#Not gonna lie I'm thinking like Annie right now
twelvelevens · 7 days
thoughts on first 3 episodes of the boys season 4 so far (spoilers under cut)
i heard from the reviews by people that already watched the whole thing that the first 3 episodes are boring as usual and then it gets better
personally i don't really see how they would be boring, because there are SO many things happening?? not just action-wise, but lore-wise as well? not one character left behind, everyone gets their screen time and its just so nice
the way they intoduced Sister Sage and Firecracker is so smooth and doesn't feel forced at all, they fit so well, it's like they were supposed to be there the whole time, their motivations clear and very understandable
i really liked how they positioned and developed Ryan this season as well, can't really say i cared about him before outside of Becca/Butcher plotline, but now i very much do care about him as a separate character, he's his own guy now
this season (for now) is the pure essence of what i and, i think, most people love about the boys, its like screenwriters got it together and made a huge leap after the third season (that imho wasn't that good) SPOILERS:
the fact that Annie bullied Firecracker as a kid made her character SO MUCH MORE DEEP (pun not intended), it fits so well for her past as a star of these weird kid shows, wanting to make her mother proud so bad she went as far as bullying the other final contestant, not even thinking much of it, because children can't really understand just how bad words can hurt (especially malicious rumors like these) when the only thing her mother actually cared about was winning, which makes her character significantly more evil as well
i liked how Sage says everything i wanted to say to Homelander RIGHT IN HIS FACE ohhh how i needed it to happen, i like that she's there
the way they show how Homelander really tries to bond with Ryan in his own way, how he loves him, but still isn't able to let him outshine him (even tho Ryan doesn't even want this at all) how HL physically cannot comprehend why would Ryan be upset by killing a person, the way he took it out on Ryan because he really tries so hard to make his childhood as happy as he can, but his son only needs... love? and Homelander is not capable of it really
and don't get me started on Butcher/Becca plotline, it will never cease to make me cry
tbh when i watched the first episode i thought that Butcher was somehow involved in the fact that Hugh sr. got a stroke and i was so depressed i literally cannot describe it, it felt like the character died while being alive which was so much worse than if he physically died (i talked about it with my friend afterwards and turned out it's most likely not what happened at all, i just like to overthink lol)
but the moment when Ryan and Butcher talk and Butcher throws poisoned cookies in the trash... guys im not gonna lie i cried my eyes out VIOLENTLY, i was crying LOUD and with my VOICE and couldn't stop
i love Butcher more than anything and i really hope he doesn't turn evil, this is all i'm hoping for
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bikinikillarchives · 8 months
Kathleen Hanna featured on the track "Heartbeat" on Mike Watt's 1995 debut album, “Ball-Hog or Tugboat?". Starts at 2:19.
"Hello! Mr. Watt. This is Kathleen Hanna returning your phone call, 'bout 3:45, on Monday, and it's about that fuckin' record that you asked me to do something for. And I guess I'm responding to that now 'cuz I have a few minutes and I just wanted to tell you...uh, I have a friend who was raped by, fucked by, whatever you fuckin' wanna call it by a guy on your record, gonna be on your record; he's a big rockstar! Yeah, when he was 27 and she was 13 he was a big rockstar too. And uh, I don't know if the phrase, "power imbalance" means anything to you. But uh, I'm just not so sure I wanna be included in your little white rock boy fuckin' hall of shame here, you know? And I'm just like, "do I wanna be sandwiched in between some of these guys that are just doing the whole, like, big-white-baby-with-an-ego-problem thing?" I mean, [sigh] get over it! It's so boring. It's like, a lot of these guys should just fuckin' quit music and become lifeguards at like Wild Waves or some shit, so they can just like get their fucking, you know, anger management thing going, they can just get their power trips out on the kids, they can just do the whole thing. Maybe they'd be actually saving someone's life; "hey! Don't run by the pool. No cutoffs." You know? That's what I hear when I hear some of this, you know, music by a lot of these fuckin' guys, you know? And I mean, I guess what I'm saying is, "I'm just too cool. To be on your fuckin' record." You know? It's like, I really don't wanna perpetuate or be included in a thing where it's just a bunch of like, I don't know, just like this new- the music coming out by guys right now in the sort of like rock world or alternative rock world or used-to-be-punk world or whatever. It's like the whole, "I'm a straight, white, middle class, male, rockstar guy, but I'm so fuckin' oppressed. I'm a loser baby why don't you kill me." [Sigh] Yawn. Like super fuckin' yawn. So yeah, I guess what I'm saying is: No. No. No. No, I'm not interested. No, I don't wanna be on your fuckin' record. No. But, um. Mr. Watt. Dude. Babe. Sir. Uh, you need to get me my fuckin' Annie soundtrack back like soon 'cuz you've had it forever and I know you haven't even fuckin' listened to it yet. So just like, gimme a call and tell me when that's going to happen. And, um. I'll talk to you then. Bye."
info from Addict.com under cut.
ATN: How about "Heartbeat" [the answering-machine message from Hanna on Mike Watt's 1995 album, Ball-Hog Or Tugboat?, during which Hanna says she's declining to appear on the record because an alleged rapist is also on it]?
KH: Yeah, that's different.
ATN: Now he called you up and asked you to do the actual song that your message is tacked onto?
KH: He didn't ask me to do a song. He didn't even ask me to do anything. I forced my way onto that record. OK, I'm going to tell you the truth. You caught me in an honest mood, 'cause usually I lie. That's really bad. I'm probably going to hang up the phone and have a total seizure, a panic attack. I'll be going, "Oh my God, I told the truth to someone." I met Mike Watt, I don't even remember where. And he was telling me about his album. And I said, "It sounds like there's only one woman on this whole record, and there's, like, 300 guys." I was like, "What's the problem?" And he was like, "Do you wanna do it?" He didn't even know me. I don't even know if he knew I was in a band. And I said, "Yeah." Then I walked away, and I was visiting New York City and staying in a friend's apartment. I just spent an hour thinking about what I would want to do. The whole idea was that I didn't want to be on the record, and I kind-of said I wanted to be on the record to be annoying. And then I was like, "Uh-oh, I kind-of said I would do this." I don't think he gave a shit whether I did it or not. He just was like, "Whatever, you can do it." He's a pretty nice guy, a pretty funny guy, a pretty smart guy. Then I was like, what do I wanna do? And I was like, Oh my God, do I really want to be on a record with fuckin' Henry Rollins at this stage of the game? I mean, I love Black Flag, but c'mon. And I was like, this is really weird company to be keeping. I was like, "I don't want be on it, but I do want to be on it," so I decided to record that ambivalence. The way I figured I could do that was to record me rejecting being on the record. So it's this whole thing of recording my absence. Or recording the absence of resistance. That was my idea, to have a record of absence on the record. It also made it an interesting thing because of the idea of authorship and ownership. People didn't know if I really had left that message on the machine, and then he just put it on without my permission. Or if I left the message on his machine hoping it would go on. The thing is, there was no machine, it was just a recording. He never really had my Annie record. I made that whole thing up, I barely even know him. It's just art.
ATN: It's perfect. It's almost Andy Kaufman-like. I have written down here to ask you if Watt asked for your permission.
KH: Yeah, he did. It was a specific art piece, and I can say it now because everyone's forgotten about it. Actually my friend from junior high heard it on the radio. I was like, "Oh my god." She's like, "You sound like such a freak, what's wrong with you?"
from Mike in 2020: "This song [Heartbeat] was going to be an instrumental. But it was like 45 guys on the record and I thought, “man, I gotta have more women on this”. So I got Carla. Petra and her sisters did some singing, played some violin… I asked Tifanny, a friend of J. Mascis, if she would sing. Actually, this song is made up of a Dos song, and a song I’ve written for the Minutemen, I put them up together. Anyway, the one person who asked to be part of this project was Kathleen Hanna. So, on this song, Tifanny sings the words that I wrote, and the words that Kathleen Hanna, I guess, recited, those are her words. I was in New York City, and I was already down with the studio. Thurston was with us. And he said: “You know what, we can use my answering machine, from the studio”. So, he had Kathleen call him up and leave the message you can hear in the song. So, that’s the recording. It’s not a real message, she makes up this… Some of that stuff is very real, but some of that is made up, for sure. That’s the way Kathleen is, she mixes up things together, but the impression you get by listening to that, is like she doesn’t want to be on the record. But that’s the complete opposite of the reality, she wanted to be on the record, she asked me to. But that’s what you can do with records, you can mess up with reality. I have been asked a lot about that. That’s the story. Kathleen wanted to be on the record, she was. You know, her husband’s on there. Ad-Rock. They’ve been married 26 years, she told me that I had something to do with it. But come on, I was just trying to make a record. The same thing happened to Nels Cline and Yuka Honda. I made a record, you know, usually when I make projects, people don’t marry each other, but sometimes it happens. (laughs)"
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karizard-ao3 · 8 months
We’ve discussed Annie X Eren but what about Mikasa X Armin 🤨🤨
And by that I mean, some idiot at school sees Mikasa cuddling up with Armin and starts a fun rumour that they’re secretly dating. Can you imagine the drama!
Mikasa: very confused, first of all when ? Second of all Armin is like 5” how would that even make sense?? (I’m sorry for disrespecting short kings but you just know that’s how their dynamic would be) and third or all she likes someone else 👀
Armin: actually disgusted, doesn’t understand how anyone could think he would like like Mikasa (objectively Armin knows she is a beautiful girl, but shes not his type *cough**Annie**cough*)
Eren: angry, hurt, betrayed. Why would his two best friends lie to him? Hide this from him? Do they not trust him? Also Armin better treat Mikasa right or he’s gonna beat him up. Screw it, he might just beat him up for stealing his girl! ….I mean not that Mikasa’s his girl….. but still how dare they!
Also the idiot is Floch and they weren’t cuddling. Mikasa was annoying Armin by squeezing him and smushing his cheeks like a baby because he caught a ball in gym and she was trying to embarrass him by being overly proud
What I think is funniest about this scenario is how conflicted Eren would be. He loves his friends and wants them to be happy but he also hates them now. How could they do this to him? He lies awake at night, trying to figure out where it all went wrong but acts totally normal at school. It's not until Eren shows up on Armin's doorstep at 7am on a Sunday with bags under his eyes and says, "You just take good care of her, all right?" and punches his shoulder that Armin realizes Eren believed all the rumors.
Eren runs away before Armin can set him straight and goes to Mikasa's house to ask her, "Does he make you happy?" And she's like, "First, no one makes me do anything and second, who?"
Eren stares at her. "You know. Armin. Does he make you happy?"
Mikasa has already forgotten the rumors and is very perplexed because she has no idea what Eren is getting at. "Um, I guess?" she says.
Before Eren can run away home and cry about it, Armin comes straggling up, wheezing and still in his pajamas, choking out, "You fucking overdramatic dumbass, we're not dating!"
Mikasa is immediately concerned. "Did Annie reject you, Armin?"
He blushes. "No! I haven't even told her I like her! I'm talking about us!"
"Why would we be dating?" Mikasa asks. "That's silly."
Armin pulls his hair. "Everyone at school has been saying we are all week!"
Mikasa sniffs. "You shouldn't believe rumors, Armin."
"I DON'T!" He is so fed up right now.
"I don't, either," Eren hurries to say.
And so, once again, everything goes back to normal and no real progress is made.
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imunbreakabledude · 7 days
the boys 403 thoughts
starlight made me a godless nonbinary socialist its true (spoilers behind the cut)
live-blogging once again wheee simultaneously hoping for a maeve-is-alive crumb but dreading it for aforementioned "new information about her will jeopardize the fragile architecture of my brain" reasons
i know "i wanna rock" is a real song but every time i hear it i just think "that's the goofy goober rock from the spongebob squarepants movie"
butcher's plan cannot be "drug ryan and imprison him until he comes around" that is just pathetically stupid even for him
he literally said "i must get this child to safety as my last good act before i die" then said "the way to make this child safe is to drug and kidnap him and continue to drug/torture him indefinitely if he is unhappy with being kidnapped"..... oh lordy
listen i know this is a fictional tv show that paints broad strokes of "sides" to create drama and conflict but the idea of responding to the issues with supes by creating legislation that bans them from holding positions in govt/military/police sounds a... tad unconstitutional??? lmao it's one thing to do it based on someone's history but seems not many characters in this show tend to recall that "supes" is 99.9999999% a category of people who were experimented on against their will and without their knowledge, as infants.... ???? i know the pres is just goading neuman but god that would be an incredibly stupid piece of legislation to propose and i can't imagine, if this universe were real, that this would be a democratic platform they'd offer something much more toothless
god kimiko and frenchie just touch butts already!!!!! (jk i'm loving the slow tension) (if it is tension) (i want the payoff) (if it doesn't happen maybe i'll be writing nasty frenchiko fic by the end of the season. that's a threat)
they keep emphasizing firecracker hating annie... is there some backstory there or what like did they go do supe christian camp together and annie ignored her or something
wow it's true what they say if u let your kid play videogames online they'll be pursued by strange men who want to kidnap them
ashley wearing her fire dress to get fired (sorta)... listen... i know she isn't really fired but... THIS PAVES THE WAY FOR MY SPINOFF FIC (SORT OF) (EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT SHE WILL STILL BE AROUND)
no but this should give ashley plenty of time to start IMing maeve right? both of them stuck with nowhere to go and nothing to do.... strike up a penpal relationship.........
Ashley went to Vanderbilt??? that doesn't bother me nearly as much as a new tidbit about maeve but like it still will nag at my brain that now she has a canonical alma mater and my fic backstory for her dont cover that
butcher is seriously baking drugs into cookies and telling himself he's doing something good.... BECCA'S RECIPE??? sir do you really think she would approve of you taking her recipe and using it to DRUG HER SON????
a train heel face turn!!! god i hope this won't backfire but likely it will but we'll enjoy it while it lasts
i won't lie I find "Ryan Has Two Daddies" much more fun to watch than just butcher and homelander taunting each other repeatedly but never rlly doing anything
lowkey homelander and butcher are like the gay firefighters from 911 now where homelander's gonna have to let butcher into his life bc he knows how to talk to ryan
butcher you're actually doing good with character growth don't you mess it up now by drugging this kid (i bet hes gonna)
aww good for him but jeffrey dean morgan is probably gonnna pop out of nowhere and drug him or something
anika and ashley making eyes... No.... no.... not about.... not about maeve........
ok it wasn't about maeve but.... anika.......
i would be worried for ashley too in theory but i know she's too funny and also the way colby has been talking about the show there's no way she ain't gonna still be here in season 5
"you really don't remember me, do you" OH HERE'S THE CATTY DRAMA I WANTED.... wow annie was an outright BULLY???? haha wow i actually love that
annie calling maeve after that convo like: i had confusing feelings today....... Maeve pulls out her "ANNIE COMING OUT TO HERSELF" panic/party box
is that andrew rannells voicing the skating homelander? i swear to god it is but xray doesn't cover that
"Why do you want to be president" GOOD FUCKING QUESTION HOMIE
is daddy stan ever coming back i miss him
the sweat drop is funny but youre telling me he didn't hear hughie's breath/heartbeat in the first place
also how would he be missing hughie in the vents with his heat vision because he also has.... XRAY vision???? listen i can suspend my disbelief, i know that's the game, but they really do stretch it a lot with homelander conveniently 'failing' to kill the boys when he supposedly wants to and by all facts on the show SHOULD be able to without expending any effort at all
frenchie no don't lash out at herrr :(
ryan's 12 and he was born 8 years before season 1 so you're telling me it's been four years since season 1 in-universe? i know u can't work around the actor aging but that timeline just does not hold up sweetie!!!! further evidence that timeline is BS in this show though allowing me to decide the characters ages how i want lol
is sage in maeve's apartment.... careful you're treading on holy ground.... right there is where elena was gonna postmates sugarfish.......
did i miss something what's the bloody prop tho did sage kill someone and i missed it or
the fact that homelander can smell butcher on ryan does make me feel a little better about him smelling butcher on maeve last season..... leaves some plausible belief that she DID shower post coitus
wow even homelander being homelander i thought he'd be a better dad than THIS (i bet homelander stans will be upset at this)
it's funny how the one "mirrorlander" scene last season was actually pretty powerful but you make it into 4/5 mirrorlanders and it's the goofiest fucking shit you've ever seen like the fuckin bohemian rhapsody video
ok homelander full on backstory episode coming up? alrighty see that doesn't trigger any issues for me see that's fine ok
now I can just be incredibly unnormal about getting my wish for 0 mentions of maeve (excepting a ballroom sign and a costumed skater) but also be sad about 0 mentions of maeve
oh one last thing as i found it in the trivia section IT WAS ANDREW RANNELLS... a little sad i didn't identify shoshana bean on the spot but tbf andrew's voice is just... . so distinct
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dayonnight · 3 months
Do you think Armin had a nice reunion with his extended family or a sour one (before he got the Warhammer, I mean)? I'd like to imagine Mum Tybur(Armin's Mom) came from a rare sector of the Tyburs that is very much against the war and would try to protect Armin from having to take the Warhammer before ultimately failing and still supporting him however they can anyway. Lol imagine him learning about the different parts of himself that he got from the Tyburs but had written off as "oddities" in the walls(ex. his love of reading, his love of the ocean, his intelligence) and bonding with a cousin or something he never knew he had. Or they’re all horrible people and he decides to run for the hills lol. Ugh I just want him to find people who love him in a place where everyone around him wants to use him but aot is determined to make me weep😭😭
ALSO now that Armin is running around with the Warhammer, how would Erwin react to everything? Do you have any head canons on how he would be in this hypothetical s4??
I'm sorry ik that's a lot so feel free to ignore!! You have made my mind rot in all the best ways with this au😭/pos
Armin and his Tybur Family
When Armin first meets the Tybur i think he might be scared and a little excited, he thought that he lost all of his family and now he knows he didn't, but of course, not everything is perfect.
I feel like most members would be a little passive aggressive to him as his mom pretty much run away from her destiny, comments about how similar he is to her (Besides his eyes) and how they expect him to be better than "her" are common.
(In fact, he is considered better since he "never runs away")
I do think that the family meeting will be sour, but as you say, him discovering that the oddities he had were common by his Tybur family side makes him feel a little of comfort. And it would be nice that he gets a cousin to bond with, after all, he will have a rough time and deserves a nice time.
The main reason why William also looked out for him or his mom, is also because he wants to make things right, and he is sure war is soon so they need to actually train a Warhammer titan/holder to fight back.
So is not like Armin is too welcome in the family as much as just a pawn to use, and he kinda gets it, they are petty that his mom escaped.
"The sins of the mother, must be payed by the son"
Erwin's destiny
Without Armin, Jean and other's needed to make way more than in canon, more active leadership and planning i mean.
Eren is really filled with rage this time, and just like his last fight with Annie (He let himself go wild to a point were he lost control) he defeated Reiner easily and was capable of holding Berthold back better.
And also, if Reiner and Berthold left early along Annie to take Armin to Marley. Then, Ymir ks there too.
She might fight only because Historia asked her to do it, and that helped as she was able to climb the Colossal fast enough to take Berthold (The heat doesn't affect titans as much as a human)
So, the choice was easy and Erwin got the Colossal Titan.
And with Erwin alive, he gets to make his dream come true and discovers that, in fact, there are humans outside the walls, humans that might be enemies or allies.
This messes up with Eren, because he is sure that Armin is alive, but not in the world they wanted to see (An empty world filled with nature wonders).
The 4th Season
I'm not gonna lie, i am still working on what would happen in the hypothetical 4th season.
• For once, i already said that i am sure Eren will still be with the survey corps. Zeke tries to contact him, but either he ignores him (Angry against him as now that Erwin has Berthold memories they know Armin was captured thanks to Zeke) or he tries to earn his trust to know about Armin.
I am not completely sure if Erwin will reveal the part of Armin being the Warhammer, because it would mean that Eren and Mikasa will push harder to rescue him and that the higher ups will want him because he is a new weapon to Paradis.
• Reiner is doing better, he grieved Berthold a lot, but Annie is still there so he isn't completely lost.
Annie, however, feels extremely guilty about Armin, having time with her father made her realize how much she wants to escape from fighting and the wars, and she took everything from Armin, just how she felt when she had to go to Paradis.
• Sasha will live. This might sound weird but i just kept thinking about this, and yes, she will live, just as Armin gets to their airship, Connie, Jean and Sasha will leave their place to go to see him, which means Gabi will not be able to kill her when she climbs.
Sasha living will mean that Gabi's arc will need to change. She will no longer have to see how others suffer because of killing (Kaya, Sasha's family, Niccolo, none of them will grieve because of her), but she will see how Marley hurts them so much.
At first i imagine that, while she still wants to kill Eren, she is more focused on Armin as he is "A dirty traitor who turned on his country and family for demons". No one knew Armin was from Paradis, and suddey learning how they took him from his home and transformed him into a weapon might be a crash of reality.
And Falco is there too, love the boy he might not change much to be honest, but he did bonded more with Armin back in Marley (Both are nerds who enjoy reading, with a hot headed friend/crush, even if Falco still doesn't get who Eren is, he bonds with Armin and understands him)
• What about the Rumbling? To be honest, i am not sure.
I can see Eren wanting to use it against Marley (He HATES Marley, they hurt Armin, they took him away, and crushed their dreams), but once Armin is back, i am not sure what will happen with Eren.
Without the Warhammer, there's also problems with his plan of the Rumbling.
And there still needs to be a plan to destroy the curse of the Titans, but i still need to think on it, sorry :(
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fumblingmusings · 2 years
oh woah what's nyo ireland and nyo england's relationship like in the modern times? do they try to reach out to each other? and wow the mommy issues that nyo england's kids are gonna inherit
Ahsnfbf I didn't want to say because I've probably already blabbed about it too much at this point but yes absolutely mummy issues abound there. I guess it's up to the individual how far you take it, because it can get pretty dark if left unchecked.
My favourite dynamic in Hetalia is the push and pull for these guys who are nations vs who they are as people. You can't live as long as they do without forming opinions which run contradictory to what your government or even the majority of your people believe in. So for the kids they have that push and pull of 'that's my mum' versus 'my mum is the figurehead of something terrible' versus 'I'm part of something terrible'... so messy.
The kids mum as Alice or Annie or Elizabeth or whatever you wanna call her (I won't lie most Anglo-Saxon names are a mouthful for girls save Edith which yeah okay Ada, Eva, Eddie etc. are nice nicknames, or you go older for Morgan which is a more literal flipping of names pertaining to the Arthur myth... choices choices), is the kind of mum who's indulgent, clingy and melancholic. Which... is definitely not a great mother long term. England as the head of an Empire is a whole other kettle of fish. And yet the woman for the longest time refuses to disentangle them, or ask others to do the hard work for her.
Like... Oh! Not to equate them in any meaningful manner, but in Game of Thrones, the way that Cersei is with her youngest boy? That's how I picture England with the kids. Like this:
Is definitely something she would have done with Alfred at one point. The telling stories as much to comfort herself about what's going on as to reassure her kids whilst looking like she's three steps from stabbing someone's eye out in a fit of pent up anxiety. That story about a lioness and her cubs is definitely a fable she would have passed on whilst they were in the cradle and older, with all the excessive pet names and nervous petting of hair and skin, grasping and kneading them like a literal cat... It's suffocating, even for the kids who are more tactile.
She's good at playing the victim and playing up the fragility too (white womanhood and imperialism are such sinister methods of control), so when the time comes the kids, especially the boys, feel more than duty bound to protect her, not just as a Dominion to the mother country but also in instances like that's their mum piss off you angry German... man...creep... twice over. I don't think they ever quite let that personal relationship go, even when the political does not work that way anymore. She still knits them jumpers at Christmas is what I mean (not that Oz needs it but...) and goshdarn it her patterns really are good... But otherwise they're loyal to the woman, not the country. And yet that still has a somewhat insidious implication about it?
The boys have it worst. I think America and fem!England's relationship would be an absolute hot mess of indescribable intersecting definitions. England is no longer my mother country but she's still my mum actually no wait not like that either fuck her (not like that except...) and actually no wait maybe yes like that to the mum thing and how dare she look at other people the way she used to look at me look at me now look at me! Meanwhile Matthew's more an emotional crutch/white knight archetype - all the ways he was groomed to be heir once Alfred left whilst everyone including England and Canada knew that America was still going to inherit whatever earth was left when England finally fell - and Oz is the replacement baby who knew right from the word go he was a replacement and... Like it would be quite easy to just end tumbling in straight up oedipal complex nonsense with it for sure.
But going back to her and Ireland... I think it's better than it ever has been in some ways, and yet worse in others? I don't think any apologies have been given, and I'm not sure it's expected from the other, even if it is wanted. The kind of thing where if they're both in the room they'll both find the same joke funny, they'll catch each other's eye and the smiles will fade, both will burn red and return their attention elsewhere. Some topics are safe, emotional intimacy... not yet.
I think they both would be much clearer headed now about what happened to them, each other and what the other did and why, and that empathy would lead to understanding, but neither are at the point of talking about it. They don't really argue anymore, so now it's at the stage of 'well we're not fighting so we must be doing better right?' when really all that's happening is pushing the dirt under the carpet. Whereas before they were confronting it - terribly - now it's all avoidance. Again, I think one party (England...) is keener for that approach than the other.
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3cremepie3 · 2 years
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐤𝐞
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Armin 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇 𝒙 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒍 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
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For the after you read angst collab and my HeartLand Attack On Titan first date series! @hanmacide @sanoinc
“Ice cream maybe?” Wait there’s something even better.” You pointed to a strawberry shortcake stand up ahead. “I don’t think cake is gonna cool is gonna cool us down.” You had been walking for hours and the temperature reached its highest peak of 97 degrees.
“They have something even better,” you assured him. “Ta Da,” you exclaimed. His eyes lit up once he saw the special board. A strawberry shortcake milkshake was written on it. “Do you wanna try it?” Whatever you want you can have L/n.” Okay well I want that.”
You put your order in for 1 milkshake. “Huh, why only one I wanted to try some too.” Armin didn’t get what you were setting up. The day at Heartland was going great as your first date so far. Except for the fact that Armin couldn’t pick up on any of your advances. Like your shameless flirting. Or you pointing out other couples doing cute things.
For someone who’s dated before he doesn't know a lot. So of course he didn’t understand when you only brought one milkshake. “Umm, I’ll be right back Y/n I’m gonna head to the restroom.” Okay, see you in a bit,” you sighed.
Once Armin got in the bathroom he immediately Group FaceTimed his friends. “Armin how’s its going,” they all asked. “I feel like I’m doing something wrong you guys.” Huh whys that?” We know you don’t get much play but come on dude you can’t flop with Y/n or I’ll have to take them,” Jean confessed.
“I’m not flopping you asshole,” Armin yelled. “Jean Shutup hell up let him speak,” Mikasa commanded. Jean stopped his ranting. “It's been awhile since I dated Annie.” And I don’t know if I’m ready for someone as great as Y/n.”
Armin heard everyone sigh at the same time. “Listen Armin buddy,” Eren spoke. “We all know how much you love Y/n you can’t let past thoughts of Annie get in your way.” Yeah,” Mikasa agreed. “You guys are meant for each other stop thinking so hard.”
“Also Armin Y/n just texted me and they said you probably think their gross.” Because of some Milkshake,” Sasha reported. “Shit.” I gotta go you guys.” He hung up the phone running back to you.
“Y/n,” he yelled. “Yes?” I don’t think your gross and I would love to share this milkshake with you.” So Sasha told you about what I said,” you laughed.
“Yes why would you think I felt that way,” he chuckled. “Well, I thought things were going good but you're blowing off all my advances.” So maybe you were ignoring them on purpose.”
“Hey look at me,” he instructed. You look at him still slightly embarrassed. “If anything im the gross one.” I mean I’m here with you someone so pretty, prideful,perfect and precious.” I'm just a bit rusty on my dating skills is all.”
“Damn did I say too much you look concerned,” he wondered. “Of course not I'll always accept praise,” you smirked. “I’m concerned as to why you think so lowly of yourself and so high of me like I'm Jesus or something?” Your the brightest and sweetest person I know Armin.”
“I'm happy you were smart enough to come out here and tell me I'm not gross or anything because I was starting to get worried not gonna lie.” Thanks Y/n I needed that reassurance.” Although I hated to bother you.” What's bothering me is that our milkshake is melting.” Now come slurp this down before it leaks on the table.”
“Let's have a competition,” he challenged. “Whoever drinks this milkshake the fastest has to buy our next one.” It's a deal.” You both shook in it. You dived in immediately without his approval. “Hey that's not fair!” he whined soon he joined finishing way before you.
Afterward, you guys went to the cupid's bridge on a short walk. “I didn’t know you thought I was such an angel.” And perfect oh you don’t have to flatter me so much.” Flatter,” he exclaimed?! “It’s the truth just look at you everything is perfect.”
“I just wish you would say the same thing about yourself.” Your my favorite thing Y/n.” I thought the ocean was your favorite thing, you interrupted. “The ocean has now been replaced from this moment on.”
“I can’t say your my favorite thing yet until I taste this cake baby.” You and him picked up a cake on your way to the hotel. You popped some into your mouths. You stared at each other waiting for a reaction. After taking another bite you stopped. “Mid,” you both agreed at the same time.
“We’ll I guess you are my favorite thing Armin.” So since we're each other’s favorite things would you like to maybe see each other again after today?” Hmmm,” you pondered. “Of course, I had a whole bunch of fun today,” you admitted. You threw away the nasty ass cake and headed towards the hotel you and Armin where supposed to stay at.
You got there in awe from the lobby alone. You two where staying in on of the many hotels called sweethearts corner. It was very PINK. With some black accents, it almost looked like a love-core barbie dreamhouse. You asked a stranger to take a picture of you with the mascot of HeartLand statue.
They came out so cute and you where enjoying the heart filled environment until Armin called you to the reception desk. “It seems as though Eren only booked one room.”
“That sly fucker” Armin whispered to himself. He could just imagine the others smirking now that their plan worked. “Do you not want to be around me or something because I don’t see a problem,” you teased?
“Of course I want to be around you!” Always,” he began. “And forever,” you finished. “So before we go upstairs y/n.” I wanted to ask… about the status.
“Just spit it out Armin,” you demanded. “Fine I was asking about our relationship well.. the status of it.” So your asking if your my boyfriend or not?”
“Yes, that exact question. “Hmm well, I do seem to enjoy your company.” Armin was sweating buckets awaiting your answer. “Is that a yes,” he interjected? “Definitely a yes!”
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People who are mad at the live action little mermaid are weird, the only disney princess that it actually matters for her to be white is snow white, it's why she's named that, and even as a white person when i heard a latina was playing her i was more so confused but didn't really care.
I just don't understand why everything has to be such a big fucking deal and people can't just shut up and be happy for other people.
Do i get kinda annoyed seeing tweets from people saying they are gonna tell their kids this is the only little mermaid? Yeah. Do i think its dumb to say the movies gonna be amazing when most live action disney remakes are sub par at best? I guess, but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter.
I mean i'm a white ginger girl, the person these racists say black people are "trying to replace" in movies, and even i don't give a shit.
Side note, that whole "black people are replacing gingers" thing is stupid, i won't lie and say i don't see that it's kind of a trend but again, it doesn't really matter, i'm happy to share the characters and sometimes it makes sense, like with annie, so i don't ger why it's such a common talking point.
So if even i think this shit is stupid then idk where all these grown ass men get off complaining, ya'll don't care about the ogs and you certainly don't care about gingers, you just want to make white people seem targeted and under represented when ironically enough the only people who ever picked on me for being ginger were white people.
Just let people be happy, it's like cinderella, do you have any idea how amazing the brandi's cinderella is? Or year of the fish? Or another cinderella story? It's awesome to see POC leads in these fairytales.
Hell, even tiana herself is a POC take on a traditionally white fairytale, and tiana rocks!
I just can't imagine not feeling happy for halle right now, i just don't get it.
Im hoping and praying this movie is as good or even better than cinderella, pls don't be like lion king or mulan.
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moonlightcrusader · 2 years
Octodad prompt, Peter introducing Otto to his little daughter after the events of NWH 🥺
This one is super old but I couldn’t stop thinking about this prompt and BOOM story idea 🥺💕 I hope you guys enjoy!! :33
"Are, are you sure this is a good idea Peter?" Otto chuckled nervously, his knees wanting to collapse under him as nursery music and the sound of Mary Jane's voice filled the near by room. "What if I scare her-
"Stop that talk Otto. She'll like you, I just know it." Peter said firmly, gently grabbing Otto's slightly wrinkled hand as the actuators whirred in anticipation. "We've been showing Annie pictures of you beforehand, she knows your family."
"But...she's 2."
"Toddlers can be pretty perceptive.  Trust me, Annie definitely knows who's gonna spoil her with presents during the holidays." Peter smiled as he knocked on the nursery door, feeling Otto' nerves slightly calm at the pep talk. "Ready?"
Otto sighed softly. Well..what could go wrong..right?
"As I'll ever be, my dear boy. "
A door slightly opened.
And unless Mary Jane shrunk, stood there a red headed toddler who was studying the scene. 
Goodness, she looked just like her parents. Baby blue eyes, red hair, stubby legs and skin white as snow. It complimented the cute little strawberry dress and baby beige shoes.
And definitely, she got the long eyelashes from her mother.
"Dada!" Annie, as Otto wanted to coo at her two little pigtails. The baby- toddler, rushed over to Peters leg and hugged them tight. "Dada late."
"I know sweetie. But, it was totally worth it. Annie, do you remember Grandpa Otto from the photo albums?" Peter gestured to Otto who was now planted in the middle of the nursery room. "Look! He came to visit!"
Otto gulped, not wanting to feel any rejection from a 2 year old, was ready to take any blunt remarks or any crying.
MJ and Peter smiled. "Yes, Grandpa Otto. Say hi Annie." MJ watched as Annie looked intrigued at the tall man with the long coat. "I'm so glad you're here Otto, it's been a while!"
"It has it has, you look wonderful Mary Jane." Otto helped MJ who was sitting on the ground up and gave her a big hug and let go.
Annie was still examining Otto with curious blue eyes. As she waddled closer, a few actuators gently spiraled out and watched with curious intent.
"Guys, not now, please. You might scare her." He muttered to the actuators with slight alarm, hoping to not make Annie cry. "I'm so sorry Annie, you see, they are apart of me-
"SNAKIES! SNAKIES!" The toddler clapped and jumped as she made grabby hands towards them, petting them with her soft tiny hands. "Woahhh!!" She then looked at Otto and squealed as she put her hands up in a grabby motion. "Up! Up!"
Otto instantly beamed. 
"You want to go up? Excellent!" he gently picked up the little girl and held with warmth as she kept petting the actuators.  "Do you..like them?"
Annie just squealed again and giggled adorably as she wiggled happily in Ottos arms, playing with the actuators.
"Pets?" She pointed to Otto.
She did not just call us-
"Er, kind of. But I can talk to them. I'm like a, snake mind reader."
"Don't be surprised if she wants to stay in your arms for hours Otto, once she has her eyes on something she will hyperfixate on it for a while."
"Oh, I don't think that will be a problem." Otto's heart beamed when Annie went from playing with the playful actuators to now touching his hair.
"I see you like my hair, little one."
Annie became bashful. "Yeah. Is pretty. Like mine," The baby giggled when Otto petted her pigtails. "And like mommy's!"
"Hey! What about my hair, pumpkin? My hair is pretty too." Peter pointed to his hair and excitedly waited for his daughters reaction.
However, like most little kids, Annie was brutally honest and was taught to never lie.
"No. No color or courls! Boring!" Annie blurted, causing MJ to grin and Otto to crack up.
The baby smiled widely at the positive reactions she was getting at her little quip, before she saw her dad's fallen expression.
"Oh baby, I think you hurt daddy's feelings."
Annie frowned.
"That wasn't very nice, Annie." Despite Otto saying it with a warm smile. "Uh oh. He's sad now."
The baby's brow surprisingly furrowed in frustration. "But you waughed too!"
I didn't think she was going to call me out. Sharp kiddo!
"I did, didn't I?" Otto gently set Annie down so the older man could envelope a slightly grumpy Peter into a hug.
"Oh I'm sorry my dear boy. I didn't mean to make you pout.”
"I'm not pouting."
Otto fondly rolled his eyes. "Come here.”
The man planted a large kiss onto the boy's head. "There. Actually, maybe one more. Or two. Or a dozen!" He started peppering kisses on Peter's stubbley cheek and side of his head, causing small giggles to fill the nursery room.
"Otto! No-ho-ho!! It tickles!" Peter just kept his eyes shut as the attack pursued, feeling the last of his dignity fading away by his childish laughter. "You always wanna embarrass me, huh?"
"It's my job." Otto said proudly. "And look Annie! Your dad's smiling again!"
"Dada!" Annie grabbed into Peter's legs and shoved her face into his pants leg. "M' sorry I made you sad. Happy now?"
"Yes I'm okay now pumpkin. Maybe a little less harsh next time, but maybe I can spice up my hair color sometime with you and Mommy's help!"
"Oh I can definitely do that," MJ smiled as she gave a kiss to Peter. "I feel like red would suit you tiger."
MJ, Peter and Otto laughed as Annie tried to hug them all, managing to squeeze them into a tight group one, where MJ was pretty sure two actuators were resting on her and Otto was sure Peter had his face planted into his coat. Annie just climbed onto Otto like a small cat to ride his shoulders.
"Say cheese!" MJ readied her phone on automatic timer as they took their first complete family photo for the books.
Otto didn't know why he was so worried in the first place.
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Terrible Trilogy
Part 2
wordcount: 4,027
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You let your gun rest beside you for a moment, finger off the trigger. "GREAT, now I gotta disengage this-" You grumbled as he just watched you while Cherri got belly rubs from him on the couch. 
You walked outside to your back porch. Doing exactly what Dewey showed you. Thumb on the hammer spur, other thumb on top of the hammer, and your finger on the trigger. You pointed the gun to your empty backyard just in case before slowly pulling the trigger while holding the hammer to keep it from kicking. You felt the hammer loosen as you slowly released the trigger and let it ease up to its normal position near the firing pin. Then made it half cocked as a safety measure right when you heard him running his mouth inside.
"Well sorry Annie Oakley but I don't know why you have that old hunk of junk anyway! Just get a regular automatic! Or a revolver that does the thing where you have to pull the thing to shoot." He called from the living room
You put it back in your holster and marched back to him with an outraged expression. "Single action. And NO I feel better being able to shoot right away if I need to. Which is double action... Besides, It's a very special gift from Dewey! It's what I'm most comfortable with."
Though, you did think of an easier semi automatic to carry in the future but you weren't telling him that. But Dewey giving you his family heirloom after Windsor made it feel lucky. You were beyond touched and insisted he kept it but he claimed you could 'borrow' it for good luck. It made it feel like you could take down anyone with it in any situation; even against another masked killer.
 You stood in front of the tv with your hands on your hips to block his view. "What the FUCK are you doing anyways?! Are you trying to get shot?! I carry a gun now, dumby!" 
"Just keeping you up on your game, Sweetcheeks...You pointing a gun at me is strangely hot, not gonna lie." 
You rolled your eyes as Cherri laid all over him. "I think she's my dog now. Who's a good girl? Is it you? Yes it is! Who's your favorite person? Is it Stu? Yes it is! Yes it is!" He talked to her in a goofy voice and she ate it right up. Her tail hitting the sofa as her tongue lulled out. 
You relaxed but still frowned at him. "I'm serious, Stu. You could have just knocked! You can't just barge in here like this." 
He went from grinning down at the dog to looking up and raising a brow at you. "Why? Afraid I'm gonna interrupt your sex talk?" He gave with no smile and a raised accusing brow. You raised your own brow as he mumbled. "So, who's the guy?" 
You huffed with a glare. "I was joking with my friend, if you mind. It's just what we do." 
"You say you love your friends?" 
"Yeah, actually I do. I love ya too despite my better judgment." 
"Okay, now say it with a 'you' and look deeply into my eyes while you say it." 
"Absolutely not. I love you as a friend." 
"Fucking ouch....Seriously though, who is he?" 
He went to look at the caller ID on the table and you rolled your eyes as his brows furrowed. "Randy??" He thought a moment before smiling. "Oh, for a minute I thought I had competition." 
"Oh? You aren't worried about Randy? He's a guy." 
Stu released a snort of laughter and gently moved Cherri off him. "Barely…Nah, that machine is off. You were talking to someone else, weren't you?"
"Stu. My friends and love life are none of your business. Especially with your tendency to stab. Be lucky I've allowed you in my life this much these last few years." 
He sighed with an eye roll as he gently pushed Cherri off to stand. His hair was dark and cut short but spiked up in the front. He still kept a nose ring, two earrings on one ear and an eyebrow piercing. You got glimpses of a tongue ring when he stuck his tongue out at you like he did when he was joking. He had on a black band t-shirt with a studded belt, faded ripped baggy jeans and some old sneakers. He still kept a loose chain on his neck and a few strappy bracelets on his wrist to add his own style to it. He was just a slightly subdued 2000s version of his persona Tim from Windsor. 
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever, babe...I haven't even done that, in like, 4 months and he was asking for it! He tried to key my car after I pissed him off, like...Was I NOT supposed to gut him and let him hang in a nearby tree? No one since then, cross my heart. I'm going through a dry spell." 
You gave a sarcastic huff of laughter. "Oh well, congrats on 4 months of sobriety." 
He gave you a sarcastic smirk right back before stretching and asking. "So, what are we eating tonight?"  As he walked by you to the kitchen. 
"Um...I was having spaghetti." 
"Oh cool, I can go for some of that. Garlic bread?" He was already helping himself. 
"Nope, salad." 
"Ew...Eh, spaghetti will work. Actually, I can go for that salad if you have Caesar dressing and croutons-" 
"Fridge. Let me dig for those-" You told him as he opened your fridge and knew where everything was as you pulled out a spare sample bag of croutons from Wendy's in your drawer. You tossed them to him. "You're in luck." 
He caught them as he closed the fridge. "Nice. Crunchy seasoned bread cubes make everything better, huh?"  
You sighed to yourself as you watched him. He was getting into a bad habit of crashing at your place then you not seeing him for weeks and then rinse and repeat. 
"So, are you staying for a few days?" 
He shook his head as he got a fork and stuck it in your pot of spaghetti. You pointed to the cabinet and he sighed and got a plate as he spoke. "Nah, I'm just visiting for the evening. Was hoping you could spare me some dinner before I go." 
You looked at him in surprise. "Oh...Well, we can set the table and eat together. You don't have to scarf it down over the stove." 
He gave you a smile. "Are you asking me on a dinner date? Candlelight, wine and all?" 
You smiled back at him. "I only have soda and a half-gone Yankee candle." 
He chuckled to himself as he got some spaghetti on his plate before working on preparing a salad. "As tempting as it is, Sweetcheeks; I can't. I gotta be at the hotel in a little bit." 
You blinked in surprise, folding your arms and leaning against the counter. "Oh...Um, why do you have to be at the hotel so soon?" 
He raised his brows as he sucked up a forkful of spaghetti. He swallowed before he talked. "Oh...So...I can't ask about your private life but you can mine?" 
You gave him an annoyed look. "You want to know my relationships. I want to know if you have to be there at a certain time or else you'll be offed." 
"Aww, you're worried." 
You shrugged. "Should I be?" 
"Wait...Are you worried for my safety or that I might have a friend waiting on me?" 
You rolled your eyes. "Stu." 
He gave you a long teasing look before finally shaking his head with a smirk as he twirled spaghetti on his fork. "Nope...Actually, I have my manager waiting for me there and she's very persistent that I be back to go through some paperwork or some crap like that with her." 
You blinked and scrunched your face. "A manager??" 
He nodded. "Yep, acting. Turns out, I got a knack for it. Already had a talent agent scout me out at a dive bar when I was just telling a story to some guys. Apparently, I'm very animated? Whatever that means. Anyways, he got me a manager and now I'm on my way to Hollywood in a few days!" 
You didn't know what to say. "U-uh...I-I mean, that's great.-" 
He looked like an excited kid. "I know right?! Sure beats swindling losers out of their money at pubs or casinos." 
He got a huge grin on his face and wiggled his brow at you. "Guess who's auditioning to play Stu Macher on Stab 3, babe?" 
Your entire face dropped as you stared at him with wide eyes and your mouth hanging open. He just nonchalantly finished his plate and started on his salad; giving a waiting Cherry a noodle from his discarded plate. You continued staring at him until he finally looked back at you.
You stared at him a moment longer before it erupted out of you. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" 
He cringed. "That a 'Oh my god, are you kidding?! That's great!' or?-" 
"....NO. No, STU. Its NOT!" 
He sighed heavily and frowned as you ranted. "Stu, you can't play you in a fucking movie about the crime you committed! Are you out of your mind?!" 
"Kind of." He stuck out his tongue at you and snorted to himself.
You paced and turned back around to give him an outraged look. "How are you so nonchalant about this?! I did not spend 3 years on edge praying no one sees you coming or going from here and hiding everything from Gale Weathers just for you to put your face all over the big screen!" 
He jutted his hand out to you. "But that's the thing; it's so on the nose no one will think of it! Stu Macher is dead so this look alike just has an uncanny resemblance...And if he were alive; he would never play himself. It's like reverse psychology or something!" 
You shook your head. "You're insane...I'm going to go to prison and get everything taken away from harboring a fucking murderer and lying to cops and-" 
He sat his plate down and walked over to you, resting both hands on your shoulders. "Hey, YN. It's okay. You think I'm stupid or something? I got it under control...No one will know, Sweetcheeks." 
You looked up at his blue eyes. "Um, how?! You have to let your manager know-" 
"Nope. I got an entire stolen identity at a strip club near LA a year ago. A guy who knew a guy sort of thing. I got a name: Dennis Rafkin. A Social security number, birth certificate, family history, records-" 
"Stu...That is so wrong. You stole someone's entire identity?" 
He blinked at you. "Did you miss the part earlier where I gutted a guy?" 
You went to open your mouth but nothing came out. "Ah-....Okay." 
"Besides, the guy died in some rich dude's house under mysterious circumstances. He was a 'Ghost hunter' so-" He made a snorting motion with his nose and you gave a huff of laughter despite yourself. "- We know he was on something or a crackpot. No family claimed him missing, and as far as the Government knows, he walked out." 
"Then why not get a normal job if you're so set? Why are you taking such a risk?" You softly asked. 
He grinned with a shake of his head. "Because that's not me, Sweetcheeks. I have an opportunity to live the life of a movie star. Honestly, as freaking crazy as it sounds; I should be thanking you! If it wasn't for you sabotaging our plan and helping Gale Weathers live; Stab wouldn't have been made and I wouldn't be able to play myself on a movie set. I mean, who can imitate this charm and dashing face, am I right?" He squeezed your shoulders with a smirk and you bit your inner cheek to keep a serious face. 
"So...You're saying you're over what happened 5 years ago?" 
He grinned down at you. "Beyond it. Besides, after being near you more I realized you really were just desperate for me not to die...Kind of romantic when you think about it."
You gave him a warning look and he continued. "Seriously though...Thanks for screwing everything up. If we would have killed you or whatever; not only would I have been without you in my life BUT I would have been just...Stuart Macher. Just some regular degular kid from Woodsboro California that survived a Massacre. I would have been old news within a few years and probably forced to be a pharmacist like my Mom or a business pencil pusher like my Dad….BORING." 
He shrugged with a grimace. "I mean sure...I miss them. I miss that stupid asshole cat of Mom's that hissed at me every day. I miss holidays. I miss my family...But...I get to live a life 18 year old me could only dream of, man! I had to get rid of my piercings which sucked but it's for the best because I also gotta worry about Tim being caught now too...I'm not thanking you for that." He winked at you.
You bit your lip. "I get it and I know life seems to be picking up for you but...I just wish you wouldn't play yourself." You looked away with a worried expression and he brought his hand up to the side of your face to look at him. 
"Hey, everything will be fine...I actually came here tonight to not only tell you but to see if you would go with me." 
"Cherri can come too or we can drop her off at your parents. Or if your old fluffy cat won't like that then maybe your parents can house sit?" 
You didn't know what to say as he bent down. "Come on, babe...It's gonna be lonely without you. I could be on set for months." He went to kiss you and you pulled away.
"I can't. I like it here. I like being...Safe. Right here. Hollywood sounds like a social anxiety nightmare." 
He sighed in annoyance. "Alright, fine. I get it." Before he went to grab your hand. "I'll miss you though but maybe we can...Make up for it tonight. My manager can wait-" 
You jerked your hand away when you felt his lips on your neck. Whipping towards him with a glare. "God damn it, Stu! We've been over this!" 
He groaned to himself with a scowl. "Well excuse me for thinking me being gone so long would change your mind. I mean, after 3 long years I thought maybe this would be the thing to make you budge." 
"Oh yeah, like you haven't been with ANYONE in three years when you came here tipsy with a hickey a few months ago. You totally are just saving it for me...Give me a fucking break, Stu." 
He smirked. "Jealous?" 
"You wish...No, I'm not." You seriously gave. His smirk dropped as you smacked your leg in exasperation. Cherri just laid on the floor watching you both. "God, you don't get it! Me and you are not happening for the hundredth time!" 
"Why not? Cause you got some other guy?" 
"No." You rubbed your face and looked over at the calendar on your fridge. He did the same, seeing the date and something you had scribbled on it. 
He gave a huff. "God, when are you gonna get over it? You knew Sidney and Tatum for like 9 months. Life goes on." 
You looked at him in outrage. "Get over it? I only knew you for 6 months through Tatum if we're playing that game-" 
"But we've been in each other's lives for three years!" 
"Yeah and what happened to the other two before that, Stu?" 
He rubbed his temple. "Okay, so we had a rough patch. I still…" He looked at you. "I still loved you the last 5 years, alright? And I've been good as gold the last 3!" 
You stared at him. "Love me, huh? And yet, you're telling me to get over the anniversary of my best friend's deaths just so you can get laid." 
"Well, I got over it! I want to start a new life and move on. I was friends with them longer than you were and I was banging and dating Tatum. So if I can, why can't you?" 
You shook your head. "You really are still THAT dense about this...It must be nice. " 
You stared a moment, giving a bitter smirk. "Just moving on like nothing happened. Wonder if the Prescotts get to move on? Or the Bakers? Or the Oarths? Or Kenny's wife who was pregnant with his unborn child when he was killed by you? Even the Davis's?!...How about the Riley's? Hm? Do they get to move on? Dewey barely calls me this time of year! Her Mom kept her room as is, Stu! They kept her room just to keep a piece of her!" You felt the burning in your chest at the idea of it all. "Oh...But you banged her and moved on. So I should too." You scoffed with a bitter laugh.
He finally lost his temper, a rare thing between you two but it happened once in a blue moon. It did make you subconsciously ready to get your gun...You knew you'd always mistrust his anger. Cherri eyed him and got near you as he yelled and threw a plastic container across the kitchen from the counter.
"GOD YOU'RE SUCH A BROKEN RECORD! WHADDYA WANT FROM ME, YN?! Do I gotta go and build a fucking time machine and kill some other sorry ass teenagers instead or what?!" 
You rolled your lips and looked away, shaking your head before looking back at him. "No...I want you to realize that I can't be with someone that not only murdered so many people in my life but shows no sympathy for it TO THIS DAY. What happens  when piss you off enough? Am I going to be on your list?...I refuse to be a Hallie, Stu." 
He glared at you before shaking his head and walking away. "Pft, okay...Whatever." He walked away before turning back around. "You know what?! I'm sick of this bullshit, man! Either you and me are a thing or I'm moving on! I'm gonna be around a lot of hot starlets and models, baby. A LOT! Women that aren't going to have a problem with my past or my anger issues or whatever else your issue is." When that didn't get a reaction out of you. He lost his anger and threw up his hand. "I'm not sticking around for a Highschool crush when I have an opportunity to go be somebody!" 
You calmly looked at him. "And I don't want you held back...Go be somebody and go fuck a million models if that's what makes you happy, Stu. But that manipulation crap only works on someone that's jealous...I'm not. You know, everyone thinks Billy was the only manipulator but that's horseshit. You manipulate too. You both are fucking guilty of it." 
He rolled his eyes at you dissecting him. You continued. "I hope you have a good time on set, and if you get caught, I'm playing stupid. I really did think you were some guy named Tim impersonating Stu. I'm sticking to that." 
He stared at you in surprise. Clearly thinking he could guilt trip you into being with him...He was mistaken. 
He sighed and slid a hand over his face. "Alright...Guess this is goodbye then. Can't say I didn't try...Might be a long time if we see each other again." He almost walked away. A few moments went by before he came back and got a piece of paper on your counter and a pen. "Here's my cell phone I just got...Just in case you change your mind." 
You solemnly nodded. He sat the pen down and you softly asked him. "...Call me when you get to the hotel safely?" 
"...You care enough-" 
You cut him off. "Stu, I care about you; you know that. I just can't be with you...If something happened to you...Prison, getting into some trouble-" You trailed off. "I would be devastated." 
He stared at you for a long moment. his eyebrows shooting up. His expression turned into a frown before he forced a tight smile. "Alright...Lock that backdoor, Sweetcheeks." 
He turned to leave when your phone lying on the counter started ringing. You never put it back on the receiver. You hesitated, not wanting Randy to be calling and jokingly flirting again but you had to answer the minute you saw the name. 
Your face dropped and he eyed you as you answered it. "...Dewey? Is everything okay? It's really late for you to be calling." 
"Sorry...YN. Where are you?" 
Stu stayed a moment to look at you in interest. You gave a confused look. "No you're fine...Um, I'm at home. Why?" 
"Have you seen the news?" 
You looked over to the news station on your tv just talking about the weather. "No?" 
"Good, they haven't aired it yet. Well... Cotton Weary is dead." 
You blinked repeatedly. "I mean, I wasn't close to him...It's bad but-?" 
"YN, this wasn't an accident. Both him and his girlfriend were savagely murdered in their condo earlier this evening. I'm technically supposed to keep everything hush hush but considering...You know, your...Seclusion and being part of Woodsboro; I felt you needed to know before you see it on the news." 
You swallowed as Stu urged you. You held up a finger to him to be quiet. "Yeah...Yeah I have the gun. Yes...Okay, bye Dewey...Love you and stay safe." You hung up and leaned forward on the counter. 
"What? What is it?" Stu urged. 
"Cotton Weary is dead..." 
His face relaxed. "That's it? Like I said, lock the door and put up your security." 
He was leaving and you tried to stop him. "Stu, you can't just leave! Didn't you hear-" 
"Yeah and it's just someone that had issues with Cotton I mean, he was a total dick and made a lot of folks mad in the industry. I wouldn't worry...Bye, YN. I'll talk to you at the hotel." 
You watched him wave and go as you couldn't stop him. You could only lock your back door and wait till you saw him jump the fence from the window before typing in your security system. You slouched against the door frame as Cherri walked over and looked up at you. Whining as she sensed your mood. 
"I know, girl. It's okay." You tried convincing yourself more than her. 
You ate, put everything away and then sat on the couch. It was almost 10...You wondered if you should call Randy but surmised Dewey probably already did. You jumped when your phone rang, answering it knowing only a select few people had your number.
"Uh...YN, where are you?" 
"Stu?" You sat up. "I'm at home, why?" 
He was quiet a moment before laughing. "Alright, very cute. Are you pranking me because deep down inside that's how you express stuff?" 
"Stu, what the hell are you talking about?" 
"YN, you called me 5 minutes ago to come outside the hotel." 
"What?...No, I didn't!" 
He sighed. "Oookkaayy, you totally didn't just call me up to come outside." 
You gripped your seat. "Stu...I did not." 
"I know your voice, Sweetcheeks!" 
"YN, I'm going back in. Cute prank. Love ya bye." He mocked you earlier and hung up.
You looked at your phone with confusion. Something didn't feel right. You went to call Stu again on his cell, this feeling that had to warn him that something was wrong but he didn't answer.
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fandomout · 2 years
You're probably tired of me but may I request an angsty gecko x reader? I just adore your writing <3
Gecko-Mathew Culbert x reader - You think he's cheating on you with Annie along with first I love you's
First, anon, no worries! I can't get tired of you. Lol. If I'm being honest, I don't get too many request, so I always appreciate them. Thank you. I hope you enjoy this angsty post.
Since Mathew had mentioned he’d be at a diner you usually go to, you made your way over as you had a break around the same time. You were hoping it would be a nice surprise to have a little lunch date. After parking a little farther than you wanted, you were walking outside the store front when you saw Mathew sitting and laughing. His happiness put a smile on your face as you approached near his window. You rushed past it as you wanted to keep up the surprise; however, your feet stopped as you caught sight of the person in front of him. It was Annie January.
The sight caught you a bit off guard. Either way, you decided to leave because you didn’t want to interrupt all their laughing and smiling together.
Later, you heard the door click to signal Mathew was home. Your eyes darted to the clock, and you realized it was later than usual. You had just been washing dishes, and you saw him walk into the kitchen and open the fridge to grab water. You gave a smile, but he didn’t seem to look over at you. Neither did he say anything. You decided to be a little more aggressive with affection as you reached to give him a hug without letting you hands touch him because of the water and soap. It took Mathew a good few seconds before he reacted to the hug and hugged you back a bit tight.
You joked, “Someone missed me.” You felt a breath of laughter on your neck, and he pulled away and said, “I’m gonna shower.” You weren’t sure what else to say, but you never got the chance as he walked off. You looked over to him and muttered, “Hello to you too.”
When you got to your bedroom, the lights were already off, and Matthew was in bed. He had an arm to his eyes. You half thought to turn on the light, but you settled for getting into bed with him. You urged, “Tell me about your day.” He mumbled in response, “Nothing really interesting to say.” You felt a slight pang at the lie. You cuddled up to his chest, and he wrapped himself around you. You tapped at his chin with your index finger and lightly said, “Tell me anyway.” He didn’t respond for a good while as it seemed his eyes could only look toward the ceiling. You couldn't help asking, “Matty, are you okay?” You hand falling to his chest. His chest felt harsh as his heart beat rapidly. He answered a little too firmly for you liking, “Fine. Why?” You brushed it off and kept your light tone to answer, “Your face.”
He looks towards you and gives a small smile and asks, “You were staring were you?”
“How can I not when you're so nice to look at?”
“Yeah. Okay.”
“Tell me, what’s bothering you? Since you got home, you’ve been weird.” His hand found yours, and he mindlessly fidgeted with your fingers and shook his head to answer, “Just work stuff.”
“Work stuff?“
“Yeah. They are thinking of giving me more hours.”
“What? Is it not enough that they tear you limb from limb?”
”Don’t get upset. I told you, so you’d stop asking and sleep.” You lift your head at the slightly harsh tone he used and countered, “Am I annoying you?”
“Honestly yeah.” He grumbled. You remove yourself from him and move to the other far end of the bed. You turned your back to him, and you said, “Sorry for caring, jeez…you're being annoying right now too.”
“That’s really nice. I don’t need to come home to this…” You huffed as you shoved your face into the pillow. Too overwhelmed, you let out silent tears as you don’t understand why he was being like this, but the moment didn’t allow anything else to happen.
In the morning, you reached over the bed, but you only found it empty. You huffed in annoyance as your first thought was, “Really?” At first, you felt a sadness wash over before anger filled you, and you took your phone in your hand to dial him.
Since he answered calmly, “What’s up?”, it only made you even more upset as you asked, “What’s up? Is that all you have to say?!”
“Uh…I was also gonna ask how’s the weather today?”
“I’m being serious.”
“I was too, but I know what you’re getting at…I didn't give you any kisses recently. I know you get rowdy without them.” You tried to keep yourself from laughing at him being ridiculous and just firmly said, “Mathew.”
“Okay. I know. I know. Last night, I was a little-“
“Of an annoying jerk. I’m aware.”
“I deserved that one. I’m sorry. I was in a really bad mood about…work, but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.”
“Thank you.”
“When I get home tonight, you don’t have to worry. It won’t be that asshole from last night.” You laughed and answered, “That’s all I ask.”
“Also, no worries, kisses will be brought.”
“You love me.”
You mindlessly said, “I do love you…” You heard exclaimed, “Oh.” You realized it was the first time you said it. He went quiet for agonizing seconds before saying, “I have to get back to work. Boss gets upset when they see me on the phone. They always say that’s what your breaks are for.”
“Alrighty then. Bye.” He quickly hung up. You frowned at the lack of reciprocated words.
You were on your day off, and you had done all your errands already. You were mindlessly fiddling with your phone and trying to see if you could surprise Mathew today again, so you looked to his location. You were very surprised to see him a few blocks away from his work. You looked up the address, and you realized he was at some gala. A gala that from the news no doubt had supes, which meant Starlight. You froze, and your eyes squinted at the screen. This was just another thing that itched at you. You shook your head as you ignored it. You went to the kitchen to keep busy by preparing dinner for you and Mathew tonight as you watched tv.
When Mathew got home, you were a bit reluctant to come up to him, so
you settled for a smile. He gave one back slightly. You had asked, “Ready for dinner?” He nodded mindlessly, but he spoke in disinterest, “Sure.”
You presented him with his favorite. He rubbed at one of his eyes, and you grabbed his hand and asked, “You okay?”
“Yeah. Just this thing they tested on my eye. It’s just a little itchy, but almost fully healed I can feel it.”
“Oh. Okay.” You sat down at the table. He had asked, “What did you do all day?”
“Nothing much. The usual. You?” He seemed to pick at his food even though it was his favorite. He shrugged and said, “It was just a usual workday.”
Knowing the truth, you intently asked, “Really?” He nodded. You called out his name, and he didn’t answer as he wasn’t listening. You dropped your utensils with a, “CLANG!” His back straightened, and he looked over to you.
“Why so loud?” He asked. You shook your head and kept the conversation on track and stated, “I’m trying to ask you something.”
“Oh. The food is great.”
“How would you know? You’ve barely touched it.”
“Sorry. I’m not that hungry.”
“That wasn’t even my question! Right now, you’re not only not listening to me, but you're lying!”
“What are you talking about? Why are you yelling? Y/N, I don’t need this attitude right now.”
“Oh…YOU don’t need this right now?! Neither do I! As far as I’m concerned, the asshole from last night is still sitting in front of me!” He stood up and stated, “I’m going to bed.”
Before he could walk away completely you shouted, “What were you doing with Starlight?!”
His body stiffened, and he turned to you methodically and slowly. Carefully, he asked, “How do you know about that?”
“You’re not denying it?”
“Why do you know that?”
“That’s not what’s important. Answer-” He gripped your shoulder harshly and asked, “Y/N, what do you know?!”
You pushed him and put distance between you two as you hugged yourself and responded, “I-So, it’s true. You and her…” As he realized what you meant, he felt a relief and clicked in his head. “I never thought you would-” He cuts you off to say, “I know what you're thinking, and I didn’t.” He walks up to you slowly.
“No, it’s true.”
“What's with all the lying then?!...I-” Tears start falling from your eyes. You hit his chest with your index finger as you yelled, “I went to have lunch with you yesterday! You were with her! You never mentioned it! Then, today, your location?! At the gala! I know!” He sighed. His eyes becoming glassy hat he caused this. “Y/N, I’m sorry about how I’ve been acting, but I am not cheating on you with Annie. She’s an old childhood friend, remember?
“Right. You two used to hang out all the time. You told me that. You mentioned your crush on her to me before. Don’t you think you should’ve just told me you were meeting up. We’re here because of you. Don’t try to blame me!”
“I’m not…Look, that’s not what that was, but I-I can’t tell you what happened.”
“I’m sorry.”
“That’s what you care about?...Not what we had?! Wow she must have some hold on you…Wow. She really has all the power over you, huh? How can I compete with her. Beautiful Annie January is just perfect. Ugh, My envy is showing I have to go.” You walk past him, and he follows. He whimpers out, “Please don’t.”
“Mathew, look, I love you-like a lot-I can’t really get all sweet about it when, right now, I’m seething in anger. I just have to go.” You get the door open, and he blurts. “She’s blackmailing me!” You stop short and turn to him and ask, “She what?”
”Look, I’m going to tell you, but you can’t tell anyone. It’s life or death. But…I-I love you! I do!” He stops on his knees, and he embraces you. He starts sobbing and mutters, “Just please don’t go.” You get on your knees too, and you can’t help being kind seeing him like this.
“Matty, tell me what it is.”
“Okay.” He rambles quickly, “Supes are made from birth by this blue liquid. Made me and others too. Starlight wanted it. She used me to get it from my workplace. It’s not something to mess with. I could die for this, or even worse you could.” You crossed his face and wiped his tears and said, “I’m sorry…” He shook his head and hugged you and said, “It’s okay. I should've just told you before. But it’s over now. I gave it to her, and she’ll leave us alone. I had to.” You nod and kiss him softly and say, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Y/N.”
Hope your day got better
The Boys Masterlist
Full Masterlist
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aremie · 3 years
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 ;; Eren is dead, your friends are dead, Annie and Armin are probably starting a new life together, Levi and Mikasa are hiding together somewhere, and you are left alone. Left alone in misery, you try to bring Eren and your friends back to life by abusing the extent of your abilities.
𝗮 / 𝗻 ;; this is inspired by wandavision, some aot manga spoilers, ending is different, eren is crystalized, reader, eren and almost everyone twenty one here.
𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗿 ;; reader has abilities like wanda maximoff, you have powers like chaos magic, manga spoilers, don't read if you don't want to be spoiled. Different ending from the manga.
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞. ;; this fanfic has a different ending from the manga. eren is crystalized in this one, annie and armin are living their lives before their time is up, mikasa and levi are both in hiding and you are left alone. (this is canon-divergence with a little sci-fi in this.) titans are still existent. Everyone is 21 years old. PART ONE here.
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"SO WHY'D YOU join the program?" Annie Leonhart, a warrior candidate, finally spoke up after being silent for days.
"I joined due to my father forcing me to. He said that if i didn't, i would disgrace my family." You softly whispered, you didn't know anyone here and was too shy to interact with anyone.
"Oh." The blonde apathetically responded.
"What about you? Why'd you join?" You asked, being curious about the blonde's backstory.
You waited for her answer which took a few minutes for her to respond. She might have dealt with traumatic things, you thought.
"I joined for my father." She said.
"Ah." It was quiet for ten minutes but it wasn't an eerie type of silence. It was more of a comfortable silence than anything.
"My name is Annie. Annie Leonhart." She said, lifting her hand for you to shake. You smiled, immediately shaking her hand. "I'm [Y/N]. [Y/N] [L/N]."
"[L/N]? Like the House of [L/N]?" Annie asked, looking a bit shocked while you just nodded. "So that's why your father expected a lot from you." She lowly said.
"Mhm." There was a comfortable silence between the two of you as you two just sat there.
At least you made a friend, right?
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"Y/N? ARE YOU alright?" Your dear boyfriend, Eren asked while you were still on bed due to just waking up. "I'm alright." You responded as you slowly got up.
"Are you sure? You were crying while asleep. Do you wanna talk about it? Armin used to tell me that to feel better, you have to talk it out with the one you love." Eren asked once again, getting worried.
There. Right there. Armin's name was enough to pull your sanity back to reality. A reality where Eren was dead, Jean and Connie are mindless titans, Armin and Annie are building a new life together, Levi is probably in hiding with Mikasa and you were left alone.
You wanted to live in denial. You needed to live in denial. You wished that you were as careless when you were a child. Back when you didn't have anything to worry about. Back with Reiner, Annie and Bertholdt. Back with Porco, Pieck and the others.
You wished that you didn't join the warrior program. You wished you disgraced the family. You wished that you were never experimented on and never get this power.
But at the same time, you wished for a peaceful life with Eren. If you never joined the program, then you would have never met Eren or Annie. Or even your closest friends.
Eren's voice brought you back to reality. No, not in reality but the reality you have made. "Hmm?" You hummed as you got out of bed.
As if the earlier scene never happened, Eren grinned and hugged you which surprised you a little bit. "Eren, are you alright?" You asked as he continued hugging you. Softening up, you hugged him back but still wondered why he was hugging you.
"I love you." He softly spoke as he nuzzled his head to your neck. Smiling, you kissed his forehead and responded, "I love you too, darling. But would you mind telling me what is up?"
Eren grumbled, but still responded. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure? Do you wanna talk about it? Armin used to tell me that to feel better, you have to talk it out with your lover." You repeated his words, but due to you rewinding reality, it never happened.
"Its just that. . ." Eren tried to speak up but couldn't find the right words.
"Just what?" You asked him, getting worried.
"I— I don't know. I feel trapped. Like i'm enslaved and stuck. I think something's wrong, [Y/N]." He admitted.
"Its just that. . ." Eren tried to speak up but couldn't find the right words.
"Just what?" You asked him, getting worried.
"I— I don't know. I'm just worried that once we build a family, i won't be able to give us the things we need." He admitted, sighing in defeat as he laid his head down onto your lap.
You smiled softly and looked at him. "We're not yet married and you're already worrying about that?" You asked sarcastically. I mean, you were right, he hasn't proposed to you yet.
"Well, i know but—" You cut Eren off by kissing him softly. He was surprised but then kissed you back lovingly.
Maybe it's not that bad to stay in denial and live in this fake reality until the final days of your life.
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"Your Majesty, there's something wrong in Shiganshina, its urgent!" One of the royal guards yelled as they ran towards the queen. Historia, being oblivious to what was happening then turned around to see five royal guards tired and sweating.
"What? What's wrong?" Historia asked hastily, not knowing why the guards were panting and sweating heavily.
"Its— Its Shiganshina, we can't seem to enter the town and even if we tried, we would get thrown away by an invisible thing! Hitch Dreyse tried to do it but disappeared!" One of the guards explained.
Historia felt nervous. What was she supposed to do? An invisible barrier banishing people out? It seemed ridiculous but she knew that they wouldn't lie to her and so she decided.
"Take me there."
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"SO TELL ME, where exactly are you going?" You asked him, helping him tie his hair into a bun.
"I found a job as a doctor near our house and i need money to buy a rin—" Eren stopped himself while you just looked at him curiously.
"Money to buy a what?" You asked him, crossing your arms.
"Money to buy us food, darling!" He immediately answered. "Besides, we wouldn't be able to survive if i don't work. How could we buy the food we need if i don't work?" Eren reasoned.
"Uh, Magic?" You said. Your humor was always shitty but you were somehow saying the truth.
Eren just sighed as he kissed your forehead. "I'm heading to work." He said while you squinted your eyes.
"Alright then. See you, Love you." You said, getting curious about what he was intending to do.
"Love you too! I'll make sure to bring something home!" He lovingly said as he went to his workplace.
That was weird, you thought.
Once you were about to sit down, you heard a knock on the door. You sighed. You're not gonna get a break until the end of the day. Walking to the door, you were shocked to see a certain someone.
"Heya [N/N]!" The woman in your doorstep said.
The woman was Hitch Dreyse.
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"So why can't you enter this?" Historia asked as they were all near the town that was isolated.
"Nobody knows. Some say that it had some invisible barrier. Not to mention, all civilians that lives in Shiganshina are also stuck in there." One of the guards said.
"So all civilians that lived here are also stuck in this thing?" Historia asked, feeling dread and sadness. She failed as a Queen. What was she gonna do now?
"Mhm. They are either dead or stuck there. Nobody knows. The only one who entered the town was Hitch Dreyse and none of us have heard of her wellbeing for two weeks." The guard explained.
Historia nodded and told the guard to continue as she tried touching the electrical barrier. The guards noticed and tried to stop her but before they could, she disappeared suddenly.
The guards then immediately freaked out and took out their firearms. "Your highness?!"
None of them knew that their Queen Historia was stuck in a reality that her friend had created.
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katyleen · 3 years
This is my first time posting something. Warning though I'm not good at writing and the characters are probably OOC. Enjoy the story :D
[FNF] Lucian x reader
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Found this art in instagram: franbobisdrawing
Y/n's POV
I was chatting with Girl, Carol, and Annie when suddenly we heard a commotion and a...rap battle?
"Hey, let's check it out." I said.
"Sure. I'm also curious what's happening there." Girl said while standing up. Soon we all stood up and went to the crowd. We managed to squish ourselves to the front and I saw a boy with blue hair battling someone who's carrying a baseball bat.
'They're pretty good. I wonder what're their names?' I thought to myself as I continue to watch the battle. Eventually the battle ends and the blue haired boy is the winner. We all cheered loudly, kinda startling both of them.
"Woahh!! That was amazing!" Girl exclaimed, and I caught her staring at the blue haired boy.
'I am so teasing her later.' I silently giggled to myself as I clapped my hand.
"That was a really good battle." I said. I then looked at the boy with a baseball bat only to see him also looking at me. We both then look away quickly.
'Holy crap he's gonna think I'm staring at him like a creep.'
"Hah! Is that all you got, Lucian?" The blue haired boy asked, snapping me out of my thought.
"What happened to the smirk on your face? Guess I wiped it right off, huh? Just goes to show that bring 'edgy' doesn't mean you're good at anything." He finished. I frowned hearing those words. 'Lucian' looked away when he said that.
"HEY! You can't just say that to him. That's rude!" I glared at him.
"Hey Y/n calm down-" Girl said but I continued anyways.
"If you think you can just insult anyone like that, then you're gravely mistaken. Can I borrow that mic please?" I asked Lucian as he hesitated but gave me the mic anyways.
"Let's have another rap battle. Right here. Right now." I demanded. He seemed nervous but tried to look brave anyways.
"I-I'm not scared of you." He stuttered a little.
"Well you should be."
We then start the battle with me using a lot of tricky notes and keeps on getting faster. He can't keep up and eventually loose the battle.
"This is what you get for making fun of people." I told him. I then went up to where Lucian is and handed him his mic back.
"Thank you for letting me borrow your mic." I said.
"N-no problem." He replied.
"Y/n that was so awesome! I didn't know you can rap?" Carol asked, walking up to me.
"I've been practicing actually. Anyways break time is almost over. Let's go to our class." I said and we walk away from the crowd, not noticing someone is staring at me.
Lucian's POV
I didn't expect to loose to some random guy I didn't even know, not to mention being completely made fun off. I could tell Abby was about to say something until someone spoke up.
"HEY! You can't just say that to him. That's rude!"
It was the same girl as the one I accidentally made eye contact with.
"If you think you can just insult anyone like that, then you're gravely mistaken. Can I borrow that mic please?" She asked me. I hesitate whether I should give her the mic or not but complied in the end.
She declared another rap battle in front of everyone. When she started rapping I couldn't believe how good she was. The guy obviously lost and she returned the mic to me.
"Thank you for letting me borrow your mic." She said.
"N-no problem." Damn why did I stutter?!
She and her friends then left the crowd and I couldn't help but stare at her until I couldn't see her.
"Dude you're staring." Abby nudged me playfully.
"Wh-I did not." I said, crossing my arms.
"Let's get back to class. Break time is almost over." I said, trying to end the converstation.
"Whatever you say simp." Abby snickered.
"Shut up. You almost went ballistic on that guy too if it wasn't for that girl."
"Yeah I don't like him at all." She grumbled in anger.
"Wait-what was her name again?" Abby asked.
.......well I didn't get to know her name.
"I think her name is Y/n. She's in class (wherever Girl's class is)." Tac said.
"We better thank her after school then. Better yet, let's asked her to hang out with us sometimes. I know someone will like that idea." Abby said, looking at me.
"Shut up already." I said clearly embarrassed, but feeling a little happy cause I can see her again.
Few hours later...
"This is her class right?" I asked, making sure we're not in the wrong class.
"Yep. This is it." Tac answered.
"I see her. C'mon let's go." Abby said, signalling us to follow her. We then saw Y/n packing her stuff in her bag but didn't see her friends. Probably already went home first.
"Excuse me..." She looked up confused.
"Can I help you? Oh wait-you guys are from earlier!" She gasped in realization.
"Yep. I'm Abby. This is Tac and he's Lucian. We just want to say thank you for earlier today and want to know if you'd like to hang out with us sometimes."
"Oh it's no problem at all. I just can't stand people like that. And sure, I'd like to hang out with you guys" She said, smilling.
'I swear her smile is so adorable not gonna lie.'
"Cool. Feel free to sit with us tomorrow at lunch. Are you going home after this?" Abby asked.
"Yep. My friends already went ahead first. Why did you ask?" She asked, tilting her head a little.
"Then do you want Lucian to walk you home? Y'know...just to make sure you're ok." Abby explained, giving me a smirk.
'Abby I swear I'm gonna-'
"Oh uh...sure if he doesn't mind." She said nervously.
"I don't mind." I said, trying to keep cool when on the inside I'm screaming.
"Ok it's settled. See you guys tomorrow." Abby and Tac waved goodbye and ran off outside. It was silent for a moment.
"...are you ready to go now?" I asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm ready. Let's go!" She said.
We walked in akward silence for a while but little by little we totally warmed up to each other. Turns out we have lots in common. Too bad it only lasted for a while though cause we're already at her house.
"...y'know...I'm really glad I met you today." She started.
"Welp...thank you for walking me home Lucian." She said. She then kissed my cheek and hurriedly went to her door.
"S-see you tomorrow Lucian." She waved at me and closed the door. I was still frozen, processing what just happened.
'She kissed my cheek....and her blushing face is cute...' I thought to myself as I put a hand on the cheek that she kissed. I'm definitely having a crush on her. It's like love at first sight.
'Can't wait to see her tomorrow.' I smiled at that thought.
I'm not satisfied with the story and the ending but at least it's something :)
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tessalovesbway · 3 years
5 Reasons why Annie Live can work
Over the last few years, we’ve seen quite a few Live Television Musicals. Like Grease. But we’ve also had a few shows that weren’t that successful, like Rent and Hair Live (which got canceled). 
1. Annie doesn’t have to be censored.  Hair contains nudity and Rent has swear words in it. Some lines were changed in Rent to censor it. And Hair would’ve got censored as well. With Annie they don’t even have to do that. 
2. Annie is family approved Hairspray and Grease were family-approved as well, but I definitely don’t recommend watching a show like Rent with young kids. 
3. Annie has a diverse cast I think it is a step in the right direction to cast people of all color. The cast of this live show really shows it.
4. Everyone knows Annie Like Grease and the Sound of Music, everybody knows the show. I'm not gonna lie, before A Christmas Story Live or the Grinch live, I never heard of those shows. I knew those two were movies, but I didn't know those two were musicals. But as I said, everyone knows Annie.
5. It airs in December The holidays are almost here. And depending on where you live, it's very cold outside. There's no better time to watch something together than now. If there's any time of the year of live musical can work, it is now.
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lostinthewiind · 3 years
Brave Heart: Chapter Twenty-Three
Attack on Titan
Rating: Mature
Warnings: sexual themes, death, gore, mature themes, extreme violence, body horror, blood, weapons, major character death, age-gap relationship
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Vera felt her chest tighten when her mother's name left Reiner's mouth. She wanted to believe that he was lying—that he was saying these things purely to hurt her and cause her anguish—but how could he be? Vera had never told him her parents' names. From what she believed, the only thing he knew about Silvia and Mattias was what they looked like from the photo that Vera carried with her. But apparently, she was wrong.
Yanking her hand free of Reiner's grip, Vera stumbled backward. "My mother is dead!" She waited with bated breath for him to say he was kidding, but he never did. "You know my mother is dead! I told you that! Why, of all things to lie about, would you choose this? Is this what you think will hurt me the most? Is that your goal?"
"Damnit, Vera, not everything that comes out of my mouth is a lie!" Reiner's temper began to boil over; it was clear that Vera's lack of trust in him was driving him mad. "There are things that you don't know! Things that you don't understand! I know you think I'm just out to get you, but this isn't about me and you. This is about you and your mother."
"My. Mother. Is. Dead." Vera seethed, unwilling to even begin to contemplate the possibility of her mother being alive; because the only thing that could possibly hurt worse than her being dead all these years would be if she had really been alive and had simply decided that her daughter wasn't worth her time.
"We don't have time for this!" Bertholdt gestured to the green smoke plumes before grabbing Reiner hard by the shoulders. "Talk to me, Reiner. What are you right now?"
Reiner scoffed. "A warrior. Calm down."
"Do you really think it's wise for us to trust Ymir?" Bertholdt asked, his gaze flickering to Ymir for a split second. "Even though she's the one who devoured Marcel?"
Reiner glared at Ymir. "Sure. Don't you see? We have a handle on her motives. When she turned human again, odds are she just wandered around aimlessly, only giving a damn about herself. But then Krista came into the picture. That's the kind of girl that can change your whole world. We need her. The people she comes from are an important family within the church. Plus, suppose Eren's not the coordinate. Our job wouldn't be over. If it comes to that, having Krista around will make the search a lot easier."
Just then, three columns of red smoke shot into the air, followed by a single green one. By the looks of it, the Scouts were slowly but surely closing in on the forest.
"Please, let's just be done," Bertholdt said. "The next time we come, we'll take all four. Annie, Krista, Vera, and that. It'll be clean and simple. Then we won't have to come here anymore."
"Right." Reiner nodded, he and Bertholdt so consumed by their conversation that they didn't even realize that Vera could hear the entire thing from where she was standing. "And we'll have completed our damn mission. Just do me a favour, huh? Once we're home, try telling Annie how you really feel."
Bertholdt gasped. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, come on," Reiner groaned, and even though Vera wasn't the least bit interested in Bertholdt and Annie's love lives, she had to agree that they were always eyeing each other up. "I've seen the way you stare at her."
"I don't stare!" Bertholdt denied as he waved his hands defensively.
"Bertholdt, please, life's short enough as it is. Just go for it. Okay? Besides, you're both killers so she understands where your head is."
Annoyed with this pointless conversation, Vera rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest. "Are you two gonna keep gossiping like kids or am I gonna have to jump off this damn branch again so you'll pull your heads out of your asses?"
Without another word on the subject of Annie and Bertholdt, Reiner used Vera's stolen ODM gear to swing down onto the branch Eren and Ymir were waiting on, both of their missing limbs almost grown back completely by then.
"What are you two doing now?" Eren stood at the ready, even though he couldn't do much without any hands. "I thought we were waiting until dark."
"There's been a slight change of plans," Reiner said. "I'm gonna ask you nicely not to try to put up a fight."
Changing his demeanour on a dime, Eren flashed a toothy grin. "Easy. There's no need for us to get all violent. It's not like I can resist like this. I mean, take a look at me. Just calm down, okay?"
Reiner grimaced, but just when he was starting to believe Eren's ruse, Eren went in for the attack. Pushing Reiner to the ground with all of his body weight, Eren jumped on top of him before hitting him in the face over and over again with his elbow.
After Eren had managed to get a few good hits in, Reiner used his legs to kick Eren off of him. Flying backward, Eren smacked into the trunk of the giant tree before collapsing onto the branch. Immediately, Reiner held Eren in a chokehold.
"Bastard!" Eren kicked and tried to free himself. "I'll kill you!"
While the two continued to brawl with each either, Bertholdt moved over to sit with Ymir, probably to make sure she didn't try to help Eren beat the shit out of Reiner.
Vera, however, decided to take a seat on her own branch and focus on the horizon. The smoke signals were long gone by then, so she had no way of telling just how close the Scouts were to rescuing them.
Knees tucked into her chest, Vera tried not to think about what Reiner had said about her mother being alive. He must have been telling an outrageous lie, or at the very least, he was confused again and didn't know what he was talking about. Instead, she listened to the sound of Eren threatening to kill Reiner over and over again and the conversation Ymir and Bertholdt were having about a human she had eaten in Titan form over five years ago—a human that apparently Bertholdt and Reiner had known.
It seemed strange to her that kidnappers and kidnapees were sitting together like this, chatting like the good old times. What felt the strangest, however, was that there had been times that this exact group of individuals had actually sat down to have a conversation, back when they all believed they were on the same side . . . back when they all considered each other friends.
When the conversation switched to how long Ymir had been wandering about outside the walls—which was apparently about 60 years—and Reiner had choked Eren long enough that he had passed out, Vera ripped her eyes away from the horizon and patted her hand over the chest pocket of her leather jacket. That was the pocket where she kept the photo of her parents.
She used to keep the picture stuffed away inside her book, but when she officially became a Scout and started going beyond the wall more and more, she realized that her chances of making it back grew slimmer each time. Thus, she started carrying the only physical memory of her parents that remained with her at all times.
Pulling the photo out, Vera tried her best to unfold it carefully. The edges were beginning to wrinkle and tear, and the photo itself was fading, but she swore she would keep it with her until the end.
"If you were alive, you would have come and found me yourself, wouldn't you?" Vera ghosted the pad of her thumb over her mother's smiling face. After hearing those words out loud, Vera laughed quietly to herself. She couldn't believe what she was saying. Vera knew her mother was dead because her father had told her so, and even though Mattias Kline hadn't been the best father in the world, he wouldn't have lied about something like that.
Hell, if Vera's mother had still been alive, her father would have found her himself and drug her back kicking and screaming if he had to. Mattias loved Silvia with his whole heart, and Silvia loved Mattias just as much. Vera wholeheartedly believed that there wasn't anything that could have separated them as a family; anything except the grim permanence of death.
When Vera snapped back into reality, she realized that Titans had begun to swarm the base of the trees and Reiner and Bertholdt were getting ready to leave.
With an unconscious Eren strapped to his back, Reiner made his way up to Vera. "I know you don't want anything to do with me right now, but if you don't want to die, I need you to cooperate with me," he told her, and although she refused to make eye contact or really acknowledge his presence at all, she nodded to confirm that she understood.
With both Vera and an unconscious Eren—who were both relatively small in comparison—strapped to Reiner's back and Ymir attached to Bertholdt, the two boys took off deeper into the forest with their ODM gear.
"So now we find a place without Titans," Reiner explained as the Titans on the ground lumbered after them. "As far away as possible. I haven't recovered enough to outrun these guys. They surround us, there's jack-shit my Titan form can do right now."
"Then why the hell didn't we just wait for the sun to go down?" Ymir argued, and as she looked back over her shoulder, she spotted the smoke signals. "The Scouts are getting closer." She put two and two together.
Reiner grumbled. "Damnit. That formation wouldn't work unless they hoisted a bunch of horses over the wall! Who gave that order? I honestly thought we had more time than this. It's got to be Commander Erwin. Hard as nails, that one."
Just then, another green smoke signal shot up into the air, this one even closer than the last.
"Damn, they're already that close?" Reiner asked out loud even though it was a rhetorical question. "It's Eren's fault for losing his cool."
All of a sudden, Ymir's eyes widened and realization washed over her face. "Krista's here," she said. "Reiner, we have to go back, now! Krista's with them!"
"What?" Reiner looked back at the girl strapped to Bertholdt's back.
"This is our best chance!"
"You're full of it! No way you can see that far!"
"Look, I just know! Think about it, okay?" Ymir put up a fight, unwilling to let it slide when Krista was concerned. "She's a big softie, right? Stupid girl's come to rescue me! She had to!"
Reiner scoffed. "Yeah, well so what? I'm sorry, it'll have to wait!"
"We can't grab her the way things are now! There's no way to bust up that formation! Another time!"
Ymir's face paled. "How long do you want me to wait? Maybe I should just hold off on that until I've been gobbled up by one of your warrior pals? Oh, no! I don't think so!"
"Don't be that way!" Reiner tried his best to calm Ymir as he zipped between trees. "Nobody's trying to trick you, I swear it!"
"He's already lied to me a hundred times before!" Vera looked Ymir dead in the eyes, hoping she would see the light and decide against joining them. "And now he's lying to you! He'll say anything he wants to get you to play along! How much longer are you going to let him treat you like a puppet?"
Ymir's eyes clouded over with the harsh truth of reality. "Reiner, we have to go back!" She tried one last time, but to no avail.
"I said no!" Reiner snapped back. "But I'm not tricking you!"
"Prove it, then!" Ymir demanded. "There's no time like the present, asshole! Damn you! Get down there and bring her with us! I need to see her! You don't understand . . . the way things are going, I never will."
"We can't," Bertholdt told her, his tone calmer than Reiner's. "Let it go, Ymir. Who knows whether we'll even manage to survive this? Sorry, it's just too risky."
Eyebrows knit together in frustration, Reiner adjusted the two bodies strapped to his person. "Listen to me. You have my word! I want her out of this as much as you do! Bear with me! You have to trust us. This is what's best for Krista, do you understand?"
Finally giving in, much to Vera's dismay, Ymir nodded. "Yes, I understand. The real question is, do you?"
"Of course!"
"All right, then."
"Thank you for that." Bertholdt sounded almost genuine, and if Vera didn't know he was a heartless murderer, she would have felt soothed by his gentle tone.
Vera tutted her tongue and rolled her eyes, even though no one could see it. "'You have my word.'" She quoted Reiner's earlier statements, the irony of them not lost on her; almost providing amusement. "'Bear with me', 'you have to trust us.' What a load of garbage."
"I can hear you, you know," Reiner's voice was low and harsh.
"Good." Vera used her elbow to jab him in the back, taking the smallest sliver of pleasure when he grunted in pain—if this was all the satisfaction she could get, she would take it.
Looking back over her shoulder, Ymir's face twisted with a myriad of expressions; anger, sadness, confusion, determination. It was all present at the same time. "Let's face it, guys. I'm the one best suited for this," she said, and without warning, began fighting against Bertholdt mid-air and covering his eyes with her hands.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Bertholdt panicked.
"Hey, shut the hell up and use your head for a second." Ymir forced his face upward so he was looking at her. "In a forest like this, I'm the one who can shine, right?"
About to smash right into a tree, Bertholdt released his anchoring line and he and Ymir started spiralling out of control. At the last moment, he managed to get back on course, but Ymir wasn't giving in.
"Ymir, knock it off!" Bertholdt pleaded. "We'll fall!"
"Do you think that I give a damn?" Ymir's narrow eyes passed over his terrified features. "I have the advantage. Any other time, you two would out-class me. But my Titan form is more agile. I could leap through the trees, grab Eren and Vera, and rendezvous with the Scouts before you knew what hit you. It wouldn't be that hard."
Deciding that they needed to stop while they figured things out, both Bertholdt and Reiner perched upon opposite trees.
"Either you agree to take Krista with us today, right now, or so help me I will throw your whole plan out of whack!" Ymir threatened.
"Are you completely insane?!" Reiner's body began to shake with rage. "That doesn't help her! I thought that you genuinely cared!"
"I do, in my way. If it robs her of a future, then life's a bitch, but by God, I will live to see her again! I've made my peace with what that says about me. You guys have no idea what it's like. She knows what a shitty person I am but she still smiles at me. I can't . . ."
"Damnit," Reiner huffed.
"Don't be pissed!" Ymir retorted. "I have a fairly decent plan. Besides, if I stay and fight, it'll be easier for you four to get away. Then again, if you don't like it, we can always tear each other apart like animals!"
Unable to contain Ymir any longer, Bertholdt and Reiner agreed, and seconds later she was jumping down from Bertholdt's back and transforming into her Titan form. As Vera watched Ymir become a Titan for the first time, she was slightly surprised how different her form was from everyone else's—instead of a tall Titan that stood on two legs, Ymir's Titan was small with a large head and small body that ran around on all fours.
Just like she said she could, Ymir made quick work of the forest terrain, and within seconds was charging back out to meet the Scouts and collect Krista.
Even though Vera had never once in her life wished she could turn into a Titan herself, she found herself envious of Ymir's freedom in that moment. If Vera could escape and run away, she would do it in a heartbeat.
Through the forest, Ymir's Titan screech could be heard clear as day. Camped out on a branch on the edge of the forest, Reiner transferred Eren to Bertholdt's back to lighten his own load while they waited for Ymir to return.
After a while, Vera could hear shouting in the distance. As it got louder, she could tell it was the voices of the others—Connie, Jean, Mikasa, Armin. She felt a knot form in her stomach, unsure if she was excited about them being so close or nervous about them not being able to rescue her in time.
"Reiner." Vera tilted her head back to rest against Reiner's head. "Please . . . let me go."
Reiner was silent, and just when Vera thought he might not have heard her, he cleared his throat. "I can't," he whispered, just loud enough for her to hear. "I need to take you with me."
"I told you already, Reiner. My mom is dead." Vera felt her will to fight slowly fading away. "I just want to go home. Please let me go. If you ever truly cared about me, please . . . please."
"I can't," Reiner repeated as he reached back to take her hand in his. "I need you."
Seconds later, Ymir burst out of the forest, and evidenced by the two legs sticking out of her Titan's mouth, she had Krista with her.
"Heads up, she's back," Bertholdt announced.
With that, Reiner detached Vera from his back, cupped her face in his hands, and pressed his lips to hers. "I need you," he told her again, making sure she heard every single word he was saying even though her pupils were blown and she was frozen. "I will not let you get hurt. I promise."
Then, without another word, he turned and jumped off of the branch. In mid-air, he pulled out a knife he had strapped to his person and sliced his hand, triggering his Titan transformation.
As soon as the Armoured Titan appeared with a flash of light and puff of smoke, it started running away from the forest. Standing up, with Eren still strapped to his back, Bertholdt grabbed Vera by the arm before leaping from the branch as well and using his ODM gear to anchor himself to the Armoured Titan. At that same time, Ymir's Titan swung from one of the higher branches and propelled itself onto Reiner's back.
After Bertholdt had dragged himself, Eren, and Vera up onto the Armoured Titan's shoulder, Vera turned around and spotted the others perched in the same trees that she had just been in herself.
"Armin!" She spotted his bright blonde hair among the group. "Help us!"
With one hand clinging onto the Armoured Titan for dear life and one reaching out toward the others—toward her friends—she called out to them until her throat started to hurt and her voice started to crack.
"Help me!"
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tsukidrama · 2 years
Hello hello! Pink anon here, I really need to get better at answering faster. I guess it feels more like a letter now? If you celebrate Easter/Passover/Ramadan, I hope you had a good weekend! If not, I say the same! I say this a lot, but I was very busy. I'm officially on spring break now, so I plan on answering much faster. Thank you for being so patient!
I noticed you have requests open, specifically for TRNT related Annie content, and I'd like to submit something! I live by the ocean and it's been really gorgeous lately, and whenever I look at it I imagine a beach date with Annie and the reader. Maybe Annie finally gets to let loose, build a sand castle, play in the water. Just something fluffy, maybe they could have a picnic. I've also thought a proposal fic would be cute in the TRNT universe, whatever works for you! Just some ideas I thought would be nice.
oh don't worry about that! it happens and life gets busy. i'm happy to hear from you as always though! i guess we do easter in my family but it wasn't much. i've been keeping it lowkey lately and trying to improve my mental health, etc, trying to become the best tsuki i can be.
aahh yes these are all good ideas for sure! and they all mesh well with the themes of the story -- once again also ideas I've had for the story i love how we are on the same wavelength about the soft annie dates.
> "Annie hasn't even hit rock bottom yet." I am very worried for her! I just want to make her some soup and cuddle up on the couch, that's it. She deserves it. Papa can have some too, he's trying his best. <
> I don't know if I've talked about "Please be... My alibi" yet, to be honest I have a terrible memory. However, I really enjoyed it, it is probably one of my favorites, despite the terrible pain. The ending hit very hard for me, the fact that Annie couldn't say "I love you," but she could write it down. I don't know if that counts as a trope, as I've only seen it a few times, but nonetheless I love it so much. I am truly, very satisfied with how that chapter went, and I'm very much looking forward to the finale. <
ghgjgkgh yeah.. honestly she really needs some cuddles and soup. poor thing has really been going through it lately. i'm in kind of a rut right now - normally writing TRNT clears my skin and waters my crops but this sad chapter (9) is killing me. and the thing that sucks about being the writer is that I'm sitting here rolling on the floor crying by myself bc i don't wanna spoil, and by the time i post the chapter I'll have gone through the 5 stages of grief already. TRNT IS HARD TO PROCESS ALONE 💔
YOU HAVEN'T YET SO I'VE VERY HAPPY TO HEAR A LIL REVIEW FROM YOU, THANK YOU DEAREST 💕 I LOVE YOUUU ugh... poor baby. she's so repressed that i don't think she could ever bring herself to say it out loud pre-crystal. part of the PAAAAAINN is the fact that in please be, it's meant to be a little questionable if the note is just a lie that gets reader to keep quiet. some of the thoughts that you're left with at the end about doubting Annie are intentionally there to make y'all doubt. sorry sorry sorry she loves us sooo so much in reality but i've got to give reader the emotional damage she's got by the time TRNT rolls around. SORRY!
> I agree with what you wrote about SNK being deeper than what a lot of people understand about it. You really have to consider the fact that characters don't just "do" things, they were written to do things, by someone that has their own motives and reasons. In order to really understand it, you have to dig deep. I especially agree with that "challenge as a writer" statement, having a canon like SNK really adds to the experience of writing for these characters. <
ohhh hell yes, pink anon coming up here being all philosophical and shit! this is what i like to see. i know that everybody likes to say that they know their faves better than the creator but when it comes to snk.... i tend to believe the stans. the interpretations of people who care about the characters are sooo much better whatever bullshit the loud ignorant masses like to spout on twitter or reddit or whatever crap the ending offers.
yes! completely agreed. writing for snk canon is unparalleled and so when people choose NOT to write in it,, i'm kinda just like. why? canon is so fun, maybe it's intimidating though. that's WHY it's fun! i know you get it!
> Calling Part 3 the "mother of all angst" doesn't exactly comfort me, but I feel like I'm prepared! I have my tissues and my notes app open, just in case I feel so sad I have to write some fluff. <
> On a slightly angstier note, I'd like to say that the song "Harbor" by Clairo, really reminds me of Annie and the reader in TRNT, though I hope they get a better ending than whoever the song is about. The whole album's aesthetic really fits the whole "Cottage-canon" in my opinion. <
yyyeyeeaaaaaahhhh it's going to be quite bad. unfortunately it'll probably still take me a while to write, at least another month or so. but an attempt is being made!! i think about it all the time.
awww man, that is really sad. i do see what you mean! the vibe of the song does really fit the vibe of TRNT, minus the unrequited love of course. everybody cares SO much there's just miscommunication at first. i know i'm writing slow as fuck but TRNT is going to get a lot happier in the overall story
> Happy spring, <
Pink Anon
> (P.S. Recently I've been watching this show called "The Wilds" in my free time, when I'm taking a break from school and writing, and I feel like you would really enjoy it. There are a lot of conflicted characters, and I'm really liking it so far. Just a recommendation!) <
happy spring! sorry that this took me a while to respond to, I've just been kind of overwhelmed and distracted. it's always so good to hear from you. i hope you're doing well 💕💕
ohhh i've seen that advertised! mars works a lot this week and i'm looking for new things to watch so i may take it up! you do know how i like my conflicted characters
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