#also my feathers son (beloved)
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be? ☔ - How does this oc feel about rain? -> for lucius
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone? 💛 - Are they ‘good with children’, or more awkward? -> for an oc of your choice!
hello!! thanks for asking!! referencing this post:
⚠️ - If this oc came with a warning sign, what would it be? (lucius)
"CAUTION: CLEVER DUMBASS" in the biggest, brightest, UV-flecked letters out there (fine print: "this individual WILL do inadvisable shit at the drop of a birdkid off a cliff, no you will not have time to blink, yes he can safely fall that far, no that's not the only thing that will surprise you, proceed with caution")
☔ - How does this oc feel about rain? (lucius)
he loves non-compulsory rain, by which i mean he likes to Enjoy and Appreciate Storms, but he does NOT (!!) appreciate being required to Do Things in it. he likes to curl up with a book and tea when it's real bad out there, and he has been known to enjoy the occasional rainy run on his own terms, but he WILL make Very Bad Decisions if someone oasis demands that he Participate In Activities In Rain.
🦷 - Would this oc ever bite someone? (dealer's choice)
jorge has and would (although not lately). driscoll, my beloved monster child to whom i am returning next month, has one (1) close call, and feels bad about it for the rest of their very long life. (jury's still out on whether or not FarFuture!Driscoll bites marshall or crimson, although i'm currently leaning toward nah--biting your fellow semi-eldritch horrors is the recourse of those who can't do Weirder Shit although we could do Weird Biting, i spose.)
💛 - Are they ‘good with children’, or awkward? (dealer's choice)
jorge is good with kids! driscoll actually is, too, although they sometimes feel awkward around them (because driscoll can't always tell how old a kid is and/or how much they can handle, and dealing with Tiny Humans and their Huge Feelings during Active Misplacement Events with a side of Monster Activity is. fraught.).
thanks again for asking!!
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faeriichaii · 9 months
A/N: This is my Masterlist filled with the stories I have written so far 💕 I will add other fandoms to my list soon but feel welcome to request anyone from lotr or hobbit🤭 I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them!! Also REQUESTS ARE OPEN <33
Fluff: ♡ Angst: ☂ Smut: ☆
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The Fellowship:
How they realise their feelings: ♡
Worthy Enough: ♡ Summary: Aragorn slowly begins to understand you and tries to find out even more about you
Softest Touch: ♡ Summary: After looking at the etheral elven prince, you have the urge to weave your fingers through his silken hair, leading to more than just simple hair braiding.
Music to my ears: ♡ Summary: A trip to the tavern results in you not just winning new fans over with your music, but also winning the heart of a certain elven prince.
Immunity: ♡ Summary: Being sick is not fun, especially when you see Legolas' panicked gaze at your condition, which seems to get worse as the days pass by.
Words like Poison: ☂♡ Summary: Your beloved prince is stressed and busy with his duties. So, when you approach him to try and lighten the mood, he lets his frustration out on you.
Braiding Together: ♡ Summary: You have always received compliments for your cute braids, so you decided to offer the hobbits to braid their hair. However, Legolas really doesn't understand, why you would do that.
Lily: ☂♡ Summary: Being a princess with a gruesome father as a king makes you only wish to run away. So you do and run directly into the arms of an ethereal prince
Blessing: ♡ Summary: The journey of the fellowship ended a long time ago and suddenly you receive the invitation of the prince to join him in Mirkwood, meeting his father. But how will Thranduil react to seeing his sons best friend being a dwarf and his betrothed being an Avari?
Sensitive: ♡☆ Summary: You knew that Legolas could endure quite a lot, but what you did not expect is his reaction to touching his pointy ears
Little Quirks: ♡ Summary: The elven prince for some reason couldn't stop staring at you, which in return made you confused and very curious, as to why his eyes were constantly following you around.
Stormy Patrol: ♡ Summary: Tauriel and you were out on patrol without Legolas. But a storm takes you by surprise, resulting in you getting lost in the dark forest.
Sunkissed: ♡ Summary: You have been in love with the elven prince since quite a time, but never told him about it. Your sister Arwen however, is determined to change the course of your relationship with Legolas.
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A Part From Home: ♡ Summary: Tagging along for an adventure with Gandalf, you didn't expect to run into people that remind you of your lost home.
Part of Your World: ♡ Summary: Little mermaid you finds various little trinkets and things in the waters around Erebor and you can't wait to share them with your s/o.
There's just Inches in between us: ☆♡ Summary: You were the princess of another kingdom, meant to marry none other than the dwarven King Thorin from the lonely mountain. You rarely get the chance to talk to him and decide to visit him the night before the wedding, asking him to give you some attention.
Symphony of Your Life: ♡ Summary: Thorin went to visit his old friend Bilbo in the Shire once more, without expecting to be enchanted by a melodic voice that fills not just his ears but also his heart.
Hija de la Luna Series (warnings: none so far): Prologue; Chapter I
Part of Your World: ♡ Summary: Little mermaid you finds various little trinkets and things in the waters around Erebor and you can't wait to share them with your s/o.
My Treasure: ♡ Summary: You have been travelling the sea for years on your wonderful ship with your crew, so you are a bit curious, when you find a bunch of dwarves hiding away in fish barrels.
Feathers: ♡ Summary: Joining the company on their quest, you knew to expect possible danger on the way. What you did not expect are the feelings between you and the prince.
My Sweet Valentine: ♡ Summary: You spent your morning hours with the wonderful dwarf prince Kili
Braiding Lessons: ♡ Summary: You always knew dwarves had various beautiful braids, but how come Kili doesn't? So one night you decide to change that and help him out.
Part of Your World: ♡ Summary: Little mermaid you finds various little trinkets and things in the waters around Erebor and you can't wait to share them with your s/o.
Bookworm: ☆ Summary: Legolas let the secret of a restricted area in the library slip, which makes you of course very curious. So after deciding to enter the forbidden part, you get caught by none other than the elven king himself.
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mothiir · 1 month
not a request, more of a fun fact because i saw another sanguinius fan here yesterday and i can’t find her blog for the life of me.
supposedly birds, particularly male birds, associate their wings being stroked with sexual stimulation and will become very sexually frustrated if it’s not taken care of. Stroking their wings too often will also cause them to associate you with being a mate instead of a friend or companion, which causes them to be jealous and possessive over you.
do with this information what you will
So what I did with this is write some sanguinius being a wee bit feral but also being the noble boy we love. Also I need to start writing things that aren’t dubcon because why is this the healthiest relationship I’ve written so far
cw: slightly lewd, implications of violence
It probably starts off completely by chance: you’re cleaning, and Sanguinius swans into his quarters without noticing you. Even the noblest of the Emperor’s sons will sometimes fail to acknowledge the staff, especially when he is distracted -- and oh, is the poor thing distracted. He’s just had to sit through a four hour meeting -- hosted by Roboute, with the Lion in attendance, and he has been zigzagging between acute boredom and blinding frustration -- and, on top of all of that, he is moulting. He claws his robe off his body, stretching his wings out to their full span. He makes a primal sound of pure satisfaction, contorting his sleek golden body to dig his fingers into his tender flesh, trying to unroot the snarls of not-quite loose feathers. Some come free easily; others snag. He wishes he was in Bhaal, where he could stretch himself out in the hot dry dust, and squirm back and forth, letting the acrid soil scratch the most stubborn of itches. Alas, there is no such amenity here, only -- 
It’s then he notices you, cloth in hand, frozen. At his gaze, you immediately drop to your knees, touch your forehead to the floor. 
“My lord Primarch -- forgive me --”
“Forgive you for what?” he says, lightly. “There is nothing to forgive; you are doing your duty. You are excused -- there is plenty aboard to be cleaned.”
You stand somewhat shakily, twisting the cloth between your hands. “Yes my lord. Of course my lord. It is just --”
You know a little about birds -- enough to recognise the signs of a highly uncomfortable moult. And Sanguinius is not a bird but the greatest man you have ever known, and yet…and yet you cannot help yourself. 
“--I wonder if I could be of assistance? With the uh -- with the pin feathers. The ones that aren’t open, I can see a few -- “
You make an aborted little gesture: fingers closing, as if around an invisible reed, pinching slightly, dragging up. Precisely the way he sees to his own pin feathers, letting the keratin sheathe surrounding them crumble against his grip, freeing the filament within. 
“My mother keeps birds,” you offer, as an explanation, then flush. “Not that you are one, my lord -- not --”
He chuckles at your unease, and settles himself down on his bed, patting the red silk quilt beside him. 
“Come. Assist me, if you are so keen.”
Many quail at the sight of him -- despite what Horus thinks, Sanguinius is more revered than beloved, and the difference between the two is stark -- but you do not. You approach him with downturned eyes, smelling faintly of fear, but you still approach him. 
Your hands are small and swift, deftly opening up the feathers in need of help, leaving the ones not yet ready. You work for hours, until your hands must be cramping from effort, but you do not quibble or complain. You smooth his primaries, straighten them in line with each other; you tug free lumps of down with sharp efficient gestures. Slowly, the itching fades, and with it the frustration. Before Sanguinius quite knows what he is doing, he has sprawled himself back onto the mattress, pulling you with him. You use the new angle to your advantage, reaching under his flank to work at the feathers closest to his wingjoints. 
“There,” you say, just as he feels about ready to drift off. His eyes are half-lidded, and a slight smile curves his lips. “That looks…better. You’re not done moulting yet, but that’s what I can do for now.”
“You’ll return tomorrow,” he says, a request and a command and a question all at once. Your cheeks are wonderfully pink as you nod. He ponders briefly what all that delicious blood would taste like, spilling down his throat, and then shoves the thought to the side. He will not ruin your helpfulness with his hunger. 
The next night, you perform the same job, and the night after that, and the night after that. His moult ends, but he thinks it best that you keep returning: caring for his wings is an important duty, after all, and you are so very good at it. So eager to please.
(A voice that sounds distressingly like Konrad’s says what else would she do to please you, golden one? -- but he ignores that, for he must.)
The problem becomes apparent not during those long late nights as you preen him while he tries to think of anything but how sweet your blood would taste, but in the middle of his ship. He has just led his sons to an astounding victory, coming to the aid of a local governor against a fleet of xenos raiders, and -- as is tradition -- they are celebrating, hosting the Imperium’s great and good aboard the Red Tear. The ballroom they gather in is built to accommodate a Primarch, with a huge arched ceiling, draped with scarlet silk. The walls are festooned with artwork of immense beauty, most painted by the Blood Angels themselves: scenes of battles hard won, golden cities on green hills, birds flying free over great glittering lakes. Sanguinius makes a speech, praising the well-fought battle of the planetary defense force against the raiders -- and meaning every word -- and then retires to a corner to sip his wine and try to relax. He cannot walk amongst the delegates without people dropping to their knees in supplication, so he finds that becoming part of the furniture is the best approach for a restful party for all.
That is when he sees you. You’re wearing the same basic formal outfit all of the serfs wear -- fine scarlet linen, embroidered with gold -- but you’ve altered the wide-legged trousers into a skirt, which swishes around your ankles as you move; a slit halfway up your thigh gives him a tantalizing glimpse of pale flesh, and his mouth goes dry. 
Deep in conversation with one of the proud young soldiers, you’re completely oblivious to Sanguinius’s hungry gaze. At least -- he hopes you is, because you laugh at something your companion says and then he touches your shoulder.
Before he can control himself, Sanguinius crosses the ballroom, picks up the young human and rips him in two, showering you both with a fountain of gore. Your scream stills in your throat, eyes bugging with terror, as he gathers you close, tongue running along your pulsing jugular, claws biting into your flesh as he shreds your garment, intent on claiming you then and there, his mate, his woman, his --
That, of course, is not what happens. What actually happens is that Sanguinius stalks towards you, a beatific smile pasted over his face, and the poor young man immediately steps backwards; his logical mind sees the Primarch, and is awestruck; but his primal lizard brain screams this is a predator you have to run. 
“I will have to steal you away, if you don’t mind,” he says, and of course you do not mind -- because you are his. His woman. His mate. As he steers you out of the ballroom, you confide in a low voice:
“Thank you. He was lovely, but just a little too eager. I think he was all of seventeen!”
Sanguinius knows he should feel ashamed that he had come this close to gutting a child-soldier who had the misfortune of making you laugh, but he doesn’t. He feels a little guilty at his lack of guilt, but that is it. If he had slain the boy it would have been his right, as your lord and master --
No. No. That is not him; that is not how he acts, nor how he behaves. Those impulses come to him for he is a warhawk and a warrior, but he does not act on them because he is not a monster. 
“These parties do get tiresome,” he says, ushering you ahead of him. “I am glad I have you to keep me company while we avoid them.”
You end up back in his bedroom, combing your fingers through his feathers. He melts under your touch, every sinew in his back starting to relax. Soon -- hopefully soon -- he will have you squirming and mewling under him, your legs spread eagerly for him, your tight little body welcoming him deep inside. Soon. When he is sure that you are saying yes because you want to, not because the overwhelming force of his desire is warping your own feelings. When he can trust himself not to hurt you anymore than you want to be hurt. 
Sanguinius can hold tight to his self control for that. For your sake. For his. 
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year
I don't know if you're still doing the flower language prompts, but I wanted to send about twelve and narrowed it down to two lol.
So for Dreamling: Sunflower, dwarf ("How many ways do I have to confess for you to believe me?") and/or Tarragon ("Here's all the reasons why you shouldn't like me")
🤘 five-and-dimes
@five-and-dimes my beloved, so happy to hear from you!!! <3 I did my best to combine these two because they’re SUCH GOOD PROMPTS and they also fit the @monsterfucktoberbingo theme so well. Hope you enjoy!!!
Square: Cryptid
Flower Prompt Game!
When Roderick Burgess unveils his circus’s latest spectacle, Hob is one of the only spectators who doesn’t gasp or recoil in abject horror at what he reveals.
“Behold! I have captured the omen of Death himself!” Roderick declares loudly. “Many have decried his existence, but here he stands before you!” he gestures to the chained being. “Look upon his horrid form. Does he not strike fear even in the bravest of men?”
Well, he certainly struck something in Hob, but he wasn’t sure that the feeling was fear.
The creature on display was absolutely stunning, if Hob were honest, but he can understand why his appearance would seem a horror at first. The thing certainly wore the basic shape of a man, with pale white skin that seemed to glow under the harsh din of the spotlight, and messy black hair that fell down to his shoulders. But where his feet would be, there were instead large, golden talons with long obsidian nails that dug deep into the dirt below them as the creature struggled to keep his balance.
And his hands. They were barely hands at all, with only four fingers on each, and white nails so long they were practically claws. The skin too, from finger to elbow was ashen black as if burnt, but when Hob looked closer, he could see the skin there shimmered like the rest of him in the light. 
The most significant part of the creature, though, was his wings. They were what Hob expected an angel’s wings to appear like, large and spanning the length of his body. Except, instead of white, these wings were pitch black, with the very tips of them colored a deep red, as if dipped in blood during war. Hob so badly wanted to see the full wingspan of the creature, certain that it would outdo even an albatross, but, understandably, Burgess had completely bound the creature’s wings in both rope and chains in a measure to keep him from escaping.
Burgess cracks his whip near the creature’s feet and he snarls at the crowd, who jeer and yell in response. Burgess cracks the whip twice more but the creature has gone silent, glaring defiantly now at all its unwanted audience. 
When its eyes land on the area Hob is seated in, he swears it is his eyes the creature locks his gaze onto. And oh, even from as high up as he is, Hob can feel the ice forming in those cold blue eyes. It pierces through him like a hot knife through butter, and Hob finds himself willingly drawn in, wanting to move closer, wanting to reach out and touch this magnificent being—
The lights cut out shortly after, ending the show for the night. Hob goes to bed that night and dreams of the creature on the stage, dreams of talons and feathers, and drowning in an ice cold lake the color of the being’s eyes. 
When he wakes in the morning, Hob is resolute. A creature as magnificent as that does not belong in chains. He sets fire to Burgess’s circus arena later that night, and he and the creature (Dream, he called himself) steal away into the night.
“Why are you helping me?” Dream asks him one afternoon after they’ve been on the run for three days.
“Would you rather I left you to rot in Burgess’s circus?” Hob shoots back as he’s skinning the stag Dream hunted and caught them for dinner.
“You had a life in that village, did you not?” Dream says, refusing to let go of the subject and stomping his talons into the forest floor. “Why throw it away for something like me?”
Hob shrugs. “I’m a widower with a dead son,” he replies. “Not much of a life by anyone’s definition. Besides,” he adds, “You looked like you needed saving.”
“So it’s pity then?” Dream snarls, unfurling his wings to their full length. They brush against the nearby trees and the sheer strength of their muscles snap a few branches clean off. Hob realizes he had been right about Dream’s wingspan. It was wider than that of an albatross, and they were absolutely gorgeous. 
“Gods, you’re beautiful,” Hob says before he can stop himself.
Dream stumbles back and retracts his wings, clearly caught off guard by the revelation. 
“You don’t mean that,” Dream says, looking anywhere but at Hob. He’s got a furiously red blush that starts at his cheeks and seems to crawl all the way down to his chest. It makes him look even lovelier.
Hob smiles despite himself. “Maybe that’s why I saved you,” he chuckles. “Maybe I just wanted you all to myself.”
“Then you are an even bigger idiot than I thought,” Dream replies, before he stomps off. 
On a particularly cold night, Hob wakes to find himself covered by one of Dream’s wings.
“This means nothing,” Dream mutters, even as he presses his chest to Hob’s back. 
Hob can’t help but grin like a fool. He reaches out to run a finger along the bend of the wing that’s currently serving as his blanket, and delights when he feels Dream shudder behind him.
“Your secret’s safe with me, you big softie,” Hob chuckles before he falls back asleep, feeling more content than he has in years.
They’ve been on the run for almost a year before Burgess and his men manage to catch up to them. They’re cornered at the bottom of a valley, and Hob knows if they can make it to the river and cross it, they’ll be all right. Burgess’s men are all on horses that wouldn’t dare cross the rushing waters. 
They’re almost to the clearing when Dream stops suddenly and says, “Leave me.”
“What?! No, I’m not leaving you!” Hob exclaims. “Come on, we’re almost at the river—”
“Burgess’s horses will cross the river,” Dream replies. “He’s desperate to get me back, alive or dead. And you are tired.”
“I’m fine,” Hob insists. 
“You’re not!” Dream argues. “You’re practically limping and you—you have done more than enough for me. If I leave you now and fly north, they’ll stop following you and come after me instead.”
“Sorry sweetheart, you’re stuck with me,” Hob replies, pulling out his sword and getting ready to fight as he hears Burgess’s men grow closer. “I’m not going anywhere without you.”
“Don’t be an idiot!” Dream yells. “Roderick Burgess had been hunting me long before we met, and he will continue to do so until one of us is dead. You cannot possibly want to be on the run forever.”
“And if I do?” Hob asks. “Dream—how many ways do I have to tell you I want this—want you—before you’ll believe me?”
Dream hisses, and before Hob can say anything else, he finds himself lifted high into the air as Dream takes off with the both of them, rushing at full speed towards the river. His long white claws dig into Hob’s skin and Hob holds on for dear life as he buries his face into Dream’s neck to avoid the whiplash of the wind.
When they finally land, Hob can no longer hear the neighing of the horses, or the yell of Burgess’s men. Dream practically drops him to the ground, and Hob realizes the other had used the last of his strength to get them to safety. Before he can collapse, Hob catches him, and after a quick look around, manages to find a small cave that they can use for shelter for the night. 
“That was bloody brilliant, love,” Hob sighs happily once they’re inside and lying side to side. “Think I just fell in love with you all over again.”
“You really shouldn’t,” Dream mumbles. “Love me, at all. I have caused you nothing but harm, and you will always be on the run so long as you stay with me. I cannot give you any of the comforts of a human life, not money, status, or a family.”
“I know,” Hob replies gently, taking Dream's dark hands in his. “I’m not asking you to. I told you before, all I want is you. You can give me all the reasons you want about why I shouldn’t, but I’ll still choosing you.”
“Idiot,” Dream says, but his tone is fond. He then wraps a wing around Hob and scoots closer, so their bodies are flush against each other. “Though I suppose you are my idiot.”
Hob smiles and presses his lips to Dream’s. “As long as you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
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neteyamssyulang · 10 months
✶ The Masked Flame ✶
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✶ Pairing: Toxic ex boyfriend Lo’ak x Fem omaticaya reader ✶
✶ Based on my darlings @ lowryv request ✶
✶ Summary: Kiri had managed to drag you to this masked party at the human outpost, what you didn’t expect was for your ex to show up.
✶ Warnings: Toxic Lo’ak, slightly drunk (both), Obsessive Lo’ak, Dom Lo’ak, Sub reader, P in V, Choking, Ass smacking, Creampie, Marking.
✶ Total word count: 1956 ✶
✶ Translation(s): kelku -> home, skxawng -> moron/idiot, kalweyaveng -> Son of a bitch, Alu tsenga nga lu kemwiä yawntutsyìp -> That is where you are wrong darling, Nga lu otkn -> You are mine, klsr tsal -> Say it, Kehe, Oe rilnh kolan kä txal tsonta eywa -> No, I would rather go back to eywa. Yawne -> Beloved.
✶ A/N: I did not expect to write this much but I loved this idea so much! Also I know most masked parties aren’t probably like this but I couldn’t pass it up. Anyways enjoy! <3
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Why did you agree to this? Why were you so naive that you couldn’t even realize it was him at first?
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The day had started off with Kiri coming over to weave some costumes and masks for this party the humans were throwing at the outpost.
“Oh cmon y/n it’ll be fun! Trust me you’ll love it” Kiri said while giving you her best puppy dog eyes Jake had taught her.
She had to practically beg you to go since she didn’t want to go alone and you needed to get out and enjoy yourself again.
Chuckling softly you finally gave in “Alright alright I will go with you.” Your friend squealed and hugged you tightly till you felt like you were about to pass out.
You hadn’t really left your family’s kelku that much ever since you and her brother Lo’ak broke up a week ago, things just weren’t working out between you guys.
Unfortunately while you were starting to move on he couldn’t seem to get over you, he’s the reason why you didn’t want to go out. Whenever you tried he’d always be there, watching, waiting.
The motherfucker was crazy, even though you broke up he kept telling others that you were still together and that you were just being stubborn.
Kiri tried to help get her brother to leave you alone but Lo’ak doesn’t listen to anyone, he’s the clan rebel. Everyone knows how he is and why his relationships don’t last that long, he’s just- ugh.
He never obsessed this much over any of his ex’s so why was he so fucking obsessed with you? It made you angry in a way because now all the males steared clear of you not wanting to anger Lo’ak.
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It took a few hours but the costumes were finished, your costume was a gold beaded top with more bead’s attached to each side loosely, a gold loincloth with beads attached all around the top of it and then falling down the middle, and two gold beaded armbands. Your mask was also gold with small flowers on it and beads falling down the front of it, the humans were nice and let you use it.
For Kiri’s costume she made a red beaded top with feathers in it, a long red loincloth with beads decorated into it, and her mask was what the humans called sequin red with rhinestones covering it.
The party wasn’t going to start for another hour but Kiri had insisted you both get dressed so it won’t take too long and you won’t have to rush anything, unbeknownst to both of you though Lo’ak had also decided to go.
Spider was the one to suggest Lo’ak should go just so he could get his mind off of you and maybe even have a quick fuck, he only agreed so that his friend could shut up about it.
“Cmon bro! There’s plenty of other females who would gladly throw themselves at you, you need to forget about y/n.” Spider sighed looking at his bestfriend who still layed on his bed staring at the ceiling.
Lo’ak groaned annoyed before grabbing the pillow behind his head chucking it at Spider who yelped as it hit him in the face “If it’ll shut your skxawng ass up fine I’ll go.”
Lo’ak had opted to wear a black mask with gold swirls on the sides along with a black loincloth he had sewn himself.
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It was finally time to leave for the party, you and Kiri walked hand in hand dressed beautifully in your costumes towards the outpost.
Nearing it you heard the sounds of human music being played mixed with both human and na’vi shouting and laughing.
Kiri had separated from you sometime as you were trying to make your way through the sea of na’vi towards the refreshments table.
The only drinks were pongu pongu and water, normally you weren’t a big drinker but tonight you decided to eywa with it and downed a cup with the alcohol.
You had maybe 3 or 4 cups before you fell a bit drunk, unfortunately it was also around the time when Lo’ak and spider showed up aswell.
One of the male avatars who’s name was Rowan had come up from behind you startling you as he placed his hand on your shoulder,turning around your met with a very handsome face
“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help but say that I think you look very beautiful and I was wondering if you’d maybe like to dance?” The male smiled nervously as he removed his hand from you in order to hold it out for you to take.
You were drunk but could still think a bit so you nodded “Sure, I’d love to dance.” You retuned the smile as you took his hand letting him lead you to the dance floor the humans had installed, it had lights that flashed different colors.
Rowan placed your arms around his neck before placing his hands on your waist, the two of you held eye contact as you gently swayed to the music. It was a slow song after all, or atleast it was till you spotted Kiri talking to the DJ with a mischievous grin on her face.
Next thing you know 23 by mike will made it starts playing and everyone is hollering as now these two girls -one na’vi and one human- start dancing on the poles in the middle of the dance floor.
Your eyes widened at the foreign act but quickly you became intrigued, Rowan had now moved behind you placing his hands on your hips while leaving soft kisses along the side of your neck.
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Lo’ak was starting to enjoy this up until he looked over at the dance floor and immediately recognized you. His mouth fell open as he took in your costume but immediately scowled as he saw the other male touching you while leaving kisses on your neck.
He dropped the pongu pongu from his hand and pushed the small human who was giving him a lap dance off of him before walking over towards you.
Lo’ak practically ripped the guy off you punching him in the face then grabbed you by the arm dragging you away from the party and deep into the forest.
You didn’t know what was going on or who was taking you away, all you knew was that you were drunk, horny, and dying for some release.
Deciding you two were enough ways away from the party he shoved you against a tree wrapping one of his hands around your neck while the other held onto your hip.
“How dare you let another man touch what’s mine!” he hissed squeezing your neck a bit. Your ears pinned back against your skull as a soft whine escaped you.
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Who was this man? You didn’t know, you didn’t know what he was talking about. Your gaze went to the ground avoiding the male infront of you.
Lo’ak did not like that, the hand he had on your throat moved to your chin up forcing you to look at him, with his other hand he moved the beads of your mask to the side before smashing his lips against yours.
The kiss was anything but gentle, it was aggressive leaving you breathless trying to pull away much to Lo’aks distaste. You didn’t even notice that he had removed your top and loincloth discarding them off to the side as well as his own loincloth.
Eventually he broke the kiss trailing them to your neck sucking and nipping at it, your small moans filled his ears till he couldn’t stand it anymore. He needed you.
Not giving a shit letting the alcohol get to him Lo’ak picked you up positioning himself at your entrance then slammed you down onto his thick shaft.
A shriek left your lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck clinging onto him, Lo’ak wasted no time and began to pound into up you mercilessly making you scream.
He didn’t care if you were broken up you were still his, you belonged to him no one else. His jealousy and anger fueled his desire to keep taking you roughly hitting all the right spots.
Your orgasm was approaching rapidly, Lo’ak could tell from the way your walls fluttered around his cock with each thrust he delivered into you.
“That’s it..” he cooed pushing deeper inside your aching pussy “Cum for me princess.” Your eyes locked with his and immediately you shook your head no realizing who it was you were with.
Lo’ak chuckled darkly “Oh baby.. you don’t have a choice, your mine, you.will.listen.to.me” Each word was delivered with a particularly harsh thrust coaxing out small cries from you.
You tried to fight off your orgasm but fuck did he feel good inside you, mentally smacking yourself you pushed that thought aside and squirmed in his hold “L-let go of me Lo’ak!”
A growl rumbled through Lo’aks chest as he buried himself to the hilt stilling himself inside of you. “You do not make the rules darling” he hissed baring his fangs then with one of his hands he removed his mask aswell as yours tossing them somewhere.
Narrowing your eyes you brought one of your hands up slapping him across the face “I am not yours anymore you kalweyaveng!”
If Lo’ak wasn’t angry before he sure as hell was now, he pulled away from the tree taking only a few steps before pulling out and literally dropping you onto the mossy ground.
You yelped as your bottom hit the ground but quickly moved to get up, Lo’ak got on his knees pushing you back down onto the ground then flipped you over over onto your stomach.
One of his hands grabbed your wrists pinning them against your back while the other lined himself with your entrance plunging back inside.
He moved the free hand to the back of your neck holding you down as he rutted into you from behind “Alu tsenga nga lu kemwiä yawntutsyìp” he chuckled softly picking up his pace aiming for the spongey part inside of you.
Tears began falling from your eyes as your lost orgasm resurfaced hitting you will full force, your screams filled the area as you came squirting your juices on Lo’aks lower abdomen and thighs.
“Nga lu otkn” he growled “klsr tsal!” he removed the hand on your wrists bringing it down hard against your ass making you yelp.
“Kehe! Oe would kolan kä txal tsonta eywa!” You hissed earning yourself another harsh smack against your ass.
Lo’ak fumed stilling his hips so he could flip you over onto your back without pulling out of you, once that was finished he leaned down placing his head into the crook of your neck inhaling your scent.
Before you got a chance to shove him off of you his merciful pace started back up hitting your sweet spot every single time making you see stars.
You felt him graze his fangs over your neck making you shudder “D-don’t..” , marking was only meant for mates which you and Lo’ak would never be.
Well, again he doesn’t listen for shit. As he neared his climax he delivered one more harsh thrust into you before stilling his hips and sinking his fangs into your neck.
Your eyes rolled back as you came again digging your nails into his back groaning, you felt him spill his thick warm seed into you while he kept you close to him.
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A few moments pass then Lo’ak unlatches from your neck admiring his mark on you, his eyes lock with yours now “Now everyone will know your mine yawne.”
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maverickbabes · 2 years
I Know What You Need/Craving You
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I Know What You Need/Craving You
Aged!up!Neteyam Sully x female!navi! Nemiri!oc
Neteyam is 20 and Nemiri is 19
This was requested from anonymous
Warnings: cock-warming kink, daddy kink?, stomach bulge, some swearing, biting, praising, NSFW, a slow build up to the moment, p in v - don't know if that should be a warning lol, Smut Smut SMUT
Summary: After a long, annoyingly and tiring day of work, There's only one thing that can make Neteyam feel better.
skxawng - moron/idiot
'itan (n) - son
yawne (n) - beloved
a/n: A few notes. 1. The Yovo fruit is the purple fruit Grace hands Jake when he takes a test run in his avatar body 2. I also didn't know if I should put it as Neteyam x y/n (reader) or Neteyam and Nemiri so I went with the second option to introduce Nemiri! Enjoy :)
Neteyam huffs in annoyance as he lands his ikran then hops off, petting his banshee's neck. He loves his role as a warrior and hunter. But sometimes it gets tiring and frankly, some of the warriors were skxawngs. He adjusts his bow that rested on his back before giving his ikran one last pet.
"Neteyam my 'itan, What is it?" Neytiri asks as she walks over to her eldest son, engulfing him in a hug. Neteyam immediately wraps his arms around his mother, feeling some of the annoyance melt away. "Nothing mother, just tired after a long day" Neteyam tells her before releasing them from the hug.
Neytiri gives him a warm motherly smile before looking to see Jake walking up to them. "Hi dad" Neteyam says and Jake smiles before grabbing his head and pulling him into his chest. "How was today 'son?" Jake asks as Neteyam looks at his father.
"It was fine. I'm tired so I'm going to go to Nemiri and get some rest. Good night mum and dad" Neteyam tells them before making his way to his hut, anxious to see and feel his mate. While walking back to his hut, Neteyam lets his thoughts wander about Nemiri.
Neteyam looks down at his mate under him, admiring how her golden eyes were glossed over from the overwhelming pleasure both were feeling.
Nemiri runs her hand through her poofy curly hair, taking the last feather out of her hair when she looks up and sees Neteyam enter the hut, He closes the entrance flap of the hut then looks over a Nemiri, feeling himself get hot and aroused just from the sight of her.
He needed to be inside her. Now.
"Ma 'Teyam" Nemiri murmurs as she gets up from their hammock to greet him with a kiss. He places his hands on her hips and gives them a hard squeeze, earning a small gasp from her. He slips his tongue inside her mouth tasting the sweet flavor of a Yovo fruit. He breaks the kiss, letting out a breath as he rests his forehead against Nemiri's.
"I need you ma yawne. I need to feel you" He whispers as his tail swishes from side to side. Her eyes widened before she blushed a little as she knew exactly what he needed. "Let me help you" She coos as she grabs his hands and walks over to their hammock.
Neteyam picks Nemiri up and lays her gently on their bed then gets on top of her, untying her loincloth in the process. "Neteyam" She whines as she unties his loincloth and throws it onto the floor next to hers. "Fuck baby" He moans softly as she pumps him in her hand, rubbing the tip with her thumb.
He traces his fingers over her thighs and tummy, ghosting them over her wet core, watching how her tummy tightens instinctively just from the simple touch of his fingers. "I need to be inside you now before I lose my damn mind" He growls as he thrusts himself inside her, bottoming out.
"You feel so good Nete" She whimpers as she tries to grab his braid. "You want to tsaheylu Miri?" He asks as he moves his braid over his shoulder. "Yes. I want to feel you fully" She mumbles grabbing her braid from under her. They lift the ends of their braids in between them, watching the queues connect as it gave both a wave of overwhelming pleasure.
"Oh Neteyam" She moans, immediately closing her eyes from the pleasure coursing through her veins. He looks down and sees an outline of a bulge on her stomach, causing his eyes to roll. He loves the sight of his dick bulging against her stomach, it did something to him.
"Look at me princess. There you go that's it, such a good girl for me" Neteyam praises as he grabs her chin so she can look at him as he teasingly moves his hips, Nemiri instantly arching her back while she feels herself squeeze around him.
He leans down and bites her shoulder, earning a whimper from her. "You take my dick so well, keeping me nice and warm baby girl" Neteyam groans as he balances himself on his forearms. He kisses where he bit her before leaving a trail of love bites and kisses in his wake.
"You fill me up so well daddy" Nemiri murmurs as she looks up at him. "You're just what daddy needs after a long day baby girl. You keep me so warm I never want to leave this pussy" He praises as he lowers himself onto her a little more.
"Here princess, let daddy adjust us" He tells her as he moves onto his side, pulling her closer to him. She wraps her leg around him then closes the space between them, kissing him deeply. "I love keeping you warm, being your little incubator" She mumbles in the kiss as she teasingly moves her hips back and forth.
Neteyam hisses lowly as he breaks the kiss and bites on her neck, earning a pleasurable hiss from her. "No moving remember? You're supposed to keep me all nice and warm princess" Neteyam warns as he grabs her hips and holds her in place.
"That means you be a good girl for daddy and not move" He finishes saying as she lets out a whimper. "I want to move daddy. I can be a good girl and keep you warm just let me feel you" Nemiri whines and Neteyam tsks at her. "Next time baby. Right now I just want to be inside you and feel you. Can you do that for daddy?" He explains and she reluctantly nods.
"That's a good girl"
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wordy-little-witch · 5 months
Okay CoraBug hours where we look at canon, go HAH No, and carry on bc I Do Not See It
Buggy and Cora being absolutely the schmooziest, goofiest couple ever.
Cora and Buggy experimenting with makeup looks together.
They each have an Egg Each, but they have each other's eggs, or they both make two each so one can have the second egg on hand for long distance stints.
Long denden calls and writing letters to each other.
Sengoku having several attacks of just as many varieties because his son is dating a pirate and it's THAT pirate as well and he's So Fucking Angry bc Buggy isn't even all that bad, he HATES it-
Uncle Garp. The shenanigans there. Need I say more?
Shanks telling Buggy about Luffy and it goes "my brother adopted the grandson of my boyfriend's honorary uncle" and you can see the smoke coming from his ears.
Cora and Buggy were childhood sweethearts, and Shanks ABSOLUTELY gave Cora a shovel talk. Roger also gave Cora a shovel talk. Rayleigh played psychological warfare as a test (Cora passed).
They do shows together and their favorites are acrobatics and aerials.
Buggy has forbade Cora from fire stunts, so Cora simply watches Buggy do them and drools respectfully. (In his defense, Buggy is VERY skilled with batons and dragon staffs.)
Devil Fruits have something they need to Feed or things that Feed the fruits. For some, it's foods, some it can be abated with tobacco. Cora uses his cigarettes and Buggy runs on sugar.
Cora is actually a very clean person and prefers unscented soaps, he just has a skill for always looking freshly mugged in an alleyway. Buggy meanwhile is a neat freak who changes up his soaps frequently, but always within a certain brand/maker rotation bc he has sensitive skin.
Drawbacks Of Devil Fruits My Beloved - they're both more lethargic in highly humid weather, or in the rain. Cora's sleepier overall when stuff gets to that point, but Buggy runs a higher risk of getting sick as a result.
Buggy sometimes has Bad Brain Days, be it an episode or he's overstimulated. Regardless, when he needs Space, he'll shimmy under Cora's feathered coat and Cora will cast a bubble for them with just enough muted input to calm Buggy down but not trigger his intrusive thoughts.
Likewise, when Cora is in Cover And Perform Mode, Buggy will gently lead him away and pull the other down to his chest, ear over his heart, and will just... talk. Random, unimportant things like "Oh I heard dinner will be this tonight" or "I've been thinking of getting x, y, z tools for the ring". Just stuff to ground him, she he isn't alone, that things are okay and fine and safe.
They have prank wars. Ritchie always wins. Nobody knows how.
Cora will straight up scruff Buggy like a cat when he gets angry and stabby.
Buggy will climb Cora like a tree when he feels playful.
<><><><> Bonus Incorrect Quotes <><><><>
Buggy: They call it committing murder because it's a commitment. It's stronger than marriage.
Cora: babe, no-
Cora: I could kill you if I wanted.
Buggy: Yeah? So could any other human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You aren't special
Cora: I love you-
Buggy: *banging a pen on the table out of frustration*
Cora: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table?
Buggy: I—
Buggy: I don’t know the correct answer to that question.
Cabaji, who just wanted to eat his lunch in peace:
Cora: WHY?!
Cora: *sighs*
Buggy: You bored?
Cora: Yeah.
Buggy: Wanna start drama for no reason?
Cora: I thought you’d never ask.
Cora: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Buggy: This is a lie.
Buggy: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Buggy: What’s your favorite color?
Cora: Stop asking stupid questions. Ask me something logical and mature.
Buggy: How many moles of sodium bicarbonate are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of sulfuric acid at STP?
Cora: My favorite color is pink.
Context: Roger and Garp having a play date, Shanks and Mihawk are sitting to the side while Buggy is doing smth mundane across the beach when Cora descends on the swordmen
Cora: Wait, what's going on? Are we all talking about how hot Buggy is? Because Buggy is a straight up sexual fox riding a red-hot nuclear bombshell right toward the yowza plaza in the heart of Babe City, Assachusetts, U S A. The last A just stands for more ass.
Mihawk: wh-
Shanks: YEAH!
Buggy: I'm very scary.
Cora: You're about as scary as a wet kitten.
Buggy: Wet kittens are cute, at least I've got that going for me.
Cora: And small.
Buggy: ...Yeah, yeah. I guess.
Buggy: Live fast, die young, leave behind a pretty corpse! That’s what I always say!
Cora: You should say something else.
Cora: What’s your body count?
Buggy: Do you mean sex or murder?
Cora, carrying a box: What would you say if- if I, hypothetically, came home with several kids one day?
Buggy: …
Buggy: What’s in the box?
Cora: What woul-
Buggy: Cora, what’s in the box?
Cora: I think you know.
Buggy: Hey, wanna take a shower with me?
Cora: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
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normspellsman · 2 years
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part one | part two | part three | part four (wip)
pairing: ao’nung x fem!sully!reader
genre: fluff (for most of it), mentions of enemies to lovers, a bit angsty at the end, & mentions of forbidden lovers + secret relationships
word count: 2k+
warning(s): ao’nung being an absolute SIMP for the reader (as he should tho), mentions of ao’nung teasing the reader – name calling & some physical harassment, mentions of reader & lo’ak being twins, talks of violence, mentions of childhood bullying, threat of bodily harm, lo’ak being a bit of a bitch, mentions of hickies, cursing, & sad!reader at the end
taglist: @aonungsmate @optimisticblazetrash
word bank: sa’nok — mother, yawntu — beloved; love; loved one, yawne — beloved, sempul — father, iknimaya — rite of passage for na’vi teens, & toruk makto — rider of last shadow
note: bit of ooc lo’ak bc i know my baby would never, but for the sake of this plot he’s a bit of a douche towards reader. this is the first part & the second part will most likely be the last part but we’ll see! anyways, please enjoy <3
You hadn’t even been in Awa’atlu for two minutes before Ao’nung had decided to make his target.
The Olo’eyktan’s son had loved teasing you. Always pulling on your much smaller and thinner tail, causing you to hiss out in pain and smack his hand away as he and his other goons laughed. Always making fun of your pin straight hair, calling it dull and ugly compared to the other Metkayina’s long bouncy curls. Calling you a freak or alien due to your extra finger on both hands. He pushed your buttons on many occasions throughout the days you stayed on the island. He absolutely loved it. He loved riling you up and getting a reaction out of you. A small smirk dancing on his lips whenever he stormed away from his figure, fuming as a result of his continuous teasing.
But there was something that he loved more than teasing you. He loved loving you. He loved to grab your dainty hands in his and pull apart each finger gently, spreading your long fingers until they matched up against his larger hands, smirking at how smaller they looked even with the extra finger you produced. He loved playing with your braids, looping them around his pointer finger as he messed with the numerous beads and feathers adorning them. He loved calling you his yawntu. He loved seeing the light blush paint your cheeks purple whenever he called you a term of endearment. He loved putting his face into the crook of your neck and inhaling your calming scent, making him purr out in delight. He loved all of you. Especially your stubborn personality that made him want to groan out in annoyance whenever things didn’t go your way. He adored and loved you.
Ao’nung had a funny way of expressing his interest in you at first. He practically followed you everywhere around the remote island. Sometimes he’d be teasing you as he trailed behind you, pulling at the string of your loincloth and laughing as it harshly snapped back against your dark azure skin. Sometimes he’d just be silent, basking solely in your presence as you explored the forest-like parts of the island. Other times he’d talk to you, asking what you did back home and what your favorite foods were, making a mental note to ask his Sa’nok if they had any of the ingredients so he could attempt to make it for you. And most of the time, he teased you and your siblings for your differences.
His teasing never bothered you, much. It was frustrating at times but it wasn’t like you never heard any of his teasing words before.
Back home, you, your twin brother, Lo’ak, and older sister Kiri were the talk of the village amongst the other children. You three were the only ones with five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot, a differing contrast from the four fingered and toed children your age.
Children loved to call you half breed, alien, and even demon. They often pulled at your pinky, wanting to see what it would do as a reaction. They also pulled at your ears and tripped you wherever you went, pulling your feet into their hands to study your five toed foot. They were so cruel and mean growing up, eventually growing out of it as they got older. But, some children didn’t.
Oftentimes, whenever their teasing reached Neteyam or Lo’ak’s ears, they would avoid eye contact with you as your bullies sported new spilt lips and black eyes from your brother's anger. And even that didn’t stop some kids from continuing their teasing, but it was few and far in between once you completed your Iknimaya.
So when Ao’nung had begun to tease you and Kiri that one afternoon that ended in both Neteyam and Lo’ak beating him and his goons, Lo’ak made sure to keep you in his line of sight whenever you wandered off to do whatever you did. This had forced the both of you to keep your budding relationship a secret from your beloved twin brother.
And that’s what lead you to this very moment. You wrapped up in Ao’nung’s arms as the both of you hid away in your special secret spot that he found just for the two of you, looking up at the starry sky as your lover whispered sweet endearments into your sensitive ears.
“You make me so happy, yawntu,” Ao’nung gently whispered, nuzzling his face into the side of your head, burying it in your hair.
You softly giggled at your boyfriends actions, turning your head slightly to hide the part he was nuzzling into.
You loved it whenever Ao’nung went soft for you. It was only a sight for you to see and your heart warmed at that fact. Ao’nung had a tendency to keep others at an arms length at all times, doing so by hissing out harsh words and other means. But you could see through his façade the minute he began to pull your tail and tease you. He felt like he needed to be mean or seem dominant in public in order to receive respect from others within the clan. He was the Olo’eyktan’s only son and was expected to lead the clan one day. Ao’nung had so much pressure and weight put onto his shoulders from the expectations of his Sempul and clanspeople, something you could somewhat relate to being a child of Toruk Makto. Although that was no excuse for how he treated you and your siblings. You made him promise to not tease your siblings the way he did before when you got together. And he didn’t, keeping his promise he made to you.
“You make me happy too, Ma Ao’nung,” you whisper back, pulling a bit forward to lay a kiss on the boys turquoise skin.
Ao’nung had sighed out in contentment at your words, a soft purring sound emitting from his chest. He felt truly relaxed in your presence, it being evident in his lax body posture and rumbling coming from his chest.
“You’re purring, yawne,” you giggle out, smiling at the fact as you felt the rumbling movement against your back.
Ao’nung pouted at your words, “Am not,” he denied, resting his chin on your shoulder as he pulled his face away from your soft hair, “I do not purr.”.
The boy knew he was lying. Of course he purred whenever he was in your presence. But he didn’t want you to get too cocky from that fact. You already had him so wrapped around your finger that he didn’t need another reminder as to just how much he was in love with you.
You rolled your big amber eyes at your boyfriends denial, “Sure, Nung. You definitely do not purr”.
Ao’nung whined at your words, pulling you in closer to his chest, hiding his blushing face into your neck.
“I think it’s cute, my love,” you reassured, once again placing a kiss onto your lover's forehead, “It means you feel content and relaxed around me”.
At your words, Ao’nung smiled into your neck and pecked the side of it with a kiss. He was in so deep he was sure that Rotxo and his other friends would make fun of how he basically turned into putty in your presence.
Soon enough, you began to purr to response to Ao’nung constant rumbling, relax enough in his arms to do so.
He smiled at your purring, his getting even louder once he registered the fact.
Ao’nung began to gently kiss up and down the side of your neck, lightly biting where he placed a kiss every once in a while. He loved showing you how much he cared and adored you, often voicing his adoration through his kisses.
A gentle sigh escaped from your soft lips at your boyfriends actions, melting deeper into his embrace as he did so.
Everything was so quiet and peaceful. You felt as if you could stay in this moment for all eternity. Stay in Ao’nungs warm arms forever.
But all good things eventually come to an end.
You were to caught up in the feeling of Ao’nungs soft lips against your neck that you didn’t register the snapping of a branch a few feet away from the both of you. Your ears didn’t even twitch at the sound, to caught up in the sound of Ao’nung kissing hickies into your neck.
“Holy fuck,” a voice whispered out, making both you and Ao’nung freeze at the familiarity of it, stomachs twisting in anxiety, “You little shit!”.
There stood an angry Lo’ak, fists tightly clenched by his sides as his tail furiously swished side to side behind him. If looks could kill, Ao’nung would be six feet under by now.
“Lo’ak,” you whisper out, scrambling out of your boyfriends arms and onto your feet, meeting your brother halfway in his angry stride.
You made hard contact with the lean chest of your twin, putting your hands onto his chest to keep him a safe distance away from your lover.
“You’re seeing my sister?!” He hissed out, voice laced in anger, practically shaking at the intense feeling, “I told you to stay the fuck away from her! Do I need to beat it into you again before you understand?”.
You growled at your brother's words, lips drawn back in a scowl. You had growled and hissed at your twin only a couple of times and they all were when you were much younger than you were now.
Lo’ak growled back at you, too consumed in his anger to think clearly.
“What are you doing with him, (Y/N)? After all that he’s done to Kiri, to me, to you,” he hissed out yet again.
A deadly look had made its way onto Ao’nungs face as he glared at Lo’ak, quickly getting up to put himself between you and your very angry brother.
“Don’t talk to her like that,” he growled out between clenched teeth, getting behind you as he towered over your backside, back and head making contact with Ao’nungs chest.
Lo’ak drew his ears and lips back, actually hissing at the Metkayina boy. Ao’nung returned the gesture.
“I won’t hesitate to beat you to a pulp right here, right now in front of (Y/N), maybe then she’ll come to her senses about you and leave,” Lo’ak yelled out, attempting to get closer to your boyfriend but your body stopped him from doing so.
You gasped out at his words while Ao’nung growled once again at your brother. How dare he speak to him like that? To you like that?
“Lo’ak!” You exclaimed, shock and anger clearly written onto your face. You were angry at how your brother was acting. You knew that this kind of reaction was a possibility once you and Ao’nung were ready to expose your relationship, but you didn’t expect this kind of reaction.
“What is wrong with you?” You questioned, pushing at your twins chest, making him stagger a bit.
“Me? What’s wrong with me?” He hissed out, body shaking in anger as he pointed to himself with his closed fist, “What’s wrong with you? You’re the one slutting around with our bully!”.
Lo’ak’s words had caused you to shrink into yourself, causing intense hurt to spread throughout your body. Sure you and Lo’ak often argued as siblings do and called each other all kinds of names and neither of you meant it, but it seemed like your brother truly meant what he said.
A loud growl was heard from behind you, Ao’nung now extremely pissed at your sorry excuse for a brother. He would never call Tsireya a slut or even accuse her of slutting around with Lo’ak. He had actual common sense to never call his sister that.
“I’m going to kill you for talking to her like that, Lo’ak,” Ao’nung muttered, also shaking with anger.
Everything seemed to go silent as your ears began to block out any other noise except for your breathing and rapid, breaking heartbeat.
You began to walk away from the scene, sadness settling itself into your bones as you drifted further and further from your love and brother.
Maybe everything good doesn’t last forever.
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sillygh0st · 2 months
I vodwatched Cellbit first qsmp vod and wrote down MANY moments that I barely see people talking about o/
Felps crashing the ship bc he trought that It was like using a bike is well know on the comunity, but the ship was also haunted btw
Mike first interaction with richas was him joking about sitting on Richas to hatch him??? My headcanon about qmike being a creeper hybrid with pink feathers was born after this lol
Roier giving diamonds to Cellbit :')
“There's always a fool and a scoundrel leaving the house, you're the scoundrel" (Tem sempre um otário e um malandro saindo de casa, você é o malandro) Cellbit to Richas
Richas taking time to write and writing that she would like to live with her parents :')
Cellbit asked richas who were his parents and Richas responded “vocês” (pac mike Cellbit e felps) <3
Cellbit saying 4 papais aww
Richas saying that he will live wherever his parents want :')
They calling quackity a vagabundo 😭
Slime with Richas for 0.1 seconds and cellbit coming shouting "não não Richas!! Papais!! Papais!!” ( He didn't wanted richas to be with slime and wanted richas to be with his papais :’)
He keeps saying "our son" awwww
"Take the sword your pai gave you!" (Pega a espada que o pai te deu!)
Richas raising the "feed" sign and his 4 papais all desperate looking for food to feed him :'))
Cellbit fighting with Bobby oh no
Cellbit saying he loves Roier but not Bobby aww :’)
Cellbit e slime KISSING!!!!
"Desculpa sou meio manco" (1:49:21)
Cellbit talking photo of them together ,,
"Abrigado pela comida"
"Você só odeia os ovos pq não tem um!!"
Quackity 1% Richas father + Cellbit 24% too yayyy
“You teach spanish and we teach crimes and guns!” Cellbit to quackity talking about Richas LMAO
Quackity singing nossa nossa assim você me mata omg I forgot about this momment
“oi filho!” (Cellbit to Richas)
Everyone dying bc of a bull and a muscle zombie 😭😭
Richas model disappearing and everyone freaking out bc he turned into a tall white thing 😭😭😭 also first time that cucurucho got mentioned for the Brazilians :O (Cellbit and felps were saying his name wrong for like 20 minutes LMAO)
“seus outros papais” “papai felps”
Mac e pike 😭
Richas doing parkour and Cellbit freaking out about him taking fall damage :’)
Richas falling into a hole and Cellbit screaming “tá tudo bem!! papai tá aqui) (its okay!! papai is here) :’(((((
felps said "eu peguei 4 packs" (I got 4 packs) and clarified that wasn't about pac their friend (pegar can be "got" or even "make out", even bc pac and pack rhyme ) and Cellbit said that was the first day, and that they needed a party before??????? while felps said "Not yet" about making out with pac???? ON THEIR FIRST TWO HOURS ON THE SERVER???
Cellbit and felps wanting to teach richas how to kill and richas that he will become a murder machine awwww
Richas died :’) cellbit screaming on chat saying everything wrong was funny
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Cellbit telling felps that they need to lie about what killed richas LMAO they didn't wanted the others papais to be mad at them so yeah the necromancer appeared spawned 10 skeletons said “he is watching” and vanished cellps my beloved
Now cellbid said that they need to say that the necromancer had white eyes bc they have herobrine trauma LMAO (pac e mike old series)
“WE ARE CLONES FELPS” (seeing their dead bodies) is also the first time of cellbit saying that there is something wrong on the island :)
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Cellps telling tazercraft and quackity ABOUT the “necromancer” but mike don't believe anything that they said LMAO
“Cocorocho vagabundo” - pac
OHHHH FUGA CRUMPS 👀 some long time before this cellbit and richas they hide them under a chest, after (2:42:00) mike says that he saw a white figure (they were saying cucurucho) opened and put something on the chest, felps went to open It and the tnt exploded, killing him. Richas almost split out that It was her and pai Cellbit that put the tnt there, Cellbit says that he didn't put in there, Pac says “oh yeah I don't think you would do this with …. felps'', saying it on a weird and different tone, probably the CC remembering that on fuga cell killed felps 👀👀👀👀👀 FUGA CRUMPS FUGA CRUMPS
Cellbit and pac went to a cave and the iconic celltw kiss happened omg
Cellbit talked with pac about them (fuga four) creating a secret laboratory under the favela where they would do secret and paranormal experiments ohhhhhhhh (chume paranormal LMAO)
Cellbit and pac founded a very weird place that looks like a mine maid by player with MANY torches, one moment cellbit lost pac and freaked out LMAO (they keep calling the place the herobrine cave lol)
“A casa do cocorocho” (they got cucurucho name wrong)
Cellbit wants to sing a lullaby for richas :’) pac is getting Diamonds to do a armor for Richas too awww
Cellbit gave pac a pickaxe and also asked for a stick while pac said “por você cellbit eu te dou 10 paus” (“for you cellbit, i gave to you 10 paus”, pau = stick/dick) and they both laughed
Cellbit almost threw away richas slime "não vou jogar fora o primeiro presente do meu filho” (im not going to throw away my first gift of my son) :’)
CELLTW AGAIN. They are returning to the favela and Pac said that the day was beautiful and Cellbit straight up said that “com você nele o dia é sempre mais bonito né pac” (With you in it, the day is always more beautiful, right?)
Cellbit and pac returned to the favela with felps Mike e Richas!!! Felps and pac (idk who else too) honked to each other???? 😭 awww also Cellbit screaming for richas and running for him :’)
Cellbit and felps screaming and calling each other Crazy for talking alone (with their chats) lol
They are going to do richas first quests!! They are going to give a bath to Richas, Cellbit accidentally hit (pinched) him oh no babie :( they finished their bath and Richas Said “obrigado pais!” While Cellbit and felps suffered from how cute it was
RICHAS ON BED WITH HER FIRST LULLABY BY HER 4 PAPAIS :((((( richas sleeping while they try to be quiet to not wake up the baby!!! They are calling him cute <3
Oh wait they are singing a demoniac lullaby to awake her? 😭😭😭😭 What's wrong with them <3 they want richas to never get caught with his guard down, “olhos sempre abertos richarlyson” ,,,
“sleep with your eyes open" *kisses sounds from all her fathers*
mike caught richas getting up (prob richas admin geting ready to leave) and they started to be like “oh no he is in that age already ,,,,” and while calling their child cucurucho and STILL kept getting cucurucho name wrong LMAO
Richas sleeping model was put into their only bed and now are incredible sad that they lost their only bed 😭😭😭
RICHAS SLIME!! his placenta haha :’) they are so happy framing It on their house aww
Cellbit dancing to the sounds of a dying skeleton? 😭
Pac e Mike logging out!!! Also Cellbit sending kisses to pac and pac too omg celltw ,,😭😭
“beijinhos!!” (little kisses) - Pac e Cellbit for each other AWWWW
Cellbit talking with felps about bbh being the “necromancer and 100% ready to throw the blame on him 😭😭
Cellbit seeing felps talking to himself on the other house and calling him crazy while felps do the same for him god cellps I love you
Bbh appeared to talk with felps and Cellbit and give to them armor, cucurucho also appeared but disappeared quickly D:
Bbh talked with them about the federation oooooooh
Bbh left and after richas woke up!! Bom dia Richarlyson!!
They are making richas cativeiro room!!
“tem cheiro de cativeiro, tem som de cativeiro, tem gosto de cativeiro, mas não é um cativeiro!” felps to richas LMAO
They are putting him to sleep now!! cellbit tried to sing a demoniac lullaby for her but felps stopped him saying that it's a too old song!! So felps singed a song with alien high pitched noises 😭😭
Moments from the vod to yall!!!! so many lgbtqsmp moments and cute ones :3333
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abyss-tylwyth · 3 months
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'Dead-Shot Crow' Rocinante, First Mate of The Heart Pirates
Heres my interpretation of our beloved Cora in an AU where he lives and joins the hearts!! Plus a singular Trafalgar Law for size (can't leave out my son boy <3). This was done for the @corafest and prompted by @vogelspinne (btw go check out her art because she's super talented and her stuff is just *chefs kiss*)
(Also, this is only flats because brain continues to be broke, but I do have a few other sketches in my pocket for this piece (including a no hat variant of roci, a few variants of law, an action shot, and roci's bounty poster) that I will post when brain isn't broke no more. Including rendering ofc)
Now for a few headcanons. Law is really the only one who calls him 'Cora', the others call him 'Roci' because he's trying to distance himself from his past and wants to start anew (hence the different makeup and the new hat). He's got feathers around his collar and his coveralls are black which would get him the epithet 'deadshot crow' since the black coloring, the feathers, and the fact that he's the sniper on the crew. FInally, ofc he'd be the First Mate. He needs to keep his son boy in check <3
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almondmilktargaryen · 9 months
A Son for a Son (A Debt Paid)
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Summary: Jaehaerys is dead. Aemond is to blame. But how can a parent grieve for a child no one knew was his?
Couple: Aemond Targaryen/Helaena Targaryen (kinda)
Category: General, angst, fucking sad
Content warnings: Spoilers for HotD season 2/Fire & Blood, mentions of Targcest, a dead kid
Word count: 1.5k
Also on my Ao3
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All that illuminated Aemond’s room was the fire. The handmaidens must have lit it before everything happened. Not a single one was in sight now, nor a guard. They were with everyone else. Handmaidens were likely assigned to clean up the blood, take away the boy’s body, and attend to the king and queen’s every need at this grievous hour. Their mother and grandsire likely coordinated patrols and assembled the guards.
Thank the gods for all that. Thank the gods that Aemond chose to train so young. Because unless his dreadful uncle crashes through his chambers on Caraxes and ends this war before it truly starts, he does not require support. No. More than anything, he requires solitude. He has not even bothered washing the blood off his face. It was nothing compared to the amount on his hands, his awful role in all of this. His mother tried cleaning him up, reaching for his cheek with a handkerchief, but he pushed it away. “Helaena,” was all he said before she left him alone. 
He was by her bed then, on the floor, back against the frame and the feather-filled mattress. Helaena’s room was a powder blue with silver accents throughout; an unintentional ode to her beloved Dreamfyre. The spattering of blood stood out against the cotton and velvet materials, making it easy for Aemond to trace the one slice from start to finish. That was all he saw, actually.
He hadn’t had the heart to tell Helaena about Storm’s End, not wanting to worry her about the idea of a war and her children’s safety. He had an earful (and a harsh slap) from his mother when he finally caved upon his return but hoped to forget about it when in Helaena’s chambers. There, they would sit for hours, sometimes in complete silence, and let the children discover the smallest aspects of the world within the four walls of that room. When Aemond was with them, it was the safest place they could be.
Two days later, his world shattered like the legend of a second moon crashing into the sun, unleashing dragons upon the world. Except the sun for him was the smell of sewer rats that filled the bedroom rather than faint perfumes, two filthy men with blades to Jaehaerys and Maelor. 
“A son for a son,” they said.
Before he could even think to reach for either of the boys, he leaped for Helaena, urging her to cover her ears as he pulled her away, keeping her from witnessing the inevitable.
He witnessed it, the slice. He heard it. It was quick, yes. Jaehaerys did not have the chance to even scream before it was done. And Aemond still cannot decide if that is good or bad. He finds his heart broken regardless, merely pieces and tendrils hanging in his rib cage. The blood was now dry, but he could feel the spray on his face like it was still happening; warm, and from a boy with so much spirit. He felt it over and over as he thought of him. A soul so delicate for a Targaryen boy, he never thought it was possible. He was still holding his dragon toy when Aemond walked in, painted black and gold. Aegon had it made for him. Jaehaerys expressed his desire to have a dragon that resembled his toy, even though he had already formed a bond with Shrykos. Goldfyre, he called it, following his parents’ bonded dragons. And, of course, there was blood on that too.
Then, Aemond ran for his balcony, gripping the ledge like a dragon’s claws embedded into the top of a castle. But instead of flaunting such fearsome grace, his knees shook as he vomited into the bushes meters below. The boy’s head rolled around on the floor, like a ball made of stone. And Aemond is quick on his feet. He is known for being quick on his feet, for his reputation with the blade, and he has the scar to prove his determination. But when one of those vile men grabbed Jaehaerys—his head—upon their escape, all Aemond could think was that he was about to rip his son’s hair right out of his scalp.
He had such gorgeous hair. Icy white, as though the moon touched it. And curls from the Hightowers proved to prevail for another generation. He had lilac eyes. A true Targaryen. Well, they were more of a violet shade. They were Helaena’s eyes. He almost cried when he discovered that, just three days after he was born. The maesters were concerned with his eleven fingers and twelve toes, but Helaena had to hold Aemond back when he insisted he was perfect the way he was. That was all he saw, his perfect boy.
He lost his perfect boy because he let his confidence morph into arrogance. He was too stupid to see it before it was too late, before Vhagar writhed against his will, against his attempts at High Valyrian commands. Arrax’s ultimate sign of life screeched out from him before his remains, wings, tail, and all returned to the storm clouds. But Lucerys, that bastard, was nowhere to be found amongst the falling carnage. He did not look at Vhagar the entire ride home. Blood trailed from her mouth, and that was all he could bear to see.
Helaena screeched too when she opened her eyes. Somehow she was louder than the young dragon, and she squirmed from Aemond’s hold like she was trapped in Vhagar’s jaws herself. Blood pooled on the floor, staining his sister's dress as she held him, her headless son. It seeped between her fingers. She screamed so hard, so loud, Aemond was convinced her lungs were on the verge of explosion, ripping themselves apart with her soul. Their mother burst in, then their grandsire and guards, but not Aegon. Aemond would not even expect him to drop everything for his Maelor, let alone for the ones that are not even his.
In the midst of it all, Jaehaera hid under the bed. When he told her it was safe, all she said was, “Are you bleeding, Uncle Aemond?” Her lilac eyes, pale ones like his, still flickered in the dark.
“No, my sweet, I’m fine. The evil men are gone.”
“Mummy’s crying.”
“I know. Don’t come out yet, alright? Let grandmother and grandpapa handle some things first. I need you to be calm.” And he waited there, his back to the bed like a dog on guard, like a father protecting his daughter. His only child now. His hand crept under the bed until he felt hers. He remembered when she was just a baby, how her hand could only wrap around a single finger. That baby was still warm, maybe (hopefully) still a little innocent, but she was here. Her hand in his proved she was still here. It was when Alicent fell to her knees by Aemond, checking him for wounds, that he was forced to let her go.
Discovering Aemond on the balcony, Alicent took a kneeling position once more. She did not drop like she did just minutes (or maybe hours) ago. She still had a handkerchief in her hand, clean and ready. Aemond leaned in and let her wipe, using her spit like every mother does for help. She rubbed harshly. Aemond did not care. He barely felt it. When she was done, her arms slacked like she carried Jaehaerys’ body out to the maesters herself.
“She will never forgive me for this, mother,” Aemond says. “When she finds out this is my doing, she will never forgive me.”
Alicent swallowed, her lips disappearing for a moment. “We have guards on patrol, one every three meters. One should be coming to your room in a—”
“I do not need a guard.”
“This is not the time for arguments, Aemond.”
His grief started hardening. Every bone in his body that he would have broken in exchange for Jaehaerys’ life was ready to annihilate anyone who dared to step or fly onto the Red Keep’s grounds. It was a similar feeling to when his father commanded him to look up at his king, his eye freshly sliced and sewn.
“Put me on patrol.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Mother, I have to—”
“You’ve made enough stupid mistakes in one week, haven’t you?” The moment she said it aloud, Aemond knew she regretted it. He saw it in her eyes, a moment of clarity washing over them, turning glassy like when she watched a maester sew him up almost ten years ago. Where the anger grew in him, it dissolved in her. She held his hand then as if she closed around it a little tighter, she would take away her son’s pain.
She held his hand again here, a thumb rubbing back and forth over his knuckles. “We cannot risk losing two family members in one night. You need to grieve for your son.”
The air escaping Aemond’s lungs was involuntary, like the squeeze of a dying breath. His head knocked against the barrier as he looked up at the moon. His mother wiped under his eye. He had not even felt the tears. His face was heated. The anger, the shame, the endless guilt, all boiled inside him like the dragon’s blood he was not sure he wanted anymore. He crumbles into his mother’s open arms. And she held him tight all the same.
“My son.” He finally sobbed. “They killed my son!”
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sourle · 1 year
HII HELLO HII HIl can i request the traffic light trio (seperate) with a bird demon s/o? As in like. Reader is a humanoid bird person kind of and mildly based off of magpie/ravens, including their behaviour
Meaning that the reader would bring the traffic light trio trinkets they find as a sign of respect and affection, or them being curious and mimicking what the others do in an attempt to bond with them better, etc etc you get the idea.
Im iust rily obsessed w birds rn ahagahdyn you can freestyle this as much as u want!! go wild w bird things i like birds a lot . crows ravens and magpies my beloved flying creechurs
thank u in advance !! :]
A great opportunity to call you Bird Anon. I did one where the reader has wings but not a real bird. Anyway, this is a cute idea! But before i got into rambling let's get to the HCS!
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A bird demon! Oh you both would be having a lot of fun! I see him as one who love to be in the sky as we can see most of the time he transforms into a bird or eagle, couldn't really know what the bird he changed to.
Both of you would fly on the sky while he's in his bird form. Chasing each other in a playful manner. Usually he's the one who always got tired first. Not only he's still not used to being in some form for a long time but because he's not a forever bird like you.
Those small gifts you have him? Yeah he kept it, in a special box he has only for the things you gave him.
He adored how whenever he did something he sometimes mimicked him and followed what he did.
He is sometimes not fond of your curiosity, let's just say it got the best of you and now you're hurt.
Bird demon! She dealt with demons before but knowing about a friendly one is awesome!
She loves how you sometimes copy her movement.
Watching you fly around being happy is making her happy, and adoring you from afar is something she does.. sometimes.
She definitely dresses up as a Raven/magpie once in a Halloween.
You and her would race sometimes! It would be a practice for you to test your speed, and it's helping.
Bonus point if you're able to carry her and fly up the sky with her, she definitely will streams that.
Red son
A demon s/o is definitely what he's searching for, I mean c'mon he has preference and I know for sure a demon is on the list. Why? Idk red son, powerful sh-*rambles and rambles*
You know he has anger issues right? Yeah, whenever he's mad about something or just straight up pissed off. He'll tend to avoid you, to avoid burning your feathers of course. It's too pretty to be Burnt.
He definitely asked you for a single feather to use it as a quill.
He can teleport yes, but sometimes asks you to help him get to a designated location that's far from his teleportation range.
It would be funny if you prank him, like dropping him by "Accident" or just spun around in the sky while you hugged him.
Also he found your curious and mimicking behavior funny. One time his father was reading a book you just sat next to him and read a book of your own that you have no idea what it meant.
This man studied Raven/magpie just to understand you.
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ducklooney · 4 months
comics normally have a status quo that stick, but if you could change the status quo of the stories (for ex: having Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck growing up) how would you progress/and end the charachters's stories? like donald, daisy, gladstone, fethry, scrooge, brigitta, etc).
One of my ideas would be della duck returning from space, and scrooge and brigitta would eventually marry, what would be yours?
Hi, sorry to reply late again, but you have asked a good question and your idea is good. I thought something similar. Yes, comics have the status quo for their own reasons, because the changes would probably upset the readers a little, which is understandable to me. But the comics, that is, certain authors have given some of those suggestions as to what the future of the Duck family could be. One comic called "Stories Untold" (INDUCKS is D 2023-034) by author Maya Åstrup and artist Cèsar Ferioli Pelaez tells how Scrooge wanted to go into the future to see what Duckburg would look like in 50 years. He left using Gyro's watch and Gyro's time machine and he couldn't see with his own eyes that Duckburg had changed a lot, that many devices were being used that were made up like holograms and that was thanks to a man who worked with Scrooge (I forgot his name). Scrooge was even more startled when he saw that none of his family had aged but himself, HDL remained the same, as did Miss Quackfaster. Yes, Gyro and Magica worked together in that future as well. I think it's a very interesting comic.
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Well, how would I imagine the future of Duckburg? To be honest, I don't know myself, but I think this is how the future in the Duck family would go:
Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck as teenagers would certainly be, but more like the Quack Pack version, since I wouldn't imagine other versions of them older than that. They would graduate from elementary school with honors and go to high school together. The same would be true of Daisy's nieces. You can see my drawings of them as teenagers on this side blog: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/
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Yes, they would have different interests, but they would all act together, they would also help their Uncle Donald.
The marriage of Donald to Daisy Duck. Unfortunately, Disney prevented it from being shown at all, but I would certainly imagine that after a long time, Donald and Daisy would finally marry each other and have children (I think two, one boy, one girl). Yes, the final consent of Donald's and Daisy's parents would condition that and it can be said that there would also be a reconciliation of Donald's and Daisy's parents who were in conflict until now. Yes, Donald and Daisy would finally adopt their nephews and nieces as their own children, because they are their children.
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3. Scrooge's future - In one version, it would be that Scrooge would finally marry Brigitta after a long time, and in the other, Scrooge would be together with Brigitta, where they would go to Scotland in their parents' castle. He would give the inheritance between Donald, Donald's nephews, and Dickie Duck, Goldie's granddaughter. Giving Dickie a share of the inheritance would mean that he would finally reconcile with Goldie, an old love from the Klondike long ago and right an old wrong, and Dickie would also be a successful businessman and be able to run together with Loretta, Brigitta's niece. After all, there would be reconciliation between Scrooge and Magica and the old rivalry after more time. In my second variant, they would be pulled together in one place, and in the first one, there would definitely be an appeasement with the help of Brigitte, the future wife of Scrooge, since she is also a friend of Magica de Spell.
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4. Fethry and Gladstone - Fethry would find his love with Gloria Pascoalina and Dugan would be his adopted son. Gladstone would marry two women if possible, Linda Paper and Feather Mallard, his beloved companions. Shamrock would be his adopted son, otherwise he is Gladstone's nephew.
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5. Della Duck - In my opinion, she would still travel in space, but she would return home occasionally. It's just that Della herself chose to live in space, her unlimited journey. She would not forget her brother and her sons, but she would accept a different fate, and she could find comfort if her sons were with her brother, who would be a real parent for them. Of course, every time she returned home she would be welcomed home joyfully.
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6. Gus Goose, Abner Duck, and Grandma Duck - Gus would live in Duckburg more, but would continue to help Grandma Duck, but Abner Duck would take on more of the chores of taking care of Grandma Duck. Grandma Duck would continue to cook and take care of the farm, but her grandchildren would help her, since she was very old. Certainly still alive, but not as strong as before. Aber would certainly also be a trucker who would transport goods from time to time.
7. Other characters - Ludwig would live with Matilda alone, Gyro would be a successful inventor in Duckburg and find his love, and he would adopt his nephew Newton as his son. Glomgold's nephew Slackjack Snorehead would help Glomgold in times of need, and Rockerduck would prepare his nephews for future business management, although he would make complications for Scrooge's heirs, since he too has the right to do so (Aunt Eider).
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That would be my vision of the future for Duckburg and the Duck family, maybe I'll make a separate post about it someday, if I have enough time, what the future could be for Donald Duck, his friends and his family, as well as Duckburg himself. I already do that in my Quack Pack AU, by writing my fanfictions. It would certainly be a combination of Donald Duck comics, OG Ducktales and Quack Pack, my way.
So thank you for the idea and maybe you like my suggestions that I gave, they will definitely remain the best as they are shown in Donald Duck comics then, now and in the future. And maybe in the future we will see Donald's successors who will look a lot like Donald, Scrooge and Donald's nephews. This is certainly my opinion and I'm glad you asked. And sorry if there are things you don't agree with. But if you have anything else to ask, feel free to ask.
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moodymisty · 1 year
Hello🌻I hope you are doing well✨ Do you write in Warhammer? I saw this in the list of fandoms, but if not, I apologize a thousand😅 So, Sanguinius/reader-eternal. A moment of rest. Suppose there was some kind of difficult battle, and returning to his chambers after a victorious battle, Sanguinius feels tired and empty, he is dirty from blood and dirt, his hair is tangled, his wings have also lost their whiteness. And so he enters his chambers and smells a pleasant, but unfamiliar smell. The reader, anticipating in what state he would return, prepared a bath and took out her personal bathroom things (gels, shampoos, salts, candles, perfumes - with such smells that no one in the Imperium had seen since the Dark Era) and even more valuable to her (let it be a gift from parents or something) some kind of music player. Well, the reader comforts Angel, turns on music from his youth (maybe Beethoven, Wagner, Tchaikovsky or whatever you like best)), bathes him, takes care of his hair, nails and all that. How you can make his wings comfortable, I can’t imagine🤔 but in general, the reader was able to wash them somehow) Tells stories of plants, fruits, and animals that no primarch could ever see. About your favorite music, some kind of warm memory. Well, something like that😅 sorry if this is too long. In general, you can change the conditions to suit your comfort❤
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Author's Note: So I was actually thinking of something somewhat similar to write in my own time because I'm a lonely primarch/astartes fucker for Guilliman (or pre-heresy Lorgar but that's just my 'I can fix him' mental illness talking) So when you sent this in I just about ascended. Emperor save my heretical ass for making this way too fluffy for Warhammer.
Relationships: Sanguinius/Fem!Reader
Warnings: It's 40k lol so references to war and all sorts of violence but other than that, just fluff. Also the slightest hint at the BA astartes being a bit platonic yandere for their Primarch's beloved because it's my headcanon. Enjoy petting the pigeon primarch y'all
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For someone as primped and perfect as Sanguinius- A beautiful angel with not a hair out of place or word said without the most careful of consideration, his personal quarters are an absolute mess.
Feathers of all sizes lay scattered across the floor and the giant bed that adorns the massive room, its blankets strewn about and slept in multiple times without being made up in-between. In all of it’s disheveled look, it looks comfortable to say the least.
It's not as if you actually mind the mess, it's not bad enough to even really call it one, but it's simply amusing to think of someone as borderline ethereal as Sanguinius sleeping in a messy, wrinkled bed adorned with his own down.
The Blood Angel guards posted in the hall had allowed you to pass into his quarters without fuss, one of many privileges that you're still getting used to. They nodded towards you and spoke with that Astartes specific rigid but technically polite prose; Seeped in a level of respect you don't feel entirely deserving of.
Sanguinius' angelic sons are, intense. Any other word you think of is too negative in it's definition, or doesn't accurately describe this feeling of heavy downward pressure on your body you get whenever you are close to them. They have a protective quality that has only seemed to intensify the closer you've gotten to their genefather, as you can feel eyes on your back until the door closes behind you and the guards only then return to their vigilant watch of the palace halls.
Sometimes, you swear they're following you.
A pondering for another time perhaps, as you look around the messy quarters holding your things in your hands.
Sanguinius is due to return to Terra at any moment now, and after so long with only vox messages and handwritten letters, you've decided to attempt to surprise him. You probably won't be able to do so, but you can at least prepare him something that will hopefully brighten up his spirits. You can tell from his slip ups in tone that some things have been grating on him like waves on a cliffside.
You'll do anything to make sure that the Angel, your Angel, never looses that glow that seems to follow him; And perhaps steal some of those rare snippets of time to have him just to yourself. Even if only for a moment.
In the separate room that serves as his private bath you begin to run hot water, billows of steam quickly rising to the ceiling and covering the metal adornments around the room with dew. It pours out the open door, as you sit your bag on the edge and pull out various different things. Some sourced from other planets, one from your father who all but fainted upon your asking of it for a Primarch, all being hard to obtain; Little bundles of rare luxury. You fully intend to make use of them all. They smell like flowers and sea salt, far better than the scent of the iron and filth-covered armor aboard the Red Tear.
Though your ears prick to the sound of heavy footsteps before you can fully finish setting up, and you lean up and away from the massive bath and leave the room only just as Sanguinius himself enters. In saying any moment, you seem to have been perfectly accurate.
The first thing you notice of him, besides your joy of seeing him, is he has primary feathers that are bent and sticking out away from the natural pattern of his wings, a few even cracked and torn. He's already gone though the necessary process to remove his armor, and now he's clad in the usual and more comfortable garb he would wear when originally on Baal.
While Sanguinius himself is unharmed, not a single wound and the blood dried on himself not his own, he still is disheveled and messy; Hair tangled from being blown in the wind and getting caught in the raised collar of his armor. You can see mud staining the tips of his wings where it splattered upward, unable to fully protect them from whatever muck he came in contact with.
"I know,"
He sees the look on your face, and his gentle stoicism parts ever so slightly as his lips part. His eyes show the glint of irritation through his long lashes as he looks slightly downward and to the side with a furrowed brow.
"I look a mess. there is no need to point it out. Believe me when I tell you someone else has already done so." He normally wouldn't be fond of something laughing at his current condition, but he supposes he can find the entertainment in it. It's an easier thing to swallow when it's his little beloved doing so. The sound of your quiet, breathily laugh is soothing more than aggravating, and he enjoys the look of sweet mirth plastered on your face. While it may be somewhat at his expense, he doesn't mind all too much considering.
"Well, then you might like the surprise I made up for you even more." His lips crook upward in the most gentle of smirks; Though he was more than likely instantly cued into your gift by the feeling of steam wafting from the other room into this one.
"If not just to get all the dirt from your wings."
At the mere mention of it you watch his wings stretch, shaking slightly as he attempts to right feathers stuck out of alignment. He reaches for the front of his robes as he walks towards the bath.
"I hope you didn't prepare all of this only for me to enjoy it alone. I'd find myself dreadfully bored without any company." You shake your head, following the angel into the bath while he quickly begins to slip into the hot water. You move in not long after, the water almost too hot on your skin, but the feeling of the steam on your face is pleasant.
He attempts to stretch his wings; Though not many rooms can handle his wings fully unfurled. The main room of his quarters when his bed resides can, but in here he finds the tips of his primary flight feathers brushing against the wall. When you attempt to move closer, he furls his wings back up to avoid you bumping them. It lets you reach close enough to his hair, where you wet it with the hot water and watch his eyes gently close. You watch as his hair slowly becomes clean even after so long, golden sheen returning as the soot washes away.
"I have been so besieged by the smell of crude oils and sweat as of late, I swear I'd forgotten what flowers smelled like..."
He smiles when the sound of your quiet, breathy laugh hits his ears, though you still continue treating him. He might have normally apposed to such obnoxious pampering, but you seem to enjoy it, and he’ll partake in a moment of selfishness.
“Let me enjoy this moment without your mockery, will you?” Your fingers weave into his golden hair, just a bit wavy even with the water weighing it down.
"Terribly sorry, Lord Primarch." How he hates that stuffy title; His nose wrinkles. When you notice his doing so, you laugh again.
"It's the title my father used when I told him I needed some of these things." His eyes open to watch you for a moment.
"They're made of flowers from my home planet; When I said they were for The Angel Sanguinius, I swear he choked on his own spit then and there. Thought I had finally killed him."
He listens to you mumble about their origin for a short while, if for nothing more than to fill the silence. The water is no longer running, so other than the occasional splash of water the room is near silent.
You feel the brush of his feathers against your bare skin as they adjust, the water turning color as the grime slips from them and they return to their pristine white color. After all this time he finally feels clean, such a luxury he's been unable to indulge in for quite some time. Perhaps he’s odd in that regard, hating it far more than some of his fellow Primarchs.
He feels you ever so gently brush along a feather to align it with the others, fingers gentle like touching the thinnest glass. His eyes are still closed while you do so. Your gentleness of it isn’t lost on him, as he feels lips against the corner of his mouth.
A rare moment of peace; He'll indulge in it while he has the chance.
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ppeasants · 7 months
Hey so I ended up making a good amount of Headcanons for the Rito in Wind Waker, and I wanted to share them with y'all.
This came about while writing for my Wind fic focusing on the obscene amount of father figures he has (check it out here). This chapter was focused on Quill, and while I was developing their relationship, I ended up developing a decent amount of internal lore for the Rito, and I couldn't fit them all in the fic
So, I'm putting them so people can see it, and if people like em, they can hopefully use it for themselves, or expand on them, or just tell me what their own HCs are, or what they would change. I love the Rito, especially Wind Waker's, and I had so much fun doing this.
Just a quick disclaimer, I am not any sort of anthropologist, or linguist, or anything, so if I disrespect any real-world race or culture with this, I am really sorry. Please let me know if I misrepresent something so I can learn from it and change whatever is wrong.
HCs under the cut:
It's all but confirmed that the Rito were evolved from the Zora, who were forced to evolve due to the unlivable water of the Great Flood. This colours a lot my headcanons about the Rio's values, traditions, and relations.
It is hard for the Rito to call any one place their home, since they lost theirs in the flood.
Their flight is important to them threefold: It's the gift theyr were given by Valoo in order to survive the flood, it gives them the freedom to explore around when they feel the loss of their home, and it's the closest thing they have to the freedom of swimming.
It's why the sky, their flight, and Valoo is all so important ot them.
Their connection to Valoo is why they call Dragon Roost home, although to them, it's more like a common hub, or home base. Most Rito don't actually have a set home, instead they travel around between place to place. It's why the Rito as delivery workers works so well for them.
Along with losing their home, the Rito also lost a lot of their culture. This causes them to be very protective of what they have now, rarely letting others take part in their actual traditions.
It's why Link (Wind) being a part of their family is such a big deal; hes one of the only Hylians to actually be accepted as a Rito¹ (the idea of Link being a Rito will come up later)
As a part of their culture and their worship of the sky as their new freedom, they revere Zephos and Cyclos, even more than sailor of the Great Sea do. A lot of their rituals focus on the Wind Gods.
They have always worshiped Zephos, but Cyclos was lost to time. When they were reminded of his existence, they were horrified that they might have lost more of their culture, but were quick to reinstate Cyclos as a deity, and they do celebrate him now.
To the Rito as a Tribe, relations to each other are everything. Everyone who is a Rito is connected on some way to the other Rito.
You are defined by your connections to the other Rito. Unless you're the ruler of the Rito, then you are your connections.
You are your mother's daughter - you are the fathger of your son - you are best friend, the partner, the beloved, and they are yours.
As relationships are the biggest way to define who you are as a Rito, it is possible for people who were not born as Rito to be a part of the tribe. There are very few non-species Rito, as they are protective of their identity, but it is possible.
¹This is why Link (Wind) is a Rito. He is defined by his relationships to the Rito: specifically Quill, Medli, and Komali. He is Quill's beloved, and Quill is Link's guardian. He is Medli's mentor, and she is his sage. He is Komali's chosen, and Komali is his partner (komalink truthers rise up).
Feathers are important in defining those relationships. If you are close enough to be defined by a relationship, then you given a feather from the other to keep those relationships.
Most Rito would weave those feathers into their wings, although they would be placed in a way that they could get removed easily. Most Rito only wear their feathers during formal events or festivals, although some wear them at all times.
In Link's case, he has 3 feathers, one from Quill, Medli, and Komali. Link has two feather sets - one which is a loose set of feathers he can braid into his hair, and one in a solid set of 3 which he can place behind his ear.
I did not come up with a full language for the Rito. What I did develop was a base which to base the Rito language off of , and a way to buid off of it in the future as necessary.
One major thing is that the language isn't a full language, for every single word. Another thing they lost in the flood was their language, only bits and pieces of it remaining as they evolved.
What was left was a descriptive language; where words are used to describe larger concepts.
Speaking and Writing in Rito involves using Rito Language and Common/Hylian simultaneously, using words from both to describe full sentences.
The Rito Language itself is a Agglutinative Language. What that means, is that words are formed by merging syllaybles, where every syllable has a unique meaning, and the combinations of syllables make words which are defined by the syllables meanings.
Words tend not to have direct Common/Hylian translations; instead syllables have meanings, and their relationships to each other define concepts.
Concepts and words tend not to exist until invented; they are all based on the same syllables which all share meanings, or different combinations arte invented when needed, and understood when told.
As an example, I'll share the two invented words in my fic - Towaki and Towaveh - divided in syllables as: To, Wa, Ki, and Veh.
To: shortening of Rito
Wa: Love (non-superficial)
Ki: Mine (ownership)
Veh: Theirs (ownership)
Towaki: They are my beloved.
Towaveh: I am their beloved.
The two biggest celebrations in Rito Culture are Ballad's Day and Requiems's Day, named after the Wind's Requiem and the Ballad of Gales. The two celebrations are six months apart, and each happen once a year.
Ballad's Day celebrates Cyclos, and Requiem's Day celebrates Zephos. Both festivals consist of three phases.
The first phase is meant for Valoo's attendant and the current Rito ruler. The two ascend Dragon Roost Island and request a scale from Valoo, to give to the Wind Gods in offering.
The second phase has Valoo's attendant, and the upcoming ruler (if one is not born, the current ruler) partaking in a ritual involving a performance of either the Wind's Requiem or the Ballad of Gales to offer the scale to the celebrated deity to ask for favourable winds n front of all of the gathered Rito² (There is nuance as to who is currently involved during Wind Waker's time, which I will explain later)
The third phase is a celebration: Every Rito who can make it for the festivals gather for a large feast. More than the second phase, this is Zephos and Cyclos' favourite part, as it makes them happy to see their worshippers happy.
These two days are some of the only days where almost every Rito comes back to Dragon Roost. These days are the best times to catch up with the various other Rito, as it's the only times all of the Rito see each other.
This aspect of the festival is just as important as the offering to the deities, since their relations to each other are so important, and their need to travel makes it so they can;t see each other often.
²In the Wind Waker's time, the people who participate in the ritual are Komali, Medli, and Link. Komali and Medli are a given, as they're the upcoming ruler and current attendant, but Medli is also the Wind Sage. Her music is powerful magically, and even more so when conducted by Link.
Link's inclusion on the ritual is threefold. He is partially a mentor for Medli, and will help her with her part in the ritual. He is Komali's chosen (komalink truthers rise up), so he is also connected to the upcoming ruler. He is the Hero of Winds, and they are the Wind Gods. Although he wasn't destined to be one from Hylia, he was chosen by Zephos and accepted by Cyclos.
His relations to the Rito involved and the gods make him an important part of the ritual. For Cyclos, he also just wants Link specifically to be there, as he is the one who brought the deity back into the Rito's ritual. Zephos is okay if Link misses the ritual, Cyclos basically requires it.
That's all I have for now! Lemme know what y'all think, if it's good, if this makes sense, or what other HCs y'all have! I love the Rito and would just love to talk more about them!
(also check out my fic here hehe).
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the-badger-mole · 9 months
The Heart of a Dragon
Zutara Gift Exchange gift for maaango on Ao3. This was my attempt at a Brothers Grimm fairytale style of fic. Please let me know what you think!
Zuko was beloved by all who lived in the palace, both human and animal. It so happened that Ozai and Azula’s plans were overheard by one of the lowly creatures, a turtleduck once rescued from a night raptor by the prince. She hurried to find Zuko where she always did, in the garden by the pond where his mother was laid to rest. She approached him, hopping around with her feathers ruffled.
“My lord the prince,” she greeted him.
“My little friend,” Zuko greeted her. He held out a hand for her and brought her close to his face. “Why do you look so troubled?”
The turtleduck told Zuko all she had heard Ozai and Azula plotting against him and wept. Surely, she thought, the kind prince would be lost and Ozai and his daughter would tear out the garden and the pond where her family lived. Zuko was also saddened by the turtleduck’s news. His father didn’t intend him to come back, but if the Fire Lord ordered him, he would have no other choice but to go.
Sure enough, the next day Ozai sent for his son. Zuko was ordered to be in his finest. Servants came to bathe the young prince with scented oils and dress him in silks and brocade. His long, onyx black hair was oiled and pulled up into his most opulent crown. Had it been his wedding day, he couldn’t have looked more magnificent. He walked into the throne room to be greeted by his father’s entire court. They cheered his entrance and bowed low as he walked by, but Zuko could hear the trepid whispers. They already knew what his father intended, and they feared for him. All except Azula, who stood among the crowd with smile like knife blade.
Read the rest of the story here
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