#I used a reference somewhere on Pinterest
stinkypeanutbutter · 6 months
i was debating posting
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Anyway Mike banner again
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vampireghostlawyer · 1 year
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when you just want to catch a break and rest a bit but everyone in town is ripping their faces off and your fursona is waiting outside for you with a bag of decapitated heads.
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paperw0rmz · 1 year
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cy-lindric · 4 months
I wanted to vent, but also ask an honest question. Since I was a teenager, I always wanted to work on character design. And one thing that always caught my attention was how I always preferred male character designs over female ones. My first thought was that I was always more into androgynous fashion and more masculine styles. But time passed and I came to the conclusion that it wasn't just that, and it seems that male characters can always be different things: fat, thin, handsome, ugly, short, tall, young, old, etc. and female characters, for the most part, fall into two categories: cute or sexy. I wanted some tips on how I can make female characters with more interesting designs, without having to fall into those two categories. I love your work and you managed to make someone else like the three musketeers <3<3
Hello ! That's definitely a good question and something I think about a lot. The bias towards beauty is very strong in character design and it takes a conscious effort to diversify output in that regard.
That sort of advice might be a bit obvious, but one habit I picked up from the director on my first feature film gig was to actually "cast" characters. Without reference, we tend to go for the kind of symmetrical face and "average" features mostly out of stylistic habit. I like to look at character actors with distinct faces (I like this pinterest page that has a lot of faces in one place) but also just acquaintances or pictures of random crowds.
When designing a character, at first I'm always building a big reference board trying to decide what Type of Guy (gender neutral) I'm going for, trying use photos rather than other people's art, because I want to rely on automatics and graphic symbols as little as possible. Whether I'm designing a man or a woman or other, I use references of fashion styles and people across the board in terms of gender so I keep the scope open. Sometimes a character ref board for me will be a picture of one of my aunts next to a bunch of screenshots of Columbo. In my experience, a lot of the times, it's mostly about going with styles and archetypes the same way you would for a male character, and switching it up somewhere along the way by looking at real women in your life and beyond as a grounding mechanism. Sometimes that will mean changing almost nothing, because the borders between genders and how you characterize them is blurry and fluid, and sometimes it will mean using features that are uniquely tied to some sort of female experience.
I enjoy realism and I think getting more proficient at it did help me diversify my designs (I find that more difficult to do with more minimalistic styles). Still, I am mostly a fantasy artist and in my case that comes with some amount of stylization and idealization of shapes and looks. I'm far from perfect in my biases and I'm not going out of my way to draw "ugly" characters because that doesn't mean much to me ; I try to draw inspiration from the faces of every day people and I associate it with my love for fashion. It's also worth noting the work I post here for fun is a lot more hash tag aesthetic than the stuff I do professionally where diversity is much more important.
I don't know if any of that is relevant but that's definitely an interesting topic ! I'd love to know others' perspective and tips on the matter.
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siddyyyyyyyy · 23 days
It's All an Act
Actor!AU Bruce Wayne x fem!Reader
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wc: 7.6 K summary: Actor!Bruce plays as your love interest in your up-coming movie warnings: afab!reader, both being about the same age, acting sex scenes on set (not real secs for now), reference to the Writer's Strike (2023) please don't arrest me, sassy and smug Bruce, making out a/n: got this idea while scrolling through pinterest, lost my mind somewhere during this, originally wanted to make a single part on it, but I think it's better if I make it a few parts instead. enjoy!
next part
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Everyone knew you. Well, it was hard to find someone who didn‘t at least know how you looked like. The same goes to Bruce Wayne, but there is probably a chance that he is even more successful than you.
And that‘s exactly what you are trying to change with your new movie. Casting him as the main character and yourself as his love interest will get the media spiraling. Being a director and actor really does have its charms sometimes. And surprisingly enough, he accepted the role since he auditioned to it in the first place. Now you can finally get to prepare all the stuff for the filming days once you got all the other actors for each role filled, and the script finished.
There‘s no more satisfying feeling you get when everything seems to work out and it‘s time to actually film the movie. The hardest part is to keep it a secret for a few months until the production gets into working. But for now you are pretty satisfied with your work, getting some progress and even getting to test out new cameras for the movie, form a company that supports the production. Only thing that‘s making you a little weary is the actual success of the movie. What if he ends up getting even more popular than you? What if the movie flops completely and you need to somehow cover that up? What if you won‘t have good chemistry on set, even with two talented actors like you two? What if…
»Have you finally got the copy of the storyboard?«
Malva asks, looking to you with her usual strict look, one of your close friends waiting for your answer. She is working with the camera crew, has gone to filming school with you. Has sticked to your side through thick and thin, and she still gets ideas that blow your mind at times. Her ideas are mostly for camera directing, but that's the most exciting part in filming for most, so it really pays out.
At her question, you hand her the copy of the storyboard, getting to discuss some questions and how you actually imagined the scenes to look like, getting invested on talking with her that you don‘t notice your co-star arrive on set and search for the director.
»I‘m guessing you are the director? Sorry for interrupting.«
There is that bright smile in front of you that never fails to make you swoon for at least a split moment. No, actually, you can‘t stand the way he looks so perfect and has more prominent in media than you. Although it is a little weird when he mostly takes on smalled roles as side characters and rarely gets a main role like this.
»No, don‘t be sorry, I‘m glad you made it! We‘re still setting up some stuff, so you can get ready in trailer seven.«
He nods and gets to the trailer that is going to be his while filming, letting you have some more time with Malva and your crew to set everything up and start to film the first scenes.
You settle on filming the scenes in the middle of the movie, only able to use the setting for today and tomorrow, really hoping you won‘t film too long so the landlord of the property won‘t get angry at you.
Once settled, the filming starts and it goes by fairly nice and as planned. Sure, it was a little funny acting out a scene with him, playing a couple who‘s having an argument about their current state of relationship, even when they just met on set.
Either way, the crew and co-director are satisfied with the result after taking some more takes. Maybe this will be better than you‘ve expected. Until you realised what the next scenes were going to be. You hate yourself for writing this script. A sex-scene, seriously? Trying to overshadow your small worries, you get ready in your trailer with some help of your staff before you discuss the ‚choreography‘ of the scene together with Bruce and the intimacy coordinator. This loosens you both up, having a plan and also know what to expect from this scene, since you literally just wrote „They undress and have sex.“ What a creative script writer you are.
You don‘t know what you expected, but you didn‘t necessarily think that Bruce would be so open and chill about such a scene. During your discussion of boundaries and acceptable touching areas, he seemed like he didn‘t have any problem being touched anywhere, really. It was a little strange at first, but you quickly realised he probably just wants to get over with it. And that made you a little sad. He should be comfortable during the scene, not be annoyed and hoping for it to end quickly, considering filming usually takes a few hours. The co-director and you want some close-ups, wide- hots and midshots in order to edit it together as the best verion of the scene in post. Of course it‘s going to take hours and it‘s important to feel comfortable during the long filming hours together.
But he reassured you after asking him again with that charming smile of his, hating how perfect it looks like. You‘ve seen him on interviews and on the red carpet before, but seeing him smile like that never fails to make you wonder if he is actually real.
Finally, with everything settled and with the modesty garments on, you can finally film the ‚Reuniting Scene‘ with your co-star.
Your movie is about two past lovers who find each other gain after a few years, then getting together again. What a classic. The plot is however more than that. The main character, Bruce, or rather Andy in the movie, is a playboy and billionare with a secret identity. His love interest doesn‘t know this though and just wants to get together with him again, and he is way too naive to get in bed with you almost immediately after one cafe date. Playboy activities.
This means that the scene you are about to play is essential for the movie.
First, you start with wide shots. Easy done, getting a camera set up that follows your movements onto the bed. After getting some shots of Andy passsionately and messily kissing you while guiding you urgently to the bed, you already feel a little worn down. So, time for a break!
During the break, he approaches you to discuss the other stuff in the script.
»Just… how did you get the idea of this plot? I mean, a playboy having a secret identity as a hero? How did you come up with that?«
You didn‘t know he was a secret interviewer as well. But putting your slight surprise aside, you start explaining to him briefly what got you into this idea while trying to keep it as brief as possible. Also without telling him about your initial plan of getting more popular than him... In a way.
All the while he listens to the while you explain, listening intently while nodding along from time to time. Unfortunately, you got a little carried away while explaining him your reasons for the movie, having ended up info dumping on him a little about your researches you did for writing the script, which however made him listen to you even more intently.
»So, I also just watched a lot of videos and documentations about gun handling and missions from former private agents, so I can make this as believeable as possible, but I also feel like I still haven‘t mastered it quite well for now, even though I made sure the props are as realistic as possible and we have a good choregrapher for the fight scenes later on – « You ramble on as you get on set again, settling onto position on the bed while talking his ears off in the meantime. It doesn‘t seem like he minds though, listening to your words, while throwing in some small questions and check-ups as he is hovering above you on the bed.
»Yeah, you can put your hand on my thigh – and I also made sure to actually make the small mission Andy is in will be as realistic and logical as possible, but I‘m also a little unsure if the scenario is actually so realistic as it is…«
»You‘re really determined to get the most realistic movie of the year, huh?« He muses back once you trail off, looking to you once you are both finally in position on bed.
»What? How could you ever think of that?«
You retort sarcastically, not having noticed how much you‘ve been talking until the co-director just calls »Action!« for the cameras to roll and you have to act.
Your breath hitches subtly once you feel his hand ride up your thigh before landing at your collar of your shirt and starts to unbutton it in careful but rushed movements. Again, you have to follow the small choreography you both came up with earlier, your brain working quick to actually follow through and act as if this already feels like heaven. Finally, you get your head together and reach for the back of his neck to connect your lips, getting a small moan from both of you. His hands finally pry your shirt off and he disconnects his lips from you to trail them down your throat towards your chest, a small shiver running down your spine against your will.
You both agreed for him to have the upper hand in this, since he is acting as a playboy, and you‘d be lying if you said he isn‘t quite confident in his role. Your thoughts are quickly thrown away as you feel him press kisses against your temple and down to your jaw while his hands roam over your sides. Mimicing his actions, your hands feel across his lean back and press him further down towards you. A low growl escapes him before he takes your thigh in his hand to push it up against his side.
The scene ends for now, needing to repeat it for a close-up shot. You are actually grateful he has expirience in intimate scenes, not needing to give him any more instructions or tips since he has quite a good knowledge in it already. Repeating the same scene for the next shot was easier, actually having had a little time to prepare instead of being pulled away from your rant about your script. Afterwards, you get another break and take your time to actually collect yourself before continuing with the scenes. Your co-director pulls you to her side for a moment to look over the filmed scenes, not having expected for them to actually look… hot? Well, this is good, actually. It‘s a little strange seeing you on screen like this, but you knew you would need to look over the scenes either way.
Once satisfied, you get back to your spot to sit down and scroll through your phone, distract yourself from the scene you just filmed over and over again, feeling how mush your brain feels right now.
This time, Bruce doesn‘t come around to ask you about the plot and other stuff, probably having had enough of your rant earlier. You really tried to explain it to him briefly, but it ended up in a full ramble session.
Filming the last few scenes were a little difficult to master from the last hours of filming, but time came by faster than you‘d expected and it is time to pack up and leave the set for today.
The filming days actually went by rather fast, and your work relationship grew stronger with Bruce. You had some fun actually acting the scenes out with him, even when the first day was just slightly awkward between you two. Currently, you are neck deep in a book, annotating the pages at the side with a red fineliner during your break. The colour matches the book cover. Bruce walks by and the book in your hand catches his attention. Reading the title, he immediately recognises it and steps up to you.
»My son loves this book.« You finally look up from the words on the page and lock eyes with him, being slightly surprised by it.
»Which son?« You ask slowly, being unsure if this question was offensive or not, even though he showed his rather dark humour early on and doesn‘t seem to be hardly offended by something ever. He huffs out lightly amused and answers your question without missing a beat.
»Jason. My second son. He is a big bookworm, I think he read more classics than school textbooks.«
»Well, he isn‘t the only one.« He smiles lightly at that and takes a seat besidde you, his cup of coffee still in hand.
»So, you‘re a bookworm? Or just to pass time?«
Honestly, you haven‘t exactly expected for him to strike up a conversation with you that seems to be genuine at that as well. The first talk he started with you was just about the script anyway and it was more to clear up his curiousness and slight confusion. This actually feels like he wants to talk to you and get to know you.
»I read quite often. At least when I have time, like now.«
You answer him and close your book, setting it on your lap before clasping your hands over it. Bruce takes your answer in, asking another question.
»And you annotate? What exactly do you write down?« That question throws you a bit off guard, trying to answer him without sounding like a total loser.
»Uhm… usually just my thoughts. And sometimes I analyse sentences, if I feel like it.«
Finally, Bruce seems to be a little impressed. Or maybe he is just good at acting surprised, which you wouldn‘t doubt he is doing right now.
»Really? So, you usually just leave simple comments or thoughts? That‘s actually pretty nice, but I wouldn‘t have the energy to do so.«
You manage a small chuckle at his words, not sure if you should be flustered or not. Was that even a compliment?
»Oh, I get it. Can‘t have much time to yourself with this job.«
He lets out a small laugh as well and nods in agreement, fidgeting with his coffee cup in his hands a little.
The conversation pauses briefly, Bruce speaking up again and looking towards you.
»Would you like to go out and get some coffee some time? Get a break from all this, wouldn‘t hurt right?«
Without much thinking you agree on it and set up a date for it, only later realising it sounded a little suspicius. Even if it was just a little suspicious, you won‘t let that go in your mind. He basically just asked you out. And typically enough, you didn‘t even notice it or gave it a second thought until later when he left again.
Was this genuine or was it just method acting? This would be a little too much for method acting, no? Maybe. Does this concern you even more? Yes.
Getting off the break, you continue to film the second act of the movie, already feeling like this will actually pay out in the end.
It doesn‘t really seem like he is method acting, more like acting out the scenes like a normal actor after practicing his lines thoroughly, and being confident in his performance. Besides, method acting has nothing to do with him asking you out. Method acting, also known as ‚The Method‘ is a form of rehearsal where the actors tries to understand his character and analyses their emotions in order to act it out as accurate as possible and to show the audience the depth of the character. While it is mostly common used for theater, it‘s also common to use it for film.
You are really trying to figure Bruce out. In past interviews he was nothing but charming and polite, strictly polite even, but on set he is no different. It‘s strange, most actors you‘ve worked with were at least a little chaotic and different on set, but not him. You hate to say it, but he is not like others. He has something more to him. A certain charm and touch you can‘t quite put a finger on yet. And being with him almost every day because of work is giving you the opportunity to check on it and find it out, but he is hard to reach as well. It‘s not like he is hard to talk to, it‘s quite the opposite. But your conversations have never been more than mere small talk and discussions about the script, that usually ends up with you rambling off about it. So, you are frustrated.
Eventually, you help the crew and technicians with putting the stuff away for today, knowing you shouldn‘t do it, but you can‘t just leave the studio without helping them with the rest.
Bruce catches you however and snatches the heavy camera from you so he can put it in its case without your back breaking halfway.
»Oh, you don‘t need to, I can- «
»None of that. You already work so much, it‘s only fair when someone helps you out. Besides, I like helping people.«
He ignores your words and just smiles softly, as he puts the camera gently into its case, it seeming as if it doesn‘t weight anything in his arms. The he handled it with such ease really hurts your ego a bit, but also makes you wonder what his workout routine is. Because there is no way he just didn‘t break out a sweat while doing that. Unlike you.
»We don‘t want to miss out on our small date, right? Or did you forget already?«
You don‘t see it but Bruce is ready to be rejected and made fun of with how surprised you look at him. But truth is, you really just forgot about the arranged meeting you both settled on earlier in lunch break, because of all the things you had to do today.
»No, sure we‘re still going out. I just… kind of, forgot about it, but I didn‘t! I mean, I just, uh… let‘s just go, okay?«
You tag him along to the exit and he leads you to the café he mentioned earlier, it seeming already cosy enough from the outside. He opens the door for you before choosing a place to sit at and goes to the counter to order you both a warm drink. He sits down across from you at the table again and just looks at you with a small but noticeable smile. It is quiet for a moment before he speaks up.
»What kind of books do you read again? Or any other hobbies you have?«
Is he really trying to just befriend you or are you just another hopeless case of delusional? Quickly putting those thought aside, you answer him and make it short this time. No rambling now. Once he finds out about your passion for thriller, he perks up and shares his own few favourites about thriller and detective stories. Although he tends to love real biographies and real incidents, there is a mutual interest for those gernes in books.
»It‘s a good thing we have something in common. But I‘ve never tried annotating books before like you do. Is it fun?«
You shrug lightly in response, answering him after a brief moment.
»Depends on the person, but I really enjoy doing that. I like reading through stuff and write down my own thoughts. I also underline sentences and just… use the book. I didn‘t buy it for nothing, right?«
He nods lightly to your words, probably not used to someone using a book to actually write in it just for fun. Most people see it as a crime to doodle into the pages fo your book, but you take pride in it.
»Could I borrow one of your books? Especially one that you wrote in already.«
The suggestion takes you by surprise, but who are you to say no to that? Of course you nod without thinking too much about it, already thinking about which book you will lend him.
»Sure, I‘ll lend you one! I‘ve waited so long for someone to ask me this, what book do you want? I can also just take the book I read today. I have read it over three times anyway.«
Now Bruce is slightly surprised but also glad you agreed to this so easily. He nods slightly, not wasting time on responding to you.
»Animal Farm? Sure, that sounds good.«
Even when the novella isn‘t a thriller or detective, he is still willing to read it just to get to know you even more and read through those silly comments on the sides. Reaching over, you hand him the book which he puts safely into his own bag before the conversation continues between you both and you end up chatting about other stuff as well and enjoy your coffee while talking. You don‘t even realise how much time goes by before the staff in the shop are slowly getting ready to close it, cleaning around and making sure you both don‘t want to order anything anymore. That‘s also when you see how dark it is outside, getting out of the shop with him and walk down the dimly lit streets side-by-side.
Once you are both back at the parking lot, he walks you to your car, making sure you won‘t get kidnapped.
»You know, we could read together in my library some time. If that would be okay.«
That thought put a smile onto your facce but you quickly mask it, not wanting to come off as too excited.
»We could, at least I won‘t mind. I don‘t want to be a bother in your home or anything.«
You respond, still trying to be polite but he seems to destroy it with shaking his head.
»You won‘t be, promise. I‘m sure Damian won‘t mind, and all my other kids only visit occasionally now.« Bruce reassures you, smiling a little at you as he stands before you, waiting for your response. Sighing out you give in, agreeing to the invitation.
»Fine. We can meet up some day to read. I‘m sure I‘ll have time in about a week.« Bruce nods and feels glad you will make some time for him to hang out again. Reading together in comfortable silence? There is nothing better in Bruce‘s mind.
The silence is filled with tension while Andy is standing tall, still with his suit and pistol in hand. His lover is standing right in front of him, a look of horror on their face that makes his chest shred into pieces.
»I can explain...« Andy carefully starts and puts the safety on in his gun before placing it onto the table beside him.
»First you are some kind of playboy, now you are… a murderer?! Who are you really, Andy?«
His lover demands, voice trembling lightly as the tension only rises and rises more between them. With a small step, he tries to get closer and make sure his partner isn‘t freaking out totally.
»I am not a murderer, Bell… I‘m...« There‘s a dramatic pause before he continues, taking a deep breath.
»I am Strong Guy.«
Bruce is doing his best not to laugh at his superhero name from the script, clenching his jaw and keeping up his tense glare, waiting for you to say your next line. Even his damn children tease and make of him for accepting such role, but that‘s not really a surprise.It‘s only a matter of time when he will finally crack up, having warned you prior already.
»No way. You… can‘t be. How is that possible? But Strong Guy is basically from space, right? What… have I been dating an alien the whole time?«
You are in complete shock and disbelief. At least trying to seem like it. When you wrote the script, you really had to hold yourself back from writing a better scene than this. But Hollywood is demanding and only wants to please the poor viewers who are seeing the same movie over and over again, but in a different fond every year. At least the Writer‘s Strike is almost over and other, more legendary directors can direct more original and creative movies… well, depends if the WGA and other people responsible for that will actually care about anything other than money.
»Babe, believe me, I am still me. The Andy you know from high school and the same one you fell for all those years back.« Strong Guy, Andy, uses a softer tone with you now and looks genuinely desperate not to lose his partner because of his secret identity.
Your character isn‘t strong for that matter and gives in after a few more weak attempts of arguing, before the tension eases up and you both hug each other tightly, whispering sweet nothings against the other.
Once the scene ends, you have to repeat for another four times to get it in every angle and make sure you get the best takes. By the time that‘s finished, Bruce can already feel how drained he is after the dramatic and less than poorly written scene. Don‘t get him wrong, he likes the way you tell the story, but the dialoge couldn‘t be any more cheesy and… over-cliché in his opinion. Not that he would that say to your face.
Malva approaches you with a glass of water in hand, offering it to you to cool your mind after the rather intense scene.
»I‘m counting the days, you know? When you and him become… a thing?«
She elbows your side playfully, making you almost spill your water and choke on the sip you just took.
»Mal, what the fuck!«
»Fuck! Yes, when is that going to happen?« She inquires and awaits your answer curiously, seeming dead-serious. But you know her better than that. She is most likely just teasing and tries to force another crush on you yet again.
»I‘m not going to answer the question. We barely know each other.« You mumble back finally and sip on you glass of water in attempt to hide your tiny smile, glancing towards Bruce to make sure he isn‘t secretly eavesdropping on you two.
»Look, I‘m just trying to be honest. The way he looks at you? You can‘t tell me you haven‘t noticed. He is, like… so expressive with his eyes and so dreamy...« Malva trails off and sighs out softly, making you cringe lightly beside her.
You hush her quickly once the man you are both fussing over walks by, exhaling wearily and speak to your best friend again.
»Okay, I may have lend him one of my annotated books and he probably invited me to his library to read together. Next week, or something.«
Her jaw falls almost literally to the floor as she listens to you, in disbelief and is actually speecheless for a second.
»Oh, you have to tell me about how it went! You two already look so good together on set, I can‘t imagine — « You cut her off quickly by pressing your palm against her lips, embarrassed and also noticing Bruce being dangerously near your area.
This is going to be a hell of filming and hang outs in the next few months…
You knew his house was big, but… you nearly want to throw up at how big and pretty it is. If there‘s thing you can compliment him, is that he has good taste in almost everything besides coffee. What sane person likes their coffee completely black and plain?
Walking up to the big double door, you ring the bell and wait patiently. Your wait doesn‘t last long as one of the doors swings open and a rather small boy greets you with a judgemental look. That‘s surely one of his sons. Jason, probably? No, he is too old to look this young…
»Hey there. I‘m here to meet Bruce, is he here?« You greet as polite and friendly as possible, always having managed to scare off children without meaning to. Or at least babies.
»Father should be inside.«
Politely enough, the boy steps aside and lets you enter, watching you intently as you take the interior in.
Feeling a little awkward, you decide to ask. »What‘s your name, by the way?«
He narrows his eyes at you and crosses his arms, answering your questioin that was meant to be polite.
»You are not worth it to know my na —«
»Damian! I‘m sure you showed her around a little and were polite, weren‘t you?«
Bruce hurries down the stairs and approaches you both, seeming only slightly tense as he awaits his son‘s answer, running his hand through his hair.
»Of course, father...«
Damian scoffs lightly and averts his eyes away from you to the floor, seeing some similarities between him and Bruce.
The older man smiles and steps beside you, eventually paying his attention back to you.
»Sorry, this is Damian. My youngest.« He finally introduces and gestures to his son in front of you, taking him in again and nod slightly. Damian is doing a poor job in hiding his displeasure on meeting you, grumbling something under his breath as he gives you a sharp side-glance.
»Alfred said he needs some help in the garden, why don‘t you join him?« Bruce uses the code word they settled on in case Damian should be somewhere that he isn‘t welcome to and gets the message, making his way outside to the backyard.
You watch him wander off in a rather moody demeanor, feeling Bruce‘s warm hand settle between your shoulderblades.
»I hope he wasn‘t a bother while I was gone. He can get… pretty angsty at times.«
He apologises but you quickly wave it off, actually being quite amused and not bothered at all.
»No, I get it. I was just as grumpy and annoyed when I was younger, I don‘t blame him.« At your words, he raises an eyebrow while leading up ustairs with him, walking to his library.
»That‘s interesting. I could never imagine you as a grumpy teenager though, what were you like? Also throwing a tantrum for not receiving the latest comic book?«
He teases lightly but also refers to one of his kids when they were a little younger and spoiled, all to his fault.
»No, I was more of a… rebellious kind? I hated it when people wouldn‘t take me seriously and protested a lot. Over the right stuff, though! Maybe you could call it a punk phase, but I really just wanted to be taken seriously and be understood, you know?«
Bruce listened to you explain while entering the library after passing the hallway, looking to you once again with a fond expression.
»You and I may have more common in that sense, then. I also tried to prove myself to others and threw myself into… some situations. But all for the right reasons, right?«
Maybe Malva was right. You should hurry up and claim this man for yourself.
Snapping your gaze away from him, you take in the big library you are both in, it being a spacious room with tall shelfs, full with books that go up the ceiling, and some couches around in the middle to lounge on. You genuinenly haven‘t expected for him to have this whole area as a library that‘s actually filled with so many books, being literally surrounded by them.
»So? Have you got a book to read? If not, you can always lend one from here.«
He claps his hands once and walks to one of the larger couches before sitting down on it, the book you gave him from your earlier hang out in his hands.
»Oh, I came prepared, I have my own book with me.«
You answer back and take a seat beside him on the couch, taking out the book from your bag as you lean back and start to read where you left off.
He shares his last glance at you before he foccuses on his book for now, feeling joy at the small comments you left on the sides of almost every page, being content just reading in silence for now while sitting beside you.
Some time passes and you both have read quite a lot over the time-being, itching for a small break. Alfred, his butler apparently, had got you both some warm tea and cookies onto the coffee table in front of you and left after saying his usual polite words.
Tasting the cookies, you have never eaten such delicious and not overly sweet cookies before. You need to steal his recipe later and make them yourself at home. The tea is just as good, still warm and having a comforting effect on you. Bruce speaks up, his body turned more towards you on the couch as he has his arm around the back of the couch, sipping on his cup of tea.
»What do you think of your book so far?« It seems like he always asks these questions on purpose, just to hear you talk his ear off about a random topic. But you answer truthfully anyway, looking to him now as you take a break from munching on those cookies.
»I really love the way Pushkin wrote about his wife in his novels, every female character he inserts seems to be his wife and he won‘t waste any time on sweet talking everything. But his works actually represent a path from Neoclassicism through Romanticism to Realism, or whatever they say, so… I just love how easy his rhymes are in some passages and how obvious that is that he was such a hopeless romantic...«
You glance around the library as you talk, eventually trailing off and checking in to see his reaction. He leaned his head against his fist from his arm that rests on the back of the couch, eyes ever so tender and nonjudgemental. Almost loving.
»You okay?« You ask finally, unsure because of his quiet demeanor and how he just stares at you. How long has he been staring for?
»Yeah. Just wondering if you could use that mouth for more than just talking nonsense.«
Now you feel offended, no matter how much he‘s flirting with you right now.
»Nonsense? I think you just lost your mind, I never talk nonsense, especially not about my favourite writer.«
Bruce can‘t help but smile at that, glad you didn‘t react badly to what he just blurted out without actually meaning to.
»I‘m sure everything you say is logical and accurate, but I —«
»Oh, so you weren‘t listening the whole time? Why do you even bother asking me about those —«
This time, you are the one getting interrupted and he puts a gentle hand onto your knee to try and soothe you.
»Because I love the sound of your voice.«
Oh, you froze. Bruce is panicking, he never thought he would be so straightforward with his feelings towards you, but something about you just lets him let loose and be himself. It‘s almost scaring him.
But you didn‘t freeze because you were startled or shocked, but because you never expected for him to compliment you in such a genuine and nice way. And his hand on your knee is only making your case worse. As he is about to get his hand back to himself, you move closer to him and hug him as tightly as you can. Bruce stumbles slightly back into the couch because of the force of your hug, but doesn‘t waste any time on hugging you back. He is instantly relieved at your reaction, letting himself melt into the hug and rub your back lightly in return.
»Not good at taking compliments?«
You scoff at his teasing comment, leaning a little off of him to look into his eyes again.
»At least I don‘t tell people they talk ‚nonsense‘ just to compliment them later.« He rolls his eyes at your light jab, loosening his grip around you as he is unsure if you want to stay in the hug for longer or not. When you don‘t let go, he decides to follow your lead and just let you stay half on top of him with your arms wrapped around his neck. It could come off as friendly cuddling, almost, but there seems to be still some light tension between the two of you.
The fact that Bruce has invited you to his Manor to simply read together says a lot. It is well known to the media that he hasn‘t really been in a relationship, and that he doesn‘t go around dating or hooking up usually. Bruce Wayne is mostly a mysterious person to the media, talking and responding politely and patiently to the interviewers or reporters, letting his guard down only rarely among other people he doesn‘t really know.
Working together with him has shown you that he can warm up to people, especially when they share interests or just seem good-hearted. Like you.
You have shown him how coorperative and kind you are to all your staff and co-actors, he has seen some of your interviews as well. Being kind and bringing a positive message is important for you, and you‘ve made sure to show it. Either through films or other actions, you managed to let Bruce believe there is still good in this world and genuine people. You aren‘t full of money, your beliefs are similar to his in that sense.
He hasn‘t realised it yet, but his hand traces mindless circles around your back as you two stay in the hug, your own hand lightly fidgeting with the back of his shirt collar.
As time passes and you two talk about whatever, the evening rolls by quickly and it becomes dark outside, making the atmosphere more relaxing. By the time you two have talked, you both adjusted your position more, his arms still around in a way while your body is laying mostly across his lap with your head resting against his chest. You didn‘t realize how comfortable it would be to lay almost completely on him, and you‘re trying to make it last.
He uses the opportunity to talk more about himself since you didn‘t really get the chance to get to know each other that much with work. Bruce mostly talks about his sons and daughter, describing their personalities as best as he can, telling a few funny stories here and there from their younger years, knowing they would kill him if they would find out he told you about it.
It‘s endearing hearing him talk about his children, listening to him with heart eyes as you stay in his arms, melting against his chest.
His voice smooth and low, a subtle rasp to it while he eyes dart around the room from one spot to the other until they land on you from time to time. He started to play with your hair at some point, twirling some strands around his finger before letting go and starting again, his hands always busy with something.
»Did anyone ever tell you how soothing you are? Like, I never expected for you to be so calm and kind until now. What‘s with the persona for the press?«
He looks down to you and continues to play around with your hair a little, adjusting his hold on you to let you stay comfortable against his chest.
»Everyone has an online persona. Like to stay more private about my stuff.«
He shrugs lightly, letting his arms stay loosely around you. That response makes you smile, leaning up a little.
»Does that mean I‘m special?«
Bruce can‘t help but smirk at that, shifting to make you face him more.
»I guess you are, yes.«
His warm expression makes you contemplate wether or not this has something more to it, if you both just really good friends already or more. The tension in the room seems thicken, especially with how close you both are right now on the couch. The library falls into a comfortable silence again, this time with both of you staring at the other. You study his features, realising how much prettier he is from up close. From this proximity, you can barely make out the faint freckles across his cheeks, making you want to study him more and find out about all the other faint or small features he has, taking pride in seeing such details.
He also focuses on your face, the way your eyes flit around his face and are soft in the warm light of the room. His hand carefully cups your cheek, feeling the soft and warm skin under his palm. Without thinking, you lean into his hand, looking back into his eyes.
It almost feels magical and surreal how close you are to him, realising you are both about to get even closer. Your heart starts to pick up its pace, but you don‘t pull away. Bruce‘s thumb brushes against your cheekbone, his adam‘s apple bobs briefly before he leans in, seeing how willing you are to stay close and closer.
Eventually, your lips meet and it feels better than any cinematic movie could ever potray a romantic scene. The kiss lingers before you break it, but stay close, your noses barely brushing together.
He trails his hand from your cheek to the back of your head, threading his fingers into your hair.
»Please tell me you wanted this just as much as me.« His voice is quite, careful. Warm.
»Genuinely? From the moment you invited me to your library.«
He smiles at your response, freely with his perfect teeth showing. Without further discussion, he presses his lips against yours again, making sure to be gentle, as if he could break you by being too harsh.
You tremble lightly in his arms, too enrupted by the sensation of the soft kisses to care about anything else. Getting the courage, you wrap your arms more around his neck and lean more into him, making him melt from the inside and become weak for you. You could do anything to him and he would happily let you. Is it a little too early to be so trusting? Maybe. Does he care or want to waste this time with you? Fuck no.
He sighs into the kiss and leans back further into the soft couch, making you follow and press yourself further against him. It becomes overwhelming, getting to sit properly on his lap, your hands on either side of his face, his hands resting contently at your thighs. And it happens.
You can‘t help it, you want – need friction from him, and buck your hips against him, earning a low groan from him.
His grip on your thighs tightens, breath starting to get shallow the longer you kiss. At his subtle reactions, you do that again, starting to grind lightly against him, your own breath growing heavier.
Bruce feels his head spin because of you, the way you are so eager to continue, to feel him more and to get more is making him fall even more for you. The fact alone that you are willing to trust him with your body is enough to get him going more, but he hates that you are both in his library at the moment and you are both nothing official yet.
He does what he thinks is logical and wants to be the responsible from the two of you.
His hands grab onto your hips, stopping you from picking up the pace or apply more pressure against him.
»Hey, easy… easy, we have all the time in the world, just...« He sighs out, loosening his grip on your hips once you simply sit on him.
»Did I do something wrong?«
You panic and look him over to see if you hurt him or made him uncomfortable.
»No! No, no, no, you never did anything wrong, I just… I don‘t want this to be our first time.«
As soon as he drops those words, you slump your full weight on him, slightly confused and disappointed.
»I just want you to have something better than having it in my damn library. You deserve more than that. It needs to be special.«
His hands settle on your waist, his hair slightly tousled and face flushed, chest heaving lightly as he catches his breath, but still feels breathless because of you.
You stay quiet for another moment, processing his words. It‘s difficult to do so, that sight in front of you is making you feral but he doesn‘t want to do anything more because… he wants to treat you better?
Now you are really starting to wonder if he is real. There is no way someone would be nice enough to actually stop making out before it escalates, just because he wants to make it special in another time.
»Oh… okay, then. I won‘t force you anyway.«
You shrug lightly, feeling disappointed. But you would hate to force him to something more. Bruce seems glad you agree on it so easily and lets his hands trail up and down your sides more until he sets you down beside him, a shit-eating grin on his face.
»Sorry for cock-blocking you, dear.«
He murmurs into your ear, making you flush and groan, elbowing his side annoyed; all the while he laughs amused.
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a/n: let me know what you think about it, hope you enjoyed it!
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Mike Schmidt HCs
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Pairing- Mike Schmidt x Artist!Reader
Warnings- Spiders, nightmares, panic attacks, Mike worries he isn’t good enough, tooth rotting fluff.
A/N- Thank you guys so much for supporting me! I’ve posted so many headcanons, so sorry about that.
𖡎 The only reason he was able to stay awake during his shift was because he knew he had you to come home to.
𖡎 He would cuddle into your chest, humming in contentment when you played with his hair.
𖡎 Whenever he had the day off, you guys would order pizza and cuddle down on the couch to watch a movie with Abby.
𖡎 If he came in the room while you were sketching, he’d peek over your shoulder to see what you were doing.
𖡎 He loves watching you teach Abby how to draw, he thinks it’s sweet how close you two are.
𖡎 Begs for you to use him instead of pinterest references or whatever else you use.
𖡎 “Baby, I don’t understand why you are looking for photos of other people to draw when you could just draw me.”
𖡎 He actually gets worried if you don’t call him a pet name.
𖡎 “Mike? What? What happened to ‘baby’? Are you mad?”
𖡎 Comes up behind your, arms around your waists to whisper shyly in your ear.
𖡎 “D’you think you could teach me a few things, so I can connect with Abby?”
𖡎 You guys watch Coraline, The Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas, etc.
𖡎 Abby’s favorite movie is Coraline, even if it terrifies Mike.
𖡎 He’s a little worried, but calms down a bit when you tell him it’s your favorite movie.
𖡎 It can’t be bad for her if it’s your favorite, he can’t find anything wrong about you.
𖡎 You’re his savior, he practically worships you, and honestly, if he thought there was a god, he thinks it would be you.
𖡎 He doesn’t want to get up in the mornings, so you have to coax him out of bed with kisses and cuddles.
𖡎 This man will not shower without you, and that’s that.
𖡎 Totally will ask you if you took your meds before you leave the house, he doesn’t want you to have to go without them.
𖡎 He sleeps better with you there, when you hold him, he feels safe enough to get sleep.
𖡎 If he does have a nightmare though, you guys will go sit near a window and watch the stars until he’s calmed down enough to get back to sleep.
𖡎 And if you struggle with nightmares or get panic attacks at night, he’s getting you water and holding you until you’re okay.
𖡎 He never wants to see you upset. 
𖡎 If you have a rough day at work, he puts on music after Abby is in bed and makes you slow dance in the kitchen with him. 
𖡎 He secretly loves Rom-Coms, and makes you watch them with him, no matter how awful they are.
𖡎 Back with the spider headcannon, so beware.
𖡎 This man is terrified of spiders, but is also too scared to squish them and feels bad killing them, so he makes you take them outside.
𖡎 Whenever you two are walking somewhere together, he has one arm around your waist.
𖡎 All I can think about is forcing him to do face masks with you.
𖡎 He kinda hates it, but you have fun and that’s all that matters.
𖡎 Sometimes you have to remind him how good he’s doing, when he sees all the people he knew in high school getting married, getting fancy jobs, he feels like he’s not enough.
𖡎 “I just- you could have better.”
𖡎 It took a while to get him to be able to celebrate his accomplishments without feeling guilty.
𖡎 He doesn’t take you out on many dates, but does sweet things at home.
𖡎 Sometimes he’ll try his best to make cookies, or he’ll make you coffee in the mornings.
𖡎 He’s really just a sweet guy, who wants to make you happy at the end of the day.
𖡎 He actually gets worried if you don’t call him a pet name.
𖡎 “Mike? What? What happened to ‘baby’? Are you mad?”
𖡎 Comes up behind your, arms around your waists to whisper shyly in your ear.
𖡎 “D’you think you could teach me a few things, so I can connect with Abby?”
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epiicaricacy-arts · 1 month
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without the sour the sweet wouldn’t taste
why are you as a man eating another man’s ear after you failed to make him eat his ex girlfriend. 🤨🏳️‍🌈⁉️
im allowed a bit of toxic yaoi. as a treat
process discussion utc ⬇️
for those familiar with my work you’ll know that i like trying a lot of new styles and experimenting in order to achieve a certain vibe. usually those are heavy painterly styles such as the sunday art inspired by Yuming Li, which is what i’m familiar and comfortable with, both traditionally and digitally
what im NOT familiar with is watercolour. i’ve never had a good time with it 🥲 i just cant seem to wrap my head around the process since its requires me to work backwards (light to dark vs dark to light)
for this piece i just couldn’t imagine myself rendering it in my usual style. i needed to do something new so that i’d stay invested enough in the piece considering that it has two people, meaning double the work. for some reason i thought it’d be fun to do double the work with a style i am completely uncomfortable with but oh well!! i managed to do it 🤷‍♀️ i was specifically looking at the works of Ko Byung Jun, an artist i’ve seen all over my pinterest feed
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while i didn’t end up really following the style super closely i still learned quite a lot just by looking at it while i drew. i tried my best to stick to watercolour brushes and an ink pen but as i was nearing the end i needed to make some alterations that i wasn’t bothered to try fixing with the watercolour brushes so i just went over it with my digital ones 🫡 i did my best that’s what matters!!!
i had to repaint rody a few times cause i just couldn’t get it right and the colours never ended up matching vincent. i painted them separately and i think i got possessed while painting vincent cause it happened in like. 40 minutes. and i couldn’t get it to happen again 😔 it didn’t really matter cause i ended up going ham with the curves tool as always but you know 🤷‍♀️
here’s the image without all the effects:
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i find lately it’s been more and more common for me to be sketching several iterations of a concept for days, even weeks before i land on something i like. i have an entire separate canvas that i’ve spent 5 hours just doing thumbnails trying to figure out how i wanted to pose these two in a way that would showcase the characteristics that mattered in the story of this piece.
that’s my process for coming up with drawings: i find inspiration somewhere, i figure out the key concepts/characteristics/symbols etc i want highlighted, and i work around those. sometimes i have a composition in mind or just a general vibe i want to portray. for this one i wanted to make sure the towel, rody’s injured finger and vincent’s face could all be clearly seen, while also portraying the fight scene and the vibe i get from the reference song. almost all of my work revolves around a specific lyric from the song which drives the story of the piece. here i interpreted the line “without the sour the sweet wouldn’t taste” as a connection to all the little actions vince takes with rody that can be seen as “sweet.” drying rody’s hair, bandaging rody’s cut. i then asked myself how i could take those actions and make them “sour” or show them in a different light, in which vince is biting the finger he bandaged and pulling rody closer, preventing his escape with the towel he used to dry his hair. what im trying to communicate in this illustration is the idea of “if it weren’t for how i’m treating you now, you wouldn’t understand how kind i was to you then” in an attempt to illustrate the complexities of the way vincent acts towards rody.
i’m truly in love with the story telling of this game. it’s hard to really say anything about how the characters acted during the story because it’s so complex in how it’s done. it’s very hard to summarize their relationship because there’s so much about it i can’t explain without just quoting the game directly. i think it’s such a beautiful portrayal of obsession and just being fucking weird about someone. i wanted to ensure the elements i mentioned in the above paragraph because i didn’t want to be portraying vincent as solely a villain and rody as a victim. i wanted the storytelling of this one illustration to live up to my impression of this beautiful game and i hope i did it justice.
thank you for reading this if you’ve made it this far. i love rambling on all my art posts cause i think it’s so valuable for artists to expand on their work outside of the result alone. i hope what im saying is at most helpful to someone and at the very least a good read. i’m probably gonna take a bit of an art break after this since it took a lot out of me, plus im on the last days of my trip. thank you again for reading!
here’s my dog
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miifu666 · 10 days
Yandere isekai! Alpha!
Who you met during your mindless scrolling through the brainrotting reels and videos thats feeding the addiction part of your brain, in no time you're suddenly transported in the middle of a busy street with your pajamas.
Not knowing if you've accidentally sleepwalked or if you were daydreaming, you noticed the strange waft of different smells the people around you have.
Its all too much for your brain, the smell of different perfumes clashing eachother is making your head spin. In no time, you accidentally hit your head on someone.
A tall person, maybe 6'7 you note. You have to crank your neck upwards to see him, apologize and run back to your home despite forgetting that you're in the middle of an unknown street.
"S..sorry..?" You half muttered, trying to get a glimpse of the man by squinting, the backlight of the sun isn't helping the unfortunate circumstances you're in.
"No problem! ...hey are you lost, little thing?" The man tilted his head, blocking the sun and giving you a bit of how he looks now. "You don't smell like an average beta.. or omega... even alpha"
He's an attractive person, a lazy smile etched on his perfectly smooth face. Pulling the fat of the cheeks a little and curving his cat-like eyes just beneath his golden rimmed glasses. Theres a few moles you see near his left eye, under the eyebrow and bottom lip. He looks like one of those pinterest models you see, one that people put as a drawing reference.
"Uhm.. what?"
"You're okay?"
"I think so? What do you mean.. average beta?"
Hearing your answer, the tall man can only hummed and fix his dark blue hair. It wasn't long enough to reach his shoulder but not short enough to reach his ears too, a layered cut maybe? You try to figure out the man's body action before hearing out what he has to say. Theres a small fear of you getting kidnapped, pulled into some drunken bar or maybe a dimmed and empty place to steal your organs.
"Betas? You know, the second gender?" He muttered, the lazy smile is still stapled on his face. You asked if he's talking about the same beta, omega and alpha that you know about. The ones that you've read in fiction and posts, a universe where people have secondary genders instead of just the usual biological male or female. "Hmmm... yes?".
You wanted to laugh, make a weird face, punch him on the guts, to say he's joking would be an understatement. He looks serious, in fact. He looks at you judgingly despite the small smile he kept. You panicked, finding out that those isekai fictions are actually happening to you, during your scrolling on the dumb thin brick of electronic. Maybe if you weren't so focused on it, you would realized you're slowly being transported into another dimension.
The man tilted his head again, a small humm is heard despite the loud steps of the crowd walking past you. The crowd, you're also in the middle of the busy street. The sweat on your palms feels more wet now that you realized everyone is seeing you in your pajamas, the only pair of outfit you wear to be comfortable alone, uninterrupted in your small abode.
"You look so anxious.. wanna go somewhere to talk? Seems like you need something to straighten your mind"
Time moves quickly, you're now sitting in a thick sofa. One that feels like its been used for years, the comfortable dent it has gives you a sense of belonging. The man, introduced himself as Elias. Explained to you how this world works, after noticing how despite having betas around. You have a particular smell that isnt too strong or "unique" as he would say it. "Quite the catch you are" he smiled as he tilted his head again, the act reminding you of an owl. "An alpha like me have sharper nose... but i can barely smell you. Its like smelling a deer.. small deer"
Now you're lounging in his house, holding a warm chamomile tea he brewed. Feeling snug despite being in a strangers house, waiting for him to finish changing. He discussed about you having a place to stay, urging you to live in his house for awhile till you can figure things out in this world. 'How kind..' you think, 'maybe the alphas in the fiction isnt as horrible as it actually is in here... '
You didn't noticed the lingering look he's giving you, the licking of his lips each time you tend to appear skittish and unsafe. He has a need to keep you alone, keep you safe around him and maybe spoil you a bit. Who knows? Maybe throughout all his life being an Apex Alpha, you are his true mate. The reason he's been so devoid of any feeling and not so obedient for his wolf side is because you haven't appeared in his universe.
Fortunately hes a patient man, so patient. He can easily break you down to become his perfect little omega, no matter if you'll have it as a second gender or not. In his eyes, you'll always be an omega. His omega
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Elias is an old yandere oc i created, i had some ideas of how he is but i wanted to show more of his personality here. Theres a few notes past me put on his character but the rest, is improvised.Sooo this is all not proofread.
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jasmineoolongtea · 3 months
coffee jelly and parfait ― chapter 1: caramel pudding
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pairing: bodyguard!toji x baker!reader (f), toji is 38, reader is 22
summary: after working towards and succeding in accomplishing your lifelong dream working for one of the most famous bakeries in tokyo, you decide to go out for a night of celebratory drinking. however, the next morning, you wake up and find out that you're now married to a total stranger and an older one at that! but, turns out, this accidental marriage of yours might be more useful than you think.
contents: a sesame salt and pudding!au, age gap relationship (16 years - everyone is completely legal here!!!), marriage of convenience/accidental marriage, fluff, angst, slice of life, nicknames (toji is referred to as ossan by reader which is an informal way of referring to a middle-aged man in Japanese and this is taken directly from the manga inspo behind this)
warnings: drinking/alcohol, smoking (from toji)
word count: 3.9k words (much beefer than i was expecting ngl)
⤷ mood board/pinterest board
a/n: ahhh i'm so excited to finally be able to work on this series since it's been workshopping in the back of my mind for a while shdhahwj hope you guys enjoy this and hope you have an amazing day/night !!! sorry that this chapter is so exposition-heavy rip djasd, i promise later chapters will get better. as always, any likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated <333
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It's normal for weird things to happen after a night of heavy drinking, right?
You've heard all sorts of stories from your friends and family about the strange antics drunk people get up to once they get a certain amount of liquor running through their veins. It can range from small silly things like trying out a new skill in public due to a sudden burst of newfound confidence to more extreme ones like running away from an angry mob of people that you've accidentally incited somehow. Despite the difference in their severity, the common thread here remains: all are mostly harmless things and nothing that is possibly life-changing.
Much to your dismay, however, you seem to be the outlier in all those cases. Actually, it appears to be that you've managed to outdo almost everyone this time as this one definitely has to take the cake right here or whatever award they give out for things like this.
This morning, as you wake up and open your bedroom door, you suddenly find yourself face to face with a complete stranger, who very much appears to be an older guy, standing right outside in your apartment.
And to top off this already weird trajectory of events, as if things could not possibly get even stranger, it also turns out that you've apparently married said stranger last night.
To say that your memory of last night is hazy would be a massive understatement in all senses of the word. But what you do remember clearly is the reason why you went drinking in the first place, which was to congratulate yourself for finally achieving your lifelong dream up to this point.
After years of blood, sweat and tears spent at the Tsuji Culinary School where you fought with tooth, fist and nails against hundreds of other culinary hopefuls to win the highly coveted and only place available for the exchange programme to Le Cordon Bleu institute in France, your suffering was not all for nought as on your glorious return back to Japan, you've managed to land your dream job of working at one of Tokyo's most famous bakeries, Pierre Hermé.
If that was not a perfect reason to celebrate and drink the night away completely carefree then you don't know what was.
However, there was one tiny little snag in your plans for a joyous night out. The moment that you returned home to give your roommate the good news, still trying to come down from the high of hearing the good news, it seemed that she apparently also had a similar genius idea of her own and decided to inform you that she was leaving you to search for somewhere else to live closer to her job.
For most people, that wouldn't be a problem as they could just be able to leisurely search for a new roommate at their own pace. But for you, this was not the case as you were facing a different set of circumstances. For you, your move to Tokyo was entirely conditional on the fact that would stay with someone and this was explicitly set and outlined by your dad. Now roommate-less, you suddenly had a ticking expiry date placed on all your ambitions that you had barely scratched the surface of by this point.
This was probably the worst case of whiplash you've ever had, going from an extreme high to an extreme low all in the span of less than 10 minutes. Unfortunately, it seemed that the odds were very much not in your favour. But how could you let that waver your resolve? If you had learned anything from your years of existing is that you weren't going to give up and relent that easily.
So, in actuality, it was somewhat a lie that you were only out drinking for one reason. In reality, it was for two reasons; one, to congratulate yourself on achieving your dreams and two, to try and forget your newfound problem through the power of alcohol. And this was how you found yourself complaining to a bunch of strangers at a local izakaya, surrounded by several empty pints of beer.
A loud drunken sob echoes through the small confines of the bar which is accompanied by the thud of an empty glass cup slamming against the wooden countertop of the bar.
"It isn't fair at all! Do you know how hard I've worked to get here? I've basically given up everything for this and now it's going to all disappear?" You bemoan out loud to whoever's around you, signalling to the barkeep to fill up another pint for you as you're clearly intent on accomplishing your plan of drinking away your problems.
There's a lady and her boyfriend, whose face you can't really remember or recall in any particular detail, sitting next to you on your right trying to comfort you with sympathetic coos and awkward back pats. While they're trying their best to comfort you, or as best as drunk people can, their efforts are seemingly in vain as you can only sigh in defeat at your current predicament.
Taking another swig of the freshly poured pint, you continue on your rant. "And you know, my dad is only letting me stay in Tokyo if I either have a roommate or if I'm married even if I'm happy here as is!"
The lady nods in an empathetic manner as if to say she's gone through the same thing as well, commenting, "My dad's the same way as well, he's kinda old-fashioned when it comes to stuff like this and it's awful."
"If only alcohol could cure problems like this," You muse. "My roommate and I used to come here all the time and everyone we met here is always so nice."
At your praise of the other bar patrons, there's a murmur of agreement and cheers from all around. The frothy foam of your drink has bubbled down by now but as you stare into the half-drunk glass, you're suddenly hit with an outrageous idea. "Hey, what if I get married to one of you guys tonight, right here right now?"
Boisterous laughter immediately erupts at your words. One dishevelled salary man from the other side of the bar jokingly remarks, "If you do that, you won't even be wanted back home!"
However, once the laughter dies down there's a genuine pause from everyone, including yourself, as if you all were genuinely considering carrying out this ridiculous and definitely impractical idea. Following the brief silence, the other patrons turn to their neighbours and begin to talk and discuss amongst themselves, their heads swivelling left and right in what seems to be an attempt to size up and judge the men at the bar as potential candidates.
"I'm already married to a wife I love dearly so I'm going to have to turn down that offer." Announces a middle-aged man from opposite you, with other similar comments and statements soon chiming in to eliminate themselves from the running based on a variety of different reasons.
Before the lady's boyfriend can even open his mouth to volunteer himself, she sends a withering look and an accusatory finger his way as she warns him, "Don't even think about it." At her stern warning, he quickly sinks back down into his seat.
An elderly man sighs wistfully to himself. "Ha, maybe if I was 20 years younger..." He then turns to his side, nudging the guy next to him with his elbow to get his attention before asking him. "Hey, what about you?"
You can't really see the other man's face since he's pretty much on the other side of the long table and your vision might have been slightly hazy on account of all the alcohol flowing through your system at this point, though you hear his gruff voice ring out as he shrugs his built shoulders and responds, "Me? 'M single I guess."
From all the other voices you've heard tonight, you don't recognise his, guessing that he might have been relatively silent throughout most of the conversation. Although you can't see much of him, you notice even sitting down, he's about two heads taller than those around him and his broad shoulders and well-built physique are accentuated by the tight-fitting black shirt he's wearing. God, it looks like he's basically vacuumed and sealed into that thing as the fabric shifts with every flex of his muscles.
Maybe it's the dim lighting of the izakaya but you're sure you catch a brilliant flash of green from across the table looking you up and down with vague curiosity and interest. You think to yourself, he doesn't look half bad.
Suddenly filled with a renewed sense of energy, or rather you're getting to the point on your drunkness scale where you feel comfortable enough to throw logic out of the window, you leap up from your seat and point at the man as you shout at the top of your lungs,
"Alright, you in the black shirt! Let's get married!"
After hearing your declaration, the lady starts to furiously flip the magazine in front of her until it lands on a certain page before picking it up and showing it to the others. "Hey, look! This magazine I bought has a marriage registration form at the back."
"What an amazing coincidence." Someone mutters from beside you with a few other voices soon relaying their own hums of agreement.
"We can all be witnesses! Come on and sign it!"
Chants of "Sign it." start to fill up the bar as the other patrons begin to cheer you two on like a crowd at a live stadium sports match from the sidelines of their seats. The moment your pen clatters against the floor, the crowd bursts out into celebratory shouts and cheers, with that being the extent of your memories of last night with whatever after it fading into black.
Now back in the present, you feel your face start to burn with a renewed sense of embarrassment as memories and small recollections of last night start to flood your mind. Any chance of even possibly denying the events of last night goes out the window as turns out, your drunk self decided that it was the perfect opportunity to apparently take a commemorative photo of the event with the marriage license at the dead of centre of it, your names unmistakably written on there in bold.
As you examine the form, still slightly gobsmacked, you spot his name next to yours. Fushiguro Toji, huh? You think quietly to yourself, his name sounds kind of nice. But before you can find yourself getting lost in thought, a husky voice snaps you back into reality.
"Now, do'ya remember?" The man, or Toji as that's what appears to be his name, quirks an inquisitive eyebrow at you.
"Yeah, but that doesn't explain how you ended up in my apartment." Eyeing him up and down, you pause for a second as you take in your equally dishevelled appearances, something suddenly clicking in your head as your overactive mind begins to draw its own conclusions about what happened after the events of the izakaya. "Oh no. Di-did we..?" You gesture frantically at the two of you, hoping that he understands what you're implying with your question.
Toji shakes his head, a slightly irritated or perhaps even amused sigh leaving his lips, you're not sure. "No. Yer insisted that you should take me home since I mentioned that I didn't really have a place to stay for the night."
A sigh of relief escapes you.
You take this time to now fully examine him since you didn't get much of a chance last night, or rather you had forgotten all about it. There's an unquestionably intimidating aura about him with his shaggy black hair, incredibly muscular physique and piercing emerald green eyes that look like they could kill a man where he stood with a single stare. His all-black clothing and what appears to be a vertical scar situated on the right corner of his lips do him no favours to make him look less like a gangster straight out of an action movie.
Although there aren't the typical tell-tale signs of ageing on him like obvious wrinkles or a head of grey hairs, there's a faint imprint of more permanent creases starting to form in the middle of his brows and if you look closely enough, you might even notice some small sprinkles of white starting to pop up amidst the rest of his raven locks. This all points to the fact that he's definitely older than you but you're unsure by how much from your initial assessment of him, probably at least ten years older than give or take.
Though, besides this outright menacing factor to him, you can't help but admit that he's also strikingly handsome in a rugged way. You realise that you might have been caught staring at him for too long when he clears his throat and gives you a pointed glance with those sharp green eyes. Just having his gaze on you is enough to send a tingling sensation down your spine.
Deciding to brush it off, he huffs to himself as he leans his weight against the white walls of your apartment. "It's probably too late to cancel it since we already signed and submitted it last night so the only option we have now is to divorce."
He fishes around in the pockets of his pants and produces an already half-empty and slightly crumpled cigarette box. Before taking one out, he turns towards you and silently asks for your permission with a tilt of his head. You nod at him, expecting him to crank open one of your windows to smoke but instead, he walks towards your kitchen and turns on your kitchen hood. Curiously, you follow behind him and see him use a dingy lighter to light up the cigarette, the pale glow of the flame illuminating the harsh lines of his features, as he takes a deep puff of it before blowing the smoke up the hood.
So he's a kitchen smoker, huh? Obviously, you want to know how he's developed this peculiar habit but you decide to bite your tongue for now as there are more pressing issues on hand such as the undeniable elephant in the room.
There's a brief moment of silence before Toji starts speaking again. "Y'know, I kinda feel bad for last night 'cause you're going to be a divorcee so young."
"Hey! I'm not that young you know, Ossan!" You protest in return, crossing your arms over your chest in a slightly childish display of annoyance. That earns you what sounds like a breathy laugh from him as one corner of his lips tilts upwards in a somewhat crooked manner.
"Oh yeah? Then how old are ya?" There's a teasing lilt to his voice, almost as if he's slightly amused by your antics.
You huff. "22. What about you?"
"You really can't remember much from last night huh? I'm 38." If he's 38 then that means there's a 16-year age difference between you two. Not the worst-case scenario that could happen when it comes to marrying a complete stranger by accident, you think to yourself.
It seems that your apparent lack of reaction, only giving out a half-hearted hmm, to finding out his age is surprising to him. If he was going to be honest, he wasn't ruling out that you might have started bolting out of your apartment at the mention of it and in that case, he wouldn't blame you.
You state, "Besides, you're not the only one to blame here. It's on me as well since we both signed it. So don't feel bad. We'll get it taken care of as soon as possible." You send a reassuring smile his way, waving off his concerns with an easy-going wave of your wrist. For some reason, he feels like he might even believe your assurance for a second.
Much to your public embarrassment your stomach starts to grumble loudly with what some might say is impeccable comedic timing. "Or well, as soon as I get some food." You comment bashfully, your previously carefree attitude fading away relatively quickly as a new priority has emerged.
As you make the move towards your fridge, you look over at him from your shoulder as you ask, "Oh right. Do you want something as well? I don't really cook meals that often so all I have in my kitchen is basically just baking ingredients."
Toji does a quick look around the kitchen, examining the clear state of mess and disarray that it's in and scoffs offhandedly to himself. "Didn't realise you could call this mess a kitchen."
"In my defence, my roommate used to do all the cooking and cleaning whilst I mainly covered the bills." You point back at him, a wooden spoon in hand as you wave at him warningly.
"What happened to them then?"
"Oh, you know, suddenly deciding to move closer to work even though your roommate has already paid the lease for the year for two people and stuff like that." There's an edge of annoyance to your tone, clearly, you're still annoyed at your roommate for putting you in this predicament, but Toji decides not to comment on it.
After watching you struggle to turn on your gas stove for what seems to be like the tenth time in the span of 2 minutes, a loud sigh of exasperation escapes him as he places his calloused hand on top of yours. stopping you in your tracks. "Come on, just let me do it." He states. As he moves closer to the kitchen counter, his body is positioned so close to your left side that you can feel the heat radiating off of him.
He starts to busy himself with various ingredients as it seems that he's now begrudgingly taken over cooking duties from you, no protests from your side by the way. Before you go to take your seat at the kitchen table, you hear him mumble under his breath. "Can't believe you have the time to go out and get drunk and not even to clean your place."
"Hey." You turn around to face him once again, your voice stern. "You don't know me, alright? I wanna stay in Tokyo because I just got my dream job and I'm not planning on leaving any time soon."
"...Yer job? What d'you do?"
"I'm a baker. Have you ever heard of the bakery, Pierre Hermé?"
He pauses, bringing a finger up to his chin as if deep in thought. "Think 've walked past it a few times. Why?"
There's a renewed sense of excitement to you, passion very much evident in both your words and expression as you launch into an animated spiel at his question. "It's one of the top bakeries in Tokyo and I've spent my whole life working towards being able to get a job there." You look out at the window, quietly contemplating and contrasting the crowded and bustling streets and skyline of Tokyo with the sleepy and relatively isolated atmosphere of your hometown.
"Back in my home town, there isn't really much opportunity to work somewhere like this, especially since it's a foreign bakery specialising in French pastries so this is basically my only chance to fulfil my dreams." You can't help but let a wistful sigh leave your lips, thinking about how hard you've fought to get to this point now. Unbeknownst to you, Toji suddenly sits up straighter, his back pressed against the cool ceramic countertops as he stares at you, seemingly studying you in a new light after your words. Before you can realise it though, he quickly adverts his gaze elsewhere, taking another drag of his cigarette.
"What about you?" You ask him, a sense of interest clearly present in your voice. For someone like him, you don't even know where to really begin when it comes to guessing what a guy like him could do for a living as it could range from semi-realistic to wildly fantastical like straight out of a TV show.
"...I'm a bodyguard for hire." Compared to you though, his tone is devoid of the same energy and passion present in yours with him even pausing slightly before answering, as if he was hesitant to reveal this aspect about himself.
"Wow, that's cool." There's a small sense of awe at his response. Being a bodyguard would definitely explain that muscular physique of his, you remark quietly to yourself.
A tsk sound escapes him at your comment, shrugging it off with his shoulders as he turns to the side. "All I care is that it pays well. Nothin' more."
You deflate a little at his words. To you, he sounds more begrudging than anything and you think that there's probably a story behind that as well, like many other things about him like that lip scar of his, but you choose to avoid prodding him even further as well in his defence, you've technically just met each other last night. All of a sudden, you're hit with an idea, a crazy idea just like last night, but this time now sober, and it might just be crazy enough to work or you two might just be desperate enough to make it work. You clear your throat before you call out to him.
"Hey, Ossan." Toji looks back at you, and clearly, you've managed to pique his curiosity by the amused expression present on his face. If you were a lesser person, you might have shrunk under the intensity of his gaze so intently trained on you but you don't, there's too much of your future dream riding on this now for you to back out before anything could have even begun. You look into his eyes, maintaining eye contact before you continue. "I have an idea, actually, it's more of a request. The next time I go back home to visit my parents, can you come with me as my husband? If I'm married to someone who lives in Tokyo, my dad can't tell me to move home anymore and he'll definitely believe that it's real once he sees your name on the official family register."
Before he can even say no or offer any protest of his own, you add, "Plus, this deal will be beneficial to you as well since you'll get a place to live until you get your own apartment. So, let's hold off on the divorce until then."
There's a hopeful look in your eyes with a look of determination painted on your features. Evidently, even without his input, it appears to be that you're dead set on this plan if it means you get the slightest chance of staying here. He contemplates a future where he says no, imagining another week of being forced to couch surf on his boss's stale office couch and living in a constant state of uncertainty for who knows how long. Sure, it's not like he's so sure about what going to happen now but at least if he agrees to this, he's not alone in dealing with whatever uncertainty is thrown his way.
He shakes his head, stubbing out the burnt end of his cigarette in the sink and takes your hand in his.
"Alright fine, yer got a deal."
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fluentmoviequoter · 6 months
Me and the Ring
Part 2 of Me or the Ring
Pairing: Hal Jordan x fem!reader
Summary: After Hal broke your heart and failed his mission, the Guardians send Kyle to pick up where he left off. You can't trust Hal, but that doesn't mean you don't love him.
Warnings: angst to fluff, some suggestiveness/objectification (it's innocent, just Hal Jordan flirting), lots of DC Lantern lore references. ignore the incorrect timeline of the GLs
Word Count: 2.9k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
Masterlist | DC/Hal Jordan Masterlist
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Coast City isn’t the same without Hal Jordan. Every time you see Green Lantern fly across the sky or a picture of him on the news, you miss your Flyboy a little more. Leaving Hal was the right choice, or so you keep telling yourself. As you walk out of a mediocre coffee shop, because you’re too nervous and heartbroken to return to the one where you met Hal, you accidentally bump into someone.
“Sorry,” you murmur without looking up.
“I’m not,” the man replies.
You glance up at his face before dropping your eyes again. He moves his arm, and you see something green reflect the sunlight.
“I’m not interested,” you say. “Excuse me.”
“Look, I know I started poorly,” the man continues, moving to block your path. “But let me start over? My name’s Kyle.”
“Okay. Kyle, get out of my way.”
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“Where’s Gardner?” Kilowog mumbles. “Guardians sent ‘em both, but I ain’t seen him since we left.”
“I’m not worried about Guy,” Hal replies. “She keeps backing up. She’s different than she was with me. This is all my fault, Kilowog.”
“You’re right, poozer. But don’t give your apology to me.”
Hal sighs as he watches you. He can’t hear, but Kilowog’s Bolovaxian ears pick up every catch of your breath.
“Hal,” he grunts. “He’s taking her somewhere.”
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Kyle sighs, and when his shoulder rolls back, you see the unmistakable ring on his finger. Another Green Lantern. As if one breaking your heart wasn’t enough, they still think you are guilty of some intergalactic crime spree.
“Kyle, I’m late for a meeting. Maybe I could give you my number?” you suggest.
Playing along seems like the best option. He smiles and moves again, blatantly showing off the ring. You accept his phone and input a fake name and a fake number.
“Now, lying isn’t nice,” Kyle says as he takes his phone back.
“That’s not your name.”
You take a step back as your face drops in worry. Hal was never this pushy, and you wish he was here now. Before you can turn on your heel to run, Kyle reaches out and wraps a hand around your arm.
“If you don’t willingly go back to Oa and confess to your crimes, I will drag you across the worst planets I can think of on the way,” he threatens quietly.
You fumble with your phone at your side, navigating to your favorite contacts with only one name in mind.
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“C’mon, you’re my girl,” Hal murmurs as he watches Kyle lean in to speak. “You know what to do. Don’t trust him.”
“She just said your name,” Kilowog announces.
A single second later, Hal’s phone rings. At the same time, a sapphire portal opens behind you and Kyle. Hal is angry for you, at Kyle, at the situation, but he doesn’t bother to answer your call as Kyle pulls you closer.
“Rayner,” Hal greets as he lands beside you. “Let her go.”
You lean toward Hal, and Kyle’s eyes remain on the opening portal.
“This isn’t over, Jordan,” he responds. “She’s coming back to Oa.”
“Don’t do this,” Kilowog says as he lands behind Kyle.
Your eyes widen at the sight of Kilowog, another Green Lantern. Hal steps closer to you, and you find comfort in his proximity. The other Green Lantern is large, but he seems to be with Hal, unlike Kyle.
“Last chance,” Hal tells Kyle. “Don’t make this worse.”
Sapphire sparks fly off the portal as it reaches its peak. Kyle hesitates before releasing his grip on you. His suit forms around him before he flies away, but you use your new freedom to turn toward Hal. You grip his suit, although you’re surprised you can actually feel it, and hide your face against his chest.
“This is Kilowog,” Hal says calmly. He presses a hand against your back to keep you close before promising, “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, pretty girl.”
As Kilowog steps back urgently, you anticipate that Hal will break yet another promise. The portal begins shrinking suddenly, and Kilowog yells something before an unseen force pulls you closer to the pink circle.
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When you open your eyes, Kilowog groans in a language you don’t recognize. You step back, out of Hal’s hold, and look around.
“Where are we?” you ask softly.
“Zamaron,” Kilowog answers.
“Why can I breathe?”
“My ring,” Hal says. “I can create an atmosphere for you.”
“How am I supposed to go home?”
“I’ll get you home, I promise.”
“Stop promising! Tell me how!” you demand.
Hal sees the fear in your eyes and shakes his head. “I don’t know yet,” he admits.
“Okay. What now?”
“Hal!” Kilowog alerts. “We’ve got company.”
“Hello,” a pink-skinned woman says as she lands before you.
Hal moves quickly to press himself against your back. You want to find comfort in the touch, but you’re terrified and don’t want to fall for another Hal Jordan trick.
“The Guardians- the guys who make the rings thought you were working with her,” Hal whispers.
You turn to look over your shoulder with wide eyes. The accusations have a new layer of unbelievability, now. There’s a sapphire ring on her finger, and when she doesn’t acknowledge the Green Lanterns with you, you tense your shoulders nervously.
“I’m sorry,” Hal adds.
“Save it,” you snap. “Tell me when you get me back to Coast City.”
Hal nods, and you turn away. There are more women before you now, and you unconsciously lean against Hal before he is pulled away.
“Take the men to their quarters,” the woman commands. “Welcome to Zamaron, human.”
“Where are you taking my friends?” you ask.
One of the women lays a hand on your back, but you step forward to preserve your personal space. They let you follow at your own pace, though they do not answer your question.
“Where did you take them?” you repeat loudly.
“Do not be concerned. Our atmosphere has adapted to your presence, so you no longer need the men to protect you,” someone answers.
“We are taking you to my palace,” the first woman says. “I am the current leader of Zamaron, and I would like to extend our hospitality to you.”
“I would appreciate a plane ticket home a bit more than hospitality,” you argue.
“In time. You will have the chance to return home, I assure you.”
You continue in silence. The palace appears as you turn a corner, and you wonder where Hal and Kilowog are. If you needed him, could he come? Would he?
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“We have to get out of here, Kilowog,” Hal says before hitting the prison bars again.
“You know we can’t,” Kilowog replies.
“She is out there alone! I’m not going to just sit here and accept my fate!”
“I’m not tellin’ you too, poozer. I’m sayin’ that you need a new approach. You’re not a hero, remember?”
Hal nods as he begins pacing. “Right. I’m not a hero. But I am a Flyboy.”
Kilowog agrees before asking, “Is this a translation problem or are you making up words?”
“They’re going to offer her a ring, Kilowog,” Hal says. “I trust her, but she doesn’t know what the Sapphires do.”
“You broke her heart. If she accepts the ring, you’re her first stop.”
“Trust me. I know.”
“She called for help, Hal. Work on finding a way to do that.”
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“You have strong emotions toward the human Lantern,” the leader of Zamaron muses. “Is there love?”
“Not anymore,” you answer.
“I see. My friends and I here are the Star Sapphire Corps. Do you know what that means?”
“I don’t. We humans aren’t well-versed in the whole ring thing.”
She chuckles, her laughter just as royal and majestic as her voice. “Star Sapphires are a race built on love. As our first members said, ‘Life without love is blasphemy.’ Tell me, what would you do for a life of love and power?”
“Work,” you answer. “Love and power aren’t given; they’re earned and created.”
“Poor child, you have no idea of the possibilities in the universe. Accept a ring, join our people, and the life you crave, the love you no longer have, can be yours.”
You shake your head, determined to get off of this planet. “I just want to go home.”
“And you may. A portal can be made available to you.”
“Thank you. Can I see my friends now?”
“I fear you misunderstand. We, women, are the only beings who understand what love truly is. There is no place for men on Zamaron.”
“You’re going to kill them,” you realize. “You kill all men.”
“We free them from their failed responsibilities. They cannot love, so they cannot live.”
“That’s not true.”
“Your Hal Jordan could not love you as you deserve. What proof do you have?”
“I- I can show you.”
“Green Lanterns are not to be trusted. Prove your worth with a ring or return home. Without your unfortunate friends.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath before saying, “I would like a ring. Hal Jordan used me, and he must learn what life without love is like. He takes but never gives. It’s my turn.”
Your dramatic speech wins over the Sapphires, and the leader nods. Another Zamaron kneels before you and slides a pink ring onto your finger. Power surges through you as sapphire ribbons circle your form.
“Go and eliminate blasphemy.”
Hal makes using a ring look much easier, and as you shakily take flight, you wish he was here to help you. Here and now, it’s your turn to help him. Hal Jordan hurt you, but he doesn’t deserve to die on an alien planet. As you fly, you use the ring to scan the planet. It happens without much conscious thought, and when you find the prison, you raise your arms and increase your flight speed.
“Hal?” you whisper at the first opening.
“Pipe down,” a woman calls from inside the prison.
The prison is full of men from different planets, but you don’t allow yourself to think about what will happen to them. They need help, but your mission is to free Hal and Kilowog. When the bars beside you shake, you follow the sound of impact around another corner. A large, green bulldozer is ramming into a wall of bars, and you shake your head in concerned amusement before raising your own ring. You form a pink coffee cup, which causes the green machine to disappear.
“Whoa,” Hal says in place of greeting. His eyes are wide at the sight of you, and he asks, “Is that a new outfit?”
“Shut up,” you demand. You haven’t looked down at the skin-tight pink bodysuit more than once, but the mention of it makes you shift uncomfortably. “We need to get out of here.”
“The door won’t open. I’ve tried everything.”
You grab a bar and open the door with minimal effort.
“Your ring’s the wrong color,” you say.
Hal and Jordan step out, and you lower your gaze to the ring momentarily. You shake your hand, and all of the cells open. The men walk out before running for cover.
“How do I get this ring off, Hal?” you ask.
“You have to prove you love and are loved at the same time, with the same person,” Kilowog answers.
“How do you know that?” Hal asks.
“Did you mean any of it? What you said at Ferris Air?” you interrupt.
Hal turns toward you and nods. “I meant all of it.”
You look into his eyes, and he sees that yours have a depth and a hurt that he missed. The hurt is his fault, but what lies behind it caused him to fall in love with you. With your eyes locked, you think about everything that Hal has done to prove he loves you, and then admit to yourself that despite his seeming betrayal and how he used you, you love him, too. The sapphire ring hits the prison floor with a clang and Hal rushes to adjust the atmosphere for you.
“You did it!” he cheers before pulling you into his arms.
“Hal, something’s wrong,” Kilowog says.
You try to agree, but everything goes black before you can.
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“Ma’am are you okay?” someone asks above you.
Your head pounds until you open your eyes. The Coast City sky above you is clear and bright, and you sit up quickly at the sight and feel of earth. There’s a crowd around you, but Hal and Kilowog are nowhere in sight.
“Where’s Green Lantern?” you ask.
“He hasn’t been seen in days,” the man kneeling beside you says. “Did you hit your head?”
“I have to go,” you say as you push yourself up to stand.
Several people yell for you to wait, but you run past the coffee shop where you first met Hal on your way home. There’s a list in your mind of things you need to do. First, you have to find some comfort, and then you can worry about Hal and where he is.
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“Don’t you people know how to make a phone call?” Hal complains when he realizes he and Kilowog are on Oa. “We would’ve come if you’d just sent an invite.”
“Quiet, Green Lantern Hal Jordan of Sector 2814,” Ganthet demands. “This is a trial, not a debate.”
“A trial for what?” Kilowog asks. “Bein’ imprisoned?”
“The Intergalactic Court sent you to find a woman guilty of murder, yet you allowed her to take you to Zamaron. She has been sent back to Earth, where Green Lantern Guy Gardner will do what you failed to do,” Sayd explains. “Failing in a mission that was requested is punishable to the full extent of Rimbor law.”
“We didn’t fail!” Hal argues. “She is innocent! She saved us from the Sapphires; would a killer do that?”
“Have you any proof?”
Kilowog grumbles before summoning a hologram from his ring. A blurry video of your arrival in the prison plays for the Guardians, who then turn to one another and whisper.
“Can you send me that video?” Hal whispers as he leans toward Kilowog.
“Focus, poozer,” he replies.
“The Guardians have decided to investigate this occurrence in more depth. Green Lanterns Jordan and Kilowog, you are free to go. Be prepared to return to Oa at a moment’s notice,” Ganthet announces.
“Go,” Kilowog demands. “Or you can watch that video in your dreams.”
“I think I’ll do that either way,” Hal says before disappearing into the clouds.
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“Where are you, Hal Jordan?” you ask as you click another search result.
Plenty of people have claimed to see Green Lantern today, but none of them are your Flyboy. Someone knocks, and you ignore it as you add “Coast City” to the search again. The knocking continues, and you groan as you stand.
“Coming!” you yell.
“Hi, pretty girl,” Hal says as you pull the door open.
“Hi,” you reply softly. “You know, when I called you this morning, I didn’t expect anything.”
“I’ll always be here for you. You can hate me, tell me you never felt anything, but I’m yours.”
“Hal, I-“
“No. Look, I’m not going to pretend like I know what I’m doing or that I’m relationship material. But I love you, and I will help you no matter when or where. Not because of the ring that I wear, but because of who you are and how wildly in love I am with you.”
You raise your brows as he speaks, and when he finishes you say, “Love. Do you know what that means?”
“You know I do.”
“Then you know I feel the same way. But I can’t let you use me again, Hal.”
“I never thought you were guilty, and I was trying to convince the Guardians to let it go. I’m sorry that I failed and got you into even more trouble.”
“It worked out,” you remind him. “Because I love you.”
Hal smiles and grabs the jacket you’re wearing – his jacket, you remember suddenly – to pull you against his chest. “Thank you,” he murmurs before kissing you.
You grip Hal’s shirt and return the kiss, giving and receiving love at once. Your life hasn’t been short of love since Hal walked into it.
“I love you,” you say as you pull back. “I’m sorry for reacting like I did.”
“I don’t blame you for that. Walking away wasn’t,” Hal hesitates before finishing, “It didn’t change anything for me. Except make me hate myself a little for hurting you.”
“Consider it forgiven and forgotten.”
“You,” Hal says. “I choose you. Tell me that you want me to prove it and I will throw this ring into the sky and let it find a new bearer.”
You purse your lips as you consider how the ring works. When Hal raises his hand, you wrap both of your hands over his knuckles and the ring.
“This ring is part of you, so I love it, too,” you promise.
“You really do love me,” Hal says with a smile.
“Obviously.” You gesture dramatically to his jacket on your arms to reiterate your point.
Hal leans forward and drops his voice to ask, “Enough to find a sapphire outfit? To remember old times?”
You roll your eyes before walking farther into your home. “You wish, Flyboy. The jacket’s as good as it gets for you. At least until you put a ring on my finger.”
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fanghaunt · 3 months
Do you have any tips on how to render or anatomy? Specifically furry anatomy.
i dunno how to make this specifically furry but yes!
studying the forms and shapes of the human body is the best way to figure out how form and shading works. what i use to study is this figure drawing tool which is pretty good substitute for a figure drawing class if you dont have access to one
and then for references, i have a copy of the book "anatomy for sculptors" (i think theres a pdf version online somewhere but idk). iiiii wouldnt 100% recommend Buying that one bc while it does have useful information theres a lot of eurocentric/straight sized features described as "ideal" instead of being like. actually diverse information. but i do think there is good stuff in there besides that
another reference i use is the app "magic poser" for ipad. i paid the $10 or whatever it is for the extra features, its worth it
and finally, here's my massive pinterest board of pose references i use for inspiration
Studying this stuff will make it easier to draw and render whatever u want, including however u want to draw furry bods!
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nightowl33art · 4 months
How To Make A Toxicsona- A Master Post!
!This page may update over time! So I was looking at my inbox and noticed I got sent an ask. Likely due to site bugs, I was not able to answer directly, but I'm sure the asker will be able to see this post.
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Hello Anon! Firstly, thanks for the fun ask! Keep in mind this post will apply to most toxicsonas. I'll be using my own designs and process as examples. What I recommend does NOT have to be followed. In the end it's your design and it should be for fun most of all. I'm just presenting what the "ideal and average Phisnom toxicsona/toxic blob oc" should have.
For those tuning into this lengthy post with no idea what I'm on about, I'll be excerpting the toxicsona submission form Phisnom/Phil made for his toxicsona review streams. (Phil being the leader of the Toxic Cesspit community.)
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(Despite "sona" being in the name, a toxicsona does NOT have to be representative of you! Toxicsonas can also be regular ocs!) Now to the advice!
Read the Toxicsonas For Dummies character guide! This image contains all the basic lore and traits for toxicsonas! What I say going forward may reference it. (Reading may also give you some fun ideas!)
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You should also peep this from the toxicsona submission form:
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In order to have a toxicsona you need* a:
Dark body for a base with accents (ie lines) that must be neon/brightly colored.
Mouth(s) with sharp teeth. Ideally will have at least one extra mouth somewhere on the form.
Unique pattern image for the body.
*You may not need it but it's more or less what makes a toxicsona a toxicsona. I'll be going over each point in detail later!
2. Purpose
What purpose will your blob fill? Are you creating an oc, a sona for yourself, or something else? This will affect what you create and how. If you have a preexisting design/sona you want to toss into the slime, reference off that design! Use what you know about that character/person to create this new form!
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Starting from scratch? What I do is come up with a basic idea to concept off of! Think of something you want to design! If you need help, try using one of the countless idea generators out there or put your head together with others and see what you come up with! Moodboards, playlists, and Pinterest albums also serve well! Whatever type of brainstorming gets your inspiration bug flying, go for it!
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Regardless, one thing to make note of is who was this design in life? Most blobs were once living beings. They all come from a liquid superorganism called The Substance. When a living being with a consciousness foreign to the slime (like a person) is absorbed into The Substance, it'll be spit out and reanimated anew if it has a strong will. Your blob must've been alive or had a connection to living things. Then it must have undergone some sort of transformation after making contact with The Substance. Asking who your blob was before the slime will be very helpful!
3. Body
You likely either have an idea of what your design will be, or you're jumping headfirst into the doing part. Either is okay! Everyone's process is different. If your design is based off a preexisting one, you're likely to make the new form into a similar shape. Some things to think about when coming up with a body:
A slime body is meant to reflect the ideal self. What are your toxicsona's ideal traits? If you're making a sona, what are YOUR ideal traits?
What were they when alive? Were they a feral stray cat? A human? You may want to stick to a shape that resembles their former appearance, especially if they are in denial of being a slime.
Who were they when alive? Did they like a certain animal a lot? Give them physical traits of said animal! Maybe your toxicsona wanted freedom, so they develop the wings they always envisioned. Maybe they believe they were a terrible person and so deserve the devil horns on their head. Were they two-faced? Give them two faces!
Is this the only form they have? Do I want to add a simplified blob form? Do I want to make a bigger/smaller form? If my character has an alter ego disguise, should I make a form for it?
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(Most toxicsonas have a simplified little blob form, reflecting what they looked like at default after The Substance. They're super cute and puntable!)
How much mass do they have? The more mass a blob has, the more they have to work with physically, the more developed they are. What appendages have they formed with this mass? Many toxicsonas lack legs, including Phi himself, who is simply too lazy to use legs. Why your blob does/doesn't have legs can have a reason too!
What colors are they? Common dark colors for the majority of the body include black, gray, and dark shades of any given color (ex dark blue.) The neon can be just about any color! If the design is a sona, pick your favorite color(s)! Keep the color vibrant- it's supposed to stand out from the dark color! Your slime will always be surrounded by a dark/black outline around the very edge.
Where's the extra mouth(s)? The best designs have a mouth placed with thought, but not all are. Thoughtfully placed mouths have significance to the toxicsona. Scars/important wounds on their living body can become mouths. Perhaps if they were a gluttonous or starved person, you'll put a mouth on their belly to represent their hunger. If they're anxious about their mouth or general appearance, maybe it's hidden. (Ideally let the mouth be visible. It's visually appealing.)
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(Dutch's extra mouth is on his back. Wings were always a big part of him, both appearance and story-wise, so the mouth emphasizes that. His wings come out of the mouth like tongues!)
Being a cartoonist, we're personally big on shape language and like to have designs with strong, recognizable silhouettes, but you do not have to do this.
Some advice on basics for drawing your slime!
Here's how I create the lineart, clothing coloring, and the outline that surrounds the blobs. (Some steps may be done at the same time or skipped entirely. This is the Nightowl 33 method so your mileage may vary.)
Draw lineart.
Alpha lock lineart layer. Recolor it to neon color.
Clip new layer on lineart. Color clothes black.
New layer for body color.
Move body color layer under lineart.
Color body colors. (I clip different clothing coloring layers on the main color layer. This main base color layer gets colored black when ready.)
Make a folder. Place all lineart, lineart coloring, and all body coloring layers in the folder.
Add a dark color outline in a layer beneath the folder. (I use the "stroke (outer)" tool in my art program, ibisPaint X.)
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How I draw eyes!
Draw eye lineart.
New layer, clip on lineart layer, draw dark circle.
Layer sclera coloring under lineart layer.
Add pupil layer below lineart layer and above sclera layer.
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(Coloration used to show different steps/parts of the eye!)
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(Without the weird example coloring, your end result should look like this!)
4. Pattern
Much like how everyone has their own unique fingerprint, every toxicsona with a well defined identity develops their own unique pattern. Coming up with the right pattern is tricky! Patterns are made up of symbols, lines, or a combination of. They have a rhyme and reason to them. A pattern to the pattern, so to speak.
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(Here's a bunch of example patterns, created by me (sometimes with the help of CrystalKleure), or Phil and StupidButterfly. Stare at them for a while and take some notes on what rhythms you recognize.)
For maximum appeal, your pattern cannot be too complex or simple! Try to select 2-4 symbols/lines to create your pattern. These symbols/lines should be thematically relevant to your blob. Ex: A spiderweb pattern for spider-themed toxicsonas, checker pattern for a blob that likes checkers/chess, a UFO for an alien slime, eyes for an angel slime or a slime that loves/fears being watched! (You may also want to reference off the emotion patterns if your blob is heavily associated with an emotion. Ex: sparkles for a very happy/excited slime!)
Feel free to pick basic shapes, like triangles and circles, for one or more symbols.
Create a few variants of your chosen symbols. Draw them big, medium, and small. Fill some of them, leave others empty/"hollow."
Patterns are seamless! This means when you apply a pattern to your toxicsona's clothing or body, it must be able to consistently loop! While you may wing it, below is a handy lifehack to easily make a seamless tiling pattern by @crystalkleure !
1. Draw a base design 2. Split that design in half, and arrange the two halves like this. [You might want to use guide lines/a guide grid to make sure the pixels line up in such a way that these two halves will stitch back together correctly, so they'd make clones of the base image again if you were to tile sets of these halves horizontally.] 3. Stitch the two halves together by adding more to the design 4. Split the image again like you did in step 2, except this time split the top and bottom apart instead of the sides. 5. Add more stuff to the design again, in any way that crosses the "seam" made by step 4 [where the top of the bottom half meets the bottom of the top half]. And if you lined up the pixels correctly while you were splitting and rearranging the chunks, you now have an image that tiles seamlessly both horizontally and vertically. The trick is just splitting an image into halves, swapping those halves' places, and then adding more to the image to hide the seam made by splitting and rearranging parts of it like that. Do it with the sides and you get a horizontally-tiling image, do it with the top and the bottom and you get a vertically-tiling image, do it with both the sides and the top + bottom and you get an image that tiles in all four directions.
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Here's a speedpaint where I make a pattern using this method! While creating, double checking that your pattern looks good when looped is important! Don't forget to experiment with placements!
(Wow! What a cool pattern!)
Your pattern doesn't have to be insanely unique, hell you don't even HAVE to have one, but it's honestly better if you come up with one. There's no reason NOT to have a pattern unless it's for lore reasons, such as a confused identity or a mimic character. (Do NOT copy others' patterns and make them your own, especially without permission!)
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(Phee, Pho, and Phum have the same default pattern as Phi because they're copycat scammers! They try to convince others they're related to Phi to get what they want.)
Gradient and pattern application!
Now you may want to give your slime a gradient! Gradients tend to appear on the lower halves of blobs but can be placed anywhere! Below is a guide to show how I apply the pattern and gradients to the body! While defaults apply to many toxicsonas, like Phi, they do not have to be followed.
Clip pattern layer over body color layer. (Pattern transparency default is 47%.)
New layer (add mode), place under pattern, clip over body color layer. Draw gradient. (Gradient transparency default is 40%.)
Alpha lock the pattern layer.
Airbrush the upper half pattern layer with the dark body color.
The pattern is often the same color as the neon lineart, while the gradient is often a darker version of the color.
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(Weird bright green coloration used to emphasize the layers clipped onto it.)
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(The finished gradient, sans weird example coloring, looks just like Phi's!)
Here's how to apply a pattern to clothing! Create a new layer with the pattern. Clip it to your base. (Pattern layers on clothes are usually somewhat transparent. The default is 65% but you can deviate.)
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5. Outfit
Clothing is a HUGE self expression that extends to the world of toxicsonas! Blobs can harden mass they acquire, turning it into wearable cartilage clothing! Below are some tips but the bottom line is DESIGN WHAT YOU WANT.
Who they were before the slime often heavily influences their outfit(s). Ex, if your blob was a clown when alive, they may dress the same as a slime.
You'll often find the body pattern on the clothes, but you don't have to do this.
A popular addition to blob fashion is caution/hazard tape! While often black and yellow, feel free to deviate the colors.
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(A bunch of fashionable slime outfits with caution tape themes that I made or had a hand in making!)
Phil does not like hoodies on toxicsonas but you can totally join the #hoodiesweep nation. (It would be super funny.) That aside, many do put their blobs in hoodies, so avoiding a standard hoodie is preferable if you want to make a super unique design.
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You don't have to give your blob any clothes, especially if they're non-humanoid. Accessories are still recommended to personalize your design and make it stand out from an average ...whatever it is.
Unlike the rest of the slime body that has colored lineart, clothing almost ALWAYS has black/dark color lineart.
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Any slime overlapping atop non-slime materials requires a black outline, including over clothing.
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(While the consistency of this rule varies with established toxicsona art (ie Phi), I personally try to apply it as much as possible, even when slime overlaps slime. It makes things look nicer and allows the neon lines to stand out more. It's also easier to make out what's going on when looked at.)
Misc. tips!
Bananas are the main unit of measurement in the cesspit! Giving your blob a height can help people draw them to scale, especially when drawn next to other blobs! To get the accurate height: 1. Conjure a length of your choice. 2. Convert your length to inches (in). 3. Divide the inches by 7. (Because 7 inches is the average length of a grocery store banana.) 4. Congrats! You have banana height! Now you can also reverse the order and get standard heights!
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Too gay or lazy to do math? Click here for faster conversion! http://bananaforscale.info/#!/ (Note the results will be slightly shorter than my method above but the measurements are about the same so who really cares about that.)
Come up with a backstory for your toxicsona! If you haven't already made one during the design process, you may want to now! -Consider what life was like before they came in contact with The Substance. How did they feel about their old life? -How did they come in contact with The Substance? (Preferably avoid the basic backstory of accidentally falling into a vat. It's overdone, mainly due to how vague lore was before the toxicsona review streams. I'd suggest letting Phi lure them into the slime or tossing them in, if you want something traditional. Phi's goal is to make a blob army, after all.) -What is their life like now, post-Substance? How do they feel about their new life?
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(Canon backstory comic on how Phee, Pho, and Phum became blobs!)
Feeling social? Working with other cesspit members (or your own ocs), you can develop links between your toxicsonas! Make your friend's blob their friend! Or maybe enemy! Why not ship them? GO NUTS????
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(Phee is a massive flirt in the cesspit. Mr. Sex/Noctus belongs to @corovusin !)
-Consider how your blob may feel about others. Are they a social butterfly or a shut in? Who do they like? Who would they rather avoid? -What are their thoughts on Phi, the leader? (Generally avoid giving them a super strong, personal bond with Phi, such as relatives, best friends, or close partners of any kind. Phi does not have a family and she's a total bitch to just about everyone!) -Phil says there's no love in the cesspit but he's literally just a hater. Make your ocs gay kiss!!
Feel like cooking a little more? Why not design a pre-slime form if it doesn't already exist?
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(Phee and Phum before their fatal scam attempt on Phi.)
Many cesspit users also create a "living disguise" form for their toxicsonas, so the slimes can wander among others without rousing suspicion! Blobs have the ability to learn to shapeshift. It's a skill that must be mastered with experience and time, so disguise forms often have "flaws" that give away an inhuman quality, like extra mouths, eyes, patterns, or gradients on their skin.
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(Dutch is very good at shapeshifting, so his disguise lacks most flaws. The flaws that are there are mostly intentional, since he's proud of his slime qualities. A blob who perfects the skill of shifting can look like an ordinary human, but where's the fun in that?)
Most toxicsonas can change color based on emotion. (They may also change based on other factors so feel free to get creative with it.) -As a slime has a base pattern and color of choice, these will change based on their mood and that mood's assigned color! Many toxicsonas share patterns and colors with Phi (like red and triangle pattern for mad, blue and flowered squiggles for sad, etc.) but this is not a rule. You can assign any color to any mood. You are not limited to Phi's emotion set either! You can even make your own patterns for your blob's moods if you feel like it! -Some color changes are very subtle in some slimes! Is this true for yours? -Modifying the design of your blob to match their mood is a fun way to create expressive and interesting variants!
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(Dutch's hair, horn shape, halo, face, and hands can change with his mood! He has an array of emotional patterns, both preset and custom-made, to match the different colors/moods.)
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(When Goober was alive, they had DID. Mimicking the behavior of their former life, the three alters, Ziggy, Skrunk, and Wumbus, became separate blobs. They still need to work together to function properly. They combine to bodily become "Goober." Goober's left eye functions as a collective eye, while their right eyes that can emote separately reflect their respective alter.)
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(Goober's default color is green, indicating all alters are co-fronting. When there is a primary fronter or two, the upper body color changes to match!)
Design a shell for your toxicsona! Shells are foreign objects blobs use, often to live, sleep, or hide in. Shells are protective. ANYTHING can be a shell. Not all toxicsonas need one, but those that do often have a thematic shell that relates to who they are. (Ex: Phi-barrel, Bucket-bucket, Collette-chocolate box.)
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(Thanks to his angelic theming, Dutch's shell is a reliquary- a display container for holy relics, often being remnants of holy figures. Goober's shell of choice is a mini UFO!)
Stuck? Want to grow your design with less work? Collaborate with others or take their advice if you like what they give you. Ask people what they'd change about your design!
You should NOT be designing just for the approval of Phisnom, You should design for YOURSELF (or whoever is paying you- I see you, adopt/custom ppl.) He's just another person out there. Yes, a creator of the species, but he does not have to dictate your choices or give your design an S tier ranking just to validate it. The satisfaction should come from inside, not outside.
Hope these tips help, best of luck creating your own toxicsona, and feel free to ask any additional questions regarding this! ✌️
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kaiandels · 1 year
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•°. *࿐ I just wanna be one of your girls tonight: e.w x reader •°. *࿐
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warnings: fuckboy!ellie (or Ellie is referred to as fuckboy), reader has a boyfriend (cheating), the Smut is just a flashback (mdni), mentions of Ellie having multiples bodies, Ellie being kind of rough, and pure pleasure no romantic feelings involved.
The pictures shown aren’t real ‼️ all of the pictures are found on pinterest. Not proofread!
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You couldn’t bare the frustration pent up inside. You were dry, and i’m sure you know what that means. Pleasure can be achieved in all causes, but the effects are borderline diverse.
You couldn’t achieve the pleasure you want. Even if you tried, even if you guide his hand to where you want it, he seems to be fucking it up every time. “Did you cum?” Yeah. To your senses.
You were ashamed of yourself. The lust building up as you worked yourself through every night, temporarily relieving the pain and the desperation. This wasn’t healthy. You were too deprived. You needed someone to take care of you the way you should be taken care of.
And that’s where it happened, the early springs of 2023. Where her hands ran through your body. Your moans surrounding the soft skin of her ears, Your nails scratching her back as every thrust of hers seems to get better and better. “How about the guy you’re fucking huh?” Ellie asked. Her breath penetrating your skin. But that’s not the only thing she’s penetrating, is it?
You were nothing but a plaything for Ellie. You were just one of her bodies that she had gained. You were nothing but a one-time-thing.
Yes, it’s harsh. But you knew what you were getting in to. “He doesn’t do it better than you.” you breathed. Your head was spinning, it was too good. He could never touch you like this.
“Fuck. You’re tight. That’s fucking new, he must have done so bad.” Ellie laughed as she ran her hands around your body, violating every single part of you. Your eyes starts to form tears, the pent-up feeling inside intensifying.
“Please..” you breathed as you reached for her hands. “Come on babe, loosen up. I have somewhere to be. Other people to fuck.” Ellie chuckled as she starts to go knuckle-deep in to you. Your pupils dilated, you loved it so much. You’d rather have the town’s fuckboy fucking you and taking advantage of you rather than some pimp who can’t even find your clit.
“No…” you breathed as you brought her hands closer to your neck. “Focus on me tonight. Please? Just this once..” you breathed as you watched Ellie crack a smile. Laughing at your antics. “You really love being used don’t you?” Ellie spoke. Her moans mixing in between her sentences as she felt you clench around her fingers.
Your whole body surrendered to her. Your body loved every move she made and you wish that it would never stop. You wish you were hers. But you knew that you were just one of her girls tonight.
Force me and choke me till I pass out
You screamed. Feeling your cheeks sting as Ellie’s hand landed on your cheek and as her other hand gripped at your throat. Never realizing that her silicone cock was already ramming inside you. “It’s t-too much! Please- FUCK” You screamed as you seemed to feel lightheaded. “I’m gonna fuck you until you fucking pass out. So just take it for me? yeah?” Ellie laughed as your body went ragdoll on her.
We don’t gotta be inlove, no…
“Ellie..” The bright blonde hair girl whispered as Ellie ran her hands through her body. Completely unaware that you were in the locker room with them. “Please be gentle..” The blonde moaned as Ellie’s slim fingers entered inside the poor girl’s dripping cunt. The sloppy sounds of the girls cunt starts to intensify as it got louder and faster by the second. Pleads could be heard, curses, and even slaps. You bit your lip, knowing that he could never give you that. “Ellie… please. Be gen- ahh fuck! hmph.. please I-“ “Shut up.” Ellie muttered as she continued to abuse the girls cunt.
I don’t gotta be the one, no
“Where are you going?” you asked in confusion, holding the blanket up to your chest. Seeing Ellie sat on the edge of the bed, putting on her shoes. “I’m going now.” You scoffed at the nonchalant response. “You’re seriously leaving? It’s 3am Ellie.” You argued, biting your lip with hesitation. “Look, i’m sure you know you’re not the only one i’m fucking. So if you wanna get fucked again just say that.” Ellie snapped her gaze at you, her eyes stabbing through you as you shivered under her intense gaze.
I just wanna be one of your girls tonight
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Top of the world but I'm still not free..
The difficulty of choosing between Ellie and your boyfriend was never a requirement. But it was a must. Ellie was never serious, you knew she wasn’t. She was just there for the temporary relief. But somehow it was always so fucking confusing as to how she treated you different than any one else.
Nothing was ever new. Everytime your boyfriend needed a good fuck, you would let him. But it always resulted to you thinking about Ellie. How she would feel, how she would say your name, and how she would fuck you. The thing about Ellie that is so fun that she was so experimental, she makes sex fun. It was never about cumming. It was about you and her and that’s something that you will never be able to experience with her. Because you had him.
Give me tough love, leave me nothing when I come down.
“Ellie, you can’t just leave me alone here.” You groaned, getting situated as Ellie scoffed at your figure. “Look, i’m doing this for you. Don’t get too attached.”
I love when you're submissive
“You’re gonna do as I say, yeah?” Ellie asked as you sat on her lap. Gasping as you feel her reach around, you whined as you felt her slim fingers enter your wet cunt. Pumping in and out of you. You gripped at her wrist, feeling her fingers soft skin rub against your walls, you cried as the feeling felt too good. “Okay, breathe in.” you gasped keeping the air locked inside of you. “Good girl. Hold it.” you held your breath as your doe-eyes locked with Ellie’s. Ellie smiled softly as her hands ran through your chest up to your neck, softly putting pressure on the sides of your soft skin. “Here, i’m helping you.” you nodded, feeling yourself float away as your breath was locked inside your chest. You wanted to breathe, but it was too good. The hands on your neck felt too good. All of it… was just addicting.
You squirmed, feeling Ellie’s 3 digits enter you in a rough and fast manner. She has already found your spot, and that was fucking humanly impossible. Or maybe, you just haven’t found the right person to fuck you like she does. Your thighs clenched, your high coming close. “I can feel you clench baby. You wanna cum? huh?” Ellie smirked as she found it hard to push back her digits in to you as you got tighter. “You’re gonna breathe when I tell you. Okay?” You nodded feeling your vision blurr. the pleasure and the lack of oxygen heightening your senses. You began to scratch Ellie’s thigh as you felt that you were almost about to explode. “Okay cum for me in 10…” You scratched against her skin, hearing her groan curses. “9…” “8…” You closed your eyes shut, feeling yourself almost pass out. But you can’t. You need to cum first. You were desperate, it was amazing. “7..” “6..” “5..”
‘Please’ you thought as Ellie was counting excruciatingly slow. “4…” “3..” “2..” Ellie paused. Laughing as you popped your eyes open, looking at her with pleading eyes. “Come on… you can do it. 2 and a half..” you groaned as you slapped her thigh. “Ooh feisty girl… okay, 1…” Your eyes started to form tears as your orgasm was built up inside your stomach. Your face started to turn pale as your breath was still trapped inside. You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t beg, you couldn’t moan. It was torture. But you loved it. “0.. Breathe. Cum for me baby. Come on.” You gasped as you felt the air flow around you again, violently shaking as your orgasm washed you out. Ellie’s fingers still ramming inside you as she was riding you out. “That’s such a good girl. There we go..” Ellie praised as she whispered in your ear, calming you down as you were breathing heavily. “It’s okay now.. It’s okay.” She reassured as your body went lump.
We don’t gotta be inlove, no..
I don’t gotta be the one, no..
I just wanna be one of your girls tonight.
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Lowly Desires Remake Drabble. Part 1
Yandere Gellert Grindelwald x Female Muggle and younger Reader.
You sighed and saw the fog come out of your breath. It was cold as ever in the cellar you chained. 
How long have you been kidnapped by that ugly old man? You remembered being taken away at the airport. You were about to be picked up by your parents. You have never seen them since. 
“I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high and life worth living…”
The beauty of your face matched your lovely voice whether singing or speaking. Pure and clear.
No wonder why your “master” would refer to you as princess and “Muggle”. You didn't know what that meant. But you knew it was degrading. And if he was angry as in a bad mood or impatient with your attitude as you tried to stop him from raping your ass. He would call you slut and bitch a lot. 
You rolled your eyes. You don't remember offending him. Why does he hate you so much? He kept saying how he will kill you. But, he still won't do it. He should be bored of you by now. He took your virginity. The first time he entered your college dorm as you were unpacking for your first year. 
Then he left. You quit college to tell your parents what happened. But, he came back and kidnapped you. You resisted at first and fought. But he would use a magic wand and his strength to torture you. You realized that magic was real. And Muggle must mean someone like you who cannot do magic.
It was odd. He kept being racist to you. But he just couldn't keep himself from touching you. If you were so bad and low as he said you were. Why can't he leave you alone or kill you already?
That confused you.
You were scared to die and begged to not be killed. But, he tortured you mentally so hard that you not only lost interest to live but wanted to die. You got nightmares and knew life wouldn't be the same even if he let you go. Broken. Damaged beyond repair.
Old hag. You felt old inside despite being only 18. What have you become? An old witch. 
Life has killed the dream I dreamed. 
Then he came. A man with ice cold eyes and an undercut entered your cell and grabbed you after using his wand to free you from your chains. 
He didn't speak but he pushed you inside a bathroom. He ordered you to bathe or else.
Were you going somewhere? Home?
Maybe you should give it a try to start a normal life. 
You did as you were told and then saw a dress. A long sequined and green mermaid style dress. Expensive. A party?
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Suddenly, the dress inserted itself on you by itself and your hair was styled to a professional updo. The man from before once again grabbed you and led you to a waiting limousine outside what appeared to be a grand estate. 
You were in a cell of a mansion the whole time?
You knew your capturer was rich because of his expensive suits whenever he visited you in the cell. 
But, this was a castle. Ancient too.
“The Master will meet us at the grand party.” The man sat next to you and ordered the driver to start.
You inwardly groaned. What does that ugly old man want now?
Please ignore the size and race of that lady. I needed to find an emerald sequined dress on Pinterest
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gemma-woodlouse · 2 months
To all the artists who draw characters from ACOTAR: I love you I wanna give you a little kiss.
Now, I’m gonna hold your hand while I say this, their wings need to be bigger.
I’m not making a wingspan joke I mean literally given laws of aviation, their wings need to be genuinely so large.
Each wing individually needs to be bigger than their entire body.
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This is a flying fox, one of the largest bats, and their wings are at least 2 1/2 times bigger than their bodies.
Now, it’s implied/written that the wings attach at more or less one condensed spot each, and not along the full length of the body, which makes it difficult to find reference material given that literally every animal that flies the skin/muscle/area where wings attach to the body is quite large.
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So we can look to birds of prey where the connecting tissue is much smaller, but even still—
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—The feathers extend along the majority of the body.
NOW body to wing ratio seems to be closer for birds than it is for bats, keeping in mind that feathers make the birds body mass appear larger than it actually is.
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The wings are still at least 1 1/2 times larger than the body, and the loss of that area is at least partially compensated for in the tail feathers.
BUT we call them batboys for a reason. Their wings are more similar to bats.
Now, there are tons of different anatomical anomalies, for instance, human bodies simply don’t have the musculature to support wings, our chest muscles in particular would need to be INSANE and so much larger than they are currently capable of being — this is a fantasy book after all, so some anatomical anomalies are literally, what can you do? But as a lover and supporter of genuinely massive wings. I need to make my case.
Looking at length alone, bats often have between a 2.5 : 1 and 2.6 : 1 body to wing ratio.
Meaning, if someone is 6 ft tall, their wingspan would be at least 15 feet in length. NOW it can be assumed that due to lack of wings between the legs and lack of connective tissue across the whole length of the body, that we would need to tack on a few extra feet. So somewhere between 17-20 ft long wingspan.
Let’s just say 18 for a clean number, 6 ft tall with a 18 ft wingspan, ignoring usual rules for connective tissue, would maybe look something like this:
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Using the grid to keep the ratio accurate.
I would argue the wings could be even bigger, as this still does not feel stable enough for flying imo, regardless though, these guys have big wings!
And side note: wings can condense to be pretty small, so even with the extended wingspan, they still would be able to move them about to be smaller and navigate the not-always-wing-friendly world. We may have to imagine the bone structure is more similar to birds… but this is fantasy after all! I’m sure they don’t have hollow bones either.
So, from an abstract artist with a deep love of birds and bats, to the figure/character artists whom I deeply admire: happy drawing!
Edit: this is not @ anyone, most of the acotar art I’ve seen has been on Pinterest and even with the smaller wings it’s all genuinely so much better than any figure drawing I can do! My knowledge of figure drawing only extends to geometric anatomy and bones, so I SWEAR im no one to comment on skill, just anatomy. Love you all!
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Running through my brain
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem! reader (+older sister Regina)
Warnings: some coarse language, fluff, mention of a family member’s passing & divorce.
First date! Read part one here / part three
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(Pictures used are from Pinterest & Auli’i’s IG)
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“Remind me…is she picking you up or do I have to drop you off?” Regina asks, knowingly. Wanting to poke fun at you and see you get flustered at the thought of Janis.
“She’s picking me up, stop that.”
“Getting to see you so happy? Never stopping this.” Regina chuckles over her words.
“I’m nervous.”
“And that’s fine!” Regina assured, “As long as you don’t puke on her.”
You looked at her absolutely horrified at the possibility, it did happen once in first grade for an entirely different reason— but it happened, you’d puked in class due to nerves or stress, or both.
“Okay, okay. I’ll shut up.” Regina threw her hands up in mock surrender. “Just have fun today, okay. It’s pretty clear to me she feels the same way or is at least interested in getting to know you better. You have plenty of time.”
You exhaled a breath you didn’t even realise you’d been holding, “Guess so, thanks, Reg.”
At this moment, you got a text from Janis saying that she’d arrived so you gave Regina a quick hug goodbye and left the house. “Hi!” Janis exclaimed while you walked closer to her car.
“Hey.” You replied, smiling slightly while you opened the door and got into the front seat with her. The drive was silent for awhile, but Janis didn’t seem to mind that you weren’t talking. While she was comfortable with it, you felt that the lack of a conversation was tense.
“So…have you decided what we should have for lunch yet?” You decided to break the silence.
“Well, there’s this new Mexican place at the mall. Along the promenade…heard it’s pretty good. You wanna try?”
You knew which establishment she was referring to. You saw it two weeks ago when you were at the mall with Regina. There was a bit of a line, so you guys didn’t get to try it then since the hunger got the best of you both and you decided to go somewhere else without a wait time.
“Okay, though there was a bit of a line when I passed by that place two weeks ago. So hopefully the hype’s died down a bit.”
Janis nods, “We’ll go check it out, if the line’s still too long we’ll eat somewhere else.”
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“Oh, you didn’t tell—”
Janis says, biting back a laugh, “Oh, no, I don’t have to tell him everything. He’s already annoying you now, imagine what it would be like if I had told him? He would probably have shown up just to see how things are going.”
You chuckled, “He’s um…very supportive.”
“More like annoying. I need some peace and quiet sometimes…the last thing I need while spending time with you is his excited yapping.” Janis continues.
You heart skipped a beat hearing her say those words, gripping tightly onto your fork, you ate another mouthful of the food while your eyes stayed focused on her as she spoke.
“As if I don’t have enough worries running through my brain thinking about how to talk to you without seeming like a weirdo.” She murmurs. You could barely hear any of what she’d just said.
“What was that?”
“Nothing.” She brushes it off, “Not important.”
“Oh.” You exhaled, reaching for your drink. “Okay.”
“So…where do you wanna go after this?” She asked, back to her previous excitement in tone.
“Uh, probably just walk around here for a bit?”
“Sounds good.” Janis shrugs, checking her phone that just buzzed in her hand, “Did…your sister just follow me on Instagram?”
You took a peek at the screen, “Oh, yeah. That’s her.”
“Why? Does she not trust me? I mean— of course, but come on!” She bursts into a bit of laughter at the end. You couldn’t help it but laugh as well, “I dunno. I never really know what she’s thinking anyway. She seems to keep all her problems to herself and still has to help me with mine.”
Janis sighs softly, “I uh, I heard about your mom and dad getting divorced. And I’m sorry, that’s got to be really difficult.”
Woah, now. The conversations took a very non-lighthearted turn. “Um…” You began, “It- it was. But now after some time, I’ve just became a very angry person honestly. They were both at fault, though to me, my Dad was worse. But our relationship with mom is still pretty bad. After our Dad left, she literally just left me under Regina’s care most of the time while she’s off somewhere to ‘clear her mind’.”
“I shouldn’t have talked about that, I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head, “I’m not sad, I’m just angry honestly. I don’t have a problem talking about it.”
Janis nodded solemnly, “Well, for me, my Mom died when I was in second grade. Along with my baby sister. She went to the hospital to have my sister and she just never came home. I couldn’t understand, but I knew she was gone and I was crying for like, days.”
“What are we doing? We came out to have a good time and now we’re making ourselves upset.” Janis breathes out heavily, you saw her gulp, looking up to fan the forming tears away.
‘Don’t cry, y/n.’
‘Don’t cry.’
‘Don’t cry. You can’t cry.’
Your memory of her Mom was so vague because of how young you were, and you and Regina were rarely at her place too. Janis always came over to yours. You felt bad for not being able to remember much, if at all. But more so because she was crying.
“I’m okay.” She looked at you, noticing how worried you looked. “y/n.” She chuckles, “I’m fine, I’ll always miss her and I’ll always get a little teary eyed, because she’s my Mom, but— I promise you, I’m okay.”
She reaches out to put her hand on yours, giving it a squeeze. “Look at me. I’m good, okay?”
“Okay.” You muttered, squeezing her hand back. She smiles, making you do the same thing.
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“You wanna go on the ferris wheel?” She asks.
“The—” You looked up, pointing at it.
“Yeah.” Janis nodded eagerly, “Come on, it’ll be fun. I’m right here with you, you’ll be fine.”
Heights. You had a fear of heights.
Yet, you pushed that aside and trusted that you would be okay as long as she was with you. And that you would keep your eyes anywhere but look outside. You really liked her that much, huh.
She breaks into a little smile when she caught you staring at her, but right now it was more of you being scared shitless about looking outside and possibly downwards. “Having fun there?” She teased.
“No.” You admitted, “Not really. I may have a fear of heights,”
“Damn.” She says, beside you, “And you chose to come on here instead of rejecting the idea?”
“I dunno, I’m stupid.” You stared at the floor. Then you feel her arm go around your waist, “Well…I don’t think you’re stupid. I think it was pretty sweet that you chose to face your fear. And so brave.”
You eased up a little bit feeling her touch. “You don’t have to lie to me, you know?”
“I’m not lying.” She says, earnest.
You only shrug, leaning onto her more now. “You’re okay. I won’t let anything happen to you. I don’t want your sister to kill me, you know?”
You giggled, resting your head on her shoulder as you recalled what happened so far today. She doesn’t move away, so you two stayed like that for a good part of the ride back down to the ground.
After the ferris wheel, you dragged her to go play a game. And though she was reluctant at first, she eventually gave in and just played the game so she could win you a prize. You told her it was fine after three failed rounds, but then she just got so determined to win you something that she said she didn’t want to leave until she had one of those stuffed animals in her hands.
“Janis, it’s okay! Let’s just go get something to eat.” You spoke over the commotion.
“Nope! You want something, you’re gonna get something.” She disagrees.
Twenty dollars later, Janis left satisfied, handing the plush over to you. “Now we can go grab a snack.”
“Alright then.” You say, impressed, “Thanks, Jan.”
“You’re welcome.” She grins, arm finding its way over your shoulders.
Does this mean anything? Should I tell her I like her? Is it too soon? Is she doing this because she feels the same way? Or is this just a friend thing?
Those thoughts came back to irritate you again, you shook your head as though to get rid of them while you walked towards a food stall with Janis. You two got deep fried oreos to share, then sat down at a bench to rest your feet. It was quite crowded, so you guys were lucky a group of people just finished their food and left the bench.
“Are you okay?” Janis asks, mouth filled with the snack, “Tired?”
“A little. But yeah, I’m alright.”
“Eh, we’ll get going after this. You want anything else?” She chuckles over her words. You could feel her still watching you closely.
You guys have been out almost all day.
“Hey. What’s on your bucket list?”
“Never really had one, to be honest. I mean, the only thing I’ve really been wanting to do was to go back home. Like— to Hawai’i. I haven’t been able to go back there, not because me and my Dad can’t afford it, fortunately. But because I cannot muster up enough courage to go back to where I lost— you know what? Never mind I don’t want to bring that up again and upset us both. I don’t want to end the night on such a heavy note.”
“You don’t have to say it. I get it, and I hope one day, you’ll be able to go back there and see your home again because I get how it feels to have a home and not be able to go home to it, not being to go home to it and have it feel like home, but something else so…painful.”
“You’re so sweet.” Janis smiles to herself, handing you a fork with a fried oreo on it. You took it from her silently. “What about you? What’s on your bucket list?”
“To visit all the Disney parks in the world? I don’t know, okay? It just sounds so trivial after what you told me.” You tried not to laugh at yourself.
“Hey, it’s your bucket list.” She points out, “Don’t feel bad about it.”
Tossing the takeout box into a trash can, Janis walks back to her car with. She unlocks the doors with her keys and you got in, buckling up and holding the slightly oversized Squishmallow on your lap. You nodded off for a part of the drive, and when she was just a few minutes away from your house, you woke up.
Again, you could feel eyes on you. So you turned your head and snuck a glance at her. She didn’t even look away, “Hey.”
You gave her a sleepy smile and nodded off again while hugging the toy in your lap. She laughs to herself, “Very comfy, aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” You mumbled.
Janis had to wake you up after pulling up to the front of your house. “Come on!” She tugs on your arm dramatically, “Your bed’s right upstairs~”
You woke up and sulked.
“Don’t act cute with me.” She pursed her lips together to hide the smile. “Come on, go up, go to bed.”
“Can you spend the night?” You asked without thinking twice.
“No, I don’t think Regina would like that.”
“I would like that.” You got out of the car.
“I’ll come by tomorrow?” She suggests.
You gave in, “Okay.”
“Okay.” She confirmed, engulfing you in a hug before you fully left the front yard. “Good night, silly.”
“Silly.” You giggled to yourself, hugging her back.
“Wow, you really need to get some sleep.” She mumbles, “Okay, sleep tight. I’ll see you tomorrow, y/n.”
“Bye, Jan.” You told her happily, turning around and walking up the porch, unlocking the front door.
“How was your date?” You hear Regina the second you stepped inside the house. Cady was beside her.
“Great.” You answered with no hesitation, too tired to even have a filter on your words. With that, you went right upstairs to your room to wash up and got dressed in pajamas for bed. Plopping face down onto the very comfortable Squishmallow, you were just about to go fall asleep once again when your phone went off.
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Janis decides to take the leap and make a little bit of a move, though now a little more anxious than she liked to be while awaiting a response from you.
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She had expected you to be asleep already so when she saw the typing indicator pop up, her sleepiness went away immediately. You on the other hand, was feeling as calm as you could be. But absolutely bursting with excitement and joy. Perhaps you just needed to be sleepy enough to let your guard down and stop worrying. Chuckling to yourself, you typed a reply for her and sent it.
The typing indicator disappears from Janis’ screen and then, this pops up for her.
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
Part 2!!
(Peep the contact name changes😗)
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