thequeenofcupps · 14 days
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A/N: ok so I've literally have never had fanfics before so please bare with me, also I made the reader female implied but y’all can do any gender you want
CW: scars, insecurity
TW: SH scars mention
☆ Ok so you know that studio ghibli thing I said about them? yeah they’d probably keep you hostage so you guys would stay in and watch most of them. Oh you have to work or if you need to run errands? Sucks they haven’t seen you in a while and they’ve missed you :(
☆ After their expeditions they like to bring back rocks, crystals, or any cool thing they find and give them to you. Now you have 2 selves of things they’ve brought back :D
☆So I’ve seen people write/draw Sloan with tattoos and I’ve wanted to partake on this hc.
I feel like they’d like telling you stories behind their tattoos, like if they’re getting dressed and you ask about one they’d tell you about it but then they’d get carried away and start explaining ALL of their tattoos.
☆They.are.the.biggest.cuddlebug.everrrr. Like they’ll cuddle you anywhere and anytime. Cooking? Boom they're behind you hugging you, Folding laundry? Womp they’re laying on your thighs, laying down for a nap? Their ass is SPRINTING to cuddle with you, it doesn’t matter what their doing cuddles is a must have for them. They just love you so much :c
☆Also on my applying lipstick hc I made a couple days ago, yeah whenever you put on lipstick whether you work for Overwatch or you live with them or work with them for the Wayfinder Society you like to fluster them by just smooching them then leaving a very flustered Sloan with kiss marks on them.
☆They are VERY affectionate, like if they’re always texting you good night, kissing you on your lips, forehead, hand, etc. bear hugging you, slow dancing in the kitchen with them it really doesn’t matter if you don’t live with them yet or if you do live with them they’re so lovey dovey with you 💗
☆if they’re on a mission for overwatch or for the Wayfinder Society they’re sending you cute cat pictures saying cute shit like “you’re purrr-fect!” or a cat holding a heart and saying “I miss you and love u pookums :c” cuz you’re so far away for them but they still like to tell you that they love you
☆you’re so perfect to them It doesn’t matter if you have SH scars, stretch marks, thick thighs, plus-sized, hairy, acne, acne scars, if you chew nails, it doesn’t matter to them they love you so much and they reassure you that they will always love you no matter what you look like
(One more hc is when they first saw you careless whisper started playing in that slow motion montage and they had heart eyes)
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A/N: I hope I did ok with these reminder it is my first time making an x reader fanfic of some sort so feel free to critique me 😚
Also I probably made a fuck ton of mistakes cuz my 15 yr old ass didn’t pay attention in language class
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wisteriaiswriting · 2 months
Im so sorry!! I didn’t know you do gender neutral only! That makes sense. Well my request still stands just Venture asking out reader? Like Venture getting help from Tracer or Dva on how to ask out Reader? Again im so sorry! Gender Neutral reader please!
ℍ𝕖𝕝𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 ℍ𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕤
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Words: 476
Everyone could see what a mess Sloane was around you, they were hopeless. Ever since you two met for the first time there hasn’t been a full, finished conversation. And while they were a seemingly hopeless mess you were just oblivious. At this point the others felt bad for you both, so someone had to step in.
And who better to help than someone already in a relationship, as she surely knows what to do. Right?
Apparently not. It’s been nearly two hours and they’ve gotten nowhere. While Sloane did ask about how they got together, it’s nothing that’s helped them. And they both realize this at the two hour mark, so they call it a night. At least one does, Tracer decides to ask her girlfriend herself.
“You said they were into rocks and crystals, right?”
“Yeah, it’s all they talk about! That and Y/N…”
“Sounds like someone familiar, anyways!“
Switching the conversation over, Emily pulls out a small yellow box. Handing it over to Lena as she started speaking again. “I’ve had enough time to make this, as it seems you two can’t do anything.”
Opening the box to find it stuffed full, a perfect present for you from ‘Venture.’ Shredded paper held multiple crystals and differently shaped rocks. Alongside a small note tucked beside them, with handwriting that clearly belonged to Sloane.
“How’d you get this?”
“Turns out they enjoy writing about Y/N, so getting them to write this wasn’t hard.”
Sloane watched as you and D.Va spoke, they wanted to just walk over and talk to you. But they didn’t, only watching you two. Until D.Va called them over, “Hey, Sloane!” Breaking them out of their trance.
When they stepped over Hana pulled them into a seat, hearing you laugh at their actions. This also distracted both of them which allowed Tracer to blink by, dropping the box onto the table in front of you. The new object caught the attention of the other two.
“What’s that?” Hana reached for the bow tied on top and slowly moved it around, as if examining it. You pulled off the lid which allowed Hana to take it, also revealing the contents. It was beautiful but the note really caught your attention, the familiar handwriting told you who this was from, supposedly. Venture saw it and internally panicked. The only thing they recongize was the note, they definitely didn’t make the box.
As you read the note Sloane tried to slink away, but was stopped by Hana who grabbed their jacket. “Sloane~” You were in awe of their words, “Absolutely!”
“Wha- huh?”
“The date?”
“Oh, yeah!”
You laughed at their antics, packing the box away before stepping closer. Giving them a gift of your own, kissing their cheek before you walked away. Their face was red, stuttering before they shouted.
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ava451 · 10 days
Since Sloan's job appears to have them not really stay in one place for a very long time, how do you think they'd do in a long distance relationship?
That's a lovely question!! Because I've thought about this myself a lot!
This is probably the one thing at first holding Sloan back from asking you to be their partner. No matter how much they love you and want to be with you, their work is their passion and that will always be their priority. So how can they ask you to be theirs, when they gotta fuck off to Cairo for 3 months?
"When will you be back?" "I dunno! Depends on what we find." "Is it dangerous?" "I hope so!" "???"
It's pretty much like dating someone in the military. But not impossible.
First off, they WILL try to make you join them on expeditions. Whatever you went to school for, whatever job you learned, they will find some sort of occupation for you. You have a literature/history/art/philosophy degree? That's a given, c'mon. You will be so much help with all your knowledge!! You have a psych/math/scientific degree? Perfect!! They need that! You can help them evaluate the data! You have a degree in accounting or something? Ugh, thank god, they need someone to keep track of all their stuff. Please be their assistant. You don't have any degree or you're unsure what to do? Come be their pupil, they'll get your career jumpstarted asap! Anything is of value!
If your health does not permit it, or you're scared and it's just not up your alley, that's fine too. I hc that Sloan has a permanent little apartment in Canada (Montreal maybe? I forget where they live) and they encourage you to just move in there, it's all paid for and they'd love to know their place is in your care. Send them selfies of you snuggling with Rosetta on the couch, of you with their books, sleeping in your shared bed - all that. So if you don't want to join them on the missions or can't, that's what you'll do.
Let's stick with that. That entails not seeing your partner for MONTHS. And especially during the honeymoon phase (which probably lasts longer for Sloan than for you) you both cry a lot. Missing each other sorely and counting down the days as soon as you have a date when they return - though even these aren't fixed and up for alteration (drives you mad).
Sloan is digging in some old corners of the earth; do they have service? Bet they don't. Whenever they're close to civilization they call you, connection terrible, just yelling into the phone that they miss you, they're okay, how are you doing, they're thinking of you, they love you- //phone call breaks off.
You get a lot of postcards though. You have a little collection! They each contain scrawled "I LOVE YOU"s on them, and then anecdotes about what they're up to ("I FOUND A HUGE SCORPION LIKE ACTUALLY A MONSTER").
Then they're also part-time Overwatch agent so they're in danger constantly. You worry yourself sick, dreading bad news everyday to the point that you need to take meds to get sleep at night - if Sloan finds out about that, they're heartbroken that they have to do this to you, but - they can't settle down, they have so much to see. It's their life's dream! Over time you become more relaxed with the whole situation. Just getting used to it is hard.
When you two get to videochat, that's the highlight of your and their day. They absolutely ramble on and on to you for a good hour, all sweet talk and then stories of what they're doing, did yesterday, will do tomorrow, also how are you doing? What are you up to? Do you wanna see the coins they found the other day? DO YOU WANNA SEE THE SCORPION? ("YOU CAUGHT IT?" "YEAH UNDER A GLASS" "ISNT IT POISONOUS" "IT TOTALLY IS! CRAZY COOL HUH?")
When they come home at last - boy are you in for the special treatment tm. Sloan is well aware that not many partners would put up with their adventurous lifestyle - they're well aware they will be off to Cambodia or Alaska the next month - so when they're back home with you, they endeavour to make up for all the love and care you've missed out on.
That hazard pay is there to spoil you. So, what do you want to do? Whatever does your heart desire? Sloan will take you out shopping, will take you out for ice cream, dinner (even fancy dinner, if that is up your alley. They're gonna be awkward but they'll wear a suit.), the movies, even trips if you want that. Or if you just wanna spend the whole day in bed curled up against their chest, watching netflix - yeah that's good too. Perfect, actually (they're less tired from the mission and more touch-starved. Insanely touch-starved.)
They brought little gifts from their expedition for you! Nothing they bring you is from some tourist shop that rips them off - it's all incredibly unique things, like local candy and snacks, special rocks, a handcrafted trinket, an intricate amulet made by the locals - perhaps even actual artefacts they somehow managed to smuggle through border control. Your eyes are wide with wonder and amazement as Sloan drops gift after gift into your hands. All for you!
The tragedy when their next mission rolls around and you need to say goodbye to them at the airport. You cannot stop clinging to each other, sobbing into each other's hair, finally separating - only for Sloan to run back and pull you into their arms one last time. You don't know if this will be the last you ever see of them, and you definitely need to get drunk or stoned that night to cope with the heartbreak of saying goodbye to them for another several months.
(Cue the other Wayfinders standing in the distance, already checked in, everybody waiting for Sloan. Everybody crying because watching you guys say farewell to each other is like watching Romeo and Juliet and Titanic combined. Dragging a sniffling Sloan to the gate, everybody trying to comfort them, saying how they'll see you again so soon- they can't be comforted, and only regain their adventurous curiosity for the mission by the time they've landed at their destination.)
They get touch-starved af. The moment they're back home you're pulling each other's clothes off, hands all over, kissing all over, desperate to feel the other, god, it's been so long, and you need- need Sloan. They're MORE than happy to comply, they need you just as badly. You guys probably won't even make it to the bedroom. Okay, the hallway floor needs to be enough for now.
They're SO pent up that they cum within a few seconds. And immediately they beg for more, for another orgasm, and another one, they need you so bad. "Did you not do it to the nudes I sent you?" you ask, because the way they cum on your fingers for the fifth time within 20 minutes actually makes you feel sorry. "I did! I tried! But it wasn't- it wasn't your hand-" they whimper, thrusting back against your hand desperately. "Poor baby." you coo, as you move to eat them out (and make them pass out from the overstimulation too, probably).
Literally anything you desire, you shall have. They make sure to get you fucked out for weeks to come. A testament to their love for you - they hate when they cannot take care of your needs. The audios and videos of you fucking yourself and moaning their name rile them up, but it more frustrates them than anything else. They should be taking care of you. That's their duty! So brace yourself when Sloan comes home. You won't be walking comfortably for days.
If Sloan comes back home with bruises and other injuries, you make sure to kiss and love them. Asking what they did here and there, and does it still hurt? They're in absolute heaven if they can just lie splayed out on the bed and have you love them all over. Please, do that.
Give them a view as you ride their strap, whimpering how much you've missed them, and how the strap doesn't feel the same when you masturbate with it. You're so, so, so glad they're back - you've missed them - you needed them, all the orgasms you gave yourself left you unsatisfied - say that, and make them go feral with desire within seconds.
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shelbgrey · 2 months
can you do a mark sloan x reader sfw/nsfw hcs , and can she be richard webbers god daughter
please & thank you!<3 you write such amazing works
Mark Dating Richard's god Daughter headcanons
Paring: Mark Sloan x Webber!Reader
Summary: headcanons about Mark Sloan dating Richard Webber's God Daughter. -SMUT warning
MasterList ML2
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You are Richard and Aele's god Daughter. They adopted you after your parents died in a car crash.
Richard has always been a father to you, but you call him uncle Richard.
You wanted to be a doctor like Richard for as long as you could remember. You worked hard in medical school and soon enough you were in the same intern class as Miranda Bailey.
Bailey is your best friend and has threatened Mark’s life if he hurts you.
Derek thinks it’s funny that Mark started dating you after Webber tried to say it was nothing personal when he hired Mark.
Richard notices how Mark looks at you almost immediately and he absolutely hates it. He thinks Mark is just looking for a one night stand, but that’s not true.
“I want you to stay away from him. There’s a reason the nurses formed a anti-Mark club”
But what your uncle said went in one ear and out the other. Honestly Richard couldn’t blame you. He knew what it was like to be in love with someone you couldn’t have.
Speaking of Love, you didn’t find out about Richard and Ellis till your intern year when Ellis showed up at the hospital with Alzheimer. You and Meredith became close friends through this situation.
You couldn’t really stay mad at Richard since it was a long time ago, but it still hurts that he could do something like that to Adele.
“It's kinda funny in a dark way, the two most important men in your life are both man whores” Bailey said, she was your person and she could say stuff like that to you without getting mad.
You know Richard and Bailey are close, but whenever they have a petty argument you're taking Bailey’s side. Yes, she's smug about that.
Adele gets mad whenever either one of you tatel on Richard. You may get annoyed, but she’ll drive down to the hospital whenever you need something.
You think it's hilarious when Adele yells at Richard like he's a child. She’ll definitely do it to Mark too if she has too. “Out of all the petty, ridiculous, infantile.. Are you running a hospital here or a playground?”
“Adele..” Richard started. “Playground or Hospital, Richard?!” Adele yelled and Mark snickered as Richard mumbled, “Hospital”
“Apologize to our goddaughter right now” Adele scolded, Making Mark hide his laughter in your shoulder. “Sorry” Richard mumbled.
“Not to complain or anything Aunt Adele, but that’s not a real apology” you said with a smirk.
“That is not an apology! You give an apology you mean, because if i have to drag myself down here though rush hour traffic again, to police this damn Jungle Gym..”
“You made your point Adele” Richard sighed. Adele huffed and turned to you. “Love ya aunt Adele”
“Love you too, Dear”
Mark and you both gave Derek crap when Richard and Derek were living together. “Derek is dating your uncle Richard”
“I am no!”
Richard does his best to be nice to Mark, but he wants to protect you from him. Especially when he found out he slept with Addison.
He definitely used his ‘Chiefʼ voice when he threatened him about dating you. “If you hurt her. IF you cheat on her, even the morgue won't be able to identify you. Are we clear!?”
“Yes!.. Yes sir”
Adele loved him when she was still alive. “RIchard you be nice to him he’s part of the family now”
Mark comforted you when Adele started getting Alzheimer. Adele was the closest thing you had to a mother, so it hit you hard when she died.
Mark had gotten close to her as well. Mrs. Shepherd was like a mother to him. Yes, when he started dating you Adele was constantly in his life. She gave him relationship advice and was like the aunt he never got.
Then Catherine showed up. She really didn’t like you or Mark that much. She had a problem with Mark because she thought Jackson was wasting his time in plastics then she just thought Richard ‘babyed’ you too much.
“You mom is banging my Uncle” you said bluntly to Jackson.
“The Chief banged my mom too” Meredith said, thinking it’ll make Jackson feel better.
Richard walking you down the isle on your and Mark's wedding.
NSFW Headcanons:
These are from the original mark HCs I posted a couple of days ago... Sorry. If you want all of them go to the original HC post.
He’s an expert at foreplay. He’ll spend as much time as he can trying to get you hot and bothered or worked up.
He's definitely the dominant person in bed and your not complaining, he'll get rough and pound hard enough were the bed starts rocking.
Mark loves bitting your neck just to hear you moan. When you finally give in to him, he'll lay you down on the couch or bed and start pealing your clothes off to reveal your chest.
The sex maybe rough, but Mark isn't not big on insults. He refuses to degrade you and will only use sweet words.
He has big chocking kink, he won't be too rough about but he loves wrapping his fingers around your neck and feeling your pulse when he's ramming into you.
Loves eating you out,your legs around his head. He loves your legs in general and loves leaving kisses on the insides of your thighs. He'd rather pleasure you for hours than receive.
There's also a tone of jealous sex. If he sees Alex shamelessly flirting with you expected to be tied to bed as fucks your brains out. If he sees Jackson touch you in a way thats reserved only for him you’re pinned against the wall.
This man is amazing when it comes to aftercare. He knows exactly what you need. After your both cleaned up, he'll pull you to his chest to cuddle.
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healer-pop · 2 months
U know what I been thinking abt.....an aphrodisiac fic. I've got it all written out in my head, reader and Sloane are out camping. They are having a good day, set up camp and while gathering wood reader gets poofed in the face by a flower (sporess ooo). Sloane laughs their ass off, and reader is a little peeved getting spores all over themself.
Fast forward, dinner is being cooked and reader starts to feel weird. Hot, high, and really bothered!! They go into the tent to hide, and Sloane knocks on it saying dinners ready. Reader never comes out tho and Sloane goes in to see them sweating, hot and almost sick looking. Sloane tries to tend to them, a wet rag and asking what's wrong are they sick?? The second Sloane touches reader tho...they mewl. Almost a whine that creeps out of the back of their throat. Super sexy sounding. Sloane chooses to ignore it because they think reader is sick... it's just them being sick.. yes obviously.
Maybe Sloane helps them sit up to drink some water and the touch has reader grasping onto their leg HARD. Readers panting like a dog and got them bedroom eyes...
Was toying with the idea of Sloane and reader being best friends everrr with some huge unresolved romantic feelings. This is just the dam that breaks it all open. Obv all consent is given and gotten, and I think it was actually well talked out. Reader reassures Sloane they've wanted this for so long, but if they said no that they could forget it ever happened. I'm crazy insane I'm shaking the bars of my cage.
Googling, “can I sue the anon that wrote the hottest, absolutely most well thought out, mentally damaging fic in my inbox for emotional reparation?”
LIKE HOW DO U DROP THIS AND NOT EXPECT ME TO FROTH AT THE MOUTH???? Anon, I don’t know how you knew that sex pollen fics have always been my favorite but I do blame you for the fact that this kept me up last night!!!! mainly because this is so spot on and also why I don’t really get together fix with Venture, especially with my flowery writing, lengthy ass. That shit would be like 20K before you guys even touched. To me, Sloane is not the one to make a first move. And if you aren’t either, it’s just never gonna happen. Once you’ve actually gotten established, they’re super touchy and able to respect your boundaries, but before? They are wayyyyy too nervous, their biggest one being that they’re just overthinking your interactions with them and they don’t want to mess anything up. Unless you directly say, “I like you and want to date you,” it’s gonna go over their head.
And that would work perfectly for this fic, it would be such a desperate, hot sloppy mess for the both of you: With Sloane, trying to preserve your friendship and not mess this up despite their desire for you, how much this is actually you and how much of this is just the pollen and desperation. And you pleading with them, trying to get across that no, you have wanted this for so damn long and it sucks that it took some stupid horny flower to make you say it, but please, for the love of AURORA, Sloane, TOUCH ME. God I could imagine how red their face would be. They would keep checking in with you to make sure they’re doing it right for you, whether they’re sliding their fingers in your cunt or sucking on your tits!!! You’re almost tempted to go and grab that damn flower and shove it in their face so they can loosen up, but… the way they take care of you, trying every single position to quell your burning arousal…. so loving and tender… it’s honestly what you crave more. They have you on your knees, thrusting back onto their fingers as they encourage you, their beaded bracelets click with every motion, their hand on the small of your back, kneading your ass. On their sleeping bag, legs wrapped around their shoulders, eating you out like you’re as yummy as those s’mores they had earlier, telling you to wet their sleeping bag, they’ll just cuddle naked with you in yours while you put that one out to dry. And yes…. you CAN fall asleep with their strap in you, if it feels good. You can wake up at any time and fuck yourself on it. Sloane will be awake in an instant, helping you roll your hips back, digging into them because god, this has only been a dream. Feeling your flesh in their hands, being able to touch and hold and clench. Might keep a mental track of how many times you’ve cum. You know. For posterity.
And after you’ve been fucked through it? When you wake up with the worst bed head you’ve ever had, covered in sweat and bruises, naked and pressed against Sloane in your sleeping bag? Sloane will kiss your lips shut, guide you back down, and show you the most loving, intimate sex, you’ve ever had. You’ll feel like you have never connected with a partner more than you have right now. Whispers of love from Sloane, complementing how pretty you are, how perfect, how you were made for them, how good you are to them, how they want to see you every day of their life. Completely overwhelming, yet so needed, especially how you were held so helpless to your own lust. They make sure you know that they aren’t leaving. They’ll be here by your side through anything.
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Dating Mark Sloan headcanons...
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You assume at first that you're feelings are nothing more than a stupid crush. You don't think Mark Sloan - the Mark Sloan - would feel the same but to your surprise, he does.
He's a little out of his comfort zone because he's never really felt this way before. He thought that he loved Addison but now that you're here, the feelings he has for you and ten times stronger than he's ever felt.
He kind of brushes off your conversations about being exclusive, he's unsure.
He's admittedly a little scared at first. Derek talks him round.
"I don't know what I'm supposed to do."
"That's bullcrap. You know exactly what to do, Mark. You go over there and you ask (y/n) to be yours."
So that's what he does.
One night he appears at your apartment with roses in hand, rambling and ranting about how he can't stop thinking about you and it's more than a fling.
You kiss him and tug him to bed.
You see a different side to Mark than everyone else does. He's kinder, softer and you notice he stops looking at any other woman. He just looks at you.
God, he's handsome. You could easily just watch him all day if you could.
He flirts with you so much. Always making a suggestive comment or grabbing your ass; he's just so flirty.
"I love you, you know. More than anything."
If he's had a hard day, he either needs one of two things. A rough fuck anywhere that's free (a wall, an empty closet etc) or he needs to curl up beside you in an on-call room.
Mark finds it hard to open up but you make it easier for him. You make everything easier.
He's not ashamed of PDA. He quite likes making the other doctors stare as he kisses you in the corridors.
The sex.
He's so good, you knew that he would be but holy shit. You didn't think he'd be this good.
He gets to know your body way better than you ever knew it.
He loves the taste of you, loves the way you smell. You love how much he loves to please you.
He sets himself a challenge every time the two of you have sex; can he make you scream louder than the last time? Usually, yes.
Mark loves to leave love bites on your body; anywhere and everywhere. Bailey just rolls her eyes when she sees a new one on your neck.
Double dates with Mer and Derek.
Callie hangs out a lot with Mark and then with you, you like the dynamic of their friendship and you're not at all threatened. She helps bring the softer side out in Mark.
He's possessive; definitely has a breeding kink.
He can get quite jealous but tries to play it as though he's not jealous at all.
You love to watch him work, he's so skilled and so impressive and you enjoy whenever you get to watch him doing a surgery.
He likes cuddling at night, loves to have you lie on his chest and cuddle right into his side. He'll press soft kisses to your head and he'll tell you that he loves you.
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noodyl-blasstal · 8 months
Fake Dating - TAZNC Day 1
It's @taznovembercelebration time again!!! My first card pull was "Fake Dating" (delicious, also, we're already off the rails). Want to take part too? Find to post here. You can write, draw, share thoughts, anything. It's just a fun time to talk about taz!
Anyway, have some Taakitz! Read below or on Ao3:
“Krav, Kraverooni, Kravino, please? Taako’s asking you from the bottom of his tiny shrivelled up husk of a heart.” 
Kravitz rolls his eyes. “You hand reared a litter of kittens you found in a bin bag.”
“Easy money, the resell on those.” Taako says all faux nonchalant, flipping his hand as if Kravitz didn’t sit up all night with him so they could take shifts to sleep but both woke up for every single feed alarm anyway.
“You kept three of them and gave the others away for free.” Kravitz says flatly, "... In fact!" He's worked up now, he's remembering "... You did home inspections for every one to check they'd be safe and happy." There’s no chance he’s going to let Taako pretend he doesn’t care. He cares often and passionately in various directions. “Anyway, who was the one who organised the letter writing campaign to Angus’ school when they tried to stop his soccer team’s funding and put it into the football team?”
“Anyone would have done that.”
“Did anyone else?”
“They might have.”
“If you didn’t?”
“If I didn’t.” There’s a long pause. “It’s not because I care though. Taako just didn’t want to see his sad little face.”
“Because you don’t care.”
“Because he takes up more room when he’s sad. It gets everywhere, the child mope. I’d have to scrub it out of the floors.”
“And why would he be moping here?”
“Because… I… It’s court ordered.”
“Uh huh.” Kravitz has him on the ropes.
“And there’s evidence of that, then, is there? If I googled your name I’d see the sentencing?”
“I had Google wiped by data assassins.”
“I assume you have a copy of the paperwork I could review?”
“Cats ate it.”
“Which ones?”
“This one!” Taako indicated Tiny Taco, who’s gnawing at the string of Kravitz’s shoe. Taako’s got him here, it’s plausible, but…
“Cats plural, who were the accomplices?” 
“You don’t know them. Strange cats, a bad crowd that Taco’s been hanging out with. I’ve tried telling him, Taco, son, they’re not worthy of your time, they’re leading you down a bad path, can’t you just play nicely with Garyl and Beans? But no, he worries me sick instead.”
“Taco’s a house cat.”
“He’s been running up massive phone bills.”
“How did they get in the house to eat the documents with him?”
“He pushed it under the door and they lady and the tramped it.”
“You have a porch, the cats aren’t allowed in the porch.”
“The back door.”
“Uh huh. And this flagrant fabrication is easier than admitting you want nice things for Angus?”
“You’ll think I care.”
“You do care. I watch you care all the time! Today you cared at least three times before breakfast.”
“Nuh uh.” Taako’s squirming in place now, he can’t run though, it’s his house.
“Yuh huh. Who helped Grant with the papers to set up his juice stand?”
“Well it made sense, I set up Sizzle It Up so I knew what to do. It was a chance for Taako to show off.”
“You helped coach Sloane to ask Hurley out.”
“So she’d stop whinging about it to you. She was taking up my valuable Kravitz time.”
“You care about me then?”
“No.” Taako looks pained when he realises what he said and how quickly he said it. “Just the normal amount. The friends amount.”
Kravitz tries not to let it sting. Of course Taako just wants to be friends. It’s fine. Kravitz is a grown up, he can look after himself. He shouldn’t have let it get this far, shouldn’t have let his feelings get so deep. It’s fine, he can just change the subject, they don’t have to do this now, especially not with the current context. “You didn’t let Magnus pet the bear.” 
“I should have.” Taako says darkly. “Then I wouldn’t have had needed to listen to him complain all the way home.” 
“Also you didn’t want him to die?” Kravitz asks casually, trap closing.
“I’m not a monster.”
“Show off, I can’t believe you’d be so insensitive.” Kravitz flops backwards onto the chair, hand across his eyes.
Taako throws a cushion at him. “Come off it, you love it, wolf boy.”
Kravitz sits up, grins to show off his slightly-sharper-than-they-should-be teeth. “Sounds like I’m not the only one.”
“It’s such a good club, Krav. Lup and Magnus are always saying how fabulous it is there, and who’s more fabulous than Taako?” 
“Good point. I can’t think of many people.” He means it, is the problem, Kravitz can’t think of anyone more fabulous, more funny, more handsome… nope!
“Then you see why Taako’s solution is perfect?”
Ah fuck. They’re back to where they started.
“Why me?”
“Do you know any other single werewolves who’d be down to fake-date Taako into The Starblaster?”
Kravitz growls low and slow, surprises himself just as much as Taako. “Er. That… I… I have to go to the bathroom.” Kravitz flings himself off the sofa, dives towards the toilet, slams the lock home, and tries not to let the panic take hold. Maybe Taako didn’t even notice? How often was he even around werewolves? Did he even know what that was? Like, fine, yes, his sister was married to Barry, and Magnus was married to Julia, and Taako was part of their families and he’d seen the dating process up close, and… fuck. No no, it was fine. He was psyching himself out unnecessarily. Barry told him all the time that he worried too much, ocerthought everything, this was fine, good even, he’d just say that it was a cough if Taako asked.
Kravitz splashes his face with cool water. It doesn't help as much as he hoped, but it was worth a go. "It's fine." He says firmly to his own reflection. "He didn't even notice."
“So I couldn’t help but notice…” Taako says, the second Kravitz re-enters the room. It’s probably too late to go hide again. “... that you might be feeling a bit possessive when it comes to other weres dating yours truly.”
“It was a cough.” Says Kravitz, not even convincing himself.
“Uh huh.” Taako isn’t convinced either. “You know, the only condition of getting into The Starblaster is that you're a were or you’re dating one.”
“I’m aware.” Kravitz cannot believe Taako is still focused on the club while simultaneously tearing away the carefully constructed wall Kravitz has been using to hide his ridiculous unwanted feelings for months. Doesn't he care? He could at least be offended. The indifference hurts.
“Well it doesn’t have to be fake. I didn’t realise you’d be down.”
“Are you offering to sleep with me to get into the stupid club?” Kravitz is angry now, furious. He thought they were friends, he thought Taako wanted some kind of relationship with him - even if it was just friendship, he would have been happy with friendship. He doesn’t want this, it should be special, not just some flippant transactional thing.
“No! I’m offering to sleep with you because I like you, you idiot.”
“Wait, did you just proposition me, confess you have a crush on me, and call me an idiot in the same breath?” Kravitz didn’t know whether to be offended or elated, settles on something in the middle.
“Sounds about right. Wanna kiss about it?” 
Kravitz does, in fact, want to kiss about it, but first he needs to know what is going on. “You like me? Romantically like me?” 
Taako arches an eyebrow and looks peeved about the lack of kissing. “Obviously.”
“For the club?”
“A bit for the club.” Taako’s forehead wrinkles. “It’s really cool. I’m not going to lie to you. But that’s more a perk of the boning, not the reason for it.”
Kravitz sinks down onto the sofa. Taako likes him back, Taako likes him back and not just because he wants to go to the stupid club.
“If anything, the boning will be the biggest perk of the boning.” Taako says cheerfully, pats him on the shoulder.
“Why are you like this?” Kravitz asks through his hands, face buried.
“You love it.” Taako says, plonking himself down next to Kravitz and throwing an arm around him. “Can we skip to the kissing bit now, or do I need to tell you about how I was gonna fake date you so hard you’d forget we weren’t real dating?”
“Can we do both?”
“You want me to talk through the kisses?”
“Between them?”
“Fine, but it’s a talk sandwich, kissing bread.”
“Kissing bread.” Kravitz extracts his face from his hands, sits up, and nods solemnly.
“Here we go!” Taako says, leaning in. 
“No!” Kravitz scoots backwards. “That was terrible, awful. Our first kiss is not going to be prefaced by “here we go!””
“You do better then.” Taako’s arms are crossed and he’s doing the frowny thing and Kraivtz is going to kiss every grumpy furrow out of his brow.
“I’ve wanted to do this for months.” Says Kravitz simply, makes it inches from Taako’s lips before he pulls back.
“That’s not fair! You can’t just be all suave out of nowhere. What am I supposed to say to top that?”
“You don't need to top it, it’s not a competition.”
“It could be. If it was.”
“Well it isn’t.” Kravitz says firmly. He reaches for Taako, trying to draw him back in. They were so close to finally getting it together.
“Buckle up, sweetlips.”
Kravitz stands, horrified. “Taako! What… why would you?”
Taako’s too busy laughing to answer. “Your… your face!” He gasps out.
“Do you want to kiss or not?” Kravitz is trying not to be petulant, he’s trying so hard, he’s failing.
Taako dives forward and crashes their mouths together. Kravitz can’t entirely tell when his mouth opened, or when exactly Taako started to nip at his lip, but it’s good, it’s great, even. Kravitz’s hands pull Taako closer, closer, closer, cradle his face, weave into his hair, help pull him down when he moves to straddle Kravitz’s lap. It’s messy and passionate and perfect, he doesn’t want it to end.
“Wanna kiss or not?” Taako pulls back, then snorts with laughter.
“I would love to do more kisses, why don’t you come back down here?” Kravitz asks, running a hand over Taako’s chest in what he hopes is an alluring manner.
“No, you said… I… it’s perfect. “Wanna kiss or not?” and then we did. That’s how we got together.” He collapses onto Kravitz’s chest, giggling furiously.
“You tricked me!” 
Taako laughs harder.
“We’re going to have to tell people that when they ask.” Kravitz says, aghast. He really doesn't want to have to tell anyone this story.
Taako attempts to sit back, taking a moment to collect himself. “We’re going to <i>get&lt;/i> to tell people when they ask. What a gift!”
“A gift.” Kravitz repeats, quietly, carefully. 
“Hey Krav?”
“Yes Taako?” 
“I think you’re great.”
“I think you’re great too.”
“Wanna kiss about it?”
Kravitz cups Taako’s face, brings it gently, reverently towards him like Taako’s the most precious thing in the world. He might be in this moment. Kravitz kisses each cheek softly, then his nose, his forehead, and finally his lips. It’s gentle, tentative, full of care.
Taako pulls back. “You’re going to tell people this was what happened, aren’t you?”
“Yep!” Kravitz says happily, pressing their lips together again.
“Fine. But I’m telling the real story.” Taako says huffily before kissing a firm line from Kravitz’s collar bone to his jaw. “The people need to know.”
“Uh huh.”  Kravitz is finding it harder to focus on anything but the insistent kisses on his neck and the hands working themselves down his chest. “Gotta give the people the…” He tails off as Taako’s teeth graze his neck. “What… they… it’s science.”
“Uh huh.” Taako replies. “Great point.”
“No more words, just kissing.” Kravitz tugs Taako closer again.
“Are you going to tell people this bit too?” Taako asks. 
“Ssssh.” Kravitz kisses Taako again. “Nothing about other people, just about us.”
“Just us.” Taako nods. “And how much fun we’re going to have at The Starblaster.”
Kravitz sighs.
“Hey Krav?” Taako noses at his cheek.
“I’m glad we figured it out.”
“Me too, Taako. Me too.” 
Thank you for reading! You can find the next day here.
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somber-sapphic · 11 months
Hi!!! I rarely request but your writing is so good I could not resist the urge. I love the Carina x Maya x Reader fics you posted, theres not enough writing for the Station 19 universe. I was hoping you could write another one, or even just a Carina x Maya. I feel like because Maya has such a dangerous job, Carina definitely slips into doctor mode every time she gets hurt or sick. Could you write where Maya gets sick with strep throat or something but Carina is unable to get her to Grey Sloan or the E.R (maybe they went on a vacation or there is bad weather) so she decides to examine Maya herself. (P.S. I hope you’re having a good day and if not tomorrow will be better💕💕)
17, 17A,🌸
Sickness At Sea
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〖Notes: Alrighty my basement flooded and I think I've got carpal tunnel so lets write some sickfics! (PS, I love this request, I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to it, please feel free to send in another when my asks are open <;3〗
〖Summary: Maya and Carina finally get to go on a vacation. Of course that's the perfect time for Maya's immune system to give out.〗
〖Word Count: 〗
〖Pairing: Carina DeLuca x Sick Maya Bishop〗
Maya groaned and stared out the window at the crashing waves caused by the torrential downpour that was ravaging the east coast. She was inwardly cursing Carina for convincing her to come to Maine, especially when they lived so close to the beach in Seattle, but she had decided that they should leave Washington for a bit.
The two didn’t get time off together often so two weeks paid vacation at the same time was huge. So huge that her Italian girlfriend insisted that she and Maya had to see the East Coast. The blonde had argued that they could go somewhere a few hours’ drive rather than a seven-hour plane ride, but Carina had made it seem too good to refuse.
And it had been. The first week was wonderful. They’d spent time walking along the beach in the cool October weather and explored the nearby town, doing the regular touristy things. They’d found the restaurant with the best reviews and had the first proper date night in a long time, complete with fancy wine and even a violinist to serenade them.
Then the storm started. It was nice for the first day, it was relaxing. Then one day turned into two. And two into three. And how they were sitting in their beautiful house on the beach with the sea raging in front of them. There would be no walking on the sand, there would be no exploring the quiet town, there would be no anything.
The rain was coming down in sheets and Carina had been running around the house yelling in Italian about the damage and how they couldn’t stay there if the storm continued. Maya was starting to agree, it wasn’t entirely safe to be this close to the sand and she was beginning to worry that the beach would wash out.
“Car, it’ll be okay. I’ve seen beaches in Seattle handle worse than this.” The blonde croaked, wincing as the words grated against her throat. Carina, who was pacing around typing away furiously on her phone stopped and whipped around, her brow furrowing as she hyper-focused on a new target: Maya.
“What is wrong with your voice? Are you sick? Tell me your symptoms.” She had switched from panicking about the storm and settled right into her doctor persona. The firefighter rolled her eyes, trying not to wince at the action. She was finding herself wanting to let Carina do her job, but her pride was far more important than her wish for assistance.
The woman had been feeling more and more weary as the week went on, but she had chalked it up to all of the things they had been doing, refusing to admit that they hadn’t been doing anything particularly strenuous. Now, after two days of doing just about nothing, she was sort of out of excuses. She was tired, her throat was killing her, her body ached, and she couldn’t deny the presence of a fever bubbling under her skin.
“It’s nothing, I’m fine. Sit, take a breath. I made coffee, you need some.” Maya said softly, lowering her voice to try to ease the pain in her throat. It didn’t help. The level of her voice didn’t matter, it was the act of simply breathing that caused her discomfort.
Carina hmphed unhappily but went to grab herself a mug, pouring what her girlfriend considered to be way too much creamer into the dark liquid, followed by what could be considered enough sugar to feed an entire town.
“How can you drink it so sweet?” She joked, trying to put a little humor into her voice as thunder clapped loudly over the small town. The EMT jumped, frightened by the suddenness of the loud sound. A blush crept across her cheeks as she glanced over at Carina, who had a concerned expression on her face.
Her brow was furrowed, and her lips pursed, looking wholly unhappy with the situation. The rain pattered down on the roof, a nearly deafening sound. It probably would’ve been relaxing if not for the sick feeling that was growing in Maya and Carina’s nerves beginning to fray.
This was supposed to be a vacation and the OBGYN really didn’t want to beat around the bush right now. She wanted to treat the woman she loved so that they could have her feeling better as soon as possible.
She wasn’t interested in playing Maya’s “embrace the pain” game and couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for even thinking that way. It wasn’t the blonde’s fault that she was so hard on herself, but it certainly didn’t make Carina’s job of taking care of her any easier.
The moment she sat down she felt Maya curl up against her, moving so smoothly that she may not have noticed if not for the way she was shivering, her muscular body trembling like a leaf. The brunette squeezed her eyes shut and sighed, pressing her head into the woman’s hair.
“You are sick Maya. Just tell me what’s wrong.” She murmured, moving so that she could hold the woman a little bit closer. Maya nestled close, humming her unhappiness as she felt tears fill her fever-clouded eyes. She really didn’t want to be crying, it was barely 8 in the morning, it was too early to be crying. Especially over a silly little sore throat.
“Bambina, please. Don’t make me play urm…twenty questions.” Carina said gently, tilting Maya’s head up so that she could look into her beautiful green orbs. The blonde blinked quickly as she held back tears, her lower lip beginning to quiver. She hadn’t realized just how bad she felt until her girlfriend had brought it up, but now it was all that she could think about.
“It hurts.” She whimpered, her voice small and full of humiliation. She hated every part of this, admitting weakness was hard enough but it was even worse that this was happening while they were on vacation. Sure, that meant she had time to recover, but she was supposed to be spending quality time with the woman she loved, not sleeping while the brunette fed her medicine. That was no fun for anyone.
“What hurts Maya?” The doctor prodded, needing far more information than what she was being given. Maya just shrugged and pulled the throw around her shoulders as she continued to stare out the large glass windows, watching as the waves ravaged the sandy shore.
“Okay, how about we switch out that coffee for tea, yeah?” The idea of swallowing anything (even her own saliva) made the woman want to cry. At this point, she didn’t even care. She sniffled back tears and tried to hide her face, embarrassed to be crying over something so trivial. She came across people every day who were in far more dire positions handling their pain or fear with so much more grace.
“I-I can’t. My throat just hurts too much.” Maya rasped, hot tears spilling down her cheeks. Her shoulders began to heave as she cried, the action just serving to hurt her throat even more. That in turn made her cry harder, which just repeated itself in a vicious cycle.
“Hey, hey, hey. I’m here. Just tell me what’s wrong amore. Let me help.” Carina pleaded, feeling so utterly helpless. She hated when her girlfriend got sick, she hated not being able to do anything as a person she loved so much suffered in silence.
“I can’t, I don’t know! M-my throat hurts! It, it shouldn’t!” The blonde spat, her words barely comprehensible through her sobs. The Italian woman put her coffee on the small table and took Maya’s hands in hers, forcing the ill firefighter to meet her eyes.
“Maya, take a deep breath. I can help you, but you need to let me. I’m a doctor, I take care of people for a living. Let me help.” she asserted, raising her eyebrows as she tried to get through to her sweet, sick girlfriend. The blonde’s lower lip was still quivering, but she managed to quiet her sobs as she matched Carina’s slow breathing.
“Good. Now, can you let me give you an exam? I will be quick.” After a few moments, Maya nodded, her breath still hitching as she tried to calm down. Maybe she was overreacting, but she had such a hard time with the out-of-control feeling that came with being sick. She would rather be put in a blazing fire than be physically incapacitated and need to rely on others for help.
True to her word, Carina’s exam took barely five minutes. She had raced to the bedroom to get her medical bag and then began to look Maya over, starting with what she figured was wrong. She looked at the back of the blonde’s throat, sighing when she saw those familiar white splotches that she’d seen all too many times.
“And a temperature of 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Which is…too high. Stupid imperial system.” She said that last part under her breath as she mentally tried to convert the imperial temperature to the metric system that she had grown up with.
Her distaste over the different systems of measuring made Maya smile a little as she leaned back against the cushions of the couch, shivering a little.
“What’s the verdict, Doc?” She teased, getting a frown out of her girlfriend. She may have felt terrible but the cute look on Carina’s face was worth the forced humor.
“We won’t know for sure until we get a culture, but I believe you have Streptococcus. The weather is too bad to go to the Urgent Care, but we will go as soon as the rain stops, okay? For now, it's Tylenol, soup, and rest.” The brunette said, sounding fully like the doctor that she was. Maya smiled a bit from where she was laying, closing her eyes as she curled back against the comfortable sofa.
“Can rest happen first?” She mumbled; the tears having taken a lot out of her. Carina made a sound in the back of her throat as she thought it over, weighing the best option here. Technically she should have Maya take the medicine to get the fever down, but it was very hard to say ‘no’ to the woman in front of her.
“I suppose. Would you rather go back to bed?” The blonde shook her head as she lay down, taking up the ample space on the couch.
“You gotta join me. ‘s the rules.” She mumbled, her voice slurring with exhaustion. Carina chuckled quietly and climbed back onto the couch, slipping her thermometer and stethoscope back into what Maya annoyingly called her “doctor bag”. She wasn’t wrong to call it that, but it irked the brunette to no end for reasons she simply could not explain.
She pushed the bag aside and lay down against Maya, wrapping an arm around her waist. She settled in, pulling a bit of the blanket up over herself, resigning that she would probably get this illness. Strep was incredibly contagious and she refused to be away from the woman she loved.
Any time they could spend together was worth a week of antibiotics.
〖Join My Taglist!〗@lovelyy-moonlight, @bloomingflowersthings, @lots-of-pockets, @asiangmrchk13, @scrambled-brain-eggs, @juststuckhereforever, @chairhere, @goldenempyrean
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lawsend · 10 months
Murder at Vista Heights Chapter 4
Series: Law’s End
Episode 1: Murder at Vista Heights
Fandom: The Royal Romance (loosely, there’s not much canon in here).
Pairings: None yet
Word Count: 3,070
Rating: MA
Warnings for series: adult themes, any given chapter may contain murder, violence, language, drinking, drug use, etc.
My other stuff can be found on my main blog @angelasscribbles here is the Master List.
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The Italian Lighthouse restaurant wasn’t crowded yet and they were seated almost immediately.
“Thank you so much for meeting with us, Mrs. Haltom,” Riely greeted the older woman as they followed the hostess to their table.
“Oh, please, call me Stella!”
“Stella?” Riley slid a mirthful glance at Max, “Is that short for Estelle by chance?”
Stella lit up, “It is! How did you know?”
“Lucky guess.” She raised her eyebrows at Max.
Max shook his head, his cheeks pinkening a little as he pulled the older woman’s chair out, “I think Estelle is a lovely name.”
“It is a lovely name,” Riley chuckled as she sent a quick text. And an old woman’s name told ya!
Max was staring down at his phone as Stella introduced her granddaughter, Miranda, “We call her Mandy for short!”
“Ohhh,” Riley cooed, “Max and Mandy, I like it!”
“That’s-“ Max fumbled his phone onto the tabletop.
“Oh, no…we….we just met!” Mandy objected.
“Give him a chance, dear, he seems like a nice boy!” Stella patted her granddaughter’s hand as she leaned closer and stage whispered, “And he has a good job!”
Mandy’s eyes met Max’s with a long-suffering sigh, she mouthed, “Sorry!”
Max leaned back in his seat as he gave her a reassuring smile.
Once they had given their orders to the waiter, Riley started questioning Stella about what she had seen and heard, “Did you see anyone else with him today or yesterday?”
“Oh yes, dear!” Stella lowered her voice and in a disapproving tone told her, “That man always had a woman coming or going!”
“So, someone else was there today?”
“I can’t be sure about this morning, I left early to help organize the church rummage sale and then I had brunch with a few friends, but there was a young lady there last night.” Stella nodded as if she’d just delivered a great revelation.
“One you’ve seen before?”
“Oh, yes.”
“Do you know her name?”
“Not that I can recall. Mr. Hayes wasn’t very social with the neighbors,” Stella sounded deeply offended by this.
“Is this the woman?” Riley pushed her phone across the table to the other woman, open to a recent photo of Katie Sloan.
“No,” Stella shook her head, “That’s not her.”
“Oh! Well, can you describe this other woman?”
Stella launched into every detail she had ever noticed about the woman from her nail polish to her footwear as Riley furiously scribbled notes.
Meanwhile, across the table, Max and Mandy were conspiring in hushed tones on the best way to diffuse the situation with Stella.
“I’m sure you’re a perfectly nice man,” Mandy whispered, “but I’m already in a relationship.”
“You are?” Max yipped in surprise, his eyes flying to Stella before lowering his voice again, “Then why don’t you just tell her-“
“I’m in a relationship with another woman and I just haven’t figured out how to come out to her just yet. She can be a little….judgy….”
Max lifted his eyes again to take in Stella as she finished giving Riley the rundown of the woman’s attire and her opinion on it.
“I can see that,” he smirked, “So shall we just tell her we have a date next weekend then later you can tell her I was a total jerk or that I stood you up or something?”
“Oh, I like the way your mind works!” Mandy laughed.
Both conversations continued until the food arrived.
“…did you tell any of this to the police?” Riley asked as the waiter set a plate of manicotti in front of her.
“Oh dearie, no,” Stella gestured dismissively, “They only asked about the man shouting threats. No one ever asked me about the parade of young women that came and went.”
“Would you be willing to come down to the station and talk to the sketch artist again?”
“Oh, absolutely!” Stella agreed happily as she watched her granddaughter getting along with that delightful boy from the paper. Maybe if that didn’t work out, one of those friendly detectives was single.
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Back at the seventh precinct, Leo sauntered into the room like he hadn’t a care in the world, “Hey little, bro. What’s up?”
“Take a seat please,” Liam gestured to the chair across from him then beckoned his partner over, “Flynn and I have a few questions for you.”
The smile on his face never wavered, “Ohhh, sounds serious!”
“It is serious, Leo! Could you please treat it that way?” Liam leaned across the desk and hissed, “I’m trying to help you!”
“What do I need help with?” Leo asked as he dropped into the chair and kicked his feet up on the edge of Liam’s desk.
Flynn knocked Leo’s feet off the desk as he walked by, “Trenton Hayes was found dead in his apartment earlier today.”
Leo locked his hands behind his head and leaned back in his chair, “So?”
Flynn stood with his arms crossed glaring down at the blond man, “So witnesses overheard you telling him you were going to kill him just hours prior.”
“Oh, yeah,” Leo’s blue eyes twinkled with humor as he laughed, “I meant that shit too!”
“Leo!” Liam slammed a fist down on his desk, “You’re not helping yourself here!”
“So, you admit to threatening him?” Flynn pressed.
“I admit to threatening him,” Leo agreed.
“Jesus!” Liam exploded, “How can you be so cavalier about this?”
Leo’s eyes shifted from Flynn’s face to Liam’s, “Because I didn’t actually kill him. I only threatened to! Which you already know. Lying about it would make me look guilty, which I’m not! My DNA will be at the crime scene, but I’ve already admitted to being there, hours earlier! If I were going to kill him, why wouldn’t I have just done it then? If you have the murder weapon, my prints won’t be on it. If he was shot, which is the most common method of murder, the ballistics won’t come back to me.”
“Nice speech. Now back to the questioning,” Flynn checked his notes, “You told him to back off. What did you want him to back off of, exactly?”
“That’s between me and Trent….I mean, it was!”   
“Well, he’s dead now, Leo,” Liam flipped a crime scene photo across the desk, “So you can see how that makes you our prime suspect…”
Leo shrugged expansively, “Yeah, Li, I know how it works. I was a cop, remember?”
“A corrupt cop, Rys,” Flynn gritted, “doesn’t exactly help your case.”
The smile faltered for the first time as Leo sprang to his feet and jabbed a finger at his brother’s partner, “Fuck you, O’Malley! You have no fucking idea what it’s like to be undercover in vice for two fucking years! I did what I had to do to survive!”
Flynn shoved him, “Your actions lead to a good cop getting killed!”
Liam bolted around the desk getting between them before things could escalate any further.
Leo tried to surge around his brother as he yelled, “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about dickweed!”
Flynn scoffed, “I know the two big rules are don’t use the drugs and don’t sleep with the target and you did both!”
“She wasn’t the target!”
“No, she was the target’s wife! You think that’s better?”
“Heather had nothing to do with-“
Bertrand’s voice boomed across the room, “What the hell is going on in here?”
“Nothing!” Liam shoved Leo away from Flynn and lowered his voice, “Stop!”
Leo threw both hands up in the air as he took a step backward, “I’m cool, talk to your fucking partner, he started that shit!”
Bertrand barreled down on them, the mayor right behind him, her white-blonde hair swept into an elaborate updo, a jade green dress hugging her curves, and her Louboutin heels echoing like gunshots as she easily matched his stride.  
Leo’s face broke out in a wide-open grin when he saw her, “Hey there, Mads!”
Madeleine Amaranth colored from the top of her head to the tips of her toes at the all too familiar voice that both grated on her nerves and still, infuriatingly, sent shivers of desire down her spine.
She managed to control her face as she clipped frostily, “Leo.”
“That’s it? Leo?” He spread his arms wide, “No hug for your favorite ex-fiancée?”
“You’re not my favorite anything, Leo. Not anymore. You gave that right up when you went rogue.”
“Yeah, right, I remember. Your public image and political career over my little squabble with the CCPD concerning their false allegations and my wrongful termination.”
Madeleine shook her head, “I don’t have time for this. Bert, can we discuss the case in your office?”
“Certainly, right this way,” He glared back over his shoulder as they left, “I want an update in ten minutes!”
“Hey Flynn,” Liam gave him a pointed look, “Why don’t you go check with forensics and see if they’ve made any progress?”
Flynn’s gaze darted to Leo then back to Liam before nodding his head, “All right.”
Leo watched Flynn walk away, “Sorry, Li. I just don’t like that guy. He’s a dick.”
“He’s a good detective, Leo and he’s just doing his job. I had to beg to stay on this case. Everyone thinks you did it. I know you’re not a killer though so please help me prove it! I’m trying to help you, Leo! Give me something!”
Leo slumped in his chair with a resigned sigh, “What do you want to know?”
“What were you arguing with Trent about this morning? Were you fighting over Katie?”
“Not exactly…”
“Are you sleeping with her again?”
“What? No! Listen,” Leo ran his hand through his hair with a sigh, “She isn’t sleeping with me, and she wasn’t sleeping with Trent. He was blackmailing her…that’s what I was threatening him about! I wasn’t actually going to kill him; I just wanted him to back off!”
“What was he blackmailing her with and how did you find out about it? And why insert yourself in the middle of it in the first place?”
“I found out because she told me.”
“Katie told you she was being blackmailed?” 
“Yeah, she came to me for help, and I wanted to help her out. You know, for old time's sake.”
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head, “Why do you always let your dick get you in trouble, huh?”
“Hey!” Leo protested, “Katie and I are friends now!”
“Friends, right. What was he blackmailing her with?”
“Okay, so she was cheating on her husband…just not with me. Trent somehow found out about it and was using it to blackmail her. She paid him at first, but he kept demanding more and more. She was worried it was never going to stop.”
“So she came to you.”
“So she came to me.”
“She came to you because she knew you’d do anything for her,” Liam shook his head as he tried to control the inner turmoil seething inside him.
His half-brother came across as a self-entitled prick most of the time. It was a misconception that he actively fostered for some reason. The Rys money conveyed privilege and opened doors, but the Rys name, which had once commanded respect, had become synonymous with corruption, entitlement, and misconduct thanks to their father’s thirty-four-year stint as the most corrupt Sherriff in Lantano County history. For some reason, Leo tended to lean into that image.
Liam knew that his brother was actually soft-hearted, generous, and loyal to a fault. If he cared about someone, he would go to any lengths to protect them, and Katie Sloan had used that to her advantage.
“Listen, Li. I know you never liked Katie, but she’s not a killer! She didn’t do this anymore than I did!”
They were interrupted by Flynn’s return. He dropped a file in front of Liam as he perched on the edge of his desk, “Money transfers, big ones, into his account from one Katie Sloan.”
Liam picked up the manilla folder and flipped it open as he asked, “How many?”
“Four of them over the last few months.”
“That tracks with what Leo just told me about Trent blackmailing Katie.”
“Yeah?” Flynn raised an eyebrow, “Over?”
“She wasn’t cheating with him,” Liam said, “but she was cheating with someone, and Trent knew it.”
“Who was she cheating with?” Flynn asked.
“I don’t know,” Leo answered, “She never said, and I never asked.”
Liam’s eyes narrowed. He was lying. Turning his attention back to his partner he asked, “Did you find out who Maxwell Beaumont is doing work for other than The Ledger?”
“Looks like he has cashed a couple of checks from Walker and Sons Investigations,” Flynn answered.
Turning back to Leo, Liam said, “We can pull Drake or Jackson in for questioning, or you could just tell us who she’s sleeping with.”
Leo shrugged, “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
A lab-coated man with warm terra-cotta skin, black hair, and deep oak eyes approached the trio, “I was told I needed to test a suspect for gunshot residue, and I have the ballistics report.” He handed a sheaf of papers to Flynn and turned toward Leo, “Wait…you’re the suspect?”
“Hey Rashad, what’s up?” Leo grinned as he extended his hands, “Yep. These idiots think I killed somebody.”
“The test will help exonerate you, Leo,” Liam said tersely.
“Right,” Leo’s eyes went to Flynn, “Because O’Malley is so interested in proving my innocence.”
“I’m interested in the truth,” Flynn told him as he passed the test results to Liam.
Leo scoffed, “You and I both know that if I did it, I’d have had ample time to wash my hands.”
“True,” Flynn agreed, “But I wouldn’t be much of a detective if I didn’t test my prime suspect for gunshot residue, now would I?”
Leo ignored him, focusing instead on the man carefully swabbing his hands, “How did you end up at the seventh precinct?”
“Transferred last year,” Rashad answered as he added the swab, and several drops of diphenylamine to a test tube.
“To be closer to your mom?” Leo guessed.
Rashad nodded as he held the test tube up to watch for any color change.
Leo’s attention moved back to Liam, “So what does the ballistic report say?”
“Nothing we didn’t already suspect. Nine millimeter matches the gun found at the scene. Registered to the vic.”
“The idiot was killed with his own gun?” Leo snorted.
“Yes,” Flynn replied, “And the gun was wiped clean so we couldn’t lift any prints. Something a former cop would know to do.”
Leo rolled his eyes, “Something any idiot who ever watched one episode of any crime show ever would know to do.”
“No gunshot residue,” Rashad announced, “Do you need me for anything else?”
“No, you can go. Thanks,” Flynn waved him off.
“Told you,” Leo smirked.
“Doesn’t prove you didn’t kill him, Rys.”
“Sure doesn’t prove I did!”
Bertrand’s voice cut through the argument, “Rys! O’Malley! I need that update now!”
“Coming, sir!” Flynn yelled across the room. Jerking his head toward Leo he asked, “What about him?”
“We have to cut him loose, Flynn, we have no real evidence and I’m vouching for him. He’s not going to leave town,” cutting his eyes to his brother he demanded, “Are you?”
“Nope,” Leo used his index finger to draw an x over his heart, “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“Fine,” Flynn grunted, “But see to it you don’t.”
Leo took to his feet and stretched, “Well boys, it’s been fun but-“
“Sorry to interrupt-“
All three men turned to find Riley striding toward the desk.
Liam was visibly startled, “Riley! What are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to let you know that Mrs. Haltom saw a woman with Trent last night and it wasn’t…” she trailed off as her eyes landed on Leo, “the suspect we discussed earlier.”
A smile crept across Leo’s face, “Wow, the homicide detectives are much better looking at the seventh precinct!”
“Not a homicide detective,” Riley extended her hand, “Riley Brooks, investigative journalist.”
“You’re a reporter?” Leo’s grin broadened as he took her hand.
Liam audibly groaned, “No, do not make friends with her!”
Leo’s eyes tracked back and forth between Liam and Riley in amusement, “My brother talks to reporters now?”
“I do not talk to reporters!”
“You’re the brother?”
“You’ve heard of me?” Leo sounded pleased.
“A little. And don’t let him lie,” she leaned in and lowered her voice, “He talks to me.”
“I’ll bet he does.”
Riley shifted her attention back to Liam, “Any updates about the case?”
“If there were, I couldn’t tell you and you know that.”
“I, on the other hand, am free to discuss whatever the fuck I want. One of the benefits of being a civilian.” Leo interjected.
Riley’s head snapped back to him with renewed interest, “You have details about the case?”
“Leo!” Liam warned.
Bertrand’s office door opened again, “Flynn! Liam! I said now not next week!”
“Shit!” Liam pointed at Leo then Riley, “I mean it. No discussing the case!”
Riley watched as Liam and Flynn retreated to Bertrand’s office before turning back to Leo, “So…you have information about the case?”
“I do. And I’ll give it to you if you tell me what’s going on with you and my brother.”
“What makes you think anything is going on between me and your brother?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him that flustered before.”
“All right. I was on my way to The Beat. It’s a bar where all the cops hang out.”
“I know what it is. Share a cab?”
“No need. My ride is outside circling the block. We couldn’t find a parking spot.”
Inside Bertrand’s office, Flynn answered the mayor’s questions as Liam glanced over his shoulder through the office window. His jaw clenched as he watched Leo drop an arm across Riley's shoulder as he ushered her out of the office.
He still had her number, didn’t he? He’d call her after the meeting was over. To find out what Leo had told her and to ask about the woman the witness had seen. Not because he was worried about his brother flirting with her. Not because Leo had a way of getting every woman he smiled at into bed.
He didn’t care about that at all. Right?
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swiftsdelucaa · 2 years
hiii! i told you i’d request and here i am!
if you haven’t already would you be able to write dating headcanons for george o’malley or izzie stevens??
thank you sm!
❛ 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑰𝒛𝒛𝒊𝒆 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Izzie Stevens x f!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: Hii! I hope you'll like this <3 There isn't enogh apprecciation for this girl, personally I love her! I'll do this for George too ;)
Anyway here's, and enjoy!
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Since you guys started your internship, you immediately noticed something different about her than the others. The way she carried herself, the way she smiled as she faced every problem, you knew you had to get to know this girl right away.
She was so friendly and kind that making friends with her was very easy and pleasant. Often during breaks you met in front of the vending machines or in the cafeteria, even if only to talk about the cases you had and tell each other every little thing that happened to you during the day.
The first time you kissed was when she had just come out of a very demanding surgery that unfortunately went wrong. She had lost her patient and she kept going crazy and worrying about herself and taking the fault. Then your lips were suddenly on hers. She just looked at you smiling and returning her kiss by placing her hands on your face and making it a little more intense.
When you finished working late you couldn't wait to come back home just to feel that good smell of sweets and see her there in the kitchen. Sometimes when she made all those muffins and put them on the table, you'd sneak a piece and enjoy all that goodness. God where did this girl learn? But if she saw you stealing her sweets she would be able to kill you too. The coolest thing was when she put in the effort and tried new recipes, you came from behind her putting your hands around her waist kissing her on the cheek, she spooned a little of what she had made and fed you. You would turn that there has never been a time when she cooked something disgusting.
In the evening you were always the only ones who stayed up late, when you have so many roommates it's difficult to be alone at home. And also having moments of intimacy...
One night Alex woke up and went into the living room as he couldn't sleep, and he caught you on the couch having sex. God, that was embarrassing enough, then in front of Alex! Well, let's say it was your fault too, and you've learned to use the rooms with closed doors ever since. So much better! Oh, of course Alex hasn't stopped throwing it at you and making silly jokes.
Sometimes it happened that you had to work together, and all the times you couldn't take your eyes off her. You loved looking at her, if you were stressed it helped you. You liked everything about her, her looks, her character, even though she could be tremendously stubborn at times, but most of all her way of interacting with patients. She kept her gaze on you too, and you especially love when you can make eye contact with her.
It almost amused you to see her get jealous every time you spoke to Mark Sloan. She was always throwing at you that he might be interested in you, but you just ignored her, he did that with all the women who worked in this hospital. She was literally could going crazy if she got fixated on something. But when it came to her she ignored it, maybe because she wanted to enjoy watching you go crazy, but you trusted her, and it's one of the things she loves most about you.
At lunch you always sat together with the others, you tried not to create too much tension, but most of the time you ended up flirting endlessly. "Please stop!" the others almost begged you.
Of course the most beautiful moment of the day for you was the morning. She loved it too, especially looking at you sleep waiting for you to wake up. It seems as if she sets an alarm just for this. And everytime you woke up the first thing you saw was her smile and her gaze on you. "Good morning" would always lay on top of you and give you little kisses while you stroked her hair. "I love you" she said it every morning so that you can always be sure. "I love you too"
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englishstrawbie · 1 year
And if you're up for it (I can't carry it all by myself - lol), "truth is that i'm so damn in love with you that i don't know what to do with myself." for Mika & Taryn, please - curious for your take on them!
Mika keeps her waiting in the front seat, makes her promise not to peek over her shoulder as she scrambles around in the back of her van. Taryn raises one eyebrow as she hears her girlfriend huffing and puffing at whatever she is up to. She tries to sneak a peek in the wing mirror, but her view is obscured and she forces herself to be patient.
They are parked up near the water and Taryn is grateful for the coastal breeze that blows through the open windows, making the summer heat less intense. It is almost eight o’clock and the temperature is yet to drop.
It has been two months since their first date at Simone and Trey’s ill-fated wedding and Taryn feels like her feet have barely touched the ground as she has got used to her return to work as a doctor and her new responsibilities as co-Chief Resident. She has been supporting two of her interns as they face an investigation following the death of Sam Sutton and helping Doctor Hunt as much as she can as he manages the hospital while Teddy recuperates at home.
Somehow, amidst all the chaos, her relationship with Mika has blossomed. Happy to have her back, and desperate for her to stay, the hospital management hadn’t blinked when Taryn had filled out the form to declare their relationship. As long as she stays professional, and they don’t bring any drama into the hospital, then there were no objections from the Board.
Unusually for Grey Sloan, there has been no drama – at least, not from them. There have been dinners at quiet restaurants and nights where they have danced away the stress of their day jobs; there have been picnics in the park and kisses in the back row of the cinema and long drives out of the city when they have a rare shared day off; and then there have been nights in the on-call room when Mika has opened her arms and let an exhausted Taryn rest her head on her chest to sleep.  
She has always been a disaster when it comes to relationships, but not this time. The pandemic, the burn out, the end of Grey Sloan’s residency programme and her year working at Joe’s have changed Taryn in so many ways, that meeting someone who makes her heart flutter and falling in love feels right.
Love. They haven’t said the words out loud yet and Taryn doesn’t even know if Mika feels that way about her. Sometimes she thinks she sees it in the way Mika looks at her, or the way Mika always brings her a sandwich from the canteen when she can’t get away for lunch, or the way Mika massages the tension out of her shoulders to stop them from hunching around her ears. But she doesn’t say the words out loud and Taryn is too scared to be the first person to say them, in case the sentiment is not reciprocated.
“Ok, ready!”
Lost in her thoughts, the voice makes Taryn jump and she curses under her breath as she spills soda from the can coke in her hand all over herself. Brushing the droplets of liquid from her skirt, she opens the door and steps out into the fading sunlight. Mika immediately takes her hand and guides her round to the back of the van.
“Ta-da!” Mika cheers proudly.
Taryn smiles widely at what she sees. The back doors are open, with fairy lights strung up to bring light as the sun begins to set. On the grass just behind them is a blanket and cushions, a hamper and a bottle of cheap champagne.
“This looks amazing,” Taryn gushes.
She looks over her shoulder to where Mika stands and leans over to kiss her.  
“Thank you,” she says sweetly.
“Well, you deserve it,” Mika says. “You’ve been working so hard, you deserve some pampering.”
“Oh.” Taryn wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, revelling in the laugh that escapes from Mika. “You deserve it too. You’re really kicking butt at work, you know? Everyone’s impressed by you.”
Mika’s face lights up. “They are?”
Taryn nods. “As they should be. You’re awesome.”
Mika’s face flushes pink. “I think you’re awesome too.”
Mika makes the first move this time, stepping forwards and pressing her lips against Taryn’s, kissing her hard.
“Come on, let’s eat.”
They settle on the blanket and Mika pops the champagne open, pouring it into two plastic flutes and handing one to Taryn.
“To you.”
“To us.”
They clink their glasses together and Taryn takes a sip, enjoying the warmth that spreads through her at the taste. She nods towards the hamper.
“So, what’s for dinner?”
Mika pulls out bread and meat and olives, and an array of cheeses, the final piece the French camembert she knows is Taryn’s favourite.
“Oh my god!” Taryn cries, knowing that Mika must have made a special trip to the deli across town to pick it up. “I really do love you.”
The words fall out of her mouth before she can stop them and they hang in the air between them. After a beat, she feels compelled to fill the silence.
“I didn’t… I mean, I do, but…”
“Taryn,” Mika says softly, trying to stop her freaking out.
Taryn sighs. “I do love you,” she confesses. “And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same right now. Or ever…”
“Are you kidding?” Mika says. “Truth is that I'm so damn in love with you that I don't know what to do with myself.”
Taryn stares at her, dumbfounded. No-one has ever said that to her before. “Really?”
Mika smiles. “Really. I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you and I thought maybe I would tonight.” She pouts playfully. “I guess you beat me to it.”
Taryn laughs.
“So…” she hesitates, unsure of herself. “What now?”
Mike lifts herself onto her knees and shuffles forwards, kissing her more tenderly this time, her tongue sweeping into Taryn’s mouth as she rests her hands on her shoulders, pushing her towards the ground.
“Mika – we’re in public!” Taryn squeals as her back curls onto the hard floor.
Mika lifts her head and looks around, shrugging nonchalantly. “There’s no-one else around.”
She lowers herself on top of Taryn, capturing her lips in another kiss before she can object any more.
Romantic moment prompts
Here you go @popchoc, I hope you like it! 😊
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londonharrington · 2 years
the last time | ben hargreeves x fem!reader
as ben tries to fix his relationship with Y/N, she makes a decision that will break both of their hearts.
notes: 4/9 of my 100 followers celebration! angsty, that’s pretty much it. very little comfort. part two of the way i loved you
this is the last time i let you in my door; this is the last time, i won't hurt you anymore
The sun shone through Y/N’s blinds as she woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw Ben’s arm around her waist.
Then she remembered what happened the night before. She slept with Ben after going on the date with Steve. She threw Ben’s arm to the side as she grabbed a shirt from the closet.
Once done, she quickly rushed to the living room and grabbed her phone from her purse. Looking through the texts she saw Steve’s on the very top.
I had a lot of fun last night! Can we do this again sometime? x
Even though she and Steve were not exclusive with one another, she still felt very guilty with what happened with her and Ben last night.
Steve was a perfectly nice guy, the kind that will always take care of Y/N and never break her heart. The kind that sees marriage and children with Y/N and not the type to make her wait for god knows how long.
Ben all ever did was break heart. Always putting his family, other women, heck the even the entire city before.
She knew the decision she had to make and it will not be pretty.
“Babe? You here?”
A voice pulled her from her thoughts and she saw Ben, who was already fully clothed and ready to leave, emerging from her room. She looked up and saw him making his way towards her.
“Ben, you need to leave.”
“You need to leave. I don’t want you in my life ever again.”
“Why? Is it because of Steve?” he asked angrily, fists closing on his sides.
“No, Ben! Stop blaming Steve for everything!”
“Then why don’t you want me in your life anymore?”
“All you do is break my heart Ben. All we do is fight. Please, just leave my alone.”
“No. I promise, that was the last time I’ll break your heart, Y/N, babe, please,” Ben replied, trying to grab Y/N’s hands but before he can do so, she turned away from him.
“No, Ben. There shouldn’t be a last time. You should have never broke my heart. Just go please,” she replied, tears starting to flow down her face as she tried to push him towards the door.
“Are you sure? This is what you want?”
“Yes, Ben. Goodbye.”
Ben left her apartment, crest-fallen as he made his way back toward the Sparrow Academy. He made his way towards his bedroom and completely shut everybody out.
Three years later
Y/N sat on the hotel’s vanity as she admired her reflection on on the mirror. The day she has waiting for has finally came.
Her wedding day.
She was fixing some strays on her hari as she heard a knock on her door.
“Y/N, it’s time,” Sloane said smiling at Y/N.
Y/N stood up as she made her way to the door, where her parents were waiting.
When they got the garden, slow piano music started playing as she and her parents made their way down the aisle.
Y/N looked around the crowd as she saw a familiar pair of eyes looking at her. Eyes that she hasn’t seen since three years ago. Ben looked more harsh as compared before but his eyes still soft when he looked at Y/N.
Y/N briefly smiled him and then looked at the man who was waiting for her at the altar.
Steve smiled with utmost adoration and love as he saw Y/N walking towards him.
As the time passed, Y/N learned to love Steve. Not the same type of love she felt with Ben, but it was enough to say yes to him when he popped the question.
The wedding went on as planned and before they knew, the offficiant finally said the words, “You may kiss the bride.”
Y/N and Steve smiled at each other as they shared their first kiss as a married couple.
When they finally separated, Y/N looked through the crowd that were all clapping and cheering, all celebrating the love Y/N and Steve shared with each other.
She looked at the place where she saw Ben earlier, and she saw that he was gone. Not that it surprised her. The only reason why Ben was there because his siblings were invited to the wedding (except for him), and Sloane made him as her plus one.
This wedding was the nail that completely closed the coffin of Y/N and Ben’s relationship. Though sometimes, she wonders what could have been if she gave Ben that last chance he was asking for.
But at the end of the day, Y/N knows he was right. That time was the last time Ben broke her heart.
taglist in the reblog
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anewkindofme · 21 days
omg just saw your pinned post 😭 sorry please ignore that last ask about lone star, if you have any unused headcanons for jackson & mark instead that would be so cool too!
It's okay! I've been meaning to take that out anyway. I only put it in a while back because I was getting overwhelmed with asks about the fic and then it was making it harder to write it because I was basically putting all the ideas there vs the fic, if that makes any sense. I still don't have any more specific headcanons I'd share, as I've shared a lot, but I would love to answer any questions people have!
Anyway, as for Mark and Jackson, I don't have a whole lot but if you have any specific questions about the fics, please let me know!
I based this off "My Boy" specifically.
Ask me questions about my fics!
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Jackson will start his double board certification soon so he can specialize in plastics and ENT. Mark will be stressed about his mental state being able to handle it as Jackson's been under a lot of stress lately.
Mark checks to make sure Jackson is breathing when sleeping, even when he's in an older space.
Jackson doesn't have a screentime limit, but mostly because he doesn't need one. He'll easily play with toys or find other stuff to do. Mark also doesn't buy into "screens will rot your brain".
Co-sleepinng helps both Mark and Jackson. One, Jackson gets the comfort he needs and he feels safe with his dad. Two, Mark sleeps better knowing that Jackson is right there, breathing and safe.
If it's not obvious, Mark is an extremely anxious parent and works hard to make sure that his anxiety doesn't rub off on Jackson.
Prior to Addison, Mark would go on dates and have one night stands, but he always went on them during Jackson's shifts. And he'd never bring anyone back to the apartment. He wasn't about to expose Jackson to any of that.
Additionally, Mark never intended to date someone seriously until now. One, his heart was still caught up on Addison. More importantly, he knew Jackson was not in the right place until now for him to date and potentially get a mom.
The Yankees hoodie is the equivalent of a security blanket for Jackson that he can bring everywhere because it doesn't give away that he's a Little.
Jackson tends to prefer 90s cartoons/children's shows because they were all things he wanted to watch when he was younger but Catherine never let him since he had to be "a big boy". That includes Barney (of course), Arthur, Little Bear, Rugrats, Bear In The Big Blue House, etc.
After Jackson moved in, Mark changed all the pillowcases in the apartment to silk ones to ensure his hair was protected.
Because Jackson tends to like a lot of older shows that may not have a ton of merch you can buy at stores today. Mark gets a lot of stuff off eBay, Etsy or at thrift stores.
This was one given to me by @cianmarstoo but Mark has an intern use a Cricut to make stuff related to his 90s obsessions.
Jackson is a "spa baby", aka he loves lotions, face masks, etc. One, he has super sensitive skin. Two, it helps him de-stim.
I didn't go into this in fic, but Jackson debated keeping the "Avery" in his name. Because while he has a complicated history with his family, it's still a huge part of him and helped him get to a certain point in his life. So, he changed his middle name to that. But still took on "Sloan" as a fresh slate.
Though, Alex still calls him a "nepo baby" because even if people don't know he's an Avery...Mark is still a well-regarded plastic surgeon that people fly from all over to see. And Jackson points out he literally has Grey in his name, so is he one to talk?
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she-karev · 3 months
Cousin Jen
Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Four of Six
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
AN: Hey guys it’s been a great spring break for me and I’m gonna post all the chapters for this story tonight that I hope you all will enjoy. I will take one shot requests from you guys and I always appreciate a like and reblog.
Summary: Jen takes a reluctant Amber to the locker rooms to fix her hair where they hear Roy say something that freaks Jen out about Matt’s condition.
Words: 2952
Andrew and I are sitting at the neuro lab table doing research for Amelia’s project. I was able to schedule for Pierce to consult on Matt’s case tomorrow morning. Now we’re working for Shepherd together, I would’ve gone back to Avery, but Alex scheduled me for Kimmie Park’s awake brain surgery so along with helping to diagnose Matt I’m assisting in the O.R. The thought of that would excite me if not for the part of a good friend of mine being a medical mystery I wish to solve so he can marry my cousin.
Shepherd walks inside the lab, “I have an awake brain surgery on a kid tomorrow, so I’m gonna need my beauty sleep which means you two don’t get to sleep because I need you to narrow down these studies to two options by tomorrow.” I write what she tells me, “Do a feasibility evaluation including a timeline, and don’t forget to evaluate likely subject availability and do a cost projection.”
I finish writing, “Got it.”
“On it.” Andrew confirms as Shepherd walks out of the room and turns to me, “I guess we can call this a date night.”
I smirk as I read a journal, “I’d light a candle but I don’t want to blow us up.” I rub my eyes to get the tired out and my energy deflates as soon as Jen walks inside wearing a dark blue Grey Sloan hoodie and carrying a large capacity bag she uses for her hair equipment. She looks at both of us with a grin.
“Hello.” I look at her annoyed while Andrew looks at her perplexed by her company, “I just wanted to come by and check on you guys and check out the gift shop here. When in Seattle right?”
“Please come on in Jen.” I greet her sarcastically, “I mean it’s not like I’m doing anything here.”
“Oh goodie.” Jen smiles, “Now you can make time for me to fix that rats nest you call a hair.”
I look at her with a frown, “Jen as much as I enjoy your company and I really do I don’t have time to play Beauty Shop. Shepherd just told us to narrow down her studies so she can figure out what to propose to the judges. I’m pretty sure highlights and dye jobs aren’t gonna revolutionize neuroscience.”
Jen turns to Andrew, “Can you handle this on your own for the next two hours?”
Andrew looks surprised and looks at me as I give a glare that tells him not to let her take me but Jen also has a glare that tells him to say yes. He clears his throat obviously conflicted, “I’m not sure which one of you I should be more afraid of right now.”
“Me!” I exclaim, “Very clearly me!”
Jen approaches me, “Okay come on let’s go before you scare this one away.” I face her ready to say no but she interrupts me, “If you deny me, I will just come back in the morning and ask you again only your friends and bosses will be there to see me dominate you like a lion on a gazelle. It’s your choice honey.”
I groan at that and throw my pen on the table standing up as she grins in pride, “You may be victorious now but I will beat you someday.” I look at Andrew, “If I don’t call in the next two hours report me as a missing person.” Andrew grins amused and I reluctantly follow my cousin on the way to beauty hell.
Two Hours Later
The strip of wax being yanked off my eyebrow causes me to yell out in pain, “Ow!” The locker room restroom we’re in keeps the painful shout in. I grip the chair I’m sitting in trying not to hit her for getting me in this hellscape.
She presses the area to keep the swelling down, “Hey it’s your fault for growing a jungle on your face.” After we finished redoing my hair back to the long glamourous blonde it was before I left for Seattle we moved on to waxing which is always my least favorite part. I wince at the hot wax being spread on my upper left eyebrow, “Your lucky I got here when I did otherwise you’d sport a goatee like Andrew.”
She puts the strip over the wax, “Hey at least my guy can grow facial hair does Matt use any shaving cream or is it all just for your legs?” I can tell I pissed her off because she yanks the strip off with more force than necessary causing me a fire ball of pain, “Ow! You evil bitch!”
“Nope that’s you.” Jen grins as she presses the stripped flesh, “You know you can make fun but at least I’m in a long-standing relationship. I’m with a guy who loves me and takes care of me but also gets that I don’t need a man to swoop in and save me. It’s nice and trust me honey you can take a note from me.”
I raise an inflamed eyebrow at her, “In the four years you’ve known me when have I raised concerns about who I date?”
Jen spreads wax on my lower left eyebrow, “Well some of the people you dated wouldn’t qualify as people. I mean seriously cuz I’m just waiting for this new guy to either hit on me in front of you or ask you to give him a handy on the subway.” She strips off the wax that doesn’t feel so painful as I get used to it.
I narrow my eyes at her accusations about Andrew, “He’s not like that. I know I’ve said that before but this time I actually mean it.” Jen looks at me intrigued, “He’s smart and funny and nice and he isn’t scared of me.”
“Is the sex good?” Jen asks me genuinely curious, “I mean I would’ve looked at his feet but you say it’s a myth.”
“It is but somehow he’s an exception.” I grin mischievously as Jen chuckles in delight, “He’s tender and he makes me scream in pleasure and he doesn’t sneak out and ghost me right after. He’s easy to hang out with and easy to talk to, which as you know is a challenge for me. And somehow, he has emotions which he expresses more than I do.”
“Well, it’s not really that hard to do.”
“Yeah, except he’s actually emotional and protective of me which should seem barbaric but somehow it’s not coming from him.” Jen spreads lotion on my waxed eyebrows, “Somehow, he is perfect in every way imaginable and I am so not which he hasn’t figured out yet. I mean what is wrong with him that he can’t see what I and everybody else can see clear as day? I’m convinced he lost a bet or has a tumor of his own.”
“Oh come on Amber.” Jen chastises me gently, “Your every guys dream girl, you watch sports, save lives, have natural assets and you look like a runway model. He’d be an idiot to let you go.”
I grin flattered, “Well your my cousin and my unpaid cheerleader your supposed to think the best of me.”
Jen puts the wax away, “Somebody has to, your done.” I exhale in relief and look in the mirror grinning at the job well done, “See? And it only took two hours and this was all done in a public restroom am I good or what?”
“If I say your good, can I go back to studying with my boyfriend?”
I fluff my wavy hair, “You are the god of all beauticians. Now please leave and don’t come back unless Matt has another fainting spell.” We walk towards the closed door to open it but I hear voices outside and stop.
I can make out Qadri chastising Roy, “Roy that is so mean even for you.”
“Oh come on like your all not thinking it.” Roy responds smugly, “Her cousin’s fiancé faints about a minute into their engagement. There’s nothing wrong with him on the scans or the blood tests. I mean people get cold feet all the time but in his case his feet barely keep him up before the wedding bells. I don’t think I’d blame him I mean she’s hot but she doesn’t seem like the kind of girl I’d get hitched to for life.” I look at Jen who frowns hurt and I move to open the door but she slaps my hand before I can reach and retract it knowing not to fight her.
“Roy you are the worst.” Helm says in disgust, “I mean she seems sweet; I’d like to see if her and Amber actually share genetic material but she’s a nice girl.”
Roy snorts, “Yeah she got the heart and her cousins got the brains.” I curl my fist resisting the urge to burst through the door and punch him and I can sense Jen doing the same, “Maybe that’s why he’s fainting, she’s not the Karev he wanted to ask out that night and had to settle for the loud second best.” I can hear a few interns chuckling as Roy continues, “I mean that could be why he’s fainting, the stress of knowing he made a mistake is causing him fainting spells and it doesn’t help to have a Chatty Kathy with him 24/7.” I can’t take it anymore as I open the door and it hits the wall hard causing them to look at us and I’m sure even with the supermodel hairs we look like their worst nightmare. Roy’s smile falls as he looks scared for his life as he should be.
I glare viciously as I get ready to tear him down, “You know Roy of all the-”
Jen shushes me, “I got this cuz.” She struts toward Roy with a startling grin that’s more scary than comforting, “You know your right I mean marriage is a very scary thing and maybe Matt does have cold feet but at least he knows what it’s like to have a woman in his bed instead of a blowup doll that I’m sure you named after your favorite pornstar. Or your mommy you seem like you have those issues judging by your small dick energy.” I grin at her as she continues, “I might not have an MD or know anything about how the human body works but I have a 60K salary and live in a 2 bedroom in Greenwich Village.” She whirls around asking everybody, “Do any of you have an apartment that has an oven or even pay retail for luxury items?” They all stay silent confirming her suspicions causing her to smile, “I didn’t think so.” She turns back to Roy who looks more relaxed clearly underestimating her which will be his downfall, “You know she thinks I don’t know this but my cousin did a DNA test about a month after we met.” I purse my lips at that, “She’s crap at leaving her letters open on my table and I didn’t blame her. You look at both of us and you can’t believe we share blood. But you know there is one thing just one thing that I share with my cousin that comes from genetics.”
Roy scoffs condescending, “And what-” Roy’s question is stopped with a punch to the stomach by a very pissed off Jen who caught him by surprise. I grin at her very proud and very satisfied Roy was put in his place by a hairdresser of all things.
Jen grins, “We both have a killer right hook.” Roy whimpers in pain and kneels down on the floor holding his groin and she turns sharply slapping his face with her long ponytail and struts out arm in arm with me. We walk down the hall looking fabulous until we reach the neuro lab where Andrew is still working and looks up at us or more specifically me. His eyes practically pop out of his head due to the fact I look like I did when we first met.
“Wow.” Andrew puts his pen down and turns his chair toward me grinning, “I gotta say I’m glad I let her kidnap you.”
I chuckle and stand in front of his holding his shoulders, “Yeah well enjoy it while it lasts because until her next visit I’m gonna let all this slip away.” I kiss him and turn to Jen with my arm around his shoulder and his around my back, “I’m sorry you had to hear that Jen, I should’ve warned you Roy has the mindset of a toxic 90’s male.”
Jen waves me off, “Oh please I’ve handled worse in the East Village although those guys didn’t pass the MCAT.”
“Yeah I think I’m gonna look into that for Roy and see if I can prove he’s a fraud as well as a disgrace to medicine and men everywhere.” I can see Jen looks uneasy for a moment and Andrew sees it too as he asks her.
“Hey what’s wrong?”
Jen sighs and puts the bag on the table and faces us with a serious face for one, “What if…What if Matt doesn’t really want to marry me?”
I mentally curse at Roy for putting that in her head, “Jen don’t listen to what those assholes said okay?”
“Just hear me out. These attacks what if their caused by stress about getting married to me and spending the rest of his life with me?” I chuckle at the absurdity but she doesn’t have it, “Don’t laugh you two are the doctors here can you honestly tell me it wouldn’t be an accurate diagnosis?”
Andrew steps in, “Jen there are a lot of possible reasons that would explain-”
“They started right after he proposed.” I look at Jen in sympathy, “I mean what if I’m not the girl he imagined a future with? I mean you heard what he said you’d be a more logical choice for him than me.”
Andrew looks at me confused, “Wait what?”
I squeeze his shoulder to reassure him, “It’s nothing, it’s just Roy said some things that got into Jen’s head and now she’s talking crazy, well crazier.”
Jen narrows her eyes at me, “I am so glad you find me stressing about my fiancé getting cold feet so funny.”
“Okay first of all me and Matt? Gross like Facebook cyst popping reel’s gross.” Jen looks at me offended, “Not for you, he’s perfect for you but him and me it makes my skin crawl. I mean the guy did puppetry in high school, you know those things freak me out.” Andrew snorts beside me and I explain, “Chucky is the one horror icon I wouldn’t take on, would you?”
“Okay I see your point.”
I focus back on Jen, “Jen, come on, it’s Matt. I’ve known him longer than you have and we both know he’s a terrible liar. I mean remember when he wanted to surprise you with a reservation at Kochi and ended up spilling the beans in his sleep.” I step away from Andrew to grip Jen’s shoulders assuring her, “The guy loves you; he doesn’t have a deceptive bone in his scrawny body. If he had any doubts about marrying you which he doesn’t he would tell you, trust me.”
“But he wouldn’t tell me.” Jen keeps freaking out, “He would just bottle it in until it comes out and he falls asleep as a result of the stress. I mean you said it yourself the labs, the scans they don’t show anything what is it’s in his mind? What if I’m making promises he can’t keep?”
I sigh at her neurosis, “Look if you’re so worried about this why don’t you just go back to the hotel and ask Matt point blank if he really wants to marry you? I know we didn’t grow up with this but communication is key to a long-lasting relationship from what I’ve heard.”
Jen groans, “I can’t ask him he’s just gonna lie and say of course I want to marry you.”
I nod seeing her point, “How about I do it?”
“Amber, I love you but your just gonna scare him into saying what he has to because he’s afraid you’ll castrate him on my behalf.” I open my mouth to defend myself but again I see her point she turns to DeLuca, “Can you ask him? Just do his exam tomorrow and ease it into the conversation and report back to me.”
Andrew is taken back and chuckles nervously but Jen glares at him in a way that keeps him quiet. I look at him silently telling him to do it or she’ll do something bad to him, “I guess I can throw it in while I help Pierce with his EKG.”
I nod and give him an assuring grin turning to my cousin, “If we find a medical reason for his syncope will it make you feel better about this engagement?”
I turn back to the table, “Okay I will go over his labs again and see if they missed anything before his test tomorrow.”
Jen nods appreciative, “You’re the best.” She grabs her bag and turns to Andrew, “If he says anything about cold feet or reminiscing his single days or planning to bag a stripper before the wedding you tell me got it?”
“Got it.”
Jen walks out the door, “Night hot doctors!” Andrew and I grin at each other amused by her energy and I look at Matt’s labs again hoping she and Roy are wrong about this.
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soup-14 · 2 years
A Date at The End of The World | Five Hargreeves x gn!sparrow!reader | Part 2
Summary: You have never been on a date. It's Luther and Sloane's wedding at the end of the world, so Five thinks why not indulge in your "end of the world bucket list"?
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking (physically. Mentally they're both of age but yk.)
My playlist inspired by this fic: POV: Falling in love with Five for one night
Luther and Sloane just announced they’re engaged. You’re happy for them of course. The end of the world is just a daunting thing to think about when you’ve missed out on half of your life. “Anything on your bucket lists I suggest you do them now.” Five had said. You have so many things you haven't done. So many things you wouldn't get the chance to do.
You help your sister get ready for her wedding, helping her with her hair and makeup, putting on her gorgeous white gown. Where she found a wedding dress at the end of the world who knows. But given that all of the Obsidian's guests had been obliterated by the kugelblitz, you were free to raid any suitcases you pleased in search of the perfect outfit.
Once everything was in order in the dining hall, and all the guests were dressed to the t, you made your way downstairs. Once the elevator doors open to reveal Sloane and you, everyone's eyes lock onto the beautiful glowing bride. All but Five. For he’s too busy looking at you, you look rather stunning all dressed up. He feels like a creep for staring too long, but his teenage hormones are raging and there's nothing he can do to pull his gaze away from you.
You’re feeling the same way unbeknownst to him. He’s wearing the same black three piece he’s been wearing for a few days so it’s nothing you haven't seen before. But there's just something about the air in the room, and the particular mood lighting, and the way he combed his hair just right, and the light flush in his cheeks from the alcohol he’d begun drinking at Luther’s bachelor party. There isn't a single bone in your body that can deny that he looks absolutely dashing.
The wedding goes well, thanks to Klaus marrying the two lovebirds together, with his odd yet touching words. Five is already many drinks in, and you decide to join him in on the fun. It’s the end of the world anyways. After grabbing a plate of fruit skewers you sit down next to Five at his table. “So Blinky, what's on your end of the world bucket list?” you question, biting into your fruit. “Well my dear y/n, I, am going to get fucked up beyond recognition.” he says finshing his drink and pouring himself another.
“Mind if I join you?” You ask. He grabs a glass and pours you a drink, handing it to you. You nod and take a big sip. The alcohol is bitter on your tongue and it makes your throat sting. Five laughs at the sour face you make. “It takes some getting used to.” He says. The two of you eat and drink in silence.
You look over at the bride and groom at their table taking and eating happily. “It’s cute,” you say “how they’re able to find love and organize a beautiful wedding even when the world is literally crumbling around them.”
“Yes, I suppose it’s sweet.” Five says.
“Have you ever been in love, Five?” You ask.
“It’s,” he pauses, “complicated. Her name was Deloris. She was with me for the better part of the apocalypse.”
“I see. Well at least you weren’t alone.” You say. “I’ve never even been on a date. We were too busy fighting crime and training to even think about having social lifes. That’s what would be on my bucket list. A first date, first kiss, first breakup, I don’t know.”
Five sighs and downs the rest of his glass. “Fuck it.” He says to himself. He abruptly stands from his chair and holds out his hand. “Come with me.” He says.
“What?” You ask, furrowing your brow. Five doesn’t repeat himself; he just flicks his hand and jerks his head to the side, signaling for you to just go with it. So you do. You place your hand in his and he leads you to the buffet. 
His hand is soft and warm in yours and you can’t help but blush at the feeling.
Five lets go of your hand and grabs two plates, filling them up with a bit of everything on the buffet. He of course grabs a couple glasses and a full bottle of wine as well.
He then silently walks over to a smaller table by the bar, and away from the main room. You quietly follow after him. He puts the plates down and then blinks out of the room. He returns a moment later with a candle and lighter. Which he lights and places in the center of the table. “Okay Blinky how did you know where to find those?” You chuckle. He doesn’t respond. 
Five moves to your side of the table and pulls out your chair. “Your Majesty.” He says bowing slightly. “Why thank you, good sir.” You reply. He sits in his own chair and begins eating. When he notices you’re not moving, he looks up at you with a raised eyebrow. “What’s wrong, is the food not to your liking? I’ll send it back, I’ll have a word with the manager-” he jokes.
“Five-” you stop him. “What is this?” You ask.
“I’m taking you on your first date.” He replies. He opens the bottle of wine and pours you both a full glass. You’re stuck in your seat, a bit shocked that Five would fulfill your bucket list wish. You shake it off with a grin, and raise your glass to Five. “To the end of the world.” You say. He smiles and clinks his glass into yours. “To the end of the world,” he says.
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comeforthepizza · 1 month
Showbiz Pizza Magic Night (1984), Segment 2: "Fatz's Witch Story/That Old Black Magic" Transcript
Note: And here's the second segment of Showbiz Pizza's Magic Night show tape! This segment includes Fatz's infamous witch story, and his and Mitzi's cover of That Old Black Magic. If you missed out on segment one, there's a list of links to transcriptions for the rest of Magic Night at the end of the script.
Some extra stutters and stammers have been omitted for clarity's sake.
I've done my very best to ensure that this is as accurate as possible, but of course, I am human and fully capable of making a mistake, so if you have a correction, please feel free to let me know!
Burt "Sal" Wilson as Fatz Geronimo
Shalisa Sloan as Mitzi Mozzarella
Duke Chauppetta as Dook LaRue
Rick Bailey as Beach Bear
FATZ: Okay, continuing with our magic theme for you, Mitzi and I are gonna sing one of my particular favorites called, That Old Black Magic. Now, there’s a special story that comes to mind every time I sing this song, and since we are, in fact, about to sing this little ditty for you, I thought it’d be fitting if I were to-
MITZI: Tell us a story?
FATZ: Uh, yeah, exactly! Now, let’s see, uh… Not long ago, there were these two very mean and nasty old witches. Oh, boy, they were mean. They were so mean that people used to walk up to ‘em and say, “Phew! You sure do look mean. I bet you don’t even get to go out on too many double dates, do you?”
(DOOK and MITZI laugh.)
BEACH BEAR: Ooh, that’s mean. Mean.
FATZ: Well, these two witches were used to that kind of talk and in fact, they kind of liked it, you know, all the attention and everything. Well, one day these two witches was snooping around this little village-
MITZI: Fatz?
FATZ: Yeah, Mitzi?
MITZI: What were their names?
FATZ: Names? Uh…
MITZI: Yeah, their names.
FATZ: Well, I don’t- I don’t think these witches had any names.
MITZI: Oh, come on, Fatz! Everybody has to have a name!
DOOK: No names? How could that be? They got to have some kind of names. I mean, everybody’s got a name.
BEACH BEAR: Yeah. Yeah, right. 
MITZI: Right!
FATZ: Yeah, that’s true, but these witches didn’t. At least, not in this story. They were just called, “Two Witches”. “Two Mean, Old, Nasty Witches”. Now, you see, these two witches- whose, by the way, names was so scary that if you heard ‘em, you’d probably start screaming and stuff, it just gives me goosebumps thinking about ‘em. Well, anyway, these two witches were real scary, and they were snooping around this little village, and they happened to see this farmer’s daughter sitting under this big ol' tree all by herself.
DOOK: A farmer’s daughter? Well, didn’t she have a name or what?
FATZ: No, no, no. She just called her- She’s just The Farmer’s Daughter.
DOOK: Are you sure?
FATZ: Positive. Now, listen-
BEACH BEAR: The plot thickens.
(They all get a chuckle out of this, even FATZ, who is becoming more irritated with each interruption.)
FATZ: Now, everybody, listen up here. When the farmer’s daughter saw the two witches, she was very startled.
MITZI: Is this gonna have a happy ending?
FATZ: Well, if you quit interrupting me just a few minutes, you’ll find out!
MITZI: I’m sorry.
FATZ: Okay, well, now, I was saying: the farmer’s daughter was startled because she knew the two witches could cast spells on people, and that made her nervous. “How come you’re sitting under the tree all by yourself?” one of the witches asked. “Is something wrong?” 
“Well,” replied the farmer’s daughter, “actually, there is. You see, I’m in love with this handsome, young prince and he doesn’t even know my name.”
DOOK: That’s because she doesn’t have a name! How could he know?
FATZ: Dook, please, this is only a story. Try to go with it.
DOOK: Well, I hope this thing is leading to something ‘cause it’s starting to drag.
FATZ: Well, Dook, just have a little faith in me, now. You’ll like the end of this story, I promise you. So’re you folks out there, y’all all gonna like it if you just let me finish.
BEACH BEAR: Alright, Fatz, you got the floor. Go ahead. Finish.
FATZ: Thank you very much. Everybody listen up. These two clever witches could spot someone who needed a magic spell ten miles away and the farmer’s daughter was just such a person. “Would you like to marry this young prince?” one of the witches asked.
“Of course!” replied the young girl. “That would never happen.” 
“If you could bring us one of your father’s fat milking cows,” the witch continued, “then we can make sure that a handsome, young prince will marry you the first time he ever lays his eyes on you.”
MITZI: Oh! Oh! Oh, I know how this ends! See, the two witches give the farmer’s daughter a magic love potion and then she gives it to the young prince to drink! And when he drinks it, he falls madly in love with her because he’s under a spell that can’t be broken!
MITZI: Isn’t that right? Isn’t that right, how it ends, Fatz? Huh?
FATZ: Uh. Well. Yeah. Yeah. Th- Th- That’s one way of ending it, there, Mitzi, that’s right.
MITZI: Well, tell us your ending, Fatz! It’s so exciting!
FATZ: Uh. Well, uh. It’s kind of- It’s a little anticlimactic after Mit-
BEACH BEAR: Then don’t bother.
MITZI: That’s okay.
FATZ: Yeah, it wasn’t a very good story, anyway. It really wasn’t a very good story.
MITZI: We understand. But Fatz, this was so fun! Can we do this again? Please?
FATZ: Oh, yeah. Lots of fun. Lots of fun.
MITZI: This is so exciting.
FATZ: We’ll have to do this just- every day. Oh, yeah. Lots of fun.
MITZI: Great!
FATZ: But right now, let’s just get into That Old Black Magic and get away from all this fun, okay?
MITZI: Okay.
(FATZ and MITZI share amused laughs.)
FATZ: Yeah, baby, I know how it is!
FATZ: Why, sure!
FATZ: It’s impossible!
Check out the rest of Magic Night!:
Magic Night Intro/Magic Medley
The Magic Touch (Outtake)
Letters to Looney Bird #1/Little Arrows
Abracadabra Medley Intro/Abracadabra Medley
Multiple Voice Syndrome/Puff the Magic Dragon
Ambience Skit/Magic (from Xanadu)
Letters to Looney Bird #2/Every Little Thing She Does is Magic
Michael Jackson Intro/Michael Jackson Tribute
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