#Oc: Cory
eldstunga · 23 days
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Lineup pt. 11: Cory
I am so inconsistent but i am working on it
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richietozsier · 1 year
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Garrett Hedlund as Dean Moriarty in On the Road (2012)
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First Year Shenanigans - June Jabbers
Feat. Vizzie (MC) and Cory (OC) + Sebeppy (pining staaage bb)
I've recently put up a post about mini hc's regarding the dorms, if you need a little more context as to where they're gonna study you can read here but uh. this ran away from me and became a sebeppy ficlet lsdfkjshdkfjsdf
"You can't tell us you know a COOL place to study and then not take us there."
Ace took a bite of his sandwich, not bothering to finish his bite as he continued speaking with his mouth full. "Studying's boring enough as it is, if you've got info, you've gotta spill."
The rest of the table cringed a bit at Ace's lack of manners, as Cory grinned back at him.
"It's gonna cost ya~ I can't take just ANYBODY there, y'know? Besides, we have to time it right." Cory took a bite of his salad, trying to give himself pause for dramatic effect, but Epel spoke up in his planned silence instead. Which was fine, it meant he had the intrigue of more than just the most annoying person at the table.
"Time it right for what? What's that supposed to mean?"
"For Floyd."
Deuce's eyes widened a bit, one hand coming up to cover his mouth a bit as he spoke, showing a bit more decorum than his roommate.
"You want us to gamble with Floyd's presence?"
Ace laughed, elbowing Deuce. "What, you scared? Floyd's not that scary, he's a pretty stand up guy all things considered." He turned his attention back to Cory, grinning and waving his fork at him a bit. "Though I admit, it's more exciting than just studying at Ramshackle or in the library."
"Maybe for you, everyone else here would be fine without playing with fire." Jack shook his head a bit. "Besides, studying isn't meant to be fun, just productive. And you're just going to to get distracted by whatever else is going on in a new environment instead of buckling down and focusing."
Ace groaned and mocked Jack slightly with his facial expression and his hand imitating him talking, before huffing. "Just so you know, I don't really need to study. I'm happy with the grades I get without it. It's the rest of your dumba-"
"No." Vizzie had leaned across the table, muffling Ace's sentence by stuffing at least half of what was left of his sandwich in his mouth, her other hand holding Ortho's head in a bit of an awkward, but protective position.
She sat back down with a huff, apologizing softly to Ortho and shooting Ace a glare as he struggled to choke down his food.
"First of all, you know better than to cuss in front of Ortho-"
"I've heard worse from Idia..."
"Well I'll talk to Idia later too- Secondly, academics aren't everything, and the way testing is done is inaccurate to real life. At least not until next year when we start having more practical assessments than just regurgitating memorized information. That being said, I think going to this secret study space you found could be fun...even if the first time we go the likelihood of us getting anything down is low to null." She managed a small smile at Cory, who in turn beamed.
"Then you guys come meet me in the Hall of Mirrors after school, okay? I'll show you where it is in Octavinelle."
Epel piped up. "I'll bring Sebek. He's um...getting some supplementary study material from Crewel." His head dipped a bit as he spoke, trying to hide the rising heat to his cheeks.
A few knowing glances were exchanged amongst each other, but Viz just grinned and kicked his shin lightly to get his attention.
"Tell him you want him there."
Ace rolled his eyes and imitated puking, while Deuce nodded along and Cory gave Viz a small shove, causing the two of them to giggle as Epel's cheeks turned a little more red than pink.
"It ain't nothin' like that! But it would be rude if we didn't invite him at all."
"It ain't nothin' like that huh..." Jack repeated his words back to him, over-enunciating, giving him a bit of a shit-eating smile as he side-eyed his classmate, taking another bite of food.
"OH NOT YOU TOO!! Y'can't be in on all this Jack yer supposed to be on ma side, you're in MA class, y'see how Sebek an' I get on the MOST, we're just friends!"
Jack finished his food leisurely, setting his sandwich down and looking at Epel properly, grinning.
"Yeah, exactly. Sebek and I are closer to the back of the class when we get joint ones because of our height, I can see you every time you turn around to glance back at him. I can see the way you look at him-"
"Shut up!!"
Jack's smile only got wider "and the way Sebek's heartbeat picks up when he notices."
Cory nodded along, finishing his bite and excited to jump in. "It's true! And just yesterday in home ec, Sebek made these really pretty apple tarts. He let the class have all but four of them - three for his usual Diasomnia crowd, and the otherrrrr-"
Jack finished his sentence for him, still grinning a mile wide, his tail wagging a mile a minute.
"He came to pick up Epel from class with it, excited to show it off to him. You should have seen their faces when they realized I saw the entire exchange."
Epel was flushed and defeated, laying his head down on the table so as to hide his face from everyone. "You guys suck. You ALL suck."
The table erupted in laughter, not at Epel per ce, but just how in denial the lavender-haired boy and his crush BOTH were.
Viz was the first to settle down, gently kicking his shin from across the table. She looked rather amused when he begrudingly met her eyes, a slightly smug smile on her face as she nodded slightly in his direction.
"Better look alive, prince charming's on his way."
Epel visibly went through about 10 emotions in the span of two seconds before he sat up and tried to rub his face, forcing himself to not turn around and look at his FRIEND.
Ace looked rather bored at this point, flinging peas at Riddle as discreetly as he could from across the cafeteria. Everyone else was fully engaged as Sebek made his way to the table, piles of papers in hand. He stepped over the bench they were sitting on, in between Jack and Epel, even as uncomfortably close as he was to both classmates for a moment, before Jack scooched over a bit rolling his eyes at the look Sebek shot him. Ortho noticed, giggling a bit in response as Sebek finally sat down.
Epel was turned looking to Deuce, who gave him a smile and a thumbs up to indicate he was no longer as red as he was before, so he could properly face Sebek with his own smile.
But before either of them could properly greet each other, both Viz and Cory bubbled with small giggles, causing Epel to shoot them a dirty look, and Sebek looking baffled.
Grim finally rejoined the table, proudly carrying his third helping of lunch as he slid it onto the bench between Viz and Cory, hopped up, then slid it onto the table, looking in between them confused and slightly mad.
"Myrah! You guys can't be havin' all the fun conversations when I'm not around! C'mon, tell me what happened? What's the joke??"
Ortho giggled a bit and leaned forward so he could see Grim's face.
"We simply find the dynamics of Epel and Sebek's relationship amusing. Even now, I can detect temperature changes in both of them, and like Jack said, both their heart rates are speeding up and syncing to each other...as is their breathing! Science suggests this happens to people who have been in a long-term, loving relationship with each other or people that are in love! Isn't that cool?!"
Grim just blinks, the rest of the table, (minus Ace) waiting for the cat's reaction.
He looks at Ortho, then between Sebek and Epel, then up at Vizzie like a toddler.
"They're not already datin'?"
I ran out of steeeeeeeeam so this is where it's ending sdfhskdljfhlksdjf
Taglist: (lmk if you wanna hop on)
@fluffle-writes @my-cursed-brain
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(I wanted to just do smth with his old friends)
Mandy: Guys, what color would you say Juliano's shirt is?
Cory: Uuh.. Gray?
Dusty: Yeah, gray!
Anna: Maybe dark gray...?
Mandy, crossing her arms and looking at Juliano: Now tell them what you said, Jul.
Juliano: ... dark white.
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nekrophoria · 2 years
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unpopulargoose · 2 years
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July 6, 2022
Silly clown do silly dance
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spinspoon · 1 year
anyone want old concept art for a handful of characters i have for a game i want to make (but probably never will 🥲) ??
have them anyway 💅
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snail-eggs · 3 months
🥊🍎 for Cory and 🎹❤️ for Daenaaaaa teehee
- what do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Corinne. Cory. My baby, my darling weirdo cryptic pregnancy baby. I finally get to talk about her sdjkfh.
She loves, loves, loves rocks? Picking them up and looking at them even though she knows jack shit about geology. Cory once found a rock that was the exact color of her mamma's eyes. Gave it to her dad rather than keeping it but sometimes she wishes she had. Its been so long since she's seen those eyes.
Anyway, yeah, Cory is a rock and trinket lover. I can imagine her showing them off to Lucy---maybe even Coop if its something really special.
As for things she hates to do? Well that list is kind of endless. There's a lot to hate in the wasteland.
She hates scouting ahead of a group. There's always a voice in the back of her head telling her to run back, to protect even though she's doing that from afar. Maybe there's a desperate need for closeness there. I don't know. She's odd. Just don't leave her alone.
- what is the OC's relationship w/their parents like?
An unashamed daddy's girl 100%. She loves her dad more than anything. Spent the most time with him as a kid but there's a real soft spot in her heart for her mom. It kills her that she hasn't seen either of them in so long. Absolutely kills her.
- do they have any hobbies?
Oh, this is a fun one. At first, I didn't see Daena as one to even have hobbies but everyone has their little thing and she's no exception.
Daena loves a good game. She's had a deck of cards in her bag for years and she's always so excited to bring them out. She finds a lot of comfort in turning her brain off from other things and honing her focus on the game.
She'll turn it into a drinking game 9 times out of 10 if you let her.
- what is one of your OC's best memories?
Her first ever memory of the beach. Her chubby little hands grabbing the sand incessantly, like if she tries hard enough it won't slip through her fingers. Her dad is there, her brothers. The vague, barely there shape of a woman.
A mother?
Yeah she holds onto that one pretty dearly.
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simplecatgirl · 1 year
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"Upon the town, upon the most inmate creaks of the outskirt, from the deepest in the forest, Cory led me to his home, a place I believe-honestly-didn't used to exist. Cory was always moody when I skimmed past him from the games played with the other kids. He was picked last in the fun; I thought that was why he was so tense with everyone.
But, once the largest and greenest tree I have ever seen appeared before me, a spacious house craved into the tree, wrapping around it like it was vines. I was dumbfounded. Despite my face, Cory holds my hand and strides forward confidently with that smile on his face.
Maybe Cory I used to know, was so moody because the province never tried to be his home. "
--Section from A Girl with An Arcane Legacy (WIP)
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felsicveins · 8 months
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Just a sleepover
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grandmazzter · 2 years
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Little Cory in their team rescue fit!
Sheepyheads created by @/sunscones
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linkerbell · 2 months
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I GOT @undeniablylazy and @beautysnake TO FINALLY MAKE THEIR LAMBSONAS 😩
@beautysnake was being a lil shit about it before deciding to actually make one last night so my initial drawing had to change. 😤
Picrew by @/jobycewl
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spaghettiandart · 2 months
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Boone gets preoccupied during a very urgent moment
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scionshtola · 20 days
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study date 😌
thank you so much @matchaprince for this lovely art of Cori and Y'shtola!! 💗
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Been a while since I did this (RSC edition)
(Have random quotes to flesh em out)
Danielle: I fail to see what this has to do with me. Or rather, I am beginning to see, but I’m hoping I’m totally wrong.
Juliano: You might want to begin to prepare yourself for disappointment.
SMG-1: Do all of our friends have weird emotional issues?
SMG-2: Eh... Cory's probably fine.
Anna: I know what might cheer you up! Some gossip!
Dusty: I hate gossip. Gossip is for the weak.
Dusty: What's it about?
Danielle: Mandy, there’s no reason to yell.
Mandy: I have two brothers. There’s always a reason to yell.
Typical business tycoon: Whatever it takes to keep you out of my hair.
Cory: …Sir, you’re bald.
Cory: I'm Cory! And this is my dog, Midnight!
Midnight: Sup.
SMG-2: Aw, it's nice to- Did that dog just talk.
Midnight: Woof. Or something.
Juliano: Stay out here.
Mandy: I can't stay out here by myself!
Juliano: Sure you can!
Mandy: What if someone tries to take me?
Juliano: Who would want you?
Cory: You can’t hurt me cause I’m a minor!
SMG-1, chasing him: Yeah, that’s called a minor offense!
Danielle: This is a two man job.
Dusty: *looks at Cory*
Dusty: When is Juliano showing up?
Anna: Do you think your father likes me?
Dusty: My father literally begged you to marry me.
SMG-2: Comparing you and Mandy to -1 and I is like comparing apples and oranges.
Juliano: We’re both unique in our own ways?
SMG-1: Apples are superior in every way, and all oranges should be eliminated.
Juliano, trying to practice with the SMGs: To the left!
SMG-2: Take it back now, y'all!
Juliano: Is this about the grant I took from the bank?
Danielle: You took a grant from the bank?!
Mandy: Real smooth, Jul.
Danielle, looking at the RCS crew: .. who let a bunch of clearly troubled young adults run a circus? And why am I getting attached?
Juliano: Making those people laugh is impossible.
Cody: You admit defeat?
Juliano: Yes. They're the black hole of comedy.
Mandy: Hey, Anna! How are you?
Anna: Moving from one crisis to another as elegantly as I can.
SMG-1, to SMG-2: Have I ever told you how beautiful you look contemplating violence?
SMG-1: So, wait, why aren't we allowed to see Juliano at the moment?
SMG-2: I've got a great video idea and everything!
Cory: Well...
*shouts of pure rage coming from Juliano's office, all along the lines of 'fuck the IRS'*
Cory: It's tax season..
SMGs: Oh..
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toads-treasures · 2 months
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They say attention is the beginning of devotion — you've always had all of mine.
Cozy mornings back in Waterdeep 💕
mostly I just wanted to show off Cori’s tattoos
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