#Nervous Leviathan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)
torchvic · 8 days
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that one ship dynamic but with levi and mc
(credit to @litriu! here is the original post (lmk if the link doesnt work pls))
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zephyrchama · 2 months
(not a writing post but as it's OM related I'll put it here) (if you don't like cosplay, watch out) (this is why I've been a bit quiet lately!)
I'm at Otakon this weekend and today I'm cosplaying the Levi I spent six months making! I'll be taking lots of photos tonight, some will even appear in the Leviathan fanzine, @lvlup-levizine !
If you see me (I don't thinn I look this cool irl but if you see me), I don't bite! I'll probably be staring off into space because I am so nervous and shy and it's super hot under all the flannel.
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smoft-demons · 8 months
Auva is curled up in a nest of soft things on the floor of Levi’s room. Pillows, blankets, plushies, possibly a beanbag chair or two—all piled high on the floor in front of a big screen.
Levi is there too, of course. Sitting just slightly out of arm’s reach, reclining in the blanket nest with his Ruri-chan body pillow. Relaxed as she’s ever seen him. He’s hugging the pillow like it’s his best friend as he and Auva marathon TSL for quite possibly the 15th time.
At this point, Auva knows these movies so well she could speak every line along with the characters. So, as much as she enjoys the story, it’s not exactly keeping her focused.
‘I’M his best friend!’ Auva can’t stop herself from thinking, as Levi watches peacefully. She mentally side-eyes that passing thought as soon as she notices it.
Envy is not a familiar feeling for Auva. Sure, she’s felt short flashes of mild jealousy before—small moments of it that are easily acknowledged, dealt with, and released. Quick and simple.
That’s… not what this is. She tries to push it down, for further examination later. She pointedly thinks of how peaceful this is, what a good time she’s having watching movies she likes, how nice it is to see Levi being so relaxed and open…
She holds out for about a movie and a half. But then, a scene where the Lord of Shadows gives Henry a hug has the twisting unpleasantness she feels in her gut suddenly roaring back to life. It burrows into the front of her mind. The unfamiliar feeling intensifies from the low, very ignorable twisting it was before, like pouring gasoline on a fire. It burns, insistent and cloying under her tongue.
Auva zones out in that moment, confused and distressed. Trying to identify whatever the fuck this is.
Simultaneously, Levi snaps out of relaxed TSL fixation mode. He feels the explosion of envy in his friend. It’s doubly palpable to him, not just because he’s attuned to feelings of envy as the avatar of it—especially in Auva through his pact with her—but more because he has NEVER before felt so much of it from her before!
“Uh—!? Whoaaaa… Auva??! Are you—do you wanna talk about it??” Levi sputters.
Auva freezes, looking away. She’s figured out what caused the bad feeling, but not what the bad feeling is quite yet. In order to find the cause, she has tracked the start of the feeling to when Levi joined her in their blanket nest, but chose to sit too far away from her to touch, to cuddle with a pillow instead of his best friend.
She’s embarrassed to realize this. Fruitlessly, she tries to hide it. She doesn’t want to lie to him, but… she can’t say it! “No, no! It’s nothing, don’t worry, I’m good! Everything’s fine!”
Levi shoots her a flat look. “Stupid normie, I can FEEL it! Did you forget what I am? There’s no point lying!”
Auva groans, burying her face in her hands. ‘??? He can feel it—OH. Oh. Envy. So that’s what that feels like then. Fuck, okay.’ She thinks, cringing at herself.
“Nooo… Levi, really, it’s nothing! It’s so dumb!”
“But I wanna help! WHY won’t you tell me? That’s SO not fair..!” Levi exclaims, looking stressed, worried, and a bit hurt. “Of course you wouldn’t trust a gross icky otaku like me…”
‘Fuuuuck, of course he’d take it personally!’ Auva mentally groans to herself.
“No! No, you know I don’t think that! You’re not gross, Levi! I… it’s just—umm, well…” she trails off. Can’t say it.
She huffs, frustrated, and flails for a moment before taking her DDD out of her pocket. She goes to text him instead.
> ruri pillow gets hugs and I don’t >:[ Henry gets hugs and I don’t >>:[[[ I want hugs too >:[ >:[ >:[
Levi’s text tone goes off. He reads her message.
He freezes awkwardly. Buffering…
Auva cringes, shoving her DDD away from her. She hides her face in her hands again. “I told you it’s dumb…” she mumbles.
“N-no! No, it’s fine! I just. I, was, uh—! Y-you… you really don’t think I’m too gross?” Levi stutters.
“Obviously not! We’re friends, we’ve BEEN friends, you know I love you—Why do YOU think you’re gross?! Is it because you’re a snake, do you think snakes are gross?! I like snakes!! Is that it? I don’t get it, Levi! You’re NOT gross, I’ll fight you about that if I have to! Is that really why you don’t touch me?” Auva rambles, her hands flapping frantically. “You keep telling me it’s okay if I touch you, you said you’re not uncomfortable with it in general, but then… you’ll sit next to me and hug a pillow but you won’t ever hug me, and I don’t get WHY! I keep telling you you’re not gross! Do you not believe me, or do you just…”
Auva cuts herself off. ‘do you just not love me’, she was going to say. She thought better of it. She knows he does. She knows. It would be unfair to him to scold him for not believing her and then to immediately turn around and not believe him. She knows he’s shy, too. It isn’t a problem if he’s uncomfortable with touch of course, but he keeps telling her that’s not the case, so..???
Levi seems to know where she was going with that. He flails, stuttering his rebuttal just as frantically. They never resemble each other more than when they’re panicking at each other like this. “I..! It’s NOT like that!! It’s not that—that I don’t l-love… you, o-or anything..! I just..! It’s just… I’m gross, I don’t think you’d want ME so close to you!”
“But I do though! I really do! You’re NOT gross! Levi… Levi, you’re not gross. You’re my friend. My friend is not gross. Please believe me?” Auva says, her agitation quickly dying down into just sadness.
Levi’s energy simmers down to match hers. With a sigh, he steels himself. Dismissing his ever-present shyness as best he can. He puts the Ruri pillow down in the pile next to him. He fixes his gaze into a far corner as he sticks out an arm in Auva’s direction, shyly gesturing for his friend to close the distance.
Auva rushes to comply before he can change his mind. It’s about half a second until she has ducked under his arm and moulded herself against him, shifting until she’s comfy and as close as she can get. She ends up draped over the left side of him. Her fingers tangle into the fabric of his shirt, clinging, as if to prevent anyone from removing her. Her cheek smushes against his shoulder. Her glasses get knocked off as she presses her face against him. She doesn’t care.
“Stupid noodle… y’r not fuckin gross…” she grumbles to him, her voice muffled against his shoulder.
“…if you say so, I guess…” he mumbles back. He puts his arm down across her shoulder blades. His hand wraps carefully around her right bicep. His other hand retrieves her glasses, then places them on the floor where they’ll be safer. He turns his attention back to the movie to distract himself from his self-consciousness.
As for Auva, she’s fully ignoring the movie in favour of committing this absolute gift of a moment to memory. Every detail. The rhythm of his breathing and heartbeat, the sounds of his joints shifting with each minute adjustment he makes, the cool temperature of his skin, the unscented soap and ocean scent that sticks to him, the gentle pressure of his arm draped over her, the feel of his thumb absently rubbing over that one small strip of skin on her arm and occasionally fidgeting with the hem of her short sleeve. She blissfully soaks in every detail.
Her heart is warm, and she LOVES her friend. She’s relaxed, boneless. Very comfortable and happy to be held.
As the next movie plays, Levi ends up absentmindedly pulling her into the same position he had the pillow in before. Reclining fully against his chest, more or less in his lap as both his arms wrap securely around her back. She couldn’t see the screen like this if she were trying to. She’s not though, so this is more than fine with her. She’s seen these movies so many times by now that the audio alone is enough to have the visuals projecting in detail from her memory on the back of her eyelids.
Auva stays still and quiet, carefully relaxed, trying not to draw attention to herself. Hoping he’ll stay distracted until the entire series is over, so it’ll take as long as possible for him to get awkward and push her away again. Fuck, she dreads the idea of being pushed away.
Hours later, the story ends. Levi’s distraction is over. Her fingers clench in his shirt again, clinging. She doesn’t want him to let go. Doesn’t want him to make her go…
“Auva..?” Levi softly calls, having noticed her tension returning. “I… it’s okay, you know. You don’t—I’m not kicking you out. If you’re sure you want to be here. I’m not uncomfortable, or anything, is what I’m saying. Is that, um… that’s what you’re scared of, right?” he sighs. Pulls her a bit closer, so he can lean down to comfortably bury his face against her shoulder without dislodging her. “We’re gonna have to talk about this, aren’t we…”
“Mm. Probably… ‘s important. But… tomorrow, though? I’m comfy...” Auva mumbles.
She yawns. He nods, agreeing to have a real conversation about this tomorrow. They cling to each other a bit tighter for comfort, as they both try not to think about how scary that is.
“Hey, Levi?” Auva whispers.
“Hm?” He hums inquisitively.
“I really love my player one. SO much. I hope you know that.”
He inhales sharply, quickly squeezing her as he takes in her familiar words. She has told him so many times before, but it hits him in the heart just the same every time.
“Yeah. I know.” He whispers back. “And I love my player two. So much. You know that,” Shy as always, even though he has said it before too.
Auva nods. She gives him an affectionate squeeze too, before relaxing again. Intending to go to sleep right there.
The upcoming conversation still scares them, but just a bit less now. They’ll have each other, after all. They’ll help each other.
They’ll be fine.
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devildom-doll · 2 years
Do explain why you kin your character, I’m very curious :3
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galacticlee3 · 2 years
Mario… Something?
(Lee!Leviathan, Ler!Reader; Obey Me! Shall We Date?)
A gift for the lovely @altheadajoysoul for Squealing Santa 2k22! I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it, and again thank you so much for hosting this year, Hypah!
Summary: Levi has something special to give you, something that brings back childhood nostalgia and helps you make a precious memory with the demon. Can either be interpreted as platonic or romantic.
Warnings: none!
Word Count: 1.4k
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MC, do you have time to come to my room? I have something for you.
I have some free time, yeah. What is it?
It’s a surprise :)
Alright, coming!
Levi shut off his phone, looking down at the wrapped gift sitting on his manga shelf. He wanted it to come in by Christmas so you could open it with bright eyes in front of his brothers, your smile as much of a gift to him as it was to them. But unfortunately, the shipping was delayed due to the high influx of travel from the human world to the Devildom, so he had to make you wait. He heard you running down the hallway above his room, a screech followed by muffled apologies telling him you’d knocked into one of his brothers on your way.
As your footsteps got closer and came to an abrupt stop, he brushed off his hoodie and messed with his hair, looking at Henry 2.0 in the tank. “Nothing to be nervous about, they’ll love it,” he reassured himself, getting pulled out of his head when two soft knocks sounded at his door. “Coming!” He called, taking a deep breath and opening the door a crack. You smiled at him, a little out of breath from your speedy trip, and he almost melted right then and there. Determined to keep his cool, Levi beckoned you inside, hoping you wouldn’t be able to see his rising blush in the dark.
He motioned for you to sit down on the couch while he walked over to the bookshelf. “I know you already got something from me for Christmas but this is your real present. It took a bit to get here, but I wanted to give it to you as soon as I got it,” he scratched the back of his neck, sitting in front of you criss-crossing his legs. Levi shyly bowed his head and held the gift up to you, a heavy silver box with purple ribbon tied in a haphazard bow.
“Oh, Levi! Please tell me you didn’t splurge, I love the Ruri-chan blanket you got me already,” you looked down at him, both grateful but also a bit taken aback. Levi shook his head, pushing the gift onto your lap gently. “I-its not splurging if it’s for you, MC,” he whispered sincerely, tail twitching nervously at his side, “Please, open it, for me?”
You nodded your head, gingerly pulling at the ribbon and opening the box. You gasped when you saw what was inside. A white Wii console, two controllers, and a few games were carefully packed with a little note that read Merry Christmas, MC.
“How did you- they don’t make these anymore!” You gasped with wide eyes, unable to keep a wide smile off your face. You had told Levi about your childhood Wii console a while back, the fun you had losing yourself in your favorite games, which were all stowed away inside the box. “I wanted to make you more at home here, you looked really happy when you told me about these, especially… what was it.. Mario, something?”
“MARIO KART!” You clapped your hands and fished it out of the box, hugging it to your chest. “Levi, will you play it with me? I can’t wait to smoke you,” you giggled as he got a competitive glint in his eyes. You loved when you two hung out and gamed, you could tell he felt more confident and you liked spending time with him doing something you both enjoyed.
“Just because I’ve never played it before doesn’t mean you’re going to beat me, in fact, I would be surprised if you did,” he stuck up his nose, taking the box from you and grabbing the correct outlet adapter from his box in the corner. “Wait there, I’ll get it booted up.” He plugged in the Wii and connected it to the large TV in front of you, the nostalgia coming on in waves hearing the starting sounds.
You and Levi spent a few minutes making Miis of each other, sad that there weren’t any purple hairstyle options for him, but having fun anyway making your little characters run around. After a few minutes, you inserted the disc and readied your controllers, teaching Levi the controls and having a few practice laps. “Okay, do you think you’re ready to play for real now?” You wiggled your eyebrows at him where he was sitting across from you.
“I think I have the hang of it now, in fact, I know I’m going to win. A simple racing game? Child’s play, literally.”
“Oh? Then how about we raise the stakes? The loser…” You zoned out in thought, before a mischievous grin made its way onto your lips. “The loser gets wrecked by the winner!”
Levi’s cheeks bloomed an adorable shade of red, for he knew exactly what you meant by “wrecked”. The loser would be tickled by the winner, something he knew you both didn’t mind very much. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t incredibly flustered by it, something you knew, and were planning to take advantage of during the round. Was it cheating? Maaaaaaybe, but you also wanted to hear his precious laugh, something he didn’t share often.
He shook his head, trying to distract himself from the ghost tickles starting to creep up his back. “You’re on, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Levi taunted, trying to hide his growing blush and flustered state.
His Yoshi and your Waluigi drove up to the starting line, buzzing with energy. “3…2…1…go!” You chant along with the screen, blasting off with the CPUs. Levi was not too far behind you, tongue sticking out in concentration. You decided he was too cute not to mess with.
“Y’know Levi, I bet you’ll barely be able to hold back your laughter when I get those sides of yours,” you chirped, keeping your eyes on the screen. You saw Yoshi waver and almost drive off the track, not expecting distractions, let alone teasing from you. He was almost silent, tail swishing behind you unbeknownst to him.
“You get all squeaky when I get near your ears, how do you think you’ll fare now? Asmo did my nails yesterday so they’ll be extra tickly~”
“MC! This is cheating!” He was climbing up the ranks, a place behind you, but he was curling into himself which threw off his game.
“I’m not doing anything, just making some conversation!”
“Can we change the topic?” He said meekly, trying to keep his cool. He came up to you, trying to knock into Waluigi’s car. You knew it was time to pull out the big guns.
“Hmmm. Fine, I want to talk about how adorable your laugh is, it’s contagious and it always makes me want to hug you for being so gosh darn cute!”
Levi lost grip on his controller, letting it go in favor of covering his face with his hands. His ears were pink now, and he was quietly whining in protest of your statements. “Why do you always do this MC… saying things that aren’t true,” he groaned into his palms, refusing to show you the fiery flush on his cheeks. You scoot over and wrap your arms around his shoulders, “You might not think it is, but I do. I find you charming, cute, but most of all someone dear to me,” you whispered, rubbing his back. Levi peeked out of his fingers, sighing, but a big smile broke out onto his face. “Thank you,” he peeped, glancing down at the controller. The one that he dropped. With wide eyes, Levi turned to the TV which displayed a cheering Waluigi in first place.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want,” you said quickly, letting him know there was an out. But he shook his head, still embarrassed to the nines. “You won, I l-lost, fair and square,” Levi reasoned, chest filled with nervous excitement. “What kind of demon would I be if I couldn’t take it?”
With that, you pounced on him, hands squeezing up and down his sides, giggling along with his airy laughter that you loved so much. His tail was thumping away on the couch, letting you know he was enjoying it as much as you were. You two spent the rest of the afternoon like that, gaming and reveling in each other’s stories and laughter. For you both, it was a perfect day with your best friend.
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anxx-arrt · 3 years
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uhh,, *throws this at you* possible mc introduction?
btw! art requests are open if you want me to draw a little doodle of an obey me boy and you/your mc!! <333
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w0rm-mag1c · 3 years
Final Boss - Leviathan x M!Reader
Reader uses he/him pronouns and male gendered language. Third person perspective. I’m working to improve how I write Y/N fics >~< Bear with me please!
Leviathan swore as his health bar was drained. He leaned back in his bed, forgetting that he was too close to the walls of his tub and consequently knocking his head into the porcelain.
“Of all the times…why now?” he groaned to himself.
The demon rose up when he heard the familiar hum. Y/N was there. Probably let himself in again. And Leviathan was so caught up with his game that he didn’t notice.
“Hey, Levi! Can you help me with this? I can’t beat this guy and it’s starting to bug me,” Y/N said. He held out his D.D.D to Leviathan and leaned over the side of the bathtub.
“Uh, yeah….” Levi avoided eye contact with the human. Still, his eye darted up to him, and noticed that Y/N’s face was tense with frustration.
“Oh, it’s this boss,” Levi started. “No matter how much you level up, it’s going to be useless unless you do this certain combo-“
“Here let me get down there so you can show me.”
“Wha-no let me get up!”
“It looks more comfy down there.” Y/N climbed over the edge of the bed and nudged Leviathan with his foot. “Move it, nerd.”
Levi huffed as Y/N got himself situated. The bed wasn’t quite wide enough to accommodate two people.
Y/N did his best to move. In the end they were still pretty close to one another.
“Okay. Show me how it’s done, Leviachan,” Y/N said cheerfully.
“Um…like I said it’s a combination of moves that’ll beat him…”
The explanation was fairly simple, but Leviathan drew it out as much as possible. Y/N soon repositioned his arms so they didn’t go numb from being on his side. He ended up with one arm under Levi’s head and the other laying on his chest. The avatar of envy blushed slightly, thanking the Demon King that Y/N was focusing on the game.
“Do you want to try, Y/N?” Levi asked suddenly. Y/N had started to play with his hair absentmindedly and Levi could feel himself blushing hard.
“Yeah! I think I’ve got it.” replied the human. He took his mobile device and once again shifted his arms, now laying shoulder-to-shoulder.
As the exchange student played the game, Leviathan felt his heart beating quickly, wanting to be close to Y/N.
He’s so focused, he thought. And he doesn’t seem like he’s going back to what he was doing with my hair so…
In a moment of bravery, Levi rolled over and put his arm around Y/N’s waist and pressed his face into their neck. The human let out a sharp exhale through his nose, but didn’t complain.
When Y/N finally defeated the boss, he sighed in relief. He set his D.D.D down on his chest.
“Thank you for helping me, Levi.”
“Anytime, normie,” Levi said, taking a deep breath. “I-uh…I was a little bit…I mean not in a weird way, I just felt really…jealous when you were paying attention to the game…”
The words felt caught in his throat. Whatever possessed him to hug Y/N and say such embarrassing things wasn’t working for him.
Y/N smiled sheepishly. “Really? Would you rather I pay attention to you?”
How was he so smooth about this? Levi nodded, and pulled Y/N closer.
“To be honest, I really like…I like when I’m close to you,” Leviathan whispered. Y/N wrapped his arm around his friend, giving the other boy’s stomach a slight squeeze, drawing a small yelp from Levi.
“You’re soft,” the human observed. “I think it’s cute.”
The remark caused Leviathan to short-circuit and stammer a bit. Y/N snuggled closer, and Levi could feel the warm breath on his neck. He was so close, close enough, that maybe if he leaned down he could-
Y/N’s lips met Levi’s in what seemed like a split second. It was just a simple peck on the lips, but that moment felt freeing.
Y/N thinks I’m cute! Leviathan thought. He shook his head, thinking that if this was a dream, he would have woken up by now.
“That was nice,” the demon said quietly.
“Would you like more?”
Leviathan kissed Y/N eagerly. He had struggled to describe just how he felt, but their new intimacy summed it up. Y/N was more than just a friend or gaming partner. As Y/N smiled into the kiss, Levi felt content.
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ratigan-in-the-wall · 2 years
Obey Me! on the brain
Since my brain is rotating this game on loop I figured I’d share my MC’s nicknames for the brothers (and themselves) and why. These are very self indulgent so feel free to ignore.
Before getting too far into this my MC is a gay ace and a masc presenting enby with little interest in relationships. Most/all of these nicknames are meant to be read as platonic
My MC: Sheep/Rat because animals. Sparkplug is a nickname given to them in the human world and they brought it with them to the Devildom. Also doesn’t mind being called Baby Boy by certain people. Levi calls them Player 2 so that they have matching nicknames for each other.
Lucifer: No nicknames for Lucifer yet, at least none they’d dare say to his face or out loud. In Sheep’s head Lucifer is the cat from Cinderella or Ink Cap, which happens to be their favorite mushroom from the human world.
Mammon: Mams or Pretty Boy ar Sheep’s go to nicknames for Mammon. Once Sheep called him Pyrite (fools gold) because they were annoyed but they don’t use it often.
Leviathan: Player 1/ Bab-Buddy. They bonded over video game and anime talk and Sheep designated him their official info dump friend. They can go back and forth with each other for hours.
Satan: Sheep calls him Bookworm and only gets away with it because they have the exact same reading habits.
Asmodeus: Mo or Sass. I don’t actually have reasons for these ones, they just feel right…
Beelzebub: Beezle, this one occurred after having consistent difficulties processing Beel as their brain keeps autocorrecting to Beezle. They liked it so it stuck. Sheep also calls him Sweet Pea or Big Boy without thinking sometimes.
Belphagor: Stinky(Affectionate). I use this to address my friends in real life and they do the exact same to me. Sheep started calling him Mr. Murder-Britches after lesson 16 because they think it’s funny.
If anyone wants to see my MC’s nicknames for the other characters let me know and I’ll do it later.
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summonedlotan · 3 years
Reset. Start Again?
You're back in the Devildom, except... nobody remembers you. You've been cursed and it's up to you to go back to how things are supposed to be.
Read on ao3
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boxofanger · 4 years
Brothers Reactions to MC picking them up Bridal Style
Undatables Post Here
First of all do you have a death wish?
He’s not going to fight you once you’ve picked him up, struggling would just make this situation worse for him. Especially if you pick him up in front of any of his brothers.
Very calmly and firmly says “MC. Put. Me. Down.” like hes not actually enjoying this
Makes the cutest pouty face and crosses his arms over his chest, glares at you for as long as you hold him like this.
You eventually put him down, don’t even think about dropping him unless you want to sit through a lecture or worse.
If you’re not in front of others he’d laugh and call you silly. Put him down quickly though unless you want to make him mad.
“I hope you had fun while that lasted, MC... Because you’re not doing that again.”
Oh boy is he going to put up a fight at first
No matter how many times he tells you to put him down, don’t do it, he doesn’t actually want you to
Honestly he’s also surprised that you can pick him up in the first place.
He’ll settle down after a few minutes when he realizes “huh this is actually pretty nice”
Wraps his arms around your neck and holds on really tight. He says its because he doesn’t want you to drop him but really its an excuse to get closer
This was a mistake though, he wants you to carry him everywhere now.
“H-hey! What do you think you’re doing human? Put me down! ---- Well, actually... this is pretty nice...”
Levi.exe has stopped working.
The one time he comes out of his room and this happens
He’s really embarrassed and hides his face, he can’t handle how you’re grinning at him.
He’d be complaining but he’s too embarrassed to actually get any real words out
Very begrudgingly rests his head on your shoulder and crosses his arms over his chest
He looks really cute like this so savor it while you can because he will complain as soon as you put him down.
We all know he’s going to hide as soon as he can, especially if his brothers are around to tease him
“Stupid normie... why’d you do something like that? D-don’t think this will make me like you!”
Don’t pick him up while he’s reading. Just don’t. Not in front of any of the brothers either, or when he’s in a mood.
He thinks its silly if you pick him up any other time though
Thinks its cute but would never admit it in front of anyone other than you.
Impressed you can pick him up, but he’s one of the smaller of the brothers so it really isn’t that surprising.
Doesn’t mind if you hold him for awhile. It would probably be a good idea to go to his room so you two can just cuddle and read instead.
If he’s particularly tired pick him up and call him your kitten. He’ll melt right there. He’ll deny it when he’s more awake though, so be sure to get pictures.
“Are you just trying to get me to cuddle with you? You could have just asked.”
Don’t interrupt his self care routine or mess up his hair, he’ll get grumpy
Otherwise he is absolutely loving the attention
Please just pick him up and carry him around like he’s a princess. He deserves it
Immediately clinging to you, he’s going to take any chance he can get to be close to you
Honestly please just cherish him and shower him in affection
He’s going to agree with all of it on the outside but on the inside you know he’s dying. He lives for stuff like this.
When you finally put him down its either going to be a spa day or he’s dragging you to bed immediately. Whether it’s snuggling or something else is entirely up to you. He’s definitely gonna be whiny if he doesn’t get his way though.
“Eh? What are you doing MC?” ... “Oh, of course you want to be close to me! You better take responsibility when you put me down~”
He’s surprised you can even pick him up honestly, all that muscle is heavy
You can’t hold him for long though and have to put him down fairly quickly
He’s a little confused as to why you wanted to hold him but he’s not going to complain about the opportunity to get close to you
He’s going to pick you up next and you’re not gonna be able to tell him no, afterall he doesn’t want you to hurt yourself by picking him up again later
Suggest heading back to your room to watch shows and cuddle, he’ll agree even without the promise of snacks
Unfortunately heading back to your room means some of the other brothers might pop in from time to time, but for the most part you get to enjoy some alone time with Beel
“You didn’t hurt yourself right MC? That’s good, if you got hurt who would I share my favorite snacks with?”
Pick him up while he’s asleep at your own risk. If you wake him up he’s not going to be happy.
Good news is that he’s going to fall asleep on you pretty fast after you pick him up.
Bad news is you’re stuck with him now, Belphie is a professional koala, especially while he’s asleep.
Better find somewhere to sit and get comfortable for awhile because Belphie is not going to be waking up anytime soon.
You’ve been his new pillow since the incident so really he was waiting for something like this to happen
He’s cute though, and his hair is really soft. Pet him while he sleeps on you and he gets a really soft smile on his face.
“Mm... Mc... you’re really comfortable like this...”
Hope you enjoyed! I take requests on my blog and I also do matchups!
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ultimatezuku · 3 years
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here are 4 of our beloved om! boys :D i’ll draw the others later on tho!
i might redraw all of them later on
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lovelamentation · 4 years
Little ways they show love - The Brothers
Permission to enter his study as you please
Looking the other way when your up to mischeif
Asking you to dance with him
being able to hand you what you were about to ask for before you ask
little trinkets turning up in your room
Taking over your chores when you seem tired
Asking about your passions
Letting you feed Henry
A controler that only you can use
Letting you see his childish side
Learning something new together
Asking you to read for him
Listening to you rant after a stressfull day
Brushing your hair at the end of the day
Asking you to help him pick out an outfit
long walks / working out together
Your favorite snacks always on hand
Picking you up and carrying you just because
Making you take a break when you need it
Ajusting you / pulling up the blackets when you fall asleep in a weird position.
Teaching you about the constellations
♥️ Thistle
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Hello! I just discovered your blog! Can I request some NSFW HCs of Obey Me! Satan, Beel, Lucifer, Levi, and Diavolo with thicc (butt and thighs) fem! MC? Thank you
Anon, my friend,,,,,,,,, this is literally the first time I’ve ever written anything even mildly nsfw, so I’m sorry if it’s not what you’re looking for adjshflk. I know I need practice, gotta start somewhere ahaha. I hope these are okay anyways!!
eta: this is under a cut, but my desktop theme isn’t reflecting that, so I’m working on it
Satan likes to pretend he’s classy, but whenever the two of you are alone, he’s completely hands-on. He’s pretty lean; having someone so soft around is new to him, and it’s fun. He loves being able to squeeze you whenever he can. Plus, the way you squeak when he randomly delves his hands into your pants is adorable.
Under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t let anyone else top… but having you ride him drives him crazy. He loves being able to hold your thighs or squeeze your ass and look up at you when you’re on his dick. He tends to get rough, though, so you’ll end up with deep marks where he dug his nails in when he came because damn you feel too good —
Normally not the type to have a preference with women, Beel ends up Very Appreciative about how thick you are. He’s never really been with anyone seriously, so it never crossed his mind. His imagination wanders a lot, and he can’t help but wonder what it’d feel like to have your thighs wrapped around his head—
Related: he’s a bit embarrassed to say it, but Beel totally wants you to sit on his face. Listen, he’s already incredibly good with his mouth; he’d be thrilled to be pinned underneath you, digging his fingers into your thighs and your hips and your ass, watching you quake above him while he eats you out like you’re his last meal.
Another one who pretends he really doesn’t care. Lucifer loves his girl for more than just physical reasons, but admittedly… he really likes your thighs. He really likes your thighs. Almost a bit too much. He’s also incredibly possessive; normally he wouldn’t display his relationship, but if he thinks someone is paying too much attention to you, he’s not above squeezing your ass in public.
This probably isn’t a surprise, but Lucifer’s into ropes, and the fact that your thighs are so plush and soft… he loves tying you up and seeing how ropes and cords dig into your skin, and he loves tugging on any of your restraints to reposition you while he’s fucking you into the mattress. Any bruises by morning—  and there will be bruises— are enough to get him ready for a second or third round.
Listen… to Leviachan, it’s like a dream come true. He’s read all the manga, he’s played all the erogames, he knows how this works. His secret cosplay stash is totally gonna come in handy now— he’s got all sorts of cute costumes that he wants to see you in, and all of them have easy access for his grabby hands. He loves squeezing.
Being the Avatar of Envy, he’s stupidly possessive, even moreso than someone like Lucifer would be. If he thinks you’ve spent the day getting too much attention from other men— you’re for his eyes only— then expect to be flipped into bed as soon as he gets the chance. He’s inexperienced, but earnest about eating you out; he likes teasing by getting you to the brink of bliss, but then pulling back to kiss and bite your thighs before you can cum, prolonging everything just a bit longer. 
Diavolo knows how to appreciate art. He’s a very private man, so you only ever get chaste attention if the two of you are out in public, but the moment he’s home after a long day of working? He’s always got his hands on you somehow. It’s very easy to distract him from work by propping yourself up on his desk; he absently runs his hands up your thighs, and things always escalate from there.
He really likes fucking you against the wall. Holding you in his arms like that, you having to rely entirely on him, with your legs wrapped around his waist, his nails digging into your soft skin; he almost wants a painting of it, but he’s not willing to share that image with anyone else, so all he can do is worship you to the best of a demon’s ability.
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beelzmunchkin · 4 years
Asmo helping Levi get ready for his date.
Levi was getting ready for his first date (outside of the house of Lamentation) with MC. He asked Asmo to help him out because Levi was nervous he wouldn’t be dressed properly for a date with MC at Ristorante Six.
Levi: Asmo are you sure this color looks good on me? It’s a bit bright, wouldnt a nice white shirt be alright?
Asmo: it could have but that’s boring don’t you want to WOW MC?
Levi: I asked for your help Asmo not to be turned into you.
Asmo: aw, that’s cute, to think you’ll ever be close to this level.
Levi: even then, I’m the one going on a date with MC.
Asmo: do you want my help or not.
Levi: Okay! but are you sure they’re going to like this?
Asmo: yes but if you would stand still for a second I could take your hair back
Levi: WAIT WHAT? Hair back?! No!
Levi: but my forehead!
Asmo: MC is going to love it!
Levi: but Asmo! I can’t just show my forehead!
Asmo: Levi! Trust me MC is going to love it.
Levi: fine (said grumpily)
Asmo: okay now just put on the bow tie. I still can’t believe after all these millennia’s you still haven’t learned how to tie a bow tie
Levi: ive never had to! It was always just Ruri-Chan and me!!!
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......uh hi... I know I usually don’t post much or anything but hi how are you!!! :D ... awkward... lol hi.
I was just wondering ... if anyone would be up for a bit of art/writing commission.... it isn’t for me... it’s a long story, but if anyone is interested lmk.... and I’ll make a proper post about it....
~Beelzmunchkin 🦋
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2af-afterdark · 2 years
Going Away Gift
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Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Main Character
Additional Tags: afab!mc (she/her), breeding kink, polyamory, yandere, baby trapping(?), vaginal fingering,
A/N: I am so bad with fics involving a lot of characters. I tried…
Word Count: 1962
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These were her final days in the Devildom. Diavolo had made it more than clear that she would be going back home at the end of the exchange program and nothing the brothers said could convince him otherwise; she had to return to the Human Realm and continue her life. None of them were keen on that version of reality. After everything they'd been through together, how could they be expected to just give her up? They couldn't. Never.
The plan had started as a stray thought. Several bottles of Demonus in, a few angry and sad complaints between them, and then Mammon of all demons said something that set off a spark around the family.
They wouldn't be losing their human any time soon if they had a say in the matter.
Beel's large hands gripped tightly onto her waist, pulling her into his lap with the kind of ease that would be terrifying if she didn't trust him so implicitly. His head rested in the crook of her neck, warm lips and hot breath brushing across her skin as he trailed kisses all along her shoulder. Something big was poking between her legs, pressing the fabric of her underwear against her slowly heating core.
Before she could look down to confirm her suspicions about what was happening, Leviathan claimed her mouth with hungry kisses that left her breathless in seconds. His nervous hands wandered under the hem of her shirt, tickling a path up her stomach as he moved to cup her breasts and flick his thumbs across the pebbled nubs he found.
Sickeningly sweet moans dripped from her lips like the most beautiful of melodies; a siren song to every demon that may hear her. And hear her they most certainly did; all seven of them that couldn't wait for their turn to indulge in her.
Asmodeus placed a gentle hand on her cheek to guide her attention away from Levi and toward himself, "Don't forget about me, Darling." Then he stole his own kiss with his cherry-flavored lips.
"Sorry," she huffed as he pulled away from her, trying to collect herself as her body was ground down against the bulge in Beel's pants, biting her lip and crooning all the while.
There were so many of them and only one of her. She knew she had agreed to this as a final goodbye with them, but she could only focus on so much at a single time. All that focus was drawn in another direction once again as a hand slipped past the band of her underwear and cool fingers massaged her slit.
"You're so wet already," Belphegor whispered as her slick began to coat his fingers.
She wanted to tell him not to say that, but Asmo was refusing to let her pull away long enough to protest. He was having far too much fun turning her brain into mush with hot, unyielding kisses that could barely contain his passion. It only got worse as he shoved his tongue into her mouth, swallowing up each rogue groan before it could escape and tasting just how wonderfully sweet she was inside and out.
Beel was still holding onto her tightly, growling low in his throat as she began to wiggle her hips against him. He could smell the arousal pooling between her legs as they all worked away at her, along with the sudden spike in the scent as her eyes rolled back in her head.
"Did you cum?"
With a smirk across his face, Belphie pulled back his fingers, letting them glisten in the light from above before catching the precious substance on his tongue, "She did."
Asmo laughed, giving her another quick kiss before giving her space, "Such a good girl. Our good girl."
"Yeah yeah, whatever." Mammon dismissed them, "Ya got what ya wanted, now hand 'er over."
"Maybe we don't want to," Asmo teased as he leaned in to kiss her again, "She seems pretty happy where she is."
Levi had moved to lap at her breasts, his tongue teasing her nipples and making her cry out for more as she began to buck against the tent in Beel's pants. Her brain was short-circuiting from being unable to figure out what it should have been focusing on.
Mammon's eye twitched in anger, "Get yer hands off'a her."
Beel, despite how much he wanted to keep her in his lap, brushed away the others, "We all agreed…"
"Ya! We did!" Mammon yanked on her arm, pulling her against his chest as he looked down at her with eyes caught somewhere between love and possession. The others stared in annoyance at losing their precious human when she clearly would have allowed them to do more to her, "Don'cha worry. I'm gonna have ya stuffed soon." As he spoke, he was already freeing himself from the tight fit of his pants.
His other hand grabbed at her panties, ripping them to shreds and leaving them in tatters on the ground. She was already too far gone to care about her ruined clothing, only sighing briefly at the feeling of open-air brushing against her needy heat.
He gripped the base of his shaft, lining it up with her dripping core and rubbing his tip against her entrance without pushing in.
What little resolve he had not to flip her over and pin her to the ground while he fucked into her as hard and fast as he could started to crumble as she looked up at him with large eyes and pleaded, "Please, Mams…"
The taste of blood flooded his mouth as he bit into his bottom lip, desperately trying not to give in to his urges, "What ya want, Treasure?"
Her hands came to rest against his shoulders, nails digging lightly into his back as she ground herself down onto the head of his cock just enough to feel it begin to push past her folds, "Want you inside me."
"I ain't stoppin' ya."
He had to admit there was a twisted pleasure in watching her sink onto him with his name on her lips while the others could only watch with envy; a pleasure that only grew as he bottomed out inside of her and she paused to adjust to his size. Her little moans and whines made him twitch inside of her, swallowing hard as he focused on anything besides the heat of her walls clenching down on him.
"Ya gotta move if ya want me to cum in ya."
"Mammon…" she whimpered and he had to stop himself from flooding her insides right then and there.
"C'mon, Treasure, show me how ya want it."
He didn't have to tell her again for her to get the message and start rolling her hips against him. She was in full control of how deeply his cock burrowed into her, grinding down onto him so his tip pressed against her favorite spot as everyone watched her take whatever pleasure she wanted.
Some of them looked at her while palming themselves through their pants, others watched her with admiration and waited impatiently for their turns.
“Please please please please,” she muttered and chanted each time she slammed back down onto him, “Feels so good. Need more.”
"It’s not ‘please’ now is it?" Lucifer tsk'd, "Everyone is here to ensure you get the going away gift you so dearly deserve. Don't you think it's only right to thank them?"
She nodded, "Thank you for making me a mommy," she practically howled as Mammon hit something deep inside of her and emptied every single thought out of her head.
There was a mixture of laughter and jealous murmurs from every brother looking on. It was hard to fight their instincts and not push Mammon away so they could sweep her up and bounce her on their cocks instead. The thought of her round and fat with their child was enough to drive each of them mad.
Mammon grabbed her hips tightly, guiding her to quicken her pace and slam onto him as his cock began to twitch inside of her and his balls tightened up. She practically screamed in time with his groans as he held her hips flush against him so he could shoot his cum deep into her.
Once everything was emptied into her, he wrapped his arms around her boneless body and lavished kisses across her face, "G'job, Babe. Ya did so good ridin' me."
"So good," Asmo complimented her, "Now let her go so the rest of us can have our turns. Having to wait is awful when she smells so good.” Like lust and desire beyond his wildest imagination.
"Shut it. Can't ya see we're havin' a moment?"
"The moment is over." Belphie complained, "Hurry up and move aside."
Mammon growled low in his throat as he slipped out of her warmth, clearly displeased with having to share. He laid her down carefully, making sure to admire the sight of her pussy lips drenched in a mixture of her slick and his cum before it was ruined by someone else thinking they could satisfy her the way he did.
Hands grabbed at his shoulders from behind, pulling him back and holding him in place even as he protested. Beel wasn't being harsh with him, but the younger brother believed in the fairness of their current situation being upheld.
"It's Levi's turn…" Beel said.
"You're only rushing me 'cause your turn's after Levi's."
"We all agreed…" Although it did help that he knew his turn was coming up. He wanted to feel her wrapped around his cock rather than just watching.
While they were arguing, Levi slid up to her hesitantly. He wasn't sure he wanted everyone watching him, but that was the deal. It was to ensure that everyone followed the rules they agreed on without trying to manipulate her.
Levi grabbed her knees, spread her open, and looked down at her limp body, quickly growing jealous of the hearts in her eyes, the trembling of her legs, and the stream of cum leaking out of her and down her slit. She looked so tired and spent. Enough so that he almost felt bad as he swiped the head of his cock through the cum seeping out of her before pushing it and himself inside. It was only almost because his guilt was drowned out by the sound of her screaming in ecstasy as he bottomed out inside of her.
"Sorry," he apologized as he began to slam his hips against her own, "You have to keep everything inside, okay?"
She nodded mindlessly, "I will. I promise. So everyone should put lots and lots inside me."
"Careful, Kitten," Satan warned with a devilish purr in his voice, "Ask like that and none of us will be able to wait our turn, and we'd hate to break you so quickly." In this way at least. There were much more fun ways to break a human, especially their most beloved one.
"Don't -nggh- care. Just want your cu- hmm." Her toes curled as she came again, so dangerously sensitive from everything so far. How did they expect her to last long enough to take all seven of them?
It was easy to forget with them, but they were demons; evil, cruel, loving demons that refused to lose their favorite human for any reason. She was theirs, after all; forever and always.
Prince Diavolo could order her return to the Human Realm if he wanted, but they knew he'd never force her back if it meant breaking up a family. All she needed was a little hellspawn of her own to tie her to the Devildom, and they were all more than happy to try and play father.
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sly-writings · 2 years
You fall asleep on him
Fandom: Obey Me! Shall We Date?
Pairings: Lucifer, Levi, Asmo, Belphie x Reader/MC
Reader: Gender Neutral
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If Lucifer and you were just relaxing he won't mind you falling asleep on him.
Teases you a little after you wake up.
If Lucifer was busy when you fell asleep he would lay you down somewhere more comfortable and would put his coat over you.
He thinks that you're tired and didn't get much sleep so once you wake up he'd lecture you and tell you to not overwork yourself
You're one to talk
“You're awake? You're quite bold aren't you MC? Worry not I'm not mad. But please don't overwork yourself ”
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Immediately tensed up once you're head touches his shoulder
'This kind of thing only happens in anime!'
Too nervous to move
Tried waking you up but immediately stopped himself
He figured that you're probably tired so he let you sleep
His tried relaxing himself so you would be more comfortable
“Ah! Hey MC- no wait. They're probably tired”
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Stopped what his doing to look at you
He squealed a little because you look so cute
Pinches your cheeks a little while saying how cute you were
But he quieted down and let you rest properly
He touches your hair while gently humming to himself
Definitely took a photo of you and him
“Oh MC you look so cute! But no matter how cute you look while falling asleep on me please take care of yourself ok?”
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He fell asleep first.
Well if some miracle he's awake and you fell asleep on him he won't be awake anymore.
If you two are sitting somewhere he'll lay your head on his shoulders then he'd lean his head onto yours and sleep.
If you two are on his room he'd lay down and cuddle you .
No matter where you are he doesn't mind dozing off.
“Hmm? Don't worry about it. I love sleeping with you”
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