non-plutonian-druid · 3 months
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the concept for this is "what if voltron aliens were like, a little bit less humanoid." Galra (and alteans, not pictured) get to be the most humanoid because theyre main characters lol
[ID: various voltron aliens redesigned to remove many of their humanoid features. The Galra are largely unchanged; the only difference is that they have six limbs. Keith is demonstrating standing on four limbs; he looks not unlike a centaur, although the "horse" part is just a continuation of his body, not a horse (and is also the same color as his human skin, because it is human skin. sorry not sorry). Kolivan is demonstrating standing on two limbs, and towers over everyone else. Krolia is demonstrating standing on all six limbs, which looks uncomfortable but possible.
There is also an example of an Olkari; whose face is unchanged but now is built similar to a praying mantis; a Puigian, who retains the approximate locations of the face markings and horns but looks more like some kind of deer creature; an Arusian, which is built like a snail; and a mer alien, which now looks like a fish with hands and antennae. The Olkari is based on Ryner, and the mer alien is Plaxum. End ID.]
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brokenolivejar · 4 months
Pidge (my alter) made me draw this for a fan fiction she’s writing sigh
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Olkarian pidge real!!
Also keep in mind this au pidge is like 35 years old I think is what pidge said?
And she does have her square glasses from like that one end of vld picture where they’re all adults/older after Voltron so (I definitely didn’t forget to draw them)
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aro-paladin-pidge · 1 year
Some vague guidelines for the lore changes I’ve made to my No/Yes Blue AUs (yeah I’m calling them that, I can’t find better names ok)
Voltron is definitely older than it is in canon. I really hated that there were only two generations of paladins and Voltron still had this giant legend as the ‘defenders of the universe’. So Alfor didn’t create the Lions, some super-ancient alien species did or smth
Speaking of the Lions, I really want to redesign them-they’re supposed to be the guardian spirits of the elements and beings of pure quintessence, right? (I’m only like 70% sure about that last one, but I think it’s canon) But they just look like robot lions?? No cool glowy quintessence or elements or anything. I think the red Lion should have like a mane of fire or something.
Also I feel like the Black Paladin shouldn’t always be the leader. Each of the paladins could have been (and we actually saw this for Allura, Keith, and Hunk) good leaders, depending on the circumstances. This also allows for Keith to become a leader and Shiro to take a different position as a commander, without the stupid Lion-swap plotline. I’m sorry, but I hated it. So, depending on who was acting as Voltron’s leader/battlefield commander, any of the Lions/paladins could’ve been the head.
Lot less aliens. I hate hate HATE how there’s a few billion different species and they all look the exact same and there’s no exploration of any of their cultures in the slightest. They go to a new planet every episode, meet a new species that looks like humans but slightly to the left, they join the coalition, and then they’re never mentioned again. I want there to be a couple of species, like the Galra, Olkari, and the Balmerans spread out on various planets across the universe, so we actually have room to explore their cultures and histories.
This one’s not really a problem with VLD but I like it so I’m putting it here: The Altean Colony arc we get in canon is scrapped. Instead, there’s a small colony of surviving Alteans on Arus who’ve protected the Castle for millennia, since it doesn’t seem like the Castle can be opened without a Lion. We get Romelle earlier, and Allura and Coran don’t think they’re the last Alteans.
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wineaunt420 · 1 year
why is there absolutely nothing on that one Olkari pirate from s8, I would have thought there would have been so much on him. did he even have a name??
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discordiansamba · 5 months
some more spitballing about that AU but in a new post since that one was getting kind of long:
From Coran, Allura figures out that it may be possible to get someone's memory of the previous reality to return by having them come in contact with a specific trigger. For Coran, it was his control panel on the Castle of Lions.
Which means... she just has to figure out what each paladin's trigger is. Clearly it is not their lions. Keith is proof enough of that. But maybe she can even use it to disrupt Honerva's brainwashing.
Speaking of Keith, it is... deeply weird to see him as an Altean. But also fortunate, because it seems he has a spark of alchemical talent! Which means they can move the Castle of Lions, as soon as they get it in order.
Keith and Romelle are just confused. Why do these two- what did they call themselves again? Humans? Know so much about this ancient Altean ship?
Allura only sort of lies. She tells them she has memories from a past life, as does Coran. Technically very true! She has lived nineteen years as a human. It does make her life as an Altean princess feel a bit like a 'past life'.
Keith's a little wary, but Kosmo seems to trust them, so he decides to trust them both.
local half-Galra turned local Altean born with a lingering sense of something being off, but unable to determine what. He grows up wary and naturally suspicious. except for Romelle. he trusts Romelle implicitly.
(ironically, it was this same wariness that prompted him to never be around whenever Honerva visited. he was under her nose the entire time, and she never knew)
Keith and Romelle out on their own in the universe. What will they do? (acquire a cosmic wolf, an ancient Altean superweapon, and stumble upon an ancient Altean castle. they're keeping themselves busy.)
Pidge is Olkari and Hunk is Balmeran. These are obvious. If we had confirmation that the merpeople could get legs, I would make Lance one of them, but we don't so I feel like he's Puigian? I think Shiro's just Galra again. He gets to be fuzzy this time.
Coran gets to speedrun the sense of strangeness that Allura has lived with all her life, of being one thing and then suddenly another. It's fun!
(Allura overhears Keith and Romelle whispering to each other about their 'weird ears'. oh. now she knows how Lance felt.)
Allura is going to have to somehow teach Keith at least the fundamentals of Altean alchemy without being able to do it herself. That... shouldn't be hard, right?
(it very much is)
Their luck runs out eventually, and Honerva becomes aware that the Castle of Lions is active again. And onboard is a human girl who resembles Princess Allura far too closely for her comfort...
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dnightshade0 · 4 months
Voltron alien defenders (aka the reality where lance is a mermaid)
A voltron AU where the paladins of voltron are actually all aliens. Well, all except for shiro, he’s the only human on the team.
Shiro- human
Keith- galra
Lance- Mer
Hunk- Balmeran
Pidge- Olkari
In this reality, The paladins don’t find the blue lion together and get taken to the castle of lions. Nope, in this reality, they each find their own respective lions on their own and are brought to the castle.
The first chapter tells how Lance the Mer finds the blue lion.
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chibi-pix · 7 months
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Not an exact redraw of this ancient piece, but it is based on it with partially the same dialogue. I had originally tried it as an exact redraw, but. I decided re-envisioning it would be better. And I'm proud. I love Pidge looking more shocked than weirded out. And Bandor. Look how happy he is. And. Uh. Ulaz? Please put that knife away, we shouldn't be scaring the child. I know you think no one is worthy to court Pidge, but still. Play nice. Also, Krolia's just shocked and caught by surprise. She's been hoping Keith would court Pidge, but here Bandor is just automatically putting on the moves.
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoy this one! Until next time!
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bioplast-hero · 1 year
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Olkari ‘livewood’ prosthesis design for Shiro in that lil (big) sheith kink AU I did called Truer than North.
Concept: surface is rigid to the touch, texture like sculpted wood, but it’s kind of a constantly-transforming wood-and-plant-fiber matrix that responds to thought like the Olkari tech does in general. The density is matched to Shiro’s body so he can swim and float comfortably.
Oh, and it’s very sensitive. 😌 Sensation play kink, activated.
Sometimes I just have to look at that first Olkari episode again to remember they really gave us this, like damn I wanna live in here.
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soulreapin · 5 months
fair warning, this gets kinda heavy.
tldr: keith bends and bends underneath the weight of everything, and finally, he cracks.
this was really cathartic for me to write, so even if you read it here give it a kudos on ao3 just for me.
Keith’s mouth tastes like rubbed-away Carmex and ash.
He’s doing okay for himself, on the castle of lions, he goes and he dons his suit and he does his job and he fights with Lance and then he comes “home” and peels his suit off piece by piece and stands underneath the shower with bad water pressure until his skin turns pink and his joints stop clicking together as he walks and then he goes to bed, just to do it all again. Keith says he is doing okay for himself to the people he saves every single day, to the people he lives with every single day, but he doesn’t say it to himself.
To himself, he’s drowning. The words to what he’s feeling warp in his throat and feel caught in a web, choking him out until he can’t breathe. He is floating on the surface of something horrid, and his palm slaps on the surface of the water but there’s nothing for his desperate fingers to cling on to, so Keith slips.
With every day he slips, back and back and back until the stitches holding him together strained against the weight. Then Keith hauls himself forwards, and forwards a little more until there is just enough lessened on the stitches for him to keep going, just a little longer.
It doesn’t feel like anything anymore. The butt of a blaster slammed into his chin three days ago, and his jaw popped out of its place for just a moment on his left side and sometimes he can’t touch those back teeth together, but that doesn’t feel like anything. He took nine space tylenol and called it a day.
Most nights after he gets three horrible hours of sleep, Keith sits on the bow of the ship. He doesn’t know why the bow is so comfortable, but he did know that if he closed his eyes and drifted out far enough, sometimes the rock of the ship felt like the simulator deck at the Galaxy Garrison. He spent hours out there, even when classes had ended. Shiro slipped him into the sim and made him promise not to cause too many problems.
He’s there right now, staring at the empty, pin-pricked abyss that the castle lingered in. The galaxy they’re floating through is close to Olkari, but not close enough to patch through a call.
Keith, at four in the morning, is completely alone out here. No one on his team likes him, his lion is working against him, his bayard wouldn’t get fucking going this morning and cost them precious seconds that could’ve been used to save lives, and his belt loop got stuck on the door.
Nothing else bothered him, he shook off the dislike and let his lion roll of his back like water, Keith made up for his bayard by racing the clock and getting a group of younglings out of a tight spot, but his belt loop yanking on the door handle and keeping him trapped in the doorway of his room was the final straw. He took dinner in his room, because if Lance even looked at him with his stupidly cute face and surprisingly thoughtful words, Keith would start to sob like a child and he cannot have that.
So he sits on the bow.
The bow is quiet, there’s nothing on the bow but him and the built in chairs and the endless, expansive stars.
Keith sighs, a whistle through his throat, and starts to absentmindedly comb his tired fingers through his hair. It sat in a ponytail lately, so he could better wedge his helmet over it, and there was a noticeable dent in his hair from how little time he had to wash it and how often he wore it like that.
Silence envelops him for just a few more minutes before he hears the soft woosh of the automated door open and close. Almost immediately, fight or flight gripping him tight and refusing to let go of him. Keith turns his head and grips his knife, the flat of the blade pressed to his forearm, and watches as Lance edges into the bridge, holding onto a pillow.
Fight puts its knife down and flight folds in its wings. Keith lowers his blade and lets it clatter loudly onto the floor, lest Lance assume he’s alone on the bow. Lance looks around wildly for just a second until he sees Keith sitting in front of Red’s chair and relaxes, nodding almost to himself and trudging to the very front of the bow, right in front of the glass.
He watches Lance as he drops his pillow on the floor and tucks his forearms beneath it, turning his chin towards the stars and saying nothing.
But Keith can’t sit in silence like this. He feels like he’s been ripped into a storm and thrown around and around until his head is barely hanging on, so Keith delicately clears his throat and says, “You’re up late.”
“Et tu, Brute?” Lance responds groggily,
Keith laughs slightly, a short bark that comes out a little drier than he intended. “Couldn’t….couldn’t sleep.”
Lance shifts a little so his head is turned to Keith instead of the stars. “Yeah, me too. I didn’t think you came out here. Training deck finally handed you an eviction notice?”
“I like it here.” Keith says defensively; what could he possibly be defending?
“Relax, Red, not here to give you the third degree.” Lance’s eyes slide from open to closed a few times, like he’s fighting sleep.
He doesn’t respond to that, but pulls his knees into his chest and loosely wraps his arms around them, bony kneecaps digging into his collarbone. Keith watches Lance acutely like a predator as this boy, this friend who he flew alongside every day and ate next to and slept in the same hallway as buried his face into the pillow he’d brought with him and his breathing starts to even out.
It comes on like a cold.
Keith sniffs once and coughs and just like that, warm tears bead up in his lower lashline and trickle down his face, bouncing from small freckle to smaller scar and then dripping onto his hand. Slowly, Lance’s head inches upwards, peering at Keith in the low, blue light. His words rattle out of him, “Do you want to talk about it?”
No. Yes. He’d rather kill himself. He’s going to kill himself if he doesn’t. Keith forces all of this down and clears his throat, wiping the tears away from his eyes and coughs again, “I think so. I shouldn’t.”
“You can. If you want. I’ll listen, Keith.” Lance’s voice is low and careful, treating Keith like a scared lioness kept in captivity, and he didn’t mind it.
Keith. It’s always Red, or Mullet, or Rascal Flatts. Never Keith.
He swallows, and trudging every goddamn step of the godforsaken way, Keith tries to articulate what holds him down, night and day.
“I just. I don’t know. I feel like I’m struggling.” He speaks up to the ceiling. “It feels like its climbing up my throat, almost, and I am struggling to keep going with it. I do, I get up every day and do what I have to do as the red paladin, but as Keith Kogane, I am trying so fucking hard, and I cannot keep going like this. I’m going to break and I am fucking scared of it.”
Lance makes a soft, neutral noise.
“And nobody, nobody likes me, I know it, not even you and you’re like, the light of freedom and friendship in this dark fucking hellhole, and I keep failing everything and I want to give up. But if I give up,” Keith pauses very briefly to clear his throat again, because he’s going to sob if he doesn’t, “If I give up, then I’m going to doom the entire universe.”
“That’s..a lot for just one kid.” Lance sounds…worried. “How do you…do it?”
Keith knots his fingers in his hair. A nervous habit. “I just. Do. I guess. Shove it so far down I can’t even think about it and then just keep going, because if I stop, then I’m going to drown.”
“That must have been a lot for you.” Lance says reassuringly, getting up slowly and making his way towards Keith, slumping down against the chair and looking out at the stars right in front of him. “I’m sorry that we put that pressure on you.”
“We–” Keith’s head snaps over to Lance, tracing over the curve of his nose. “Shit. God, this has all happened to you and I’m the only one that’s responding like this because I can’t fucking take it. It’s not fair to you that I’m such a goddamn wreck about it when everyone else has just…figured it out. “
The laugh that spills out of Lance sounds wet. “You think we’ve…figured it out? Keith, we’re all fucking struggling through this together. We’re all hurting.”
Keith presses his lips together and swallows the hurting sob that bangs against his teeth to be let out.
“We thought you’d talk to someone. Shiro, maybe. Keith, you can’t hurt on your own forever. It’ll eat you alive and then chew on the bones until those are gone, too.” Lance’s hand rests on Keith’s elbow, and Keith doesn’t yank it away. He finds a little bit of comfort in the warmth of those fiddler’s fingers.
“You don't know that.” Keith bites out, his fingers digging into his knee.
Lance, to his credit, sighs thoughtfully. “I do. I absolutely do because I lived it. The Garrison was…misery reincarnated. No one liked me. I was almost entirely alone, even with Hunk and Pidge. But I kept moving, every single day until I snapped and started crying in Shiro’s office because he was nice.”
“I remember that day. Shiro came home all emotional because one of his students had trusted him with something so important. Figures it was you.” Keith laughs gently as he recalls the smile on Shiro’s face as he moved around the house making dinner that night.
“Yeah, that was me. I started talking to Veronica after that whenever I could. She got her doctorate in psychiatry and became a therapist, did you know that? I’m so fucking proud of her.” Lance’s voice shifts and it sounds blurry when he brings up his pride in his older sister.
It pulls at some loose string in his soul. Keith’s free hand reaches over and rests gently over the one sitting on his elbow. “She knows. I promise you, she knows that you are proud of her. Even all the way out here.”
“I’m glad you think so, Keith.” Lance looks over at him with a wet shine in his eyes and a weak, fond smile pulling at his lips.
They’re hurt together.
Keith cannot be fixed with just one conversation and a hand on his elbow.
Lance’s longing for his family cannot be mended with a glance at the stars and a hand on top of his.
But while they hurt together, they can start to heal intertwined.
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53325874
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rorimoon9597 · 8 months
Pt 1 Pt 2
Lance turns out to be a huge help as Keith's right hand. When he's overworking himself, Lance is there to force him to bed. If Keith's having a bad day, then Lance is there as silent support.
It makes Keith fall in love with him even more.
And the fact that Lance was determined to keep up his game with his eye colour. Keith admired the dedication to keeping everyone confused. So much so that sometimes, when they meet with the leaders of a planet, his eye colour changes more frequently. The looks on the aliens faces when Pidge explains that Humans can't change their eye, skin or hair colour at will is priceless.
Keith begins to feel as if he will burst if he doesn't do anything about these feelings soon. It takes having to fight Lotor to do that.
They're all in the castle, resting. They were so, incredibly lucky that Lotor wasn't able to go into the Quintessence field, that they were able to stop him. Sure, he was dead now, but better for a tyrant to be dead than alive still.
Krolia had fussed over him when he got back. Romelle nearly cried and clung to him. Coran had hugged all of them.
Then, perhaps the weirdest part of the day, Allura was able to bring back Shiro. Who had one less arm again. Keith had cried with relief at having his actual brother back.
They were floating through space, resting after the fight, and Keith was never one for resting. Even during his self-imposed exile to the shack in the desert he'd had things to do.
So he decided to go check up on Shiro.
"Hey," he said. Shiro looked up from where he was glaring at the bowl of food goo he'd been given.
"Hey, Keith. Do you need something?" He asked.
"You... Could say that." Keith walked into the room and sat on the bed with Shiro. Kosmo, his wolf that would now only respond to that name that Pidge had given him, joined them, lying on the floor.
"Is something wrong?" Shiro asked. Keith sighed.
"I'm so gay, Shiro," he said. Shiro laughed. Keith glared at him.
"I knew that already."
"Uh, yeah, because I came to you and Shiro when I had a gay crisis and needed help."
"Why are you telling me something that I already know?"
"Because! My crush on Lance has gotten worse. I love him now, Shiro. It's not just a crush anymore." Shiro gave Keith a sympathetic look.
"That's the hardest part. Even for me, and I knew that Adam's gay, too." Shiro placed his had on Keith's shoulder. "Don't wait for too long, Keith, or you'll lose your chance. Trust me on that. I waited too long with my first crush, and he ended up moving away and I never saw him again. Tell him when you think that the time is right."
"How do you know all this? Didn't you tell Adam that you liked him when you were sleep deprived?" Keith asked.
"Not the point, Keith. I'm trying to be a good brother to you, and part of being a good brother is to give my younger brother relationship advice," Shiro replied. Keith rolled his eyes.
"Whatever," he said. Shiro moved his hand to ruffle his hair.
"Trust me on this, Keith. I have actually been in a relationship before." Keith can't help but smile at those words.
"I will," he agrees.
They being their journey to Earth soon after that. On the way there, they pick up Matt, Rollo, Nyma and Beezer and tell them about the whole ordeal with Shiro.
"I knew that something was off! His hair floof and eyeliner were wrong!" Matt shouted triumphantly. Pidge just shook her head at her brother. Then she dragged him off to Green's hangar to start designing a new arm for Shiro.
They still had some pit stops before Earth. One of those was to pick up some of the Olkari, who were going to help with the defense system on Earth.
After they picked up Matt, Romelle asked the question that Keith had been expecting.
"What is up with Lance's eyes?" She asked.
"I have been wondering about that as well," Krolia agreed.
"We don't know, but we have a betting pool," Pidge replied. Keith rolled his eyes.
"You get far too much enjoyment out of this," he said. Then he turned and left.
He'd let them suffer if they really wanted to.
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omgsquee2001 · 1 month
We Are Connected: Chapter 3: Familiar Faces
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Allura smiled and nodded.
*"[Y/N], oel ngati kameie." Allura said. [Y/N] smiled.
*"'Awvea ultxari ohengeyä, Nawma Sa'nok lrrtok siveiyi." [Y/N] replied. They turned to the warriors. "We have nothing to fear, Na'viya. Eywa has given me a sign that these people are our friends, not enemies." They declared. One of the Na'Vi, who looked to be the Chief, walked forward, glaring at the Na'Vi.
"How do we know they are not a threat? I will not let strangers into our home." He said. [Y/N] turned to the Chief.
"I understand your worry, 'Etsluei Te Ieyom Tìkxi'itan. However, do not question the will of Eywa. If the Great Mother saw them as a threat, She would have told me so." [Y/N] said. 'Etsluei lowered his head. He knew better than to question the Will of Eywa. He knew better than to question [Y/N], Eywa's messenger. [Y/N] turned back to Allura. "Who are these people you bring with you?" [Y/N] asked. Allura smiled and gestured back to the Paladins.
"These, are the Paladins of Voltron." She explained. [Y/N]'s eyes widened. The Na'Vi whispered among themselves. They had heard tales of Voltron, but never thought them to be real. Allura introduced each of the Paladins. [Y/N] looked at the Paladins.
"Eywa welcomes you to Pandora, Paladins of Voltron. Come, let us return to Home Tree. There, we will meet Uäze, who is Tsahìk." [Y/N] said. Hunk raised his hand.
"Okay, that's all well and good. But, what is this, Tsahìk? Is it edible, because I am starving!" He said. [Y/N] chuckled. They were different than the other Na'Vi. They weren't as serious as the warriors and Chief. They had a childish air about them.
"Tsahìk is the interpreter of Eywa. While I am the messenger and may speak with Eywa, Tsahìk makes the final decisions." [Y/N] explained. "And don't worry, Hunk. We will have dinner shortly." [Y/N] said.
As the Paladins and Na'Vi returned to Home Tree, the Paladins stared in aw at what they saw before them. Much like the Olkari, the Na'Vi had made their homes in the trees. [Y/N] walked in front, turning to look at the Paladins and the Princess.
"Stand here. Uäze will come." They said. A figure descended from one of the main roots of Home Tree. She wore a headband, connected by red cords, a long bone near the end. She wore a red shawl that fell to the floor, the end dissolving into a sunset orange. [Y/N] turned to look at the Paladins. "This is Uäze Te Wuveyfää Ingyämäi'ite, Tsahìk. She interprets the Will of Eywa." [Y/N] explained. They walked up to the Na'Vi. *"Uäze, oel ngati kameie." [Y/N] greeted, lifting two fingers to her forehead and pulling them away in greeting. Uäze nodded.
"[Y/N], oel ngati kameie," Uäze responded. Her calculating, yellow eyes fell upon the Paladins and Allura. "Who are these people?" Uäze asked. [Y/N] gestured to Allura.
"This is Allura te Altea, Alfor'ite," [Y/N] explained. "When *Ma sempul and *Ma sa'nok were Chief and Tsahìk, Alfor visited often. I can promise you, Uäze, she is no threat." [Y/N] said. Uäze didn't seem convinced.
"What of the others?" Uäze asked. [Y/N] stood in front of the Paladins.
"These are the Paladins of Voltron. They come to defend Eywa and her People." [Y/N] said. 'Etsluei frowned, coming to stand next to his Mate.
"We are not at war with anyone. The Galra have stayed far away from Pandora because we do not give them a reason to attack." He said. Shiro stepped forward.
"If I may, 'Etsluei, sir," he started. The Chief and Tsahìk looked at the leader of Voltron with calculating, yellow eyes. "We have not come here to fight or defend. We have come here to learn your ways. To learn about the energy flowing through all living things." Shiro said, hoping his words would convince him. Being an astronaut, he was interested in learning new things. And he would not pass up an opportunity to learn from an alien race, especially when there was no Galra involved. Uäze looked at Shiro.
"It is hard to fill a cup that is half full." She said. 'Etsluei and Uäze looked at each other, still not convinced. They turned to [Y/N].
"It has been done before," they said quietly. "Remember Jake Sully and Neytiri." [Y/N] said. 'Etsluei looked at Uäze. The Tsahìk inclined her head and looked at the Messenger of Eywa and the visitors.
*"[Y/N], awngeyä fya'ori zene nga sänume sivi poru, fte tsivun pivlltxe sì tivìran na ayoeng." Uäze said. [Y/N] smiled and nodded.
"Thank you, Uäze." They said. [Y/N] turned and smiled at the Paladins. "Training begins tomorrow.
*Uäze, oel ngati kameie = Uäze, I See You
*[Y/N], oel ngati kameie = [Y/N], I See You
*[Y/N], awngeyä fya'ori zene nga sänume sivi poru, fte tsivun pivlltxe sì tivìran na ayoeng. = [Y/N], you will teach them our ways, to speak and walk as we do.
//Here's Chapter 3. I apologize for the short chapters. I want to get chapters out as soon as I can, otherwise, I feel like I might loose motivation for them.//
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noahideahwrites · 11 months
About the alpha — Multifandom
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Notes: This is in no way, shape, or form how you have to imagine their meetings or who they are in my writings, I always try to keep these vague, but in case you want to know how I think their story and meeting with the omegas would go.
I will do Inuyasha's characters separately, cause I think of so many ways they could meet each other, and that's to all of the characters.
Warnings: might have grammar errors, heavy spoilers on HTTYD, and mild on Voltron (principally Shiro's and Lotor's)
Now I must explain this first, when I make a Character x Reader I don't normally include the other characters having an Alpha(Reader), so if in certain scenarios where they would be the "same person" just think of two different universes.
I'm also aware that some of these might change significantly or completely the plotline of their anime/series.
» Voltron:
For Keith and Lance, I imagine the alpha being an Altean who was with Coran and Allura, more specifically Allura's older brother (by a maximum of 5 years).
For Hunk the alpha is another race of aliens, I cannot choose between Galra and Olkari, so maybe a hybrid of both. I just know I would love for his alpha to be a Blade of Marmora member.
For Shiro is a lot more simple, they would be a human, either part of the Atlas crew or a civilian he met after the war. If he met them before the Cerberus mission (like Adam), I do think Alpha would also go to the mission.
Now for Lotor is more complicated, I would love for him to have a childhood friend with who he fell in love in the future, but for that to happen they would have to be Galra and I don't know if he would fall in love with a Galra considering what he said about them on his close to last moments. So he might fall in love before his hatred started, that's the only way this could ever work.
» Stardew Valley:
Obviously, for both Sam and Sebastian, the alpha would be the new farmer, but I think the way they would meet is different.
While Sam has seen the farmer around town and pretty early on have talked to them and become friends, that's a little more difficult for Sebastian, who spends most of his days inside his room.
So the farmer will have heard of him by Sam and Robin, maybe even Abigail and Maru, but has never seen him. The first time they see each other is on a rainy day when Sebastian decides to go to the beach.
» How To Train Your Dragon:
Hiccup and Snotlout would only date someone who's from Berk, preferably a fellow Dragon Rider. For Dagur we have two ways, either alpha was a dragon hunter and redeem themselves with Dagur, or they're a Defender of the Wing member who worked close to the Dragon Riders on some missions (I love Dagur and Mala as a couple, even though it was kind of rushed).
For Viggo, he would only date a Dragon Hunter, but they would've only become one because of him, they wouldn't feel pleasure in killing or slaving dragons. When he went to hide after falling into the volcano, he would have made his alpha hide with him, and on his redeem, they both would die.
» Boku no Hero:
For all three of them (Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima), their alpha is in the hero support class and they're the ones responsible for their omega's hero suit. Or they're at a maximum a civilian, I cannot see them dating another hero, I don't know why.
» Nanbaka:
These are quite simple also, for Musashi and Liang alpha would have to be an inmate, but not for a serious crime like murder, maybe they're in for robbery (for survival) or for escaping arrest/prison.
For Hajime, they would either be a civilian who visits him from time to time, or another guard as long as their relationship doesn't affect their work.
Enki depends on the time, if they met when he was a guard then they would have to be a guard, but if they met when he became an inmate, then they would also have to be an inmate.
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ethereance · 2 months
Screw it. *Genderfluids your Lance* Post s8. Fix it.
Lance thought his Altean markings were cosmetic. Nothing more. Nothing less. A gift from Allura, leaving a piece of her with him, to look back and remember with fondness her company. As if he could ever forget a girl as incredible as her.
It’s not until much later he realises it’s something more. That maybe Allura gave a portion more than he expected. He stares, face to face with his mirror. Something off. Something strange. Something that grabs his attention before he really knows what he’s looking at.
His ears slowly shift back to human. But they were there long enough. He saw the Altean ears.
“Incredible,” Coran says when Lance broaches this to him, and after multiple attempts at trying at failing at repeating what happened in the mirror. At last he succeeds. “You’re shifting just like an Altean.”
“I’m not turning Altean, am I?” he panics. He’s pretty attached to being a human and all.
“Haha! Don’t be ridiculous number three, you can’t just ‘turn Altean.’ Good one! Turn Altean, he says. That’s one to remember for an open mike.” Then Coran takes one look at his genuine distress and sobers. “Rest assured, my boy, you’re one hundred percent earthling, ears and all. Allura wouldn’t change you so completely when she loved you the way you are. It just seems she passed our chameleon-like abilities over to you. I can’t say I’ve ever heard anything like this ever documented before, but Allura…”
“Has a way of accomplishing the possible,” Lance offers when Coran’s eyes grow distant, bittersweet.
“Yes,” agrees Coran. Something proud, something sombre, “That she did.”
Lance practices often, following Coran’s guidance. Even Romelle drops by at Coran’s request, eager to show someone the ropes.
“In the colony, we had little need to shift as our ancestors had. Our only home had been there, tucked away in a corner of the universe. We understood little of the outside world except what Lotor brought us. Even so, it was an ability we never lost. When you have mastered it, it’s like walking. It becomes natural. To some more than others,” she says, a surprisingly patient teacher. He wonders where this side of her was when she was trying to get him to teach her to pilot. “You may be the ‘others’! But that okay. My… my brother Bandor was the same.”
For such a bright supernova of a person, it is easy to forget that, like Coran, Romelle has been touched by grief. And grief again.
“You strike me as an adaptable person, pointy chin. Like rivers and oceans, it has made you you. I have full confidence in your abilities. And if Allura were here.” She smiles, and it is pain, but beauty. A flower unfurling in the wake of a storm. “I know she would say the same.”
He finds himself slipping into other forms like a glove. It becomes easier, a swifter motion just as Romelle had said.
It’s freeing, in a way. To walk as something so slightly adjacent to him. A Lance of another life. Altean, balmeran, olkari, puigian, anything he can think of.
He loves being Plaxum’s species the most. A mer. Beneath the waves, it feels like coming home. He’s a missile underwater, swimming loops around coral.
Dreams really do come true.
There’s something about transforming that pulls him that much closer to Allura. Her quintessence sings to him, and his skin dances. He feels alive as he hasn’t in a long time.
Happier maybe. Or that much closer to it.
He wishes he could take a photo of Keith the second he catches sight of Lance, a good extra foot on him, and purple as a plum.
“So this is a… thing,” says Keith eventually. And what an observation that is. Lance explains.
“Don’t let Hunk catch you like this,” is Keith’s response, a hint of tired amusement, “He’ll call you Galra Lance and never stop.”
It starts with him shifting into an unilu. He needs the extra hands. Lance doesn’t realise the gender he’d chosen until Coran points it out offhandedly. Now, Lance knows that not every species is going to be quite so clear cut as biologically male or female. Some have more some have less. Some won’t even know what the word gender means. He has experienced a taste of the universe. He knows how vast and diverse it is. When shapeshifting into a species like that, it makes sense his gender isn’t something he’d retain.
Female. He’d made himself into a female unilu. It was a matter of size and facial shape. Nothing too strange, no stranger than his body shifting into a skin it wasn’t born into, but noticeable enough.
And isn’t that something.
It’s out of curiosity he tries the same as a human. Curiosity and nothing more. Just because he can. Really. Honest.
Lance half expects his girl!sona would just be a carbon copy of Rachel with the added blue scales residing beneath his eyes. But that isn’t who he sees in the mirror.
He sees. Well, he sees himself.
She looks, feels, kind of pretty. Which makes sense. She’s Lance. Of course she looks great. Goes without saying.
Lance’s lip twitches.
So. So maybe he throws on the form again. And again. And again. Maybe a little more than he does with any alien species. But can you blame him? He’s just found out he has a free trial at being a girl so quiznack if he isn’t going to try it out.
Her hair is long. Her hair is short. She pulls off both looks well, she thinks. Being a girl is kind of awesome, actually.
It’s not always the case. Sometimes it just isn’t right. But others? Sometimes he finds himself slipping into her without realising it. It’s just what feels right to her in the moment.
There’s something nice about strangers using ‘she’ and ‘her’ and they don’t know. They don’t know. Something in her bubbles, giddy, they don’t know.
But Lance’s family do. Pidge does.
They look at Lance—now once again a boy—and hum, thoughtful, considering.
“Are you are girl?” they ask. Pidge does not beat around the bush. It throws Lance through enough loops to put him in a spiral.
“No”, says Lance. But for some reason that doesn’t sound quite right. “I mean. I’m not always. But—”
“You are sometimes?”
“I guess. But it’s just shapeshifting. I’m not actually—” Lance trails off, lost. “Am I?”
“Do you want to be?” Pidge asks, and huh. Does he want to be? Is it really that simple? He’s always seen himself as a guy, and had no problems with that. But.
“… Maybe. Maybe sometimes.”
Pidge grins, wild and victorious. “Welcome to the club.”
(Something in his chest feels lighter. There’s a cavern, because it has made its mark and stayed. That has not changed. But this is this.
How wonderful it is to find the answers to secrets within oneself. He could have lived his whole life without knowing, a part locked away without him ever knowing there was a lock. But now, how could he?
It’s like he’s no longer holding in a breath.)
Pidge later tells him it’s criminally unfair he can change his body on a whim. They are fine with she, they are, but they are them. Sometimes she is just too much she to match their they.
Lance wonders how much Allura managed to see him. He remembers how close they became, how she became someone he’d call a best friend, then a lover. How she perceived him better than most throughout it all. Looked to him and saw greatness where he, despite wanting to be so much more, only saw failure. He wishes he knew what she saw when she looked at him. The person he was. Is. Lance.
If she knew what these markings have done for him. Did she know?
She can’t have done. Lance didn’t even know.
(But if she had—
It’s not like Lance can ask.)
Allura comes back.
She descends like a shooting star, the blinding light of an angel’s fall. She falls home and it is at home she stays. Days are bliss. A dream Lance dare not wake from.
“You’re not dreaming,” she tells him, soft, and kind, but aching, “I’m here. I won’t leave again. My duty to revive the universe is fulfilled. I’m here to live. And I chose to live with you.”
He kisses the words from her lips, blissfully sweet. She more than happily complies.
“I never meant to hurt you this much.”
“You’re here now,” Lance says, and it sounds so beautiful spoken out loud like this. How long he’s dreamed for such a moment. “That’s all that matters. We can move forwards together.”
This is their start.
It takes a while. But she tells Allura.
Allura kisses her senselessly. Lance loves it.
“Though I can’t take credit for this being my intention, I’m glad you learned more of yourself.” Allura’s fondness is an ocean she could drown in. “I love the person you are.”
Allura’s hand trails Lance’s ear. “Yes. Very much so. It’s an added bonus that I managed fix your ears. You have tried an Altean form, right?”
Lance jolts. “Allura!” she protests, a little put out. “What’s wrong with my ears?”
“Nothing,“ she says, warm and amused. “Nothing at all. I find that they have grown on me greatly. They’re cute. Just like the rest of my girlfriend.”
Oh. Girlfriend.
Her heart is full.
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pidges-lost-robot · 1 year
Right okay no because episode 4 season 2 of Voltron has been pissing me off since I rewatched it omfg so I’m going to rant about the episode, what parts I found to be be especially egregious and why and then maybe some of the changes I would’ve made.
Right so Greening The Cube pisses me off for one big glaring reason: Pidge’s character development
I will start with the Olkari to really get into why everything about this very Pidge centric episode pisses me off.
So the Olkari are described by Coran as a proud class of engineers, builders of vast cities that could change the shape at the whim of their creators and (unfortunately cause Voltron does this with too many alien species they introduce) ‘a seemingly magical ability to manipulate solid metal and with the wave of their hands build a computer inside a block of steel’. This is a species that is known specifically and immediately for their ability to ENGINEER (this is important) and their technological prowess.
(on a side note though, can someone tell me why the writers and producers decide as frequently as they do to make alien species just kinda ‘have hand wavy magic’ as like their main thing they do, like do this even with the Olkari a little even though their whole deal is like technological and engineering prowess??)
Now we find this out when the team have that spore fight at the beginning of the episode when we learn this is a specifically Pidge centered episode with her classically knocking Lance down a peg by noting that ‘a billion sunsets happen everyday, some genius engineer actually built this’. This line right, this exchange is what the episode tells us it’s built on - it’s not actually.
Much like everything in this show especially in the first two seasons, it has good concepts and terrible execution, no desire to actually develop the characters and so little time in a given episode that they always use so inefficiently so this is an ambitious thing to episode to attempt to tackle in 23 mins, and the fact that this exchange is had with the character that I’m pretty sure the voltron writers process for writing his lines was picking bits of paper out of a hat with the options being ‘flirt’ ‘bad joke’ and ‘dumb’ written on them isn’t helping it’s case.
But in a better show that cared about their characters, this exchange is important at establishing this as a viewpoint Pidge has and opposing viewpoint for her to grapple with throughout the course of the episode. Pidge is arrogantly smart and there’s good reason for that - she’s never wrong. Because she is so often right (often because the writers just say she is), it creates the illusion that she is avid and open learner, but this one line kinda suggests otherwise. Lance is ignorant to dismiss the specific mathematics and engineering that had to go into building the castleship, but it’s interesting character wise how equally quick Pidge was to dismiss the idea of sunset being beautiful because it’s just a natural process that happens every day. Pidge doesn’t really get or seem to consider the ways in which natural or everyday processes in of themselves can be beautiful and valuable.
So we get to the spores and Pidge hears about this planet of technological advancements and engineering and is super excited but do you know who in this episode I don’t see getting super excited despite ENGINEERING being a huge part of his character and who he is, and who would likely be an interesting foil to Pidge as despite his own tendency towards being suspicious and worried about new things tends to be a lot more open to learning new things?! HUNK ‘IOSEFA’ GARRETT!!!
Hunk is the fucking engineer of this team! And you know how we establish that this is how Hunk could be the foil? Because when Pidge points out that the spores or pulsing in a programmed manner rather than a strictly natural one, it is HUNK that points out that he thinks it may be a code and jumps to wondering who the code could be from, not willing to dismiss the idea that this spore is coded. Pidge doesn’t quite outright dismiss it, but she says she doesn’t know because it makes no sense. She makes a definitive statement “You can’t program a spore”
Now Pidge and Hunk should be both be excited for this, but in the actual episode, we see this excitement immediately deplete when Pidge is informed they will not be going to the tech haven, but the forest. Once again, this can build off the point of the episode because it establishes another related thing about Pidge’s character. Not only does Pidge struggle to appreciate the beauty of something like a sunset, almost dismissing it, but she also can be quick to presume that unless something is within her specific wheelhouse of knowledge, that it will not be of interest to her. I believe that if we keep Hunk excited here, this would immediately boost the characterisation already present in the episode. Hunk is not deterred by going to the forest, but Pidge presumes theres nothing that will be of interest to her and therefore is going to bore her. Because the point of this episode should be Pidge can be quick to dismiss things she sees as simplistic, boring, everyday and natural things and that by dismissing them as being beneath her, she limits her own knowledge by doing so.
Which brings me to the team testing out the Olkari tech, and Ryner, the Olkari engineer they interact with the most, remarking that the commands using the headset should be in binary code. It is some of the few actual science in the worldbuilding for this place but I think it messes with the characterisation for Pidge. This is tech that has had to be thrown together using the surrounding forest and resources and having it be specifically be operated in a manner that Pidge out of everyone is an expert in rewards her in a way that it shouldn’t. Pidge has already dismissed that this will have any interest to her (she literally once again reinforced just before this arc when Ryner states that natures designs are superior to any they could devise and Pidge remarks that she will take her computer over a tree any day)
Pidge should not be rewarded in this moment by having an immediate aptitude for this tech. I believe for this part, Hunk should be the most likely to be able to work these things, and that Keith and Lance are shortly after, when they show a willingness to defer to a more knowledgeable party when they’re struggling to get it. But Pidge should have the most trouble. She doesn’t get why she is able to pick it up, and is insistent that she does it alone. Shiro maybe asks why she won’t go and just ask Hunk for help.
Because ultimately, Pidge has built up an identity of being self sufficient and being gifted. She may have gotten picked on, kids may have excluded her, but she understood things they never would. They may have been stronger and bigger, but she was right. And nothing would change that. Well, until she can’t get the hang of this tech.
I think with the way that the cube is used in this should incapacitate the lions for now. They need this tech to infiltrate the main city and regain their leader. Pidge has to stay behind in the forest with Shiro while Hunk, Lance and Keith take the lead on that mission because she isn’t able to work it. The leader is supposed to be the genius leader that is the only one capable of designing the cube who is being threatened but I like that he turns out to be safe and was working with the galra. And I think he should reflect something about Pidge. Lubos is a genius, and he knows that the Galra need him, cause they can’t build this without him. But he believes that this value he has to them means that he has the upperhand, they can’t pull one over on him because he’s the one with all the cards. But he’s thrown his own people under the bus in the name of a plan he turns out to not have the upper hand in because he fails to consider that there was value and purpose in the simpler things, his people didn’t need their value to come from being a part of building something advanced for some one else, they could derive joy and purpose from the everyday things too, and has to actually be rescued by Lance, Keith and Hunk when this all backfires on him.
Now what happens in the episode is that Pidge is told she must have a deep connection with nature which she denies but then has an aptitude for this tech and has the best lion for the plan and saves them all from the galra soldiers. Lubos is revealed as a liar and they all get in their lions and find their weapons don’t work. Now of course, cause in Voltron canon, Pidge is the only one who notices things in her episodes and points out that the cube they use their lions to attack is absorbing their attacks and gets to have an i told you so moment as it gets fired back at them and somehow no other person realises this. Its echoing like Coran’s cube. They try physical hits but it does not work and Pidge is soon shot down in Green. Ryner uses telepathy now to tell Pidge she must bond with her lion more as the Olkari heal her lion and she kinda just sits and thinks about how circuits and codes are like tree roots and that seems to be enough.
She then shoots at the cube, and despite it never having worked, it works now and a tree root grows out the cube destroying it.
Once again, Pidge is just kinda being told she can do things and then she does them or just suddenly comprehends and this all suddenly works out and means so much of the initial set up is fucking pointless. Cause what does Pidge learn here that she didn’t already learn ten minutes ago after being shown to be reluctant to accept new information and then immediately changing her mind cause the plot required it? And on top of this, she saves the day doing the same thing the others did, shooting at it with her lions gun and it simply works cause this episode is Pidge centric?
I think the lions stay down for now, they need to use this Olkari tech to shut the thing down before Pidge uses her lion to destroy it with her lions gun. Because I believe that Pidge should not only not have an immediate affinity for this tech, but that as a result of this, should be able to by the end of the episode, which will prompt the bonding with the Lion later to gain access to that ability, the ability to not just appreciate the way that nature can relate to technological advancement but be able to appreciate the value in it. Pidge in the time the others are getting Lubos begins to explain to Shiro that she hates needing to ask for help. Shiro reminds her that she’s part of a team, and her skills are important, but there are things the team can offer perspective on too.
She tells him she knows but and she doesn’t quite finish it, because maybe a little part of her was still valuing her worth to others based on the superior knowledge and programming she could provide and that this in turn made the other side of the coin that she was on some level undervaluing her teammates for not having those same skills. Hunk took to this tech well, he’s not just an engineer but he works a little more intuitively than she does, and Keith while stubborn about fighting and the things he’s good at, is more than comfortable asking advice from those for things he’s not well versed in, and while yes, similarly, Lance can be quick to dismiss the beauty of engineering, he was quick to recognise when this viewpoint did not serve him or the people he was trying to help, and swallowed his pride and adapted to achieve the goal. And more importantly in their comparison from the offset of the episode, Lance can be insecure, but he’s not afraid to be wrong, in fact he expects it.
The core of this episode should be Pidge values intelligence, because to her, if she’s not right, if she’s got it wrong then what value can she have to anyone. And that this belief is limiting her.
Pidge defers to Hunk’s expertise, willing to stay back when the plan to deactivate the cube goes ahead to make she can understand this tech better and maybe get word to the others once she gets it. She can’t help until she can work their tech.
The fights begins to not go well, the cube reflects back at them so Pidge figures out deactivating it will require using attacks not against it, but to isolate it from stimuli it can use against them, but the cube is beginning to mess with the coms and she needs to get out there to them to let them know. She’s scared but if she’s wrong, she’s just gotta keep trying, because being afraid to be wrong will only keep her from getting to them. Ryner encourages her to think of the way nature can be like technology, evolution in a way was a series of refining and improving on a design in response to new conditions, a sunset can only be enjoyed the way it is because a series of variables came to together by chance and refined to allow the experience to be had. Pidge thinks on this, the way that this tech is the same way, and the tech begins to work. She’s still a litlte shaky but she’s beginning to get the hang of it.
She gets the info to them, and they able to lure the cube somewhere that keep it isolated from things it can weaponise, and the Olkari are able to power the cube down. There is the worry that the cube could be activated if the Galra come out to find it, but Pidge feels her lion nudging her mind, able to reach her now the cube has been deactivated. She runs to her lion and rather than thinking of her lion as tech first, sentient second, she recognises that Green has an idea and this is when the ability to use Green’s ray to create spontaneous organic tree growth is used on the cube to split apart the design from the inside. Normally she’d be sad that a design like this is destroyed but in a weird way she can appreciate that is actually looks kind of neat. The other’s remark also that they think it looks cool, Lance even taking a photo of it and sending it to Pidge.
As they head off, Ryner thanks Voltron for their help and plans to join the coalition and gifts Pidge with a small simply engineered model that looks like the machines they had to utilise. Its one of the initial design models they made for the machines and Pidge thanks Ryner for it. As they arrive back at the castle, the little model takes pride of place in Pidge’s work station.
Ultimately the point of this post is that the original episode as it stands frustrates me as it’s an episode that clearly wants to get into Pidge’s character and explore it a little but spends most of the run time being too afraid to allow some of Pidge’s flaws to take any sort of precedence in the episode or allow any of the other team members to offer her any sort of perspective on these flaws. Its too afraid to let Pidge grow and learn things and be wrong. Allowing other characters to interact with these traits of hers, contradict them, and act as foils to them isn’t taking attention away from Pidge, it’s an opportunity to highlight something about her as a person. You can use other characters and how to respond to the main character focus to learn about them through the ways they differ.
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discordiansamba · 4 months
thinking about the vld wing au... I bet Lotor's wings are like, obnoxiously beautiful but I also bet he puts a lot of work into them but then acts like their beauty is effortless. he's heard stories of how beautiful Altean wings are- or were in the past. the wings of the Altean colonists have lost their vivid colors over generations- most have feathers that are mundane colors- browns, blacks and whites.
(Romelle is born with a few brightly colored feathers scattered about her wings. A sign of things to come, only no one knows what.)
Honerva had brightly colored wings- feathers of a deep, shining black, but also vivid yellows and blues. She lost her feathers when she died and became Honerva, but the wing structure remains. Her bone wings cannot fly, but they certainly exude menace.
(When she returns to being Honerva, she steals life energy from others until her wings are healed. But her feathers are now an ashen gray.)
Acxa had one of her wings cut off as punishment when she was still a recruit, for showing kindness to the people of the colony she was first posted on. She was brought into Lotor's fold afterwards, alongside the wingless Narti and Zethrid, whose wings are too small to fly. Only Ezor can fly, but her wings are featherless, more like a bat's than a bird's.
(Lotor long promises Acxa a prosthetic, but never delivers. It is not until she joins the crew of the Atlas that one is built for her, and she can return to the skies of her childhood.)
Kolivan's wings are a deep gray, with red like a vivid splash across his wings. Antok has no wings. He was born without them. There are many in the Blade of Marmora with ruined or lost wings- it is common in the Empire for one or both of them to be removed as a punishment. The Empire looks down on those without wings, but the Blade is a haven for them.
(Thace's wings are removed when he's caught, but he never could have used them to fly to safety anyways.)
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Hey, I just checked again to see if Brown-Eyed Lance (Voltron) was a tag yet and seeing as it isn't I wanted to inform you there is a chance you can literally just ask for it to be made.
Like step by step if you go to the bottom of the A03 website to where they say Contact Us, you can click on "Technical Support & Feedback". This will take you to a place where you can email them about all kinds of things, they give you a list of various things you can contact them over even and one of them is to "Request to Canonize or Change Tags". This means you can literally just straight up ask for a Tag to be created for the website.
I've used this a number of times to make suggestions about the website and request beneficial features for how it runs before in the past and they have always been nice to me and contacted me back within a week or two if not on the same day. And while I don't take credit, some of the things I've asked for have actually been realized, which implies either they really did listen to me or multiple people asked for similar things. Either way, it's great. And if they can't do something, they've always explained why not in a simple but polite way.
So yeah, I think you can get your tag, especially if you mention having 6 pages worth of works show up when you click on your unofficial tag.
There are rare pairs with less works than that (for example hunk/antok which is apparently a real rare pair only has 7 works, not pages, works) so yeah there's no reason if you asked that they shouldn't make the tag. And since content is still actively being made with the unofficial tag to this day, it's relevant.
Now have some extra official A03 tag examples that have less than or a similar amount of works to brown-eyed Lance that you can point out for your case:
1) Barista Lance (Voltron) 6 pages, 103 works
2) Lactose Intolerant Keith (Voltron) 4 pages, 61 works
3) Protective Voltron Lions, 2 pages, 26 works
4) Olkari (Voltron) 1 page, 12 works
5) Pidge | Katie Holt is so Done, 4 pages, 77 works
6) BAMF Hunk (Voltron) 3 pages, 56 works
Hopefully, if you bring these up, should you contact them, it will help cement your tag as worth creating offically. Especially since each one is a specific example from the VLD fandom.
I think the request will have more weight if an author using the tag makes it through your account, but you don't have to be the only one. After all an official tag makes it easier to find similar content so anyone who wants the Brown-Eyed Lance (Voltron) Tag can make the request too mentioning if its a tag they personally would use to search for similar fics with this very specific niche in it. You don't even need an account, just leave an email that they can leave a reply to.
Sorry this is so long, but I just really want to help you get your tag. You don't have to do it of course, but I figured having incredibly detailed information like this out there wouldn't hurt even if it's very wordy.
Anyways good luck with your tag! Hope this helps you and anyone who might want a reasonable tag to be created with evidence of it being worth it. (Should you publish this that is)
thank you for this!! it was super informative and easy to follow which i appreciate 😌😌 i sent it, so fingers crossed everyone!! and everyone feel free to send them emails as well!!
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