⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be? ☔ - How does this oc feel about rain? -> for lucius
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone? 💛 - Are they ‘good with children’, or more awkward? -> for an oc of your choice!
hello!! thanks for asking!! referencing this post:
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be? (lucius)
"CAUTION: CLEVER DUMBASS" in the biggest, brightest, UV-flecked letters out there (fine print: "this individual WILL do inadvisable shit at the drop of a birdkid off a cliff, no you will not have time to blink, yes he can safely fall that far, no that's not the only thing that will surprise you, proceed with caution")
☔ - How does this oc feel about rain? (lucius)
he loves non-compulsory rain, by which i mean he likes to Enjoy and Appreciate Storms, but he does NOT (!!) appreciate being required to Do Things in it. he likes to curl up with a book and tea when it's real bad out there, and he has been known to enjoy the occasional rainy run on his own terms, but he WILL make Very Bad Decisions if someone oasis demands that he Participate In Activities In Rain.
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone? (dealer's choice)
jorge has and would (although not lately). driscoll, my beloved monster child to whom i am returning next month, has one (1) close call, and feels bad about it for the rest of their very long life. (jury's still out on whether or not FarFuture!Driscoll bites marshall or crimson, although i'm currently leaning toward nah--biting your fellow semi-eldritch horrors is the recourse of those who can't do Weirder Shit although we could do Weird Biting, i spose.)
💛 - Are they ‘good with children’, or awkward? (dealer's choice)
jorge is good with kids! driscoll actually is, too, although they sometimes feel awkward around them (because driscoll can't always tell how old a kid is and/or how much they can handle, and dealing with Tiny Humans and their Huge Feelings during Active Misplacement Events with a side of Monster Activity is. fraught.).
thanks again for asking!!
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atlasdoe · 2 years
Hello my name is Ace and this is me brain rotting a marauders voldemort wins au with wolfstar starchaser and nobleflower
btw this fic is going to have three parts (volumes?? books?? idk) and this is mostly just what I have planned for the first one
So imagine a world where Voldemort wins the war but the war happened before The Marauders were born.
So basically The Marauders have always lived in a world where Voldemort is in charge and purebloods are superior. 
Muggles know that magic exists and when muggleborns start showing signs of magic they immediately go on a registry and are taken away from their families because they’re seen as “stealing magic”
Any purebloods or halfbloods that are caught or seen going against Voldemort get arrested and are mostly made to work for Voldemort as his castles staff and thats how a lot of our main characters have ended up.
Voldemort has taken over Hogwarts and now lives there. The old classrooms have been turned into guest bedrooms and other various rooms and the common rooms/dorms have been stripped of everything that made then habitable and are where the staff/prisoners live. 
In the old Slytherin common room is where the halfbreeds are kept (they’re supposed to only be allowed out when they’re needed) 
Oh yeah also the staff are also the Order and are secretly planning a rebellion and trying to find ways that they can take Voldemort down from the inside.
context out of the way lets get into the plot
So Narcissa Black is set to marry Lucius Malfoy and they're having the wedding at Hogwarts so every important pureblood family are staying at the castle for the event. 
Out of these families are of corse the Black family.
Upon hearing the the Black family will be coming, during an Order meeting James, Remus and Alice decide to make a bet on who can shag one of the Black cousins first
Because Voldemort is cocky and doesn't have as much control over his staff as he thinks he does. Also James, Alice and Remus are cocky and think they can each have relations with a member of the Black family without shit hitting the fan.
So Remus goes for Sirius and they immediately fall in love. Like love at first sight, they feel like they’ve known each other their entire lives type shit.
The Black cousins are close in this fic so Sirius obviously tells Regulus about Remus and Regulus tells Sirius to stop seeing him.
Sirius is confused because he was almost certain that Regulus would be happy for them
BUT (and heres the plot twist) it’s because Sirius and Remus have met before and they had their memories whipped.
SO a few years ago Remus used to live with his mother, step mother, two brothers and two step sisters and they lived near the Number 12 Grimmauld place. 
Sirius and Remus ended up meeting one day and fell in love. Remus met Regulus and became friends with him also and it was all great until Bellatrix found out while she was visiting her cousins.
Now in this fic Bellatrix is a villain and is completely insane but she cares about her family and uses her love for her cousins and wanting to keep her cousins and sisters safe as an excuse for her actions.
Because she knows what will happen to Sirius if he gets caught being with a halfblood she decided to obliviate both Remus and Sirius and send Remus to Hogwarts where he was then bitten by Greyback and made to believe that he was born a werewolf and has always lived in Hogwarts 
Regulus somehow ended up keeping their memories and locking them in two rings.
So when Remus and Sirius wear the rings they have their memories back.
Regulus gives Sirius his ring and explains everything after Sirius finds Regulus with James and calls him a hypocrite and is so mad that Regulus things that Sirius will hate him forever if he doesn't explain.
Immediately after Sirius gives Remus his ring and Remus gets all of his memories back.
Unfortunately though theres not much they can do about their situation beyond that. Even with his memories back Remus still can’t just leave Hogwarts and be with his family again and now that Remus is a werewolf theres even more of a reason on why they aren't allowed to be together.
Sad times for Wolfstar.
James is a fuckboy and is highly confident that he will win the bet.
Until he doesnt because Regulus is a little shit who is hard to get. (and he knows through Sirius what could happen if he does allow himself to be with James)
James actually comes last in the bet but he’s not one to give up so he makes it his mission to seduce Regulus Black.
Now don’t worry James doesn’t harass Regulus or anything he respects his decision theres just a lot of shameless flirting that he doesn’t actually mean because he’s just trying to prove to Remus and Alice that he can get a member of the Black family to sleep with him like they did.
However as time goes on James slowly starts to fall in love with Regulus and Regulus starts to fall for James. 
I’m starting to realise that I just explained the plot to the After--
Don’t worry this will be better then After... Hopefully.
So Alice is at a disadvantage because Narcissa is literally set to get married. But its either her or Bellatrix so she’s taking what she can get.
Alice and Narcissa hit it off pretty quickly and at first it is just sex but as time goes on they start to open up to each other and Narcissa realises just how much she hates her life.
Alice is the #1 Narcissa supporter and tries to teach Narcissa that she doesnt hve to live like she is
Only Narcissa does have to live like she is because if she doesnt shell end up in the same situation that Alice is in and could put her entire family in danger.
A lot of back and forth between these two but they get their feelings out in the end
Just in time for Bellatrix to find out about them and torture Alice on the morning of the wedding
Im going to leave it there because I have plans for Narcissa in part two but part one ends with the wedding and I’m still trying to figure out what everyone else will be doing in part two.
Aside from our three main forbidden romances we also have two other storylines to get through.
LIKE DORCAS, who is one of Remus’ step sisters.
(I have this thing where in nearly all of my fics Remus and Dorcas are step siblings. Idk why but i like it so just go with it)
The family were told that Remus was killed but wasn’t given a reason why.
Because of this Dorcas is in her serial killer era and is going round killing important purebloods
At the beginning of the fic she’s in Ireland and has killed the entire of the McKinnon and Bone family, apart from three.
Edgar Bones is at Hogwarts because he was arrested and Amelia and Marlene weren’t with their families at the time because they were in the woods having a Jo and Laurie moment.
Amelia is in love with Marlene but Marlene turns her down.
After Marlene leaves Amelia heartbroken in the woods Dorcas approaches her.
While killing the others Dorcas took note of the absence of Edgar, Amelia and Marlene and after finding Marlene and Amelia in the woods she figured that Edgar must’ve been taken at some point. 
Dorcas figures that she could use some help and asks Amelia to join her and Amelia agrees
(Obviously the main way to go about this would be Dorcas and Marlene slowly falling in love but as much as I’m in love with Dorlene I don't know how I would go about making that happen exactly considering Marlene does go to Hogwarts with the ther purebloods and Dorcas won’t see Marlene again until halfway through part two at the earliest)
(It might be interesting to mix things up a bit and have Amelia and Dorcas be a thing but i don’t know how people will feel about that. Overall I don’t really have a set plan for Marlene, at this point the only reason why she doesn’t die with her family is because I know people will have my head if I kill Marlene off before Chapter five) 
Dorcas and Amelia spend the entire of part one killing people and scaring the shit out of everyone while making their way towards Hogwarts where they will kill Voldemort and end his reign 
Along the way they meet Benjy who goes looking for them because he wants to join them
He also tells them that he wants their help to break his boyfriend Caradoc out of Hogwarts and they agree.
MEANWHILE BACK AT HOGWARTS we have yet another forbidden love but this time with Edgar and Emmeline.
As stated before Edgar used to live in Ireland with his siblings and close to the McKinnons. While this was going on Emmeline was living with the McKinnons after her father and two younger brothers were killed.
Emmeline and Edgar used to be really good friends until Edgar was arrested.
Emmeline goes with Marlene to Hogwarts for the wedding and while she’s there she runs into Edgar.
Edgar isnt too happy to see Emmeline because she was the one who told on him and got him arrested.
So while we have Wolfstar, Nobleflower and Starchaser having their forbidden romances we also have Edgarline having a very special enemies to lovers forbidden romance.
Now I know that Edgar and Emmeline is a very unpopular ship but trust me they’re cute.
The plotlines I’ve just mentioned will be the main ones but for a lot of characters I’m having trouble placing them.
Caradoc will be apart of the Order obviously and is Benjys boyfriend
Frank is one of Alice’s old friends who appears for one chapter during part one to offer her marriage
I’m thinking Peter as a pureblood who is currently at Hogwarts and is good friends with Sirius
Lily and Mary are definitely a part of the Order and will be in a established relationship but I’m not really sure what else I can do with them. I don’t want to just make them side characters with nothing going on
As already said with Marlene she will be at Hogwarts but I dont know what she’s doing there other then observing 
Everyone else is wandering my brain trying to find somewhere in this fic to go
ANYWAYS if by some miracle you read all of that and have literally any thoughts on if its good or bad or if i should change anything or what I should do with certain characters or relatonships please let me know cause this took FOREVER to all get out of my head and into a tumblr post 
Also I dont have a name for the fic...
We really are in the beginners stages    
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