#NOT an innuendo
mumms-the-word · 5 months
alistair theirin polearm truthers 🤝 gale dekarios quarterstaff truthers
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echo-goes-mmm · 8 months
Moonflower #4
Warnings: dehumanization, threats
Iris was exhausted. She wasn’t used to long hours; she’d seen what overwork did to her father, and he’d died young. Iris had sworn to herself that she wouldn’t rule like that. 
Unfortunately, there was still work to be done. There was always work to be done.
Kit walked a half-step behind her, quiet and solemn. He was sworn to her, and to her alone, and the relief of it was staggering. Even if it were just for five years, there was finally someone in the castle who she could trust. 
He was bound by magic; it was impossible for him to betray her. It seemed a bit… pushy, but results were results. 
She could feel guilty about it later.
Iris waved off the questioning looks from the castle guard as they walked down the halls. 
Sir Brennan was at his post in front of her door, and thankfully he said nothing when Kit followed her in.
She groaned as she sat on the couch. Iris kicked off her shoes and put her feet up on a footstool.
“You can sit,” she said, taking off her earrings. Kit sat on the floor instead of the couch or armchair, kneeling across from her on the rug. 
Iris began to take the pins out of her hair, tossing them onto the bedside table. They clattered, but the time for grace and care was over. This was her room, and she could relax in here. She wasn’t going to change that for Kit. 
“So,” she said, taking the brush out of the side table drawer. “Here’s the thing.” She shook her head, loosening her hair before dragging the brush through the dark locks.
“I haven’t been queen for very long. Still settling in, really.”
Kit watched the brush move with rapt attention.
“I can’t keep track of everything if I want to both stay sane and run a country. That’s where you come in.”
“I’m not very good at politics,” said Kit. “I didn’t even go to revels often, much less talk to the gentry.” 
Iris reached a tangle in her hair, and she worked to get it out.
“I can handle the politics, Kit, I just want to know if my cousin is being an ass to a maid. Or if an advisor calls me a bitch and I just didn’t hear him mutter.” 
The tangle gave way, and she moved on to the other side of her hair.
“Luckily for us, tomorrow is Saturday, so we can get you ready for court. I’ve scheduled a tailor, and I’m sure Christine will insist on speaking to you.”
Kit was tired. There was just so much to process. 
He lay in the giant bed, staring up at the ceiling. He let the colors of the room become fuzzy and swirl.
He didn’t want to think about all those eyes on him tomorrow. All those men with steel swords and armor that burned.
Iris didn’t want much from him, yet. But what she did want meant he’d be seen. Following the queen around all day like a dog was the opposite of laying low.
Just five years. Five years was nothing, five years was-
He gave up his name in six months. Training couldn’t have been more than eight.
He rolled over, too exhausted to even get under the covers.
Five years was a long time.
He woke up just before dawn, something he never really appreciated before. There was a balcony connected to his bedroom, and he stepped out to sit and watch the sunrise.
The golden light shimmered over the mountains.
Mountains. There were no mountains in sight in his homeland. Even the hills were gentle.
Moonflower bit his lip, and tried not to cry. Crying never helped him before, why bother now?
He went back inside once the sun was over the peaks. He drew a warm bath.
His last bath was “supervised” which really meant they tied him to a hook in the ceiling beam and tossed soapy cold water at him. But he didn’t dare linger in the warm water, or take much comfort in it.
Instead he washed quickly, and dried himself with a fluffy towel he found nearby.
Ideally he could use magic to get his only clothes clean again, but that part of himself was still slumbering from illness.
Kit tried anyway, but fuzziness crept back into his vision, and his legs shook.
Magic could wait. He felt stronger already anyway, and it would return soon. Hopefully.
He tried not to notice how out of place the plain gray shirt and pants were compared to even the servant’s clothes he’d seen.
Everything about him was out of place. Mortals were… rounder. Less sharp, with their softer faces, blunter teeth, and small curved ears.
He pulled the shirt over his head and tried to forget about it. 
Kit slipped out of his room, and nearly came face to chest with Sir Brennan. The knight grabbed Kit by the shoulders and gently steadied him.
“Watch out,” he said. Kit whimpered, backing away.
Sir Brennan was a large man, and seemingly Mistress’s personal guard. He didn’t want to be on the wrong end of his sword.
“You’re up early,” said Brennan. “Why?” He didn’t remove his hands from Kit’s shoulders.
“I-” was dawn early? “I was just-”
“Listen,” said Brennan, his voice going low, “I don’t care. I don’t particularly care about you. My job is to protect Queen Iris.” Sir Brennan squeezed his shoulders. “So if you even think about playing one of your kind’s nasty little tricks I will skewer you with my sword. Do we understand each other?”
Kit nodded. “I wouldn’t-” Brennan squeezed again, and his steel was so close to Kit's skin- “Yes! Yes, I understand- please-”
Sir Brennan let go of him, and stood up. “I’m glad we had this little talk.” 
Kit paused, shaking. He glanced at Brennan, but he didn’t do anything more. Just stared at him with narrowed eyes.
Kit pushed down the dread in his stomach and knocked at Iris’s door.
“Come in,” she called. Sir Brennan didn’t stop him from turning the knob or from entering.
Iris was in a loose fitting pair of pants and a matching shirt, which struck him as odd. 
“Oh!” she said, turning to see him. “I thought you might be Brennan!”
“No it’s… fine. But, um, Kit, I’m in my pajamas.” She seemed a little flush. He tilted his head.
“I don’t understand.” She sighed. 
“Just give me a minute, okay?”
Iris went into her bedroom and closed the door. She came back out a few minutes later in a different outfit, a sleek emerald dress. That definitely seemed more ‘her’. 
Kit had made himself something similar once. It took a lot of effort to make the dyes, and even more work to trade with the driders for silk.
His dress was probably long gone by now.
“You’re up early,” she said.
“Everyone keeps saying that,” he muttered.
“Right… Well-”
There was a knock at the door. “Your majesty? I have your breakfast.”
She sighed. “Come in, Katie.”
The door opened, and Katie backed in with a cart. “I tried knocking on the fae’s door to get it some food but-” she turned. “Oh! It’s in here! Hello!” she waved. She then pulled a tray off the second shelf of the cart. 
“I have your breakfast, too!” She offered him the tray.
He took the tray from her. “Thank you, miss.” 
Katie gaped at him. “I didn’t know you could talk! Can you do magic? I was wondering if-” 
“Kaite, would you excuse us?” 
“Oh! Of course, your grace.” Katie bowed, and left.
“I apologize about her. She’s just excitable, that’s all.”
Kit shrugged. 
“There’s a table by the window,” she said, inclining her head. “We can eat there.”
Kit ate slowly, savoring the bacon and eggs. If Mistress ever decided to starve him, he could remember how good it tasted and pretend. It made him feel better, even if it made him a bit hungrier.
Mistress had a light breakfast, some toast with jam and a cup of something that smelled bitter until she poured in cream and lots of sugar. He wasn’t sure what it was- some sort of tea?- but she seemed pleased drinking it. 
She sighed, sipping at her mug. “Any idea what time it is? I don’t have my watch.”
“Eight thirty-two am.” He responded automatically.
Iris gave him a strange look, and got up. He heard her searching for something in her room. Was she going to beat him already?
But instead she walked back in with a watch in hand. She held it up, but he couldn’t read what it said. “How did you do that?”
“I- it’s just something I can do.”
“Huh.” Iris strapped on her watch. “Well, I’m going to fix my hair. The tailor will be here at ten. Go ahead and put the dishes back on the cart, and put it in the hall. Someone will collect it later.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
taglist: @paintedpigeon1
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spriinglocked · 5 months
something big is coming guys
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Remember - if there's a gay, there's a way
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jinx-rants · 1 year
Hot take of the day: 99% of people who don’t like eggplant just aren’t cooking it thoroughly enough. Eggplant is bomb.
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rhysnolastname · 7 months
I want a bnanana but then then I gotta walk downstairs and get out of bed
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ewbanh · 1 year
I would like something like tinder, but for buying rugs
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merginyourface · 2 years
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techniccolor · 2 years
mutuals i am pushing a 2 lb block of cheddar into your raw chickens
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sea-shelly · 2 years
FMK Jost Capito, Fred Vasseur, Otmar Sfaznauer
(I'm sorry!)
TIL that Jost and Fred are actually two different men!!
Marry Jost literally just bc he is TP of Williams and therefore supporting Alex. We could bond over that (💀)
I DO love a man who cringe fails. So I'm against murdering Otmar purely bc that would mean an end to the cringe failing. I can't bring myself to type the words but I'm not killing or marrying him!!
So I'm killing Fred, I don't know who this man is. Sorry to this man.
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prokopetz · 4 months
Weighing in on metroidvania definitions: A metroidvania MUST HAVE a long vertical shaft filled with enemies. I call them "bastard tubes" and they're mandatory
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thejhambs · 2 months
current era Dan and Phil is specifically cute bc I feel like Phil has always had this boundary and slight reticence with showing emotions on camera, and then Dan is like, "I'm going to make you look cute as fuck", and is constantly putting him in situations that are slightly embarrassing so that he's giggly and shy in a way that he's rarely been on camera before this era
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shiftythrifting · 8 months
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👀 👀 👀
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bleedingoptimism · 4 months
“I’m sorry Steve, I thought we were just having fun! I enjoyed you taking me out and paying for everything that’s all…” Is what Shelley said to him when Steve walked into the bar and saw her flirting with another guy. 
Obviously, he smiled and shook his head, said everything was okay, ‘Just a silly misunderstanding’ and left, ever so graceful. But the second he was outside he cursed, tried not to shed a tear, failed, and then started laughing. 
He probably looks like a mad man, or a drunk. But no, don’t worry people, he’s not drunk or crazy, he’s just really, really stupid. He thought Shelley really liked him, he thought they were dating. And Shelley just assumed he was just another playboy so she played him back. He’s not even mad at her. She didn't mean to hurt him. It’s not her fault Steve is just so easy to hurt. 
Sighing, he gets his phone out to get an uber and hugs himself even though it’s not really that cold outside, waiting for his car, already imagining the big, greasy burger he’s going to order when he gets home. He deserves it, okay?
The car that pulls out has definitely seen better days, but it’s clean and comfortable so Steve doesn’t think twice about getting in. He offers the driver a smile through the rearview mirror, sparing a moment to notice his eyes are big and dark, and they crinkle when he smiles back at him. 
Steve sits stiff and straight for a moment before realizing no one is there to judge him right now and he deflates, sighing again and letting himself collapse against the seat. Still hugging himself to feel any sort of comfort, he bumps his head against the window softly a couple of times. 
“Long night?” The driver asks him in a friendly manner.
Steve meets his eyes in the rearview again and shrugs, smiling back crookedly “Thought I should go home early since I already accomplished making an ass of myself for the night”
He checks the uber app for the driver’s name, doesn’t want to be rude by not remembering. ‘Eddie’ chuckles at Steve's statement.
“You did, huh? Well good job on getting it out of the way then,”
Steve chuckles back, “Yeah, I was actually thinking I deserve a treat”
He notices Eddie looking back at him a couple of times before breathing an interested, “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Steve says, “A huge cheesy burger or something” Wondering what Eddie was thinking he’d say.
Eddie laughs again, “Oh! Right of course” and just when he’s about to say something else his phone rings.
“Oh, sorry” Eddie murmurs, immediately hanging up on whoever is calling. 
“No worries,” Steve mumbles back, sitting up a little straighter again. 
“So, what’s your favorite dirty burger place?” Eddie asks him. 
Steve can tell he’s trying to distract him from the mood he entered the car with and he really appreciates it.
He sits forward and leans his forearms against the headrest of the passenger seat, “Oh, there’s so many, but…” from this angle, he can see Eddie’s face better, and he can’t help but think he’s got a really nice looking profile, long lashes, full lips, and the cutest nose he’s ever seen, “I think Benny’s the best one” he finishes.
Eddie pulls at a stop light and turns to look at him with a smile and he’s so much prettier than Steve first thought he involuntarily gasps. But thankfully Eddie is talking excitedly and doesn’t seem to notice.
“No way you know Benny’s?! Benny is my uncle! Well, he’s married to my uncle actually- you know what I mean but yeah, Benny’s is great!” 
It’s such a weird coincidence that it managed to take Steve out of his stupor and he’s suddenly just as excited as Eddie,
“Really? Oh my god, I’m so jealous right now, I wished I could live at Benny’s sometimes” 
Eddie laughs, and just when he opens his mouth to reply his phone rings again. This time he doesn’t immediately hang up and Steve sees the screen light up with the name “you deserve better” 
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Ouch, he thinks, and his heartstrings tug for his cute, sweet, uber driver. Who offered him friendly conversation cause he noticed he was feeling down and has the most beautiful laugh. He doesn't really know why he feels so strongly about it, he doesn't even know Eddie… but he still feels the text is right. Whoever hurt him, Eddie deserved better.
“Hey,” He says softly when Eddie hangs up cursing.
Eddie sighs again, “I’m so sorry,” 
“Hey, no. It’s fine,” Steve replies, resisting the urge to place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
He figures, after the way his night started, he’s got nothing to lose so he says, “So much talk about Benny’s I feel like I need to go there right now.” 
Eddie let’s out a distracted “Huh?” and Steve soldiers on, “Wanna change the destination and join me? You can take me home after,”
He notices Eddie doing a double take and blushing, “Really? I- Am- I- okay” he stammers but Steve can’t really figure out why.
“Yeah, you know, that way you don’t lose time on the job and have another ride?” He finishes and Eddie laughs,
“Oh, right. Yeah That- makes sense”
They keep talking about their favorite things on the menu on the way there and soon they are sitting face to face in a booth at Benny’s.
What a pair they make, Steve in a three piece suit, jacket off, vest undone and shirt rolled up to his forearms. And Eddie with sweats and a hoodie. 
Eddie is even better looking in the shitty dinner light and the blush that adorns his cheeks ever since they came in makes Steve wanna kiss them to feel their warmth.
Benny himself comes to take their order, and Eddie gets up to hug him and introduces him to Steve. They already know each other, because Steve does come to the dinner often and Benny lets Eddie know that.
Eddie thinks it's hilarious that they both have been here so much and never saw each other before, but Steve can’t help to think it’s a shame.
“I actually would’ve loved to have met you sooner,” he tells Eddie at one point and watches curiously as Eddie’s blush turns a few shades darker.
As they eat, Steve tells Eddie about Shelley, about his hopes, about misreading the situation, about his shame. How he doesn’t even think he liked Shelley that much, but he just wanted to have something real. Eddie gets mad at him for blaming himself, tells him it wasn’t his fault, that he’s being too hard on himself. And it’s not a bad thing to consider but all Steve can think about is how cute Eddie looks when he’s mad on his behalf.
Eventually, Eddie tells Steve about whoever was calling him. 
“I met him at my last job. I thought he was so cool but turns out he was actually just cold,” Eddie shrugs, “We dated for like 6 months or something, not that long but, I was miserable the whole time and I didn’t even realize it was because of him.” 
Eddie’s hand is tearing up a paper napkin between them and Steve tentatively settles his hand over Eddie’s, who stops destroying the napkin and smiles gratefully at Steve, holding his hand back.
“The worst part is I didn’t even break up with him, he broke up with me,” Eddie chuckles self-deprecatingly, “But he still wanted to keep me around I guess… And I… didn’t want to feel lonely” 
They both stay quiet for a moment after that, and Steve stares at their hands joined over the greasy dinner table and thinks about loneliness, about how he doesn't feel it right now, with Eddie.
“So, what happened?” he asks after a bit.
“I did eventually realize he was the one making me feel like shit so I stopped seeing him but he didn’t appreciate my new sense of self-respect,” Eddie says lightly and Steve instinctively squeezes his hand protectively, which makes Eddie smile again, “I’m doing just fine now though, I told him to fuck off and got a new job. And it’s actually pretty good, ya know?”
Steve can’t help but smile back at Eddie’s cute expression, “Yeah?”
“Hell yeah, my own hours? Good money? Plus I’ve always liked driving around, it calms me. And I get to meet really interesting people…” he says, winking at Steve and making him chuckle.
“Well, I’m glad then. Proud of you for getting out of there,”
“Me too,” Eddie says and looks up as Benny walks over to them.
“Sorry to interrupt boys, but we are about to close for the night,” He says, stifling a yawn.
Steve looks surprised at his watch, it’s almost 2 A.M. He can’t believe he’s been sitting here with Eddie for hours when it only felt like a few minutes.
He offers to cover the bill but Benny fights him over it and says it’s his treat. And Eddie offers to take him home no charge. So they get in Eddie’s car again only this time Steve sits next to him instead of in the back and they talk about music on their way to his place while Steve changes the radio stations. Laughing, singing and joking around, it’s such a good time. It feels like they’ve been doing this forever, like they could do this…forever. But eventually they arrive at Steve’s building and suddenly Steve doesn’t want the night to end. 
He’s about to tell Eddie as much, maybe invite him inside, when his phone rings again, the ‘you deserve better’ staring at them. But Eddie immediately grabs his phone and hangs up, blocking the number after. 
“There, he can’t call me again,” he says with a sigh.
“Can I see your phone for a second?” Steve ventures, making a last second decision.
Eddie looks surprised but curious as he hands it over and Steve punches his phone in.
“If you ever feel like unblocking him, or calling him back… Why don’t you try calling me instead?” he says in a rush and then walks out of the car, not lingering to see Eddie’s reaction.
There’s always the positivity that he got things wrong again, got too invested too soon again and he doesn’t want to know tonight. He’ll deal with it later, if Eddie doesn't call.
It takes only two days for Steve’s phone to ring, an unknown number flashing on his screen. He picks it up feeling a little out of breath for no reason at all.
“Eddie, I”
“Wait- before you say anything I just want you to know that I didn’t call because I wanted to call him, or I was thinking about him. I called because I can’t stop thinking about you, I wanted to talk to you. Okay?”
“Eddie- yes! It’s more than okay, I- I was hoping you’d call”
fin 💙
☕🥐💕 coffee? oovoo javer?
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deep-sea-anemone · 6 months
Yes, yes, Sanji letting Zoro help in the kitchen by letting him chop vegetables because he's good with pointy objects.
BUT. Have you considered?
They live in a world without most electrical appliances. A FUCKTON of physical labor goes into baking (and keep in mind how often Sanji bakes treats for the girls).
Sanji being tired (physically) and not feeling like taking 10 min to whip whipped cream. Being tired (mentally) of Zoro making fun of him for never working out. Sanji saying "fuck it" and just starts putting him to work.
The foccacia dough needs to be kneaded? "Have fun working a sticky mess for 20 minutes, asshole"
Need meringue? "No, STIFF peaks marimo. Don't tell me you're wimping out already"
"Are you even TRYING to flatten that steak Marimo?"
"Yes, it needs whipped cream. YES, I know you just made some yesterday. We need more"
Zoro's shoulders are burning but he's trying SO HARD not to lose face with the cook and meanwhile Sanji is silently losing it at Zoro's shock that cooking can in fact be a workout
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xia0ming56 · 6 months
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Ive fallen into the Medical Malpractice Show rabbit hole...
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