. (better yet for the rest of your life)
⋆。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。⋆
She drove us down to apparently some popular club Miguel was at and I really couldn't believe my older sister had stalker tendencies like this. It was absurd.
But not as absurd as fucking parking where it clearly says no parking zone. "Dude can you really not read??!?" I ask and she waved me off as she slipped out of the drivers seat and into the back to change.
"It's fine. If one person is in the car it isn't even parking it's just waiting." She says and I roll my eyes.
"Just get behind the wheel!!" She demands and i scoff.
I do so anyway and carefully maneuver to the drivers seat while she's singing to a song on the radio. God her not talking about him for the rest of the trip is not going to be enough-
⋆。°✩ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊✩₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ✩°。⋆
We hear a loud car engine and she quickly popped up from the back seat and looked over to the entrance. She gasps and quickly straps her heel on. "It's him!"
She quickly opens the door and gets out slamming it shut before opening it up again and peeps her head through. "Just stay here! Don't move a muscle." She says blowing me a kiss then slams the door shut again.
I hear her squeal and watch as she walks across the street to the front of the club. She walks over to some guy kissing his cheeks then poses for some cameras. Oh god-
I slap my hand over my forehead cringing at the sight then see as she tugs him away inside, but she didn't even have to wait in line so maybe this won't take so long....
A brunette following close behind them with an annoyed look on her face. I sigh and turn my body towards the steering wheel and changing the radio stations to not have to hear that man's voice.
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I look down at my phone and realize it's midnight and I've been sitting here waiting like a fucking fool for half an hour. I groan and grab my bag, I turn the car off and take the keys out. I open the door and get out, gently closing the door then lock it. I'll just quickly find her and we can go back home.
I get to the sidewalk and swing my bag over my shoulder as I make my way to the stoplight. I walk over to the street where the club was and mentally wish I hadn't agreed to this. The line was so long.
I get to the street where the back of the line was and roll my eyes. There has to be another entrance.
I make my way past the people and walk towards an alleyway right next to the club. Surely there's another entrance here.
I walk in the middle of the alley my eyes searching for a door when I finally spot one. I go to open it when the door hits me and I fall back onto my ass. "Fuck-" I groan and hold onto my head.
"Did I just hit you?" A voice asks and I roll my eyes.
"Nahhh the door hit me by itself." I respond sarcastically and roll my eyes.
"This is not good." The guy muttered and i scoff.
"For you or for me? Because right now this feels worse for me." I snap and rub my head slowly. Shit, that was gonna leave a mark.
"This is really not good." He mutters making me furrow my eyes in confusion.
Then the realization hit.
"You're Mig-" I start then a hand is covering my mouth before I can even finish.
"I will give you merch and tickets to my next concert if you don't scream my name-"
I shove his hand away from me and scoff. "I don't want any of that shit-"
He lifts his hands up in defense and cocks an eyebrow up. "Okay.. I need to get you to a doctor...." He mumbled just then we hear a car engine and he carefully helps me up.
He then goes down and grabs my phone and keys before grabbing my hand. "What about Saraí-" I mumble and widen my eyes realizing I just left her.
"Whose Saraí?"
"My sister- she's in the club." I say and curse under my breath. She's gonna be so mad.
He holds my hand and leads me towards the car where a man gets out of the car and walks over to us, "Miguel what did you do-"
"Just help now and I'll tell you later Peter." Miguel tells Peter and lets me go.
Peter puts his hand behind my back leading me to the passenger seat and helps me inside the car. He leans down to look at Miguel and I just look back and forth between both men. "Who is this?" Peter asks confused wanting some kind of clarity.
"Seatbelt." Miguel looks to me and Peter hands it to me while Miguel places my things on my lap.
"Y/n." I say and take the seatbelt and buckle it.
"Pues mucho gusto conocerte." He says and I roll my eyes. (Well nice to meet you)
"Ningún gusto para mi." I mutter and Peter snickers to my right. This white man understands Spanish? (It's not nice for me) 
I look at Miguel and he just gives me a smile, his teeth were a bit crooked but very white. The crookedness was kinda cute-
Wait- what the fuck am I thinking?!
Then I feel my stomach gurgle and I widen my eyes, "I don't feel too good..."
"Don't puke on May I just got her fixed up!!" Peter says and I nod.
"Okay." I mumble then lean over to the side and puke my guts out.
After my stomach was emptied my throat felt so patchy and disgusting and I sat back up onto the seat and leaned against the head rest. "Not my favorite converse!!!" Peter groans and I feel bad but physically feel off.
"I'll get you new ones- close the door-" Miguel says and Peter complains some more but closes the door.
"Keys." He says and I hand them to him.
"Make sure her sister Saraí get home okay." Miguel tells Peter and hands him the keys to my grandma's car. Oh fuck-
"Don't tell anyone about this." He tells him and Peter waves him off look down at the mess on his shoes.
"What's she look like? What's she wearing?" He asks and I cough.
"Uhh like an older version of me... except with dark red hair and she's wearing a.... Mm oh dark purple dress." I say almost forgetting what she wore as if she wasn't making me look at every outfit she wanted to wear.
"What did she dress up as Starfire on purpose?" He joked and I chuckle.
"I should've made her wear green instead for Poison Ivy-" I say letting out a laugh then Miguel interrupts and turns the car on.
"Just find her and make sure she gets home, please." He tells Peter and then drives away.
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We got to a nearby hospital unseen which I guess was good for Miguel. I was sat in a bed looking at a light the doctor was making me follow. I looked at it left and right then she pulled away. "The scans came out fine and you look good to go." She says and gives me a smile.
"So she's okay?" Miguel peeps his head through the door and the doctor scolds at him.
He closes the door and the doctor proceeds to tell me I don't have a concussion which was a surprise to me considering I was hit on the head with a fucking door.
"Then why'd I throw up?" I ask and the doctor chuckles.
"Maybe something you ate earlier," she says then quickly adds, "or maybe just meeting this latoso." (Annoying fuck)
I laugh then close my mouth when Miguel pops in and glares at the doctor. I mean it shouldn't be normal that a doctor talks shit like this but I couldn't help but find it funny... plus was she really wrong.. "you have to know each other right? No way a doctor would just talk about someone like this." I say and laugh as Miguel walks in with his hands on his hips.
"My brother's wife." Miguel says and smiles.
"So I can go now...."
"Yes just make sure to ice it until you get home." She says and I nod.
She hands me an ice pack, smiles and excuses herself when Miguel's phone rings. And he just lets it ring. "No vas a contestar o que...." (So you're not gonna answer or what....)
Then he walks out leaving the door ajar and answers the call. I sigh and look down at the floor while I leave the ice pack on my head. How did this end up happening to me of all people?
Suddenly I see the doctor come back through the little window on the door and I see her telling Miguel something. That we can't leave because there's guys with cameras in the lobby...
How the fuck does a hospital just let those people come inside......
Then they start talking about a switcharoo and I sigh. This was going to be such a long night.
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They ended up doing the swap and we ended up with a rusty car that had us bumping up and down with every movement. And with every time he'd stop, our bodies would move forehead then harshly back. I groaned when my head hit the head rest and Miguel coughs. "It's not so bad..."
"Don't fucking lie." I say and laugh.
"Just listen to the engine it's fucked." I mutter, staying quiet to hear the rumbling.
"We'll be fine." He says and takes a hand off the wheel to wave me off.
Then there's a loud bang, almost sounding like a gunshot making me yell and hit my elbow. "Chingesumadre-" I groan and bite my lip. (Motherfucker)
"Cálmate!" (Calm down)
"No me digas que me calme- ya llévame a mi casa!" I whine and groan. (Don't tell me to calm down- just take me home!)
"Okay!!" I exclaim and smack his arm with my left hand.
"Que te pasa?!?" He yells and I roll my eyes. (What is wrong with you?!?)
"Nomas quiero ir a casa y ya!!" I whine and he groans. (I just wanna go home and that's it!!)
"I'll take you there!!" He says then quietly adds, "soon enough..."
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"What are we doing here?!?" I ask and he holds a finger to my lips for a second then grabs my hand leading me up the stairs.
"Oh so now you're hiding me-"
"Yes I am! Do you wanna be tomorrows main event for Univision?!?" He mutters and I groan following him up.
"Well no-"
"Pues para con tus berrinches y sube." He demands but I just comply. (Stop throwing a fit and go up)
We go up like three floors worth of stairs and we finally reach the top, "big ass house." I mutter making him chuckle.
He leads me to a bedroom and opens the door before letting me go inside. I sigh and go in, admiring the tall ceiling, color scheme, and decor for only a few seconds before I turn to look at him. "Be my guest- Ahorita vengo." He says and walks a step back then turns to look at me. (I'll be right back)
"Just stay put." He says and I roll my eyes.
I bring my hands up to my chest and fold my hands as if they're paws, "woof."
He groans and walks away closing the door behind him leaving me alone in this big guest bedroom. I shake my head in disbelief that this is my life and not my sister's. I didn't ask for this.
I sit down on the bed and put the ice pack on the bedside table. I then lay back on the bed, having my feet hang off the bed to not dirty these probably expensive comforter and blankets. I sink my head into the cloud like pillow and sigh.
Left alone with my thoughts I realize he didn't seem like an asshole or like he was acting a certain way for the tabloids, he seemed somewhat normal. Empathic, somewhat funny. And even I couldn't deny how gorgeous he was but with all the nonstop chatter Saraí has blabbed on about him for months on end I didn't wanna hear or see anything about him again.
At least after he takes me home...
He had the prettiest smile and thank god I had the urge to throw up before I let myself melt into his gaze earlier. God that would've been so embarrassing for me.
And his eyes.
Brown eyes but up close and in the light there were specs of light brown. Almost like a pool of honey. So warm and pretty.
Suddenly I hear some cheers and take notice there's a balcony door. I shrug and get up and walk over to it. Might as well.
I open it and walk out to the small patio and look down at what looks to be a party.... With Miguel sitting down in front of the pool playing the guitar. I was high up but because the crowd was so silent I was able to hear his voice clearly.
I mean deep down I knew I liked a few of his songs, hell maybe even had one or two saved in some playlist but actually hearing his voice, singing without a microphone or him wearing ear pieces to hear himself- it was mind blowing how he was able to sound almost identical.
Besides the occasional breeze rattling the trees making it harder for me to hear him. It sounded like he was singing the chorus and I lean against the railing and listen closely.
Love dovey lyrics, soft tone, nice strums of his guitar. Not too bad.
Suddenly he looks up at me and gives me that smile after finish the chorus, I try to ignore the way my stomach was doing flips and give him the smallest smile possible.
He looks away from me and back to the crowd making me let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I calm myself down as his strumming slows down and he hits the final note, instantly earning himself an applause.
I take that as my sign and I walk out of the patio and into the bedroom. I quickly fix the bed then walk out and head towards the stairs. I go down the stairs fast and careful, and after a good minute I made it to the main floor but there's already lots of people all around and mostly by the front door.
I freeze and look to my right to see a side door so I hope for the best and walk towards it. I open the door and slide in unnoticed only to be met with a garage and five different cars. Damn.
I sigh and walk in front of the cars not even sure how I'll get home. Lord this was such a long night-
Suddenly the door opens and I prepare for the worst which it was, being Miguel. God now he's gonna be thinking I was trying to be nosy on purpose...
"A donde vas?" He asks walking in and shutting the door shut behind him. (Where are you going?)
"A la casa? I think I've overcome my stay." I say and shrug. (Home?)
And I really don't want to explain all of this to my family...
"Alright pick a car." He says and motions to his variety of cars.
I scoff and roll my eyes then turn my head to the last car, a red supra. It looked gorgeous.
Well since he was offering...
I hear him laugh and I stride over to the car. I made my way to the passenger seat and I couldn't believe I was going to ride in a car like this... I mean me of all people?
He unlocks the car and I carefully open the door then hop in. The interior was so nice to look at and it even smelled nice, maybe it was new. I'm sure Saraí would know..
He hops in and turns the car on, revving the engine a little making my eyes go wide. Damn.
I didn't know too much about cars but I knew if they looked sexy on the outside and sounded like that then they were definitely good.
He opens the garage and asks me for the address which I happily tell him to get there as fast as possible but he said he wasn't planning on driving fast, which I thought defeated the purpose of practically having a race car but he said it was because he didn't want to draw any attention to himself. So dumb.
As if we weren't riding in a fucking apple.
He drives and we're sat in silence which I didn't mind so I can quickly think of an excuse as to why I abandoned my sister and not the other way around...
And to try to ignore my growing attraction to this man... because why the fuck did he have to look good driving?
I shook my thoughts away and pressed my now melted ice pack on my head, I won't turn out like my sister. I can't.
He turns the radio on and coincidentally one of his songs started playing. And it had to be one that I actually liked...
He hums the lyrics and I just turn my head to look out the window and mouth the words but making sure to not let out any noise. It was a decent song, a duet he sings with another artist that had such a beautiful melody and perfect guitar playing in the background.
Well I couldn't deny how pretty the song actually was, and he had a decent voice too...
But my way of thinking is different from Saraí, she is obsessed with this man and everything about him. But I can appreciate a song or two. To myself. And never out loud because I wouldn't hear the end of it....
We spent the rest of the car ride like that, except whenever a song that wasn't his, I'd actually start to quietly sing to it. I just couldn't bring myself to sing to his knowing deep down it'd be hypocritical of me to.
I finally saw the familiar street of my abuela's house and he pulls up to the driveway. He parks and we sit in silence for a few seconds. "Listen I was just wanted to apologize-"
"No need, it was an accident. It happens I guess." I say and shrug, undoing my seatbelt.
"Now you can go back to your lavish amazing life and I'll go back to mine." I say turning to face him and give him a forced smile.
He sighs and shakes his head, "eres tan difícil." (You're so difficult)
"No te preocupes, no me vas a tener que ver después de esto." I snarl and roll my eyes. (Don't worry, you won't have to see me after this.)
"Thanks for the ride and see you never." I mutter and open the door.
I get out and close the door shut without turning back and walk along the side entrance of the house.
I sigh opening the door and walk straight to the kitchen. I open the fridge and get myself a cold water bottle then open it before chugging half of it down when I hear a knock on the window by the front door.
I sigh and close the water bottle, leaving it by a coffee table before walking on over to the window. I move the curtain and groan, I quietly open the window and feel my eye twitch. "Leave-"
"I will give you five thousand dollars if you can do me a favor." Says the man who I didn't want to see ever again.
"It's not a favor if you're paying for it." I scoff making him grin.
"So you'll do it?" He asks and I roll my eyes.
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I open the garage door for him and as soon as his supra can go in he slides in almost making me scold him in case it fell down or something but I kept my mouth shut.
He parks then gets out of the car and walks on over to me, "you'll be gone before the morning, right?" I say and he just chuckles.
"No one will even know I was here." He says and I roll my eyes as I got on a step stool to reach for a blanket.
"I will unfortunately know." I say and hit it on his head making him groan.
"Thanks." He responds sarcastically giving me a face and catches the blanket.
"Is there anything I can wear para que los chismosos no me reconozcan?" He asks and I shrug, lazily pointing to the boxes behind him. (so the annoying paparazzi won't recognize me?)
"You can check inside those." I mutter slowly feeling the tiredness creep in. "But is this really necessary." I add and he just groans.
"You've got no idea." He says then opens the top one, going through whatever is inside until he picks up a black baseball cap that had a small Mexican flag on the side.
I recognize it and frown but then smile at the memories of my grandpa always wearing it when he's mow the lawn, or plant his vegetables. It was his favorite thing in the world and of course had to have his flag on it.
"Era de mi abuelo, siempre se lo ponía cuando arreglaba su jardín." I tell him and look at the hat in his hands. (It was my grandpa's, he'd always wear it when he worked on his garden)
"Oh- perdón-" he murmurs and quickly takes it off but I wave him off. (sorry)
"Esta bien- te queda un poco bien." I reassure and give him a small smile. (It's okay- it fits you kind of good)
My words versus my expression were somewhat contrasting one another but he just chuckles and puts it back on.
"So are you all good?" I ask and he nods.
"I think so." He answers and looks back at his car.
I'm sure he'll be sleeping like a baby in there...
"Alright well goodnight-" I start to say and was about to walk off when he grabs my arm.
"Y/n." I turn to look at him and he starts to smile, I swore his eyes were sparkling-
"Stop doing that." I say and shake my head. I need to stop too..
"Doing what?" He asks making me roll my eyes. He cannot be serious...
"Ya lo sabes- y más seguro se lo haces a todas." I start and then feel myself stuttering as well as feeling nervous. (You know it- and you probably do it to all the girls.)
"Les haces..." I say and motion to his face making him grin, leaning in, "esa cara y expertas que todas se enamoren de ti." (You do... that face and expect all the girls to fall in love with you)
I take a step back and cross my arms against my chest, "pero no va funcionar para mi, entonces vas a tener que soportar." With the final word I walk to the door and press the button to close the garage then walk out. (But it won't work on me so you'll just have to deal with it)
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It was the next morning and I had completely forgotten that Miguel slept in my grandmas garage until said grandma told Saraí that the news was doing a story on Miguel.
I rolled my eyes then quickly came to the realization of last nights events and ran to the living room beating her to it. I try to grab the controller until I feel her on top of me and her hands gripping the other half of the controller. "Que te pasa wey- you don't even like him!!!!" She exclaims and I let out fits of coughs to try to be louder than the tv. (What is with you- you don't even like him)
She screams in annoyance and shoves me making me land on the couch. She puts the volume up and excitedly looks at the tv, oh god...
"Lyla llegó a su fiesta de cumpleaños anoche sin su mentado novio. Aunque nadie lo vio llegar al club para la celebración, testigos confirman que Miguel O'Hara hizo una apariencia secreta para cantar para la casa llena de invitados." Says the reporter making me feel sick to my stomach. No one knows. (Lyla arrived to her birthday party without her supposed boyfriend. Although no one saw him arrive at the club for the celebration, witnesses confirm that Miguel O'Hara made a surprise appearance to sing for the full house of invitees)
"Testigos dijeron que el cantante se fue inmediatamente después de cantar una canción, nomás para reaparecer en su mansión de Beverly Hills, horas después, con una diferente chava." My heart drops to my stomach and I suddenly feel nervous and ill. (Witnesses said that the sunder left immediately after singing one song, only to reappear in his mansion on Beverly Hills, hours later, with a different girl)
How the fuck did they know????
My eyes were wide and mouth agape while Saraí next to me was just scoffing and shaking her head. "Mis informantes me dicen que está chava misteriosa tal ves le robó el corazón de nuestro favorito galán musical." I tried my hardest not to gag, especially since mom and abuela were still nearby but god did they really have to exaggerate that much? (My sources/informants fell me that this mystery girl might have stolen the heart of our favorite musical heartthrob)
I then look at Saraí and try to snatch the remote from her again but she yells and tries to get it back. "Que haces?!?" (What are you doing?!?)
"Lo quiero ver!!!" She complains and I just shake my head. (I wanna watch!!)
"Porque? Son puras mentiras y exageran todo posible!!" I say trying not to give myself anyway. (Why? They're all just lies and they exaggerate everything possible!!)
"Y que te importa?! Ni te gusta-" (and why do you care?! You don't even like him-)
"No pero para que quieres caer en mentiras de los reporteros!?!" I say and push the remote towards me but she wasn't budging. (but why do you wanna fall for the lord of those reporters!?!)
"Oigan!! Ya paren!" My dad yells but we still don't stop. (Listen!! Stop that now!)
Suddenly my grandma stands up and reaches behind her to grab her car keys, "ya se! Esta hermoso afuera, saquen el caro y vayan a la playa!" (Oh I know! It's gorgeous outside, take the car out and go to the beach!)
She threw the keys to Saraí who let go of the remote and caught the keys with ease, "gracias abue!!" (thanks grandma!!) 
She skips out of the kitchen until my mom yells at her, "Lleva a tu hermana!!!" (Take your sister!!!)
She groans and stomps her feet on the ground then walks off. My mom turns to me and gives me a look before nodding to where Saraí made her dramatic exit. "Ve." (Go)
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And just like that we had made our way to the beach, Saraí found a lucky spot really close to the beach. I took off my seatbelt and got out of the car. "Why are we in Malibu? Weren't we gonna go to Venice?" I ask and she rolls her eyes as she gets out and walks to the trunk of the car.
"Because Miguel surfs in Malibu." She says matter-of-factly earning herself a glare.
Jesus she's obsessed.
She gets the beach chair she got for herself and closes the trunk then locks the car. I follow her lead as she squeals and looks left to right. On the lookout.
"Today is the day- I feel it in my bones, he's here." She says and I just chuckle.
"Sure he is." I say sarcastically but she just ignores me.
"I'm praying he's not with Lyla, she's not pretty enough for him." She says making me laugh. Damn.
"I wonder what his eyes look like.... Like really up close...." She rambles and lets out a sigh.
"Chocolate brown. A really pretty brown." I imply but she just completely ignores me and runs off to a random direction.
I stand there watching her leave me and scoff. Sisters.
I sigh and take a look around the beach to see where I can sit and just chill without her nagging me about that man anymore.
Suddenly I see something familiar out of the corner of my eye and I look around me and see that no one has noticed what I have.
I shrug and stroll on over to a man sitting by himself next to an empty chair, "hey is this seat taken?"
I walk behind the chair and place my bag on the floor, taking a seat ignoring that he didn't respond. "Don't mind if I do." I tell the man and sigh.
"Esta tan bonito afuera hoy, no crees?" I turn to look at the familiar man who I ended up spending a lot of time with yesterday. (It's so pretty outside today, don't you think?)
He then shifts in his seat and I can't tell if he's recognized me or not but I'll have some fun with this. "Ay perdón estaba dormido- lo desperté?" I ask and smile. (Oh I'm sorry you were asleep- did I wake you?)
He shakes his head and looks down crossing his arms against his chest, as if a small ass hat and little sunglasses are gonna hide his big stature.
"No? Ah que bueno! Me puede poner bloqueador en la espalda?" I ask teaching over to my bag and pulling up a bottle of sunscreen. (That's good! Can you put sunscreen on my back?)
He then turns to look at me and tips his glasses down so I could see his eyes, then laughs and shakes his head. "Como sabías que fui yo?" He asks and gives me that smile I've now seen plenty of times. Jesus. (How'd you know it was me?)
"La cachucha." I respond and look up at my grandpas hat. (The hat)
"It smells like grass." He says making me chuckle.
"Might just be you." I reply and he laughs.
He gives me another smile before taking off his glasses and turning to face me, "what are you doing here?"
"What are you doing here? Go home." I joke and he sighs.
"I tried...."
He looks away and waves me off, "no lo entenderías." (You wouldn't understand)
I scoff and roll my eyes, "ahh entonces crees que eres tan especial que alguien normal como yo no podría entender que difícil es ser tu?" (so you think that you're so special that someone normal like me isn't able to understand how hard it is to be you?)
He laughs then shrug, turning his head to face me again, "hay diez carros de los chismosos afuera de mi casa." (there's ten cars filled with paparazzi outside my house)
"Damn.... That's fucked..." I mutter and refrain from saying something stupid.
He hums in agreement and we sit there in silence for a few seconds before he speaks again, "necesito un carro que ellos no reconozcan para ir a las casa." (I need a car that they don't recognize so I can go home)
I hum and fight the urge to offer our car, I couldn't even imagine him driving abuela's baby pink beetle. He definitely wouldn't fit in it anyway.
Then he looks me up and down, plotting something and asks, "que estás manejando tu?" (what are you driving?)
I grin and lean towards him, "oh you'll love it, it's a classic. Really pretty."
I bite my lip to not laugh and he smiles, "perfect I could pay you-"
"Stop- stop doing that-"
"Stop doing what?”
"Throwing your money around like that. Todavia me debes cinco mil por quedarte en el garaje de la abue." I say and he chuckles. (You still owe me five thousand for staying at my grandma's garage)
He smiles at me and I smile back, "give me your keys." I say and bring my hand up to him and motion for him to give me them.
"Why....." he asks and raises an eyebrow. As if he couldn't trust me.
I could've easily asked for more money... I really should've..
"Well if you're gonna have our car you can't just leave us without one." I say and he hesitates.
His face crunches up and it really looks like he's about to change his mind. He cannot be serious....
He reaches down to his pocket and grabs his keys, I open then close my hand ready to snatch em as soon as he gives them to me. He brings them up and right as I was gonna close my hand he pulls them away. I give him a look and he gives me one right back. "Okay listen-" I try to grab them but he pulls them back.
"She's a-" I try to snatch them again but he brings his hand up. Oh my fucking god-
"She's a three hundred and twenty horsepower-" he brings his hand down slightly and I try to grab it but again he moves it. This piece of shit-
"1998 model-" Hand comes back down and I quickly try to grab it but again no use.
"Brand new wrap-" He moved his hand making me groan.
"Look I love Gabi okay?" He says with such a serious look and tone.
He nods and I prevent the urge to roll my eyes at him, "you name your cars?"
He nods again hesitantly and I now grab the keys from his hand. I give him a look then roll my eyes getting up and walking over to where Saraí was tanning.
I tip toed to her which didn't matter because she had headphones on and eyes were closed. Perfect.
I grab the keys to grandma's car then slide in Miguel's keys before making my way back to him.
I motion for him to follow me and he stands up, jogging over to me as I lead him to his hot new ride. I walk us towards where the beetle is with Miguel on my tail and still on the lookout.
I then stop in front of the car and grin up at him, "Miguel meet Petunia."
He stops and blings his sunglasses down, face disgusted. "Bring her back within the next hour." I tell him and grab his hand, putting the keys on his hand while letting out giggles.
Suddenly he grabs me and pulls me down, hiding us behind the car while mumbling to himself. "How the hell did they find me-" he says grabbing my hand and making me follow him to be by the hood of the car.
"Oh please my sister found you easily and we're from Detroit." I mumble and he turns to look at me for a second with a puzzled look and I just shrug.
We then hear the sound of vans pulling up to the parking lots and doors opening with people talking. He lets go of my hand and takes his glasses off, "here put them on."
I take them and look at them for a few seconds before he gives me a look, "Now. And get in."
I lift my hands up in fake defense and put them on as  he goes to the drivers seat. I walk on over to the passenger seat and fix the glasses when the door opens and hits me in the face.
I fall back and I quickly get up to glare at him through the window, "you cannot be serious- quit fucking hitting me O'Hara." I hiss and he shoots me an apologetic smile.
"I'm so sorry- I'm sorry- get in- get in-" he mumbled and I roll my eyes, opening the door and hop in.
He then opens the glove compartment and goes through it, "what the fuck are you doing now-"
He shushes me and pulls out a scarf and hands it to me, "put this on."
"Just do it."
"Okay Nike sponsorship." I mutter and wrap it around my head.
He then starts the car and start to reverse, he propped his shoulder up and his head down then leaned over as if he had back issues. I bring the glasses to my nose and hold my breath, sinking int the sink as I felt and heard the paparazzi outside the car thinking he was in here. Which they technically weren't wrong about.
But nonetheless they groaned and pulled the cameras away from the car and us. Thank god.
After leaving the beach I let out a sigh and turn my head to look at him, "manejas como mi abuelo!" (you drive like my grandpa!)
He shifts and gets more comfortable, "Y tu te ves como mi abuela!" He jokes making us both laugh as I looked forward and to the highway while taking off the scarf. (And you look like my grandma)
"Necesito mis lentes." He says and I smile, shrugging feeling his gaze on me. (I need my glasses)
"No se... creo que me gustan..." I say and fix my hair, putting some strands behind my ear. (I don't know.... I think I like them...)
"Te los regalo... al rato." He says and I gasp. (I'll give them to you... later)
"De verdad?!?" I ask then quickly continue trying to mimic Saraí, "mis amigas nunca me lo van a creer que yo, tengo un par de Miguel O'Hara lentes que el mismísimo Miguel O'Hara se a puesto!!" (For real?!? My friends will never believe that I, have a pair of Miguel O'Hara sunglasses that have been worn by Miguel O'Hara himself!!!)
I then gasp and turn my body to face him, "me los firmas porfis?!?" I beg and he just rolls his eyes. (Sign them for me please?!?)
"Te crees bien graciosa eh?" He says making me grin and nod. (You think you're so funny)
"Que?" I tease and give him an innocent smile. "No pero de verdad si quiero estos lentes." I say and look at the dark maroon color of the frames. (What? No but seriously I want those glasses)
"Un huh... dámelos. Come on." He says and does grabby hands. (Give me them)
I sigh and take them off handing them over to him. "So how long am I stuck with you this time?" I ask earning myself a laugh.
"Until the paps leave the beach...." He says then turns to look at me, "let's go do something."
"Like what?" I ask and raise an eyebrow at him.
"Anything. What have you seen since you got here?"
"Nothing. I've been too busy following you around." I say and his eyes bright up.
"Really?" He says in a soft tone and I just playfully roll my eyes.
"With my sister... she idolizes you." I say and he shakes his head, rolling his eyes.
Why'd it seem like he was disappointed?
I shrug and continue, "I mean I couldn't care less about you or your city."
He gasps and shakes his head in disbelief, "I already knew you didn't like me but you don't have to take it out on Los Angeles. It's a beautiful city."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah, yknow what, I'll be your tour guide."
"I thought you were going home..."
"Meh I'll just take the long way." He says and gives me that smile as he puts his glasses back on.
He turns the radio on and just to my luck his song came on. He gives me a grin and I just sigh, relaxing into my seat as he drives us to who knows where.
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He ended up taking me to Santa Monica Pier, Venice beach, Rodeo Drive to buy me stuff (which I wasn't complaining about), the walk of fame to see the stars of my actual favorite celebrities, to the Hollywood sign which was huge in person.
He had bought me a Polaroid camera while we were at the pier and ended up using all the film, and he bought me a two pack. Now I just had forty little Polaroid pictures in my purse along with other cute souvenirs.
We were singing along to the songs on the radio when I noticed he drove us back to his house. "Gonna keep me for longer huh?" I tease and chuckle, looking up at the huge mansion he calls home.
He smiles and nods as he parks in front of his house and unlocks the doors. I unbuckle my seatbelt and open the door getting out of the car.
I had shocked myself today, actually enjoying myself and letting myself not be so judgmental of Miguel as well as getting to know the real him. He was nice, very sarcastic and somewhat funny. But I'm not gonna admit that to his face.
I was appalled when finding out he wasn't narcissistic or rude and was actually chill and fun to be around. Again not admitting that to his face.
And he was a total gentlemen, opening doors for me, paying for everything even though I kept fighting him on it. It felt like a first date even though our circumstances were just odd and weird. And it technically wasn't even a date.
I followed him inside and he beckoned me over to his living room while he went to get us something to drink. I plopped down on the longer couch and it felt like a cloud.
Didn't even look too luxurious which was a green flag in my books. I laid back and sighed, what have these two days been?
How did this happen to me? And why was I enjoying it more than I thought I would?
Miguel comes back with two glasses and a bottle of wine, I laugh as he sets them on the coffee table in front of me. He pours both glasses and hands me one which I gladly took.
Free wine? Say less.
I take a sip then immediately take another, was pretty good...
He plops down next to me and I turn my body to face him, I couldn't even deny how attractive he was. Not that I did before but he just looked really good today...
Kept giving me that look with those eyes and that pretty smile flashing me his pearly whites that were the smallest bit crooked but still looked pretty.
I take another sip then place the glass on the table and put all my attention to him. "So couldn't get enough of me, you had to bring me back?" I tease and lean my side into the couch.
He laughs and shrugs, "Well I thought we had a fun day..." he says and scoots closer to me.
I nod and try not to react too much, if he moved just a tiny bit more his leg will be touching mine... and I wouldn't even mind.
"And I thought why not continue the fun..." he says and leans in, his face now much closer to mine.
I felt my skin grow warm and tried to calm my breathing. Why was he making me so nervous?
Did one day really just change my entire mindset on him?
"Surely this isn't the wine hitting you already right?" I tease in a softer tone, wanting some kind of reassurance I'm not imagining things. No way I'm delusional after the day we've had...
He laughs then gives me a smile, "it's definitely not the wine."
I hum and nod, my cheeks growing warmer by the second and I just prayed he couldn't see it. This felt so embarrassing.
"Is this okay?" He whispers and scoots until there was no more space between us.
His leg was touching mine and I couldn't trust myself to speak so I only nodded. He then reached over and placed his glass on the table before leaning back on the couch, turning to face me. Why did he have to look so good?
Even better up close-
My thoughts were cut short when I felt him place his hand on my thigh, touching my bare skin. I looked into his eyes noticing he was even closer now, my nerves never leaving my body. I look down to his lips and god I really wanted to kiss him.
As if thinking the same I was, he brought his other hand up to cup my cheek and leans in. I close my eyes and close the gap, kissing him gently. He kisses back instantly and I feel his hand squeeze my thigh then running his fingers up and down making me gasp.
He slides his tongue in and I gladly let him, bring my hands up to the back of his neck to play with his hair. I twirl some curls between my fingers then lightly pull on them, earning myself a groan from him.
I felt myself growing more needy, craving more and feeling the familiar heat rising down to my core so I squeezed my thighs together then pulled away for a second and nibbled on his bottom lip. I felt his hand graze my inner thigh, fingers slipping under my shorts making me let out a sigh.
He turned my head and attached his lips to my neck, leaving wet kisses all over while his fingers kept rubbing but not where I needed them most. I tilted my head back and spread my legs to which he slid his hand up and to the zipper of my shorts.
He sucked gently on my skin then kissed it a few times before I felt his hands slip down. I let out a whine and buck my hips up, to which i then felt his touch right above my centre. I squirmed and was about to lay my head back until he grabbed me, moving my body and placed me between his legs.
His hands trailed down my legs slowly then came back up and to my stomach. Thinking he'd stop there I was left shocked seeing and feeling his fingertips work their way between my tits then back down.
I laid my head back against his hard chest and let out a shaky breath. He turns his head to kiss my neck and continue his grazing. I was already breathless and he's barely touched me, I needed him.
"Estas tan hermosa." He whispers in my ear making me whimper and squirm against him, now directly on his crotch. (You're so beautiful)
"Miguel-" I breathe out but cuts me off by pecking my lips softly.
I moan into his mouth then feel his fingers coming back up but this time he groped my tits with both hands. I whined and grind against him as he continues kissing me, leaving me a mess already.
He groans and squeezes them, fondling them in his hands as I kiss him back. Suddenly he brings a hand down, slowly trailing it down my body until he reaches the waistband of my shorts.
He undos it then quickly pulls the zipper down before quickly sliding his hand in and starts rubbing my soaked cunt through my panties. I feel my eyes fluttering as he moves his hand steadily while I bring my left hand to grip his left arm that was now pinching my nipple.
I bite my lip, moving my hips up and down, needing more. "Miguel por favor-" I breathe out and he just hums. (please)
"Dime que quieres nena, te quiero escuchar." He purrs into my ear making me whimper. (Tell me what you want baby girl, I wanna hear you)
"I- fuck-" I mutter and close my mouth with my right hand.
He was now rubbing circles over my clit, so fucking slowly. This piece of shit thought it was nice to tease me like this?!? As if he couldn't feel how badly I wanted this...
"Dime que quieres amor." He murmurs continuing his teasing pace as I buck my hips up but still doesn't change anything. (Tell me what you want love)
"Te necesito Miguel- por favor-" I plead and whimper when he slows down again. (I need you- please-)
"Me necesitas?" He mocks in my ear and I just nod repeatedly as he speeds up the tiniest bit. (You need me?)
"Pero todavía no haz dicho que quieres nena..." he murmurs and leaves a soft kiss on my neck. (But you still haven't said what you want baby girl...)
I felt my eyes flutter and a blush rose to my cheeks, why did he have to sound so perfect?
Just his words alone were enough to make me more wet for him. He was driving me insane.
"N-necesito tus dedos..." I whimper and spread my legs as he moves my panties to the side, "por favor fóllame con tus dedos-" I whine and he slides two of his long fingers inside without another word. (need your fingers, please fuck me with your fingers-)
I gasp feeling them fill me up, surprised to feel how thick they were. I felt my legs shake slightly while I tried to keep my breathing steady considering he was just starting. He was already filling me up so nicely and it felt incredible. "So tight and wet for me baby." He whispers and pumps his fingers inside me, my walls enveloping them.
He worked on my cunt almost expertly, curling them up making me arch my back against him. With his available hand he wrapped it around my waist, as if to make me refrain from moving. "Miguel- M-Miguel-"
He hummed and started going faster, I could feel my creamy juices slip down to my asshole as he went faster and deeper. I let out whines and closed my eyes when I feel his lips on my cheek then on my ear. "Such a pretty mess for me huh baby?"
I whimpered and couldn't help but clench against his fingers making me let out more whimpers. "S-so good-" I moan out and kisses my neck softly.
"I know baby, I know." He murmurs and goes even faster leaving me a moaning mess on top of him.
"Estas tomando mis dedos tan bien princesa." He praised making me whimper and clench against him once again. (You're taking my fingers so well princess)
"Te gusta que te hable así hm?" He teases and I open my eyes only to roll them and bite my lip. (You like when I talk to you like that)
Starting to despise him again, I hated his teasing but couldn't help but like it.
"Contéstame nena." He purrs in a low tone, that making my orgasm quickly approach. (Answer me baby)
"Si- si me gusta mucho- me encanta como me hablas-" I moan out and he slows down but fucks me deeper. (Yes- yes I like it a lot- I love way you talk to me-)
"Good girl." He moans and starts pumping his fingers faster again.
I whimpered and tried to buck my hips up but his strong arm didn't let me and just gripped me to stay still. I held on to it and laid my head back against his chest, then look down at the sight. His fingers fucking me effortlessly with my arousal being the main thing that's being heard in the room. "Aren't you just taking it so well baby?" He purrs and I nod, looking up to look at him.
I crash our lips together and he suddenly starts fucking me even faster making me moan against his mouth. He slides his tongue inside my mouth as I continue moaning and try to kiss back.
I felt the familiar feeling of my orgasm approach in the pit of my stomach as he continued fucking me fast as well as deep. "I'm gonna-" i murmur against his lips and he just hums, continuing with our kiss.
I glide my tongue against his but then stop, letting out whines and whimpers as my orgasm hit me hard with Miguel not stopping. "Fuck- Miguel!" I whimper feeling my legs shaking violently.
He lets me ride my orgasm and slows his pace down as he gives me light pecks while I try to catch my breath. He then pulls away after one final peck and leans his forehead against mine. Not able to keep my eyes open, I lean into his touch, a weak smile forming on my lips. "That was incredible." I say and let out a small giggle.
He nods and grins, "you did so good love."
He kisses me softly and I kiss him back the same way when I feel him slowly slip his fingers out of me. His fingers come out and I feel more of my juices slip down to my asshole, "oh my god baby-" he moans and brings his fingers up to our faces.
I grab his hand and lazily open my mouth, taking his fingers into my mouth and lick my arousal clean. I looked at him and innocently bat my eyes while he groans. I made sure to lick every drop before he finally slips his fingers out and crashes his lips onto mine.
I immediately kiss back and move my body to no longer be on his crotch but on the couch with my legs over his thighs. His tongue slid into my mouth making me melt as I felt one hand go to cup my jaw and the other to my thigh.
He rubbed my skin softly and I felt myself melt into his embrace, "you're incredible." He murmurs against my mouth making me pull away.
I lean my head against his chest as he now wraps both arms around my body, feeling shivers run down my spine. "No you are." I whisper and chuckle.
Then we just sat there in comfortable silence, I was listening to his heartbeat as he played with my hair and my breathing was now back to normal.
"So do you like me now?" He whispers and I burst out laughing.
I then stop and shrug, "maybe a little bit..."
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gyu-vinnie · 2 months
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my first zb1 post ever!! and we all cheered!! since i’m posting this on a new blog, im gonna do a small (re)introduction loll so you can skip down if you really don’t care. hi, im skai! i post mainly on my account @ant-onie (yes that’s me lol) and i decided to make a zb1 blog because yeah 😇 also, this is WAYYYY longer than i intended but every time i write for my biases it happens 😭 please keep in mind that i’m inexperienced in almost everything i write about 🙏🏾
hanbin x reader nsfw drabble(?) under cut
hanbin had a suspicion you liked his new hair a bit too much.
it wasn’t something you tried to hide. anytime he would see you recently you would go feral. okay, well maybe feral isn’t the word, but it sure is similar! you would be constantly running your fingers over his arm and collarbone tattoos. at first, he finds it cute, you being so touchy with him, looking up at him while batting your eyelashes ‘innocently’. but that only lasts the first 2-3 hours of your constant touching, after that he starts to get irritated. his patience is impeccable, we know that, but you always find a way of getting him so worked up just from touch. how can a single, delicate touch make him this hard? it doesn’t make sense. and when you see him getting a bit more antsy, it flipped a switch in you, now doing everything in your power to get him on you as soon as possible. calling him by sickingly sweet nicknames, ruffling his hair, whispering in his ears, holding eye contact with him a bit longer than usual, complimenting him, slightly riskier linger touches. pretty much everything you know drives him insane.
the two of you would be out at the mall, stopping in the food court because you were craving something sweet. you ended up getting a simple vanilla ice cream cone from one of the vendors. occasionally when licking the ice cream cone, you would stare at him while he did everything not to look at you, eventually failing miserably. why do you have to be such a messy eater? ice cream getting in places on your body where it shouldn’t even be. how the hell did you get ice cream on your neck? why did you look him in the eye when you scooped it up on your finger and put it in your mouth? why did you look so innocent while you did it? and before either of you could say a thing, he grabbed you arm and dragged you out of the mall. luckily the mall was pretty deserted one this particular day, because it honestly looks like he’s kidnapping you (although you show no residence). the two of you didn’t even make it home, shit, you didn’t even make it out of the parking lot. thank goodness he likes to park in the most secluded areas.
“shit- just like that, doing so good, baby” he would mumble as you took him all the way in your mouth. the two of you are currently in the back, empty part of the parking lot where no one can see. your on your knees, sucking him off as he leans on the passenger side of the car, hand in you hair, giding you ever so gently. you pulled off of him, spluttering and looking up at him while you jerk him off. the way you can do such a dirty act while looking that innocent was enough for hanbins knees to buckle. you saw the way his face contorted in pleasure and his eyes shut. you took his length back into your mouth, making sure to pay extra attention to his tip when all of a sudden he lets out a whimper-like groan, cumming all over your tongue and face. when he opened his eyes again he saw you licking your lips and scoop some of his cum off your cheek, sucking off you finger just like you did with the ice cream previously. he let out a shaky scoff when you look into his eyes and smile. being the gentleman he is, he helps your up and in the car. once hanbin gets back in the drivers seat, he goes into the glove compartment and grabs a napkin and wiping the stray streams of cum off you. “are you happy now?” he asks with a smile, causing you to smile back. “i’m content now” you respond and grabs the napkin from him, folding it and putting it under your thigh so the cum won’t get on the car seat. he lets out a snicker and buckles his seatbelt. “well ill return the favor when we get home. won’t want my pretty girl to be unsatisfied, would we?” he asks with a familiar smirk that made you tummy do flips. something told you this wasn’t over just yet, and probably won’t be for a while.
HEHE 👹 first time writing a scene like this, please give feedback :p
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fayesia · 10 months
Hiiiii, how are you today? I hope you're well and safe. I had an idea for mike I hope you don't mind. Imagine him being jealous of his own baby being breastfeed. Love your stories ❤
a/n: hello!! i’m doing very good, i hope the same things for u too:D i’m very happy to hear u enjoy my writing. Also i never expected my blog to contain things mostly abt mike schmidt but here we r, remember to send me any request (i’m trying to improve my smut writing so those types would be helpful but fluff is also fine!) and i will try get to them asap. hoping to be a lot better at this stuff once my holidays start in a week. ty for all the love so far, appreciating every single one of u beautiful individuals interacting w my account <3
fyi: this blurb will contain insinuations of sub!mikeschmidt, lactation kink, breeding kink (quick mention) baby will be referred to as “she” but rly whichever gender u prefer!!
You had finally finished putting your sweet baby to rest, as much as you loved the little bundle of joy, it was difficult for you both mentally and physically to keep up with the needs of her. finally having some peace and quiet you rested on the couch laying your head against Mikes shoulder while he gently rubbed your back knowing the aches you felt there. soft moans left your mouth as the feeling of relief swarmed through you, Mikes lips gliding across the skin of your neck, whispers of how beautiful and amazing of a mother you are reached your ears while you drifted into a peaceful rest.
This rest however, didn’t last long as you were soon awoken by your baby’s cries, Mike was fast asleep so you quietly padded your way to her rooms rocking her as you returned to the couch and began to breastfeed her. Mike woke up soon after silently watching you, later taking the baby to put back to sleep while you cleaned up.
“she didn’t drink enough, i don’t think she cried from hunger, god i’m so sore”
“it’s ok come here honey relax for me” Mike took your hands leading you back to the couch where he cuddled with you. He kissed your cheeks, lips and neck, hands moved to pull off your shirt. his kisses drew nearer to your sore breast where he latched onto a nipple.
He started sucking, moaning as your sweet milk filled his mouth, the liquid was like ambrosia to him, it got him more drunk than any alcohol. His ferocious sucking at your nipple was soothed by his tongue that lapped at any mess left over.
“god, don’t ever want you to stop producing milk, might just fuck a baby into you and get you pregnant all over again. Bet you’d want that huh?”
he exclaimed profanity’s while his hips thrusted against the side of your thigh where you felt a very hard erection forming.
“hmmm” you could barely respond, his actions against your leaking tits had you completely silenced, the only noise coming from you were quiet moans and pants as the area between your thighs became increasingly wetter. Mikes talk about impregnating you did nothing to cease the sensations, simply making your underwear even more soaked.
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shaunashipman · 5 months
The Buddie side of fandom is something else these days, that's for sure. I'm about to come out of fic writing retirement just to add to BuckTommy out of spite.
look, I am not new to the 911 fandom, I was in it for years, and it's actually the reason I made a new account a year ago after that garbage fire of a season, I wanted a full fresh start without any of that on my blog
if it had stayed on fox and/or KR had stayed in charge, I would not have touched the new season with a 100ft electric pole. but tim was back, things were looking good so I decided to dip my toe back in
obviously a mistake. if I thought the rancid "long-form storytelling" side of the fandom was bad, this is just insane. wanting a newly bisexual character to immediately cheat? wanting a gay character to get killed off so your otp can get together? repeatedly commenting "umm I think you mean buddie" on official insta posts and willfully misunderstanding Oliver's joking comment?
(I'm not even getting into the disgustingness aimed at Lou or regarding the whole "kid" comment)
no wonder these people block everyone who slightly disagrees with their vision, if they stepped one inch outside their echo chamber they'd be bowled over with the sheer common-sense that they're lacking
and i keep seeing the same, I wanna say "defense"? for their behaviour, that buddie is something they've "been waiting 6 years for" except no. they've been WANTING it for 6 years. and like a child they think if they want it hard enough then they'll get it
sorry nonny, this got long 😬 but my new year's mid-year resolution is to stop censoring my own opinions in fandom for fear of rocking the boat. yes, pls come out of writing retirement to add the growing plethora of bucktommy fics 🙏. I think I've literally read every single one that didn't have a squick of mine in it (except the ones that are buddie fics in disguise 😒) and I can't wait to read more. let's get it to 2000 before the next ep, really make them seethe
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