#PLEASE don't come onto this post and spoil it i will scream
benevolenterrancy · 2 years
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finally started reading Grandmaster of Demon Cultivation (please don’t spoil it), loving the fact that the biggest conflict so far is the fact that The Alleged Demonic Scourge’s stolen donkey is a picky eater and general pain in the ass
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ravenlking · 1 year
𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 recovering from an overblot is no easy task. but luckily, you're there to help him through it all
gender-neutral warnings: - PTSD from overblots - Slight Panic Attack (not full-on) genre: angst and fluff a/n: - i did my best to write heavy angst, because lets be honest. there is NO WAY these boys recovered from overblotting so quickly and peacefully like in the game. bc apparently riddle was healthy mentally and physically enough to be able to attend and host the new unbirthday party ?? i dont think so- - inspired by this lovely post, i'm not sure if the author made a riddle version but here it is! - pictures don't belong to me, they go to their original owners! - please give me feedback :)
Let me know if you'd like more!
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Limping, you cradled the basket in your hands. You were carefully to not roughly shake them lest you spoiled the items that you took a few hours to collect with the Heartslabyul dorm leader in mind. Your arm ached at the additional weight, yet you shouldered it as you approached Heartslabyul's vice dorm leader.
He let out a hum as he gave you a gentle smile. Although, you didn't miss the concerned look as his amber eyes landed on the multitude of bandages around your leg and the way you covered your neck with a turtleneck to hide the scars from the battle during Riddle's overblot.
"How may I help you?"
"Is Riddle here?" You ask, wincing slightly as you shifted your weight to your other leg. "I want to see him."
Trey directed you down the corridor as you slowly walked behind him, admiring the hallways of Heartslabyuls. Strange stairways pathed in ruby red carpets leading to rooms on the walls, floating upside-down chairs, tea-cups nailed to the walls which had picture frames of red roses, Heartslabyul's interior was a wonder to marvel at. Finally, you came to a stop before a grand doors, the archway in the shape of a heart.
Before Trey opened it, he turned to you with a concerned look in his eyes.
"Just...be careful," He murmured, running a hand through his green hair. "It was only a week after his...you know, but Riddle is still a bit sensitive. Treat him like a doll, okay?"
You gave him a gentle smile, patting his shoulders, before knocking softly on the doors.
"I'll be fine, Trey," You responded as the vice dorm leader motioned to leave. Once he was out of sight, you called out to him.
"Riddle? May I come in?"
Riddle Rosehearts sat at his desk, his back was ramrod-straight and his hands gripping onto his book so tightly that one would wonder how the pages weren't torn yet. Tears were slowly escaping from his eyes, trailing a salty path down his cheeks; little sobs choked up in his throats. His shoulders were slightly shaking before he shoved the book aside and let the sobs overtake him. What was the use of hiding them? No one was going to come in anyways...he was all alone in his big, empty room.
Why are you crying?! This was all your fault! If you had just followed Mother's rules, you would still be the queen!
"N-no..." Riddle held his head in his trembling hands. "Quiet, quiet- please!"
If the troublemakers still cause more chaos in our kingdom, execute them! Off with their head - but for real! Execute the sinners! Come on, my queen, shouldn't we?! SILENCE THOSE FOOLS-
"Shut up!" Riddle screamed, hitting himself in the head. That voice - the voice which he had grown to hate over the days, kept telling him to do something rash, something cruel, something inforgivable. He couldn't possibly listen to it, he shouldn't! He was beyond glad when he put up the silencing ward around his room to prevent eavesdroppers.
Riddle's body trembled harshly, acting like a fragile body within a snowy blizzard. Tears fell freely from his eyes as the voice continued to taunt him.
That's right, let those insecurities brew! Let them bubble, let them rage, let them ENGULF YOU.
"I-I'm not!" He shouted hoarsely into the empty room. Something within him panged greatly as the voice spoke. It was like it was tearing his soul from the inside, a wound that he couldn't heal.
Riddle hates himself for succumbing to these thoughts around a week ago when he overblotted. The fearful expressions on his friends' faces haunt him from morning to night, the way he didn't give a damn whether or not someone died because of him. Riddle attacked his friends, with the goal to silence them, the ones who had been there for him time and time again. Trey, who had been with him since childhood, Cater who supported him with bright grins and sunny personality, even Ace and Deuce who he reluctantly admitted he was fond of. Most importantly, he harmed you. A magicless prefect; vulnerable, and easily taken advantaged of during a fight involving a deadly dance of magic. He hates himself. Perhaps he was the tyrant that he deserves to be titled.
Great Seven, Riddle feels so alone, and so absolutely terrified of himself. His hands couldn't stop shaking, the choking feeling in his throat whenever he desperately gasped for breath. Riddle couldn't help the feeling of disgust as he looks at himself in the reflection of his glass bookshelves, depressingly sobbing into his hands, until he heard your name.
He believed it was a delusion, until he heard the knock again.
"Riddle? May I come in?"
Standing up with trembling legs, Riddle waved his ruby-topped pen around his face. A chill settled onto the areas of his eyes and nose, using it to push away his bloodshot appearance. He must remain perfect in front of you - who was he to cry when you suffered the most? Magicless and he attacked you without mercy. You stayed in the infirmary even longer than he did and he overblotted!
Once he deemed himself satisfactory to be under your gaze, Riddle took a deep breath before putting on a poker face. He approached the door before opening it cautiously.
"Yes, prefect?"
You gave him a gentle smile, a smile that he wasn't worthy of receiving. His steely grey eyes couldn't help but notice and outright stare at the scars that you suffered at his hands. An obvious limp on your dominant leg, a large bandage wrapped around your right wrist, and a carefully-chosen dark-colored turtleneck to hide the collar-like scar around your neck. Although you did your best to hide it with long sleeves, it was still so painfully obvious that you were in some sort of pain.
All because of him.
"May I come in?" You lifted your basket; he hadn't noticed it even after he scanned your body. You held in a wince, but even that was picked up by his ears. "I brought you some items and little gifts for you, things that I use whenever I'm down or stressed. Can I join you?"
Riddle blinked. Y-you wanted to be with him? Voluntarily? Even after what he had done to you?
Honestly prefect, you're so confusing at times.
The petite redhead nodded and turned to let you in, briefly inhaling the soothing scent he always associated you with and never failed to put him in a blissful mood. It was enough to lift a smile onto his lips, one that remained as he shut the door, re-installed the silencing wards, and turned to face you; you had made yourself comfortable on his large bed and were waiting for him with an eager smile, cross-legged and basket open.
"What's all this?" Riddle shrugged off the cape and hung it over on his chair before gently climbing onto his bed. He mirrored your position, eyes curious at some of the items you brought. There were some candle scents, a strange dice with fiddles and knobs on the sides, a delicate box with a sweet scent of strawberries coming from it - when did you prepare all this? And for him?
Why would even care for a tyrant like him? He tried to kill not only you, but your dearest friends?
You should have stayed away from a monster like him.
Monster? How dare you call yourself that! You are the Queen of Heart's faithful heir; you should carry out her legacy! You aren't a monster, you are the queen! Silence the fools! Silence, I say!
He felt the slight tremors going through his veins before his hands began to shake. He gripped them tightly and his smile began to strain even more. It was more of a grimace at this point.
You took his hands in yours, using your thumb to gently rub circles into his smooth skin.
Breathing was getting harder by the moment as he felt his walls crashing down, failing to withhold the hurricane of depressing emotions that he never wants to show you.
He was undeserving of such pity. Who was he to unload all his baggage onto someone so pure and amazing as you? He should keep it all to himself-
"Riddle, breath with me," You murmured.
Shakily, he tried his best to repeat after you, focusing on your breaths like it was the only sound in the world. In and out, in and out, in and out; it was the only thing going through his mind, acting like a mantra. Slowly, he felt himself calm down and his logical feelings kicked him. Why had he broken down in front of you like that?! He was so weak-
"Hey," You trailed your hands upwards until they were cradling Riddle's face. Tears, embarrassingly enough, had already begun to well up in the corners of his eyes. "Hey, Riddle. It's okay, I'm right here. I'm not going to leave you. Don't forget that I'm always here."
With those reassuring words, Riddle felt himself break. He ends up sniffling, trying his best to muffle the noises - which turned into loud, inevitable bawling. Sobs echoed in his room as he leaped into your arms, like a child, crashing against the surface of the fluffy pillows his bed was overflowing with. He nuzzled his head into a comfortable position, legs tangling with yours (while careful to avoid your injury), hands fisting your shirt into a tight knot which was sure to leave wrinkles, and teardrops wetting your shirt.
He's melting, he's absolutely vulnerable at this moment, and he couldn't look more like a child than he is at this moment. But he doesn't care, because at this moment, what he needs is you.
"Hear my heartbeat?" He heard you breathe out. Riddle nods against you, squeezing your and his legs tighter together. He continues to curl up, desperate for your warmth that chased away the voice in your head. The re-occurring bump-bump was a soothing noise to hear. "Just focus on that."
"Don't l-leave me," Riddle begs, looking up to peer into his eyes. The salty tears help to bring out the glimmer in his eyes, making them shine like jewels. Despite the bloodshot areas all over his face and the strange choking-like noises whenever he talked, Riddle continued to cry. "J-just stay."
Riddle sniffled, letting out a strangled cough as his throat closed up. His eyes were blurring over from the salty tears, yet he did his best to meet your eyes.
"I'm sorry for hurting you, I'm sorry for hurting your friends, I'm sorry for everything! Just stay! Please!"
You give him a smile and in this moment, Riddle feels that for once, everything will be alright.
"Alright, I'll stay. I'll stay as long as you want me to."
For once, the voice left him alone and all Riddle could hear was you.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
what would all the riddlers prefer you do while giving them head??
oh gee i wonder who sent this lmao 💚💜
let me TELL YOU how i think they all like it because they're all terribly filthy boys also a bonus of jon, harvey and oz bcos i know you love them too bb
minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff and language and kinks bcos i got real yucky with this, you are welcome
update of this post here!!
arkham riddler: my beloved, king daddy of all the daddies, definitely gentle, needs talked into it as a form of stress relief when he's too absorbed in his traps, doesn't like cumming in your mouth because that's not very respectful, will teach you how to do it to his tastes perfectly u-u
"remember we practiced your breathing, you're being so good, this is definitely where your genius lies"
zero year/capullo riddler: disgusting man, desperate for a sloppy bj, will slap your face with his dick/hand, absolutely will call you his slut and likes to finish with his head pressed right to the back of your throat, likes it if you're drooling and spitting his cum out onto your chin at the end, NASTY
"you should be grateful i'm letting you suck my cock, i'm the fucking riddler"
dano riddler: gotta make eye contact with him as he cums on your chest, will hold your hair and push you onto him, really likes his balls squeezed hard too because he's a sucker for pain and punishment
"i'll show you who's in charge here, i'm in control, i'm the boss please"
young justice riddler: whimpering simp of a man, will fall apart in about two seconds, likes you to tell him how big he is, needs constant validation about how pretty his dick is
"was it good for you? am i a good boy?"
gotham riddler: really can do without the sucking or licking, could happily get off on cockwarming in your mouth, otherwise it's too overstimulating, could potentially forget you were even down there lmao
"ah, but do you know why they're called blow jobs? it's very interesting actually! it actually goes back to..."
💚 and cos im feeling extra slutty today and ily 💚
jonathan: another one who needs the eye contact, probably because he likes seeing tears or eye makeup running down your face, definitely likes to see how rough he can be and enjoys the sound of choking for breath
"are you nervous? i would be"
harvey: i don't know if there's anything about harvey to me at least that doesn't scream "i like to put it all the way in and take it all the way out and your mouth better make some obscene pop noise when i do otherwise i'm going to choke you", flips a coin to see if you're spitting or swallowing
"heads or tails, baby? are you taking it in the mouth, or are you going to bend over and show me your ass"
oz: sugar daddy vibes, so his thing is that he likes spoiling you once you've done him a favour, just likes to be slurped on, doesn't even need to come tbh
this is a classy joint babe, be nice to daddy and keep quiet under the table and you can have something nice and shiny afterwards, alright?
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laylaylamode · 2 months
OK OK so. Been thinking.
DJ interactions with the Loki kids? 'Cause I swear he'd probably get along with Hel the most outside of Jorm lmao
Totally agree. 😂
"You look pretty sick."
Hel glanced up from her book and scowled at the little boy. Of all the Avalon children he was certainly the most brash and loud mouthed, but he'd never been blatantly rude. "I beg your pardon? I'm a corpse. We don't exactly look healthy."
"Not like that." DJ shook his head. "Sick as in cool. Or awesome. Like the lady version of Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. Do you have throwing knives and chains?"
"I do, but I doubt their purpose is for what you assume. Nor do I know this Scorpion you speak of." Hel set her book in her lap and smoothed out her dress. "Did you come to compliment my face, or you have another matter to discuss?"
"Weeeeeeell." DJ smiled. "Halloween is coming up, and I really wanna be Miguel from Coco. Got the cool guitar and everything. So if you dress up as Imelda-"
"Using me for entertainment?" Hel sighed. "I have no such desires to be paraded around like a decorated skeleton."
DJ hummed. "...there's a costume contest at a grocery store. Winner gets free candy for the rest of the year..."
Hel set her book aside and stood. "Then we must prepare. Post haste. And I lay claim to all of the apple flavored sweets and worms of sour gumminess."
"Yes!" DJ fist pumped and got up to follow her. "This is gonna be sick!"
"Yes. Very sick indeed."
Jormungandr wasn't used to activity in the waters of Avalon. Most boats that wandered too close to the waters found themselves turned around by a helpful current. Others simply crashed against the rocks, but that was a rare occurrence. The only boat that managed to survive was the one piloted by the youngest of Nia's spawns.
And he was fairly good at navigating it. Jormungandr sometimes swam beside it just to make sure that DJ was safe. On some days the little boy would throw a snack over for him or jump from the plank, screaming with glee as he slid down Jormungandr's spine and into the water.
"You're like the world's greatest water slide!" DJ laughed as he climbed onto the serpent's head and wrung out his coat.
Jormungandr couldn't understand a lick of what DJ said, but he could tell from aura alone that the child was pleased with him. He raised himself above the boat and lowered his head just enough for the boy to climb down.
"The waters ahead are rough," the world serpent hissed. "You should return home."
DJ tilted his head up at him, not quite understanding but getting the sense that it was important. "I'm gonna assume that...we should head back? It is getting late." Taking up the helm, DJ turned the boat around and headed back to Avalon's shores. The serpent remained where he was, watching the boy grow smaller in the distance, and then seeing the little boy wave back at him.
"Just hold her, DJ."
"But Mom..."
"It's good for bonding!" Nia smiled and held Phebe out to DJ, who gave him a blank look with narrowed eyes. "The sooner she gets used to you, the better you'll get along."
DJ frowned and kept his hands at his sides. Babies were small and delicate. He was heavy handed and broke things. It didn't seem like a good idea for him to handle Phebe in any capacity, and he'd never forgive himself if he dropped her.
But Nia's smile was so encouraging that it was impossible to say no to her. DJ sighed and hesitantly reached her for the baby. "Okay..."
Phebe smacked his hand away.
Nia pouted. "Aww..."
"See? She's not into it either." DJ folded his arms, a little relieved that her reaction gave him a good excuse. "When she starts walking and talking then maybe. But until then, I'm pretty sure she's got enough people to spoil her stinky butt."
Phebe's hand was suddenly gripping his hair, and with strength that was strange for a mere baby she pulled his head towards her. The blank expression she normally wore changed to irritation. "Bah!"
"Oww!" DJ tried and failed to pry her hands off. "That's right, I said you're stinky! Being cute doesn't make you smell any better!"
"Bah BAH!" Phebe kicked as his chest but was pulled back by Nia. Some of DJ's hair was covered in a thin layer of frost as her grip loosened from it. "EeeeYAH!"
"Right back atcha!" DJ shook the frost out of his hair and pointed. "As soon as you learn how to walk, we're throwing hands. Count on it, frostbite."
Phebe blew a raspberry in response. This wasn't quite the bonding that Nia wanted them to have but...some family relationships were more unique than others.
Fenrir knew little about human behaviors, but he could tell from body language when the children were upset. Normally boisterous and a bit rowdy, to see them acting the opposite was a far departure from their playful natures.
Such as now. DJ walked through the freshly rained on gardens and dragged a stick through the mud. His head was bent low and his pace was slow, eyes staring at nothing in particular but downcast. Fenrir didn't care for the gardens since the flowers were too strong for his nose, but he wandered in anyway and snorted above the boy to get his attention.
DJ leaned head back and stared up at the giant wolf. "Oh. Hey, Fen..." He continued walking and dragging the stick. "Not really in the mood to play. Sorry..."
Language was a barrier between them, but Fenrir knew when he was being rejected. Eyeing the stick, he quickly clenched it between his teeth and gave it a tug, pulling the little boy along with it. DJ stumbled but kept his grip on the stick.
With a hard yank Fenrir sent the stick flying and charged after it. He returned with it, dropped it at DJ's feet, and stretched his jaw with a wide yawn and lick of his chops.
DJ blinked and picked up the stick. Catching onto the game, he hurled it with all of his strength and watched Fenrir race after it. So the giant wolf wanted to play fetch...
DJ hadn't been in the mood for games before, but if Fenrir was up to it, he didn't mind going a couple rounds. It was a more fun than sulking, and he smiled as the giant wolf once again dropped the stick at his feet.
"Fine. You win, Fen." DJ stroked Fenrir's furry head and pressed his forehead against his muzzle. The wolf reciprocated by nuzzling him, then shoved him to the ground and nudged the stick forward. "Okay, okay!" DJ laughed as he stood. "I'll throw the stick!"
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senjuushi · 2 years
I saw the post about the cold, detached master and immediately wanted to request the opposite scenario lol
Can I ask for some HCs of F, Gras, & Kirsch with a Master who is gentle and kind to them normally, but who gets forcefully greedy with them whenever the boys go into heat? Masters still considerate of them, they prep them very thoroughly and make them take water breaks, but they do get a little rough and controlling with forcing the boys to take all the pleasure they want them to have while Reader uses them~
There's a part of him that wishes the softer you could stay forever, but that's not the kind of thing someone like him gets to hope for. He's good for sex, and that's just how it is. It's no wonder you're taking the invitation that's right in front of you. With his libido, F knows he'd be miserable if you weren't thoroughly exhausting him this way— and that's just one more reason to accept it. You're still gentler than anyone else has ever been. You take your time to stretch him so he doesn't bleed. You take him in the privacy and comfort of your bedroom instead of where anyone could see. And you clean him up afterward, never leaving him to recover alone. That's already more than a cheap, trained slut deserves.
To him, the forceful side of you is a welcome relief. Gras likes your attention just fine, but he doesn't do so well with being treated gently— this rough, lustful treatment is far more comfortable for him. If anything, he's actively encouraging you to be crueler when you're like that. You don't need to prep him so carefully! Get right to the main act! His body will adjust eventually, and won't his screams just turn you on more? Gras will let you use him to whatever extent you see fit, and if he's in Heat, that only makes him more insatiable. Being fucked until his throat is raw and he can hardly stand up on his own is easier to bear than the tender affection you force onto him when you're acting normal.
The gentleness is good, but if you're happy when you treat him like this, then it's fine too! Unfortunate as it is, Kirsch is familiar with these kinds of exchanges— he lets you use his body as you please, and you give him soft, nice things in return. He sees it as earning your spoiling later, so even when he's uncomfortable or overwhelmed during sex, he won't complain. He's meant for this, after all. It's only fair for you to want it. Kirsch will still whine and cry when you're being too rough, but he quickly comes to see the exhausting, forceful sex as a guaranteed way of making sure you want him around. If coming until he's in tears and barely conscious means you'll call him your good boy, he'll take it.
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The Clone Wars and Rebels
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I mentioned this in my previous post and have been meaning to write about it in more detail.
I've never actually watched The Clone Wars or Rebels.
Not intentionally, it just sort of never happened. TCW was first released during a weird and rough part of my life where a lot of other things were going on and for many reasons past me was focused on other things. I'm not entirely sure where, or even if, I would've been able to watch TCW when it first came out. I think it might've been picked up by one of the TV channels but I'm not sure and I don't think streaming was a big thing yet back in 2008. I'm also pretty sure both TCW and Rebels would've been marketed as "animated kids TV shows' so I'm guessing past me just took it at read that it wasn't a show aimed at me. Ooh, how wrong I was. (I've got more thoughts about the whole "kids show" thing but that's for another time.)
Even though I've never watched TCW or Rebels, I still know the general gist of what happens. It's a bit hard to not be spoiled for a show that premiered 15 years ago. Plus, I have a frustrating tendency to spoil things for myself in my need to understand and find out everything about a particular topic if my brain latches onto it (dammit ADHD brain). So I know who Rex and Cody and Ashoka all are and I know how TCW ends and what happens at the end of Rebels. But I have no emotional connection to all these characters and stories, which is what I'm sad about the most.
Every time Rex or Cody appear or are even just briefly mentioned in The Bad Batch, people go absolutely completely and utterly bonkers. I can clearly see that they, and many others, are beloved characters and I'm sad that I'm not a part of that. That I missed out on desperately waiting for each new episode each week, devouring it when it aired and then excitedly screaming into the internet void about whatever just transpired. That I missed out on growing to love these characters and following their stories. That I missed out on experiencing all of this when it happened and am continuing to miss out on experiencing this as it continues in The Bad Batch.
A really good example of this is Echo. People seem to go absolutely postal about him but I'm just sitting here going "yeah I like the guy but why the reaction?" Of course, I now know why. I read about what happened to him but I never experienced or watched it. And I miss that. This is not to say that I don't like Echo. I absolutely do. Echo girlies please do not come for me. Tbh I think I may end up turning into an Echo girlie, especially after his very commanding voice, leadership and general badassery at the start of 'Tipping Point'.
Another example is when Zeb very briefly appeared in the most recent episode of The Mandalorian. People lost their absolute minds and I'm sitting here going, "who?". As I'm apparently incapable of not spoiling myself, I've since read up about Zeb, and then found out about Kallus and oh no, I just know this is a ship I'm going to fall into and be obsessed with. Good luck future me. Fare thee well. Enjoy it while it lasts.
So having never watched these beloved shows, it means I'm missing out on so much of the fandom reactions, relationships, emotions and how much these characters and their stories mean to everyone. And I don't want that to be the case. I want to know Rex and Cody and Ashoka and the 501st and the 212th and Jesse and Fives and Hera and Kanan and Zeb and Kallus and everyone else that I can't list because I'm trying to not spoil myself too much.
TCW and Rebels have been on my To Watch list for a while and recently, I was finally able to start watching The Clone Wars. I'm still only on Season 1 and was up to episode 18 'Mystery of a Thousand Moons' before I a) became hyperfixated on The Bad Batch and b) decided to pause watching TCW so I could come back to the series later on and properly enjoy watching it. And I am enjoying what I've watched so far! I've already got plenty of thoughts so I think I'll put those all together in another post before I dive back into watching TCW and then Rebels after that.
Because that's what I want to do with both of these beloved series. I'm watching them for the first time and I really want to savour and enjoy it. I'm going to be watching The Clone Wars and Rebels for the first time. I'm never going to get that experience ever again. I could just binge them all in one massive sitting but I don't think that would do the shows justice or be as enjoyable. I can't wait until each new episode is released each week like they were when they were initially released but I can enjoy them in my own way.
Which is why I want to turn my first watch through of these shows into my own little project. Something purely for me, for my experience and for me to enjoy and look forward to. I don't have much, if anything, left to enjoy or look forward to anymore so I'm going to grasp on to what little I can. And in this case, its watching The Clone Wars and Rebels for the first time.
I had planned on jumping straight back into it after The Bad Batch Season 2 finale but I think I'm going to need a while now to deal with and try to process everything that happened in that. But when the time is right, hopefully sometime SoonTM, I'll get back into watching The Clone Wars. My plan is to watch an episode and then write a reaction post with my thoughts/opinions/theories/general screeching about said episode. Once I've finished, I'll have this archive, a collection of posts and writing that capture the first time I watched The Clone Wars and Rebels.
I'm getting all happy and teary just thinking about it.
Given the large gap between season 1 and 2 of The Bad Batch, I'm hoping to be able to finish watching TCW and Rebels before the (hopeful) premiere of season 3 of The Bad Batch (please let there be a season 3, there's got to be a season 3, please). It'll also help the references that appear in other Star Wars shows actually mean something to me. I'm really going to need to have finished watching TCW and Rebels before watching Ashoka otherwise it just won't mean as much to me, and I don't want to miss out on that either.
I can't imagine there are many people left in the fandom that have yet to watch The Clone Wars and Rebels. While it does mean that I've missed out on so much, I'm also excited about it. I'm fully aware that there are going to be rough episodes (2008 animation is, well, dated) and that my emotions are going to be destroyed by Filoni et al. but I'm also really looking forward to it. To meeting all the clones and other characters and getting to know them. To learning their stories and going on adventures with them.
I get to watch The Clone Wars and Rebels for the first time. And I'm really looking forward to it. It's given me something to look forward to for the first time in a very long time.
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mish-tique · 2 years
Miss missha, the sexting tag is there winking at me. I just know this will be good. You write sexts so brilliantly!!
And yes, the carlando pics (posted on main?!)!! good for them
Also, thank you thank you so much for everything you've put in for kinktober. it may not have gone exactly up to schedule, but totally fine and valid and you've been keeping us well fed.
SPOILERS for "part of my life" below the rose line
Reading this paragraph: "He’s truly spoiled; yesterday they had a date day and spent the entire day together...." <- this lando is so omega/sub coded, and still also living vicariously thru fic!lando, where is daddy carlos? need him to show up soon. lando's so clingy and the way it translates to the narration is just perfect
"while Lando wants to be childish, he can’t and has to let the Red team borrow his love every once in a while." <- childish, selfish, bratty lando!!! carlos come for your man
"That’s something Carlos has always fondly teased him about — whenever he’s thinking, he’s stressed, or sleepy, things find their way into his mouth." <- we know where that line of thinking brought me. i'm not gonna speak of it any more
"Right now though, he would love to have something else in his mouth. Something big and warm, something that’s so entirely Carlos that it can make everything better." <- THERE IT IS
"It doesn’t matter what it could be — whatever it is that Lando has decided to share with him, Carlos will gladly take it. Anything Lando gives him, Carlos will hold onto and appreciate. Just like he hopes to do forever with Lando: hold onto him and appreciate him for as long as Lando allows him." <- 🥺🥺 my heart 🥺🥺
"Mi Vida" <- awww 🥺🥺
clingy!lando and possessive!carlos is such a vibe and a pairing and it suits them so good
let this lando wear some thigh highs tooo
OH THE MCLAREN DAYS. at the garages during race weekends, in their driver rooms, sneaking into each other's hotel rooms... and when it's factory days, some random offices or storage rooms... hands creeping up thighs during team meetings hidden in sight by tables or document print-outs
And yet, the team knew the whole time? i wish i had been there during the fruity years of the papaya team
“You guys are oddly sweet when horny,” Charles comments, looking over Carlos' shoulder without any shame." <- actually made me curse out loud laughing 😂 😂 
why could i see that whole exchange with charles happening in real life 😂 😂 
"Are you writing an essay?"  "Remind me to never send you nudes" <- 😂  😂 
Ahh that ending was so perfect!! it just screams carlando and their dorky horny selves. i love it, so sweet and horny (charles was so right for that comment) and really funny.
🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 <- and extra more for being such a comedian.
-Rose 🥺🌹
Sexting is honestly so fun!! Ngl more so in real life than when writing because those time stamps are a bitch to add. which is why i might've been 'forgetting' them in my kinktober fics. oops. sorry not sorry.
and thank you!! im not so sad anymore that things didn't go as i wanted them to go so that's good!! i think.
seeing how i still manage to omega code lando even in a non omegaverse fic: oops
we all are this type of lando at times
sweety, sometimes you don't have to say anything xx
i swear this kind of carlando stuff makes me a puddle of softness. i cannot handle them
please Charles is done with carlando and lando's sometimes (affectionately) done with carlos dsghkdsg
I like how you think some scenes in my fics are funny because I swear in real life i don't have a drop of humor in me
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meetmyevilways · 3 years
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Darth Maul x Reader (demon!Maul x witch!Reader)
Plot: You accidentally bind yourself to a demon...
Warnings: dark stuff, more warning at the end so not to spoil the fun, you can search for it with ctrl/cmd+f or scroll down at the bottom of the post
The first thing you feel is a tingling sensation in your lower belly as you come out of the dream, you feel weirder by the second. Sleep is slow to leave you but the reason for those weird feelings is quick to speed up the process by ripping out another orgasm out of you.
You fully wake to the feeling of being stuffed by a ridged cock that's hammering into you, prolonging your mind-blowing peek as much as possible. You scream with pleasure then you scream with horror as you take a look at the face of the male who's balls deep inside of you.
His skin is black and red, the markings clearly state his level of power and royal status. Those burning, fire-coloured eyes mesmerise you into compliance and you get silent a pliant under him. You eye the dangerous-looking horns while you try to clear your mind, which is really hard given the fact that this male is determined to fuck you even more raw.
Limbs weak and trembling, you try to push him away but it only makes him chuckle. He's been fucking you for hours, making you come, again and again, not letting you wake up until you were too weak to deny him.
"Stop it, demon. You can't be here, I didn't invite you." You try to hold onto every little rule you can think of since you cannot gather neither your physical strength nor your magical power.
He smiles wickedly, showing off his sharp fangs. And with his next words, he makes your blood turn cold.
"But you did, with that new ritual your friend gave you for extra protection to this day." He informs you happily. Stroking your cheek, stopping his thrusts for a moment while he holds your crying form. "Don't be upset pet, he didn't deserve your friendship. He was playing with something he didn't understand and he exchanged you for his life."
He grabs your chin and kisses the tears away, then gives you a deep kiss, all tongue and dangerous teeth, that stole your breath away before he starts to move again. "I will take care of you."
The demon pins your hands above your head and drops flush against you. He moves in and out of you in deep, hard strokes forcing you to feel every ridge along his massive cock and aligning your hips to the side a little so his patterned length would brush against your clit every time.
You fight the feeling, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of making you come again but he only smiles at your defiance like it's a challenge he will enjoy immensely. Bending down his head he nips at your neck which causes you to freeze as the sharp edges of his fangs scratch along your delicate skin. The only motion you do is coming from his thrust which drags you back and forth on the bed while you remain in his hold.
He can feel you tighten around him, so he decides to give you even less chance to resist. Sharp teeth graze your nipple, he is teasing you, dragging your hardened bud in sync with the snapping of his hips. You can't help but moan when his tongue plays with your sensitive nipple, sucking on it until you are your back off the bed.
The relentless stimulation quickly makes you lose any remaining control and you come around him while he keeps fucking you without mercy.
He stops only to pull out and turn you around. Lying on your stomach, you try to crawl away from him but he grabs your hips and pulls you back to him, then he slams inside you again.
The brutal pace he dictates has you close to coming again, though it is more pain than pleasure now. It feels like he's getting bigger each time he forces himself inside you and you soon realise why.
"No. No. No. You can't knot me, it will rip me open." He presses a frustratingly gentle kiss on your back. "You can and you will." He informs you calmly.
"No, please. It won't fit." Your begging makes him chuckle again and magic burns in you with your anger, you are ready to strike when he dissolves all your power again with a simple sentence. "It did for the last three times."
"Let go, my little witch." He says as he starts to push the knot in you. " You will learn to love it. You will learn to love me." You relax only for your sake, at least that's what you tell yourself until the feeling of his knot and cum stuffing you full and his grinding against your clit makes you come. When your orgasm starts he bites down hard on your shoulder, causing you to scream again.
He lays on you, still locked inside your tight heat. Pressing open-mouthed kisses along your shoulders and neck, licking at his bite mark occasionally.
You sigh as you hear the clock sign the end of the hour and the day, thinking you will get rid of him in seconds but he is quick to destroy your hopes.
"Oh, no, pet. We are not even close to being done." He says, that wicked smile returns to mock you, you can hear it.
"You can't stay, the Eve is done. You can't stay in the mortal world." You look at him through the mirror on your nightstand with newfound terror.
"Hmm, but I can stay with my mate as long as I wish. And we will not leave this bed until I know you are carrying my heir inside you." He sees the moment you piece it together, the ritual not only summoned him but it was the invite for mating, which he accepted. He claimed you, fucked you, marked you and bound you to him for all eternity. You will not get old, you can never escape him.
So without any hope, you give up on fighting him and just give in. Maybe you will get to love him like he said, though the thought of him knocking you up terrifies you but there's nothing you can do to stop him. He's stronger than you and can keep your magic at bay so you couldn't fight him even if you weren't bound to him.
The mating bond is sacred, nothing can break it. You are his.
Warnings: noncon, somnophilia, PiV, dubcon, forced mating, knotting, biting, forced breeding
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ana-benn · 3 years
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The Enforcer's Gun
Warnings: Smut, mafia AU, Dom/sub, possessive alpha male, gun play, exhibitionism, alcohol consumption (I don't advise copying this part. I've done it and it's a great recipe for a hangover from hell), size kink, thigh riding, object insertion
You'd normally be thriving right now. You had your hair done, a dress that fit well and looks hot as fuck, and honestly you'd spent most of the night getting compliments from random strangers. For all intents and purposes, you were having a good night. Except the one man you wanted to notice how good you looked wasn't paying attention to you.
He was working.
While you could appreciate the fact that he had work to do, you hated how at times like this he could just ignore you. If you'd ever told him that he'd have smirked and informed you that he spoiled you. Which was true, but that knowledge did nothing as you stood at the bar and watched him talking to the owner of the nightclub you were in.
'Contract Negotiations' is what he had called it, but he wasn't exactly in the negotiations business. You flinched as Jordie grabbed the guy by the shoulder and held him fast while Jamie hit him hard in the stomach. You'd learned to find this side of him masculine and entirely too sexy, and you felt the tell-tale slick pool in your panties.
"There you are, you're too good at giving me the slip," Tyler laughed as he saddled up next to you. Normally you'd have Jessi here with you, but she'd just had a baby, so it was you and Tyler. You could've spent time with one of the other girls that'd come, but you didn't exactly like them all.
"That's because you're too busy checking out the sorority girls that just walked it," you quipped. "Why won't this bartender come take my order?" You grumbled as the bartender walked past you yet again.
"He probably saw you walk in with Chubbs," Tyler laughed, signaling the bartender.
"Don't let him hear you call him that in public," you grinned. "He may shoot you."
"Round of fireball shots," Tyler said when the bartender walked over finally. You have him a pointed look and he rolled his eyes, "And a Mai Tai for the lady."
"Plantation rum!" You called to the bartender's back. You rolled your eyes as Tyler laughed at your pout.
"Not everyone is gonna cater to you like Jamie does doll, just the facts," he winked then.
"He's not even catering to me," you grumbled, eyes drifting over to where Jamie was crouched over a bleeding man. Apparently negotiations weren't going well. Or maybe they were, you had no idea. "Why'd he bring me again?"
"You've been asking to come for months," Tyler reminded you.
"And you're baby sitting me because..." You asked.
"Apparently I only do 'pretty things' and this isn't a pretty job. So I got girlfriend duty," he smirked looking down at you.
"Why Mr. Seguin," you gasped in mock outrage. "If I didn't know any better I'd think you were flirting."
"Nah, I like my balls where they are," Tyler shrugged. "You picked a jealous one." Just then the bartender lined up the shots in front of the two of you and set your Mai Tai down before scurrying away.
You rolled your eyes, as Tyler handed you a shot. You clinked them together before slamming back three in a row each. It was a ritual you'd developed when Tyler was on baby sitting duty, and you actually enjoyed the cinnamon burn. You tasted your drink, rolling your eyes as you sipped the tinny taste associated with Bacardi, before grabbing the final shot in front of you and dumping it into the tiki drink.
"Really?" Tyler asked with a raised eyebrow.
You shrugged, "I hate Bacardi, you know that."
Tyler just laughed as he threw back his final shot, "Come on I know you wanna dance."
You let Tyler lead you onto the dance floor, one hand securing your drink firmly. You danced with him for a while, forgetting your annoyance at Jamie for working temporarily. You were laughing and having fun, as Tyler would spin you around and sing along with you. It was completely not sexy, but it was fun and comfortable. Tyler was Jamie's best friend, and you felt almost as safe with him as you did your boyfriend. You'd grown to see him like a playful older brother who would tease you and goof around, but the second someone touched you he's fuck them up.
A few songs in though and he leaned into your ear, "I'm going to hit the head. Stay here." You nodded in acknowledgement as he walked away.
In a place like this it wasn't long before the vultures descended, and a decent looking guy moved in to try and dance with you. "Just waiting for my boyfriend," you'd explained.
"It's okay, I am too," he laughed.
You smiled then and danced a little with him then, soon another guy showed up and your partner left. Tyler still hadn't shown up so you decided to go to the ladies room. As you walked out after washing your hands you held the door open with your foot so you could throw your towel away, not paying attention to your surroundings you were startled when rough hands grab you and pressed you against the brick walk across from the bathroom.
You were about to scream when you recognized the bearded face looming over you, "Jamie?" You questioned. "You scared me."
"Did I?" He mumbled as he hiked your skirt up and pushed into your body as a brought a thick thigh between your legs. The immediate pressure made you gasp in delight, as his lips attacked your neck.
"I don't like watching you dance with other men," he growled as you pushed down onto his thigh harder, dragging your soaked pussy along the dark fabric of his pants. Craving the friction and already desperate for him.
"I-I'm...." You were losing what your wanted to say as he again pressed rough kissed over you'd neck, working down into the cleavage of your dress. You moaned softly at the feel, and bucked into his body. His hands on your hubs suddenly stilled you.
"You're going to cum on my thigh little girl," he said darkly. "But first I think I need to remind you who I am."
Suddenly you felt cold metal touch your inner thigh, as his other hand ripped your flimsy panties from your core. He shoved the lace in his pocket as he spread your slick around your weeping hole, before working you open on his thick finger. You responsive body was preening under the attention, and you eagerly bucked into his hand as his palm grazed your clit.
"Fuck baby, you're so wet," he groaned his head falling into your neck. "Whose got you this wet?"
"You do," you moaned out. "Only you."
"Yeah?" He asked, making you whimper as he removed his hand. He slowly worked the cold barrel of his gun into you soaked channel, as he did that he sucked your juices off his finger.
He worked you until the barrel was seated inside you fully. Before he left it there running his hands along your inner thighs and occasionally grazing your sensitive bud. He was teasing you while your cunt quivered around the gun, you felt so full and stretched around it.
You didn't even notice as Jamie pulled out his phone, but when you saw him take a picture of your body split open on his gun you could've cum right then. He smirked when he saw your hungry eyes watch his every move before hiking you up further by pulling your legs over his hips. You moaned as he nuzzled his face into your neck again and worked his mouth over your favourite spot. You knew well that he'd leave a dark bruise there, and you craved it. You craved that mark of ownership maring your skin. Just the idea made you groan with arousal.
You shuttered as your back brushed against the rough wall in the hallway of the nightclub. The exposed back of your dress creating space for the wall to scratch your delicate skin.
"Please you begged," as Jamie's large hands teased you mercilessly, the warmth a sharp contrast to the cold metal in your soaked cunt.
"You want to act like a desperate whore," Jamie growled in your ear, pushing further into your body. "I'll treat you like a whore." He pulled the gun back just enough, before pushing it roughly back into you. "You'll get off on my gun right here, or I'll make sure you don't cum for weeks little girl."
You sobbed. It was rough, and degrading, but it felt like heaven. You wanted to hate this, but the feel of Jamie's hands on you, as he fucked you with a weapon was indescribable. You wanted more, and yet with a flex of his wrist you felt yourself quiver as you orgasmed all over the shiny metal.
"JAMIE," your cried out as waves of pleasure wracked your body.
As you came down he worked the gun out of you before sliding it into the waistband of his pants. He slowly dragged your cunt along his thigh as you just watched, completely blissed out. He grinned at your expression as you went from being in a post-orgasmic haze, to being fully aroused again, to thrashing against him as you came violent with nothing in your oversensitive core.
He let you come down, cooing in your ear has he did so, "Such a good girl for me." He rubbed soothing hands over your arms and back as he just held you.
Once he'd given you a moment to recover he slowly set you down on shaky knees. You watched him as he pulled the gun out and wiped it off, before pulling the clip from his back pocket and reloading it. You gazed at him shocked as you put it together.
"It wasn't loaded?" You asked, causing Jamie to laugh.
"You thought I'd fuck you with a loaded gun? Come on baby, I told you I'd engage your fantasy I'm not putting my favorite girl at risk," he said with a smile. "Now come on your going to keep my cock warm while I finished working out some more details."
He grabbed your hand and escorted you back to where he'd been all night. He was unashamed as he unzipped his cock and impaled you on it, as you stifled a moan as you settled into his chest. You peppered kisses along his neck as you allowed his beard to tickle the side of your face as he spoke. You felt yourself slowly soaking him as your juices slicked out of your body.
Every once in a while Jamie would look at you and smirk as he felt your walls flutter around him. You were on edge and desperate for friction. By the time you were left alone, realizing that the club around you had closed and it was just you and Jamie you were borderline feral for him. You moved to get off of him, so he could take you home and fuck you, but instead powerful hands held you in place. You looked at Jamie, shocked, before he lifted you slowly and brought you back down roughly.
You understood what he wanted and slowly tucked your knees under you. You worked yourself up his cock, before the hands covering your hips brought you back down. Your responsive body trembled at the give and take you were doing with him. His eyes never left you, watching as you worked yourself to the edge again, he wanted to see you come undone.
With no adrenaline in your veins this time your climax came softer, more subtle, you whimpered out as your body quaked around him. Jamie groaned and pulled your lips to his as he reached his own peak. Once he'd calmed himself he slowly lifted you off I've him. Tucking himself back into his pants he slung a lazy arm around your waist before nodding at the bartender you'd dealt with earlier. He threw some cash on a table and ordered him to lock up. You felt you face heat as you realized you hadn't been alone, but ultimately you didn't care.
It had been a good night.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Imagine # 731
Words - 1,768
Gif NOT mine. (Found on Pinterest.)
If this gif is yours please let me know, so I can give you credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2021
Warnings - Smut.
"You know what you gotta do man, you gotta just go up to her, you know, and you gotta just." Jordan smacked his hands together dramatically, pointing to his sister who was across the way laughing with a friend. "I don't know man." Brad took a long drag of his cigarette, staring at (Y/n). "Are you kidding me?" Jordan laughed while smacking Brad's shoulder dramatically, making Brad laugh a little. "I mean look at her. That woman is a fucking Goddess among men." Brad exclaimed making Jordan laugh. "Come on man, she'll adore you." Jordan reasoned before hollering to his sister. "(Y/n)!" She turned her attention to her older brother upon hearing her name. "Come here." He waved her over, smiling when she complied. "Come on man." Brad chuckled bitterly shaking his head. "What can I do for you Jordan?" (Y/n) rested her hand on her hip, the sun behind her giving her an angelic glow in her white bikini, with gold chains adorning her curves. "I'll tell you what you can do for me, you can park your pretty little ass on my friend here's face and give him the ride of his life." Jordan laughed when she rolled her eyes at him. "Fucking hell." Brad hissed under his breath, thinking she'd never give him the time of day now. To his surprise however she moved to stand in front of him, looking him over before taking a seat across his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Oh hey there." He murmured with a grin tugging at his lips. "Is that what you want baby? You want me to sit on your face?" (Y/n) asked sweetly while tracing his jaw with her fingers. "More than anything." Brad admitted, ignoring the excited laughter coming from Jordan. "Well you'll have to work for it handsome, because unlike my brother will have you believing, I'm not a slut." She hissed the last word before standing from Brad's lap, strutting away with more sway in her hips than usual. "She likes you, normally she'd have tried killin' us both for a comment like that." Jordan smiled at his friend, who looked almost crushed. "She doesn't even know who I am." Brad frowned before taking a heavy drag of his cigarette. "Oh she knows who you are, she asks about you everytime she sees you." Jordan laughed as he lit himself a new cigarette.
---A few hours later---
Walking upstairs Brad rubbed the back of his neck tiredly. "Where you off to cowboy?" (Y/n)'s voice sliced through the music filled air with ease. "Looking for a vacant bathroom." Brad smiled with a chuckle. "Come with me, I've got a room here with a private bathroom." She waved for him to follow, her crimson gown hypnotizing Brad as he followed her closely. "Lock and key." She held up a small key before unlocking her rooms door. "Smart." Brad chuckled as he followed her into the room. "Nice room." He commented as he looked over the extravagant room. "Yeah Jordan likes spoiling me." (Y/n) sighed with boredom. "You don't like being spoiled?" Brad asked with a playful glint in his eyes. "I like being spoiled, but I wanna be spoiled by my man, not my brother." (Y/n) explained with a small grin. "So what your man broke?" Brad asked a little worried she was taken. "Gotta have a man first sweetie, the bathrooms over there." (Y/n) pointed to the bathroom, Brad grinned as he walked to the bathroom, pleased to know she was single.
When Brad exited the bathroom he froze in his tracks, watching as (Y/n) unzipped her gown, letting it to pool at her feet. "So Brad tell me, do you want me to give you the ride of your life?" (Y/n) kept her back to him, teasing him with her black lace bra and pantie set. "Fuck yes." Brad breathed out licking his lips. "I don't do this normally, but I've been watching you for some time now. And I'm so sexually frustrated right now, I don't wanna wait until date four." (Y/n) explained, beckoning him to her. "I won't think any less of you angle." Brad promised as he took ahold of her hips. "Good." She smiled before pulling him down for a heated kiss, moaning into his mouth when he squeezed her ass firmly. "Now get your ass on the bed handsome." She murmured as they pulled apart, playfully smacking his ass. "Yes ma'am." Brad smiled before doing as she said, making himself comfortable on her king size bed. "Remove that pesky shirt of yours for me." (Y/n) insisted as she crawled onto the bed, straddling Brad's thick thighs. Quickly Brad sat up and stripped himself of his shirt, making (Y/n) giggle softly, finding his eagerness incredibly hot. "Mmm look at that." (Y/n) hummed as she stroked her hands up and down his firm chest. "I can't wait to see what you've got waiting for me in here." She mused as she unbuckled his pants. "I thought you were gonna feed me." Brad smiled up at her. "Oh I will, but I'm gonna have some fun first." (Y/n) smiled as she pulled his rock hard cock out of his pants. "Fuck that's beautiful." She murmured at the sight of him, licking her lips as she began stroking him slowly. "I'm glad you like him." Brad sighed heavily when she started dragging her tongue up the underside of his cock. "He's perfect." She smiled up at him before taking him into her mouth, and easing him down her throat slowly. "Fuck." Brad hissed, his head falling back into the pillows. "Just like that baby." Brad praised her, tangling his fingers into her hair. "Fuck you're so hot." Brad continued, as (Y/n) bobbed her head along his shaft. With a moan she eased him out of her mouth, releasing the head of his cock with an audible pop. "Delicious." She winked before climbing up the rest of his body, hovering her cunt right over his face. "Ready for me baby?" She looked down at him, wiggling her hips, teasing him. "I'm starving." Brad growled as he pulled her hips down, licking and nipping at her clothed pussy feverishly. "Ah!" (Y/n) cried out followed my a long moan. "More Brad please." She whined with need, laughing with excitement when he proceeded to tear her panties apart. "Fuck yes!" She bucked her hips as he began feasting on her, leaning forward she began kissing and licking along Brad's stomach, inching closer and closer to his cock. Greedily Brad pushed his tongue deep into her needy cunt, this goatee rubbing against her clit deliciously. "God yes!" (Y/n) cried out blissfully, kissing sloppily along his throbbing shaft. Brad growled against her soaked folds, as she began sucking him off again. (Y/n) bucked her hips softly as her orgasm approached quickly, moaning against his cock as he sent her over the edge.
Pulling him out of her mouth (Y/n) began rocking her hips, drawing out her high as Brad continued to feast on her. "FUCK!" She cried out, the muscles in her stomach contracting almost painfully as he lapped at her overstimulated cunt. "Brad!" She cried resting her hands against his hips, she applied most of her weight forward, attempting to pull away from the greedy man. Brad growled as he took a tight hold of her hips, pulling her back into place as he continued to eat her out. "Oh god I can't!" She cried out as a second orgasm washed over her without warning. "Ah!" She practically screamed as the most intense orgasm surged through her body. "(Y/n) are you okay?" Jordan barged into her room, quickly closing the door when he realized what he was looking at. "Oh my god." (Y/n) panted heavily while Brad licked at her lazily. "Oh my god." She repeated softly when Brad released her hips, allowing her to crawl away. "Holy fuck." She chuckled breathily, as Brad pulled her to lay back, swapping places with her, he made himself comfortable between her legs. "How was that angel?" Brad asked as he brushed back her hair. "I can't feel my legs." She giggled pulling him down for a kiss, moaning when he began sinking his cock into her still aching cunt. "Think you can cum one more time for me angel?" Brad asked as he bottomed out in her. "I'll cum as many times as you want me to daddy." She grinned up at him, the nickname sparking a fire within Brad. "Good girl." He growled as he began thrusting into her vigorously, causing the headboard to bang against the wall with each powerful thrust. "Fuck yes daddy!" (Y/n) cried out, clawing at Brads back, encouraging him to fuck her a bit faster. The bed squeaked, the headboard banged against the wall, (Y/n) was a moaning mess, along with Brands grunting and the obscene sound of his balls slapping against (Y/n)'s ass filled the room. "Shit!" Brad growled as he buried his face into (Y/n)'s neck biting at her skin, as he hiked her legs up onto his hips, allowing him to fuck into her even deeper. "Brad!" (Y/n) chanted his name like a prayer, over and over his name passed her lips, fueling his desire to fill her with his seed. "Don't stop." She begged before pulling him into a needy kiss, thrusting her hips up to meet his erratic thrusts in perfect tune. "Cum for me angel." Brad panted against her lips, as her cunt began constricting his throbbing cock. "Yes daddy." She huffed in pure ecstasy, her eyes rolling back as she came for the third time that night. "Just like that baby." Brad groaned as he to came undone, pumping his seed deep into her womb. "Fuck yes." He panted has he continued rutting into her, wanting to pump every last drop into her. "I should have jumped your bones sooner." (Y/n) panted with a chuckle, sighing when Brad pulled out of her and laid beside her. "You're mine now angel." Brad stated as he pulled her to lay against his chest. "Yes daddy." She smiled up at him, giggling when he playfully spanked her ass. "I'm gonna make sure you can't walk tomorrow." Brad warned as he pulled her into a kiss, kneading her ass in his hand. "Good." She hummed against his lips, the both of them grinning like sinners.
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kaepop-trash · 3 years
hello hello! i am immediately dropping an ask after reading your message. ;; i really loved unintended consequences! like that is sooo 10/10! may i ask for a sequel please? i am willing to wait. please don't feel pressured and take your time!! write it whenever you are ready. i have subscribed to you so i could just keep myself updated if you have posted it!
So I might not be able to squeeze a full-fledged sequel in. But I had an idea I found interesting enough to pursue and it will go under the miscellaneous tag. I don't usually write domestic AUs but seemingly this one writes itself a little too effortlessly. At 4k words, this one is hardly a drabble at this point. So I'm hoping this satisfies you. If I get more asks, I'll keep writing more "snippets" like this.
I hope you like this.
It was Friday.
Friday meant spending the weekend with Johnny. Friday meant a slightly better passage of time compared to the weekdays.
Johnny would wake up early, coaxing her awake with him to spend the morning drinking a cup of coffee till it was cold and talking about the week. Every achievement and frustration shared as the other listened and acknowledged every little detail.
Weekends were always a welcome relief, but with Johnny they were like a haven.
"I've had a fuck all day." Johnny groaned as he walked into her room. It was his turn to come to her apartment this week.
He walked in, roughly tugging his tie like it suffocated him. When his eyes landed on the bed he stopped his struggle.
(Y/N) lay on her stomach on her bed, in a t-shirt that belonged to him once upon a time. Her thighs remained bare, the rhythmic kicking of her legs making her ass bounce.
Johnny thought he would lose his mind.
"What happened?" She mumbled. Scrolling through her phone, her voice was distracted.
Johnny swallowed, the air in his throat suddenly too thick. He forced himself to look away, "A client messed up some paperwork and I lost a lot of money because of it." His jaw clamped tight at the memory again.
She put her phone down, turning over and sitting up. "Shit." She grimaced, looking up at him with careful eyes.
"Exactly." He groaned, running a hand through his hair.
He looked back at her after a moment, eyes raking over her frame, "When did you steal that?" He pointed to her chest, at the navy blue t-shirt he actually really liked.
"At some point." She shrugged. "Want it back?" She batted her lashes at him.
Johnny smirked, aware that she asked knowing what his answer would be. "Keep it." He scoffed, giving in. "It looks better on you anyway." He laughed when her lips stretched into a smile.
Johnny sighed, his smile faltering again.
"Want to eat something?" She questioned.
Johnny turned back to her, her knees digging into the mattress as she looked at him with soft eyes. He gave her a slow nod.
"There's some pasta leftover in the fridge. Unless you want something else. We can always order." She turned back to pick up her phone.
Johnny groaned, the sound making her turn back to him, surprised. He slid closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He raised a meaningful brow at her, rewarded by the tantalizing red her cheeks flushed with.
He waited patiently; she gave him a nod, her eyes fluttering down. Johnny smirked, it was a shy mood today it seemed. Something he would enjoy like any other mood she had.
"Lie down." He said softly, releasing his hold on her hips. She pushed back up the mattress, reaching up just enough for her calves to hang over the edge.
She kept his eyes on him as he pulled his tie off over his head and while he took his jacket off. Slowly, he folded the sleeves of his shirt. She bit her lip at the sight, leaving Johnny to revel. He knew she liked it when he did that.
"You better not be wearing a bra under that, baby." He walked up closer.
She slowly shook her head and Johnny felt all the blood in his body rush to his dick.
He groaned, "You like that don't you? My shirt brushing over your naked tits." When she nodded he felt himself twitch. "Words." He demanded.
"Of course I do." It was a simple declaration.
It drove him wild.
Almost too slowly, Johnny sat down on his knees. This was his favourite thing, he had realised over the course of the year and some they had been together. Being on his knees in front of her was something he could do every living hour of every day and still not get enough of it. He loved taking his time enjoying the view.
But today, Johnny was pissed. He wanted to hear her moans, he wanted to make her come undone fast and dirty so he could relish in the idea of it.
He hooked his fingers under the band of her panty, pulling it off swiftly.
"Somebody's uncharacteristically eager today." Her soft voice contrasted the jest of her sentence.
"What was it last time?" He questioned, earning her eyes on him. "Fastest I made you cum." He clarified, tilting his head to catch her eyes.
She bit her lip, chewing on the flesh before releasing it with a soft flick. "Ten minutes." She informed him.
"We'll do seven today. Set the timer." He ordered. Quickly she reached for her phone, doing what she was told. Johnny bit back a smile.
"If you lose you're buying dinner. I want Sushi." She pointed her phone at him.
A laugh left his chest— a breathless release. "Wretched girl." He huffed. "Fine. You have a deal."
"Go." She put her phone down. Head falling back immediately as he plunged two fingers into her without missing a beat.
"Always so wet for me, princess. You are always spoiling me." He hummed.
He reached down to flick his tongue against her clit, earning a moan from her. "And forever eager." He spoke against her clit, making her hips buck up and her hand fly to his hair. She gripped his root tightly, he groaned. She stuttered at the sensation.
Johnny wasted no time picking up pace. His tongue lapped at her bundle of nerves while he added a third finger, his rhythm brutal.
"Fuck, Johnny." She screamed, a rare occurrence that filled Johnny with so much pride that he only increased his persistence. When he grazed his teeth against her clit her legs started shaking, a string of his name leaving her lips as her back arched. When her fist loosened on his scalp, he sat back and reached for her phone.
"Six minutes forty-eight seconds." He beamed. "You owe me sushi." He dropped the phone back onto the bed.
"After that I'll get you the most expensive one." She spoke between gasping for air. Johnny chuckled, wiping his chin on the back of his hand and standing up to get rid of his clothes.
"Ready for more?" He questioned.
"Am I ever, Mr. Suh." Her chest heaved.
Johnny gazed down at her body; tracing the sight of the t-shirt raised till her neck, her skin covered in sweat and a single breast out from no doubt being inside her own palm moments ago. Johnny bit his lip.
"Sit up." His voice dropped so impossibly low. She turned her head to look at him, still heaving from his previous efforts.
She sat up, knees digging into the mattress. He came closer, peeling his t-shirt off her while he kept his eyes glued on hers. The next moment, her arms were wrapped around his neck and her lips were on his.
He put his palm on her back to steady the both of them, slowly pushing her back down on her back onto the mattress and hovering over her.
She swirled her tongue in his mouth, enjoying taking control of the kiss while his hands roamed over her body. When he pinched her nipple she gasped in his mouth.
Johnny didn't miss the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth this time, softly pushing her tongue back so he could do his own exploring. She let him, focusing her hands in his hair instead and drawing her nails down the back of his neck— something she knew he liked a little too much.
The sound of her phone ringing made her yank her head back so fast that her neck audibly cracked. She massaged her the muscle with one hand while she used the other to push him back.
"Leave it." His voice was breathless.
"That's the ringtone I have for my mother." She groaned, equally breathless herself. "She hardly calls. It could be an emergency." She sighed.
Reluctantly, Johnny moved back. She reached over to grab her phone as he lay his head on a pillow.
"Hello?" She questioned once she put the phone to her ear. "Yeah?" She answered some question on the line. Johnny put his arms under his head, amusement dancing in his eyes as he heard her try to slow her breathing from his craved pace. "You what?" She sat up straight. A quizzical furrow formed on Johnny's brow. "No of course I don't mind. It's just so sudden. How long?" She turned back to Johnny, giving him an urgent look and gesturing to get out of bed. He raised a brow but complied. "Alright. See you." Her voice was too cheerful.
When she hung up she sprung out of bed herself. "Get dressed!" She looked around the floor frantically. "My mother is in a cab ten minutes away." She whined.
For a second Johnny was too dumbstruck to move. When she threw his shirt at his face, he recovered, picking up the rest of his clothes.
"What's happening?" He asked calmly, hoping his demeanor would calm her down as well.
"I don't know. Jesus! She's so outrageous!" (Y/N) groaned. "She called me to tell me that she's going to Texas to meet that aunt of mine." She paused, looking up as she slid her t-shirt back on. "You know the one who's always sending me pictures of pregnant girls my age on Facebook?"
Johnny nodded.
"Yeah. That bitch." She groaned. Johnny bit back a smile. "So she's flying to Austin and her layover happened to be New York and it's 12 hours long so she decided to surprise me, apparently." She sighed. "Fuck." She groaned. "I can't believe this is actually happening right now." She groaned the second time.
"Okay." Johnny said. "I should go take a shower." He nodded.
She stared at him, blinking like a lost lamb. "You want to stay?" She questioned.
"Of course." He furrowed his brows, "Are you hiding me from her or something?" He joked.
"No." She said too soon, pausing. "Kind of." She winced.
Johnny seemed taken aback.
"It's not what you think!" She walked over to him. "I'm not, like, embarrassed of you."
"That sounds reassuring, (Y/N)." He scoffed.
"Hear me out!" She urged, "My mother cannot know I'm having sex outside the bond of marriage. She doesn't even believe in casual dating." Johnny gave her a questioning look.
She sighed, "She's the 'satisfied with nothing but the best for her children' kind of mom. She means well but she will make you uncomfortable if she sees you at my house at eleven at night. She's very reserved and it comes off as rude at times." She warned, speaking too fast— clearly nervous.
Johnny shrugged, raising two fingers to tug on her nose. "I can handle it. She's your mother after all."
"Johnny." She urged.
"Do you not want me to meet your mother?" He questioned bluntly.
"You know that isn't it." She sighed.
"Then I can handle it." He assured her again.
She was still reeling over the moment her mother walked into her apartment, the look in Johnny's eyes when she turned and introduced him as her 'friend' and the look in her mother's eyes when she noted her daughter's hesitation before she blurted the vague label out. If either of them had any reservations, they did not voice it.
That was how she ended up sitting at her dining table with Johnny beside her and her mother opposite them. Her mother gave him occasional glances, but to her credit stayed quiet.
"So, Mrs. (Y/L/N). I've heard that you're a fan of travelling. (Y/N) is always talking about the places you visit."
"Yes. Since my children are all grown up now, I'm trying to live a little before heaven calls." She told him. Johnny was caught off-guard by the response, so he blinked and gave her a nod. (Y/N) put a hand on her forehead.
Her mother put her cutlery down on the table, earning both (Y/N) and Johnny's attention. "What do you do, young man?"
"If you're going to ask him personal questions at least use his name." (Y/N) groaned at her mother.
"I'm an investment banker." Johnny sounded unfazed.
Her mother lifted a towel to wipe her lip, "So I have you to blame for all the money I lost last year?"
"If you would have asked me, maybe you'd have me to thank for all the money you made." Johnny gave her a grin.
He acquired his first pleasant smile from her mother, "In that case you must be good at what you do. How much do you make?" She questioned with a tone that one would use to ask about the weather.
"Mom!" (Y/N) exasperated.
"What?" Her mother turned to her with a non-committal glance. "If you're telling your friend about my travels then I'm sure you are close enough for me to ask that." She clicked her tongue at her daughter. "Isn't that so, Johnny?" She turned to him.
Yet again, he remained calm. "I make enough, Mrs. (Y/L/N). Especially to take care of the people I intend to and save some for the future." He reached for his glass of water, putting a hand on her thigh under the table.
To add to the impossible situation, her heart and her core both reacted. She wanted to wake up from this nightmare.
She kept her eyes on her mother as Johnny began tracing his thumb in slow strokes across her thigh, pushing under her shorts just enough. Then she saw it, the click of approval in her mother's eyes that seemed to make her chest relax from a hold she didn't realise she had till the moment.
"Not that your daughter needs anybody to take care of her." He glanced towards her, humour in his eyes that felt misplaced till he squeezed her thigh. She bit down on her lip. He seemed pleased, "She's quite capable of taking care of herself, as she insists." He turned away from her glare, back to face her mother, "Speaking as a friend, of course." He smiled politely.
Her mother glanced over towards (Y/N) and the paranoid side in her— the one only reserved for one's parents— wondered if there was even the tiniest chance that her mother could see under the table.
"And how long have you known each other?" Her mother continued her interrogation.
"We met at Sooyoung's wedding." (Y/N) added, needing to distract herself from the warmth of Johnny's hand. "Johnny is Doyoung's friend."
Her mother nodded, adsorbing the knowledge. She turned back to Johnny, bringing her elbows to the table and threading her fingers together thoughtfully. "And how long do you intend to be my daughter's friend?" She said as blatantly as she could.
The question was as thinly veiled as she no doubt intended. Her mother was, after all, the person she learned to be good with words from.
Johnny's hand slipped between her thighs and this time she almost jumped in her chair. "For as long as she'll have me. Longer if I can convince her otherwise." His words made (Y/N) turn to him, emotions bubbling up to her eyes. He turned to her, his own eyes full of meaning. For a second she forgot her mother was sitting across from them.
Her mother, on the other hand, watched the interaction with a keen gaze.
Johnny's hand left her thigh to find her hand, squeezing it with that gentle yet firm touch that never failed to reassure her about anything.
She turned to face her mom, "I love him." She confessed softly. Her mother's eyes seemed to go wide for a moment before she sat back.
"Good. I was starting to think you wouldn't give me any grandchildren. You're my oldest! I want to see them before I die!" She scolded her.
(Y/N) blushed, "Mom!" She stuttered. "Don't say that, oh my god!" She groaned.
Johnny watched the exchange with amusement.
"At least you should have sense." Her mother turned to Johnny, "I'm not getting any younger." She shook her head, clicking her tongue.
"I will keep your criticism in mind, Mrs (Y/L/N)." He laughed.
"For fuck's sake." She turned her neck to Johnny, giving him an embarrassed frown.
"Don't curse (Y/N) (Y/L/N)! That isn't how I raised you." Her mother scolded her again, making her nod reluctantly.
"The mouth on this one, Mrs. (Y/L/N). Sometimes I'm surprised!" Johnny clicked his tongue with mock exasperation. She shoved his rib, making Johnny chuckle as he grabbed the table to not fall.
Johnny dutifully took the couch.
Despite her mother taking the guest room, he insisted.
(Y/N) lay awake on her bed, alternating between staring at the ceiling and scrolling through her emails. Her mother was set to leave at 6am. She lifted her phone to check the time: 4am. She groaned.
Getting out of bed was the only thing left to do after trying so long to fall asleep unsuccessfully. She padded her feet across the living room softly towards the kitchen. Johnny mumbled her name in his sleepy voice, making (Y/N) jump.
"Why aren't you asleep?" She whispered. When she turned to him, she had her answer. He was lying on his back, the end of his legs dangling over the armrest. She came closer, "I told you to sleep in bed." She sighed.
Johnny sat up, a small grin tugging at his lips. "Why are you awake?"
"Can't sleep."
"So you came to check up on me?" He tilted his head to look up at her.
"No. I was going to the kitchen because I finished my water." She rattled the container in her hand. It was the partial truth, she did intend to see what he was doing as well.
When Johnny pouted a breathy chuckle left her. She ran a hand through his messy hair affectionately, heart tugging when his eyes fluttered shut and he nuzzled into her touch.
"Do you want some hot chocolate?" She questioned. Johnny opened his eyes and nodded eagerly.
They sat in the kitchen with tired eyes, silently sipping their own cups. Once over, she picked them up to wash them up.
"I can't believe you actually got my mom to like you." She chuckled as she scrubbed the used cups. She heard him slip off his chair and walk up behind her, resting his head on her shoulder.
"I'm a very likable person." He mumbled, leaving a soft kiss behind her ear.
She hummed, "That is true." His lips wrapped around the shell of her ear— an odd gesture that she had come to find arousing as he kept doing it over time. "You got Sooyoung and my mother to like you. Undoubtedly, two of the most difficult women to please in my life." She distracted herself, laughing at her own words as she placed the last cup in the rack and wiped her hands on a kitchen towel.
Johnny let her go only to hold her again after she turned around, giving her a teasing grin.
"I got you to like me." He kissed her forehead, "After that the rest were easy."
Her skeptical hum made him laugh, brushing his lips against her temple.
She pouted, "I'm a little bummed that Friday is gone. I only get to really see you on the weekends." Tracing a finger over his chest, she tried to swallow her disappointment. Reminding herself that her that she hadn't seen her mother in a while.
"What are you talking about? We meet for lunch at least twice a week." He laughed.
"You know what I mean." She huffed, looking up to give him a meaningful look.
Johnny smirked, "Do I?" He tightened his hold on her waist, lifting her to the counter. "What do you mean, (Y/N)?" He hummed, standing between her legs. He stroked his thumb inside her thigh slowly.
She gave him a shake of her head.
Then a thought came to her at his words, making her frown.
"Were you mad today?" She knit her brows together.
Johnny cocked his head to the side, confused by the sudden question. "Why would I be mad?" His hand, much to her disappointment, stilled.
She blinked, lips slowly parting. "I called you my friend." She winced, shaking her head slightly like the memory was something she wanted removed.
He thought about it for a moment. "Initially, yes. I think more than mad, I just felt out of depth."
"You don't like feeling out of depth." She looked at him carefully.
"Very true. But I've come to accept it as a given with you, even enjoy the feeling sometimes." He smiled, his thumb restarting it's previous ministrations.
Johnny paused, his eyes dancing with a sudden delight that slowly seeped into his lips.
"You told your mom you loved me." He grinned, his tone sing-song and dripping with taunt.
"I do love you."
"Good. I deserve it," He licked his lips, "As your best friend." He earned the smack on his shoulder. He winced playfully.
"My real best friends will do worse if they find out you said that." She snorted. "How would Mark feel?" She clicked her tongue in jest, resting her arms on his shoulders.
"Please Don't talk about Mark while I'm standing between your legs." He groaned, her head falling back to laugh at the distress on his face. He leaned closer to her with a soft smile, "I love when you laugh like that. Like you really don't want to but it's funny anyway." He kissed the corner of her lip.
"That's exactly how I feel everytime you try to be funny, Johnny." She giggled.
He kissed her chin. "Please. I'm hilarious and you know it." He spoke against her lips. She smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"If you say so." She mumbled before he kissed her.
Like all kisses with Johnny, it got heated fast. His tongue tugged on hers and his hand reached into her t-shirt to fondle her breast. It gave her a sense of victory, knowing that at least in a small capacity, he was also dying to touch her.
The weekdays without him was one thing, work had the terrible quality of keeping one's mind off most things. But to spend the Friday evening left high-strung was unacceptable.
She hooked her finger into the band of his sweatpants, pulling him closer. Johnny left her lips to journey down her throat with sensual licks.
"It's early Saturday and I still haven't been inside you." He mumbled against her throat. A mewl left her lips, a wordless acknowledgement of his observation. "We need to do something about this 'just weekends' thing." Johnny groaned.
She was too focused on the sensation of his thumb rubbing circles on her nipple to pay attention, giving him an unfocused nod. He kissed up her jaw to her ear, nibbling on the cartilage.
"Are you even listening to me?" He whispered into her ear.
"Of course." She said too quickly.
Johnny chuckled, an unconvinced hum leaving his lips and tickling her neck. The nerves of that side, from her neck to her leg jittered at the sensation. He hummed again just to feel it under his palm on her waist.
The sound of a door creaking open made him push back from her. Both of them breathing ravenously.
Johnny turned away, running a hand through his hair. She looked up at the clock in the kitchen, the arms telling her that it was six in the morning. She bit her lip, getting off the counter.
When (Y/N)'s mother entered the kitchen, Johnny was washing his face at the sink.
"Good morning." He said with a pleasant smile, "Would you like some coffee?"
Kisass, she thought.
(Y/N) scoffed, "You make me coffee, I'll make her tea." She cradled her face in her palm.
"You're up early." Her mother looked between them.
Their eyes met for a second.
Johnny turned back to her mother in a beat, "We were planning on dropping you to the airport." He leaned against the counter, nonchalant.
"Oh you don't have to do that!" Her mother laughed.
"I want to." He gave her a convincing smile.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes.
Unintended Consequences
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fandomfluffandfuck · 4 years
Throw away thought for y'all:
Post-serum looking college jock and slut Steve who goes through both girlfriends and boyfriends super fast because they just can't handle his libido. Literally. They just dont hold and candle to him and after a while it becomes a burden or annoyance.
His teammates and friends alike tease him for it in good spirits because they don't really know whats up with him, they just think he's a bit of a bumbling idiot with relationships. Steve is never going to fucking tell them the real reason so it continues endlessly.
Enter Bucky.
Transfer engineering student from another college who isn't really into sports. He's too focused on keeping his scholarships with the best possible grades he can get. Besides, he likes school and learning and he's neutral on sports.
Regardless of his absence at games and parties Steve lowkey highkey starts drooling over him from afar. Seeing him for the first time when Natasha drags him to a party he'd rather not be at.
After that he goes to the library at least daily when he learns that that's where Bucky studies before and after his classes on account of his noisy roommate. He can't find it in himself to approach him, just drool over him, until... Natasha (a mutual friend of theirs) pushes Steve into Bucky and they end up pressed together against some of the bookshelves.
They start dating after.
Steve is presently surprised to find that Bucky can keep up with him when they get to the next level in their relationship.
It becomes a regular occurrence for Steve to interrupt Bucky's studying to ride him. Opening himself up on Bucky's bed before and pretending he doesn't see the glances over his shoulder but putting on a show anyway before he crawls over towards him. Straddling him with an impatient whimper of "now" or "please" or "need you." Panting and moaning into his neck as Bucky pretends he's not on the edge and is still absorbing any of the information spread out on his desk.
Steve sometimes will come back from practice, sweaty and keyed up and beg Bucky to let him suck him off. Bucky occasionally will let him go at it tucked away under his desk and it's those times that make his head spin. They make him want to stop playing football and just live at Bucky's feet.
Sometimes Steve will skip his classes when Bucky doesn't have any so he can get fucked the way he needs. Moaning and screaming into one of their beds as Bucky plows into him like he wants to break him. Most of those times he ends up with his own jockstrap shoved into his mouth as a makeshift gag.
Bucky never complains. It's part of their game, him acting like he's just doing it because poor Steve needs it like he needs oxygen but its also because he's just a bit shy about telling Steve what's going on in his head when its not hidden in his dirty talk.
Which is why its such a huge, fantastic surprise when over Christmas Break Steve gets a call from Bucky as he's going to bed. His cheeks flush immediately. Bucky's panting into his phone and he can hear the wet stripping of his hand on his cock. He thinks he's prepared for what's about to go down.
"G-od, Steve," he groans, his voice doing that guttural, pleased thing that makes Steve's knees weak and his thighs clench together, "miss you so fucking much, baby." Steve smiles, leave it to Barnes to get sappy when dirty talking him into the next fucking universe, "I was, wasss trying, ugh," Steve's actually drooling. He forces his mouth shut with an audible click. "Trying to hold off, to wait until I can see you again, to get myself off but, jesus, baby you spoil me with that mouth and pretty cunt-" Steve chokes on a desperate whimper. He wheezes a little. Grabbing onto the bathroom counter for his life, his entire body is going limp he's so turned on so suddenly. Without warning he's got zero blood anywhere but his cock and balls.
He's actually going to cum in his pants.
Bucky keeps talking like he can't hear the torture he's putting him through, "-of yours. Getting so used to your needs that I can't help myself. Thought I had it bad before- fuck, baby, but it's only been a day since I've seen you. Already missing that cunt and the way you feel squeezing me. Tightening down on me and making me wonder how I fit inside you."
Steve's going to faint.
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 3 years
Spotlight: A Life Of A Troubled Celebrity Heartthrob Ch 9
Spotlight: A Life Of A Troubled Celebrity Heartthrob Chapter 9
Word Count: 3,432
We're going to skip the formalities Ashleigh," Colson strolled into the study and pushed Ashleigh's chair back, "Why did you you do it??"
"Colson I-" Ashleigh looked at him, frightened, "Slim said if I didn't do it then-it would have been me instead," she hung her head in shame.
"Hmm.." Colson held his chin and pretended to be in deep thought, "so you gave up Y/N instead..makes sense I guess," he shrugged.
"What?!" her head snapped up.
"Slim is a crackhead and is blazed half the time..what's your excuse for taking part in this Ashleigh," his eyes were fire and ice all at once.
"He threatened me-" she cried out.
"But you made conscious decision to help him f*ck my wife didn't you?!" Colson shot back, "you even spiked her drink with a double dose of the drug!" He shouted, "why did you do that? Huh?!"
"I was scared!" she said as the tears pooled her eyes,
"Ahhh..I see.." Colson stood up, " are you scared Ash?" Colson got up stared directly into her eyes.
"Y-e-ss.." she gulped and looked at the bodyguards that towered behind Colson.
"Good," Colson said with satisfaction, "it's good that you're afraid," he paced around her chair, "At least I've got the decency to plan this thing in front of you; and not behind your back like what you did to someone that considered you a friend," he stopped in front of her, "Now I'm going to get one of these guys to lock you in a tiny bathroom and have his way with you? How about that? Sound familiar?"
"Don't! Please! I'll do anything!" she fell at Colson's feet and grovelled.
"Guys can I have a volunteer to take this lovely lady into the restroom and do what ever you feel like with her? Actually I want you to go as far as Slim did with my wife..or further maybe? Rog? Andre? You're game?" Colson asked.
"Let me at her Col. I think I will do a good job than Rog over here," Andre motioned with his head.
"No, no, no. Please allow me Col? I will do a better job than Slim," Rog said smugly.
"Okay Rog you're our guy!" Colson patted Rog on the back, "don't worry Ashleigh I'll just turn a blind eye like you did and I hope, for your sake, there's someone that cares enough to come and knock the door down-like I did," Colson stepped away from her, "Hey don't forget to rough her up and spike her drink before-just like Slim did to my wife."
"Waaiiitt! Don't leave me! I'm sorry! Please! Slim made me do it-he-he threatened me," Ashleigh wailed.
"Why didn't you come to me?! You had a choice and you did the wrong thing Ashleigh! That makes you as bad as Slim!" Colson yelled at her, his blue eyes blazing. "By the way-enjoy your stay in prison," he informed her before he left the room.
"Take her away Rog and don't come out until she passes out just like Y/N," Jax looked down at her with disgust.
"Jax! Please don't do this!" she pleaded but Jax was having none of it.
"You saw it fit to do it to Y/N so why should I feel sorry for you? Take her away," Jax said.
"Noooo! Please!" Ashleigh screamed as Rog threw her over his shoulder; to carry out orders.
"How far do you want to take this Colson?" Jax asked as they walked to the car.
"As far as Slim took liberties on my wife," Colson replied tersely, "I want her to experience everything that Y/N went through. She should have a play by play version and we'll see how she feels being in the same shoes."
"So they're not going to actually...?" Jax raised his eyebrow.
"No! I gave them strict instructions not to take it that far," he reiterated.
"Okay," Jax opened the door for Colson and he jumped in.
"Please take me to the hospital? I need to check on Y/N before I lose my mind," Colson sighed heavily, "the doctor has assured me that he didn't..get very far."
"What a relief!" Jax sagged on the driver's seat.
"If he had-I was going to kill him with my bare hands," Colson clenched his fist.
"Not if I got to him first-with a bullet straight through his head," Jax said with conviction.
"I think we need to leave this place. Just me and Y/N," Colson said, "please make the arrangements?"
"Where are we going to this time?" Jax questioned, knowing he was part of the plan.
"Jamaica," Colson replied.
"Good morning baby," Colson sat on the hospital bed and held Y/N's hand. Her eyes fluttered open and she groaned.
"You told him," she snatched her hand out of his grasp and turned aside.
"What?!" Colson asked, confused.
"I told you something in confidence," she cleared her throat, "and you told Slim so he could use it against me," she sniffled.
"Sweets.." Colson jumped onto the bed and lay in front of her, "look at me? Please?" he held her face tenderly.
"I honestly have no idea what you're going on about" his blonde hair flopped over his eyes and he tossed it back, "can you at least fill in the blanks so that we can be on the same page?" he stared at her intently.
"He knew," she whispered, "he knew about Bobby," she dropped her gaze.
"Who's Bobby baby?" Colson asked gently.
"My ex," she gulped as she twisted her hands nervously.
"I didn't tell him anything about it sweets. I swear. Maybe he overheard me talking to Jax the other day..I wanted him to help find him so you wouldn't have to worry about him coming back-I didn't want it hanging over your head," Colson explained "plus you never really told me his name.."
"Oh," her eyes focused on chest.
"You like my t-shirt?" Colson joked.
"I've always found plain white t-shirts fascinating," she rolled her eyes.
"This isn't just any white t-shirt babe-it's an original Levi," Colson held out the hem of the t-shirt and grinned.
"I'm sorry for spoiling your night," Y/N apologized.
"Hey..don't do that," Colson held her chin up and gazed into her e/c orbs, "I should be the one apologizing actually. I was supposed to protect you but-"
"Can we not talk about this?" she frowned and looked away.
"Sure," there was an awkward silence. "I'll go and check with the doctor if he's done with your discharge papers," Colson hopped of the bed and left the room.
Y/N looked up the ceiling and sighed heavily. How did she end up in this situation for a second time? If Colson hadn't kicked down the door when he did then-she didn't even want to think about it. She would rather keep it buried in her emotional archives.
"Good morning!" Jax stood at the door with his hands in his pockets, "is there room for one more?" he smiled.
"Jax!" Y/N gave him a genuine smile, "come in!" Jax got to her in two strides and engulfed her in a bear hug.
"You okay kid?" he leaned back and examined her.
"Yeah," she grinned.
"Good. The doctor has given you the green light, you can go home" he nodded with satisfaction, "did your husband tell you that we're going on honeymoon?"
"No Jax," Colson cut in, "but you might as well tell her."
"Tell me what?" Y/N asked.
"We're going to the Caribbean baby," Jax smiled.
"What?! Really babe??" Y/N gushed and Colson nodded with a smile.
"Let's get out of here I need to pack."
It was a beautiful day; the birds were singing, the sun was shining and all was alright in the world. For now at least.
Colson woke up early and went to take his usual swim. The beach was deserted as he walked towards the water, in his shorts and his towel slung over his shoulder. He loved to take an early morning swim as part of his workout routine because it helped him to think; and he had a lot of thinking to do this morning.
At the end of this week they were going back to reality and he wasn't sure if he was ready for that. The press that constantly stalked him and pried into his private life unashamedly, his fake friends, the pressure of staying at the top and last but not least his dear mother in law. Mrs Y/M/F/N L/N had called him, breathing fire and threatening to castrate him as soon as his jet touched the ground of Cleveland. He would definitely chose dealing with the press over that any day.
While he understood that she had genuine concerns, Y/N was a grown woman and the only thing that mattered to him. The way he felt about her frightened him. After Dani he had promised to never fall in love again. Love was complicated, it was too intense and it made you vulnerable; but worst of all you could risk getting your heart broken. He had loved Dani more than was humanely possible-he could have done anything for her and he did, but after she slept with his best friend she did irreparable damage to his heart. He couldn't risk it again-and yet he found himself totally consumed by Y/N Y/L/N.
Her eyes captivated him and sent his heart spiraling to the ends of the unknown. When she laughed or smiled at him he felt like he could take on the world. Making love to her was an indescribable feeling..he couldn't put it into words even if he tried. She was always on his mind and he just wanted to be with her all the time. He was selfish when it came to her-he didn't want anyone else around when they were together; he wanted all her attention; all of her.
Colson swam back to the shore, his body was exhausted. He bent over and held onto his knees, trying to catch his breath.
"Smile," Y/N said and as he looked up startled she took a pic with her iPhone.
"Hey sweets," his face broke into a smile and his heart skipped a beat.
"I could wake up to this every morning..some girls have all the luck," she sighed and took a few more pics of Colson in his swimming trunks, water dripping from his gorgeous body.
"You know what Bambi..I think you need to be in the pic as well-"Colson lunged at her and grabbed her, making her wet. She was dressed in a short floral caftan dress which did nothing to protect her.
"Baker!" she squealed, "you're making me wet!"
"Just what I love to hear sweets," he crushed her against his solid chest and their lips merged, melting into each other. He wove his fingers into her silky soft hair and she in turn slid her fingers into his wet hair.
Jax stood behind them clearing his throat and got their attention.
"Just on time Jax-please take a video and post it on Instagram asap okay?" Colson handed the phone to him.
"A video??," Y/N asked. Before she got a response Colson swooped her off her feet and threw over his shoulder. He ran back into the water amidst Y/N's screams and protests.
She landed in the water with a splash and Colson laughed at her as she spluttered in the water.
"Baker you are dead!!" she jumped onto his back and they both keeled over back into the water. Y/N tried to escape but he caught her foot and dragged her back in. They continued a full out make out session and would have taken it further if Jax hadn't reminded them that they were in a public area.
"That's enough you two!" Jax yelled, "breakfast is served, let's go."
"Let's get changed first. Come one," Colson put his arm around her shoulder as they walked back to the villa. They had a quick shower and dressed up before going for breakfast.
"Can't we go out somewhere for breakfast?" Y/N suggested, "We're in the Caribbean so we might as well take advantage of it."
"As mi 'lady wishes," Colson bowed.
"Baker!" Y/N swatted his arm.
"But I went all out and made breakfast for you two?" Jax grumbled.
"Sorry Jax. Guess we will have to stay and eat," Y/N said.
"Killjoy," Colson muttered under his breath.
"Don't worry babe, we can explore after breakfast," Y/N squeezed his arm.
"Ooh, I like the sound of that.." Colson murmured and leaned in to kiss her.
"Can we eat now?" Jax complained.
"I would rather eat what I'm looking at right now.." Colson continued to suck on Y/N's lips and she giggled.
"Gosh! I think I'm going to throw up," Jax rolled his eyes, "I'm going to eat at my villa. I'll leave you kids to it." He threw his napkin on the table and stood up.
"Hey Jax," Colson said, "You're officially off duty. We'll call you when we need you."
"Thank you!" Jax said with a sigh of relief, "at least I won't have to witness you two sucking face any longer."
"Makes two of us," Colson replied. They laughed as they watched him leave.
"You're not a nice person Baker," Y/N said as she nibbled on a piece of bacon.
"I know but I'm still yours," he tucked a lose strand of hair behind her ear.
"Are you really?" she asked with uncertainty.
"Sweets-let's not do this? Please?" he raked his hair.
"So nothing has changed," she nodded and her gaze as she twisted her fingers nervously.
"I'm going for a walk!" Colson pushed back his chair and it screeched as he stood up.
"Fine!" Y/N shouted at his retreating back.
Y/N thought that things had changed. That somehow his feelings had changed and he was finally ready to admit that he loved her, that this was more than a casual fling, that they had passed the stage of testing the waters. She had hoped they had established their relationship on a solid foundation but his outburst had proved that they were still on ground zero.
Two steps forward. Two steps back.
Y/N spent the day watching Netflix in the guest room at the villa. She had ordered room service because she didn't feel like cooking. She didn't feel like doing anything but wallowing in self-pity. Colson hadn't shown up for lunch or dinner and Y/N went into further depression. There was a fully stocked bar so she decided to take full advantage of it and drowned her sorrows.
She heard loud music coming from outside so she got dressed in her best outfit and headed out. There was no way she was going to sit at home while Colson was probably out there having a good time. She stumbled into a local club that seemed to be happening tonight and made a beeline to the bar.
"Can I have a cosmo?" she asked the barman and he nodded. She sipped on it slowly and watched the revelers grinding on each other; having a good time.
"Care to dance?" Colson came from behind and whispered in her ear.
"Get lost Baker," she retorted without swinging around.
"Look sweets, I'm sorry for walking out on you," he turned her around and he took her hands, "I shouldn't have done that-please forgive me?" he pouted.
"We can't make progress if that's what you going to do every time we have a fight," she said, "where have you been all day anyway?"
"I went scuba diving and surfing with Jax," he replied. "Can we just be Colson and Y/N tonight? For the rest of the week maybe?" he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand, "No fighting, no arguing-no nothing-good vibes only. Just me and you enjoying each other's company? Can we do that baby?" he implored.
"Okay Baker. I'm sold," Y/N rolled her eyes and picked up her drink.
"I know we need to do grown up talk soon but can it be when we get back home?" he asked, "for now I just want to enjoy my honeymoon with my beautiful and sexy wife," he took her drink and gulped half of it down.
"Hey! Get your own," she slapped his arm. He ordered another round for them and then a couple of more. She was feeling light headed and her face was tingling. The alcohol had clearly kicked in and she could feel it.
"Let's go dance!" Colson pulled her to the dance floor.
"I don't even know how to dance to this music!" she shouted into his ear. She looked around her and all she could see was people gyrating on each other. If they didn't have any clothes on it would have been x-rated.
"There's nothing to it sweets. Just follow my lead," Colson started grinding against her and she followed suit.
They got lost in the moment as their bodies intertwined as they moved to the rhythm of the music. He turned her around and fitted her back into the contour of his body, his hands slowly gliding down her thighs. She weaved her hands in his hair and pressed her backside into him and he groaned into her ear.
"You're killing me Bambi," his lust filled voice whispered into her ear, sending chills down her spine. He gripped her hips tightly and sucked her earlobe and she gasped.
"I learnt from the best," she said breathlessly, as she continued to grind against him.
"Bathroom-now!" he growled.
"What?!" her eyeballs almost popped out. This was so hot but she had to be the voice of reason here. He grabbed her hand and led her to the ladies restrooms, "Colson-you can't be serious?!
"This is Jamaica sweets. We can't come here and not have hot, spontaneous sex in the bathroom," he slammed the door shut and made sure it was locked.
"What if we get caught?" she asked breathlessly, as he planted hot kisses on her neck.
"Too bad-they will just have to hear you screaming my name," he said in a husky voice, before he pushed her against the door and took her right there and then.
Welcome to Jamaica.
The rest of the night was a blur and just when Y/N thought she was ready to head home, Colson told her the night was only beginning.
"We've been invited to an after party at Sean Paul's and I have been trying forever to get a collabo with him. This is my chance," Colson said as they jumped into the limo.
"Can you maybe drop me off at home? I'm totally wasted," Y/N groaned and leaned back on the leather seat.
"Not a chance sweets," Colson leaned in and kissed her until she was breathless, "better?" he asked with a smile.
"Hmmm," was all Y/N could day.
"We won't stay long. Promise," he assured her but they both knew it was a lie.
Colson kept her entertained throughout the night and never left her side. They danced, talked, drank and danced some more. Finally she couldn't stand on her feet any more so they went to sit down again. The people at their table were smoking a joint an passing it around and Colson pulled on it a couple of times before passing it to Y/N.
"No way!" she pushed his hand away.
"Don't tell me you've never smoked weed sweets?" he looked genuinely shocked.
"Never..not interested," she slurred, "I don't smoke."
"This is different. Besides-we're in Jamaica sweets. You can't be here and not experience this," he looked at the joint like it was gold, "come on just try it. Just one drag," he coaxed and his new found friends cheered her on.
"Okay, okay" she relented. Against her better judgement she took it and smoked it until she choked on the smoke.
"Yeah!" everyone cheered for her.
"Well done Bambi," Colson chuckled and rubbed her back.
To this day Y/N couldn't remember how she got home that night.
Colson teased her about it the next day. Apparently she danced on the table and almost did a strip show but he had stopped her just in time. He even got a lap dance.
"You're a bad influence Baker," she groaned and went back to sleep.
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Second chapter of ‘Someone you loved’ with Michael ‘Riz’ Ariza.
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 1.3k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl ✨
Masterlist. You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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One of the good things that has to be Bishop's daughter is that Taza spoils you whenever. This time, he has let you destroy a car of the scrapping, feeling how stressed you have been for the last few days. While another party is happening in the clubhouse, Leti and Gabriela accompany you through the main alley, to the farthest part of the scrap. Carrying a baseball bat in your right hand, you find an old SUV perfectly parked and ready for you. Wearing a pair of glasses and covering your hands with big gloves, the show starts while the girls drink beer and listen to your misery.
“I fucking hate him!” You scream full of rage, hitting the pilot window.
It crashes into small pieces falling to gravel on the floor. Turning at them, you raise both arms at both sides of your body.
“Can you really fucking believe it? He fucking came to me! To ask me for advice to date that… fucking bitch!” This time, you smash the rearview mirror with all your strength, beating it until it's unfixable. “I'm in front of you, man! What the fuck is wrong with you? How you didn't fucking notice my feelings?!”
You're breathing fast, hitting the pilot door several times, drawing a big dent on it. They agree with you. Everybody in the crowded yard knows about the fact that you love him, and not because you said so. But because it is obvious. Turning to the hood of the car, you grab the bat with both hands to slam it into the windshield, using all the rage running through your veins.
“Good luck catching a STD, you fucking asshole!”
Pulling back the bat, you take off the whole glass, throwing it onto the floor to jump over it repeatedly.
“I don't give a fuck about your feelings, or about your fucking love! I don't want to be your fucking friend anymore!”
The headlights explode into thousands of small pieces too with two loud roars.
“FUCK YOU, MICHAEL ARiza…” Your voice gets low as soon as you turn around again, to find him some steps away from you.
The girls turn confused too, until they see him keeping his hands in his pockets. Leti and Gabriela run away without saying a single world, in the meantime that you take off the glasses covering your eyes. Tossing down the bat, you heavily gulp. Riz takes a look at the car, before licking his lips slowly. Wanting to say something, but he can't barely breathe.
“It's not what it looks like”. You whisper terrified.
Of course, you couldn't stop being his friend if he doesn't love you back.
“Were you talking with them about what I asked you?” His voice sounds hurt, with a sorrowful gesture on his face. “I… trusted you something… personal and you told them about it?”
“I'm so—sorry, Riz, I di—”. You take a step ahead, interrupting your words, when he takes one backward.
“It's good to see that you don't care about me”.
“Don't say that. It's not true”.
“Then… why is this show about?”
Silence. You are at a crossroads. But every road leads you to lose him.
“I can't… tell you”.
Pursing his lips, he just nods. You don't even know what he has heard, but you're not going to ask him. This just could turn the situation into something worse. But he's leaving you there, alone, and you feel already as if you were dead inside.
“I love you”. You utter without thinking, but he doesn't stop his legs. “I REALLY DO!”
Nothing. You have told him these same words a lot of times, and doesn't have any value for him as you're trying to show him.
“Some… Sometimes…” Having a deep breath, you let yourself go. “SOMETIMES I HEAR YOUR VOICE NOTES WHEN I'M SAD!”
Your lungs are emptied after yelling at him. Your throat is ripped, and it stings a little, but at least he has turned around.
“Shit…” You mumble ashamed, when you see him coming back.
Swallowing your saliva, you place both hands crossed on your chest on the sides of your body, slightly raised up. Some tears falling down, seeing the confused gesture on him.
“I don't know when it happened… I just fell in love with you, Riz… I'm sorry. I tried to push… these feelings away, because I didn't want to lose you. You're my best friend. I can't imagine a day without you”. Confessing it is like taking off all the weight on your shoulders, but stabbing your heart at the same time. “I… I don't know what you have heard, but I don't… really mean that… Of course I care about you, about your feelings… I'm happy because you're happy. And I… I would never leave you just… just because you don't feel the same things I feel”.
Riz is staring at you in silence while you, practically, are putting all your shit over the table. Opening up your chest and showing him your worst fears. What gives you nightmares every single night, since Elisa came to Santo Padre. Hardly sniffing and rubbing your nose with the sleeve cuff of your hoodie, you shrug scared to death. You don't know what else you can say to make him understand why you are so angry.
“So, all those things you said in the Templo… Were you talking about me?” His tone of voice is shaking slightly, raising a hand to highlight the past. You nod.
“Since… some months ago, every time you go for a run, I write you a letter”. Confessing, you grab your phone from your pocket to show them to him, but Michael raises again his hand to stop you.
Being aware that he doesn't want to read them, literally breaks your heart. Not because of all the time you have spent on writing them, but all the things you have written on them; all your feelings, all your memories, all your fears, all the things you love about him. Hoping that, maybe, one day he would read them. Grabbing a fold of your hoodie, you put the phone inside of the pocket again, using your free hand.
“I will understand if you… pull yourself away from me. I don't… want to cause you any trouble wi—”.
“Stop talking, please”. Riz interrupts you shaking his hands raised up some inches away from his chest.
Pressing your lips, you nod in silence again, clearing the tears in your cheeks.
“Why didn't you tell me before?”
“For what, Michael? You and me, this is not gonna happen”. You reply, pointing at the distance between both with your forefingers, feeling how you break a little more. “We ain't made for each other”.
“Is that what you think? Then, why is it supposed that we're friends, if we don't complete the other?”
“Things are very different. It's not the same to be your friend than to be your… girlfriend”.
His phone starts to ring. Saved by the bell. Answering the call, he just listens, not uttering a single word. But when he hangs up, Riz takes a step ahead.
“I got to go, b—”.
“It's okay”. You whisper crossing your arms and bowing down your head for a second. “I didn't mean to hurt you. And I'm sorry for fucking up our friendship”.
“You didn't”.
“You're just saying that because I'm fucked enough tonight, but I will not blame you when you start to act differently with me”.
“Listen, we will be friends forever, no one will change that. And this… conversation it's not finished”.
“Okay”. You reply shrugging listlessly, trying to stop crying, even if you know it's going to be the last time you're going to be alone.
Watching him leave the scrapping is the most hard and painful goodbye you have ever experienced. And you want to run after him. Beg him to not push you away. Ask him to forgive you. But your legs don't receive the orders from your brain, because you know you have already lost him.
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summoner-peachy · 5 years
Can I request "Please don't go" + Kliff, pleaseeee?
a/n: here you go anon!! i think that i’m starting to really like kliff despite not yet owning echoes to really meet the characters. so sorry if this isn’t as good as something from fates/awakening or heroes ‘please don’t go’ request. 
as i do want to have my echo writings have some in game story in it– i do not want to spoil the game for myself. readers name is avatar, but is often called av or ava for short! 
request is from this post right here!
Kliff knew from the very beginning, from the time he spent with you in Ram Village, growing up beside you, training beside you and learning your morals– he knew that you would always be a little bit out of his reach, his words reaching you, but never garnered the response that he wanted to hear from your lips. His fingers mere inches from grabbing the back of your clothes, yet never being able to hold onto the trailing cloth when he did managed to grab on, the cloth slipped between his fingers. 
The battle was long, taking its toll on everyone. Even Alm showed signs of wear and tear as exhaustion was setting in. Everyone was tired, armor broken and cloth is torn, and blood is flowing freely from open wounds, but you still stood you’re ground. 
Kliff watched everything that happened in the next moment in slow motion. An attack that was meant for him, instead struck you, the scream that clawed it’s way past your lips ( it would haunt him from nights to come filling even his waking thoughts) drawing the attention of everyone else, who yelled along with you, voices strained and angered. 
Kliff reached out to catch your falling form, while Alm had run over and slain the enemy who had harmed you. Kliff’s mind was frazzled, his words a mess as he ran his hand over your wound, his eyes burned and he tries his best to bite back the sounds of his voice failing and tears that threatened to make it sound worse. 
“Av… hold on, just hold on. Please, please don’t go.” Kliff hates how his voice sounds, hates how his mind tells him lies that he’s lost you when he cannot imagine a life without you. 
“Please. Don’t go… don’t leave me Av.” Kliff whispers, face buried in your hair while he holds your hand, feeling you squeeze his hand in return and the slurred words you speak (he doesn’t understand them, but God’s hearing your voice is so good) and it gives his heart hope. 
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bakugou-tm · 6 years
The whole Bakugou's mum thing. As someone who's worked with kids and studied them, I just don't think there is ever a right situation to raise your hand to your child. Like, if you've raised your child from birth, you should be 100% committed to dealing with situations that don't involve slapping or hitting them, it can cause mental health problems because of it. But then again, it's an anime and I don't care enough but I just want people to know, in real life, please never hit your kids.
I agree with you in the sense that hitting children is never always the answer to bad behavior, and I respect your opinion in that you believe no child should be hit or slapped by their guardian. This isn’t a topic I whole-heartedly disagree on, I see good points on both sides. Just from personal experiences I tend to lean more towards the slapping of a very bad child is alright in certain scenarios.
For starters, I totally agree that slapping, hitting, or any form of physical punishment should never be the first response to bad behavior. There is always another way to reprimand a child before physical action needs to be taken. I believe you should tell the child no and explain to them why it’s wrong first in hopes that they will trust what you say and don’t do it again. Even if they do it a second time I believe you should yell at them sternly and give them a warning, but hopefully that should be enough.
Now if they repeat the action a third time, this is when I believe it’s suitable to give your child a slap. Now I’m not saying sucker punch them in the face or beat them with a baseball bat, but a quick slap to the arm just to startle them then reinforce that what they are doing is wrong and shouldn’t be repeated.
Of course methods like lecturing, time out, and sitting down to talk with the child are useful methods to do but after a certain amount of times a child is bad those tactics simply don’t work anymore. I have seen this from personal experience from my own childhood of being a little shit, seeing children my mom works with being little shits, and even my own cousins who are beyond spoiled to the point where it’s too late. No child will enjoy being in timeout or having their parent yell them, but there is a certain point where a child simply won’t care anymore. Children aren’t dumb, when they begin to learn that the only punishment for their actions is ‘thirty minutes in timeout’ or ‘no TV for a week’ then they get to the point where they don’t care. I have actually met a child who I’m close to who actually gave up their TV and told her, “I don’t care you can have it.” and continued to do the bad things they were partaking in.
When children get to that point of not caring, they will only get worse in life. Nobody will be able to stop their bad actions because they simply won’t care, they won’t have respect for anyone who comes in their life, and they’ll know they can mold anyone into doing what they want to do because they know there will never be any big punishment to their actions. Eventually it gets to the point where the kids turn into these crazy children you see on social media today, having no respect for anyone but themselves.
Even in the small clip of the manga you posted (as seen below), while I’m not 100% sure of the context of the entire chapter, Bakugou doesn’t exactly seem saddened in how he was raised. In a way it almost seems like he’s offended at what Todoroki said. Adding onto that, Todoroki most likely says this because he was actually in an abused household. His father didn’t slap him because he was being a bad child, his father beat him up when he was being a good child. That is what an abusive parent does.
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Parents who slap their child because they are being obnoxious or wild aren’t child abusers, they are just taking action of their child���s bad behavior and reinforcing that it’s wrong so they don’t grow up acting that obnoxious and wild. Now parents who kick, punch, slap, beat, or verbally abuse their children whether they were being bad, good, or showing any emotion whatsoever? Those are child abusers.
Todoroki as seen from manga was a very good child, all of the Todoroki children were, but their father was still abusive to all of them including their mother even though they acted in line. This is most likely why Todoroki said what he said, his father was legitimately child abuser.
Bakugou’s mom? She was certainly not an abusive parent. Was she mom of the year? Of course not, she still had a very blunt attitude that Katsuki obviously picked up on since he’s her carbon copy. Her cursing, sour attitude, and weak touch to emotions obviously rubbed off on Bakugou which wasn’t the best parenting on her part; but she was simply being herself. 
Mitsuki didn’t just slap Bakugou as soon as he popped out of the womb, her parenting strategy wasn’t to hit Bakugou for fun like Todoroki’s father did; she only took these actions when he was acting like a brat. Take the recent anime episode for example; Bakugou literally told her “Don’t hit me old lady, I’ll kill you!” Obviously she wasn’t going to say, “Bakugou go stand in time out.” or, “You’re grounded for a week.” or even worse, “Bakugou that’s very rude, don’t speak like that again.” If she told that to Katsuki he probably would’ve laughed in her face, instead she slapped him on the head and yelled at him. Mitsuki made it clear in the manga and anime that people were constantly oozing over Katsuki because of is crazy powerful quirk so it all went to his head, that isn’t her fault. She can’t help the sudden praises her son got over the years that only fed to his ego. People around him put him in the mindset that he was better than everyone else. This is the case for a lot of rotten kids, they’re constantly being put on this high and mighty stepping stool that they are the greatest, parents can’t help that. It’s not accurate to say parents don’t have a brain so their only action is to hit their child, that’s not always the case.
Now again just to reaffirm, Bakugou’s parents are not parents of the year. I am not saying to take notes on their parenting skills, I’m only saying that Bakugou’s parents are far far far far from being abusive parents. Of course part of Bakugou’s flaws did rub off from his mother because she’s no perfect angel, but a lot of his negative qualities also came from his peers. It’s clear enough that Bakugou was never going to learn from a simple time out or scolding, as he says ‘putting a child in their place’ was necessary of Mitsuki to do. Clearly she didn’t kick him or punch him, probably just quick slaps to say ‘aye fool cut that shit out’ The cursing and screaming could have been avoided, but that’s simply in Mitsuki’s nature and if there’s one thing clear about the Bakugou’s: They will never change who they are for other’s approval. 
In conclusion, I don’t totally disagree with what you’re saying and I 100% respect your opinion on the matter. The points you make do make sense, I just don’t think calling parents who slap their child when they are being bad child abusers or saying they have no brain serves them justice. There are always many factors as to why a parent needs to slap their child so it’s not right to assume immediately they are abusing their child.
Now if they are punching or kicking their child or you can see visible marks of abuse on that child? You best believe I would call that sucker out because no child deserves to be abused, that’s one of the worst evils a person can commit.
Overall I respect both sides of the argument and I enjoy hearing from both sides as well since new points are always being brought to the table but one final conclusion I would like to draw from this that I do firmly believe in.
Bakugou’s mother and father are not abusive parents !!!
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