#Oc: Matthias
cyberneutral · 1 year
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matt a little bit younger in the fight club
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p0tat0-4rt · 5 months
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shenanigans from the last d&d game I dmed for (this is the second time he’s been replaced by a shapeshifter)
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keikidraws · 3 months
19 18 12 8 9
18 answered here!
8. How is their handwriting?
Very neat, he can also write in cursive. Matthias got penmanship training at a young age, and despite trying to break away from his royal background his writing hand can't forget those lessons.
9. What is their primary sleeping position?
On his stomach, but honestly he's able to fall asleep in any position if he manages to use up all his energy by the end of the day. Which isn't too common.
12. What's in their pockets?
Keys and sometimes a lighter and/or multitool. He doesn't have a wallet, so if he needs to take money somewhere he limits how much he's carrying.
19. How likely are they to start a fistfight at a funeral?
Unlikely unless it was for someone he knew and somebody insulted them. Matthias knows a funeral is not the place, but he wouldn't be able to control himself in that specific situation.
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Template used here!!!
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"I wasn’t born to be soft and quiet, I was born to make the world shatter and shake at at my fingertips."
Credit for the edit of the template + the OC Dean : @dickytwister
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Apparently I cannot be stopped
Here's OC Number 3 (still not my main OC lmao)
Meet: Matthias
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He's a Garaboncias (see below), 22, Bi, 180 cm/5'11
Named after one of Hungary's most well known/culturally relevant kings, Matthias Corvinus. He's also named Matthias because in Hungary, there is a name assigned to every day of the year, and on the Day of Matthias, old folks predicted the weather for the future (and also checked if harvest will be good, or how many eggs the hens will lay).
A Garaboncias (yes I know it looks bad, welcome to hungarian language folks) is a mythical creature from our folklore. They are magical beings who mainly have power over the weather, specifically wind and hail. They will ask for eggs or milk, and if you don't give them any, they'd send hail to your village, or summon a Motherfucking Dragon or Snake to just, scare the villagers and blow down roofs. They carry a staff that can grow "up to the moon", and they also carry a spellbook. They can also shapeshift into animals, like bulls, and when they fight with each other in that form, it starts to hail.
Matthias is the type of guy who can talk himself out of every situation, and he's also very quick thinking and resourceful. He tends to offend people by not knowing when to shut up, but that's where his talking skills and sharp mind come in clutch. Even if he can be a little shit, he's always there to his friends as support (and more often than not, as bad influence).
He's the biggest party person in the group, always knowing where to find the most fun time. He also quite likes to drink, so the party nights often end in him just blacking out.
(Went too into detail with him, but he's one of the only creatures that survived Christianity taking over and erasin a good 90% of our folklore, so I wanted to share a little bit more than usual.)
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id like to think i've improved over the past 9 years :P
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moonstruck-poet · 8 months
The Confrontation
Pairing - Kaz Brekker x reader!
Summary - three times where the Crows find you two in suspicious situations leading them to conspire and the fourth time when they learn the truth.
Warnings - Assault, Harrassment
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1. Nina
"You ready?" Nina Zenik questioned, quickly giving the surroundings a scan before pinning her eyes on you. "The minute Kaz joins us, you have to leave".
You exhaled and nodded, trying your best not to wince at the obnoxiously tight corset and trying to breathe properly. "Was this the only available option?"
"Thr most suitable option," she corrected and smirked after looking at you.
"Stop checking me out when I'm literally struggling to breathe, Zenik. Remind me why is it not you instead of me? Saints know you're better at this," you grumbled and shivered as the cold hair brushed against your off shoulder gown.
"Because unfortunately I'm the Heartrender here, aren't I?" She grinned and you glared, understanding that this was quite amusing. "Ah! There's your ticket," she nodded towards Kaz who was stumbling his way towards you, slightly out of breath.
"Here it goes," you sighed, smoothing your outfit. Somehow this simply seemed a much difficult job that gutting someone in the right place. Using a knife was just easier.
Kaz, now much closer gave you a nod, his eyes glinting as he gripped his cane tightly and you understood. You merely smiled softly before shooting Nina a wink and entered the club, your eyes immediately narrowing down on the target.
Your brain was replaying all of the tricks that your dear friend had so graciously shown. You weren't dumb of course, you knew the basics but she had a degree in flirting.
And so you braced yourself and appeared in front of the man, trying to hide a cringe when his gaze instantly swept over your physique shamelessly. A small flame of anger burned internally and you would be sure to use your favorite dagger very soon.
Meanwhile Kaz and Nina were sneakily observing from the window while also keeping an eye on the environment.
"She seems to be getting the required information," Nina exclaimed but her smile soon fell upon seeing the scene. "Oh Saints no," she whispered and Kaz, who had his back to the window whipped around.
His dark, dangerous stare found you with ease and his body tensed at your uncomfortable face that you were trying so desperately to hide.
He saw the way that man pulled you closer with every passing second until you were pressed flat against him, his foul breath staining your bare shoulders as your body shook with contained fury.
His fingers skimmed your skin while his lips brushed against your cheek and all Kaz wanted to do in that moment was to stride inside and take you out of his grasp.
But he was still talking, his lips moved and so did yours. You were still trying to wrangle every little piece of information you could possibly get while also trying to keep yourself safe.
"Kaz," Nina said urgently upon seeing the malicious smile on the stranger's face. "That's enough she needs to come out".
"I can't do anything," he said bitterly. "It'll just give out our position and put everybody in danger and I cannot have that," he finished, hating every part of himself.
"I like you, sweetheart," your target whispered, his face inches away. His breath fanning you, reeking of alcohol. "I wish to see you again. Please?" He asked, his voice manipulative and he dragged his lips from your shoulder to your neck.
"Of course," you murmured back, your tone deadly which he didn't seem to notice. "You'll see me soon. Very soon indeed".
"Perfect," he grinned against your cheek before kissing the skin and you stepped back with a smile, not breaking eye contact until you exited the door.
And immediately your flirty facade shattered and your were consumed by a dark energy as you rounded the corner, your pace increasing with every step.
"Oh Saints," Nina said as soon as you reached the meeting spot. "Are you alright?"
"Of course I am," you teased, a wicked smile but Kaz wasn't fooled, not at all.
He looked at you, trying to pick up every noticeable change and he sae many. The twitch of your eyebrow, the small frown appearing on your lips which was quickly replaced with a grin and the slight shudder of your shoulders.
He didn't think of anything at all as he removed his coat. "Here," he offered, his dark brown eyes burning into yours.
"It's okay, Kaz, I'm alright-"
"-Take it," he said firmly and when you didn't move, he put it over your shoulders and you almost sighed at the warmth. His touch was so gentle, so secure, a constrast to the emotions plaguing you moments before. "Are you okay?" He asked again.
"I want to go home," was all you could reply as you looked longingly at him, hoping that your eyes were enough to convey all of your feelings. "Please".
Kaz nodded, looking down as pain struck his chest. He could handle numerous difficult situations, but when it concerned you, he was always vulnerable.
"I'm sorry," he said lowly, his voice barely heard as he scanned your face, having an intense urge to place his palm on your cheek but the mere thought made him flinch. However he remained rooted to the spot, not backing away because he knew that you needed him at the present, and he wasn't leaving you.
Someone cleared her throat and that was what made him pull away.
"Extremely sorry but we have to move," she said softly and he nodded, his jaw clenching as he gave you one last, tender look before walking away.
The two of you followed and you clutched the coat around you tightly, a small smile threatening to break out on your face as you replayed the interaction with your dearest.
Meanwhile the Grisha was observing her friends quite eagerly, her eyes switching from one to the other. She had her suspicions from the minute she saw Kaz's panic-stricken face, and then the said person lending his coat confirmed it.
She saw his face contorting in sadness upon seeing your highly uneasy figure back at the club, saw the way his fingers fidgeted constantly because he felt helpless. In conclusion, she saw him lose control.
Kaz Brekker never lost control.
She should feel guilty for using her abilities on her boss, but how could she not? When a particular heart was thudding unbelievably as soon as his eyes fell onto someone else's. The beating had only seemed to intensify when he had put his coat around your shoulders.
The trip to the Crow Club was spent in silence. Everyone's mind being occupied by very different thoughts.
"There you are!" Jesper's cheery voice snapped them from their daydream. He slowly jogged over to you, excitement evident on his features. "Want to play a round of cards?"
All you gave him was a small, forced smile. He just looked so happy and you didn't want to be that person, "Let's go then".
"You don't have to," Kaz suddenly spoke making everyone stare in surprise.
"It's fine," you replied but he still gave you that look. The one where his eyes were just a tiny bit wide, eyebrows slightly raised to wordlessly ask if you were sure.
You nodded offering him a twitch of your lips before joining Jesper, Wylan and Inej at the table, helping yourself to some bread.
Nina had of course watched this soundless interaction quite seriously, and now she had some very interesting points that would definitely be shared with the other Crows; minus you two obviously.
"Now this seems fun," she said to herself, smirking at the way Dirtyhands had his eyes glued to you the entire time.
2. Wylan & Matthias
Having a lazy day at the barrel was something that happened once in a blue moon, because Mr Brekker made sure to always keep everyone on their toes. Today was one of those rarest days that the Crows actually had no job and so naturally they were lazing around in the club.
Jesper and Nina were gossiping, holding a small muffin in their hands as they whispered amongst themselves, probably sharing the headlines of all that had happened in the Barrel.
"You're sure? Our Kaz? Kaz Brekker losing control like that?" Jesper asked, double checking to make sure they were talking about the same person.
"Yes Jesper!" Nina sighed. "His heartbeat seemed to skyrocket the minute his eyes fell on her. I wss actually worried that he might have a cardiac arrest or something.
"Djel help me," Matthias muttered. "She's too good for him to ever say yes".
"Oh come on," Nina insisted, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "They're made for each other!"
"I don't know about that but they do make quite a pair," Inej added, her face screwed up in concentration.
"There's definitely something going on," Wylan whispered, putting on his scheming face as he analysed his thoughts.
Meanwhile Nina was now feeding another round of conversation to her gossip partner who was enjoying it very much indeed.
"No way he went over to the Dime Lions!" Jesper exclaimed mid-bite, his mouth opening as he registered the statement.
"He did indeed Jes," you walked down the stairs interrupting their conversation. "Rumour had it that he was paid handsomely as well".
"Of course he was," the gunslinger snorted before shaking his head.
"Where were you?" Nina asked, her eyebrow raised in question and all four heads turned to hear your answer.
"Kaz's office," you said and sat down on one of the couch, not noticing the small smirks painted on everybody's faces.
"What's he doing in there anyway?" Inej asked, having sharpened her knives and taking yours making you shoot her a highly grateful look.
But before you could reply, the said person called from from above, "Love! Have you seen that Kerch document that I had shown you? Where did you keep it?"
Silence. Complete and utter silence followed his statement as the Crows glanced at each other, their expressions the epitome of flabbergasted.
"Check in your bottom right drawer!" You shouted unaware, standing right below the floor so your voice could be heard better. "I've kept it along with other related files".
The minute you went back to your previous seat, you felt eyes staring at every inch of your face making you suddenly look up. "What the hell?" You asked, being startled at seeing every gaze pinned towards you.
"Did he just-" Jesper began but Wylan elbowed him harshly.
"Nothing," he answered sweetly, ignoring the sharp glare thrown his way. "How about we go visit the marketplace? You said you'd show me some firing powders".
"Yeah let's go," you nodded, putting your gun in the holster and donning a black leather jacket over your shirt. "Anybody need anything? I'm not going to get you fruit loops, Jesper," you narrowed your eyes before the boy could even utter a word.
"But you told me that-"
"But you also happened to have eaten three packets yesterday. So no. Absolutely not".
Inej and Nina snickered at the banter which was surely an everyday occurence. Jesper always being the hopeless little kid and you unintentionally acting like his older sister.
The said boy was looking at you with wide eyes and a small pout and you groaned in exasperation. "Fine! I'll get you some stop looking at me like that!"
"I love you so much," he grinned and shot a wink your way.
"Whom do you love?" Kaz Brekker asked, walking down the stairs and towards him with a raised eyebrow. Everybody fell silent at his impeccable timing to arive during the most unwelcoming moments.
"Her of course!" Nina butted in, pointing towards you before Jesper could reply and Matthiss noticed the way the Demjin's face contorted and tightened.
Kaz shot the Zemeni a small glare, not knowing himself that he was actually doing it before turning to look at you and all of the other crows saw the way his gaze softened considerably.
"Should we leave then?" Wylan broke the silence and tugged at your sleeve and your attention snapped to him.
"Yes yes let's leave," you followed him, almost at the door when Kaz called your name and you halted. "What's wrong? You need anything?" You questioned softly as he walked closer.
"You forgot this," he merely said and handed you a necklace that you had forgotten on his desk. It was only Wylan who actually saw the pendant and his mouth hung open.
You took it from his hands, fingers gently brushing against his gloved ones and he instantly felt a small amount of warmth seep into his very soul.
You lit a spark with only your touch.
You ignited him.
"Thank you," you smiled and quickly clasped it around your neck, tucking it inside your shirt so it would be hidden from privy eyes. "See you later, yeah?"
He nodded, hands tightening on his cane as he watched you leave. He never got round to telling you that he had wanted to spend this day with you and you only. But unfortunately you had plans and so he remained silent. Not wanting to be a hindrance.
He couldn't even remember the last time he had spent some quality time with you. Being too busy finding new deals and searching for missions that he couldn't properly acknowledge the best thing in his life.
When did he last take you out somewhere except for sneaking around to gather valuable information? You loved having hot chocolate late at night, when had he ever bought it for you despite knowing that the drink was your favorite?
You deserved so much better, his mind kept telling him. He couldn't even bring himself to give you the comforting touches that he knew you longed for. You never said a word but he saw it in your eyes. Whenever a plan had gone too complicated and particularly difficult, all you needed was a good embrace. But he could only ever bring himself to hold your hand. Nothing more.
And he hated himself for it. Despised every inch of his self because of his inability to provide for you. It killed him inside.
You were lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved. And he was twisted, crooked, wrong but not so broken that he couldn't pull himself together into some semblance of a man for you.
He was so lost in his thoughts that his sharp instincts failed to notice the stares that were currently burning holes in his face. "What?" He snapped and was on his way back to his bedroom when they stopped him.
"Goodness Kaz you actually look sad," Nina concluded, fighting the smirk that was quick to spread on her face.
"I have no reason to be upset," he rolled his eyes and started climbing the stairs slowly, his leg throbbing with slight pain.
"Wylan's right," Matthias said lowly. "The demjin is infatuated".
Wylan on the other hand was busy geeking over the chemicals that were presented in front of him. "How did I never know about this!" He said in delight and you chucklef at the way his eyes lighted up. "These are so much cheaper too".
"Get whatever you want," you squeezed his shoulder and he nearly jumped in excitement. "I'll just quickly go and get something from that shop, yeah?"
He nodded and you crossed the street to enter the clothing shop, smiling to yourself upon seeing beautiful coats lining the walls.
"Can I see some black shirts and vests, please?" You requested the man who nodded and placed numerous boxes on the table. "I'll take these three," you smiled, selecting two dark grey shirts and a gorgeous black vest that you knew would suit your man well.
"Oh hey! Didn't see you coming in".
Wylan simply laughed and examined the clothes that were being folded neatly and transferred in a bag. "For you?"
"Oh no," you shook your head and paid the kruge, it was a little expensive but it's fine. You could give him a gift every now and then. "It's for Kaz".
His eyes widened in surprise just a tiny bit and his lips stretched wide as the two of you exited the store. But then he suddenly grabbed your hand and pulled you towards an artefacts shop.
"How would this look on Jesper?" He said and pointed at a hat which was exactly what the gunslinger preferred.
"Absolutely perfect".
"Hey take a look at this," he directed your attention towards a few bracelets kept neatly in a box, making sure to keep his trained on you to pick up on every little change.
Your hand instinctively flew towards a handmade one woven with black thread. It was quite simple but had an intricate design. You loved it immediately and wasted no time in purchasing the little present.
"Let's go?" You asked, almost forgetting for a moment that you weren't alone. While the boy had his arms crossed and a knowing smile on his face as he followed your lead. Having an intense conversation with himself in his head.
It was almost night when you entered the Slat again and two of the Crows were lounging in the basement itself with the exception of Inej and Nina.
"I'll be back in a few," you whispered to Matthias who nodded and you climbed up thr stairs, eagerly wanting to give Kaz the gifts you had brought.
He waited until the sound of a door closing was heard before looking at Wylan who had a cheeky grin on his face.
3. Inej & Jesper
"Look at his hand!" Matthias whispered under his breath and nudged Wylan whose eyes shot towards Kaz Brekker. And indeed, a black bracelet was clasped onto his left wrist. Not that noticeable but nowadays nothing could ever escape their sharp stare.
"I've never ever seen him wear anything synonymous to jewellery," Matthias muttered and passed the message to Nina who perked up with a bright grin, as though struck by an inspiration.
"Watch me," was all she said and the the two boys glanced ahead in apprehension as she neared your location and bumped into you quite harshly.
"Saints!" A small shout escaped your lips as you were thrown backwards onto Kaz who was right behind you.
"Goodness I'm so sorry," Nina immediately apologised, not being sorry in the least as she rather scanned the couple's reaction.
Your back was pressed against Kaz's chest while his gloved hand, the one wearing a bracelet was wrapped securely around your waist, holding you against him. You placed your palm on top of his in reassurance, and your heart started taking up its pace.
"You okay?" He murmured in your ear and helped you stand up straight as you nodded; and he shot a deathly glare towards the heartrender, who gave a grin and sashayed her way back to the boys.
"I'm fine, thank you for that," you whispered before returning to the documents that were scattered on the table.
"You saw that?" She joined the duo with an excited expression, her hands flapping in front of her. "He didn't even flinch at her touch! It was almost like-"
"Like he's used to it!" Wylan completed her sentence and she nodded enthusiastically.
"Usually he'll push the person off for even invading his personal space, much less someone actually falling on him," Matthias added and she agreed.
"Ghezen this is going much better than I expected. Fifty kruge that they're already together since the past few months".
"Oh yeah?" Jesper interrupted the conversation with the biggest smirk on his face as he sat down, joined by Inej who was shaking her head with a smile. "Hundred kruge says that they've been married already".
"You do know that you're horrible at betting, don't you?" Matthias asked, raising an eyebrow at the large sum.
"But I think Jes is right on this one," Inej supported him making the said person's grin widen if that was even possible.
"What's making you so sure?" Wylan asked, quite suspiciously.
"Let me ah- tell you a little something I saw," his brown eyes glinted as he recounted the miracle that he and Inej had seen.
Jesper was walking on his usual route that led him back to the Crow Club with the Wraith beside him. They had both finished their parts of the job and had met on their way home.
"You got some intel?" He asked, his eyes scanning the various treats that were covering the shelves of stalls.
"Nothing," she answered with a sigh. "It is the same. He comes in everyday sharp at 7 in the morning and leaves exactly at 5. There has been no change at all".
"I think I'm going insane," he suddenly whispered and stopped dead in his tracks making Inej tense up immediately as she looked around for any threat.
"What's wrong?"
"That- That's Kaz isn't it?" He questioned, unable to believe the words that were on their way through his mouth. "In a- a goddamn flower shop?"
"Don't be ridiculous," she scoffed lightly but her she too froze upon seeing a familiar figure standing merely a few metres away. "Saints that is Kaz!"
"Let's go," he nudged her and she hesitated, not really wanting to pry but curiosity certainly gets the better of everyone. They walked closer silently, hiding behind another store which gave them the perfect view.
And there he was, the bastard of the barrel holding a beautiful, red rose in his bare fingers. Yes, he did not have his gloves on. Something that was noticed by the two.
They saw as he paid the small amount of money and began trodding down the road, his cane held tightly in one hand and the rose was held in the other that was hidden behind his back.
"Breadcrumbs," Jesper smirked at her and she let out a laugh as the two followed their leader, becoming increasingly suspicious. They didn't have to wait for long as the person that they had expected arrived soon enough making the two Crows grin.
"Nina was right after all," Inej muttered as she watched you waving at Kaz to gain his attention and the spying people stepped closer, wanting to hear the conversation that would surely grant them something.
"Hey," they heard you whisper, sounding slightly breathless.
"Hi," Kaz replied and took a tiny step closer so that his shoes were touching yours making you bite your lip. "This is for you," he added and presented the rose, his eyes hungrily scanning yours for every little change that he itched to see.
And you rewarded him with the grin that he oh so loved. When your mouth fell open slightly in surprise before morphing slowly into a gorgeous and breathtaking smile.
"For me?" You asked despite yourself, gently taking the flower from his hand and twirling it in your fingers. "Are you sure?"
A small frown marked his face, "Of course I am. Why do you ask such a thing?"
"Is it not for someone else? Maybe a pretty girl that you're thinking of wooing to help you get whatever information that you need," you teased, your lips pressed together.
"Darling," was all he said. His voice low, deep as he stared intently into your eyes, tilting his head to look even deeper. "There is no one like you," he finished and let a small smile form on his hardened face.
Jesper who had been listening with every ounce of concentration had to slap his palm over his mouth to prevent a squeal from escaping his feeble clutches. It was only for Inej roughly smacking his arm and dragging him away that he managed to not give away their position.
"Hence proved," he concluded his story with his arms extended to the present crowd who were utterly and completely shocked.
"No way that actually happened," Matthias grumbled, muttering to himself while Nina looked like she'd just received all of the available waffles for free.
"I'm a genius," she laughed heartily and chugged down a shot of whiskey in celebration of her matchmaking skills.
"I'm so going to win that bet, Zenik".
"Don't count your pigeons before they're killed, Fahey. We can't be so sure that they're actually married".
"We have to ask them!" Wylan urged, sitting up straight and looking at them for their opinions.
"We will," Nina nodded firmly while the rest appeared unconvinced. "Tomorrow".
"Let's hope that we're not murdered in our beds later that night then," Jesper sighed but he too couldn't contain his excitement.
4. The Confrontation
"Kaz," Nina said in delight as soon as the man climbed down the last step.
"Never thought I'd live to see the day when you're actually looking happy to see me," he retorted making her roll her eyes.
"We need to talk," Jesper elaborated making him raise an eyebrow as he took in all of his Crows minus you and Inej sitting with their arms crossed and heads held high.
"Does it concern me?"
"Of course it does that's why we're asking!"
"Saints give me the strength," he muttered under his breath before looking at the lot. "Go on then I don't have all day".
That's when Inej entered the scene, dragging you along with her and making you stand next to Kaz. "What's going on?" You questioned, heavily confused and looking around for an answer.
"We need to ask you something," Wylan answered your request.
"I gathered just as much".
"Are you going to ask or not?" Kaz growled in annoyance, his patience running thin.
"We just wanted to know-"
"I've been wanting to ask-"
"We had a feeling that-"
They all began together but not one could complete their sentence until Jesper was the one to blurt it out.
"You're married?"
Kaz and you stood still, dumbstruck before visibly relaxing and you chuckled, "That was quicker than I expected".
"I don't think four years is quick, love," Kaz responded, his lips stretching just the slightest making the crowd explode.
"Ask him about it," was all you said and sat down on a chair with a very obvious smile adorning your pleased face. Everybody fell silent at once and you knew you had said the right thing. Nobody sensible would ever dare to question Kaz.
Jesper glanced nervously at him, "Can I atleast see your ring? Just to you know, have some confirmation?"
You laughed and pulled the necklace out from under your shirt, revealing a thin but elegant silver band encrusted with a small diamond at its center.
"K- Kaz?" Wylan asked, or rather pleaded.
To their surprise, he took off the glove of his right hand to reveal a similar ring resting beautifully against his pale fingers.
"Saints I win!" Jesper said in disbelief and stood up straight, slowly turning his head to look at Nina. "GIVE ME MY KRUGE!" And all watched as the girl slowly backed away, probably hatching an escape plan and ran swiftly with him hot on her heels.
"That was something huh?" You grinned and looked at your husband, slowly leaning over to intertwine your fingers with his.
"Quite," he huffed lightly but couldn't stay annoyed for long and alas, he too smiled. Not a particularly big one, rather a small, gentle twitch of his lips. One that was only ever displayed for you.
His eyes held the entire universe as he admired you from the side, looking at you as if you had hung those few stars that formed his constellation.
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arwenkenobi48 · 2 years
Blood Moon Sky: A Work In Progress
My gothic novel-inspired project starring Amsel and my self insert, who I’ve decided to name Vincent (even though he’s basically me). I’ve been working on this project quite a lot as of late and here’s what I have so far.
(Trigger warning: brief mentions of intergenerational trauma, dysfunctional family relationships and death in childbirth)
The novel is divided up into four parts, titled Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue.
The “Something Old” section is more like a prologue to the main narrative, as its entire purpose is to set up the lore of this fictional world, explain how vampires work and explore the lineage of the Bloodmoon family. This section also provides Amsel’s backstory, how he’s regarded as a harbinger of doom by his kin due to a prophecy stating that “the end will come” when he, the seventh son of a seventh son, is born and his subsequent exile from nearly all of his kin except for Micah, one of his brothers.
The “Something New” segment switches to Vincent’s point of view as he’s backpacking across Germany in search of the perfect material for his novel. As he travels into increasingly remote territory, he begins to hear rumours of vampires from the locals, who urge him to turn back while he still can, but he loses his bearings while in an allegedly haunted forest and encounters a pack of Strigoi, the evolutionary cousins of vampires, who are basically like bloodthirsty bat/ape monsters (think the Crawlers from The Descent).
While running for his life, Vincent hears a voice guiding him to the safety of a castle, the sight of which frightens the strigoi away. When he enters the castle, Vincent discovers the owner of the mysterious voice: Amsel. Vincent is fascinated by his rescuer, wondering how he was able to communicate telepathically. Amsel offers to let the author stay for a while until he’s ready to return to civilisation. The two become friends and this becomes a romantic relationship.
“Something Borrowed” takes things up a notch, as we see these two at their most vulnerable, not just physically, but emotionally, too. Vincent opens up about the prejudice he has faced due to being transgender. Amsel also reveals that he is a dhampir, as well as another reason why his father and most of his brothers despise him; they blame him for his mother dying in childbirth, which they take a sign of the aforementioned prophecy due to vampires being pretty much immortal. He also doesn’t understand why he’s half human, unlike his brothers.
Throughout these chapters, a lot of time passes, as Vincent and Amsel grow closer and more intimate (Vincent pretty much moves in with him). They develop a soft BDSM dynamic in which Vincent learns to trust someone else and Amsel learns to trust himself. Towards the end of this segment, Amsel plans to propose, but Vincent has to abruptly leave and return to civilisation (the reason why is still very much a work in progress). Shortly after he leaves, Amsel basically spends each night yearning for his return. When he hears a knock at the door, he rushes to see if Vincent is back, only to be greeted by none other than Micah! *cue dramatic music*
The final segment, “Something Blue”, begins with Micah, who is an accomplished scholar in vampiric history, revealing a discovery he made to Amsel after tracing their family history. It turns out that their mother wasn’t a vampire, but was actually a dhampir as well (albeit only due to distant human ancestry, but a dhampir nonetheless), which not only made her mortal (although still immortal in a biological sense) but explains why she passed away after Amsel was born.
With this revelation, along with several others, the prophecy is recontextualised: the ominous statement “The end will come”, doesn’t mean the end of the lineage, but instead the end of a curse that plagued that bloodline; the cycle of abuse. As Amsel is trying to process all of this, a currently unspecified event reveals that Saul, Amsel’s oldest brother, has captured Vincent and his holding him hostage.
Here’s where the plot gets a little fuzzy, as I haven’t fleshed it out that much yet, but in essence, Amsel and Micah come to the rescue, narrowly avoiding a sticky end at the claws of the strigoi, where Amsel finally stands up to Saul and the rest of his family, calling them out for the torment they inflicted on him as a child, how Matthias (Amsel’s father) and Saul let their grief and prejudice blind them and how they perpetuated the Bloodmoon Curse.
Most of them begin to rethink their actions, helped by Micah’s revelation of the prophecy’s true meaning, but Saul instead doubles down on his malicious mindset, revealing that he drank some of Vincent’s blood, thus initiating the painful process of transforming into a vampire. Vincent tries to escape despite his weakness, Amsel and Micah protect him and a fast-paced chase scene ensues as Saul telepathically commands the wild Strigoi to attack the heroes.
Specific events and their chronological order are currently a little unclear, but essentially, the chase takes them outside into the sunlight, which turns the Strigoi to stone, Saul is defeated (haven’t decided whether or not to let him live yet) and Vincent’s transformation seems imminent. He and Amsel have a heart to heart as they hide from the setting sun, swearing that they’ll love each other no matter what. Amsel proposes to Vincent, who accepts. They mention the phrase “till death do us part”, to which Vincent replies that they’re probably past that point. He becomes weaker as the transformation begins to play out and he and Amsel kiss.
After the sun sets, however, a blue moon rises and its enchanted light (angelic beings called Moonfolk play a part in this story too) heals Vincent and transforms him back into a human. The curse is lifted and Amsel and Vincent prepare to get married, with Micah giving them his blessing (no pun intended). The fate of the rest of the Bloodmoon family is left ambiguous, but ends on the hopeful note that the next generation, Amsel’s nephews and nieces, will break the cycle and pave the way for a more stable future.
The final chapter focuses on Amsel visiting his mother’s grave, telling her that the curse is broken and that he and Vincent are about to be married. He tells her he loves her and bids her farewell, placing a white rose on her grave, before flying off to his castle, where Vincent - his future husband - is waiting for him.
Ofc there’s other details and snippets of lore that I haven’t mentioned in this summary but that’s more or less what the plot entails and I’m very happy with how it’s turned out. Still needs to have a few plot points smoothed out and some expansion on the characters, but I think it’s not too bad at all, if I do say so myself. I’ll be working on it more in the coming months.
Also there’s a footnote revealing that Vincent and Amsel co-wrote the entire novel. Just thought it’d be a neat detail.
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raz-writes-the-thing · 10 months
Passing The Baton (Six of Crows One-Shot)
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Kaz Brekker x Fem!Reader / requests are open and encouraged
Summary: To your knowledge, your crush on Kaz is unrequited. Apparently this is not the case.
CW: Kaz is dumb but we love him
SAB/SOC Tag List: (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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Kaz ‘Dirtyhands’ Brekker. Bastard of The Barrel. Also- your unrequited love. Kaz had caught your eye just as he had caught everyone else’s. Everyone knew not to mess with the Dregs, and that was thanks to Kaz. Before he’d risen through the ranks of the club, the Dregs had been no one. Quite literally the dregs of society- and while, yes, that was where the name came from, it was quite the rise to fame as the Dregs started getting more and more popular, and more and more dangerous.
Even the Crow Club was starting to become a real pain in the other clubs’ asses. 
But Kaz? He’d fascinated you well before any of this. You’d been working at the Crow Club as a serving girl since before Kaz arrived. Not long, mind, but long enough before that you got to experience both sides of the Dregs’ fortune. 
Kaz hadn’t seemed to take much notice of you at first- and why would he? Weren’t you just another serving girl being groped by the drunk patrons? Anything to make a few Kruge. But he did take notice when you threatened to cut the balls off a patron when said patron got a little too handsy one day.
He’d taken you back into his office and thwacked his cane on the table hard enough to scratch the varnish and told you rather harshly to never do that again. To come to him next time there was an issue like that and he’d deal with it… discretely. 
What that had meant was clear only to Kaz, and that was fine by you. But that was when your little crush had really taken off. What could you say? You liked a bad boy. Someone who could handle his own and Kaz could definitely handle his own. Cane or no. 
Despite telling you off, Kaz had clearly taken note that you weren’t afraid to get your hands a little dirty either, something he had an appreciation and mutual respect for. And so you went from lowly serving girl to, well, still a serving girl, but a serving girl who also took jobs for Dirtyhands and worked with him to secure patronage for the club, and Kruge for his and your own pockets. And for Per Haskell’s pockets as well, you supposed. Lazy bastard. 
But you longed for more.
You longed for Kaz’s touch, for his lips on your skin. You longed for his affections as much as you longed for his approval. It was a dangerous combination.
As far as you could tell, he did not feel the same way. But then again, would you have ever known otherwise? Kaz kept his cards close to his chest- as he should. 
Today seemed different though. You’d barely made it back from a job and Kaz seemed… angry, to put it lightly. You had no idea why, though, considering you got what he wanted, and made it out alive, too. Win-win. 
Inej may have had to save you, but that was beside the point. 
“You need to be careful,” he said, mouth pursed angrily. “You can’t be making reckless choices and silly mistakes. This is The Barrel. I can’t afford mistakes.” 
You met his harsh gaze head-on and shoved the ledger he’d asked for into his chest with vigour. Kaz didn’t even break the gaze between you, just reached with one gloved hand to take the ledger off you. 
“I got what you wanted, didn’t I?” 
A muscle in Kaz’s jaw twinged. 
“That is not the point.” 
You let out an exasperated scoff, removing your hand from his chest with another soft shove. Surprisingly, Kaz lets the action move him. 
“Then what is the point?” You ask, frustration evident in your features. 
“The point is- oh, for Saints’ sake,” he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “We could have lost you. I could have lost you.” 
Your eyebrows practically disappeared into your hairline. 
“You could have lost me…” you trail off, echoing his words, feeling them out for hidden meanings. 
“You’re a good investment. I don’t like to lose investments.” 
Oh. Okay. An investment. You should have known that that was all you were to him. That’s all you were ever going to be to Kaz no matter how much you wished differently. Ridiculous. 
“Of course,” you reply, turning to walk away. “Your investment needs a dri-hey!” 
Kaz’s gloved hand snatches at your forearm and yanks you back towards him. You re-balance yourself and glare at him, looking between the tight grip he has on your arm and his heated glare. 
“Stop,” he says before forcing his features to soften. “I’m not one for feelings.” He practically shudders through the word. “You’re more than that. An investment, I mean.” 
You stay quiet, not giving him anything to work with here, but you’re surprised he can’t hear the uptick in your heartbeat. 
“Look,” his grip loosens. “I don’t want to lose you. Purely selfish reasons. Not because you’re an investment, but-” Kaz clears his throat and avoids eye contact. “I care for your wellbeing.” 
It’s not an outright declaration of love, but it’s about as close to it as someone like Kaz would give. He’d bared his soul to you here. All the fractured, broken pieces of it. He’d bared his heart for you to treasure or smash into bitty little pieces. 
You sucked in a breath. 
“Are you saying you have feelings for me?” 
Kaz grunts and lets go of your arm. You brush your fingers over where he’d just touched you. 
“I suppose so, yes,” he said, eyes flitting to the door like he was thinking about making a run for it. 
“Don’t suppose it would interest you to know I felt the same way, would it?” 
And there it was. Passing the baton back to Kaz. Passing your heart in return for his. Now it was he who held the power to treasure or smash you into pieces. 
Kaz finally met your gaze, and his lips ticked up into a small smirk.
“Oh, I knew that.”
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fourthwingfan · 6 months
Madness Masterlist
Introduction Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 - coming soon
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cyberneutral · 1 year
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The One Where Kaz Brekker Considers His Life Choices
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Summary: Kaz Brekker is a deadly Barrel Boss who has the most dangerous task at hand... To deal with the chaotic shenanigans that you pull with the Crows.
Pairing: Kaz Brekker X Reader, Six of Crows X Platonic! Reader.
Warnings: Lots of humour, fluff, chaotic energy of our Crows.
A/N: So I'm down with a terrible cold and fever and in my delirium, I came up with this story inspired by John Oliver and B99. I hope you like it. Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Happy reading!
"Dammit." muttered Kaz under his breath as he searched for your face through the Crow Club because he was a hundred percent certain that you were responsible for his present headache as he controlled himself "No, I love Y/N, she's my friend, she's my friend who is good at her job..."
Kaz was fairly certain he looked like a lunatic but finally he spotted you at the Crows private table laughing with your friends.
He marched up to you with his stony expression as he overheard Jesper announcing his plans "I think I might customize my revolvers."
Wylan immediately interjected "What? How are you going to do that?"
"I was thinking really bright colours like purple,pink and orange to match my outfits and maybe engrave my name." said Jesper thoughtfully while all of them rolled their eyes and laughed "I mean, it's going to be so much fun!"
"Oh yes! So fun! Absolutely fun!" you mocked Jesper in a high pitched tone as you smirked at him "Or when you commit murderer, a grave oversight on your part. Good news Chief, we found Fahey's revolvers at the murder scene."
Jesper stuck out his tongue at you childishly while you replied sarcastically "We do not know what motivated him to go on a killing spree but he had a lot of fun with it."
Kaz stood behind you "Y/L/N"
"Ah Kaz, you're looking very happy today." said Nina brightly as she greeted him infuriatingly "Let us guess what happened based on your facial expression. You got offered a job with a lot of Kruge and high stakes?"
Inej joined in the fun "Pekka Rollins finally died?"
Maththias' smirked "He found a life of charity and prayer."
Everyone nodded in agreement and Wylan grinned "He's about to reveal that he's actually Nikolai Lantsov!"
"Saints! Wylan, he's about to reveal that he's secretly married to me and has secretly raised my baby!" cried Jesper dramatically as Kaz thought of resignation from this life.
"All of these options is probable. But I know the Captain. He's having a meltdown." you announced dramatically exasperating Kaz who hadn't got one word in since this conversation started.
Matthias looked at you pointedly and then at Kaz "What are you talking about? The demjin looks the same as he always does."
"To you perhaps. But I have mastered the art of reading his emotions. His lips are tightly sealed, he's gripping onto his cane as if he's trying to control himself and he's blinking at his three second intervals as opposed to his nine." you observed Kaz closely with a knowing smile surprising Kaz who was tongue tied and speechless that you could easily read him "Therefore, he's having a meltdown!"
Wylan intervened as he shook his head at you fondly "That seems excessive."
You grinned "No, I'm impressive."
Nina knew that you were telling the truth based on Kaz' heartbeat she heard as she queried sweetly "So Waffles, is everything okay?"
Kaz glared at Nina and then at you "No. I'm having a meltdown."
Wylan and Matthias gasped at you as if you were a Saint "Wow."
Kaz decided to speak before anyone could interfere "Who the hell is responsible for the mess?"
"You have to be more specific about which mess given out daily life experience." retorted Nina sassily.
Kaz eyebrows furrowed deeply "Alright. The slogan outside the Crow Club and the Slat? Who did it?"
There was silence as everyone pointed toward you who looked unremorseful as you smirked at Kaz who was fuming in rage as he turned his dangerous gaze upon you "As I suspected. Now you better have a goddamn good reason as to why you would do such a silly, stupid, idiotic act?"
You looked completely calm for a person who was about to feel Kaz Brekker's wrath "Clear communication and marketing to our customers."
Kaz couldn't quite comprehend what you said as he stuttered "Excuse me?"
"Well Kaz, to tell you the truth, people in Ketterdam weren't really clear on where we were coming from... you know our main objective as to why we steal,maim and kill so much." you explained nonchalantly and calmly that made Kaz feel as if he was the idiot in this conversation. "So we put up a slogan to educate everyone in Ketterdam, our objective in pursuing destruction and crime."
"It's rather a genius slogan, Y/N." praised Inej with a kind smile "The ones we came up with were sloppy and funny but Y/N understood the assignment."
Kaz realized that you had come up with the goddamn slogan yourself as he literally let out all his exasperation out "Yes but did the slogan of the Dregs have to be BECAUSE DEATH IS THE UNDENIABLE FUEL OF LIFE!'"
"I think it's very classy, professional and straightforward conveying the necessary message." commented Matthias with honest admiration for your work and grinned at how red the demjin was "People won't like it but at least they'll understand and respect where you come from."
All of them exchanged mischievous glances as they saw Kaz close to spontaneously combusting and had to hand it to you. This was the best prank they played on Kaz and honestly at this point, you should be appointed as the Prank master General of the Dregs.
"I can't believe you would do something so stupid!" burst out Kaz in despair and anger.
You remained completely unfazed while Nina, Matthias, Wylan, Jesper and Inej snickered in unison "Can't you?"
"Shut it! I know you lot encouraged her to do this." snapped Kaz in frustration as he pointed at the rest of his friends who grinned
Kaz looked at you once again as he took a deep breath "And why did you place this slogan in bright and glittering colours as bright as Jesper's irritating fashion sense?"
"Because people are more attracted to bright colours and like glitter. Like if I saw that message in black, I'd be afraid but since it's in pretty bold sparkling colours, everyone kind of digs it." you said smartly while the rest of the Crowd clapped proudly for you "They are not like afraid. They are more like... Oh my god Kaz Brekker is about to murder me. Go right ahead Kazzle Dazzle, just whack me -"
"Alright thank you, that's enough." interrupted Kaz hastily and briskly because he did not want to hear the end of the sentence.
Amidst the Crows loud laughter, Jesper hooted "They're like... I'd die for Kaz Brekker and honestly he'll let me. Brutal!"
"The way I consider murder illegal but if Kaz Brekker is doing it, make me the victim." replied Wylan with a teasing smirk.
"CHOKE ME TO DEATH DADDY BREKKER, HALLELUJAH!" you yelled loudly as you raised your glass while Kaz was completely red in the face, embarrassed by his friends drunk shenanigans and chaotic energies.
"Daddy... It's a kink isn't it? It's like a paternal thing?" explained Nina with a wink to Maththias' who had inquired about it.
"Alright Freud." retorted Kaz rolling his eyes at Nina who laughed as he hoped to shut down this conversation quickly "I don't understand why you chose that particular slogan. It sounds like an excerpt from a letter of a serial killer!"
You looked at Kaz with a deadpanned expression "How many killings does it take for a person to be a serial killer?"
Kaz was slightly taken aback but answered nevertheless "Er... Five?"
"Great. We're all serial killers." sighed Jesper dramatically as he looked pointedly at Kaz who obviously had the highest body count.
"Not me." stated Wylan with an innocent smile.
"Bitch please!" chorused everyone together in disbelief as they glared at Wylan who was hiding a grin and you added "You have the second highest body count and you're relatively new."
Jesper grinned as he placed a kiss on Wylan "Well that's my man! He's spectacular at everything he does!"
Kaz gave up. There was no point talking to you.
"Fine. Those slogans are to be taken down tonight -" began Kaz when Rotty came toward them
"Sorry to interrupt boss but there are more than eighteen people and some other gang members queued outside waiting to be initiated as part of the Dregs."
You smirked into your drink as you heard Kaz retort "What is the meaning of this?"
"Uh... The new slogan is real popular boss. People want to be part of the Dregs because we showed them out vision and they like it." said Rotty vibrating in excitement "Also, the customers are pouring in more boss! I think it's the glitter they like -"
"Thank you Rotty. I'll attend to it. Dismissed." said Kaz as he felt your infuriating and insufferable smirk burn a hole through his skull.
"Oh Captain... I believe it's time to say those very special words." you crooned sweetly as you watched Kaz' lips twitch once.
"Y/L/N... you're a genius." stated Kaz in a deadpanned expression and watched in amusement as you nearly choked on your drink while the rest of the Crows were checking their drinks for toxin trips.
You squealed in delight "OH MY GOD! YOU ACTUALLY SAID IT! IT'S REAL!"
"I heard you practicing it to yourself in your room last night." said Kaz calmly and deadpanned as he smirked at how your enthusiasm slightly faded but you were still grinning.
You nodded "That makes more sense. So are you like now going to give me a raise, or a -"
"You're an idiot, Y/N." said Kaz with a subtle exasperated and amused smile and walked away.
"THANK YOU? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO SAY THANK YOU CROWFATHER!" you yelled out loud in exasperation and amusement as everyone laughed.
Inej smiled "Honestly, I didn't expect the prank to turn into something profitable."
Jesper frowned slightly "Yeah it kind ruins it all, doesn't it?"
"Never fear my friends. Kaz is a prankster's delight." you replied with a delightful smile, mischief glinting in your eyes.
"What?" exclaimed Jesper in amazement
Nina, Wylan, Inej and you exchanged amused stares "Who's going to tell him Zoya is in on this and is actually coming here tonight?"
"You know what, never change, Y/N." said Matthias looking at you affectionately and then looked alarmed because he saw the demjin marching toward you "But you better run or you'll be in trouble with the demjin!"
"Trouble?" you laughed as you winked at your friends "You're only in trouble if you are caught!"
Kaz caught you before you could flee "Gotcha!"
"I'm in trouble." you mumbled and then grinned widely at Kaz Brekker who looked like a bull who had just been kicked as you bit him making him let go of you and you took off running "Congratulations on your nuptials, Captain! You're going to be a lovely bride!"
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keikidraws · 3 months
For the Absurd OC Asks: I'd love to hear your answers for 11, 18, and 23.💙
yay yay yippee!!!! I'm gonna do this for my boy Matthias
11. Any allergies?
Not food/environmental ones, but because he is a demon he does react badly to holy objects
18. Who would they play in Mario Kart?
One of the princesses, or occasionally Bowser. He's not very good at Mario Kart though, or any video game for that matter
23. They're the featured exhibit at the zoo, what's the warning label on their enclosure?
"Do not make eye contact: aggressive." Matthias is known for getting into fights with total strangers, even when he knows he's going to lose, because he's extremely proud and unwilling to back down if he's challenged. Direct eye contact without any words, especially from strangers, makes him feel threatened and he gets aggressive in response.
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OCs art quiz / OCs quizzes
Thank you @nuclearstorms for tagging me! 😌 I sadly have no one to tag but if anyone wants to do it, please do and tag me in it!!!
ART QUIZZ (here)
1- Samiel:
you choose your words carefully and your words will be heard. you’re smart as hell. you know it and so does everyone else and you carry yourself with a sort of confidence. you’re a bit of an artist yourself, even if unintentional. you can find beauty in mundanity but you also know when to be a realist. people fall in love with you because you are a confident mystery and they're dying to find out more. you fear that this attraction that people have to you is based purely in curiosity and nothing else.
2- Diana:
you fall in love easily and hard, and you are the image that pops into someone’s brain when they think of a love interest. you are a romantic and find yourself falling in love a hundred times a day because your imagination is wild and certainly knows how to get the best of you. you are soft and delicate and need to be handled with care, because a heartbreak would break you into a million pieces. you don’t want much else except to be loved and to love. you want to live out your wildest dreams, and the person that loves you can't help but let their imagination run wild with you.
3- Theo:
everything you do is a work of art. you are beautiful without even trying, simply lounging around looks like you’re posing and waiting for someone to sketch you. you come off as light and easy but you are often misunderstood. people don’t tend to see you for who you really are, and focus too much on how effortlessly you appear to navigate the world. there's some kind of darkness behind your eyes that only some can see under all the layers of paint.
4- Lilly
you are a breath of fresh air. you are soft and free. you disappear as quickly as you appear, and everyone wishes you had stayed around longer than you did. your voice is what makes people fall in love. everything you say is in harmonies and codes, and only the most experienced listeners can fully understand you. your presence is always enjoyed but you aren’t always given the praise you deserve; people will let you stay in the background. all you want is for someone to really listen to you.
1- Matthias/Prissy
well hello, beautiful. ✦ how does it feel to have their eyes on you all the time? ✦ do you like to perform? do you like the way their hands reach for you as you turn in the spotlight? ✦ do you wish they would stop? ✦ they won’t. they can’t help it. ✦ is that the reaction you wanted? you want them to laugh, to cry, to moan, to yell at you maybe. ✦ you only exist in the lines spreading across the faces of others, right? ✦ if nobody thinks of you, you aren’t. so you make yourself headline news and they won’t look away ✦ attention won’t solidify you when the sun comes up and love won’t fill that hole inside. ✦ you might want to install an alarm system. just because they want you, doesn’t mean you have to give yourself.
2- Isa/Hazel
oh you are everything! ❍ indecisive, chamelonistic, flighty ❍ multitalented, innovative, extraordinary ❍ jack of all trades and master of all you touch ❍ containing multitudes ❍ you catch the light in different ways and all of them are you ❍ you get more selves than the rest of us, my darling. take this gift and use it well.
3- Jules
reserved (by choice), decisive, self-sure and self-contained, selective, resolved, close-minded, intuitive, deliberate ⍚ opaque - my secrets are not for you ⍚ scrying - i can see more than you know ⍚ sharp - i know where to cut
1- Alizée:
honestly im much kinder in all the other ones but you have... such bottom energy. I mean really. you've got the whole homosexual tragic romance thing going on. Its not bad! its just i feel like you invented tragic relationships. congrats on being good at literally everything though, its totally fair that you get music, poetry, culture, truth, prophesy etc etc etc. oh yeah and the epitome of beauty. leave something for the rest of us huh?
2- Abigail:
You honestly have the hardest energy to pin down. 'oh aphrodite is just some love/sex god' WRONG the spartans worshipped her as a war goddess. you can be found anywhere and nowhere, you are mysterious, you are etherial, many probably love you.
3- Nora/Maïa (funny enough, both of them are bisexual HHHHHHHHHHHHH)
i mean this in the kindest way possible, you give off huge autistic lesbian vibes. oh you're living in the isolated wilderness? hmm. only with women? yes uh huh. if we're following myths as metaphors you have literal trans egg cracking energy so doubly good for you.
4- Caliah:
double, double toil and trouble. yeah you don't really get much facetime in the myths but you're literally the god of magic and dogs so stay winning. mysterious goth energy, does she really do complete dark rituals or is that just her vibe. no one knows and you're not telling
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My favorite quotes from Kaz Brekker in my fic, which I will most likely never publish because I'm too embarrassed. I just wanted to share these beause Kaz's personality is difficult to capture in a fic without making him ooc, so I'm sort of proud that these seem like exact things Kaz would say or do:
"The desperate men are the worst kind of men."
"The Dregs can go screw themselves, he muttered, I'll tell them if and when I feel like it."
"One thing I've learned in this life, he said, sighing. There was a small smile on his face, There are no such things as saints. Everyone's flawed."
"Being tense and being prepared are two different things. But you seem to be both, in all the wrong ways."
 (Sarcastically) "After this miraculous sun summoner is discovered, all your problems will surely be solved, and all of Ravka will live in harmony forever."
"If they can't pay me back, I'll take the money from their pockets myself."
"Inej is better off doing more useful tasks then trying to catch a shipment thief. If the thief even exists. His own employees might be stealing from him without him realizing."
"I got paid 240 kruge just for stumbling across those morons, and the night is still young."
"I suppose I have no argument with a midnight waffle run."
"At this point, I could just pretend to be another candidate for the Ravkan throne. A bastard, fathered by the King. I'd have more claim than Nikolai Lantsov."
"See, Nina, sweet? You let them kick mud on your shoes, they'll kick mud in your face next. That's why you shatter their kneecap the first time."
"Lost track of time? What's there to lose track of, Jes? Time only heads one way."
"The steadfast members of the Council of Tides who won't cooperate will be steadfastly replaced."
"The Kerch choose the God of trade and act surprised when he doesn't grant mercy. Benevolence has no place in commerce. Ghezen only hears your prayers when you promise profit."
"You can tell her you got jumped at the docks by a knife-wielding seagull for all I care."
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decoloraa · 4 months
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Happy pride from my fma ocs
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