#Nathaniel's sister
is somebody gonna match my freak
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(rambling about miraculous ladybug to my sister who has brain damage from trying to figure out what i was saying)
(she has never watched it)
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mediumsage · 1 month
the characters theorised to be future legends fighting over who’ll get in the apex games just to lose to pathfinder’s kid:
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ethanharmonia · 3 months
can i get a (B2W2) Nate??
also your interpretation of Blake is so neat! he looks like he'd taste like broken glass candy /vpos
also heres Nathan 🕺🏻(in my AU version, i havent drawn him in a long time wat da hell)
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traumatised men are my favourite (mans 28 in this AU)
Fun fact for those that didnt know, Nate is Ethan's adoptive younger brother!!! :D
Those two arent related but they have a very nice brotherly bond together :]
They have a lot in common btw btw, 1. Both traumatised, 2. Both their biological parents died and have been adopted by Red and Blue, 3. Both of them have fire starters MUAHAHAHA, 4. They will beat someone to death, 5. They have marriage issues with their own husbands 😔
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direwombat · 7 months
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the novice, the scholar, and the stray dog
or, the sole remaining members of the brotherhood's (defunct) detroit bureau in ASSASSIN'S CREED: MOTOR CITY
template made by @unholymilf (tumblr wouldn't let me tag directly, so linking to the blog instead)
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
Since Curtain publicly lied on tv about the emergency, his inventions, and Dr. Garrison, do you think that after his redemption, Nathaniel had to go give one of those celebrity fake apologies on tv?
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melien · 1 year
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zukkaoru · 8 months
fyonikonathan + "what did you do?"
“What did you do?” Silence takes control of the room. As Fyodor’s gaze flits between Nikolai and Nathaniel, the other two look at each other. Their facial expressions flicker as they have a silent conversation, as if Fyodor cannot understand them both with practiced ease. Both Nikolai and Nathaniel are covered in flour, along with the counter and a significant amount of the floor. There are various utensils and mixing bowls spread out everywhere they should not be, and something is burning in the oven. Finally, Nathaniel exclaims, “It was his fault!” Nikolai gasps, overdramatic as always, one hand flying up to clutch his chest. “Me?!” he demands. “Why, Fedya, you cannot possibly believe such nonsense! You know I would never even think of—” “Give me a break,” Nathaniel interrupts. “This looks exactly like something you would do! Because it is!” “Is not! I was having a nice, peaceful, nap when you—” “Kolya,” Fyodor interrupts. “Both of you. Just. Quiet.” He sighs deeply, massaging his temples. “What were you trying to make?” “Sadness and slime cinnamon rolls!” Nikolai exclaims. “Mine were slime-themed, and Nathaniel’s were sad. You can try them, if you want!” Using his ability, Nikolai grabs something from a plate, then steps closer to Fyodor. “Open up~” Fyodor presses his lips together. He is sincerely beginning to regret his choice in subordinates. Partners? …Whatever Nikolai and Nathaniel are. (Right now, he just wishes they were less.)
send me a ship (romantic or platonic) + a sentence and i'll write the next five(ish) sentences
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
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You are wanted. You are home. Shall we begin?
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misschris1412 · 2 years
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The originals
Elizabeth olsen : Alexandra (wolf)
Shailene woodley : Anastasia
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drgarrison · 1 year
i hate all of you.
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the-widow-sisters · 2 years
Merry Christmas
Summary: On Christmas morning, Clint and Laura have a rather unexpected surprise for Lila, Nate, and Cooper. However, it's a more than welcome one.
Word Count: 1467
A/N: It's not quite Christmas yet, but I honestly could not wait until Christmas to post this, lol 🤣💗💗💗 I know it is a little short, but I could not think of much of a plot, and I just wanted to write out this little slice of life thing. Or sort of a slice of life. Idk what it's called 🤣
I hope you enjoy! 🥰
  Clint smiled as he hurried up the stairs, getting ready to wake up the kids for Christmas morning. They were miraculously somehow still asleep, and Clint had for once in his entire life woken up before them. And given the surprise he had downstairs, he could not hardly wait to get them up.
  Laura was awake as well, but she was in the bedroom doing something, and Clint leaned in the doorway.
  “We’re ready,” he told her, and Laura nodded as she headed to Lila’s room to get her up. Clint headed to Nate’s first, getting him up.
  “Hey, bud, let’s get up. Come on,” Clint told him as he gently squeezed his shoulder, trying to wake the boy up. He stirred after a short moment, looking at Clint in confusion. However, after only a split second, he seemed to remember what day it was, and he grinned widely, looking far more awake.
  “I got a cool surprise, so let’s get going and wake up your brother,” Clint told him, and Nate instantly jumped out of the bed, yelling as he ran for Cooper’s room. Clint chuckled, knowing that Cooper was doubtlessly going to be less than appreciative of the wake-up call.
  As Clint headed out the door, he realized Lila was up with Laura waiting on the boys. He smiled at her, opening his arm as he pulled her into his side, kissing her head.
  “Morning, sweetheart,” he greeted, and Lila just smiled widely hugging him back with a mumbled reply.
  “Got a surprise downstairs that I think you’re going to really love,” Clint whispered, and she furrowed her brow, pulling away just enough to meet his eyes. She was utterly confused as she tried to piece it together, and he could not help a chuckle at his wonderful daughter.
  “What is it?” Lila questioned, and Clint grinned, starting to answer but Laura beat him to it.
  “You’ll see if your brothers hurry it up,” Laura raised her voice pointedly as she looked in the direction of Cooper’s room where Nate was jumping on the bed and driving him crazy in an attempt to wake him up.
  “I’m getting up, I’m getting up,” Cooper complained aloud as he dragged himself out of bed. However, despite his bellyaching, he did hurry into the hall. Once they were all three standing there, Clint grinned at the kids.
  “Well? What are you waiting for? Get down there,” he told them, ushering them along, and they wasted no time in running down the stairs. The group of them sounded like an entire herd, and Clint headed down the stairs with Laura, the both of them laughing softly at the children’s enthusiasm.
  All of the kids rushed down the stairs, making their way to the living room. However, as soon as they reached the bottom of the stairs, they froze quickly as their eyes widened, looking at the Christmas tree in shock.
  There below the tree was Natasha and Yelena sitting down on the floor, a bow on Natasha’s head and one stuck on Yelena’s nose. Kate was also there, sitting on the couch as she watched them with a wide grin.
  “Merry Christmas,” Natasha greeted them with a wide smile, and Yelena waggled her eyebrows in an attempt to make Nate laugh.
  As soon as Natasha spoke, they all broke out of their surprise, hurrying over to greet their aunts.
  Natasha opened her arms, gladly catching Lila as she hurriedly got on her knees and practically ploughed over Natasha. Cooper stood a bit to the side, still in that awkward phase between adulthood and childhood where he did not know how to exactly handle situations like this.
  However, Nate ran to Yelena instantly, jumping for her and wrapping his arms around her neck. Yelena grinned widely, laughing as she hugged him tightly.
  “Auntie Lena!” he cried excitedly, and Yelena felt the emotion welling in her chest against her will as she felt the love radiating off of him.
  “Hey, myshka! Merry Christmas!” Yelena greeted, trying to overcome the momentary feelings taking over her. After a moment of him squeezing the life out of her, he fell back in her lap. She chuckled happily as he took the bow off of her nose. She then rubbed her nose against his before pulling back and looking up at Cooper accusingly.
  “What are you doing, Cooper Scooper?! Get down here!” Yelena told him, grinning widely as she opened an arm, and Cooper just grinned awkwardly but quickly bent down to hug her, getting down in the floor with them.
  “Come here, Nate. Quit giving Yelena all my love,” Natasha scolded playfully as she grabbed him and dragged him over into her own lap, placing her hands on his cheeks and playfully squishing them together as she greeted him. He laughed joyously, far too pleased with himself.
   Lila then shifted over to Yelena, and Yelena finally released Cooper, opening her arms as she hugged the younger girl. There was still a bit of hesitance, but not nearly as much as there used to be.
  Yelena’s secret hesitance and slight trepidation around younger girls and even girls her age was slowly stating to melt away, and honestly, Lila had been a big part in taking those emotions away. Even Kate had played a role, as much as Yelena would not ever dare to admit it. And of course, Carol, too. Carol was one of her favorites out of all of the non-Natashas that she knew.
  “Hey, Aunt Lena,” Lila greeted, squeezing her tightly, and Yelena smiled warmly, hugging her back as she closed her eyes.
  “Hey, kid,” she whispered, patting her on the back before releasing her finally. Lila smiled at her, her eyes sparkling. Natasha called Cooper over and he moved in next to her so that she could wrap her arms around the two boys.
  “These are my boys,” Natasha declared as she squeezed them both tightly, giving Cooper a kiss to his cheek despite his halfhearted protests. One could easily see that he truly was pleased with the affection.
  Clint and Laura approached the doorway, looking in at them. Kate grinned back at Clint, pleased at the sight of everyone having so much fun despite the fact that she was not sure how to insert herself.
  However, before long, the kids inserted Kate for her.
  “Kate, hi!” Lila greeted, moving over to hug her. Cooper was instantly paying attention as he fully realized that Kate was there. While Kate was pleased to be included, she was not quite sure that she wanted the attention that Cooper was offering. Therefore, she paid more attention to Lila, offering a big grin and hugging her in return.
  “Hey, girl! Merry Christmas!” Kate wished sweetly as she moved her hot chocolate over to the table.
  “I was hoping you might come for Christmas!” Lila told her, and Kate could not help the warmth spreading through her.
  “Aww… I’m really glad I got to be here!” Kate expressed as she released her, and Nate hurried over as he climbed onto her lap and in her arms.
  “Kate!” he cried, and Kate smiled widely, unable to help being just as excited as he was. His energy was infectious.
  “Nate!” she replied with just as much enthusiasm, and he laughed joyfully. Lila moved to sit next to Kate, and Nate was smiling widely as he looked at the brunette, his hands on her shoulders.
  “We rhyme!” he declared, and even though it was something he pointed out every time Kate came to visit, Kate still found it adorable every single time.
  Cooper then approached after Lila and Nate. He had a shy smile on his face, and as sweet as he was, Kate was not about to go for it.
  “Hey, Kate,” he told her, and Kate nodded to him, mustering a somewhat forced smile.
  “Hey, Cooper,” she replied, attempting to keep a smile on her face.
  Sensing the tension and Kate’s uncomfortableness, Laura elbowed Clint lightly, trying to get him to do something about it. Clint had noticed it as well, but he honestly had been enjoying it quite a bit and found it to be quite humorous. However, at Laura’s urging, he finally called out to the group.
  “Alright, who wants to open presents?” Clint spoke up, and the kids instantly were in agreement. Natasha and Yelena stood up, heading over to the couch as Lila moved to the Christmas tree. Natasha took a seat next to Kate, and Yelena sat on the other side of Natasha.
  Clint and Laura took a seat, and Clint smiled softly as he looked at his amazing family and finally met eyes with Natasha.
  Even though they were unconventional, they were perfect, and he would not have it any other way.
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ravenpoefan · 1 year
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Arturo heard GrandFather talking shit about Ben and the delightful children
Click for better quality.
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aristocraticvision · 1 year
Chapter 342: The Interview
Princess Grace of Corwyn shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She and her sister, Caroline – now known as Sister Mary Agnes, Abbess of the Convent of St. Selene in Nagana – had been interviewing candidates for most of the morning.
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So far, none of the candidates had even been close to what they were looking for, and Grace’s patience was wearing thin.
“Send in the next, Sethe,” Caroline said absently.
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Through the door walked a man of about 35. His jet black hair was cut short and he wore a cleanly clipped beard, while an expensive, tailored suit gave him an aristocratic air.
Caroline leaned forward with interest and asked his name.
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“Nathaniel St. James, ma’am,” the man replied, taking a seat across from her.
“Mmmm,” Caroline said, glacing at Grace, who nodded approvingly. “It says here you are a Westonian by birth?”
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“Yes, ma’am,” he replied. “I was born in Bilton, a small village on the coast south of Weston. My father was a fisherman, but my mother was born Lady Eustacia Howell, the daughter of the Count of Brenard. So while I do not hold any title, I do have noble blood by birth. I also attended university at Midborough in Allycia, majoring in government administration and  communications, so I’m well qualified for any position on the royal staff. It’s my understanding that is your ultimate goal, correct?”
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“Yes, it is,” Caroline replied. “But what I need to know is why you would consent to assist us. Mr. Raines said that you were quite eager to enlist when he explained our plans.”
St. James frowned.
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“I was – I am,” he said. “When my maternal grandfather passed away, he left no heirs, since both of my uncles, as well as my mother, had preceded him to the grave. I registered my claim to inherit his title and lands, but Prince Stephen denied it, saying that my mother’s estrangement from my grandparents disqualified her from any chance of inheritance – and through her, me as well."
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“How typical,” Grace said, shaking her head. “So familiar, too. Prince Stephen has a history of ruining the lives of not only those he dislikes, but their children, as well!”
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"Indeed," St. James replied. "I requested an audience with the prince to appeal, but was even denied that opportunity!”
“So what happened to your family’s lands and title?” Caroline asked. "Surely Stephen couldn't just deny you everything."
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“They were absorbed by the crown,” St. James replied, angrily. “The prince didn't care. For him, it was nothing! Eight generations of my family’s blood, sweat and tears just thrown away like garbage!”
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“I’m so sorry, Nathaniel,” Caroline said. “But I’m afraid it would be difficult for you to play a role in our plan. Prince Stephen would surely recognize your name, would he not?”
St. James grinned slightly.
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“No, ma’am,” he said. “My request was lodged under my mother’s maiden name, Falwell, so I can’t imagine he would make the connection; and I never met with the prince or any member of his staff in person.”
Caroline smiled.
“Then we may have a job for you after all, Nathaniel,” she said.
Continent of Oceana | History of Weston | History of Corwyn | History of Torenth | History of Allycia
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
I love how Nathaniel’s first words about his sister were “she’s not as nice as I am” because it either means A) she’s exactly like Nathaniel was, only he views his actions as somewhat justified and has low self-insight (and can't stand the taste of his own medicine) or B) the things he takes issue with aren't her actual crimes but petty things like he's jealous of her success or hates her personality.
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readtilyoudie · 2 years
A priceless vase from the Ming dynasty, circa the fourteenth century, crashed into the three wicket stumps drawn along the back wall and splintered into a thousand shards, joining a brightly colored pile of its brethren at the base of a hand-painted mural in the gallery. Lord Thane Harte, the seventh Duke of Beswick, scowled as his valet cast a baleful eye at the ruins, a cricket bat dangling from one hand. 
“Your father went through a great deal to collect those, Your Grace.” 
“My father is dead,” the duke rumbled. “It’s a thing, Fletcher. Now, come on, one more and you’re out. Clench those judgmental arse cheeks and let’s go for the boundaries with the next ball.” 
The man grimaced as he lifted the wooden bat with distaste. “Those are not balls, Your Grace. They are worth several thousand pounds.” 
“Expensive and ugly. The devil knows why my father worshipped the absurd things.”
-  The Beast of Beswick (Everleigh Sisters, #1) by Amalie Howard
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travsd · 2 years
The Legends of Nathanael West and Eileen McKenney
The Legends of Nathanael West and Eileen McKenney
On account of his superlative, highly unique fiction, we tend to regard Nathanael West (Nathan Weinstein, 1903-1940) as a literary figure as opposed to a theatrical or show biz one, but his fascinating and short life embraced both worlds. A desultory and lazy student, West got into Brown University by using the academic transcript of his cousin (also named Nathan Weinstein) after flunking out of…
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