#Okay but don't tell me they have never used benefits of being basically the only welsh ppl in the whole Ingary
nadiajustbe · 4 months
Every single enemy of Ingary, trying to figure out the secret code which Royal Wizards have been using for months: What kind of combination is this? Is that a encryption?? A reverse spelling?! A secret alphabet..?
Ben, in Welsh: Do you think they'll ever find out?
Howl, responding (also in Welsh): I think it's gonna take them a while.
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
Let me just preface this by saying everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, TOTK is a really fun game, and I'm glad that other people have been able to enjoy the story as well.
...But I'm being dead serious with my complaints about the narrative being 100% imperialist propaganda. And I'm getting really tired of people replying to those posts by saying it can't be imperialist propaganda, because imperialism is bad and the game says that Hyrule is the good guys.
Like, guys. That's not the argument you think it is. Yes, I am aware that the game tells us Ganondorf is a flat, one dimensional character with no ambitions, interests or motivations beyond destroying the entire world for the hell of it, and also it's totally not racist because he's green, not brown like literally every other member of his race. Unfortunately literally all of these things are kind of the entire goddamn problem.
See, the thing is, everyone trying to make these arguments is accepting the game at face value. Hyrule is the perfect and almighty nation chosen by the demigod Zonai, and whose royal family has the right to rule due to their divine heritage. The other races exist to serve the glory of Hyrule, and they're happy to do it. Ganondorf is pure evil and must be stopped at any costs.
But that's not how anything works. The story informing me that Hyrule is the ultimate good that has done nothing wrong is the whole goddamn reason why I don't trust Hyrule at all. There's always more of a reason than that. And the game fucking suggests there was more going on! Ganondorf mentions Rauru has repeatedly 'invited' the Gerudo to become Rauru's subjects, and let's be clear here, it doesn't matter how peaceful those 'invitations' were, when the guy who owns every single magical nuclear missile in the world repeatedly demands you surrender to him, there's always going to be an implied threat of 'do it or get magically nuked'. Just that power difference alone shows us exactly why Ganon would feel threatened enough to invade. It's because Rauru was holding a gun to his head, and Ganon was expected to just trust that he'd never pull the trigger.
And yes, even if it wasn't intentional Hyrule was always threatening to wipe out the other nations, considering the entire royal family walked around openly wearing their magical nukes as cute accessories. If they couldn't be safely hidden away, there wouldn't be four other secret stones sitting untouched in a vault until the last second.
But that's never acknowledged. Of course Hyrule is the only nation with the right to the secret stones; even if other races get to touch them, they can only have them if they swear eternal blind loyalty and servitude to the glory of King Rauru and Princess Zelda. Ganon wanting to have one magical nuclear bomb out of a stockpile of eight of them is proof that he's dangerous and evil. I mean my god, what if he just walked around all day wearing a magical nuke and using its power for his own benefit, that would be terrifying. It's only okay when Hylian royalty does it.
And you can't argue that Ganon betrayed his own people, considering we don't get to know fucking anything about his relationship with his people. He's shows as the leader of the Gerudo, we're told he's a hero to his people, he has soldiers that loyally follow him into battle... and then oh nevermind, they all hate him and will spend eternity trying to atone for sharing a race with him. How did the entire race do a complete 180 in the span of at most a few months? Who cares, what's important is that now they accept they exist to serve Hyrule so they get to be the good guys now and we don't need to know why they were following Ganondorf, or why they stopped following him.
Basically my point is that yeah, I fucking know how the game insists everything went down. That's the entire reason I think it's imperialist propaganda, because the entire story feels like Hylian propaganda to conceal and justify some horrific atrocities that caused all of this. I literally do not believe that I'm getting the story through reliable narrators, especially considering that the only people allowed to actually tell me the story are all the characters that have the most reasons to be heavily biased in favour of Hyrule.
When the game shows me protagonists that have a massive amount of power and control over the entire world, then says the bad guy doesn't like that system just because he's evil, and literally nothing and nobody in the game says anything to oppose that take, I have some questions about what the fuck the story isn't telling me. And I'd really appreciate it if people would stop trying to argue with me just by telling me to stop asking those questions.
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niamhthefae · 2 months
i just watched Descendants: the rise of red for the first time and i have a lot of thoughts.
lets start with what i thought was good: the songs for the most part were okay, i quite liked 'love aint it' and that duet they sing then they're trying to decide if they should trust each other. i think the costuming was nice. also, im gonna be real with you all, they made hook gorgeous and i loved how cocky and silly he was in the maybe 2 lines he had. but as a dbd fan joshua colley did throw me off a bit at first, i was questioning how he went from monty to captain hook because thats kind of crazy. obviously that isn't their fault though.
okay. now onto the bad:
first of all, the pacing was terrible. it felt really weird because 85% of the movie was just filler and build up and then the actual climax and ending lasts for 10 minutes. and because it was so short some of the characters they introduced felt useless. i found this especially with the VKs. they're supposed to be the main antagonists but they have barely any screen time and you don't really get a sense of who any of them are as people. they pretty much introduced characters and then forgot about them and had them just linger in the background. same with the settings, they introduce this giant fish thing where the VKs hang out and a whole new school and cinderella's home and things but these will probably never be seeen again unless they decide to set another film in the past. but i honestly don't think they will so these characters and locations are probably going to get thrown away now, never to be seen again.
i think it could have benefitted from being a series, then we could have seen more of the characters and had some development and it wouldn't have felt so... i don't know, simple? the solution to everything seems way too easy for what was happening. at this point i would have even preferred they did a cliff hanger or something so it wasn't so anticlimactic at the ending. the first few movies felt like they really filled the space sufficiently, but this didnt.
i also feel like they completely threw canon out the window. the best example is when in the first movie maleficent tells mal that 'when she was her age she was cursing entire kingdoms' and then in this movie she was a lackey for Ursula's little sister. it doesn't make much sense to me. they also ignored the general canon of disney by giving most of the characters completely different backstories. they basically discredited the entire aladin movie by having them meet at school rather than what happened in the actual movie, same with most of cinderella. also hades is a god so why on earth is he going to a mortal school? he has no need for that. not to mention the fact that morgana/morgan le fay isn't a disney villan. they replaced her in the sword and the stone and even so, with merlin running the school it doesn't make sense for them to allow him to be there since in some versions morgan/morgana was the one who trapped merlin for eternity and even in the versions where that isn't the case she still basically destroys everything.
I also thought the main characters felt pretty weak. Both Chloe's decision to help Red break into the office and their decision to trust each other at the beginning felt like they came out of nowhere, they didn't really have much to persuade them or explain why they changed their minds at either point. and with Red, we dont see anything that would make us assume she's good or bad, we're only really told by red that she thinks she's bad but she wants to be good, and when she suddenly is at the end we didn't really see her be good, they just said she is, and we also literally see her do bad things. she got a bit annoyed and called for cinderella to be beheaded and she wants to steal and threatens to rip out someones tongue. we have only really seen her do bad things and then go 'oh no now i feel bad'. for a movie called the rise of red, they really dont have Red do much rising or really any kind of development, she's pretty much the same person at the start and the end of the movie.
would i watch it again? definately not. but i think if they want to continue with these characters then they could, i just think they should do things a bit differently next time.
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matan4il · 6 months
Ah, how do you argue with a rabid antisemite who won't even consider for a second that they're wrong? 🙃
Someone I followed posted something about Israel being a "settle colonialist project", so I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt that maybe they're just ignorant and don't know the history of the land and/or Judaism. I sent them a message basically saying that considering Israel a settler colony is super problematic and antisemitic as it entirely erased the deep link between Jewish people and their ancestral homeland.
Well this person then went OFF the rails, spouting some of the most awful rhetoric I've ever read. You know, like 95% of Israelis are just white Americans playing dress up as middle easterners and have no historic claim to the land, Jews aren't the only Semites so she couldn't possibly be antisemitic (🙄🙄), Jews and Israel are the new Nazis and white supremacists, evil murderous baby killers etc.
She insisted that she was incredibly educated on the subject (!!!) and that I was the ignorant one, and I just don't understand how we're supposed to handle people like this, who are so full of hate that they can't be reasoned with. I guarantee that if any other minority told them that they were doing something offensive or racist they'd stop immediately and be incredibly apologetic. What makes us Jewish people so different?
I just really needed to vent and for someone to confirm that I'm not the crazy one.
Thank you! 💞
Hi, lovely!
Let me start by assuring you that you are absolutely NOT crazy. And I am so sorry that you, and so many of us, have had to go through this experience, of encountering someone being that awful. I'm sending you lots of hugs, I know it's not much of a comfort, but you are not crazy, and you are NOT alone.
"She insisted that she was incredibly educated"
I've seen that happening so much. I wish they'd realize this is so false and condescending. No, reading lots of anti-Israel propaganda does NOT make them educated on this. No, using the propaganda to de-legitimize and silence the people most affected by the conflict, way more than these people are, is not okay, it is NOT the sign of an educated person (those truly educated can carry a debate about it, they don't need to silence others. In fact, many times they want to have a debate, because they're secure enough in their knowledge and information, that it does not threaten them. They don't need to block out challenges in order to be sure that their narrative won't fall apart) and it is INCREDIBLY patronizing. It's like a straight person lecturing me on what it's like to be gay, except only presenting the most homophobic idea one can picture of it. It's condescending on top of being hateful.
And I say this as someone who has lived this conflict her entire life, but also works at a Holocaust museum, which researches the Holocaust in particular, genocide in general, and Jewish history, including this specific chapter. You think any of these Israel haters care that they're lecturing someone with way more knowledge and experiences of this conflict than them? With more real life Israeli AND Palestinian friends than they have? Who has probably done more in her line of work to combat hate and the path to genocide than their keyboard fighting ever will? Do they stop and listen when we talk about the actual definition of Zionism, genocide, or even just some basic facts about the current war, like how many Palestinian terrorist organizations Israel is fighting? Nothing gets through.
So the most important thing I wanna tell you is to PLEASE not feel bad if you don't get through to this person. I think it is noble and brave to try. I have with some people who I mistakenly thought there was a chance they'd listen. And I never do it from a place of hate for Palestinians, because I do not hate them. I know enough of them who are great people, and I sincerely want the good people on both sides to have a better life. I always speak from a place of looking at the facts, current and historic. I believe it matters. We can't solve a conflict that we don't understand, and we aren't promoting any understanding (we're not helping in solving it) by spreading intentional lies about the essence of the cnflict. I've been translating the docu about Amin al-Husseini, because he's someone who infused the conflict with religious hate and antisemitic thinking. If we don't understand that, if we pretend this is just about land and liberation, we will never be able to address the true core issues of the conflict, and we won't be able to solve it, and provide the good people on both sides with this better life they deserve.
That's what I can offer to you, to speak about your experiences, the experiences of those you know or have heard of, who are affected, to speak from a place of care, and to insist on truth and facts.
That said, as you can understand, it doesn't always work. Some people I've tried with, they were just not willing to listen. When they stated something wrong, and I gave them a correction linked to a fact checked source, and they still ignored it and repeated their ignorant claims, that means they don't want to listen.
Which means that this false narrative serves some sort of need they have. Otherwise, if the facts that someone is presented with undermine their narrative, that should make them stop and question it. Stop and reevaluate why, if their narrative is true, do they get so many facts wrong? I'm not talking here about something like was this specific tweet or that particular vid true. I'm talking about basic facts, like denying that Jews are from Israel, are native here, and therefore have native rights here, that can't be erased with it being antisemitic.
What's the need that it serves? There are different motivations, one person can have more than one reason to choose to ignore the suffering of Israelis and Jews, but at the end of the day, what they all have in common, is that they're enabled by a certain degree of either antisemitism, or ignorance, or both. Antisemitism can be a sense of indifference regarding Jews, our well being, our safety, our rights, and it can also be based in a certain distorted view of Jews. And I just have to say that a certain lack of knowledge can lead to the latter even among Jewish people, even when it doesn't lead to antisemitism and hatefulness. It's just... Jews are so misrepresented, so... under-discussed. You will not believe how many times I've asked American Jewish visitors to our Holocaust museum how many Jews there are in the world, and they greatly overestimated the number. It doesn't point to anything bad about them, but it does reflect that they're a product of American society, where Jews are (even culturally) misrepresented as being far more omnipresent than we are (while also barely giving us our own voice).
Sorry, I know this got long. I guess because my answer to your first question, regarding arguing with a rabid antisemite is... you try you best, with care, and with facts. But you also mustn't feel bad if it doesn't work. If people have a vested interest in not listening to you, they won't. And it is not your fault. And also, you have to take care of yourself, too. So it's okay to stop and ask yourself every once in a while, whether a specific fight is one worth fighting. If it's someone that matters to you, and that you wanna stay in touch with, it may be even when things don't look hopeful. If it's a public argument, and there's a chance that this person won't listen to you, but a third party might read your replies and get something from them, then it may also be worth keeping up the debate then. But there are also times when, if you tried, and the person is insistent on not listening, and the odds of anything positive coming out of it are slim to none, it's also okay to take care of yourself, to disengage, and stay the hell away from someone that antisemitic.
IDK if this helps, but I really hope so, and I am sending you a lot of hugs, love, support and encouragement! And if you ever wanna ask me anything in order to have that as help in confronting antisemites, I will do my best for you. Take good care, lovely! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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@abyssleaves GIRL I FUCKING LOVE YOU HOLY SHIT. You dropped this queen 👑
This person right here, you have said it so perfectly and have inspired me to say something. I will also probably get hate but you know what? That's fine at this point 😎
This carnivorekitty situation? I'M SO OVER IT!!! I don't even 100% agree with tom but, most of you guys are getting upset at OPINIONS AND DARK HUMOR LIKE HOLY SHIT. I want you all to think about this. What part of it is beliefs? The belief of not understanding neopronouns? No no no he didn't say "hate." he said he didn't agree with them and wasn't going to hate people for using them. But nah, instead of maybe sitting down with a cup of tea, you all jumped the gun and said, "THE NERVE?! HE DOESN'T AGREE WITH ME?!". Pssst hey lean in close...... I don't understand them either 😐 If you approached me, though, and told me your pronouns, I would never hate you for using them. It is YOUR life and I will respect/use your pronouns(I use any pronouns btw UwU) and I can't tell you what to do, and as long as you're not hurting anyone, who cares right? But don't demand me to understand or get why because I don't want to, and I'm just too stupid to care.
ANYWAY TO THE TRANSPHOBIC TOPIC!! Okay, this confused me for so long on why people called him transphobic because even I understood that people of the lgbtq+ have different opinions on things and deal with stuff differently. Him saying that kids/teens having medication and surgeries are life changing and then most definitely are. Most medications are safe, but did you know that their was a birth control that was FDA approved and it worked for a long time! Until women started having babies missing limbs and parts of them. Medical stuff can happen at anytime, it being safe of not it can still happen. And the surgeries? I agree that people shouldn't have surgeries until they are 18. Why? Because you have jackasses that aren't trans/have medical needs who take advantage of that for their own benefits and you have people who find out that they are not trans/non-binary/so on later in life and detransition.
Also, can no one like dark humor anymore??? A trans person likes a dark humored trans meme it's end shattering, but people still adore famous people making 9/11 jokes? Yeah, okay, love you guys ❤️ and don't get me started on the nazi shit because WOW WE GOING FOR IT WITH THAT ONE!!! Did anyone read the post Tom made at all? Hm? He said, and I quote, "I don't see anything on how he's a nazi however, that seems like a stretch. However, if anyone can provide actual proof of these claims, you can let me know." He ASKED for proof and said he doesn't agree with all of his posts, yet all of you jumped on him instantly calling him a "nazi sympathizer"? I literally saw one, FUCKING ONE PERSON show him the proof of it instead of jumping him like zombies 🧟‍♂️ 🧟‍♀️
My last take is the pride parade stuff which is just silly to get mad about?? As a person who has basically raised my siblings as my own children and wanting kids of my own some day, I can understand about the not wanting children to see half naked people and honestly who would? What I get is that it is a pride parade and they are mostly known for people doing that, they usually make a flyer or post saying if it's going to happen orr not so please look first. What pisses me off is when people defend that and call them something-phobic for not agreeing 😑 "Agree to disagree" is perfectly put for this, People can have opinions on this without being hateful. You guys come OOON
That is all I have to say for this, I would touch on the racism aspect but I must say out of that whole thing I could understand why people were mad/hurt and I am a pale ass white-irish person who has never experienced racism(only the "HA HA YOU'RE AN ALCOHOLIC" jokes due to me being irish 🤣)so I have no right to say anything in that.
Anyway, I'm gonna just rant here, so feel free to hate on me in my inbox because I could honestly just chill with anyone even if they scream at me UwU
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aroace-confessions · 3 months
I've only had one "relationship" waayy before I figured out I was AroAce and it still haunts me to this day
Basically, in middle school, I only knew I was ace at the time, and this guy friend of mine who liked me for a while asked me out. I told him I wasn't sure and didn't know if I wanted a relationship, but he proposed the idea of a "friends with benefits" situation (where the benefits was handholding and dates cause he knew and respected that I was ace + we were like 14/15)
We hung out a few times, mostly because we shared a club together and hung out during trips and all. I feel so bad though because I was uncomfortable almost the whole time. He eventually asked me what was wrong and I told him it was because of the people around us (which wasn't a lie, my school picked on kids who did even the smallest amount of PDA no matter how innocent), but truth is I was never able to fully settle into the relationship. We went on one semi-awkward date at a local con and hung out a few more times with messaging in between before I realized I couldn't do it anymore. He proposed the idea of a first kiss and, as dumb as it sounds, the idea scared me
So, one day, I called him and decided to be upfront. I was a long way away from knowing I was aro, so at the time, I told him what I felt was true, that I wasn't ready for a relationship. I would've told him in person, but we were on a school break (summer break I'm pretty sure) and it would've been a while before I could see him. And I was harboring guilt that was eating me alive. I thought I was leading this guy on if I continued to date him while being certain now that I didn't feel the same. So the second I realized my different feelings, I wanted to be honest. He awkwardly cut the call short and didn't talk to me after. We lost contact not soon after
I'll be abundantly clear, the blame is on me. The guy was constantly considerate of what I was comfortable with and tried his best to keep me happy. I, in turn, did my best to enjoy the relationship and reciprocate the love. We fell apart because of circumstance— I was young and didn't know who I was yet. And even though we called the relationship a friendly one, he made it clear he wanted a romantic relationship eventually. An idea that I not only didn't connect to, but scared me since everything was so new. It was my very first and only relationship. I still respect that guy a lot. He was cool and I still liked being his friend. And while I understand why he stopped speaking with me after we broke up, it still bummed me out for a while. I barely saw him after that and when I did we didn't really talk anymore, but I'm glad that last I saw him he was doing well
To loop back to my main point, I know that failed relationship that lasted barely a month was entirely on me for how it ended, but BOY does the embarrassment still haunt me. Looking back I can tell it was signs that I was aro before I accepted that part of myself, and that I'm not really at fault for just not connecting with someone, but every time someone asks me about my dating life the memories haunt me. I'm a senior in highschool now and have finally fully accepted myself, but I don't really see that guy anymore. I sometimes wish I could just to tell him none of it was his fault, but all of it is just so awkward. Anyhow I thought sharing this story might help anyone else who might have embarrassing failed dates/relationship stories from before you knew you were aro/ace/aroace. Sometimes it happens, and it's okay to realize you didn't connect with someone like you thought you did. I haven't had any relationship since and I'm happy with it. It'll turn out for the better eventually
Submitted 02/07/24
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luluxa · 11 months
Mother, tell us your fav Jance headcanon
I actually don't have that many headcanons with them in the usual meaning of the word, because these idiots are fully on display and extremely obvious and I just sit back and watch, basically
so not a headcanon but something I was thinking about right this moment, in fact: I don't recall who made an observation about their energies swapping as of late, but I love it – that Jan used to be the hot one and Nace was cute and now it’s in reverse. And I'd like to think it’s entirely about them being happily married. Because Jan has found a man with whom he feels safe and loved and at home, and that completely switched off his outward sexiness and made him radiate calm and sweet softness. Meanwhile, Nace, being somewhat shy and insecure about his attractiveness and looks, found a guy who absolutely adores him and thinks he’s the hottest, most handsome man ever and is likely very affirmative about it, so Nace’s confidence and with that, overt hotness increased a lot in the last couple of months.
and an nsfw one:
I think they're vanilla as fuck. The only kinky thing Jan’s been spotted at (unlike Bojan with his bdsm orgies) is stepping on Bojan (him again), but idk – it was more for Bojan than for Jan, I think. Like, Jan can be kinky with a partner that wants/needs it, but if they don't – he’s more than okay being vanilla and do missionary every time lol. Like he might come up with something kinky for Nace’s benefit – and Nace would actually love it, I think, but he loves the very idea of doing whatever Jan wants, and if Jan decides, in the middle of it, that he’d rather do it with no bells and whistles – then Nace will be all over that idea instead. Basically, to me, Nace is a service top and Jan’s dog – it can be on itself a kink, sure, but it doesn’t come across as one with them, it’s more of a general dynamic that will still be there with them not fucking and never wanting to fuck: Nace will still be the caretaker who loves Jan to bits and Jan would appreciate the fuck out of it.
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now i'm actually venting (/upset, very upset even)
it's so agonizing to see people i really like saying that when you transition, you always have to specifically go to a binary gender and stick to cishet standards of beauty and that you can't play around with gender and you have to look palatable to cis people to not "drag down the movement" and that you basically have to earn other people's respect. Overall a very cis-centered view on transitions, as if we needed cis people, as if we needed them to approve our existence and approve our gender. I don't fucking need a cis person to validate me, i don't want a cis person to validate me, i want them to go fuck themselves.
It fucking wrecks me so much when i hear this coming from someone that i enjoy watching, someone who has good takes on most things but then when it comes to that, they feel entitled to pushing this garbage that almost got me killed, as well as once even implying that you should receive a "permission" to transition by a doctor as if a doctor knew better about your gender than yourself. I'm fucking sorry but there were trans people in the psych ward i was in and they knew VERY well who they were and what they were, and if they depended on a medical permission to transition they would've been denied because they would be dismissed for being mentally unstable. And what about me? i'm non binary. I don't get permission too because it's "not a transitionable gender". I usually don't care when people talk shit, i tend to just ignore and never watch them again, but this is someone that i have watched for so long, since the time they were small and poor and watched them grow and succeed, and it HURTS. It fucking hurts because it genuinely feels like someone stepping on my face and using me and everyone else like me as a stair. This hurts, specially because my friend with benefits is a girl who can't transition yet because of her family and she has literally no option other than to pretend to be a guy when she knows she's not a guy and she doesn't need a doctor to tell her that. I just want to hug her right now because i feel like this is hurting her indirectly by reinforcing that real trans people should only be the ones who are binary, who can transition and look like cishet normie people (i use "normie" to refer to people who aren't in any alt subculture, it's the term that i was taught but i don't know if it's still used)
like, obviously if you're not gonna conform to a cishet standard you'll go through a lot more of shit in your life, but to make it seem like we have to conform to cis people's unwritten rules and treat us like we're some sort of weird "deviation" and we need medical supervision to not go "too far" and still stay in a cishet pattern to deserve basic human respect is disgusting. I am who i am, my friend with benefits is who she is, and everyone else like us are who they are, and none of us need you to disrespect us like this by erasing everyone else who happens to not be a binary middle class person with no personality and no desire to explore themselves further in order to appeal to a group of people that, regardless if i dressed up in a suit and let my beard grow fully and looked like a cishet man or if i dressed up the same way i always do and did the makeup i always do, would still murder me and everyone else. But okay then. I'm glad to have been useful for you as a stair. (/s for last bit)
you'll suffer more if you're non conforming like me, but that's not your fault, alright? and whoever says all of that shit i mentioned is wrong. I really wish i could help people grow thicker skin so they can stay happy and healthy while also recognizing that bad things happening to them just because of who they are is not right and it's not their fault, it really breaks my heart when my friend expressed fear of transitioning because she knew it would make her life hard, and unfortunately it really will, i can't lie to her, but if she keeps pretending to be someone she's not it'll be so much harder and so much more painful. I really wanna just... hug her right now.
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edwinspaynes · 8 months
I want to ask you about those characters you have liked less, and you have commented on the blog, if you could change some stuff on their writing and on events that involve them to make them more likeable what would they be? I think yours are Lucie, Jesse, Gabriel and Cecily right? Like for example "make Jesse be resurrected in the beginning of chain of iron and develop more Grace and his relationship" , or "make Lucie hold less secrets from Cordelia".
Sure, I hope I'm understanding what you want correctly.
PSA: When I gush about how perfect I think TLH is I don't mean Ghostwriter. I never mean Ghostwriter. Their story is terribly executed. However, TLH is still perfect because I give 0 fucks about Ghostwriter, so their poor development and terrible relationship doesn't impact my reading experience in the slightest <3
Lucie and Jesse
Lucie would basically just need to get her head out of the sand. I find her annoying primarily because all the other TLH characters act 25 and she acts like a spoiled 12 year old.
She starts the series with her head completely in the clouds, dreaming of silly fairy tales, and ends it in exactly the same place. Zero growth. And why would there be any? Everything that happens in her TLH plotline, what with getting a ramifications-free ghost boyfriend, reinforces that life is a fairy tale that she can twiddle her thumbs and dance through.
I think that this is what's disappointing about Lucie. She's fine at the beginning of ChoG because that's where her arc begins, but the problem is that she ends it as the same silly girl she started it while most other characters around her grow a lot.
I also think that Lucie would benefit from, like, just generally being less selfish. There was no reason for her to endanger Cordelia by not telling her about the Creepy Ghosts at their prospective parabatai ceremony. So, yeah.
As for Jesse, dude, I don't even know where to start. Get this man a personality, please, or at least a semblance of one. I genuinely believe that perhaps Cassie purposely made him a flavorless cardboard cutout so that teenagers reading could project their ghost-fairytale fantasy man onto him.
The main thing for Jesse, though, is that he needed to be less of a shithole to Grace. He was just so fucking godawful to her in Chain of Thorns that everything else about him (which isn't much to start with) pales in comparison. I hope she never talks to him again.
An aside --
I have a whole Ghostwriter plot idea that I think would have made Lucie's story really layered, but Jesse would actually die in it (thus forcing Lucie to show actual growth). Basically, everything would be the same until the end of ChoI, when Lucie would fail to bring Jesse back to life and realize then that her power was gone. She then would no longer be able to see his ghost. No more Jesse. Lucie would need to confront her happy-go-lucky-lalala-life-is-but-a-dream attitude and would therefore need to actually grow tf up. Lucie and Grace console each other and become close friends. They also both lost their love interests (I'm changing nothing else about TLH in this world, only Blackdale stuff), and both girls' happy ending lies in that friendship.
I loathe character death and I almost always hate tragedy, so you know shit's bad when I'm saying this. But Jesse's not an actual human; he's just a plot device! So maybe we should use that plot device in the best possible way if we're not going to make him a layered character :)
Gabriel and Cecily
I don't think about these two nearly as much as Ghostwriter, who I contemplate sometimes because I'm a TLH girlie.
I also don't find Gabriel or Cecily anywhere near as annoying as Lucie or Jesse. I don't care for them, but I also don't really hate them or even dislike them.
In Cecily's case, there's not really anything I'd change or even would want to change. I liked her a lot when I was 18 and the annoyance has built up steadily over time. Now I'm 27 and just view her as an annoying teenager. There's nothing wrong with her, but she reads young (I staunchly consider almost every TID character to read 20ish and every TLH character to read mid-20s. Cecily and Lucie are exceptions). I also don't want her gone, she contributes to the story and has her Moments.
Gabriel just is imo kind of off-putting to everyone besides Cecily and occasionally Gideon, and I just personally am not a big fan of him. But unlike Lucie or Jesse, he's a complex character with an interesting plotline and a tangible personality. He grows. He just didn't resonate with me. I will, however, say that there are a few moments where I want to give him a hug, because damn that kid got hit over the head with a ton of trauma baseball bats in a row.
Basically, in the end, Lucie and Jesse are characters I think are poorly-written and badly developed. Gabriel and Cecily are fine characters with good enough development, they just don't resonate with me through no fault of their own and that's okay.
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tomato-farming · 1 year
Is Palia enough of a Farm Game for me to post here?
Maybe, it might be, it's got a lot of Farm Game elements at least
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I'm going to go ahead and make a really long post about it because it's my blog and I can do what I want and I've been following this game for a while now and if you like what you see I'd appreciate it if you used my Refer-A-Friend link if you want to make your own account to play this used someone else's Refer-A-Friend link if you want to make your own account to play this because I got all the stuff already and you should give the benefits to someone else who needs them
Disclaimer: I've never played this game, it's not out yet, I've never done the alpha and I don't work for them, all the information and photos are from Palia's website, social media, and discord
What Is Palia?
Palia (pronounced pay-lee-uh) is an upcoming cozy mmo being developed by Singularity 6
It's a Free-To-Play game which will only monetize optional cosmetics, it will not be a pay-to-win game, there are no loot boxes, you can read more about it here
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Palia is going into closed beta on August 2nd, 2023 and into open beta about a week later on August 10th, 2023 for PC. It's also coming to Nintendo Switch this holiday season
You can create your account now for a chance to get into the closed beta, you can use my a Refer-A-Friend link, I'll talk more about it later
Cool, What's The Game Like Though?
You play as a human that recently returned to the world of Palia after all of them disappeared thousands of years ago, so mysterious~ The story unfolds as you make friends with NPCs and build yourself a new home
In Palia you can:
Catch insects
Make furniture
And garden! Which is basically farming ;)
You can also befriend and romance NPCs like these two:
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I don't know all of the ones you CAN romance because I couldn't find a specific list but they have confirmed romantic options are not limited by gender and are also completely optional
A lot of these are pretty standard Farm Game fare so I feel like it might be fairly appealing to y'all, it is at least to me
You can also play with other people since it's an mmo, or solo, they said that almost everything can be done alone but might be easier or more fun with friends (we could be in game friends when it comes out c: make sure to tell me your character's name though)
Okay, What's The Link You Keep Bringing Up?
In order to play Palia, you need to make an account (regardless of if you're planning on playing on PC or Switch) which can be done now even though the game isn't out. In order to help reach more users the devs made a Refer-A-Friend promotion where if you have an account, you get a link to share with your friends (or strangers on the internet) in hopes 5 people will use it to make their account so you get cool in game stuff
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I want got the stuff. Please use someone else's link, there's a lot of them in Palia's discord in the Refer-A-Friend section
When you use someone's Refer-A-Friend link to make your account, YOU get a fruit basket item in game! and the ability to attempt to get people to use your new code to get those items up there, it's absolutely multi-level marketing but they need players and I everyone want items
I think this game looks fun, I'm not sure if I'll keep talking about it, it really could just be a Game With Farming and not a Farm Game, time will tell but I had to take the opportunity of hocking my Link here since I was getting nowhere on my personal blog or in their discord (but now I've got it, thank you!!)
Palia is doing a gameplay preview presentation thing tomorrow at 10am PT on youtube and twitch, check that out if you'd like to see more
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Hi Makenzie
I'm sorry for bothering you, but as I followed your blog for over a decade now and this is the first time I need to deal with questions around sexuality, it seemed to me like the best way to get good and trustworthy input was to ask you.
There's a lot of context to this, but the TL;DR is that I (a trans masc) used to staunchly believe I'm aroace (which I'm still not sure of that I'm not) until last month this person swaggered into my life and basically upended my understanding of myself by somehow making it so we're in a relationship together. That means that for the first time in 23 years I have to think about the downstairs equipment and, worse, use it.
Now, my partner is absolutely lovely, don't get me wrong, but I am very much not into sex at all. Or like, it's fun, but it's also a chore and while I like the intimacy of it all, I just... don't like sex. It's extremely painful and since my partner has been circumcised it takes so long to get them off (over 4 hours!), even on their own- the closest we've come to me being involved at all when they do is my letting them come in my mouth by some last-minute manouvering- and even so, after two times I physically cannot bring myself to do it again, which puts them off too.
I know one of your mottos is that orgasms aren't the end-all-be-all of sex, but it seems to be the only thing to make the whole ordeal worth it at all. It's like we're stuck in a feedback loop where I only put up with sex because I want them to enjoy themself, and they need to see me enjoy myself to enjoy themselves, but with them having a really hard time getting of and me being physically unable to (even on my own: I never feel anything, even if the muscle-spasms indicate something happened).
I'm very worried about the strain this will put on the relationship, since they told me on the very first day that they do need to get their rocks off, and while I'm fine with them watching porn to get off and the occasional comment that they would prefer me have the body of one of those actresses, I'm not secure enough in this whole relationship yet to just set them free sexually. Not in the least because a part of me doesn't want to lose the way our sexuality works atm. It's dysfunctional and painful, and there is practically no benefit to it at all, but it's fun having them so close. If only the rest of the deal didn't exist.
It's basically a lose-lose situation where I was wondering if you could tell me if I should be worried about the sheer amount of pain I experience with penetration (also with tampons: the two times I tried putting one in, I ended up crying on the bathroom floor because of the pain) and if you maybe have any advice regarding the rest of the whole shitshow.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day!
hi anon,
oh my god there's a lot to unpack here
before we get into the important stuff I just want to open by saying your partner's four hour plateau period is maybe not an outright medical marvel but is definitely unusual, and both scientific and anecdotal evidence indicate there's no particular reason why that should be linked to circumcision. I have no idea what would actually be causing that, but it's probably not a lack of foreskin! just wanted to point that out, because it's interesting.
anyway, and much more importantly: you two should not be having sex with each other and maybe need to just break up entirely.
literally every single thing about how you are talking about sex indicates to me that you don't want to be having it, you don't like it, it's painful, you don't see the point, you can't bring yourself to do it... literally stop doing it. stop that right now. there's literally nothing but trauma that's going to come from repeatedly forcing yourself into something that sucks this bad for you.
okay, so, where does this leave your partner? well, in grand sex witch style I am humbling suggesting that they either put up or shut up. sex is important to them and that's fine, wahoo yay sex, but they've chosen a partner who Does Not Want To Do Sex At All and that has consequences, namely that they do not get to have sex with that partner.
if you're uninterested in opening the relationship up (which is fine!) that means they either need to cope or y'all need to break up, which frankly sounds like it might be awesome for both of you based on everything you're saying here. no one is necessarily at fault here, but this is a major lack of compatibility that seems like it's only going to keep eating at both of you. there are lots of different ways to be intimate in a relationship, and you both deserve to find someone operating on a more similar frequency.
also, hey, this?
I'm fine with them watching porn to get off and the occasional comment that they would prefer me have the body of one of those actresses
you shouldn't be fine with that. talking about anyone's body like that is shitty, let alone an intimate partner. I would hit somebody with a car for that, personally.
also hey PS if tampons suck that much there's a chance you have vaginismus, a condition that causes the vaginal muscles to reflexively and often painfully tighten to prevent penetration. it's a fairly common condition that's often caused by anxiety or trauma, and in many cases the easiest solution is to Stop Putting Things In Your Vagina.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
I'd say Top is a way bigger red flag, he had the chance to tell Mew honestly about the fact that he cheated but didn't, got upset at Mew, and didn't believe him about the Ray situation, is just a dck to everyone for nearly no reason and also isn't honest with Mew at all even though they are dating or at least pretty much dating and wants a "reward" for stopping to take drugs whilst Boston is honestly only horny and a bad friend (no clue what kind of friend Top is, I don't even know if he has actual friends) to Mew and to some degree Ray (from the flashback he seems to have a good relationship to the lesbian whose name I forgot and he actually seems to be a decent fried towards Ray in there as well). Boston is pretty honest towards Nick in terms of their relationship of him caring for him but only really seeing him as a friend with benefits who he also thinks is cute (gotta say I think that Nick spying on him is the worse thing considering that Boston is at least honest, warned him and basically told Nick that he shouldn't agree with the relationship if he can't deal with all this).
tldr: Boston and Nick are kinda compatible. Top is just a dick towards everyone except for Mew from time to time. Ray needs to understand he actually likes Sand more than Mew.
Boston and Nick are compatible in that sense that they should date absolutely no one but each other, frankly, and I think that's for the best.
Top is a dick and I enjoy that about him, honestly. Might not want to fuck Boston anymore but happily does cocaine alone in a hotel room while claiming it's something he only does with friends. I love it. It's fun and messy.
But Boston is also only half-honest. He does tell Nick to use whatever terms he likes and will say basically anything to keep him in bed with him but, honestly, I think Nick would do the same to him so... I'm okay with it.
I am hitting the point where Mew is probably the least interesting character to me because everything is starting to point to him him genuinely just being this Good Guy Virgin who is manipulative but mildly so and I was hoping for something... more complex and messy than 'good guy done wrong by player' but ehhhh, that's just me. I was seeking evil virgin and I need to get over my own wishes.
Boston is Boston. He's a slut and he's proud of it and he is at the very least a mediocre friends but probably not a great one and Ray is a tiny disaster who needs so much therapy it's not even funny and Mew is... somehow friends with both of them
Ugh, Ray broke my heart at the end into pieces at the end when he realized that Mew wasn't the same kind of friend to him that he was to Mew and that's not even about the love he feels for him but also the way that he thinks of him first in his life and as the first person he'd contact any time he was in trouble. But that's not what Ray is to Mew and that's never what Ray can be to Mew. Mew was clear that nothing in their friendship was going to change. And that's hard to face.
There's a lot in this show that works with itself and builds on itself and it's very, very good to see and to watch. I just keep hoping for more from a few characters (okay, I mean Mew. I don't just want Mew to get revenge, I want Mew to have been manipulating all along.)
There's a lot. I think everyone is a lot less honest then they let on but also possibly less deliberately manipulative. Except Boston. And maybe Mew. And probably Top. (Who sleeps with someone after telling them to stop taking drugs without even giving them a chance to actually stop?) But I might be wrong about any of them.
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doueverwonder · 1 year
Ok so GerAmeLietIta really intrigued me. I'd love to get a better feel for them, can you give us some headcanons or scenarios?
So anyway, in an rp I have as a side plot (yes you heard me this isn’t even the main plot of the story), but i think it can be kinda universially applied to how they got together.
we had AmeLiet and GerIta, Al and Tolys are married and I don’t even remember Ludwig and Feli’s relationship status but they were together.
anyway; along the way Alfred is like “haha yeah, I had a crush on Ludwig way back in the day” and someone (cough France cough) is like “used to??? USED TO???” bc apparently Al’s crush on Lutz is evident to this day. blah blah blah argument where Al is basically like “I can’t have a crush on someone else, I’m married and I adore the person I’m married too!!” And François goes “PLEASE I’ve been betting on you being polyam for YEARS”
it gets dropped for a few months until; Alfred holds his Christmas party everyone is more than a few drinks in and François can’t help but tell Ludwig about Alfred’s crush.
Alfred spends a few weeks freaking out, and even getting to the point where he tells Tolys about his century old crush. followed by a spurt of “maybe Ludwig was too drunk to remember what François said, maybe it’s fine”
another months or so passes: Ludwig was not too drunk to remember what was said. He just uh, well, he didn’t know what to say. Especially considering he was dealing with the same situation…
eventually Al and Lutz end up on a phone call, for four hours. Talking about the elephant in the room.
After talking to Tolys and Feliciano about it they end up on a date of sorts, all four of them. It's cordial and awkward, until Tolys gets tired of dancing around it leans over to Feliciano and they have this exchange "I hear your husband has a crush on mine" "oh! I heard the same about yours!" Al and Ludwig immediatly go beet red, they were not expecting that, it was so funny to rp.
Anywho, some conversation goes by somehow just stating it made everything go from cordial and awkward to casual and not-so-awkward. We find out there was some miscommuntion and uh, well, Feliciano somehow got the idea that they were entering a swingers arangment and was slightly disappointed to find out otherwise :(
skipping random convos; they're walking back to Alfred's house and Feli decides to make a joke about how he was excited to sleep with someone other than Ludwig; while Lutz is busy being (jokingly) offended Tolys gives Alfred a Look(TM) and they have this whisper convo
A: Are you serious?
L: I won't unless you're okay with it.
A: I guess I don't care?
L: you have to straight out say it's okay or I won't do anything.
A: Yes, it's fine. I really don't mind.
L: you sound hesitant
A: I'm not! I'm surprised! who are you and what have you done with my timid husband???
(heads I am not going through every single convo even if it is technically important)
So, Feliciano and Tolys end up, y'know. Alfred and Ludwig however end up sitting in the living room with their romantic tension, they talk and at some point play chess. It’s lovely.
so anyway, after that the dynamic goes AmeLiet and GerIta are in their original marriages still, Ludwig & Al are dating, Ludwig, And Feli are Tolys’ friends with benefits. (Side note that the running joke is Alfred is super ace and kinda aware of it but doesn’t call himself ace solely cause “I don’t have time for more self discovery rn”)
anyway, they all end up in a relationship with the confessions not even being confessions :\ Ludwig accidentally introduces Tolys as his bf once and is just never corrected. Alfred and Feli just simultaneously start referencing each other as being “my partner” (Feliciano is actually enby no I don’t make the rules). The only actual confession (disregarding GerAme) is LietIta :\\\ it’s very dramatic and comedic they’re standing by a pond under moonlight Feli is like “I have fallen for you, our love shall endure the ages, people will sing of it” “what about Alfred and Ludwig?” “Fuck I forgot about them”
anyway they’re goofy I love them, their favorite movie is 50 first dates they watch it together all the time :)
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abliafina-18782 · 1 year
Roast chicken
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Pairing: Joe Goldberg X Rhys Montrose
Author's Note: I've used quotes from the show for an extra bit of flare, I'm not claiming any of those as my own writing but I won't point them out as it'd interrupt the flow of the fic. This is very much a crackfic, don't take it too seriously. ✨
Warning: Canon typical Violence, stalking, possessive behaviour
Word count: ~6k
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. There are so many ways in which you can have breakfast. Bacon and eggs. Cereal. Marmalade on toast. Coffee. The options are endless.
I have learned a lot about breakfast since coming to the UK. They have a full English breakfast with fried eggs, sausages, bacon, baked beans, and ripe fried tomatoes and mushrooms. Have that with some tea or orange juice and it’s a whole buffet compared to America’s breakfast, and that says a lot for the country that originated McDonald's.
I have never been much of a breakfast guy. Perhaps it’s stereotypical of a coffee drinker, I’m the one that’ll be fine as long as I’ve got my caffeine in the morning. It wasn’t until I met you that I started appreciating breakfast for what it was.
Breakfast is a chance to set the tone for the rest of your day. You can’t go wrong if you begin your day with a belly full of a full English. It took me a while to get used to it, I usually felt satisfied after only a few spoonfuls of baked beans, however, you helped me slow down and enjoy the start of my morning. Any morning is a good morning as long as it is with you.
Which is why it’s so weird that you’ve stopped eating breakfast.
Being the mayor of London isn’t easy for you, and yet that is no reason to neglect your basic needs. You say you don’t have time because you’re running late or you are simply not hungry. I have a hard time believing that. Your appetite is like no other. The first time I cooked dinner for us, you helped yourself to two extra servings, saying it was the best meal you ever had. I’m not a chef by any means, I mean I know my way around the kitchen, though being married to Love Quinn came with its benefits.
I am trying to get you to eat better, though it’s hard when you won’t tell me what’s wrong. You insist that everything’s okay, except I know you better than that. You’re not eating the lunches or snacks I pack for you. You say I don’t have to pack lunches for you, but let me ask you this, Rhys. What kind of a partner am I if I let you go hungry?
I won’t lie and say it doesn’t hurt to see my efforts go to waste. I’m greeted with half-empty boxes and unopened granola bars whenever I clear out your bag. Of course, you’re not obligated to eat the food I prepare for you. It is just my way of showing that I care about you.
Because I do, I care about you, Rhys. More than I have cared for anyone in my life. You helped me come to terms with my true nature. You accept me for who I am and I am never going to find that in another person again. Which is why I have to get to the bottom of what’s bothering you.
I know you wouldn’t like it if I followed you to work. You’d call it an invasion of privacy when I’m only trying to help you. So it is with perfect timing really when I have to run some errands by your office. Whether or not testing the coffee at London's Kitchen Café constitutes as an errand is up for debate.
Continue reading
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s8e15 man's best friend with benefits (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
i enjoy a good play on words as much as the next person but combining dog and sex for your episode name is an interesting choice
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well dang, indoor pool and sauna? i wanna go
DEAN 'Cause you did just gank a Hellhound, which is no slice of pie, and, uh, there is a mine field of who knows what crap ahead. Just want to make sure that you are okay. SAM I'm good. DEAN 'Cause, you know, we could find another devil dog. You could tag out. I could snuff the son of a bitch.
so i viewed this as him just trying to protect sam but now i see
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i've never had such shifting opinions on a tv person's hair like i do sam's. at least half the time i actively dislike it. at most 5-10% of the time, i think damn it looks good! this shot in particular was one of the special few. his hair is beautiful, the styling/cut is what lets it down when it does
i sure hope he's not hallucinating again because that'd be a cruel trick. hmm, also in my musings adjacent to fuckup vs righteous man, i've thought about how they show sam's suffering onscreen a lot (mystery spot [lol i won't let it go], hallucifer, whatever the trials shit is gonna be) but dean we get the emotional suffering aftermath. sidenote, logistically made sense for a whole bucket of reasons of course, but (for me, personally) thank goodness dean's hell experience was offscreen almost entirely.
sounds like padalecki is sick
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um. a doberman that transformed into a black woman. with the huge sparkly bright pink dog collar still on
and this white dude witch is her master?? wtffff. don't really care what backpedaling they do, that was a shitty choice
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DEAN Well, I'm concerned. SAM Concerned about the, uh -- the witch-killing spell... or that I'm gonna mess these trials up? DEAN Look, we get too far down the road with this, we can't go back, and it'll be too late for me to jump in. SAM Who says that you're gonna have to? You know, maybe I'll actually pull this one off. DEAN I'm just saying. SAM I know what you're saying, Dean. You've said it. You know, I've been going over this and over this, asking myself "why doesn't he trust me?" And it occurred to me, finally. It's not that you don't trust me. It's that you can only trust you. DEAN Are you done? SAM Yeah, I'm done if you're done.
ugh 💔 and to be so forthright telling him how he keeps asking himself why dean doesn't trust him. and the super quick "i'm done if you're done" response has such a particular flavor of... well. something i'm very familiar with. the vulnerability of showing that he's hurt over not being trusted, that it isn't just anger, and dean basically ignoring it.. feeling of inside, shut that shit down asap and move on. don't know what he was going for particularly but it struck a chord obviously for me
phillippe LeChat. 🥴
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like, we can't have dean or sam fucking anyone at the moment so we're just gonna have these two do it. was there a sex scene quotient that needed to be filled?
episode title way more literal than i expected.
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DEAN I got to ask. I-I can't help but wonder -- PORTIA Which came first, dog or girl? DEAN Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I'm just curious as to which one you consider yourself, mostly. PORTIA This have anything to do with what I told you about James and me last night? How you're imagining it? DEAN What? No, that's... yes.
dean said (sentient) dogfucker rights?
SAM Oh, by the way, got to hand it to you. It's been 15 hours since Portia mentioned her night with James, and not one bestiality joke outta ya.
not for us though
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wonder how many times i miss that he's messing with the scar on his hand
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geez i shouldn't have mentioned onscreen suffering. and using the clip of dean calling out for sam from hell on the hooks..... extra rude.
DEAN Well, it's possible I was wrong. SAM What, about James? Dude, we were both ready to gank the guy. DEAN No, that's not what I meant. Back there, when Spencer had us. He screwed with my head. I saw mom… When she died… And then some other crap. SAM Yeah. Me, too. DEAN You know, when I look back at what our family's been through, what everybody's been through, seeing all that pain… I realize that the only way we've made it through it all is by hanging together. I trust you, Sammy. With this deal, locking those sons of bitches up in the furnace once and for all, it's too important not to. So if you say you're good... then that's it. I'm with you 100%.
i'm all ♥️♥️♥️ and then immediately sam hides he's coughing up blood. okay.
that's the thing with this show, the bad plot writing whatever episodes will still have some mushy fucking brother conversations i wouldn't want to miss! like the reviled bugs episode, that had some high quality brother content
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playertwotails · 1 year
Okay so I've been thinking about this since it popped into my head last night. This is an off the rails conspiracy theory nonsense AU/Theory/Headcanon-ish thing but I thought it was funny and wanted to share so here we are.
And what is this fresh non-sense I have for ya'll today:
Eggman is not the main villain of the series. In fact he might not even be the villain.
Is this dumb - yes, but strap on your tin foil hat an join me below the cut if you wanna see me try and make this, make sense.
I'll start off with this came to me when I started thinking of the video game Fable III. (If you know this game you might know where I'm heading with this already) For those who don't know spoilers for that game if you've never played it. There is an evil king you take down and over throw for being horrible to everyone and extorting, killing and squeezing everyone for money and resources. But afterwards you find out he was mostly doing so cause there was an even bigger evil threat heading ya'lls way that he was trying to gather resources to withstand and take down.
There's more to that plot but this is the bit I wanna focus on. What if it's the same with Eggman. Yeah he's an evil guy trying to take over the world and use all the natural resources to his benefit, but what if it's because there's an even bigger threat out there and he's just trying to amass enough resources to withstand an attack.
With dialog from the new games Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog we know he's been making business and stuff for years to get money from and move around resources. And he's always after the biggest most powerful thing he can find and try to control it, to take over the world but the main point here is that he want's the macguffin artifact/creature's power.
But what if he's only doing that cause there's something out there he needs an entire planet of resources, energy and manpower to take down.
What helps with this whole crazy spiel is that he never kills Sonic. Does he try, yes...or maybe that's what he wants them to think. Cause most of the time when he has the perfect opportunity to kill Sonic he doesn't or goes on some kinda long rant that allows them to think of a way out and save the day or just straight doesn't. Sometimes he even saves Sonic and helps him. Heck in forces he doesn't even kill Sonic just locks him up for 6 months, okay there's the one off nonchalantly given line of him being tortured for 6 months but like the game did we're gonna gloss over that.
What if he doesn't actually want to kill Sonic but uses him basically as an easy way to test the durability of his creations he's making, not making them to take down Sonic but what ever this greater threat is. Plus he knows Sonic is strong, so if whatever is out there beats Eggman he knows that there's at least Sonic and co. as a last defense.
Think about it, a lot of his creations he fights Sonic with are massive compared to one 3ft something little fast guy. And yeah Eggman has a flare for the dramatics but in the long run it's impracticable and he is a genius.
So Eggman gets a free test dummy and more and more data to make even more powerful weapons which he can then use against this greater threat.
So the next question is, well who is this greater evil he's doing all this terrible stuff to make sure he has enough to take it down? And the answer to that is idk this is all a load of nonsense tangent I'm going off on, I just thought the idea was cool. But I can tell you I don't think we've met them. It's not Black Doom cause they actively worked with them at one point to make Shadow, the Ultimate Life Form. I don't think it's The End from frontiers cause even it didn't seem Eggman was aware of that until Sage brought it up. It's not dark gaia cause Eggman wasn't trying to kill them just use them to further his own plans. No one knows about this threat except for Eggman who, if he hasn't seen it, has some sort of knowledge of it but just doesn't share cause there'd be no point. Either he beats it or doesn't why should he try to work other people who aren't as smart as him. Plus he does have a big ego and wants to be the one to take down a threat like that just so he could brag he did with his own genius creations.
Idk this just came into my brain and refused to leave so here ya'll are a fresh heaping of crazy rambles enjoy. Let me know what ya'll think though I'm kinda curious about ya'lls thoughts.
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