#NTs sometimes don’t make sense
my-autism-adhd-blog · 11 months
As an autistic person I feel like society often tells me ‘Be Yourself, But Not Like that’
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br0ught2l1fe · 11 months
Headcanons on what the creeps would be like in a bl^nt rotation [includes jane the killer, clockwork, jeff the killer, ben drowned, and ticci toby]
a/n: these are my headcanons on what the creeps [jane, jeff, natalie, toby, ben] are like during a blunt rotation with eachother. if you havent already, i really recommend reading my headcanons on what the creeps are like high on their own time here just to understand this post a bit better. enjoy c:
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✮ in this rotation we have: ben, jeff, toby, jane, and natalie aka clockwork
✮ lets set the scene: usually everyone’s go to smoke sesh spot is ben’s room because it’s just the vibiest and he’s always got the good stuff on him. his room will have his led light’s on and they WILL be on green. it’s a must to be on green. all his other lights like his lava lamp will also be on. and he’ll always have some quiet lofi on in the back to give the room a relaxing feel. [ben can be a jerk sometimes but one thing he will do is make sure everyone is comfortable enough to start smoking. we don’t want any panic attacks]
✮ unfortunately for nina, she is never invited to the sesh anymore because she tends to be highly annoying
✮ mainly the conversations between everyone starts off easy going, usually just talking about what slender did to piss them off this time or whatever crazy/strange thing they witnessed today.
✮ ben is definitely the one that’s got everyone laughing, like i said in another post he’s the absolute funniest when he’s high off his ass. it gets even better when toby starts joking along with him, i mean these guys are masters at bouncing jokes off each other.
✮ jeff will talk about his most recent murders while insensitively making jokes about them while jane rolls her eyes
✮ both jane and natalie at some point will playfully start picking on jeff to which he will playfully pick on them back
✮ this usually starts by jeff saying something stupid or saying something that just didn’t really make sense and natalie and jane will point it out every single time and make fun of him for it
✮ another thing is that when jeff tells a story he uses sound effects and it’s the funniest thing to natalie and jane, they’ll definitely make fun of the sounds and mock him
✮ examplé, jeff was once describing how he timed himself to see how fast he can kill someone [he’s lame like that, i wasn’t kidding when i said he was insensitive to his victims/murders] at one point he described the sound of his knife as “chchchch” to which natalie and jane simultaneously mocked the sound and laughed for a good 10 minutes about it
✮ both jeff and natalie will argue over his hypothetical questions about who is right or why their idea would never work
✮ both jeff and natalie really enjoy discussing on what they would do if a zombie apocalypse were to actually happen
✮ toby and ben eventually chime in to their conversation but they never take the conversation seriously
✮ so we have jeff and natalie arguing like the situation is genuinely happening at that very moment while ben and toby are cracking jokes about what they would do and making fun of jeff and natalie while pointing out the holes in their plans while jane just laughs along and listens
✮ eventually at some point ben and toby will decide they wanna go out and do something which usually involves a gas station run and just running around the nearby town acting like children
✮ jeff, jane, and natalie tag along but they’re falling behind caught up in talking about some random drama that natalie definitely brought up on accident [that girl cant keep a secret]
✮ sometimes if they smoked alot, ben and toby will come up with the dumbest ideas
✮ once, they both went out during the winter in like 40 degree weather and jumped off a bridge literally just for fun
✮ and they’ve done way more dumber things than that
✮ like this one time they both convinced the whole group to sneak into a house party where the cops ended up getting called and toby being the funny guy he thinks he is shouted out something along the lines “aww who invited these guys”. obviously that got the attention of the officers who noticed they were all high. basically that night consisted of a party and running away from cops chasing them.
✮ jane and natalie are basically a duo in the group
✮ eventually they’ll start talking to just each other and it’s usually about more drama natalie can’t keep to herself or they’re talking shit about nina or making fun of jeff
✮ they will definitely start sharing tmi details about their life with each other [as besties do]
✮ after a few hours most of them will get tired
✮ usually toby and natalie get tired around the same time and jane will end up going to her room since nat’s not there anymore
✮ so it’s just jeff and ben left
✮ thats when it starts to get deep
✮ i headcanon jeff and ben to be close friends so once it’s just them left thats when they feel comfortable enough to start getting into heavier topics
✮ i mean this is the one and only time jeff will ever show emotions and disclose information about him actually… like… caring?… about people. which is the strangest thing to hear coming from jeff considering how he puts on a cold and distant persona around people
✮ like he has opened up to ben about how grateful he feels to have him in his life and even toby and natalie too. he has opened up about how he really does enjoy being able to talk about his dumb theories with natalie and to actually know that she is truly listening knowing that she’s also into that stuff
✮ after knowing jeff for as long as he has it’s not strange hearing this from him but in the past he was SHOCKED i tell you. shocked. because it was just so unlike him
✮ but even after years of being jeff’s best friend it still shocked him to hear jeff admit to how he felt bad for what he did to jane even though she really does get on his nerves.
✮ but yea these guys will spill their guts when it’s just them
a/n: that’s all i got. if you have any more ideas or suggestions dm me and i will consider adding them all to a part 2! if you want to see any other headcanons topics you can dm me those requests too because MY REQUESTS ARE OPENN!!!! also check out my jeff the killer hcs <3
have a great day and don’t forget to be nice 💕
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anamericangirl · 9 months
I’ve wanted to ask someone about this even though it’s very personal:
How does baptism work? Does doing it guarantee that you will be absolved of sin and will be able to go to heaven, or purgatory (which from what I’ve read is where you cleanse yourself of sin before you can enter heaven)?
I sometimes feel stressed thinking about it because a lot of things from the Old Testament are things that are commonplace nowadays, and even though my dad says that the OT was created in the context of encouraging survival of their group, and Moses created the New Testament, which is what we follow now, I don’t know if what was on the OT would still be considered sinful or not, regarding heaven.
I’ve read that the most successful way to go to heaven is repentance, not out of wanting to go there when you die, but out of genuinely wanting to change. I’ve mulled over this for a while and it makes me feel scared. How do I know if I’m genuinely repenting out of change and not for selfish reasons? Will I need to repent again before I die, and is repentance for OT or NT rules? And I know that Jesus died on the cross for this very reason, but I still can’t shake the fear of doing something wrong before I die, even though I don’t do anything morally wrong or considered sinful (from my understanding) that isn’t considered commonplace for the 21st century. Sorry for just dumping this into your inbox, since it seems like just basic fear of afterlife questions that we don’t have the answers to :P
No need to be sorry, I think this is something everyone struggles with at some point during their lives.
The ideas of purgatory and baptism being necessary for salvation are taught by the Catholic Church and I’m not catholic so if you ask someone who is a catholic you will most likely get a different answer than I give but baptism does not guarantee anything.
Baptism is a symbolic ritual that many undergo as a testament to their newfound faith and a representation of having their sins washed away. It does not give you salvation and is not necessary to obtain it.
Jesus tells us many times that we are saved through grace and faith. Not works and not baptism.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” - Ephesians 2:8-10
“Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” - Romans 10:9-10
“In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” - Ephesians 1:13
Baptism is an act of obedience once we are saved, it is not the method through which we are saved. That is done by believing Jesus is the son of God and that he died for your sins.
Repentance of sins is not a one time thing. We are all going to commit sins even after accepting Christ, so repentance is something we will need to do multiple times. Biblical repentance, though, is more than being sorry for the wrongs we’ve done. It is a complete change in our way of thinking and living. We are turning away from our old lives to follow Jesus.
I like the way gotquestions (which is definitely a site I recommend for questions you may have about god and the Bible) lays out what repentance looks like.
1) True repentance involves a sense of awareness of one’s own guilt, sinfulness, and helplessness
2) True repentance apprehends or takes hold of God’s mercy in Jesus Christ
3) True repentance means a change of attitude and action regarding sin. Hatred of sin turns the repentant person away from his or her sin to God
4) True repentance results in a radical and persistent pursuit of holy living, walking with God in obedience to His commands
The fact that you are so worried that your faith and repentance might not be genuine and might be selfish is a good sign because it shows you are aware and want to do it right. Remember, God isn’t looking for perfection, he is looking for sincerity. He knows we are imperfect and we just have to give him all we have.
God is more interested in your heart and mind than he is in how well you follow the rules.
The thief on the cross next to Jesus was never baptized and not been a follower of Christ for his entire life and when confessed that Jesus was lord as he was dying Jesus said to him “truly I tell you today you will be with me in paradise.”
True repentance is a lifelong endeavor because you will make mistakes but they don’t damn you from receiving grace and salvation.
Of course this is not to say that the rules god gave us aren’t important. They are and we should strive to do our best to follow them, but we are all going to mess up.
In James we are told that faith without works is dead, but this doesn’t mean that salvation is obtained by works. It means if you really believe something, it should be reflected in the way you live. Like if someone told you they were a vegetarian but you saw them eat meat every day then they’re not really a vegetarian because even though they claimed something they are not behaving like one.
If you are striving to live for God and do the right thing because you know you are a sinner and need God’s grace to obtain salvation then you are on the right track.
Don’t be so worried about following all the rules perfectly. Romans 14:14 says “I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself, but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean.” So if you feel like something is wrong to do even though in reality it’s perfectly fine and other people have explained it’s ok but you feel it’s wrong then it’s wrong for you.
Just make sure to read your Bible and pray and ask god to guide you and as long as you trust in him and are endeavoring to follow him then you don’t need to worry.
Hope that was helpful! You can always message me again if you need to.
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longeyelashedtragedy · 6 months
snippet of the beginning of dubcon anthony gordon/frank phonesex fic. set after anthony's england nt callup.
The conversation has been on his mind for months now.  Since Everton.  It traveled with him to Newcastle and it’ll be joining him at St. George’s Park.   He’s even called upon the conversation recently.  To his benefit, he sees, but this wasn’t without its problems.  
When you sell your soul, it might text you from time to time.  
He scrolls through his messages again, resting his thumb on the one he’d responded to.  One swipe left and he could just…delete it.  But instead—the conversation.
You always have to work hard and be smart.  Just like I did, and you’re just like me.
Anthony thought: Am I just like you?
It sometimes took Frank a while to get hard again, but when they had a lot of time together they liked to use every second, so they put in the time until Frank was ready again, kissing and hugging and cuddling and talking.  Anthony had realized Frank loved to hear himself talk.  He played humble, and everyone in YouTube comments was sure that he was— “great guy, top bloke, one of the nicest people you’ll meet.”  And he loved to hear himself talk.
But if something can give you the advantage on top of your hard work—I don’t mean anything illegal—
Yeah, thanks Dad, I know—
—But if anything comes up that you can use to your advantage, don’t be afraid to use it.  If you don’t, everyone else will.  You don’t want your hard work to be for nothing.
The way Frank said the word nothing always stuck with Anthony.  Now, sitting in his parked car, he hears it again in Frank’s accent and feels how the word tickled against his neck back then.  Frank knew his shit when it came to the system.  Things hadn’t always been easy for Anthony.  Some of his teammates had lived a life he never could have lived.  So he didn’t want it to all be for nothing.  
He’d still felt Frank’s breath against his neck when he responded to the gaffer’s text.  And sitting in the car, looking at it among the flood of congratulations, he feels it again, hears the way he always dipped in and out of East London and Press Conference, so many people in that head fighting with each other to stay in and to get out.  Even now, sitting in his car.  He can’t shake it off.
And then make sure you show the proper gratitude.  No matter how big you get, there’s always someone bigger.  They can help you, or hurt you, and they’ll eat their own no matter how proper English you think you are, so always do what you can to make sure they help you.  You understand me?
Yes, gaffer.
My good, smart boy.  I can’t wait to see you shine bigger than Goodison. 
Frank’s come dried onto his cheeks and chin, Frank’s thumb stroking over it.  Stiff on Anthony’s skin when he moved his mouth to speak. 
He shakes the memory off, tries to bring back the buzzing he’s been feeling since the call-up.  He unlocks the car and then he gets the call that he knows has been coming.  GAFFER.  But Eddie is his gaffer now.
And still.  He’s never changed it.
He ignores GAFFER’s call, but he hears Frank’s words in his ear again, as much as a takeover of his senses as Frank’s damp, sticky, soft cock was as it pressed against his ass during that conversation.  He doesn’t remember anything with as many of his senses the way he does his times with Frank.
And then make sure you show the proper gratitude…
And he remembers snuggling against the gaffer’s strong chest, feeling the plump tits and hard nipples brush his back.  Yes, gaffer.  I always will.  You told me you liked that I don’t take things for granted.
That’s right, just how I was raised.  You’re such a good boy, the pride of England someday, I can feel it.  Now.  You’ll help your Frank out with your mouth, won’t you?
He’s not surprised when the missed call does not go to voicemail, and just seconds later, Frank calls again.
It’s late at this point. Frank has a family.  Shouldn’t he be putting his kids to bed, or whatever the fuck he did with his family?  In Everton it was like he was a guy away at his first year at uni.  Staying up late, eating whatever, never mentioning people back in London.  Sometimes they’d come to games—up to Liverpool, or to Everton away—and Anthony tried not to even look in their direction. He could vaguely picture Frank’s famous wife, and his two little kids from his phone wallpaper, and Harry and Jamie Redknapp, but he didn’t want to see them or learn who his aunts sisters nieces nephews were.  He never wanted it to be serious like that.
He answers the second call because the breath burns his neck and the words tickle his ear and Frank’s thick Everton body presses against him, urges him.
“…Hi, Frank.”
“My boy. Wanted to congratulate you in a personal way.  You deserve better than a text.”
My boy.  It’s familiar, too familiar.  Entitled is the word.
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brittlebutch · 2 days
the thing is, you’re absolutely right! because what neurotypical people sometimes don’t understand is the massive difference between the average level of social interaction that they themselves vs other people get outside of organized or scheduled events like work or school, and also don’t understand the massive difference between what failure looks like, and how those two things overlap. i’m told that among the average neurotypical person, they’ll make a point to talk to people in their lives or hang out with friends or go on dates or chat with other people in public spaces, al to have casual interactions, multiple times a day, multiple days a week. meaning, if they have a failed social interaction, it’s buffered by the many successful interactions they’ll go on to have. failure most likely won’t mean complete isolation, because they have multiple avenues of interaction to fall back on. and, moreover, a failure in a social interaction when you have (on average) fewer than most means that now rather than that person going “oh that was a weird interaction, i talk to them a lot and it’s not usually like that, maybe it was an off day” they go “huh i don’t know that person very well maybe they’re just like that?”, which means that the odds are way different on whether relationships stay good after mistakes.
social skills are not actually as inherent as neurotypical people like to think. it’s just that when you’re always in practice, always getting back on the proverbial horse, the advice “just get back out there!” does actually work very well. but if you’re not able to do that for any variety of reasons, you can’t play the game the same way. my advice is not “try harder”, it’s “lower your expectations for yourself on what a good interaction and a moment of connection might be”. just as it’s possible you’re somehow unintentionally upsetting people, it’s possible you’re unintentionally making them feel happy, or valued, or heard, even in small, passing interactions. remind yourself that you’re working with fewer resources and a much more limited data pool. a lot of the advice being given is coming from someone who assumes they understand what the math looks like for you, because it’s very difficult to imagine that other side. so instead of trying to overlay a system made for someone who has resources that you just don’t have, you need to figure out what a functional system of interaction looks like for you, and adapt the advice given to fit your situation. my advice, bearing that in mind, is that finding communities and groups can look like a lot of different things, and getting your social needs met can come from a lot of sources, and ideally should! you would understand best what your situation is, and there’s no shame in changing tact to accommodate for your own needs and boundaries.
forgot to answer this for a bit lol BUT yeah, the post was a little bit more about the Conceptual argument than it was about me specifically, so I'm definitely already with you re: 'finding out what your Individual social goals are and working based off of those instead having high expectations based off of other people's metric' stuff. You definitely have a huge point with the "social buffer disparity" between NT people and ND people, where failures are both less demoralizing internally and less impactful externally when you're able to have a greater average of interactions generally also
but I really appreciated the "just as it’s possible you’re somehow unintentionally upsetting people, it’s possible you’re unintentionally making them feel happy, or valued, or heard, even in small, passing interactions" aspect of this message. I do definitely have a recurring problem of like, labeling Myself as an Uncanny Valley Person and automatically assuming that every interaction I'm involved in must be some level of uncomfortable for the other person -- it actually was kind of a revolution moment reading this and realizing that OH it does make sense that if I can unintentionally make people uncomfortable, it's statistically just as likely that I can unintentionally lift people's spirits in one way or another! So thank you very much for that!!
#like this is kind of tangentially related but i have been watching a lot of the smsh reading redit videos and#a story in one of them was this guy posting about how he had a coworker who Really liked Transfrmers and talked about it constantly#and it annoyed him so much that he eventually told her to Shut Up and That's where i tend to assume i push people socially#BUT the flip side to the story was that his Other coworkers told him off over it bc when she Did stop talking about Transformers#at work they really missed it -- like they had genuinely enjoyed listening to her and they wanted Him to apologize so she'd continue#and this ask was the thing that actually made that idea click in my head lol; that weirdness/intensity is not universally Derided#and plenty of people Can and Do appreciate it just as much as others might dislike it.#i wouldn't say i've been wanting to be More Social lately but I HAVE been thinking a lot about like. Talking More?#confusing phrasing. like i'm not particularly pressed/interested about Making Friends but i have spent years sort of holding my#tongue in ways i didn't when i was a kid; which is a habit i have been interested in breaking bc i miss being That enthusiastic#i've been like. trying to build up confidence with like 'i will be annoyingn people and that's Fine' but this ask is like a whole other#- more Positive - aspect of 'it's just as possible your enthusiasm would be a Boon to others' that i wasn't thinking about at all#it's nice to keep in mind! it's definitely more in the spirit of enthusiasm than being braced solely for negativity lmao
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allpronounsallpower · 2 years
This is not one of my usual posts but nonetheless im making it.
Do you think you have autism?
If yes, are you unable to get a professional diagnosis, but you have hours of research from trusted sites? Your autism is valid.
Do you think you’re invalid because you’re “too old”
Still valid.
Do you mask so well you think it doesn’t count?
still valid.
I didn’t suspect i had autism until I was 12, nearly 13, but since I was almost 13 nobody wanted to go through a lengthy testing process. I masked well, so well that I didn’t “look autistic”, so I had to self diagnose. Some people might think I’m looking for attention but I’m really looking for an explanation of why I’m not normal. I have done countless tests from embraceautism.org because it has actually autistic people who recommend the tests I take and I monitor my scores so I can say I’m autistic.
The word “autism” explained so much for me.
Why I cant make eye contact.
Why I cant maintain conversation
Why my interests are so strong
Why I have to stim all the time
Why I overreact/underreact
Why I go mute sometimes
Why my friends don’t understand me
Why it’s so hard to even make friends in the first place.
So go ahead. Research your suspicions. Just do it so it doesn’t hurt the rest of us self diagnosing. Find trusted sites. Cross check day by day. Come up with a conclusion that makes sense. Don’t lie about symptoms so you can get attention. Stay true to who you really are, aspie or neurotypical. If you are nt, great! You might understand us aspires a bit better after that research.
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oreo-creampie · 10 months
i was the anon who asked about self care omg THANK YOU for sharing what u do, really. im rlly glad you shared from a non-nt pov (if that makes sense) bc the part of thinking of it as creating cozy vibes instead of cleaning literally rewired my brain LOL - its also hard to not feel bad so thank u for addressing that too. but on the happiness part - you truly do deserve it and i hope the ppl in ur life, hobbies, and such continue to cultivate that happiness for you <3
You’re welcome! I’m glad I was able to help! That does make since self care can look different for someone who isn’t neurotypical.
The creating cozy vibes that’s has been wonderful for helping me! It doesn’t have the ugh 😣 I don’t wanna do this that the word cleaning has when I think about it. Creating some cozy vibes sound fun and exciting. (ended up rearranging my room last night as an effort of this and it switch up feels better!)
Also reminding myself that I’m not gonna relax till I get the thing done that’s been at the back of my head. Which most of the time that thing is needing to create the cozy vibe to relax in.
I also find that creating short list for my day that is manageable helps me feel productive. Because if I didn’t get everything on my list done then I feel like a failure. But I have poor time management so I tend to try and do more in a day than I think I can do. Setting small goal hitting those and then seeing if I have time for one more goal or if I such relax and be idle then comes to mind while I feel accomplished.
People don’t always talk about the guilt that comes with feeling happiness. Especially if you are a people pleasure, or had people that taught you not to place value on your own needs in place of putting that value onto someone else’s needs. When sometimes you gotta come first and the other person is the selfish one for not realized that and always needing you. They should want you to recharge your batteries and be happy to you know and set your boundaries that shoiod be respect.
I’ve been taking a small break from tumblr. Of course checking throughout the day here and there but not mindlessly scrolling. It been a nice to take the breaks here and there. Play some games, I’m thinking about working oj my blanket again
I’ve been allowing myself to feel upset while also feeling content at the same time. I got my cozy vibes in my house set up, taken a hot shower, did my stretched and I’m just allowing myself to feel it.
It’s ugly and gross to be sad, and I want to run away from it. Ignore it shove it down, I also want to let it consume me. But I’ve reached a place where I do neither. I allow myself to feel without it consuming and it’s helping the feeling lessen.
The acknowledgment of emotional that I feel a way. Emotional control over negative emotions has been one of my biggest challenges as an adhd person. I’m proud of myself for working on myself and finding ways to help myself feel but not be consumed by my emotions.
I'm so glad I was able to help with the creating cozy vibes. I able you are cozy, taking care of yourself, relaxing and getting the wonderness you deserve outta life 🫶🏽
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dreamingwitcher · 1 year
Hi friends!
With the recent debut of a certain animated movie causing much excitement among NTs and a bit of a stir in the ND crowd, I thought I'd write a short bit to hopefully help people wanting to see the movie but uncertain whether they should feel a little less alone.
If you are an NT person who is going with an ND person, please listen to their discomfort cues, as they may not always be verbal. Geralt's experience here is based on my own overload cues. An autistic child grows into an autistic adult.
If you have any comments or questions, please drop them in the replies. If I've missed something, I'd love to hear from you. I speak only for myself and hope others might find some shared experience in this.
Thank you.
“Geralt, we are going to a movie.”
Geralt looked up from his seven-egg, four-sausage breakfast. “Out of the blue. Which one are you interested in seeing?”
Jaskier bounced up from the couch, sliding his phone across the table. Geralt picked it up and paused in his chewing. “An animated one? We've seen the first one, right?”
“The reviews said it was supposed to be really really good. Everyone’s talking about it. Come onnnn, Geralt,” Jaskier wheedled, leaning over backward on the table. “We haven’t gone to see one in forever. Please?”
“Oh, all right. Sometime in the afternoon, though. You know I work out in the mornings.”
“Yes!” Jaskier pecked his husband on the cheek. “You’re the best.”
Jaskier, Geralt thought, was dressed rather like one of the characters out of his movie: polyester and spandex splashed with bright, irregular geometric patterns that clashed horribly.
“Geralt, where’s your color? You look like you’ve been peeled off an unlit cave wall.”
Geralt picked at his own black apparel. It wasn’t that he disliked movies or going to the movies with Jaskier. On the contrary, he rather enjoyed them, even the brightly-colored ones aimed at a younger audience. There was a simple, honest pleasure in passionate storytelling and well-crafted animation. But they could be a bit much sometimes. He’d forgotten to take Jaskier’s enthusiasm and consequent overdressing into account, but he’d rather be a little more comfortable. 
“In the wash. C’mon. You want popcorn, don’t you?”
“Of course I want popcorn. Is that even a question?”
Geralt rolled his eyes, but bought two large sodas, four candies, and the biggest size of popcorn to share. Somehow three of the candy boxes wound up in Jaskier’s possession, but Geralt didn’t mind. He didn’t eat much sugar anyway. 
They settled down in their seats. Jaskier kept busy with his phone, playing some game, while Geralt munched his way through the popcorn as he waited for the opening sequence. The credits flashed by, and the movie began in earnest.
He stopped chewing as the opening sequence hit like a train crash. Colors everywhere, cuts so quick that his senses hurt, movement and light and stretching and compression…The speakers thudded on, a double-forked attack on his eyes and ears. He closed his eyes for a count of ten, then opened them. It didn’t abate. He had to look down into his lap and cradled his head, filtering the input through the screen of his fingers. It was like watching a multicolored police car turned up to eleven. He silently wished for it to be over, trying to endure for Jaskier. Gods, please let it be over…
“Geralt? You okay?”
Geralt nodded into his lap. The speakers kept roaring, the lights kept flashing. He closed his eyes. 
Even from behind his eyelids, it was too much.
“Bathroom,” he grunted, making a beeline for the exit.
Jaskier heard Geralt’s grunt and nodded. Maybe he’d just forgotten to pee beforehand. Happened to anybody. He picked up and shook Geralt’s soda. Still full. No matter. He’d come back in a few minutes. 
Jaskier waited, eating the chocolate Geralt had given him with great enthusiasm, grinning ear to ear at the thrilling action and incredible pacing. The scene ended and he stopped snacking as he realized that Geralt had not come back. He stood up, muttering hasty apologies and trying not to linger in front of other moviegoers as he made for the exit, balancing the tub of extra-butter popcorn on his hip.
He did not see Geralt hanging out in the atrium, and his concern spiked. He stuffed his candies into his bag and entered the bathroom. It was decidedly deserted, save for one closed stall.
Geralt grunted. 
“You okay?”
Grunt. He was definitely not okay. 
“Why don’t we go back to the car?”
“ I brought the snacks out too. We can talk about it.”
“Come out when you’re ready. I’ll wait for you there, okay?” 
He brought the snacks to the car and waited, watching the mirrors. The popcorn sat ignored on the passenger’s seat. 
Geralt came meandering out, his shoulders slouched, wearing his dark sunglasses. He flinched a little as cars passed by. He took his preferred spot in the backseat and wrapped the thick, soft blanket they always kept there around his shoulders. 
“Want to head home?”
Geralt stared at the car’s floorboard. Jaskier started the car, familiar enough with Geralt’s responses to know that heading home was the best thing they could do.
“Be home soon.” 
Geralt scowled and slumped over in the back, covering his head with the blanket.
The ride home was silent.
Geralt poked his head out of the bedroom around dinner. Jaskier looked up from the peppers he was sautéing and smiled. 
“Feeling better?”
“Too overwhelming for you?”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was going to be like that.” He slapped the spatula down on the counter. “They should really put better markings on that movie. Irresponsible. People who have sensory issues exist.” 
“S’okay, Jas. I wanted to see it. I liked the first one.” 
“I know, darling. But if it causes you that much discomfort, you don’t need to make excuses on why you left or didn’t like it. You never need to make excuses for me, okay?” 
Geralt’s eyes roved over the countertop, avoiding Jaskier’s face. “Thanks for helping me out.”
“That’s what family’s for. ” He grabbed the pile of carrots and began to cut them. Geralt lingered behind him.
“Need help? I could...set the table," he said, his gaze trained on the little wood dining set that sat away from the stove.
Jaskier beamed at him. “Don't feel obligated, but I’d be delighted if you’d help. Thank you, Geralt, dear.”
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self-loving-vampire · 2 years
When I was young, depressed, and cynical, I was much more prone to complaining and arguing. I spoke my mind and did not sugarcoat it when something bothered me.
I retain that level of sincerity but have a much more positive outlook these days. Still, I think there’s positives to griping and argument that a lot of people overlook.
I remember that the adults in my life used to tell me I should not say anything negative in front of others or get into arguments, and I understand why they thought this way. 
Some people value social harmony and being liked more than potentially drawing attention to and fixing the problems they notice. A maximally pleasant person (at least by normal NT standards) seemed to be someone who never so much as strongly disagreed with those they interacted with. They would make others feel nothing but joy to have them around.
Arguments in particular can provoke strong emotions and make people dislike you even if you are correct and respectful. Arguments against authority figures or the values of your social circles are especially dangerous even if you show no hostility and remain respectful.
So, if your line of thinking is purely instrumental, it makes sense to avoid arguments and complaints so that you can maintain allies and avoid alienating people in ways that could make your life more difficult. People high on bitterness and irritability can make others uncomfortable and so cut their own potential power.
But there is still something I really value about thoughtful criticisms and well-informed arguments: They are an opportunity to learn and possibly update your beliefs.
For example, I learned a couple of interesting things about history by reading people who actually know about history absolutely roasting Game of Thrones. The criticism led to insights and a deeper understanding of many concepts I only somewhat grasped before.
Similarly, I have been in arguments where I came out with important new information or possibilities that I had not thought about. This was sincerely valuable even when I ended up being correct anyway.
Besides, it can be sincerely fun and interesting to read that kind of thing sometimes.
So I hope that people don’t stop pointing out issues they have with things (even if I still generally prefer passionate gushing myself), and I hope that no one takes it personally or as a sign of hostility if I disagree with them about something and argue about it.
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expandyu · 2 years
Don’t See Me, Hear Me
I wonder sometimes, what communication must be like for Neurotypical people. Today I'm particularly curious about the way they feel about subtext in conversations. Does it feel good when someone is able to "read between the lines" and understand what you're not saying? Do they feel seen when someone reads their body language and addresses what they may be feeling instead of only what they're saying out loud?
Because I can imagine that in some cases it feels like a kindness for someone to understand what you want to say but can't say due to the social conventions in play. But only if it's something you actually want to communicate to that person.
And I can accept that that's a whole realm of communication I may never fully understand. But here's what it's like for me:
It feels incredibly invasive to have someone try to read between the lines or read my body language to figure out what I'm not saying. I put a lot of effort into communicating exactly what I want to communicate, nothing more and nothing less. Because if I'm not saying it or communicating it, then maybe it's not for you. Maybe I don't want you to know that. Trust me, if I wanted you to know, I would make sure you knew.
I understand now what some of my fellow autistics mean when they say they find eye-contact invasive. Eye contact has always been a bit of a mystery to me, but not particularly uncomfortable. The idea that NT people actually are communicating information via the eyes is mind-blowing to this day, but if that's the case then it makes perfect sense why some autistics would find that so invasive! It's literally someone trying to read your mind through your eyes. Ew!
Especially lately, I rebel so hard against the idea that autistics have any inherent communication deficits. I'm actually excellent at communication, thank you very much. It's other people's insistence on creating additional meaning where there isn't any that creates misunderstandings. I'm actually being completely clear in saying what I want to say.
So how about instead of trying to read between the lines and see past my words, you just listen to the message I'm actually trying to convey.
It makes me wonder if part of the intimacy of whispers is giving up the body language information to listen to what they're saying, trusting that they're telling you what they need you to hear.
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xofantasycloud · 1 year
14, 18, 27 & 33
Hi friend! 🌸
Hi friend!! Thank you so much for these, they were really fun to answer!💐
14 - How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
Another good question! Very often I have to try and get myself into the same headspace as the character/characters I’m writing which very often involves music and that practically answers the next one - yeah I very often do feel what the characters feel, to some extent at least! If I can’t feel the emotions I’m trying to convey I don’t post it, bc if I don’t feel it, how can I expect anyone else to? And if I draw from personal experiences, I mean sometimes? With the KISS fics yes because those are all (sort of) based upon real events, but like emotional scenes… I mean maybe? Like while I haven’t scored a goal for the NT or danced on a dance show, I have experienced a joy like no other and I’ve been so nervous I’ve been about to shit my pants, so maybe I try to more think of how to describe that then think too much about why they’re feeling the way they’re feeling lol. So I focus on the feelings, not the events. Idk, did that even make sense?😂
18 - Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
Oh - it changes! Sometimes I know a title before I have a plot and other times I find the title as I’m editing the finished product! But I’m very often inspired by lyrics and books (Painting A Pretty Picture is inspired from Daisy Jones & the Six for example), so that’s always a safe bet! I have a note where I keep all of the titles I’ve come up with so if I’m ever at a loss I go through them and see if any of them either fit or spark an idea to one!☺️
27 - What is your most and least favorite part of writing?
Most Favorite - Reading through a chapter or looking back on a completed work and just being proud, no other feeling like that one! Least Favorite - That the stories don’t write themselves lol. Along with how much time it actually takes. 
33 - Do you want to be published some day?
Yeah I really do, it’s been a dream of mine for years and years. Hopefully one day it’ll happen!🥰
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liminalweirdo · 1 year
I missed the first 2-ish weeks of autism acceptance month bc of shadowban so I’m going to put those in this post.
30 Days of Autism Acceptance 2023
1 April: Hi, I’m a writer (bisexual, genderqueer, they/them pronouns) I love horror movies. Currently I live with my partner @bakingmusicals​, 3 cats, and about 30-something plants. I love coffee.
2 April: I figured out that I was probably autistic in my 20s and it took me about 5 years to get formally diagnosed. It took a pretty severe and long autistic burnout that included losing several everyday skills i took for granted for me to realize that there was something bigger going on than “just” OCD. Discovering that I was autistic made the first 30-some years of my life make sense for the first time.
3 April: I can remember most things people say verbatim including exactly how they said it. This makes me pretty good at transcription. There’s a few movies I know word-for-word, start to finish. I don’t think I’m better than the average person at lip reading.
4 April: I was in regular school and did pretty well (once I actually started going. I spent most of primary and grade one feeling too sick to go #anxiety!!). I skipped a lot of school in high school. I also quit university the first time around because of something that I now suspect to be burnout or near-burnout. Second time around I graduated with a degree in English Literature. Performed much better when I could create my own schedule and pursue my own interests.
5 April: I didn’t have any accommodations in school. I think that being able to do school from home/online would’ve helped me a lot. I don’t know if I would consider going back to school for an MA unless I could have an environment like that.
6 April: I’m good at verbal stuff but sometimes it takes me a minute to realize someone is talking, especially if I’m doing something, and I have to sort of mentally catch up and replay what they said in my head. My hearing is not aided. I use earplugs and headphones a lot to block out extraneous noise.
7 April: I am also formally diagnosed with OCD. I suspect I have other things related to trauma, but those things weren’t what I was paying to have assessed when I went to therapy.
8 April: I only struggle to read long texts if it’s not something I’m interested in. I love reading so basically I spend most of my time reading or writing. Reading is the main way I find new information related to my special interests.
9 April: I have several special interests. I was “obsessed” with dogs when I was younger but that was actually a special interest. I hyperfocus most of the time whenever I can because that’s when I feel most content. My longest interest is probably horror movies and horror in general (to a lesser degree) which I’ve had for most of my life.
10 April: I can understand speech when there is background noise.
11 April: I think my ability to speak (and read) came faster than the average NT person’s and remained above my age/grade level throughout school. My formal diagnosis includes “above average language-based reasoning.” However, I sometimes find that speaking is very taxing, particularly if I’m overstimulated so I’m considering learning SEE so that I can communicate with my partner without as much effort, or using an AAC device.
12 April: I was never in speech therapy.
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3️⃣ What are three things you’re hoping to see in season 5?
💔 Which couple is most in danger of breaking up?
🔍 How will Grace’s absence be explained?
Thank you for these asks and sorry for taking my time getting to them!
3️⃣ What are three things you’re hoping to see in season 5?
1) I’m really looking forward to seeing Nancy as acting captain! As much as I love Tommy and she is the most badass paramedic captain, I crave to what NT will do working their last T that isn’t just asking how to stop a nosebleeds and looking cute with a backpack on and a stethoscope (I definitely don’t mean to be salty even if it comes off that way but yeah!). It’ll also be really moving I think to see Tommy make Nancy captain and Nancy coming into her self and winning over more of her issues with self esteem that way!! I hope Tommy’s okay though🥺
2) The focus and space that Paul and Marian’s friendship seems it’s gonna get!! The tension and the following resolvement.😌
3) episode 7! From the bts I think the birthday could be really fun and that’s at least one time where the gang will be together and having fun, and of course meeting Enzo and Jonah!!
4) (sorry) more og Nancy! She’s the only one who we haven’t really gotten much background on, and I really love her, so I hope for that!
5) (sorry) ALL THE SILLY RECUES AND EMERGENCIES!! It won’t be the same without Grace’s voice going “911 what’s your emergency?” But still.
💔 Which couple is most in danger of breaking up?
I’d say Owen and Kendra because statistically, that’s almost a given😅 but exactly because of that, and because it would be a fun change if they actually stayed together, if I HAD to pick one, I’d say Nancy and Mateo. I really like them together, but they’ve been the couple that has had least story time into how difficult it was for them to find each other and so would be the “easiest” for the series to break up. Whereas Marian’s failed engagement and following heartbreak and Paul’s struggles with dating with his gender identity, it seems the show is conveying that they’ve finally found The One, in a way that isn’t necessarily as true for Nancy and Mateo.. if that makes sense.
🔍 How will Grace’s absence be explained?
I always thought that it’d be somewhere she could really make a difference, either humanitarian or political! But I didn’t call it as much as other evidently did, that she might be doing missionary work which is what it seems like from the tease we got!! Someone also mentioned she might be in Brazil following the floods, and I could see her do something like that - maybe those things can go sort of hand in hand? I’m actually not sure if the term missionary work also sometimes covers doing humanitarian work or if I’ve understood that wrong.
Thank you again!
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teeth-tan · 11 months
Something I can’t seem to get away from recently in my mind is the continuous feeling like I don’t ever fit. Even when I think I do.
I realized I identify as non-binary/transmasc, just a more feminine androgynous sort of boy. I feel more confident in that, I feel more myself, I feel like it fits so far. But then, I see more boxes.
Many afab non-binary/transmascs talk about how it feels to be raised/grow up with the world seeing you as a girl, how even as a afab man you still have the past or present lived experience that women go through, the treatment, so you are still affected in some way by those societal problems.
But since we are not women, it feels weird for me. Seeing videos about domestic abuse awareness in October and solidarity for victims of abuse feels good, but then most of the audios or text mention women, being a strong woman etc and suddenly my face gets hot with shame again. All who abused me did see me as a woman, but I am not one. I feel sometimes dysphoric being in the group at that point. I don’t want to take anything from them if that makes sense?
In the past when I’d speak up for discrimination I would face and speak up for women’s rights too, I’d get met with smug responses that seemed to give the vibe of “you’re still a woman, you always will be, if you were really a man how come you don’t talk about the lived male experience?” But they dont mean that, they mean the lived CIS man experience, which however desperately I wanted it growing up I never had. I did have the same joys and identity experiences and realizations that fellow transmascs do, and I love that we can share that, but I can’t exactly speak to cis men’s experiences growing up since I was never treated the same. I feel invalidated for being unable to completely relate to that, I feel invalidated for being even for a moment in women’s spaces when I may be treated and hurt like one but am not on the inside, I don’t know where I am supposed to stand.
Even when I stand among trans people I worry I am “not trans enough” either, which is no fault of anyone else’s I’m just unsure how to feel more confident in myself. I’ve felt like an imposter since I was a child. I knew something about me was different for a very long time, I couldn’t fit in their boxes in ANY way. Not in a NT way, not in a gender way, not in a sexuality way.
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illwilledomen · 2 years
Tumblr media
Even though I am proffesionally diagnosed and know I have it, out of curiosity I decided to take a quiz to see what ‘score’ I got on autism. (This quiz uses the term aspergers, which is considered outdated, however I believe this site is a bit old because of its set up so that’s probably why that term is still being used on here)
The quiz asked a few questions that seemed almost specifically about me lol, I didn’t know those things would’ve even had a correlation to my autism (things like sensitivity to humidity, the need to pick at my skin, wanting to follow people I have imprinted on) but now that I think about it it makes sense that would be affected by it. I wonder sometimes what it would be like living as a NT person because their experiences seem almost alien to me. I can’t imagine living a life without the aspects which autism & ADHD has affected mine, so it’s even harder than normal to relate to NTs hence why most of my friends are autistic in some way.
I suspect I may have some form of OCD as well, and it may have been passed down from my dad. I am not sure though and don’t want to jump to any conclusions, so I am going to do some more research on it.
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sugamamacustard · 3 years
🍢 🍡 (A/B/O) Menu 🍡🍢
My A/B/O verse ↦ Here! My rules ↦ Here!
Appetizer (🍚)= Angst Dessert (🍪)= Fluff Breakfast (🥞) = Social media! AU Lunch (🍙) = non-specified AU! (Other than social media; Mafia! Werewolf/vampire!, angel/demon!, etc) Supper (🍘)= Smut/ NSFW Happy hour (🍸) = Yandere Specials (🍮)= My personal favorites 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 🍡 Order up!
↳Reach so high ( 🍪)
Summary: You’re used to the world around you not being kind to the vertically impaired, but you and you’re alpha get through it.
Ingredients: Alpha! Tendo Satori, Alpha! Nishinoya Yu
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Sweet Little Chick ( 🍸, 🍙(Mafia! AU))
Summary:  The Karasuno Crows fell to the will of one person and one person alone. You were expected to do the same to the mama crow.
Ingredients: Alpha! Mafia boss! Sugawara Koushi
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN-- But Reader ends up in a dress and thigh highs, so take as you will)
↳ Come see me (  🍚, 🍪, 🍮 )
Summary:  Being a manager for Nekoma was a thankless job, but one you were proud to do. You were surrounded by alphas who wanted what was best for you and in turn, you wanted what was best for them. However, sometimes what’s best for them…may not be best for you or your omega.
Ingredients: Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Knock me out ( 🍪)
Summary:  When your omega demands to see your alpha, you can’t help but oblige, but unfortunately, someone else see’s you before he does.
Ingredients: Alpha! Hajime Iwaizumi
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Fire man ( 🍘 )
Summary:  Your heat hits unexpectedly and it’s up to your alpha to help you through it. How is he doing it?
Ingredients: Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo, Alpha! Toru Oikawa, Alpha! Kotaro Bokuto
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem!)
↳ Double Trouble ( 🍪)
Summary:  Inarizaki is known for many things above the surface, but only few know what great treasure lies deep within the pack.
Ingredients: Alpha! Osamu Miya, Alpha! Atsumu Miya
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem!)
↳ Level Headed ( 🍪, 🍘,  🍮 )
Summary: Betas were known for one thing and your alpha loved you all the more for it. So he shows you his gratitude.
Ingredients: Alpha! Hajime Iwaizumi
Serving: Beta! Reader (Fem!)
↳ Please don’t let me go ( 🍚, 🍪 , 🍘 , 🍙 (Shifter! AU))
Summary:  You were excited when the other packs joined yours, even finding solace in one of the alphas of one, but suddenly, you weren’t needed. Wanted. Not what he desired. And that hurt. So you do the only thing you can think of. Try to find someone who will comfort your poor omega heart.
Ingredients: Alpha! Kuroo Tetsuro
Serving: Omega! Reader (Pretty GN, but I said the word c*nt, so take it as you will)
↳ Please don’t let me go (Part 2!)   ( 🍪 , 🍙 (Shifter! AU))
Summary:   Thanks to Kuroo, your place in the pack has been cemented. But what made it waver in the first place? How can the rest of the pack change what has already happened.
Ingredients: Alpha! Kuroo Tetsuro
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Feral animal ( 🍪, 🍮 )
Summary:  You just wanted to get the boys to practice on time. You weren’t prepared to deal with this.  Good thing you had a guardian angel- or should we say, dog.
Ingredients: Alpha! Kentarou Kyoutani
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ One more time ( 🍪, 🍮 )
Summary:  You loved your small little family, but your alpha felt there was something missing.
Ingredients: Alpha! Toru Oikawa
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN, but a baby is born, so take it as you will)
↳ Puppy ( 🍘, 🍮)
Summary:   It wasn’t supposed to hit you as hard as it did, but when your heat came and blindsided you, you were left staggering for a way out. Luckily, your alpha knows you better than anyone else.
Ingredients: Alpha! Kentarou Kyoutani
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem! Reader)
↳ Two for one special ( 🍪 )
Summary:  You weren’t even a manager. You were a medic for the Nekoma team and yet, you still caught they of not one, but two, powerhouse alphas. What could go wrong, right?
Ingredients: Alpha! Satori Tendo, Alpha! Yuu Nishinoya (Poly)
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Rut ( 🍘)
Summary:  You and your alpha have been through so much together, but how are the reacting when their rut hits?
Ingredients: Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo, Alpha! Atsumu Miya, Alpha! Kiyoomi Sakusa
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Helping hand  ( 🍘, 🍙 (Mafia! AU))
Summary:  You were always so good for your alpha. There are some things that fall out of your control however, things that may put a wrench in your good behavior.
Ingredients: Alpha! Mob boss! Kenma Kozume
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem!)
↳ Spare some?  ( 🥞, 🍘 , 🍮)
Summary:  You simply ask for Daddy’s Cummies. How are these alphas reacting?
Ingredients: Alpha! Satori Tendo, Alpha! Toru Oikawa, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima, Alpha! Kenma Kozume, Alpha! Yu Nishinoya, Alpha Keiji Akaashi
Serving: Omega! Reader
↳ Let me help you ( 🍚, 🍪) (Now with Part 2!)
Summary:   Because of unseen circumstances, you drop, and you drop hard. How does your alpha help you/redeem himself?
Ingredients: Alpha! Toru Oikawa, Alpha! Hajime Iwaizumi + Part 2 includes Mattsun and Makki.
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ All Mine (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 ) ( 🥞, 🍪, 🍮)
Summary:  You alpha sees someone flirting with you, he’s not happy/ This time you see someone flirty with your alpha and your not happy.
Ingredients: Alpha! Hajime Iwaizumi, Alpha! Issei Matsukawa, Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo, Alpha! Osamu Miya, Alpha! Atsumu Miya, Alpha! Suna Rintaro
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ After hours ( 🥞, 🍘)
Summary:   Some spicy messages between you and your alpha~
Ingredients: Alpha! Atsumu Miya, Alpha! Osamu Miya, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima, Alpha! Kentaro Kyoutani, Alpha! Rintaro Suna, Alpha! Eita Semi
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Keeping you close ( 🍪, 🍘)
Summary:   Your alpha catches some low-bit, pathetic excuse of an alpha trying to get with you and he’s determined to but a stop to it.
Ingredients: Alpha! Rintaro Suna
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN, until the smut)
↳ Lips like Sugar~ ( 🍪, 🍘,🍙(Sugar Daddy! AU))
Summary:   Toru Oikawa had no qualms about paying a pretty little thing to hang off his arm, but he expects you to be at his beck and call for the price tag you come with. And if you aren’t? He’ll put you back into your place real quick.
Ingredients: Alpha! Toru Oikawa
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem! Reader)
↳ Back me up ( 🍪)
Summary:   Pregnancy can bring out both the best, and worst, in any and all alphas, and yours is no exception. Life, however, is unpredictable in every sense and sometimes, the worst and best parts get melded into one– and make you fall in love with your alpha all over again.
Ingredients: Alpha! Kotaro Bokuto, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem! Reader)
↳Baby, it’s cold outside ( 🍪)
Summary:  After waiting for your parents to come pick you up, only for them to never come, you can’t seem to get warm. Lucky, for you, your alpha is there to help you get warm!
Ingredients: Alpha! Takanobu Aone
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳Kiss it Better (🍪)
Summary:   You love spending time with your alpha in the kitchen, unfortunately it’s a little bittersweet for him.
Ingredients: Alpha! Osamu Miya
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳Again ( 🍘,🍮 )
Summary: How much can you take before your alpha breaks you?
Ingredients: Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem! Reader)
↳Feed Me ( 🍪,🍮 )
Summary: Some times, people do things because it’s what they think is best. You don’t tell your alpha about some weight gain you’ve noticed, and try taking care of it yourself because of this.
Ingredients: Alpha! Keiji Akaashi, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima, Alpha! Rintaro Suna
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳ Day and Night (🍘)
Summary: How do you and your gamer alpha spend heats and ruts?
Ingredients: Alpha! Kenma Kozume
Serving: Omega! Reader (Fem! Reader)
↳ Crash Course(🍪)
Summary: The relationship between Iwaizumi and Oikawa is always a confusing one. No one is quite sure what it is and where exactly you fall into it. Well, you guys do and that’s all that matters.
Ingredients: Alpha! Hajime Iwaizumi, Platonic! Alpha! Toru Oikawa
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
Summary: Alpha’s are scary creatures. Going up to them is scary, and honestly, you were never sure you would ever be able to look one in the eye. Unfortunately, your omega was dead set on one particular alpha– one who seemed so much more intimidating than any other alpha you had seen before.
Ingredients: Alpha! Issei Matsukawa, Alpha! Satori Tendou
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN)
↳✨Daddy cats✨ (🍪, 🍘)
Summary: What’s life like with not one but two alphas at your beck and call?
Ingredients: Alpha! Kenma Kozume and Alpha! Tetsuro Kuroo (Poly)
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN until the smut, then it's fem! Reader)
↳✨Olympic level✨( 🍪)
Summary: Sometimes your air-headed alpha makes you question your sanity. Luckily, you have some back-up to get him back in line.
Ingredients: Alpha! Yu Nishinoya
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN!)
↳Time Bomb ( 🍚,🍮,🍙(Non! A/B/O) )
Summary:  Anger is an ugly emotion and can bring out the worst in all of us. Mid-argument, it pushes your boyfriend into dangerous waters, threatening your very relationship. Is your relationship strong enough to survive?
Ingredients: Koushi Sugawara, Wakatoshi Ushijima
Serving: Reader(GN!)
↳Paparazzi ( 🍪)
Summary: Fangirls are nice, yes, however they tend to get in the way of simple things such as passing your classes. You won't take their harrassment laying down though.
Ingredients: Alpha! Toru Oikawa, Alpha! Yuji Terushima, Alpha! Atsumu Miya
Serving: Omega! Reader (GN!)
More to come!
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