#Never I thought Oliver would get an update but this is going to make me cry
godisshook · 1 year
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Cody is the ultimate fuckboy. He prides himself on never getting attached and only using others for sex. A path of broken people and torn relationships is left wherever he steps foot, and he just doesn't seem to care. He was a horrible boyfriend, but he was my friend regardless. In my defense, we had known each other since grade school, and I can confidently say that this is a recent development. The worst part of it all is nobody else seemed to care (aside from those he hurt of course) about his dating behavior.
I tried to be a balancing force in his life, as much as I could, hoping that I could be a good influence on him, or at least prevent him from doing as much damage as possible. I tried to steer him on the right path, using our friendship to hopefully help him understand, but all my pleas fell on deaf ears. Usually, I was the first to know if Cody had entered a new relationship, but I stopped receiving those all-too-common relationship updates from him for months. Knowing his habit of being a serial dater, it seemed far too suspicious that something hadn't happened in all of this time.
In addition to ensuring Cody doesn't implode by ruining every relationship he had, it was also my plan to make this summer the best of my life, and that meant changing everything. I have only dated one guy, and that resulted in an incredibly underwhelming breakup and an even more underwhelming friendship afterward.
Our gym days had been a sort of ritual between the two of us forever, I always did cardio, while he did weights. We used this time to catch up on each other's days and make plans, all intermixed with some exercise. As one of our many rambling conversations soon circled to the topic of relationships, I used the moment to bring up my grievance with him, in the sternest way I could. Balancing seriousness with a friendly air, I said, "It is wild how you manage to be so bad at keeping a relationship." He replied, "Remind me, you've been with how many people?" With an immediate, "Oh, one!" Keeping up with the banter, I quipped, "But, I mean, at least my one relationship still likes me after." Even as the words left my lips, I knew I had crossed an invisible line. Cody's look at me only proved my thinking, as I glanced over to a blank stare.
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The moment suddenly felt intense. I thought I had hit too deep, even gone too far. I steeled myself and prepared a response, but as I did, I noticed a smile appear on his face, soon replaced by a full-faced chuckle. As the sudden shift in emotion gave me whiplash, I could only manage a light laugh, but I felt his strong hand pat my back, as he said "I mean, if they hate me so much, they should take it up with me, but they all knew what they were getting into." The seriousness of his response was dulled by his kind demeanor, but his words hit hard.
He always had that effect on people, where his words never seemed to match his face. I always thought it was a quirk of his, but at this moment, I became aware of just how effective it could be. His disarming smile made it impossible to hate him for long, and his way with words always got him out of whatever jam he found himself in. As if nothing had happened, he said, "You wanna go on the treadmill?" Whether it was a strategic olive branch, or him just genuinely not caring, I did not care to know, I grabbed my water bottle and followed behind him.
As our workout drew to a close, I sat to cool down, and scrolled through my socials as Cody still migrated around the gym. He would soon place himself right between me, and a mirror on the wall. Looking up from my seat, I said, "Why arent you sitting down?" As if he took offense to the statement, he responded, "I have to admire my hard work first." Knowing that this was the least ridiculous thing he could have said, I replied, "Y'know what, knock yourself out." Before I could even properly go back to scrolling through social media, it became obvious why he chose this position, as he lifted his shirt to admire himself in the mirror, and chose to close the distance between us.
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Cody had always made it obvious he had feelings for me. But due to my general aversion to dating and knowing his dating habits, there was never a chance for anything to happen. Despite all of this, he flirted as if we had never seen each other, which always yielded interesting situations. This felt like a nice shift from things, and I soon reassured myself, thinking that maybe I did actually get through to him, and all of these months were him reflecting on things. While I most definitely was going to exaggerate my role in this process, despite the true cause, it was fun to think about.
There were many days like that afterward, with quips and banter, and our friendship remained strong. He invited me to the park, an event that seemed very date-like, but one that was incredibly pleasant nonetheless. Weeks filled with the usual late-night texts, sudden house walks, and constant snack trips, things felt so familiar, so, safe. I reveled in this moment, as with our return to college, life would get busy, and we would inevitably fall out of touch, meeting in hurried coffee rushes, or quick workout sessions.
For now, there was peace, and I appreciated it whenever I could. After lounging my day about, I received a sudden text from Cody.
"Come to the gym," He texted.
"What do you mean, it's literally closed," I responded.
There was a second of hesitation, but a speech bubble quickly followed with an,
"I know."
It was weird, but he's had stranger ideas, and so I followed along, wanting to see what situation he had conjured up today. I arrived at the gym only ten minutes later, as it was a quick walk from my place. As I approached the door, I noticed it was already ajar, and in the parking lot, a single black car was parked at the far end. "Cody," I thought to myself. I entered, and the few lights that were on illuminated a path to the far back. With a tinge of paranoia overtaking me, I looked around to see if the cameras were on, but to my surprise, they had all been blacked out. When I finally reached the back, Cody was standing there, expectantly.
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In a cool tone, he said, "I've been thinking about what you said a while ago, I do need to get my act together, I wanna do better." A look of surprise came over my face as I replied, "How so, and why does it involve us being here so late?" My question was met with hesitation, a moment of silence, but even that felt like an eternity. Breaking the lull, he responded, "Let me show you." He was serious, there wasn't even a smile to join his words, he wanted me to know he meant what he said.
Things felt different this time, as Cody closed the distance between us, I felt an indescribable heat and urgency emanate from Cody, as if everything in this moment was his world, and was waiting for my word to let loose. I had been able to resist his charms for years, but this moment felt, different. It was as if everything had aligned for this to happen, but it was just right. "I know you can't stand my dating habits, but I did it all to try to replace my desire for you.
My body gave away my feelings in a way words could not, and I leaned onto Cody and laid a kiss on his cheek. I whispered, "I should've done that from the start." The kiss elevated the heat of the moment, and a sharp intensity came over Cody, desire and joy mixing, as he assessed just how he was going to have his way with me.
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Suddenly, I felt my knees hit the ground as his warm hands moved expertly around my chin, bringing my gaze up straight to him. "There's a reason I haven't been seeing anyone because it's always been you." His words lit a dangerous spark, and I could not resist anymore. But just as the moment was set to hit a fever pitch, a noise outside brought us back to reality. As the sounds of footsteps drew close, we rushed out the back door, and ran to the forest behind the gym, an escape route we were used to navigating for years. It was exhilarating, it felt like, in this small rush, we were back to being kids again. As we approached the other side, we watched our breaths for a moment, and after looking around to ensure we hadn't been followed, we walked up onto the sidewalk.
The walk was calm and serene, with few words spoken, but many thoughts still communicated. I felt my cheeks redden, a blush overcoming me. Cody took notice of it, but only his eyes gave away his knowledge of things, as he continued conversating as usual. In a second, as if he finally had his chance, he asked,
"You wanna go back to my place?"
It was obvious what his offer entailed, but there was a curiosity nagging at me, and I just had to resolve it. "What are we?" I asked. It was a brave question, I could have gravely misjudged the moment and ruined the friendship right here, but I felt bold, and it was a time for big steps. The usually calm and hesitant Cody became fiery for the moment, responding, "We're whatever you want us to be." It was clear what he intended with this, but it was my turn to hesitate. With uncertainty meandering throughout me, I replied, "Let's keep things casual for now, then." "Fine by me," he shrugged.
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His arms went over my shoulder, bringing me close to his chest, where I could feel the intensity of his heartbeat. The rest of the walk back was silent. Where once there was small talk and expectant words, it was now a walk of resolution, one of completion. Finally arriving at his, I splayed myself on his bed, and turned on a movie, as he went to the bathroom to take a shower and change. Even though I snuck a peek (of course) things were relatively PG, likely due to me being too exhausted to actually capitalize off of him being in the shower.
I looked around his room, a place I had been to many times, and once I had seen change countless times over the years, as new aesthetics came in, and old looks went out. It was fun to see all of this change, and made me admire just how long our friendship had lasted. Just as I thought that the situation that I now found myself in could put the whole friendship in jeopardy. I had just told him I wanted to "keep things casual." Which I immediately regretted, not knowing what response he even wanted. With my overthinking taking up every moment, I couldn't truly enjoy the fact that my hot friend wanted to date me.
Taking in how I even got to this moment, things seemed so complex. The guy who I had been lecturing for ages on how to be a better boyfriend, somehow wanted to be with me? It seemed like one of those perfect coincidences like the stars aligned in my favor just this once. I was going to take it in stride but still was mired over what he wanted out of all of this. With my thoughts all over the place, it seemed fortuitous that the person to take me out of that lull would be none other than Cody.
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His return from the bathroom resulted in him only in his boxers and a sweater, his bulge already noticeable as he walked out. As he sat down, I resisted the urge to drool on the spot. He sat right next to me and started watching TV. I could not resist the urge, and immediately laid my head on his waist, feeling his bulge just inches from my head. Both of us were making moves, but in a way that allowed us deniability, it seemed that we were each taking my words to heart.
We continued watching, only getting ten more minutes before Cody decided to lift off his sweater, revealing his muscled chest. He knew exactly what he was doing at the moment, and as I had to shift my head to accommodate him taking his sweater off, I was now face to face with his toned body. I had to admit, he knew exactly what times he was hottest, and this was definitely one of them. I was mesmerized by him, and he knew he had me enamored.
I decided to still resist, wanting to beat him at his own game. I sat close to him, resting my head on his shoulders, and laid my hand on his bulge, while watching the movie innocently. It was my bravest moment, but I felt his cock pulse under my hand in response, meaning I had clearly succeeded. Cody kept his cool for now, but his face was going flush, it was clear that his body was going to betray his mind when it came to how he felt, and that was most apparent when it came to his dick.
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His bulge was getting more noticeable, and it was clear that this movie was no longer the focus of the night. I looked over and met with bedroom eyes from Cody. As his bulge grew, I knew what I was being beckoned to do, but I, always the tease, wanted to extend the heat. I laid a kiss on his cheeks, "You seem so excited to watch a movie with me," I quipped. A strained look came over his face as if he was simply waiting for the go-ahead.
I only gave him kisses, but he returned them with a special intensity. Small pecks became deep kisses, and we began feeling each other up and down. The moment could have gone further, the feeling was there, and the moment had aligned. To my surprise, however, Cody would be the one to stop it in its tracks. Separating from the kiss, he said,
"Please, just stay the night."
I was awoken by the smell of eggs and bacon cooking downstairs, and my nose guided my path to Cody cooking in the kitchen. It was obvious I made the right decision in staying, as Cody was set to dote on me every second he could. Hypnotized by the delicious-smelling food, I could only sit and grab a plate, as Cody said, "Take as much as you want, I made plenty," I confessed, "You are truly my favorite person." "I know," he replied.
I lounged about, enjoying my day by doing absolutely nothing. Even on Cody's bed, I felt a comfort that I hadn't experienced in a long while. Things just felt, right. As Cody ran errands, I watched TV, changing between reality shows and trying to beat commercial breaks. He would return occasionally, and always lay a kiss on my head or, if I had gone into one of my many naps of the day, simply leave a snack for me as he left.
As the lazy day drew to a calm evening, I stood up to go home. I had walked to his with none of my things and had to steal even the clothes I was wearing from his closet. Deciding that I had to go get my things, I stepped out, leaving a note for Cody on his return. Instead of the note greeting him, it would be me, as when I opened the door, none other than Cody was standing right there, having returned. He noticed me holding my stuff and putting things together in a second. Instead of letting his feeling be known through words, he simply dropped everything, and grabbed my waist, laying a deep kiss on my lips. As he drew away from the kiss, he said, "You don't have to go."
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His disarming smile once again clouded everything, as it felt as if I couldn't say no. I said, "But none of my things are here." He immediately replied, "We can get it and you can come back." As I finally put the pieces together, I understood what he was truly asking. He had long wanted us to live together, and this was the moment.
I had lived by myself for years, and there would be worse people to live with, so I finally responded, "Y'know what, I can just use your stuff." Cody broke into a full smile from this, and he closed the door behind him and began kissing me continuously. The only moments we stopped were to come up for air, as we took off each other's clothes then and there, leaving on only the more base layers. I felt his bulge press against his shorts and decided to play with him a bit.
Maintaining the kiss, I brought the distance between us closer, pressing straight into his bulge. As I did, a jolt seemed to go through Cody, as he bucked against it, temporarily breaking the kiss. Grabbing me tighter he said, "You do these crazy things, and don't expect me to respond?" Before I could respond, he had lifted me up on his shoulder and was carrying me to the room. Seeing the kitchen and hallway move around me, without my legs being able to do a thing felt, different, but sexy nonetheless.
Finally reaching our destination, he took care as he entered the doorway, and finally getting inside, rushed to throw me on the bed, to which I exclaimed "Hey!" He quickly replied, "Your whole trip here wasn't allowed to be amazing." I giggled at this, and got up on my knees, beckoning the still-standing Cody over to the bed with a finger. He walked over in a sultry manner, and as the distance between us closed once more, I felt up his body, admiring every bit of muscle as I made my way down.
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I took him by the waistband, and pulled him onto the bed, resting my body right beside him, able to feel every breath hit me, as his heartbeat pounded against his chest. It was a singular second of peace, we both knew where things would go from here, but in this moment, we were just laying by each other, without a care in the world.
The feeling was nice, but I decided it was finally time to take this to the next level. I moved our bodies closer to each other, and took his face into my hands, laying a light kiss on his lips. He took this for exactly what it was and returned the favor. With that, things heated up faster and faster.
After I initiated things, Cody truly let loose, our hands taking off what little clothes remained on the other's body. His dick, as if it was waiting to be released, bounced up from his underwear, and as I noticed, I could only laugh. "You really wanted this, didn't you?" I asked. "More than you could even imagine," he responded. Instead of taking off his underwear immediately, I teased his prominent bulge, guiding my hands up and down, and was met with a deep sigh in response. Taking a hand to his chest, I moved my hands down, taking deliberate slow care to every point on his chest, to which Cody took my arm to guide me further down once more.
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Now noticing the position he had me in, Cody quickly took control, shifting my body under his, and taking my wrists in his hands, a steely stare meeting my eyes. Once again, there was hesitation, as he assessed what to do. Taking advantage of this, I asked with a chuckle, "What? You didn't think you'd get this far?" Instead of a response, however, my words were met with a sudden kiss, his lips pressing into mine, hard. The intensity of the kiss sent a flash throughout me, and his bulge now pressed against my thigh, as if it was waiting for permission to be let out. As a flurry of emotion came over me, I could only muster a single response.
"I'm all yours."
He moved like a man possessed, laying hot kisses throughout my neck, and moved my thigh up, in a moment, he moved down and began eating me out. His tongue worked expertly, and I could only moan in response, pleasure surging throughout me. A fire came over his eyes, as he knew he had me exactly where he wanted me. With a flourish, he took off his underwear, and his cock was finally freed. I gawked at his size, unaware that someone's dick could be that big.
I took the initiative, taking it in my hands and jerking him off. It was now his turn to respond with a low grunt, his deep voice bucking against the pleasure he felt. Taking things into his hands once more, he grabbed the lube from his dresser, and wet his cock. As his tip entered me, I felt a wave of heat overcome me, as my body responded to him entering me.
Soon, he was fully thrusting into me, his cock filling me up entirely. Shocks of pleasure strike through me as he continued fucking me, with me only being able to make small moans, each thrust silencing me again. We fucked for what seemed like hours, trying each and every position. Each time I thought we were done, he would cum again, setting the cycle anew once more. Load after load filled me up, and soon I became numb, after being fucked to my limit. Cody, still full of energy, kept going. I found myself wanting to keep going, for him, and didn't want this moment to end.
I felt as if the world around me was blacking out, with my only focus being Cody's warm face, laying kisses all over me as he continued pounding me. In one final thrust, I was sent to true climax, and everything became hazy. Cody's voice would be the thing to break the fog. I focused on his words with his voice being a familiar sound to my ears.
"I'm addicted to you, did you know that?" He asked.
On the verge of blacking out, I replied,
"I always did."
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hp-fanfic-archive · 2 months
Harry/Draco Fluff Masterlist | fics with less than 5k words
long story short: my masterlist page is broken because I’ve maxed out the length of it because I have recc’d too many fics. So I’m taking a page out of @wizardingworldlibrary ‘s book and making masterlist posts which you can find and be directed to on the updated masterlist page. They will contain every fic ever recc'd on this blog, but will be searchable based on ship, genre, length, among other things.
last updated: 09/17/24 | links last checked: 09/17/24
A Fluffy Little Olive Branch by JulietsEmoPhase [T, 4k]
Harry comes into work one day to find a box with a baby owl inside sitting on his desk, and a note from a mystery well-wisher.
*Code-Cracking For Gryffindors by Saras_Girl [T, 4k]
Harry should know better than to conceal mysterious body art from dorm-mates who pay no heed to what happened to the cat.
*Come as You Are by peachpety [E, 3k]
If asked, Harry Potter would categorize his high school senior year as normal: football, friends, and one devastating crush on his tutor, Draco Malfoy. When presented with an opportunity to help Draco, Harry rises to the occasion. Unfortunately, so does his dick. Sparks fly and alarms blare… and the Hogwarts Owlz Gossip twitter feed blows up. Or: the one where an inconvenient erection brings them together.
Cookies and Kisses by bettydice [E, 1k]
Harry is baking christmas cookies and Draco really can't take this anymore.
*Draco L Malfoy (The L Stands For Legs) by StarQuesting [E, 1k]
Harry could spend the rest of his life in the embrace of Draco Malfoy’s legs. If he was lucky, he would.
*Draco's Emotional Uprising by XxTheDarkLordxX [T, 3k]
“For the love of—really Draco? Artificial leather?” The horror in his father’s tone was amusing. “You have money, use it. And what’s with the color scheme? Is that—oh Merlin it is—floral print? This is worse than I thought. You need to move back home. Clearly allowing you to venture out on your own was a mistake.” “I’m an adult,” Draco yelled, still laying on the ground, not bothering to care enough to move. He had chosen his furniture knowing it would haunt his parents. Petty spite did wonders for the soul Revenge, friendship, and a surprising romance kindle after Draco experiences a recent breakup. He just wants to discover who he is, and maybe the knowledge was there all along.
*everything he is by vityenka [G, 1k]
It's almost like a surprise when Harry pads into the kitchen that morning after and sees him standing at the window above the sink.
Happy Halloween! by SereneFreakGeek [T, 3k]
Harry and Draco have been dating for about a year now when their friend Luna has invited them to a Halloween party! What could possibly go wrong? (sequel to Care For Me)
Harry Potter and the Incredibly Organized Personal Assistant by megyal [T, 2k]
Harry Potter's new assistant is snarkily organized.
Hold My Hand by bafflinghaze [M, 3k]
Harry has been with Draco for a number of years now. So when Draco gets injured, Harry has to storm St. Mungo’s.
Keep You Close (Keep Me Safe) by bafflinghaze [E, 2k]
After a long day, Harry comes home knowing Draco will take care of him.
*love me now (touch me now) by swisstae [G, 3k]
Harry's never had a bath. Draco plans on changing that. OR in which Harry gets his hair washed and Loves It (and Draco. He loves Draco too.)
Meeting The Guardians by jlpierre [T, 3k]
Will Draco meeting the 'Dad's', Sirius and Remus, go down well for Harry?
*Patronus by drarrily-we-row-along [T, 1k]
“Calm down? Calm down?! Pansy, you recall that I have a dark mark don’t you? The final is half of our grade! I’m going to fail.” “You’re not going to fail,” she informed him calmly. “You’ll learn Draco, you have over three weeks.” “But I’m an ex-death eater,” he whispered, as though anyone could ever forget. “Death eaters can’t cast a patronus, you know that.” “That’s not true,” a voice behind them piped up, making Draco jump. “For Circe’s sake, Potter, stop sneaking around,” he grumbled. The other boy shrugged, “Sorry,” he said unrepentantly, “Couldn’t help but overhear what you were saying.” Draco rolled his eyes, “Oh, you just couldn’t help it, huh?” He flicked a careless grin at Draco, his dimple showing, and as always, Draco didn’t know quite what to do with that. “I’m just saying that death eaters could cast a patronus.” “How would you know?” Draco asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “Snape could cast one, and Merlin knows that you did far less horrific shite than he did,” Potter replied as he sauntered past them and into the common room. “I could help you, if you want,” he called over his shoulder before walking out of view.
Pomegranate Seeds by Lomonaaeren [M, 1k]
Harry and Draco are having fun planning their futures together. And making obscure mythological references.
Problems in Tying by fuxked [G, 1k]
"Well, considering I switched our ties on purpose, I'd hardly say you're going to make me do anything I don't already want to." "You what?" Or the classic tie swap one shot nobody asked for.
Real Texts by Affectiion [G, 2k]
Kingsley has decided all his Aurors need muggle mobile phones. Draco has finally learned how to use his, and gets a hold of Harry's number.
Ron Weasley: Accidental Matchmaker by Phoenix_Waves [T, 2k]
"There's not a sexual tension out there that the man can't accidentally detect!" George beamed. "And then ask the stupid arse question that's going to light the spark and fan the flames." Lee added matter-of-factly. A fluffy Christmas one shot featuring our favorite older Gryffindors.
Spin the Wand by WrittenSins [T, 2k]
In the spirit of inter-house unity, the eighth years have a small party. In an attempt to get Harry and Ginny back together, Hermione and Ron come up with the plan of a rigged game of Spin the Wand, but not all goes as planned.
The Talk by WolfstarPups90 [M, 1k]
Sirius and Remus think it's time they give Harry "The Talk" when they find he's been sneaking out at night to see someone special.
*The Worst Plan He's Ever Had by gnarf [G, 3k]
“I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend until valentine's day is over. I detected at least three hexed objects in my mail and five attempts to poison me with love potion this week and I'm sick of it.” “To be—your boyfriend?” Malfoy's voice stuttered and Harry braced himself for the punch he was expecting. But it never came. Instead— “Fine. I'll do it.” Harry couldn't believe his ears. “Just like that?” “Yes Potter, just like that."
They Don't Know About Us by weasley_bee [G, 1k]
Harry and Draco are in a secret relationship. When they are both invited to Ron and Hermione's house for dinner, will they give the game away?
Welcome to the Family by Jencala [M, 2k]
Remus turned to face his husband. “Your godson is engaged to a Malfoy. He’s used to the finer things in life and I, for one, would like to make sure this dinner is not only pleasant, but that he knows we are not peasants.” Sirius barked a laugh. “So the truth is, you want to show off for the little bugger!”
you've got something on your neck by liliette [M, 4k]
when will harry not have something on his neck?
*denotes personal favorites
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lemotmo · 14 days
I don't know if you want to share this but I thought I would send it just in case. Also, I agree with this. This makes sense. Hope you're having a lovely day!
Q. How in the world is an off screen breakup less satisfying from a storytelling standpoint than an onscreen break-up? A breakup is a breakup.
A. An off screen breakup does not allow the character any agency in their own breakup. It's that simple. The audience needs to see Buck recognize and acknowledge what it is about the relationship that doesn't work FOR him. The relationship is entirely about and for Buck, don't @ me Tommy people, that is the reality. The relationship is entirely about giving Buck an opportunity to grow. You can't see the growth if all you get is a throwaway line about the relationship fizzling out. The audience has seen Buck go through relationship after relationship without really learning anything. And then we watch him repeat the same thing a few months later. This relationship and breakup needs to be about Buck finally figuring out the wrong patterns he keeps repeating. He dates people who do not actually SEE him. He dates people who like the wrapping he comes in. He dates people who are physically attracted to him but aren't interested in or are annoyed by the real parts of him. Every single relationship he has had has followed this pattern. The audience needs to see Buck acknowledge that and officially break that pattern. It's that simple. For better or worse, like or not, Tommy is always going to have been the first. Irregardless of yours or my personal feelings about the relationship, from a life lesson for Buck perspective, it needs an onscreen breakup. Especially if the show is truly going to put him with Eddie. You cannot have a season of personal growth and acceptance from Eddie and not show Buck growing in some capacity as well. He won't be heavily featured but an onscreen breakup is the correct way to go from a storytelling perspective.
Oh no Nonny, I'm definitely posting this. Thank you so much!
As much as I hate to admit it, I do agree to some extent here. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved it if Tommy had just quietly disappeared, but I guess I always kinda knew that wasn't going to happen. I always believed that Lou would be in season 8.
So now that we know for certain that he's there, I say let them play out the story the way they intended before all the craziness started in fandom. The orgininal story was always about Tommy being Buck's first relationship with a man, but it was never meant to last very long. We know this from what Tim said in an interview, what Lou himself said in his interview and Oliver's very clear hints in all his interviews.
So, let's see how they're going to deal with this. Let's see how Buck and Tommy struggle to connect and how they maybe start to realise that they might not be very compatible. I also think that Buck has very real feelings for Eddie at this point, but he has never confronted these feelings, so that might inadvertently also be a factor in BT not working out.
Let's see how they'll eventually break up so that Buck's story of growth may continue during season 8.
And ultimately, if they go with the queer Eddie narrative like we all strongly suspect, this will give Buck the chance to finally take a closer look to his feelings for his best friend and come to the realisation that the thing he has been looking for has been right in front of his nose for years now.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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wongyuseokie · 2 years
Masterlist: Seventeen 💎
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Key: ☆ 18+ minors dni |☀︎fluff | ☁︎ angst | ♕smut | ♥ completed works | ✍️ work in progress | 💯 written I just need to post it. 
Indi’s Note 1: I’m aware that this might be a very long masterlist hahah. Bear with me heheh 💎💕 Indi’s Note 2: These fics are most if not all NSFW and contains mature elements, if you are a minor please do not engage with my works. 💕 Quick member links below because this is a very long masterlist to save you some time💕...these will be updated accordingly!  Seungcheol | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Soonyoung | Wonwoo | Jihoon | Seokmin | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Chan © wongyuseokie 2023. All rights reserved. Do not, copy, edit, translate, my works, on any platform. I work hard on these stories. If you find it absolutely imperative to translate anything, MESSAGE ME FIRST 💕
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🍒 Olive You ☆☀︎♥ Summary: Your boyfriend attempts to cook you breakfast after tiring you out the night before. Only problem? He’s not the most talented cook, but he’s a determined lover.
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🍒 All Too Well ☆☀︎♕♥☁︎ Summary: You thought you met the man of your dreams. He was everything you ever wanted, but what happens when that dream falls apart and when that man is no longer the one you recognise? You want to love him against all odds because you believe things can be better. 🍒 Bake a Wish ☆☀︎☁︎ ♕ Summary: Seungcheol knows it’s silly. Getting this mad that you forget his birthday, but it only happens once a year. He’s too prideful to let it go so quickly, and you’re too determined to continue letting your boyfriend sulk.
🍒 One Trick Peony ☆☀︎♕ ♥ Summary: Choi Seungcheol could only do one type of floral arrangement, and the rest he’d pawn off to you, granted he got a ton of orders, but he would always take the orders for arrangements that he could never do. This time he went too far. He took an ‘only peonies’ arrangement–a painfully delicate flower–and took an order for a wedding, and with your luck, you’re the only two florists available that weekend.
🍒 Silky ☆☀︎♕ ♥ Summary: Your boyfriend got his hair permed and wants to know if it still feels as soft when you tug on his hair, mainly when he’s laid between your thighs. 🍒Count for Me ☆☀︎♕ ♥ Summary: You’re unsure what to get your boyfriend for Valentine’s. Thankfully, he has a plan, and you might just be very spent after giving him exactly what he wants. 🍒 Practice Makes Perfect ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Mingyu needed some help sexually. So his Hyungs decided to ask a simple favour of you, and who are you to say no to them? Besides, who could deny them pleasure? 🍒 Setting the Mood ☆☀︎♕ Summary: After a gruelling day, you want to make your boyfriend feel better and care for him. You think you’re in charge, but that lasts only a little bit. 🍒 Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🍒 Daddy Cheol (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕ ♥ Summary: The one where you can't sleep, so you decide to text and tease your boyfriend until he snaps and tells you that you only come undone for him. 
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😇 Gotcha! ☆☀︎☁︎  Summary: Jeonghan loves pranks, creating chaos and mischief, and you love it too, but one day he goes too far, and he’s unsure how to fix it because how do you fix a broken heart?  😇 Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🦌 Relax ☆☀︎♥ Summary: You and Joshua try role-play. He’s not very good at it, but he’s hot, so it works out anyways. 🦌Teardrops on My Guitar ☆☀︎♕♥☁︎ Summary: You loved him, but he was your best friend, and while he sometimes blurred the lines, he never saw you more than a friend, but since he was your best friend and you were so in love, you’d break yourself apart for him. You watched him fall in love with everyone, but you, only question for how long?
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😼Crossing Lines ☆☀︎♕♥☁︎ Summary: Your boss is a dangerous man, and you foolishly messed up his schedule, now he’s pissed and you’re the only one that can fix the problem you caused. 
😼 Lollipop! ☆☀︎♕♥  Summary: You’re distracting your boyfriend while he’s working, and you do so by sucking a lollipop, but you’d much rather be sucking him. After a few moments of teasing, he snaps and decides to indulge you by tasting just how sweet you are. 😼Ugh! As If! ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend decided to take you into a drive-in movie for date night. Only problem? He looks scrumptious, and now your task is to ensure he knows just how good he looks without the others knowing.
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😼 Sulky Jun (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Jun looks incredible in his new drama, and you couldn't be more proud. You're just a little sulky about the amount of kisses. 
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🐯 There Was Only one Bed ☆☀︎♕☁︎ Summary: You like Soonyoung, and Soonyoung likes you. You won’t tell him, and he won’t confess either, and your friends are tired of the back and forth and after concocting an elaborate plan that leaves you to share a room with the man you’re hopelessly in love in the hopes of a confession, or at least a night of torrid lovemaking.
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🐱 Cuffed ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend’s latest photoshoot has you reeling and wanting more, and lucky for you, you have just the thing to keep him in place as you overstimulate him. 🐱Forgive Me? ☆☀︎♥ Summary: Your boyfriend is late and buys a giant teddy bear to help make his case. He just forgets how adorable he is. 🐱 Tasty ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend said the word tasty in a deep voice, and now he’s showing you what other things he likes to call tasty in that ocean deep voice.
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🐱 Leaf Me Alone ☀︎☁︎ ♥ Summary: Jeon Wonwoo is the newest hire at your flower shop, and he’s handsome, tall and painfully shy, and worst of all, in the last three months, you’ve exchanged three whole sentences and nods, you never know what he’s thinking, but you can’t help but wonder if he’s annoyed by your presence. 🐱 Like a Cowboy ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Your boyfriend sang the line, “like a cowboy,” and that’s precisely how you want to ride him. 🐱 Practice Makes Perfect ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Mingyu needed some help sexually. So his Hyungs decided to ask a simple favour of you, and who are you to say no to them? Besides, who could deny them pleasure? 🐱 Super Shy ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend gets super shy when showered with affection, and it’s really adorable, so you won’t stop.
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🐱Collage BF Wonwoo (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Wonwoo has been sulking about the fact everyone is clowning his collage skills, so to show you how good he is, he decides to make a collage of your nudes. 
🐱Enough For You Social Media AU ☆☀︎☁︎ ♥ Summary: You care for Wonwoo a lot, arguably more than a friend, but he has reservations and feels smothered and instead tries to push you away because he's scared he can't be enough for you.
🐱Wonwoo’s Approach to a Threesome (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: The one where Mingyu sees a nude of Wonwoo's girlfriend, and instead of getting mad, Wonwoo asks the involved parties if they want to have a threesome instead. 
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🍚 Ruby Lips ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Your boyfriend looks incredibly hot while working and you can’t help but get distracted.
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⚔️ Dolphin Like ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend once screamed like a dolphin, and you want to know if he can scream like that during sex, too, so what do you do? Overstimulate him until he does. ⚔️ Saddle ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend has gloriously thick and muscular thighs and accentuates them by wearing tight jeans, which only makes you want to climb and ride them.
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⚔️Buzz Buzz ☆☀︎♕♥  Summary: Your boyfriend discovers your sex toys and is now wondering why you need them if you have him, but more importantly, he wants to see what they do to you.
⚔️Neural Networks ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary The Escape allowed Dokyeom to gain a new life, one full of feelings. When he meets you when you save him, he experiences all of them - but did you? Strange things start happening once Dokyeom meets you. You embrace him, love him, and protect him. But when the dust from the chaos settles, Dokyeom can't help but doubt you. You have needs different from his. It's almost as if you're not like him at all. ⚔️Sharing is Caring ☆♕♥ Summary: You and Mingyu have always fooled around, and no one really caught on, but today, Mingyu was feeling rather bold, and so not only do you now have an audience, but you also have two new joiners.   ⚔️Sleep Talking ☆♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend has a habit of talking in his sleep, and usually, it’s something very random, but tonight? He mumbled that he loved you in his sleep.  ⚔️ Stitches☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Seokmin is nothing if not the perfect boyfriend, so he decided to manscape a little to spice things up. Unfortunately, he wasn’t paying enough attention, and he’s been stitched up for a week. He’s determined not to let you in on why he’s rejecting your advances, but all it’s doing is making you think he’s not interested. Seokmin sees that you’re upset, but he just doesn’t know how to tell his girlfriend that he accidentally cut his penis and now has stitches in it. 
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⚔️Better Than Me (Social Media AU) ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You and Seokmin have been dating for a few years, but now you're the star of a new drama with your co-star Rowoon, which makes Seokmin insecure. Seokmin tries his best to be supportive and understanding, but sometimes it's too much, and you're both unsure if your relationship can survive the jealousy and fights.
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🐶 Pussy Drunk ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend loves your pussy. 
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🐶 Drift Away ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You made the biggest mistake of your life, and now, Mingyu is trying his hardest to forget and forgive you, but how long till your infidelity rips you both apart? Besides, it’s not like you’d blame him. You hurt him. You did the one thing you promised never to do.  🐶 Exile ☆☀︎♕☁︎♥ Summary: You two were high school sweethearts, and your love story was something only found in the scripts of a shitty teenage rom-com, but he was a jock, and you were shy and quiet. It shouldn’t have worked, but somehow it did. Now, fast forward ten years, and things aren’t the same. Your lives aren’t the same; he’s stuck in the past, and you only focus on the future. Neither of you has your priorities straight, and neither realises that your present is a complete and utter mess. You won’t let him go because he’s all you’ve ever known, and he won’t let you go because you’re the only thing right in his life, but will love and high school promises keep you two together?
🐶 Posey Bee ☆☀︎☁︎ ♥  Summary: Mingyu is the new hire and the walking definition of pretty privilege. His clumsy thumbs have broken more vases than you can count, yet he brings in the most orders to your shop. It's all thanks to his handsome face, it’s annoying and unfair, and you’ve vowed that if this week he breaks another vase, you’ll feed him a cactus.
🐶 Practice Makes Perfect ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Mingyu needed some help sexually. So his Hyungs decided to ask a simple favour of you, and who are you to say no to them? Besides, who could deny them pleasure? 🐶Sharing is Caring ☆♕♥ Summary: You and Mingyu have always fooled around, and no one really caught on, but today, Mingyu was feeling rather bold, and so not only do you now have an audience, but you also have two new joiners.   🐶 Snuggly ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: It’s cold outside, and your annoyingly handsome roommate keeps leaving his very comfy leather jacket everywhere around the apartment,  and you’ve returned it to him multiple times, but this time you’re sure you’ll just keep it if he forgets it again. Except for the one time he returns to retrieve the jacket, he finds you in the most compromising position possible. 🐶 Tall Boyfie and His Tall Friend (feat. Rowoon) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: Your boyfriend has been neglecting you for long enough, and you decide to take things into your own hands. Is it your fault that your boyfriend’s very attractive colleague is there the night you decide to do so?  🐶 The One in Red ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: You had a plan for New Year, go out and find some hot guy, you found a hot guy, but he won't stop with his crappy puns and pick-up lines, but when he looks that good, you can ignore it.  🐶 Three’s a Company ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Your best friend claims that she’s better in bed than you, and your fuck buddy Mingyu doesn’t like that, but he’s open to sharing and changing your mind as well as hers. 
🐶 Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🐶 Jealous Mingyu Texts (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: The one where Mingyu gets jealous about the outfit you're wearing to an event but can't do anything about it because no one knows you both are together. So what do you do? Naturally, you tease him until he snaps. 🐶 Wonwoo’s Approach to a Threesome (Fake Text) ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: The one where Mingyu sees a nude of Wonwoo's girlfriend, and instead of getting mad, Wonwoo asks the involved parties if they want to have a threesome instead.
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🐸 Sharing is Caring ☆♕♥ Summary: You and Mingyu have always fooled around, and no one really caught on, but today, Mingyu was feeling rather bold, and so not only do you now have an audience, but you also have two new joiners.   🐸 Sweetest Kiss ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and you and your boyfriend are determined to make it the best one ever, and a little edible lingerie never hurt anyone in the process. 🐸 Zen ☆☀︎♕♥ Summary: You have muscle soreness, so your boyfriend suggests yoga. It’s hard to stay calm and focus when he looks that good though.
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🍊Slide ☆♕♥ (On Hold) Summary: You are sore after a very intense night, but you’re still very horny. So your boyfriend proposes an alternate solution.  🍊Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🐢 Your Loss ☆♕ c.h.v | k.m.g | c.s.c | y.j.h | b.s.k Summary: Your ex-boyfriend and you broke up a few months ago, but you two remained friends, and of course, his nosy friends can’t help but pry and get as detailed as possible to find out what ended the relationship, and then, of course, offer to make only you feel better. However, they can. All while your ex-boyfriend watches.
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🦕 Taste of Metal & You ☆☀︎♕ Summary: Your boyfriend got his lip pierced and wants to know if you can feel it when he’s laying with his head between your thighs. 🦕The Best Day ☆♕♥ Summary: It’s Valentine’s Day, and your boyfriend has everything perfectly planned. 
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r41nc4ndy · 5 months
Compiling my german Zip headcanons!
Made These during school, so there‘ll probably be some mistakes as I‘m not supposed to even bring my phone 😝 (update: hi yes I ended up continuing and finishing this at home)
one of my moots lowkey motivated me to do this
Hope you enjoy this!
CW: Mentions of alcohol/beer, occasional swearing!
DISCLAIMER: These Are Just normal HCS, no x Reader or x Character.
Do not cry "you‘re racist!" As I was both born and raised in Germany.
Some of these are based off of things I as a german have experienced or heard.
☆ I already mentioned this in another post, but she had her first drink of alcohol free beer at the whopping age of 12.
☆ Curses the ever living shit out people in German whenever she‘s really annoyed.
☆ Sneaks beer into school and only shares it with Oliver, Edward and SOMETIMES Miss Circle (Favorite Student privileges)
☆ I feel like Engel at least speaks German, so when Zip, Oliver and Edward are bullying Claire and Engel (as well, I‘m assuming), she‘d throw in something WILD in German and Engel is kinda like: oh that‘s not.. 😀
☆ LOVES Bernd das Brot
☆ She would totally know "Komm, lass uns tanzen." by HEART (alongside Chip).
☆ Although it‘s rare, she sometimes lets out her German accent. For example, she‘s currently rambling and ends up pronounce the German R
☆ Says digga even if she‘s speaking english. It‘s permanently part of her vocabulary.
☆ Dresses with more drip than your average German classmate 💀💀 and she definitely judges them too
☆ When she was very, very young (like around Chip‘s age which I‘m assuming is like 5), she was a HUGE Bibi Blocksberg and Bibi & Tina fan. Had a lot of merchandise of them that she would NEVER EVER share.
☆ Would purposefully draw the ugliest outfits on the characters from the Top Model Books and put the little sticker clothes that came alongside on to the most brutal and metal characters ever.
☆ Always had Satch pencil cases. Thought they wer boring and drew on them. Free canvas lol.
☆ Loves saying German jokes in English to Edward and/or Oliver bc they make no sense in English.
"Hey, hey, guys. Can I tell you a joke?"
"If it‘s funny, go for it."
Zip, who‘s trying to control her laughing "Okay look, Two Hunters met each other."
"They both died." Zip bursts out laughing.
"That makes no fucking sense."
☆ I feel like she has a little notebook where she writes a bunch of dumb stuff down, including many, MANY German memes only Germans would get. Meine Mama, meine Tante, der kleiner-
☆ Always has that German candy on stock (only for Chip, the coolest little brother!)
☆ Can open a beer bottle with literally ANYTHING you give her (except if it‘s a weak material, then obviously she can’t.)
☆ Praises German lunch knowing damn well it sucks ass. She only likes it because they got a mini burger and chocolate Santa once in kindergarten.
☆ Finds the raw existence of Frankfurt, Berlin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Bayern so hilarious for no reason
☆ Whenever Engel tries to say something positive in German (idk in what scenario he‘d do this, but imagine he would), she‘d counter react by saying something diabolical in Germany (technically you could count this in another hc I wrote down.. oh well <‚3)
☆ Knows a lot of kid shows, German or not, but always prefers (and often times only knows) the German version of them like; Sofia die Erste, Jake und die Nimmerland Piraten, etc.
☆ makes fun of American food (it‘s so processed okay 😭)
"Haha! Seriously? That Fanta is basically just chemicals! Your stomach will LOVE that chemical burn!"
"Please let me drink in fucking peace"
That‘s all for now! Should I write a German Zip FF? It won‘t be romantic and honestly only contain Zip being a menace but in GERMAN
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skylarmoon71 · 2 months
Oliver Queen (Smallville) - Extra
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Meetings with your little Justice League are quite common.
Clark, Oliver and Tessa are over on the other side of the room discussing. Chloe is at the computers going through the last few assignments. You and Lois and paying close attention to what she’s saying. Well, you’re trying. 
Since the encounter with Oliver, you haven’t had a chance to think about much else. For a while you thought he was teasing you. But sometimes you can hear it, when he turns in your direction just briefly. Then there are times where he’ll brush against you, or pull you out of danger when you’ve taken a few more hits than normal. 
Your most recent mission he’d hoisted you in his arms to evade a bomb that was about to go off after you’d taken a more painful blow to the gut. It wasn’t anything special. He was helping a teammate.
But something about his touch felt tender and his skin felt so warm and safe. You’ve never cared much for your safety. You were capable, it’s not like you’re worried about getting jumped or mugged. Any sad sap that would try was definitely in for a surprise. 
That’s why it shouldn’t matter. 
But it did and now those little moments are engraved in your mind. 
“I think Oliver might have feelings for me.” 
Lois just lifted her head and Chloe looked surprised at how you’d just blurted it out. 
“Finally, I thought you would never catch on. He’s been sending you heart eyes for months now. Sometimes I swear you're blind.” Lois complains.
Your expression to that comment must have said it all. 
Lois laughed awkwardly. 
“Oh, right. Sorry.” 
You shake your head. 
“I don’t get it.” 
Chloe smiles at your lost expression. 
“Honestly, it’s been obvious to everyone. Why do you think he’s been asking to pair up with you for practically every mission? “ 
“I thought he was just trying to piss me off.” 
“Your radar is seriously off.” Lois inputs. 
You frown. 
“We haven’t exactly been vacationing. It wasn’t very high on my priority list.” 
“Alright, I get it. So what are you going to do about it? Now that you know.” Lois asks. 
That was a good question. 
“I don’t know.” 
You’re honestly not sure how to tackle this situation. Knocking out bad guys was so much easier.
“Let us know when you figure it out.” Chloe teases. 
You expected them to be no help. 
For the time being you try to stay on task. You all complete your partols as usual and missions have been coming as going as normal. It doesn’t feel like much has changed. At least not for you. Oliver for one is still the same. 
For a while you almost forget about it. 
One night when he drops by your place, you let him in with the assumption that he’s about to give an update about something Clark or even Chloe had discovered. When the door closes that’s not exactly what he has in mind. 
“So I get the feeling that you’re not one for hints, so I might have to be completely clear. I’m attracted to you.” 
Your hand skates against the counter at his confession and you straighten quickly. Oliver smiles at the little clumsy slip. It’s not often that you’re out of your element. You look like you’re searching for the words. 
When you finally find them, well it’s all you can truly think of. 
“I thought you only dated supermodels.” 
“Wow, I’m surprised you're so judgy.” 
“Don’t make me kick you out.” 
Oliver smiles. 
“I wield.” 
You took a seat on your couch, and you expect him to do the same, just not so close to you. Your knees brush and you can’t help but turn. Your sun shades are still perched on your nose. When Oliver turns to you, you’re a bit confused. 
“May I?” 
You’re not certain what he’s asking, but you nod. 
You feel his fingers brush your ears as he slides the glasses off your face, placing it on the table beside him. You blink. You get the feeling he’s looking at you. Your vision isn’t like his, but you can make out outlines. Shapes in a sense. It just all seems to be on fire.
Possibly a reflection of your life.
For so long that’s what it felt like. When you lost your dad, when stick left, when Elric tried to use your pain against you. It was all just a mess of flames and destruction. At least that’s what it felt like back then. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You shake your head. 
It’s hard to explain, and even harder to talk about. 
“You really have this whole mysterious persona down pat don’t you.” 
“What mysterious persona?” 
Your expression shows actual confusion and Oliver holds in his laugh. 
“It’s just I can tell you care a lot about what we do. I try to play it off with jokes, I guess that’s how I cope. But you and Clark, it’s a big part of your lives. Before I became a vigilante I was pretty much a useless jerk. But you’ve always been a hero, Clark too. I guess that’s why you both get along so well.” 
His perspective is interesting. You have to admit that you’ve always felt a bit connected to Clark in that sense. Maybe Oliver is right. In a strange way, Clark’s been somewhat of a brother to you. Aside from Kevin and Finley, the closest thing you have to a family is this team. Doing this, it’s always been as natural as breathing. You never thought much about it. You were capable of stopping the pain in the city, so you did. You forget sometimes that you are more than the suit. 
“I guess it’s good to remember I’m Murdock, not just Daredevil.” 
“It is.” Oliver confirms. 
It’s nice to do this, talk with him. Oliver is the last person you expect to have such sound advice. He acts so carefree all the time you forget that he’s an adult. 
“Thank you Oliver.” 
“Of course, anytime. Although you still haven’t given me an answer.” 
“An answer for what?” 
This time he laughs. 
“You really are a piece of work Murdock.” 
“Stop talking in riddles and tell me what you-” 
His lips silence you and you indeed get his point. Your hand settles on his shirt, just as he pulls away. 
“Do you get it now?” 
It’s a bit of a whisper and you nod distractedly. 
That caught you by surprise. Your lips are tingling and it’s the first time that your heart is the loudest beat in the room. Your brows furrow, gripping the edge of his suit jacket.
He’s enjoying this, watching you so flustered. 
“Can we..one more time..” 
“I don’t know. I don’t make a habit of just kissing random people you know. I’d have to be committed to this person. I think it’s only fair, you know. Kissing someone who isn’t my girlfriend feels a bit-” 
You pull him back in before he can continue his rant. He smiles against your lips. 
You might not be as oblivious as he initially thought.
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OC infodump: Havens
So I never talked about this but lemme introduce you guys to the Havens :)
Basically there was this period of time where I could really only cope by listening to music I like. And since I have such a strong connection to the songs I love I thought- well, why not make these into coherent thoughts? So I made characters out of them. Big infodump under the cut ><
I call them "Havens". They are created when a specific type of memory or bond is made with a song, whether it be good or bad. They come with a small dimension-like space and a being. A Haven is both its place and its person. Each Haven is marked with a different symbol that indicates what type of bond or memory they have with their Holder. (Symbol designs are a wip) A Holder is a person who creates Havens- for example, I would be the Holder of my Havens. So far, there are four types of bonds. Favored, favored but bittersweet, not favored, and inexplicable. (Though, there is only one Haven in the inexplicable category so far.)
Havens, either good or bad memory, are supposed to be safe spaces that their Holder can go to when needed. What the theme of a Haven is is dictated by the Holder's personal perception of a song. If it is related to the song's source or not, that is what the Haven will look like. For both area and being. (For example, I have a Haven of the song Waterfall from Undertale. Their area is very similar to the Waterfall area in the game since that is what I relate the song to.)
A Haven is able to take form as its being or as its area- if that makes sense. They can either be their person or their place, basically.
How a Haven's area works is up to you. You don't need logic, for it's to help comfort you. Like I have a Haven that is underwater, but y'know- since we can't breathe underwater I conceptualized it to where I could.
Now, onto the people. Each Haven has its own distinct personality and way of helping their Holder cope. (For me, I usually like to sleep so a lot of my Havens help me fall asleep.) Their names are not dictated by anything, and you can name your Haven whatever you please. Their names work like this: "Haven (Name)". Haven is in their name to indicate what they are, and their name helps differentiate who is who. They also have titles. It is usually dictated by what their area is like or what their memory is attached to.
They are able to leave their area and visit other Havens if they'd like, but they instantly return if their Holder needs. I haven't conceptualized a way that multiple Havens could speak with their Holder at once quite yet. I'll get there soon, though.
Now I think I've explained enough to help you understand..? If not then feel free to ask questions, I love this concept dearly and will explain everything as many times as needed (with pleasure).
Anyways, here's all of them so far- in a list. I'll post descriptions or drawings if anyone wants to hear more about them. In order is their name and title, pronouns, song, and bond
(will be updated as more are formed!!)
Noah, The Haven of Forests - he/him - Heavens Tower by Naoshi Mizuta - favored
Abnus, The Haven of Lanterns - they/them - espial by Oliver Buckland - favored
Galene, The Haven of Sands - it/he - Eternal Hope by desert sand feels warm at night - favored
Endri, The Haven of Perception - he/they/it - Torvus Catacombs by Kenji Yamamoto - favored
Genesis, The Haven of Celestial Being - he/they - galva by Oliver Buckland - favored
Perpetua, The Haven of Production - they/them - Shop Menu by Saster - favored
Harbour, The Haven of Tides - they/them - Underwater Passage by Naoto Kubo, Shiho Fujii, and Koji Kondo - favored
Squall, The Haven of Zephyr - she/they/he - Uwa!! So Temperate♫ by Toby Fox - favored
Marrovil, The Haven of Bioluminescence - they/he - Hadopelagic Pressure by DM DOKURO - favored
Cascade, The Haven of Streams - they/he - Waterfall by Toby Fox - favored, but bittersweet
Hale, The Haven of Exhaustion - they/he - the insides of tears by Oliver Buckland - favored, but bittersweet
Tavarious, The Haven of Plumage - it/they/he - calc acerbia by Oliver Buckland - not favored
Minerva, The Haven of Neon - she/her - Relax by DanlyDaMusician - not favored
Vega, The Haven of Sinking - he/him - Break it off by PinkPantheress - not favored
Ottoline, The Haven of Malaise - he/it - Where Dreams Die by Leon Riskin - not favored
Rune, The Haven of Disorientation - he/him - Heretic by Oli XL - inexplicable
Thank you for reading <3
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Changing Lives One Shimmy At A Time
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The Sensational Summer Hafla/ Shimmy Mob Louisville, KY 2024 has concluded. We had a blast on Saturday May 11th here in the Kentuckiana Valley. On World Bellydance Day we gathered together not only to have a good time and catch up, but to help raise money for our local action center, The Center for Woman and Families. 
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During the day, Shimmy Mob Louisville gathered on the waterfront and performed while raising money on the Big 4 Walking bridge platform. Truthfully, I was very very tried from all the prep work, checking in to the AirBnB, and communicating with all the performers bout the lineup and any changes we had to make. But everyone showed there support by performing the main choreography and participating in the secondary one which involved audience participation.
This years crew consisted of many people whom had never danced any style before and a few whom had never danced bellydance. 
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At the hafla, we had many local performers and supports from around the region as well fellowshipped to the beat of the tunes. Grateful for MarleyVon and Samira for headlining along with myself.  We had a few people not make the evening event, but sent love and shimmies their way. This is one of many gatherings for this year. Be sure to stay tuned to the Devi Dance Studio® website for updates and upcoming events. https://www.DeviDanceStudio.com
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The VP of The Center's Marketing and Outside Outreach spent time in Jordan and Egypt. He said he was very impressed and happy to be apart of something like this as it reminded him of his time abroad. 
This made me super grateful. I am glad to have  made all of the food except for the baklava and the roasted veggies. (The veggies and baklava was made by one of the Shimmy Mob participants) I had a feeling there would be people from or spent time or was of the culture at the event. I didn't want them to try the hummus and it not be authentic. lol I noticed most store bought hummus was made with canola or soybean oil and not olive oil. 
Having something positive to do is important to the healing process. It can be one of the key elements in victims becoming survivors. Getting out of victim mode is not easy and looks differently for everyone. It is just as important to be gently with those going though recovery. 
I recently heard something that was very profound and possibly something I have always known, but didn't have the best phrasing. "The opposite of trauma is play." Which when you think about it, is very true. But sometimes allowing yourself to play can be hard as processing the trauma and going through it can be difficult. 
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One of the many things abusers do is limit free thinking, play, happy moments, negate the curious nature, limit interactions, and create conditions/environment where brainwashing/or changing/manipulating the narrative as a way to control them or a situation. Some people and places use these tactics to keep people low and instill physiological phrases so later on in life it makes it hard for them as a person to be their authentic self, explore, live, and play. Often times without proper help and support, victims will subconsciously seek out similar emotional limits, people, places, and things thinking they are doing better, but they are not.
There is no shame in getting help, going to counseling/therapy, and belonging to authentic helpful support groups.  It is important to do things that are different, experience different cultures, and learn new things so you can not only reprogram your own thoughts, but to allow the healing process to thrive in your life. Mental and physical health is just as important as having a safe place to live, income, and quality of life.
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One of the Goddess Life with Tahulla Setsena Principals is, "You are the only You you have!" Let that sink in. You are important, and have the right to existence just like anyone else. We are not meant to always be subservient, obedient, quite, or limited. Ask questions, have adventures, laugh, sing, dance, create, appreciate, write, think, study, love and live for yourself. It is honorable to do things for and with yourself. Remember you don't need permission from anyone to do the things that are healthy and happy for you in your life.  
Focusing on yourself can be hard to start, but when you do stick with it. It's just like dance. Many people don't even try because they are afraid of not being good at it, it being a waste of time, or what other people think. These limits can hinder your own growth and thoughts because you stop yourself before you even get started. We as a society need to stop focusing on being the most perfect prodigy at something, but should strive for the healthy ability to be motivated in the process of doing things. This can help lower jealous/envious and doubtful emotions which often stop the best outcome in most areas of life. 
Be inspired, but not envious. Allow good counsel, but not gaslighting. Forgiveness is for you and not anyone else. Be gentle with yourself. You are worthy of peace and happiness. Nice and kind are not the same thing. Also allow yourself to know the difference and how it feels to be held accountable, but not disrespected. Allow yourself to recognize those who are comfortable with hindering you, for they not your friends or family. There is no shame in leaving and saying no. You owe it to yourself to do better for you by you. 
Not everyday will be perfect and there may be times where you don't have the energy to go forth and prosper. That is okay. It's not really healthy to give 110% at everything you do all the time. Rest, existing, and fulfillment will be different for everyone. Celebrating and being safe with these difference could be the vibe your heart needs. 
To find out about Shimmy Mob (A world wide organization) go to: https://www.ShimmyMob.com
For more info about The Center for Woman and Families visit: https://www.thecenteronline.org and to donate on behalf of Shimmy Mob Louisville, KY/Kentuckiana use our unique link of: https://tinyurl.com/ShimmyMob
To donate to Devi Dance Studio® so we can help bring things like this and many others to the community visit: http://paypal.me/devidancestudious Feel free to follow Devi Dance Studio® on various social media outlets and on our website: https://www.DeviDanceStudio.com 
Hugs until the next article,
Tahulla Setsena <3 
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outrunningthedark · 2 years
Right there with ya on the way people label the Buckley’s grief as wrong! Yes, impact does matter, but sometimes you have to take into account intent. This doesn’t mean the Buckley’s haven’t done anything wrong and there is no reason for their kids to be upset with them. There is. There are many reasons for them to be upset. But it also doesn’t mean they can’t be forgiven. They can’t do better. Or that Buck and Maddie shouldn’t want them in their lives. Maddie and Buck both realize this. They both realize why their parents were the way they were. It’s even been said, they weren’t bad people BY MADDIE. It’s like these people just want Buck to kick his parents to the curb and say “ya know what, fuck off and fuck you.”
[TL;DR. This always happens with this story line. Oof.] It’s like these people just want Buck to kick his parents to the curb and say “ya know what, fuck off and fuck you.” - This is the heart of it, for sure, and I can definitely understand the fandom (made up of younger viewers compared to the GA) wanting to have their own complicated feelings towards their parents validated; there's plenty of people who have that "I'd cut you if I could, but you're my ____ and it's not that easy" mindset - myself included! Being physically disabled means *having* to depend on people that didn't/don't always like me. But the redemption arc isn't the problem. It's that Kristen didn't follow up on that family dynamic for TWO YEARS. She didn't accidentally come to the conclusion that the Buckleys should to be better the next time around. She made a deliberate choice not to even give them a mention for TWO YEARS so the audience could get a status update and be more prepared for the version of the Buckleys we would see in 6x10. Her explanation was that 4x06 (the therapy detail) clued us in to the effort happening off-screen: "They've spoken on the show about Buck and his parents trying to do some therapy. And so we just wanted to revisit those parents and see how that relationship with their children has progressed." I don't know what's going to happen with the Buckley parents a year from now, but if even Oliver has no current reason to assume things are gonna go to shit (and he's gotten all the scripts) - "Just because their relationship has been so fractured in the past doesn’t mean that there’s no room for reconciliation, and certainly seems to me like they’re on a path moving forward now where they can slowly start to build a really healthy parent-child relationship" - then I'm sticking with *my* current belief that this story line isn't about the parents as much as it is a (definitive) shift in the story and a lesson on not taking time for granted: - Buck and Maddie are no longer those little kids trying to live up to their parents' expectations, trying to do everything "right" to earn their approval. Holding onto that pain is not going to help them be the best versions of themselves. Buck cannot fully embrace self-love and self-worth if he still dwells on whether his parents regret his birth. Maddie can't raise a daughter to the best of her ability with Margaret's voice in her head making her second-guess her capabilities/decisions. These are their lives and they're finally taking control. - What Oliver said relates to my second point, that the show makes a habit of using the parent-child relationships to say "It's never too late to change." You don't have to hold on to grudges. You don't have to keep hate in your heart. And you certainly shouldn't act as though there's "no point" in reconciliation just because the thought of confrontation or showing vulnerability scares the crap out of you. If mending fences is important (as it appears to be for the Buckley sibs' peace of mind) then...take a chance before there's no time left. (Buck forgiving his parents NOW is because his subconscious feared he was dying. It might have been his only chance.) And ftr (because I feel like this is also part of where the annoyance stems from) I'm gonna repeat that unless the Buckley parents become mains - which they won't! - the standards aren't changing, and this episode told us that. Buck forgave his parents in an episode where the father-son dynamic between he and Bobby was on full display. That's still who he's gonna go to when he needs advice because Bobby is a CONSTANT presence, Bobby will ALWAYS be able to understand Buck in a way that Phillip cannot because of the years that family lost to trauma. Choosing not to revolve his life around the ways his bio parents did him wrong/influenced his behavior does not and will not in any way lessen or alter the already-established bonds he's created with the 118. It just means he's READY TO LET GO.
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bloodiegawz · 2 years
Olive Lepfoot SR Winter Wear
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Prankster number 2!! This one came out a lot cleaner than Mika's- probably cause it wasn't crunched in over the course of finals (Kinda makes me want to redraw it now...)
Event by @bunnwich
Again no voicelines at the moment, but there's extras under the cut, and will be updated if new content is made:
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As for Olive's vignette, I thought it would be quite silly to follow him on misadventures. As in everything goes completely horribly wrong for him.
While getting set up to prank whoever is next on his victims list (which just so happens to be Jade), he runs into Floyd, also known as problem number one. The two have a chat for a moment, with Floyd quickly growing bored because he simply doesn't find Olive interesting enough to toy with initially, until he sees the remote sticking out of Olive's pocket.
It is swiped immediately.
Olive gets irritated quickly as Floyd starts playing keep-away with it, messing with the switches and dials on the thing. In his haste to get it back, Olive ends up knocking over a nearby decoration onto the floor. Not a super big deal, that's easily fixable, he can do that later. Meanwhile, Floyd has figured out the basics of the remote and in order to figure out what carnage he can cause, points it directly at a string of lights up above.
Was he actually going to do anything with it? Uncertain. What is certain is that Olive reaches up to grab the remote, accidentally hits the fire button (sending a weak shock of electricity right into the lights and promptly shattering one of the bulbs), and sets that previously mentioned decoration on fire. Which Floyd takes as his cue to head out now :PP
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After eventually cleaning up that mess, apologizing to staff and students no less than a thousand times, and spending a few hours scrubbing windows, Olive realizes he still never got the remote back.
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aquaburst3 · 11 months
Ever since that picture of Snow White with the creepy CGI dwarves dropped, I've seen people posting hot takes about Rachel. Here's mine.
I feel bad for Rachel Zelger. She is getting a lot of undeserved flack. Bigots are calling her "Snow Brown" and other hateful things, despite the fact that she's literally a white latina, who is olive-skinned. (Again, I think a lot of it is bigots being angry about "wokeness", but that's a whole other can of worms.) Rachel's position about this specific adaptation is completely understandable.
This movie is shaping up to be pretty bad. Not because of Rachel Zelger. This is already the second time the release date was delayed. I don't think it's just because of the strike. It genuinely seems like Disney is going back to the drawing board multiple times and it's not coming together. I still don't buy their excuse about the dwarves, since they look like they just slapped some CGI figures over the other actors. No one can come back for reshoots, making this even more awkward. Usually movies with this much production troubles never turn out to be good. The same thing happened with Artemis Fowl, and I suspect the same will happen here. I don't blame her for not liking this movie. This wasn't the first time an actor hated the movie that they were in. Robert Pattinson famously mocked the Twilight movies as they were coming out. So why is she any different?
Having said that, I think her comments about the OG animated version were a bit tone deaf. Love it or hate it, Snow White is one of the first full length animated movies ever. If it wasn't for it, the whole animation landscape throughout the world would be different. Hell, this movie along with Carl Barks comics are the whole reason why anime characters look like the way they do. You have to give the movie some respect for that. Her dissing it and brushing off completely makes her come off as disrespectful and like she has zero understanding off the character she's portraying or animation as a whole. The comments she made about the prince, by extension, Jeremy Renner, makes her look even worse. She should've thought through her comments before spouting them out.
Snow White isn't one of my favourite Disney movies. It's certainly a product of its time, and has a lot of issues like not giving the prince more screentime (even if it's understandable why) or it prioritizing random scenes with the characters working or goofing off instead of proper character or story developments. At the same time, I think Snow White's a bit more feminist than what some people are giving her credit for. She is assertive, capable, adaptable and hard working, which are all feminist traits. While I'm childfree by choice "leftist", even I admit that being a mother is a lot of hard work and takes a strong person to do. There's nothing wrong with someone wanting to have a family one day or being like me and never having any at all. Feminism is about choice, after all.
Yes, Snow White as a character needs an update. However, I still think you can do that while also keeping the core of her character and not turn her into a girl boss. That is certainly possible. Vil from Twisted Wonderland is a great example, and he comes from a Disney property too. Despite technically being inspired by the Evil Queen, a lot of his good traits are taken from Snow White and Adam. Like the original Snow White, Vil's hardworking, capable, adaptable, quick on his feet, kind, caring and wants to help out everyone around him become their best selves. He also lacks some of Snow White's glaring issues like her extreme naivety and dumb moments. (Seriously, why did she let in the Evil Queen into the cottage, especially when she was told not to multiple times and the birds attacked her?) But at the same time, he is also incredibly flawed. He's domineering, harsh, impulsive, overly critical, in his own head and super judgemental. These negative traits flesh him out and make him seem more human compared to the original, who was a very flat character. Hell, same can be said about Mary from Once Upon a Time. Disney can do it. They just didn't here.
I think we can all agree that Disney should've casted actual little people as the dwarves, the conservative "media" bullshit making their own movie is fucking laughable and the Disney Princesses can fall in love and be strong characters. Characters like Tiana and all of the other Renaissance prove that. I want more romance in Disney movies again, dammit!
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twicearoundthesun · 1 year
5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 22, 24 (if u make moodboards!), 25, 27
sorry this took so long and is probably very uninteresting
5 - What's a fic idea you've had that you will never write - Hoooo boy, i am the queen of fic ideas I'll never write. Lots of angst and fluff. One that my brain has pretty detailed out lately is just an ABO-type AU where NaJeongMoSaHyo are all married to each other living life n stuff. I think it'd be cute, to follow them thru getting together, and then big life events. Ups and downs. Marriage and all that. Eventually they'd have kids, raise em all together. It'd be adorable and wholesome and very slice of life.
6 - Any fics from others you reread all the time? - Hell yeah there are
The First Snowfall by YOU when i want my feelings absolutely wrecked :(
Oh My God They Were Roommates & The Island of Misfit Toys by lildemonlili
This Night Is Sparkling, Dont Let You Go by amperis
To Serve Her by bbygirldahyun
Ready To Be Mine? by Sleephyuns/Ginnumeru
Definitely a few more i couldn't find/ cant remember.
(usual disclaimer because this is not an 18+ blog and im paranoid: please mind the rating on these, theyre all rated T, M, or E on AO3. Do not disrespect a writer by ignoring their rating or warning)
11- Do you have a specific playlist for writing fics? - I actually dont listen to music when i write. Music tends to distract me cuz my brain runs away with it... but i should try that, maybe
12 -Do you have a playlist for your current WIPs? - Nope.
13- How much planning do you do before writing? - Almost none, which is unfortunate for anyone who would like me to update anything in a timely manner. I know a vague direction i want something to go in, or I know certain scenes I want to happen later down the line. I kinda just write to connect a vague story or concept. i almost never have an ending in mind; thats kinda why i favor AUs... theyre stories from a universe, and I can keep sharing stories as I think of them. Unless its a oneshot, or a published fic... then i know the beginning and a vague ending. Coven AU has a ton of lore because I drank a lot of coffee one day and had a notepad. Most lore for any au i have just relies on me going 'oh thats a GOOD idea ill remember that'.... reader, i have severe ADHD that i do not manage in any way. I dont remember that.
18 - What's one of your favorite lines you've written in a fic? - Oh boy. Probably none of them, i dont love my like... writing style? It isn't pretty, just plain. So i suppose its only, ' “You woke me up. And you’re making my bed smell like tequila. Why would I move over for you?” She mumbled, moving over. ' from roommates AU. Because Dubchaeng loves each other.
19 - Small teaser from a WIP - Ok i was gonna be mean and give you one for a very far in the future very angsty roommates fill but i WONT thatd be mean. heres coven au
Jihyo lifted her arms to throw another bolt of electricity, one to end the fight before either of them got hurt. The familiar smell of ozone stung her nose before Tzuyu’s hand landed on her arm, snapping her out of her concentration.
“Don’t. They stopped.”
“Tzuyu, they tried to barbecue us.”
“You tried to hit them first.”
Jihyo grabbed for her as she took a determined step forward, calling out in what must have been the same language they were speaking.
Ever the diplomat, Jihyo thought. Forever offering the olive branch and trying to get herself killed.
She remained ready to summon another strike.
22 - Do you know how your fic will end before you write it - Not usually. Im very bad at endings. If its a fill for an AU i just write until it feels correct to stop/I run out of ideas. The overall AUs i have no clue how theyd end, maybe a vague direction for some. I do know how my one fic is going to end though, if i ever finish it (i 99% will not im so sorry)
24 - share a moodboard from a WIP - I dont do moodboards but that's another good idea i should try
25 - Have you ever made yourself upset with your own writing - Yea, in that I dont like it and get frustrated when my fingers wont just type shit. I dont think ive written anything too sad.
27 - is there a fic you were nervous to post? - I was nervous to share baby SMC au. I thought it was a cute concept but didnt know if anyone else would. Or if they'd find it weird i made SMC so young.
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lemotmo · 1 month
You certainly don't have to post this but I thought the answer was actually pretty good advice 😊
Q. Hello, I haven't been around the 911 fandom long but I think I may have gotten my hopes up about Tommy. It's increasingly clear that Oliver and Lou do not get on and I think I listened to wrong blogs and allowed myself to have expectations that don't appear to be likely. You do seem to understand the show pretty well so in your honest opinion do you think Tommy is sticking around?
A. Hello, anon. I wasn't going to answer this because I promised I wasn't going to post this kind of stuff anymore but I felt like you deserved an honest response. No, I don't believe he is sticking around. I do think we can safely assume that Oliver and Lou are not friendly with one another, but that's part of adulthood. We don't always get along with our coworkers. That's not the reason he's not sticking around though. What I would advise you to do is go back and listen to Oliver's interviews from last season. You can also read Lou's interviews that came out immediately following episode 4, those were show sanctioned interviews so the content would have been approved, unlike his cameo content. They all describe the relationship the same way. A temporary, introductory relationship. It was never billed or promoted, by Oliver or the show, as anything else. Oliver's lead is the one everyone should have been following. I know the consensus seems to be that Oliver doesn't interact with or engage in any B/T content because he doesn't like all the nastiness that surrounds everything now, and doesn't ship the relationship himself. While I think those things are true I think another part of it is that Oliver didn't want to give people false hope. He has spoken on this before in relation to Buddie content. He doesn't want to come across as encouraging something he can't promise. And in this case everyone said was temporary. There is no need for him to engage with the ship. I think he saw certain people were becoming attached and he didn't want to encourage them because he knows it's not going to be anything. I don't mean that in any kind of mean way, anon. But the reality is a certain group of shippers got carried away with something completely separate from what Oliver and the show were saying and they allowed that thing to frame their viewpoint of everything else. Pay attention to Oliver, anon. He is the one who will be honest with you. His silence pretty much tells you all you need to know. I'm sure that's not the answer you were hoping for but it's my honest opinion. Take care of yourself. 💗
Thank you Nonny! I will post this, because this post doesn't have anything to do with the fandom itself.
This is a post about the two actors, Tommy as a character and whether or not he'll stick around in season 8. I'm perfectly fine with topics like this.
This also ties in nicely with a post I made earlier today where an anon asked me a question about the BT pairing and whether or not it had a chance to be endgame.
A lot of the points Ali makes here are the same points I made in that post. The only difference is that she does it so much more eloquently.😉 If anyone is interested in that post, you can find it here.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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distopea · 1 year
to be updated whenever I have new popping ideas!
A few dynamics, stories and other stuff I'd love to explore one day. Plotted threads needed for all of this! Open to any of my mutuals!
Boss x Boss dynamic, but makes it spicy 🌶, there's nothing better than business getting a bit dirty 👀 (and a lot of mindfuck, yum)
You're my favorite enemy: who's the cat and who's the mouse, when police work become a bit too much obsessive for one mafia leader
You thought the Devil was the worse in your life? Crumbling between the fingers of another vicious entity
Kiss the Witch! what if morals and innocence would be gone for good?
Adventure of lifetime... She never left her little cabin, she fears human... Maybe it's time for a change?
Enemies in the streets, complicated in the sheets... I know there's a rival for him in this world, a challenge to take in MANY ways
Dropped like a tissue, you come to his rescue? Let him claws his way out of the Cleaners to find someone (or an organization) to serve and avoid prison
Legacy journey, or when it's time to face his demons and come back to Sicily
I know your face... Haunts him from his past, whether you were affiliated to the organization he destroyed or an innocent that was caught in the damages
So I have this weird coworker... Grumpy man x young recrue, it's time to bond in the police line and let him teach your character a bit of his experience
Bad calculation... Ah shit, he's kidnapped and there will be trouble... Do you want to jump in?
Murder party. Truly he's not only into excel sheets, and it's time to show it!
So, how's the money work here? Travelling for the Cleaners, he needs your guidance in this unknown country
Who Am I... He doesn't know. He needs to know but he's afraid to discover he's a monster.
Who thought I could ever betray them? Oh yes, she can. She doesn't know yet... Perhaps show her the way?
That's not how you hold a knife... And she can teach you. But she doesn't like having you in her feet during missions.
Let's hunt this motherfucker. She has a revenge to follow and you're going to help, and you're going to love it.
You're okay, I've got you... She has mothering instincts yes, she's independent yes... But can she be vulnerable with someone for once?
See you on the field, soldier. You bonded easily, but war made you apart. Yet, you have a feeling you'll see each other again.
Pointing spiderman meme but it's two thieves... always getting in each other's business and for different reasons...
Broken mind calling for help... A therapist is always needed, bonding with them, well, it can be a good bonus
To be added!
I lost a very important bag full of money and I don't know what to do... but maybe YOU do?
Spare mates! Spare mates! Survivors of the underground! True friends (and more? eh! we never know), a bond of life
You're a hell of a shitty clients but you love to pester him. And weirdly, he likes when you come over as well. Weird. Very toxic. Intense. Addictive.
DANCING RIVALS. He wants the first role, you want it too. Nothing good can happen from that.
I thought you were a friend to me... But it was only another bad trap. Yes I don't deserve to RP with Oliver, I'm a monster.
Two killers machines... one specific contract. It's not Mr. and Mrs Smith but it can as hot as the movie 👀
Golden years... Tales of two mercenary people. Whether it's good or bad, you're back in each other's life.
Yes, I'm not that shallow girl. And perhaps I can show you. But I won't be happy about it...
Petty fights, rivals, escort life... Why would she be the queen of mean girls if there's no one take that crown off her head?
Oh shit, is he dead?! Partners in crime out of circumstances, sharing a dark secret, blackmail, manipulation but there's a link you can't get rid of...
I'm a little bit obsessed with you... For no reasons, but you're a fun toy. Someone he gets overly obsessed with and it's quite ugly.
I'll show there's no good in me. Failing quest of redemption, tortured emotions, bittersweet with almost no sweet, intense bond...
Friends don't need to get along... Fucked up bond of need, emotions, intensity, anger. You are toxic for one another but you can't live without each other.
He's a dead man. He means his brother. And you're hired to help him for that.
I don't trust you. But we're teammates. She's secretive about her past, but the shield is cracking...
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Hey Krissy! For the ask game, how about numbers 1 and 3 or 4 from your Where do we go from here? series, please? (which I love to bits) You can do for all of the fics in it or one/some or overall,, anything you like ❣️ Thank you
Hi CBG! Oh gods, I've been meaning to answer this for a while, so now is better than never! I'm glad you're enjoying these little one shots for this whole arc (which will have something added to it later this year since I have 1-2 one shots in progress already). 1: What inspired you to write the fic this way? Where do I even start? You know, when I wanted to get back into writing again in 2020, I need something to motivate me so I thought I’d pick up a prompt table from rarepair_shorts to do that. I had already been drawing Perciver for a while, and I had binge-read everything that existed. But I wanted more content with missing moments and scenes from Percy’s PoV and Oliver’s PoV that loosely followed canon. So, I decided to go make that myself, I guess? I have no chill and I'm self-indulgent. 😂 Rather than writing a bunch of random one shots, I adapted the prompt table as my foundation to make a world where Percy and Oliver are best friends, go through the ups and downs of growing up, break apart and then reunite. Because those are all normal things that happen in life. And they're human. When I was outlining how each prompt would inspire something for a fic, I ended up with a really big doc that became my blueprints for this series. I also decided to say screw it with the "rules," and I've written what I have so far out of order and I've been updating that way too. A lot of my writing ends up being influenced by what I can provide at a given moment, and sometimes, chronological order doesn't always work (and can hinder the creative juices). When I finally posted up Little did I know in May 2021 (because yeah, it took a year to finish, edit and have the bravery to post something I wrote after not having done that in a looonggg time), I had low expectations. And I knew there wasn't nearly as much traction for rare pairs as there are for common ships. But I'm grateful I wrote something for myself, and I'm still proud of how it came out. LOL, little did I know that people would eat that story right up and want more. The rest is history. 😉 3: What’s your favorite line of narration? From Love me like that:
But there was something about the way Percy pronounced and stressed syllables so smoothly in Gàidhlig that made his blood run hot.
I adore this line because the fact that Percy knows how to speak Scottish Gaelic, and that Oliver likes that a lot gives me all the feels (and being able to incorporate Gaelic in this fic put some of my knowledge to good use!). 4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue? From There's a guiding light, this is more of a dialogue excerpt:
“You’re already an expert though,” Percy stated, lips quirking up as the husky nuzzled his fingers before taking off. “Only because I know what to focus on now,” Oliver admitted, an unexpected flush colouring his cheeks. “Your turn.”
This right here, just shows how much Oliver cares (and loves) Percy. As a friend, and human being, and this is what I appreciate about these two. 💖 Thanks for the asks! ___ Have more fan fic q's? Feel free to ask away!
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Rainbow in the Dark | Chapter 5
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
Author's Note: My deepest apologies for this particularly rough/rushed chapter. The house and health issues described last week bled into this week, but I couldn't go another full week with no update.
As I mentioned in my notes at the end of Chapter 4, I wanted to write a Jonathan POV chapter, and this is it. It also helps bridge the gap between our boys in their youths and their older selves, because I'm not writing their entire Jr. High/High School careers. This chapter picks up the Monday following Steve's disastrous weekend in Chapter 4, so it's gonna be angsty. I swear I didn't mean to write so much angst--it's just where the boys took me!
CONTENT WARNING: This chapter has very little content that should require a warning. However, there is a brief mention of the fights between Jonathan's parents that may be triggering, so I've put that and the rest of the chapter under the cut.
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Chapter 5: If You Don't Want Me, Set Me Free
Jonathan’s stomach fluttered with excitement as he parked his bike at school Monday morning. He’d never been very good at making friends, and it still seemed impossible that he’d somehow become friends with the Steve Harrington. More than that, he couldn’t believe how kind and funny Steve was.
Jonathan had been on the wrong end of a few run-ins with Tommy Hagan, and there was nothing kind about that boy. Oh, he could turn on the charm when he wanted to get his way, but there was nothing genuine about him. Hagan was always making jokes about him—his hair, his clothes, even his parents. Eventually he’d learned to keep his head low and try to ignore the words, though some would always slip past his barriers—and those were the ones that stuck with him.
The fact that Steve was always with Hagan told Jonathan everything he needed to know about him—or so he had thought. He couldn’t reconcile the Steve he knew with the one who was friends with Hagan. Maybe Steve didn’t realize that Hagan was intentionally cruel. Maybe he just didn’t care—but that didn’t seem likely with what Jonathan had learned last week. He’d been obsessively trying to puzzle out Steve Harrington all weekend, and eventually decided it didn’t matter.
Because Steve Harrington from the library was the real Steve—the one who was his friend. And today he’d get to hang out with his friend at lunch time—an entirely foreign, but exciting concept. Jonathan’s smile widened into a stupid grin as he walked toward the school building, ducking his head instinctively so no one could see.
Maybe the universe wasn’t out to get him after all—maybe this was an olive branch, a way to make up for his life thus far. Maybe things were finally looking up for him.
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Jonathan tried to catch Steve’s eyes as he entered homeroom, but the other boy was listening raptly to something Tommy was saying. Unwilling to put himself in Hagan’s crosshairs, Jonathan ducked his head and hunched his shoulders, silently finding his seat a row behind Steve.
Despite his best efforts, his eyes kept trailing to the back of Steve’s head during class. The boy’s hair was combed neatly to the side, not a strand out of place. A bit of a tag stuck up from the collar of his white t-shirt, and Jonathan wondered idly if he was bothered by it—if he could feel it scratching his neck but didn’t realize what it was—or if he was completely oblivious to it. Jonathan gripped his hands together as he felt the urge to tuck the tag back into Steve’s collar, like his mother had done for him so many times before.
Steve was never still during class—constantly rolling his neck, tapping his fingers, or jiggling his knee. Jonathan knew he was trying to pay attention, but he was probably only picking up half of what the teacher was saying. He smiled to himself as he remembered Steve pinching the bridge of his nose after he’d tried (and failed) to decipher his own notes in the library.
The hairs on the back of Jonathan’s neck prickled uncomfortably as he sensed someone’s eyes on him. His stomach dropped when his eyes flicked over to see Hagan staring back at him, a cruel smirk twisting across his face. His mouth suddenly dry, Jonathan dropped his eyes to his desk. He felt as if all the blood had drained from his body, a cold sweat raising goosebumps across his skin.
He kept his eyes locked on his desk through the rest of the class. Though he still occasionally felt that unsettling prickle of eyes on him, he didn’t dare confirm his suspicions. Whatever Hagan was planning, Jonathan didn’t want to be a part of it. He couldn’t help but hope he wouldn’t have to share Steve with him for long—that once Steve spent more time with him, he’d realize what an asshole Hagan really was. Steve deserved better than that.
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When the lunch bell rang, Jonathan thought he might try walking to the library with Steve, instead of just meeting him there. Unfortunately, Hagan had stuck to Steve like flypaper all day, and even now Steve remained trapped in the glue. He tried to catch Steve’s eye again—to somehow silently confirm they were still meeting in the library today—but Steve didn’t see him. Jonathan bristled as Hagan caught his eye instead, something like victory evident on his features. That bastard had been monopolizing Steve’s attention all day—did he know about their time in the library?
Unable to confirm his plans with Steve, Jonathan decided to head to the library anyway. His mom had been in such a hurry to get to work that she’d forgotten to pack his lunch, and he didn’t have any money to spare—and sitting in a lunchroom watching other people eat did not sound remotely appealing.
He found a seat at their usual table and opened his backpack, pulling out one of the homework assignments he’d received that morning. If he had to wait, he could at least get something done. He trusted Steve would get there as soon as possible—though his eyes kept drifting to the library door, hoping he’d catch the other boy walking in.
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Jonathan jumped when the bell for next period rang shrilly through the halls, despite the fact that his eyes had been glued to the large round clock on the wall for the past fifteen minutes, his homework assignment long since abandoned. Each second that ticked by had felt like a claw slashing through his chest to get to his heart, even after he’d realized that Steve was not going to show today.
He swallowed thickly, trying to smother his disappointment and soothe the ache in his chest. His mind raced through the possibilities—maybe Hagan hadn’t given Steve a chance to get away; maybe Steve had an appointment that he forgot to tell Jonathan about, and his parents had picked him up; maybe he’d gotten sick—or maybe he was just really hungry today. Maybe he forgot. Maybe he hadn’t meant what he said last week. Maybe he had really just been using Jonathan to get his assignment done last week. Maybe they weren’t really friends.
No, he couldn’t believe that. If Jonathan knew anything, it was how to read people, and Library Steve was genuine. He’d meant every word he’d said, and he’d been truly excited about meeting up with Jonathan again this week. They were friends. Something had just come up, and Steve didn’t have a chance to tell him.
Jonathan swiped at his eyes quickly to rid himself of any tears threatening to spill over and he took a steadying breath. It’s OK, he thought to himself. It’s only Monday, we have all week.
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But the rest of the week went much the same.
Each day, Jonathan tried to quietly get Steve’s attention, and each day Steve didn’t see him. Each day, Jonathan waited alone in the library, his eyes flicking between the clock and the door, no longer even pretending to work on assignments. Each day, Jonathan’s heart broke a little more, his chest crushing it with the heaviness of realizing Steve was never coming back to the library. Not this week. Not ever. Not for him.
By Friday morning, Jonathan’s confusion and hurt had curdled into anger. His parents had spent the night before shouting and throwing things at each other after his father had said something particularly cruel to his little brother, Will. Jonathan had pulled Will into his room and turned the stereo on, turning it up louder as the shouting escalated to screaming and breaking glass. Will had slept in Jonathan’s room. Jonathan hadn’t slept at all, determined to keep his body between the door and Will, afraid of what their bastard father would do even after the fight died down.
The dark circles under his eyes belied the fire sparking in his dark irises, exhaustion doing nothing to quell the pain-fueled rage. He’d been patient, he’d been understanding; now Steve was going to explain himself.
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Jonathan managed to keep himself together through the first half of the school day. Steve still wasn’t meeting his gaze—something he had finally realized was intentional. Hagan was still throwing him smug winks and smirks, and he could barely restrain the rage that uncoiled fiercely in his chest as he met Hagan’s eyes.
Jonathan had never been prone to violent emotions—he had vowed to never become his father—so he was shocked when the overwhelming urge to pummel the other boy’s face into the ground rose from his stomach like bile. Hagan had something to do with this, he was sure of it—but that didn’t excuse Steve steadfastly ignoring him all week.
When the lunch bell rang, instead of heading toward the library as he’d done every other day this week, Jonathan trailed Steve and Tommy as they walked toward the lunchroom. He had planned to wait until the end of the day, to catch Steve just before he left for home—but he couldn’t wait any longer. He couldn’t risk Steve leaving before he could reach him.
So, he followed from a distance as the two boys entered the cafeteria and headed to the lunch line. He’d brought his own lunch, but he stood in the line anyway, waiting for the two boys to get their meals and head to their usual table.
Moments after they’d settled into their seats, Jonathan abandoned the lunch line and bee-lined to their table. They were so deeply engaged in conversation that they didn’t notice Jonathan’s approach until he was upon them, slamming his backpack loudly on the table to get their attention and making them both jump and look up at him in shock.
Jonathan’s face burned hot as he glared at Steve, ignoring the ringing in his ears and the whispers of onlookers. He kept his eyes on Steve’s face, searching for something he couldn’t describe, determined to ignore the way Hagan’s face shifted into a smirk. He noted the way the blood left Steve’s face as he met Jonathan’s scowl, the way his pupils shrank to pinpricks and his body recoiled in fear.
Something in Jonathan broke and begged him to stop, terrified he’d say something he’d regret—terrified of making Steve fear him like he feared his father. But the pain and anger roiling his insides would not be silenced—it was too late to go back now.
“J…Byers!” Steve choked out, his eyes flicking around the cafeteria anxiously.
Jonathan wanted to be kind—he could feel the dread radiating from Steve—but a week of anxiety and hurt—a night of fear and fury and exhaustion—had left him with no compassion to give.
“So, you can see me!” he spat back, his forehead furrowing as the anger took over.
“I’m not invisible, then? Not a ghost? You can see and hear me, yeah?”
“I-I d-don’t…”
“What’s wrong, Byers? Rough week?” Hagan interjected, a gleeful malice dripping from every word.
Jonathan didn’t look away from Steve, determined to see the truth—no matter the cost.
“Shut up, Hagan, this doesn’t involve you,” he spat at Tommy, finding courage in his fury.
“Oh look, the runt has some fight in him after all,” Tommy announced to the cafeteria.
Steve’s eyes still held Jonathan’s, as if he were unable to break away.
“Where were you? I waited. All week,” Jonathan said, ignoring Tommy and trying to keep his voice low.
Jonathan was acutely aware of an entire cafeteria of eyes on them now; he hadn’t anticipated that, and he wasn’t prepared for that kind of attention.
Steve didn’t respond, his mouth opening and closing, as if the words simply weren’t there.
“You waited, Byers? What for? Did you think my boy Harrington here was really your friend after you helped him with that essay? Really? You? Are you that pathetic?”
The barbed words stung as they sunk into Jonathan’s skin, but he kept his eyes on Steve, looking for confirmation or contradiction—anything. He needed to know, but he was losing resolve with every second of Steve’s silence.
“Steve?” he asked, even quieter this time.
“Wait…or was it…? No, it couldn’t be…” Tommy announced to the cafeteria, his voice mockingly hushed as though performing on a stage. “Did you think you had something special with Harrington, Byers? Develop a cute little crush on Hawkins’ star athlete, did you?”
Jonathan instinctively jerked back as if slapped, his eyes finally breaking from Steve’s to stare wide-eyed at Tommy—he didn’t see Steve’s head jerk down to stare at the table, his lips pursed tightly together.
“W-what?” Jonathan replied, still in shock.
“You heard me. Everyone heard me. And I don’t hear you denying it.”
Hagan’s voice was light, as though he were talking about the weather, but Jonathan heard the intent behind the tone—the challenge.
Silence rang through the cafeteria louder than any school bell; not a whisper fluttered between students. Jonathan felt his chest tighten as he flashed back to the words his father constantly hurled at Will—queer, fairy, faggot. He couldn’t breathe.
“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about, Byers,” Steve said finally, his voice soft and low.
Jonathan snapped back to reality, as if Steve’s voice reminded him of why he was here—what this whole awful situation was about.
“You don’t know what I’m talking about,” Jonathan replied, his voice flat and monotone.
It wasn’t a question. Jonathan felt the ache in his chest bloom into a burning flame as his entire body flushed with the heat of embarrassment and anger.
“No,” Steve replied simply, eyes still lowered.
“So, we didn’t hang out in the library at all last week?” Jonathan asked incredulously, feeling his voice rise involuntarily.
“We worked on our English Lit essays at the same table, that’s all,” Steve replied, his voice also rising with the color in his cheeks.
“Really? That’s what you’re going with?!” Jonathan was losing control, his voice and body taking his brain somewhere it didn’t want to go.
Both he and Steve seemed to have all but forgotten that anyone else was there—even Hagan.
“That’s what happened,” Steve hissed, his eyes finally meeting Jonathan’s again, though now they were inscrutable.
“That is not what happened, Steve, and you know it.”
“Stop kidding yourself, Byers. I know you’re lonely or whatever, but if you’re hallucinating some kind of friendship with me, you’re deluded. Get some help, man. I don’t need some bullshit drama from a crazy Byers,” Steve said coldly, though his eyes had left Jonathan’s to stare at something behind him.
Once again Jonathan recoiled as if slapped; he felt hot tears rising in his eyes. He needed to get out of here. Now.
“Bullshit drama, right,” Jonathan replied, trying to hide the cracks in his voice.
“You know what I think, Harrington? I think you’re bullshit. All bullshit, no substance. Just some dick faking and bullshitting his way through life. And what’s more, it’s going to come back around, and you’ll have nothing but your own bullshit to blame. Have a nice fucking life and fuck you.”
He spat the last words with an icy venom, punctuated by him yanking his backpack up and over his shoulder and stalking off, trying to shake the image of Steve’s broken and pained expression from his memory—an expression he had to have imagined.
He made it to the boy’s bathroom before the tears finally overwhelmed him, wracking sobs ripping from his chest as the entire week crashed around him at once.
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The immediate aftermath of the “Batshit Byers” confrontation only lasted a few weeks, with random hurtful notes and drawings showing up on and within Jonathan’s locker and cruel laughter following him through the halls. It shouldn’t have hurt as much as it did—it wasn’t really much different than how things had been before Steve—maybe a little more overt, but the same results.
But there was one glaring difference between the time before the library, and the time after it. Before that week, all Jonathan had known was being the school freak—the weird kid that most people ignored.
But then he’d spent a week in the library with Steve Harrington, and for the first time in his life he’d allowed himself to feel something he never had before—hope. Hope that things could be different. Hope that things could get better. Hope that he could have something good and warm in his life.
The following week had completely disabused him of that illusion. The universe had made it excruciatingly clear that hope would be extinguished with extreme prejudice, and that what he wanted in life was not his to obtain. That weekend, as he tried to pick up the needle-sharp shards of his broken heart, his purpose in life began to crystallize in his mind.
He didn’t need friends or love to distract him from what was important—his mom and brother. He would care for them, support them, protect them. His family needed him more than he needed anyone, especially someone like Steve Harrington in his life.
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
Post Notes: I have GOT to stop breaking my own heart. But I feel like this chapter is a solid bridge between the friendly relationship Jonathan and Steve had developed in the library and the outright hostility by S1 of the show. Sure, it could have just been about Nancy--but why would we want to follow the overused heteronormative "he has a crush on my girl and that is unacceptable" trope? I think we can do better. And so can our boys.
Chapter 6 Preview: After the events that put young Eddie in the hospital, he moves to Hawkins with his Uncle Wayne. It's a rough adjustment for a 13 year-old boy, especially when he has the freedom to test his (and his uncle's) boundaries for the first time in his life. [Currently in Development--may include a little excerpt from his early Corroded Coffin days or we may quickly skip ahead to S4 Eddie; I'll update when I know for sure.]
Thank you to all readers who have made it this far! Likes, comments, and shares are deeply appreciated! I, like Steve, am heavily motivated by praise.
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Bat dividers courtesy of StrayWords.
Fic title courtesy of Rainbow in the Dark by Dio.
Chapter title courtesy of Should I Stay or Should I Go by The Clash.
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