#Ordinary Places
kleinefreiheiten · 7 months
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07.2023 Würzburg
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mamotreco · 1 year
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The sunny commute through a dirty RER window. Shot with a Fujifilm Digicam in the early 2000s.
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hypewinter · 5 months
He didn't know how far he had wandered. He had just kept running and running, for once glad of his newfound body's constitution. But now he was finally tired and he doubted his pursuers were close by (if they were even looking for him anymore). So for now, he found an abandoned warehouse, bundled up under a tarp, and rested.
Wally had been scouting the area for the enemy when he found the boy. He'd noticed a particularly weird shaped clump in the corner and when he removed the tarp, he found a body. At first he thought the body was dead since he had no pulse and was cold to the touch. But then the boy suddenly sat up causing Wally to have to back up (he did not yelp from the sudden movement thank you very much).
The boy backed up towards the warehouse wall and pulled his knees to his chest as he studied Wally. For his part, Wally studies the boy back. He was clad in a black suit with golden accents and more knives that Wally was comfortable with. His golden avian eyes seemed to bore into the young hero. They seemed to size Wally up as opposed to being full of fear. Additionally, despite being huddled away in hiding the boy displayed no signs of fear. Overall it felt less like he was cowering away and more like he was silently judging him. Wally really didn't like how it felt like this kid would slit his throat if given the chance.
As the two continued their staring contest, Wally felt a gust of wind and Barry was suddenly by his side. "Kid Flash, what's up? You weren't answering your co-" Barry trailed off as he noticed the boy.
He side glanced at Wally but the sidekick only shrugged back. Barry stepped forward. The boy tensed, muscles suddenly tight and body ready to spring. Barry quickly put his hands up.
"We don't want to hurt you," He said. "Quite the opposite actually. We're heroes, we can help."
The body blinked long and slow at him, before finally his body seemed to uncoil. He gracefully got to his feet and neared the pair, circling around them once before stopping in front of them with a soft smile.
Wally returned it with a smile of his own. "So uh- why are you here? Is someone chasing you or something? Wait, what's your name first?"
The boy's face crumpled into something sad before he pulled down the collar of his suit to reveal a scar running across his throat. Oh. Both heroes side glanced each other at the same time, a silent communication shared between them. The bats? The bats.
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pratchettquotes · 2 months
There was a village tucked in a narrow valley between steep woods. It wasn't a large village, and wouldn't have shown up on a map of the mountains. It barely showed up on a map of the village.
It was, in fact, one of those places that exist merely so that people can have come from them. The universe is littered with them: hidden villages, windswept little towns under wide skies, isolated cabins on chilly mountains, whose only mark on history is to be the incredibly ordinary place where something extraordinary started to happen. Often there is no more than a little plaque to reveal that, against all gynecological probability, someone very famous was born halfway up a wall.
Terry Pratchett, Equal Rites
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loving-jack-kelly · 8 months
davey jacobs in the "pleasure to have in class" to college dropout pipeline. davey jacobs realizing three semester into his bachelors that actually he doesn't like school and being good at something isn't enough reason to keep on going through it when it makes him miserable. davey jacobs finding more purpose in doing a job to get through the day and going home to pursue his passions after work without worrying about what they will get him.
also davey jacobs in a leather jacket on a motorcycle because I say so.
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francesderwent · 1 year
something that I think the “have fun and be yourself” discourse tends to miss is that it’s all very well saying do whatever you want and don’t worry about what people think because the people who judge you aren’t worth your time, but sometimes you choose to act normal because you have a task to do or you’re in a conversation that you care about, and having to stop in the middle for your interlocutor to say bewilderedly “but why did you do that in such a quirky way” would be wasting time and getting off topic. choosing to act normal to avoid that is not being inauthentic out of unhealthy fear of censure. it’s just prudence.
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merrymerpy · 1 year
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6kate1bishop6 · 3 months
okay so post doccy thoughts
not entirely pleased with the end of rubys arc but it is what it is she probably wanted off the show so all the foreshadowing that lent itself to a more paranormal explantation (the snow the pointing etc) had to be put to the side for the ordinary person thing
but i think mrs flood is the master ? idk just menacing vibes and seems like she’ll become a nuisance for the doctor
just there’s a lot of plot holes so idk overall i liked it though
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kleinefreiheiten · 8 months
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07.2023 Würzburg
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localguy2 · 1 year
One of my current favourite headcanons (idk if this is original or not, who knows) is that the Ninja have a sort of "Spiderman" type of relationship with the citizens of Ninjago.
Say for example say the Ninja are in Ninjago City, they're hopping from building to building and looking for crimes to stop.
But occasionally when they set foot on the ground, they start talking with people and take photos with them, and the people of the city know that they shouldn't go into "obsessed fan" mode if they see The Ninja.
They know that The Ninja are sorta busy, and they don't want to bother the already preoccupied protectors of the city with crazy fan stuff, so instead they just take photos and ask (in a really shy way) for autographs, like that's the most they're willing to push it.
It's become an unspoken rule between the people at this point:
If you see The Ninja, be yourself.
They're just your Friendly Neighbourhood Ninja.
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Link Click Season 2 "You viewers had your fun with the more high-stakes mystery plot and incredible actions sequences in the first two episodes so lets bring it back down to the way everyday life and individual tragedies are just as significant to the plot and universe and wreck you emotion and soul with a snapshot of how a single couple's life contains both beauty and tragedy and significance to their close ones and new friends" Episode 3
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magpie-trove · 9 days
I put on the new Lego Star Wars to have a silly fun time and instead I’m feeling so life altering revelations rn
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The brutal contrast of Lava Lamp instantly agreeing to stay in the castle vs Syaoran at the start of Tsubasa having the same offer but continually refusing it, because he didn’t think it was proper. 
And maybe that’s a natural difference between different sets of people in slightly different scenarios, or maybe it’s the general decline from 'Good' things into less good things when the timeline was interfered with. Like how previously Fujitaka was king and happily married to Nadeshiko, but the next time around Clow was king and Nadeshiko was nowhere to be seen, with Fujitaka already passed away. Like how Sakura used to be involved in purity rituals in the reservoir, but then it was just a ruin being excavated and nothing to do with Sakura. 
I mostly just have a growing list of suspicions but let’s put a pin in it for now. 
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puppyeared · 5 months
crumbs of a story im writing
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clumsy rookie news photographer chasing after a gentleman thief to start an advice column ^_^
the thiefs legit job as a librarian doesnt pay enough to cover his rent (not enough public funding?), so he steals from rich politicians.
he kind of sees it as "hitting two birds with one stone," since the politicans are more interested in infrastructure than public funding anyway, and they have more than enough money so he doesn't feel bad doing it
since its done out of necessity, the thief is extremely meticulous and plans out his thefts. but hes also a theatre kid, so he makes a costume and more or less garners the attention of the community
the rookie is a newspaper photographer who has been following the thief for some time and has grown to admire him
the newspaper he works for is community oriented (organizing events and programs, advocating for the public) and believes the thief shares similar values
basically he proposes to start an advice column with the thief to build a rapport with the community, with the goal of winning over the public
the thief is hesitant because he's really only doing it for himself and doesnt want to get anyone else involved, but the rookie tells him to think of it as a way of helping everyone
the rest is kinda fuzzy.. i wanted to touch on community effort and public interests. I don't know if this will be the kind of story that encourages people to take action, I don't see myself as being any kind of model citizen. for now I'm just focused on pouring all my thoughts and faith in humanity into a story setting
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musubiki · 2 months
just for fun and unserious ask!! if you/your sona musu were put into the TCWG universe which role would you see yourself as? a mage, a witch, a regular NPC, etc :0
OH THIS IS SUCH A CUTE ASK!!!!!!!! i / my sona would definately be an npc cryptid.... i think she'd be an annoying traveler that always needs saving from dumb situations, or like that one guy in totk putting up signs everywhere, she'd just have the same puzzle minigame set up in like 1000 different locations
(with the cryptid aspect being that "musu" is actually the sentient musubi on her head and it controls some random girls body)
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blackcatarts · 19 days
ill have a weirdbad day and then think listening to ordinary days will fix me as if listening to ordinary days isnt the same as getting kicked in the stomach until you cry
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