#Oasis goes live!
wafflesrock16 · 1 year
Squigglysquidd mentioned that you're working on an original fantasy romance series, Rifts. I'd love to hear a little about your series and your experience writing it! I assume it's published somewhere? Congratulations, by the way! What a fantastic achievement!
Howdy! I do have an original fantasy series that is available in ebook and paperback on Amazon. There's two books out, Aerials and Fathomless Depths and the third book will (hopefully) be released late next week. The overarching plot circles around a theme that sometimes, the monster deserves to get the girl. So if you like monster romance, female protagonists, and immersive fantasy settings, give the Rifts series a read.
This is my fanfic/fandom account so I try not to cross-pollinate too much with original works, but rest assured after finishing book 3 of 5, I'm deep in OC hell, haha.
So far as my experience self-publishing an original series and all the leg work that goes into that, I'll put a full answer under a cut, because it's long.
I was one of those that actually got a college degree in fiction writing and held onto a cozy notion that in-between a day job, I'd submit stories to journals and anthologies as a fun hobby. Unfortunately, my day job ended up beating the love of reading and writing out of me for several years. It wasn't until I started reading fanfiction that I rediscovered my own love of writing. While I do write main characters, I enjoyed creating fics featuring all original casts, or else putting a fantasy spin on the scify setting. Which led me to considering doing my own totally original works...
I am fortunate in that I knew a professional editor through another friend. We agreed to meet for coffee, and she gave me the run down on the writing/publishing process. Initially I had thought I'd pursue traditional publishing, but after in depth conversation with the editor, whom I'll call "K," I was more than a bit overwhelmed. While I knew publication wasn't just emailing a publication house my book, I never realized how in depth and daunting the querying process for an agent was, and all the other things that entailed. Likely seeing my wide-eyed look of shock, K had a suggestion for me: self-publish on Amazon.
K walked me through that process and given my own self-perceived feelings of still not being "good-enough" she advised I try to self-publish an original series first, build my skill and confidence, and then if I was still interested, circle back to traditional publication.
So that's what I did. First, I had to write the story; which was a journey of frustration in itself. I was lucky to have met the fabulous @squigglysquidd through fanfiction and she graciously offered to alpha read my chapters as I completed the first draft. Without her cheer-leading I might have given up.
After finishing a complete draft, I went over and fixed the glaring issues myself before handing the manuscript off to a beta reader. My beta reader happens to by a huge fantasy nerd and a trained editor of sorts, and while their concrit is sometimes very... lets say blunt... it's always great. After getting the book back from my beta, I overhauled it again with all their edits. Once I was confident that it wasn't a total turd, I contacted K again and hired her at her freelance rate to do a general edit of the manuscript. (Most freelance editors offer different services from general review to line edits, for my purposes general edits worked best). K was absolutely fantastic and taught me SO MUCH about writing and details and pacing ect. After I again overhauled the manuscript based on K's edits, I gave it over to a beta reader one more time for final critique. When it was returned I fixed any issues they identified and then began the painstaking line edits for any grammar issues.
While I have not used an empathy reader in my own works (yet) I did find a fabulous resource, fiverr, where you can hire empathy readers to review your work for areas where an author might unintentionally sound racially insensitive, ablest, ect.
So far as cover-art goes, I'd met an absolutely incredible artist through the Mass Effect fandom: @savbakk is the most talented land-mermaid of an artist and when I approached her about a commission for cover art, I hit the jack-pot when she agreed to do it. I adore her style and gaze fondly at the three book covers she's done in pure disbelief that she captured my characters so perfectly...
When my book is as polished as it can be, and I feel the narrative is tight and characters fleshed out with a solid plot, I self-publish on Amazon. It's a fairly straight-forward process, luckily.
I then marketed on Twitter and other social media platforms, with varying success. I was fortunate and my series was selected for a book club and I did an interview and gained some nice readership from that. I definitely could be better about marketing, but admittedly I get lazy after a while on that front.
And that’s my process in a nutshell. Eventually when I complete my fantasy series I’ll tackle traditional publishing. Until then, I’m enjoying myself and the experience. 😃
And that's my experience/process in a nutshell. I still have 2 more books planned for my series. I feel that I'm a stronger, better writer, with each story I complete. When my series is all finished, I will pursue traditional publication on my next project. Can't say I'll be successful, but I believe I'll be ready to try and enjoy the learning process.
I'm always happy to chat self-publication with anyone who's interested, just pop into my DM's if you like. =)
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winterdusktales · 1 year
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jungshin and her losers signing off
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glitterslag · 9 months
Love it when I make my silly little playlists for the bear characters except i am missing 99% of the cultural context bc i'm from fucking. carlisle so it's all just britpop and whatnot. Sole customer base of 1 (me)
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Unfortunately I actually will not be liveblogging 9-1-1 tonight. I forgot I had another maybe-commitment at the time of the episode. It should only take half the time, but I don't only want to see half the episode. I'll try to watch it around either 15 minutes or two and a half hours after the episode finishes airing, and I will liveblog it when I do see it.
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teslacoils-and-hubris · 9 months
There's this show i only watched one episode of called ugliest house in America, and the premise is that the host goes around America looking at submitted ugly houses and the Most Ugly house gets remodeled at the end of the season.
All this only matters because the one episode I caught made me just.... really sad. They show three houses per episode and I don't really remember the other two houses because they were bland and not that interesting, but the one house, the one that won that round and was closer to being remodeled was obviously an artists house.
Everything in this house had been customized around the previous owners life Pasion: birds. And I do mean everything. They had literally printed out dozens of various drawings of birds and plastered them onto the basement wall. They had made tile mosseics of cranes right on the front entrance. Drawn egrets with what I'm pretty sure were crayons on the walls. And it was really obvious how many hours and how much love went into making this house something beautiful to that artist. And here it was, being toured around on television, touted as the ugliest house in America.
Every time they saw another bird the show played up the hosts surprise and eventually disgust. How WEEIRD that this unnamed, presumably dead artist was soooo into birds that they carefully crafted their whole life around them. The attic was an aviary for (the current owners assumed) pigeons. How silly and foolish and stupid that artist was for ruining the market value of their home by making it a shrine to something they loved. Do I blame the current owners? No. Of course not. I certainly wouldn't want to live in a house plastered wall to wall with birds with an attic that still smells like bird. But it's just..... the way they talked about it was upsetting.
There was no compassion for the person who put so much time and effort into lovingly crafting a house they really were happy in. The genuinely well done and skilled crayon drawings on the wall talked about the exact same way as you'd talk about a stain on the carpet. Unsightly. Strange. Unmarketable.
I look at my own room, lovingly crafted to be my oasis after a hard day. Halloween decoration sticker bats permanently on the wall. The ufo mural I spent a good month on that would probably be more at home in a minigolf course than a bedroom. Years of artwork both handmade and purchased tacked up to the walls. How much of it would the host mock. Teal walls sanded down and painted the off-white eggshell of marketability. It's going to happen regardless, I can't take the mural with me and even if I live in this house until I die someone will be here after me and they probably won't want it. But there's a certain kind of.... humiliating exposure of watching someone's heart and soul get torn apart on television. The ugliest house in America.
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4ngel-inc · 6 months
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𝐎𝐒𝐀𝐌𝐔 𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐈 — 𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓐 𝓛𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝓣𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮
notes: mdni. fem reader. fluff & smut. it's your first, second, and third dates + dazai goes down on you. ꪆ୧
warnings: this is the longest thing i've ever written (3k) but dazai has my whole heart in his hands, help i'm just in love ʚ ɞ
𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝕯𝖆𝖙𝖊 — THE DARK AGE. ࿐
you weren't expecting to walk in on a very suspicious-sounding conversation that night between three handsome strangers when you walked into lupin. you were mostly expecting it to be empty, possibly a lovesick couple making out in the corner somewhere, hiding their affair from their respective husband and wife—no doubt. that was the norm.
however, that night was different. did you know you were walking toward something that would consume you for the rest of your life? difficult to say. but something was different, you tasted it in the air. it lingered in the stale atmosphere of the bar that suddenly smelled of lavender and cherry blossoms when you laid your eyes upon him—osamu dazai. a man more beautiful than you could've rendered in your own imagination.
your confusion at the three (admittedly stunning) men occupying the space you normally sat in, likely showed on your face—and your perfume and the light clicking of your heels surely caught their attention as well, the three of them turning to you as the bell over the hidden entryway clinged and you descended the staircase fully.
they were all so handsome. but you still couldn't take your eyes off him. there was something about him—the way his eyes lingered on your body before settling to lock with yours made your stomach twist. neither of you looked away, though the situation was awkward at best—was this your heart telling you it knew, before you even did?
a few hours later and everyone else in the bar had drifted away, only you and dazai remaining. only the two of you in the world—that was how it felt. neither of you had a single sip to drink from the moment you walked in, too drunk off one another. you'd sat down next to him and started talking, and somehow, in the sea of intoxication the two of you were drowning in, hours had passed in a matter of seconds.
"who are you?" he asked in that deep, sultry voice that had you reeling. he knew your name—you'd told him hours ago. but he wanted to know more—he wanted to know what really made you, you.
"who do you think i am?" you smirked as you placed a gentle kiss on his neck.
"someone who wants to ruin my life," he laughed as he struggled and failed to hold back a needy groan, your lips feeling like heaven against the pulse of his neck.
you laughed at that, "now, why would i want to do that?"
your arms wrapped tighter around his neck as his hands squeezed your waist, grinding your hips against his ever so slightly, not enough to cross a line, but enough to show his desire. at some point you'd found yourself straddling him as he sat on the bar stool, facing away from the bar, your heels abandoned on the bar floor as the sleek pantyhose covering your toes glided smoothly against his clothed calves.
his eyes were half lidded as he groaned, your hands running through his hair exactly what he needed after another brutal day working for the mafia. the killing, the carnage—it was nothing and sometimes, all at once, it was too much. but in that moment, your soft touch was like an oasis to him.
"why do you want to die?"
"what's the purpose of living?" his answers matched yours in speed and wit, something you hadn't expected.
"to make people's lives better."
his eyes met yours again as his hands slid up your back, eyes lidded and fingers barely grazing your skin as he inadvertently lifted your shirt slightly with the tips of his fingers. his delicate touch felt like it was burning you—this was moving too fast, you knew it. this was dangerous, but you wanted more.
"you think you can make my life better?" he asked ironically, clearly doubting your logic. "you can't save me, angel."
"i don't want to."
"what do you want?"
"there are things worth living for."
"and you think you're one of those things?"
"no, but love is."
"everything i've ever loved has been taken from me."
your heart hurt at that—and the moment you pressed your lips to his, a gentle kiss that sought to cradle his soul turned needy and desperate. everything felt right, nothing had ever felt more right.
pulling away moments later, both entirely too breathless and desperate for a one night stand, you sought to penetrate the scarred exterior, to unveil his true intentions— "who are you, osamu dazai?"
"i guess you'll have to wait and see, princess."
maybe you were manic. . . maybe you were making things out to be more than they were. you'd been known to be a fool for love, but this felt different. osamu felt like someone you could trust.
but naturally, hadn't all the others felt the same way in the past? it was difficult to find something worth living for, he'd told you that. you'd kept your own pessimistic confession from leaving your lips the moment you'd heard his—you felt the same. but somehow, you felt differently. you wanted to live. osamu didn't.
but there was just something about osamu you couldn't explain—something you couldn't understand. and despite the way the gears were turning in your mind, your analytical brain fighting against your heart to find some logical reason why you felt so infatuated with him so early on—someone you weren't even sure would be around much longer (you'd deduced he was in a dangerous trade, that much was clear, though he hadn't told you yet)—you didn't want to solve the mystery that was osamu dazai. you wanted to float in the warm, safe abyss of ignorance and the euphoria that had you feeling lighter than air.
each time his name popped up on your phone had your heart singing—you hated it, in a way. it was a recipe for disaster. heartbreak would surely find its way to you soon. osamu was dangerous—not only in the way he lived, but in the way he made you feel.
your heart felt so vulnerable. so weak. so fragile. you felt like you would crack at any moment, and just like that—your feelings would consume you. the same way they always had in the past before disappointment inevitably struck you like lightning, crippling you and tearing away any hope you'd ever find someone who matched you.
things had gotten a little heated between you two on your first "date," if you could even call it that. but you hadn't let things go too far—you wanted to know more about dazai before you committed your body and heart to him. would he even be comfortable sharing anything about his life? about his past? about his job?
you checked your makeup one last time in the mirror, ensuring your lips were perfectly lined, a natural shade paired with the casual look you were sporting—a touch of mascara to give a different impression than you had last time—last time you saw him, you'd been tired and exhausted from work, your full makeup and sleepy, dreamy flirtiness giving a different vibe than you normally did.
osamu had suggested a walk for your second date. you were a little surprised, judging from the suit he wore the night you'd met him—you expected him to plan an elaborate date at some fancy restaurant and take you out for a night on the town. you were grateful he suggested something you were more accustomed to, something a little closer to your comfort zone.
you grabbed your bag and tucked your gloss in the back pocket of your jeans, a comfortable solid-colored tee tucked into your belt, a suitable pairing to the tennis shoes you laced yourself into.
as you grabbed your coat, the insecurities began sinking in—what if i'm not what he's expecting?
you'd been a little too forward the night you met him, naively swept up in his good looks and charm. you were wondering if his interest would hold once he realized how. . . normal your life was. surely, it was a little more dull than his.
however, the way you got lost in each other's eyes that night, made you feel a little safer in opening your heart to him. was this really only the second time you were meeting?
you probably talked a little more than you should have—but dazai seemed to get lost in the way your words flowed, listening intently with soft eyes as he drank up every word that left your lips, autumn leaves falling gently one after the other as they brushed the two of you intermittently, one last time as the chilly air wrapped around you both, winter quickly on its way.
"what makes you happy?"
he looked confused at your question, contemplating his answer briefly before turning toward you, pulling at the lapel of your jacket and wrapping it tighter around you, tucking your scarf back into it.
"i had a friend once, spending time with him was the closest thing i've ever found to happiness."
the way his voice trailed off at the end left you feeling sad and lonely—feelings you picked up from the tone of his voice. you weren't sure if you should press the subject, but the smile that traced his lips involuntarily as he spoke about this mysterious friend, told you he wouldn't mind.
"what was he like? or she?"
his eyes flashed a trace of appreciation at your words, grateful you'd even asked. no one had ever wanted to know more about his life. and surprisingly, he finally seemed eager to fill the space between the two of you with his own words.
"he was the kindest person i've met." he was staring at the ground now, "although, if you pissed him off, you were in for it." he laughed at that last part, and it was enough to have you laughing with him.
his eyes seemed sad now, and you figured it was time to change the subject.
"i love autumn." your eyes followed the trees surrounding you up to their canopies, in awe of all of the beautiful, natural creation around you. it was almost like the two of you were trapped in a masterful painting—you never wanted to escape.
"i think i do too, now." he pulled you in and brushed your hair behind your ear, leaning closer as your lips just barely grazed, his dark eyes staring down at you. "i wish i could see things the way you do—wish i could see the beauty in life."
"i'll show you."
"you can't fix me."
"you aren't broken, just lost."
"find me, then."
"i will." his delicate kiss soon turned needy, his tongue testing the waters as he cradled the back of your head. just the same as the first you'd shared in the bar—it felt electric. his hands pulled you as closely as possible, the threat that you'll leave seeming to haunt all of his gentle touches.
i hope you do.
"i knew you wanted to ruin my life," he laughed against your lips. you'd been teasing him for the past hour, all of your soft touches and warm breaths against his neck leaving him whining against your lips—he hated how needy he was for you already, but not enough to stop your hands from exploring every inch of his body, bandages doing little to resist the heat of your skin on his.
he was hard and leaking for you—attempting and failing to resist falling into you even more. osamu didn't remember the last time he'd felt this wanted. he couldn't think of anything but your body as he pulled away from you, settling on the floor in front of you, your back pressed against the couch.
"stop." he kissed your wrists one at a time, stopping your hands from reaching out for him, attempting to pull him back in for more kisses. he placed a gentle hand on your stomach, encouraging you to relax and let him take the lead as your hands found their way into his hair.
"i want you," you whined, "so much."
"the feeling is mutual," he smirked.
as he pushed your legs back, your pussy on full display for him, you could only think to yourself—troublemaker. that's what osamu was—but only in the best way. he tore down your walls and ripped you out of your comfort zone, only to build new ones around you that made you feel even safer than before.
how it was possible to trust him with your whole heart after only just meeting him, you could never explain. but you were no longer interested in fighting your feelings, you couldn't deny your heart. you wanted him—all of him.
"fuck me, please." your voice was broken and desperate, tears threatening to spill from the corners of your eyes from how much you wanted him.
"not yet."
the disappointment in your eyes faded as his pretty fingers spread your folds, a moan escaping his lips when he noticed how wet you were, a string of your slick caught between your lips. he was sure the taste of you could make him fall even more in love—the way your body responded to him, almost like it was meant for him. you were meant for him.
"mind if i have a little taste?" the look in his eyes was devious and lustful, and your nod of affirmation desperate and frantic, hands in his hair pulling him closer to your cunt.
his tongue darted out to kitten lick your clit just once, before pulling away to savor the taste.
"osamu, please—don't tease me."
"what do you mean, pretty girl? i'm just enjoying myself."
his hot breath against you was enough to have your eyes rolling back, practically screaming when his lips finally wrapped around your clit, sucking softly before letting the wet nub slowly slip from his mouth, a mixture of his spit and your slick making it glisten in the candlelight as he admired your pussy, his gaze soft and intriguing.
your moans turned needy as he continued to lick gently at your clit, pulling back every so often to spread your lips more and expose the sensitive little nub that insisted on hiding from him, his tongue hard against it as he picked up the pace, firm licks setting the perfect rhythm to make you cum quickly.
"'your tongue- feels- so good. . ."
"hm, is that so?"
he pulled away only for a brief moment before diving back in, intent on making you cum before he fucked and satisfied your desperate, sensitive little pussy. it'd been entirely too long since he'd fucked a pretty girl like you. something foreign took over him as he groaned and whimpered and whined against your pussy, seemingly more desperate than you were to make you cum.
"i'm gonna come soon. . . don't stop, baby. don't stop. . ."
you came only a moment later, a wave of your slick gushing from your quivering hole as he slid a finger in, eager to feel the powerful waves of your orgasm as your pussy squeezed his fingers. he devoured your pussy after you came, licking and sucking everywhere he could find, playing with your lips and pressing gentle, careful kisses to your clit, still twitching from such a high-octane orgasm.
as your breathing settled, a burning desire grew in your stomach. "'samu, come here. . ." you grabbed his hand, trading places with him on the couch, settling on your knees as they found their home on the soft carpet. your hands found their way to his thighs, spreading his legs as your eyes landed on his cock and balls, pretty veins decorating the shaft and making your mouth water. he was lightly trimmed, head pink and leaking and firm. the way his cock jumped before you even touched him, your hands simply running gently up his thighs before squeezing his hips, told you he was painfully awaiting your touch. even so, he seemed hesitant.
"aww, you don't have to angel—only if you really want to."
so that was it. he didn't think he deserved you—didn't think he deserved your touch. he slid his fingers through your hair before resting them on your chin, admiring your beauty and all of your pretty features—his gaze tender and loving as something swelled in his heart. it was more than he deserved.
despite his doubts, your lips wrapped around his cock had every thought leaving his mind, only a few remnants of his existence still floating around in his conscience. the tip of his cock was so sensitive from hours of waiting for your pussy, his thighs quivering each time you slid your tongue over the cute little vein on the underside of his cock. it was enough to have any cohesive thought pattern fade away.
as he gave into you entirely, head rolling back as small puffs of air left his lips each time you slid his cock deeper in your throat, your name, your body, the way you touched him, the way you wanted him—were the only things on his mind.
he wanted you close. he never wanted to let you go—for the rest of his life, he wanted to stay in this warm glow with you.
save me from myself, angel. give me something to live for.
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loving-family-poll · 5 months
Ultimate Incest Tournament - Round 2
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Propaganda under the cut:
The incest rumours used to be common for good reason <3
those two have kissed and groped each other too many times
They are really weird about each other, they have kissed a few times, made incest jokes many times, wrote songs about each other (I could be your lover/you could be all mine) and had a break up so messy they haven't been on speaking terms for +10 years
The song that goes like "I'm your brother/ you're my lover" there are many such cases
"Liam's gotten all religious. It's quite disturbing. He thinks he's Abel for some weird reason. He wrote a new song called "Guess God Thinks I'm Abel." And I thought, "Right, so you think you're Abel. That must make me Cain. Doesn't Cain kill Abel?" But then the first line of that song is "You could be my lover." I'm not too sure about that. That's illegal, innit? It's kind of illegal for two brothers to make love. It's certainly frowned upon."
I'm sorry but they have it all. children of metaphorical incest just continuing the cycle in any way they can. they are brothers and mother + son and wives and each other's scorned lovers and life partners they've had multiple infidelity arcs they are sexually psychopathic together they have forsook life and morality and the earth itself for each other and just love each other so much . They are literally in a heaven of their own making together for eternity, incestuously. Come on!!! Blueprint!!!!! It's not gay if he's your brother!!!!!
dean did stuff to sam's dead body in ahbl. i just know it
Messed-up, isolated sibs with all the daddy and abandonment issues. Their lives are so claustrophobic with the brothers no more than five feet apart in the car, a motel room, or standing next to civilians (face it, they are frigging magnets). Can't leave out that they are always touching each other to check for wounds which is a huge PLUS for any shipper.
Sam and Dean ARE literally the blowjob brothers. They walk into a situation and everyone goes well well well if it isn't the blowjob brothers....... And they say. Yep. That's us. And then they fix the situation with their epic love story
THE classic, iconic, show shopping, never done before etc. etc. incest ship. It changed fandom and it changed the world
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For full headcanons: What do you think a lazy day with the M6 would look like? Say that somehow MC and their love interest have a free day all to themselves to just relax.
The Arcana HCs: Lazy Days with M6
He's been looking forward to this. Did he tell you that he would try to sleep in? Maybe. Does he succeed? Unfortunately not
However, not needing to head straight out the door to the clinic means that you get to sleep in and wake up to the sight of your relaxed doctor leisurely sipping some coffee in bed next to you
As much as Julian savors the delights of domestic life, he's quick to get a little stir crazy. How about an outing together?
For a dramatically roguish nerd like him, an "outing" could mean getting dragged to a leech convention, watching a play, doing something legally not-so-recommended, or visiting a library
Either way, since the point of the day is to be lazy, he's more likely to want to head home come evening rather than stay out
Does he enjoy social time? Sure, but even more than that, he cherishes you. He can meet you for dinner at the tavern any day, but he doesn't get every evening completely free like this
Dinner is peaceful, intimate, and slower than usual because he insists on eating by candlelight which means not being able to see your plate very well
The way his eyes feast on you instead of the meal makes up for it
Nobody can match this magician when it comes to lazy days
They. Are. Sleeping. In. They aren't even going to think about getting up until the sun is high enough to fill the room with golden light and the street outside your window is bustling with activity
Even then, the tranquility stays. There's no part of the day when the pace picks up. He'll move with you slowly from the bed to the kitchen with a sleepy smile, prioritizing snuggles over cooking
And that's how the day goes - lazing from the cushions to the kitchen for more tea and snacks, trading silly stories and engaging in the occasional tickle/pillow fight between books
Asra will start at least one experimental craft, only to put it down halfway finished because focusing on you is way more enjoyable
Right around sunset, they'll need a change of scenery. That will most likely take the form of taking you by the hand and pulling you into their oasis for some prolonged snuggles and whimsy time
However, being predictably unpredictable, there is the 25% chance that he'll decide he doesn't want to keep a lazy pace all day after all, and pull you out into the darkening streets for an adventure
Either way, it ends back in bed, gazing out the window at the stars
Oh, she needs this and she's been planning for it for weeks
Everything is set up ahead of time. All pressing matters have been dealt with, and she's delegated responsibilities so that unless the world starts to end, someone else will have to handle it
She is going to indulge in every relaxing moment she's been putting off and she's going to do it without lifting a finger and you are going to join her for every blissful moment
She rarely has time to sleep in and hold you, so she is taking her fill
Breakfast appears at the door to her chambers when she rings her bell, and after sitting you in her lap and taking turns feeding each other, she's drawing you into her private bath all set up for spa day
With her mind carefully blocked off of work, she'll turn her attentions to you. How have you been doing? What's been on your mind? Tell her something about you she hasn't heard yet ~
Since you can't spend all day in the spa, she does take a couple hours in the afternoon to herself in her tower. Your company is delightful and refreshing, but even she needs a moment alone
Dinner happens on the veranda, just the two of you in a nook hidden from view, lounging on cushions and savoring a slow night
Lazy days ... kind of happen whenever one of you needs them to happen. Living self-sustainably in the woods has its perks
At the same time, there's some daily duties that just can't be skipped - feeding the chickens, drawing water, etc
Lazy days are what happens when one of you looks at the other of you and you both know you need a break. A day without all the added routine tasks, a day to just breathe for a little bit
Lazy days start by spending the day before getting ready to rest
Waking up is one quick trip to throw a bucket of feed at the chickens before darting back inside to warm up next to the veritable furnace that Muriel becomes under a blanket
Breakfast happens late, sitting by the fire instead of at the table, slicing the loaf of bread between you as you want more and toasting it idly while Inanna steals the crumbs
If it's a chilly, rainy day, you spend it adding logs to the fire from the pile you built up yesterday and curling up with each other under the furs. On sunny days, you might lie down outside
Maybe you talk, maybe you sleep, maybe you work on a craft - but it passes in peace and quiet and grounded, steadfast love
Does Portia need a lazy day? YES. Is Portia good at lazy days? Not. At. All.
Sometimes existing in Portia's presence means idly wondering if she subconsciously found the secret to perpetual motion and she's very busy trying not to forget it. She just never stops going!
Lazy days happen when you and the Countess gang up and make sure she has 24 hours of a clear schedule when she's on the verge of burning out and is in desperate need of a reset
The day starts by dragging her back into bed and telling her she's not allowed to make breakfast until she's slept as long as possible
Breakfast itself consists of trying to help her snap out of "work work work must get the next task done" mode while you brew some tea. The most effective way to do so is to put Pepi in her lap
After that, the day is delightful. Spending the rest of the morning and early afternoon lying on a picnic blanket in the garden, reading books and eating snacks and watching Pepi chase butterflies
The evening always involves visiting Mazelinka for family time. (It's also the best way to make sure Portia doesn't have to cook)
And nighttime - nighttime is for fireflies and pillow forts and kisses
Lucio likes suggesting lazy days every day
Which means that, when the time does come to have one, the first word out of his mouth is "FINALLY."
He's been ready to take a slow day for weeks!! He needs this!!
Sleeping in is essential. If you try to get him out of bed before noon when there isn't a reason to he will start a riot
Went out the night before and maxed out his budget buying all the pastries on sale at the end of the day. Breakfast consists of him wolfing down sugary flaky dough at 1 PM, without leaving bed
He got them for you too - which is how you're presented with the sight of him beaming, shirtless, sitting in a ray of afternoon light with the sheets rumpled around him as he holds out a bite for you
The sugar high is enough to make him antsy. Yes, this is a lazy day, but lazy days are supposed to be enjoyable, and is a day even enjoyable if you haven't gone out to enjoy yourself?
Luxuriates in taking twice as much time to do his eyeliner
Saunters around the square of wherever you're visiting with your hand in his, pointedly ignoring the board of job requests
Stays up super late to savor every last moment of the day off
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quotidianish · 4 months
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ANOTHER human au art compilation! Here’s the first! More info about the AU and their cultures under cut ~
-Abilities which stem from things inherent to dragon biology (fire, venom, frostbreath, gills, etc.) aren’t present. More traditionally supernatural gifts (mindreading, oracle, animus magic, etc.) are still present. In retrospect this makes the Nightwings completely op but shhh
-Each tribe is inspired off a mishmash frankenstein of different real-world cultures
-Dragons are an endangered species, just a hum in the background and nearly hunted to extinction. They’re hardly considered a threat, especially when most humans haven’t even seen one in their lives. Once the centre of each people’s culture and civilisation, they’re now nothing more than Bigfoot sightings or exotic pets.
-Sandwings are the least homogeneous tribe and take inspiration from various cultures in the Indian subcontinent and Arab nations (most largely India and Palestine). Many subcultures exist within the larger Sandwing kingdom. Common identifies (not present in them all, but there will usually be at least one) include gold accented accessories, darker skin, and clothing with light, desaturated, yellow/orange tones. They’re renowned for their abundance of poison, excellent street food, musical talent, and stereotypically maliciously intelligent. Regardless of class there’s a nation wide pattern (you can find the reference for it by Qibli’s headscarf) symbolising trade routes, oasis waters and dunes. It’s a symbol of national pride (included on thorn’s dress, and ostrich’s headband/headscarf).
-Nightwings are, on the contrary, the most homogeneous tribe due to their small population. They’re based on Japan (spanning multiple eras). I like to think the Nightwings lost a lot of their culture after migrating to the volcano, for they were once the most religious tribe, worshiping the moon alongside the Icewings, which I’ll get to later on their cultural similarities. I promise it’ll make sense. By now, all their deeply religious traditions have been relegated to superstitions. It was said they were blessed by the moons, but the connection has been largely severed. Only old dresses follow the tradition of embroidering in the moons they were born under. Moonwatcher’s dress is something akin to a hand-me-down, as are her silver earrings, it’s by coincidence it lined up with her actual birthday. Moon’s family was an exception because she came from a long line of seers (or alleged seers) who have done their best to preserve a crumbling culture. Common identifiers include near pitch black clothing and skin as pale as the moon. 
-Icewings have some of the largest populations, however, are surprisingly homogenous. Most sub-cultural differences are as a result of class. They’re based on Mongolia and Manchuria. Like Nightwings they are also deeply religious, maintaining their beliefs through rigorous scholarship. Hair has intrinsic religious value as a gift from your family- therefore it cannot be cut. The same goes for ear piercings and any other physical alterations to your body. IceWing jewellery as a result is very distinct because of its lack of need for an ear piercing, hooking around the back of the ear instead. Common identifies include long/braided hair, and light, cool-colored clothing suited for the cold.
-Skywings are loosely Scottish inspired, and I do not have a lot to say about the rest of the tribes. Most of their clothing have feathered accents. The peregrine is a sign of luck and wealth, with their feathers being adorned on the upper classes. Geese and chickens, being common farm animals, are found adorned on working classes. The second richest tribe, employing silver, gold, lazuli, and about any gem they can find in their clothing. Common identifies include curly orange/red hair, taller statures, feathered accents, a tartan like pattern, and clothing ranging from yellow to magenta.
-Seawings are loosely based on various Polynesian cultures, most prominently that of the Māori. The sea has an intrinsic religious value to them, with all children learning to swim, sail, and/or fish. They live off the sea’s resources, rarely consulting the surrounding land for supplies. On rare occasions albatross birds and seagulls are plucked for headdresses. These are reserved for high ranked royalty. Their clothing is loose and well adapted for the warm beach setting. Common identifiers of Seawings include ta moko like tattoos, olive skin, and clothing ranging from lime to purple.
-Rainwings are loosely based on Thai, Indonesian, and Cambodian cultures. They’re colourful and have the second largest poison reserves (bested by sandwings). Having once been a trade centred tribe, now they’re isolationist, albeit not intentionally. They have many history records, almost as detailed as that of Icewings, but the art has been lost to a changing cultural atmosphere. Once too religious, now their intrinsically religious practices are more cultural. Their clothing is similar to sandwings in the fact they cover as much of the body as convenient but remain loose and breezy. Common identifiers include bronze tan skin, vibrant pigmented clothing, and flower motifs. Nightwing villages don’t follow that guideline, they build on the ground as a tribe with a focus on hunting. I’m assuming everything in this universe is made proportional to dragons, hence why the trees are so large. This assumption is based off that specific panel of Bandit in the book six graphic novel eating a blueberry as big as his head. 
-Mudwings are sooo underdeveloped in my au (following in the steps of Tui herself) but they’re based on southern Chinese and Vietnamese cultures! They live in cities akin to Chinese floating villages, Vietnamese floating markets, and Tulou (architectural style of the Chinese Hakka) made of mud bricks. They're a very agricultural based people. Many of their villages are isolated communities- their emphasis on family extending to their towns. Common identifiers include umber skin, straw conical hats, and practical clothing in shades of brown.
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simsterslife · 2 months
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 Transform Your Living Room into a Glamorous Oasis 🤎
✼ floor paintings | pillows | vacuum cleaner
✼ flowers | floor lamp | candles (1)(2)(3)
✼ books | paintings (1)(2 & 3)(4) | sculpture
✼ drinks tray | coffee tray & coffee cup | smart TV & remote control
Credit goes to amazing CC creators @littledica @pixelglam @helenmay @felixandresims @pinkbox-anye @ts4novvvas @officialsnootysims @plushpixelssims @sundays-sims @pierisim
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bluewinnerangel · 1 year
FITF Tour exit songs
- NA LEG - Uncasville: Tina Turner - The Best
Gilford: The Smiths - This Charming Man
Laval: Petula Clark - Downtown
Toronto: Bryan Adams - Summer Of '69
Cuyahoga Falls: The Verve - Bitter Sweet Symphony
Sterling Heights: Shed Seven - Chasing Rainbows
Cincinnati: The Killers - All These Things That I've Done
Columbus: R.E.M. - The One I Love
Indianapolis: Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Maryland Heights (St. Louis): Chuck Berry - Johnny B. Goode
Kansas City: Van Morrison - Moondance
Milwaukee: Johnny Nash - I Can See Clearly Now
Chicago: Earth, Wind & Fire - September
Minneapolis: Sinéad O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U
Council Bluffs: Buzzcocks - Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn't've)
Sioux Falls: Don McLean - American Pie
Seattle: The Smiths - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out
Vancouver: The Police - King Of Pain
Troutdale: Elvis Presley - Always On My Mind
Berkeley: INXS - Never Tear Us Apart
Los Angeles: 2Pac - California Love
Las Vegas: The Killers - Human
Phoenix: Spear Of Destiny - Liberator
Irving: The Doors - Hello, I Love You
Austin: Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag
Houston The Woodlands: The Police - Walking On The Moon
St. Augustine: The Police - Every Breath You Take
Hollywood: Elton John - Your Song
Tampa: Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Atlanta: The Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want
Nashville: Duran Duran - Hold Back The Rain
Charlotte: Lou Reed - Perfect Day
Raleigh: Van Morrison - Moondance
Columbia: Commodores - Easy
Boston 1: Boston - More Than A Feeling
Boston 2: Pixies - Here Comes Your Man
Philadelphia: Sinéad O'Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U
Asbury Park: Bruce Springsteen - Dancing In The Dark
New York: Queen - We Are The Champions (dj elf asked a fan to pick between this one and David Bowie - Heroes)
- EU & UK LEG - Hamburg: Joy Division - Love Will Tear Us Apart
Copenhagen: Queen & David Bowie - Under Pressure
Oslo: Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
Stockholm: The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army
Helsinki: Elvis Presley - Always On My Mind
Tallinn: Smash Mouth - All Star
Riga: AC/DC - Thunderstruck
Kaunas: Elvis Presley - Can't Help Falling in Love
Krakow: Iggy Pop - Lust For Life
Łódź: Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop
Vienna: Oasis - Supersonic
Ljubljana: The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It
Budapest: Bloc Party - Helicopter
Bucharest: Foo Fighters - My Hero
Sofia: Rage Against The Machine - Bombtrack
Bilbao: Pixies - Where Is My Mind
Lisbon: White Lies - Farewell to the Fairground
Madrid: Editors - Munich
Barcelona: At the Drive-In - One Armed Scissor
Turin: Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way
Bologna: Bloc Party - Helicopter
Luxembourg: Pixies - Where Is My Mind
Antwerp: Queens Of The Stone Age - My God Is The Sun
Paris: Biffy Clyro - Bubbles
Amsterdam: Blur - Song 2
Cologne: The Libertines - Can't Stand Me Now
Prague: Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
Berlin: The Cure - Friday I'm in Love
Munich: Fatboy Slim - Praise You
Zurich: The Strokes - Last Nite
Dublin: Inhaler - These Are The Days
Sheffield: The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Manchester: The Smiths - This Charming Man
Glasgow: The Snuts - Gloria
Brighton: Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated
Cardiff: T. Rex - 20th Century Boy
London: The Libertines - Can't Stand Me Now
Birmingham: Boyz II Men - End Of The Road
- ASIA & AUS LEG - Jakarta: Iggy Pop - Lust For Life
Melbourne: Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
Brisbane: The Temper Trap - Fader
Sydney: Oasis - Rock 'N' Roll Star
- LATAM LEG - Panama: Hard-Fi - Living for the Weekend
San Juan: Pixies - Where Is My Mind
Rio de Janeiro: Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
Like last time the plan is to keep editing this post as tour goes on - 2022 LTWT here
Apple music playlist here
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ruershrimo · 4 months
i.yuji x reader | konbini in the night
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there are breadcrumbs on your face. you wipe them off and throw the packaging away in the dustbin next to his bike, the darkness of the night contrasting the bright lights of the convenience store next to you.
“look!” he calls out, the light in his pink hair fading as he exits the store, “I got one of these strawberry sandwiches I keep seeing online lately.”
the glint in his eyes is like powdered sugar on a perfect cake, or fireworks in a starry sky. sweet, bright, unforgettable— a treasure in people’s memories. the convenience store had been like an oasis in the dim, merely lamp-lit streets, and the two of you decided to dash straight into it before getting back to jujutsu high’s dormitories.
“you sure you don’t want anything else?” he asks, “the cashier lady’s actually really nice. I can give you some of these sandwiches, too.”
you’re sure it’s because he’s nicer. that he walked up to the counter, with that adorable face and kind smile, and the lady just treated him the same. like how sunflowers shined at and turned their heads to the sun.
“no, I’m fine.”
“hm…” he goes, “okay. but you should eat more, you know?”
“pft— yuuji, I’ll be just fine. don’t worry, okay?”
“okay,” he says with a pout.
he gets on the bicycle, and reflexively, you sit behind him. (you really have been pavlov’ed into getting on the passenger’s seat every time he’s on his bike, huh?) he places the sandwiches next to where you’ve placed your own water bottle in the basket, and you lean forward so that your face rests against his back while your arms are wrapped loosely around his neck. the hard pillion seat feels as comfortable as a mattress on display in a department store.
the ride back to the dorms— back home, actually— starts mostly mundanely, the wind humming softly against your face, the night dissolving your consciousness in slumber. you feel just that one bit out of control of yourself, and your head feels light to the point where you don’t want to think about anything at all.
“...let’s get married, yuuji,” you whisper under the twinkling stars, your spirit warmly embracing his while you press your chest more against his back. normally you’d be too scared to, especially with your breath still smelling like sandwiches: all too ridden with your own inhibitions— but this night in particular is almost a perfect one, so for once you don’t mind.
there is so much pain in the world but not here. not behind him and definitely not on the seat behind his back. the world ahead is uncertain but you’d be willing to face it with him head-on as long as he’s fine with it.
“huh? married?” he doesn’t know if the red on his cheeks is obvious but he thinks that even if it is you wouldn’t see it under the night sky. you can tell that under his large brown eyes there’s the faintest of blushes— you don’t need eyes to see that.
you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck. he smells like some kind of 3-in-1 shampoo-conditioner-shower gel thing, but you guess that’s a testament to how much you love him since you don’t mind it at all. it’s wonderfully endearing to you now: the plain, minty scent that clings to his trademark ref hoodie, how the ends of his spiky pink hair poke and tickle at your face, how you can hear his low, slow breathing like a soft melody soothing you to sleep.
you’re not going to think that you’ll lose him someday. if you did then you wouldn’t be able to live. but if you didn’t promise this now— now when you’ve still only met him three months ago— and lost him, you’d spend your whole life grieving over him.
“mhm,” you reply, “let’s get married. I want to stay with you for a lifetime.”
and if this isn’t love you don’t know what love is anymore.
he looks back for a moment, and smiles, showing his teeth off like a little kid.
“sure! I wanna have that too.” he turns back. “I mean, I wanna make you happy. really happy. every day. and you wouldn’t have to worry about keeping me happy because I’d be the happiest guy in the world as long as you were. and, and—” —he lets one of his hands go from the bicycle handles; you open your eyes as he starts making gestures with it as accompaniments to his words— “— we’ll have this nice house or something, and it can be whatever you like. we can think of something together. and we won’t have much but it’ll be enough, I think.”
“mhm,” you smile. you bet he can feel the imprints of your lips on his skin, because it lays the slightest of gooseflesh on the back of his neck, the hairs there rising a little. as gross as it sounds you don’t worry if it’s chapped, and you guess he doesn’t mind either. “we’ll have just enough for us.”
he hums in agreement. “yeah.”
it’s quiet for a while, just the night air mixed with his scent, the grass swaying along to a silent tune, him, and you.
“…you know, a lot of people think that things like this come in sequences or something. like you have to at least kiss and do more than studying or going to the store together. we don’t even go to each others’ rooms at night or spend every second together and all… but— I think… I think I already know I want to spend my whole life with you. I mean, I really, really love you. so I get kinda worked up about lots of stuff sometimes but then I’ll see you again and that tells me things’ll be fine. that we’ll work things out.”
“yeah,” you say, your breath brushing against his skin again. it warms your cheeks up as the heat in it spreads around your face like hot tea. “we will. we definitely will. I promise.”
you fall asleep on his shoulder and don’t care about waking up on time the next day.
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haha I just wanted to get this out since it’s been sitting in my docs app for about a month,,, also 恭喜发财 to the people who celebrate it, and happy Valentine’s Day since it’s coming up soon! so sorry if this is subpar or has any grammatical mistakes TvT
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rainbowsky · 5 days
Why gg is related to little prince in that little prince and rose story??
Hi Anon,
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Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry is a classic, exceptionally popular, beautifully told and illustrated story. Those who haven't read it can find it here.
Standard disclaimer: This is my own personal opinion based on my own interpretation of tidbits I've learned over the years. Everyone is free to come up with their own.
If you ask a solo they'll give you a completely different story than a turtle would about how The Little Prince is connected to GG, but I think GG's (and DD's) connection to that story runs far deeper than anything any fan - solo or turtle - can claim.
The Solo Interpretation
The solo interpretation revolves around the prince's red cape and the many references to the red cape that GG has made in his art and on social media over the years, which many believe were in response to fan activity.
The first reference came during a live broadcast of XFIRE, where GG created a pencil drawing of a boy wearing a cape and holding a ball. Later he posted a colored version of the image on his social media, where it was revealed that the boy was wearing a red cape and holding a glowing moon.
His fans named themselves Xiao Fei Xia (Chinese for 'Peter Pan') after seeing the image. The name sounds like Chinese for 'small fat shrimp', which is why XFX are often called shrimps (or tempuras, in malicious references).
When his fans won him a solo song, he posted a photo of a boy wearing a crown and a red cape. He later changed his Weibo badge to The Little Prince in a red cape. In Nov 2019 he posted an image of himself on Oasis with a red cape and crown drawn on.
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"But why do they think The Little Prince is about them, when they call themselves Peter Pans?" you might ask.
That is a somewhat ambiguous connection, but as far as I can tell it's because of the idea that he's their Little Prince and they are his Peter Pans. The song Satisfaction - which was meaningful to GG and his fans - was connected to the image he shared of the boy wearing the cape and crown. There is also the red cape connection. They wear a red cape, and 'their Little Prince' wears one too. Red is GG's color, and the color XFX identify their fandom with.
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A Deeper Connection
In any case, like I said - I think GG's connection to the Little Prince goes deeper than fandom, and the simplest answer to why it has become so connected with him is that he loves the story. It means a lot to him, and on some level he really identifies with the character.
And it's not difficult to see why both GG and DD identify with this story. I actually wrote a whole thing about that a while ago on my blog but of course, I can't find it now. So frustrating.
The Little Prince presents a lot of themes about personal development, love, acceptance, self-acceptance, friendship and found family that resonate with queer readers, with artistic/creative people, and with anyone who has had to live with loneliness or isolation (such as incredibly famous people who are forced to live somewhat separate from the rest of the world). There are themes about grief and loss, and about different points of view.
To me, the story is about how wisdom comes through wonder. More than anything, The Little Prince is about maintaining one's sense of childlike wonder and sensitivity in the face of all the pains and trials of life, and in spite of all attempts to kill our spirit. No matter what we have lost and long for, we can find beauty in the love we have and the connections we make.
It is that spirit of wonder that makes everything special, and makes us special too. It's what makes us able to look beneath the surface and see what's really important.
This is something GG quite obviously values very deeply. He has referred to DD as a sweet, pure-hearted boy in the past, and has spoken appreciatively about the fact that DD has managed to keep a sense of childishness and guilelessness despite being in this industry for so long, and from such an early age.
And GG himself displays those qualities in abundance. He has a very light-hearted, sweet, wonderstruck, sensitive, curious, cute side that is a huge part of the magnetism of his personality. We see this come out a lot in his downtime, such as when he was at Universal Studios, or when he was wandering the streets of Europe. One of the things that is most compelling about him is his willingness to show that side of himself, even as a grown man.
This is - as I've said many times - part of GG and DD's incredible chemistry and compatibility. They share their own little world, and this world of fun, laughter, sweetness, mischievousness and curiosity - the spirit of learning, exploring and cackling together like gremlins - this is all very much aligned with the themes of The Little Prince.
Even the moments of loneliness and separation and coming back together again, the stars in the sky and the ringing of bells - all of this is connected to the story of The Little Prince.
And if you believe the CPN about GG's birthday letter to DD (which I definitely do), this is a message GG gives DD: grow up slowly. That idea has appeared in fake rumors and other references in the fandom. And it's very aligned with the themes of The Little Prince.
From the book: (mild spoilers for those who haven't read it). Slightly abridged.
...he looked at me steadily, and replied to my thought:
“I am thirsty, too. Let us look for a well...”
I made a gesture of weariness. It is absurd to look for a well, at random, in the immensity of the desert. But nevertheless we started walking.
“What makes the desert beautiful,” said the little prince, “is that somewhere it hides a well...”
I was astonished by a sudden understanding of that mysterious radiation of the sands. When I was a little boy I lived in an old house, and legend told us that a treasure was buried there. To be sure, no one had ever known how to find it; perhaps no one had ever even looked for it. But it cast an enchantment over that house. My home was hiding a secret in the depths of its heart...
“Yes,” I said to the little prince. “The house, the stars, the desert—what gives them their beauty is something that is invisible!”
As the little prince dropped off to sleep, I took him in my arms and set out walking once more. I felt deeply moved, and stirred. It seemed to me that I was carrying a very fragile treasure. It seemed to me, even, that there was nothing more fragile on all Earth. In the moonlight I looked at his pale forehead, his closed eyes, his locks of hair that trembled in the wind, and I said to myself:
“What I see here is nothing but a shell. What is most important is invisible...”
As his lips opened slightly with the suspicion of a half-smile, I said to myself, again: “What moves me so deeply, about this little prince who is sleeping here, is his loyalty to a flower—the image of a rose that shines through his whole being like the flame of a lamp, even when he is asleep...” And I felt him to be more fragile still. I felt the need of protecting him, as if he himself were a flame that might be extinguished by a little puff of wind...
And, as I walked on so, I found the well, at daybreak.
Bottom line: Be who you are, stay true to yourself, don't let the world destroy all the soft, sweet, fun, creative, childlike, insightful, open-hearted parts of you.
You are special because of what you love.
GGDD and The Little Prince
Both GG and DD have been repeatedly associated with The Little Prince, and both have been referred to as "little prince" by fans. The Little Prince and his rose have been beloved by turtles as a frequently occurring candy/CPN in the fandom for years.
This started for DD back in his Uniq days. There's an example of this in an early Uniq interview. At the start each group member is being introduced, and their group role is listed onscreen along with the names fans use to refer to them, DD's nicknames are listed as "White Peony, Little Prince." (They're all such babies here!! 🥺)
And he really is a Little Prince, both in terms of his youthful, pure-hearted wonder and in terms of his appearance. There are countless examples of Prince Bobo.
Both GG and DD have been associated directly with the story of The Little Prince, in that both have performed readings of the story - GG in 2018, DD in 2018 and 2019.
(Sorry, no Eng subs for that last one).
The brand Roseonly created many Little Prince themed items back when GG was endorsing them.
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The recent photoshoot DD did for T Magazine was themed around The Little Prince, and people saw similar references in the photoshoot GG did for Marie Claire.
The Little Prince - CPN
There are too many CPN references to The Little Prince - or to elements from the story - to list them all here, but here are a few:
The Name
One of the things BXG get excited about is that in Chinese, The Little Prince is actually called 小王子 (Xiao Wang Zi - literally 'little king child'). While the character 小 (Xiao, meaning 'little') isn't the same as the Xiao character used in GG's name (his name uses 肖, which is a Chinese surname), they are pronounced the same*.
*Incidentally, 小 is the same character that connects XFX to the Peter Pan name, '小飞侠' or 'Xiao Fei Xia'.
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I think it's also likely that it's a big part of why GG and DD feel a connection to The Little Prince - because in Chinese, it references/connects their names.
They both love word play and have connected their names in the past - in the BTS when they were filming the library scene and GG wrote WangXiao with the calligraphy brush, on DDU when they were asked to come up with a team name and DD suggested BJYX and GG suggested Yizhan instead. It's very much in keeping with their personalities to enjoy that connection.
The Huang Ziteng post
Back in 2020 Huang Ziteng made a social media post that referenced The Little Prince. It consisted of a photo of a Little Prince figurine and thank you card with a rose pin. The text of the post read, "The child told me he received a gift, so happy. "The most important things cannot be seen, but must be felt with the heart." It was posted on September 13 at 18:23 (Yizhan - Yibo Loves Zhan).
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The Birthday Cake
When DD rode his motorcycle out to spend GG's birthday together back in 2018, the birthday cake was Little Prince themed.
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There was also a restaurant scene or photo from the set of Gank Your Heart where the Little Prince cake topper randomly appeared on the table. Does anyone else remember that? I can't find the actual photo, but it was very 👀.
A Dream Like A Dream
When A Dream Like A Dream premiered in Wuhan, the theatre plaza was overrun with flowers for GG, and he had to make a statement asking fans not to bring flowers. Fans got together and gave flowers away all over the city. GG posted a photo of a single rose, which turtles believed was sent to him by DD.
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The caption: "With love, the sun warms the spring." The kadian "Love Zhan, My Bo."
Day Day Up
DDU was a source for a few Little Prince-related CPN. There was a Little Prince figurine on the DDU set, next to a skateboard,
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and of course everything surrounding The Brightest Star in the Sky.
DD has frequently been referred to as the 'lonely star', and there is a great deal of CPN about GGDD and stars.
There's also a fake rumor that after DD's motorcycle accident back in 2020, GG was overheard recording a voice message for DD and saying, "you always shine brightly."
There are too many star references to mention. Also too many moon references to mention. There is a LOT of CPN that connects to The Little Prince. It comes up quite often in the fandom. I'm not going to try to gather them all here. Suffice it to say that it's very well solidified as something turtles feel a deep connection with.
Either/or is such a bitch
One of the things I find really frustrating about fan culture is that it is so warlike. Never is this more apparent then when talking about things like this. Solos believe The Little Prince references are for them. Turtles often believe the references are for them, or involve GG and DD referencing each other.
Just a reminder to everyone - it's quite possible for BOTH to be true.
It's quite possible for GG and DD to find all of these things significant at the same time. It's quite possible for us to allow all those significances to coexist without making them into a battle.
More than anything, the references are for and about GG and DD. We can share our excitement for them because we're all their fans. We all love them. It doesn't have to be a fight.
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sublimesims · 1 month
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Love The Sims 3 Lepacy Challenge but you play The Sims 4? Look no further for I have created a lepacy challenge for The Sims 4 right here!
Here is the Google Document for the rules or read below!
As someone who loves the Sims 3 lepacy challenge, I thought I would create one for The Sims 4. I’m aware there is one already made by annaliesembsims on Tumblr but it didn’t fit the criteria I was looking for in the challenge. Their challenge looks wonderful, I just play a little differently. Thanks to both the sims 3 lepacy creator and annaliesembsims! If you see any similarities below, all credit goes to them. Let’s get into the basics!
This is an expansion pack only lepacy challenge. You don’t need to add any game packs, stuff packs, or kits unless you want to. ***Personally, whenever I start a new gen I will also be downloading the game packs and stuff packs that came out that same year.
Unless specified, your sim may have any traits or aspirations you wish.
Feel free to tag me so I can see your wonderful posts!
Generation 1 (Base Game)
You need a fresh start. What’s better than packing everything you own and moving to a completely new town? You move to this new town lost and confused about your future. Somehow, you get a job even though you have no degree or credentials! While your job is tolerable, you’re mainly missing having friends and hobbies and a lover. Now’s the time to do all of those things with your new way of life!
Must live in one of the three base game worlds (Willow Creek, Oasis Springs, or Newcrest)
Must have a base game job
Must have at least 3 friends
Max two skills
Must complete a base game aspiration
Must get married to a townie
Have at least 2 kids
***Packs that came out the same year as base game: None
Generation 2 (Get to Work)
You always admired your parents but saw how they both dreaded going to work every day. You want to work in a field you’re passionate about. As a kid you always dreamed of being the big boss, whether that be as a doctor, scientist, detective, or business owner. Time to get to workin’!
Move to one of the other worlds from Base Game (or Get to Work)
Must become a doctor, scientist, detective, or own your own business
If you chose a career, you must reach level 10
If you chose owning a business, you must earn at least 25,000 simoleons before the end of the generation
Max skills needed for job
Marry a coworker (or customer) and eventually get divorced
Have only 1 child
Make sure your child maxes all skills from infant-child and reaches all of their aspiration goals before becoming a young adult
***Packs that came out the same year as get to work: Outdoor Retreat, Luxury Party Stuff, Perfect Patio Stuff, Day Spa, Cool Kitchen Stuff, Spooky Stuff
Generation 3 (Get Together)
Your parents always pushed you to do your best in school to the point of having the Perfectionist or the Erratic trait. Once you became a young adult you decided you wanted to relax and have fun! The rumors of Windenburg’s parties have lured you to the scenic town. You still talk to your parents but are trying to distance yourself as they pressure you to settle down and get a consistent job.
Must have the perfectionist or erratic trait
Live in Windenburg
Must have one of the traits from Get Together (dance machine or insider)
Must have the Leader of the Pack aspiration and complete it
Must max out dancing and DJing skills
Must have at least one kid (if you want multiple then they can not share the same father/mother)
Never get married
***Packs that came out the same year as get together: Get Together came out the same year as Get to Work and the other packs
Generation 4 (City Living)
Your parent showed you how to live life in an exhilarating way! While you enjoyed staying up late and eating junk food and basically having no rules your entire life, you also craved the stability that never came. Moving to San Myshuno always intrigued you but you knew you would never be able to afford it on your own. But, wait! Your best friend wants to leave Windenburg too! Isn’t that just dandy?
Live in San Myshuno with at least one roommate
Must have the Unflirty or Vegetarian trait
Must have the City Native aspiration and completed
Must get married to roommate 
Go to every festival
Become a critic, politician, or social media influencer, or singing “career” and max the job
If you chose the “singing” career just make sure you can make livable wages
Try every single food from the stalls
Have as many kids as you would like
Max singing skill
***Packs that came out the same year as city living: Movie Hangout, Romantic Garden, Dineout, Kids Room, Backyard, Vintage Glamour
Generation 5 (Cats & Dogs)
Growing up you had to deal with the hustle and bustle of city life. Everything was cramped, busy, and packed. There wasn’t even enough room for a pet. You saw an ad on Simtube about Brindleton Bay one day and ever since then, you have dreamed of living there. The fresh air, the pets, all of it sounds so enticing!
Live in Brindleton Bay
Own a cat and dog
Have a litter of kittens or puppies
Become a vet and max the skill
Max the pet training skill
Have the cat lover or dog lover trait
Have the Friend of the Animals aspiration and complete it
Get married and have three kids
Optional: Have a simstagram for your pet
***Packs that came out the same year as cats and dogs: Vampire, bowling, parenthood, fitness, toddlers
Generation 6 (Seasons)
Living in Brindleton Bay all of your life was great, except for the rain (listen…i know this isn’t technically right because you aren’t supposed to have seasons until your sims are young adults but work with me lol). While Brindleton Bay had all four seasons, you still felt it lacked something because of all of the rain. Time to move!
Live in any world except Brindleton Bay
Experience a holiday (whatever holiday you want) in each season
Rely only on beekeeping and flower arrangement for an income (feel free to have a florist shop)
Max flower arranging and skating skills
Have at least one aspiration reward trait from seasons
Declare favorite season/weather
Get married to someone who has the opposition declaration 
Have as many kids as you want but each child must max the scouting activity
***Packs that came out the same year as seasons: Laundry, jungle adventure, my first pet
Generation 7 (Get Famous)
Small town life never intrigued you. You thought everyone was boring, the town you grew up in was boring, and nothing interested you. Except being famous. You would stay up late watching Simtube and meticulously rating movies on Letter Box and obsessing over your favorite celebrities. Now that you’re a young adult you’re free to do whatever you want! Time to move to Del Sol Valley!
Live in Del Sol Valley
Have the self-absorbed trait
Have either the World Famous Celebrity aspiration or the Master Actor and complete it
Become an actor or influencer 
Max either the acting skill or media production skill
Have a pristine or atrocious reputation
Reach max celebrity level
Marry another celebrity
Have as many kids as you want but each kid has to be into the drama club
***Packs that came out the same year as get famous: get famous came out the same year as seasons
Generation 8 (Island Living)
Growing up with famous parents and being forced to go to red carpets, join the drama club, and having to deal with paparazzi has run you down and you just want to live life alone in peace. Sulani seems like the perfect place for rest and relaxation.
Live in Sulani
Attend all Sulani festivals (Don’t know when they happen? Try this mod!)
Have at least 5 friends
Marry a townie
Have 4 kids (make sure at least one child maxs all skills from infant-child and completes all of their aspirations from child-teen and gets A’s throughout entire schooling career)
Have the child of the island or the child of the ocean trait
Have the beach life aspiration and complete it
Become a conservationist, diver, fisherman, or lifeguard and make the career
Max athletic skill
***Packs that came out the same year as island living: strangerville, moschino, realm of magic
Generation 9 (Discover University)
Basking in the sun throughout your childhood has been wonderful but you have always craved knowledge. You always had A’s and maxed your skills to fulfill your need for knowledge but it was never enough. Your restlessness has made you antsy. Now that you’re a young adult, you can meet that need in University!
Get accepted into Britechester or Foxbury institute and live in the world
Have the academic aspiration and complete it
Max the research and debate skill or the robotics skill
Join an afterschool activity or an organization (secret society counts for an organization)
Achieve all A’s
Throw one party per semester
Once graduated, live anywhere you wish
End up having a job as an educator, law, or engineer
Have a college sweetheart and get married
Have as many kids as you want
Once you have graduated and joined a career, cheat on your spouse and get divorced
Marry sim you cheated with
Optional: Have a servo
***Packs that came out the same year as discover university: discover university came out the same year as island living
Generation 10 (Eco Lifestyle)
Your parents' love of knowledge has worn off on you, but for the worse. You are riddled with the knowledge of capitalism and its destruction of the planet. Evergreen Harbor has been on the news, specifically because of the pollution. Finally, you have had enough of just sitting around. You want to make a change! 
Live in Evergreen Harbor
Make sure every neighborhood in Evergreen Harbor has a green eco footprint
Have the freegan, green fiend, maker, or recycle disciple trait
Have the eco innovator or master maker aspiration and complete it
Max the civil designer job
Max the gardening, fabrication, or juice making skill
Marry a townie 
Have as many kids as you want
***Packs that came out the same year as eco lifestyle: tiny living, nifty knitting, journey to batuu
Generation 11 (Snowy Escape)
Since your parent was obsessed with nature and eco footprints, you spent a lot of time outside. This aided in your need for excitement and thrill. You were always at the playground and hanging out at the quarry. Now, you want to take your need for thrill to the next level in Mt. Komorebi!
Live in Mt. Komorebi
Visit all festivals
Have the adventurous or proper trait
Max the rock climbing, skiing, or snowboarding skill
Complete the extreme sports enthusiast or mt. komorebi sightseer aspiration
Have the salaryperson job (you don’t have to max this as it’s not your goal)
Visit all neighborhoods and complete some activities (meeting Yamachan in Wakaba, nature walk in Senbamachi, snowy activities in Yukimatsu, etc)
Marry a sim that has the same thrill for excitement and is mastering another skill you did not choose
Have 2 kids
***Packs that came out the same year as snowy escape: snowy escape came out the same year as eco lifestyle
Generation 12 (Cottage Living)
Mt. Komorebi is where your heart lies but you wish you lived more in the country. You have always loved animals but you can’t really own a cow when you live in the middle of town! You made a penpal in Henford-on-Bagley and they have convinced you to move there.
Live in Henford-on-Bagley
Have the animal enthusiast or lactose intolerant trait
Have the country caretaker aspiration and complete it
Max the cross stitch skill or the cooking skills (if you choose to go into canning things)
Have a barn, coop, and farm on your lot
Have the simple living or wild foxes lot challenge
Win a town fair
Complete at least 3 errands
Marry your “pen pal” (a townie)
Have five kids
***Packs that came out the same year as cottage living: paranormal, throwback fit, country kitchen, bust the dust, courtyard oasis, dram home decorator, industrial loft, fashion st, incheon arrivals, blooming rooms, modern menswear
Generation 13 (High School Years)
Your parents decided that the education you were receiving out in the country wasn’t good enough! They moved you all to Copperdale so you could have the true high school experience. Yay, I guess?
Live in Copperdale
Get all A’s
Join an afterschool activity or have a part-time job and max it
If you choose a part-time job you must create a club from get together so you can have friends!
Sneak out successfully
Throw a party while parents are out or on another lot
Have the overachiever, party animal, or socially awkward trait
Complete the drama llama, goal orientated, live fast, or admired icon aspiration
Get prom royalty or jester
Use social bunny often to update your status
Marry your highschool sweetheart (once you’re a young adult)
***Packs that came out the same year as high school years: carnaval streetwear, my wedding stories, decor to the max, moonlight chic, little campers, werewolves, first fits, desert luxe, everyday clutter, pastel pop
Generation 14 (Growing Together)
You had the time of your life as a teen! You also married your high school sweetheart. The two of you decide to move to San Sequoia because of the job opportunities and want for a big family.
Have a freelancer job
Have 3 kids
Have a dog or cat
Each kid must reach all of the milestones and have their own aspirations (and complete them) and traits (no repetition)
Must have a baby shower, family reunion, and sleepover at some point
Must visit recreation center often
Must have midlife crisis and do it (except the divorce one)
Optional: Max parenting skill (parenthood required)
***Packs that came out the same year as growing together: simtimates, bathroom clutter, greenhouse haven, basement treasures, grunge revival, book nook
Generation 15 (Horse Ranch)
Your parents let you have your own personalities and lives as you grew and you turned out to be a horse girl/boy! Congrats! San Sequoia lacked horses and equestrian activities. But, just a little bit east, is the town of Chestnut Ridge! Known for their horses, square dancing, and wine making, this town sounds just down right perfect for you.
Live in Chestnut Ridge
Have the horse lover or rancher trait
Have the championship rider or expert nectar maker aspiration and complete it
Master the riding and nectar making traits
Have at least 2 horses who makes their skills
Own sheep or goats
Get married
Have as many kids as you want
Have your spouse die (riperoni)
***Packs that came out the same year as horse ranch: modern luxe, poolside splash, home chef hustle
Generation 16 (For Rent)
Living in a small town where one of your parents was more concerned with their horses than you and the other one being dead has left you feeling a little lost. You crave the sense of a close knit family and friendship. You went on a trip in high school to Tomarang and loved every moment of it. Ever since you got back from that trip, you have thought about Tomarang. Now that you’re a young adult and can make your own choices you have decided to leave your parent to Chestnut Ridge in search of your own belonging in Tomarang.
Live in Tomarang
Have the nosy, generous, or child of the village trait (once you are an elder you need the wise trait)
Either become a property owner or have the part time handyperson job
If you are a property owner you need to decide if you want pristine living conditions where you have the highest ratings or the worst landlord known to man and achieve that goal
If you go into the part-time job you need to make sure you have at least 5 friends
Marry a townie and max your friendship with all of their family members
Have a pool party and potluck at some point
You must live with your spouse’s family
Have at least two kids
You need to have the seeker of secrets, five-star property owner, fount of Tomarani knowledge, or discerning dweller aspiration and complete it
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sinsofaries · 2 months
It's the summer season where I live right now and I'm being cooked like a chicken in an oven. Anyways, have this:
Robin tries to survive the heat and sell more lemonade he can (without doubling or even tripling the price smh).
If you manage to drag him home before he gets heatstroke, you two and some other orphans will cool off with the hose in the garden. Bailey interrupts the fun though and yells for you lot to "stop wasting water" or else he'll increase rent costs.
With some extra cash, maybe you and Robin can share some ice cream or milkshakes to beat the heat.
Sydney will be fine for the most part. Jordan won't let this member of the flock suffer from melting.
He'll be as attentive as Jordan is to some extent too: he'll give you little reminders to drink water here and there. If you're in school, he'll put little sticky notes on your books. Writes on your hand as well to take care of yourself and to put sunscreen on.
Given a chance, he'll happily walk with you and bring an umbrella to protect you two from the scorching sun. Maybe even have fun at the beach and swim around.
Kylar's there by your side if he can, ready to give you anything you need. Need some cold water? Here, drink from his bottle. Want some cold treats? He's got you covered. His dedication might cloud his sight and he forgets to hydrate; do be kind and remind him to also drink water, he'll happily drink from the same side of the bottle where your lips were.
Don't be fooled though, this guy will also try to convince you to stay at his place. "The orphanage can get a little stuffy with all the others being there, right? You can stay with me! We can even watch anime together!"
Whether you accept his offer or not, expect him to crawl under your sheets and cling to you. It doesn't matter if you two end up getting sweaty and sticky from the heat and humidity, that can happen in a different way anyway-
Whitney will be skipping school and he's dragging you with him to his house. It's too hot outside to fuck around, maybe he'll drag you to the mall but the chances are slim.
This menace has some tricks up his sleeve. When you arrive in his room, you're either greeted with a hot oven or a freezing oasis. Either way, will demand you strip and will reason with you how it's "too hot to have clothes on" with a shit eating grin. Don't worry, he'll strip too.
If the room was hot, you two will surprisingly laze around. Whitney will grope you occasionally but it never goes further and you two end up taking a nap due to the heat. He'll get you some water of course, but he'll ask for "payment" in the future. If the room was cold, you'll end up under the covers whilst still being naked. If you complain about it, this menace easily suggests other ways in "warming each other up". Once that idea's planted into his head, expect staying the night instead.
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navstuffs · 1 year
No Ordinary Love
Pairing: Leon x SuccubusFemale!Reader
Summary: Leon Kennedy is addicted to you.
Warnings: songfic, SMUT, touch-starved leon, needy!leon, reader does feed on him
Author's Notes: hello! this fanfic is so important to me due to the song that inspired me to write: No Ordinary Love by Sade. if you don't know Sade, please go and listen to her. it was super hard to edit this fanfic cause the song is so freaking good and i kept getting distracted. anyway, reader is a succubus, but she might not be a "proper" succubus, i will adapt for my writing needs. this fanfic might have a prequel (how they met, after re2 events) and a sequel, so we shall see. i hope you enjoy!
leon's masterlist
"I gave you all the love I got I gave you more than I could give Gave you love"
It is late when Leon Kennedy knocks on the familiar door after just landing from Spain. He is exhausted, with images of the last days tormenting his head. Ada. Ashley. Luis's death. As a loop, he sees their faces over and over again. He shakes his head, trying to focus on the door before him and the person who will open it. Some part of him knows he shouldn't be there, something deep inside his soul is telling him to leave, he doesn't deserve you, but when the door flies open, all thoughts inside his head disappear.
Everything else disappears around him.
There is no more Ada. No more Ashley, Luis, or even Leon S. Kennedy. Only you.
"I gave you all that I have inside And you took my love You took my love(...)"
You wear an oversized black shirt that goes just above your knees. Your beauty always seems to leave him breathless because no one should look this stunning. It is unfair. Leon forgets how to speak and how to act. He is just a rookie all over again. The hopeless rookie who met you years ago, desperate for some comfort, any comfort after Racoon City. Only you matter right now. Shit, he hasn't realized how much he missed you. Your touch. Your kisses. Your warmth. 
"Do you know what time it is, Kennedy?" You yawn, crossing your arms. Understandable, he woke you up in the middle of the night. You had all the right to be angry if you wanted; Leon feels like shit about it, though he couldn't wait until the morning to see you.
"Yes. May I come in?" His voice way is softer than his usual tone, but again, he is different when it comes to you. He is not the same person around you.
Your eyebrows arch, surprised, and Leon notices your nipples harden against your shirt. Perfect.
"I don't know. Can you?"
"When you came my way You brightened every day With your sweet smile(...)"
Please, let me in. Please, Leon begs mentally, and you smirk as if listening to his silent pleas. As if you could read his mind, knowing precisely how much he needs you.
"Please?" Leon murmurs, looking at your bare feet, not believing how fragile his voice sounds.
Not after all those things he had killed or everything he had gone through, he would still be clay in your hands. It didn't matter how many times he saved the world or how many he killed, you would still be the one who put Leon on his knees, this invisible force pulling him for you. 
Leon doesn't know what would happen to him if you deny him. He might die as a thirsty man who got close to the oasis but failed to drink the water. Or got so close to the sun and burned himself before touching it. All those thoughts rush through his mind before your feet finally, finally give him passage, and Leon thanks mentally for your benevolence.
Leon starts walking into your house before you stop him, hands on his chest. You stare at his expression for a second, and Leon's heart beats so fast that he finally feels like living again.
"You don't look well. Was it hard this time?"
Leon's mind flashes with everything that happened to him in the last couple of days. He doesn't have to say anything: you know Leon better than anyone. You nod as if reading his mind again, closing the door.
"I will take care of you. Come."
"Didn't I give you All that I've got to give, baby(...)"
Leon's mind drifts away. He would lie if he said he didn't like the taste you left on his body, his heart, on his soul. You were like a drug, the strongest he had ever tasted. 
Oh, how much he missed your moans. Your desperate sobs of his name as he pushed his cock inside of you, as a madman. There is nothing, nothing in this world that would separate you from him. 
"I keep trying for you There's nothing like you and I, baby(...)"
He doesn't know what happens when he is inside of you, a feeling he can't describe. It is different from everything he tried before: you delight him. You keep him there while you take away the pain, sadness, and anything he had inside. You amplify all his senses as you empty them. He watches as your boobs bounce and your eyes light with a strange glow, but he doesn't care. Leon only cares about being yours.  
He moans a lot, too: he begs. Begs for you not to leave him, begs you to stay with him forever, and implores you to love him. Tells you there is no else for him, except for you.
Leon can feel you are close, and he trembles under your power, trying to match your thrusts. All he can focus on is how tight you are squeezing him now, how delicious you look on top of him, how much he loves being yours, being loved by you.
"This is no ordinary love No ordinary love"
When Leon cums, his vision gets hazy. He holds your ass down rougher than he would want, so you don't move. He likes to feel his seed inside you, his eyes rolling to his head.
Leon Kennedy ceases to exist to exist again only because of you.
When you fall to his side, Leon can't move. He never moves after cumming inside of you, that feeling of you squeezing tight, taking all that he has. Leon feels your gentle hand taking his hair from his sweaty face, kissing his lips, and savoring it. He moans in your mouth, grabbing your hips with the bit of strength he still has. 
"Feeling better, Leon?" 
Leon nods, his big blue eyes begging him not to leave you. To stay with him forever. He is more exhausted than when he arrived, but he is grateful. You smile compassionately, the strange glow in your eyes slowly disappearing, laying your head on his chest. 
"I lo-"
"Shhh, Leon. You have to rest now. Everything will be okay in the morning. Sleep, my love."
As a command, you watch Leon Kennedy sink into darkness. You sigh, listening to his heartbeats, the sensation of satisfaction and fullness in your veins not enough to dismiss the tiny feeling of worry you had before. Or the happiness when you saw him. Or the feeling that he belongs to you and only you. There were too small to consider but not small enough to ignore. You shake your head and find yourself foolish as you make circles on Leon's chest. Now, after all the years, was not the time to get sentimentalist. You fall asleep, ignoring the sensation of comfort of being in Leon's arms.
"Keep trying for you Keep crying for you Keep lying for you Keep flying and I'm falling
And I'm falling"
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