#Non technical popular categories
hiorintruther · 2 years
Given that Blue Lock is an in-universe reality show with (apparently) millions of worldwide fans, that implies the theoretical existence of a Blue Lock fandom and, by extension, Blue Lock fanfic.
What kind of mischaracterisations do you think in-universe fans have of the various members of Blue Lock? Which ships would be popular? This is an rpf situation so what sort of drama goes on surrounding the very existence of bllk fanfic? Does the fandom have pockets which behave like other rpf fandoms such as Kpop and streamers? How much does Reddit fucking hate the stans? I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!
Firstly, the fandoms tagged in fics would be a mix of: Football RPF — all media types, Blue Lock (Football RPF), Neo Egoist League (Football RPF) and BLTV (Football RPF).
Common fandom-specific tags include: ‘Referenced Professional Footballers’, ‘No Beta We Die Like Kunigami Rensuke’s Ratings’, ‘Not Safe For Ego Jinpachi’s eyes’ and ‘Author Uses Football Not Soccer’.
Platonic relationships are pretty common in the fandom, with the most popular ones being ‘Michael Kaiser & Alexis Ness’, ‘Meguru Bachira & Lavinho’, ‘Yoichi Isagi & Noel Noa’ and ‘Yoichi Isagi & Rensuke Kunigami’.
Personally I think the most popular ships (as of right now) would be Kaisagi, Kainess, Reonagi and Ryurin. Bachisagi would be practically nonexistent because fans wouldn’t have seen them interact much. Only old fans know they were basically unstoppable together during the U-20 match. Most fans joined during the NEL, after the show started streaming.
Noel Noa gets shipped with Lavinho but only because he’s always the dad in fics who needs emotional support. In these fics, Isagi and Bachira are always the gremlin step brothers who scheme their not-dads into getting together.
There’s a ship war going on between the kaisagi and the kainess shippers. There’s also a third party which is against real-person shipping but is fine with rpf in general so Bastard Munchen for them is a hodge-podge, falling apart at the seams found family trope. The same goes for all the other teams but the Bastard Family TM is the most popular one.
 THERE ARE SO MANY FOUND FAMILY AUs. Popular tags include: “Noel Noa Is A Tired Dad”, “Isagi And Kunigami Are Brothers”, “Kaiser Is The Rich Cousin” and “They’re A Family Of Bastards Your Honour”.
There’s definitely fandom drama around the ethics of reading and writing fanfic. General consensus seems to end up being that non-ship fics are technically fine. Shippers still do their thing though because they’re impossible to get rid of.
The fandom ‘cinnamon rolls’ are definitely Bachira and Ness. Ness especially get mischaracterised as an ‘innocent, fragile flower’ that Kaiser has to protect. Bachira is most;y just characterised as Lavinho’s protege who is a happy lil sunshine with no flaws. Nagi also nearly falls into the ‘cinnamon roll’ category because he’s quiet and gives off ‘uwu’ energy (according to his stans) but slightly less so.
Rin gets the most x readers written about him. He beats everyone else except maybe Kunigami, who is a close second. They’re always characterised as the ‘bad boys’ and are the kings of Wattpad.
Sae gets inserted into Rin fics all the time purely because they’re brothers. Because he doesn’t appear in the NEL, his fandom interpretation is COMPLETELY off. Fans have basically turned him into a completely new, fictional character, he’s that different. He’s always dating Shidou though — Ryusae is a rare ‘it’s probably okay to ship this’ ship because literally everyone is convinced they’re actually dating irl.
If Kaiser is in the fic, his tattoo is usually brought up either as some kind of trauma-related thing or, in fantasy AUs, as a cursed mark. Fans have written whole ass essays about the symbolic meaning of his tattoo and how it can relate to fics.
Some of the more popular fics in the fandom, by kudos, include:
the obligatory fantasy AU where all the teams are kingdoms — 240k words, major character death, hurt no comfort (one of the fandom’s ‘cinnamon rolls’ dies in the third act).
the obligatory university/college AU where for some reason the university uses the US system despite none of the characters being American, each team is a different frat house and the fic is 25/? chapters, 32k words.
A Fluff And Angst, completely unrealistic found family “they all live in one house” fic where Noa adopts Isagi and it’s tooth-rottingly sweet but it’s clear that the author has been through some shit and is drawing from personal experience when writing. All the kids from Blue Lock and Bastard Munchen are like 10 years old. Noa is shipped with Lavinho and people choose to either ignore it and enjoy the fluff or are active shippers — 56k words, 19/22 chapters, hurt/comfort, implied/referenced child abuse, Noel Noa Is A Tired Dad.
Several one-shots involving the ‘brothers/cousins’ Isagi, Kunigami, Kaiser and Ness all doing random shit together. Usually the fics are either from Isagi or Kaiser’s perspective and you can tell which authors prefer the Blue Lockers and which ones prefer the German players — usually 3-6k words each.
A long-distance relationship Kaisagi AU named after a Glass Animals song that gets so popular it crashes AO3 twice- (sry I’ll stop, that would be rancid).
A Manshine City found family AU where Reo and Nagi are characterised as brothers to the nth degree, Chigiri is the golden child and Chris Prince is the uncle who didn’t want to take them in but had to and slowly grows to love them as if they were his own kids. The grown-up mentors all have weekly brunch down at the local diner where they talk like gossiping aunts — 19k words, 5/? chapters, Manshine Triplets, Reo And Nagi Are Twins, Chigiri is also there tho!!! Give Chris Prince A Break.
The aforementioned AU where Bachira and Isagi trick their not-dads into getting together — 16k words, 4/10 chapters, Fluff And Angst, Slow Burn.
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thewebcomicsreview · 1 year
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So, I know I teased that I'd resume liveblogging Homestuck 2, but to be honest this was a fairly uneventful upd8. Which, honestly, might be for the best considering it's been three years since the last page and the story is a complete mess. Gotta ease us back into this shit. Still, some thoughts.
Dirk and Rose are still creating their own species for their SBURB game they're making. Rose's creature here looks an awful lot like the Horrorterrors, implying that Rose is going to create the very creatures that set her on a dark path to begin with, which is a very Homestuckian twist. It also looks a lot like Rose's Light Symbol
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Which is actually a really clever repurposing of some of the original Homestuck iconography, as well as an indication that someone somewhere on the new team remembers that classpects exist, which is one of the bits of The Lore that the EU had always glossed over even though Classpects were arguably more popular that trolls.
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There is a lot of art in this update. That seems like a weird observation to make about a comic, but under the old team there was a lot of walls of text, and this update has almost a superfluous amount of panels (more than the previous two chapters combined!), which kind of feels like a statement, or maybe a flex.
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Speaking of statements, another criticized decision of the old writing team was that chapters would feel compelled to only focus on one set up characters and thus feel overlong. So this two-panel cutaway to Alt!Calliope's ship and then cutting to yet a third scene also feels kind of statement-y.
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"I was the bitches?" is the line people are quoting, but I like how Sollux claims to be friends with "every woman" John has ever slept with, a category that consists of exactly one (1) woman. I also like how John's proof of non-virginity is that he has "a house full of pictures of him", both because it's a weird thing to cite and also because he's forced a few lines later to admit it isn't even technically true since he doesn't have a house anymore. Truly, he was the bitches. The entire John/Sollux conversation is...extremely strange, to be honest. There's something weird about it, though it's at least brisk.
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I also like John referring to Aradia as "that creepy alive girl", as if being alive is weird, when he's alive and talking to a dude who's al-
Is Sollux alive, actually, or a ghost? I can't remember, let me check the wiki.
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God, this comic is fucking stupid sometimes, even before the EU.
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lurkingteapot · 9 months
2023 post round-up/summary
Lovely @twig-tea tagged me here, so I'll try my hand.
I'd abandoned tumblr for about 4? 5? years 2016ish through 2020, had a short stint with it again in 2020, took peeks and vehemently disagreed with much of what I saw in 2021-2022, and grudgingly settled back in in 2023. I wasn't going to interact. I wasn't.
Jan-April: *crickets* I was being strong!
Then, I saw people moaning about how they'd learn Thai if only it was on Duolingo, and you know how spite can be funnelled into positivity? I did that! Result:
Popular: Free Thai Language Learning Resources, most popular by a landslide. This pleases me greatly, as I put a lot of work into it and always hope more people start picking up this language.
Favourite: maybe my thoughts on Ming, piggybacking off @kenmakaashi's post?
Popular: my musings on translation and how it relates to fannish reception of media, which was my most popular post of the year and 'broke containment', if only in a very small way. Some of the additions in the tags and reblogs are fantastic, do go have a look if you like!
Favourite: toss-up between my attempt at showing a parallel between a silly moment in Our Skyy 2 x BBS and a scrapped shot from BBS proper and this rant about Romanisations of Thai and why G**gle translate is the devil (that bit is in the conversation downthread), which let me meet @plantsarepeopletoo.
Popular: Summary of James Welker's 2006 essay "Beautiful, Borrowed, and Bent: “Boys’ Love” as Girls’ Love in Shōjo Manga"
Favourite: the offerings are slim here … let's go with the one in which I once more was salty about the way folks talk about BL
Popular: Only Friends' Ray isn't just The Drunkard, but also The One Who's basically Given Up On Himself, as per his title card (this one was so popular it got stolen and reposted – without credit or permission – to twitter 🙃)
Favourite: Thinking about Drama, the Romance genre, and tropes, and how those relate to our perception of BL (good additions from various folks in the notes; conversation with @visualtaehyun in reblogs and @twig-tea in the replies).
Popular: IFYLITA Ep 6 poem context notes
Favourite: toss-up between complaining about badly machine translated content in Love in Translation and musing on the name of Khun Yai's favourite bar
Popular: my long-winded answer to @zimmbzon's ask "Hi, how would a non-binary person (me) get around the binary gender rules and vocab in Thai?"
Favourite: uhhh … maybe my musings on honorific translations in kimi ni wa todokanai? (yes, technically a reblog from sideblog, shh)
Popular: most popular was this throwaway therapy vent containing food for thought and while I guess this meme is mostly fannish I'm linking it anyway because it's my blog and I'll cry if I want to (or something)
Favourite: when I called out the resemblance between the Last Twilight trailer and Intouchables (2011). Literally no one cared, but then @my-rose-tinted-glasses independently came in strong with receipts as soon as the actual first episode aired and made me feel validated af.
Popular: Why I'm pretty sure Last Twilight's "fried rice/false rice" joke was funnier in Thai
Favourite: the saga of the songs in Ep 4 of Last Twilight
I didn't do any round-up posts, but I'll include the other category @twig-tea added:
Five other posts that I want to highlight because I can:
BL Favourites Tag Game (July 2023)
Link to fujoshi.info with information on WHY you should check out that site if you're interested in having an informed opinion on BL and the genre's history.
contemporary issues in Thailand as mentioned in Only Friends ep 1
Thoughts on code-switching in Step by Step
Reply to @mynameisnotthepoint's comment-via-ask on my anti viki rant
I'm not going to tag anyone because I'm completely lost – I was mostly off tumblr for nearly three weeks; if you made a post like this you'd like me to see, please link me/tag me! <3
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rhunsui · 3 months
Oh yea i forgot to explain some stuff abt thr RPTA (I mentioned it in the Bruner post)
The Rescuer Preparation and Training Academy is well.... A school for future rescuers, obviously...
To get in it, you need to go through an exam, its similar to like in MHA where you have some rescue entrance exam to get into UA.
To be able to take the exam, you need to sign up at 15 and take it at 16 (when you sign up, it depends on your year of birth, so if youre turning 15 (14½) youre technically 15 and can sign up)
So anyways,
Not many students make it into rescuers, there are a good handful in the world.
Most students drop out, and thats normal for the RPTA. Every year, almost half drop out, or even more than that.
There are a couple categories (like university faculties) that you can apply for:
- Police
- Fire-Related Emergency
- Healthcare
- Mid-Air Rescue (Most recent category)
- Emergency in Waters (Sea Patrol)
- Forest Rangers
- Freestyle/Custom Rescuer
(Basically, its a non-specific category)
You can take multiple categories and merge them together, but you'll have to be able to keep up cuz you'll be learning both at the same time (which can be stressful and tiring)
Some students signed up for this and a majority of them dropped out.
You can also switch categories if you want or if you think your current one isnt the one for you.
Now let's talk abt the Air Rescue Category: I mentioned beside it that its a new category that was recently formed due to the more modern technology in their timeline. Helly is in that category.
The category was formed when Helly was signing his form on joining the RPTA so he was pretty much the first batch to ever take the faculty.
Unfortunately, it seems that it wasnt as popular as the other ones, there were only around 24 that took it. But that means Helly has less competition as he trained his entire childhood to become a hero! He can handle it!
For now this is all I have abt the RPTA,
Yall can freely use this concept for your own AU
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
We return to the series where I discuss the origin of every non-fish aquatic Pokémon. This time I’ll be covering generation IV, which has some of my favorite designs out of the whole franchise. As before I’m saving starters and legendaries/mythicals for their own posts and I covered all fish Pokémon in their own series of posts. To see previous parts of this series see gen I part 1, gen I part 2, gen II, and gen III. To see the fish of Sinnoh, see here. To see the fish Pokémon series see here.
We begin with what is undeniably the most popular and influential Pokémon line in the history of the franchise: the Bidoof line. Never before has there been a beast of such majesty and power, an angelic presence from the heavens. Mere mortals are not worthy to gaze upon Bidoof. Technically only Bibarel is aquatic, but to not include Bidoof would be the greatest of heresies. They’re both rodents (the chaddest of mammals) with Bidoof most likely being based on a groundhog or mountain beaver. Mountain beavers resemble tailless beavers but are not closely related and don’t live in water.
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(image: a mountain beaver)
If you are foolish enough to dilute Bidoof’s purity by evolving it to Bibarel, it will be based on a beaver.
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(image: a North American beaver)
These amphibious rodents are famous for building dams by chewing through small trees and assembling the trees and branches in structures that block waterways. Beaver dams can turn a stream into a full wetland by blocking the flow and they are very important to the wetland ecology of their habitats. The dams serve as homes for the beavers and is where they keep their young.
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(image: a cross-section of a beaver dam. source)
Juveniles will stay in the dam until they are mature enough to fend for themselves. Bidoof is likely a juvenile that is not old enough to swim yet and must rely on its parents to thrive in wetland habitats. There are two species, the North American beaver and the Eurasian beaver. The Eurasian beaver was almost hunted to extinction for its fur, but has been successfully reintroduced to quite of a bit of its historical range. Bibarel might be based on the Eurasian beaver as it is native to, and has been reintroduced to, China and Sinnoh has quite a few references to China. Also of note, the male Bibarel has two extra balls on the base of its tail. Male rodents are notorious for having large testicles. Do with that information what you will.
Moving on from Bidoof will never be easy, but it is necessary. We now turn to the moist mustelids of the Buizel line. They are based on otters, particularly river otters due to their freshwater habitat.
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(image: a eurasian otter)
Even more specifically, they may be based on the Japanese otter, a river otter native to Japan that was last seen in the 1970s and officially declared extinct in 2012. Despite being primarily depicted as a freshwater species, their category name is the “sea weasel Pokémon”, indicating that they are also based on marine otters, the most famous of which being the sea otter of the north Atlantic. Otters and weasels are both members of the family Mustelidae, with their subfamilies being sister groups. There are weasels that are partially or even primarily aquatic, though they as a group are more terrestrial.
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(image: a mink going for a swim. Minks are a subset of weasels)
The Buizel line also draws from floatation devices like inner tubes, water wings, and life vests, with the yellow parts of their bodies being inflatable and buoyant and Floatzel being said to rescue drowning victims.
The Shellos line is without exaggeration one of my favorite lines in the franchise due to the cool biological references they have. They are based on nudibranchs, an order of marine gastropods commonly called sea slugs (though some non-nudibranchs are also called sea slugs). Many nudibranchs are very colorful, which inspired the pink and blue coloration of the Shellos lines.
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(image: it's a nudibranch, dudeibranch)
Nudibranchs can be divided into dorids and aeolids based on their breathing apparatuses. Shellos and Gastrodon are aeolids, who have tendril or fronds like growths called cerata that help them breathe. The head tendrils of east sea Shellos and both Gastrodons and the crown-like organ of west sea shellos are based on cerata, as are the various lumps and fin-like structures found on all of them. A few species of nudibranch have moved their cerata to a more fin or wing-like position, which may explain why east sea shellos appears to have wings. The “wings” could also be based on sea hares, another group of sea slugs, some species of which have developed wing-like structures that allow them to swim.
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(Image: a flying sea hare)
Sea hares are named for their large rod-like scent organs called rhinopores found in most sea slugs, which may be another inspiration for the head tentacles of Gastrodon. Shelos and Gastrodon can learn some poison-type moves depending on generation and this has a few bases. Many nudibranchs have venomous or poisonous cerata. Often this is a result of eating venomous hydrozoans like anemones and sequestering their stinging cells in the cerata. The bright colors of some nudibranchs may be the result of  aposematic coloration, where a species is brightly colored as a warning to potential predators that they are poisonous. The line releases a purplish chemical when stressed, which likely references sea hares again. They can release a colorful, toxic ink into the water as a defense mechanism.
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(image: a California sea hare at a rave releasing ink)
The coolest trait of the Shellos line in my opinion is the fact that there are two distinct populations, east sea and west sea, that have different colors and body structures. This is due to the process of allopatric speciation. This is the process where a species is split into two or more distinct populations by a geographical barrier. Once they are isolated, the populations will begin developing distinct traits due to evolution and them no longer being able to interbreed. Over a long enough time period, the populations can grow so different from each other that they can no longer breed and will be considered different species.
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(image: a diagram of how allopatric speciation works. source)
The two Shellos and Gastrodon populations in Sinnoh were separated by the Sinnoh mountain range, causing the process of allopatric speciation to begin. The two populations can still breed, suggesting that they have not been separated long enough to become two distinct species and may be more accurately described as subspecies or a superspecies, but breeding in Pokémon is nothing like real life reproduction so that may not be the case. Most other regions use only one Shellos population and in Paldea they may be isolated by the connection to Kalos. A real-life example of allopatric speciation can be seen in the two species of chimpanzee: troglodytes and bonobos. The two shared a common ancestor a few million years ago but that ancestor’s range was cut in two by the Congo River. Since chimpanzees are very poor swimmers, the two populations were isolated from each other and developed into two species. Allopatric speciation likely plays a part in how some regional variants developed, but this on on a case-by case basis and is rarely the only factor.
This is the shortest of these series and Gen V will hopefully be out soon.  See you next time for when I talk about my first generation of the games.
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impossiblyfreshdonut · 11 months
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@gabegade ask and ye shall receive:
The three major types of clowns you’ll see out and about are whiteface, auguste, and character. There is also a fourth competition-recognized type known as a tramp/hobo clown, but they really fall more under character clown. I will not be describing them in their own section, but will instead be adding a blurb about them in the Character Clown section.
Whiteface Clowns
The whiteface (or white clown) holds the highest regard in the clown hierarchy and is the oldest of the clown archetypes. In the modern day when whitefaces perform with other types of clowns they usually function as the “brains” or the leader of the group. Whiteface clowns use "clown white" makeup to cover their entire face and neck, with none of their natural skin color showing. Features are then usually painted on in either red or black face paint.
The whiteface clown is usually costumed more extravagantly than the other two (and a half) clown types. They normally wear the ruffled collar and pointed hat typical of the average person's idea of a "clown costume".
Two of the most famous examples of whiteface clowns in circus history include François Fratellini and Felix Adler.
Auguste Clowns
Accompanying the white clown there is often a clown variety known as an auguste or red clown; the auguste's role is vastly different from the white clown. In strict classical European circuses of the past, the augustes were never described as clowns because, technically, they were not instigators but recipients of the comedic hyjinks. The augustes are the ones who get the pies in the face, squirted with water, knocked down on their backside, sit accidentally in wet paint, or have their pants ripped off. The tragedy in opposition with the comedy of the whiteface.
The base color for the auguste makeup is red or a natural flesh tone. The eyes and the mouth are encircled in white and the features are typically outlined in red and black. The auguste is usually seen in baggy plaids accented with colorful polka dots or loud stripes. They wear wide-collared shirts, long neckties, unnaturally colored wigs and oversized noses and shoes.
Some famous examples of augustes in circus history include Albert Fratellini, Lou Jacobs, Coco the Clown, and Charlie Rivel.
Character Clowns
The character clown adopts an eccentric character of some type, such as a butcher, a baker, a policeman, a housewife or hobo.
The character clown makeup is a comic slant on the typical human face. Their makeup starts with a flesh tone base and may make use of anything from glasses, mustaches and beards to freckles, warts, big ears or strange haircuts. The most prevalent character clown in the American circus is the tramp or hobo clown with a thick five-o'clock shadow and wearing shabby, crumpled garments. They became so popular that they now have their own official category in competitions.
When working in a traditional trio situation, the character clown will play "contre-auguste" (a second, less wild auguste), siding with either the whiteface or red clown. Sometimes they are more cunning and bright than their auguste counterparts.
Notable examples of character clowns in the circus include, Barry Lubin, Charlie Cairoli, and Brittany Murrell.
Notable examples of the contre-auguste character in non-circus trios include Larry in The Three Stooges and Chico Marx of the Marx Brothers.
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
Whoa, your answer to that question about referring to yourself as a Pro-Shipper, is amazing. Not only you made it clear, but you provided very helpful information! I've got something I'd like to know, what is to be considered "Pro-Ship"? I usually see the term very loosely used and I might not really know about the term itself. For example, I personally (*and secretly) enjoy JayTim (HAHAH yes I actually do, I adore them so much.) would I fall under the term "Pro-Ship"?
I am afraid of being called disgusted for that, I just simply enjoy them so much.
i'm happy that my post explaining my positive stance on proshipping was well received!!!!! i've found that fanlore is a very good source for anyone looking to read about or see impartial views and definitions on a lot of fandom terms and i agree with their description of proshipping which is as below:
"the general concept of a pro-shipper is that they believe "fiction is not reality" and often see every ship as valid, regardless of the opinions others may have towards the ship. For some pro-shippers, this includes incest, non-con, underage, and other forms of relationships that are called unhealthy or problematic."
a ship can't really be labelled as a "proship" ship because proshipping is more for the person doing the shipping like you or me or anyone interested, involved in, or consuming fandom material.
you not wanting to be harrassed or bothered over enjoying a simple ship like jaytim would be a proship desire.
it would likely be an 'anti' who is doing the harassing and bothering. they're essentially the ones who only want to ruin people's good times because they believe (despite all evidence against it) that they're right and have some moral, legal, or religious right to preach, shame, and "punish" strangers on the internet.
if anyone tries shaming or trying to bother you because you're enjoying a ship i highly encourage you block as well as to report them if they're sending threats (because if they're doing it to you they're likely doing it to others)- to whatever social media site you're on!
jaytim is a ship i also greatly enjoy!! and its often described as "problematic" despite more than 50% of the fics on ao3 being labeled as 'general audiences' fics which means nothing explicit such as violence or sex occurs, etc. the reason jaytim is looked down upon is because it's an "incest" ship. this is, however, incest on a technicality because both of them were adopted by the same man: bruce wayne.
but aside from the legality of it (which is dubious because jason is also legally dead so one could argue that tim can't be brothers with a dead boy) neither of them ever occupied the same house, lived together, they don't have a severe age gap, nor do either of them share dna (as far as we know). in terms of 'problematic ships' jaytim is incredibly tame and is the third most popular ship in the Batman- All Media Types category on ao3, right behind dick grayson/jason todd and clark kent/ bruce wayne. by numbers alone jaytim is more popular than every single other canon ship in batman.
no matter how antis may try to spin or portray it- the numbers speak for themselves. the reality is that people who don't like batcest slash fic are in the minority of batman fans because 2 of the 3 largest ships with the most fics written about them are batcest.
your interests aren't disgusting. they're harmless. i'd say that liking an "incest ship" and reading about it for a hobby is one of the most harmless hobbies there is.
there are always worse things people could do in their spare time so i think reading fics of a couple you genuinely enjoy seeing together is a nice way for people to enjoy spending their time.
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czerwonykasztelanic · 4 months
Not sure whether a "war crime" is a coherent category to use when discussing violence, in part because this term technically applies to both killing civilians and arming them. While the former is generally condemned, the latter is the sine qua non of all successful popular uprisings, and so cannot be similarly anathemized without implying that e.g. Algeria should have remained a French colony. Principles should determine legislation, not the other way round.
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meto4 · 8 months
I really adore how your compsci knowledge shows through your art. How do people from scientific or technical fields share their knowledge to a general audience without either boring them or sounding only superficially knowledgeable? As a Homestuck and former STEM major turned humanities major (fulfilled the disappointing prophecy, wasn't smart enough to stay in STEM) I think this would have helped me a lot.
Hi!!!! First of all thank you very much for the ask! I'm sorry I didn't answer earlier, I just felt extremely underqualified to say anything on the matter. But it's all good now.
Anyway, here's my epic important opinion. In general, I just don't think you should concider the general audience that much when writing a story you're personally invested in if it includes heavy technical stuff. You're inevitably going to sound boring to a lot of people.
Some of my favorite media is very much concidered boring by most. Even Homestuck, I think, while being very popular among tumblr users, could fall into that category - the game mechanics descriptions are hard to read, the dialogues are long and the lore is confusing. But that's what makes it Homestuck! Those things are not flaws, actually, for some people (myself included) they're the main attraction point. There is fanfic written specifically to expand the world, to add more details about how the game works, there is speculation about every class and aspect and fictional programming language!
I used to think about appealling to the "public" more - to concider what a normal, average person would think of my work and to try and make it more palatable - that, sure, might work if "normal people" are your chosen target audience, but they don't have to be! You could make it for the freaks and i PROMISE they will appreciate it more than anyone.
Pretend you're already talking to someone vaguely interested. Make it look like you are VERY excited about the subject! Describe science as inherently beautiful, something to be marvelled at, even worth dedicating your life to, whatever it is! Let your interest bleed through your writing, be it fiction or non-fiction, mention cool examples of interesting concepts, things that you personally like or have researched at any point, you don't even have to be an expert, if you have even thought about incorporating such things into your work then you probably have something really interesting to say!
But I honestly don't really know if you should listen to me :D I'm just a homestuck blog.... :))))
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danisakay · 7 months
The iPad Kid In Question
In today's generation, the concept of "iPad kids" has gained popularity as a meme and cultural reference. It represents a generation of youngsters who have grown up surrounded by technology, specifically tablets like the iPad. It was an ongoing meme that can be coined as an insult that led me to deny that I am not an iPad kid. However, with how I deal with everyday life, I’ve realized that I cannot live without it. The iPad has played an important role in my life, especially in my academics and leisure activities.
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Do I need my traditional nursing books? No, I have already downloaded them to my note-taking app (Goodnotes). I do not need to bring my thick nursing books to school because I have everything downloaded on my iPad. Do I need to bring tons of notebooks or pad paper when note-taking during lectures? No, I do not need to because I have a handy dandy iPad with me when I go to school.
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One of the most significant advantages of utilizing an iPad for taking notes is its portability. iPads are lightweight and compact, allowing me to easily carry them wherever I go. Whether in a classroom, group meeting, or coffee shop, the iPad offers a convenient device for taking notes on the go without the need for heavy notebooks or stacks of paper. iPads also save notes digitally, removing the need for physical storage and minimizing clutter. I do not need to be stressed whenever I cannot find a certain reviewer of mine that I need to use to study for a quiz the next day. Moreover, I can organize my notes into folders, categories, or tags, making it simple to find specific information quickly and therefore saving me time and effort.
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Aside from note-taking and storing my books, I can access a lot more websites and apps that are needed for my academic requirements. Apps like Quizlet and Anki, which I use for reviewing, especially for active recall and spaced repetitions, allow me to create custom flashcards using text, graphics, music, and even mathematical equations that fit my learning style. They include multimedia features to improve my retention. These kinds of apps are really helpful for me since nursing is a course that demands a lot of memorization of different concepts. They are my lifesaver when memorizing key terms, medical terminology, anatomy, pharmacology, and other nursing concepts.
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Canva is also an app that helps me survive school, and without it, my non-creative self cannot live in the academic realm wherein creativity is a required skill in creating and finishing schoolwork. The ready-made presentations, infographics, posters, and other forms of media help me meet school deadlines. I still tweak its design, but the fact that there is a template that I can use as a guide makes me more productive. Regardless of background or expertise, a person can create graphic designs using the straightforward drag-and-drop interface and pre-designed templates of Canva.
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Another app that is helpful in terms of video editing because of how accessible it is and easy to navigate is Capcut. It is an app that both my iPad and phone can access, making video editing for school tasks easier than before. The interface is well-organized, with tools and features that are easy to access and use, allowing me to efficiently edit videos without being overwhelmed by complex settings. CapCut provides a comprehensive range of editing tools and features that allow me to modify and enhance videos based on my preferences and the requirements of my subjects. When I was in high school, I needed to borrow my mother’s laptop to edit in a built-in video editing app that was hard to navigate because of its technicality and complicated interface. But with this particular app, I can finish my work within a small amount of time, which I can say is perfect for a student who crams video-type projects.
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Google apps like Google Meet, Google Slides, Sheets, Drawings, and most especially Google Docs, have made my life easier. With just having a Gmail account, I can access my documents on all of my devices. If I forget to add something to my document and I already closed my laptop, I can use my iPad or phone to add more information to my paper without the need to assemble my laptop, especially when I’m already lying down in bed ready to sleep. If there is an urgent need to revise my work but I’m out of the house and do not have my laptop with me, I can use my iPad or even my phone and edit it through the Google apps. With an Internet connection, these apps or websites bring convenience and accessibility wherever I go or whatever circumstances I have.
Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides also allow multiple users to work on the same document at once. This real-time collaboration function is especially useful for group projects, team meetings, and collaborative writing assignments. I can monitor changes and updates in real-time, thereby facilitating seamless communication and workflow efficiency. I also consider this a lifesaver to pinpoint my groupmates who have been neglecting group tasks and monitoring their contributions.
Moreover, the nerve-wracking experience of accidentally deleting one’s document is devastating and something I do not like to experience again. Google Apps are a lifesaver again in this aspect because they automatically save versions of documents, allowing me to track changes, return to previous versions, and discover who made specific modifications.
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Last but not least, my favorite feature of the iPad is its size and how I can watch series and movies on a larger screen. I do not like the hassle of turning on my TV or my laptop, both of which I cannot bring to my bed whenever I need to rest. With the iPad, there is unlimited access to watching shows while lying comfortably in my bed. I have access to a vast library of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and original content, allowing me to explore a world of entertainment possibilities at any time and from any location. On top of that, I find it difficult to refrain from eating without watching something on my iPad. This behavior perfectly aligns with the concept of an 'iPad kid,' someone who eats while using their iPad. It is essential for me when I eat since if I do not distract myself through watching videos, I tend to eat too fast, therefore not being able to chew my food well.
Besides what I've mentioned above, the iPad's multitasking capabilities also enable me to view videos while also browsing the web, reading emails, or taking notes. Picture-in-Picture mode allows me to minimize the video player and continue watching content while using other programs, thereby increasing my productivity and multitasking effectiveness. I particularly enjoy this feature when I just need white noise or background noise whenever I need to finish something that does not require too much work or concentration. In addition, this feature is also useful whenever I need to write down notes during my online classes.
"my lifesaver"
My phone and laptop have features and strengths that I use depending on what I need, but my iPad is a mixture of them. With the help of my Apple Pencil, offers versatile features that make my life more productive. The iPad's combination of features and characteristics provides versatility and adaptation to various demands and preferences. Whether I use it for work, play, education, or creativity, the iPad is a versatile platform that adapts to my changing needs and lifestyle. At this point, I can say that I’ve already achieved a return on investment, or ROI, with my iPad.
A phrase that can describe the technology, in general, is ‘my lifesaver’. Throughout my narrative, I cannot count how many times I mentioned that phrase because indeed, these smart devices, digital services, and software applications offer convenience and accessibility that make life easier. They provide unprecedented convenience and accessibility in our daily lives. Whether it's ordering food online, booking transportation, or operating smart home gadgets with voice commands, technology makes tasks and routines easier, saving time and effort. As we manage the complicated aspects of modern life, technology is our constant friend, allowing us to prosper in an ever-changing digital landscape.
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captain-astors · 1 year
Hi! Can you do 001 for trigun and 003 shirazu?
1. I am glad to know you’re not a bot for certain at long last because I enjoy consistently spotting you in my notes, also sorry this took so long.
2. ABSOLUTELY?? You have functionally handed me an early christmas present in an ask. I'm going to divide this up into two posts, this’ll be the Trigun one, I’ll do the Shirazu one in a separate post.
Favorite character: 
LEGATO BLUESUMMERS MY DEAREST. Oh this poor man. I can’t even say “I want him to get better” because he would resist it with all his might and I can’t say I want him to get worse because this man is at rock bottom and actively digging deeper. Hugging him is not enough. I need to divide him into atoms, sort them into categories, and hope it gives him relief. I have 99 problems and seeing Legato heal wouldn’t solve a lot of them but it would be great. 
Least Favorite character: 
Difficult question because I really do like them all. Is none an option. I could just go with a random side character who exists just to be scum of the earth but I suppose if I’m looking for “was marginally involved” Stampede Conrad makes me want to hit my head against a wall. 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): 
Mashwood and all its individual parts, the insurance girlfriends, Summerknives? Millionssummers? But for the consequences of feelings more than an actual belief that they have the capacity to be a couple. I saw Zaziemeryl once and that was sweet. Everyone x Therapy. 
Character I find most attractive: 
No idea. Wolfwood? I’m starting to realize there are very few characters I’m actually acutely attracted to aesthetically for long periods of time but I’ve been loving his expressions for as long as he’s existed. Also I’m not sure about attractive per say but Zazie has such splendid gender and I would like them to share. 
Character I would marry: 
Vash. I am not immune to his sopping wet energy and the freakish height. I would like to either carry him in my arms or be carried, either is fine.  
Character I would be best friends with: 
Zazie! Or alternatively I would sell my soul for a hug with Milly. I’d say I could have trans solidarity with Elendira but unfortunately she wants everyone dead and that might cause a lot of awkward conversations.
a random thought: 
I really want to lick stampede knives’ snuggie thing. 
An unpopular opinion: Whenever someone attempts to quantify Legato and Knive’s dynamic as simple pining, mentorship, or even familial, they inherently lop off an intrinsically necessarily quality of that same dynamic which is the fact that Legato does, more than anyone else, see Knives as an actual god. He worships him, and what a terrible thing it is to love your god. Also Roberto was lovely but he did have to die. 
My Canon OTP: 
What canon couples are there? Whatever the ‘98 anime was trying to set up between Wolfwood and Milly was sweet so I suppose that. 
My Non-canon OTP:
Technically it’s half-canon but, Millionsummers, but in a I-want-to-see-the-consequences way.
Most Badass Character: 
Dominique the Cyclops or Elendira the Crimsonnail. 
Most Epic Villain: 
They’re both villains so… see above. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: 
Pl*ntc*st. WHY is it so popular now, YES the subtext has always been there but no one demanded you to make it TEXT.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): 
Elendira deserved more attention in Maximum, she’s so cool. 
Favourite Friendship:
Hmm… Milly and Meryl. 
Character I most identify with: 
Legato. I’m fine, trust me. 
Character I wish I could be:
Zazie! No contest. They’re just living their best life.
Thank you!
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aelaer · 1 year
Just saw your post about having to block the doctor strange x reader tag, and I must agree it's become the predominant DS fic that comes up as recommended on my feed as well. There are several authors I enjoy reading in that category (although lately the overall amount of fics is overwhelming), but I only started writing them myself as my stephen x ofc fics could never gain a bit of traction. I have a theory that if I went back and changed my ofc's to reader inserts, I'd probably gain a lot more readers--but I can never bring myself to doing that as I wouldn't be true to myself as an author.
I suppose that's just a writerly woe I'm sharing with someone who might understand.😏 But I'm curious; are you open to reading non-romance fics featuring original characters? I've found that tumblr can be quite snobbish towards that species of fic.
I wanted to reply to this ages ago but it requires my computer and some thinking, so I kept pushing it off again and again and again and whelp, here we are. My bad. ><
I'm the same way where being true to myself as an author is writing what I want, so I get you there. Doesn't get As Much Engagement as other tropes would, but y'know what, I can live with that. If anything, I've actually found that the fic I compromised most on (because it was for a themed exchange) is one I want to reread the least. So if anything, a lot of me writes for "do I want to reread this in the future" and that has helped me since.
It's funny since OFC romances used to be pretty popular way back when, but I guess "reader" took over that audience over the last decade because the majority of the people just wanted to insert themselves into the position instead of reading about a full-fleshed character? Honestly not sure.
Right, I keep delaying the reason I took so long to get back to you - non-romance fics with OCs. The answer, by the way, is yes. Great OCs are fantastic, but you don't tend to see many OCs outside of romance, or you only see them as side characters in another pairing's fic. They don't often have starring or co-starring roles. But I wanted to find examples with great OCs which would take time.
And now I'm taking that time. Here's some good OC-starring fics that I scoured through the tag. They're difficult to find. I had to smudge that requirement after a while. Then I gave up after I got to 2 years back in the tag.
Some of the stories that I know have very good OCs are also IronStrange, but I know that's not your cup of tea so I left it out. But I found a handful.
Keshwyn was the author that came to mind when you originally sent this ask, but I wanted to have more than one author when I wrote this. Read their series, highly recommend, top-tier OCs across the whole spectrum, with the main star being female.
This fic by LexLemon is technically PalmerStrange, but the OCs are her parents, so it's basically a delight in my eyes as Stephen's fish-out-of-water act is always funny to me.
Dragonnan writes good OCs, usually the mean sort though, the ones who hurt Stephen rather than befriend him (male and female lmao), but if you're in a whumpy mood at some point...
This isn't technically an OC, but I don't know the character from the comics, so she's an OC to me! This Stephen's new apprentice is Casey Kinmont fic by Stratagem. They just updated recently too, need to cheer them on at some point.
*sigh* Sorry love, I ran out of good OC fics that didn't have background/primary IronStrange that I could find/remember. But yeah. There's some fic/author recs.
(If anyone wants to add to the list, feel free to leave a comment or reblog. I was avoiding IronStrange for the asker in particular but I don't think the asker sees reblogs so go for it if you'd like).
Also, I love the OCs that I've come up with for my various stories in both LOTR and the MCU. I'll ramble all about them if you (or someone) wants me to, quite happily.
Hope that answers the question/reason for the ask, mostly.
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enarei · 1 year
it's funny because e-readers occupy this category of computer that currently fills a use case niche enough that not many people mind its limitations, but that statement is circular, people accept that this device will only ever be able to fill a small niche, in this case, serving as a compromise between a physical book and a full-blown tablet/computer w/ touchscreen, because there hasn't been any effort into expanding what that compromise means. and imo this sucks because it really limits the potential of people leveraging the things e-readers were originally touted for, namely the non-LCD screen and its relative robustness compared to a traditional smartphone.
part of it could be attributed to how the primary drawback of the screen technology only made it suitable for a few things smartphones didn't excel at around the same time, it became stagnant as something that solved a few problems (LCDs) with something that solved a lot of other problems with something else (desktops). despite a phone or a tablet being a lot more practical than a book, they're also inherently distracting to a lot of people, there's always a dozen apps running in the background, it rings, it flashes notifications, it vibrates, and of course, the screen causes eye-strain after long periods. e-readers were popularized as something that married the "dumbness" of paper, and the practicality of digital media, online connectivity, storage, weight, and so on. in its infancy, there was legitimately no point in making a device capable of handling complex media or applications that would make it more comparable in function to a smartphone or tablet, because the screen simply couldn't refresh quickly enough to display it. marketing those limitations as something that aligned it further to a real book made perfect sense, as if you tried to use it for anything else, you would be frustrated by its sluggishness, but more importantly, it helped to distinguish it further from things people already owned.
but like, 15 years on from when the first Kindle was released, the hardware limitations that might've prevented them from having some manner of flexibility that might've brought them closer to other mobile devices at the time, the ability to browse the web, or install third party applications, are mostly irrelevant. the relative uselessness of most e-readers is not because e-ink technology is still too finicky to make consuming anything other than ebooks a pleasant experience, but because the concept of the "e-reader" itself has shifted from a media device with a specialized screen, designed for document reading in general, to solely being an entry-point to a particular storefront.
(like, I realize the tone of this may sound almost conspirational, but consider the first e-readers also doubled as music players. sure, the resolution was SHIT, but they often had more features than what is available today, more than two decades later! it would only be more recently that them being "dumb"/exclusively capable of one thing would be touted as a feature.)
even if more people might be interested in the devices themselves if they were capable of more, say, downloading manga scanlations, reading dynasty-scans without hassle (telling that this is the demographic I first think of), if they allowed more user freedom, easier connectivity and means to fetch files from the internet; treating it more like an actual computer, which it is, might harm long term sales on the proprietary storefront. to Amazon, which practically holds a monopoly on e-readers, the Kindle is a medium for selling books, it doesn't need to be capable of any more than that, the user interface being incredibly anemic, the browser still being experimental after a decade, the inability to export highlights, the laughable epub/cbz support, these are conscious design choices, rather than technical compromises. and they unfortunately exert enough influence on the concept of what an e-reader is supposed to provide that the drawbacks of using Kindles for reading comics, PDFs, or other non-DRM documents aren't apparent for most people, and this is reflected in nearly every other manufacturer (Kobo is barely better)
and it doesn't have to be that way. obviously. obviously this is the point of the post. e-ink is such a cool technology. there are android based e-ink tablets but they cost like $600 dollars for no reason. but more importantly, a middle ground between a full-blown android OS and a lightweight linux interface that doesn't suck is totally possible. please hack your Kindle if you can. install Koreader. read yuri doujin for hours without getting headaches. do it now.
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mikepercy123 · 8 months
Why Wix websites are an ideal way to get started online with a platform that will grow with you and offers a great framework to build your knowledge. ‍What is Wix? Wix is a cloud-based web development platform that enables users to create, design, and publish custom websites without the need for coding skills. It was founded in 2006 by Avishai Abrahami, Nadav Abrahami, and Giora Kaplan. Wix is headquartered in Tel Aviv and is publicly traded on the NASDAQ. The company's CEO is Avishai Abrahami. Pros of using Wix include ease of use, customisable templates, a wide range of features and integrations, and affordability. Cons include limited design flexibility, limited functionality compared to other website builders, and limitations on the number of features available in the free version. Wix is a solid free website builder that’s perfect for anyone looking to create a professional-looking website. Wix has over 200 million users, making it one of the most popular website builders out there. What is Wix.com used for? It is a user-friendly platform that allows users to create a wide range of websites, including personal portfolios, online stores, business websites, and more. With Wix, users can choose from a selection of customizable templates, add various features such as forms, social media integrations, and blogs, and publish their website with just a few clicks. Here are some scenarios where Wix excels: Small to Medium-sized Websites: Wix is ideal for small to medium-sized websites that require a basic or intermediate level of functionality and design. Easy Website Building: Wix's drag-and-drop editor and wide range of templates make it easy for users with little to no technical expertise to build and launch a website. Ease of Use: Wix is known for its ease of use and user-friendly interface, making it a great choice for beginners and non-technical users. Budget-Friendly: Wix offers a range of pricing plans, including a free plan and premium plans at affordable prices, making it a budget-friendly option for many users. Wide Range of Features: Wix offers a wide range of features, including e-commerce, blogs, forms, and more, making it a comprehensive solution for many types of websites. Mobile Responsiveness: Wix's templates and designs are optimised for mobile devices, ensuring that your website will look great and be easily accessible on all devices. Fast and Reliable Hosting: Wix provides fast and reliable hosting for all websites built on its platform, ensuring that your website will be accessible to users at all times. These are some of the scenarios where Wix excels. Whether you're a small business owner, freelancer, or hobbyist, Wix offers a user-friendly platform and a wide range of features to help you build a professional and functional website. Building a website with Wix Here are the steps to build a functioning 5-page website on Wix.com: Sign up for a Wix account: Go to Wix.com and sign up for a free account. Choose a template: Select a template that best fits the type of website you want to create. You can choose from a wide range of templates in different categories, including business, personal, portfolios, and more. Customize your template: Use the Wix Editor to customize your template by adding text, images, videos, and other elements to your pages. You can also change the layout, colours, fonts, and other design elements. Add pages: To add pages to your website, click the "Add Page" button in the Wix Editor and select the type of page you want to create. You can add up to 500 pages to your Wix website. Add features: Wix offers a wide range of features that you can add to your website, including contact forms, blogs, online stores, and more. To add a feature, go to the Wix App Market and select the feature you want to add. Publish your website: Once you have finished designing and customizing your website, click the "Publish" button to make your website live and accessible to the public.
Optimize your website for search engines: Wix offers built-in SEO tools, but it's important to optimize your website further to improve its visibility in search engine results. This includes adding page titles and meta descriptions, optimizing images, and adding relevant keywords to your content. These are the general steps to build a 5-page website on Wix.com. Depending on the complexity of your website and the features you want to add, the process may take a longer or shorter time. However, Wix provides a user-friendly platform and a wide range of resources to help you build and publish your website with ease. Add comment forms to Wix By default, commenting on a Wix blog requires visitors to log in using a Wix account, Facebook, or Google. However, if the website owner has enabled the option for visitors to comment without logging in, then visitors can simply enter their name and email address and submit their comments. If you're a website owner using Wix and would like to allow visitors to comment on your blog without logging in, you can do so by going to the Blog Manager in your Wix Editor and selecting the "Settings" tab. From there, you can turn on the option for "Allow comments without logging in." It's important to note that allowing visitors to comment without logging in may increase the risk of spam comments and could potentially harm your website's reputation. As a website owner, it's recommended to regularly monitor and moderate your blog comments to ensure the content is appropriate and relevant. Creating Wix.com member sites To create a login page in Wix, you can use the Wix Members App, which is a built-in app for creating membership websites with protected pages and user accounts. Here are the steps to create a login page: Add the Wix Members App to your website: Go to the Wix App Market, search for the Wix Members App, and click "Add to Site." Set up your membership options: In the Wix Members App, configure your membership options such as sign-up and login settings, protected pages, and user roles. Create a login page: In the Wix Editor, add a new page to your website and select the "Login" page type. Customize your login page: In the Wix Members App, you can customise the design and content of your login page, including the page layout, text, colours, and images. Publish your login page: Once you have customized your login page, publish your website to make it live and accessible to visitors. It's important to note that the exact steps may vary depending on the version of Wix you are using. If you encounter any difficulties, you can refer to Wix's support resources or reach out to their customer support for assistance. Wix.com and SEO Wix has made improvements to its SEO capabilities in recent years, but it still has limitations compared to other website builders and traditional website development. Some of the pros of Wix for SEO include a clean and organized HTML code, built-in SEO tools, and the ability to customize page titles and meta descriptions. However, there are also some cons to using Wix for SEO, such as limited control over URL structure, limited ability to optimize content for specific keywords, and limited options for creating and optimizing landing pages. Additionally, Wix websites can sometimes load slower than those built with other platforms, which can negatively impact SEO. In conclusion, while Wix can be a good choice for basic SEO optimization, more advanced SEO efforts may require a more robust platform or custom website development. It's always a good idea to consult with an SEO expert to determine the best approach for your specific needs. What is Wix.com Premium Plan? Wix.com offers several premium plans that provide additional features and benefits compared to the free plan. The Wix premium plans include: Combo Plan: This plan includes more storage and bandwidth, as well as a free domain name for one year. Unlimited Plan: This plan provides unlimited storage and bandwidth, as well as a free domain name for one year and access to premium support.
Pro Plan: This plan is designed for professionals and small businesses and includes features such as custom logos, social media integrations, and the ability to sell products online. VIP Plan: This plan provides priority support, advanced site statistics, and access to Wix's exclusive VIP services. Each of these premium plans includes various levels of e-commerce functionality, website analytics, and the ability to remove Wix branding from your site. The exact features and benefits offered by each premium plan vary, so it's important to carefully review the features and pricing of each plan to determine which one is best for your needs. What scenarios are there where Wix would be no good? Wix is a popular website builder that offers a simple and user-friendly platform for building and hosting websites. However, there are certain scenarios where Wix may no longer be appropriate for a project: Complex or Custom Websites: If you require a complex website with custom features and functionalities that are not available through Wix's platform, you may need to consider alternative solutions. Large-Scale Enterprise Websites: Wix may not be suitable for large-scale enterprise websites that require a high level of security, performance, and scalability. Advanced Customization: If you need advanced customization options and full control over the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code of your website, Wix's platform may not be able to meet your needs. E-commerce: While Wix offers an e-commerce solution, it may not be suitable for large-scale online stores with complex requirements and a high volume of transactions. Mobile App Development: If you need to develop a mobile app, Wix may not be the right solution as it is primarily focused on website building. These are some of the scenarios where Wix may no longer be appropriate for a project. However, Wix offers a wide range of features and integrations to meet the needs of most small- to medium-sized websites and businesses. What other companies does Wix.com own? Wix has acquired several companies and technologies over the years to enhance its platform and offerings. Some of the notable acquisitions by Wix include: DeviantArt: Wix acquired the popular online art community, DeviantArt, in 2017. OpenRest: Wix acquired OpenRest, a cloud-based restaurant ordering and delivery platform, in 2014. Flok: Wix acquired Flok, a customer engagement and loyalty platform, in 2017. These acquisitions demonstrate Wix's commitment to providing a comprehensive platform for website building and digital marketing. This article was first published on AIO Spark: Can't code? Wix will help you build a great website in 2023
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moononmyfloor · 1 year
My goodness tumblr driving me crazy, my alon posts don't show up sometimes
Please pardon if you see this again.
Edit 1: yeah that's it. Kill me now
Edit 2: Oh it shows up when I remove the League of Nobleman part from the original text. Lemme try again.
Edit 3: Oh then when you edit it the post will continue to show. Dear god.
Edit 4: I can't seem to post images either.
Alright so I was saying.
From the author's notes of Zhang Gong An chapter 81
"关于《张公案》晋江改为无CP的解释——【性向】这个华丽的栏里 面只有言情、纯爱、百合、女尊、无CP五个可选。《张公案》不 是纯粹讲爱啊。顶着纯爱两个字有点搞。然后另外三个,言情、女尊、百合就更不能选了。
我以前啥都没选,但是这次更新,系统给我发个对话框,非让我从 里面选一个,否则就没这没那,我只能选无CP了…………"
Further clarification according to Dramapanda:
Responding to Netizens who pointed out that her web novel has been marked as "no CP (couple)" in a literature website, the novel's author said "then... how do you think I should classify it? If I mark it as a danmei, will you say I'm taking advantage of the genre's popularity...?" She further adds how she has "always been puzzled as to why some people have always asked her to characterise "Zhang Gongan" as a romance. Although the writing might not look like it, I am really writing a detective novel...” Dafeng Guaguo said that whilst the novel's classification has always been under "suspense" or "mystery", because the literature website didn't have those classifications, she just marked it under "no CP".
So this is where the entire "The author said no CP" thing comes from.
Welp I suppose everyone then ran away with the No CP thing, which is just grossly out of context to the point the actual meaning was lost🥲
It just means there was no other option in the jjwxc website to label the novel under! It doesn't mean that this story is necessarily straight or that there's absolutely no queer undertones in it or all the polycule vibes in the drama were later additions! Like I've said in this post, the drama didn't add anything romance-vibe-wise the novel hadn't already!
Think of a non-BL/BG story that does not have an explicitly stated front line romance arc. As in, the focus is on the case solving and other stuff, while the characters may show a subtle attraction here and there, or have a relationship in the background, or in flashbacks. So one might argue the story does not technically fall under the romance category.
Same here.
It is not a BL in the sense that it is 99% focused on case solving. Zhang Ping and Lan Jue’s interactions are largely platonic/colleagues too.
But the third arc that deals with Shulin backstory gives the same (probably more) vibes like the drama did, and there are scenes of how Wang Yan came in between that entire entanglement. There is also the scene of Zhang Ping asking Chen Chou whether they are Zhijis.
Now, what label would you categorise a story like this under?
It's not a BL, it's not not a BL either. This story shares the same universe as the author's other novel Imperial Uncle which is very upfrontly queer, it is just not a focal point here. Like....handwaves~ gay people exist ok?
I have seen way too many comments of "You people are so fujoshi for reading gay undertones to this because the author said there's no CP!" like smh.
Honestly I think lots of people have been spoiled by the practice of dramas and novels declaring who their "CP" is beforehand, and once a CP is declared have gotten used to expect this couple to behave in XYZ ways for no reason other than that they are the CP, and if two people behave in a way that is even slightly queer, to panic "OMg this CaN't be because the author said no CP!"
Sigh. Once again I implore, it is OK to just enjoy a story as it is, yknow? That the characters in your story are written as very real human beings that have several crushes during the course of the story (like yknow, normal people do) is a good thing, a testament to the author's ability to write 3D characters.
I know, "one true pure love" is a charming concept that I also love and if it is in a story then great, but yknow... stop expecting that all stories MUST have it and the stories that don't are lesser than the other and also to not to automatically assume a story that is not screaming in neon letters that it has subtle romantic arcs doesn't necessarily have any.
Most importantly, to not think the "one true love" of a character is any less worthy because they fell in love multiple times with different people. Having read Imperial Uncle and now 3/4 of Zhang Gong An, looking at some comments I'm so confused. If you don't see the shipping potential then don't ship, let the people who do have their fun. Simple as that.
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alleyskywalker · 2 years
2022 Fanfic Year Wrap Up Meme
Number of Fics: 45 Number of Unique Fandoms: 6* (ASOIAF, GoT, HOTD, Harry Potter, War and Peace,  Romeo and Juliet) Number of Unique Pairings: 30 (repeat ships: Throbb [4], Tris/Theon [4], Jaime/Cersei [2])** Total Number of Words: 102,105
*Counting ASOIAF, GoT and HOTD as different fandoms because that’s kind of how I’ve been doing it when tagging and stuff. Including F&B into ASOIAF here. I only had 1 fic for it anyway. **Only counting ships which were primarily featured as a focus of the story. Often times ships would hover in the background but weren’t counted. # Gen: 16 # Het: 15 # Slash: 18 # Fem: 5 *Some stories fall into more than one category.
# PG: 24 # PG-13: 16 # R: 2 # NC-17/Explicit: 3
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?. Feels like more, honestly. I would have not thought I’d write as much as I ended up writing for Battleship. (Although, looking at last year’s meme…apparently I wrote around 7k* more in wordcount last year, though 15 fics less. Which I guess is the effect of writing a lot of short fics for Battleship but not having Heart Attack in the fall/not until spring this round. And then things like Like Northern Stars because ~3k longer than my longest fic this year and my longest non-10k-exchange fic this year being shorter than the same for last year (roughly 9k vs 13k). Interesting.) (*Technically ~5k since I’m not counting the OrigFic here but it did take up writing space.)
Where did you publish/archive your stories? AO3 with some cross-posting to Tumblr. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? *sigh* The battleship porn – both the tentacles and the threesome. Also never thought I’d write Regulus/Sirius or Jily. And yet. Did you take any writing risks this year? *Gestures vaguely at like half of what I wrote for Battleship* Do you have any writing goals for the new year? Honestly, I’d like to work on some of the longer/more involved ideas that I have but feel like there’s never the time for. What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. Real hard to pick from the top 3...but probably Love's Heavy Burden. Okay, NOW your most popular story? Going by kudos, The Price of Loyalty. Story of yours most underappreciated by the universe, in your opinion? Love’s Heavy Burden. Story that could have been better?
There’s always a bunch, and I feel like this year the format of Battleship requiring both speed and a lot of stretching out the comfort zone produced a few mediocre results. Most fun story to write? You know I’m not sure… Maybe Shelter In The Storm? Story with single sweetest moment? There were a few mostly-fluff fics and I’m not sure which one of them wins out. I mean, something like Daytrip is all fluff and comfort really!
The story that made you cry? I think The Price of Loyalty came closest.
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story? *sigh* The tentacles ones. (Not that “for me” is a very high bar, mind, lol.) Sexiest story? Ah, no idea, but I’d like to think it’s A New Peace. Hardest story to write There were a few lol. (What you won’t do for your Battleship team xD Although part of me wants to say it’s the fic I wrote for the Theon Exchange lol.)
Easiest story to write? Victory, but only because it was largely repurposed from a scrap scene I already had sitting around. Most unintentionally telling story *shrug* I really never know how to answer this one lol. Story you haven’t yet written, but intend to Ahaha you know the throbb/reyne AU I mentioned last year? Still that one *lolsob*
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