#Nikto fluff
nrdmssgs · 3 months
Chat would nikto be cuddly asf or does bro deflect like a magnet? 🤔
Wait, cuddling was an option?
Not a post sex cuddles? These, let's be honest, love, are essential. Drunk on your juices, high on your mewls and moans, Nikto just needs time to cool down. Maybe 15 minutes before, his breath grows from ragged post-coming spasms to a more measured pace. Maybe 30 minutes before he gets enough of this feeling of you-you-his wildest dream-you right here. Your delicate skin on his scarred, fresh marks on your masterpiece of a body. He needs to live this moment. Breathe it in.
Yes, post-sex cuddles are something, he practices every single time with you. And you don't even have to do anything - just let go, relax, feel boneless after all the beautiful, yet borderline unspeakable things he's done to you. Let him make sure, your bodies are pressed tightly together, as he slowly brushes strands of your hair from your face.
However, once it is over, after he cleans you oh so carefully and kisses every part of you, he devoured, used and tortured earlier, Nikto gives you space. Because, despite his rich experience, Niktos nights with others were mainly one-night stands. There were no sweet words shared afterward, no praises and thank yous. They didn't stay in his arms until morning. So he just got used to it.
He will swallow every moment of insecurity, when he wakes up in the middle of the night with a dreadful idea nested in his head by yet another nightmare.
He made you up. You're just a product of his fevered imagination, a part of a dream, one of his voices keeps getting. Should Nikto reach out his hand to the place where he last saw you, and it will rest against an empty pillow.
Nikto will roll over with a nervous sigh, afraid to tempt fate. Even if you are just a fantasy, delirium - he will not destroy this fantasy right now. Let him-
"Miss you, Andre." Your voice will sound so clearly that his doubts will get immediately dispelled.
Your hands will slide up his chest, wrapping around his neck, and Andre will turn back to you. Lips crashing against your lips. SO what if you two fell asleep in one bed just an hour ago? He hasn't seen you for a freaking eternity.
Hands cupping the back of your head, guiding you to rest on his chest. Limbs intertwined, bodies merged together once again. He didn't even know, how much he craved it.
From that night, he will cuddle with you every time, he gets an opportunity.
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asimpforthe80s · 3 months
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Found You, Andrei
Starring: Nikto x bestfriend!Reader
Warnings: mentions of: torture, going to the gulag, and Russian speaking. Smut: Reader riding him, unprotected p in v, and stroking his cock.
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"I'm going on a mission," he said softly and leaned against the railing of the bridge, the dark and cold, murky waters of the Neva reflected in his pale blue eyes. He didn't explain anything — as usual because of his never-ending top secret assignments — but his words sounded like a death sentence this time.
"I won't be able to keep in touch for quite some time. I'll text you on your old number when I get back. Don't throw it away, рыбка."
He smiled faintly at you, trying to cheer you up a little when he saw an anxiety in your eyes. He squeezed your palm, putting a small photo card into it: there was an image of the two of you, smiling carelessly under a snow-covered scarlet mountain-ash. "You'll wait for me, won't you?" It was the last time you saw him.
You nervously smoothed out the crumpled corner of a worn photo, waiting for the next landing. The image faded a long time ago, but this is the only memento that was left of your dear friend. 6 years. 6 long years of searching, sleepless nights, smoked cigarettes, and endless stress. You've lost all your friends and family, sold all your possessions, and learned how to hold a gun. You have transferred from one PMC to another and visited, perhaps, every God-forsaken corner of the world. Hell, you even ended up in the Gulag, thinking that he was there, and managed to escape, taking advantage of the turmoil due to the escape of some crazy guy named Makarov. Now, you are one of the operators of the Shadow Company. You are stripped of your previous life completely, your ID is fake, and you don't even know if your dear friend is still alive. There's only a small bit of hope smoldering inside you.
Doing an intelligence mission, you split from the rest of the group to search through the abandoned gas factory. You ran into Nikto when you were storming a building. He now wore a mask, but you immediately recognized his icy blue eyes. It was your dear friend, your Andrei ... But he looked very changed. He was... Different.. Damaged… Broken.
"Nikto.." you said, instantly hugging him without caring about the danger signs in your head. The hug was unexpected, but not unwanted. His arms wrapped around you instinctively, like they remembered how to do it despite everything. But he pulled away quickly, almost roughly, as if afraid that you'd see something in his face. Or maybe just afraid of feeling something.
"You shouldn't be here." His voice was cold, detached. Yet, there was a hint of something else underneath, a flicker of warmth that made you wonder if it was real or just your imagination. "Go back to the others."
His hand reached out to push you gently, but there was no force behind it. Just a silent plea for you to leave before things got worse. Before he hurt you. "Nikto, you're coming with me." You said roughly, a complete contrast to the you he knew. "I'm not letting you disappear for 6 years only to find you and leave you again." You growled, grabbing his hand. "Nyet..." Nikto started to protest, but the grip on his hand was firm. A shiver went down his spine at the sound of your voice - it was different. Rougher. Harder. Not the soft, gentle voice he was used to hearing. But there was something else too - a hint of demand, of command.
And then he felt the hand on his, firm and unyielding. And he knew. He knew that this was it. That whatever wall he had built around himself was about to come crashing down. And he was terrified. But he also couldn't bring himself to pull away. Because despite everything, he needed this. Needed you. "You can take that new fucking attitude and burn it in hell.." you whispered as you started dragging him with you, taking him to your team. The roughness in your voice, the way you dragged him along, it was all so unlike you. But there was something about it that stirred something deep within him. Something primal and raw. As if a part of him was waking up after years of slumber.
"Nyet!" He protested again, but it came out more like a growl. He let you drag him, his body moving automatically as he followed you towards the others. But his mind was screaming at him, telling him to stop. Telling him that this wasn't right. That he should stay hidden, stay safe. But the feel of your hand on his, the sound of your voice, it was too much. Too compelling. "ты пойдешь со мной, хочешь ты этого ��ли нет, Никто." You said, speaking his native language, 'you will come with me whether you like it or not, Nikto'.
The harshness of your words, spoken in his mother tongue, hit him like a punch to the gut. It was like a key turning in a lock, unlocking doors he thought he had sealed off forever. For a moment, he stood there, frozen, staring at you with wide, unblinking eyes.
Then, slowly, he nodded. He didn't know why he was agreeing to this. Didn't know why he was following you. All he knew was that he had to. Had to be with you. Even if it meant risking everything.
"Da..." He finally managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper. "Я... я хочу с тобой." He said, 'I... I want to be with you. You nodded. "Good.. cause I'm not letting you leave again, lyubimaya." The word 'lyubimaya', which translated to 'beloved', hit him like a punch to the stomach. It was a word he hadn't heard in years. Years of pain and torment had erased any semblance of love from his life. And yet, there it was. Coming from you. And it wasn't just in your tone, but in your touch. Your grip on his hand was almost possessive, as if you were staking your claim on him.
"Lyubimaya?" He repeated the word, tasting it on his lips. It was bitter but not unpleasant. For some reason, it made him want to lean into your touch instead of pulling away. "Yes, lyubimaya.." You repeated, taking him inside your team's extraction helicopter. The interior of the helicopter was warm and cozy compared to the cold outside. There was a sense of camaraderie among the men, a bond that could only be formed through shared experiences and dangers. Seeing you among them, giving orders, made his heart swell with pride. You belonged here. You were meant to be leading these men, not stuck in some office job.
As he sat next to you, he felt a strange sense of contentment wash over him. It was a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time. Maybe never. And for some reason, it scared him. "когда мы вернемся на базу, ты поешь, а потом мы пойдем в мое общежитие. ты займешь мою постель без разговоров." You said, telling him that when you got back to base, he was gonna eat, go back to your dorm, and take your bed without discussion. The words hung in the air between them, heavy and laden with meaning. His post. His bed. You were claiming him. Marking him as yours in front of everyone. And for some reason, it thrilled him. Excited him.
"Dа..." He murmured, nodding slowly. "Я... я буду делать так, как ты сказала." He would do as you said. Without question. Without hesitation. Because in that moment, he would do anything for you. "Good, Andrei.." You mumbled, saying his real name. The use of his real name hit him like a punch to the gut. Andrei. A name he hadn't heard in years. A name that was as foreign to him now as if it were another language entirely. Yet, hearing it fall from your lips sent a shiver down his spine. A good shiver. One that made his heart race and his breath hitch.
"Andrei..." He echoed, testing the word on his tongue. It felt strange. Heavy. But also comforting. Like coming home after a long journey. "You're safe with us.." you said, still not letting go of his hand. Your words hit him like a bolt of lightning, searing through the fog of his mind and touching something deep within him. Safe. You were saying he was safe. With you. With your team.
The idea was so alien to him, so foreign, that for a moment, he couldn't comprehend it. Couldn't believe it. But then, he felt it. The tension easing from his shoulders. The tight knot in his stomach loosened. He was safe. Here. With you. "Now.. let me see you.." you murmured, reaching for his mask. Your fingers brushed against his mask, and for a moment, he tensed up. But then, he realized that you weren't going to hurt him. That you wouldn't do anything to harm him. So, he let out a slow breath and closed his eyes. He waited. Waited for the pain. Waited for the fear. But it never came. Instead, all he felt was your gentle touch. And it was... nice. Comforting. Almost soothing. As you took off his mask, you saw the many, many scars of his previous torture. Placing a soft hand on his cheek, you tried to assure him that he was safe and no one would hurt him. At least no one from your base. "Oh, Andrei.." you whispered softly in that voice he knew. Not in that rough and demanding voice he heard earlier. Your touch was soft, almost reverential as you traced the scars on his face. Each line and mark told a story of pain and suffering. But they didn't scare you. They didn't make you flinch away. They made you care. And that care...it was overwhelming. It was too much. Too intense. But at the same time, it was exactly what he needed.
"Oh, Andrei..." The way you said his name. It was like a caress. A promise. A vow. It was a name that held so much weight. So much meaning. And hearing it from your lips was... intoxicating. "любовь моя.. тебе больно.. столько шрамов.. дорогая.." you mumbled, pulling him in for a hug he so desperately needed. Your arms wrapped around him, pulling him into a tight embrace. The warmth of your body against his own was like a balm to his soul. It was comforting. Reassuring. It was something he craved. Needed. Desperately.
"Да..." He agreed, his voice barely above a whisper. "Больно... Больно много." It hurt. A lot. But as you held him, he found himself relaxing. Letting go of the fear. Of the pain. Just for a moment. "And that's okay.. A... Andrei.." you whispered with a soft stutter, taking off your own mask, discarding it on the floor along with his. Your mask hitting the floor brought him back to reality. Back to the harshness of their situation. But seeing you discard your mask too...it meant something. It meant trust. Loyalty. Friendship. Family. All things he'd been denied for so long.
"Da..." He nodded, finally opening his eyes to look at you. Really look at you. No mask. No disguise. Just you. His friend. His family. You were crying.. but.. matching. The both of you had so many scars. "Just like we used to.. we're matching.." You cried. Your tears stung his eyes, but he didn't blink. Didn't flinch. He just stood there, soaking in the sight of you. Of your tears. Of your scars. Matching. Just like old times. Only now, it wasn't just physical scars. It was emotional ones, too. Scars from the past. From the pain. From the loss.
"But why?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Why are we like this? Why did we have to become this?" You chuckled, drying your tears. "I wanted to find you.. I got desperate.. so I joined the same shit you did.. even went to the fucking gulag.." you cried. Your words hit him like a punch to the gut. Gulag. Fucking gulag. That place was hell on earth. And you went there. For him. Because you were desperate. Because you wanted to find him. Him. The monster that was Nikto.
"And you found me..." He muttered, feeling an odd mix of emotions. Pride. Relief. Fear. Guilt. All swirling around inside him like a storm. "I- I searched so many places.. и я наконец нашел тебя.." you said. Your words echoed in his mind. I finally found you. Those words were like a balm to his broken soul. A sign that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't alone anymore. That someone cared enough to look for him. To risk everything to find him.
"I'm sorry..." He muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Sorry for dragging you into this mess." You chuckled as you cried. "No, no, it's nothing.." you said. Your chuckle was like a slap in the face. It was unexpected. Unexpectedly human. Unexpectedly real. And it pissed him off. Made him angry. Angry at himself. Angry at the world. Angry at fate. But mostly, angry at himself for bringing you into this nightmare.
"No, it's not nothing," he growled, his voice low and gruff. "It's everything." You sighed. "Andrei.. it was worth it.. so many missions.. willingly going to the fucking gulag.. getting abducted and tortured during a mission.. fuck.. it was all for you.." you said. Your words hit him like a punch to the gut. Tortured. Abducted. Willingly going to the gulag. All for him. For the monster that he'd become.
"Я не достоин этого," he muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. 'I am not worthy of this.' You shook your head. "No, you are.. it was worth it.. cause I found you.." Your denial was like a knife twisting in his gut. Found me. Those words echoed in his mind. Over and over again. Like a mantra. Like a prayer. They were soothing. Comforting. They made him feel less alone. Less like a monster.
But they also filled him with guilt. With shame. With regret. Regret for turning you into this. For making you go through all of this. You hugged him once more. But this time it was more for your sake. You needed him just as much as he needed you. Your hug was like a lifeline. It pulled him out of the darkness. Out of the abyss. Even if only for a moment. It felt good. Too good. Dangerous almost.
But still, he allowed himself to enjoy it. To let himself be comforted. Because sometimes, you need to be weak. To let yourself be vulnerable. Especially when you've been hurt as much as he had.
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The silence hung heavy in the air. Heavy with unspoken words. Unspoken regrets. Unspoken fears. It was comfortable. Almost peaceful. Almost. His thoughts kept drifting back to those moments. Moments where he was just... human. Not a monster. Not a killer. Just a man. A man who was scared. Who was lonely. Who missed someone. Someone who was sitting next to him right now. The silence was comforting. Familiar. The two of you were sitting on your bed, still in full uniform. "Want something more comfortable?" You asked quietly. Your offer hung in the air between them, a beacon of normalcy amidst the chaos. A simple question. An invitation to shed the weight of their uniforms, symbols of duty, and responsibility. He looked down at his clothes, then back up at you, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.
"Da," he murmured, standing up abruptly. He began to undress, peeling away the layers of his identity - the uniform, the medals, the badges. Each piece was thrown carelessly onto the floor until he stood before you in nothing but his underwear. You nodded and went to get something more comfortable for him. Coming back, you had an oversized t-shirt and a paid of sweatpants. Which reminded him of something.. fuck. Those were his clothes. His clothes before he joined whatever the fuck he had joined. "Here." You said, handing him the clothes before going to change to something more comfortable, yourself. Your words were like a punch in the gut. A reminder of who he used to be. Of the life he'd left behind. He took the clothes from your hands without saying anything. Slipping into them, he could almost pretend he was back there. Back home. Before the torture. Before the nightmares. Before the pain.
As he watched you change, he couldn't help but notice how natural it seemed. How comfortable. Like you belonged here. Like you were supposed to be here. With him. A man and a woman changed together like it was normal. But it didn't seem weird. It felt normal. It felt like the time before the military. The sight of you changing in front of him, so casual and unaffected, brought back memories. Memories of simpler times. Times before the military. Before the torture. Before the nightmares. Before the pain.
For a moment, he forgot about the scars. About the pain. About the guilt. He just saw you. Naked. Vulnerable. Human. And it was beautiful. It was perfect. The feeling of the soft fabric against his skin was comforting. Familiar. It was like putting on an old pair of shoes. Worn in. Broken in. Perfectly fitting. It was a part of him. Or rather, it was a part of who he used to be. Before. Before the torture. Before the nightmares. Before the pain.
As he sat back down on the bed, he couldn't help but notice how different things were. How strange it felt. Yet, somehow, it also felt right. As you took off your shirt, he could see all the scars. Everywhere. Even your perfectly round tits had scars of torture. Your body was a canvas of pain. Every inch of your skin told a story. A story of torture. Of suffering. Of resilience. But he wasn't looking at the scars. He was looking at you. At the way your body moved. The way your muscles shifted under your skin. The way your nipples hardened slightly in the cool air of the room.
It was a fucking turn-on. Despite everything. Despite the scars. Despite the pain. You blushed as he stared at you. "What are you looking at?" You asked softly, not realizing that he was hard as a rock under the sweatpants. His gaze lingered on your body, drinking in every detail. The curve of your hips. The swell of your breasts. The way your skin glowed in the dim light of the room. He was hard. Rock-hard. But he didn't move. Didn't speak. He just kept staring.
You were beautiful. Perfect. Untouched. And he wanted you. Wanted you more than he'd ever wanted anyone or anything. You noticed his hardness pressing against the material of the sweatpants. "Fuck, Andrei..." You mumbled, biting your lower lip. Your curse made him shiver. Made him want to reach out and touch you. Made him want to take you. Right there. On the bed. Against the wall. Anywhere. Just to feel you. To hear you moan. To taste you. Fuck, to taste you.
But he didn't move. Couldn't move. Not yet. "I need you..." You whispered, closing the distance between both of you. You leaned in and kissed him softly at first, but then with passion. Your confession broke the dam. The floodgates opened. He pulled you closer, crushing his lips against yours. His tongue darted out, exploring the warmth of your mouth. His hands roamed over your body, tracing the contours of your muscles. His fingers dug into your flesh, leaving marks.
And still, he didn't stop. Couldn't stop. Not now. Not when he finally had you. You moaned into his mouth as he explored your body with his hands. You pushed him onto the bed and straddled him, grinding your crotch against his hardness. The shift in positions only fueled his desire. Your weight on top of him, your body grinding against his, it was all too much. He groaned into your mouth, the sound muffled by your kiss. His hands found their way to your ass, squeezing the soft flesh.
He needed more. Needed to feel you. Needed to be inside you. His hands on your ass made you grind harder against his cock. You reached down and pulled down his pants, pulling out his hardness. You stroked it a few times, feeling it pulse in your hand. Your touch on his length made him gasp. Made him thrust up into your hand. He was hard. So fucking hard. Ready. Waiting. Wanting.
His hands found their way to your hips, gripping them tightly. He pulled you closer, aligning his length with your entrance. He was ready. More than ready. Your body was shaking with anticipation. You grinded against his cock, teasing yourself before slowly lowering yourself onto him. Inch by agonizing inch until you were fully seated on his lap. The sensation of you enveloping him was indescribable. He groaned, his head thrown back against the pillow. His hands gripped your hips tighter, guiding you to move. To ride him. To fuck him.
He was yours. All yours. You started moving on him, your body rocking against his. Each movement brought a new wave of pleasure coursing through your veins. You felt full. Satiated. Complete.
And you liked it. God, how you liked it. Each roll of your hips sent jolts of pleasure shooting straight to his dick. He couldn't think. Couldn't breathe. All he could do was feel. Feel you. Feel your body moving on top of him. Feel your walls clenching around him. Your movements became faster, more desperate. You were chasing that climax, that release. You wanted it so badly. Needed it. Craved it. His breathing grew ragged, and his grip on your hips tightened. He could feel his climax approaching, like a freight train bearing down on him. It was inevitable. Imminent.
And he wanted you to feel it. Wanted you to feel him. Your movements became erratic as your orgasm approached. You clenched your teeth, trying to hold back the tidal wave of pleasure threatening to consume you. But it was no use. It was too powerful. Too intense. "Andrei..!" You moaned as you reached your climax. Your cry of ecstasy pushed him over the edge. His own orgasm ripped through him, making his vision blur and his breath hitch. He threw his head back, his jaw clenched tight as he rode out the waves of pleasure.
And when it was over, he was left panting. Left spent. Left sated. You collapsed onto him, your body trembling from the intensity of your orgasms. You laid there, catching your breath while your body slowly returned to normal. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. His body was covered in sweat, but he didn't care. He just held you. Held you tight. And for once, he felt... complete. You lay there in silence, basking in the afterglow of your lovemaking. You snuggled against him, your body fitting perfectly against his. You closed your eyes, contentment washing over you. For once, he let himself relax. Let himself enjoy the moment. Enjoy you. His arms tightened around you instinctively, as if afraid you'd disappear if he let go. You nuzzled into his neck, inhaling deeply. His scent filled your senses, making you want to stay here forever. You felt safe. Comforted. Loved. His heart pounded in his chest, echoing in his ears. He could feel you nuzzling into his neck, could feel your breaths against his skin. And it felt... right. Perfect, even.
For once, he allowed himself to believe that maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.
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wheezingstar · 5 months
One morning you wake up, you’ve been sore and sick for the last few days. You wake up hardly able to breathe due to all the phlegm building up in your throat and laying on your back.
You walk around your shared apartment with Nikto trying to find one of your many inhalers. You come across the bathroom, you’re holding onto the wall and your breathing is raspy. “Inhaler…” You say and Nikto hands you your inhaler as if from thin air before speaking
“Keep it on you for the rest of the day, and go lay back down”
You’d go sit on the bed, afraid to lay down and need to sit back up and cough or not be able to breathe again. Nikto sets medicine on the nightstand of the bed and a water bottle before leaving for work.
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himboelover · 5 days
Does anyone know the fix of nikto meeting reader in a grocery and he comes over to her house to fix it up and do the garden??? Need help finding it please😭😭😭
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kyumisyumi · 5 months
Garden for two
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Step 1: Make granny coded OC Step 2: Nickname her little Babushka Step 3: Ship her with the Russian
Ship: Nikto x F!OC (Adlean)
Word count: 4k
⊱⊶Taking requests⊷⊰
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It was only an inch, just the smallest little bit over the border; that's what Adlean told herself in the beginning. Then came any other weak excuse she could muster to turn that inch into a meter and that meter into the whole yard. That little devil on her shoulder gave any and all excuses it could for her to keep expanding on this little project. 'The neighbor hasn't appeared for months...', 'he probably wouldn't even mind a little bit of maintenance on his lawn...', 'if he cared he would've petitioned for a fence...' and so on and so on. Until her voice and that devil's were indiscernible. Until it was only hers.
Adlean hadn't thought it would've gone this far. She'd raised a few houseplants, yeah, but had no real gardening nor landscaping skills to rely on. Just some YouTube tutorials and a dream. Yet, as she got one section done and then another and another, it became harder to stop. So enamored by an idea coming together and it being by her own unskilled hands. One of those rare times she'd set out to do something and it was actually done right. She'd chosen clover to replace the generic grass turf. A young cherry blossom here, a stone pathway there; sheet mulch and cover crops. Aside from native wildflowers there were handful of foreign flora that looked too good to resist in her eyes. Plus a few easy to grow crops the store recommended. Some ceramic decor, garden trellis, fairy lights. She went far over her budget turning this place into a scene from a fantasy novel, evidenced by the weeks worth of cheap ramen filling her kitchen; all she'd be able to afford for a while. But in the end, it genuinely looked wonderful, like one of those images you come across on pinterest.
As large as her yard was, the need to keep going flowed strong in her veins even after every inch was fully decorated. Pulsing from her head to her heart to her hands as though Mother Nature herself was guiding her trowel. She hadn't gone as overboard on her neighbor's lawn; no trees, no ponds, just some wildflowers and better turf and a few mini garden figures hidden along the edges. Adlean figured if her mythical neighbor ever did show up and express distaste, she'd simply apologize profusely and undo her handywork. Alternatively, she'd hoped they might completely fall in love with the lawn and thank her for being so wonderful. They'd bake her a cake she'd weakly refuse and she'd make them cookies, cementing the perfect neighborly relationship she so greatly yearned for.
What she hadn't planned for were the angry yells and curses coming from a brick wall of a silhouette who was rapidly banging on her door.
"Roderick! Cволочь![bastard!] Get your fucking ass out here and explain this rubbish."
God, he was so loud. She could only imagine what the neighbors were thinking. Hopefully they'd at least poke their heads out to act as witnesses if things went bad. She was shaking in the little hallway that lead to her front door, rethinking her life choices and wishing she could undo the past- actually fighting the devil on her shoulder rather than giving in to it's mischievous whispers. Adlean momentarily considered calling the police to mediate but that would just unsettle the whole block of nosey elderly people that populated the cul-de-sac. Not to mention it might effectively deteriorate any chance of her being on decent terms with the person she would have to share a house with. That was something she didn't want to experience again; making enemies among neighbors was the reason she'd moved here to begin with. So, despite how much she didn't want to, despite how much her muscles tensed while her fingers shook, she approached the front door and opened it.
'I'M SO SORRY!' She thought the words but couldn't bring herself to say it, lips pursed in fear and anxiety the moment she got a proper view of the absolute unit in front of her. Compared to her, he was a giant, blocking any light from penetrating beyond her doorway and casting her in his shade. The man was wearing full black, with only a tacky gold chain dangling from his neck to stop him from looking like a humanoid shadow that had manifesting on her front steps. Terrifying. The balaclava concealing everything but the anger in his eyes didn't help either.
"What is this? Where is the bastard? He sends woman to face his problems." The man shifted forward as if he was going to try to push past her into her own home but thought better of it.
Nikto's momentary confusion at seeing the small black girl instead of the lanky white man he knew to live next to him had caused enough bewilderment to dampen his anger... for now. He studied her for a moment; she was short, barely tall enough to reach his chest and the many layers of oversized clothing didn't help. She wore light colors; baby blues, greens and whites, a large woolen coat over a sweater and skirt that reached her ankles. Her face was round and held brown almond eyes, a pointed nose and thick lips. Large framed glasses were perched on the tip of her nose, the plastic a matching shade of blue. Atop her head was a hefty mass of dreadlocks wrapped into a bun that was almost as large as her head. Looked heavy too. He brought his gaze back to her face, she was doing well to hide the distress in her features but Nikto could see the way her fingers gripped the ends of her sleeves for dear life. At first he thought her lips were pursed in annoyance but Nikto soon realised they were locked in fear, quivering slightly at the edges. He'd scared the poor thing. 'Fucking hell' He cursed to himself, the smallest drop of guilt creeping in for terrifying some random woman.
"Listen, didn't mean for- nevermind, who are you?" He asked, voice sounding like it grated against every surface of his throat before exiting his lips.
She took a moment, looking behind him to check for an audience. "I'm Adlean, I rent this side of the house. I assume you're my neighbor." Common courtesy had her wanting to say 'nice to meet you' but...
"Ahh, so not Roderick anymore." He tsked.
Adlean couldn't tell if he was happy or upset to hear the news. "No, I've been here for about 4 months now." She shifted uncomfortably. "Look, I'm sorry for messing around in your backyard. I got a little carried away and the home has been empty for so long I wasn't even sure if you existed. I'll remove it all, starting tomorrow... or pay to have someone deconstruct your lawn if you prefer." She spoke quickly, he could almost hear the regret in her tone.
Nikto contemplated for a while, or at least he pretended to. It gave him more time to watch the woman squirm in front of him- a bully, even in guilt. "We will give this some thought." He sighed, his body sagging slightly as his anger simmered.
"Alright." Adlean said quietly. "You can leave a note in my mailbox when you decide." She slanted the door, giving him time to spill any more grievances before closing it.
Nikto stared at the closed door for a while before retreating to his side of the home. He was no longer angry but his body had built up so much of it that it now bounced around his skull, waiting to be converted into some other emotion.
So he had a new neighbor now. Good. He hated the slimy bastard who would leave dog shit in his yard and fill his trashcans while he was gone. Instead he now had a neighbor who seemed to like messing around on other people's property. He strolled to the window and pulled back the curtains, looking out at the wilderness she'd turn his yard into. It wasn't bad, the plant-life seemed haphazard at first but now that he'd taken a second look he could see they were laid out with purpose. He wasn't sure what he thought at first; that Roderick had thrown random turf and weed into his yard out of spite or to monopolize the space somehow. A small part of him almost welcomed the conflict, a nice little spat before he would settle into the mundane.
He looked over on her side where her skills really shone through, it was pretty but he was sure as hell glad she kept it to her side. Nikto's eyes shifted to the movement along the side of the house, watching as his neighbor 'Adlean' left her home. Distress remained in her features as she looked around briefly before making her way to a spot beneath a small canopy, a book in one hand and a tumbler in the other. He watched her settle onto the grass, leaning slightly against the young pink tree. Nikto told himself that he was only watching to learn about the stranger he would have to partially share a space with. It was only natural he'd want details on someone within proximity... He watched her toy with the cover of the book, lifting it as if to open it but letting it shut close again and again. Her chest rose and fell into a sigh, too distracted maybe, before looking over at the likely source of her ire; his side of the property. Her gaze ran over the fence and flowers and pathway of mulch before eventually landing on the house, the window and him. She visibly stiffened before hurriedly averting her eyes.
Nikto stayed for a moment longer before leaving the window.
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Nikto wouldn't hesitate to admit himself a pervert at times. He could appreciate a woman's body, the things they can do and how they make him feel. However, he never fancied himself a creep, not until now at least. Only a handful of days had passed since he'd returned home from deployment and what should've been a time of -fitful and fleeting- relaxation was instead a slow decent into madness. His body moved as it should; it woke, it cooked, it sat in front of the tv for hours before resting again. However, within his mangled head was a spider weaving silk. Its hairline triggers spreading through his ears and along every surface connecting his home to hers. Waiting for the telltale vibration of nearby movement; prey. He would know the moment she'd step outside into her yard to read or maintain her garden. Her door neither slammed nor creaked but he would hear it, would feel it, would sense it with an acuteness that was usually reserved for the battlefield. And as though it were protocol, he would be by a window, hidden from her curious glances at his home.
'Adlean' was nothing compared to the Slavic goddesses his homeland produced. Their beauty was bold, sharp, stunning in a way that both defined and challenged the concept of beauty itself. Hers was... mild, delicate, a type you'd miss if you looked away too fast. Where his type of women would strut as though the ground would rise to meet their feet, she glided unhindered and unbothered. He had his preference and it wasn't her, yet, here he was glued to a window like a mut watching their owner pull into the driveway after a long days work. His eyes drinking her in as though she was the only source of clean water for miles and he was cursed with perpetual thirst. He would drink and drink and drink and never have his fill. Maybe if he got to look closer; shoved his head into the oasis rather than graze his hand along the surface to sip from his palms. Maybe then his lips would no longer be dry and his stomach no longer crumbling inward in it's pursuit of sustenance.
But therein lied a problem; the duality of a man like him who liked pretty things but could only mar them. If she was an untouched fragment of nature then he was mankind; giving it an appreciative glance before bulldozing it to build a highway. Nikto looked down at his hands, his fingers secreting ichor that only his eyes could perceive. Their putrid reddish-black gliding along his knuckles only to fall where they'd be reabsorbed back into him. Just like watching from afar wasn't enough, watching up close would soon fail to placate him. He'd want to touch, to grab, to squeeze, to crawl into her skin. He paused his thoughts to watch her prune one of the vining plants, his eyes stuck on the Alabaster white that bled from her gentle digits. He wanted to know what would happen if their hands touched. Would his muck dissolve her colors, crawling along her hands to forever taint her with his sins. Or was her hue potent enough to wash away his own, or at least, force it to retreat somewhere deep inside where he would no longer have to see it. Would they mix to create something new or would they slide right off each other like oil and water- incompatible. Nikto knew the answer, he was a broken man who broke his surroundings to reflect himself. A piece of him here, a piece of him there. A piece of him in the knife he stuck in the enemy's neck, a piece of him in the bullet wounds riddled in his targets. A piece of him in every whore he'd ever paid for and a piece of him in every comrade he'd sever once they got too close. A piece of him in every therapist they'd forced him to see, who would mark him good just to make sure he'd never step foot in their office again. Thankfully, he'd managed to keep his home untouched, no shard of him to be found in it's modest decor.
He watched his neighbor retreat into her home, satisfied with the maintenance she'd done. A contemplative glance over to his side before closing her door. He hardly knows his neighbor, but he knew she did not deserve to have a man like him in her life. She was made for a normal man who would give her a ring and children. Not for a broken soldier clinging to the pieces of his mind, scrambling for the shards that he himself discards. He was subject to his emotions but his actions, his actions would always reflect the meticulous decisions of a well trained soldier...a practiced killer. His brain and it's inhabitants could be as much of a mess as it wanted but he was in control. This was noise, nothing but his mind trying to create chaos and latching onto the first thing it could find. He knew there was nothing to be gained by entertaining this little 'fixation' of his.  He knew. He knew. He knows.
Nikto knows to leave pretty things alone.
"Neighbor, we bring gift." Nikto spoke once she'd opened her door for him, the small bag in his hand containing a Russian tea mix. A gift; a peace offering. "Make up for... Earlier incident."
Adlean stared at him for a moment, her gaze flicking from his eerie blue eyes to the brown paper bag crushed between his scar ridden fingers and back to him. When she saw his familiar silhouette at her screen door, she'd prepared herself for some kind of verbal altercation, despite the fact that he hadn't technically yelled at her the first time. She'd been kicking herself repeatedly these past few days. Annoyed that she'd caused her neighbor trouble due to being impulsive and annoyed at how much anxiety she'd allowed to build in her body because of it. Adlean had spent so many years working to overcome that part of herself that inflated every little issue in her life, but that training went straight into the garbage that lovely Sunday morning he came knocking at her door. It was forgivable, she told herself, he was a big man and with only one barely barricaded door to separate them she was right to worry. Yet she was pissed at herself all the same. That constant irritation had her brows involuntarily knitted together and her eyes narrowed into a look her friend often teased her about, likening her to an angry librarian or a ticked off school teacher. That sour look had permanently plastered itself on her face since and it was what greeted her well meaning, neighbor.
"Maybe not then... " His trailed off, voice somehow sounding more ashen.
It was near impossible to read his face behind a mask but she felt a hint of disappointment. It snapped her out of her foul mood and she quickly fixed her face. "Oh! No, no, I appreciate the gift." She held her hands out for the item. "Thank you."
Adlean forced a smile onto a face that still wanted to scowl. This was great, a sign she hadn't completely messed up her chances. Maybe she could take it a step further. "Would you like to enjoy this tea together? On the veranda out back?" She quickly added the last part, not ready to invite him directly into her home. Generally nerves weren't something she had to battle but the circumstances had her words coming out a little more shaky, her hands a little more fidgety. "In about half an hour, if you're not busy."
The Russian's eyes creased ever so slightly for a brief moment. "Да[yes], yes, that would be... Good."
With another awkward moment of swaying and silent nods the door was eventually closed. Adlean took a moment to inspect the tea with a little smile on her face. Teas have always been the go to gift of people in her life, despite the fact that she actually doesn't like them that much. "I guess I must look the type." she muttered to herself, grateful all the same. She compared the tea he got her to the one she bought to gift to him but couldn't bring herself to knock on his door. Maybe she'd give it to him later, or save it for the next time she overstepped.
A deep sigh made it's way out of her lips. This was good. This was her chance. They didn't need to be best friends, just cordial at the very least. She would accept that much. Anything but enemies, she wouldn't go through that again, never again. With that sentiment echoing through her mind, she went out to sweep the veranda and put the chairs together. 
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Nikto had put those thirty minutes to good use, taming his mind and avoiding the questions he asked himself. He would move on impulse. Those impulses had granted him an invitation to her company after all. If she hadn't he might've found some reason or excuse to make his way into her home, testing her boundaries to sate his curiosity. It didn't sit well with him to be so distracted but in the comfort of his own home, he'd allow it for now.
Nikto stepped out into the back yard. Their home had a veranda that span the entirety of the structure's length. There use to be a small fence to separate the sides but Roderick had toppled it over some years ago. Said he'd gotten into a fight at a party he threw and pushed a guy into it. A check of the security cameras confirmed there was a fight but it was his bony ass that got knocked to the ground. Bastard never bothered to replace it. The memory only made Nikto that much more grateful his neighbor was gone. This area wasn't spared from Adlean's questionable decorating choices, though it seemed all the plants here were fake, she'd added many along the railing and wall. Two lanterns above her door hung from fake branches. It wasn't Nikto's style, far too cluttered bordering messy, but it did suit her.
Adlean was already out, smiling with her eyes as he approached. She really did look like an old lady at times; legs crossed and tucked beneath her chair, her large glasses dangling precariously on the tip of her nose, hair up in a neat bun, draped in layers upon layers of knitted fabrics. The outdoor table-chair set was also within the aesthetic of her back yard, possibly custom made, designed to look like branches in the shape of furniture. Nikto was hesitant to sit, while the chair looked large enough for him they still seemed delicate, like they'd snap under the weight of his gaze alone. Adlean assured him it was fine, but it took a while before he could let his guard down and put his full weight on it. On the table, sitting above the green cloth covering it's surface, was the familiar orange color of his tea in a glass pot, two matching cups on either side and sugar packs placed in the middle. Adlean poured his glass before hers and Nikto didn't miss that she waited for him to drink first before taking a sip of her own.
"Thanks for agreeing to this, I really should apologize again for essentially trespassing." She began. There was genuine remorse in her words but despite this she seemed far more content, especially compared to earlier.
"No need, we're not upset. In truth, we just wanted reason to pick fight with neighbor." He paused. "Past neighbor."
"Was he... Problematic?" She asked.
"A problem; he very much was." He made a sound like in the back of his throat, like slate against metal.  "Thorn. Worm. Would come into our yard, just like you, but always with mess. Had annoying dog too. He was always loud, shit music playing at all hours of the night. Made us hate having a neighbor, would've moved if not for fact that we're barely here."
Adlean grimaced. "I know what that's like." She elaborated after Nikto gave her an inquisitive glance. "My last neighbor was great until rumors got out that her husband was having an affair and for some reason she believed it was with me. She started messing with my packages, tampering with food I had delivered and even my mail. Throwing things through my window and I'm pretty sure she released a possum in my home on four different occasions."
"Hm, what did you do in return?"
"Nothing... I just kept trying to talk to her but she wouldn't listen."
"Weak. If Roger ever did such things; I would have his tongue."
She chuckled, enjoying the blunt response. "Yea, well I was pretty weak back then."
"And now?"
"Now, I try not to be." She answered, a smile on her lips anyone could tell was fake.
The conversation drifted away and they spoke as two people new to each other would. Nikto wouldn't say much about himself but she compensated by being open about her life. She went into further detail about the things her old neighbor had done, some of it so bad he developed a slight appreciation for Roderick. She updated him on the surrounding neighbors, not that there was much given the area was just one big retirement home. She also let him know the shyly old woman that owns the house might pass it to her niece.
Nikto watched as she blew on her drink before taking small sips; her eyes lidded as the liquid rippled against her lips. It had to be on purpose, yeah? The way she moved was so slow, so calm. Nikto could damn near count the frames, yet the motions were fluid. Unbothered. She moved like someone with little care for time and how finite it was for us humans.  He envied it. He wanted that calmness, wanted to crawl into the chasm of her mind and set up residence. He made the correct decision getting closer. This must be why he enjoyed watching her so much; she looked like someone who knew peace. Exuded it. Combined with her voice, Nikto barely wanted to talk back, just listen. Just exist. He would never have true peace but when he watches her, his mind slows down just a bit and for a moment he can pretend. That's all it was, yes. She was a sustenance and he was starving.
She opened her eyes fully, lips still resting against the cup, then she turned them to him. Looking away would've been a good choice, to avoid appearing any more creepy than he already feels but he couldn't. He couldn't help but wonder how he looked to her. The Russian had no illusions about his appearance, to be sitting like this having tea in a garden didn't suit a creature like him at all. To any outsider he must look severely out of place; like a dagger among needles or a rock among feathers.
"Let's be good to each other, neighbor." she said in a quiet voice before returning to her tea.
He would. He would be good to her.
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batwritings · 11 months
Kinktober Day 18 - Restraints
This is your nightly reminder that kinks don't have to be sexy! Some can make you feel very safe, as you should feel if you are playing with others! Enjoy!~
You never expected this from Nikto of all people. Yet here you were, in his bunk, completely naked, and being tied up like a present. The hands that hand taken life after life before your very eyes were being so gentle and careful with you, as if you were made of glass. He stuck two fingers, littered with scars in between the rope and your skin.
“Too tight?” he asks, blue eyes looking to yours for confirmation. You shake your head and smile at him gently. It was a bit shocking that someone so strong and resilient would understand this sort of thing. See, compared to what people outside the room may think, this situation wasn’t at all what it seemed. 
Unlike others, who often used being tied up as a sexual outlet, this scenario was the furthest from it for you. You weren’t sure what it was about being bound so tightly, body curled in on itself like a child, that you found comfort in. Yet here you were, letting your teammate finishing binding you together.
When you came to Nikto about it, you were certain, somewhere in the back of your head he would turn you away. You thought of all the other times you’d been called horrible things for your coping mechanism; creepy, weird, gross even on the list of things people had spewed at you. Yet the man sighed, seeming to know almost immediately. “Come with us,” he told you, leading the way to his bunk.
You weren’t the first, and certainly not the last to ask for this sort of favor from him apparently. The Russian man had a litany of tools for which you could be bound; rope, ribbon, cording…you name it, he had it. You were pleasantly surprised when he held took each binding he had and looped them, offering them to you so you could pick which felt right.
You took your time, letting the sensation of each resonate with your frazzled mind. In the end, you chose the rope; familiar, yet softer than what was probably used for some…less than positive means. Nikto had nodded then asked you to strip. “It will feel better and more personal that way, trust us.”
You weren’t exactly in a position to argue. You watched with curious eyes as he pulled out an old sweater and sweats. They both reeked of him, and you weren’t going to turn him down. The situation was vulnerable enough, now wasn’t the time to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“Y/N?” Nikto’s voice pulls you back to the present as you shake your head to clear your thoughts. “Voices in your head getting to you friend?” You roll your eyes fondly, knowing he was joking. Not like he wouldn’t know a thing or two about that after all.
Your teammate pulls the sweater over you gently, tucking the sleeves in so they could act as a cushion for you later. You watch in curiosity as he pulls the sweats up over your bound legs, tucking the areas where your limbs would be in the same way. Next he cocoons you gently in what had to be the softest blanket you’d ever felt in your life. 
Once you were safely bundled, Nikto pulls you up against his chest, using a remote to dim the lights. “Focus on our heartbeat,” he tells you, and you listen. Tha-thump…tha-thump…tha-thump. “Breathe deeply. You are safe here with us.”
You don’t even have the energy to argue anymore, so you do as he asks. Your exhale is shaky as tears start to form. The stress of the last days, weeks, months, however long it had been starts to bubble to the surface. You’d lost track of when you started feeling so stressed, so worn out.
The man beside you doesn’t say a word, just lets you cry against his chest. One of the hands that bound you up so nice and tight rubs your shoulder softly. They know what you’re going through, what you’ve seen. And above all, Nikto knows what that does to a person and the pain that follows.
You weren’t sure how long you laid there, just getting your emotions out in this safe little spot, but eventually the tears dry out and your breath starts to settle, save for the stray sniffle. “Feeling better?” Your teammate asks gently. You can only nod, the words not finding you.
“Stay as long as you need, you are safe with us.”
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yawnderu · 10 months
hello! i saw that you are accepting requests. love your ideas in your ghost's situationship piece, and i am wondering if you have ideas on how early relationship with nikto would be? please don't feel pressured to do this, just would love to see your thoughts! sfw or not, all up to you! thank you, have a good day :3
hii!! I remember talking about this with my friend sjdpenwo
God, a situationship or very early relationship with Nikto would absolutely break you too. This man is not fully there anymore— a shell of who he used to be. He's always angry now, has a distorted mind and a disfigured face he doesn't let you see no matter how much you ask. If you ask a lot, he'd immediately drop you. Respecting his boundaries is a huge part of being with Nikto, and that includes getting used to the possibility of never seeing his face.
As a situationship, he's rough during sex, downright degrading you as he takes you like you're nothing but a hole he can fuck whenever the voices get too loud and he can't quiet them down. If he fucks you hard enough to silence them, things might work out.
Curses and degrading words spill out of his lips like a filthy prayer as his thick cock slides in and out of you, his gloved hands holding the curve of your waist with a bruising grip as he pulls out before slamming himself all the way back in, deep groans escaping his lips when he feels your cunt tighten up around him.
He knows you like it rough, such a pretty girl always available for him, his hand wrapping around your throat as he squeezes hard, cutting your air supply as he slams his hips against you harder and deeper, his balls slapping your sensitive clit with each thrust.
Your face is warm and your eyes are teary, the pleasure of being degraded like this and fucked so hard by the Russian man mixing in, not even managing to moan anymore as his hold on your neck is too strong. He can feel your body writhing underneath him, cunt getting even tighter around his fat cock as your orgasm hits. It doesn't take long for him to follow, barely managing to pull out before he's on his knees in bed, pumping his cock a few times as his cum spurts out all over your face.
He doesn't help you clean up, doesn't even say a word other than telling you he'll be back later that month, about to leave for deployment. He's as cold as his mother country, and it would take months of this and a long talk before he tries to treat you like an actual person rather than a hole he can stick his dick in.
You convince him to stay sometimes by making traditional Russian food, welcoming him from his deployments with something tasty to eat, encouraging him by saying he needs the energy to fuck you. He eats in another room and alone, not wanting you to see a single inch of his scarred face, but he always washes the dish he almost licked clean. He rewards you for your efforts, of course, his bare hand rubbing on your puffy clit while he lets you ride his cock, pale blue eyes closing in pleasure as he shoots ropes all the way inside your cunt for the first time.
Things slowly change after that day— he comes home to you immediately after his deployments, but he doesn't always fuck you, simply staring at you as you cook or wrapping his arms around you from behind, his fingers deep inside your cunt as you try your best to finish the meal while he's making you cum, words of praise in Russian and English being whispered into the nape of your neck from behind. He makes you lick his fingers clean off of your own cum, painfully hard cock pressing against your back, yet he doesn't fuck you yet. No, he has better things planned.
He comes back to your room once he's done eating, climbing into bed with you and putting you on his lap. His flight suit carries a small book he got specifically just for this, your back against his chest as he reads to you in Russian, deep voice calmer than you've ever heard. At some point he decides to switch to English, reading getting slightly slower ad he thinks about the right way to accurately translate the sentences. It's a change of pace, but it's always welcomed.
The moment your relationship becomes official, you got yourself a boyfriend and scary dog privilege whenever he's not deployed. This behemoth of a man follows you everywhere, one of his massive hands on your lower back, spreading its warmth all over your body.
While Nikto is an extremely difficult person, once he knows you're the one, he's not letting you go. He doesn't scream during arguments, simply staring at you for a second before leaving the house, taking a walk to calm down. He doesn't want to mess things up, not with you, not when he already has an engagement ring for you even though you've been dating for months. When he comes back with a clear mind, he communicates with you calmy, trying his best to understand the issue and actively working on fixing it.
Once your relationship advances, you'll start to notice this broken man worships you like a God.
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mi-i-zori · 3 months
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With Love and Purrs
CoD - Shifter!AU - Cat Shifter!Nikto x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS : A kind of headcanon-like thingy about Cat Shifter!Nikto meeting his reason to live.
WARNINGS : Mention of Nikto thinking about how deadly his job is for a moment. Otherwise, this is pure fluff.
Author’s Note : I’m back, and I’ve got a few things to share, starting with this ! The worms have been wiggling about hybrids and shifters lately. Maybe it’ll become a new AU.
I do not give anyone permission to re-publish, re-use and/or translate my work, be it here or on any other platform, including AI.
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Nikto catches sight of Reader multiple times during a long stay at the base they work at. He quickly learns that they have a job in the administration, and comes to appreciate the aura they exude. Their smile seems engraved in his mind both day and night, refusing to leave his thoughts. He finds himself wishing to be the source of their happiness, even if just for a fleeting moment.
Yet he can’t stop his mind from lashing out against this feeling, screaming about how doing so could lead him to another path full of pain ; like it always seems to be.
Which is why he decides to find a compromise with himself and approach them in an… Unconventional way.
He comes to them in his animal form - a black, rugged little stray cat with piercing blue eyes and patches of scarred skin lingering among his already unruly fur. As always, he stays silent ; making them jump when someone points out that a peculiar feline is following them at a distance, never letting them out of its sight.
They immediately start cooing at him, lowering their voice as if to not startle him. They stay where they are, calling him with a hand outstreched towards his form. Despite his usual wary self, he immediately grasps the opportunity between his paws, giving their fingers the tiniest sniff before timidly snuggling against them.
Still, it takes him quite some time before he manages to not instinctively shy or jump away from their touch. Yet they never seem to get tired of him - smiling and slow blinking at him as he lays on what quickly became his special chair and blanket in their office, sometimes talking to him quietly, allowing him a glimpse of their thoughts.
They respect his space, which he is constantly grateful for. They ask for his permission before petting him, slowly coming to hold a hand in front of his nose, and never getting upset when he doesn’t feel like cuddling. They apologize whenever they accidentally spook him, and try to calm him down with a few peaceful words and coos. They try to contain their excitement whenever he allows them to pet or kiss him, yet he can feel it radiating from them.
He become the source of their joy more and more, and he can’t help but feel a little smug about it.
However, he isn’t really fond of their colleagues. Some of them try to force their need for feline cuddles on him despite Reader’s warnings. They make a show of lightly scolding him when he scratches, bites or hisses at the idiots, but never fail to smile and reassure him when he grumbles about it after the unwanted attention-seeker leaves.
« They never learn the lesson, do they ? » They say. « I’m sorry, Baby. » Nikto wishes he could tell them they are not the one who needs to apologize, especially not when they are so good to him.
He also likes that name. Baby. But don’t tell anyone.
One man, though, is worse than the others. He never comes to try and pet him, and Nikto doesn’t care about the way he looks at him, as if he were the scourge of the Earth - he is used to the negativity dancing in the eyes of others on his path, even more in his human form. But the man flirts shamelessely with his human, and he loathes it. He can feel Reader’s discomfort the second that arrogant bastard’s footsteps echo down the hall, and sees the exasperated sigh that crosses their lips just before he automatically makes his way through the door as if he owns the whole place. Nikto makes his point by glaring at him until the idiot gets uncomfortable enough to leave, and hisses when he breezes past his chair on his way out. He relishes in the satisfied smile they give him, the kisses they blow his way as a relieved thank you.
Then comes the day he has to go on a mission again. He doesn’t know how long he will be gone, if he’ll even be able to see them again. His shoulders are heavy as he boards the plane, glancing one last time at the door beyond the tarmac wondering if, somewhere in the building, the one that holds his heart will be waiting for his return.
And said heart leaps with delight when he finally steps on the base’s grounds again ; battered and bruised, exhausted and sore, but alive. He doesn’t waste a second to let his little paws follow the lines of the corridors leading to his Reader’s office. The arrogant flirt is there when he arrives, and Nitko is more than happy to tear their attention away from him the second he walks through their door. He rubs his entire side against their legs, his face against their fingers. He preens as the idiot bites back a snarl and almost runs out of the room ; his love doesn’t even notice, to busy running their hands through his fur as they ask him where he’s been.
« I’ve been thinking, » they say, sounding like they are about to make him the most outrageous of confessions, « would you like to come home with me ? »
Nikto is too focused on trying to quell the erratic beating of his heart to register their nervous babbling about how they asked around and learned he was a stray hanging around the base, and how they have been thinking about it for months. He cuts them off with his first meow in what feels like an eternity. It’s rough, and almost sounds nothing more like a disgusting gurgle in his ears ; but their eyes lit up with happiness, their excitement wafting off of them in unrestrained waves as they pick him up. And he lets them, his claws digging into their shirt as if they were going to vanish right before his eyes.
His new reality settles in as they put him down on the floor of their apartment. The scents are the first thing that hits him. It smells like them, feels like them. The cushions on their sofa are the softest against his rugged pawpads, but so are their carpets and their bed. They let him explore every single corner of their home - his home, they insist on saying, and Nikto’s heart threatens to burst out of his ribcage.
He now spends his days lounging in their office, learning to indulge in his teasing side more as he rolls around on their desk, and his nights in whatever free space of their apartment he feels like invading. He learns to meow more, his voice sounding the tiniest bit clearer every time, and to purr too. The rumbles are awkward and raspy, but he happily lets them out as Reader combs through his erratic fur.
He sighs dreamily whenever they turn their back, wishing he could give them everything they offer him back tenfold. So he takes it upon himself to « groom » them whenever they try to detangle his fur, showering them with his own kind of kisses and silent love. He fights his aversion for touch to cuddle more, savoring the smiles it brings out on their face. He goes to sleep next to their pillow, and wakes up sprawled on top of their chest, listening to their quiet heartbeat.
There’s this one time when they tell him how much he reminds them of a certain masked soldier they crossed paths with a few times back at the base. They gush about the piercing blue of the man’s eyes, so similar to his ; his confident strides, the nods of greeting he took the time to offer them, his silent, brooding and soothing presence in the elevator. They recall the time the soldier shielded them from a pushy idiot, telling him off with the silent sharpness of a stone and the coldness of ice. Nikto doesn’t need to be told the details of this story ; he remembers well the blush coating their cheeks as he escorted them back to their office, wary of the glint that danced in the flirty soldier’s eyes. A blush so similar to the one they carry as they gush about that « imposing gentleman of a stranger » - and probably to the one warming up his own face under his fur.
A part of him is terrified at the idea that they might end up catching on the situation - that the cat they adopted, that they worry about for months when he disappears, is actually that man they would love to know more leaving on deadly missions. He considered multiple times faking his death once more to finally be able to stay with them for good, protect them too. But the thought of being rejected, thrown out for being a disgusting creep, tears his heart apart.
Yet another side of him starts purring the second he thinks about how he could finally be accepted for who he is. A feline shifter, yes, but also a broken man, yearning for love behind the many walls and barriers he hides behind in order to protect himself.
They don’t know the truth, obviously. He’s been very careful about everything, though he can’t do anything about the deployments.
But for the first time in forever, Nikto hopes.
And for the first time in forever, he might be surprised by how sharp his dear Reader can be…
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flweurlilac · 1 year
[Part One]
Cod characters react to you rejecting their confession </3
Part One ✦ Part Two
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Character contains : ghost, konig, price, horangi, gaz & nikto
tw : nothing just fluff & maybe a tiny bity angst ♡ reader is poc but i see her as (black) chubby reader bcs my blogs is for chubby gals but i didnt put any descriptions abt readers body (or skintone) so you could have fun with it :) reader is afab btw ^^
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♡ ghost
- big boy is mad
- no seriously he is mad.
- when the time you shook your head his sight whos first is kinda bright is now gloomy than ever.
- he would like give you a code about a question of why would you reject him.
- after he knows the reason, he is just kind of like [ *grunts* ... Fine. ]
- he still have a crush on u though, but he didnt have the courage to ask you again unless u change your mind and willing to confess your feelings for him <3
♡ konig
- blud is sad & angrei 😡
- have this '😡' expression after you reject him. But quickly turned into '😞😔' expression.
- quietly ask you "why.. Why darling?"
- after he knows the reason why he kinda try to make himself move on from you.
- but failed </3
- he still love you but he actually still mad at you for rejecting him.
- but he atleast try an effort to still respect you, but this dude is still over the heels for you <33
♡ price
- this is how his emotions looks like
- ☺->🙂->😐->😕->😞
- would quickly put his ciggarates once he saw you shook your head.
- ask you a question "am i not enough love?"
- he saw you shook your head again and heared you give yourself a reason of why would you reject him.
- after that he just went to like "oh.. Oh well fine then." But... He is still not over from you.
- i mean.. He sometimes try to take a glance at you when you were not looking.
- and trust me — this papa try reaaaally hard to not gawk over you cus umm.. He doesnt want to be embarassed.
- i mean.. This man has a lot of reputation in the military and the 141 group so.. better be patient.
- unless you're willing to change your mind and accept him, he would be over the moon :)
♡ horangi
- literally gave you a '😐' to '😒' stare right after u shook ur head and said the word "no"
- try not to look to angry at you bcs you just break his little tiger heart 💔
- he also try not to BARK when he sees you talking to his other comrades (including konig, bcs he is a jealous tiger)
- he would demand ask his comrades to ask you about why would you reject such a value man like him.
- would give you a side eye 24/7 after he knows the reason.
- but pls dont be mad at him for that, he still have a crush on you he just dont want to be seem as desperate.
- infact, giving u a side eye 24/7 is to get your attention back to him ... 😏
♡ gaz
- oh my god.. His heart is just like a snow that is being crushed by someones hands.
- would looked like a kicked puppy after you said "no" To him.
- would ask you quietly "why....?"
- after he knows the reason his whole mood is just become gloomy no matter how reasonable the reason is.
- bcs he is a shy bean so having him confessing his feelings for someone that he loves/likes require a lot of confidence for him to do it so he is really feeling that butt-hurt feelings.
- he actually still love you but he would never ever admit this again. He is too too shy beanie to do it. (Pls do it for him<3)
♡ nikto
- literally angy and sad
- he is infact big (almost like konig) but once he heard the word "no" From you he almost felt his strong and muscly heart being melted.
- he look at you with shocked expression and ask "why.. was i not enough?"
- after he know the reason he is still gloomy and sad of course. But he is not going to give up bcs he is a really determined man so he is really willing to say it back to you.
- unless this time.. He has more bigger & well prepare.
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♡❀♡ Note : Guyssss this is my first time writing for nikto hcs/imagines, he is another of the masked men in cod and he was really really underrated, many ppl still didnt recognize his appereance (maybe some are but just dont really that care about him.) so i had to add him on this list. I'll make a part two maybe later with alejandro, rudy, valeria, alex, makarov and keegan :) tell me wht characters should i add in the next part! Enjoy!
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nrdmssgs · 1 month
Nikto doesn’t care for formal signs of recognition of his work. Not interested in praises from the management, doesn’t need fancy letters. Medals? The can feel free to stick his medals right in their…
But you know, what would he wear proudly and show to others? Hickeys. Your hickeys.
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asimpforthe80s · 3 months
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Found You, Andrei
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wheezingstar · 3 months
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You can call me, Wheezy or Star, whichever works. My pronouns are They/Them/Theirs! My favorite color is Green, my favorite band is Ghost, and my favorite movie genre is horror.
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I will mainly be writing fluff because we already have so much smut out there I wanna add some fluffy bits to it too. I’m more of an artist who writes in their free time so if you could excuse any writing mistakes that’d be nice.
I do take requests! It makes my day when I see someone likes some of my stuff enough to trust me to write a story for them. You can request smut and some stuff outside of the call of duty games. For example, I play genshin, identity V, DBD and some other games I’m sure I am forgetting.
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Characters and ships I am willing to write for
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish
John Price
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
Alejandro Vargas
Keegan Russ
Logan and Hesh (my brain lumps them together)
Alex Keller
Gary ‘Roach’ Sanderson
characters and ships/plotsI won’t write for and might explain why in the future if it isn’t already obvious why
All and any poly relationships
Non-con/dub-con (freaks me out, I can’t even read it let alone write it)
Laswell (brief mentions of her in fics with others but never alone.)
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And that concludes this lengthy introduction post, it will probably be changed in the future and edited.
Have a lovely time, whatever time it is for you when you read this. Remember to drink water and treat yourself nicely little stars⭐️
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marzylics · 7 months
Seeing nikto's face for the first time is a big deal. You had been dating for a while a year and couple months when he tells you he wants you to see his face.
When he first shows you he's scared. Scared you'll be repulsed. Scared you'll leave. Scared no one will ever love him when he look like this.
Seeing his face for the first time. You've seen a glimpse but never all of his face.
He takes off his mask. Closing his eyes expecting to hear you foot steps retreating and the door slamming shut. What he hears is you stepping closer. "you're beautiful" you tell him, observing him more.
he stand there for a good moment. He didn't think he'd hear those words again.
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vrtvyg · 22 days
Very bery fluffy
Still don't have much motivation, have some fluff. minor smut under the cut.
imagine just laying with him in bed after an intimate (and rough) session, your hands lazily stroking his side while he tries to get comfortable ontop of the heavy comforter the hotel provided.
You had booked some fancy hotel the moment you heard he was gonna have more than just a few days of leave, the kind that has a pool, gym, hottub, stand up showers, balconies, all that jazz.
You two spent most of the day exploring the new surroundings, coming back to the hotel to relax in the hottub, and practically fuck each other on the elevator up to your floor.
Now you're tracing the scars along his back as he gazes at the view the balcony that's just a few feet away from the bed provides.
He turns over with a content smile, not the cheeky grin he gives when he catches some good Intel, or the crazed smirk that he gets on the field. but a small, happy one that comes with a soft sigh and a flutter of his lashes, giving away to the tiredness caused by the activity just half an hour prior.
You kiss the top of his head when he huddles close, nose smooshed against you chest, the stubble on his chin itching your skin, and all you do is clutch the small box in your hand that you scooped from your bag when he was too busy gazing at the stars, your heart beating hard as you silently debate with yourself, wanting so badly to open the box and ask that question that's been having your mind race for months now. wanting so badly to see his reaction to those four words, but not knowing if this perfect moment is perfect enough....
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gremlinmodetweeker · 1 month
New Recruit
So as it turns out, my big thing is just making a ton of different aus for cod and throwing König into the middle of them. Poor guy never gets a break when I'm around.
Either way, this is a super fun au I cooked up and I think y'all might really like it. Super fun campy paranormal goodness. I am so happy with how this is going!
Anyways, SFW but a relatively longer fic from me
2.6k wordcount
Story below the cut
New Recruit
Was this really the place? The old firehouse in front of you seemed rundown and decrepit in how it perched on the corner of the street, kept in place only by worn down concrete sidewalks with dandelions growing up from the spiderweb cracks interlaced throughout. It seemed to be ready to collapse at the snap of your fingers, which you kept safely tucked away in the pockets of your pants as you took in what was supposedly your new workplace.
Once, the big barn doors had been painted a bright crimson red. Now they were cracked and chipped and broken down by time and teenage vandalism that had been power washed away. You walked to the corner of the street and looked down the side to find a smaller, more reasonable green door that had been tucked away from your sight. You walked up, trying to ignore the smashed glass windows and instead buzzed the doorway.
The sonorous tone of the voice surprised you, but you called your name and explained you were here for the interview.
“Oh right! Yeah I remember you. Come on in.”
The lock clicked, allowing you to push through to look inside. You traveled down the chipped linoleum floors to a grand opening surrounded in white over green tiles stacked haphazardly on the walls. There, in front of a rich wood cabinet that seemed to be bursting with files, a large man with skin like rusted ochre sat and typed away at a keyboard that seemed to be dwarfed by his leathery mitts.
“Just one second,” the man held up a finger as he typed rapidly.
With time on your hand, you looked around the room. The pillars holding up the caving ceiling were working wonders to give the whole place a strangely clinical feeling. At the far wall, a set of rusted black iron stairs crawled up to places unknown while a strangely ominous door sat quietly to the right of it, hidden just out of sight from casual observers. The big balls of light held up by stringy cords swung with an unfelt breeze.
“Alright,” the big man turned his chair to you, “c’mon in and take a seat here. Make yourself comfy.”
He gestured with one large hand to a ratty folding chair. With nowhere else to sit, you took your seat delicately, lest you crush it beneath your weight (in all fairness, you suspected a paperclip might do it in). Adjusting your clothes, you straightened yourself to meet the man’s eyes, or rather, the sunglasses he wore indoors.
“Alright. The name’s Darnell Hutchinson, but everyone ‘round here calls me Hutch. You’d best to do the same.”
You nodded quickly.
“Awesome. So,” the man leaned his elbows onto the hardwood desk, “you know the job title’s not a joke, right?”
You had already forgotten the job title.
“Oh yeah, I know,” you played it off.
“Alright. So you’re a firm believer that there’s things out there that science can’t explain?” Hutch continued.
You tried to not let your facial expressions squirm too much as you lied through your teeth, “Sure thing. There’s a whole world out there to explore.”
Hutch ticked a box on a checklist, “Good. So the whole thing about this job is that you’ll be pretty active around here. Lots of running, jumping, ducking, dodging, all that stuff. You think you’re fit enough?”
“I can be if you need me to be,” you chirped.
“Great,” Hutch nodded with a rewarding smile, “I like your attitude. Anyways, most important question of this whole shebang: do you believe in ghosts?”
“Ghosts?” you couldn’t stop yourself from reeling back.
“Ghosts,” Hutch confirmed solemnly, “poltergeists, banshees, spirits, phantoms, shades, things that go bump in the night. You believe in any of that?”
This interview was a joke. It had to be.
“I’ll believe whatever you pay me to believe,” you replied truthfully.
Hutch lowered his shades to give you a long look.
“Ma’am this ain’t no joking matter. If you want to survive in this place, you’d best understand that ghosts are very, very, real.”
“Then they’re real,” you couldn’t believe what you were saying. Were you that desperate for a job?
“I’ll hold you to that,” Hutch shook his head as he turned over the paper, “so do you have any sorta background in science?”
“A bit?” you offered weakly.
“Better than nothing,” Hutch nodded and scribbled onto his clipboard before putting it down, “alright ma’am, I just gotta clear this with the others, and then I’ll get back to ya. Based on the other applicants we got,” Hutch winked, “I think you got the job.”
Your smile split from ear to ear, the brightest one you’d felt in the past two months.
“So, when should I hear back from you?” you asked hopefully.
“When the other’s come ba-”
The big double doors swung wide open as a big white white cadillac came screaming in with blaring sirens casting wild lights around the room. As soon as the car screeched to a stop, four people peeled out of the car like it was on fire.
“We got a real fighter in here!” a man with a heavy Korean accent held up a swinging black and yellow striped box crackling with energy.
“Hey hey be careful there!” a (by comparison) smaller woman yelled at the man, “that’s a class five you got banging around in there!”
A big man in a shroud shook his head as he stomped up beside you.
“Hutch,” the man’s slow russian drawl caught your attention, “Horangi caught the specter. Please tell Mrs. Wilson that her home is officially cleared.”
“On it,” Hutch said as he twirled his chair back to the computer monitor.
You blinked as the russian man nodded and walked back to the other three as they all retreated upstairs.
“Are those the others?” you whispered inconspicuously.
“Sure thing ma’am,” Hutch grinned, “those’re New York’s finest.”
You watched as the fourth and final figure stumbled forth. If you thought Hutch was big, this man was massive. His black cloth mask stained with two red tear trails swung with every heavy footstep he took towards you. When he laid his arctic blue eyes on you, you gave him a small wave. He stalled, then turned to look at Hutch.
“You gonna go into the basement and do your weird biology shit?” Hutch drawled.
The giant looked peeved, but nodded and hurried off with the sparking black and yellow box to the smaller door on the ground floor.
“I’ll go talk to the others. If you wanna wait around, it shouldn’t take more than an hour,” Hutch offered.
You didn’t have anywhere better to be. It’s not like you exactly had a job you needed to go to. So, you took up the offer and started playing around with your phone while Hutch loped off to catch up with the others.
Left alone, you were given the time to really take in what had just happened. What sort of job did you try and apply for here? You were just sending in your application to anything that was posted on the five job sites you’d been scouring through. You just had an interview for garbage disposal yesterday, and the day before that as a secretarial assistant for a hotel. You weren’t exactly picky, and neither was your landlord. You were already two months behind and he was breathing down your neck for your rent as the clock ticked down on you. One month left, and then you’d have to pay it all back in full. You didn’t know what you were going to do.
You sighed and slumped in your chair. Ever since you lost your job at the diner, you were scrambling for anything to get you by. The handiwork you’d been offering on Facebook Marketplace was dwindling down for the season and you didn’t have any equipment or expertise in lawncare to offer your services to the more elite of New York City. You were getting too desperate to turn down a job just because it dealt with ‘ghosts’ or whatever.
You rolled your eyes. Who even believed in ghosts? What sort of nonsense was this all about? It seemed ridiculous and juvenile. But if there was some eccentric billionaire hiring ghost hunters for some bunk science experiment, you’d be down to clown. So long as you got paid, of course. Anything was on the table as long as the bills got paid.
You thought back to the four people who came out of that bizarre car. You turned to take a good look at it.
A white cadillac with a red trim sporting a siren and a megaphone on the top sat still, almost as though it hadn’t nearly shot your eardrums out just moments before. It looked like it had been modified in some way to give it more leg room, making it look decently spacious in size but you still couldn’t figure out quite how that big guy with the cloth mask fit in there. The thought of him crammed in there with his knees up to his chest made you snort.
“You don’t like my baby?”
You swung your head back around so fast you cracked your neck.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” the man chuckled as he descended down the metal stairs.
“I wasn’t laughing at your car,” you defended yourself quickly.
The man raised an eyebrow above his sunglasses, his smile hidden by a camo face mask, “So what were you laughing at?”
You bit your lip, then admitted, “Thinking about that big guy trying to fit in that car.”
“Oh!” the man gave a deep belly laugh, “it can get tight in there, but not bad. It’s good enough to get us around.”
“So that’s your car?” you asked.
“A 1958 Cadillac Miller-Meteor Sentinel ambulance. It’s been hauling us all around town since I rescued it from a scrapyard a year ago,” the man slumped into Hutch’s chair and kicked his heavy boots up onto the desk. He looked at you for a moment then pressed a finger to his mask, “Don’t tell Hutch.”
You laughed, “Won’t say a word.”
The man nodded approvingly before reaching a hand out, “I’m Hornagi, the face of the company.”
“You’re the face?” a feminine voice called out.
Horangi turned to glare up at the lithe woman at the top of the staircase, standing as though she was liberty and strength incarnate. She looked down at you with a knowing smirk.
“Nice to see you, Roze,” the man peevishly grumbled as he swirled in Hutch’s chair.
“Don’t listen to him,” Roze sighed as she walked down gracefully, “Horangi’s an idiot.”
“I’m the one with the physics degree,” Horangi scoffed.
“You also blasted a hole through Mrs. Wilson’s cat tree,” Roze snarked as she rounded the banister, “you’re just lucky she was taking that cat to the vet.”
“Eh,” Horangi threw up his hands, “she can buy another.”
“You know that comes out of our salary, right?” Roze leaned against one of the pillars before looking up warily, “sure could use that money to help out here…”
Horangi was about to reply before he looked up at the ceiling.
“Maybe,” Horangi conceded.
“So,” the woman turned to look at you with a smirk on her scarlet red lips, “you’re the new recruit?”
“I’m the new recruit?” you asked in bewilderment.
“Yes you!” Roze laughed and swung her dark hair from her eyes, “Hutch was pretty excited about you.”
“I didn’t think I did that well,” you muttered under your breath.
“Hah! I like this one!” Horangi cheered beside you.
“You like everyone, slut,” Roze rolled her eyes.
“I have very high standards, thank you,” the man sniffed.
“Are you sure?” Roze snorted, “doesn’t seem like it.”
“And this is why you aren’t allowed to be interviewed anymore,” Horangi pointed at her, “you’re too mean.”
“I’m just mean to you,” Roze pointed out.
“Only for me? You’re too nice.”
“I’d shove you in a trap if I could,” Roze growled.
“I’d say you have the worst interviews, but König exists,” Horangi sneered.
Roze sighed as she pushed the heels of her palms into her eyes, “König can’t be allowed near a microphone ever again.”
“That was the worst I’ve seen him in years, you know,” Horangi ran a hand through the back of his short but fluffy black hair, “did you see that poor reporter trying to get her mic back?”
“I had to help her,” Roze groaned, “but he just kept going on and on.”
“Is König the russian guy?” you wormed your way into the conversation.
Roze’s dark brown eyes widened as though she only just noticed you were there, “What? No, Nikto’s great in interviews. He’s the face of the company.”
“I’m the face!”
“Nikto seems pretty scary, but he’s actually really cool once you get to know him,” Roze’s smile dropped, “just don’t ask about his mask.”
Hornagi turned to you and nodded solemnly, “She’s right. Don’t ask about the mask.”
“The halloween mask?” you asked, thinking back to the Scream mask that the man wore.
“He rotates,” Roze offered, “but yeah, Nikto’s nice. He’s funny and he works hard. He’s smart, too.”
“He’s the only one of us that didn’t have a background in science,” Horangi cut in, “he only took the job because he needed one for his green card.”
“Now he has to deal with all of us,” Roze grinned.
“So you all have degrees?” you asked, thinking back to Hutch’s questions about your educational background.
“Horangi has a masters in physics, I have a masters in chemistry and a doctorate in physics, and König has a doctorate in biology,” Roze offered.
“Hutch has a masters in cyber security and a bachelors in mechanical engineering, which is how he got into the military,” Horangi added, “so he’s really our ‘man in the chair’ here.”
“And Nikto?” you asked.
��Something in the military,” Roze trailed off nervously.
“Nikto was in the KGB, I think,” Horangi clacked his teeth together.
“Don’t ask about that either,” Roze declared.
“Don’t ask about his job back home or his mask,” Hornagi affirmed.
“Are they related?” you inquired.
Roze and Horangi shared a look before turning back and saying, “Yes.”
The door up above swung open and Hutch walked through, “There you guys are!”
“Yeah, we’re just talking to the new recruit here,” Roze called up as Hutch came down.
“So both of you think she’s a good fit?” Hutch asked.
“Sure do,” Roze nodded as Hornagi followed suit.
Hutch walked up to his chair and yanked it back so hard that Horangi nearly fell out of his chair, “Out.”
Hornagi grumbled as he relinquished the seat and strolled over to stand beside Roze with an indignant huff.
“I was talking to Nikto upstairs, and he seems to think you’re a good fit too,” Hutch typed into his computer furiously, “so, you know, majority rules.”
“Does König know?” Horangi asked.
“König can suck an egg,” Hutch shook his head irritably, “he needs to get over himself.”
The printer whirred to life and started chugging through paper. Hutch gathered the papers and a pen and handed them over to you, the stack still warm in your hands.
“Whelp, looks like you’ve got the job,” Hutch smiled warmly as he handed over the forms.
You read through the papers quickly before signing and handing the papers back over.
Hutch stood and you followed suit. He held out a meaty hand and gave you a firm, welcoming handshake.
“Welcome to the Ghostbusters, recruit.”
AU Masterlist
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k6tzie · 2 months
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i had a thought before ; what would happen if most cod characters shared a huge bed together? so here are my headcannons on how i think it'd go! it's not realistic & it's all in good fun, no need to get aggressive☺i included as many as i could. reblogs & likes are always appreciated 💗
soap: kept tossing his leg onto ghost the entire night without noticing it. before he fell asleep, he kept making stupid jokes with gaz who was on the other side until price told them to be quiet and that "people are trying to sleep"
ghost: probably snored like a cow the whole night. he would snore, take a long pause then continue. he tossed soaps leg off of him even whilst he was asleep because it was bothering him. got stuck in the middle
price: played candy crush on full brightness so the person next to him was blinded (roach🙁) . fell asleep with his phone unlocked and dropped it on his face like 5 times. when his phone flung off the bed, he blamed gaz for "hiding it from him". he was on the edge and it was just on the floor.
roach: slept like a baby and slept early on. deep sleeper and literally didn't hear any of the commotion going on around him. soap thought it'd be funny to put his hand into water and make him pee himself, then realised he'd pee the bed. the whole night he was paranoid roach would randomly pee (he never did, it didn't work)
gaz: giggled and laughed the whole night as everyone kept saying "shut up gaz!". a surprisingly deep sleeper and drooled onto his pillow and accidently cuddled the person next to him. he definitely sleeps with his mouth open.
valeria: purposely kept getting up to piss everyone off, then would say "i'm just thirsty." but, she ended up really needing to pee in the middle of the night and pushed the sleeping people out of the way, waking them all up accidently
graves: kept smacking his mouth and making them saliva noises as he turned away from everyone else and tried to sleep. "Cut. It. Out." he just repeated, still turned away from everyone else when they'd act up. however the person next to him (poor logan) was NOT safe. he kept accusing him of touching his back as he'd randomly jolt and say things like; "I know it was you touchin' my back buddy." (it was literally just the tag from his shirt)
logan: put his headphones in and tried to listen to some music but everyone around him could hear everything from those cheap ass headphones. but he refused to put the volume down. he told them to "thank him for them listening to such good music". soon fell asleep at a reasonable time, one of the only sane ones.
makarov: made everyone sleep on the couch or floor.
laswell: kept wiggling away from everyone to get as much space as possible. asked to be on the edge so she could have the nightstand. she kept waking up just to take sips of water then go back to sleep
keegan: literally kicked everybody off the bed and tried hogging the blanket for himself just to get a rise out of y'all. was the one to tickle people's legs with his feet then act like he didn't know who did it.
rudy: kept trying to politely ask everyone to quiet down but no one listened to him. he kept putting his pillow around his ears dramatically so they would get the hint.
farah: one of the ones who fell asleep last. she purposely did that because sleeping after everyone else has slept makes her feel comfortable knowing everyone's okay. she stopped gaz and soap from drawing on prices face.
alejandro: everyone turned away from him since he was the only one just wearing boxers and nothing else and they didn't wanna invade his privacy but he literally didn't care. kept mumbling things in his sleep with his face in the pillow and sort of creeped everyone out because at first they thought they were hearing things.
krueger: had to take melatonin to fall asleep but he forgot just how much coffee he had drank earlier in the day so he got up in the middle of the night to go puke. snored pretty loud too
hesh: kept asking if he could bring riley onto the bed and everyone said no, obviously. the pjs he wore had SO much dog hair on it someone had to supply him a spare shirt. was a reasonable person, talked a little then fell asleep. good person to sleep next to
horangi: despised sleeping next to hesh. all that dog hair made his eyes red and itchy. but he was very organized and gave everyone specific spots to sleep in. kept fixing the blankets and assured everyone was comfortable and anytime someone kicked the blanket off, he'd put it right back on them, not considering they might be hot
nikto: his big ass helmet kept clanking against the headboard and irritating everybody but no one dared to say anything about it. he tossed around a lot and kept waking up since he's a light sleeper
konig: he kept tossing around like a rotisserie chicken and took up a good quarter of the bed. pretty soft snorer and wasn't too loud but accidently kept getting into peoples spaces and just breathing onto them
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thank u for reading! please feel free to leave suggestions :)
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