#Nicholas Blake
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A Penknife In My Heart, by NIcholas Blake (Fontana, 1960).
From a second-hand bookshop in London.
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frimleyblogger · 28 days
The Whisper In The Gloom
A review of The Whisper in the Gloom by Nicholas Blake – 240420 The eleventh in Nicholas Blake’s Nigel Strangeways series, originally published in 1954 and going by the alternative title of Catch and Kill, is more of a thriller than a conventional murder mystery. And quite a thriller it is too. One of the interesting features about looking at a book from another era through the lens of modern…
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notesonfilm1 · 10 months
The Beast Must Die (Viñoly Barreto, Argentina, 1952)
THE BEAST MUST DIE (1952) is another fabulous rescue mission from Flicker Alley and The Film Noir Foundation. An adaptation of a detective novel by Cecil Day Lewis – Daniel’s father – under the pseudonym of Nicholas Blake, the fourth novel in the Strangeways series. The beast is a rich industrialist who beats his wife, abuses his stepchild, and is openly having an affair with his business…
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"She was a spoilt child, and spoilt children are apt to grow up irresponsible, and irresponsible adults - by not facing the seriousness of their own actions - do create a dream atmosphere that affects outsiders too."
Nigel Strangeways
Malice in Wonderland, Nicholas Blake (pseud. Cecil Day-Lewis), 1940
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renibet · 11 months
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"I need to save them" blonde and their "too sexy to survive" brunet
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astraskylark · 2 years
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You did it ❤️🤍🖤💛
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howlingday · 8 months
turns out every member of team rwby had a massive crush on the rusted knight and wanted to date/ be railed by him and even had self insert fanfics about it. now that they know it's jaune how do they try to make their fanfics real?
"What are you drawing, Ruby?"
"A picture of me an the Rusty Knight!" Showing off her crayon portrait of the Rusted Knight, his mount, and herself standing together in a flower field, Ruby's mother cooed at the drawing.
"My, my, what a wonderful drawing!" Summer smiled. "And what are you three doing together?"
"We're on an adventure!"
"Hmhmhm!" Summer chuckled. "You must have really loved that story last night, didn't you?"
"I'mma marry him, and then we'll adventure forever!"
Summer chuckled at her daughter's daydreaming of the fictional hero. Not even six and already dreaming of marriage. She was still so innocent, and Summer hoped that would never change.
"Would you like a kiss for your wounds, my lady?"
"No! Because I'm a big girl! Kisses are for babies!"
"Could you kiss me then? After all, only the coolest girls can kiss the coolest dudes."
"Yang, lunch is read-"
Yang slammed her notebook shut, twirling in her seat with a red face and a squeaky voice. "DAAAAAAAAAAD! KNOCK ON MY DOOR!"
"I did knock, sweetie~!"
"NO, YOU DIDN'T!" Yang stamped her feet.
"Sorry, sorry!" Taiyang stepped away. "Lunch is downstairs when you're done doing, er, whatever."
Yang huffed as she jumped off her seat, carefully hiding her notebook under a bunch of arts and crafts material in a drawer. She stamped to the door, looking back at the drawer to make sure it was safe. Nobody could ever know her dark secret.
"The Rusted Knight?" Nicholas looked down at his granddaughter. "Of course I've heard of him! In fact, it was his armor that inspired my set!"
Weiss rubbed a tiny hand against the white shirt her grandfather was wearing. It was soft, and underneath was soft, too. He wasn't wearing his armor. He hardly did in his own house.
"Lügner." Weiss softly said, pressing further into his belly.
"Ach!" Nicholas shouted, placing a free hand to his abdomen. " Mein bauch!"
Nicholas fell over to the floor, holding Weiss in the air. She giggled as she stared at his bearded face. Looking at him, he reminded her of the Rusted Knight, and his statements on his modeling after the fairy tale hero would only become more and more true.
"Say, would you like me to read you that story for you?"
Weiss' eyes lit up and she nodded fervously. He chuckled as he swung himself to his feet. Walking to the library, he pulled out the book and was about to read it when a pair of eyes stared at him.
"Come on, Winter. There's enough room for all of us." The older girl hurried over, taking her seat on the other side of their opa. To this day, it remains Weiss and Winter's most cherished of their shared memories.
"Thank you for meeting with me, Mister and Misses Belladonna."
Blake sat between her parents, red in the face. To think it would actually come to this. Her parents were going to kill her. Or worse, take away her books.
"Is everything alright?" Mom asked with worry in her voice.
"It is, but... In a recent assignment, Blake was tasked with writing a short story about herself and a fictional character in an interview." The teacher slid the assignment forward. "If you'd like, I can tell you without your reading."
Dad took the paper and gave it a quick read. And by quick read, he shoved it into Mom's hands after reading half a paragraph. Half of him was red with embarrassment and the other green with disgust.
She took the paper and almost immediately responded with, "Oh my!"
"As I'm sure you are both aware, we always encourage creativity in our students, but this..."
"No, no, we understand." Dad said with a burp. "We'll be sure this won't happen again."
The teacher and Dad spoke furthervon the subject, moreso than Blake EVER cared for. There was a hiss at her side, and she looked to Mom. She was pointing at a word. A very bad, bad, naughty word.
"This is spelled with an i, not an e."
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razorblade180 · 9 months
Front Cover
Weiss:Nick, an agent called. They wanted to know if you were interested in something.
Nick:Is it a sponsorship or something? Not the biggest fan of those.
Summer:I’ll take it if he doesn’t want it.
Weiss:Actually, they want you to model for the cover of Atlas Gazette.
Summer:What!? A modeling gig!?
Weiss:I looked into it. They want you for the face of the fall collection as well as some combat school gear. I think you can figure out which will be on the cover.
Nick:They really want me for that?
Summer:Do they need a female model for anything? Like…at all?
Weiss:Didn’t say.
Nick:I’ll do it!
Summer:What? You hate these kinds of things!
Nick:Normally I do. But…this feels good. They think I’m handsome enough for the cover and fit enough for the combat gear.
Summer:Since when do you care about physical appearance validation!?
Nick:Always. I just don’t show it like you always do.
Summer:Ah! That’s not- whatever.
Weiss:Hey, you should be happy for your brother. He supports you and all the offers you get. Also, you have been on a magazine cover.
Summer:For my music or a tournament. Nobody has asked for me specifically because I am pretty.
Nick:Are you upset you’ve only been recognized for your talents and abilities?
Summer:Listen! Sometimes you just want to be pretty! Mom gets it.
Weiss:Eh. Never liked this stuff particularly. My favorite covers were with my team, the one magazine that had your uncle and aunt with me, and some of the paparazzi covers involving the beginning of my relationship with your father. Also all the ones where I’m holding one of you. Did you know I put mom jeans into fashion?!
Nick and Summer:You tell us every chance you get…
Weiss:Hey! Let me be happy that the world found me gorgeous after that pregnancy felt like hell. Outside of those instances, I only cared about appearance validation from the people I love.
Jaune:*walks in* Hello beautiful.
Weiss:See? *kisses cheek*
Summer:Fine, I’ll let this one go. I am happy for you. My ego is just bruised.
Nick:If it makes you feel better, I got no experience. The photos won’t look that good.
Before the world knew it, a young man was on the cover of a popular magazine. His dark blue jeans on his lower body has he sat on a podium, his right leg bent and perched on it to show off white designer sneakers. A casual black shirt was worn under an open white flight jacket with a long black stripe that ran down the arms that matched the metallic black zipper.
Circle shades hung low off his face to show his pretty blue eyes but the real accessory was his joyful open smile as the photographer caught him mid laugh.
Veronica has been staring at this cover page for a solid eight minutes.
Yang:Sweetie if you don’t blink soon I’m concerned you might want to eat the paper.
Blake:Let her have a moment.
Yang:She can call him!
Nick:*holding copy* Not gonna lie, that photograph cooked! *smiled* I look handsome.
Weiss:You’re always handsome. *hugs him*
Summer:Darn the Arc smile. This might sell out.
Jaune:You have that smile too.
Summer:Yeah but the boyish charm is what sells it! I must admit defeat!
Nick:….Congrats on releasing a new album.
Summer: ✨Thank you✨
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thejoxaren · 1 year
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Nic Cage Tarot cards coming soon
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maxielonceagain · 1 year
Love how current and ex employees of Red Bull loves cats! 🥰❤️ something about when people have and love cats! 🥹
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(Click for better quality)
Welcome to Round One of the RWBY I/ncest Bracket! For those participating, you will be voting for the ship you prefer. The matchups for round one and links to the polls are below the cut and will be added as they are posted.
Enabler (Ruby/Yang) vs Godcest (God of Light/God of Darkness)
Malacest (Melanie/Miltiades) vs Ancest (Ren/An)
Harvesting Moons (Ruby/Qrow) vs Liddellcest (Alyx/Lewis)
Mother Snows Best (Willow/Whitley) vs Daddy's Project (Penny/Pietro)
Schneester Love (Weiss/Winter) vs Frozen Idols (Nicholas/Winter)
Mommy Yangst (Yang/Summer) vs Frozen Heir (Jacques/Whitley)
Yangcest (Yang/Taiyang) vs Mother Fearest (Willow/Winter)
Rosecest (Ruby/Summer) vs Naughty or Ice (Weiss/Nicholas)
Branwencest (Raven/Qrow) vs Albaincest (Fennec/Corsac)
Cut Off (Weiss/Jacques) vs Rencest (Ren/Li)
Fireqracker (Yang/Qrow) vs Whitnick (Nicholas/Whitley)
Weisswhit (Weiss/Whitley) vs Northern Swans (Nicholas/Willow)
Yangry Birds (Yang/Raven) vs Distant Snow (Winter/Whitley)
Shadows of Change (Blake/Ghira) vs Planetcest (Mercury/Marcus)
Tairuby (Ruby/Taiyang) vs Done & Dusted (Jacques/Winter)
Bellacest (Blake/Kali) vs Fairest Beauty (Weiss/Willow)
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ssaseaprince · 9 months
If I had a nickel for every time Nicholas Cage was part of a high-speed chase against a giant truck with a younger brunette nerd I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
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frimleyblogger · 1 month
Murder By Burial
A review of Murder by Burial by Stanley Casson – 240330 Stanley Casson was a prominent British archaeologist in his day and I remember dipping into some of his works when I was studying Ancient History at university. Murder by Burial, originally published in 1938, is in truth not much of a murder mystery as there is really only one credible suspect. A third or, to be charitable, a 2.2 it is easy…
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itsartistickiwi · 2 years
Incorrect quote idea I had:
Balthazar: Okay everyone stay still! I need to see who survived. I'm here so one, two, three, Verionica is here, that makes four.
Balthazar: *visible smile of hope*
Horvath: *Falls from above, landing in the background* OUGH!
Balthazar, sighing: ...five.
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chrism02 · 2 years
Y/n: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Horvath: Wasn't Balthazar with you?
Balthazar: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
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hollow-plume · 2 years
So we have these magical coins that comes from Shion's aura which gives help to the user as they solicit it (kinda really dope)
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Ruby is the only one in the dream because they have to find the Nightmare first before they can let Blake and Yang enter since the Nightmare might easily reject them (apparently there was a "Ruby" in her dreams before our Ruby entered)
Weiss has fortress walls around her even in her dreams...
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Weiss of course doesn't know how CR works so it was shooting backwards 🤣
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Klein butlers!!
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Weiss sees JNR as dummies...which means Pyrrha is definitely a princess of sorts in her dream (remember that dress!?)
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And we have Weiss's family represented as a shadow...Willow
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Whitley as a bat and a spy
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And Winter as a book with a mirror in it that gives its "judgement" on something, the book and and its rules basically, not surprising since Weiss holds Winter in very high regard
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As for Jacques Schnee...he is as opressing as ever like the usual...except he is present everywhere as statues, posters, radio comms...eyes everywhere in the Weiss city
And of course, since Ruby is an intruder in her dream right now, she finds her and have battle
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