#Organized Chaos (@
thevoidstaredback · 4 months
Slightly more organized than before. Subscribing to this post will only alert you when a new story has been added somewhere Please don't comment on this post
Enough Caffeine to Kill an Elephant
How To Balance Your Daytime and Nighttime Activities So That You Don't Burn Yourself Out More Than You Already Have
Take Back Your Minx
Batman's Biggest Hater
coming Oct. 4
Time Loop: Ghosts of the Present and Future
Reunion of Brothers
Morally Grey in a World of Black and White
Be Thou for the People
Random Plot Bunnie
Writing Prompts
Tag Team Stories
Random Things
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This applies to many other parts of society as well. We ought to become accustomed to our local environments, embrace interpersonal diversity, reject the alienating haze of capitalist consumerism, and work towards the organized chaos of eco-socialism!
Source: solarpunkfarmer
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ritualdenoche · 1 year
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▍ #404﹕ ⬤⬮ ⣾ 🥷🏻
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Clara and Odette scheming to get Carmilla and Zestial together once and for all.
Just imagine it 👀
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sedlex · 2 months
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Cool. And how do y'all change positions from this?
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Sure, why not.
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gizkalord · 2 years
love how the aldhani rebel crew was both highly skilled yet also obviously inexperienced, and that there were different levels of experience. on one hand, they called out the commandant’s bluff about the vault scan, knew how to unstrap the payrolls, engineered this elaborate plan timed to the second, successfully hid a mole for 7 years, and found a way to navigate the eye. On the other hand, they were behind schedule from the start, vel almost lost her nerve, they got so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of money that they were still trying to load payrolls up to the last minute until Gorn, who probably had the most logistical experience of them all, arrived and made them start closing things up. Then they were careless about securing the payrolls which needlessly cost them Nemik’s life.
It’s great because you can see how the empire could have been brought down by such passion and brilliance and hard work, but at the same time it emphasizes how fucking hard the earlier Rebels had it because they didnt have organized training or resources or the sheer experience. Everything about their plan was fraught. It was so easy for just one action or person to jeopardize a mission or make it succeed. There are no contingencies, no back ups, no plan B. All or nothing.
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milandas-law · 10 months
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These five pairs of Disney Cuties and their hugging and/or kissing scenes.
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sun-stricken · 9 months
Gray & Mira Hcs!
the dynamic (demonic) duo **jazz hands**
* These two are like organized chaos together
* everything perfectly thought out to cause just the right amount of chaos
* They are the biggest instigators
* will lie their asses off to start fights when theyre bored
* Gray has a sensitivity to tears, and Mira can and will play on it at any given moment
* They have the same amount of arrests, its like a game to them, whoever has more wins
* [common conversations involving them]
* Mira: Sorry it took so long to bail you out of jail. 
Gray: No, it was my fault. I shouldn't have used my phone call to prank call the police station.
* Judge: Does the defendant have any special requests? 
Gray: Death penalty. 
Mira, from the gallery: Gray, it’s just a parking ticket. 
Gray, whispering into the mic: Please kill me.
* Mira: It’s nice to be wanted.
Gray: Even if it’s by the law?
Mira: Especially if it’s by the law.
* they are the epitome of “i have a problem” “*sigh* okay, put the body on ice ill be there soon” “ok— wait, no! not that kind of problem!”
* They were TERRORS growing up (still are) and while they weren’t necessarily friends they were like tentative partners in crime
* Mira claimed him as her friend after he tried to fist fight a council member
* at first he didnt fully reciprocate but did a 180 when she got into Erzas face and started a fight with absolutely no fear
* Gray still thinks shes one of the most badass people he knows
* Mira typically cooks for the guild and she will have Grays food ready before he even orders it
* Gray brings her tea from her favorite fancy shops everyday
* They bonded over being (partially) demons
* Mira helped Gray accept and deal with the non-romanticized parts of having demon instincts (gruesome intrusive thoughts, impulsiveness, apathy for humans, volatile moods, etc)
* As a side effect of being a demon, Mira (non transformed) has short talons, fangs, and horns (among other things). She truly loves them
* So when Grays started to grow in she didnt fully understand why he didnt; but she still did her best to comfort and reassure him and sympathize with him
* While she tried to hide her excitement at his physical traits while she was comforting him, Gray noticed and it was that that made him grow more comfortable with them
* They have rant sessions that are completely judgment free where they can talk on and on about their ugliest moments/thoughts, and basically most the things they cant tell others. whether it has to do with their demon side or not
* Miras demon has a constant thirst for mayhem, and Gray (being the instigator he is) will give it to them no questions asked
* in turn when Gray gets into arguments and hes wrong, Mira will update wikipedia pages so hes right
* theyre so passive aggressive towards each other
* When they fight everyone within a 8 mile radius needs to be evacuated, no matter how small the fight looks, they get vicious and it’s terrifying
* if you interrupt them you may as well be signing your death warrant
* They always act like nothing happened when they’re done, leaving everyone tiptoeing around them for weeks post
* Grays phone is on dnd constantly, Mira is one of the only few people that is set to come through
* and the local police station, but thats the same thing
* When Mira doesnt answer his calls he’ll leave incriminating voicemails and wont answer her calls for hours after
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afairycreature · 10 months
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chaoticaesthete · 2 months
i was finally able to finish a book yesterday after an absolutely terrible slump of 2.5 years. i think we can say im out of the slump. to quote jake peralta, "I DON'T SLUMP. I DO THE OPPOSITE OF SLUMP. I PMULS ALL OVER THIS BITCH"!!!!
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permanenthaunt · 1 day
Another Day
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evenlessstablebish · 11 days
How do you make even the most shit show, meme, chaos, aesthetic 😭
I live in a realm of organized chaos. It's weird, it's crazy, but it's also pretty. Like how sometimes when you burn trash the flames turn green and blue and purple.
My page is the pretty trash fire ✨
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bragonte · 1 year
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vqpn · 1 year
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milandas-law · 10 months
These three pairs of Disney Cuties that involve the guys catching the girls in their arms.
Milo and Amanda
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Ferb and Vanessa
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Willow and Hunter
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a-strawberry-mouse · 6 months
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I have a pin cushion, and yet,
(I will dig Yoshi out of his thread grave once I finish my current project)
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