#Needless to say I had all kinds of feelings about that and feelings about those feelings and feelings about THOSE feelings
sanjisboyfie · 7 months
suguru's needless jealousy
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geto suguru x male reader
being suguru's boyfriend and all of his friends (shoko and satoru, basically - man's does not really have friends like that) not believing how he could find such a wonderful, caring boyfriend like you.
it kind of pisses him off, actually. because he knows how lucky he is to have you, obviously he knows, he's the one dating you. he's the only one who knows just how fast his heart races whenever he sees you. he's the only one who gets that really warm feeling in his chest when you so much as look in his direction. he's the only one who gets to hear you whisper, "i love you," to him and practically send him spiralling with just those three words alone.
but whenever you walk into the classroom, shoko and satoru both think he's gotten memory loss in his sleep because they're both gushing about, "waahhh, suguru, your boyfriend's a total babe, why'd he settle with you? he could have anyone he wanted!" or, "suguru, you better be treating [name] with the utmost respect, he deserves the best for being such a sweetheart!"
you are the one that always kindly brushes their compliments off, taking a comfortable seat next to suguru, who pulls you closer to him by tugging on the leg of your chair towards his. there's a small frown on his face, but it washes away the moment you rest your hand on top of his.
with that simple touch, he'll tiredly tell the two of them to just shut up before focusing all of his attention on you. and that frowns melts into a lovesick smile as he hangs off of every word that leaves your lips.
however, satoru one day takes the teasing too far. for suguru's taste, at least. you had run off to grab the three of you drinks from the vending machine. unfortunately, the one near the common area was broken. despite satoru having the ability to fix it, he was being a hardass and refusing to.
this made you have to almost walk around the entire campus just to get the drinks for them.
satoru was going on and on about how considerate you were, both as a friend and boyfriend. suguru didn't mind that much. he loved to praise you for your actions no matter how big or small - especially to those around him.
it was his own subtle, greedy way of saying, "look at my boyfriend and all he does for me because he loves me, yeah, i am the luckiest guy in the world~"
obviously, when he does sing your praises they aren't as obvious as that. they're subtle, inconspicuous.
or, another way of phrasing that would be, not as obvious as gojo satoru makes his admiration for you be.
like suguru said, he doesn't mind when others sing your praises. you deserve the recognition for being so kind. but, in his humble opinion, it almost sounded like satoru was just yearning now.
yearning for his boyfriend. seriously, of all people...
it made a tick mark appear on his forehead as he thought about it.
"and, and! did you see the way he was so eager to just go grab them for us? even though he doesn't have to, [name] is always putting others before him. he's really a great guy, i bet he's an amazing boyfriend too, suguru! god, you're one lucky man!"
suguru's eye twitched, "i know, i am lucky, he treats me really well,"
"well, you better treat him well too, or else who knows! he might ditch your sorry ass," it was obviously a joke, with the way satoru's mocking laugh echoed after he said that, it was very obviously a joke.
but suguru was already at his limits in dealing with satoru's bad jokes.
"oh, so you can sweep him off of his feet after he ditches me, right?"
satoru stilled at the comment, looking at suguru as if he were crazy. but before he could shout about how out of pocket suguru was being, he was cut off, "you've been dick riding my boyfriend for the past ten minutes, satoru, is there something you wanna say to me?"
satoru's blue eyes blinked owlishly, "are you seriously saying what i think you're saying? are you a dumbass?"
"i don't know, you tell me. you're the one that was sounding like a desperate school girl trying to get noticed by her crush, not even ten seconds ago,"
now satoru was just offended! god, he can't even sing your praises without a jealous suguru breathing down his neck.
[name] control your man or else i won't know what i do to him for pissing me off, was the only though in satoru's mind.
"don't be such a dick just cause you're jealous, dude," satoru warns, only making suguru's eyes glare at him even more - as if he were insulted.
"i'm not jealous," suguru weakly defended, making satoru only roll his eyes.
when you returned a couple seconds later, satoru took his juice from you, placed some yen to pay you back for it into your now open hand, and walked off.
"huh? i thought satoru was going to wait with us here for shoko?"
"change of plans, he and shoko are gonna meet up elsewhere. they said we could have the time together for some couple business or something," suguru easily lied, not at all feeling bad for doing so either.
with how often shoko and satoru were complimenting you for how selfless you were, they surely wouldn't mind you spending personal time with your own boyfriend, aka him, aka geto suguru.
"oh, if it's alright with them, let's go!" you cheerfully smiled, unscrewing the cap of your juice and linking your arm through suguru's. "what's the plan for today then, babe?"
suguru almost melted at your touch and pet name for him. he gazed down at you lovingly, shrugging his shoulders with a smile on his face, "anywhere you wanna go, prince, i'll just follow along,"
you pout at his lax attitude, but sigh and choose a random arcade to spend your time in. he nods in approval, allowing you to drag him through the streets of tokyo with a smirk on his face.
you were his and he was yours, he thought to himself. he held your hand in his now, walking through the dimly lit arcade with you two closely connected with each other.
he was the one you were spending time with the most, not shoko or satoru. he was the one that got the teddy bear you won for him, not shoko or satoru. and he was definitely the one you were kissing, not shoko or satoru.
they can sing your praises for being a perfect boyfriend and tease and degrade his status as yours as much as they want, but at the end of the day, their words mean nothing as he's the one who's truly winning.
after all, it's his bed you sleep in at night and he's the one who gets to have you be the first thing he sees in the morning.
suguru felt stupid for even being the slighest bit jealous of satoru's words earlier. he doesn't even know why he was jealous. because satoru was so obviously admiring you? because it sounded like satoru was noticing the little things you did just how suguru did?
how could suguru even feel jealous about little shit like that, when you're the one saying the sweetest words about him being your boyfriend.
(don't praise him too much, though, his heart may stop at your endearing words. seriously, his face feels like it'll explode with how heated his cheeks get and how erratic his heart beat can go.)
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wonnieluv · 2 months
When they see you after you being apart for a long time
Heeseung would envelope you in the most tightest. Not the kind where you’re gripping each other real tight but the kind of hug where you just feel so secure. Like not even the strongest wind could knock you out of his embrace
He’d kiss your forehead and just hold you for a solid few minutes as you just bathe in each other’s presence mumbling small I missed you’s and I love you’s into your ears as you inhale his scent. It’s such a healing moment and any pain, exhaustion or stress you had weighing on you didn’t seem to matter anymore because all that mattered was that you two were together
Jay would be counting down the days to being able to see you again. You two probably have one of those countdown’s on your lock screen or something. The moment you open the door for him when he knocks, you nearly tackle him over as he drops everything in his hands to hug you
Once you let go of each other, you walk in your door hand in hand. He sets his stuff down and you both immediately snuggle up on the couch maybe with a cup of wine or some tea. You rest your head on his chest as he tells you all about what him and the members have been up to and some of the exciting things they have coming up. You eventually turn on the TV and pop in some cheesy rom-com that you both love. There hasn’t been a more perfect moment. The two of you cozied up on your couch, he runs his hand through your hair as you listen to his heartbeat. Needless to say your both asleep in each others arms long before the movie ends.
Jake is all giddy. No one within his close circle doesn’t know you’re coming. He probably sits and tells Layla all about how excited he is to see you and all the things you’ll do when he goes to visit his parents. When you finally do arrive he runs up and bear hugs you with the brightest smile on his face. Like his cheeks are probably aching with how hard he’s smiling. As you walk to the car hand in hand, he drives you back with his hand not leaving yours once on the drive home and he doesn’t waste a single second in pulling you into his room and trapping you in a hug on his bed. He’s waited so long to hold you and now that he has the chance, he won’t be able to keep his hands to himself.
He’ll tell you about all the stuff he wants to do with you; the cafes he wants to visit, the late night walks with Layla, the places in Seoul he can’t wait to take you to. He’ll promise to take you to the HYBE building and show you around (maybe they’ll let you watch practice ;)). If you show more excitement to see another artist he may teasingly say that you can’t go anymore and he’ll be pouty and never leave your side if you guys actually go. The time you spend with Jake you’ll probably end up sleeping better than you ever have wrapped up in his arms
Sunghoon may not immediately show it on his face, but he is so excited to see you. When he finally sees your face and sees you running towards him he’ll break out into the prettiest smile and immediately open his arms for you to run into. He’s probably trying to play it cool but in reality he’s trying not to combust from how happy he is. His giddiness immediately gets exposed the second he brings you around the members. ‘Hoon literally won’t shut up about you’ ‘y/n comes in a week, y/n comes in 4 days, y/n comes tomorrow, I see y/n in a coupon hours’ ‘I saw him kicking his feet and giggling when you guys texted last night’. Like they won’t let this poor man live.
When you guys get to be alone there may not be many words exchanged at first but you guys are just going about your business being more than content to be in each other’s presence. Whether he’s playing games, you’re doing your skincare, on your phones, cuddling in bed. Whatever y’all are doing there’s always a permanent smile on your face. But before you fall asleep you probably tease him a bit about how much the boys said he missed you just to seem him get all flustered.
You and Sunoo would FaceTime almost everyday when you were apart. You would be spilling tea, giving eachother updates on whatever has been going on (because he knows alllll of your friends and all of the gossip in your life), doing skincare together, or just exchanging quick words to each other to help cheer the other up.
When you finally are together again you immediately take over the bathroom for the most extensive home spa routine to ever exist. No one is interrupting and by the time you’re done, you’re going through your camera roll looking at all the goofy pics you took with your matching face masks and pajamas on and giggling to each other picking the perfect one that you can post on your story without showing his face. You guys put on the drama you agreed to watch together and spill any recent drama you’ve had yet to tell each other. Needless to say the entire evening is filled with soft giggles and sweet smiles shared between the two of you from the comfort of each others embrace in Sunoo’s room.
You know Jungwon is busy and he knows that you are as well so when you finally have the time to spend an evening at his place you had your bag packed a week in advance and made sure no one would get in the way. He gave you the code so you came to the dorm a bit early to surprise him when he got out of his schedule for that day. The second he walked through the door to see you in the living room his tense shoulders immediately relaxed and before you could even sit up to greet him he was laying on top of you. I’m not talking but ‘tackled into a hug on the couch’ type of thing, I’m talking the ‘there’s his body laying on top of you like a sack of potatos’ and he is not getting up.
When you finally do get him up you head of his room. After you convince him that you will in fact still be there when he’s done showering, he goes to wash up before catapulting himself into bed to lay on top of you again. You spend the next 30 minutes to an hour with his head on your chest combing your fingers through his hair as you exchange words about all the things you’ve been up to as you both slowly fade into unconsciousness holding each other. The next morning he will not let you go and you may have to get 2 of the members to pry him away from you when you have to go back home but it’s ok because you know that it won’t be long until you’ll be in each others arms again.
Your texts with Riki mostly consist of daily updates and horrible memes exchanged between the two of you with some play fighting added to the mix. Even when you’re ‘arguing’ with each other he knows how to make you laugh and that does not change when you finally get to see him face to face again. He would probably pretend to not see you if you’re a lot smaller than he but when you start to get annoyed he pulls you into a hug and apologizes through his giggles.
The majority of the time you spend with each other consists of you two giggling over things you find on Twitter, taking silly goofy pictures of each other that you beg him to post on Weverse, him teasing you, you punching him for teasing you, him apologizing while laughing and the cycle repeats. By the time it gets to 1am you have settled in his room and he’s telling you goofy stories of things the members have done recently and you’re telling him about the things you’ve been up to recently with your friends (who he totally 100% remembers the names of) until the conversation fades as your breathing steadies and you both fall asleep with smiles on your faces. The rest of the time you’re staying with him consists of similar routines with maybe a late night run to the convenience store or some video games where Riki promises he’ll play fair but we all know he won’t with the biggest smile on his face.
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fushitoru · 8 days
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PAIRING: beach boy!gojo x reader SUMMARY: on your way to meet your girlfriends on your summer vacay, you encounter an unforeseen obstacle: parallel parking. It’s good you have a hot beach boy ready to help you park! maybe you’ll give him a kiss or a bj or two to thank him for his effort… WARNINGS: minors dni, fluff, smut, oral (m receiving), meet cute, not beta read at all, first fic kinda nervous
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“I really don’t think I’m going to make that…” you mutter to yourself, frantically checking the distance from the car already stationed behind you as you back up. Your anxiety spikes as you keep glancing at the road ahead to see if there were any impending cars. If there are any cars that come while I’m struggling through this parallel parking, I might as well kill myself. That might be faster for both of us.
You bite your lip in frustration as you try a combination of backing up, turning the wheel, going forward, and turning the wheel again, concentrated on inching your way into the tight parking space. After being in the state of half being inside the parking space and half out, you take a break to bang your head against the wheel, cursing Shoko for leaving you alone when she insisted on catching up with you at the hotel when she saw a pizza place she’s wanted to go to. The Hawaiian pizza she abandoned you for better be really fucking good.
As you ready for yourself to struggle through finishing parking properly, your soul almost leaves your body as you hear an assertive knock against your window. You pinch your eyes for a bit, steeling yourself for the mortification you’re about to bear, and then turn. Your eyes widen.
Looking at you through your window was a tall man, hunched over with an amused smile. He had blue eyes and white hair---hair you would’ve normally thought looked weird on people because you refused to dye yours with anything but naturally occurring colors, but it just worked on him. Without making him look like he was a weird otaku cosplaying an anime character.
Needless to say, you’re nervous and feel your face burning up as you roll down your window. “Hi, I know that I’m taking up a lot of space, but I’m just struggling through parking this right now. I’m really sorry. They did not teach this to me in driver’s ed---”
“Hey, hey. Calm down. You’re okay,” he chuckled. Wow, his voice was deep. Not crazy deep that he sounded like those TikTok guys straining their voice for their thirst traps or anything, but enough to definitely be deemed a panty wetter. “I’m Satoru. Let me park your car for you.”
Oh. Well, that was helpful. Kind of overwhelmed, you choke out a “oh, thank you” and get out of the car. As soon as you open your door, you blush at the rest of Satoru----he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt in the sluttiest way possible with some shorts. You covered your nose in case you got a nosebleed at the sight of his shirt open, glistening abs on full display.
As he got in, you awkwardly stood by his car, parked perfectly behind you. You gaped as he effortlessly got your car out of the weird orientation you had put it in and parked it, a perfect distance between the cars surrounding it.
He shifted the gears to park it and got out of the car, walking up to you. “So…what’s a girl like you doing out here?” He places his arm on top of his car, effectively caging you between his cars and his bare chest.
You cursed yourself as you began to feel yourself burning up in his oh so close gaze. “Uh, I’m here on a trip with my friends.” You were finding it hard to find a place to look at. Eye contact was impossible with piercing blue eyes looking at you, lidded, and you would probably face charges if you stole any more glances at his chest. You decided to keep looking at his biceps.
He smiled confidently. He knew he was hot, and maybe he even had pussy vision that consulted him on what to do around you because wow you sure were nervous and going crazy down there. “Where’s your boyfriend? Can’t believe he left you to park on your own, baby.”
Oh. “I don’t have one.” His gaze widened imperceptibly, and, slowly, he lowered his gaze to rake over you. Meanwhile, you were freaking out. No one this hot had ever flirted with you, except for some frat boys that were trying to get into your pants during college. You weren’t such a fan of STDs, though.
“You sure? It’s hard for me to believe a pretty girl like you isn’t cuffed up.” You would’ve scoffed at how obvious he was being, but you hadn’t gotten laid in a long time. And this was your ticket out of your dry spell.
It was time to lock in.
You put a hand on his shoulder and leaned back onto his car, flashing him a smile. “You know what? I really want to…show you my gratitude. Can I give you anything?”
Suddenly, you felt his face inching closer to you. His voice was breathy when he said, “Yeah, I can think of something.” He was looking at your lips, and you could feel his breath fanning your face. Clearly waiting for your consent, you pulled him in both arms to lock your lips together.
Satoru grabbed your waist and forced his leg between your thighs. You whimpered when you felt his knee rubbing you directly on your pussy as you continued kissing him. For stability, you started dragging your hands up and down his torso, finally having an excuse to feel up his abs.
You two went back and forth for a few minutes before pulling away, panting. You faux pout, trailing your pointer finger over his chest. “You know, I don’t really think that showed enough thanks. Can I give you a little something more inside my car?” You look up at him with doe eyes only to see him with a wide gaze and blushing face. He nods, and you grab his arm to drag him into your backseat.
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“Aw, give it a little kiss, baby. It’s so excited to see you,” Gojo remarks down at you, but soon afterwards groans, throwing his head back when you give his tip a little kiss. You start kissing his cock all over, making sure to look at him as he falls apart over your mouth. Fondling his balls, you give his tip gentle licks, teasing him. And it clearly agitates him---he starts thrusting up, trying to get himself inside your mouth.
“Please, baby, don’t be mean,” he whines, “Be a good girl and open your mouth.” Done teasing him, you fully envelope him in your hot mouth, bobbing your head and trying to take him in.
He hisses as soon as he feels your mouth on him and starts blabbering. “Wow, baby, your mouth is so good. So tight and hot f’ me.” Blinking away your tears, you finally take your eyes away from his dick to look up, panties immediately sullied from the sight above you: him looking down, face strained and hot from the pleasure he was receiving. His abs clenched every time you took him In further, your hot breaths through your nose fanning his pelvis.
His hand comes down, stroking your head gently as you continue taking him in your throat. “You’re thankful, baby?” You nodded. “Lemme grab your hair for a bit, I’ll feel really thanked.” You bunch your hair in a ponytail, giving him the opportunity to grab it. He does as promised; he grabs your hair by the scalp and starts moving your head over his cock, setting his own pace with your mouth.
You can tell by his ragged breaths that he’s getting close; you start gently touching his balls again, which sends him over the edge. With a choked take it, baby, he spills inside your mouth. You, of course, take it in. As soon as he’s down from being overwhelmed from his high, you open your mouth to show him the cum you have on your tongue. He groans upon the sight, and you swallow it. He pulls you up and slowly gives you kisses across your face, and you reciprocate. After another heated make out session, you exchange numbers and a goodbye kiss.
Locking your car and walking out to finally enter your hotel,  you fantasize about meeting up with him later to do more debauched things. You were really excited for this summer.
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a/n I might do more parts of this if people want more! I have some other ideas for jjk men that I’ve been dying to write so I will be doing those too :3
also sorry for any mistakes it’s unedited bc I got impatient and wanted to post it
reblog and comment if u liked it!
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ao3commentoftheday · 7 months
How do you leave a good comment on a work when you notice a large error? Or a small error,m I get so nervous to leave a comment nowadays because not many people have clear statements regarding criticism. So, I'm hesitant to point out anything out/ leave a comment that's anything but positive.
I remember a few months ago, on a BNHA work, I corrected the timeline of canon events that author got wrong (because the WIP seemed to be going down that route of "canon adjacent" work that spawn from a canonical event). The author had a message beneath the chapters that "all comments were welcomed," so I thought it was okay to leave the type of comment I did. But I dealt with several aggressive messages from the author and the author's friends about needless critique and how rude I came off as afterwards (I apologized,but I still got messages for a while).
The whole thing freaked me out a bit because I hate any semblance of confrontation ,so now I'm nervous about commenting any work- even those with explicit statements on criticism (welcome ,not welcomed,etc). I leave kudos and such ,but sometimes I debate over whether or not the author needs my comment about their typos. I try to sandwich a critique between two compliments like everyone says,but then I end up with a paragraph-length comment, and I worry about coming off too strongly.
I'm rambling,sorry.
Is there a guide to good comments for criticism in fanworks? Besides not giving criticism when criticism would not be welcomed??
Thank you for your time.
First of all, I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience. I'm sure that was awful for you, and I totally understand why it would freak you out.
When it comes to correcting things in fanfic, there are a lot of things to take into account.
Why does correcting the error matter to you?
How well do you know the author?
How long would it take to make the correction?
There are others, but these are the bigger "buckets" I see most of them fitting into.
If the error matters to you because you get annoyed when you see typos, for example, then that's more of a "you" problem. You can download the fic and edit out the typos and then when you reread it, you won't have to worry about them.
If the error matters to you because you'd be embarrassed if you had posted a fic and there were typos in it, that's also kind of a "you" problem. If the author feels the same way, they'll likely have an author's note indicating that they want to be notified. Otherwise, they're likely resigned to the idea that typos will happen, and if they reread their work themselves, they'll edit them out if and when they catch them.
If the error matters to you because it's non-canonical, this one is more of a wait and see. Maybe the author made the error by accident, but it very well could be on purpose. Perhaps that small change is relevant to the overall plot they're developing. Maybe it's just a thing that they personally hate in canon and have decided that they don't want to include for that reason. Maybe it's a genuine error that they'd be horrified to notice later. There's no way to know.
And that last one is where we come to the second item above. If you know the author well, you can message them and have a chat and bring it up there. I'd recommend just starting out by talking about the story as a whole and what their plan is for it. As I said, maybe what you see as an error is actually a conscious choice that they've made for the story that they want to tell. During that conversation, you'll be able to figure out whether it's actually an error and whether they'd want it pointed out or not.
If you don't know the author well, you could point an error like that out in a comment but then you need to think about the third factor.
Typos take seconds to change. Plot points take hours, days, weeks, or longer. Asking someone to put in a lot of time to make a change to something they've already been working hard on can be really demotivating - even crushing.
For a lot of authors (possibly even most?) they put a lot of work into their fics before they ever get to the point of posting them. They've read, revised, planned, and plotted. They might even have additional chapters already written that are in the revision process and just haven't been posted yet.
Especially in long works, authors look to the comments as a cheering section to urge them on towards completion, so posting corrections or pointing out errors can feel like someone standing up and booing. I think that's what happened in that BNHA situation you referenced in your ask.
That's why the general suggestion when it comes to commenting with corrections is just to not do so. If you want, you can comment about all of the things you like in the fic and then ask if the author wants a beta. That would allow you to have those conversations about their vision for the fic, and it would also allow you to offer feedback before the work is posted and while it's still being edited and worked on.
Otherwise, if it really does bother you, I'm afraid you might just need to dip out and find a different fic.
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motomamita · 1 month
virgin!konig × female!stripper!reader
warnings: smut, +18, cursing, use of alcohol, no cobdom, manhandling, dubcon-noncon!!
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Of all the places Konig frequented, he never thought the strip club would be one of them. Even though his house was a few minutes away from the place and he passed by it several times, he had never felt the need to go in and see what it had to offer him.
His curiosity to know what was happening there was triggered when he heard one of his team mates talking in the barracks about his last visit to one of those places. "That slut gave me the cock suck of my life!" The man exclaimed while his friends laughed and asked for more details about it.
Konig was a strange, lonely individual, and needless to say, he had never been close to the female gender. For these reasons, that same night he decided to take advantage of his free week to go to one of these places. He wanted to experience female attention for the first time, without caring that it was fake and for money.
The place welcomed him with music and bright lights pointing towards the stage surrounded by tables with slightly drunk men, ready to waste their money for some nice tits and asses. He decided to sit at one of the farthest tables, in the darkest corner but which guaranteed him a good view of everything. Despite his large and muscular body, he could go unnoticed by most of those present and get used to the environment.
He settled somewhat uncomfortably in his seat when he saw the first dancer come up, being greeted by the shouts and whistles of the men at the nearby tables. He looked around, excited by the tiny clothes that barely covered the girl who had already started dancing, that was when he saw you approaching him with 2 glasses of whiskey.
"Hello, big boy. Do you want a drink?" You spoke to him flirtatiously, extending the glass towards him.
Konig fixed his gaze on your bright blue top, which looked more like a bikini than a top, and on the way it hugged your breasts. Then he looked down at your waist, hips and the small skirt of the same color.
"Hello?" You caught his attention again, making him look you in the eyes this time. "The first drink is always on the house, so go ahead," you informed him kindly, bringing the glass even closer to his beefy chest.
Konig nodded and received the glass, taking a long sip and finishing the whiskey in an instant. You laugh loudly when you notice his almost disgusted expression when drinking the liquid. Konig hardly ever drank because he tended to lose control of his actions and his strength, especially.
"I've never seen you here, you're new right?" You asked, sitting extremely close to him. Konig swallowed and nodded, noting how good your breasts looked from his spot. "I knew it, it's very rare to see attractive men around here. If you had been here before, I'm sure I would have remembered you."
He looked into your eyes, surprised by your pleasant words towards him. A kind of grimace formed on his face, in an attempt at a smile that failed. You looked at him carefully, still maintaining your good disposition towards him and the possible good tip he would give you if you managed to get him a little more drunk.
"I like your pigtails." was the only thing he can say in gratitude. You smiled and brought your hands to your head where you had 2 small pigtails holding only half of your hair. Konig watched your movements carefully, feeling more confident with you and almost forgetting everything around him.
"Thanks, big boy. Cheers to that!" You clinked glasses but instead of drinking the glass you had left, you gave it to him to drink, which he did.
You didn't leave him for the next few minutes, managing to convince him to buy more drinks and get him drunk enough so he lost track of the amount of money he was spending. By then, several dancers had already gone on stage but he could only focus on you. His body was more relaxed and the fever in his body was not only due to the alcohol, but also to the immense desire to fuck you right there.
"How about we go somewhere quieter?" You asked, bringing your mouth closer to his ear, with an even more flirtatious tone of voice. "Can I offer you a lap dance?" you lightly caressed his hard chest, feeling the necklace with his id inside his shirt.
Konig closed his eyes slightly, feeling your breath in his ear and your caresses on him. He shifted in his place, trying to calm the painfully growing erection inside his pants. He opened his eyes again and looked at you, at a very close distance from your face. He nodded his head, feeling a wave of warmth as he noticed how you smiled widely at his response. By that time you were already used to his silence, taking control of the conversation and feeding his horniness with suggestive words and not-so-innocent caresses.
You took his hand and guided him to one of the hallways of the strip club, away from the noise of the men and the music. You entered a comfortable room, with a long armchair, a bathroom with a shower and a mini bar full of drinks. The music inside was quieter but still sensual and in keeping with the environment.
Konig sat on the couch with his legs open and his arms extended over the backrest. You looked at him as you headed to the mini bar and noticed how muscular and massive he really was, a real military man's body. You poured 2 glasses of whiskey again and approached him, extending one of them to him. Konig looked at the glass and shook his head, rejecting it. He could tell how drunk he already was and how little by little his instincts took over.
"Come on! A toast to us!" You insisted, supporting your weight on one of your legs and stretching forward, giving him a perfect view of your tits.
Konig thought about it for a few seconds and accepted, grabbing the glass to toast and then finishing the liquor in a matter of seconds. You followed suit, letting the alcohol loosen your muscles and relax you. You left the glasses on a small table nearby and started your work.
You sat on his thighs, feeling the muscles in his legs tense as he felt you on top of him. You brought your hands to his neck, playing with the strands of hair that reached there while your hips moved slightly to the rhythm of the music. Konig fixed his gaze on your face and your tits, which moved to the rhythm of your hips.
"Shit.." he murmured when your hands went down to his shoulders, massaging to remove the tension he was carrying thanks to his work.
"Relax, love, I'm here to help you..." your hip movements continued on him, little by little getting closer to his crotch.
Konig, rushing to feel you, brought his big hands to your hips and pulled you abruptly towards him, impacting your tits against his chest. You whined at the abrupt movement and the way his strong hands dug into your hips skin.
"No touching, those are the rules." you warned him, trying to stay in good mood and hoping he wouldn't try to touch you again.
Forcibly he let go of you, bringing his hands back to the back of the large sofa. You tried to put on the best attitude but his look said it wrong, he was angry. You then decided to turn around, turning your back to him but resting your ass even more on him, giving him a good view of it. You continued dancing, moving to the rhythm of the music, resting your back on his chest and letting him inhale your scent.
From one moment to the next, your breasts were expose and you couldn't move because Konig had you hugged to his chest. His face was on your neck, smelling and sucking on the delicate skin there. You tried to get away but his grip was too strong. Before you could scream, one of his hands went to your mouth, covering it and preventing you from making any noise. "Shh, keep quiet, beautiful. We don't want your coworkers to see you fucking a client." He murmured in your ear and then licked your earlobe.
His hips moved upwards, his erection crashing against your ass as he moaned at each contact. Your nails dug into his forearm but it seemed like they had no effect on him. Almost in response, he brought his free hand up your short skirt, touching your pussy with his large fingers clumsily, almost inspecting the place.
You moaned into his palm as one of his fingers found your clit and he saw how sensitive you were. He gently massaged it in circles, watching your face and every expression in response to his movements. Inevitably you started to get wet and Konig noticed it by how his hand was filled with your sweet moisture.
"Since you like this, huh bitch?" He smiled mockingly and his whiskey breath hit you in the face. You shouldn't have offered him alcohol. The hand that was previously on your clit rose to your breasts, playing with your nipples and wetting your skin with your own nectar.
When he couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed your arms and threw you against the couch, in a doggy position. With one hand he held your arms behind your back while with the other he lowered the fly of his pants, leaving his erection free and then moving your underwear to the side. Before you could react, his veiny, thick cock entered you slowly. You moaned and were grateful that at least he had stimulated you before, otherwise that first stretch would have been more painful.
"God, you're so good.." he moaned, feeling how your warm walls hugged his cock with pleasure. Slowly he began to move, taking his cock out before the head and putting it back in until the end. You moaned, closing your eyes, although his rhythm was rough you loved how good he made you feel.
You decided to let yourself go, intoxicated by the pleasure of the thrusts and the grunts that came out of his mouth. "You love it, huh? You've been warming me up all night for this moment.." He growled in an agitated voice as he continued to move inside you. "And look at you now, tasting my big cock.." You moaned in response, somewhat agreeing with his words and the inevitable attraction you had towards him.
His thrusts became clumsy, his breathing became labored, and your pussy clenching around him was forcing him to cum soon. Before filling you, he releases your arms and grabs you by the neck with both hands, crashing your back against his chest. His breath hit your face, along with the moans and curses that came out of his mouth. It only took a few series of thrusts for him to end up inside you, holding you even closer to him as if he feared you were going to escape.
Without coming out inside you, you shared a wet, clumsy kiss. Then he walked away, adjusting his pants, left a good amount of bills on the table and left the place without saying another word.
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starzshopoflove · 2 months
Who's your daddy? (Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader)
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Notes: fem reader! sfw mostly ,literally just me projecting onto the reader, reader is kind of a pervert drabble! This will be multi part if you guys want!! (WC:550)
Simon does his best to be as involved in his son's life while off deployment, with the little guy living with his uncle Soaps mom and sisters while his dads gone. It's always the little things he wishes his dad did when he was younger. His worst fear is being anything like his own father 
This man is literally superdad, present at every PTA meeting he can be, makes cupcakes for the class on his son's birthday, every little league game, pick up and drop off, anything and everything he can do he will 
His son will babble mindlessly about anything because well,, he's 4 that's what children do. So Simon doesn't process much of it as actual information, more like vague “hms” “that's nice' ' and “ah oh really?”. Now when his son started to repeatedly bring up this “Miss” Simon assumed that he’s made a friend at school which made him pretty happy since he never had many when he was younger. It sounded dumb but he just assumed Miss was short for Missy or whatever kid name  
Casual asks of “How was school” being met with his boy saying “Miss gave me a sticker today” or “Miss made cookies today”. So you can imagine his surprise when he saw a random woman in the most lung collapsing sundress and cardigan holding his son looked at him and smiled while his son just waved and cheered. 
Simon is guilty of occasionally being late for pick ups but usually his boy is inside safe in the lobby so seeing you holding him would be more stressful if he wasn't a tank of a man that could maim an entire army single handedly, especially when you were literally basking in sunlight holding his child in a flowy pink floral sundress with a crochet cardigan, I mean seriously don't you know its a crime to stop traffic 
“Hi! Hi daddy! Miss waited with me for you, see!” Handing off the little guy to his dad you were also choking up, you became a teacher to help children learn not to ogle at their dads, but my god did it make up for your criminally low salary. The sight of a giant man in those loose worn out jeans, that tight white shirt stretched over his muscles bulging out of the fabric, and those eyes that look like they could melt you.
You could already feel the blush creeping off your neck and honestly you prayed to god with all your might that you could run back into your car, turn the AC on blast and fan whatever blush was on your face off. “You must be Mister Riley right? Hunter is a pleasure to have in class” You know what else would be a pleasure? Your di-
“Im sure he is” Oh fuck that accent you could practically feel your knees buckling just imagine how much better it would sound saying “You’re alright girl” all deep and gravelly while hes nibbling on your ear 
Needless to say Simon started showing up to pickups more often and you slowly started wearing shorter sundresses.
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gay-dorito-dust · 8 months
I come bearing a brainrot of a relatively normal s/o for the Lin Quei bois except s/o can see dead spirits and always keep a straight face. Sometimes they act weird bc they're avoiding a really nasty looking ghost and have grown numb to it. But when the bois finally catch a glimpse at the 'ghosts' their beloved mentioned all they see is some kind of eldritch horror. (This came from my recent fascination with the manga/anime series Mieruko-Chan)
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Rate my really shitty attempt at creating eldritch creatures. (Actually don’t cuz I’m mega sensitive) 🦦
Tomas Vrbada
Ever since being forced by Johnny to watch horror movies, Tomas had been scared shitless when it comes to paranormal activity.
Ghosts, poltergeists, you name it, Tomas is scared of them all.
So when you -his seemingly normal but beloved partner- have been intentionally avoiding a certain spot in the Lin Kuei, shifting your gaze over in it’s direction now and then before ignoring it completely with a straight face, he didn’t think much do it at frisky but the more and more it has became the more Tomas started to feel an indescribable feeling within his chest.
It was the same feeling that he would often get when having been forced to watch a horror movie with Johny, that feeling where he knew something scary was about about to happen, which only worsened the longer the scene continued to build and ramp up the tension and to have him too scared to even look over his own shoulder; only to near enough be scared shitless a second later and loose hold of his popcorn.
Needless to say Tomas had been forced to watch one too many movie where the protagonist was somewhat clairvoyant to known that when you were giving a very specific area, out of the entire Lin Kuei no less, an cautious look. He knew better then to ever indulge in any amount of curiosity that he may have, even if it was a smidge, he would pretended that he saw nothing and would go about his day like normal. He wasn’t about to become one of those stupid characters who’d willingly go into a house that was very clearly haunted by visage alone!
He’s following your example right down to a T! He honestly doesn’t want to know what was lurking in that corner and he wasn’t particularly all that eager to find out either. Tomas would rather life the rest of his life in ignorant bliss if he could, but unfortunately for him that wasn’t going to be the case, for he had found himself having to go to that very room to get something for his brothers. However as soon as he opened the door, Tomas caught a glimpse of the thing in the corner that you’ve ominously warned him about.
It was hideous, so hideous in fact the sight of it made Tomas want to gag but he knew he couldn’t, so he slapped a hand over his mouth. The creature had bore the appearance of a pure bred Russian bear dog, but unfortunately for Tomas, that’s pretty much where the similarities started and stopped; For it had clusters of small, almost peddle sized eyes that were black as night taking up it’s entire face.
That wasn’t all, when the creature opened it’s mouth -if Tomas could even call it that- it’s stomach would rip open just as a thousand pair of what could only be described as human hands emerged out from said stomach, palms laying flat on the floor, as they began to shuffle across the floor in search of something. One particular pair of hands almost came into contact with Tomas’ foot, almost making him scream, but upon realising that their search efforts bore no fruit, the hands then retracted back into the creatures stomach, where it would then close itself up as though someone had just zipped it shut from the inside, before moving towards a different part of the room.
Scared out of his wits, Tomas bolted out of the room, completely forgetting what he had originally went there for, and just ran as fast as he could. He ran even when his legs began to hurt, he ran even when his lungs were begging for breath and he ran even when he had all but forgotten why he was even running in the first place. Tomas didn’t stop running until he saw you heading towards him, his brothers probably sent you to see what was taking him so long, and without a second thought; Tomas held you in his arms tightly, burying his head deep into your neck as he whispered.
‘How can you bare to seeing these things on a daily basis.’ The image of that thing was forcefully seared into Tomas’ mind, haunting him forever.
You didn’t have to ask further details as to what it was that he saw and instead reciprocated his hug, stroking the hairs at the back of his neck reassuringly, whilst pressing kisses into the side of his head where your would then rest your cheek against. ‘I don’t.’ You replied, looking straight ahead at the creature just as it poked it’s head out of the door, staring at you with all of their small beady black eyes before slinking off into the room across through the wall.
Kuai Liang
Concerned was a word that was often used to describe what Kuai Liang felt whenever you would shuffle closer towards his back, you might as well have been hiding, when passing down a particular hallway as your eyes were focused forward. Almost as though you were avoiding looking at something you didn’t like by pretending it didn’t exist.
Kuai Liang was aware of your uncanny ability to see the dead as you did the living, it was one of the things you disclosed to him upon first meeting, and even recalled the stories you’d tell him regarding the kinds of ghosts you’ve come across. Upon further questioning as to what they looked like you told Kuai Liang that most were human or humanoid in figure, but others went beyond the realm of human comprehension.
The latter of the two kinds were the ones you tended to avoid having direct contact with the most and this most recent one was no different.
‘Is it them, my love?’ Kuai Liang asked, looking over his shoulder at you worriedly.
You hummed. ‘They’re always with us, following but they most like to stay here and watch everyone who passes by.’
Kuai Liang pursed his lips at this new tidbit of information, whilst concerning learning this was, he was concerned about was getting you out of this hallway a lot more. Just as he was reaching back to grab your hand, Kuai Liang caught slight movement from out of the corner of his eye but before you could say anything, his eyes were already locked onto the other side of the hallway; more specifically the area you purposefully avoid looking towards every time you have to come down this hallway.
Kuai Liang remembered you telling him that It shouldn’t be possible for him see what you see, but it wasn’t uncommon for ghost to become temporarily visible. So with that in mind Kuai Liang could only deduct that what he was seeing before him what you regarded as a type two ghost; In all honesty the word ghost didn’t quite seem to match what he was currently seeing.
The creature in question was about his height, maybe a little shorter, then again he wasn’t quite sure considering it was sort of slouched. It appeared human enough in its physique, but something deep inside Kuai Liang told him that what was standing before him was far from human. He just couldn’t escape this deeply unsettling feeling that continued to grown within his chest the longer he continued to look. A sharp snapping sort of sound caught his ear, and in an instant his senses sharpened as Kuai Liang watched to see the creature viciously attempting in tearing it’s own face off with it’s hands that were infused with needles, as though desperate to get it off, to reveal…a smooth porcelain like mask beneath shredded and stringy bits of it’s former face.
As if watching that wasn’t enough the lower half of the smooth porcelain mask began to crack, a jagged fissure spread from one end to another like it was forming itself a mouth but once it had finished, the crack like mouth then began to open to reveal an endlessly dark void beneath and just before it could even think to speak; you quickly grabbed Kuai Liang’s hand and pulled him down the hallway until you were a safe distance from the creature. You could tell that seeing something like that had gotten to Kuai Liang, even if it was by a little margin.
‘Are you okay?’ You asked, squeezing his hand.
‘I fear for you little flame.’ Kuai Liang admitted. ‘Your gift for seeing these things, I worry that it will plunge you into the darkest depth that not even my fire would be nearly enough to guide you out safely.’ You smiled sympathetically at his concern. ‘As long as I don’t acknowledge them or give them a line of communication, then there’s nothing to worry about.’ You reassured him but you could tell that it wasn’t enough with the way his brows furrowed deeper with worry. ‘Doesn’t mean that I wont still worry about you.’ He utters, tightening his grip on your hand, afraid to let go.
‘I’m not expecting you to because no matter what I know you’ll always worry about me but I promise when I tell you that no harm can come to me if I don’t incite it. I’ve lived with this my entire life, all I ask of you is to trust me.’ You practically begged as you stared Kuai Liang deep into his eyes and watched as he sighed before pressing his head against your own. ‘I trust you with my life, little flame.’ He says in a hushed whisper. ‘However it’s within my duty to protect you from all harm, living or not.’ You smiled at his warm words, closing your eyes as you learnt in towards his natural warmth.
‘Then at least let me protect you from time to time.’ You cheeked, causing Kuai Liang to let out a deep chuckle as he pressed a little kiss to your lips. ‘I won’t make any promises.’ He cheeked.
Now Bi-Han wouldn’t say he whether he did or didn’t believe in ghosts, but even if he did he wouldn’t be one to actively try to prove their existence. He was the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, he had no time for such childish ridiculousness, not when there were more pressing matters that were more worthy of his time and effort anyway.
However when you first told him that you could see ghosts, Bi-Han didn’t know what to make of it, he’s not one to discredit your abilities in anyway shape or form. He’s not like Tomas who watches one too many horror movies and starts flinching at every subtle creak or groan of the floorboards. Yet that doesn’t mean he didn’t find your power intriguing because after all Bi-Han is a man who strives to know more, he strives for knowledge and so he would take this opportunity to fully understand how exactly your power works.
He even takes note how you purposefully ignore an area with everything you had, keeping your head down or eyes facing forward whenever you had to go anywhere near it, coming out of the room with a straight face as though you weren’t fazed but Bi-Han was well trained in knowing when his intended target was lying and or on edge. Upon asking why you were avoiding that specific part of the Lin Kuei, he took in everything you told him about the ghost that you encountered, engraving every last detail it into his head as to paint himself a picture, but even then Bi-Han doesn’t think it remotely resembles the creature that you saw.
Never did he think that he would ever see it for himself but one day he did indeed find himself staring into the unsettlingly large, bulging eyes of the creature as it breathed heavily, as though it was severely out of breath and was just now recovering. It was about half his size and had hair covering everywhere…well except its midsection, which was all just leathery skin that rose and fell with its breathing pattern. It’s hands were human but everything else about it wasn’t, it had lost it’s lower mouth, leaving only it’s top row of sharp teeth; making the question of how it could possibly eat or consume anything to Bi-Han’s morbid curiosity.
The creature then proceeded to close the distance between the two of them and all Bi-Han could smell was death, blood and rotting flesh but he wasn’t fazed. He was aware of what the creature was doing and wasn’t about to give it the reaction it so desperately wanted, he was above these childish attempts of intimidation; So in retaliation Bi-Han only narrowed his eyes, presenting himself in a way that told the creature that he could see what it was doing and that he was above such tactics. He could see why you’d avoid looking upon these things, they could send a weaker minded person to the brink of insanity upon first glance, but Bi-Han was made of much tougher material to succumb to such.
The creature backed of, finding no enjoyment in this at all, and left the room through the wall on all fours for much weaker prey, looking like some dog with a sever case of mange.
Later that day where you and Bi-Han were settling down for the night, Bi-Han then decided to admit to what he saw prior, not liking to keep such things from you especially when it’s in regards to your powers. ‘I saw it.’ He said point blank as he stroked your back and it took you a moment to realise what he had meant by that before a look of realisation spread across your face. ‘You did? I thought that wasn’t possible.’ You replied.
‘It was only a glimpse but what I saw, I saw it as clear as I see anything else.’ Bi-Han told you, wondering how it was that you could keep your psyche intact when seeing such vile creatures on a daily basis. He even wondered if you’ve seen some that were even more grotesque then the one he had encountered earlier.
‘Not exactly a pleasant sight are they?’ You joked, looking at him with a small smile, knowing firsthand how unnerving it was to know that such things could possibly exist, even though you did finally mange to find a routine you had followed religiously in the events where you did happen to encounter them. Unfortunately It never truly gets rid of your first experience with seeing them for the first time, firmly believing that you were going to die due to how horrific and fear inducing they were.
‘No, I’m guessing that I’m right in assuming that this one pales in comparison to others you’ve had the misfortune of seeing?’ Bi-Han asked, watching your every expression like a that of a hawk. ‘Way worse.’ You responded as you snuggle yourself deeper into his chest, closing your eyes to avoid looking at the glowing pair of eyes that peered into yours and Bi-Han’s room.
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pradabambie · 5 months
So sorry if I already requested this, I don’t remember lol. But virgin!reader x Rafe where she wants to do it but she’s scared and he talks her through it please 🫶🏽
thank u for requesting bby! hope u like it!
i kinda got carried away but really wanted to try writing smut for the first time!! please be kind lol, i appreciate constructive criticism!
also just wrote this at two am so sorry if there's any spelling errors hehe
are you sure? the boy asked for the hundredth time.
it's not like he didn't want to. believe me, he did.
ever since he saw you coming out of the country club pool a couple years ago, the droplets of water adorning your perfect body, it was all he could think about when you were near.
he'd always been after you, and every other girl that threw herself at him was meaningless.
at every house party, every bonfire, every dinner your parents hosted and his family attended, his attention was always directed at you.
and he was a gentleman, of course. your parents loved him, after all, he was the kook prince, the pride of the island.
he never took the first step because he was scared to drive you away, to lose you.
you never expected your first time to be with him.
but here you were, sitting on his bed, hands shaking a little and letting him see right through the ballsy attitude you wanted to show.
yes rafe, i'm sure but your eyes said otherwise.
listen, we don't have to do this, we can watch some tv, or i can even drive you to the mall! the boy insisted.
it's not like you two were dating, just good friends. you had come to him hours prior, with a clear request on your mind: you had selected him to take your virginity.
needless to say he was shocked at the petition, but didn't hesitate and agreed as soon as you finished the sentence.
he'd been waiting for this for a long time, but he wanted it to be right.
it's ok, i can handle it, it's just, first time jitters, ya'know?
but rafe wasn't so convinced.
and as soon as he oppened his mouth to try to change your mind again, you kissed him.
it took him by surprise but was quick to soften into it, as he cupped your face with both hands, deepening the kiss.
everybody told you he was a great kisser, and you never thought much of it untill now.
the timid kiss you initiated escalated into a heated make out session in no time, his hands exploring every inch of your body, lifting your white sundress and getting to the waistband of your pink panties.
you almost automatically pushed his hand away, and broke the kiss to look at him through your eyelashes.
may i? i'll make you feel good, i promise
you slowly nodded, taking your hand away and placing it on top of his shoulder, instead.
moving the delicate clothing out of the way, he slided his finger through your already glistening folds, collecting some moisture and tracing soft and slow circles on your clit.
oh baby, already so wet for me he groaned.
a heavenly sound left your mouth, and went straight to his dick, that was starting to strain against his pants.
as his pace fastened, your need to feel more of him was growing.
r-rafey, can you maybe put a finger in?
it was almost too much for him to hear those words come out of your perfect, pouty lips. your voice trembling and breathy due to the stimulation he was giving you.
you want me to stretch you out baby? huh? say it.
he softly pinched and flicked your clit, barely allowing you to get some words out. but you knew what he wanted to hear.
yes, please stretch me out for you, please rafe.
he couldn't believe his eyes. he had the hottest girl in all the island under him, a moaning mess, begging him to touch her.
he slid his first rough finger in, gaining a loud moan from you as he did so.
you were so fucking tight, he couldn't wait to fill you up.
he struggled to fit in a second, but was finally able to get you to relax after he placed a few sloppy wet kisses on your neck, slowly lowering to the top of your boobs, that were spilling out of your dress.
his fingers curled inside you, reaching an undiscovered place and making you feel a kind of pleasure you never felt before.
your pussy squeezing him tightly, he could feel you were close, and suddenly pulls out both fingers, your whinings following at this unexpected loss of contact.
m'kay baby, i need to get inside you now.
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miris-secret-files · 24 days
Can you do another dark romance/smut with Kakashi again? But they're not siblings and maybe somewhat childhood friend ish (or childhood rivals are fun too). I always thought that he will get extremely possessive and over protective after everything he went through. I kind of liked the idea he will push people away, but maybe yn keep pushing and he fell a bit too hard fro their own good. Feel free to add more
When Your Childhood Friend Falls Too Hard For You || Kakashi Hatake x fem!reader
A/n : Okay so I wanted to do a hc but ended up writing a whole fic 😂 ( there is literally an intro to my intro 🤣 )
Warnings : Kinda dark romance, jealousy, over protectiveness, possessiveness, tits sucking, erection, fingering, grinding, vaginal sex, implicit rough sex, cockwarming, somnophilia if you squint, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 3152
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You have known him for the longest time, way before Rin and Obito. You used to play with him every afternoon at his house after your parents, who knew his father entrusted him to take care of you. You were the best of friends, even at this younger age you always had each other’s back. It was supposed to never change and continue like this, but then the war happened and nothing was the same anymore.
With the loss of his father, you saw your friend’s behavior change from nothing to everything. Of course you could only imagine the turmoil he was going through. You knew he would need time to grieve and heal properly, but to your surprise the flow of time didn’t do anything to ease his pain. The young boy closed himself off from the world, isolating himself from everything, and at the same time from you.
You had, however, had a glimmer of hope under the guidance of Minato sensei, some time after you had made the acquaintance of the sweet Rin and the promising Obito. This had helped Kakashi to open up again. You felt you had found him again, but that was because you had no idea what would become of your young companions.
The return from that fateful mission marked a new turning point in Kakashi's life. And if before he had distanced himself in an attempt to better manage his emotions without looking vulnerable in front of anyone, now he had taken the decision to voluntarily distance himself from you, because he was convinced that if anything happened to anyone he cared about, it was his fault and that he had to get away from you before you were next. And unfortunately, there was nothing you could do to stop him.
Years later even though you weren’t as close as before you still kept an eye on him, and little did he know he did the same for you. You were now adults, all those events were now in the past, even though naturally they still weighed heavily on the man’s mind. But despite this you decided to get back in touch with Kakashi. And so you sent him a letter with an invitation to a restaurant, to meet up and catch up with him. Unfortunately, if you thought it would be that easy, you were naive.
He ignored your letter for so long you wondered if you should send another one. But to be fair he did receive it, and it was resting there on his cupboard, the letter neatly folded back inside the envelope after he had carefully read it. Of course it warmed his heart, but on the other said he didn’t really know if he was ready for that. Anyways, you were decided to see him again so you directly went to talk to Iruka sensei, whom you knew was a trusted colleague of your childhood friend, so that you would be sure your message would be transmitted.
Iruka was slightly surprised at seeing you there. To be honest he knew you, but he didn’t know you guys knew each other, not that Kakashi told him anything about it. That would have been surprising. But at least he promised you to tell him before the end of the day. Needless to say, you were quite anxious all evening. Meanwhile, at home, Kakashi didn't know what to make of the news : first the letter, then the message from Iruka. Sitting on the edge of his bed, he ran his hand through his tousled locks before letting out a sigh.
When the next day finally arrived, you couldn't help thinking that maybe he wasn't coming, deciding to ignore your attempts to get back in touch. You walked back and forth in anticipation of his arrival, knowing that Kakashi was someone for whom arriving on time was not a priority, but even so, it had been almost 20 minutes since the time you were supposed to meet. So you decided to sit on a bench and wait a little longer, after all you had nothing to lose.
���Sorry I'm a bit late,” a husky voice suddenly snapped you out of your reverie. Raising your head you saw Kakashi, whose face was as per usual partially hidden behind his mask and headband “I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long” he added politely.
You shook your head before lifting your gaze to his, to your surprise it was already fixed on yours “No, no, don't worry, it's worth it after all... Kakashi it's been so long,” at his words his eyes flickered quickly to the side before returning to yours.
“Indeed,” he replied thoughtfully.
There was a slight moment of silence before you shifted, making room for him on the bench “Here, please sit down-”
“No, don't bother, I won't be staying long,” he dismissed your proposal almost instantly, throwing a wrench into the conversation.
“What do you mean you won't be staying long ? You've only just arrived... I thought we could talk for a while,” you inquired, surprised at the distance he had just set between you.
“I've got things to do, for school, lessons to prepare for the kids, you know how it is ?” he tried to explain what he had said, but you both knew it was a poor attempt to keep a certain distance from you.
Needless to say, that day's conversation wasn't the most interesting, but it was still important because it marked the beginning of your reunion. In fact, that evening, even though he had arrived too late for the restaurant and hadn't stayed long enough for a proper long chat as you had wished, you didn't let him go before setting a new date when you hoped to see him again.
For his part, Kakashi was having a hard time with it all, seeing you again of course made him extremely happy, to be honest he would have liked to hug you to say hello, he would have bet you would have done very well, but the reality of things was that a lot of memories had come back to him, and it had reminded him why he had decided to break off contact so many years before. It was your smile when he saw you that reminded him it was to protect it that he had done it.
Though he couldn't help loving the smile he had just found again, and wanting to see it more often. That is one of the reasons why the second time you saw each other he had arrived late, but much less late than last time. This time he had agreed to sit next to you on the bench, and at the end of a long discussion it was agreed that you would go to the restaurant as planned the first time. Everything was going well. One thing led to another, the conversation between the two of you flowed more and more smoothly, leaving behind any initial awkwardness and even rekindling your former familiarity.
The two of you were seeing each other more and more often, so much so that sometimes, to outsiders, it looked as if Kakashi had finally found himself a girlfriend. And he didn't think so, because even without a label, he couldn't help noticing that something had changed. When the two of you walked in the park, he would walk a little closer to you than he used to, his eyes would dart in any direction he heard a suspicious noise. He didn't really know why, but with each new step his determination to ward off any enemy who might come your way grew stronger.
Even Iruka had noticed, this way in which his younger colleague now had his attention riveted to his phone in case he received a message from you inviting him out or whatever. This was a distinct change for Kakashi, who was often used to revisiting the same book over and over again. Kakashi could feel it too, which is why it was with particular stress and a knot in his stomach that he went to your next outing... or rather date.
That day had been like a turning point for him, he was much more powerful now, and if he wanted to make sure he never lost you, one thing was clear : he was going to stay with you.
“Kakashi-” your words caught in your throat as you saw the young man move closer to you until his chest was against yours. You froze for a moment, your hands pressed to his chest, but the drumming of his heartbeat brought you to your senses. Then in an instant he brought his hand to his mask and pulled it down, for the first time in years you caught a glimpse of his rosy lips.
“Y/n... if you don't want to” he began, but you shook your head. Emboldened by your action he encircled your waist with his arm and pulled - rather aggressively for lack of practice - his soft lips against yours. Even so, the kiss felt so soft, as if those lips had only brushed against yours. Just as quickly, and before anyone could see, he pulled up his mask, repositioning it firmly over his nose. Even after that kiss, his arm remained tightly wrapped around your waist for the rest of your outing, he is the kind of guy to have his hand in the back pocket of your jeans. And that is when it all really began ( that was a long intro ahahah ).
From that day on, you were officially dating. You couldn't be happier. After literally months of getting closer to him, he had finally given you an open door to his heart. However, even though you were deeply in love with him, you weren't particularly aware of the effect this news had on him. He had taken this boyfriend role very seriously, perhaps a little too seriously.
It's true that the Kakashi of the Sharingan that everyone knew was a very laid back man who didn't worry much, and even if he did, no one would have suspected it. The difference was that now that he was with you, nonchalance wasn't the character trait we had always attributed to him. He now had a very piercing look in his eyes when you were both outside, unlike when he had last been out reading. Anyone who got a little too close to you would be shot at, inspected from head to toe by Kakashi's expertise in determining whether or not there was a threat.
These were feelings you didn't attribute to him. It started with jealousy. He would pull you closer to him when a man got, in his opinion, too close to you. Hewould get very tactile out of nowhere, as if to show his territory, nuzzling you on the neck - yes, with his mask on - sometimes followed by a rather rough kiss on your lips with his back to the other person.
He was well aware that the way he acted wasn't the most normal, especially as more and more he wanted to keep you close to him when he was at school teaching. He was even willing to do the shopping for you for several weeks, so that when he went on a mission you wouldn't have to leave home without him.
It's true that the Kakashi of the Sharingan that everyone knew was a very laid back man who didn't worry much, and even if he did, no one would have suspected it. The difference was that now that he was with you, nonchalance wasn't the character trait we had always attributed to him. He now had a very piercing look in his eyes when you were both outside, unlike when he had last been out reading. Anyone who got a little too close to you would be shot at, inspected from head to toe by Kakashi's expertise in determining whether or not there was a threat.
These were feelings you didn't attribute to him. It started with jealousy. He would pull you closer to him when a man got, in his opinion, too close to you. Hewould get very tactile out of nowhere, as if to show his territory, nuzzling you on the neck - yes, with his mask on - sometimes followed by a rather rough kiss on your lips with his back to the other person.
He was well aware that the way he acted wasn't the most normal, especially as more and more he wanted to keep you close to him when he was at school teaching. He was even willing to do the shopping for you for several weeks, so that when he went on a mission you wouldn't have to leave home without him.
Oh yes, I said at his place, and not at yours. Only 1 month after you started dating he offered you to come live with him to “catch up on lost time” but in reality it was a mere excuse to have seen you and make sure that no one let you hurt. To say he was over protective with you was a real euphemism to say the least.
But the thing that really surprised those around you – and Kakashi’s little friend – was how possessive he was towards you. What people took for simple jealousy at the beginning of a relationship was actually a deep-rooted possessiveness he felt toward you. You were the last thing he had left of his past, he was almost convinced that that is why he remained sane all this time.
And you, on the other hand, you couldn't care any less, you were also deeply in love with him. Your hand squeezed his with equal force when another woman - and there were many of them - laid eyes on him. That was the reason why you were not in the least disturbed by his behavior, in fact you were also completely in love with him.
“Y/n let’s go home,” he murmured lowly against your temple, as he had just arrived at you with a fluid motion “I don’t like the way he looks at you,” he groaned, his gaze fixed on the face of a young man who had the misfortune to look in your direction.
On the way back, Kakashi didn't release his grip on your hand or your waist. He was animated by a feeling much stronger than those he thought he could feel. His possessiveness showed with every step until you reached your home. Once the door was closed, and only then, did he release his hold on you, only to have his hands free to undress you more easily.
He pressed you against the door, his hands working quickly to remove the little top you were wearing, and he didn't waste a second either before leaning over and taking one of your nipples into his mouth, suckling on it tenderly. As he pressed himself to you you could feel the bulge forming in his pants, harder with each new friction of your own clothed core as your fingers threaded in his unruly locks.
Unable to wait any longer, he carried you against him, your legs closing instinctively around his slender waist. You stumbled to your shared bedroom, where he laid you on the bed with the utmost delicacy, in total contrast to the way he was going to ruin you in a few seconds.
“Please,” you whined trying desperately to grind your womanhood against him, his thigh, anything at this point.
“Shh shh shh I know,” he replied, his hand trailing to where you needed him most. He gently lowered your pants, the cool air hitting your heated pussy, before you gasped when one of his fingers, long and slender, traced a straight line from your clit to your eager, dripping hole “So wet for me. Reassure me, it's only me, me and nobody else, right ?” he growled, his hands touching every inch of your body with a possessiveness he didn't often show.
“O-only you,” you stuttered as he finally inserted one finger, then a second inside you, preparing you for him. 
He continued to scissor you a little longer before giving under the pressure. He brought his fingers back to his mouth, where he greedily licked your sweet juices “Always so goods” he growled, before removing his pants and boxers, leaving spring free his already hard erection. From your point of view you could see the drop of precum squeezing its way out of the swollen tip of his cock. Tonight he didn't have the patience to straddle your face and fuck your mouth, he just wanted to be one with you.
He crawled on top of you for a moment, rubbing the tip of his cock against the glistening lips of your pussy, your bucked hips seeking more friction, only making him chuckle darkly. Before finally pushing gently inside you, he smiled at the slight resistance of your hole as his dick made its way between your tight walls. He continued rolling his hips gently until he was deeply sheathed into you, the only place where he felt truly fulfilled.
Now he had to give you time to adjust to his substantial length, even if in reality he just wanted to fuck you so hard that all the neighbors hear and know that you belong to him, body and soul. That is what he eventually did after you gave him the green light to thrust, the next day you were probably going to have trouble walking but he didn’t need anything more to show them that you were his.
His mouth opened against yours, breathing heavily with each thrust in you, the smirk on his face almost never disappearing except to let out a moan of his own. The room was filled with the sound of wet skin against each other, and soon it was going to give way to silence as Kakashi’s last push pushed you both off the edge. His thrusts became softer and less tense as the knot in his stomach had just broken, his essence emptying into you in a long warm cord, as your walls contracted around him, milking his cock perfectly.
“You’re mine Y/n” he murmured, pecking your fucking lips “Mine to go out with” he kissed you again “Mine to fuck” he bit the edge of your bottom lip “Mine to cum inside”
You shivered at his words, each one bolder than the previous. He keeps you in his arms, not daring, nor willing to pull out any time soon. The only disadvantage it could have was that eventually he would get hard again in a moment and that if you were awake or not he would make sure to cum inside you once more, and if he could also bring you some pleasure, well why not ?
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megumiswife4 · 8 months
More than just friends - Kento Nanami
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Summary: You and Nanami had a great friendship, although he new you were looking for a companion who could make losing your virginity worth while; but would having him as your first be a great idea or would it ruin your guys friendship?
CW: 18+ only, Smut, fingering, slight masturbation, foreplay, penetrative sex.
WC: 4.5k
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Being a virgin all throughout your young teenage years and into young adulthood having not yet been touched by a man. They say it's easy to be a woman, she can pick and choose who she would ideally sleep with; but in reality it was the opposite. It was even hard for you to find that one partner who could make something so intimate truly special. That’s when you met one man… Kento Nanami. One random evening at your favorite local coffee & bakery shop, it sure was a strange occurrence but needless to say it might’ve been one of the best encounters in a lifetime.
You've become such close friends with him that he even knew your deepest darkest secrets. Women around you knew who he was and were envious of the friendship you had with one another. Nanami could sense the jealousy and envy of the other women but paid no mind, you were the first woman to only feel platonically towards him and he respected that and your friendship with him. Nonetheless you both would spend day and night with one another, he would even offer to stay the night or have you stay in his penthouse at times due to you feeling a bit worried about being alone in your apartment. Nanami would often hear your scary encounters with perverted and disturbing men following you back home after a night out with friends, grocery shopping, or even just a late night walk. He was always by your side, regardless of what others had to say about the friendship.
Every week Nanami would meet up for your morning coffee date hearing the endless amounts of terrible Tinder dates; in hopes of coming across a man who would actually take you seriously, let alone sleep with you. Every single one of those men had proved you right and were just not a fit to what you were looking for in a one night stand or a potential partner. You wanted a man not a boy, especially at your bedside, one who will learn how to caress you just right, one who would treat you like a woman and not an object to smash and dash on the spot, and who will take pride in aftercare. As it being your first ever experience with a man you wanted it to be absolutely spectacular and once in a lifetime experience, but you’re just too afraid to pick the wrong man to do it with.
“Y/n you understand that these are all the wrong men right? I mean you’re on a dating app that mostly specifies for hookups that usually ends terribly.”
“Well yes, although that is what I’m looking for, I need a partner that will take sleeping with one another serious and treat me as a woman not just a quick fuck.” You scoffed in irritation.
Nanami let out a miniscule laugh, “Well it is safe to say, you haven't wasted that opportunity on a questionable man especially from Tinder.”
This topic had been ongoing for quite some time, you both knew one another well enough to talk about such things it almost seemed as if you two were dating at this point, and if it wasnt that then they would have already assumed you both would have been sleeping with each other.
“You know Nanami, you’re the only sensible man in this world who actually understands a woman and her desires.” Sipping your cup of coffee.
He leans back, one arm on the armrest, both legs crossed as he is holding his drink. “ To be honest with you, I am not one to share my personal experiences but because we are now close enough to disclose these kinds of things. I may or may not have some encounters with women myself.”
“Oh? Is that so Mr. Kento? So I'm sure you’re quite the ladies man then.” You playfully state.
“You’re not taking me seriously are you?”
“Well to be honest with you no I’m not, I mean you never even tell me how these dates even go?” You giggled.
You and Nanami began to hear a buzzing sound coming from the table, both of you checking your phones only to realize it was his, “It's a business call.” Standing up from the chair he paced back and forth speaking eloquently serious. The call soon ended as he made his way back to your table.
“I have a business meeting right now, would you mind having dinner tonight at my place? I’ll come by to pick you up after I’m off, be sure to have an overnight bag packed too.”
As he zoomed off, you were left with just yourself and your coffee.
It's now 5 P.M. and you’re wondering if he's off, constantly checking your stove top clock. An uncontrollably loud buzzing sound began, reaching for your phone. It appeared to be Nanami.
“I’m right outside your door, did you have your things packed like I asked you to?”
“Yes, all that was taken care of, I’ll be right out.”
Quickly opening the door, there stood Nanami towering over you. He was in his blue button up, a pair of beige dress pants, a brown belt and lastly a nice accent to the outfit; was his yellow tie that had black splattered detail. You held your bags ready to head out the door proceeding to walk ahead, you felt something similar to a brick wall hit your face.
“Who said you’d be carrying your own bags?” Nanami stated with an arched eyebrow.
You growled in annoyance, “It’s okay for me to do things by myself without help you know?”
Without hesitation he grasped hold of the bags before you could even pass through the door entirely.
“Thank you for trying, but I got it from here.” He clamored carrying your bags without a sign of struggle, if it was you, you might've made a fool out of yourself with your items at hand.
You followed his lead, locking the door behind you. He gracefully opened his passenger door wide open for you to enter the vehicle, as Nanami made his way around to the driver side after placing your luggage in the trunk; your view of him was nothing but his strong torso, and his muscular arm with his hand around the gear stick. Looking away as you catch yourself from the awe of his mere presence.
Both of you arrived at his penthouse, as he assembled your overnight bags in his room. You began to walk around curiously as if you haven’t been there more than a million times before, yet each and every time you still find it remarkable at how beautiful his sky view is from the main living room windows. Staring into the distance hearing a deep voice from behind startles you.
“It’s interesting enough that you always take a liking to that spot in particular, every time you visit me.” Nanami chuckles, removing his reading glasses placed onto the countertop.
“Back home I don't get such a beautiful view like this. Why wouldn’t I want to see this view everyday for the rest of my life?” You smiled, turning to face Nanami.
“Well If you still want to take that offer up, you’re more than welcome to end your lease at your apartment and live here with me. I have that spare room.” He stated.
“You know I can’t do that, I don’t want to feel like such a burden living in your place I…”
“You’re not a burden, I think we’ve established a great relationship and enough to know that we both feel comfortable with one another. Regardless I respect your decision, and if you decide to change your mind you know where to reach me y/n.”
Nanami’s kitchen consisted of a barstool area in the center. He offered to make a nice dinner for the both of you as you had offered the last time you spent an evening with one another. It was a beautifully medium rare steak with a buttered rosemary glaze over it, a dollop of garlic mashed potatoes as a side and sautéed asparagus as the second and final side. Your eyes widened seeing how gorgeous this entree came out, ready to stuff your face with such a delicious looking meal.
“Oh my god, this looks phenomenal Mr. Kento!” Teasing him but appreciative of his skills in the kitchen.
“I’ll only take your compliment if you finish your entire plate of food, I know you haven’t eaten all day since I’ve been at the office.” His face plastered with a serious look.
“Okay officer, my apologies.” You said sarcastically, raising both hands up signaling a truce. He couldn’t help but chuckle, hovering his fingers over his mouth. Knowing how you were, you were always getting a kick out of Nanami with your sarcasm and jokes. He never knew such a woman with a non-serious demeanor, always taking a liking for your sense of humor.
Nanami brought both plates to the small dining room near the kitchen, proceeding to pull a chair out for you to be seated as he slowly pushed you forward to be much closer to the table. You both sat across from one another enjoying the meal, you both talked away through the evening during dinner.
You both hadn’t realized the time it was, Nanami had a movie in mind for you both to watch until it was time for bed.
“Would you still like to watch a movie? It’s always our tradition to do so. But if you’re exhausted I understand.” He clamored.
“Of course! Why wouldn’t I want to miss a great cinematic experience with you? Should I get the popcorn started? Possibly a nice shot of whiskey on ice for you?” You pointed at him with a finger gun hand gesture.
Nanami couldn’t help but chuckle and nod in approval, you knew him too well. Ever since you both grew closer to one another, it progressed into both of you being able to stay at one another’s homes, endless dinner nights, to coffee dates, and lastly even for minuscule shopping dates whenever he needed a new suit for work; you were always beside him.
Nanami always had special items placed for you around his penthouse. His guest bathroom included a space with hygienic items, from specific hair and facial care items to your own special soaps; he had bought out of his own curious observation from your apartment back home. He was a detailed man, he truly was enticed at your choice of products and he took initiative to be attentive without your knowledge of what you favored and didn’t. Some days you’d prefer to sleep in your guest room and other days you’d crash in his, but of course it was normal you both were close it didn’t seem abnormal for this kind of encounter. People from the outside would have thought you both were in a romantic relationship but that was far from the truth or is it really?
Both you and Nanami plop onto his modular couch, grabbing a hold of your favorite soft plush blanket over yourself. He switched the channel onto a streaming service to get to the film you both were anticipating to watch. Nanami had great taste for each type of genre for a cinematic film, and tonight was a romance/drama movie. Surprisingly he had a niche for romance drama films but rather he was discrete about it.
As time had passed you both were on your third film, one scene in particular appeared where the main character she was struggling to find a perfect guy to have her first time with, it landed between her and her best guy friend; of course it lead to confessing their built up feelings for one another and one thing led to another and the next scene included them having an intimate moment.
You began to wonder, if having your virginity taken away by your close friend who happens to be a guy is a good idea? As your mind wandered in thoughts of Nanami being a potential sleeping partner, it was so wrong but yet it felt so right in your heart and mind. You both understand each other to another extent that no one else would get, and here you are having none other than possible sexual thoughts of this man caressing your naked flesh on his bed.
Immediately your train of thought was disrupted by none other than Nanami. “Y/n are you feeling alright?” He calmly questioned.
“Y-Yes I’m okay.” You laughed nervously. You adjusted yourself sitting much closer to him; noticing the remote lying on his leg you proceed to grab it and pausing the film right in the middle of a steamy intimate session.
“Ugh! I mean how amazing could it possibly be having your virginity lost to your friend of the opposite sex?” You claimed, rolling your eyes laughing.
“I don’t believe it would be all that bad, generally it could be a good thing just because you both entrust each other and already have a great relationship at hand.”
He had a good point, the bond is already there between two friends, the feelings and tension however isn’t as close to the surface as you would think it would. You curled your legs up from the couch, leaning on your side to face him as a single arm was placed on top of the couch as you nervously looked up at him.
He questioned, “What’s wrong?”
“Can I ask you something?” You mumbled, as he nodded for you to proceed.
“This might be a weird request but… as you know I’m still a virgin.” Lowering your head in embarrassment.
“And… actually just forget I even ask-”
“So what you’re asking of me is if I could be your first time?”
Your cheeks flushed with a shade of red, bright as a cherry. You couldn’t hold back from feeling such shame, for asking such a thing but you knew he could be your best encounter for your first time.
“As long as you are completely on board with the idea, I’ll agree to make your first time as comfortable as possible for you.”
You nodded your head in agreement in hopes that this was a good decision on your behalf.
Not long after the awkward silence you immediately felt his large hand press against your lower back, and the other on your shoulder leaning you down on the couch he was now hovering over your innocent body.
“Is this okay with you?” He questioned making sure you were okay and consented with his actions.
“Y-Yes that’s alright with me.”
You felt your heart beating fast, was it loud enough for him to hear it too? The only light that luminated throughout the living room was the tv screen, nothing else. Nanami continued to loosen his tie as he was still hovering over your body, but nothing stuck out more than those large muscular biceps. Without a single thought your hand traveled up his arm copping a feel, all this time you only ever admired his muscular build from afar but this time you couldn’t help yourself but to touch him up.
“You know I never thought I would be able to finally touch your muscular arms.” You shyly chuckled.
He couldn't help but give a small smile, “Oh, is that why I would catch a glimpse of you admiring me almost every single time we would spend time together?”
Embarrassed, you propped both hands to cover your face to prevent him from seeing you smile. He knew your tactics when you became shy, it was clear that both of you might have unresolved feelings that began to surface.
Nanami took both of your hands gently pushing them aside as he leaned in closer to your face, softly brushing your cheek.
“May I?”
You nodded, “Anything you do from here on out is okay with me Nanami.”
His lips inched closer to yours as he kissed you so softly, your hands wrapping around his neck pulling him in closer for more. His lips slowly tugged onto your lower lip, they traveled below your chin and made their way to your neck. Nothing else could have ever prepared you for that feeling that you craved more of Nanami.
“If you don't mind, I will take this to the bedroom. It wouldn't be proper for me to have your first time on a living room couch.” He kindly chuckled, scooping you into his arms.
He entered into his bedroom as he placed you gracefully onto his cold sheets, as he began to slip his dress shoes aside his bed and unbutton his shirt a tad bit more. He motioned for you to sit at the edge of his bed upright guiding you with his hand, he leaned down to kiss your lips once again grabbing your cheek caressing it pulling you in for more. His hand finally pushed you into his bed once more as he hovered over your precious body, his hands grazing over your neck down to your chest, his fingers unbuttoning your white button up as your bra and torso now exposed. His lips met between your breasts leaving wet soft kisses everywhere, your whimpers enticed him more to make the crevice between your legs ready for entry.
“P-Please N-Nanami…” You moan as you begin to move your hips, turned on by his mere presence and foreplay you tried to remove the excess clothing on your body. You wanted him more and more, your hands traveling to your breast as you cupped it in one hand as the other was trying to remove your bottoms as it exposed the hemming of your thong.
“Let me take care of you y/n, you shouldn't have to worry about anything when I am here. It is my job to pleasure you the best that I can.”
Nanami slowly removed your shirt and bottoms exposing just your undergarment and bra now, you leaned upward unbuttoning his shirt helping him remove it, as it was your time to return the favor of exposing his body. Your breathing becomes heavy as time goes on, your heart beats faster and your pussy feels wetter. Your hands grazing his chest as you bring your face closer to it leaving miniscule wet kisses making your way up to his neck.
He brought you closer to his chest as he began to unhook the bra strap as it fell gracefully, your nipples were hardened and exposed he laid you back down into the cold sheets as he kissed the crevice between both breasts as his hand softly squeezed it. It soon traveled down your stomach, hips and finally your inner thigh, he softly rubbed the outer opening of your pussy making it throb; you pressed against his hand knowing you were craving more. Nanami continued to place kisses all over your body, he traveled down leaving soft kisses on your hips down to your inner thigh. Licking your thighs kissing them as he gently rubbed his hands on your leg, squeezing your hips as if he wanted you all to himself.
“Just relax princess, everything will be alright.”
He began to come back up for more kisses, his fingers pressing into the entrance of your pussy lightly rubbing it as you began to moan. Biting your lower lip as both of your eyes met, bringing your hand up to his cheek then quickly pulling him in for a kiss. Your tongue making an entrance as he tried to match your consistency, he noticed the lips in between your legs grew wetter after each rub. Nanami smiled in between each wet kiss you both engaged in, retracting disengaged your lips from his you couldn't help but gravitated your attention to the bulge pressing against his beige dress pants.
“Take them off for me.” You moaned, biting your lip.
He gently removed his bottoms and undergarments exposing his hard-on. Reaching your hand to grab it, Nanami groaned at the touch of your hand around his cock. As you began to slowly motion it up and down you felt it harden with each stroke you gave him.
“Mmm” his deep groan was so sensual you were ready to take him on. He adjusted your body to make you feel as comfortable as possible on his bed.
“I’m ready, I need you inside me p-please” you yearned, your face flushed red as your eyes glistening and your desirable whimpers, Nanami’s cock and heart were throbbing at the thought of being inside you. Afterall you were a beautiful woman inside and out he enjoyed your friendship with him but he would have never thought that you both would be uncovering a deep desire for one another in his own bed.
“Are you sure?”
“Y-Yes I’m ready for you.”
“As you wish, just know I’m taking it easy on you if you don’t like something just tell me darling.” Rubbing his finger against your cheek, leaving a soft kiss on your forehead making you feel at ease.
Your body relaxed, Nanami began to slowly spread your legs apart as he slightly spit into his hand and began to massage his cock preparing it for entry.
“Keep your beautiful eyes on me princess, I’ll guide us the whole way.”
“Okay.” You nervously said, grabbing his shoulders.
He slowly began to make his way inside your wet throbbing pussy, you felt immense pressure against your inside walls feeling euphoric but so good. Letting out a loud moan, pulling Nanami in your arms as you wrapped around his large back, lightly digging your nails into it at every thrust his hips made into you. Nothing but groaning and whimpers filled the entire bedroom, with every kiss he gave, your moans traveled its way out of your mouth. Your hands moved up running through his hair as you craved him more and more, he took hold of your wrists and pinning them alongside your shoulders. Your anticipation grew more with each withdrawal and re-entrance of his cock.
“Go…f…faster Nanami”
“Of course beautiful.” Brushing your strands of hair to the side.
As his cock kept at a minimum pace, he engaged much more, thrusting faster and faster. Your breasts began to move erratically with every entrance he was consumed by your beauty and the way you were just submissive to him letting him take the lead.
“Goddamn” Nanami groaned, cupping a single breast leaning over to lick and softly suck on your nipples. Sweat dripping from his forehead, his hair was no longer fixed up as it was now drooping over his face. You thought to yourself, he looked so captivating it was a new look that was never seen before. He was always having his hair fixed away from his face but it was different this time… you loved it.
His pace had slowed down as he grew a bit tiresome of how his speed increased at such a fast rate. Retrieving his soaked cock from your luscious folds, he took his time penetrating that precious pussy of yours. Nanami entered inside of you slowly as you whimpered and continued to slowly withdraw it back out feeling pressure from his long hard cock filling your lower abdomen. Nanami never failed to make you feel reassured and appreciated, someone he took his time with; rubbing his thumb across your cheek leaning in for passionate tongue kissing and never ending compliments that valued you as the woman you are.
“You’re doing so good.”
“You look as beautiful as ever.”
“I can’t take my eyes off you, you’re so captivating.”
“I love being inside of you, I can’t stop fucking you.”
You wanted him more and more just as much as he craved you, you grazed your hands over his abdomen and chest planting small wet kisses, guiding him to now be underneath you as you wanted to be on top. Your legs spread apart each one on either side of nanami’s waist, you pulled his hands touching your breasts to squeeze them and leaned down for him to massage and suck your nipples. Your hands touching every crevice of his muscles from his biceps, chest, and his abdomen, your tongue traveling all over it making its way to his neck and back to his lips. Your hips began to grind against his large shaft as your juices began to cover all over it, this wasn’t over. He slowly planted you accordingly on him as he brought his hand over his cock adjusting for re-entry as you grinded one last time you felt a shiver run through your entire body. Cupping your breasts in the palm of your hands as you lean your head back moaning, you proceed to lean forward and backward movements for Nanami’s cock to slide in and out. It was smooth and felt good.
“That’s it princess, keep doing that.”
Nanami couldn’t get enough of you, he needed more. He wrapped his arms underneath yours to reach your shoulders pulling you in quickly as his pace began to fasten, he was now taking over as his cock penetrated you. His hips thrusting up and down as one of his arms reached down to feel your ass, then traveling back up running his fingers through your hair. Instantly he withdrew his cock, as he grabbed you pulling you underneath him, he promised he’d be the one to please you and do his job diligently to make your first time the best experience and the only man to make you cum. For one last time putting you in missionary, and before you both finished he slowly thrusted his cock inside of you increasing his rate of speed more than usual that you both were panting and whimpering, one hand playing with your hair as he moved it downward to rub your rosy red cheek, he chuckled knowing even at your most vulnerable and being aroused you still were indefinitely a beautiful and charismatic woman in the flesh and fully clothed. That same hand reached up to his mouth as he licked it applying a generous amount of saliva, finally reaching his fingers down to your clit as he massaged it stimulating your nerves as he continued to thrust his wet cock fully covered in your wet pussy juices.
“Keep going Nanami I feel like I’m going to cum.”
“Awe fuckkkk” he began to say, as your pussy was too good he was close to cumming with you.
Leaning your head back into his pillow moaning loud, he couldn’t get enough of how beautifully sexy it was for you to enjoy him being inside of you; being overstimulated by his wet fingers touching your clit and his wet cock covered in juices from your throbbing pussy coming in and out. One hand of Nanami’s on the headboard as the other was right beside you as he had a few more thrusts left in him, sweat was dripping from his face. Finally one big thrust as he released inside of you oozing a warm fuzzy feeling, your body shivering and covered in goosebumps from hitting your peak of the orgasm. You couldn’t help but to pull him in for one last kiss as you both breathe heavily smiling at one another.
You both laid beside one another, Nanami turned over to pull you into his tight embrace brushing your hair and holding you tightly.
“I love you…” you quietly admitted.
Nanami pulled away to take a good look at you, to your surprise he indeed returned the favor.
“I love you too, I’ve been waiting to hear that for quite some time now. I couldn’t be too sure if your feelings were the same.”
You both couldn’t help to be in one another’s embrace, your first time was unforgettable.
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AITA for deadnaming my ex-friend as a coping mechanism?
I’m trans (ftm 18) before people immediately vote YTA. That doesn’t make me automatically correct, but hopefully it convinces people to actually read the story. (Or you can skip to the TDLR)
Not going into detail because it’s not super relevant. When I was younger, I had this really shitty manipulative friend. All the typical stuff, told me they would hurt themselves if I left them or did something they didn’t like, said my other friends were faking their mental illnesses, that I wasn’t actually trans / was faking, lied about having cancer etc etc whatever. Sounds really obvious they were bad news looking back but you know how it is.
Me and “Mila” were both friends with them, and both managed to finally cut them off with each others support, about 2 years ago. Needless to say, this relationship really fucked both of us up.
Last year, Mila moved a few states away. We still keep in touch over text, and occasionally the topic of Ex-Friend comes up, especially if she’s going through a breakdown. About the same time she moved away, Ex-Friend came out as non binary and goes by a new name.
I still have to go to a smallish school with Ex-Friend. It’s difficult being in the same room as them so you can imagine why this is the problem.
However, since coming out, they look pretty different and have a different name….it’s kind of easier to pretend like I don’t even know them.
I also know they were probably really going through it when we used to be friends, and in a lot of ways it feels better to attribute all those bad actions to their Deadname, someone who doesn’t exist anymore, and I never have to see. Separating “Shitty Ex-Friend” from “Person I have to see most days at school” really helps me like…go to school and exist in the same place as them without totally breaking down.
So if me and Mila ever talk about them, I refer to them by their deadname (still correct pronouns, if that makes any difference). Mila does know they came out as NB (I mentioned it to her), but doesn’t know that they changed their name so she isn’t complicit in this or anything it’s 100% on me. I don’t deadname them to anyone else if I ever need to talk about them, just Mila.
I know this is a stupid coping mechanism but does it make me an asshole?
On one hand, I don’t think people need to be “good people” to be correctly gendered — intentionally deadnaming someone because you don’t like them is shitty. On the other hand, that’s not why I’m doing this, and my actions aren’t realistically impacting them or any other trans person, because I’m only using their deadname with one person who lives very far away, won’t ever run into them, and won’t talk about them with anyone else.
TDLR; I still call my manipulator by their deadname while talking to one specific person about them, because it helps me pretend that they’re a different person when I have to be in the same small school as them.
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elaemae · 3 months
The premium version of human is here to wreak house, mfs.
[Twst x ObeyMe!AFAB!reader]
CHP. 7
Again, I thank y'all for the reblogs, likes and comments guys, it really helps me :)
CW: Blue pronouns or address for MC every time they get mistaken for a guy. Also, I'm a potty mouth so MC is too.
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You're about to have a stroke right now.
You should've just went back to the goddamn infirmary instead of checking in on these obnoxious, bitch-less, probably father-less, motherfuckers.
It's just cleaning windows!! How the hell can you mess up like this?! Why the fuck did the cafeteria chandelier get involved??
*One eternity of screaming like a banshee later*
After sending those damn kids and cat away to get some sort of magical stone in some godforsaken mine, you wrangled with the headmaster for at least two hours to prevent him from writing up the expulsion papers of Yuu and that Blue-haired kid who was mostly innocent about the ordeal.
(Meanwhile, encouraging him to kick that Ace kid and the damn cat off the school. You ain't about to let audacity run free rn, mostly because you feel yourself start genuinely tweaking as you almost got possessed by the urge to sucker punch someone's soul out of their body.)
[Satan perked up, there it was again.
That distinctive spark of wrath that he can feel through your pact with him is both concerning and comforting.
On one hand, the anger he feels means that you're alive. And seeing that what he's feeling through the pact is mostly annoyance, then that must mean that nothing marginally bad or traumatizing had happened to you yet.
You're actually more pissed off in a 'someone-had-the-audacity-to-eat-my-snacks' kind of way more than anything else, meaning that you're safe for now.
But on the other hand, he doesn't know how long that temporary safety will last.
There's also the fact this is the fourth time he'd felt that spark of 'I-wanna-punt-someone-into-the-fuckin-sun' kind of anger from you, which is worrying because it hasn't even been 48 hours since you were kidnapped by some mf.
He shook his head, calling upon a subordinate (read: Devoted fan) to collect more and more books to learn what type of teleportation and sleeping magic was used in your kidnapping.
With the massive search party spanning all three realms that they'd called upon, they will find you sooner or later.
And once they do...
Well... You'll need to get used to being with someone at all hours of the day.]
*Passive-aggresively reminding Crowley that he can't kick out an innocent kid for something they didn't directly do as they had no way of stopping the events that transpired.*
["You don't want the word to get out that you let an innocent teen roam around in a foreign world with absolutely nothing to their name and nobody to protect them, right?"
"That is true, but I still can't just let this go unpunis–"
"Especially when it's the school's faulty equipment that took them so far away from all of their loved ones and belongings, right?"]
Needless to say, Yuu ended up being "fired" in the end, quite an unfortunate result because they will need to freeload off of you until the end of your stay in this world. (Poor them, they got fired before they knew that they had a job in the first place.)
Oh well, it's better than being kicked out from practically their only way back home right now...
Hays... That cruel crow..
Anygays, it's time to snoop around and hopefully make some connections to the residents of this school.
This is a well-known college, right? So there should be influential people here somewhere...
Hehe.. It's time you bring out your gaslight, gatekeep, gold-digging skills so that you can girlboss your way into stability inside this foreign world.
• • • • • •
Suddenly, more than a dozen individuals felt a strong shiver run up their spines.
Haha... Well that's ominous!
• • • • • •
Ortho deadpanned at his brother.
It seems that almost burning down their dorm room last night isn't enough to deter him from making his [Mr. L/n x reader] fanfiction complete with mandatory fan art for every single chapter.
But at least his brother isn't 'fanboying' about another fictional character again...
Hm... Now that he thinks about it..
Maybe his brother will be more inclined to make friends if it's Mr. L/n!
And thus begins Ortho's journey of being an unknowing wingman as he tries to get his introverted brother to make friends.
• • • • • •
You narrowed your eyes as you looked at the small gift on top of your temporary bed in the infirmary.
Dats suspicious....
Dats weird......
You turn your necklace into a staff and start poking the box, trying to see if it'll suddenly turn into a horrific eldritch monster and jump you. (Won't be the first time that happened.)
• • • • •
"It is done, ××× ×× ××××××" (This is too easy to guess😑)
• • • • •
Diavolo sighed for the tenth time that hour, lamenting how trying to focus on his paperwork is a really hard task when MC gets thrown into the situation.
'Maybe a small break will help clear my head?'
He might as well just go out for a walk in the garden to get some fresh... air...
Oh? what is this?
His eyes scanned the dark envelope he'd seen wedged under the 'To burn' stack of paperwork in his desk.
This envelope wasn't here yesterday...
After confirming that the piece of paper wasn't cursed or charmed, he opened it with apprehension.
• • • • •
Barbatos appeared in the office, tense as he'd heard his lord call out his name with haste.
Reading the letter shoved in front of his face by the serious Diavolo, Barbatos made a mental note to get the dungeon chambers ready.
They've got themselves a lead.
← Pr.6 | Chapter List | Chp. 1.1 →
Just tell me if y'all wanna get added in the permanent taglist, even if I already tagged y'all here.
That's just so I'll know if you wanna get tagged in all the upcoming chapters of this fanfic.
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Reblog or I'll take your ankles😈 (Pls like and reblog, it really gives me motivation🥺)
Also, the next chap is the start of Arc 1: Satan but short.
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illubean · 6 months
Hi hellooo <3 I love your blog and since I have a thing for this bug-eyed boi, I wanted to ask you to please write a headcanon or a small one-shot (whatever you are comfortable) about teenage!illumi SOMEHOWWWWW having a secret friendship and he meets reader in the forest etc :)
Assassins Don't Have Friends
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Characters: Teenager!Illumi Zoldyck Type: Fluff, oneshot, Teenager!Gn!reader
this turned out kinda long >.< idk how to feel about it tbh
Warnings: mention of human trafficking kind of?
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Illumi Zoldyck was a perfect assassin and a perfect son. He never showed fear, vulnerability, was excellent at his job and followed all the rules to a t. Or so everyone thought.
It wasn't long ago that Illumi had went on the job that would unknowingly change his life, maybe about three months give or take. He was assigned to take out a member of the mafia known for trading illegal goods. Apparently he had owed the man who hired Illumi money and had no means of paying it. He was to dispose of the target swiftly and silently.
After the job had been done the young Zoldyck somehow failed to notice the figure in the corner, who had been watching him with surprised and tired eyes. Upon realizing he was not alone, the boy was quick to pin the figure down, ready to take their life at any given moment. Now that he was up close to this person, he realized it was another kid around his age, wearing tattered and dirty clothes. The part that intrigued him most is that they didn't seem afraid of him.
The mysterious person only smiled at him, eyes softening with admiration as they spoke.
"Thank you for saving me."
The young assassin stared blankly in confusion. Saving them? All he did was his job and you just happened to be there, he didn't really try benefiting you on purpose. Illumi lowered the needle he had pointed at the persons neck, eyes narrowing before he responded.
"What are you talking about?"
"That man you killed. I was just auctioned off to him and needless to say he was a horrible man, so thank you. I'm Y/n by the way."
Illumi got off of Y/n, turning around to leave before speaking up once more.
"I didn't kill him for you, I was doing my job. I should kill you too for being a witness, but I'll let you go this once."
The Zoldyck boy began to embark on his journey back home before he heard footsteps running to catch up to him.
"I never caught your name? Who are you anyway?"
He continued to walk, not once turning to face Y/n.
"Quit following me."
"But I have nowhere to go-"
"I don't care where you go, just get away from me."
It was silent for a few moments as the teens continued to walk. Y/n ignored Illumi's demands as they neared a path that stretched through a vast forest. At the end of the trail there was a large mountain. Illumi knows he shouldn't have led this stranger so close to his home, but something inside him wouldn't let him push them away.
"You still haven't told me your name. Are you like a secret spy or something? Geez we've been walking for so long- don't tell me we have to walk all the way up that mountain!"
The young assassin stopped when they got to the base of the mountain, causing Y/n to run into his back with a small 'oof'.
In front of them was a large stone wall with metal doors in the center.
"This is as far as I can allow you to get. I shouldn't have let you follow me for so long but frankly you don't pose any threat."
"Aww, I think you just let me follow you so far because you like me! Noowwww can I finally know the name of my new friend?"
Y/n smiled at the stoic male in front of them, blinking and awaiting a response.
"Assassins don't have friends, now leave."
Illumi approached the seven large doors of his home and began to push them open before pausing.
"It's Illumi."
He entered through those doors while Y/n stood confused for a few moments before realizing.
That was his name.
While the doors were closing he heard a voice yell from the opposite side.
"Okay Mr assassin! I'll come back here here every day to see you!"
{Pov switch? kinda?}
And that's exactly what you did. Every day for about a week you showed up at the foot of the mountain, sometimes convincing Zebro to call the butlers quarters.
After Illumi found out about this, he finally went down to meet them. This time you looked much cleaner, holding a small basket with a cloth over it.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"I told you I would visit every day, didn't I? Oh, and this is for you. I managed to make a little money by fighting so consider this as a "thank you'. Y'know, for killing that guy?"
You held out the basket, gesturing for the boy in front of you to take it. He lifted the cloth to reveal some baked goods underneath. Illumi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"You can't keep trying to call the house. I told you assassins don't have friends."
"Welllll can't you make an acception for little ole me?" you asked, batting your eyelashes at him. "It could be our little secret!"
Without a word, Illumi grabbed one of your wrists and began walking into the forest surrounding his home. He stopped as the both of you came to a clearing, sitting down against the trunk of a tree.
"You're annoyingly stubborn."
You only smiled before sitting down next to him, reaching into your basket and pulling out two custard buns.
"Well it seems to work," you started, offering him one of the buns. "We're friends now, after all."
Illymi accepted the sweet treat with a sigh and ended up sitting there with you for hours. At some point you had both agreed to meet there once a week.
After these visits Illumi began developing a soft spot for you. He anticipated the days you would show up and the time you got to spend together.
Maybe he wasn't a perfect son.
He had secretly been seeing you without his family knowing and you were beginning to break down those walls of his.
Maybe he wasn't the perfect assassin.
Because after all, assassins don't have friends.
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reelmegabyte · 6 months
ever wonder why spotify/discord/teams desktop apps kind of suck?
i don't do a lot of long form posts but. I realized that so many people aren't aware that a lot of the enshittification of using computers in the past decade or so has a lot to do with embedded webapps becoming so frequently used instead of creating native programs. and boy do i have some thoughts about this.
for those who are not blessed/cursed with computers knowledge Basically most (graphical) programs used to be native programs (ever since we started widely using a graphical interface instead of just a text-based terminal). these are apps that feel like when you open up the settings on your computer, and one of the factors that make windows and mac programs look different (bc they use a different design language!) this was the standard for a long long time - your emails were served to you in a special email application like thunderbird or outlook, your documents were processed in something like microsoft word (again. On your own computer!). same goes for calendars, calculators, spreadsheets, and a whole bunch more - crucially, your computer didn't depend on the internet to do basic things, but being connected to the web was very much an appreciated luxury!
that leads us to the eventual rise of webapps that we are all so painfully familiar with today - gmail dot com/outlook, google docs, google/microsoft calendar, and so on. as html/css/js technology grew beyond just displaying text images and such, it became clear that it could be a lot more convenient to just run programs on some server somewhere, and serve the front end on a web interface for anyone to use. this is really very convenient!!!! it Also means a huge concentration of power (notice how suddenly google is one company providing you the SERVICE) - you're renting instead of owning. which means google is your landlord - the services you use every day are first and foremost means of hitting the year over year profit quota. its a pretty sweet deal to have a free email account in exchange for ads! email accounts used to be paid (simply because the provider had to store your emails somewhere. which takes up storage space which is physical hard drives), but now the standard as of hotmail/yahoo/gmail is to just provide a free service and shove ads in as much as you need to.
webapps can do a lot of things, but they didn't immediately replace software like skype or code editors or music players - software that requires more heavy system interaction or snappy audio/visual responses. in 2013, the electron framework came out - a way of packaging up a bundle of html/css/js into a neat little crossplatform application that could be downloaded and run like any other native application. there were significant upsides to this - web developers could suddenly use their webapp skills to build desktop applications that ran on any computer as long as it could support chrome*! the first applications to be built on electron were the late code editor atom (rest in peace), but soon a whole lot of companies took note! some notable contemporary applications that use electron, or a similar webapp-embedded-in-a-little-chrome as a base are:
microsoft teams
anyone! who has paid even a little bit of attention to their computer - especially when using older/budget computers - know just how much having chrome open can slow down your computer (firefox as well to a lesser extent. because its just built better <3)
whenever you have one of these programs open on your computer, it's running in a one-tab chrome browser. there is a whole extra chrome open just to run your discord. if you have discord, spotify, and notion open all at once, along with chrome itself, that's four chromes. needless to say, this uses a LOT of resources to deliver applications that are often much less polished and less integrated with the rest of the operating system. it also means that if you have no internet connection, sometimes the apps straight up do not work, since much of them rely heavily on being connected to their servers, where the heavy lifting is done.
taking this idea to the very furthest is the concept of chromebooks - dinky little laptops that were created to only run a web browser and webapps - simply a vessel to access the google dot com mothership. they have gotten better at running offline android/linux applications, but often the $200 chromebooks that are bought in bulk have almost no processing power of their own - why would you even need it? you have everything you could possibly need in the warm embrace of google!
all in all the average person in the modern age, using computers in the mainstream way, owns very little of their means of computing.
i started this post as a rant about the electron/webapp framework because i think that it sucks and it displaces proper programs. and now ive swiveled into getting pissed off at software services which is in honestly the core issue. and i think things can be better!!!!!!!!!!! but to think about better computing culture one has to imagine living outside of capitalism.
i'm not the one to try to explain permacomputing specifically because there's already wonderful literature ^ but if anything here interested you, read this!!!!!!!!!! there is a beautiful world where computers live for decades and do less but do it well. and you just own it. come frolic with me Okay ? :]
*when i say chrome i technically mean chromium. but functionally it's same thing
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aphroditelovesu · 11 months
I'm so glad you write for shadow and bone now! can i request yandere the darkling/ Alexander Morozova with a reader who is not grisha? it can be platonic or romantic..your choice 🌷
''You are my salvation.'' - Darkling.
❝ ✟ — lady l: I just wanted to say that I am completely hungry for content from this man and I hope you guys like how I wrote this headcanon ❤️❤️.
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of death and torture, mildly suggestive, unhealthy romantic relationship.
❝✟pairing: yandere!darkling/aleksander morozova x otkazat’sya!reader.
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Aleksander didn't like that at first. He didn't hate you, he hated the fact that you were mortal, an otkazat'sya, but not you, never you. Perhaps he resents the fact that you're human, but he didn't hate you. He could never hate you no matter what you did.
He met you by pure coincidence for you, but for him it was fate. Destiny, maybe the Saints, brought you to him. You were the newest cartographer in the Second Army and you were still getting used to it all, being in the army and with the grishas. You didn't hate them, but you couldn't say you loved them, you were neutral towards them.
There was nothing special about you. Just another mortal serving the military like most did. You didn't hate being a cartographer, but you couldn't say you loved it. It was your duty and that was it. Aleksander has paid attention to you since your first day, but you haven't noticed General Kirigan's curious and terrifying gazes on you.
He was content to just watch you from the shadows for a while. Learning everything he could about you that he could later use to get closer to you. You totally missed his looks, the way he seemed to devour you. He was the General and you were a simple cartographer, there would hardly be any interaction between the two of you. But there was, and he was hungry for more.
The first real interaction the two of you had was during a cold night at the military camp. You couldn't sleep and decided to take a walk, late at night and when most soldiers and grishas were asleep. Except you and him. You sat in a secluded spot and shivered in the cold. When a blanket was draped over your shoulders, you looked up to the one who gave it to you to thank them and found Aleksander's mesmerizing eyes watching you intently.
Aleksander never forgot your shy look and lowered head, as if you were too scared to speak to him. He never forgot your calm, low voice when you thanked him for the blanket, as if it was the only act of kindness you had ever received in your whole life. And he found himself wanting more, desperately wanting to hear your voice and the sweet sounds you could make. He didn't understand why he was so attracted to you, he hated the otkazat'sya, so why did he see himself wanting your attention and love?
He didn't understand his feelings for you, how desperately he wanted to protect and care for you. He's never felt this way before about anyone but himself. Aleksander just knew that he wanted you, that he needed you with him one way or another. He desperately needed you and he didn't know why, but that only you had to be his. And you would be his.
He's extremely overprotective of you, but how could he not be? You were so young, so helpless and so human. It was his duty to look after you to make sure you were well cared for and fed. Needless to say that you would get the best rooms, the best clothes and the best food. No one can even think of inflicting any harm on you, whether human or grisha, they all know you are off limits and must be protected or they will suffer the Darkling's wrath. And his wrath is not taken lightly, especially when you're involved.
Aleksander adores you, he loves you, or so he believes, but he hated your humanity. He hated that he was deeply involved with an otkazat'sya, but eventually he came to see the advantage in it. You weren't grisha, you couldn't defend yourself against him or run away if those were yours wishes, you were at his mercy and he grew to like that very much. You were in his hands as much as he was in yours, and he loved that. You belonged to him and he could do what he wanted with you, shape you any way he wanted and he wouldn't have to worry about you rebelling against him. At least that's how he thinks.
He'll manipulate you with no qualms, whispering sweet words in your ear as he worships your body and the next moment he's pouring venom into your ear, saying things like how perfect you are, how you should never leave his side. How he is the only one who loves you and who will take care of you for your whole life. How you were made for each other and no one deserves you more than him. You must always remain loyal to him and he will give you the world if you ask him to.
You became everything to him as you grew closer and closer. Aleksander will become more and more obsessive and possessive of you. He won't like it one bit if someone flirts with you, otkazat'sya or grisha, you're his and he won't let anyone steal you from him. He will show no mercy to anyone, destroying them in horrible ways, to set an example to anyone who has bad intentions towards you. You are his and he is his.
This isn't how you planned your love story with General Kirigan to go, but you're too wrapped up in his clutches, in his promises of love, to realize how wrong it is. You were so in love with him that you never noticed or cared about anything but him and the manipulations and horrors he will commit in the name of love. None of that will matter because you're together. An otkazat'sya and a grisha together forever. It would be you against the world and Aleksander will be your only company, the only one you will ever need.
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billskeis · 6 months
Hiii, firstly i LOVE your work its amazing <3
Seccodnly could you please make a story where Tom is a vampire n he like hadn't fed for quite a while due to a lot of touring n concerts. Also 'y/n' and him are dating and she knows about him being a vampire n stuff?
ᡣ𐭩 vampire bf tom p2
“thank you so much everyone for coming tonight!” bill screams as loud shrills and cheers fill the stadium. tonight marks one of the last nights of tokio hotel’s world tours and they just about had it. the teens are tired, and need rest, and most importantly, food.
especially tom, who’s hungry.
as the four boys unwind in the backroom, their manager enters the room, “great job everyone! you now have only three more concerts left to perform and then we’re finally done.” they’ve already had like 6 concerts back to back, constantly sleeping on the tour bus.
the beds are extremely uncomfortable, and obviously being nomadic, could not have been provided a proper food source.
tokio hotel is what you call, vampires.
blood feeders.
and of course, the staff knew and found out. to an avail, they kept them. why? eternity. immortality granted them a lifetime of fame, which in end means a lifetime source of money. humans we’re greedy humans, one can think.
now when you met tom. you had no idea, but you knew something was off about him.
upon first meeting, you have thought of him as some sort of playboy. he was funny, and definitely kind, but distant. too distant, it was something that left you wanting to know more.
and to his surprise, you asked him out on a date. he doesn’t even know why he was surprised, maybe it was over the fact that you wanted to take him out to eat instead of hooking up straight away. those were never your intentions.
all went well, after the first date was a hit, you guys went on more dates. next thing you knew, tom asked you to be his girlfriend! and obviously, you said yes. while on the dates you didn’t like him as much as you initially thought, but decided to give it a try. to be something official.
he was the same. never one to settle down, but the band encouraged him to at least give it a shot. you seemed like the right person to do so. kind, patient, beautiful, smart. man, you’re everything in the book!
finding out tom was a vampire was like culture shock. you walked into his bedroom to find him with a blood-pack in his hands. like those that come from the hospital.
he panicked, felt his already cold blood run colder. did he fuck up already?
you locked yourself in his bathroom, not knowing what to do. your boyfriend was a vampire? what the fuck? how did he hide it so well from you? maybe that’s why he always felt so, mysterious, so cold and so distant.
needless to say, you were definitely afraid, but you couldn’t find yourself pulling away from him. he was your boyfriend after all.
exiting the bathroom you witness tom sitting on his bed, his body was curled up at the headboard with his head resting in his arms, knees up to his chest. you look to see that the blood pack on his bedside table was empty, clear, finished.
you sat yourself on the bed, tom feels it dip and immediately looks up, “y/n… i—i’m sorry for keeping this a secret. i didn’t know how you react and if you’d want to leave me, i just really liked you and didn’t want to risk the chance of los—” you place a hand on his arm, breathing in sharply.
“tom, you don’t need to explain yourself. obviously being born a vampire isn’t something you could help. and if anything, i think it makes you hotter..” “so you don’t want to leave me?” “no! see it as me getting to know you better, your true self, yea?” “mm!” he nods, smiling brightly, he lunges at you to hug your body.
plopping down on the soft mattress, his body on top of yours, you felt a glimpse of warmth.
not sure if it was him or yours, but your heard definitely did skip a beat.
hi tom! come to your hotel room quick, i left a surprise there and i wouldn’t want it getting ‘cold’ ;)
schatzi?? what’re u talking about??
getting colderrr :D
omw u little maus >:(
you hid behind the closet door, waiting for your boyfriend to finally arrive back at his hotel. luckily for the band, for the rest of the concerts they’re staying in a hotel. finally, comfy beds!
the door clicked with the assuming scan of the keycard. as the door opened and closed, you popped out from the closet and hugged your vampy boyfriend.
“tomi!!” “mein liebling!? what’re you doing here??” he held your body within his arms, slightly swept off your feet he swings you side to side as the two of you share an embrace.
“i wanted to surprise you! bill gave me an extra keycard to your room,” you pepper multiple kisses on his face as he hugs you, “missed you so much.. didn’t you miss me, happy to see me?” “more than anything baby, but fuck—your scent is making me crazy..”
since the two of you established a relationship, it’s natural for tom to feed on you. it’s a mutual thing, just as long as he didn’t take too much blood, you would be fine.
you were definitely more delicious than anything and anyone else he fed off of. which is why the amount you agreed on would suffice for him.
you were different, and he loved that.
“that’s why i’m here..” you tilted your head to the side, sliding away the hair that covered the surface of your neck. tom licked a long stripe before breathing in hard, “mein Gott.. thank you y/n.”
sinking his fangs in, tom begun feeding. the pain was bearable, and you were pretty much used to it by now. your body heated up, and you felt your face flushing.
despite the frequency of the feedings, you still felt yourself embarrassed whenever tom fed. maybe it was the way he held onto your waist, or maybe it was how he would suckle on your neck before and after drinking your blood.
knees giving in, you felt yourself becoming weaker. this is when tomorrow knows to stop and immediately unlatches himself from your neck. a final lick left on your skin to stop the blood from running down your neck.
“you okay schatzi?” “y-yea.. still gets me every time though,” he kisses you, a coppery taste lingering in your mouth, “‘m sorry,” “nono, it’s okay.. i’m not dead am i?”
he giggles at you and brings you to lay on the bed with him, “no, no you’re not baby. not as long as you’re with me.”
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