#Next Blocks
thegreendiamondart · 2 months
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"Despite everything, it's still you. Right?"
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Lamb would be utterly petrified if they saw their younger self. How are you supposed to explain that they will become the supposed last of their kind, suffer many deaths, and then become the god of death themself? Lamb wishes that they could have a moment where they could be weak and innocent again like their younger self. But, a god cannot show any weakness. After all, they chose this path...right?
Get hit early with some quick edginess after fluff >:D
I kinda got surprised by how quickly I could finish this on clipstudio. Guess it has just been a long while since I've used it (coloring is so much easier for me on it than Procreate I stg)
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fox-guardian · 12 days
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[ID: Three sets of digital drawings of Alice Dyer from The Magnus Protocol in different outfits on a brown background. She is a thin white trans woman with freckles, shaggy brown hair with faded pink tips, crooked teeth, and pink painted nails, and she is always wearing pink cat-eye glasses, two pairs of silver earrings and silver snakebites, with a varying third ear piercing as well.
The first image features three pajama outfits.
The first is a baby pink cami, dusty pink shorts, and burgundy slippers, in which she also has her hair tied in a bun with a burgundy colored scrunchie. She is standing hunched and yawning.
The second is a dusty pink cami, gray PJ bottoms with pink stars and moons, a dark blue robe, and burgundy slippers. In that one, her hair is down and extra shaggy, and she is scratching her side, lifting her shirt a bit.
The third has her with nicely curled hair, wearing a baby pink satin robe, a black cami, and burgundy stockings, slippers, and matching makeup. She is standing coyly lifting her robe slightly with one leg lifted and a hand to her mouth.
The second image features three work outfits.
The first is of her in a pink and gray flannel shirt, dark blue hoodie, patchwork flannel maxi skirt, and dusty pink converse. She is also wearing a gold and red braided bracelet and a pink one. She is standing in profile, smiling with her hands behind her back.
The second outfit is a blue, pink, and brown flannel shirt over a grey undershirt, a pair of ripped blue jeans, a brown and pink flannel tied around her waist, brown socks, dusty pink converse, pink bracelet, and a dark blue hoodie draped over her shoulder. She is standing with one hand on her hip, the other holding her hoodie, and she is smiling as thought talking.
The third outfit is a burgundy blouse, long navy skirt, brown belt, and burgundy shoes. Her hair is also done in nice curls and she is wearing soft burgundy makeup. She is smiling awkwardly and shrugging.
The third image features casual outfits.
The first is a soft pink tank top with a navy bra peeking underneath, a frilly brown maxi skirt, pink slip-ons, and a grey and brown flannel purse. She is also wearing the three bracelets previously shown with, and pink donut earrings. She is smiling with her hands behind her.
The second outfit is a burgundy bra, baggy brown and grey flannel hanging off her shoulder, a pink and brown flannel tied around her waist, a navy knee-length skirt, white crew socks, and dusty pink converse. She is also wearing a grey bracelet, a pink beaded bracelet, tooth earrings, and navy eyeshadow and burgundy lipstick. She is standing leaning to the side with one hand on her knee, smiling and holding up a peace-sign with her other hand near her face.
The last outfit is a dusty pink crop-top with a boat on it, dark blue hoodie, a short burgundy-plaid skirt, shredded navy tights, gray knee-high socks with burgundy stripes at the top, and dusty pink converse. She also has her usual bracelets as well as shark earrings and smeared burgundy lipstick. She is jumping up, smiling and shouting, with one hand punching into the air.
end ID]
ALICE OUTFITS <3 these were soooo fun to do omg. i have my own favorites out of these, please tell me yours!! i'm really happy with how they all turned out <3
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asterwild · 3 months
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seal block prints (shop)
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vivenecii · 10 months
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The amount of time it took me to finish this little drawing is ungodly. Maybe as it should be, I drew a demon after all.
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onionninjasstuff · 11 months
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carrotkicks · 10 months
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i'm trying to have a serious confession this time, don't laugh
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archive-rat · 6 months
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how quickly things change…
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luxtoony · 8 months
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@somerandomdudelmao you did it again!!!
I have no idea if it was intentional but the last update gave me so many thoughts and emotions. I also saw the ask about cutting the panels in the background and died in admiration
I know the whole kneeling motion was more to level the two. To stop Leo from looking up to F!Leo but... It seemed very symbolic. In the show the guys bow on their knees sometimes to show gratitude or respect.
The picture of THE HERO of that dead world bowing in front of our hero is such a strong punch to my guts. The selfforgivenes, understanding towards your past self... The mere fact he can be there to do that... The gratitude for making Casey's life normal. The opportunity to see his brothers again. To be with them again.
Hdhdhhdfjdjhfjf Cassss I watched the movie again because of youuuucbbcbbcbx
Anyway thank you as always for being amazing! First panel is a screenshot from the comic ofc.
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healcunt · 8 days
girl who tells me i can’t get pregnant my first time so i should let her cum in me ^-^ and i can’t get pregnant on my period so i should let her cum in me ^-^ and i can’t get pregnant if i ride her so i should let her cum in me ^-^ and i can’t get pregnant if i don’t cum so i need to edge while i let her cum in me ^-^ and i can’t get pregnant if i’m drunk so i should let her cum in me ^-^ and if she already came down my throat her sperm count will be low so i should let her cum in me the second and third times that night ^-^
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maggie44paint · 2 months
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Our bravest soldier has fallen
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nottspocket · 1 year
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Scribbling with my colored pencils again 👍
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salemoleander · 5 months
I am growing increasingly tired of the way certain sections of the MCYT fandom treats QPRs and non-romantic relationships as if they're inherently within Creator Boundaries. This is both ignorant of what QPRs are, and willfully avoids considering boundaries as anything beyond a useful checklist to bludgeon other fans with.
QPRs can look like friendships, friends with benefits, kink relationships, life partners, and a million other things. They can appear identical to romantic relationships from the outside. They can include sex. It's frustrating seeing QPRs morphed into Schrodinger's Platonic Relationship in fandom, where people write what is functionally just traditional romantic ship fic but still get to yell at other people for Breaking Creator Boundaries.
It feels like the assumption is "Romance might upset creators, but as long as it's platonic it's fine." As if a QPR fic where characters spend the whole time cuddling, or even a fic where they're assigned as family and are written to have a non-existent sibling relationship, wouldn't also be deeply weird & off-putting to creators. (I know many people don't approach creating fan content with creators in mind, but for those who evidently do it seems deeply odd to pretend that romance is taboo but cuddling/whump/etc are inherently unobjectionable.)
A fic where someone gets Overcome By Instincts and kidnaps another character to (platonically!!1!1!) force them to cuddle is way weirder than just having them kiss. Which is fine! It's fine to be weird! The problem is assuming that an ABO fic w/ the serial numbers filed off is inherently More Pure and palatable to creators just because it uses an & instead of a /, and in incorrectly redefining an entire complex relationship category to 'sexless off-brand romance that won't get me cancelled on Twitter'.
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greenbirdtrash · 3 months
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casual swiss whenever aurora breaths in a 20km radius
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cosmiccomics23 · 4 months
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Happy Valentines make sure your rivals know they're loved and appreciated <3
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minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt #61 Part 4
Danny woke up to a stream of sunlight on his face. The room was just as rich as he remembered, he stood up and stretched a bit before he heard a knock at the door.
It was Alfred bringing him a change of clothes, “Breakfast is ready, Master Danny. You can find the dining room down the hall to the left.” the old butler smiled at him. 
“You don’t have to call me Master, Alfred, I’m not your Damian.” Danny said, turning around to address him.
“Ah, yes, however you are still Master Bruce’s son, even from another world.” The butler gave him a cheeky smile.
Danny shrugged and headed to the bathroom to get changed. Once he was decent again, he headed down to the dining room. 
The room was just as fancy as the rest of the house with a chandelier and ornate vases. 
Danny noticed Damian and a few others already seated at the table. Damian wore what Danny could only assume was his rich kid school uniform. He sat across from Damian who made a small ‘Tt’ and turned away from him. 
Next to Damian was Tim who put away his laptop once Danny sat down. Tim was wearing a business suit, a dark red colored one. “Ah, you sleep much longer than Damian does, you must have been tired.” Tim smiled at him.
Also seated at the table and wearing a navy blue suit, was Bruce himself. He was drinking coffee and reading a newspaper.
“Stop comparing me to him, Drake, I’m nothing like this imposter.” Looks like Damian still thought he was a clone. 
Whatever, he shrugged it off and filled his plate. 
“I don’t really have a lot of free time,” was all Danny said before he started eating.
Tim kind of watched him for a minute, he looked kind of shocked for a second, “You’re eating meat??” 
Ah so that was another difference between them, “again, I’m Danny, I’m not Damian.”
Damian scoffed, “So that’s what you call yourself, imposter.”
Danny gave Damian a tired sigh, looks like the him of this universe was a lot more prideful than he was. Danny went through way too much to carry the same, dying and being crown prince of the infinite realms wasn’t exactly something he was born into. Danny was a bit jealous if he was being honest with himself. 
“Damian, please at least attempt to be friendly. Danny is our guest for the meantime.” Bruce said, putting his newspaper down. He then turned his attention to Danny, “I know it isn’t ideal but I think it’ll be best for you to stay here until we can get you to your own world. I’m planning a trip to the Watchtower tomorrow so I can speak with some of my colleagues about the situation.” 
Danny sighed but nodded his head, “I get it, you can’t have two of us running around.”
“Quite, you’re more than welcome to go around the mansion and the grounds, I’d also like to invite you along to the Watchtower but we’d need to come up with a disguise for you, secret identity and everything.” Bruce continued after taking another sip from his mug, “Alfred will still take you out today to get some basic necessities for you. We’ll get you a proper disguise so you're able to go with him.”
Danny nodded again and continued eating. He thought things over as he ate, he technically had a disguise they could use for the Watchtower but Danny was still on the fence on what exactly he’d tell everyone here.
It wasn’t exactly an easy conversation to have, thankfully some more people arrived for breakfast.
Master Post:
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gummi-ships · 2 months
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Kingdom Hearts 3 - Twilight Town
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