for the oc ask game: 8, 18, and 19 for lucius? 👀
thanks for asking!! referring to this post, with answers under a cut because of who i am as a Wordy Person~~
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? 
gosh i really do want wings SO badly
so despite my best efforts, lucius and i are The Same Person in a lot of ways, except he's better at causing problems on purpose.
a way i made us the Same on Purpose, though, has to do with the fact that i hate the false dichotomy between nerd and athlete. as someone who very much did Both in middle and high school (which is when i started writing his story), i've always been vaguely bamboozled by how those two categories are frequently pitted against each other--it's not like academic intelligence and kinesthetic intelligence are mutually exclusive, so lucius gets to have Both :)
18. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? 
i love writing ABOUT my OCs from the perspective of Other Characters specifically to discover shit about them, actually!! i'm still chuckling over the fact that lucius (who spends so much of his time commenting on his friends' and enemies' intense hearing/smell/awareness) does the same damn intense zone out, just visually instead of with some other sensory input.
driscoll commented on it in a crossover, and jorge mentions it a few times in the accidental novel i just finished (and i want to write about desh noticing it because i think that'll be fun). it sparks such great joy for me BECAUSE lucius doesn't register that he's doing it lol. go watch an owl or a hawk looking at something and you'll see what i mean, i love it, it's both super cool and hilarious, in the context of a mostly-human-shaped birdkid teen.
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
OOF WHAT A QUESTION!! this one made me bluescreen out the window for a long time lol (it's not you, it's me,,,).
i think my favorite classification of facts about lucius is "all the little details of bird biology that he gets to have," including things like. air sacs. and nucleated blood cells. and All the Molting Details!! and the fact that he craves seafood during said molt. and everything i know about feathers!!! i love biology, and i love birds, and i love flinging Bird Biology into my SF whenever possible!!
thanks again for asking!! this was fun!!!
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transgender-scout · 11 months
trick or treat!! 🎃👻
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You get a little Andy :33333
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shuuos · 5 months
📚🪄for the oc ask game? dealer's choice for the oc :)
FUCK YEAH i went with miss amai otomo for this one because he is my special little boy
📚 Your OC has to improvise a 10 minute lecture about a topic of their choosing. What do they chose?
he's so very torn between going with something that matches his outward person and going with something he actually knows a lot about. so he would probably compromise and do a lecture on the design choices behind idol outfits (and if anybody asks him how he knows so much about styling in the idol industry he's like. "um. i get my inspo from idol stylists.")
🪄 Does your OC have any special powers? If so, are they normal in this OC’s universe?
um?? i mean. amai's beyblade goes by the same rules as the others in the universe (does Wild Shit) but like. idk if that really counts as amai having special powers? i'm still working out what type of special moves amai's beyblade has so that's a work in progress! but tldr; amai doesn't exactly have her own special powers but she has a magic spinning top which is like the entire premise of the universe she's in
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pissjesus · 11 months
trick or treat!
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For you little boy: a David S. Pumpkins IPA!
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emoclone · 2 months
TOP CHARACTER OF ALL TIME (emoclone edition)
thanks for the tag @bigcats-birds-and-books !!
here are my (mostly current) faves, in no particular order:
tagging @thelittolpinklady @transgender-scout @twinhawk and anyone else who wants to participate! (as always, no pressure!)
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netherworldpost · 11 months
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@emoclone yes — I am modifying those a bit so they are worded for folders or notebooks or whatever you like
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rpjz123 · 3 years
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«En este punto nos dice Spinoza que nos ha dado ahora «todos los remedios contra las emoclones». El gran remedio está en las Ideas claras y distintas res- pecto a la naturaleza de las emociones y de su relación con las causas externas. Hay una mayor ventaja en el amor de Dios comparado con el amor de los seres humanos: «La falta de salud espiritual y las desventuras pueden, generalmente, atribuirse al amor excesivo de algo que está sujeto a muchas varlaciones». Pero el conocimiento claro y distinto «suscita un amor hacla una cosa Inmutable y eterna», y tal amor no tlene el carácter turbulento e Inquietante del amor hacla un objeto que es pasajero y camblante». Historia de la Filosofía Occidental II Bertrand Russell #bertrandrussell #bertrandrussell🖌 #filosofia🖌 #filosofía🖌 #criticaliteraria #lectores #lecturas #lecturasrecomendadas #criticaliteraria #filosofía #filosofia #libros #librosrecomendados #historiadelafilosofiaoccidental https://www.instagram.com/p/CbEa56IuWvT/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mixterdonovam · 4 years
Veja como o Jair Bolsonaro EMOClONOU A TODOS na tarde de hoje.
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⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be? ☔ - How does this oc feel about rain? -> for lucius
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone? 💛 - Are they ‘good with children’, or more awkward? -> for an oc of your choice!
hello!! thanks for asking!! referencing this post:
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be? (lucius)
"CAUTION: CLEVER DUMBASS" in the biggest, brightest, UV-flecked letters out there (fine print: "this individual WILL do inadvisable shit at the drop of a birdkid off a cliff, no you will not have time to blink, yes he can safely fall that far, no that's not the only thing that will surprise you, proceed with caution")
☔ - How does this oc feel about rain? (lucius)
he loves non-compulsory rain, by which i mean he likes to Enjoy and Appreciate Storms, but he does NOT (!!) appreciate being required to Do Things in it. he likes to curl up with a book and tea when it's real bad out there, and he has been known to enjoy the occasional rainy run on his own terms, but he WILL make Very Bad Decisions if someone oasis demands that he Participate In Activities In Rain.
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone? (dealer's choice)
jorge has and would (although not lately). driscoll, my beloved monster child to whom i am returning next month, has one (1) close call, and feels bad about it for the rest of their very long life. (jury's still out on whether or not FarFuture!Driscoll bites marshall or crimson, although i'm currently leaning toward nah--biting your fellow semi-eldritch horrors is the recourse of those who can't do Weirder Shit although we could do Weird Biting, i spose.)
💛 - Are they ‘good with children’, or awkward? (dealer's choice)
jorge is good with kids! driscoll actually is, too, although they sometimes feel awkward around them (because driscoll can't always tell how old a kid is and/or how much they can handle, and dealing with Tiny Humans and their Huge Feelings during Active Misplacement Events with a side of Monster Activity is. fraught.).
thanks again for asking!!
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transgender-scout · 11 months
mutual bingo? 👀
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Ofc! >:3c
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emoclone · 2 years
knifepossum is now emoclone! yay!
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7 Songs (or: Here's A Bunch Of My Driscoll Playlist)
i was tagged by @idealism-sits-in-prison (i absolutely cannot find your correct blog to properly tag, i'm so sorry???) almost fully two weeks ago to do the top 7 songs on my "on repeat" playlist, which i absolutely dragged my feet on because i didn't think i had that playlist.
and then. spotify. provided it?? to me???? very aptly timed. so now i have the songs and don't have to pick them with my heart lol. anyway, here they are!:
Sing To Me by MISSIO
Wasted by 8 Graves
Trapped by Once Monsters
Human (feat. Barns Courtney) by Tom Morello
Lion by Hearts & Colors
Walk by Saint Chaos, Sam Tinnesz
Neons Away by Unlike Pluto
honorable mentions to:
Colors by Kulick
Mercy by Bo Baskoro
BOOM by X Ambassadors
tagging: @asexualbookbird, @gaywinemommarianhawke, @emoclone, @six-of-ravens, and anyone else who wants to play!
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Books of 2023: HENCH by Natalie Zina Walschots.
Currently reading! I finished chapter one last night (which was a whopping 68 pages?? oof). So far, it's very episodic, with lots of little snippets compiled loosely, which makes it a quick read. I'm looking forward to the Revenge™.
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TOP CHARACTER OF ALL TIME (bigcats-birds-and-books edition)
hi yes hello @asexualbookbird tagged me to do the TOP FAVE CHARACTERS thing. in the name of Gender Balance (with a pivot point of "N/A"), i have gone with seven (7) options for you all to vote on. choose wisely.
(no non-option option, if you don't know any of these people but still want to push a button, show laverne some love, i think she'll need it most and she's a fucking delight)(and then go check out NOTHING BUT THE RAIN, because it's SO GOOD)
i tag: @sixofravens-reads, @emoclone, @e-b-reads, and @pyr0clast, if you wanna play!! no pressure, as always
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transgender-scout · 1 year
ok. well. now i need to know
what's the mcdonalds word doc? is it like that pepsi one?
alkdjgad maybe??
ive recently discovered that i really enjoying making super long word docs while i go on deep dives (like my 37 page tf2 word doc that i still need to finish </3). it helps me remember the info a bit better and its also very funny to be able to just whip out an absurdly long word doc to prove your point on something.
but me and @emoclone have shared custody over our newest funny little guy, andy, who has a special interest in mcdonalds. but to write him having a special interest in mcdonalds, we have to actually research and know stuff about mcdonalds. so im slowly but surely working on a big ol word doc full of the history of mcdonalds and particularly its ice cream machine (as he also has a special interest in ice cream).
but now i need to know what the pepsi word doc is??
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transgender-scout · 2 years
30 and 33 for the writing ask game :)
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn’t.
Well only like three people have read this one, and I still haven’t finished it, even tho it’s been like five years, but I had a Coffee Shop au for Skylar and Lee that was really cute, and highly based on when I was 16 and had a job at a pizza place. I kind of ran out of ideas really fast, because while I love a slow burn, I can’t write one for the life of me LMAO buuuut as I’m explaining this, I’m getting some ideas so maybe 👀 I did try to rewrite it a couple months back, but it’s been so long since I’ve been in food services, that I mostly forgot what it’s like lol. I did learn a lot about coffee when I wrote that, though.
33. Give your writing a compliment
Aw geez again? Okay…let’s see…I think I’m good at writing funny dialogue between 2-3 characters. If I get in a good rhythm, I have so much fun that I end up losing the plot a bit XD
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