#Or am I just wrong but probably not cause he looks buff
stinkypeanutbutter · 6 months
i was debating posting
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Anyway Mike banner again
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shakespearean-dream · 3 months
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TW!!! — blood, scarring and mild body horror ahead 🥲
benny’s turn!
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before i start i wanna clarify i hesitated a bit on posting this because lovely mutual @vor-leser just posted his benny interpretation (go look at it and follow him btw), and idk if we like mind melded or smth but our human benny’s are super similar LOL. i damn near scrapped the whole thing out of fear someone would get mad at me but i Would Not be able to start over and get this done ever so this is as good as we’re gonna get. 😭 my apologies niko love u /p
this has been like a full 7 days in the making 😭😭 the art block that i felt coming on while doing ellen and ted hit me like an optimus prime sized semi truck this week along with a depressive episode so i definitely appreciate that happening and i am not upset about it at all! /s i’m totally good so don’t worry or anything /gen, mental health is just weird and i also wanted to explain the gap in my posts 😔
i do not know how to feel about this drawing if i’m so fr with you; i’m proud of myself for AM-ified benny cause i think i got the slowly rotting from the inside out primal freak energy down pretty good, but on the other hand this feels kinda empty?? i usually have a lot more commentary squished in here but i think my brain’s a little fried 🤦‍♂️ i love drawing me some beautiful buff men though so drawing normal ben was familiar territory. however his wack ass haircut i gave him is his punishment for being a PRICK!!! go sit in the corner and think about ur actions benjamin.
like ted n the rest of the sillies i’m not straying too far from canon with his personality, he’s an ass and a murderer and a hella smart dickhead who desperately needs to be punished by the universe (thank you for that one AM). hot take i did not like his “redemption arc” in his game scenario and i don’t think with how he was throughout the entirety of his life (and also throughout the game, main example his inner dialogue) he would actually go out of his way to help the kid because he means it??? n prove he changed to the guys he killed cause he means it??? i dunno maybe AM torturing him made him have a main character “omg i’ve been in the wrong this whole time!!1” moment like the game suggests i’m just not buying it 💀 i’m sure it’s just cause bennys scenario couldn’t be too long and they couldn’t fully flesh him out which i won’t fault the game makers for. i’m a steven universe fan, i know what time constrictions can do to a plot and redemption arc 😭 looking at you white diamond…
his wife n kids are up top and they’re kinda neat to me— i was considering the hc that part of the reason manya (his canon wife) left him is because she realized she was a lesbian which would be funny as fuck considering benny’s also One Of Them Queers 😭. i think during the brief times he was home and able to parent his daughters they got really scared and tired of him, one because he’s just a very threatening powerful and overbearing man, but also because i feel like he would’ve been on their ASS about everything. grades, extracurriculars, friends, wardrobe, this guy was micromanaging his family to an annoying extreme (ofc because of his perfectionist complex). he probably loved manya and the kids in his own weird way, but it was more contractual to him than any real personal relationship. maybe he inherited that from his own parents?? i doubt he ever talked to them after he moved out.
that’s about the end of my thoughts on this fucker. 🥲 funny storyyyy i just remembered i have laundry to finish so im gonna go do that, lord help me. thank you for reading all this if you did!!!!! we’re over halfway through so who do yall want next? wanna save AM or nimdok for last? i’ll see u guys later :]]]
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a-random-weeb · 5 months
Hiii love ur account! Idk if I can request cause it says it’s closed, so sorry if I’m wrong!
Can I please request a yandere who looks very dominant; tall and buff with muscles. Literally everyone is scared of him because of how frightening he looks. Everyone other than Reader: Yandere is actually scared of reader and is very submissive around them. He actively seeks Reader’s approval and will do anything for her. Kind of like a guard dog? He’s really just a big puppy who craves Readers affection. Thank youuuu
Awww I love this idea!! Let's name him... Austyn, idk it just fits lol. I couldn't think of what age to make him, so I said screw it and put yall in high-school because that's the easiest
Also I know you requested this months ago, and everyone else requested their things months ago, guys I've been so tired recently, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to write what you've been wanting me to. I'm so sorry if you're still waiting on your request, and I'm hoping I'll get more chances to write soon. Thank you for your patience :)
Warnings: Yandere (obv), clingy and obsessive behavior, a little more than just mentions of murder, slight mentions of rape (not to reader or anything i just noticed it was brought up so I figured I'd put it in just incase), reader gets forcefully drugged, kidnapping
This fic is not meant to romanticize unhealthy and toxic relationships, it's hot af in fanfictions but is never ok irl
A huge man towers over you, his shadow engulfing your entire figure, his huge muscles and rough exterior making him appear as if he could kill. He stares down at your petite and fragile body in an intimidating manner as you jolt up in a sitting position. Clutching the desk beneath your upper body, you recognize him almost immediately.
"Where am I?! What do you want?!" You scream dramatically, almost tipping backwards in your chair.
"You fell asleep in class." His eyes narrow. "I had to poke you a bunch so you would wake up. The bell just rang, its lunch time." Your whole face burns a cherry color.
"Um- thanks..." Your eyes wander anywhere but his face. The corners of his mouth ever so slighty elevate as he leans on your desk.
"Would you like to eat lunch together?" He tilts his head slightly in an almost cute way. Your brows furrow in confusion, but nod regardless out of pure fear. He could probably kill you in one hit. No, simply him blowing on you would be enough to knock you 8 miles. You pack your school supplies and walk to your locker, Austyn almost breathing down your back as he watches you grab your stuff.
Entering the cafeteria, you both take a seat in one of the only spots left in the overcrowded area, its a bit shocking when kids start scooting away from you both, even the kids across from you want nothing to do with your new 'friend'. Or thats at least what you hope he wants with you...
Your prayers were answered, but in the worst way possible. It's almost physically painful watching Austyn attempt to make conversation with you. Stuttering over every second word, obviously embarrassed and anxious, fumbling with his hands. It was... cute. You'd never thought he would be like this while talking to him, you've seen him be rude and cold to everyone, maybe he's just shy and comes off as rude? Guess you'll find out. You, having not as many friends as you'd like to have, appreciate the attention from him regardless. But he desperately needed help with this whole social thing, so you give him a hand.
"If you're not busy, maybe you could help me with homework after we finish eating?" You smile, hoping he's not busy before you die of embarrassment. Thankfully, he nods, and the two of you finish your meal in silence.
You were hoping he'd be a little more outgoing and not as awkward in the library, but boy were you wrong. More stuttering, more avoidance of eye contact, more hand fidgeting. He wasnt even helping, just sitting there and watching you, almost too intently. You almost scream of joy when your best and only friend, Abby, joins you.
"Hi!" She beams excitedly, taking a seat next to you, "need help?"
"You're my savior!" You giggle, hugging her. Austyns aura immediately chances from a shy puppy to one that could kill. He glares daggers into Abby as she speaks a bit too friendly to you, gets a little too close to you, helps you instead of him. He knows he needs to up his game, but your stupid friend might ruin his chances.
Abby was your friend since elementary school, you've never been great at giving anyone a smile, but she always brings out your biggest one. She's helped you through so much, you owe her your life!
The rest of lunch Austyn stays silent and in the background, you assume he's shy... God, you hope that he was not hurt. You continued the rest of your classes like normal, overjoyed when the day comes to an end.
You and Abby walk home together, teasing and laughing with eachother. Austyn trails behind you both, not talking too much. Neither of you know where Austyn lives, and forget to ask. They drop you off at your house, and Abby lives just across the street so you guess Austyn walks her home. The long between your houses and the school is 30 minutes. You could take the bus, and you do in the mornings, but the walk is too beautiful to miss, so fun laughing with your best friend through the sunset in the city, too fun running through the long field of grass, racing down the streets, seeing who can reach your house the fastest, rubbing it in your face as you both either collapse on your porch or Abby goes home. Sometimes, you dance outside together, sharing secrets, giggling over whatever crush the other one has... Abbys friends with almost everyone, but the two of you are inseparable. Tonight though, you only talked with Abby, not wanting to make Austyn feel left out, and not wanting to seem awkward infront of your new friend. You run inside, jumping into your bed, thinking Austyn is just a little cute. Maybe a tiny crush? You don't think on it too much, as you pass out.
The next day, Austyn starts hanging out with you and Abby, which neither of you mind. He's a bit less shy and a bit more friendly. He's in your homeroom, science, and math class, so you sat next to him in all of those. You guys talked and exchanged answers from time to time, overall getting along very well. You guys hang out at lunch, and sure, you give a slight bit more attention to Abby, but thats it, and overall, the three of you get along like three peas in a pod. The next four days go similarly, your crush for him grows.
One lunch time the three of you meet up, eat, and head to the library. You weren't sure what was wrong, but Austyn didn't seem to be a huge fan of Abby, only hanging out and attempting to make conversation with you, almost cutting Abby out. You, of course, refuse to let that happen, and keep adding your friend the the conversation. You and Abby exchange a confused look, Austyn normally loves you and Abby.
After school the same day, you run over to Abbys locker, waiting for her to grab her stuff. You wait for 5 minutes... 10 minutes... 20 minutes... she doesn't show up. Thinking it's a bit strange, you still wait, assuming she was held back in class or something, as the teachers often like to praise her work or offer her opportunities for an upcoming math competition or something. She appears, after awhile, running towards you. The two of you begin to walk home together. When you ask her what she was doing, she awkwardly dodges the question. You leave her alone about it.
The next day when you arrive at school, Abby still didn't show up. How strange, you think to yourself. Abby hasn't missed a single day this year, not even when she was sick, you have no clue how she does it. Straight As, no days missed, friends with everyone she talks to, yet she's not here. You couldn't help but feel a pit in your stomach, not wanting to assume the worst. You would've thought she'd at least text you right? The more you thought about it the worse it got. What if she was raped by a creepy teacher?? What if she was kidnapped?! Maybe she got a deadly sickness and has three days to live! There's so many possibilities you weren't sure, what if-
"Hey!" Your new 'friend' from yesterday appears before you, looking like he's accomplished something great.
"Hi...?" You look up at him, calming yourself immediately. You knew you shouldn't overthink this, she probably just missed her bus or something. Austyn obviously picks up on your torn face as he asks,
"Hey, are you ok? You look offput..." he does his signature, puppy-like head tilt. you quickly nod your head, laughing to yourself silently of the stupidity of your overdramatic thoughts. You weren't normally so anxious, this over worried about your friend not being at school immediately, but for some reason, your gut was screaming at you that something bad happened. And then... The overwhelming feeling to run hits you. Looking at Austyns smile fills you with a strange sense of dread. White noise echos in your ears.
"Woah, woah, calm down!" He panics, "Hey what happened? You look like you've seen a ghost!" Hes acting way too friendly today... you shake your head.
"I-I don't know what's wrong with me today? I guess it's just a weird day....?" Austyn rushes to wipe some tears you didn't notice were were falling from your eyes.
"Hey, you don't have to talk about it...." he sighs "I don't know what happened, but stop worrying."
Abby was murdered.
You don't know how you know, last night was such a haze... what happened...? Pictures of her dead body flash in your mind, the killer standing there with a knife and sadistic smile. You swear it was a dream... you remember beginning your walk home, but can't remember anything passed the midway point, not even what you did last night, did you even eat dinner? You didn't wear pajamas last night, you assumed you were just tired when you woke up. But did you really see Abbys murder or is this just the most dramatic you've ever been on a Wensday morning?
You continued your day like normal, the sinking feeling never leaving you. Austyn was acting strange, outgoing and sweet to you. And yet his face was making you want to throw up for some reason... to go as far as to flee the country. Well, maybe not that far, but you certainly didn't want him near you for some reason.
The end of the days comes, and your dumbass told Austyn he could walk you home. It was probably fine, you'd go to sleep tonight and tomorrow everything would be normal, Abby would be at school and Austyn wouldn't be as creepy to you. You're sure of it.
You wait for him near the entrance of the school, and of course, when he comes out, he's almost stumbling over his own feet to run towards you.
"Hey!" He gives a huge innocent smile as he begins walking with you, clutching the arms of his backpack in a shy manner. You smile up at him, not sure if it's a real smile or not. No words are exchanged as you both watch little cracks of the sunset through all the large buildings of the city. It wasn't cold, but it definitely wasn't hot, the perfect night for a first kiss. Stars beginning to appear as you make your way out of downtown, you've only been walking for 15 minutes... almost the midway point... you have a much better view of the now gone sun, there's still a bit of red. There's no one around, it's a gorgeous night, you're walking home with a guy... everything should be perfect, it should be romantic. You recognize this, Deja vu, but different.... memories from what you think to be the dream, or a cruel reality you weren't sure yet start to appear. Abbys lifeless body in the long grass, the moonlight to the killers back, you know who it was, but you can't remember.... all these events took place just upahead and-
It wasn't a dream.
Blood stains lay in the grass and you point to Austyn, not in control of your body or the words that spill from your mouth, or the tears that spill from your mouth, or the puke that's about to spill from your mouth.
"You did this... didn't you...?"
Austyns eyes darken, "and you remember. I knew the sedatives wouldn't work as well as I wanted them to..." he sighs "I did this for you, don't you see?! I killed her for you. I've loved you for so long and you've never even looked at me. So I stalked you, learned about you, you're so cute yknow! You never laughed the same way around me as you did with Abby, ramble to me as you did with her.... So now our problem is gone, and we can be the cutest couple!" He spits delusionally. You back away from him, the moon to his back, the same spot as last night. He grabs your wrist harshly, overpowering you easily.
"You can't run darling, now let's go to my house!" He beams, "I'll even bring you home the head of someone you don't like!" You thrash around, screaming for help, but Austyn just giggles and hugs you to him, holding one hand around your arms and torso and the other over your mouth. "Shhhhh, it'll be ok!" He puts a chloroform filled cloth to your mouth, and everything goes dark.
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Maybe I'll write a part 2, maybe I'll do headcannons, maybe I'll leave you guys to imagine the rest, we'll see :3
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
now what about virgin!zoro sleeping with the reader for the first time 🤭
A/N: Aww yay more virgin content for the W😭🤍🫶🏾 okie dokie I gotchu! Tysm for the request! Enjoy!
“I Want Everytime to Feel Like This” Virgin! Zoro x Slightly Experienced! Reader (NSFW/FLUFF)
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WC: 2.9k
Bad Summary: Zoro’s girlfriend always wanted to go the next level with her new boyfriend Zoro, but he always seemed reluctant in doing so which causes her to feel a bit insecure
Black Chubby/Thick Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Needy!Zoro, Reader is older than Zoro, Fingering, Lots of Kissing, Reader is in Control, but not like a Dom Reader Kinda Way(?), Riding, Ball Sucking, Finger Sucking, A lot of Sucking, Vaginal Sex, Mentions of Anal, Oral Sex, Zoro Gets Overstimulated, Also not Proofread yet
“You’re…a Virgin?”
“Tch…no need to be so dramatic about it so what?!”
You couldn’t really recall the day you and Zoro became partners romantically. You’ve known him for a few years now and in that time he never once been the type to seem interested in being in a relationship just like his Captain.
It kind of just happened. You and him had a small bicker back and fourth that turned into a full blown argument until Zoro kissed you and confessed how he truly felt. It was hard for the man, keeping his feeings bottled up, but you were stubborn and kept pestering him, you kept getting close when he tried pushing away. You were probably one of the few people that could break Zoro like that.
Well fast forward now and you both are in a strong relationship with no complaints.
Except one.
Zoro Never was the type to initiate sex. You both never had gone as far as making out, but every single time you begin to fondle his pants to straddle him he pushes you back and talks about how tired he is. It’s been a year you both have been together and it started to get to you? He wasn’t a religious man, he didn’t believe in much so clearly it wasn’t his own morals stopping him from getting further in bed with you.
Did he not trust you?
Maybe you weren’t that attractive to him?
Well tonight was a perfect night to ask.
You both were just laying on your bed, too tired to get up and do something, but too awake to fall asleep. you both just relaxed in your room for the night after a bath. Boredom and a little horniness took over so you began to kiss and pepper his face and he didn’t mind it until the kissing turned hot and heavy. But like clock work Zoro sat up and denied you access.
Your face scrunched up, not even hiding the irritation you had, it made Zoro buff and look away in embarrassment, lips glossy from yours, his breathing was heavy. Clearly he wanted more, but it was like he just couldn’t .
“Zo…what’s wrong…” Your Voice was soft despite the agitation you wore on your face. “Hm? Talk to me.”
You hands touched his tanned cheek. Whether the grumpy green head admit it or not he loved how gentle you can be towards him in situations like this.
“Nothing. Just tired.” He plainly responded trying to guide you off of him but you sat stubbornly still making his eyes shoot at you.
“No you’re not. Zoro y—-are you …are you um…are you still attracted to me?”
He knew why you’d ask that but it still didn’t erase the disbelief he showed you.
-ZORO’s Pov-
I cant believe she’s ask me that stupid ass question!
Of course I’m attracted to her?!
Y/N is fucking breath taking.
She’s radiant.
She’s beautiful
She makes my stomach hurt in the best way when I look at her beautiful eyes.
And her body….
Dammit i should just tell her the truth it’s been going on for too long now!
“I am.” I responded. Fuck i wish I could talk to her better.
“Then…why haven’t we…ever….”
She takes her hand away from my face and look away, she looked so cute squirming above me trying to find her words. She’s not as bad as me but it’s still nice to see her struggle her way through.
“Why haven’t we ever had sex….”
I knew she’d ask me that.
I sigh.
“If you don’t want to or you’re waiting it’s fine I just…you didnt peg me as the typ—“
“I’m a virgin.”
Her eyes grow like ten times the size and she jumped back a little as if I told her some bad news. Can this woman be more embarrassing?!
“YESSSS.” I cut her off groaning. It’s been 40 seconds and she kept repeating “YoUrE a ViRgIn?!”
She kept staring at me with an unreadable expression? She looked like she wanted to talk shit about it. As if I cared. I don’t give a damn about not having sex. It’s not that big of a deal.
“Well I’m not.” She said confidently shrugging.
“Youre—you’re not?!”
“Nope.” She sighed laying on top of my chest, “Loss it when I was 19.”
“…that was —“
“2 years ago mmhmmm. Long before you, but that’s not important….Zoro i don’t care that You’re a Virgin. Or if that’s ganna make me not want or something—“
“I don’t give a shit either!”
There was no reason I just…
Didn’t want to disappoint her with my lack of experience.
“How about this.” She sat up, breast bouncing in the process in my face. “If you want…let’s go slow…i don’t care if you had no experience i can just teach you. You’re a fast learner anyways.”
Before I can respond she smashes her lips into mine for a moment, nearly picking back up the make out session we had earlier but she pushes away this time and giggles.
“…would you like to go further tonight?”
Zoro grumbled turning to hide his pink face. He would never admit he did always wanted to go further after their first kiss but now that you’re offering he doesn’t really know how to respond. You laugh before taking his hand and peppering his sore knuckles in kisses. He never experienced this level of sensual movements from you, your eyes never parted from his dark ones as each knuckle was getting the same amount of attention. His lips were parted anticipating how far you’d go until you popped his middle and ring finger in your mouth
Zoro felt his stomach drop for the first time in years. Your tongue wrapped around his digits like a snake wrapping around its prey. Granted this wasn’t your plan to be this damn lewd but you couldn’t help it you just couldn’t help it when it came down to your boyfriend Roronoa Zoro.
You popped them out, a small spit trail gracefully falling on you chin not caring to wipe it so the green haired swordsman reached with his free hand to do so, but you kissed him instead. His breathing through his nose was harsh and stuttering at your boldness.
“Answer me, Zoro…do…” You pushed him back, you finger trailing down his scar, threatening to touch his nipple, down to his v-line where his shorts were so horribly covering his growing erection you chose to ignore, “you want to further this?”
Zoro clears his throat swallowing hard looking at your breast free from any bra or tight clothing swing above him under your big shirt,
“Yes. But let’s go slow.”
That was all you needed to hear to give his tantalizing neck a lick, kiss and a suck.
“Fuck…” He huffed put hands thrown on your waist to press his thumbs down on you tightly. You never got to kiss him there, Zoro held his breath from holding back any moans, but that wasn’t until you peppered your way down to said nipple, almost as if you read his mind and teasingly flicked the tip of your tongue on the sensitive little thing. “D-don’t do that?!”
He sounded so unsure. But that wasn’t even the main issue here Zoro stuttering!? This was revolutionary ! As much as you wanted to look up and smile to poke fun, you felt a poke at your tummy. You smirk, hand sneaking to his hard on making estimates with your palm of how big he really was.
“Are you ganna keep rubbing my cock through my pants or are you going to do something about it….it’s your fault.”
“Aww.” You look up and him biting your lip, smiling. “Don’t make me blush. I’m already doing that to you.”
“Tch..shut up!”
You snicker pulling down his pants and boxers, he lifts hi hips a little to assist and the moment he notices the look on your face as his cock bounces against his lower abdomen he grows a sly smirk throwing his arms in the back of his head.
“You act like you never seen one—“
“Shut up ! Let me just…” You throw off the shirt and toss away your panties. You completely forgot Zoro never seen you naked so it was a treat to see him so flustered at the sight of you,
“What? YoU aCt lIkE yOu—“
“You’re Beautiful.”
His voice was deadpanned, but it was a genuine compliment. His eyes didn’t tear from your body, absorbing it all like he wasn’t going to see it again. You climb back on him to kiss him once more,
“Thank you.” Was all you replied before trailing your kisses down his body leaving a shock hit his spine with each peck, you kneel comfortably beside his legs and grab ahold of his cock stroking it firmly until you spit on it a little for extra lube.
You shoved as much as you could in his mouth leaving the remainder to be stroked with one hand and your other massaging his balls, Zoro began to breathe ragged, groaning through his teeth on how well you were to take him in.
“Shit!” He cursed immediately pushing back some of your hair to see your covered face, your back was now arched beautifully, toes subtly curling as you sucked Zoro’s cock. You licked from the base to the tip and then all the way down to his balls , “FUCK!”
You sucked them while slowly rubbing your now wet hand on his shaft at a steady pace. You started to feel his cock twitch and his hips buck. He must have been close to cumming.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!! Don’t stop please!”
You went back to lick his slit then his entire tip before you get your tongue get sprayed with his hot seed. You grimace a bit at the taste, mostly because you never been the swallow kind of girl, but this was Zoro.
He deserved it.
You didn’t stop though you kept lightly pumping his cock for more and though he wanted to push you away his body kept begging.
“Shit! I—“
Kissing him again he lowly growls in your mouth pulling your closer now chest to chest, Zoro couldn’t stop going even if he wanted to. He thought he was a damn fool to have not at least done oral sex with you before in the past, recalling all the times you’ve offered.
“Let me…let me…”
You tilt your head at him with a confused expression,
“I want to return the favor.”
It’s almost shameful how excited you were, but you had to quickly pull yourself together and decline, but Zoro wasn’t having any of that.
“This is about you—“
“It’s about us, Y/N.” He moves you to lay down now on top of your smaller form, his skin tone was so pretty under the moonlight and sweating, “Just show me…”
“Show you what…”
“Tch…” He looks away for a moment, knowing you’re making him speak because you’re probably getting off to it, “Teach me….—“
“Teach me how to eat that pussy of yours.”
Your body immediately melted. His voice was so low you thought maybe he was threatening you, toying with you, a menacing grin sneaked through his lips before planting a sweet kiss on you, mimicking you taunts by trailing his open mouth kisses on your body, spreading your thighs apart embarrassingly wide.
Zoro admired the wetness of your cunt, all for him? He was about to have the time of his life.
He kissed your clit, a small remnant of your juices stained his lips and tongue giving him his first taste of you, Sake, Onigiri, nothing could compare to your taste.
He needed more.
“Z-ZO!” Your back snapped upwards with one hand gripping his hair, his tongue was exploring you whole not missing any area until he finally stuck it inside you, “ZORO!”
Her taste was so damn addicting.
She was bladdering on on how I needed to slow down but fuck that I can’t believe I took this long, and from her moans and the way she keeps pushing me in with he legs I must be a prodigy at this.
She kept crying my name until she came inside my mouth squirting a little, it was cute. I don’t think she’s ever done that.
“I….I’m sorry.” She covered her face but I pulled them back grabbing her cheeks to push my tongue in her mouth.
“Don’t be sorry.”
I looked back down and I just couldn’t help myself. I rubbed my two fingers on her slit, she was so wet I kept slipping off her clit.
“Just like that…” Y/N’s voice was so gentle, it was also mixed in with her sexy ass moans she kept doing, she felt so fucking good taking my fingers so well.
I sped up my pace now full blown scissoring her, I used my thumb to press down on her clit and trace circles, shit her legs began to twitch.
“Oh Zo! Yes!” She cried out, her hands were reaching for something to grab so I let go of her thigh and intertwined my fingers with hers, she was so hot to the touch, y/n looked at me with her low lids, mouth parted trying to fix her unsteady breaths as I kept going. She looked like she wanted to tell me something?
“Kiss me, Zo…”
I swallowed the lump in my throat before I bent over to kiss her. She felt so good, she sounded so good, everything about her was so perfect I couldn’t take it. Her other free hand rubbing my scalp as she sucked the fuck out of my tongue, begging to taste herself again mixed with my spit. I pulled away, a spit line following down her chest as I latch on to her perk nipples, I nearly forgot—
I needed to mark her up.
I latched back into her neck leaving one hickey right below her jawline, I sucked and kissed all the way down until I reached her breast and I made a mess of them too. She pushed me off a little whining and climbed back on top of me panting and I took the opportunity to slap her ass.
Fuck I can’t wait until we do this again.
“Shit..” i mumble, She didn’t waste anytime rubbing her slit on my cock, her pretty little tits bounced in my face as I sat up to be completely eye to eye to her.
“‘M ganna…put it in…” she whispers hovering over me.
“Then fucking do it…if you can handle it.” I taunt in her ear.
She squints at me and scoffs, without any words I watch her slowly sink onto my cock, she was tight as all hell, but
“So warm…” I mumble, she grabs ahold of my hands peppering them in kisses again and then my face before she slammed herself on me having us both moan out in each others mouths, “A-are you okay?! Did you slip?!”
“No I didn’t—ah—slip dumbass I meant to do that!”
She’s such a fucking liar.
“You sure I’m not in your a—“
“Shut up!” She yelled looking up, adjusting to my size, I sit and wait, I’d rather be in this position all night then to have her feel uncomfortable for my sake.
“Okay..”. She huffs looking in my eyes, she looked so beautiful trying to keep her composure as I was inside her, “I’m going to move now…”
We lock fingers and she begins to bounce.
“Ah!” Her voice hums with each time she lowers herself, “Ah—-Zo you…feel so good!”
“Y-you! Tooo fuck can you go any faster now?!”
She pushes me on my back again and rest her hands on my chest now grinding and bouncing in a rhythm that’s already about to make me fucking—-
“CU—Fuck I’m cuming!”
I damn near Bit off my lip feeling her lightly chuckling and continuously grind above me. Fuck there goes that painful overstim…
“Want me to keep going?” She teased but her body didn’t act like she was threatening to stop.
“Y-yes! Please y/n!”
..can’t believe I’m begging right now, but I don’t care she felt too good!
She picked up her pace now going up and down, her ass hitting my thighs as I kept hearing the wet noises from her pussy clenching on my cum coated cock now dripping down my balls onto the sheets.
“Zo!” She squeezed my hands with her eyes shut Stil moving, “I’m close baby!”
“I am too cum with me sweetheart!”
I pulled her close to ride her orgasm out with me, her legs twitched on my sides, her face buried in my neck cuming and humping my cock like the little cute slut she was.
When we both calmed down it was a comfortable silence, my eyes were shut with my arms around her still quivering body, our cum oozing out while she cockwarmed me and I felt her play with my earrings.
“Stop That.”
“Hmmm…” She sighed kissing my hot cheek, “You’re so pretty Zo…”
“Shut up…”
“You look Even prettier between my legs.”
“Yeah…and you look hotter with my cock in your slutty mouth.”
We share a small laugh, y/n yawns and I throw the blanket over the both of us pulling her up by her ass to get comfortable. Hope she don’t mind warming me for the night.
“Thank you for trusting me Zo…” she kisses me cheek tenderly, “I love you.”
“…I love you, too…”
“Awwww look at you all soft and stuff after getting some pussy!” She sung squeezing my cheek.
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blauequuleus · 7 months
Okay so I’ve never played any Kingdom Hearts games and I’ve only watched the first 2 hours of a play through of the first game.
I’m gonna list everything I know through just internet osmosis. So tell me how off the mark I am on some of this (If I spell names wrong I’m sorry and be nice please)
Sora, Riku, and Kari(?), have all grown up together and play on this island with no parents in sight or a house or anything but island kids running around (do they have parents and houses to go home to? Or is this just Peter Pan style island of lost kids)
They want to leave the island and go on an adventure together
Kari just kinda showed up one day
Sora has a crush on Kari but has not a lot of interactions with her but is constantly talking about Riku and chasing after him
Kari I’m sorry sweetie as far as I can tell you’re the old trope of “this is girl character who is girl and main love interest that will spend 99% of the plot damsel’d and doing nothing -probably knocked out- and the last 1% she spends reassuring the main male lead in some way and has no personality outside of that” (this could be radically different in the games and she actually has a personality that doesn’t revolve around the main lead Sora needing to rescue her but all of the scenes I’ve seen from the games she’s either just standing there or is knocked out)
Riku and Sora have so mush chemistry people are convinced they are in love (to be fair every thing I’ve seen from the games has them constantly obsessing over each other more so than anyone else. Half their lines seem to be each others names. So yeah big rainbow energy coming off of them)
Also don’t they like combine swords or something into a big weapon… 👀🏳️‍🌈
Isn’t there matching wedding rings for Sora and Rikus swords cause if so that’s cute
Main game plot point is Sora, Goofy and Donald jumping around in a Gummy Ship?? to all the different Disney properties and movies and these are all treated like different worlds (is Star Wars in there now cause that’s a galaxy in and of itself, how does that work????)
Donald was dunked on for years as a terrible healer until he nuked a guy and the internet went insane over it
Micky Mouse is a king
Idk where the fuck Minnie is or Daisy
This is all connected to Final Fantasy games somehow. Cloud and Sephiroth(??) are connected to this (I have not played the Final Fantasy games either so idk what this means. I know it’s the same developers but haven’t they been in the KH games??)
The Halloween Town designs are cool looking
Sora gets a wardrobe change per world (species change for little mermaid?? And maybe others??)
Why his shoes too big lookin for his feet
Heartless are little shadow guys that are made from people having their heart/soul ripped out
There’s basically an apocalypse on every world cause of these heartless little creatures (but only main characters seem to notice them??? Everyone else going about their day which is a mood)
The Pirates of the Caribbean one is hyper realistic but Sora still looks like anime guy which is weird
Maleficent is keeps being a boss bitch but still dies for it
Doors and keys are super important
Sora and Riku have heartless but theirs get people forms but they don’t look like who they come from that shit is reversed for some reason
There’s like 3-4 just for Sora and none of them look like him
Riku got a stalker in some guy named Xnort(???how spell???) who possesses Riku at some point
This Xnort little old ass seems to have a habit of this possession thing and uses time travel?? to just keep possessing people
Eyes turn yellow when he does
He started a war for a specific heart??
Keyblade War (no idea what this is or means I just know it’s a thing)
There’s another trio that timeline wise came before the OG trio from the first game that was in the war
Xnort got the buff guy one, the other guy is in Sora but not?? turned into sparkles and possessed Sora but also didn’t, and the blue haired girl is out here working the hardest but she on a deserted island in the void
Micky also ends up chilling with her there at some point
Woody roasts a guy
How the fuck does the Toy Story world work if there’s people and sentient toys???? Why does Sora become a toy there if he a people
Sora wasn’t supposed to wield the keyblade Riku was but his dumbass got corrupted so Sora got it (?)
Riku got another one
I think everyone has kinda died at some point but they all got better
Sora got trapped in dream world by blonde Kari that drew pictures about it
Blonde Kari isn’t evil she was just chilling with a comatose Sora
Riku went through a lot to get his boyfriend back
There’s an organization that’s connected to Xnort guy that wears black robes
There is another set of Riku, Sora and Kari copies there
The third Kari black haired goes out Master Oogway style but with glitter
There’s a red haired guy there that talks big shit but is constantly getting his ass kicked
There are so many spin-off games that have a lot of lore in them and the titles only make sense to people deep in the fandom trenches and lore
Those titles got fractions and shit in them
The Disney princesses played a major role at some point but idk if that’s still a thing
Those stain glass window levels are gorgeous
Sora is a people pleaser who dies for it
But unlike everyone else getting better from it, as he also has in the past, Sora is now gone gone but also not and next game may be in basically purgatory which is kinda our world (so many jokes there)
Riku gonna be on quest 2 of save his boyfriend and is sad now cause of it
Poor Riku he went through his emo phase in the first game and now his punishment for it is running after and saving a serial self sacrificing people pleaser that can’t say no and who keeps dieing from it
Let me know if I was close at all to being right about some things and what I got wrong.
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icyhottodo · 1 year
wc: 800> | genre: fluff
nini’s notes: let's imagine ipods are still popular (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)
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you were having an abnormally unlucky day today. you slept past your alarm, causing you to be late for your job and then being told off by your superior even though you were rarely ever late. and since you were late, you were too busy rushing around and missed your daily dose of caffeine, making you a bit more cranky compared to usual.
but even after all that, you decided to continue hanging out with your best friend!kirishima later in the day. not wanting to sour the mood for him. after a few minutes of being with him, everything started to lighten up, you forgot about your annoying boss, sleeping past your alarm, and almost everything that made you feel down. you two decided to eat out at a cool restaurant that just opened up. and then, of course, you guys had to get a dessert in the park after, kirishima was craving ice cream. and since your best friend was craving it, it was kirishima’s treat. but of course, with a day so unlucky, something had to go wrong for you.
after you ordered your preferred ice cream, you told kirishima that you were going to find a place to sit for the both of you, to which he agreed. but when you turned around, a man who was waiting right behind you was holding some sugary drinks, smashing into your clothes.
"oh, i’m so sorry!" the man apologized profusely, trying to get napkins to help ease the situation. you let the man know that it was okay since he didn’t do it on purpose and you weren’t mad at him. but once he left, you turned to kirishima with despair on your face.
"what am i supposed to wear now?" you whined, and even though you weren’t exactly angry, you felt frustrated at how many unlucky things had come your way today. and feeling the cold drink soak into your shirt didn’t exactly feel good.
you can see kirishima trying to think of any way to fix your problem. before his face brightens, making it known that he thought of a brilliant idea. he pulled his hoodie off his body, but as he was in the midst of doing that, your eyes widened. you notice that he was wearing a thin layer of shirt underneath his hoodie, but that isn't what caught your attention; you can see a small sliver of the bottom of his abs. making you avert your eyes in hopes of not thinking about kirishima’s toned chest any longer. did you like your best friend?
you knew your best friend was buff, but not this buff. your thoughts that have completely disappeared as to why he might be undressing in a park comes back as he hands you his hoodie. "here." 
"really? won’t you get a cold?" you asked in disbelief. kirishima hasn't done anything "boyfriend-like" toward you before. when kirishima nodded to confirm it was indeed fine, you reluctantly put on his hoodie. you secretly loved this but didn’t know the exact reason why. you were instantly met with warmth and the scent of musk.
after that, you two went back like you were supposed to do—to look for a table while kirishima paid for the desserts. in a few minutes, you see kirshima walk up to you with a smile on his face and two ice creams occupying both of his palms.
you two continue to talk as the sun starts to set, which reminds you that you two should probably head home soon. kirishima offers to walk you home like the gentleman he is. after reaching your place, you bid goodbye to kirishima. he waits outside for a bit to see that you’re actually safe inside your home before he starts walking to his own place with an affectionate smile on his face.
while changing into your home clothes, you notice that you still have kirishima's hoodie, forgetting to give the clothing back to the redhead beforehand. you threw the hoodie into your laundry basket, but as you did that, something fell out of kirishima’s hoodie. it was kirshima’s ipod, along with his wired earbuds.
curious, you picked up the music device and wanted to see what kirshima’s music taste was like. but as you scrolled through, a playlist name caught your eye. the reason why was that it was a playlist kirishima made that had your name on it.
and when you went to see what songs were contained in that playlist, all you saw were either songs you recommended to him or love songs. your heart started to beat faster at the thought of your best friend liking you in a more romantic way.
you pulled out your phone to call the man who dropped you off five minutes ago.
"i like you too."
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nopenototdaysatan · 8 months
Me just over here wondering to myself I wonder what would happen if my lalafell warrior of light met the links from Linked universe....
Chaos insued:
First thought on my mind is size. My "this is the tallest I can make for his race" lalafell is probably four size. I can only wonder at them seeing someone older than four who is still four's size. It would really put into perspective his shortness.
Second thought: If my wol dance partnered four and then four used the four sword to split, what would happen? I've determined that that 2 minute buff window would become more like an 8 minute buff window. But also what if the dance partner attribute almost keeps four from splitting as if the ability doesn't want to have more than one user and will keep you from that to the best of it's ability.
Third thought: Time and legend looking at the dark Knight lore as if the dark Knight power source makes the most sense and in some way they want it.
Fourth thought: Everyone freaks out when Scholar!wol summons Eos or Selene. You cannot tell me that all of them wouldn't be somewhat concerned by a fairy appearing out of nowhere from someone not of their world. They then become very concerned when it's revealed where we place our fairies in battle. (Death comes to any who place a fairy under the boss while with the chain)
Fifth thought: Hyrule and a wol vibing together from having friends who were "sleeping" for hundreds of years.
Sixth thought: wild and the wol vibing over exploring new places.
Seventh thought: I wonder what would happen if you just let the chain fuck around with your soul crystals(changes your job in FFXIV).
Addendum kinda wanna give fun and interesting classes to them all. This is less about their abilities and more about the chain having fun.
Legend- Red mage: legend should absolutely be given the right to both sword and magic. He would also look perfect in the red mage's armor.
On the other hand a black mage who refuses to use thunder is hilarious. Everyone else in a dungeon gets pissed off legend won't use his dot.
Hyrule: Blue mage- Chaos time! Let Hyrule both heal and cause massive damage. Also, why wouldn't I give him the job that requires you to learn spells from monsters. It's probably where he learned most of his skills from.
Twilight: monk- kinda boring but his fists are rated teen for violence. Beast master: we don't have this job yet but it is coming so that could be my second option. Would friend every animal and then be confused when they have violence in their eyes when anything tries to attack him.
Time: Dark knight: this man would absolutely use his trauma to become better at saving people. Am I wrong????
Warriors: Paladin- but let's make it fun and make him self sacrifice by having him always use cover (takes 100% of damage from a chosen party member) on his party members...even when they are already using their own shields.
Sky: Warrior- I never wanna see this man pissed off. On a more vibe aspect: Bard- just let him play his harp till the enemies stop coming.
Wind: Ninja- shut up, I know he's pirate themed and I should give him a gun but who else but wind could have a bunny of "you missed up your mudras" and make that look cool. Plus I wanna let him go fast.( Ninja's have the highest speed.)
Wild: Blue mage: Again, the monsters taught him how to fight after waking up again. Second option: Gunbreaker- fusing. Enough said. (Gunbreaker also has the highest damage ceiling of all tanks. Of course I'm giving one of the best dpsing tanks to the link who takes on lynels for fun.)
Four: machinist- no one else fits the machinist's goal of creating new and better weaponry than four. All of the different mechanisms you use to fight as a machinist just fit fours need to build and create.
Addendum for colors:
Green: viper- wanted to give him a sword plus it looks fairly swooshy from the trailer (secondary option dragoon: let my second wimdy boi fly with those jumps)
Red: black mage- fire only. Everyone keeps telling him to use ice but he refuses especially when playing with blue. Second option: Pictomancy! - let red draw his way to victory.
Blue: Warrior- he deserves to have a big axe and this way he can use his anger to help bolster his damage.
Vio: Bard- but not your stereotypical bard no, Vio is singing or reciting old takes of wars and myths. He'll use all the darkest old tales to win a fight.
(Shadow[I just wanna give him a pretty weapon.]: Dark knight: emotionally he fits it very well but Reaper: a play style that has the coolest movement ability and lots of cool effects. He likes acting like he's actually death coming for people.
Kinda wanna do all the Zelda's......)
Either thought: if the chain played FFXIV what would happen? Legend would get every class as soon as he could and then level them all to Max first. He's also on the grind to get every single achievement. May his soul rest in peace.
Sky would spend so much time crafting. Main quest? No. Side quest? No. Carpentry class quest? Yes. (He also is one of those players who stands in one of the city states and plays music for others.)
Time and twilight have their fishing class at mat lvl and regularly do ocean fishing to relax.
Wild does ultimates for fun. He also has the best glams (don't tell wars) out of the chain.
Hyrule has all of the sight seeing locations done for every expansion. He likes to go and get lost in the new locations of every expansion. It takes him at least a week longer than everyone else to finish the main content due to this.
Four: most recent crafting recipes and island sanctuary (he's here to make cool shit and relax) I could see him also enjoying the tribal quests as well.
Warrior: the most mentor to mentor out of all mentors. He does the mentor roulette for fun the poor bastard.
Wind: rps with his friends. They have a rp going on in Limsa about a land flooded by the gods.
(I think that's all of my FFXIV x Linked universe hyperfixation, for now at least. CX
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CBS Ghosts - Hello! - Trevor & Isaac vs Hamilton
Warning - Spoilers may appear.
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Quick Question - how did Trevor figure out the password to get onto the laptop???? (Was it one-two-three-four?)
LMAO - I love how Trevor’s like “oooh, laptop” and Isaac’s deferring to Trevor’s knowledge here, which I am betting is making him feel pretty good lately. 
He’s got good ideas that are being listened to and now, he’s got knowledge that no one else has and I love it. I think that he largely likes the changes Sam and Jay are bringing into their world because now he has the knowledge and is being turned to for it.
Side note - Isaac is very suspicious he’s being lied to and astounded at the possibility.  Meanwhile, Trevor is just standing there all... model like almost.  DAMN that's a lovely pose - Trevor's working that outfit. Love it.
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LMAO.  I would laugh too - ISAAC, did you really ask the man who just STRUGGLED to knock off a vase to type 17 letters FOR YOU??? Like REALLY??  I would’ve walked away.
Isaac definitely looks like he wasn't expecting Trevor to say no. It's as if he thinks that he was just being "polite" with asking, but expected a yes answer.
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OMG - I do want to know how long it took Trevor to type all of those letters.  Like - really, was it hours???? They’re lucky that Jay didn’t need the computer.
LOL at Isaac’s face - like “I’m the captain, you should do as I say”.
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I love this line. But Isaac - he hasn’t haunted you all this time.  Why exactly is haunting you now?  Why could Trevor or Pete answer his questions?  
I’m also wondering if maybe neither of them are history buffs?
OOOH, given this line and the fact that Isaac said "Hamilton got his name wrong and was a class arch-rival" in TP, I wonder if Hamilton DID haunt him, he just told himself that he died terribly and achieved nothing until he learned otherwise?
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AWWWW Trevor’s such a good man - he knows that it’s going to be very difficult and probably take a lot out of him, but he’s STILL WILLING TO DO IT after Isaac only makes ONE plea and he immediately decides to do it.  Also, he calls Isaac buddy :). Aw, he’s so cute.
Also, Isaac - you literally DIED because you didn’t wash your hands and you’re brush off Trevor’s ‘germs’ because he touched you.  (Why? Because he's a filthy commoner)? He’s probably cleaner than you are!  
Lastly, Trevor’s working his magic (fingers).  :)
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I wonder if Trevor does this because A) he likes showing off and B) actually thinks it helps? Maybe there's another reason. Either way, cute.
Seriously, Isaac?  He’s doing this for you - don’t mock him! 
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LMAO at Trevor shhhing him and Isaac rolling his eyes and saying ‘he likes it’. Isaac probably does like it, but also feels like maybe it's a bit much.
I totally would’ve quit if I were Trevor though. 
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This is SO funny!  Trevor’s screaming, Isaac is yelling at the finger and Jay’s just strolling by.  It’s SO FUNNY.  I love it.
It's just the best!
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OMG What did Jay think here?? He’s literally seeing Trevor’s power in action and just walks away.  Like “nope, nope, nope.”
He just doesn't want to think that there are invisible people that he can't see or talk to possible spying on him... oh, Jay.
Also, why hasn’t he thought about using this to talk to Trevor more? THEY NEED TO BUILD UP JAY & TREVOR COMMUNICATING TOGETHER.
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THESE TWO ARE SO CUTE!  I love that they’re jumping super excitedly over ONE letter!  Also, this is totally more Trevor’s excitement that Isaac’s feeding into because Trevor jumps up and down ALL THE TIME - so he’s just doing it ‘cause Trevor is. He wants to encourage Trevor's excitement because Trevor's doing him a favor.
Also, just a pause here, but Trevor jumps up and down without pants on and that’s so hilarious!  He flashes people unintentionally.  
I love the idea that he just... wants to be himself and not consider that he should change his behavior just because he's dead (and without pants) and I agree with it.
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LOL - Jay’s just like nooooo - why didn’t he grab the laptop????  Instead, he just walks away.  
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Awwww, Trevor’s so cute - he’s such a puppy -  he does his cute little T Money thing and Isaac’s like “we have SO MANY MORE letters to go” back to work.  
I have to wonder A) how long this took, B) if they jumped up and down after every letter and C) if when they got the bad news that Hamilton was super famous if Isaac was appreciative of all of Trevor’s efforts. I have a feeling he might not have been - it's hard to be excited for it when you get bad news.
Don’t worry, Trevor, I appreciate you!  And you're totally adorable.
Feel free to chat :)
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malachiexists13 · 1 year
The Hashiras If They Existed in Genshin Impact AU
Disclaimer: same as before, if you disagree that is fine. These are my interpretations. Also this should be spoiler free-? Also Yoriichi is here because I didnt know where else to put him 👍
Rules for the visions go as follows:
Anemo - Given to those who seek freedom above all else
Geo - Given to those who live life pursuing what they believe to be prosperous
Electro - Given to those who don't fit in
Dendro - Given to those of high intelligence/or a passion for learning
Hydro - Given to those with a strong sense of justice
Pyro - Given to those with passionate spirits
Cryo - Given to those fighting for something they believe in after suffering hardships
I've already done the demons. The Uppermoons If They Were in Genshin
And again, going weakest to strongest so we're starting with-
Shinobu Kocho
The Insect Hashira
Insect Breathing is derived from Flower Breathing, which is derived from Water Breathing. Shinobu uses a specialized blade with a stinger-like point in order to inject demons with her special poison; so she'd be a polearm user (also because polearm seems to be one of the easier weapons to wield, and canonically she is unable to decapitate demons)
Shinobu would have an electro vision but her attacks would be similiar to the electro-charged reaction - causing constant damage to the afflicted for as long as the affliction is applied
Tengen Uzui
The Sound Hashira
Sound Breathing is derived from Stone Breathing. And Tengen dual wields massive swords on a chain, so he'd probably be a claymore user
Tengen would have a geo vision. And 100% some flashy ass attacks, something like Itto or Albedo.
Mitsuri Kanroji
The Love Hashira
Love Breathing is derived from Flame Breathing, and since Mitsuri doesn't use a traditional sword as hers seem to have more long range, I'm going to label her a bow user
Mitsuri would have a pyro vision (obvi), and I kinda see her as being a bit of a healer? Idk maybe it's due to her whole thing being "love"
Giyuu Tomioka
The Water Hashira
Since Giyuu is one of the handful that uses a katana that isn't specialized, he'd be a sword user. Along with a hydro vision of course
I imagine his elemental burst to be the Eleventh Form: Dead Calm (since he created it and all). But because it canonically lowers his heart rate in exchange of being quicker, it would probably look something like Ayato's elemental skill in which it looks like he's standing still with the effects of Xiao's elemental burst. Meaning it buffs his damage, but lowers his health for as long as the skill is active
Kyojuro Rengoku
The Flame Hashira
I know he also uses a katana but he big buff man so Rengoku gets a claymore
I'm barely getting away with the fact Douma isn't cryo, I'll be fucking crucified if I don't give this man a pyro vision so he can have it
I imagine Rengoku's skills to be similiar to Diluc's. Except instead of the bird theme with Diluc, Rengoku's would be a lion. And I can imagine him to be a shield like Thoma or Xinyan.
Obanai Iguro
The Serpent Hashira
Serpent Breathing is derived from Water Breathing, I'm also pretty sure it's mentioned to be the one style that can be used without a sword? I might be wrong
Obanai's sword isn't exactly a katana, it's more specialized. But I've decided to label him a catalyst because thats what the snake theme makes me think of
And Obanai would have an electro vision
Muichiro Tokito
The Mist Hashira
Mist Breathing is derived from Wind Breathing and I know he uses a katana but since his breathing style seems to be centered around swift movements, Muichiro is a polearm user
But I am willing to give him an anemo vision. He somewhat fits Venti's requirements...
Sanemi Shinazugawa
The Wind Hashira
Same explanation as with Mist Breathing, Wind Breathing is based on swift movements so Sanemi is a polearm user
And of course, he has an anemo vision
His elemental skill would probably be like Xiao's, just a quick motion. But his burst, I imagine, would look something like Kazuha's. Or maybe he'd be a Wanderer type.
Gyomei Himejima
The Stone Hashira
100% a claymore user, I shouldn't have to explain
And obviously, geo vision
Yoriichi Tsugikuni
The Sun Hashira; The First and Strongest Demon Slayer
Yoriichi is of course a sword user
I was really indecisive on what vision he'd have. Pyro doesnt really suit his personality, neither does geo or dendro. And I couldnt see him with hydro, so that narrowed it to electro, anemo, and cryo.
I ended up deciding on a cryo vision because it actually worked lore wise (at least, with the case of Michikatsu's jealousy since then they'd have the same vision)
100% strongest and best cryo user in this case 👍 Ayaka could NEVER
Next up: Tanjiro's Team
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seiyasabi · 3 years
Bulls in the Bronx
(So…. long story short, I’m now a hucow simp. Thanks a lot @/biskywrites and @/dark-side-blog2 for making me this way (ノД`) lol, all jokes aside, I wanna suck some tiddy milk from a buff man ;)) Anyways, this is Yandere Hucow(Hubull?) Bokuto x Fem Reader ;0 This fic allows me to flex my farming knowledge lol, bc my grandparents owned ponies and dogs. 
TW: !Noncon!, !dubcon!, creampie!, he hits you twice!, somnophilia!, predator vs prey?, manipulation!, cumflation!, breeding kink!, size kink!, ur a farmhand!, lactation!, tiddie sucking!, Asshole farmer Ushi, etc.. 
Please don’t proceed if any of the above are triggering! Also, sorry if Bokuto is too OOC lol) 
“Bokuto got into the lackweed again,” You can’t suppress the laugh that explodes from your mouth. The idea of the biggest hucow (hubull??) on the ranch freaking out (again), because he’s now dripping milk is hilarious. 
“Where on Earth does he keep finding those damn weeds?” The other farmhand laughs as well, stooping down to fill two buckets with water. 
“I think those grass seeds were cross contaminated, the other hucows also started to lactate a lot more than usual. But, it’s kinda funny that our best breeder is dripping like a heifer,” Chuckling in acknowledgement, you can’t help but feel a pang of pity. Poor Bo, he’s probably really self conscious at the moment. 
“Maybe I should go check on him-” Your coworker almost drops the bucket she’s filling, looking up at you as if you just grew three heads. 
“Why would you do that? Did you forget that he’s going in rut soon?” Frowning, you glance down at the floor in mild shame. 
“Well, yes, but he isn’t supposed to start until next week! Plus, I’m not ovulating right now, so I won’t trigger him,” The other girl thinks for a moment, before nodding slowly. 
“I suppose it’d be fine. If anything, he may calm down if his favourite handler is there,” Nodding, you grab two buckets from the shelf beside you. Squatting down next to your coworker, you place a bucket underneath a faucet, turning the circular handle to the left. A gush of cool water rushes out, quickly filling the plastic pail. Quickly switching it out for the empty one, you wait a few more moments, before turning off the rushing water. Grabbing the handles of the buckets, you lift them whilst standing to your feet, using your legs instead of your back. 
Nodding towards the other girl, you bid her farewell. Turning on your heel, you tromp towards the bull pens. The large red barn is quite a far distance from the shed you were once in, causing you to break out in a light sweat. It doesn’t help that it’s mid spring, causing the farm to be quite warm. 
Setting the buckets down on the dirt ground, you wipe your brow with the back of your hand. Huffing out a deep breath, you quickly move the concrete slab keeping the barn closed away from the sliding door, before shoving it open. The sound of the cowbell on the red and white door handle on the inside clinks noisily, queuing a symphony of deep ‘moos.’ 
Picking up the buckets with bent knees, you hurry inside, relishing the feeling of the barn’s fans on your sweaty skin, “Hey guys, is the barn cool enough for you?” Grumbles and shifting of large bodies are all you get in response, causing you to laugh, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Gunning it for a certain grey haired bull’s stall, a bright smile makes its way onto your face, “Hey, Koutarou, how’re you feeling?” 
He’s currently laying on his bed of compact hay, tears sliding down his handsome face. His cute ears are droopy, his bell earring not jingling with life like normal. His tears drip between his septum piercing, and drop onto his well defined abdomen, “Not good, (Your Name).” 
With a small gasp, you set down the pails rather harshly, some of the cool liquid sloshing onto the wooden floor. Hurrying towards him, you sit on the prickly ‘mattress,’ “What’s wrong? I heard that you’re lac-” A small sob leaves his lips at your words, causing you to grab his hand reassuringly, “Are the other guys making fun of you? I can go yell at them if you’d like!” 
The buff bull-man sits up, one arm covering his chest self-consciously, “No! They’re not being mean,” He grips your hand almost to the point that it’s painful, “I-it’s just… my chest hurts, real bad.”
Nodding in understanding, you motion towards his covered pecs, “Let me see, Bubs. I’ll see what I can do.”
His face flushes bright red, “But it’s embarrassing!” You shush him sweetly, releasing his hand to coax his arm away from his chest. 
“It’s okay, I won’t make fun of you! I just wanna help you,” After a moment of hesitance, he obeys, revealing his swollen, red nipples. 
The area around his nipples is raised as well, showing just how much his milk is backed up. 
Eyes softening even more, you delicately rub both pecs, “You’re alright, Bubs. This happens to the cows sometimes when we don’t milk them as much as we need to. If you’d like, I can go find a pump!”
“No! I don’t wanna pump!” You jump slightly, and move away from him, only for his hands to trap your own to his chest. More tears gather in his eyes, as he becomes distraught, “I don’t want my milk to go to waste!” 
Taken aback, you nod, although you don’t understand his reasoning, “Kou, why’re you acting like this? You know we don’t get rid of milk, we sell your guys’ milk at the market.” 
He shakes his head, “I don’t want you to sell it. I want you to drink it,” The look of shock on your face is mistaken as disgust, causing him to cry even more, “Do you think I’m weird? Why do you look like that?” Seeing the bull act so sensitive is adorable, but you feel as though you have to comfort him.
“No, no, it’s okay! I’m not weirded out, I’m just surprised. I’ll go get a bucket-”
“No bucket!” Sighing at his weird behaviour, you cock an eyebrow at him. 
“Then how am I supposed to collect it?” A big grin crosses his teary face. 
“Drink from me! I promise I’ll be good!” Shifting in discomfort, an anxious sweat starts to form on your brow. 
“Ahaha, that’s funny, Kou. You know I can’t do that,” More tears well up in his eyes, squeezing your heart painfully, “Don’t look at me like that, Bubs. I don’t think your owner would like me getting so close-” 
“I don’t mind,” Ushijima’s voice booms throughout the barn, scaring the living daylights out of you. Whipping your head around, you make eye contact with the large male, an uncharacteristic smirk on his face, “As long as my star bull is happy, I’m happy.”
Kou releases your hands, only to grab your face, forcing you to look at him, “See! He doesn’t care! Please, (Nickname), please help me! My udders hurt so bad!” 
With Ushijima’s eyes on you, and Koutarou’s sad and pain filled face, you finally relent, “Okay, okay! Don’t freak out, Bubs, I’ll help. You just gotta let me go.” 
He releases you quickly, before shoving your head towards his chest. The jingling of his earring is heard, telling you that his ears are no longer pressed down on the top of his head. You hear heavy footsteps walk away from his stall, probably gathering the bulls to let them graze outside. 
You try to push away from where your head is being smushed, but the bull gives you no leeway, “Why aren’t you drinking?” The male practically whines, as you whack his shoulder lightly. 
“I’m being smothered in between your tiddies, Kou,” You chuckle in slight discomfort, but he finally allows you up. Moving towards his most swollen nipple (the left one), you pinch it between your thumb and forefinger, causing a small stream of milk to come streaming out. 
A small moan leaves the large man’s lips, as he shoves you once again face first into his chest, “Don’t tease, (Nickname), I feel like I’m dying!” A flash of empathy goes through your heart. 
Removing your hand from his nipple, you take a deep breath, and latch yourself onto him.Your chapstick covered lips are soft against his sensitive skin, causing him to keen. When you suckle, a tidal wave of milk bursts into your mouth. Luckily, it doesn’t taste very bad; his milk tastes like vanilla, causing you start to slurp it up like a babe. 
Your one hand kneads his other pec to soothe him, “Fu-fuck, you’re making me feel so good!” You don’t bother trying to say anything, instead, you just suck harder. Your unoccupied hand squeezes his tit that you’re currently nursing on, causing him to pump out more of his yummy milk. 
After a few long moments, you release his nipple. A drop of milk trickles down your chin, which the large bull laughs at. A thick finger wipes off the excess, pushing itself into your mouth. A tender look is in the grey haired man’s eyes, as he kisses your forehead. 
“Thank you, pretty girl. Can you do the other one, please?” Now that he’s no longer in a painfilled state, he’s back to his normal, boyish self. Nodding, you lick your lips, before latching on to his other nipple. He barely chokes back a moan, his hand gripping the back of your head. 
You suck as hard as you can without hurting him, pretending his nipple was a straw to a thick ass milkshake. Between your massaging and sucking, his teat no longer feels as painful as it once did. 
Pulling away, you give him a wry smile, “There, all better. Well, I should pour your water into your trough now,” Standing up with wobbly legs, you move towards the filled buckets. Picking them up one by one, you pour it in with unsteady hands. Why are you so shaky right now? “Well, I should get going now. I hope you feel better later,” You try to walk out of his stall, only to be yanked back into Bokuto’s lap. Both empty pails fall to the ground unceremoniously, clattering loudly through the empty barn. 
“Don’t leave me, Lovely, I need you,” His warm skin against yours feels nice, and you suddenly feel sleepy. 
“Kou, I’m tired. I think-I think I’m gonna take a nap,” He runs his fingers (through your hair/over your scalp), tantalising you into drifting off. 
“That’s alright, (Nickname), I’ll watch after you,” With a muffled ‘Mhm,’ you fall into a deep slumber. 
When you awoke, you woke to your body shaking. Brow furrowing, you blearily open your eyes, only to see a tuft of grey hair in between your bent, spread legs. 
His long tongue is currently fucking in and out of your dripping cunt, his thumb rubbing against your clit. 
“Ku-Kou? Wha-“ He looks up immediately, a look of shock on his strong features. 
“I-It’s Not what it looks like! I-I just wanted a taste!” You groggily push at his head, catching his ears slightly, causing a small jingling to sound throughout the empty barn. 
“You didn’t ask, why, why are you-“ He grabs your hand, kissing each knuckle with a slobbering kiss. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Let me make you feel good! You taste so good,” You yank your hand back, trying to kick off the hand that currently wrapped around your right thigh. 
“Get off of me! Bokuto, you-you’re doing this without my consent! I thought we were friends!” You shout, pushing at his face harshly. He grabs one of your hands, trying to kiss it, only for your other to clap him upside the face harshly, “Don’t! You’ve already done enough.” 
Kicking him away (even though he’s much larger and stronger than you, meaning he just moved away), you stand to your feet, pulling back up your halfway down jeans and panties. 
Snatching up the buckets previously discarded, you don’t even shoot the crying bull a glance, just turning on your heel, and stomping away. 
Tears of your own drip down your face, humiliation and betrayal weighing down your aching heart. 
Forcefully sliding open the barn doors, you run from it, catching the eye of a certain green haired farmer. 
It seems Bokuto fucked up. 
But that’s okay, when he goes into rut, there’ll be nothing keeping him from breeding you full of his massive calves. 
You avoided the bull barn like the plague for the next week. The hucows are very pleasant company. They treat you as if you’re their young, making you feel well loved. 
That is, until Hachi asked you why you’ve been avoiding Bokuto. She’d told you that he hasn’t acted the same, in fact, he’s acted depressed and withdrawn. 
Since then, you’ve stuck with aquatic life. The fish, swans, and ducks don’t give you that much trouble. 
But, when you come back from the pond and fish pools, the farm is ensued with panic. Apparently, Bokuto’s finally gone into rut. 
And, unfortunately for you, he’s on the prowl for you. 
So, when your coworker runs up to you, begging for you to calm him, you turn on your heel, and start walking back towards the pond. They can figure this out themselves, you’re not going to sacrifice yourself to someone who tried to take advantage of you. 
Sadly, that doesn’t work out. 
You’re immediately stopped by Ushijima, his broad form blocking you from advancing forward, “Where do you think you’re going?” His arms are crossed, an angry scowl on his usually handsome features. 
“I forgot something at the pond,” You lie, smoothly, “I’m going to go grab it real quick-” 
“You’ll do nothing of the sort,” His strong voice booms, “What you’re going to do, is march yourself into the barn, and make my prized bull happy.” 
Your own scowl forms on your pretty face, “I will do nothing of the sort. Interspecies sex is illegal! You can fire me for all I care, I’m not going in there!” You try to move around his large form, only to be manhandled into a chokehold.
His left arm is wrapped around your neck, your back to his chest, and your face being held in a large hand, “Interspecies sex is legal when a human and hybrid are mates,” He hisses through gritted teeth, and you struggle in his hold, “If you don’t go in there, I’ll drag you in.” 
“Fuck you,” You spit, “I’ll fucking castrate you!” You kick backwards, landing a solid hit on the large man’s groin. With a loud yell, you’re let go, allowing you to run towards the farm’s parking area. Pulling your truck’s keys from your pocket, you haul ass, not bothering to look behind you. 
The barns and sheds fly past you, as you run through the open field leading to the car park. You suddenly hear loud footsteps follow after you, and you assume that it’s Ushijima, that is, until you hear them, “(Nickname)! (Nickname), where are you going? Why are you running away from me?” Bokuto’s voice rings out at top volume, hurting your ears. His voice a lot more gravely than before, and without looking at him, you know that he most likely looks crazed. 
You don’t respond, trying to pick up the pace. You click the unlock button one time, only unlocking the driver’s side door. Because you had a head start, you cleared the field in less than three seconds, allowing you to hop into your truck, and lock the doors. Shoving the key into the ignition, all whilst buckling your seatbelt, you press on the brake, and turn it, only to hear the spluttering of your failing ignition, “Come on! Don’t do this-” Bokuto slams into the driver’s side door at top speed, rocking your large vehicle harshly. His hands and face are pressed against the window, his expression looking like that of a kicked puppy. You then notice the fact that the buff male is completely naked, his impossibly large cock bobbing against his toned stomach. 
“Why are you trying to leave? I need you so badly, pretty-pretty. Why don’t you open the door, and we can figure this out? I promise I’ll make you feel good, after all, us bulls pride ourselves in taking care of our mates,” You cringe in disgust, not bothering to answer him. Instead, you continue to fiddle with your ignition, muttering expletives under your breath. His large hands start to beat on your driver-side window, trying to gain your attention, “(Nickname), come out already! Ushi already cut your fuel line, so you’re not going anywhere! Come on, I just wanna make you feel good-”
It was your turn to cut him off, “Shut up! We aren’t friends anymore, Bokuto, much less lovers! Just leave me the fuck alone! I’m sure many of the cows would love to help you through your rut, why can’t you just ask them?” Tears of frustration dot your eyelashes, as you pop open your glove box and search for your phone. Catching sight of the black cased (phone type), you snatch it from its confines with a loud ‘Aha,’ “Don’t make me call the Farmer’s Union, Bokuto. I’ll report you and Ushijima for-”
“You won’t! You love me too much!” His frantic words raise in volume, as he hit the glass even harder than before, “You wouldn’t put me down! Come on, (Nickname), why won’t you call me ‘Bubs’ anymore? I love you!” You swipe open your phone, and go to the contacts. Pulling up the Farmer’s Union phone number, you go to press ‘call,’ only for the shattering of glass to halt you. 
You scream in both fear and shock, throwing up your hands to protect your face. This, in turn, causes you to drop your phone. In this time, Bokuto is able to grab you by your arms, and drag you towards the broken window. Your seatbelt keeps you in place, causing him to pull you even harder, and making you scream in pain. 
You use your arm to whack his against the broken glass on your truck’s window area. He releases you in a moment of pain, allowing you to unbuckle yourself, and throw yourself to the passenger side. Once there, you unlock the door, and bolt towards the road. 
“(Your Name), come back here! Stop being so difficult!” You pay him no mind, a few meters away from the busy road. Noticing a car speeding towards the area you’re running to, you push yourself even harder, trying to throw yourself into the road. Unfortunately, you’re grabbed by two buff arms that encircle your waist. They use all of their strength to smash you into their chest from behind, knocking the air from your lungs, “Are you crazy? You could’ve been hurt!” You thrash and try to bite at him, causing Bokuto to backhand you across the face, “Now look what you made me do! If you’d been good, I wouldn’t have had to do that!”
To be completely honest, you’re in shock. Bokuto has never raised a hand at you, and that slap wasn’t a warning tap. No, that was him using a good majority of his strength, causing your cheek to throb painfully. 
You continue to thrash and curse after freezing for a moment, drawing the eyes of concerned coworkers, “Let go of me! What the fuck is wrong with you? Put me down!” You try to kick him in the junk, only to kick him on the inside of his thigh. In retaliation, he backhands you again, this time on the other cheek. Gasps and whispers are heard from those around you, drawing the large hucow’s eyes. 
“There’s nothing to see here, guys! Just my mate making a scene,” He shakes you a bit to shut you up, causing you to become disoriented. The farmhands and other hybrids look like they’re about to step in, only for Ushijima himself to show up. 
“What Bokuto said is correct,” His harsh gaze is on you, his hand gripping his dick, “She’s just making a scene. Let them through.”
They reluctantly go back to their business, as Koutarou guns it to the empty bull barn. Ushijima only watches as you’re dragged to the large building, as tears drip down your face in fear, and his fist at his side clenches in fury.
Stomping into the barn, Bokuto makes quick work of getting to his stall. Once inside, he tosses you on the hay mattress, and straddles your waist. With pawing hands, he rips your t-shirt and jeans off of you, leaving you in your bra and underwear, along with your boots and socks. Yanking off your boots, be tossed them out of his ‘room,’ as you try to throw punches at his muscular chest. He grunts, but doesn’t stop. 
With beefy fingers, he yanks off your bra, ripping it in two. Your tits jiggle at his harsh movements, making him lick his lips in enjoyment. He then rips off your cotton panties, exposing your cunny to his hungry eyes. 
“You’re beautiful, pretty-pretty. I can’t wait to see you stuffed with my calves,” You shake your head no rapidly, pushing his hands away from where they rest on your hips. 
“No! Stop it, Bokuto! I thought we were friends!” He tightens his grip on your pelvis, forcing your legs open. 
“That’s Not my name, (Nickname), you know that. Now, you know that I’m way more than just your friend-I’m your mate, and you know that I’ll provide for you and our calves,” With grubby fingers, he rubs at your clit, trying to draw a good reaction from you.
You squirm in response, trying to wriggle out of his one handed grip. You shove at his chest, but he remains unmoved, choosing to press down harder than before, “Stop it! Let me go!” 
He inserts his middle finger into your moist cunny, forcing it in and out. You try to kick him in the head only for him to catch your leg with the hand that previously held your hip, “If you wanted me to eat you out that bad, you should’ve just said so, pretty girl,” Before you can refuse, he throws your legs over his shoulders, and dives in. 
His long tongue fucks in and out of your hole, one of his thumbs rubbing your clit. A loud whine escapes your throat before you can stop it, making you feel a wave of disgust for yourself. Bokuto shouldn’t be making you feel good, he’s assaulting you, after all. 
But, when his tongue brushed against your g-spot, you can’t help but convulse in pleasure. Thighs quaking, you try to stop yourself from cumming. 
“St-stop! I’m, I’m gonna-“ He stops before you can cum, instead, pushing your hips down to where his cock lays against his abs. Forcing the bulbous head against your tiny hole, he pushes harshly, trying to fuck into you like an animal, “No! No! You’re too big! You’re going to tear my-“ With one powerful thrust, he forces his way inside, and you can’t help but scream. 
Tears drip down your face at the feeling, your pussy feeling like it’s been ripped open. Bokuto grabs your head, and forces it against his chest, practically making you take one of his pink nipples into your mouth. You’re immediately met with the taste of his vanilla milk, drinking it up as the hucow starts to buck into you at a lightning fast pace. 
Your teeth bite down on his nipple, but instead of being angry, he just moans in lust, “Yes! Yes, pretty girl, you’re taking me so well!” 
His hand that isn’t cradling your head goes to your tummy, feeling his huge length moving underneath your skin. He presses down a bit, causing another wanton moan to leave to both of you. With this thought in mind, he picks up the pace, practically fucking you into unconsciousness. 
Eyes rolling back, your ruined cunny gushed pathetically, coating you and the bull with your juices, “(Nickname), you’re so pretty when you cum,” He continues his breakneck pace, getting close to orgasm himself, “I’m gonna fill you up so good, that you’ll be dripping with my fun for days! Your little womb will be bloated with my fertile cum!” 
You try to speak, but you can’t, just continuing to suck his yummy milk from his teat. Walls fluttering with another orgasm, you feel yourself clamping down on his enormous cock. 
With one last mighty thrust, he seats himself fully inside of you, cumming directly against your unprotected cervix. A muffled scream erupts from your chest, as you feel your womb expand with copious amounts of beeile cum. Releasing his nipple, you throw your head back, a loud cry echoes throughout the barn, as you squirt once more around his cock. 
Now completely filled to the brim, you pass out from the trauma. Entirely exhausted, Koutarou grins down at your bloated form. He rubs your tummy like a Buddha statue, kissing it tenderly. 
“You’ll be a good Mommy, I’m sure of it,” he then trails his hand up your abdomen, groping your right tit, “You’ll look so pretty all milky and filled with my calves.” 
The sound of a throat clearing gains Bokuto’s attention, as he practically throws his naked body over yours. A loud ‘moo’ of warning escapes his chest, even when he notices that the person is just Ushijima. 
“I see that she mates with you well,” His eyes trail over your sleeping face, not straying downwards, “I hope this means that you’ll enter more shows.” 
Bo smiles, “Yes. Now I need to show off, so my mate thinks I’m an eligible male.” 
Nodding, Ushijima turns on his heal, making his way to leave the barn, “I hope your children take after you in strength. (Your Name) is a lot prettier than you are, so maybe they’ll be pleasing to the eye as well.” 
Snorting, the grey haired man’s ears twitch, jingling throughout the room, “You bet she is. She’s perfect.” 
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lmelodie · 2 years
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A continuation of drawing Dani’s characters from Crystal Springs The Season Sisters are HERE!! 
This took so incredibly long because unlike The Frosts, i didn't have the clearest picture in my head of what the seasons looked like and there was A LOT of ironing out to do on these designs but they're here!!! 
And because i spent so long on the design process under the cut is gonna be a lot of random details and things i did while making them (Cause i am a character design nerd) 
WARNING: It is LONG under the cut. I gots a lot to say
I did some preliminary sketches before reading too far into CS and i SCREAMED when i accurately guessed that summer was both black and buff. The only correct call tbh
I was really caught between giving her natural hair (to match Autumn) or the spiky Christmas tree hair i had originally envisioned for her. But i like the shape of the spiky hair too much to let it go
The design to add blue and green motifs were very last minute because she needed something to break up the yellow. 
Originally her arm details started out as mesh sleeves in the preliminaries, then turned into vague markings, then i decided to make them landscape tattoos
Summer doesn't technically have a crown, because i forgot/didn't want to make one lol
Summer i had the least ideas for her outfit so it went through a lot of versions
Spring i probably got the most wrong from the canon tbh lol
Her vibes ended up being more Riverfront/freshwater inspired, especially when it came to the hair. long and flowy baby
The HARDEST design i had to make with spring is to decide what dress silhouette i would do. Because I originally wanted her and autumns dresses to both be open slits but mirrored, but the fluffy skirt ended up really selling me. So i took the shape from dress 3, the top half from dress 1, and the flower accents on the sleeves from dress 2
Other than the outfit, spring has also probably changed the least in terms of looks
She gives me Isabella energy from Encanto 
AUTUMN WAS SO FUN TO DO. She's what kept me going throughout this process and she's the one who’s final design i like the best.
I had such a clear image of her in my head, the shortest and chubbiest. Unintentionally very pumpkin like
SPEAKING of pumpkins, her pumpkin sleeves were a total ACCIDENT. COMPLETELY UNPLANNED. i accidentally made them on the final dress option and i fell in love, so for the final design i added little green ribbons to highlight this detail.
I wanted to also give her the leaved collar from dress 2 but i absolutely forgot about until just now when i’m typing this out lol
She has an ever so slight disco vibe to her final design (carried over from dress 2) and i love that for her
Winter was nothing too strenuous considering i’ve done outfit studies for her before
Every dress i try i like a little too much and i can see her everything as her main outfit so far, but the final design i did nail down will do just fine lol
I ended up taking the split skirt detail from dress 1 and just combined that with the rest of dress 3
I imagined her to be really ethereal, so i blurred the lines of where her clothes end and her skin begins
The golden necklace is from Blaise :)
I don’t know why, but it was really important to me to make sure that winter has small titties
Idk if anyone has picked up on this ye, but since i designed winter after drawing jack a whole bunch, i accidentally made it so he gets the little hair swoopties in the back from her lol.
All Four:
I imagined them as quadruplets and all of them being the same age 
I originally thought of them as like a choir/quartette so the very first ideas i had for them where trying to make them all as similar as possible
That being said, i still think of them as a choir group akin to The Muses from Hercules and The Fates from the musical Hadestown (Which is how i imagine them to sound/sing). I can see them narrating the story points as its happening in song form.
Any one of the other ideas i had for them can be taken as another outfit they have in their closets :)
All of their skirts are actually indicative of their season. Summer has both of her legs out, Winter has both of hers covered, Fall only has 1 leg out and Spring has only a little of both out. 
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birdnamedenza · 2 years
@sicktember - Prompt: Homesick
You probably wouldn’t have noticed, but I always end up doing a ridiculous amount of research for every single story. This might be the worst offender, even though it’s so short – looking up all kinds of stuff took way more time than the actual writing. And I’m sure I still got things wrong. A warship just seemed to be the perfect place to mix homesickness with actual sickness.
TW: Seasickness, vomiting
The sea was rough that night, the worse it had been since they had left the harbor. Ian was on guard duty, glad he had something to put his mind to. Even though he had mostly earned his sea legs, he wasn’t immune to the effects of angry weather. Staying busy was his best remedy to keep the nausea at bay and fresh air didn’t hurt either.
Ian wasn’t surprised to discover a private clutching the railing, head bent over the side of the ship. It was a boot on his first very first deployment, not used to the wrath of the ocean.
„Private Lear!“, Ian barked, causing the young marine to spin around. He stared at Ian with large black doe eyes that made his face look even paler than it actually was. His feature were soft, boyish, which was contrasted by the fact that he was still sporting his shaved head from the boot camp. Ian couldn’t hold back a chuckle. „You are supposed to stand watch. I assume you were checking the ocean for men over board?“
„Ah… yes.“ Lear smiled nervously. „No incidences so far.“
„Relax, it’s just me. Be grateful that the corporal didn’t catch you.“
„It won’t happen again“, the young man assured. „I‘m just a little homesick.“
„More like seasick“, Ian grinned. „Don’t worry, it happens to the best of us. Last year we had weather that turned even experienced marines into vomit fountains.“
„But… what am I supposed to do when I get sick? I can’t just throw up on the floor.“
„You absolutely can, and you’re expected to when your watch requires you to stay in place. You’re also expected to clean it up when you’re done.“ Ian could observe any color draining from Lear’s face in an instance. It was obvious this hadn’t happened to him before and that he was petrified by the thought of tossing chunks in front of a superior. „Also, get Dramamine. And always carry a trash bag to catch your barf if necessary.“
„Wait… an entire trash bag?“ Lear swallowed convulsively. His large, buff frame sank against the railing again.
„Did I mention the vomit fountains before? When you’re seasick, puking won’t make you feel any better so you usually just keep on going. Basically, you’re doing your job while your stomach contents are occasionally spilling out of you.“
Lear cringed visibly, his big hand nervously clutching his stomach. Ian almost felt bad for him, but taunting boots was part of the game. And could he be blamed for telling the blunt truth? There had indeed been days when he had stumbled around with a puke bag secured to his belt, frantically untied now and then so he could stick in his head and chuck up his guts.
„U-understood“, Lear muttered. The very next moment he was bending at the wast, sending a nice gush of vomit down the side of the ship. At least he had managed to spew over the railing. Ian laughed while firmly tapping the young marine’s back. His uniform felt damp, clinging to his brawny body. Lear coughed up another wave of runny vomit that was quickly torn apart by the wind. „Sorry, I… I didn’t mean to…“
„Don’t worry, puke happens and I won’t tell anybody.“ Ian had been there. Anybody on the ship had been there, except for the few scary mutants that never got seasick, not even when the waves turned into a rollercoaster track. „When I was fresh on the boat, I was determined not to throw up. I wanted to be Mr. Iron Stomach. And when the first storm hit, I did hold it in while most other boots were already tossing their saltine crackers left and right. It was horrible. The entire ship reeked of vomit, but I kept my jaws clenched, quite literally.“
„Did… did you make it?“, Lear asked with a rough voice, exhausted, but clearly intrigued.
„Almost. Bring in Sergeant Myers whose brain is wired in such a mysterious way that it’s immune to any kind of motion sickness. The guy was strolling into our cabin like nothing had happened. ‚Rumor has it some of you skipped chow‘, he smirked, being the sadistic little bastard that he is. Then he opened a can of pickled sardines, picked up one of those measly stink fishes and chewed off its head with relish.“
„Oh God.“ The image was enough to send Lear over the rail again, hurling up more of his half-digested lunch. He spit out some stubborn chunks before wiping his mouth with shaky fingers. „Sorry. What… what happened next?“
„Exactly what you have demonstrated so vividly. My barf vulcano erupted and I launched a massive jet of puke all over myself and my bunk bed. I was drenched in the stuff. My comrades thought it was hilarious. My resolution to be the one with the strongest guts somehow made me the target of everyone’s gloat. They were having a blast while I had to clean up. The stench was so nasty that I puked at least two more times, one of them on the matress I had just barely managed to clean.“
„Wow. That sucks.“ Lear’s body had stopped ejecting its contents for now. He just occasionally spit saliva into the wind.
„Big time. But it taught me not to lie down when I’m sick, only makes it worse for me. And I stopped playing the hero. Next time I had to barf, I just took out my handy trash bag and got it over with.“
For a moment, Lear was staring at the dark horizon.
„I wasn’t lying earlier, you know“, he mumbled after a while.
„About what?“
„Being homesick. You remind me of my big bro. He never lets it show, but I know he cares a lot about me. Always makes me his signature chicken soup when I’m sick. When I had mono a while ago, he even let me be player one.“
„Sounds like a great guy“, Ian smiled. He even had to swallow down a lump in his throat when he thought about his own little brother. Nothing special, just him showing the young one how to properly throw a baseball in their back yard. „And don’t worry – that kind of sickness also hits everyone now and then. Now suck it up and go back to work.“
„Yessir“, Lear nodded faintly. He was still pale, but looked way more alive again. A good talk could do wonders.
Content and a tiny bit wistful, Ian continued his round to make sure their current home would stay afloat.
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peachiipark · 3 years
character: chrollo - (chrollo x fem!reader)
genre: angst, slight fluff
title: "the queen to his king, pt.2"
cw: mentions of assault
a/n: a part two was requested, so i shall write! here's chrollo and y/n's backstory :) i feel bad since this is even shorter than the original, but i tried my hardest! hope you enjoy 💗
(thanks to a quick google search, i discovered that the troupe was formed around 12 years ago in the hxh timeline. that's just for a bit of context! :D)
meteor city ; ten years ago
Chrollo quickly realized that he was being cornered. Not bothered by the situation, he allowed it to happen. His pursers may have been buff and much larger compared to him, but Chrollo could tell that they were significantly weaker.
"That lil' dagger of yours gave me a few scars, but it's not enough to keep me down!" the bulky thug spoke with a Scottish accent, tugging on Chrollo's clothes.
He shoved Chrollo against the wall, attempting to rise fear in the man. Chrollo's lack of a reaction seemed to upset the attacker even more, causing him to try and land a punch on the criminal.
"H-Hey! Let him- Ack! Let him go. Now!"
The two men turned to the direction of the voice to find an injured woman. She could barely stand on her own, using the remainder of her strength to stand up for Chrollo.
"Oh, look what we have 'ere. The little lass from earlier! I guess the beating I gave her wasn't enough." His attention shifted from mugging Chrollo to the confident stranger.
"You gave me quite the bruise with that kick! Robbing you didn't bring me enough satisfaction. I'm going to kill ya!" He yelled, charging at the woman. Before he could take another step, the thug nearly froze in time. Confused as to what was going on, the woman trembled in pain and fear, watching as her previous attacker collapsed.
Chrollo already knew that the man was dead before he hit the ground. Only because he had poisoned the dagger from earlier. The stranger ran over and immediately checked the man's pulse. Coming to the realization that he was dead, she backed off and walked over to Chrollo.
"A-Are.. Are you okay, Sir?"
He simply nodded, eyeing her various wounds.
"That guy, he's.." The woman covered her mouth, gagging a bit. "I can't.. think about it."
"Was he not bothering you? You should be glad. One less horrible person in this town." He spoke hollowly, shifting his eyes to the large corpse.
"Y-Yes, but-" Knees buckling, she quickly began to fall, landing into Chrollo's arms. He could feel the way her breathing became more and more uneven. In between being injured and seeing a corspe, she was probably shaken up This girl needed medical attention, stat.
"What is your name?"
"Y/N.. My name is Y/N.." She slurred, slowly slipping out of consciousness. "I-I'm sorry for bother–ing.. Please.. you go... I'll be okay on my own.."
"You have no idea who I am, do you? Why did you save me from that man? I'm a criminal too."
"You looked nice, that'sallicansay.." Y/N's sentences became mush as she fell asleep, nuzzling into Chrollo's chest. Obviously, this left him quite shocked. Cuddling and calling a murderer 'nice'? Who was this girl? Did she have something wrong with her? Although he needed to return back to the base, Chrollo felt the strange urge to take her with him.
For the meds, Chrollo thought. She needs to be healed and bandaged. Little did he know, Y/N would end up meaning much more to him than he could ever imagine.
accompany on: to the masterlist!
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Never Ever
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(Warnings - dub-con, non-con if you squint. NSFW, body insecurity)
“Stop fucking saying that!” Kiri paused, looking up from the magazine he was reading (men’s health, the one with big buff dudes on the cover, typical) to watch you storm out of the living room.
You ignored him, stomping into the bedroom (you refused to call it “your” bedroom, or “our” bedroom, no matter how Kiri wishes you would).
Flopping down onto the big bed, you fluffed the covers out, quickly wiggling under them and pulling them up over your head. 
It was one of those moments when you didn’t feel like talking. You didn’t want to talk, you didn’t want to hear, to see or feel or do anything. You didn’t want to fucking exist.
You just wanted to sink into the bed and disappear, not only from the world, but from everyone’s minds.
Steady footfalls padded down the hall, into the bedroom. The bed shifted, and you heard Kirishima sigh.
“All I said was that you’re pretty. And you are. You’re beautiful. Gorgeous and breathtaking, and incredible, and stunning, and divine, and-”
“Shut up.”
Your growl made Kirishima chuckle, and it made your chest seize up. It’s so stupid, you’re so stupid. It wasn’t that big of a deal. 
“I don’t lie to you.”
That makes it worse. Huffing, you threw the covers off your head, met with the sight of Kirishima sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at you. He was so big, so muscled and broad, and he had such a nice body. He’d never understand.
“I know you’re not lying. You wouldn’t lie. But that’s the problem, you big oaf-” Kirishima grinned, and you wanted to punch him in the face. This wasn’t funny. “-You think everyone looks great, and you’d never put someone down for the way they look, even if they looked like a grotesque swamp monster.”
Trying not to cry was at the top of your priorities. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it anymore. Leave me alone.” If you said much more, crying would be inevitable. You shifted onto your side, facing away from the big redhead. With any luck, he’d get the message that you didn’t want him to be near you right now, and he would leave.
No such luck.
Kirishima grunted, and you felt the weight on the bed shift. He lifted up the covers, sliding in beside you, making no move to touch you. 
After a second of gathering his thoughts, Kiri spoke. “Well, I guess that’s kinda true. I think everyone has inherent worth, and their physical features don’t really contribute to it. Like, yeah, some people are really pretty, like Bakugou, but their looks don’t make them better than everyone else.”
A hand gently crept onto your waist, and you slapped it away quickly, scooting further away from the large man.
“But when I say you’re lovely, and attractive, and hot, and a whole-ass meal I mean it. And it’s not just about your body either, although like, you’re totally irresistible in that department.”
He tried again, a large hand clamping down on your waist. This time, when you angrily slapped at his hand, it stayed put.
“It’s just... You. You’re indescribable. I love you cause of the way you are.”
A warm, hulking body pressed against you, and you squirmed, but there was nowhere to go.
“I love you when you wake up in the morning, and you got like, those little eye booger things? Yeah. I love you when I come home and see your face, and when I get to hold you, and give you kisses-” A quick smooch was planted at the nape of your neck. “-and I love everything about you; all the good, all the bad. It’s no question.”
“Please don’t touch me.” You whispered. Such a wimp, you were crying now, throat tight, face hot. You felt so disgusting, and gross, and his words weren’t true, or if he believed them, then he was misguided. 
“I’m not gonna do that.” His hold on you tightened, and he shuffled even closer, dwarfing your body with his own. “Tell me what’s going on, yeah? Let’s work this out.”
You stayed silent. It was too embarrassing, too trivial. He’d laugh at you, and you were a weak, pathetic little baby for even being bothered by this. Why couldn’t you just accept you were gross and ugly? Why did you have to cry a bout it?
“I’m not gonna leave until we talk, babe.” There was finality in his tone, and you could tell, he wasn’t going to budge.
Still, you couldn’t find the words. The feelings were just too much.
The two of you were still for a second, then Kirishima was shifting, turning onto his back, pulling you onto his chest and turning you so that your head rested on his chest. You’d struggle, but it’d be useless. Still, you wished he wouldn’t hold you.
You could hear his heartbeat like this. 
It was slow, steady, relaxing. You could probably fall asleep like this.
“I know you don’t feel good about how you look. That’s what this is about, isn’t it?” 
When you didn’t answer, he sighed, before continuing. 
“I’m paying attention. I see how you try not to look in the mirror, or how you always try to sit so your legs don’t “look big” or whatever. How you always do that thing with your head and you hate looking down cause you'll get a lil double chin.”
An ugly sob tore from your throat. Oh god, he had noticed all of that? You felt horrible. Awful. You were so dumb and embarrassing. 
“But I love when you’re just you. Your body is good as it is. I know you don’t think so, but I know for a fact that your brain is lying to you. Yeah, maybe you don’t look like those people on tv, or in magazines, or wherever... but you don’t need to, y’know?”
A kiss was placed on the top of your head, and Kirishima’s hand was stroking along your back, soothingly rubbing.
“You deserve love no matter how you look.”
“But I don’t-” you sobbed into his chest, hands fisting in the soft material of his shirt. “-not looking like-like this. I hate myself so much, and I’m so ugly, and stupid, and I know it’s like, super dumb to get upset like this-”
“It’s not.” Kirishima chimed in.
“-but I can’t ever just... be good enough. I look horrible, and my personality sucks, and everything about me is wrong and bad. I am so disgusting, and worthless, and-”
“You aren’t.” Kiri growled, cutting you off. The man sat up, taking you with him. He pulled you directly in front of him, so he could grab you by the shoulders and look into your eyes. “I don’t care what you say otherwise. I’ll say it and I’ll keep saying it until your ears bleed and my tongue falls off, you’re worth the fucking world to me.”
He surged forward, mashing his lips against yours. 
You clawed at the arms holding you in place. You didn’t want him to kiss you, your lips were chapped and you were all gross from crying. But Kirishima wouldn’t let up, nipping at your bottom lip, hungrily kissing you.
When he finally did relent, you pulled away, a fresh wave of tears rolling down your face. 
“Please don’t. I’m repulsive and obnoxious, and-and annoying-” you hiccuped.
Kirishima grabbed your face, rubbing at your tears with his thumbs.
“No you aren’t. You’re sexy as hell, and you’re so smart, and you’re kind, and I could go on and on and on.” He leaned in, planted a kiss on the tip of your nose, following you even though you shied backwards from his touch. “But right now, I don’t think you’re gonna listen to what I say. Guess I just gotta show you, don’t I?”
Your eyes widened, and you tried to wiggle free of his grasp. “No-”
“Shh, c’mere.”
He clambered off the bed, pulling you to the edge as he did so. Once the man was standing, he started undressing, letting go of you in the process.
“Kiri, you shouldn’t do this.” You whined, scrubbing at your eyes with your hands “I don’t want to, I never do - I’m gross and you’re so fit and in-shape, please don’t make me do this.”
The redhead clambered back on the bed, now devoid of clothes. 
You were right - he looked like he could be a fitness model, all smooth muscles and gleaming skin. No matter how much you worked out, or watched your diet, you still couldn’t achieve the type of body you wanted, and it was so frustrating. Why was it so easy for him, yet unattainable for you? You’d do almost anything to get the body you desired.
“Hey, listen to me.” Kirishima shuffled closer, grabbing your face with both hands, forcing you to look at him with puffy eyes. “You aren’t gross. You aren’t ugly, or fat, or any of those things that you tell yourself.”
“But I am!” Your voice was high, distressed, and you felt like a whiny little kid. When would you ever stop embarrassing yourself?
Kirishima shook his head, leaning in to give you a quick peck on the lips, before his hands moved to your clothes.
“No, don’t-”
He fixed you with a solemn glare, one of his hands catching your own when you tried to push at him, wrenching them into his chest, right over his heart.
“Feel that?” it was beating like a drum, heavy and quick. “I don’t care what I have to do to make you realize how worthy you are.”
The man pulled off your shirt, letting it tangle around your wrists where he was holding them. You had neglected a bra today, expecting to just do a few chores around the house today, so your breasts were bared to Kirishima’s hungry gaze.
With a shattered cry, you twisted to the side, trying to wiggle away from the big man, but he easily pulled you back into place.
“Look at you, you’re delicious.” His eyes were bright, a grin spreading across his face as he breathed down at you, gazing at your naked upper half.
“Kirishima, please stop. I don’t want to do this! Stop it!” You cried, feeling more tears spring to your eyes.
“Nope, not gonna happen.”
Your shorts were quickly pulled off your legs, along with your underwear, leaving you bare and vulnerable. You sobbed. You could only imagine what you looked like, held under Kirishima, unattractive and flabby underneath the muscular man.
Without a word, he dipped down to mouth at your collarbone, before planting hot kisses along your skin as he traveled further to your breasts. He finally let go of your wrists, which immediately came to push at his shoulders, but the large man wouldn’t budge.
“You’re so gorgeous, and hot. Look at how nice your tits are, all warm and soft.” To prove his point, he grabbed at the mounds, massaging them gently with his large palms as he kissed in-between them.
You writhed. “Hey, don’t-don’t! Stop doing th-at.” your skin was probably dry and riddled with odd textures - acne in some area, hair in others. How could Kirishima find that attractive?
He kept kissing all over your chest as you squirmed helplessly, still gently groping at your breasts with gentleness. His hands plucked at your nipples, softly squeezing your flesh, sucking hickies that made your breath hitch and your body jolt.
“God, you’re so perfect. Just right for me, just what I always need.”
His hands abandoned your tits, smoothing down your sides. “You feel amazing, just getting to touch you is so nice. You’re soft-” a kiss to your cheek “-and your skin gets all flushed-” a kiss to your collarbone “-and you look like a goddess.”
Hands skimmed over your stomach, and you burst into a fresh bout of tears, pushing more insistently at Kirishima’s shoulders. The man was feeling all over you, all of your lumpy bits, all of the places you hated and tried to hide and not think about. 
He pulled away from you, gazing down at you with softness in his eyes, hands coming to grip your thighs and pull you closer to where he was sitting on his knees.
“Y’know babe, if I was more patient I’d eat you out right now, always taste so fucking good. But-” moving to stroke at your folds with two fingers, Kirishima grinned at you wolfishly, baring his sharp teeth. “-You’ve got me all kinds of worked up, I can’t wait that long.”
You could feel his length pressing against the inside of your thigh, would be able to see it if you looked down. But then your chin would fold, and Kirishima would be able to see all the fat there, how the skin bunched and how you looked awful. No matter what he said, you knew the truth - you were disgusting.
A finger roughly worked it’s way inside of you, and you gasped at the sudden stretch, not nearly wet enough for it to be comfortable.
“Shit-” Kirishima murmured, before slowly taking out his digit. He leaned down spat directly onto your hole, smirked as he watched it clench at the sudden warmth of the liquid.
Then he was pushing his finger inside again, it’s way smoothed by his saliva. 
“Kiri... Please stoppp. I feel bad, ‘m not feeling good, it’s-”
“Shhhh, I’ll make you feel good in a second. Just gotta get my girl ready for me.”
You weren’t talking about the physical discomfort (though with the way he was rubbing over your walls, quick and determined, was making you shake), you were talking about your mental state.
You felt like trash; useless, foul-smelling, rotten garbage. How could Kirishima even want you? Why did he even want you? There was no way he found you attractive, he was just trying to make you feel better, trying to be kind and supportive, because that’s just the kind of person he was. 
Another finger entered you, joining the first in quickly stretching you. A third was added after a while, then a fourth, Kirishima kissing at the flesh of your torso throughout the entire process.
He was already breathing heavily, panting in between each kiss. You could feel his hips occasionally stutter towards you, as if the man couldn’t stop himself from moving, from rutting his cock against the inside of your thigh as he prepared you to take him.
“Mm, alright, ready baby?”
The fat head of his cock was lined up against your entrance as soon as his fingers pulled free, slick with your juices. Kirishima quickly stroked his hand over his cock, groaning lowly, before grabbing under the head, holding it steadily against your pussy.
“Gonna make you feel so good, want you to feel how much I love you.”
It didn’t matter how much you shook your head, or uttered blubbered “No!”’s, Kirishima was determined. 
He slowly sheathed himself into your tight heat, almost whimpering as your velvety walls enveloped his cock. The man has his eyes closed, biting his lips as he pressed further and further, before his hips jumped forward unconsciously, seating himself balls-deep into your cunt.
“Fuckkkk, baby, you feel so good, how are you even real?”
You could only gasp, filled to the brim with cock, unable to think past the thickness buried deep and pressing into all the right spots. 
Kirishima pulled out a few inches, but quickly sank forward again, sighing in pleasure as your pussy gripped his bare cock, making it wet and slick and creamy with all your juices. 
He brought his hand over your pelvis, pressing down on your mons with his palm, thumb hanging down to rub delicately at your clit, making you arch.
“Ohhh shit, what a good girl, feeling good?”
His question went unanswered as you moaned involuntarily, the sensations that the man was creating becoming too much and entirely not enough at the same time. 
“Love you so much, you’re so beautiful. My girl has the hottest body, the prettiest voice, let it out for me yeah?”
You shook your head, quickly clamping your hands over your mouth, whimpering as he pulled out, before fluidly thrusting back in. He hit so deep, past where your own fingers could reach, right in all the spots that felt the best.
“Awh, baby I wanna hear you.” He whined, still rubbing at your clit.
Your stomach was tight, pleasure lancing through your gut and up into your chest. You muffled your sounds with your hands, closing your eyes so you wouldn’t have to look at Kirishima, see his look of adoration as he ravished your body.
The man seemed fine with that, focusing on moving his body against yours, pulling you into his lap on each thrust. The way your hips were angled high made it easy for the man to fall into a comfortable rhythm, bottoming out before pulling back, the head of his dick scraping deliciously against your walls.
“You make me so happy, I don’t ever wanna be away from you. You’re the best thing in my life, I’m so glad I get to have you.” Kirishima groaned out, sweaty body pressing against yours as he leaned forward to embrace you in a hug. 
The man was always so touchy, wanting to hold hands, playing with your hair whenever he could, pulling your shirt aside to kiss at your shoulders whenever you let him.
He turned his head to kiss your cheek, before quickly becoming unsatisfied, pushing himself up so he could pull your hands away from your mouth.
“Wanna kiss my pretty girl.” 
And he did, almost melting against your body as his lips met yours. You let him do what he wished, fervently making out with you.
Again, his hand found it’s way to your slit, fingers rubbing against your puffy lips. When they made contact with your clit, you jolted, hot pleasure climbing higher and higher.
“Kiri, Kiri, gonna-gonna cum, gonna cum.”
“Oh fuck, me too, you’re so fucking tight, your sloppy little pussy keeps pulling me in, fuck.”
You whined, pulling your head back from Kirishima to breathe, only for the man to start kissing at your neck, hot and wet.
The pleasure in your stomach crested, throbbing through your core as you came, clutching at Kirishima. The man moaned against your neck, hips working into you in little circles as he chased after his own pleasure. Your vision blacked out momentarily as he kept fucking into you, prolonging your pleasurable high.
You were still riding the last waves of your orgasm when the man pulled out, grunting as he stripped his cock over your stomach, grunting. “I love you, fuck, I love you so much.”
He came on your stomach, moaning brokenly as his hand worked over his cock, eventually slowing down, before stopping completely. The man had his eyes closed, barely cracking one open so he could flop down beside you without hitting you.
The sounds of the two of you breathing filled the space, panting together. 
Kirishima turned on his side, facing you as he smiled. “That felt amazing. I’m so lucky that you’re mine.”
You ignored him the best you could, the feelings of insecurity creeping back in. 
A hand suddenly appeared on your stomach, running through the mess of Kirishima’s cooling cum, rubbing it into your skin.
“Kirishima, ew.” You groaned, head flopping back onto the mattress. You were too tired to push him away, too worn out to dispute his praises and adulation.
You suppose that had been his plan from the beginning.
“Sorry, it’s just - you look so sexy like this, my cum all over you. It’s like I’m marking my territory.” You frowned at the mans’s goofy grin, but just closed your eyes instead of saying anything.
“Hey-” Kiri shuffled closer, his clean hand coming to cup your chin and pull your face to his. Red eyes stared into your own, wide and truthful. “I love you. That’s never going to change.”
Your gaze flickered to the side, and Kirishima took ash opportunity to press your foreheads together, nose nudging against your cheek.
“Never ever.”
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pla-teau · 3 years
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GIF CREDIT @lankybrunettepartdeux EPISODE 03: WHAT IF...EARTH LOST ITS MIGHTIEST HEROES? SPOILERS AHEAD! i didn't think phil coulson and i would have the same taste in men.
i’ve missed natasha and fury talking. i didn’t realize how much until the opening scenes of them in the car. love how natasha’s over with fury’s speech about the avengers, i think it hones in that it is a really corny speech. also really loved nat’s animation in this episode like ma’am, please marry me.
seeing tony in the donut again was also awesome. glad we got a little tony before killing him off five minutes later. didn’t think this episode would quickly go dark but it did. and i’m happy it did because i am all for marvel going dark and not having everything be a possible double meaning to something darker. i wanna see that gray areas and the gory stuff every once and a while.
for a second i really thought pierce was going to be the main bad guy due to fury suggesting someone tampered with the antidote. again, completely love nat’s fight sequence in the car. really wish brumlow said fuck cause i would too if i was in his shoes.
phil coulson my beloved. i love love love how we all have collectively agreed that he’s a got a thing for buff blonds with blue eyes. same phil same. thor is gorgeous with or without that long hair but they really made it shine this episode even if it was brief. i think you can actually see the crisis coulson was having upon realizing that the man is basically steve rogers but with long hair and he’s simping. again, phil my dear - same. i’m a simp for steve and thor.
nearly sobbed seeing thor being killed by clint because i’m never gonna be prepared for thor dying on us. i actually can’t fathom it since i love him so much. from promo clips, i figured this would be its own episode like “what if…clint killed thor?” but i’m kind of happy we got to see it in this episode as it makes you believe for a split second barton was the one killing the avengers off one by one.
betty ross? okay, didn’t think we’d ever ever see that woman again especially in the mcu. also, banner? i didn’t know what i thought bruce would look like in this show but it wasn’t like that. don’t get me wrong, i like the animation style of banner, i guess i pictures something closer to looking like mark. either way, was really hoping hulk would be the exception to the plot here since yeah, he really can’t die but boy were we proven dead wrong once more.
loki in this episode was basically if he had no character development and actually got his way with earth under the premise of avenging thor. which i think loki did want. i believe he was hurting that thor was killed but despite this being loki that was still hellbent on being king, he used it as a cover to then actually take over earth. not me thinking he’d change and actually be in the avengers. really thought we were going that route with him as it would’ve been cool to see loki finding purpose being in the avengers in thor’s place and doing a sort of 180 on his whole glorious purpose shtick.
hank pym being revealed as the man behind the killings of all the avengers did take me for a loop because i was wondering who would want to do this. i was going through a whole rolodex of people in the mcu as to who it could possibly be. the fact that hope was working for S.H.I.E.L.D. made me wonder if had she not died, she would be a part of the original avengers lineup like in the comics. also, saw a lot of people pointing to the fact that bucky is the one who killed hope in that mission. odessa, ukraine is the same place natasha said was shot by the winter soldier in captain america: the winter soldier. so this must also mean that nat probably came to work for fury later on in this timeline since she’s usually his go-to agent. anyways, back to hank being the villain. he’s also clearly wearing the yellow jacket armor as he did in the comics. hank has always had disdain for S.H.I.E.L.D. as he didn’t trust them with his pym particles which would be correct to assume since we also know HYDRA is already masking as S.H.I.E.L.D. during this time. i just wonder if HYDRA did influence hank in this timeline to push him to kill everyone.
coulson being the absolute fanboy he is for steve rogers with that password is a mood. like phil my beloved, we’ve all probably had a similar password dedicated to america’s ass one way or another. knowing that HYDRA is posing as S.H.I.E.L.D. by this time, i’m wondering how they still didn’t get to steve or if fury had found him on his own- hence why he’s alone when he wipes some ice from the shield. maybe this was something between fury and a few other trusted agents as maybe he did have an idea that HYDRA was already infiltrating the agency. either way, was pretty happy to see captain marvel appear too when he said “welcome back, captain.” as to say it to both captain america and captain marvel since they’re gonna be co-captains for this new team to take down loki.
overall, i liked this episode and really shocked that they went pretty dark for this third episode. i hope that they have more episodes like this in the season. i figure the dr. strange episode will have a similar tone but i hope there’s more episodes than just these two for darker themes and darker animation.
i know i slipped with the second episode but that was because i got too emotional watching it and was sobbing by the end of the episode. i did love episode two and i think in terms of the fun, adventurous tone, it’s the best episode so far (and i think it really should’ve been the premiere episode instead). looking back on the first episode, it really wasn’t anything spectacular in terms of a new storyline or anything rather creative. it’s just replacing steve with peggy in the first avenger movie. as for the second and third episode, there was a lot changed in storylines and consequences of those changes. ie: thanos being talked out of mass genocide by t’challa and so he joins the ravangers and doesn’t torture nebula to the point of making her fully cybernetic. the most we got from the first episode was that peggy came through the tesseract portal not loki so there’s implications of that but we’re not shown much else. while with this episode and t’challa’s star lord episode, there’s a hell of a lot more changes to the storyline that we’re shown rather than left to guess and it was refreshing to see that.
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alecxaheart · 3 years
Someone's Someone | Bang Chan Oneshot (2)
✎ Genre : CEO AU, Soulmate AU, Fluff
✎ Pairings : Bang Chan X Reader
✎ Word Count : 5.5k words
✎ Synopsis : We all just wanna be someone's someone that we can't live without. At this time, Chan was looking for his. And unexpectedly, he was already tied down to someone.
✎ Warnings : Explicit Language
✎ Parts : 1 , 2
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" Let's just part ways here, " Saying those words felt a bit disheartening at some point, yet you chose to disregard it.
You walked forwards, while Chan stayed in his position, wearing his coat and fixing his tie. Although, something stopped you. As in you couldn't go forwards as much as you force to. Well when you did force yourself, it only tugged Chan towards you. Turning around, he was already eyeing you. " What was that for?! "
Glaring at the thread, you thought out loud, " Is this string telling me, it can only stretch itself approximately at 7 meters?! "
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Twin buildings towered above you two, heavy work's shouting for the both of you. You suddenly feel so small when you found out who this dude was in the company. Either way, you stepped inside the building next to him as if you're supposed to be. You don't have any other choice though unless you wanna be dragged by this buff guy and look like a fool rolling around since the thread is invisible to the public.
" I'm surprised that you don't know who I am, " He stated as you entered the elevator with him. You could tell how much of a fuss this is already when you walked in those doors alongside him.
" Does it really have to be my fault when I only started working here a few months ago, Mr. CEO? " He responded with a chuckle.
" It's Mr. Bang, well, at work. You can call me Chan when we're not. I don't like such formality and bringing work on my rest hours. "
" Oh, so you're that Mr. Bang. The one I hid from last night, " You whispered the last sentence.
" Pardon? " The elevator chimed as you reached your floor, opening its doors swiftly.
" It's.. It's nothing, " You stuttered and hastily stepped out of the elevator while Chan followed. " Why are we on my floor again? Isn't yours like, at the very top floor just to have that stunning view of the world or something? "
" Seems like some fanfiction you got there for me, " He chuckled first while you lowered your head in embarrassment. " But no, my office is at the opposite building, about two or three levels above yours which means it's the middle floor. In addition to that, I have to discuss matters with your boss due to some adjustments that we have over here, " He brought up his thumb to your view, talking about the red string. " Just hand over the documents then wait for me outside by the door, copy? " Chan explained as he stopped in front of a dark oak door, knocking on it three times.
" Adjustments? What- "
" Come in, " The voice on the other side of the door called out. You could've had a short session of hesitations first but this Bang Chan just opens the door widely and gives off such superior vibes that gave you the chills - like he should 'cause he's the CEO, he freaking owns the place. You did wonder why you haven't been fired yet after every informalities you've shown to him. What a great first impression you got there for a Chief Executive Officer, you're never gonna get a promotion to get out of this trashy position.
The surprising entrance of the uninvited and unexpected guest caught your boss off-guard. " Ah! G-Good morning, Mr. Bang! " Ms. Kang frantically stood up and bowed, her phone slipping off of her hands and onto the desk. Looking up, she saw you behind Chan, your hand fidgeting around the strap of your bag while head held down. " And Ms... (Y/N)? " She questioned as she averted her eyes back to Chan.
" Pardon me although I won't be here for long, I'm only handing you the documents like you instructed, Ms. Kang. " You said while handing her the documents. She took a quick scan on it before she gestured you to leave. Following Chan's instructions, you wait by the door as soon as you've shut it. Trying your best to not let curiosity get the best of you and eavesdrop, you distracted yourself by scrolling through your phone and jamming to some Monsta X's songs.
" May I ask what business brought you here to my office? "
" I'd like to compromise. "
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It wasn't long that you've thought about getting fired and promotions, not even hours had passed.
Yet here you are, promoted and working as the CEO's assistant on that very day like it's the only choice. Standing on the polished marble floors, opposite side of the building, in his high-class office. It was spacious enough to fit two office desks and a lounge (probably for coffee breaks or small meetings) yet grand-looking with the accent walls and chandelier. The smell of lavender and the nice fluorescent glow it had made it better. Speaking of glow, you suddenly missed Kim Seungmin, the only co-worker friend you got. His bright presence who would constantly bother you from time to time during work hours. You can't really pinpoint whether he is an angel or demon with that fact because most likely you're the one being scolded instead of him. He better be jealous by the time he finds out you're now a CEO's Assistant.
" Ms. Kang got what she wished for in exchange for you getting the 2nd best achievable seat in the company, " Chan continued to elaborate the discussion in the room where it happened as he took a seat, not even bothering to help you fix your new desk if he was a gentleman. Honestly, it's undeniably comfortable being around this man despite you only got acquainted with him this day.
" Seriously? Can't you just promote me with a snap of your fingers? " You whined, arranging all of your things out from the container.
" Maybe if I had the infinity stones, " He first joked and you're not taking it. " Although it's Ms. Kang, there's an exchange for everything with her, " He casually said, looking through his emails with his chin resting on his fist.
" I- " Learn to shut your pesky little mouth, (Y/N). Your own conscience just sealed your mouth from babbling nonsense.
Well, let's think about the bright side. First up, you're promoted, meaning you'll get a way higher pay than before. Second, you're free from Ms. Kang's grasp. Third, Chan seems like a nice and chill boss. If your impression on him will be proven wrong, in any way he couldn't be as worse as Ms. Kang 'cause so far he saved your butt and doesn't mind your attitude.
" Ah, right. You're staying at my house for the meantime, " The book you're trying to place on the top shelf just fell on your head, making you lose your balance and fall to the ground. The loud thump made Chan glance at you, preventing himself from laughing. With your head aching and vision uneven, you tried to process what he said.
" What did you say? " Chan stood up from his chair and made his way towards you.
" I said you're staying at my house until we figure out how to break this thread off, " He answered as he offered a hand for you to take. This simple action made you tense, feeling your face heating up. You gladly took it with weak legs, though you eventually got back to your own feet without his support.
" Yours? Why not mine? I bet it's closer to work than yours. "
" You got a lot of complaints, I hope you know that. "
" No I'm not! Just.. talkative, " You bluffed, pouting. " And fine, your house then. Mine's probably not as presentable as yours anyway. "
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This is the red string of fate that kept you two together the whole time, knotted around one another's finger securely. Both of you share the same thoughts while sitting on the couch in the living room of Chan's luxurious penthouse. It did offer extravagant views of Seoul from the top of the apartment, making everything feel so surreal. Could it possibly be malfunctioning? It's supposed to stretch out without limitations as well as it'll be invisible to the naked eye including yours, according to the tales and legends you've heard as a child. Most importantly, how could you break it off?
" Maybe this had to do something with the child, " Chan thought to himself, legs crossed and eyes trained down to the floor. " You cleared our schedule for the week, correct? " He looked towards you, catching your gaze on him.
" Yes, I did. Why? " You couldn't help but be enchanted in his brown eyes. It did look brighter in the sunset than before as the sunlight kissed his face. You wanted to take a closer look at it as to what it may hold within those orbs.
" You know the child back in the train? The one who placed this string of fate around our fingers? " With those words, you were snapped back into reality.
" Child? No? I was asleep, remember? " You looked away and a dog's appearance caught your attention, feeling soft and in 'awe' for it immediately. It had some large brown spots on its white fur, fluffy and has this wavy ears. It looks quite similar to that dog named 'Lady' in "Lady and the Tramp". Noticing that it was really friendly even with strangers, you patted its head lightly as it neared you. Chan witnessed you bond with his partner, smiling. The dog was ecstatic to make new friends with you that it jumped to your lap. Giggling, you ruffled its fur and kissed its forehead. " Seems like you're well loved, baby~ " You cooed, booping its nose.
" She's Berry, by the way. " Chan informed you while watching you play with berry's paws.
" I have to say, she's the cutest, " You flashed a beaming smile at him, eyes forming into crescents. Chan couldn't do anything but smile back, his heart slowly melting at the scene in front of him. You caught the sight of his dimples, which made you think that it's now one of your favorite features he has. If everyday's like this, it'd be such a bliss. Yet you know it'll somehow be just another memory you'll treasure since there will be an end to this.
Back to reality, Chan further tells you the details of the occurrences while you were sleeping. " Ah, right. About the child. If my memory serves me correct, he was blonde headed and had ocean blue-like eyes. He's about 4'6 feet in height and the one who placed this thread around our fingers. When I tried to run after him, he just vanished into thin air. "
" You sure you're not being delusional? " You carefully placed berry down on the couch then made your way to the kitchen.
" Positive. " He replied while petting his companion, who's getting some rest first, before following you. You asked him what his plans were, wrapping your fingers around the refrigerator handle. Opening it, you scanned for available foods due to your stomach being upset in this whole conversation. There's a lot of goods, especially meat. You're assuming that this man eats a lot even when he's on his own. While you were busy with that, Chan thinks of an itinerary for the whole week to get your own lives back. Until, his deep thoughts were interrupted by you.
" How about we eat dinner first so then you can plan properly, hm? You want steak? " You asked, placing the ingredients you need right in front of his view. His eyes just twinkled before you and were already on the raw steak, famished.
" Chris wants steak, please! " Enthusiastically said by Chris, giggling afterwards.
" Steak coming right up just for Chris! " He responded with a small clap, smiling ear to ear. You have to be honest, your first meeting with him is just the worst than any other possible happenings to you two's first meeting. Yet you're satisfied that at least you met him in some way that brought you closer, especially with this string of fate. And today's gonna be a long night for the both of you.
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It's very late at night yet your body wouldn't let you rest despite Chan giving you his whole king-sized bed while he sleeps on his divan couch a few meters away, or so you thought he's fast asleep. Although the comforter, mattress, pillows, just the bed as a whole is definitely a 5-star, you can't really sleep easily in someone else's home that you just met. Minutes that felt like hours passed, your eyes were blankly staring at the ceiling. The silence was quite dreadful for you usually at night, which is what you get for watching a fairly ton of horror movies. With a few sessions of hesitations, you decided to break it by calling Chan first. " Psst. Hey Chan. Who designed your house? "
After a short pause, you received a fade sound of shifting and a groan. " A friend of mine. His name's Hyunjin. Why do you ask? " He responded, staring at the same ceiling as you. Arms resting behind his head.
You laid down on your stomach then propped your chin on your hands, facing him. " Is he cute? "
" Seriously, (Y/N)? " He deadpanned. " Also he's already Changbin's anyway so I suggest you stay away unless you want a death wish. "
" Okay, Okay. Chill. I'm just asking, " You rolled your eyes. " I just can't sleep. "
" I already offered you the best bed there is. " Chan looked at your direction and glared.
" It's not that. It's from the fact that I can't fall asleep easily in a stranger's house, that's for sure, " You shifted again in the soft cream cotton bed, letting your body sink. It's like you're laying on a relieving cloud in the heavens.
" We've already passed the stranger level. Let's say we're acquaintances. "
" That doesn't make any such difference especially to my problem but okay. " You pouted.
A long pause surrounded the room, the chills slowly creeping on to your skin. You covered your whole body with the warm comforter, feeling the slumber visiting you little by little. A yawn escaping your lips and eyes getting droopy. Pondering for a second before you let yourself sleep, you took a last glance towards Chan. " Are you cold? " You asked when you saw him without any blankets. He responded with a hum.
" A little bit. But I'll be alright, don't worry, " He yawned, eyes getting heavy as he slowly visited dreamland. " Goodnight, (Y/N). "
However, before you reply, you silently get off the bed when you're sure Chan's too tired to even open his eyes again. Making your way around the room with tippy toes until you found what you needed. You've gone over to his divan couch where he occupies it, placing the blanket you found on top of his and Berry's body, who happen to be sleeping peacefully right next to him. With a weak smile, you finally greeted him back before heading back to the bed and your slumber, " Goodnight Chan, Berry. Sweet dreams. "
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Almost afternoon came but none of you decided to rise and shine, except for Berry who's starting to get hungry. It was indeed past her usual breakfast time and she doesn't seem to like the sound of having 'brunch'. So then to get what she needed, she has to be the doggo clock for today.
Berry starts barking the best that she could although it didn't make any much effect, Chan only responded by covering his ears and turning away while you stayed unbothered in your deep sleep. She proceeds to hop back on Chan's couch and licks his face, surely an effective way. He immediately flinched at the wet contact and moved Berry's face away from his, slowly opening his eyes to meet an adorable face smiling at him. " Good morning to you too, " He replied followed with a yawn.
The King Charles Spaniel dog makes her way out of the room after accomplishing step one. While Chan took his time before completely getting out of bed - or rather, couch. With a few stretches and after taking a glance at the time, he made his way out of the room to make breakfast. He glanced towards your sleeping figure. Mumbling a silent, " Thank you. " for what you've done to him in the middle of the night before carefully closing the door behind him.
Before he could even reach the kitchen, a tug from his thumb stopped him in his tracks. Chan forgot that the string of fate only has a length of 7 meters. Sighing, he went back to you and thankfully found you still fast asleep.
Chan sat down on the edge of the bed, your back facing him. Once more, his dark brown eyes gazed upon your sleeping beauty state underneath the sunlight. Once more, he admired this mesmerizing view of you for a good few seconds. He lightly tapped your shoulder, causing you to shift your body to face him while responding with a hum. " Good morning, it's time to rise and shine, " He greeted in his husky morning voice, unknowingly smiling sweetly at you. You replied with a groan, covering your whole body with the comforter. " C'mon, let's go and have breakky. "
" You should've woken me up when breakfast is ready, " You whined, your voice muffled underneath the comforter. Chan chuckled then pulled down the comforter away from your face, " I would've if it wasn't for this string. Now come on. ". You groaned, feeling defeated. Sitting up on the bed, you opened your eyes to meet Chan's face filled with softness and joy. Seeing that first thing in the morning made you smile. It was lovely.
A loud bark from outside of the room interrupted, assuming that Berry's dying of hunger. You instinctively hopped off the bed and hastily made your way to Berry, Chan followed suit. At the kitchen, you both found Berry sitting in front of her food bowl, whimpering. " Oh no, the baby's hungry, " You cooed as you knelt down to pet her. " Chan, you can start making our breakfast, " He followed your instruction, putting on an apron and started preparing you two's breakfast.
" Where's her food, by the way? "
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" Are you sure we're gonna find him here? " You questioned, walking a little behind Chan at the same train station yesterday. His strides were big and quite fast which made it difficult for you to keep up at his pace. To the point that your eyes were set on the floor where you have a clear view of you two's feet. You're trying to match his pace but you immediately get worned out and fall behind once more. You guessed it was a CEO thing.
" Well, did you see him in any other places? " You fell silent, continuing to keep up with his pace. The fact that you've been asleep during that time and missed the chance to see who's behind this string of fate hit you. Chan's considered lucky to be awake and witness it.
Chan took a glance behind him to see your reaction, only to find you struggling to match with his settled pace. As soon as he noticed it, he slowed down and matched his pace with yours. Confused, you looked up at him. There were no signs of annoyance or pity on his face, and that made you delighted. What a considerate guy.
It wasn't that long until you both got in the train. The two of you sat down next to each other on a vacant bench and let the train lightly sway you as it starts moving. There was a comfortable silence lingering in the train car as you waited for this child to come into your view. Fortunately, the train's not as crowded as you thought it would be so it would be easier for you to spot the child.
After 3 more stops, you started to get distracted. Your eyes boring onto the view of the opposite window side. Chan kept cautious in his surroundings, still having high hopes of seeing the child's appearance. He didn't realize how much time had already passed and sooner or later, they'll reach the last stop. On the other hand, you slowly began to get drowsy. It's probably because you're sleep deprived for the past few weeks, over-working yourself since that Ms. Kang came into your life. You let your head rest on Chan's shoulder unconsciously which surprised him. With that, Chan first made sure you were comfortable, setting aside the thought of needing to meet the child. He hesitated first, though he did ended up wrapping his arm around you and kept you close to him. Feeling relaxed and secured, you shut your eyes as you slept in his warm embrace.
Chan noticed how much exhausted you are during the time he's been with you. He may not know exactly how tough your previous boss was to you, but it did show a huge impact on you. He thought that you looked so fragile underneath his touch, and he greatly feared the moment you might break. So he made sure to be careful with you. But other than that, he felt the urge - the need or wanting to protect you at that moment. He did questioned why, out of all people, he felt it from and because of you.
Maybe, it's because you looked so exquisite especially under the sunlight. Maybe, it's because he thought you looked adorable and amusing at the same time when you whine or complain. Maybe, it's because you're motherly especially to Berry.
Maybe, he just caught feelings for you. That's why he's questioning " why you? ", it was already love.
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Unfortunately for the both of you, you never got to encounter the mysterious child once more. Days have already passed, it has been almost a week. Yet to you and Chan's dismay, no signs of the boy at all. The both of you began to lose hope and just give up. Especially you.
You felt guilty for being the least focused between the two of you, leaving Chan more responsibilities. Find the mystic child and to look out for you. You weren't really in the best shape right now, Chan knew that. You easily got tired, tend to oversleep, and you're hella pale, which you knew well that it isn't so you. " I'm sorry, " You mumbled weakly, your legs crossed and back lean on the couch pillows. Trying to not lay down and sleep more since you did just woke up from a faint.
Hearing this, Chan head over to you then immediately refused. " No, no, no. It's alright, no need to apologize. Just focus on getting better right now, okay? " You replied with a small nod, his warm hands were on yours. That simple touch always made your blood color your cheeks and feel so shy. He went back to the kitchen to continue preparing your dinner as soon as he is satisfied with your answer. In the mean time, Berry made sure to keep you busy and entertained.
While Chan's dicing some pork on a cutting board, he took a glance at the red string wrapped around his thumb. He noticed a small difference to it ever since the first day you both tried to look for the child. It had more of a faint color red, losing its opaqueness. Almost like it's about to vanish which is at some point is a good thing. Though it still has its limitations for length and never broke at your own will. He wondered if you have noticed it as well. What would it be like to be back on your own lives? Chan would be lying if he managed to picture that when he felt disheartened just at the thought of it. He got used to your small complaints, you baby talking and spoiling his dog, needing to be taken care of - when you're unable to do it yourself, even the pocket knife in your bag, that he couldn't imagine you being gone. You did became apart of his life afterall and that left him thinking of making you stay. Chan already figured that he's starting to like you back then on the train, 1st day of hunting down the child.
Which got him pondering. Concluding to a theory that maybe, this string of fate isn't going to vanish. It was only starting to get invisible to your naked eye, just like what you originally thought it would function. But it will always be there no matter what. This string of fate just happens to be more translucent the more you both realize how much you love each other.
Chan tore his gaze away from the string, switching to your pale figure in the living room. Once he knew he could leave the food cooking for a while, he grabbed a glass of water and went back to you. " You like that friend of yours, huh? " You referred to Berry's favorite dog plush. Seeing Chan in your peripheral vision, you locked eyes with him. Beaming him the sweetest smile you could muster which he instantly returned. He offered you the drink and you gladly took it into your hands. Taking a sip, you could feel Chan's eyes burning through your skin. Heat rushes to your face just by that. It's frustrating how you're so easy when he's by your side and only with him. Frequently getting the butterflies, timid, blushy, heart racing, distracted by how ethereal he is, and everything related. And you completely denied your feelings for him.
Chan took a seat beside you, now looking at the pitch black night sky out of his window walls. Those dark brown orbs showed a hint of disappointment. Following his gaze, you figured out the reason. The sky's literally pitch black, starless. As well as the moon being nowhere in sight. The melancholic sight did brought a frown to your face and you couldn't stand it. Looking back at him, you realized that there's no need for you to be crestfallen. In fact, you should be in awe.
It seems like Chan took and held the whole galaxy in his eyes that's why the night sky is empty. His eyes twinkling and shining in the darkness. Many must've envied him for that and it feels so surreal to witness it in by your very own eyes. To have it in front of you. And maybe, just maybe.
You do like Bang Chan.
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" Where the hell are you taking me, Chan?! " You quietly panicked as Chan led you to an unfamiliar forest. Just the thought of the crawlies present in places like this made you shudder. " D-Do you really think the child would be brave enough to be here when I am already cowering in fear just looking at this? "
" We're not here for that child, " He chuckled at your state, continuing to walk ahead of you and deeper into the woods. Your wary eyes stayed restless, darting from left to right. " We're here to just relax. " Chan's voice began to echo the farther he is away from you.
You started to get pissed at how he started being inconsiderate and how relaxed he is right now, that's definitely not what you know about him. " What the fuck are you talking about?! So we're just wasting our ti- " The sudden raise of your voice resulted a noise in the forest - sounded like a bird flapping its wings. The sound made you flinch then you picked up your pace to get to him. You tugged onto Chan's jacket which caused him to stop and look back to you. " Chan, please, let's just go home. " You hushly pleaded from behind him, your head hung low in fear and embarrassment.
Sighing, Chan held both of your hands in his. Rubbing circles on it for you to ease up. The both of you still connected by the string of fate, which looks like it's bound to vanish soon. He also noticed how you're short in breath. " Easy, easy. Take deep breaths with me, yeah? " You matched his breathing with yours, eventually loosening up in his warmth like always. You just felt so safe and secure when you're with him. " Let's proceed? I promise you that when we get there, it'll be worth it. " He reassured, never leaving his grip on you.
" Chan.. " You whimpered and Chan instantly hushed you.
" If it makes you feel better, I'll never let go of you, " Oh how you wished that'll last forever. " Sounds good? " You nodded hesitantly.
With that, you let Chan lead you towards his destination. The comfort of his hands wrapped around yours never left on the way just like he promised. It wasn't too long until you saw light at the end of the forest. You could hear faint sounds of waves meeting the seashore and birds singing a melody. The fear you had a while ago slowly washed away as you're nearing the place.
Reaching the light, you witnessed the jaw dropping sight of the beach on the other side of the fence. Like Chan said, it is promising and worth it. He guided you in hopping onto an enormous boulder to get to the other side and you didn't complain, you're too drawn into the beach. In excitement, you went ahead of Chan, letting go of his grasp. Your feet immediately ushering you to the seashore where you could feel the cold water at your toes. As soon as you got here, you felt like you were cleansed. As if the sea took every problem, worries and fears away from you. It was healing and just the thought of it made you smile unknowingly. You never knew you needed this until now, it has been years since the last time you've been this carefree.
On the other hand, Chan's seated at his usual place. Where he could take in the whole view. Now that you were apart of it, everything seemed to set into place for his secret escapade paradise. All felt just right. The way you dance with the waves, moving with the sea, completely letting the rhythm of the water set yourself free. Plus the wind blowing your hair, your face glowing underneath the sun, how blinding your smile was at that moment, he cherished it all. " Perfect with no reasons, " Chan thought out loud as his eyes were trained on you. Unbeknownst to him, it was loud enough for you to hear it clearly.
" Perfect? " You questioned, making your way to his side. His eyes widened, alarmed. Chan looked away without hesitation. The tip of his ears starting to turn red in embarrassment. You sat down next to him, knowing that you'll be bringing some sand in your pockets back home. Noticing his ears, you let out a hearty laugh. " Aww, look at you! "
" I know, I know, " He started, covering his ears. " I'm helpless. "
" Huh? What are you talking about? " You asked while tilting your head to the side in confusion. There was a short pause, only the sound of waves continuously ringing in the area could be heard. As well as the sound of leaves rustling while the wind whispers sweet nothings to it and palm trees swaying from side to side.
" Like- "
" If this is you doubting yourself again, gosh Chan you're not the helpless one between the two of us. " You pointed out with your arms crossed. " You're a CEO of a well known company! Plus, who took care of me? You. Who saved my ass from Ms. Kang? You. Who just comforted me a while ago? You. You are never incapable or weak. If anyone told you otherwise, I- "
" I'm helplessly in love with you is what I meant, (Y/N)! " Chan confessed, now facing you.
Then, the thread in your fingers entirely loosened without any of you knowing.
The two of you locked eyes for a minute. Both surprised by everything, especially you. The wind did whisper something to the two of you, too. Yet it's difficult to figure it out at the moment. Even in broad daylight, his eyes still held the whole galaxy. And you could never let that dim.
" You walked into my life as if you've always lived there, like my heart was a home built just for you, " Chan continued, his hand already searching for yours. Looking down at your now intertwined hands, eyes filled with pure love and adoration. " It fits just like a glo- "
Perfect with no reasons.
Chan was taken by surprise at your sudden answer. You cutted him off, attaching your lips to his. Your free hand finding itself cupping his face. He then passionately responded to the kiss, his arm snaking its way around your waist to keep you close - now that the string of fate is invisible and endless. The kiss resulted you to feel so lightheaded. The softness of his lips brought you to euphoria, everything just felt so right in place. In the end, both of you were left breathless. You couldn't do anything for a few seconds after, keeping your eyes closed with mouth agape of you to try let your mind process what just happened.
You did't need for him to explain or give you anymore reasons why he loves you. The string of fate has always been the answer, reason and explanation to your love. Ever since the beginning, you and Chan are destined to meet regardless of the time, place or circumstances. It may stretch or tangle but nothing could break it and never will. You're one another's someone's someone who you can't live without.
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