#Or Slytherin if the site wants some variety
mcgonagalls-hat · 10 months
Moment of silence for the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws, we're the kids who can never find our names in gift shops 😔
0 notes
lonelyghosts-stuff · 4 years
Peppermint and Pinewood
Peppermint and Pinewood (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
Draco Malfoy x muggleborn, Slytherin! Reader
Although the time setting isn’t too important, I envisioned it taking place somewhere in the fifth year.
Warnings: none really? I mean, I guess bullying, mild angst, and fluff lol. I dunno if Draco goes a little off-canon character wise here but I tried to make his personality as close to the source material as possible.
Word count: 4,581
Note: This is my first ever fan fiction I’ve ever written so yea.
Read it on wattpad too:
It was another bad day. After getting yet another berating from Snape due to putting one too many dried lavender flowers in the Calming Draught potion and subsequently losing five house points from Slytherin, y/n found herself once again the target of insults and sneers. As if being a muggle born placed in Slytherin wasn't bad enough, it seems like every single mistake made, no matter how simple or innocent it may have been, was held against her as if it was the highest insult to the wizarding world.
Following a long walk down the hallway to her next class, a cold and judgmental presence drew near. With his steely gray eyes, Draco Malfoy looked down upon y/n.
"Well well... looks like the mudblood lost us even more points! As if it wasn't enough of a plague upon wizard kind and the Slytherin House to have a mudblood part of it..." Draco leaned in towards y/n towering over her by at least 15cm (about 6 inches rounded up) and continued "we have to further suffer your utter lack of any practical skills in class. I mean, bloody hell y/l/n! We've been learning the calming draught for what, the past three days? And you still managed to screw that up. If it was up to me, your kind wouldn't even be allowed in the magical world much less Hogwarts; as pathetic as this school is."
After the cacophony of insults and belittlement, Draco continued onward, gesturing his cronies to follow...
Only, they didn't follow right away. Crabbe and Goyle decided that it was their time to shine and decided to push y/n around, knowing full well she wouldn't do anything to stop them. With some rude comments and pathetic chittering of a laugh, Crabbe gave y/n one final shove sending her onto the ground and spilling out her supplies including books, quills, and a jar of ink. Despite the squawking coming from Crabbe and Goyle, Draco looked more bemused than anything. While he should be laughing at a lowly mud blood getting what they deserved, he felt empty. He almost pitied y/l/n.
"Crabbe, Goyle, hurry up or we'll be late to D.A.D.A. and I sure as hell am not losing any house points because of you buffoons." Draco demanded, leaving y/n on the ground, scurrying to clean up the mess.
Eventually one Slytherin classmate and their Hufflepuff friend spotted y/n and helped her clean up.
"Scourgify! There you go! All better now!" The Hufflepuff chirped as the Slytherin handed y/n the last of her things.
"Are you sure you simply tripped and fell?" The Slytherin doubted y/n's story. "I mean, you aren't the most popular nor liked in Slytherin."
"Oh uh yea. I know where you're coming from but I promise it was just a little trip. Just me being clumsy is all!" Y/n fumbled through her response. "But thanks for the concern Mallory!"
Mallory was one of the few Slytherins who didn't despise y/n for her blood status. Coming from a home where her dad is a wizard and her mom's a muggle, not even muggle born, she found herself sympathizing with y/n.
"Hey y/n, promise us you'll come for help if you really need it, okay?" Susan Bones the Hufflepuff, a caring and hardworking witch who, while maybe initially coming across as weak and a pushover, is not one who is past fighting someone in order to defend her friends.
"Yea yea I promise I promise." Y/n chuckled. If only Mallory was in y/n's dorm room. Things would be a lot better for sure.
After a couple more minutes of reassuring Mallory and Susan that she was alright, y/n begrudgingly made her way to her next class with her fellow housemates of the same year, Defense Against the Dark Arts. While not her particular favorite due to the inconsistency of the instructors, y/n found herself enjoying D.A.D.A. more than most classes due to not only the wide variety of skills and spells learned, but the hands on approach of applying said new skills in practical situations. It was certainly a sight to behold when she transformed her boggart from Voldemort to a mere Pansy Parkinson, shackled by her ankles no doubt by Filch. Of course this only earned y/n more nasty comments hurled her way as well as an unappreciated "gift" from an owl left on her bed, but y/n felt that the site was worth it nonetheless.
D.A.D.A. was unfortunately highly uneventful that day as the class merely reviewed the basic defensive and combative spells from previous years (a shocking amount of students performed poorly on the review exam and thus the whole class had to suffer). On her way out of the class, y/n was met by another Slytherin, none other than the she-devil herself, Pansy Parkinson. As if on cue, the moment y/n stepped out of the classroom and was out of sight of any faculty, y/n was roughly pulled by the hand and pushed into the neighboring, empty classroom by Pany who promptly closed the door behind her, holding it shut.
"Hey let me out of here! Pansy you downright insufferable git!" Y/n burst out, an uncommon instance that was released due to pent up rage from days of harassment.
"Nuh uh! Maybe when you learn your lesson that Draco is mine and you'll neeeveeer be more than a pathetic, weak, and intolerable mudblood!" Pansy chortled in a sing-songy voice.
"Pansy I swear to Merlin..." y/n started before stopping themself to recompose and calm down. "Pansy, I'm asking nicely... please, open the door. I have no clue what you are talking about with Draco, but you don't need to worry. I want nothing to do with that cocky, rude, hair-gelling bastard, okay?!"
"Augh?! You think that pathetic excuse for an apology is gonna cut it? Nuh uh! Maybe you need some more time alone to think about your actions, y/l/n. Colloportus!" And with that, y/n heard the doors click locked, Pansy mumble the anti-alohomora charm, and the ever fading footsteps of Pansy proudly striding away.
Feeling all of her built up emotion come to a boil, y/n allowed herself to blow some steam off while she was alone. Casting one destructive spell after another, the classroom suffered greatly from the y/n’s rage.
"BOMBARDA! STUPEFY! DIFFINDO! INCENDIO!" Y/n proclaimed with much fervor before stepping back in fear.
The last spell carelessly cast quickly caught the ratted tapestry curtains over the windows, sending them ablaze. In the panic, y/n stumbled back to the door before pounding on it wildly for help. Fortunately for her, her absence in her next class and last class of the day was reported and McGonagall was passing by to look for her. Quickly reversing the rushed anti-alohomora charm on the door and then following up by unlocking it, the door swung open as y/n fell through, almost onto the ground before catching herself.
After extinguishing the fire with a quick flick of her wand and a mutter of 'aguamenti' and long winded conversation filled with explanations, denial, and intense pleading, McGonagall decided it was in the best interest to remove 100 points from Slytherin for the utter lack of safety and human decency.
Of course this didn't go well for y/n. That evening she found herself locked out of her own dorm room as her roommates found the blame for the points lost resting solely on y/n. Making her way to the empty common room, y/n sat on one of the couches in front of the green, crackling fire. Equipped with nothing outside of her button up, vest, and pants, y/n used her robe as a blanket and cuddled up on the couch.
At that moment, y/n's bottled up emotion overflowed and she sobbed into the couch cushion. Feeling more like a burden than a human, y/n repeated in her head the insults she's heard many times. "Hinderance. Pathetic. Weak. Worthless..." she choked out between sobs. "Filthy... little... mudblood."
Before y/n could even get one wink of sleep, a door creaked open revealing the prince of Slytherin himself, Draco. Only, unlike most other times, Draco was sans henchmen. Presumably, Draco snuck out for one reason or another and was only returning about now. As Draco stepped into the light, he noticed a covered figure on the couch. Draco glimpsed at y/n h/l h/c hair, quickly deducing it was y/n.
"What are you doing out here this late, y/l/n?" Interrogated Draco. "Shouldn't you be in your room?"
"I could ask you the same thing. Wandering about this late at night, you could lose us house points or worse depending on what suspicious activities you are into." Y/n mumbled as she tried to tune out the excess noise, not caring anymore about how she responded to Draco.
"Harsh, but fair." Draco let out a rare chuckle.
For some reason, hearing Draco chuckle sent warm tingles throughout her body from one hand to another. This is just barely a fraction of a side of Draco she wished she could see all the time. Before getting too caught up in daydreams, y/n remembered it was Draco's fault in the first place that she's even locked out of her room at all.
"Well, to put it short, I'm still a, as you say, a filthy mudblood and it would appear as if torturing me and locking me in an abandoned classroom wasn't enough for them so they decided to lock me out of our own room." Y/n vented with both a sense of exasperated relief as Draco stood silently, stiff as a board, as if he was shocked as to what he was hearing.
Draco took a moment to drink in y/n. Her e/c eyes, red and glossy from tormented crying. Even in this state she was still breathtaking. Wait, what? Breathtaking? Draco suddenly forgot how to speak as his mind raced from his sudden observation. She's not pretty, right? She's just a muggle born, a disgrace to the wizarding world! Is that all she is though? And only a muggle born, not a mudblood? Draco panicked internally for a brief moment before finally recollecting himself and regaining his composure.
"Oh." Was all Draco could manage at the moment. Appearing deep in thought, Draco organized a response. "As much as I would love to hear more of your life problems, I have a room to go back to. So... um... good night..."
Draco awkwardly turned around and shuffled towards his room, pausing only for a brief moment and throwing a quick glance over his shoulder as if he was contemplating something. He quickly shook off any feeling of turning back and entered his room for the night.
The school year progressed without much of anything significant happening outside of the common bullying and stress of the holidays approaching. It was almost winter break and, as usual, y/n would be staying at Hogwarts for Christmas. Her parents always took a long vacation over Christmas break and figured they would save money by leaving y/n at school where she would still get food and housing without them having to pay for an extra plane ticket. Y/n didn't mind too much. She had always been pretty independent from her parents, but she loved them nonetheless. They all loved each other but they weren't very affectionate about it, a factor that probably contributed to her apathetic approach to most things. While always hopeful to be invited to one of her parents annual holidays, y/n also looked forward to the more or less peace and quiet of having the common room and school mostly to herself with the exception of the other few students who also remained for the holidays.
Unbeknownst to y/n, ever since their interaction at night in the common room, Draco has been secretly watching her. While seeing her in such a devastated state should logically make him happy as she is only a muggle born, Draco felt anything but happy. It was almost like looking into a mirror for him, seeing her broken. It reminded him of his many nights of anxiety and depression after getting an earful from his father about how he wasn't "good enough" or constantly feeling inadequate compared to the "chosen one", Potter. From that moment on, Draco avoided y/n. Y/n didn't really think anything of it except that she appreciated the extended periods of peace and silence between the other students' insults. This of course only prompted Crabbe and Goyle to try to make up for their ring leader's apparent avoidance and growing distaste of picking on y/n. Fortunately for y/n however, Crabbe and Goyle were quite dim witted and easy to outsmart or avoid. Another development for y/n was that, after her time in the abandoned classroom allowing her to let off some steam, followed by her mini rant to Draco, she found herself able to stand up for herself a bit more, much to the chagrin of Pansy Parkinson. Now when Pansy strode up to y/n with a cocky and mischievous smirk plastered on her face, y/n simply looked on with a strong and unavoidable expression of mere annoyance and anticipation of disappointment. Pansy would try to insult y/n only for y/n to retort with a simple motion of dismissal or a clever comeback.
"Well if it isn't the local mudblood of Slytherin!" Pansy would shout with falsely placed pride.
"Well if it isn't the local tramp of Slytherin!" Y/n would respond with a mock curtsy. "What an absolute honor to be in your presence. Oh, and of course the presence of all the guys you try to hook up with."
Pansy would only stare on, gobsmacked and dumbfounded. She would walk away trying to act as if y/n's responses meant nothing to her, but her embarrassment would be evident with the bright red burning at her cheeks. Y/n would always take a silent pride in herself when she managed to hold her composure and deliver lines to Pansy that would shut her up without the need to stoop down the Pansy's level herself.
The days progressed even more until it was eventually the last day before the Christmas holiday. As the other students were packing their things and saying their goodbyes, y/n spent her time in the library or in the Slytherin common room, sitting next to one of the many windows looking out under the Black Lake. Y/n would often sit by the windows and look at the fish and grindylows swim by, almost entranced by the aquatic life that resides within the lake. Y/n always hoped to spot the giant squid someday, but outside of the rare silhouette of a tentacle, she was disappointed. Of course her biggest achievement of her many nights of lake gazing was when she spotted a mermaid right outside the window. The mermaid smiled a soft and ethereal smile before singing a peaceful song, lulling y/n to a restful sleep. Y/n would constantly be on the lookout for that same mermaid each night, even more so than the giant squid, but was unfortunately commonly met with mere fish or the occasional grindylow that would give her a wicked smile. At the end of the day, students began to turn in for the night in preparation for leaving bright and early in the morning to go home or wherever for their Christmas vacations. Y/n, on the other hand, stayed up, sitting on the couch and watching the green flames dance and in the fireplace. A wave of contentment washed over her as she looked forward to a peaceful break. She had just been told by Mallory that, while she was leaving for the holiday, Susan Bones would be staying as her she had no family to return to (her family having been killed personally by Voldemort in the First Wizarding War) outside of her aunt Amelia Bones who was attending to business all holiday. Y/n looked forward to spending some time with Susan, especially knowing how hard the holidays are for her due to her family's past. She has already planned on taking her to Hogsmeade for some quality time as a “girls’ day” together and to make sure that, despite her circumstances, she would still have the best Christmas possible.
As y/n sat alone, mesmerized by the fire and picturing her plans to hang out with Susan, none other than Draco Malfoy once again stepped into the picture. He didn't directly approach y/n, more or less standing off to the side and looking outward at the lake. Y/n eventually directed her attention away from the fire and noticed Draco staring out at the lake. He seemed a lot more fidgety than usual, almost as if he was nervous or dreading something. 'It couldn't possibly be he's not looking forward to going home, could it?' Y/n thought to herself as she observed Draco's body language. After a brief minute, Draco turned around as if to head to bed only to notice y/n staring at him.
"Ah! W-what are you doing here y/l/n?" Draco jumped slightly, caught off guard.
Y/n quickly looked away, feeling her cheeks burn in embarrassment from being caught. "I, uh, well..." she calmed down and recomposed herself, "if you don't remember, despite yours and most everyone else's wishes, I'm still in Slytherin so I have just as much of a right to be here as you!"
"Oh. Yea. I mean, that's not what I meant." Draco fumbled through his sentences, his nervousness becoming more and more obvious. "I meant, what are you doing here, here. Shouldn't you be in bed so you'll be ready for the holidays?"
Once again, y/n found herself saying, "I could ask you the same thing." Y/n gave a playful yet unconfident smirk.
Defying anyone's best guess, a faint pink rose to Draco's cheeks, completely catching y/n off guard. He quickly tried to laugh it off before continuing to uncharacteristically stumble his way through the conversation. "Uh, yea. My bad, sorry."
Once again, y/n was caught completely off guard. 'Did the Draco Malfoy just say, "sorry"?' Draco didn't even seem phased by the absurdity of what he just said.
Quickly moving on from what just happened, y/n spoke up, "Well, to answer your question. No. I'm not leaving for the holidays. I'll be here all Christmas break."
Almost as if without a second thought, Draco made his way over to the couch area, sitting on the chai directly across from y/n. His previous nervousness seemed to fade away as he responded, "So, why are you staying here? How come you're not going home or traveling somewhere?"
"Well, my parents like to go on big fancy trips for the holidays and they figure that they can save money by leaving me here."
"Oh. Does that bother you at all? That they just leave you behind while they go and have a great time?"
Y/n shrugged, trying to ignore how weird this whole situation is. "Not really. It's always been like this. They never really went on vacations outside of an occasional camping trip with me when I was still living at home and they wanted to take advantage of the situation of me being at a school away from home to go on a nice trip while I was being cared for. We still go camping over the summertime though, so that's fun."
Draco was amazed, listening intently to every word that came out of y/n's mouth. The concept of needing to save money was pretty foreign to him, but he found himself able to relate to her situation of not having the most affectionate family.
"So, what about you, Draco? Why aren't you in bed? No doubt your family has some extravagant plans for the holiday." Y/n asked, turning the tables on Draco.
As soon as she asked this, the previously present nervousness and dread returned to Draco's face. "Oh, uh, not tired yet. A lot on my mind..."
"Well, surely your family has something exciting planned. I mean, you are a Malfoy after all."
As if she just pushed a button, Draco seemed to flinch away at the mention of his family name. For a brief moment, his nervousness was overcome with an irritated, defensiveness as he snapped, "Well it's not all perfect like you so clearly think!"
Y/n flinched back as he shouted this, confused by the sudden change in attitude. Draco noticed her almost immediately shut down, losing any joy that previously graced her face.
"I-I'm... sorry... I didn't mean to shout." Draco sighed. "It's just that-"
"No, I'm sorry." Y/n interrupted. "I saw you were clearly uncomfortable at the first mention of your family and I shouldn't have asked again... you don't have to say anything you don't want to."
"Thank you." Draco simply said. He began to stand up to head to bed before y/n got to say one last thing
"Draco. I-", y/n cut herself off, questioning if she should really finish her sentence. "I'm... always here if you need anything. Okay? I may not know of your family's background or yours, but I'm no stranger to hardships. I'm always here if you need help with something or even just someone to talk to."
Draco looked at her with a face full of mixed emotions. Uncertainty, confusion, fear of letting someone in, fear of pushing her away, and more. He was quiet for about a whole minute as he stood there, looking at y/n.
"But, why? Would you care about me? I've been nothing but cruel and rude to you. Why would you care how I feel?" Draco suddenly asked, breaking the silence.
"Just because you may not be the most pleasant person in the world to be around doesn't mean you don't have your own battles and issues in life, nor does it mean your issues are any less valid than anyone else's. You're still a human and... I care about you just like anyone else...", y/n looked down at the floor as she quietly said the last part.
Draco stood there, silent and uncertain about how to respond. Another minute of silence passed and, without a second thought, Draco turned around and walked to his room. Y/n kept looking down, berating herself in her head. 'You went too far you idiot! You just had to push it and make him feel uncomfortable...'. Y/n lied down onto the couch and closed her eyes as she tried to fall asleep.
As Draco walked away, he stopped for a second and whispered under his breath, "Thank you... y/n. Merry Christmas."
The night was rough for Draco; he couldn't sleep as he replayed the conversation in his head over and over again. When the time reached 1:30 am, Draco decided to get up and go for a brief walk to clear his head. He opened the door from his dorm room and quietly snuck out so as to not awake his roommates. Making his way down into the common room, he spotted y/n still there, only asleep on the couch. He quickly deduced she must have been locked out of her room again and that was another reason she wasn't in bed yet when he first came across her. He quietly walked over to her and looked at her. Despite her messy hair and unconventional sleeping position, she had a peaceful look on her face as she slumbered. As he turned away to continue his short walk, he heard a noise come from y/n. When he turned around, he noticed her shivering in her sleep. The fire had died down since he was last here and y/n was without a blanket or anything else to keep her warm. He wanted to relight the fireplace but he also didn't want to risk the sudden light waking her up. He eventually turned back to head to his room as y/n laid there.
The next morning, Draco and his friends were getting ready to leave the school and board the trains. A smirk was plastered on Draco's face, one which did not go unnoticed by Pansy.
"Hey Drayyyy!" Pansy cooed in a sickeningly sweet tone of voice. "What's got you so happy this be-a-utiful morning?"
Even Pansy's annoying presence couldn't dampen Draco's mood. "Oh it's nothing. Just looking forward to leaving this joke of a school is all." Draco proudly lied, his thoughts clearly elsewhere.
Despite many more attempts of learning what the truth was from Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle, Draco remained silent on the truth.
Back in the Slytherin common room, y/n began stirring awake. Surprisingly, she slept through the commotion of the other students leaving for Christmas. Stretching and yawning, y/n stood up off the couch, accidentally dropping the jumper that was draped across her onto the ground. Without hesitation she picked up the sweater and slid it on, quickly leaving to brush her hair and get ready for the day to take Susan to Hogsmeade.
Once in Hogsmeade, y/n lead Susan to Honeydukes to pick out an assortment of sweets.
"Thank you so much for all of this, y/n. I really appreciate it." Susan beamed as she grabbed a chocolate frog with one hand as her other held a box of treacle fudge.
"Of course. It's my pleasure and it's a nice change of pace from a normal school schedule. And one never needs an excuse to go to Honeydukes!" Y/n responded gleefully.
After they made their way back to Hogwarts with their bounty of sweets and a few items from Zonko's, Susan led y/n to the Hufflepuff common room so they could indulge themselves.
After taking a big bite from a liquorice wand, Susan spoke out, "oh I've been meaning to ask you, when did you get that jumper? It's been cold all winter but I haven't seen you wear it all!"
Y/n looked down at the jumper. It was green and silver in the Slytherin colors with a big, snake S in the center. "You know what? I don't know... I just woke up this morning and it was draped over me. I'm not sure how I got it."
"Weird. Maybe you made an impulse purchase and completely forgot?"
"No, I don't think that's it. It's a little big for me too. Maybe Mallory bought it for me and left it as a surprise? I know she's a bit bigger than me so that would explain it."
"No that can't be. She got you a new scarf and matching mittens for Christm-shoot!"
"Susan!!!" Y/n burst out laughing.
"Oh no I'm so so so sorry!!! Please don't tell Mallory I told you! She's been planning this for a week! Please act surprised when you get it! Aghhhh I'm so dumb!" Susan panicked as her face flushed from embarrassment.
"Don't worry don't worry!" Y/n chuckled loudly. "I'll act surprised I promise!"
"Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" Susan cried out as she stuffed her mouth with a pumpkin pasty.
The rest of the Christmas holiday was full of fun and funny times like this. For the first time in a while, y/n looked forward to getting up in the morning and seeing people. She would always wake up bright and early, brush her hair and her teeth, and slip on the mysterious oversized jumper. While it still bugged her and Susan as the jumper's origin remained a mystery, y/n was grateful to have it nonetheless on these cold, winter days.
It also had a pleasant scent of peppermint and pinewood cologne too.
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intheseautumnhands · 3 years
Sorting Hat Chats: Oxventures
Hey look, I finally actually got a sorting post written! .... and it's one that I'm pretty sure interests absolutely nobody else, because I don't think anyone else in the Sorting Hat Chats community is into Oxventures, and also the reverse. But the brainwanderings will go where they wish and they don't ask me for permission, and I've been marathoning (and sleeping to) a lot of Oxventures lately, so let's go.
Just in case anyone does choose to take a look, I'll do a brief sum up of both system and canon, so that no one's lost. System first, because I have some other thoughts about canon I want to mention. The full rundown of the basics is here, but just so we're all on the same page:
Your Primary house is your motivations, values, and why you do what you do. 
Lion Primaries do it this way because their gut tells them it's right.
Bird Primaries do it this way because the system they've put together to guide them tells them this is what's right.
Badger Primaries do it this way because it's the best thing for the community as a whole, or for the most people.
Snake Primaries do it this way because it's the best thing for the people they prioritize.
Your Secondary house is how you approach the world, the methods that come most easily and naturally to you.
Lion Secondaries charge. They attack problems head-on and directly, and they're in their comfort zone when they are their authentic selves.
Bird Secondaries plan. They collect tools, skills, and information, and they're in their comfort zone when they're prepared for the situation.
Badger Secondaries toil. They put their nose to the grindstone or they build connections to get things done, and they're in their comfort zone when things call for steady, consistent work.
Snake Secondaries improvise. They're adaptive and quick on their feet, and they're in their comfort zone when they have the wiggle room to go with what comes to them.
Other terminology may come up as well. I will try and link to posts that explain it better if I end up using anything.
Oxventures is the D&D Actual Play show done by the youtube gaming channels Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra, DMed by Johnny Chiodini from the tabletop game channel Dicebreaker. They've been going since fall 2017, first in-person and now streamed. It is an extremely fun show with a group of very entertaining players that have been basically learning to play as it goes. If you're into D&D shows and not too bothered by a very hand-wavey approach to rules, I greatly recommend it.
There are, however, some things that make it difficult to sort. It's a comedy show, and while I don't think this is true for every comedy, in general, it's very easy for characterization to occasionally get passed over for a laugh. It's sometimes hard to tell what jokes are being thrown around OOC versus IC. And the D&D format means there is no going back and editing anything; characterization is developed on the fly, and there's already been discussion that talked about how some of the characters changed as they were being played. Also, it's action-driven -- you don't always get a lot of information on what's going through people's head, so motivation can be hard to pin down.
So it's a little difficult and I've gotten wobbly on a lot of them. Which makes it a great choice for my first sorting!
(...To be fair, it's my first sorting post. I've been watching this system and sorting things to myself for -- *checks when I first mentioned it* wait hold on five years? Really? Okay, cool. Excuse me while I sit and have a mental montage to How Far We've Come as I remember all the fine-tuning it's been through in that time.
Anyway, I've been sorting things to myself for five years, so I'm not new to this, I'm just new to trying to explain my whys, so I hope this comes out understandable. I'm sorry for the rambling, because we're already 750 words in and I haven't even started.)
Corazón de Ballena, human pirate rogue  Corazón, oh Corazón, what... do I even do with you. He's clearly not a Badger -- fairness and other people's needs are not his priority. Between the obvious Jack Sparrow riff and the "pirate seeking glory" thing, my instinct is to say a Lion Primary, probably a Gloryhound Lion in specific. I could see a Bird Primary, just because there is something extremely constructed-feeling about Corazón -- I think his truth would look very Snake-like, prioritizing himself and the people he chooses, but I could see it.
But I'm going to lean into a full Snake Primary, I think. While he doesn't care about most people, he does care very much about the people who do matter to him -- see his whole complicated relationship with his father, even after his father tried to kill him; see his burning down a guy's house because he's mean to Prudence; to some extent, see his attempt to help end his old crew's curse. He puts people above anything else, but only the people he chooses to (or where can't help it, in his father's case) I think he'd almost like people to believe that he's Burned and doesn't care about anyone else, but he very much is not, though he doesn't seem to let new people into the circle often or easily, either. I could still very much see a Gloryhound Lion, but in the end I think if asked to put the party first or fame and fortune first -- he would complain, he would never let them hear the end of it, but he would also choose the party every single time.
For Secondary: Corazón would really want people to think he's a Snake. If he could read the descriptions and pick his own, I'm pretty sure he'd say he was a Snake. Adaptable, cunning, deceitful -- and it's not that he's not these things, but the way it manifests itself feels much more like a rapid-fire Bird Secondary. He's analytical, he learned magic entirely from books, and I haven't actually counted, but I would bet you that he makes more investigation rolls than anyone else. While his quickly thought up plans do work, they often tend to rely on things he already knows -- disguise self and minor illusion come up often, hiding and evading, etc. He seems to be one of the party that gets the most non-combat use out of his various magical abilities. It's a very quick and jack-of-many-trades style of Bird, but it's still very Bird.
Dob, half-orc bard  Dob is quite possibly the loudest loyalist primary... just, that I have ever seen, ever. To start with, I'm just going to drop this quote here: "I know there's good in you, jailor I just met!"
How about the way that he's first introduced as a bard who goes from town to town playing the lullaby his lost sister used to sing to him, searching for her. Or his habit of, to quote TV Tropes, "engaging in random acts of adoption". Or the time he tried to learn spells to apologize to the dead orphans. Or how he still managed to forgive the skeletons that killed the orphans. Or the time he forgave the cult that almost got them all killed. Or giving the cultists (from a different cult) relationship advice. Or the time he ended up listening to the jailor's marriage woes. Or....
Look, I could keep going but I think we've got enough examples. So: Badger or Snake? On the one hand he definitely seems to worry about saving his particular people first when there's danger... but, there's a level of guilt about innocent people who have died on his watch, and that habit of taking in random people on multiple adventures, that really makes me lean towards a Badger Primary. Dob seems to genuinely care about everyone they cross as a default, and of all of them, he's the first I can see coming to the aid of an enemy who he has no prior positive experiences with.
As for a Secondary, Dob is the master of quick plans, quicker lies, and steamrolling NPCs into going along with things. The entire party ends up thinking on their feet more often than not, but he seems to do his best work that way, as a Snake Secondary often does. Sometimes he goes so fast that he forgets something and makes a mistake -- which is how "don't be a Dob" has become a thing -- but his impulsive ideas actually work out more often than it doesn't, and he's also very good at connecting with a wide variety of people. On the page for Snake/Slytherin Secondaries, the SHC site says, 
"Slytherins will adapt to their own best advantage without thinking about it. They’ll walk into a situation and things will work out to their benefit without them quite knowing what happened or what they did to influence it." 
-- and doesn't that just fit with Dob's ridiculous amounts of luck?
He does seem to spend a fair amount of time in his neutral state, or at least adapting in a non-conscious kind of way. There is something generally blunt about Dob a lot of the time, enough that I considered Lion pretty heavily -- but in the end, he works best when he's running on the fly and making shit up, in a way that feels extremely Snake to me. And he's not only so good at lying, but so quick to default to it, that Lion doesn't feel accurate.
Egbert the Careless, dragonborn paladin Poor Egbert, the worst paladin. While his original order really seems to prioritize a very classic Paragon Lion Primary, Egbert barely seems to have a model of one -- it's more of a performance, which is being chipped steadily away by the rest of the party. He tries, but I can't see a genuine Lion Primary from his background killing people so casually. Or hitting an old man with a cursed mace over and over until he turns into a seal. And then keeping the seal as a pet. Or just... saying "maybe crime is good!" because he likes the food at the crime den. He's trying, but he's really not good at it. So the question remains: what is he?
I think it's hard to place him because, one, he really want to be that Lion. And second, whatever he is, I think the values that motivation is set on are... kind of in flux? I don't think he's super burned; I think he might be lightly charred at best. But: if he's a Bird, he's in the process of losing the truth of "whatever the Order of the Dragon Door says is right" to something that comes more from the party and probably more genuinely. If he's a Badger, he's in the process of changing communities. If he's a Snake, the Order is getting pushed more and more out of his inner circle, replaced by the party.
I was leaning Badger, but the more I think about it, I think that's the remnants of the attempt to play Lion. I think Egbert's a Snake Primary who is starting to shed his old skin. (There's like three layers of bad joke in that, and I'm sorry.) The Lion priorities made that Snake look a little more Badger-y, but he does so, so many things that just don't strike me as caring deep down about need. Like the thing where he turned an old man into a seal. I just keep looking at that incident and I either need to completely ignore that incident -- which is hard, when Seal Gaiman is still hanging around -- or go with something else. His reaction to Dana's bigotry in Snow Mercy does feel a little more Badger-y to me... but that could still be that Lion Performance flavoring, and/or a symptom of how the party as a whole gets pissed about anti-tiefling sentiment coming out in sympathy of another maligned race. I also feel like a Badger would be working a little more actively on atonement and stop getting distracted.
He is, however, a very loud Lion Secondary. While the party as a whole does a lot of ploys that involve deceit or talking their way into things, Egbert is rarely the one doing that part. He doesn't bother with subtlety, or with doing any of the many things he can as a paladin, which is how we got the whole glorious "you've been able to teleport for how long?" moment. He does sometimes manage to make connections that move the story along, and he always does it by being himself.
But most of all, I can't think of a better word to describe how Egbert attacks a situation than charging. I'm just going to quote again from the site: 
"their problems are met head on rather than subverted, negotiated, or cajoled. They have an efficiency so direct it’s almost combative." 
And that seems like Egbert to a T.
Merilwen, wood elf druid Merilwen is a Badger Primary whose version of "people" is "animals, my community, and also I guess these four now". She doesn't really seem to care about what would traditionally be considered "people", and Ellen (who plays her) has spoken about how Merilwen's morals towards non-animals is pretty much entirely influenced by the party --  but with the things she cares about she strikes me as extremely Badger. She's absolutely ready to throw down everything for the party, but when they're not in danger from it, she will also absolutely fight the rest of them for an animal -- see that incident where she talked everyone out of fighting the Owlbear. "Animals are hurt" or "you hurt my friends" is the fastest way to bring out her viscous side.
She could also maybe be a Snake who includes all animals in her circle, but: one, I very much feel like she'd choose whether to prioritize her friends or an animal over who needs her more. Two, the way she interacts with her family and her community in Elf Hazard seems very Badger to me. Her worry about not being able to see her family again, her unwillingness to disappoint them and decision to take a new name to make them happy, even after the danger is past. Things like Merilwen's Meat-Grinder also strike me this way -- specifically, her willingness to do massive damage to save the party and subsequent discomfort with having done it, even though she doesn't care that much about the people who were hurt even after having done it. "Fair and loyal" seems like a good way to sum up her morality in general. Her being so close to Dob and understanding each other so well also adds to this (even if a lot of that likely has to do with Ellen and Luke (who plays Dob) being so close as much as anything, but if I try to separate out things that are OOC-influence I will be here forever).
I'm torn between the foundational Secondaries for her: Bird, or Badger. There is something about her likelihood to fall back on "I turn into a [cat/bear/octopus]" as a plan that feels a little Bird-like to me -- that fallback on the favored, most well-used, best-understood tools, even in situations where it takes a little forcing to make them fit. On the other hand, she seems to be the one most likely to see a job that's not being done as part of the plan, and go fill that role. She's certainly steady, trustworthy, quiet, and consistent. I don't think she has a problem with shortcuts on many things, but could see her raising objections about things she actively cares about. She also often solves things by connecting with animals, which fits when you consider her people/community largely being animal-based. I'm still a little back and forth on this, but in the end, I'm going to lean towards a Badger Secondary.
Prudence, tiefling warlock I'm having a hard time putting my finger on Prudence. I think this is partly Jane's play style -- I feel like she's the least likely to go into what's going on in Prudence's head or why she's doing things, and she doesn't really have a driving goal we're aware of except "do things to make Cthulhu pleased", but that's mostly along the way. She's not a Badger. I would lean towards not a Lion; I guess it's possibly she's a Lion whose gut morality is about hedonism, "I should have what I want", or something like that, but I really don't get the impression that she has much of an internal morality overall. "Some things are just wrong and you can't talk your way out of it" (to quote the Lion/Gryffindor Primary page) absolutely does not sound like something Prudence would ever thing.
So again we're between the decided Primaries: Bird or Snake? I could see her being a Bird, but I have no idea what her truth is at this point. Still, I want to lean towards Snake Primary, specifically one that was burnt. We're going into how-IC-was-this-anyway territory here again, but there's a moment early on, in Brawl of the Wild, where Jane is narrating Prudence hurling herself in front of two of the others and stops mid-narration to ask "wait, why am I doing that" -- it feels incredibly like a Snake who's found themselves unburning while they weren't paying attention and now is trying to figure out how this happened. She's also pretty open with how fond she is of the party, pleased as punch when Corazón burns down the house of a guy who's an asshole to her, even more pleased when Egbert seems corruptible, seems genuinely happy that the group has gotten more lax about killing, and of course there's "You'll never leave me, Corazón, I'll kill you first" and hugging the Egbert-statue after he's been kidnapped when no one can see her.
But more than the party, what makes me lean towards Snake is her relationship with her warlock patron. There's nothing cold, nothing business-like, it's not even worshipful: Cthulhu-dad is kind of a joke, but... it's also not? Even if the actual fatherly-ness of it can be read as joking, she still genuinely seems to have warm, loving feelings for him, and that particular set-up really strikes me a loyalist thing.
(That gives us an all-loyalist party, but honestly, considering they're not the most moral people around and how quickly they all bond... that kind of works?)
Bird Secondary -- her plans tend to be the most practical, she has her favored methods for handling things, and her interest in all things magic strikes me as very Bird-with-a-favorite-thing. Her Bird seems pretty good at reading people, too, particularly knowing the party's strengths -- which is often chaos and making things up. She's not quite a rapid-fire as Corazón, but she's pretty good on her feet if need be... it's just that her lack of interest in what's morally right means the plan she usually pulls out is "eldritch blast". To be fair, it usually works.
Corazón: Snake Primary/Bird Secondary (possible Snake performance)
Dob: Badger Primary/Snake Secondary (possible Badger model)
Egbert: Snake Primary (attempting to model the Order and possibly Shattershield's Lion Primary, which comes off weirdly Badger-ish in the end)/Lion Secondary
Merilwen: Badger Primary (whose "people" are animals, the elf community she grew up in, and now the Oxventurers)/Badger Secondary
Prudence: Unburning Snake Primary/Bird Secondary
Very recently they've begun an Oxventure spin-off series, playing Blades in the Dark instead. We're only two episodes in, and since part of the plan is to rotate who's in each episode, most of them are only in one -- and since we've gotten so little of the new group, and so much can change as the players learn their characters and find their feet, I can't confidently sort them right now. But I think it'd be interesting to share some initial impressions and see how they hold up down the line. Spoilers for both episodes if anyone's behind, I'll put Lillith and Barnaby last just to be sure.
Edvard: If Edvard the inventor is not a Bird Secondary, I will eat my hat. I could see him going the way of the traditional SHC impulsive scientists who do things For Science, and ending up in Lion/Bird territory, or going towards Bird/Bird; at the moment I don't think he'll be a loyalist, but we'll see!
Zillah: I think we know less about Zillah than anyone else at this point, but we do know that, one, she's doing crime to get money for her family, and two, she seems pretty level-headed. I'm thinking maybe a Lion Secondary, leaning away from Bird Primary but at this point could see anything else.
Kasamir: Between his class/playbook being about having his fingers in a lot of crime pies, Johnny saying he's not really good at anything besides crime, and his slight mentor-y vibe in episode one, I'm getting Badger Secondary or Bird Secondary vibes -- leaning Badger right now, but we'll see. (I'm also getting Mozzie-from-White-Collar-but-more-physical vibes, but I cannot find the sorting that Moz used to be under, unfortunately. I want to say either Badger/Bird or Bird/Badger.) He doesn't strike me as a Lion Primary at this point, but we'll see.
Lillith: I was going to say Bird Secondary because she's leaning so hard into the intellectual, but so far she has tried to solve problems by befriending a ghost girl and convincing the workers to start a union so.... I'm feeling some Badger/Lion or Lion/Badger vibes coming off her at this point. She might slide into a more Bird-y role in the future, or it might end up looking more like a model.
Barnaby: Despite having gotten through two episodes now basically saving the day by being himself, I don't get Lion Secondary vibes from him -- actually, I'm thinking he could end up a Badger Secondary, just extremely far on the Courtier Badger side of the scale, and one that’s very full of himself. Not sure on that yet, though. Primary: no idea, but probably not Badger.
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almostarchaeology · 5 years
Hogwarts Needs Archaeologists, Part 1: Fantastic Antiquities and Where to Find Them
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By Adrián Maldonado
The Harry Potterverse is crawling with ancient artefacts and old magic. That doesn’t make it a story about archaeology as such – there is very little effort from the protagonists to do more than treasure-hunt (and in at least one case, tomb-raid) to collect and then destroy these artefacts. In one sense, the Harry Potter cycle is a parable of Fantastic Antiquities and How to Break Them.
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Tom Riddle, Tomb Raider (source)
Which is why I haven’t felt the need to do an ‘archaeology of Harry Potter’ post on this blog. But then I went back to the books again. Well, sort of. I am lucky enough to share a timeline with the Binge Mode podcast by the superheroic duo Mallory Rubin and Jason Concepcion. Their breakdown of the books and films, chapter by chapter and scene by scene, with added detail culled from the wider (so wide) Potter canon, has reawakened my appreciation for the depth of JK’s creation. And, this should surprise absolutely no one by now, it makes me think there’s lessons for archaeologists in the Potterverse.
This will take more than one blog post to tease out. To begin with, we can start by looking at the vast array of antiquities which feature in the books’ own timeline. From there, we can explore how archaeology might work in the wizarding world, and then bring it back to reflections on Rowling’s uses of the past more generally. Speaking of the past, if you don’t want books from 20 years ago spoiled, well, tough look, my guy.
Medieval archaeology
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Getting medieval in Diagon Alley (source)
To begin in the most obvious place, there is a lot in the wizarding world which owes its origins to the Middle Ages. According to Rowling’s Pottermore website, Diagon Alley and its major landmarks such as the Leaky Cauldron and Gringotts go back to c. 1500, retaining a ramshackle medieval aesthetic. The prison of Azkaban originated as the fortress of the fifteenth-century sorcerer Ezkidris. Even things which don’t appear obviously medieval are revealed to be medieval on Pottermore: the Quidditch World Cup has been played since 1473, and Floo powder, the magical form of transport, was invented in the thirteenth century by Ignatia Wildsmith (which, if I have another daughter, I will definitely adopt as a name).
The structural medievalism of the Potterverse includes Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry itself, a ponderous castle-university suffused with old magic. Oddly for Britain’s premier (only?) centre of magical learning, we do not seem to know exactly how old it is, but its founders all seem to have lived in the tenth century according to Pottermore. This would make it earlier than the first Muggle universities, themselves a product of the twelfth century and later. It is interesting to think that the robe-wearing denizens of Oxbridge and St Andrews are merely replicating earlier Hogwarts traditions.
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Echoes of Hogwarts (source)
What is less immediately obvious is that Hogwarts’ medieval origins are communicated largely through material culture. The Sorting Hat belonged to founder Godric Gryffindor, and so is at least a thousand years old. The Mirror of Erised is also said to be ancient, though we are vague on dates. Does age confer magical properties, or have these objects survived due to the power of their magic? It can’t be the latter, as we are continually reminded of the precarious state of antiquities in the Potterverse. The Hogwarts houses retain stories about early medieval artefacts associated with the lives of their founders, including Rowena Ravenclaw’s lost diadem, Helga Hufflepuff’s cup, and Gryffindor’s Sword; Slytherin House has no equivalent relic-mascot although it does boast its own Chamber of Secrets (not a euphemism). Each of these objects is lost, stolen, or defiled in the course of these stories.
Ravenclaw’s diadem was lost almost as soon as it was made, and Slytherin’s Locket was never kept in Hogwarts, showing the somewhat less than reverential treatment of these artefacts, even among those who should best appreciate their value. More on Slytherin’s personal effects later, but it may be worth noting here that his Chamber was until lately populated with a living balrog, I mean Basilisk, which was at least as ancient as Slytherin before its murder by a student dangerously swinging another medieval artefact in 1998. Guys. Lock down your antiquities.
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Days without an accident on site: 0 (source)
Of these artefacts, only the Sword of Gryffindor was curated to any extent, even if only as a wall-hanging which, let me repeat, students were allowed to handle. Hufflepuff’s cup was kept in the common room of its founder’s house, allowing it to be stolen and inhabited with cursed fragments of soul which almost led to the demise of the rules-based wizarding world order. In the end, Helga’s cup was found in a damn bank vault instead of a climate-controlled museum store. Listen, a secure, alarmed case may not have stopped Voldemort, but we could have at least saved these precious witnesses of wizarding origins from being callously destroyed in the war. Who will be the wizarding Mortimer Wheeler next time?
Excavating Hogwarts
Reading through Pottermore, it transpires that paying no heed to the medieval material world our protagonists live in is actively causing them harm. Two of Voldemort’s horcruxes, Slytherin’s Locket and Marvolo Gaunt’s Ring, date back to the early medieval period, but were kept as personal possessions passed down the Gaunt family line, allowing them to be easily stolen or sold, and, again, be haunted by evil curses. Guys. Where do I send my CV to develop a course in Material Culture Studies at Hogwarts? Better yet, let’s make it a MOOC, train members of the public, and then maybe next time someone tries to pawn an ancient relic our world isn’t threatened by cursed archaeology.
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Please don’t drink from the archaeology (source)
My favourite revelation is that the Hogwarts pensieve, the expositional device in Dumbledore’s office which allows Harry to experience flashback sequences along with the reader, is a noted antiquity itself. It is said to be a stone basin inscribed with Saxon runes, and to have been found buried on the spot where Hogwarts would be built.
I can’t just pass this by. Why would a pensieve be buried? We know that wizards are buried with their wands, as recounted to plot-driving effect in Dumbledore’s case. It also transpires that, like wands, pensieves are very personal items, and are customarily buried with their owners along with any memories they have stored. What an incredible boon this would be for a wizarding archaeologist! And how well would this explain all the now-empty vessels we have found used as grave goods since prehistory, usually explained by us dull-minded archaeologists as ‘food-offerings’. Along with the spell priori incantatem, which allows one to see the last few spells a wand was used for, an archaeowitch encountering a burial furnished with wand and pensieve would have an unparalleled insight into the lives and deaths of the wizarding dead.
Back to the Hogwarts pensieve, then, we have a massive stone basin inscribed in Saxon runes, which would be rather out of place in the early medieval Scottish highlands, where Hogwarts is based. Is this a disturbed wizard’s tomb or a ritualised offering in a wetland setting? Once upon a time, this find would be taken as evidence for Anglo-Saxon invasion, but now we recognize that objects could be transported for a variety of reasons, and indeed are themselves more likely to be used in votive deposits due to the value they have accrued in the journey. It would certainly merit further investigation whether the Hogwarts loch was chosen by its founders not for its now-isolated and depopulated landscape, itself a product of fairly recent historical processes, but because it had an existing heritage as a site of ritual deposition. We can only hope, for the sake of its students, that the founders undertook some due-diligence magical remote sensing to detect any complicating factors from buried magic, dark or light, before undertaking a major construction project. But beyond health and safety concerns, I feel that we have lost something else by not recording what has presumably been a cult place.
A medieval inheritance
Pottermore also traces the origins of several major wizarding families to the Middle Ages, most notably the Malfoys. Their lineage can be traced back to Armand Malfoy,  who helped William the Bastard become Conqueror of England in the real-world timeline: “Having rendered unknown, shady (and almost certainly magical) services to King William I, Malfoy was given a prime piece of land in Wiltshire, seized from local landowners, upon which his descendants have lived for ten consecutive centuries.” In gratitude for their help with the Norman Conquest, he was granted a manor, which has passed down the family for 1000 years to Draco Malfoy. The mansion itself is said to be filled with ancient magical and muggle artefacts and priceless artwork, as so many stately homes were by the nineteenth century. Many of Britain’s museums were founded through bequests of such private collections, and these would make an interesting, if dangerous, Dark Magic wing of a Wizarding Museum. Given the spectacular fall from grace of the Malfoy family in the second wizarding war, I do worry about the status of the Malfoy collection, and whether it is at risk of being hived off in auction. The Draco Malfoy essay does reveal that he still lives in the manor with its artefacts after the war, so we still live in hope that this heritage resource has not been lost.
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Even dark artefacts need curators (source)
In light of their family history, it would be easy to laugh off the Malfoys’ malevolence as the entitlement that comes from old money, but it should be noted that Harry Potter is a noted trust-fund baby himself. For all his remarkable magical prowess, Harry Potter’s destiny is also down to some serious inherited privilege. His medieval progenitor Linfred of Stinchcombe, who also lived in the Norman era, built up the family’s wealth through his famous inventions, including potions like Skele-gro. Their marriage into a wealthy family in Godric’s Hollow is also auspicious – as home to the Peverils and the Dumbledores, whose stories are so indelibly entwined in the history of wizarding Britain, this little village in England’s west country seems to have been the epicentre of magical achievement for a millennium. Something in the water, perhaps? Or a self-segregating community of elite families? It is through these connections that the Potter family came into possession of one of the Deathly Hallows, the invisibility cloak, in another form of inheritance which increasingly looks like the secret of Harry’s success.
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Godric’s Hollow - in dire need of graveyard survey (source)
The Hallows themselves are the key to Dumbledore and Harry’s success, and Voldemort’s undoing, Unbeknownst to many, the Resurrection Stone, invisibility cloak and Elder Wand all seem to be inventions of the Peveril brothers in the thirteenth century. We know this partly because Harry and Hermione stumble on Ignotus Peveril’s medieval gravestone in the churchyard of Godric’s Hollow, clearly marked with the sign of the Deathly Hallows, at which point things begin to come together. Basically, Voldemort is able to be defeated because he only trafficked in antiquities, without researching their archaeological context – but in fairness, neither did Dumbledore and Harry until very late in the game. A simple bit of churchyard recording may have brought this to the attention of local history buffs much sooner, and we may all have been safer for it. Basically, folks, local heritage is all of our heritage, and is not just for tourists obsessively chasing only their own family history.
Potter’s pedigree
And so we come to genealogy, which is the secret engine of this cycle of stories, just as it seems to be in so many of our favourite fantasy worlds. The objects, people and places profiled here all seem to be the remnants of stories which seem to begin no earlier than the tenth century or so. But it is clear that the wizarding world existed before then, and the limits of our vision can be explained by the fact that the first university was established at that time, and presumably the recording of historical events as well.  In short, the narrow focus on a small pool of influential families and their feuds are the unresolved business of the formation of medieval kingdoms of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland, as indeed is so much of our own contemporary politics. What if our consciousness extended to the messier early medieval kingdoms, or (whisper it) prehistory? Just how problematic would a wizarding archaeology be? And could it free us from the Great Men and Their Battles vision of the human journey? Let’s pick up our trowel-wands and find out.
Forward to Part 2: Excavating Magic
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Get to know me tag game!! (In which I tag no one because my one safe tag was STOLEN from me)
Tagged by @voluntarilyginger .. love doing these!! (Might have already done this, y’all gonna get it again)
Nickname: Alexa
Zodiac: Gemini (it was just my birthday!! 19 y’all whoooo)
Height: 5’4
Hogwarts House: I go between gryffindor and Slytherin respectively
Last thing I googled: I have spent the entire day on a google quest to try and find a way to watch Lost Generation (2017) again because I LOVED that show but go90 the streaming site that had it previously was shut down by AT&T ):
Fave musicians: Gabbie Hanna, Ariana Grande, Lauren Aquilana, James bay, Walker Hayes, and Cheyenne Jackson (a wide variety!)
Song stuck in my head: Medicate by Gabbie Hanna (to be fair that’s because I keep listening to the entire album 2WAYMIRROR on repeat
Following: 95
Followers: 33 (hey I used to have 28 some of y’all snuck up on me!)
Do you get asks?: I usually get them from @voluntarilyginger , s/o to my HOMIE
Regular amount of sleep: hahahaha
Lucky Number: I like numbers with 8 in them. My favorite number is -8-1/2 (negative eight and a half specifically, negative eight point five does not make me feel the same way for whatever reason)
What are you wearing?: ((; dear Evan Hansen shirt and jeans, and my brand new Harry Potter VANS (the real question is what scrunchie am I wearing today, and what a good question it is since I just got a new haul, right now I’ve got this duochrome blue purple mermaidy Metallicy one that I Love)
Dream job: ideally I want to do something with art; I thought being an art teacher would be fun, but if I’m being perfectly honest I always wanted to do something on YouTube or other media because A Bitch Needs Attention™️ ((;
Dream trip: I want to set foot on every continent at least once; and I want to do it with @voluntarilyginger , I definitely do want to go to Japan, and Germany seems cool!
Do you play any instruments?: I play piano mediocrely and I own a guitar although I haven’t figured out how to play it yet
Do you speak any other languages?: I understand small amounts of Spanish at a time, not enough to be fluent or even conversational ): I so do want to learn Japanese someday though!
Fave songs: americano (Cheyenne Jackson), collide (James bay), bloodline (Ariana grande), pillowcase (Gabbie Hanna), medicate (Gabbie Hanna), sinners (Lauren aquilana), butterfly (Gabbie Hanna) 90’s country (walker hayes)
Random fact: i love writing letters!! Mail is so fun to me ((: and I like to participate in artist trading card swaps for the same reason- I get to create something, and send it out as MAIL!! And with swaps I get to receive mail as well, which is just as fun!
Aesthetic: dripping candle wax, flickering lights, old books, feathers, rich deep inks, still wet brush strokes on paper, postage stamps, frayed ribbons
(Is that how one does aesthetics I have no idea how this works)
Cats or dogs: CATS love cats (plus lately every dog I meet seems to hate me which I am willing to admit has put me off of them- I still love the fur babies!! But from afar)
Tagging: well the only person I ever tag in these things is @voluntarilyginger but she tagged me first!! What’s the protocol here? ((:
So what have we learned here? Probably the main thing is that I’m a big ole nerd with a wonderful best friend in @voluntarilyginger (how many times did I tag you in this post friend?) but if any of y’all like art or ever wanted to do like an atc swap or similar I’m ALWAYS down
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coffeeandpurplepens · 5 years
WIP Questions Tag Game
Yo, I was tagged in a tag game (which is always exciting) by the creative and talented @fair-folk-nonsense
1. Describe the plot in one sentence
A magical teenage girl and her nerdy human best friend blackmail an assassin into going on a cross-country road trip to find a secret treasure that will end a generations-long war.  
2. Pick one sight, smell, sound, feel, and taste to describe the aesthetic for your novel
Sight: A magical box siting on a dashboard, the road stretching out for miles
Smell: Coffee covering the decaying leaves of the forest floor
Sound: Banter and laughter over a Folk-Indie band on the radio
Feel: Chest wound tighter and tighter while wearing a cozy sweater
Taste: hazelnut coffee and blood
3. Which 3+ songs would make up a playlist for your novel?
Death And All His Friends – Coldplay
I’ll Be Good -- Jaymes Young
We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow – Soko
4. What’s the time period and location of your novel?
Modern day.  Home is in southern Indiana, but their quest takes them all over the country.
5. Are there any former titles that you’ve considered but discarded?
I particularly dislike picking titles.  I call the project “Treasures of Tallow”, but it’s really a series (3 or 4 books, still figuring that part out), and none of the books have a title yet.  That’s future me’s problem.
6. What’s the first line of your novel?
Book 1: “It was forbidden in the Dunn household to tell the story of the assassin. That rule was inspired by AJ.”
Book 2: “AJ Dunn had started a civil war and she didn’t even know it.”
7. What’s a line of dialogue you’re especially proud of?
I don’t know if I’d say “proud” (because the ones I’m most proud of require context to feel the impact), but here’s what I’m rather fond of at the moment.
“You’ve been living with the humans, haven’t you?”  When Coy nodded, she added, “And they grew on you?” with a sense of wonder.
…Her eyes were expecting, so he settled on, “Some of them are very kind to dogs.”
8. What line from the novel most represents it as a whole?
“You three goofballs are going to save the world?”
9. Who are your characters faceclaims?
*shrugs*  I had to Google “what are faceclaims”?
10. Sort your characters into Hogwarts Houses
AJ is a Gryffindor.
Daemyn is a Ravenclaw, though he has Slytherin moments.  
Coy is also a Gryffindor.  Maybe a Hufflepuff.  
11. Which character’s name do you like most?
AJ’s full name is Adeline Joan Dunn.  I love the homage to St. Joan of Arc, who has one of my favorite quotes, “I am not afraid.  I was born to do this.”  While she’s always been AJ, what “AJ” stood for has changed about a dozen times over, and I like what we landed on.
I’m also particularly found of Daemyn’s name.  His name means constant or loyal.  He fit his name so perfectly, and it’s always been that way.  
I didn’t want to name Coy “Coy” and he knows it.
12. Describe each character’s daily outfit.
AJ wears skinny jeans with holes in the knees, oversize sweaters, and canvas sneakers.
Daemyn has the most diverse wardrobe, as he prefers both to give impeccable first impressions in a variety of situations.  He favors collared shirts, bright colors, and falls somewhere between preppy and hipster.  The boy tries hard to look nice and it shows.
Coy wears hoodies, even in hot weather, so he can hide his face.  He also wears jeans and steel-toed combat boots.
13. Do any characters have distinctive birthmarks/scars?
I have a character named Tony who I haven’t talked about here yet who has a branded T on his cheek (for “traitor”, not for “Tony”.)  Tony is one of Coy’s best friends (Goose being the other) and is an excellent little chef.
14. Which character most fits a character trope?
Coy is a chosen one.  Because I am an absolute fool for Chosen One Trope.  Give me ALL the Chosen Ones.  You can take this trope from my cold dead hands.  One of the key questions that inspired this whole story is, “What if the chosen was raised by the bad guys?”  I’d like to think I’m being creative about the whole ordeal, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15. Which character is the best writer? Worst?
Daemyn’s the best writer.  He’s won numerous writing contests.  AJ’s probably the worse, simply because she doesn’t have the patience for it.
16. Who’s the best liar? Worst?
AJ is the best liar, unless it’s her mom.  Daemyn’s more of a manipulator of facts rather that straight out lying.
Coy can’t lie for shit.  He’s not particularly talented at talking in general.  
17. Which character swears the most? Least?
See, I swear a lot.  And my characters have all picked up my bad habits.  Do I have a character that doesn’t curse?  I really don’t think so?  Maybe some of the adults?  
18. Which character has the best handwriting? Worst?
Coy has the best handwriting.  Daemyn has the worst.
19. Which character is most like you? Least?
I don’t think anyone who knows me would say this, but Coy is most like me.  
I don’t think anyone who knows me would say this, but AJ is the least like me.
20. Which character would you most like to be?
I would love AJ’s fearlessness.  
Tagging people in things like this gives me low-key anxiety.  Interestingly enough, using gift-cards gives me the same sort of low-key anxiety.  So if you’d like to play, do it.  I’d love to learn more about your WIP/characters
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fictionshewrote · 5 years
Get to Know Me Tag Game
Rules: Tag followers you’d like to know better.
I was tagged by @maybeillwriteit who, being a saint, has kindly indulged my all caps yelling about her wlw assassin/pirate WIP 💕💕💕
Nickname(s): none, and yet for some reason literally everyone starts calling me Sam unprompted and I have to correct them repeatedly
Gender: cis woman
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius sun, Virgo moon, Capricorn rising
Height: 5’4″
Sexuality: qaweeeer
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favorite Animal: doggos, hedgehogs, literally anything smol and fluffy
Number of blankets: a comforter and one (1) blanket on top if it’s really cold
Where I am from: southeast US, but go to school in the north
Dream Trip: I really really really want to go back to Cornwall/Devon for a whole summer and just poke around historical sites like Cotehele and go on hikes when it’s nice out and spend my mornings writing
When I created this account: mmm a month or two ago? I’ve been on Tumblr (on a variety of different blogs) for ages, but this particular blog is pretty new
Why I created this account: To stockpile writing advice and memes and make friends with other writers who actually know what I mean when I whine about how hard writing is lol
I tag: oof I’m on mobile so it’s not very easy for me to find people to tag, but I did get a number of new followers recently, so if you’re a new follower, consider yourself tagged! I want to get to know all of you! 💜
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lunaschild2016 · 6 years
Worth Fighting For: Chapter 82 - Wicked Game
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Rating M ( Language, Violence, There will be smut, Angst, Tragedy, Romance, Fluff)
@kenzieam  @pathybo  @jaihardy @every-jai@ericdauntless@beautifulramblingbrains @bookgirlthings@jojuarez26@oddsnendsfanfics @offroadinjandals@singingpeople@iammarylastar @irasancti @captstefanbrandt@clublulu333@fuckthatfeeling @tigpooh67 @ex-bookjunky  @jughead-wuz-here wuz-here@badassbaker@beanzjellly@beltz2016@meganbee15@affabletimelady@scorpio2009@gylisaa@geekybeyondallreason@violetsonthelam@kyloswarstars@emmysrandomthoughts @kgurew @beltzboys2015-blog@slytherin-princess-25273@whatwouldbuffydo666@jaiboomer11@holamor@wealwayskeepfighting @original46
**I promise I have put the read more option in but it has been glitching. If I have forgotten someone or you want to be removed please message me!**
Chapter 82 - Wicked Game
 “They are moving Marcus Eaton to long-term care,” Max said from the other side of the conference table. The statement draws a variety of reactions from the other leaders around us. Most of them are scowls of disgust and I can hear Victoria muttering about it just being a waste of resources.
 “I thought they said his injuries were mostly healed? Besides the liver damage, but they determined that was due to his years of drinking.” Raze had his arms crossed over his chest and looked to be deep in thought.
 Max grunts his agreement and looks away from the tablet in his hand. “As far as the doctors can tell, his injuries from the attack have healed. The swelling on his brain from the fall he had and the other injuries from the attack, have gone down or healed enough that they removed him from the medically induced coma. He still isn’t waking from it and it has been two weeks.”
 “So, he should be waking up but isn’t and they don’t know why?” James asks slowly with a scowl.
 “Correct. Which is why he is being moved to long-term. He still needs medical attention but not as intensive as it was before. They believe that trauma is the reason for him still being in the coma and they say he could wake up at any time, or never again. Until then I still want to keep a guard posted to the area.”
 I nod in agreement to the guard recommendation and refrain from adding to Victoria's muttered sentiment that he could be monitored just as easily from a prison cell; better yet they could execute him and not deal with it at all anymore.
 I would add that to the suggestions being tossed out there by the others, but I get why Max isn’t pushing for it. There are still so many unanswered questions and if there is a chance that Marcus will pull through to answer for them, he wants to keep it.
 Two months from the trial and things are still turning up. Max and Raze haven’t come out and told me about the investigation into Peter’s dad and his connection to Marcus, but Zach let me in on it. Those two bastards have a lot to answer for, but it is definitely pointing to things being corrupted on much deeper levels in our city.
 I’ve been assigned, along with Chase, to investigate the factionless activity as well as assist Abnegation with cleaning house and securing the sites where the cities goods are stored and produced.
 A week after the trial, when it was announced citywide that Marcus was no longer leader of the government and was in critical condition, a raid on the warehouses was made. No one could say if it happened specifically during that week or even before then, because it seems that there was no real security assigned. There were no regular inspections of the warehouses or inventories done. The ones that were performed all had been signed off on by Marcus himself, but it is apparent there was something off about those few inventories.
 I have been charged with putting together teams to go through those places with a fine-tooth comb and do an inventory of everything. At the same time, we will be shoring up security on the actual structure of the buildings while at the same time have a better security presence there. Before now, we were not allowed to have Dauntless there in an official security position. We could have Dauntless laborers there, but they were there to do the heavy lifting and that was all.
 Factionless activity has become almost nonexistent. To the point, you would think there are no factionless left in the city. We know that isn’t true, but they seem to have places to hole up. It wouldn’t be concerning, given it is winter and there have been several days’ worth of snow that have built up, but the radio silence is nerve-wracking and has me on edge. It feels the calm before the storm and I can’t put my finger on why that is.
 The other leaders seem to think that they are running scared, knowing that Marcus had been lenient on them and allowed them to get away with so much. Now that he is gone, they are afraid that the new government head will allow much stricter treatment and policing. I know that Max has been in talks with Andrew about getting this in place as soon as possible so it could be what has factionless behaving.
 As if all of that wasn’t enough to have on my plate, I still had Erudite. I still had Jeanine breathing down my neck. Max was stonewalling her on hearing out any more to do with Divergents. Without him being on board and seeing them as a real threat, she couldn’t work him on the next part of her plan. The plan to pin Abnegation as the source of divergents and the real threat to the city. A threat that needs to be routed out completely then the city could come together with a stronger and better government. One ran by Jeanine and Erudite of course.
 Max wasn’t hearing it though and while I was glad as hell about that, it was making my life hell. Jeanine was demanding I start finding ways to change his mind, even if I had to make things happen myself. Not to mention that she wasn’t about to let go of the idea that Kat and Tris were the keys to the divergence solution.
 It was hard to play off my relationship to Kat as a means to keep her close, a way to keep my eye on her and get proof of her divergence. Damon’s constant digs at me and the relationship with Kat had me on edge, but I wasn’t about to make the same mistake I had before and take that out on Kat. The first time I had to meet with my brother and Jeanine, I could tell she was scared. She tried to hide it from me, tried to be supportive and strong for me, but I could tell that she was expecting the worst. For me to come back and a repeat of that fight to happen.
 I can admit it had been close. I rode the train for a bit longer then hopped off and tried to walk off some of the bad feelings I had when leaving that meeting. I still couldn’t talk right away when I finally did make it back. I was too afraid to. Afraid I would say something in the wrong tone, not even meaning to or knowing I was doing it, and it would send her into a panic. I could feel her relief when I held her, even if I didn’t talk.
 I could also feel that something else happened that night. Something shifted for us and I think it was trust. Whatever trust I had lost, was back now. She hadn’t said as much so I wasn’t for sure, but I felt it in the way she was resistant to pull away when we kissed. How she hesitated or looked unsure when I would walk her back to her apartment after a date. I was barely holding on myself but as much as I wanted to take her back to the apartment with me, I didn’t. I didn’t even hint at it or ask. I was the one that had to cool things off and Kat was the one that was pushing further. It was getting harder and harder for me to do, but I was determined that it wasn’t going to happen until she said the words. Until she let me know she was ready, and not when we were in the middle of making out, because that girl would say anything in the heat of moment. I couldn’t risk she would regret it once the moment had passed.
 The meeting continues on, assignments being handed out and updates on the status of all the new members.
 My week is shaping up to be a shitty one. The bright spot for me is I know that I will have a date with Kat at the end of it and no matter what is in store, it is worth the crap I have to wade through to get there at the end.
 I close the door to my apartment then begin the process of unloading my pockets and stripping my boots and jacket off. The tiredness I was feeling as I dragged my ass back into the compound had quickly worn off once I realized what I had going on in just a few hours. My blood is buzzing with anticipation of it.
 After two months of getting together everywhere but the apartment, Kat and I are finally going to be alone here, and it had all been her idea.
 From the day she had pretty much demanded this dinner, I have been in planning and fantasy mode. The disaster of our first date was clear in my mind though. I had learned well from it and every date with her since. I should have known and remembered her pleasure that night on the roof when we had stopped fighting what is between us.
 Looking back, it had been ridiculously simple, a night under the full moon and watching the sunrise with coffee. At the time I had considered it sappy as hell, and maybe to some of the other guys in Dauntless, it would be too. The thing is, I was a hell of a lot happier that night than some of those unlucky bastards that are being carted off to one place or another, spending insane amounts of points and working hard just to show their girls a good time.
 Every date since then has been just the same. Simple things that made not only her happy but me as well.
 I kept that in mind and had decided to just keep it simple. The day before I stocked up the kitchen for whatever we might be in the mood to eat for dinner. I also spent the evening after I got home from work cleaning the apartment from top to bottom. I had been so eager to get things ready, that I now realize I have nothing to do but jump in the shower and get dressed. Then find something to do to kill time until I go to get her.
 Once I have my boots off and in their place by the door, I straighten out and walk further into the apartment. It takes a second, but I realize something is off.
 I hear water running.
 There have been a few water pipe breaks throughout the compound with the freezing temperatures. It was usually the places that are farther from the surface, deeper into the rock that makes up the compound. Though it is usually lower in the compound it has happened higher up.
 “Goddammit.” I mutter angrily as I take big strides towards the noise, praying that it isn’t a busted pipe but figuring that it is just my luck it will be.
 It’s probably my punishment for all the dirty shit I have been fantasizing will happen tonight with Kat. She didn’t come right out and say anything was going to happen between us but with her pushing things further and the obvious frustration she has at the end of our dates, I can imagine that it is bound to happen.
 I get closer and the sound of water gets stronger. My scowl deepens so I pick up my steps. Another sound hits my ears just before I get to the door of the bathroom.
 A moan. Soft and faint but one I would know fucking anywhere.
 My feet slide slightly once they hit the tile of the bathroom and I almost trip over them when I try to restart the walk I had been in the middle of trying to suddenly stop. My mind shuts down and my eyes go wide while I take in the sight before me.
 My shower was a luxury I indulged when renovating the apartment. It had been a shitty one before with hardly any water pressure and was small as hell. I could barely fit into the tiny shower stall and it was impossible to move without banging my elbows against the dingy tiled wall.
 I solved that by blowing out the small room that was supposed to be a second bedroom and made it part of the bathroom. That allowed me to make myself a large shower, completely glassed in and with enough pressure coming out of the wall and ceiling shower heads to clean even the filthiest factionless out there. Because the glass went from floor to ceiling it also allowed it to steam up really good, which was the main reason I went with that design.
 I love steam baths.  
 I hadn’t cared a bit about how it looked and if it was pretty or not, so I went with grey slate over the entire thing. Even the bench I had made inside of it was covered in the same grey slate. All I cared about was the functions that I wanted to indulge in, my one true frivolous thing I allowed myself.
 Later, this damn shower became the best part of my fucking day. When I got Kat to myself, with my hands all over her and the rest of Dauntless, along with all the crap going on in our lives, went away.
 There during the height of initiation and when we barely had time to see each other; this was my refuge and where I found peace.
 A soft moan sounds again, bringing my mind back to the here and now. Kat stands under the rain shower head with her back slightly to me. Her face is turned up to the water and her eyes are closed in a blissful expression.
 My heart speeds up so much I can feel the blood pumping through my veins. I don’t speak or move, fearing this is an illusion and anything will make it disappear. I lick my lips in a mouth gone dry and let myself absorb everything.
 She doesn’t know I am here, probably wasn’t expecting me, and it makes me feel like a perv standing here watching her like I am with my hand hovering near where my dick is trying to pitch a tent in my pants.
 Kat lowers her head, reaches out her hands and cups them to gather water, then brings them to let the water fall over her breasts. A groan tears through me at that and I shuffle slightly.
 A soft chuckle comes from her and she looks over her shoulder at me, that devious smile and sparkle in her eyes. I narrow my eyes at her but don’t speak. She bites her lower lip and turns more fully to face me, her hands stroking up her body starting from her thighs up to her breasts. She cups them in her hand, her head falling back a little and watching me through eyes glazed over with lust.
 Even as the lust ramps up in me I still try to hold on to that pledge that we won’t go there until she says the words. Despite the fact that all the blood in my body seems to be pulsing in my cock, my brain has a few cells firing.
 When I heard water running there hadn’t been a thought that it would be anyone taking a shower in my apartment. The only person that would even do something like that would be Kat and I had just had a message from her when I was rolling back into the compound. One that said she would see me later that night.
 No, she said she would see me as planned.
 I watch her taking each of her hardened nipples between fingers before tweaking them all while watching and teasing me with that damn smile on her face.
 As planned, but it wasn’t the plan we had talked about before, it was one she came up with on her own. She planned this and timed it, so I would find her like this when I got home.
 A growl rumbles through my chest when her grin gets wider while moving one hand down between her legs slowly and I drop my pants then rip my shirt and vest off.
 Fuck it. That’s good enough for me. Who needs words when actions speak louder.
 Kat pulls back from our kiss with a sigh and lays her head on my chest. Her hair is still slightly damp from our shower that ended before either of us bothered with any kind of soap. I let my head fall back onto the pillow of the bed but don’t release her hair from my grasp.
 She hums in contentment as I use gentle pressure from my fingers to massage her scalp but otherwise it is quiet. I look out the window of my bedroom and see that the sun is just starting to set. The red of the dying light melting into the various shades of darker colors that will soon be inky black.
 I turn my head and look at the digital clock on one of the nightstands and see that it is just about dinner time.
 “You hungry?” I murmur the question into her hair as I lift my head and press a kiss to the top of hers.
 “Mmm,” She sighs and runs her hand over my chest, then raises her head and looks at me with a smile. “I could eat.”
 Despite her words and the rumble from her stomach that followed them, she made no move to get up from where we are sprawled out on the bed. She just turns her face down and brushes her nose against my skin.
 I jerk and let out a startled gust of breath when her teeth graze across my nipple. “Shit.” I exclaim and go to pull her up and away while she giggles.
 She doesn’t resist as I roll us so that I am covering her with my body and claiming her mouth in a kiss. I pull back after a few minutes and marvel that even with how spent we both are, my dick is still trying to rise to the occasion.
 I pull away and give her a playful smack on the ass when she follows me up to her knees on the bed. Our discarded clothes are still on the bathroom floor, so I pull out my boxers and gather up the rest of the crap, then go to toss them in the laundry hamper. When I open it up I see that Kat’s clothes are sitting in there already.
 I bite my lip and let my shit drop then head out of the bathroom. She has already vacated the bed and I hear rustling from the kitchen area, so I head out there. I stifle the groan when I find her bent over with her head in the fridge and my shirt she is wearing riding up and exposing her being naked beneath.
 “Why don’t you get a shower and I can take care of dinner.” I offer with a little more force than I meant to.
 She pulls her head out of the fridge but has her hands full of things wearing a grin. “Why bother taking one now?” She shrugs and puts her items on the counter then walks over to wrap her arms around my neck.
 My hands go to her waist and I pull her flush against my body before leaning down and brushing my lips against hers.
 “If I remember correctly, someone is on a kitchen strike again.” I murmur against her lips.
 “Exceptions can be made. Besides, I didn’t say I was going to do anything more than assist.” She sasses back to me before she kisses me.
 We spend the next few minutes doing absolutely no cooking but a lot of kissing. Ending with her slightly perched on the counter and her legs wrapped around my waist. We finally break away after our stomach give synchronized grumbles.
 Kat is once again on solid ground but standing beside me as I survey the items she has pulled out. My lips are tugging at the sides at her predictable choices and I try to give her a scowl but really, I could give a shit less that she has gone with. I wouldn’t have gotten the shit, but I knew how much she loved it.
 Lynn is right, I am whipped when it comes to Kat.
 “What?” She asks with a shrug and wide eyes. “If you didn’t want to make that you shouldn’t have gotten the stuff for it. You had to know I was going to go for it.” She says simply and looks away from me with a sniff as she takes a cookie sheet from the cabinet and starts arranging the chicken nuggets on it.
 I shake my head, not even bothering to argue, then start to work on the mac and cheese and mashed potatoes.  
 We fall into talking about work as we stand beside each other in the kitchen working on dinner. Preparation of the simple dinner doesn’t take long and I am running through things in my mind to drag the process, along with our night, out. It is on my mind to get her to stay the night, but I don’t know if that would be pressing things too far.
 I don’t want to fuck things up when they have been going well so far.
 Kat starts to set the table for us, pouring drinks and getting cutlery out while I put the finishing touches to the scratch made mac and cheese.
 “I was thinking we could watch the first couple of movies in that series Lynn suggested. I didn’t know if you had it, but Lynn had to go with Max to Erudite a few days ago and picked the entire series up. I brought them and a few others with me.”
 Kat says from where she is moving around in the dining area. I raise an eyebrow and smirk but inside I can feel nothing but pleased that she is suggesting this.
 “The Jigsaw series?” I ask as that occurs to me and I frown searching my memory if there are any fucking clowns in that shit.
 “Yeah, that’s the one but I brought a few others if we aren’t in the mood for gore.”
 I snort and shake my head. “Gore isn’t a problem. I was more worried about there being a clown in there that I don’t remember.”
 I can see her shudder from the kitchen and she let out a sigh. “Well, if there is one I guess it will be a good thing that I will have you to keep me from waking up ready to attack something in my sleep tonight.”
 I nod absentmindedly, carrying the bowls of food over to the table when it hits me what she said. I set the bowls down and clear my throat, praying I sound casual and that I am not grinning like the lunatic I am feeling like at the moment.
 “So, you are planning on staying the night?”
 She was just sliding into her chair and looks up at me with a frown, then blushes and looks uncertain. “Is that okay? I mean I know we didn’t talk about it or plan for that but I just…”
 I stop her by leaning down and kissing her soundly. Happiness coursing through me and pouring into the kiss. Never breaking the kiss, I get seated and scoot her closer to me so that she isn’t quite in my lap but close enough.
 “It’s more than fucking okay, angel. It’s perfect.” I reply in a rasp when we finally end the kiss only to lazily continue the kiss and brushing of our lips against each other.
 The rest of the night is perfect.
 Even with me vetoing the Jigsaw movie because the main villain is way too close to one for my liking. Instead we went with the Alien series even though Kat protested and said she was up to trying the first one.
 I wasn’t.
 I had no desire to roll the dice on what it might trigger for her.
 By the time the third movie was rolling on the vid screen we were both more than half asleep and decided to call it a night. Getting ready for bed was simple since neither of us bothered to get dressed after our earlier activities. She was still wearing my shirt and I was still in my boxers.
 Her clothes that I had gotten with my brothers so long ago still stayed in the apartment along with the toiletries and toothbrush, so she had things to wear to bed and tomorrow already. We brush our teeth beside each other but didn’t bother to put on nightclothes. In fact, I watched with a satisfied smile as she lifted my shirt off of her and got into bed completely naked.
 I love that she still blushes even now, especially when it combines with her hungry look as I drop my boxers. When her body is tangled with mine as we are exhausted after another round and the hunger we have for each other is taken care of, I can’t help my own contented sigh. I am already dreading tomorrow night because I know there is a chance she won’t want to do this again.
 “Eric,” Kat whispers into the night and her breath tickling my skin. “I’m not moving in,” she pauses in speaking as if weighing her words and my reaction. I tense up and grit my teeth wanting to protest this but restrain myself enough to let her continue. “But I wouldn’t mind doing this again. I really liked tonight.”
 I tighten my arms around her and brush my lips against her forehead as I let out a breath of relief mixed with disappointment. “I did too, kitten.” I stop and collect myself to answer her. “I can live with that arrangement,” I answer with a small shrug of my shoulders.
 For now.
 I finish that sentence in my mind and wonder how far I can push it. Was it technically moving in if she slept over every night?
 Nope, but I plan on finding out if she feels that way.
 I sat with Chase and Raze around a table in control. Files spread out among us and all of us wearing identical scowls.
 It has been five months since the investigation of Marcus Eaton resulted in him being ousted. Something that didn’t matter in the end since he was attacked and lapsed into a coma that he still hasn’t woken from.
 Since then the factionless activity that we are used to dropped to zero. There were still factionless around, but they were much fewer than usual. It was a hard winter with heavy snowfall and storms that lasted for days on end it seemed. A drop in activity was normal for this time of year anyways and especially during weather like we have had. Usually, there are a good number of factionless that seek out shelter at the volunteer center but this year the numbers were far fewer than years past.
 Then there are all the results pouring in about and the state of their security from the warehouses and factories that provide all the goods for the city. Security breaches, security risks, and major discrepancies of both the inventory and projected output riddle the reports in front of us.
 The information is so conflicting but also extremely worrying and it is leaving us at a crossroads.
 “I don’t see any other way. We need to get more information and to do that we need someone inside the factionless. Interrogating them isn’t getting us anywhere.” Chase repeats the conclusion we had all reached a while ago but had been trying to avoid following through with.
 I sigh and rub the back of my neck. “Well, he isn’t going to arrange this if I ask him to, and we decided not to get Kat involved in this part of the investigation because she is already working overtime with the shit on Candor.” I grumble and squint my eyes as my mind works to come up with someone, anyone other than Four, to have to go to for this next favor.
 “Come on, you guys aren’t nearly as bad as you used to be.” Zach cajoles me with a growing smirk on his face. “Who would have thought you would be having Four over for dinner at your apartment? I still can’t believe it and I know it happened.”
 I glare at him and shift uncomfortably in my seat. “It doesn’t make us friends or anything and you should know that since you were there as well. Did it look like we wanted to be at that table together?”
 “Nah, honestly it looked like the two of you were trying to hold in massive shits.” Zach says in laughter, recalling the tense ‘family’ dinner Kat had insisted on holding when she had learned that it was Christmas Eve, the first one the two sisters could celebrate openly.
 I hadn’t minded that they wanted to celebrate by having dinner together, but I had thought more along the lines of it being us all sitting together at a table in the dining hall.
 They wanted to do it right and that meant cooking everything themselves. That also meant that they needed a place big enough to have everyone; and out of everyone’s apartments mine had fit the bill.
 The only good thing to come out of that was that I got some major bargaining leverage with Kat to agree to it, and I had control over certain aspects.
 Like vetoing any fucking gaudy and obnoxious decorations, telling everyone there wouldn’t be any stupid Santa based games, and I would throw anyone out on their asses at the drop of the hat if they were doing something I didn’t like.
 The downside was that there was way more people in my personal space than I felt even remotely comfortable with. I got saddled with making the turkey and roast. And I hadn’t been able to get away from decorations or party games completely.
 Mar had gone to Jester and Cass and came back with a wood cut out in the shape of a Christmas tree with actual lights and decorations hanging from ‘branches’ made from hooks and other things to attach them to.
 The whole night was too festive for my liking, but Kat had been beaming more than the damn tree.
 So, I did my best to not be a complete dick that night and let her have her holiday. My compromise was that the next day, Christmas day, would be just us with a late breakfast with Chase and Zach, who also brought Peter. After that it had just been the two of us though Zach had left us a number of holiday treats and a bunch of holiday movies to binge through. That night we both managed to come up with gifts to exchange, surprising each other since we hadn’t talked about that before.
 I had gifted Kat one of the newest Erudite wrist communicators that had a touch screen and several functions, like being able to store music on it as well as being able to message and get calls to and from on it. Along with that, I had gifted her wireless earbuds. I put in an order for one early on and had hoped to have it for her as a gift for finishing initiation. She loved it and being able to now listen to music while working out without having to worry about carrying around her phone and plugging in the normal earphones.
 She loved it for that purpose, while I loved it because now I had a way to track her ass down should anything ever happen to her. It had a built in GPS program that Chase got set up directly after we got it that only we had access to. We also removed all the other programs that Erudite liked to bury in their tech.
 Kat’s gift had been a surprise and a reminder of that night on the roof when I had suggested I take her camping after she finished initiation. During a trip to Amity with Raze she had picked up some fishing gear that included a fishing rod sturdy enough to handle larger catches, tackle box, a set of knives designed for cleaning and butchering the catches, and a book that she had printed off from Erudite about fishing and the basics. The book was a smart-ass addition to the gift as it was called Fishing For Dummies.
 I had a plan of keeping that date we made on the roof that night, but it would have to wait until it warmed up a lot more.
 Chase and Zach were shuffling papers around, ready for me to acknowledge the inevitable. That I would need to approach Four and arrange for a meet up with Amar. I knew this had more to do with my friendship with Amar and how much his ‘death’ had affected me.
“Eric,” Chase finally spoke up and called my attention to him. “We need to start to get him used to working with you. You know the recent developments in Erudite and that the plan has just been put on hold as far as they are concerned, not canceled. We need more than just the three of us working to stop this. We need him and anyone he can get to help protect Kat and Tris if it comes down to it.”
 I nod with my jaw tight. “Fine. I’ll approach him after New Year’s about meeting up with Amar. One of you are going to need to be there though, because if it is just the two of us…” I trail off and left the rest unsaid.
 Even knowing what is on the table and even with our sort of truce we have going on, I can’t predict how the two of us alone will go over. Especially with the subject Amar on the table.
 Zach nods in agreement, looking as if he has a solution. “We can all go, but it would help to get Zeke there as well. We are going to need to bring him in on this anyways as well, and the sooner the better. Besides already being cleared on the investigation he also knows about a lot of the crap we have been uncovering.”
 “Alright. That sounds like a better approach. Will you set it up with Zeke for him to bring him by the apartment? We know that is a secure place at least.”
 Chase looks surprised for a moment but then lets out a laugh. “Hey. We could say we are having a ‘guys night’ and doing poker or something like that.” He shrugs at my dubious look. “It will look like you two are actually trying to get along but also won’t raise suspicions. It will also give you something to tell Kat. Suggest her and the girls do their night together then.”
 That was something to think about. Most nights Kat was with me at the apartment. She hadn’t technically moved in and I hadn’t pushed that, but she didn’t fight hard when I would convince her to spend the night most nights. The one hard no for her was the nights she sets aside for spending with her sister alone but then also the night all the girls got together. On those nights I usually end up with Chase and Zach anyways, so it wouldn’t be that far of a stretch.
 No way would anyone believe I was the one to come up with that though.
 “Yeah, I am going to have to say you deal with that ploy, Chase. No one is going to go for me suggesting that shit.” I reply flatly.
 “Done.” He agrees with a smirk and way to quickly for my liking letting me know he isn’t planning on it just being a cover but to actually have a poker night.
 I shake my head and decide to pick another battle that is worth my time.
 “Whatever. We got other issues to discuss. What are we going to do about that new simulation serum Erudite is close to perfecting?”
 My brothers get serious and take on grave looks as we address the latest divergent hunting scheme Jeanine and my brother have cooked up.
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bologneun · 4 years
okay fuck it, i’m gonna tell you how to sort yourself.
this post is mostly for people who (1) have so much self-doubt that they’ve taken sorting quizzes ten times over and let themselves get confused over the mixed results until they eventually came to the conclusion that they don’t belong anywhere, (2) are very uncertain of themselves and their personality to the point where they feel like they don’t know who they are (and thus need help with sorting), and (3) don’t trust anyone but the stars to decide their fate
recently, it occurred to me that there are some very interesting parallels between the elements associated with each hogwarts house and the elements associated with the zodiac signs. i’ve seen some people sorting themselves/others based off of their sun sign, but that’s ridiculous. your sun sign only represents a very small (albeit socially and personally prominent) facet of your personality, and thus doesn’t really say much about your ambitions, inhibitions, etc. to know everything there is to know about your personality (according to the stars--again, you won’t buy into this unless you’re big into astrology, so just feel free to ignore this if you’re skeptical or something), you need to look at your entire chart. every single sign. no one is all *one thing*--no one is *all* fire, or *all* water, or all gryffindor or slytherin, and no one should be treating themselves like they are. if you really want to know what house you’d be sorted into, then you should really do a lot of introspection and start to ask yourself questions. i, however, am too lazy for that, so this is what i did.
(disclaimer: there’s obviously no right way to do this, and i’m not saying there is. many people just choose their house, and that’s fine. i just simply cannot. i’m aware of the fact that i’m really faux-dogmatic in my approach to this, but the question of house-sorting has been fucking me up for *so long*, and if there’s any chance that someone is equally as fucked up as i’ve been, then i’d love to help them by providing some level of guidance. that’s why i’m doing this).
you can approach this method in several different ways, and you can consider a variety of different chart styles or whatever (and, if you have a dominant element solely out of your rising, sun, and moon signs, then you pretty much already have your answer). if you’re feeling especially lazy, you can just look on co-star and use the chart they have on there, but either way you’ll be following the same general method so i’ll just go with the more in-depth one as an example.
you can use any site you want, but i recommend https://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php. they have two different chart styles and a bunch of other shit, and they’re a lot more in-depth than co-star is. just put all your birth date info in and there you are. congrats, your third eye is finally open.
i’ll use my chart as an example, even though i fucking hate it.
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you’re gonna have to separate this clusterfuck into  water signs (cancer, scorpio, pisces), fire signs (aries, leo, sagittarius), air signs (libra, aquarius, gemini) and earth signs (virgo, taurus, capricorn). 
on second thought, i’m gonna start with the slightly less confusing method, which includes the use of the chart on the left as well as your ascendant and midheaven (”ASC” and “XMC”) on the right. 
don’t worry about the planets. this part is gonna make your eyes and brain hurt so fucking much, so make sure you have something to write on while you’re doing this. there’s no way i could have done this all in my head.
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you can always just color code like i did, though. 
gray=air (total: 4)
brown=earth (total: 4)
red=fire (total: 3)
blue=water (total: 3)
you can see that, although my sun sign is aries, my chart is predominantly taurus-dominant with a few more earth/air signs in it than fire signs. i think it’s also worth saying that your ascendant is just as important as your sun sign and definitely affects how you present yourself to others, so... basing your hogwarts house off of your sun sign is... not right.
anyway, as you can see, my chart is awful, and i have to go to even greater lengths to find my most dominant element. sometimes, we just don’t have a dominant element, but we can usually narrow it down to two and decide which element is more prevalent (that rhymed) in our lives and choose from there. because, at the end of the day it really is your choice.
anyway, let’s go deeper.
i used co-star as a reference, because the standard chart they use (as of now) actually excluded some of my houses, and i bet it’s the same way for others too. but, as you can see from the first image, placidus has all the houses spelled out for you in roman numerals. you won’t have to use all the signs from the chart, but you will have to pull a few from it.
for example, co-star excluded houses 4-7 from my chart. but placidus didn’t.
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and here is the end result. 
total fire: 4
total air: 5
total earth: 5
total water: 4
to be fair, i have a really balanced chart. i know, it’s annoying. i thought i was a hufflepuff at first, because i mistook my midheaven for capricorn for whatever reason, but... oh well. 
anyway, i had to make a choice between hufflepuff and ravenclaw. how did i, a simp, do this? i looked at my planetary aspects.
every planet rules over a sign and has an element, and your planetary aspects (the angles and shit between the planets in your chart) do make up certain aspects of your personality. so, valid.
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basically, what i did was use the element associated with the sign each planet is in (i.e. the first one is mars. my mars is in capricorn, so the element is earth). this is a very lazy way of making connections with planetary aspects, but i was really just not feeling it today. i’d suggest you delve deeper into this if you want.
anyway, earth wins by one. my boyfriend thinks i’m a ravenclaw, for whatever reason, but the stars say hufflepuff (sort of). however, if you’re going by the most prevalent signs in your chart, (sun, rising, midheaven, north node, and moon), i’m more ravenclaw (air). i think the process would be a lot easier for most people, to be fair (if my midheaven were capricorn, for example, i wouldn’t have had to do *all this*), but at the end of the day sometimes your chart really is just that bad. anyway, this process actually led to a lot of introspective thought and made me a bit less dependent on other resources to determine who i am and who i want to be. also i hate the stars so i choose ravenclaw.
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noonmutter · 7 years
About the Mun
Tagged by: @safrona-shadowsun
Tagging only if you want to!: As always, if you’re reading it and haven’t done it, by all means! Otherwise I’ll inevitably tag people that’ve already been tagged a dozen times over.
Name/Nickname: Sage, Cambor, Mremaknu, You Little Shit
Gender: Female Height: 5′3″ Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff, which I don’t mind. As long as I didn’t get Gryffindor or Slytherin because I hate them both for different reasons. Favorite Animal: Dragons. They can look like just about anything. Shit’s awesome, man. (For definitely-exists animals, though, I like the fossa.) Hours of Sleep: 6-8 hours during the work week, anywhere from 3-12 a night on the weekends. My record in a single sleep is 21 hours. Wasn’t sick or anything, just apparently really needed a frickin’ nap. Dogs or Cats: Cats win. Some dogs are okay, but not enough of ‘em. Number of Blankets: Yes. Are they fuzzy and/or thick blankets? Double yes. I get cold easily and can’t retain heat to save my life.
Dream Trip: Mom and I are gonna go to Machu Picchu next year. Other’n that, I don’t have anywhere I desperately want to go before I die. New Zealand’d be cool though.
Dream Job:  Rich enough to be a philanthropist and do nothing. I really don’t know what I’d want to do with my life. Time: 10:38 PM (CST) Birthday: May 31st Favorite Bands: Blind Guardian. Reigning champions of my brain since I was nine. Favorite Solo Artist: At present, Gavin Dunne (Miracle of Sound). Thinking about it there aren’t a ton of solo artists I listen to on the reg. Voltaire’s pretty fun though.
Song Stuck In My Head:  Amusingly--given Safrona’s answer for this--“Clair De Lune,” which is the classical piece that plays whenever you approach a mirror in The Evil Within. Because I’ve been watching Markiplier play through it.
Last Movie I Watched: Thor: Ragnarok. Holy shit if you haven’t seen it, go. Go right now. It’s so joyously silly. Last Show I watched: Uhhh... so I haven’t had TV in years. Does Game Grumps count? If not, then the last episode of the last season of Walking Dead, cuz mom shared her AMC info so I could catch up. When did I create my Blog: August 2015. What do I post/Reblog:  It’s my RP blog for my three characters, principally Leon and co-starring Terry with occasional cameos by Avaleth, but I also use it to rant about current events and my job as well as just posting whatever passes my fancy at the time. Last thing I Googled: That website that helps you determine your tumblr’s age. Why I chose My URL: Mremaknu is my go-to username for a lot of things, as is Cambor. Both are from a language I started building out of boredom during French class in high school. The first is a mashed-together phrase, normally written “mrem ak nu,” which means “fuck you.” “Cambor” just means “father.” Original intent: I made a tumblr because my guildies had tumblrs and wanted me to make a tumblr. Mainly it’s @lynmars79​‘s fault, as are many things I do, because I am a faultless innocent.
Other Blogs: Nada. I thought about making an IC-only one and making this an OOC one, but I’m lazy and don’t wanna deal with managing two blogs on this constantly-breaking-itself site.
Followers: 142. When the crap did that happen? Lucky number: Eh, I tend to say “12″ a lot in response to a lot of random questions, so let’s go with that. Favorite Instrument: You know, I’m really not sure. Can I say the human voice? Because damn do I love listening to the wide variety of insane shit a human voice can do. What am I wearing: Green hoodie given to me by my company, jeans, a silver ring my mom gave me, my glasses, and a pair of super-fuzzy werewolf-feet slippers. Don’t you fucking judge me. Nationality: I am so white it hurts. There is a whole lotta western Europe in my blood (mostly English and French if I remember right), with a small dash of Cajun and others that are such small fractions as to be negligible. Favorite Song: Varies from time to time. Generally speaking I can be convinced to sing almost any Blind Guardian song at any time for any reason, and The Bard’s Song (In the Forest) is something I translated to French once on a lark. Once again, that happened during school, and it’s now the only French I reliably know.
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lefthandactivist · 7 years
Wow okay I need to write something a little more upbeat after those couple of posts. How about we look at some personality quizzes? (because why not)
I’ve looked at quite a few personality tests before; I don’t know what about them grabs me. Although looking at my previous posts, it’s probably not all that surprising. Anyways:
Lets start with this one. According to Pottermore, I am a Ravenclaw. Also my patronus is apparently a Pine Marten. When I first took this quiz, I didn’t quite agree with my sorting. Honestly I didn’t think I was smart enough to be a Ravenclaw. Later I realized that I was a huge nerd and that would probably work out fine for me. Also I’m not brave enough to be Gryffindor, Don’t have enough ambition for Slytherin, and while Hufflepuff is supposedly the catch-all, they seem a lot calmer (*cough* stoned *cough*) than I’d ever be. I’ve heard there is some level of randomness to what house you get sorted to, though. Also I’ve never heard of a Pine Marten before, but they’re pretty cute so I guess that’s fine (Lets be real, though; my Patronus is an axolotl).
Meyers-Briggs Is likely the most popular personality test out there (and is the first result when you just google for some). The quiz assigns you four letters, each out of a pair of options, depending on your answers. I’ve heard others talk about their scores changing over time for this one and others, but each time I’ve taken it, I’ve received INFP - Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving. Effectively, this is saying I keep to myself (yes), Use intuition or thought to discover truth (fair), make decisions emotionally (okay), and improvise rather than plan ahead (sure). Some sites will go further to describe what each of these 16 personality types are effective at and what kind of relationships they should seek out, but that typically gets into fortune-telling territory - generalized statements that are hard to disagree with because they are so vague. There has been some criticism on the structure of the Meyers-Briggs over time, that it wasn’t as Psychologically rigorous as it should be.
Which is why the OCEAN exists. A team of Psychologists took a lot of data on what questions tend to separate people the best and what personality traits had the strongest effect on the general behavior of a person. The OCEAN, or big five project, is the result of these studies, and ranks by percentage five different traits. My results here are Open-minded-93 (relating to exploration of new ideas and creativity), Conscientious-8 (Disorganized, Forgetfulness or neglectfulness), Extroversion-16 (Reserved, Quiet), Agreeable-71 (this one varies the most for me, but is >50, meaning I tend towards good-natured and courteousness), and “Negative emotionality”-94 (sometimes called Neurotic, relates to anxiety and nervousness). The main differences here seem to be less focus on a input-to-decision process and more on separate factors for behavior. 
But these quizzes still aren’t telling me much I didn’t already know. Like, duh I’m Introverted I’ve known that for years. Maybe since I already think about these things regularly, the tests aren’t as useful to me. Or maybe taking Internet quizzes isn’t the best way to learn about yourself.
There’s a family of story personality tests that typically ask you to decide which character(s) were in the right. These can help get a more nuanced feel for how you react to blame and moral ambiguity. Most of these Involve a bridge over a river and two lovers on either side, so use those keywords if you want to find some examples. Sharing your results for these ones tend towards large arguments, but what I got out of my experience with them is a focus on forgiveness and careful thinking.
The last test I want to talk about is a bit different. Strength finder tests have been around for quite a while, and if your public education was anything like mine, you’ve probably taken a couple of similar tests to help you find a career path. The most popular of these tests is the Gallup test that unfortunately has a price-tag to completion. I had a book around with a code in it, but if your curious I would suggest looking into it. The test in question gives you your top 5 of 34 strengths based on your answers, with the idea that all people show some signs of any of these strengths, but have more affinity with some (for example, no organizational-related terms were in my top 5).
Here are my top five: Input - focus on collection (things or ideas), finding a wide variety of topics or things interesting. Ideation - fascination of ideas, connections, deeper understanding. Looking at things in new ways to learn more. Intellection - focus on thought, on exercising the brain, and on introspection. Always thinking. Learner - focus on learning, not necessarily in a specific direction. the process itself is important. Restorative - problem solving, fixing things. Joy specifically in saving the thing in question.
So obviously there’s a lot there. some of these have had strong prominence in my other writings, and reading through them is a lot of “well, yeah” moments. What got me was stepping back and seeing these five as a unit. It’s a process: Input, connect, learn, think, fix. It’s a mental program that I’ve been running for a while and only think about when it’s put so blatantly. Other people may not do this so consistently, so immediately. And what was missing got me, too. Gallup describes 4 Domains: Thinking, Influencing, Executing, and Relationship building. my top 4 all fall into thinking, with my fifth sitting in Executing. No better way to make yourself feel like an automaton than seeing it laid out like that.
So why do I like these tests? Why come back to them if most of the time they don’t teach me anything? Because sometimes they do. Sometimes I find something new about myself. It’s the same reason I’ve taken other tests and quizzes, and later disregarded their accuracy. Back in high school, I took tests about mental health. In junior high, I took quizzes about sexuality. And now I take them on anything, but only listen if they’re helpful. The next most important thing that these top five don’t describe is my refocusing agent, my recycle bin emptier, my anti-power to the hording suggested by Input. 
My ego? Maybe. Maybe it’s just number 6. I haven’t paid the 70 bucks to find out.
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The Impact of the Tumblr Discourse Community on the Harry Potter Series
Since the first Harry Potter book was released in 1997, the series has been a cultural phenomenon. Thousands of people lined up to purchase each new book and see each new movie. They dressed up for premieres, bought all different types of merchandise, even held Potter-themed weddings. The franchise is considered “one of the most financially and culturally successful enterprises in entertainment history” (Brummitt, 2016, p. 114). Despite the fact that the final book in the series came out ten years ago and the last movie was released six years ago, Harry Potter still thrives and remains relevant in pop culture, as evidenced by the success of the 2016 stage play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Now the question is, how has Harry Potter retained, even grown, its fanbase over time? I will argue that the discourse community surrounding the Harry Potter series – aka the “Harry Potter fandom” – has allowed the series to maintain popularity over time, even after the conclusion of the book and movie series.
Let’s start with the obvious question: what is a fandom? A fandom refers to the collective and active groups of superfans surrounding any given topic. Often, these fandoms have unique names and those in the Harry Potter fandom call themselves Potterheads. Potterheads are an extremely large and diverse group of fans stretching around the globe.
Potterheads make up their own discourse community both in person and online. Though there is significant overlap between the “physical” and online Potterhead discourse communities, for this essay I will focus on the online discourse community, specifically that of Tumblr. As Catherine Tosenberger (2008) writes, the online “Potter fandom is an invaluable repository of the creative and critical responses of the series’ most dedicated and engaged readers” (p. 200). The fandom uses their discourse to contribute to the fandom and the series as a whole. Fan contributions to the Potter universe–whether fanfictions, parties, or blog posts—keep Harry Potter relevant, even years later.
I focused on the website Tumblr for this project. While the fandom is active on many different websites, Tumblr is the central hub of fandom activity. To take advantage of the Tumblr platform, I incorporated it into my project, highlighting examples of the Potterhead discourse community. I utilized the “tag” feature to group different genres of discourse into the blog. As Power states, “Built-in audiences… are linked by the ever-crucial tagging element” of Tumblr (2014, p. 91), and thus tagging is essential for the discourse community. The goal of this project is to submerge the reader into the Harry Potter discourse community on Tumblr.
 Why Tumblr is the Fandom Hub
Tumblr has gained widespread popularity due to “its accessibility to users and the important factor of community interaction” (Yunus & Salehi, 2012, p. 388). Essentially, Tumblr easy and customizable. One user can have as many blogs as they want, and typically each blog centers around a unique fandom or theme. Thus, it is easy to follow and interact with blogs connected to specific interests. Longtime Potterhead Jacqueline Gordon states that Tumblr “lends itself to fandom discourse” compared to other social media sites that are “geared towards self-promotion” (personal communication, 2017). Blogs are generally anonymous and tend to focus on the blog’s content, not the blogger. Compare this to websites like Facebook and Instagram where each profile is entirely centered around a person. Furthermore, the tagging feature allows users to easily search for posts relevant to their fandom community. Additionally, “many Facebook and Instagram posts that focus on the Harry Potter fandom borrow content directly from Tumblr, often in the form of screenshots” (J. Gordon, personal communication, 2017). While there are many Harry Potter posts on various websites, most of them come back to Tumblr. 
Beyond setting up a prominent presence for discourse on Tumblr, the fandom has developed its own vocabulary unique to the discourse community. Potterheads naturally incorporate unique vocabulary and phrases into otherwise common genres, creating their own language. People take words created for the series and add deeper meanings to them that people not in the fandom would never know. An outsider may understand the difference between a Gryffindor and a Slytherin, but they don’t question the greater meaning behind these things. Does Dumbledore symbolically represent death in the Peverell story? Should the relationship between Barty Crouch Jr. and his house elf be considered healthy or hostile? Was Harry justified in using unforgivable curses? The fandom takes words that were created and only used in the Harry Potter series and uses them to discuss greater and more important topics in the fandom.
Combining its unique fandom vocabulary with Tumblr’s specific website features, the fandom perpetuates Harry Potter’s relevance by creating different genres to appeal to a wide range of community members. I identified six main genres in the community: memes, informative posts, photosets, fanfictions, headcanons, and Q&As.. All of these genres incorporate the fandom’s unique forms of discourse. Though these genres are still very much unique to the Potterhead community, they help the series to stay relevant by recognizing a spectrum of fans, from those who know lots of details about the series to novices.
 The first genre, memes, appeal to by far the widest audience. Memes are comedic photos with written captions and are usually just for entertainment. These posts are often found on other social media platforms and though they require that the viewer have a basic understanding of the Potter universe, they lack the same depth as some of the other genres I will discuss. They are brief, clever, and “shareable” and make the discourse community visible to those less invested in it.
 Like memes, informative posts and photosets appeal to both highly invested and less-invested fans, but are not generally comedic. Informative posts simply contain facts both about the series and about other things in the fandom. They can be anything from logistics related to an upcoming fandom event to descriptions regarding a character in the story. It is common for them to look like an announcement or a list. This genre is used by the vast majority in the fandom. Photosets are mainly picture collages mixed with limited discourse. Any words are usually used to describe the photos. These generally appeal to a wider variety of Potterheads, those who may not know every Potter factoid but have a basic understanding of the series and vocabulary surrounding it. Additionally, these photosets generally are formed out of images from the movies, making them more recognizable to those who are less familiar with the books.
 For those more involved in the series and the discourse community, fanfictions and headcanons offer a niche. Fanfictions are fan-authored stories based upon the Harry Potter franchise. These can be very loyal to or stray heavily from the book. Some may take place at Hogwarts and some may take place at an ordinary “muggle” high school. Headcanons are similar to fanfactions in that fans create unique content based off of the series, but these headcanons are usually short (2-5 sentences). It’s common for a headcanon to be a made up conversation between two real characters. Unlike informative posts and photosets, fanfictions and headcanons appeal to a somewhat different audience, those who are more invested in the fan community.
 And lastly, for those most dedicated members of the fandom, Tumblr’s built-in Q&A feature appeals to them.. Users can ask a blog owner a question and when the owner responds, the entire Q&A is posted to the blog. In the Harry Potter fandom, these questions usually have to do with a person asking another about their views on something. Q&As generally cater to the most intense Potterheads, those who spend time and energy thinking out plot nuances and theories and debating them. Again, if you look in the top right corner of this Tumblr blog, there is a button for “Tags”. From that, select any of the genres listed and you will be shown examples of that genre.
 These various genres allow for different views and interpretation of the series. Potterheads can add in their own ideas and opinions of the series through the genres. One extremely interesting example that I would like to highlight is a headcanon. The first example in the headcanons section of my blog is a photoset. Somebody reimagined aspects of the series to take place in the present day instead of the early 1990s. This is one individual reimagining the series literally keeping it relevant to modern times. The genres on Tumblr offer a place for fans to contribute to the series and also allow access to any level of fan. Instead of creating an insulated group of super-fans, the various genres
 How Tumblr Has Increased Harry Potter’s Popularity
 We’ve talked about Tumblr Potterheads as a discourse community and also why Tumblr is a hub for fandom activity. But the community on Tumblr has done more than just house fandom activity: it has helped the fandom grow overtime, even after the end of new books and movies. One reason is that the posts, blogs, and conversations on Tumblr are constantly increasing. So there is more information out there in the fandom. Members into the fandom are increasing because people can see new content. These unique ideas blending together allow the series to grow over time. Essentially, the series grows with the audience. The more that the fandom contributes to the series over Tumblr, the bigger the series becomes. Whatever the background of the Potterhead, whether grizzled, old fan or just a Harry Potter moviegoer, Tumblr offers something for everyone, from shareable memes to outlandish headcanons. 
 Even more importantly, these fandom members on Tumblr insist on new content. They want to see new angles in the series and what happened to characters after the books ended (epilogues). When persistent enough, these new angles have the chance to continually shape the series. After the series ended, author J. K. Rowling “announced that Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore was gay” (Tosenberger, 2008, p. 200). Fans are torn as to whether or not this is actually canon in the series. It is common belief that “Dumbledore’s homosexuality… may be connected to her awareness of slash fans” (p. 201). Slash fans are members of the fandom who actively seek out homosexual relations in characters in the book. Not only did these fans help the series stay relevant in pop culture through engagement in the discourse community, but it is possible that fan pressure pushed the author to alter her vision of the story.
 The Harry Potter fandom is its own discourse community because members communicate largely over social networking. They use vocabulary and diction that are unique to the Harry Potter series. People reading their blog posts that are outside of the fandom would not know what is trying to be communicated. Tumblr is essential to the Harry Potter discourse community as most other social media websites refer back to Tumblr. The fandom’s various genres allow for personal interaction with Harry Potter content. This allows for a constant growth in information about Harry Potter to spread, thus making the series relevant even after it has ended. What’s more, the Potterheads’ influence upon the Harry Potter series expands to people even outside of the fandom. When utilized properly, Tumblr acts as a great hub for any fandom, or even any group of people with shared beliefs. It is easy to spread your ideas across a wide variety of audiences. If there is enough noise behind you, you may just influence something great, as Potterheads did with Dumbledore’s sexuality.
Brummitt, C. (2016). Pottermore: Transmedia Storytelling Authorship in Harry Potter. The Midwest Quarterly, 58(1), 112-132.
Power, J. L. (2014). Tumblr. Journal of Access Services, 11(2), 91-96.
Tosenberger, C. (2008). “Oh my God, the Fanfiction!”: Dumbledore’s Outing and the Online Harry Potter Fandom. Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, 33(2), 200-206.
Yunus, M. M., & Salehi, H. (2012). Tumblr as a Medium to Improve Students’ Writing Skills. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 8(1), 383-389.
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drarry-lover · 7 years
OH MY WORD! Guys! I managed to reach 5000 followers! Like seriously, that is amazing, oh my word, thank you all so much for following this little blog, you’re all so great!! ^^
I really want to do something to show you guys how honoured I feel, but I am rather poor and I lack any talents. Will you guys accept a rec-list of my all time favourite fics in a reblog-able format?
Rec will be in the cut below if anyone is interested in it, otherwise you’re all so amazing, please stay you and thank you so much!
Adrift by Cheryl Dyson 
This was supposed to be a swashbuckling pirate story. It sort of took a turn into Whaaaaa? but it's now my favorite, so I guess it's not all bad... Anyway, Auror Harry takes a vacation and runs into Pirate Draco. This fic contains MATURE content. (One-shot | 14k | M)
​All Our Secrets Laid Bare by firethesound 
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on. (Multi-chapter | 140k | Explicit)
An Issue of Consequence by faithwood
Draco has woken up in an alternate universe. Or he has woken up utterly insane. Nothing else can possibly explain why Harry Potter suddenly seems to think he’s Draco’s boyfriend. An eight year fic. Post-DH. EWE. HPDM. SLASH. Mature content. (Multi-chapter | 21k | M)
A Slytherin in Gryffindor Clothing by mahaliem
Draco hits his head and wakes up in a world where he's a Gryffindor and Harry is a Slytherin. (Multi-chapter | 43k | M)
Azoth by zeitgeistic (faire_weather)
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care. (Multi-chapter | 88k | Explicit)
Bitter Honey, Green Night by faithwood
 An inn, an Auror, a criminal, a mystery. (One-shot | 14k | Explicit)
Black Truth by InferiorBeing
And, with bated breath, Draco traced the silver line down one more step in the family tree. Draco Lucius Malfoy... the third full blooded Veriae in the Malfoy family... and future life mate of Harry Potter. HD SLASH No HBP spoilers (Multi-chapter | 100k | T)
The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by lettered
 Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It's all right here, folks. (One-shot | 54k | Explicit)
Chaos Theory by Tessa Crowley (tessacrowley)
Chaos: when the present determines the future, but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future. One gene varies, one neuron fires, one butterfly flaps its wings, and Draco Malfoy's life is completely different. Draco has always found a certain comfort in chaos. Perhaps he shouldn't. (Multi-chapter | 102k | Explicit)
Checkmate by Naadi
Draco has a plan to get Harry Potter, and challenges him to a game of Dare Chess. But is it love, or betrayal, he has in mind? A real game of chess is played throughout the story. A seventh year story based on canon through Goblet of Fire. (Multi-chapter | 250k | T)
Dismantle Repair by shamrocker531
How a random meeting in a coffee shop can change everything. Non-magical. Draco/Harry, some Draco/Cedric, Harry/Oliver - Warning: Explicit sexual content. (Multi-chapter | 160k | M)
Draco the Cowardly Lion by Lomonaaeren
When Draco is Sorted into Gryffindor, everything changes. For the, uh, for the better? (One-shot | 5k | Teen and up)
Eclipse by Mijan
Draco swore revenge on Harry for Lucius's imprisonment, and for once, he keeps his promise. The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. But when Draco’s world turns upside down, the fight to save himself and Harry begins. (Multi-chapter | 309k | T)
The Fall of the Veils by lettered 
This is the fic where Muggles find out about wizards, wars are fought, Apparition is abolished, political conspiracies abound, Draco is asexual, and Harry has Legilimency sex with him. (One-shot | 60k | Mature)
Freudian Slip by jennavere 
Two years after graduating from Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy is still obsessed with Harry Potter. Fed up, his father makes him get therapy. (One-shot | 10k | M)
Friend Like Me by LadyVaderWrites
Draco's rendition of the Love story that never was. (One-shot | 11k | M)
Gilded Soul by Digitallace 
It’s one thing to hear about the daring tales of Harry Potter but quite another to be living in the middle of one. But the danger Draco is destined for seems trivial once he finds himself falling in love with Harry. (Multi-chapter | 94k | M)
Greenhouse Lessons by Cheryl Dyson
Harry and Draco have detention in Hogwarts greenhouse. Dangerous plantlife and several varieties of euphoria ensue. It was complete, but I continued it... This fic contains MATURE adult content. (Multi-chapter | 14k | M)
Gumption by Roozette
In which there are biscuits, poisonous snakes, nefarious ploys, and, oh yes, Harry is slightly mental and the heir of Gryffindor. (Multi-chapter | 6k | M)
Harbinger by Copper Vixen
Harry is a demon with a mission. His assignment? To locate and retrieve his target before he runs out of time or irreparable damage is done to the mortal plane. (Multi-chapter | 96k | T)
Harry Potter and the Children of the Future by Ahja Reyn
In Harry's 7th year, children from the future suddenly appear at Hogwarts and one of them claims to be Harry's son. Problem is, Harry isn't the only father...DMHP [NO male preg] (Multi-chapter | 83k | M)
Here’s The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?" (One-shot | 49k | Mature)
High Priced by Cheryl Dyson
I referred to this as My Stupid Veela Fic until I decided it was fairly good. Harry is a Veela, for a change, since I was tired of Draco!Veela stories. This fic contains MATURE adult content. (One-shot | 17k | M)
How Potter Turned Malfoy Gay by Galadriell
The whole truth and nothing but the truth. And a bit of weirdness. (Multi-chapter | 36k | M)
I’m a Slave For You by BecauseIHurtSo
After being sold into Ministry enforced slavery to one Mr. Harry Potter, Draco is simply trying to find his lot in life. (One-shot | 6k | M)
In Pieces by Cheryl Dyson
Harry returns to Hogwarts as the new DADA instructor, only to find his teaching efforts thwarted by a very familiar ghost. This fic contains mature content and the necessity of one of our boys not being alive. Exactly. *grin* (Multi-chapter | 87k | M)
In the Company of a Rubber Duck by Anonymous
War makes for strange bedfellows. However that doesn't fully explain how Harry ended up sharing his bath with Draco Malfoy... nor why Malfoy was a rubber duck at the time. (One-shot | 34k | Explicit)
In Which Draco Malfoy Treats His Classmates To Bad Poetry Over Breakfast by giggly!RurouniHime
How does Draco love thee? Let him count the ways… (One-shot | 0-1 000 | G)
Letters by Galadriell
Harry inadvertently becomes penpals with Draco. Here are the letters! Harry/Draco slash. Chapter 17 contains the full story: edited, updated and with more letters. So read that instead of the first 16 chapters! COMPLETE! (Multi-chapter | 51k | M)
The Mistletoe Incident by Naadi
A story in limerick verse. HxD slash. Draco commandeers the mistletoe and Harry sets out to put a stop to it. (One-shot | 500 | T)
Must Love Quidditch by dracosoftie
Through a series of emails from an online dating site, Harry thinks he's found his perfect match. Will the bond they've forged survive after their identities are revealed? H/D. Warnings for slash, language and explicit sexual content. (Multi-chapter | 107k | M)
Nevar by Aoiika
AU. Lily and James are murdered, leaving behind their seven-year-old son. The little black bird has a hard time fighting his way through life on his own. Especially when he's found by a darkness that has followed him, and swallows him whole. HP/DM. Violence and serious abuse later on. Slow romance. (Multi-chapter | 127k | M)
Obliviation by Cheryl Dyson
When Harry decides to quit Auror Training in order to care for young Teddy over the summer, he has quite enough to worry about without Pansy Parkinson dumping a mute Draco Malfoy on his doorstep. (Multi-chapter | 27k | M)
On a Clear Day by Sara’s Girl
Draco Malfoy is waiting for his real life to begin, and it appears that he's not the only one. Coffee, charity, and the wisdom of the elderly. HPDM. Oneshot of epic proportions. (One-shot | 43k | M)
Order of Merlin by Cheryl Dyson
Draco is sent to retrieve an out-of-control Harry Potter from a local nightclub. Written for Alaana-Fair's birthday on Livejournal. MATURE ADULT CONTENT, ETC. (Muti-chapter | 13k | M)
Paradigm by Cheryl Dyson
In my quest to conquer all possible Harry/Draco cliches, I present my Rentboy!Draco fic. *evil smirk* Harry is an Auror and Draco is a Rentboy. This is not a typical rentboy story. (Muti-chapter | 59k | M)
Phantom Orchid by Cheryl Dyson
Auror Potter goes to Seattle in search of a smuggler and discovers a very familiar person in a quite unfamiliar setting. Is Draco Malfoy really who he is pretending to be? (Multi-chapter | 22k | M)
The Pure and Simple Truth by lettered
Harry, Draco, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, and Pansy go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, and Pansy―you guessed it―go to a pub. I could go on. In fact, I did. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Pansy, Ron, Blaise, Luna, Goyle, Neville, and Theodore Nott go to a pub. In various combinations. (Multi-chapter | 65k | General audience)
Renaissance by Cheryl Dyson
Harry awakens after a long sleep to find things terribly changed. He's not in an alternate universe... it just seems like it. (Multi-chapter | 34k | M)
Starts With a Spin by Maxine
It started with the spin of a bottle, and now Harry and Draco have gotten themselves so far into their own game there's almost no way out again. Except to keep playing. (Multi-chapter | 129k | X)
Sealed with a Kiss by faithwood
Harry Potter will fall in love with the first person who kisses him. Draco knows what he must do. A Christmassy Hogwarts kissy fic, this. An eight year fic. Post-DH. EWE. HPDM. SLASH. HUMOR. COMPLETE. (One-shot | 48k | M)
Second Chance by DreamingInColour
Of all the possible ways he could die Draco never would have thought a single olive would lead to his demise. But when he is offered a second chance at life he eagerly accepts. Too bad his second chance comes with an unexpected condition. (Multi-chapter | 17k | M)
Secrets by Vorabiza
Beginning with Draco's unexpected arrival at the Dursleys, Harry's summer becomes filled with activity and many secrets. He generates several unexpected allies as he finds himself actively becoming the leader of the Light side. H/D post-HBP (Multi-chapter | 411k | X)
The Slytherin Gryffindor by Cheryl Dyson
This is my response to JKR's horrific epilogue. It's a dual novel with one part Albus Scorpius and one part HarryDraco. Deathly Hallows compliant! The Slytherin Hufflepuff is the Albus Scorpius portion. This fic contains MATURE adult content. (Multi-chapter | 40k | M)
Sparkle Sparkle Princesses by Cheryl Dyson
One of Draco's random pranks gets out of hand and creates a roomful of pretty princesses. Crackfic FTW! OMG it's only PG13! *gasp* (One-shot | 2k | T)
Stigmata by InferiorBeing
Harry isn't the Dark Lord, so he cannot be with a Death Eater's son. This is the first time the BoyWhoLived ever asked for something and he cannot have it. So he takes matters into his own hands. Post HBP! Evil!Harry, Dark!Draco (Multi-chapter | 47k | T)
Storm in a Teacup by faithwood
For reasons he'd rather not think about, Draco is obsessed with Potter's hair. This cannot end well. (One-shot | 8k | M)
Synthetic Bonds by mypetelephant
Harry has always been the golden boy of Malfoy Corporation, earning the respect of Lucius and the resentment of his high school rival, Draco. But Lucius has a business proposal that involves Harry becoming a Malfoy..by marrying Draco. Non-magic AU (Multi-chapter | 125k | M)
​Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again. It's been nearly a year since the unpleasant business at Hogwarts, and Draco's getting on with his life quite nicely, thank you, until Harry sodding Potter steps in and ruins it all, just like always. At first, though, the time loop seems liberating. For the first time in his life, he can do anything, say anything, be anything, without consequence. But the more Draco repeats the day, the more he realises the uncomfortable truth: he's falling head over heels for the speccy git. And suddenly, the time loop feels like a trap. For how can he ever get Harry to love him back when time is, quite literally, against him? (Multi-chapter | 70k | Explicit)
That Which Divides Us by oldenuf2nobetter
Three years after what would have been their seventh year at Hogwarts, the war between the forces of light and Voldemort's minions grinds on. But even within the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix there are vast disagreements over what is good for 'the Chosen One' and his volatile relationship with Draco Malfoy has many on edge. Sometimes even the best intentions can reap disaster. (Multi-chapter | 126k | Explicit)
Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain by faithwood
It always rains for Draco Malfoy. Metaphorically. And literally. Ever since he had accidentally Conjured a cloud. A cloud that's ever so cross. SLASH. HPDM. Humour. Metaphorical angst. Hufflepuffs. A peacock. An eight year fic. Post-DH. EWE. (One-shot | 22k | M)
This Side of Me by cherrycola69
Saving his mortal enemy in a moment of insanity Draco is suddenly labelled a hero. Floundering in a new life and hiding from Death Eaters with Harry he finds that his allegiance isn’t the only thing that’s changed. (Multi-chapter | 56k | M)
Tick Tock by fireflavored
Draco Malfoy is in serious danger of becoming an old maid. (One-shot | 11k | NC-17)
Turn by Sara’s Girl
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently. Epilogue compliant/AU. HPDM slash but some canon het along the way. Please trust me - I promise the epilogue will not bite you. (Multi-chapter | 321k | M)
Twist of Fate by Oakstone730
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness. Pairings: HP/DM (Slash) Timeframe: 1994-2002 Goblet to 4 yrs post-DH EWE Rating T for language, high angst, content. (Multi-chapter | 302k | Teen and up)
The Undeserved Hardships of Draco Malfoy by Bullied
It was all an accident, helping that annoying Potter! But now the wizard extraordinaire, Draco Malfoy, is in a bind. He’ll need all of his intelligence, his wits, his looks and his sneers just to make it through Hogwarts! (Multi-chapter | 88k | T)
Valentine’s Day Repeated by bananacosmicgirl
It’s not a happy Valentine’s Day for Draco. Then again, he might get a chance to do it over… (Multi-chapter | 18k | T)
Want by Cheryl Dyson
Draco seeks out Harry in order to assist his family. And then he has second thoughts. This fic contains MATURE adult content. And Harry on a motorcycle. GUH. (One-shot | 4k | M)
We Are Young (I’ll Carry You Home Tonight) by Femme (femmequixotic)
Harry and Draco have been falling into bed on and off again since the last election five years ago, much to the amusement--and financial gain--of their circle of friends. But when Harry agrees to work with Draco to put Kingsley Shacklebolt into the Minister's office, they can't work side-by-side again every day and sleep together; that would be courting disaster. Wouldn't it? (One-shot | 68k | Explicit)
The Way Down by lettered
Malfoy’s all, “Come out of there,” the way you say to a cat who is badly behaved. And Harry’s all like, “No, what, I’m a hermit! And I have a chest-monster! And I am crazy magically powerful!” and Malfoy’s all, “We all have problems, bub.” (thoughtfully) “You are crazy though. I’ll give you that.” (Multi-chapter | 70k | M?)
We, The Kings by MissPronounced
A medieval tale of ancient prophecies, chivalrous duelling and a forbidden love between a Slytherin Prince and a lowly knight. Eventual Harry/Draco. (Multi-chapter | 191k | M)
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inkshares · 7 years
Q&A with Space Tripping author Patrick Edwards, winner of the Nerdist Space Opera Contest
Patrick Edwards is the author of Space Tripping, one of the top three winners in last year’s Nerdist Space Opera Contest. His debut sci-fi comedy hits bookstores (real brick-and-mortar ones) March 7th. In the following Q&A, Patrick’s reveals the secrets to his creative method, his inspiration for writing the most hilarious and absurd sci-fi comedy this side of the universe, and his upcoming projects.
Patrick was born and raised in Chicago, went to Augustana College in IL, where he majored in business studies, with a minor in amateur libation studies (“mostly of the beer variety”). He currently lives in Cincinnati with his wife, Katie, and new baby, Gabriella Rose, who was born in the midst of the Nerdist Space Opera Contest.
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Inkshares: To start, please describe your book in one haiku.
Surviving in space
Much easier when sober
But that's not much fun
Inkshares: OK, now let’s get serious: which Hogwarts house do you belong to?
Patrick: Hang on a sec. Let me finish this online quiz. Oh! Oh dear… It says Slytherin.
I’m going to try a different one… and here we go, clicking “submit” and...Hufflepuff?! What?! No, that can’t be right.
Let’s try one more. Okay, this one says I’m a Lumberjack from District 7… I don’t even think that’s the right literary universe.
I’m just going to create my own. I am a member of House… Chucklesworth.
Inkshares: That must be at Ilvermorny. At Hogwarts, I’d say you’re a SlytherPuff. Where were you when you thought of this book idea?
Patrick:  Physically? Planet Earth.
Mentally? Three glasses deep into a cheap bottle of wine.  
Inkshares: Would you tell us about your writing process? Are you the binge-writing type? Caffeine addict? Coffee shop writer?
Patrick:  Ha, calling it a "process" is giving me way too much credit. I'm an "anytime, anywhere" writer. Those picturesque writing scenarios where you have three hours to yourself, a quiet room, and a cup of coffee don't happen in my life. I realized early on that if I only write under "ideal" settings, I'd never finish the book. I probably wrote at least half of Space Tripping on my phone. I'd have fifteen or twenty minutes, and hammer out a few sentences in an email to myself. Later, I'd piece it all together and clean it up. It wasn't something that came naturally, but I was determined to finish the book, so I found a way.
Inkshares: How long did you work on this book from forming the idea to finishing the manuscript?
Patrick:  It was about fifteen months from the day I wrote the first line, to the day I wrote "The End" on my first draft. Funnily enough, I was on my honeymoon when I finished... but don't judge me! My wife likes to sleep in. I'm an early riser. So for once, I actually had a few of those mythical "picturesque writing scenarios" I mentioned in the previous question.
Inkshares: Do you believe in aliens?
Patrick: There's a conspicuous gentleman in a black suit and sunglasses looming over me, so let's just say that I don't not believe in aliens.
Inkshares: Writing is hard. Why do you do it? Is there a piece of literature that inspired you to become an author?
Patrick: It's so eye-rollingly cliché, but it just feels like what I'm supposed to be doing. Trust me, I want to punch myself in the face for that answer too. I've been interested in creative matters (art, writing, etc.) since childhood. I actually started college with the intention of majoring in art and literature. I even convinced one of my freshman professors to let me write a short story for my final essay instead of the research paper he'd assigned.
But somewhere along the line, I got it in my head that it'd be more reasonable and realistic to go into business. So, that's what I did. Then through most of my twenties, I never felt fully together. When I got back into writing... brace yourself for another lame cliché... it felt like I was myself again.
Regarding books that inspired me, anyone who's read Space Tripping could guess I'm big fan of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Additionally, I absolutely cherish Terry Pratchett's (R.I.P.) Discworld series. I love anything that dumps the tropes and clichés of an established genre into a sandbox and plays around with them in a humorous manner.
My biggest childhood influences were the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip —so much fun re-reading those as an adult and picking up the stuff I missed as a kid—and Bruce Coville's Aliens Ate My Homework series.
Inkshares: What was the first thing you ever wrote?
Patrick: In 5th Grade, I wrote a comic that was a shameless Wolverine knockoff. I'm pretty sure the hero's name was "Razor" and his nemesis was "Doomcla."
Inkshares: A little alien told me that you are an illustrator as well. How does your love for comics influence your writing?
Patrick: That little alien needs to keep his three mouths shut. But yes, I am a huge comics fan. Most of what I write starts with me visualizing the scene, as if it were a comic. Then I try to write out what I'm picturing. A lot of my ideas start as comics, but illustrating takes more time than I have these days.
So, if you're reading this and you're an illustrator, hit me up. Let's make something weird and cool.
Inkshares: What advice would you give to writers trying to hit a funding goal on Inkshares?
Patrick: It is not a passive endeavor. You are going to have to work as hard, if not harder, than you worked on the actual book. Slick cover art and a gripping synopsis won't cut it. You need to get out there and spread the word. It's like having another job.
Inkshares: What do you hope readers take away from your book?
Patrick: A stomachache from laughing too much. Seriously. I'm not looking to achieve any literary breakthroughs here. I just like writing things that make people smile.
Inkshares: What are you reading right now?
Patrick: The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss, because he has a great first name. And I guess it's also because, you know, he's an exceptional writer... or whatever.
Inkshares: If your story was made into a TV show or movie, who would be cast to play Chuck and Jopp?
Patrick: While they'd each bring a distinctly different vibe to Chuck, my first thoughts went to either Elijah Wood or Dave Franco. I'd also be interested to see what Riz Ahmed from HBO's The Night Of could do in the role.
For Jopp, my first choice would be Kevin Hart. Though I could also see Adam Devine from Workaholics play him as well.
Inkshares: Was there a particular moment or event that was harder to write than the rest of the story?
Patrick: Action sequences. They were definitely the hardest. There's a lot of moving parts to a big fight or chase scene. You want to clearly describe what is happening without writing so much text that it slows down the pace of the scene. It was a tricky balance to find.
Inkshares: What surprised you about the publishing process?
Patrick: The amount of time and number of steps involved. Space Tripping’s publishing date is March 7th. The Space Opera contest ended last year on March 14th, and I already had a finished manuscript at that point. I found it to be a pleasant surprise. It was comforting to see how much professionalism and effort Inkshares puts into the process.
(So...uh... when do I get my fifty bucks for that shameless promotion?)
Inkshares: Haha you can take that up with the boss. What would you like to say to your Inkshares backers?
Patrick: Thank you. A million times, thank you.
Also, your next round of drinks is on me.
Inkshares: Would you like to tell us about any upcoming projects?
Patrick: Well, of course I'm working on a Space Tripping sequel, but we have quite a while until that could conceivably be released. There are a number of events/conventions later this year that I'll be attending, some in a professional capacity, some as simply a fan. If you want updates on all that, by all means, feel free to follow me on Twitter @RamblingWaffle, or check out my sites: ramblingwaffle.com & spacetrippingbook.com
And before you ask, that Twitter handle has a long and uninteresting back story. Please trust me, it is not worth the time it takes to explain it. Ok, fine, you twisted my arm. Here's the story:
So there I was, trapped in the Syrup Swamps of the Lost Peninsula. I had a half-drunk bottle of maple rum in one hand, and the ancient book of Blessed Recipes in the other. The Great Pancake loomed over me... his rows of teeth glistening in the early morning light. I knew if I didn't stop him here and now, he would consume every innocent resident of the nearby village, Breakfast Bluffs. So, without a moment's hesitation, I took a swig of rum, held the sacred book high, and-
Oh, would you look at the time? I gotta run. We'll have to finish this story later.
A big thanks to Patrick Edwards for putting up with these hard-hitting questions! Interested in his work? Space Tripping is available March 7th.
To pre-order, visit: https://www.inkshares.com/books/space-tripping, or find a paperback copy anywhere books are sold.
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vacationsoup · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/a-celebration-of-harry-potter-universal-orlando/
A Celebration of Harry Potter 2018 - Universal Orlando
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A Celebration of Harry Potter 2018
If you're looking to shout Expelliarmus from the rooftops and master your wand combat skills, then you'll love the hugely popular A Celebration of Harry Potter. It's an absolute must for any self-respecting Potterhead.
The event runs January 26th through January 28th 2018 and is included in regular theme park tickets. You'll need a park-to-park ticket to cover it all.
This three-day annual wizzardly extravaganza gives Potteraddicts a unique up close and personal Q&A opportunity with stars from the movies. There will be an expo with a variety of Potter exhibits, panels and demonstrations, interactive experiences, wand demos and a chance to learn what made the movies unique.
The Nighttime Lights at Hogwarts™ Castle
The newly accounced nigh-time show is sure to be a jaw dropper. Celebrate your house color as stunning projections dance across Hogwarts Castle. The show will debut over A Harry Potter Celebration weekend, shown on Saturday and Sunday, January 27th & 28th to all Universal visitors. A preview on Friday is available to those staying on-site who have booked the Harry Potter Celebration vacation package.
The show will then run select nights from January 31st.
  Behind the Scenes: Harry Potter™ Film Talent Q&A Session
Fans can interact with actors from the movies:
Natalia Tena (Nymphadora Tonks)
Stanislav Yanevski (Viktor Krum)
Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley)
Oliver Phelps (George Weasley)
James Phelps (Fred Weasley)
Learn Wand Combat Skills
Paul Harris, the world's only Wand Combat Choreographer, will help you hone your skills. You'll soon be able to ward off those pesky Dementors with the flick of a wand.
  Dance Like a Beauxbatons & Battle Like a Durmstrang
A Universal Orlando choreographer and Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students will demonstrate movements and techniques behind the mesmerizing dance routines.
Harry Potter - The Exhibition
This 9 year and 16 city tour stops at Universal Orlando to give you an up close and personal look at the artistry and craftsmanship that creates the iconic props and costumes  throughout the movies. You can also enter a draw for a chance to win a trip for two to the next host city for Harry Potter™: The Exhibition. The city will be announced at the welcome event.
Sorting Hat Experience
During Harry Potter - The Exhibition, you'll be able to discover if you are a Gryffindor, a Slytherin, a Hufflepuff or a Ravenclaw.
  Harry Potter™ Graphic Design
Graphic designers Miraphora Mina and Eduardo Lima share insights into set design along with question and answer and exhibits of their work.
Special Effects
John Richardson is the set design supervisor who has worked on all 8 of the Harry Potter movies. This Oscar and BAFTA award-winner shares stories and insights as to how many memorable scenes come to life.
Warner Bros. Studio Tour London
The Studio Tour returns once again to A Celebration of Harry Potter 2018 where you can see firsthand some of the effects behind the magic of the iconic film series.
The Magic of Costumes
Jany Temime is an award-winning costume designer who has worked on the last 6 movies in the Harry Potter series. Learn how costumes can make lasting impressions.
Harry Potter Knowledge Challenge
Think you know it all? Test your knowledge in this audience-participation game answering film-specific questions
Chalk Art Walk
Talented Chalk Walk artists create images from the movies. You can even unleash your inner artist and have your creation showcased in the fan chalk art gallery.
  If you want a complete breakdown and a timeline of events, Orlando Informer have a terrific guide that will show you exactly what's on and when. Check it out: Orlando Informer Guide
0 notes
lunaschild2016 · 6 years
Belief: Part 6
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A/N: Sorry for the wait between chapters! Hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: ‘Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children.’ (James O'Barr, The Crow) V Roth is still Mother to this world and I am just one of the children singing my own tune into the night.
Rating M ( Language, Violence, There will be smut, Angst, Tragedy, Romance, Fluff)
@kenzieam  @pathybo  @jaihardy @every-jai  @ericdauntless @beautifulramblingbrains  @bookgirlthings  @jojuarez26 @oddsnendsfanfics @offroadinjandals  @singingpeople  @iammarylastar @irasancti @captstefanbrandt  @clublulu333  @fuckthatfeeling  @tigpooh67 @ex-bookjunky  @jughead-wuz-here  @badassbaker  @beanzjellly @beltz2016 @meganbee15 @affabletimelady  @scorpio2009  @gylisaa @geekybeyondallreason @violetsonthelam @kyloswarstars @emmysrandomthoughts @kgurew @beltzboys2015-blog @slytherin-princess-25273 @whatwouldbuffydo666  @jaiboomer11  @holamor @wealwayskeepfighting  
**I promise I have put the read more option in but it has been glitching.**
Part 6
From the start, I knew I was going to be seeing another side to Eric while at Erudite.
For one, they sent cars to the Dauntless leaders and other members that were going to be visiting. The drivers were all deferential to the Dauntless leaders, but Eric more than the others. There was a Dauntless truck that followed with guards and I could tell it made them nervous but it was expected. It had been just under two years since everything settled after the shake-up but things were still tense.
Granted, I had never seen for myself this rumored tension between any of the factions personally. The only times I had left Dauntless was at the beginning of my time in the clinic when I had to go out to assist a few patrols as a medic. Once I did my training and assumed the Head Nurse position and duties, I was compound bound.
I know enough to know that Erudite had always acted superior to all factions, even Dauntless, who was supposed to be their greatest ally. In the past, cars being sent to pick up other faction leaders would never have happened.
Eric and I didn’t talk much during the ride to Erudite. He barely acknowledged me other than making sure to pull me to the same car as he was riding in. Eric is normally stiff and scowling but today he is taking it to a new level.
The car ride is silent with only a slight and almost imperceptible rustle of fabric when Eric shifts beside me. I don’t turn to fully look at him as I try to distract myself with my tablet, preparing myself for the day. I am pouting and I know it even if I don’t like it. I am not that kind of girl that will get upset if someone doesn’t notice a new hairdo or even to care how I look normally. I realize that with Eric, he is bringing out all kinds of things in me. I wanted to know he saw me and more importantly that he liked what he saw. The driver had certainly noticed how I looked and even appreciated it until Eric stepped in front of me to usher me into the backseat of the car.
We pull up to Erudite sooner than I had been expecting considering all I have to go by is how long the train usually takes to get anywhere. I had been able to do what I intended and forget about the unwelcome feelings at the start of the drive by going over everything Elijah and I had spoken about and some points I had thought of in the days since.
Eric is the one to help me out of the car after the driver was given a glare. It is the first and only indication so far that I am anything to him than just another faction member. The second is his hand at the small of my back, ghosting close enough that I can feel the heat from his hand that never actually makes contact.
I glance up to see the set of his jaw firm and his eyes narrowed as he glances ahead of him at the welcoming party to greet us.
Cara, the newly elected main leader of Erudite, and Elijah were the only ones that didn’t look their faces were frozen and in danger of cracking should they show any kind of emotion. Elijah sent a smile my way from the back of the group and I felt Eric move closer to me. It was a slight shift that would be barely noticeable.
Tori was the one returning the greetings, her irritation for the entire deal was clear to me. I was parts amused, impatient and fascinated by the entire thing. Dauntless don’t really have formalities with visitors. There are few times when the expected procedures are held to within the compound but I have heard from others that outside of it, the rigid structure and military preciseness is expected and adhered too. Which might explain the bearing and demeanor of all the Dauntless around me.
The lower floor of the Erudite tower seems to be made completely of a slight blue-tinged glass. Walls of the colored glass separate the different areas. Apparently, when the Erudite responsible for planning the coup of the government had discovered that they were going to be ousted and brought in for justice, they had barricaded themselves inside the tower along with the Dauntless traitors that followed the leaders. It had taken an assault to end it. The tower had gotten damaged but luckily there weren’t many losses in Erudite besides those that fought back or were executed for their crimes. Because of this, the tower and from what I understand Erudite itself, has undergone major renovation and rebuilding.
We are given a tour of this new Erudite.
In an effort to at least seem more open, the entire first floor is constructed of rooms done mainly in that glass. The library, or at least a good portion of Erudite’s library, is now open for display and use to all factions. A vast room with shelf after shelf of paper books can be browsed through. As we walk through it seems more people wearing blue occupy the room that is part library and part museum. There are quite a few Candor and the odd Abnegation. The same is found in the newest addition to the faction, a room dedicated to providing technological access to all factions. Computer terminals set up on sleek tables that are open for the public to come in and use for various things. Research, contacting others in the city, and school-aged kids to complete projects that require devices they might not have access to at home; these are just some of the things that can now be done freely. In this room, there are more of the last and all wearing the colors to signify a variety of different factions.
A few Dauntless are seen there. I couldn’t help but to notice and say my observation out loud that they were all most likely there watching movies or accessing old archived sites instead of doing anything school related. The smirks and quiet chuckles of the other Dauntless around me let their agreement be known.
Maybe it is my Amity upbringing that I don’t even bother to try and mask my emotions as we arrive in each new area. I am sure my face shows it plainly as I smile or my eyes widen. I make comments here or there and don’t hold back when I have something snarky or sarcastic to say. I am mindful of how loud and obnoxious I can be though, so my volume has been greatly tamed. I also keep to the back of the group and Elijah keeps me company. At least he seems to be enjoying my breaking from the stuffiness that has infected everyone else.
Eric is at the front of the group but he glances our way often. Constantly shooting glares and annoyed squints at the two of us. At this point, I am not sure if it is because I fell back and away from him, that Elijah is with me, my behavior, or all of the above. I know that I am not trying to make him jealous or anything, though the thought of him feeling jealous does make a bit happy, I am just truly enjoying myself at the moment.
It wasn’t something I thought would happen for my day in Erudite. I didn’t think it was possible to use the word ‘fun’ at all in conjunction with Erudite. I think that if I were with anyone besides Elijah then I wouldn’t be having the experience I am now. I am struck by how handsome Elijah is, especially when he smiles. There is a level of comfort with him, almost a familiarity as well. There are things about him that both draw me in and make me feel comfortable with him but also has me curious.
For instance, he is really built for someone in Erudite. It might just be natural but I think it is part genetics and part maintenance. He is by no means as built as someone in Dauntless, but for a doctor in Erudite he stands out. Then there is his personality. It is clear that he is intelligent, highly intelligent at that, but for all of that he doesn’t lord it over me like any Erudite I have met before. He is free with his smiles and laughter. When I make what would be considered a crude joke considering where I am, he doesn’t cringe or look offended, instead, he gives a deep chuckle.
We progressed from the main floor up to the third where offices and research stations were. No longer were the walls made of glass as they had been upon first entering. Cara gave explanations of why this was and I could understand the need for it to be able to provide the proper environment for the research being done. To aid in the spirit of being open there was a vid screen built into the wall that serviced as a security panel and to display a live feed of whatever is going on in those rooms.
This was where I realized that this tour was really something else.
Erudite was being inspected.
With each room we came too Cara would look to Eric with some unspoken question. He would either give a small nod or make no moves at all. It was random and you never knew which one he would pick. When he gave the signal, the security panel would be accessed and the image would be displayed of whatever was going on inside. The higher we got, the more top priority or important the things inside were. This was where it hit home to me how much sway Eric has at Erudite right now. Considering he was the one to put his hand on the Erudite security screen to access what has to be highly guarded projects.
I had never found out what exactly had Eric turn against the leaders and Erudite. I had always assumed it was because of the things that had occurred with divergents and what they wanted to do to the city. Seeing this and how another faction was treating him as if he was their leader or with as much respect as their leader, had me wondering if that had been the reason at all.
“There is a place that would be perfect to grab some lunch before we have to take the tram to where the medical offices are,” Elijah said with a smile when I had grumbled under my breath after the inspection seemed bound to be going right through lunch.
We had been going for what seemed like hours already and I knew I was headed towards a category five ‘bitchicanne’ if I didn’t get food in me soon. His suggestion was music to my ears. I was about to agree wholeheartedly before I felt a hand on my arm and knew instantly who it was even before he spoke.
“Elijah, you will not mind that I’m stepping away with Devi,” Eric said even as he was already guiding me away.
I caught Elijah’s raised eyebrow that had to match my own. The words Eric said were usually put in the form of a question but, of course, not with Eric. That was all order or warning. Maybe both. Either way, it doesn’t sit right with me at all especially since I really just want to sit somewhere and eat.
What was I thinking wearing these damn heels! I guess I didn’t really think about all the walking I would be doing in them.
“Eric. I really am not in the mood for this.” I hiss to him as he leads me into a room and then flicks on the light after he lets go of my arm.
I turn to face him, my arms crossed over my chest and am trying to glare at him. He locks the door without ever taking his off of me and a smile slithers across his face while he walks towards me. I drop my arms and take try to take a step back when he reaches out for me. My legs are no match for the reach of his arms and his finger grip my hips then jerk me towards him. My hands go to his chest as I look at him. The smile is gone and is replaced with that look I am coming to think is one he doesn’t get often. Frustrated and on the verge of losing it.
“Do you have any idea…” he starts out speaking slowly, drawing out every word as if he is trying to reign himself in, “...how…” one of his hands moves to allow the backs of his fingers to drag along the side of neck, “..distracting you are to me?”
Eric stopped after he had moved his fingers to just under my chin, his eyes boring into mine. His forehead scrunched up in his obvious frustration along with his strained admission. I would be laughing at my apparent ability to unsettle the man that almost all of Dauntless fears; I would laugh if I didn’t feel exactly the same.
I do feel some smug pleasure at the fact that a little of what I had hoped for actually panned out today. I try not to let that show as I arch an eyebrow and get out a breathless question while Eric decided to use his lips on the skin of my neck he had just been teasing with his hand.
“How exactly am I being a distraction, Eric?”
His chest rumbles and I feel a huff of hot air on my neck but he doesn't move away. In fact, he begins to suck and nip at my neck while he pulls me tight against his body. I cry out and dig my nails into his shoulders when he nips and sucks just a little too hard, then glare at him when he pulls back with a satisfied grin on his face.
“You know exactly how you are distracting me, Devi. That was why you dressed how you did.”
Heat from my temper felt like it might explode out of me, I could only hope it would knock the conceited asshole on his ass.
“I dress for me, Eric Coulter. What is it with you men thinking the world revolves around you? That anything and everything a woman might do has to be about you? Get over yourself because that is just not who I am.”
I cringe a little because that is usually the case, but damn if he didn’t hit the nail on the head about what happened today.
He lifts a disbelieving eyebrow at me and hips lips tilt in amusement. “So you dressing like this and getting all buddy buddy with Elijah wasn’t to make me jealous?”
Screw waiting for the ability to knock him back with some imaginary power, my foot comes down on his hard.
“Pendejo!” I scream as he grunts and releases me a little, enough for me to shove him away from me. I take the opportunity and start towards the door. “I don’t play with people like that, Eric. But I am not going to apologize for actually getting along with someone and enjoying myself. You don’t own me. If that is how things are going to be you can just forget it.”
Eric catches me around the waist and pulls me against his chest, locking me in and I can barely hear the words he is saying against my hair.
“Fucked up past relationships, Devi. I...I am glad the two of you are getting along. No matter how I may seem right now...that is important to me.”
The tension leaves me a little as I realize that is about as close to an apology I am going to get. “Do you two...I mean are you friends or something?”
Eric chuckles and squeezes me briefly before he moves us towards the door. “Something like that.”
He lets go of me to open the door and looks back at me. “Something like that? No other explanation?”
He shrugs with a smirk. “Oh, I am sure he will get to it during your time together.” Then he gets serious and cups the side of my face briefly. “If he doesn’t, or actually even if he does, I promise I will talk more about it later. We need to get back out there now.”
With a sigh of frustration, I nod and follow him out. Elijah isn’t far away and is on his tablet, leaning against the wall. He looks up when we come out and his eyes flicker between the two of us.
Eric stops in front of him briefly and leans in to whisper something to him. Elijah just looks at me and nods with a smile. Before he moves off, Eric looks back at me and winks. Elijah pushes away from the wall and I watch with a little smile as Eric is slightly limping.
I can’t help the small chuckle at that. I look over to Elijah who is looking at me oddly. His eyes are on my neck and for a second I am confused as to why he would be focused there. Then I remember and it makes me want to run after Eric and do him more damage. I grit my teeth though and countdown trying to reign my temper in.
“You mentioned food?” I try to ask brightly after I open my eyes again. He is looking down at me, his blue eyes showing amusement and nods.
“Yes. I was thinking of a place that would be perfect for you.” He has that smirk again that just seems so familiar but I just can’t place it. It is making me feel like when I do I will feel like an idiot for not seeing it before.
“Really?” I groan when I catch the name of the establishment stamped in silver on the fancy blue menus. I look at Elijah and see him fighting laughter.
“I believe they thought rather hilarious.” He says with a shrug.
I shake my head and open the menu. “Well, it failed. Completely. Utterly. Just fail. I thought Erudite aren’t even supposed to know what a joke is?”
Elijah pretends to be offended. “Hey, some of us have excellent senses of humor. And I believe it wasn’t so much a joke as extreme sarcasm.”
I chuckle along with him and eye the menu.
The name of the modern and sleek restaurant is called The Meating Place. And despite the spelling, it is actually entirely vegetarian.
As bad as the name is I cannot fault the items on the menu and my mouth is already watering as I try to narrow down my choice.
“Now my only issue is what do I not want to try,” I mutter but still loud enough for Elijah to hear.
He gives a nod of agreement from behind his menu. “Well, we could order a few items and share. They also do a few family-style platters.”
I smile and shut the menu. “That sounds good. I’ll let you pick then.”
A server materializes just seconds after I say this and Elijah smoothly gives our order. I take the opportunity to take in everything around me while sipping from the water that is in a fairly large wine glass. It is all so fancy for somewhere to eat in my opinion. A little cold feeling but I guess that is just Erudite.
I look back to Elijah and see he is watching me take everything in. He lifts his own water to take a drink, looking completely at ease, lounging back into his chair even. Polished masculinity with the carefree smile of an amity. It hits me so hard that I just blurt it out.
“You look like you would fit right in at Amity.” I almost slap my hand over my mouth. It takes us both by surprise but he just chuckles at my horrified expression.
He nods as he sets his water glass down. “That might be because my test indicated Amity was where I should go.”
“Oh,” I say dumbly, not sure how else to respond then give in to curiosity. “Why did you stay?”
Here the smile fades and he looks intently at his water glass, his long fingers turning the glass by the short glass stem. “Has Eric told you anything of his life before he transferred?”
The question startles me and I am relieved when the server comes back with the first course Elijah ordered for us. He nodded to the young man as he placed before each of us a bowl of a gazpacho soup using what was advertised on the menu as a ‘bright summer vegetable medley’.
I waited for the server to step away before answering.
“Eric is not exactly forthcoming in anything regarding himself. He is a master at bullying my entire life history out of me though.” I grumble and pick up my spoon, dipping it into the bowl.
Despite where the conversation is going I can’t resist giving in to my stomachs loud request to fill it.
I look up and see Elijah has a small smile playing around his lips. “That isn’t anything new with my brother.”
The declaration, so sudden but also so fucking obvious given all the hints and similarities, knocks the breath from me, causing me to swallow the soup incorrectly. I cough and tap my hand to my chest a few times, drawing a few eyes to us before I finally get my breath back again.
“Your….” I clear my throat, grab the water and take a big gulp. Swallowing I look back to him, his eyes are full of apology and understanding as he looks at me. Looks at me with those same piercing damn blue eyes that Eric has. “Your brother. Well, that certainly explains why you looked vaguely familiar.”
“I apologize. I thought he had told you that much at least.”
I shook my head with my lips pursed. “Nope. Sure didn’t.” I say shortly. Then I take a breath and get a grip. I remember his words about how my getting along with Elijah was important to him. “He did say it was important we got along though.”
Elijah nods and smiles sadly before he takes a breath. “Eric and I were raised to be very private. I am older by four years and with our parents absent much of our lives, I also became more than a brother. Sometimes this rubbed him the wrong way, me being both a brother and parent, but overall we have always been close. There were a few times that relationship was strained, to the point that I wasn’t sure we would ever be able to return to it again.”
I stayed quiet as he spoke softly. I could sense he was wanting to get it out and if I interrupted him with questions, I ruin this chance to know Eric better.
“It isn’t hard to see that Erudite have completely different ideals about most everything, including family. Maybe it was always the Amity in me but I did not and could not hold to that. When we were younger, we were often left with other children of our age whose parents had a close connection to our own. Very few of those children became close to us, but there was one.”
Here he paused and there was something about the pause that had my stomach churning. He was collecting himself. So I let him as we finished our soup in silence. The bowls were taken away and he cleared his throat.
He smiled at me, genuine but with grief and regret in those blue eyes. “Her name was Julietta and she was just a year younger than Eric. We were together so often, she became family to us. As we all got older and entered school, our activities always seemed to be intertwined. More often than not she was at our apartment, her parents were just as absent as ours but she didn’t have an older brother to look after her.”
The next hour was spent in spurts of Elijah telling me the story in between eating. I could tell this was hard for Elijah and felt horrible for letting him continue but I couldn’t help myself. I needed to know even though before he finished I had long ago guessed the ending.
Or at least I thought I had guessed at everything.
I was staring at Elijah with tears burning behind my eyes but trying not to break down. Trying to register the words that he had just said. Julietta, Jules as he lovingly called her, hadn’t left Eric broken hearted like I had assumed she had. It wasn’t the love triangle that ended with the girl choosing one brother and riding off into the sunset with him while leaving the other in tatters.
Yes, she had chosen Elijah. They had always loved each other but it grew deeper than either could have imagined. Enough for Elijah to know he couldn’t possibly leave Jules and stayed in Erudite, knowing she was meant for the faction and that he would never ask her to sacrifice that herself.
Yes, the choice of one brother over the other had greatly strained the two, to the point where it had gotten physical at one point. But Eric, Elijah said, had come to realize that he loved Jules; they just weren’t meant to be together. Eric admitted himself when he came to Elijah one night to give his blessing to the two of them, that he wouldn’t have stayed for her. Eric recognized that if he had truly felt so deeply about her, then he would have at least considered it, but he never did.
Before Eric even left Erudite, the three had been able to heal and reconnect. Elijah and Jules planned to wait to move beyond being more than good friends and get married until things were more settled. She still had to choose herself, and Erudite frowned heavily on any kind of relationships between members and dependents. Elijah had also wanted Jules to have time to explore and grow if that is what she wanted. He talked of the plans Jules had, brushing off his insistence that she needed to spread her own wings.
She never got to see those plans carried out. Shortly after Eric had chosen Dauntless, she passed away to an illness she had been secretly fighting for almost two years.
There had been experimental treatments, of course. Elijah made a veiled reference to an offer from the old leadership to get her into those treatments but Jules had told him she wasn’t going to accept.
The second time the brothers almost came to blows, and the time Elijah thought Eric would never forgive him, was the day Julietta passed away. It was during Eric’s initiation. He had gone to Dauntless with the assurance from both that she would be taking the treatments offered.
Neither wanted Eric to worry and to do his best to reach his goal of becoming a leader. Julietta passed away the day Eric finished training. Elijah had gotten word from contacts in leadership there that he had also been offered leadership. He said that it was almost as if she waited, just for that, to know he made it and was happy.
Our lunch had long been cleared away. I am sure that the wild mushroom with extra virgin olive oil drizzle flatbread and eggplant parmigiana were amazing, but I couldn’t say for sure. It had all tasted like cardboard to me.
I am trying hard not to break down and make a scene when I feel Elijah cover my hand with is own. His eyes showing his own tears threatening. He smiles at me and pats my hand.
“How did you get past it all?” I ask finally in a faint whisper.
“It is amazing how children can bring families back together.” He replies and the smile becomes genuine but the answer just confuses the hell out of me. “He won’t tell you this, Devi. Maybe because he doesn’t like the thought of what he thinks was him failing Jules, but before he transferred he was approached by leadership to recruit him. Their first attempt was a promise of power in the new regime.”
He gratefully let me catch my breath and bearings with this new twist and I nodded to him when I felt like he could go on. He truly was Amity, to be comforting me in all this.
“That was actually pretty laughable, to both Eric and anyone that knew him. Eric saw through all the bullshit and knew that whatever promises they made could be taken with a grain of salt. The whole divergent thing, in Eric’s words, was bullshit. We never believed in any of that.”
I nodded in understanding as he continued. “The second attempt, now that...that wasn’t so easily turned down. Jules had hidden it at first but we both knew something was off. We just didn’t know what. Jeanine knew just where to hit Eric. That was how we found out she was sick, was through Jeanine and she was anything but tactful in her estimation that Jules would survive. Jeanine offered every resource and treatment available to Julietta. Nothing else could have gotten him on board.”
“Why then? Why did she refuse it?” I gasped out in agony.
“The chances of any of that actually working were so very small, Devi. Jeanine was desperate to offer it but Eric was just as desperate to grasp at it. The thing about experimental treatments is that they are just that, experiments. As a doctor, I recognize the need for these trials. But as the person who loved that girl with every breath, no matter that there was a small chance it would work, I couldn’t watch her go through that. She didn’t want to go through that. Jules…..” He stopped and looked wistfully at me. “You know you actually remind me of her in some ways.”
He stopped and blushed and then went on. “Not physically.” He hurried to reassure me. “You might have both been what one would call, a latina, you are both very different from each other. There is the same vibrancy though. The same strength and independence. I can admit I don’t know you well yet, just what Eric has told me, but you seem comfortable in who you are. Jules was a quiet kind of strong. She was kind and loved to laugh but she wouldn’t back down from what she felt was right. Jules could not and would not be the thing that was held over Eric’s head. She would not be leverage for the horrible things we all knew were being planned. We both knew that the chances of those treatments curing her were so small as to be non-existent. The side effects would have left her in a worse state than the actual disease she was dying from. She made the decision and I supported her. We kept it from Eric and I knew there would be fallout from that. Her last request was to find a way to make things right, but to make sure I told Eric to never let himself be controlled again.”
“You said that…” I trailed off in confusion.
“After informing Eric of her death and her message to him, I didn’t hear from Eric for several months. I heard reports around the faction that he was seen often with Jeanine. There were whispers that something was brewing. I had thought that instead of freeing him like we had hoped, it had wounded him and made him so angry, that he went all in with the plans. It shocked me when I received a message from Eric asking to meet. It shocked me, even more, to know that he not only found a way to bring them down and had been working towards that; but he had a way to give us...me...back a part of Julietta.”
“It seems that when she first got sick, she had gone through all the options of treatment and determined that almost all of those would leave her unable to have children. It would either leave her sterile or her body too weak to carry. So one of the first things she did was to have some of her eggs harvested. I can only guess that it was done when she was still trying to come to terms with things, that she forgot to tell anyone in the hard months that followed. Eric found out and once again, it was from Jeanine. She realized she lost her hold on Eric the minute Julietta passed away and had been scrambling for something to bring him back. The old promises of power in Dauntless and Erudite weren’t doing it. She combed through the records and found that Julietta had preserved several viable eggs, then she held them for ransom, as they would say.”
I couldn’t help the low growl that escaped me and Elijah chuckled darkly. “For being supposedly the smartest person in the city, the bitch was stupid.” I snarled out.
“Indeed. She couldn’t have made a worse move. He played along for a little while, got the ball rolling for me. The instant we knew the surrogate had moved past the danger zone and Eric had gotten her to a secure location, he unleashed hell on Jeanine and Erudite. After that, our relationship was still strained. He made it clear it was only for Jules. That he still hadn’t forgiven me and I understood. I was grateful. When Karen, the surrogate, went into labor, he rushed to be with me at the birth. He was there when Olivia was born and when he held her for the first time, I think it was the first step in us being able to move past things, or at least forward..”
“How old is she now?” I ask with a small smile at his beaming one.
“She is twenty months old going on sixteen.” He laughs and shakes his head. “Not even two and already running the house.”
Elijah’s phone goes off and he stops to take it out then look at it. He smirks and shakes his head.
“It’s good to see that he found someone, Devi.” Then he slips his phone back into the inner lining of his suit jacket and looks at me. I am blushing, at his last comment. “You are going to have to be patient with him I am afraid. He never was the best at being social or having social graces and I am sure he has already made a million mistakes by now. I can say without a doubt that he wouldn’t even make an effort if he didn’t truly want to be with you. He especially wouldn’t be inviting just anyone to have dinner with Olivia and I.”
That last bombshell is dropped on me as he stands and offers me his hand. I take it but I can still feel the shockwave hovering on me.
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