fever-dreamer97 · 2 months
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ititheteavillain · 9 months
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Izuku ran. The raven didn’t follow, but his laughter did, although, once again, it seemed like nobody else could hear it.
Another fanart for @littlegreenpinetree fic "Woodland Paths"
This time with spooky AFO
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theloganator101 · 9 months
A scene that I believe showcases how Horikoshi is quick to sacrifice meaningful character moments for a cheap laugh is the faux interview with Mt. Lady.
By itself, the purpose for this scene I think could have been done more effectively instead of just pretending to be in front of a camera (and it feels annoying as hell when all it’s doing is reminding the viewers AGAIN who these characters are, in case you somehow forgot), but whatever. And we also get more material of Bakugou being insufferable (and Todoroki acting like a cardboard box by simply accepting Bakugou’s insults.)
And then we get to Izuku.
We get an inner monologue from him about finally showing his progress on his handling of Blackwhip. And even though it’s a tiny tendril, Izuku is clearly pleased with where he’s at, because now he can go up from here!
And does the scene push the idea that we are supposed to be proud of Midoriya on his hard work?
(Materializes through the screen and slaps your face) OF COURSE NOT YOU FUCKING FOOL!
Every single individual looks completely underwhelmed at what they just saw. Like they were expecting more. Like Midoriya was supposed to suddenly whip that exact giant ass black mass THAT NEARLY HURT/KILL HIS CLASSMATES and have it completely under control.
I can imagine a few of them feeling this way, but every single one of them? Horikoshi is just doing this to make Midoriya look bad. I absolutely refuse to believe there’s not a single character who would react differently (their ACTUAL characterization) to that.
Todoroki, who understands the struggle of balancing two quirks, and would probably feel compelled to help Midoriya out? Apparently not.
Uraraka, who was quick to praise Midoriya in anything in the past such as the quirk assessment test, and can plainly see how much pride he has getting a hold of a new dangerous quirk? And Iida, Midoriya’s other best friend? Does he clap his hands in the air like a seal and says, “Bravo!” to Izuku’s progress? Nope, they’re not allowed to feel that.
Tokoyami, who has another dark-based quirk and could relate to Midoriya’s struggle? Does he give a simple phrase of encouragement, or even think to himself, “Slowly, a new Brother of the Shadows will come to be.”? Why the hell would he possibly think that?
Does anyone else, such as Yaoyorozu, Shoji, Ojiro, or hell, even Hagakure, comment on that while not powerful, Midoriya’s ability on handling essentially two quirks is very impressive? Of course not. Instead of being funny, this scene comes off that no one actually supports Midoriya and it made me sad for him and how it assassinates pretty much most of Class 1-A’s characteristics, instead of allowing them to act naturally.
And the cherry on top? The one with the closing statement that is supposed to sum up what we the audience are supposed to feel? “Don’t be proud of something so weak.” By the one trick pony that has had his ONLY quirk for so long that he doesn’t appreciate LEGITIMATE progress. Fuckin little shitbird.
(Sighs tiredly) Hang on, gonna go watch the scene...
(One scene watch later)
... I want to kill, EVERYONE there for not supporting the kid for getting control over a quirk that caused so much damage!
Why aren't his friends cheering him on?
Why wasn't any of the adults proud of him?
Why is Izuku always the butt of these mean spirited jokes?
Why can't my son just be praised and feel proud for himself for once in his goddamn life?
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khonaker · 28 days
Hori, I swear to god if the next time we see Ochako and Fumikage is them sitting in a hospital bed while you made your precious explosion pet able to swoop in and glory hog the scene while also allowing the rest of the class to partake in the final battle…
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watermeloncat21 · 2 months
Instead of coping from deku's loss of his arms, I drew it instead :))
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doodlegirl1998 · 3 months
Tw: suicide (pls ignore if you're not comfortable)
You know what comes up a lot? Fics where Izuku does take his own life and Bakugou drowns in regret and misery. Now, I stay away from these kinds of fics because they do exactly what the show does; focus on the abuser's pain and not the victim's. I'd much rather read about Izuku's thought process and what he's feeling before it happens, not Bakugou being depressed over it when he was the cause of it.
But I do wonder, do you think Bakugou would genuinely care? Especially prior to UA? Because I have such a hard time believing it. MAYBE he'd feel guilty, but to actually care that Izuku is dead? I have so many doubts. Maybe I'm pessimistic, but🤷🏾‍♀️
Hi @sapphic-agent 👋
Do I think Bakugou would care if Izuku killed himself?
In all honesty, no. I think that, canonically, Bakugou would not care.
We are talking of the same kid who suicide baited Izuku with a BIG smile. Who, when his friends say he went too far, Bakugou rebuffs them. He also proceeds to NEVER - not even in his bastardised "apology" - bring up the suicide baiting again.
Another gripe with those sort of fics is that it spreads harmful rhetoric that to get back at the bully, the victim can end themselves to make the bully feel bad.
In real life, it doesn't work that way.
There is no guarantee that the bully will feel anything about their victim passing away at all. Yet when the victim decides to take their life, their life ends there.
There's no seeing anything that comes after. It is definitively final.
They're done completely.
Meanwhile, the bully (if they feel bad or not) has the privilege to continue to live their life.
Bakugou, in these fics, encapsulates this well. His pain around driving Izuku to suicide is focused on and he gets to move on from what he did while Izuku dies there, suffering the most permanent concequence of Bakugou's abuse - death.
And how disgusting and unjust is that?
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go-for-it-kacchan · 1 month
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im sry but bby Katsuki being a menace
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bitchlessbkg · 2 years
oh to unlock quirks because of your strong feelings of love/protectiveness for your rival and keeping this information from him then saying “i would never want to hurt someone i love!” but he has been targeted and killed due to those feelings after you were separated from him
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riahlynn101 · 6 months
Dad December - Day Six: "Prison Visit."
Summary: Post-final war arc, Izuku visits All for One in prison. 
Word count: 1,950
All for One watches the doorknob to his prison cell wriggle open with muted interest. As soon as the war ended, he was whisked back to Tartarus. Thankfully, or perhaps insultingly, he was taken to a cell with slightly less security clearance. If he didn’t know any better, All for One would say they weren’t afraid of him anymore. Even though he’s much younger now, they should still know better than to underestimate him.
At least he can move freely.
The door opens. A guard steps in first. “You have a visitor!” He shouts, which feels very unnecessary given that All for One is less than ten feet away. 
He racks his brain for who it could be. All Might, maybe? The Blond Oaf isn’t the type to let bygones be bygones. Or maybe someone from the press?
“Oh? Well, who is it?” 
The guard holds up a hand, stopping All for One from asking any more questions. “Hold on a second. I have a list of rules and regulations I have to read.”
He groans. 
“You, as the prisoner, understand that visitor privileges can and will be revoked for any reason. Some of these reasons may include: the visitor not following the rules laid out to them before, during, or after the scheduled visit. The prisoner trying to kill or otherwise harm the visitor….”
As the guard drones on, All for One zones out. 
“On to page eleven-”
All for One’s head snaps up. His eyes flicker to the doorway, where the one and only Izuku Midoriya stands. He twists his fingers together, staring at the guard with big eyes. It’s kind of amazing to All for One, how Midoriya can go from brave and unwavering on the battlefield to…that. 
Not that All for One’s complaining. He’s been meaning to talk with Midoriya, at least before he got thrown back in here. His skittish demeanor and doe eyes remind All for One of a bunny. Besides, he would rather avoid talking to All Might 2.0. 
“Midoriya Izuku,” he smiles, ignoring the guard’s warnings to follow the rules. 
The guard huffs, whispering something into Midoriya’s ear. He stomps out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. 
It would be so easy to kill Midoriya right now, but All for One kind of likes not being relegated to a chair forever and ever. And the prison supervisors probably know this. Otherwise, why on earth did they leave the poor boy-One for All user or not-in a room with him?
“All for One,” Midoriya greets, tone somewhat cordial given their previous interactions. “How have you been?” He crosses his arms, still standing across the room. 
“You can sit down, you know?” He pats the space beside him, smiling. “I won’t bite.”
“I doubt that,” Midoriya mutters under his breath. “I’m okay standing. I actually prefer the distance.”
“Mhm….well, in any case, I’m fine. Though, I can’t say the same about you. You poor child….when’s the last time you slept? Ate a warm meal? Saw your mother-”
The last one gains a reaction. Midoriya sputters, jabbing a finger in All for One’s direction. “Shut up!”
“Hit a nerve. Sorry.” All for One smirks, watching the Ninth holder of his brother’s quirk fight to restrain himself.  
“Either way, I didn’t come here to amuse you. I-I have some questions.”
All for One tilts his head to the side. “And what do I get if I answer your questions?”
Midoriya rolls his eyes, copying All for One and tilting his head to the side. “A million dollars.”
Something about the boy’s tone should set him on edge, make his blood boil, but it doesn’t. It reminds him of his brother (before their fights turned more political), and with Midoriya’s eyes resembling Yoichi’s so much, doubly so. 
“Fine,” he sighs. “But you’re going to have to sit down.”
Midoriya stares at him, considering. He finally sits on the ground. The cold, dirty, and quite frankly disgusting ground. 
“No, here.” He slaps the spot next to him. “Sit next to me, or this visit is over.”
Midoriya mutters something, but seems to take All for One’s threat seriously. He shuffles over to the bed, sitting as far away as the tight space will allow. Arms crossed over his chest, he glares at All for One. “May I proceed?” Midoriya asks, all cordiality gone. 
“You may.”
Up close, All for One can see the bags under Midoriya’s eye; he can sense the bone-weary tiredness radiating off the boy. The kind of tiredness that follows you no matter how many times you rest. 
“Well?” He presses when the silence stretches on.
“I- First told me something-”
“I assume you mean, Yoichi. My brother.”
Midoriya shakes his head. “No…I mean, yeah. But he introduced himself as The First One for All user, so I’ll use the title he gave me.” He clears his throat. “Anyway, First was-”
“Does he call you Ninth?” 
Midoriya shrugs, acting indifferent. “Sometimes.”
It’s so interesting how this boy can interact with the vestiges….just like him. 
“And the other times?”
That question earns All for One an annoyed groan. “Uh….Ninth. Midoriya. Izuku Midoriya….but he only uses my full name if I’m about to do something stupid.”
“Well, considering my brother uses your first name, I’m sure you can use his name. The name I gave him.” 
Izuku ignores him (All for One decides they’re on familiar enough terms to use his given name). “Anyway, First,” he pauses, glaring daggers at All for One. “Told me something. And he made me promise that I wouldn’t ask you about it.”
All for One feels a little vindicated in that his brother gets to deal with his successor’s stubbornness. “And then, you ran to ask me right away.”
“Not exactly. I tried to ask my mom-”
“What kind of conversation did you and my brother have?” All for One feels lost, like he skipped three episodes, four books, and a made-to-TV-movie. “And why would you have to ask your mother? Why did the fool not want you to ask me?”
Izuku is silent. He plays with his hands and looks down at his lap. It makes something in All for One feel unsettled. “I know this is odd coming from me, but are you okay? You seem….off.”
“There’s no easy way to say this, but I think you’re my father.”
All for One laughs, falling off the bed. He holds his stomach, rolling on the floor he called disgusting not ten minutes prior. He laughs until he can’t anymore. 
“Phew….ha…I haven’t laughed that hard in decades.” But when he looks up at Izuku, the boy seems oddly serious. His eyes are watery and his bottom lip quivers, but he manages to glare at All for One with all the ferociousness taught to him by the previous One for All users. “You are kidding, right?” He pulls himself off the floor, dusting off his prison-issued uniform. 
“I…I honestly wish I was.” Izuku stands up. He paces the length of the room - to the door and then to the bed and then back again. “I asked First. I asked my mother. Hell, I even asked All Might. But they all gave me conflicting answers.” All for One listened as the boy devolved into a fit of muttering, pacing getting faster. “Which is understandable. I mean, what’s All Might supposed to know about my family life. He didn’t know me or my mom until I was fourteen. Mom was a little harder. I’ve never asked her about my dad. Didn’t really ever think of him until….And I had that conversation with First, and he said that you’re my dad. Not that I believed him.” Izuku waves his hands around. “I still don’t, but he sounded so sure of himself.
“He often does.”
Izuku ignores him. “But he can’t be right. So, I needed to ask you.”
All for One processes the boy’s ramblings. “Am I your father?” 
“Come here.” All for One motions Izuku closer.
The boy is hesitant, but eventually listens, leaning in. All for One takes the boy’s face in his hands. He studies Izuku’s face intently. The freckles and green hair are definitely not from him. But those eyes….and eyebrows….and hair…..he narrows his eyes. “What’s your mom’s name?”
“Ah…” Izuku’s eyes widened, panicked. 
“I’m only asking to see if I know her. It does take two people after all.”
All for One feels Izuku shudder. “Right. Inko. Her name is Inko.”
A memory, long suppressed, emerges from the confines of All for One’s subconscious. He blanches. “Inko….she has a telekinesis quirk, right?” 
“Yeah, and?”
“And it’s easier for me to recognize people based on their quirks.” He doesn’t have to look at Izuku to know the boy’s rolling his eyes at him. “I do remember her. A little over seventeen years ago I had a little fling with my assistant.”
“Did you fire her?”
All for One stares off into space, remembering the brief moment in time that he experienced genuine love and affection. “No, she….she stopped showing up for work. I tried to track her down, but her apartment was empty. It was like she disappeared without a trace. I found her again some years later, but I had that fight with All Might and then….” His eyes flick over to Izuku. “You look just like her.” His tone is soft, fond almost. 
Izuku sits quietly, watching All for One intently. Waiting for him to strike. “I’m confused,” he mumbles. 
“If you want, you can request a DNA test.” All for One tucks a strand of hair behind Izuku’s ear. 
“No,” Izuku says, getting to his feet. “You were supposed to say First was wrong, and that you can’t possibly be my father. You were supposed to laugh in my face, so that I could go back to the vestiges and tell them that I don’t share blood with their murderer.”
“Calm down,” All for One says, a little disappointed (but not surprised) at the boy’s reaction. “I don’t know for sure. That’s what the DNA test will prove, or disprove.” But he is sure. There are too many similarities, too many coincidences for The Ninth One for All user to not be his son. “Though, I’m not adverse to being your father.” He smiles down at his lap, warmth spreading in his chest. “A child of my very own. How precious and dear you would be to me.”
Izuku backs up towards the door. “I…I think it was a mistake coming here.”
All for One stares at the boy. “Order the DNA test, or I’ll order a hit out on your mentor.” The words tumble out of his mouth before he can stop them. If Izuku leaves now, then he might not ever know if he’s his father or not. “If it comes back negative, then I guess we have nothing left to say to each other. But if it comes back positive…” 
“Then, we also have nothing left to say to each other. I don’t want a relationship with you. I’m almost grown, and All Might has been my father figure for three years now.”
All for One disagrees with that sentiment. If All Might really cared about Izuku, he wouldn’t have let the boy break his limbs over and over. Not that it matters much. If the test comes back positive then, he’ll have a reason to call in a few favors and bust out of Tartarus (a touch quieter than last time).
“Of course,” he says, forcing down a smile. “I wouldn’t dream of anything more.”
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What would a yandere kurogiri look like
Platonic Yandere Kurogiri x Izuku Midoriya
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Now Kurogiri wouldn't actually take interest in Midoriya until he's been tasked in spying for him. Even though they already had his general information, Tomura wanted to know his weaknesses. So he followed him for a while and nothing peaked his interest until he saw his home life.
More specifically how he was treated by others. How his mother verbally abused him and hit him on a daily basis and was generally treated like shit because he was quirkless. And All Might was a whole other story.
The hero was completely oblivious to how his successor was living. He couldn't even teach him properly. Izuku learned more from a microwave than he did during his year and a half with All Might.
The only solace the boy found was a mini-labradoodle named Indy. He was named after a pre-quirk-era tv character Indiana Jones, an archaeologist who went on adventures and hooked up with hot women who nicknamed him 'Indy', hence the name. His coat was a white-cream color and very fluffy. He was a very loyal dog to Izuku. And All Might was a whole other story.
Rage filled his cold dead soul because somehow, the kid managed to remind him of some distant life. So you can't blame him for almost killing All Might the day he found out his son was left on a roof and given a dangerous quirk that came with a 200-year-old supervillain.
Kurogiri decided to protect him and give him the life he deserved. But he had to get rid of some pests first. Such as All for One, All Might, and Bakugou.
Killing All for One was simple. All it took was a well-timed power outage at Tartarus, and boom, the Scourge of Kamino was dead. All Might was a little harder. But he managed to poison him with a black-market poison that made him bleed internally.
While going through All for One's 'paperwork', he discovered that Tomura was meant to be a glorified meat suit and Forced-Quirk -Activation was used on him to kill his family. He also found out who he was before being transformed into a nomu.
How to deal with Tomura was a difficult decision. He couldn't be allowed to harm Izuku, but Kurogiri couldn't just kill him either; he was his son. He practically raised him.
So Kurogiri told him the truth and his plans for Izuku. Tomura took it in stride and even thanked him for killing All for One. He also practically demanded Kurogiri that he be a part of Izuku's life, as his big brother. Kurogiri, pleasantly surprised, obliged his requests.
Kurogiri busied himself with getting ready to raise Izuku. Tomura-now the Grand Commander- gave him a safehouse. It was in the countryside surrounded by a white picket fence. On the outside, it looked like a cozy cottage, but in the walls and fence, was a state-of-the-art security system designed to make sure nobody got in. Or out.
But it didn't feel like enough so he transferred the ownership of the land to himself. As a backup in case, the government ever tried to take the land. That along with access to All for One's money, and he and his son were set for life.
He kidnapped Izuku after an exhausting day of training. He did so in hopes that he will struggle less. His efforts were in vain, as Izuku was full of endorphins and was only more pumped up.
But he was no match for a Class A villain who was also a devoted father. He injected him with a black-market drug that would ensure his son was unconscious for what he was about to do. And if he whispered sweet nothings into his ear while he wrapped him up in some blankets, then he was being a good parent.
He took him to Garaki's lab and threatened the doctor to give both him, Izuku, and the dog copies of the life-force quirk All for One had. Then when an examination was done, he promised him that if he tried to meddle in his or Izuku's affairs, then he would meet a very grisly end.
Garaki was only kept alive when Izuku or Kurogiri needed medical attention and for Tomura.
Life With Kurogiri
When Izuku wakes up, he struggles a lot. He's terrified at the sight of Kurogiri but hides it in a face of determination. But his father sees right through the act. The terror masks itself in anger towards Kurogiri, who weathers through his emotional outbursts with patience.
Izuku is coddled as if his life depends on it. Homemade food is always on the table. Whether it's cut-up fruit or cookies, food is always there. Izuku is severely underweight, so not eating isn't an option. It's mandatory, and Izuku doesn't like it.
When he refuses to eat, Kurogiri sits him on his lap and hands feed him the food-often forcing open his mouth-until he deems enough food has been eaten. There's never any fast food, cereal, or instant meals. It's all cooked by Kurogiri.
If Izuku struggles, he will be wrapped up in a blanket and cuddled until he exhausts himself. Whenever Tomura visits-which is often-Izuku is often cuddled and forced to refer to Tomura as his big brother.
Many weekends are often spent cuddling with big brother Tomura, often wrapped in a blanket and drugged with muscle relaxants, watching tv or Tomura playing video games.
The electronics are limited to half and hour a day per device, so Izuku doesn't follow in Tomura's footsteps. Kurogiri's not making that same mistake twice.
Somehow Indy, who always gets Izuku out of dangerous situations, doesn't even try. It's like he knows not to mess with the two villains. But Kurogiri and Tomura take it as a message that Izuku is meant to be with them. Izuku thinks differently.
The type of punishment Izuku gets will depend on the type of misdeed he commits. If he refuses to cuddle with them, they'll just wrap him in a blanket and cuddle him that way.
If he refuses food, Kurogiri will force-feed it to him. If he curses at them, he gets his mouth washed with soap and put in time-out.
He does something to hurt himself or others, a spanking, and if he runs away, that gets the worse punishment; a bare-bottomed spanking with an implement along with losing his privileges to everything, such as walking, eating alone, bathing alone, sleeping alone, etc. It's all gone.
Overall, Izuku will never get away from Kurogiri and by extension, Shigaraki. They just want the best for him, whatever it takes.
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manddycanddy · 10 months
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explodcor · 7 months
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Katsuki was doubled over in laughter. "Deku's such a fuckin' thot!"
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madame-jupiter · 1 year
Yakuza Bkdk: The Credit Card Switcharoo Part 1
It’s a chance encounter where Katsuki bumps into skinny, green haired guy that looks like he hasn’t slept for days. The resulting collision results with both of their wallets and the contents to spill onto the ground.
Katsuki curses while the skinny man apologizes profusely.
He ignores him, hoping his dragon and tiger tattoos would spook the man off as he gathers his stuff. Gladly they did, the green haired man hightails it away from the blond Yakuza member. After this, Katsuki goes to buy himself cigarettes… Only for his card to decline.
“What the fuck…?!” Katsuki glances down at his card and notices that while it has the same All Might print, it’s not his name on it.
It belongs to a Midoriya Deku.
He grinds his teeth, thinking back to the green haired man he met earlier.
He must of rammed into Katsuki on purpose and stole his card!!
Katsuki’s going to find that bastard and get his fucking card back before that thief drains his bank account.
Meanwhile, Midoriya Izuku, in his sleep deprived mind after working 8 days straight at his crummy warehouse job, is attempting to get himself something to eat from a hot meal vending machine.
Izuku wonders why he even bothers. His card always gets declined even if he attempts to get the cheapest thing on the machine.
To his surprise, his transaction goes through and he almost cries when he gets his favorite flavor of cup ramen. The warmth of the broth and noodles fills his stomach up.
Stomach satisfied for now, he believes it’s a fluke from the machine and it giving him a free meal.
To sleepy to pay attention to the name on the card as he slips it into his wallet, he makes his way to his home.
Which is his car that has seen better days.
Laying down in the backseat that is uncomfortably lumpy all over, he uses a bag full of shredded newspapers as a pillow.
He snuggles underneath a thin blanket and an extra jacket he knows to keep warm.
Not knowing his world is going to completely change…
It’s been three days since Katsuki’s card had been stolen. He had planned on locking his card, but he wants to see what this thief is buying and where he is buying the items from to get a better location.
So far, to his surprise, most the purchases are from cheap vending machines.
One vending machine even being one of those hot meal ones.
Besides those, no exuberant charges are placed. For a thief who stole a card with an account with over 3,000,000 ¥, he’s seems to be cheap.
And so far, no one has been able to locate a Midoriya Deku.
“Are you sure you’re reading the name right?” remarks his right hand man, Kirishima. “You may be good with guns, mathematics, and other things, you are not the best at… reading well.”
Katsuki glares at him.
“Fuck off.”
Kirishima shrugs. “At least let me see the card and read the name.”
Katsuki begrudgingly hands over the card. The red haired man takes it and glances down at it, reading it. Then he clamps down his lips, trying so hard not to burst out laughing. But a few giggles slip out.
The blond doesn’t take to kindly to this. “What?! What’s so damn-“
“His name isn’t Midoriya Deku, it’s Midoriya Izuku.”
Katsuki feels like he’s falling into a pit of embarrassment at such an error. And it seems it doesn’t end because Kaminari, Kirishima’s boyfriend, is also sitting at the long table Katsuki situated himself at to investigate. It doesn’t even take a second for the electric blond to start laughing his ass off.
“Oh my Gods!! Hahaha!!” Kaminari laughs, holding his stomach. “The great Bakugou “The Red Eyed Dragon” Katsuki making such a blunder is hilarious!! Hahaha-AHHH!!!”
He couldn’t take it the moron’s laughing. Katsuki practically launches across the table at Kaminari, about to strangle him. But the little shit is quick and hightails it to hide behind his mountain of a boyfriend.
Katsuki seethes. “Come out from behind him, you coward!”
“Kirishima, protect me!” yells Kaminari, still hiding behind his boyfriend to get away from Katsuki’s clutches.
“Whoa! Whoa!” says Kirishima, holding his hands up in order to placate the red eyed blond. “No killing boyfriends here. What we have to focus on is that we now know this thief’s true name.” He clasps his hand on Katsuki’s shoulder, giving him a sharp toothed grin. “So we can go and find him much faster and easier than before.”
Katsuki begins to calm at this.
That green haired thief will pay for stealing what’s his!
There’s no telling by now what this thief is cooking up to buy with Katsuki’s money next.
“Alright. Tell everyone to look for a Midoriya Izuku and report his whereabouts to me ASAP!”
Kirishima and Kaminari nod their heads.
“Yes sir!”
Izuku sneezes.
“Achoo!!” He covers his mouth with his elbow, sniffing a little.
“Bless you!” says his coworker Hatsume Mei. Both of them are covered in grease from loading car parts and other metal objects into boxes; they should be shipping out right about not to their destinations. “Someone must be talking about you.”
He playfully rolls his eyes. It’s an old superstition that people still spread about.
“Don’t know who would be talking about me though…,” he mumbles to himself.
But then only one person comes to mind…
And it makes Izuku’s skin crawl.
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theloganator101 · 1 year
I'm curious why does Izuku really wants to be a hero. ?
I mean when he says he wants to be a hero who saves people with a smile, it doesn't explain why he wants to become one. The reason simply says the kind of hero he wants to be. I'm not hating Izuku here.. it's just his desire seems to have no good explanation. It feels like he is the same as Kirishima, Bakugou, uraraka (her reason in the JT arc is bs and came out of nowhere. It downplayed her being inspired by Izuku to be a true hero and also her resolve after nighteye's death). I may talk about her more in another ask in detail.
Now back to our MC I mean izuku is an outsider to the quirky society, so his viewpoint on society and his experience growing up abused & isolated should have some factor to his reasons but doesn't seem so as far as i have seen the anime or manga. Like was there anything beyond trying to be all might 2.0 when he was 4. Why does Izuku want to save people so badly?. Izuku defended a kid who was being bullied by kid katsuki and his friends right? Why did he jump in to save the other kid?. Was it because he wanted to be all might or did seeing a sad, crying helpless child trigger him to jump in? . If he never watched all might before, would he have jumped in to help ? . Why did he jump in to save his abuser from the sludge ? was it because he saw a person's scared & helpless eyes and that triggered him to act or was it because he was in love with uwu kacchan🤮.? (Sorry but i hate their so-called friendship.). If it was another kid who had no connection to Izuku, would he have acted the same way?
I don't know if this was ever explained in the series since i stopped reading the Manga after 1A lead by Bakuhoe attacked Izuku along narrative propping up Bakuhoe and uraraka at the expense of Izuku's efforts. It also to me is unfair that the MC of the series doesn't get an arc explaining his reason to be a hero. An arc dedicated to him, his past, his experience growing up and his views and ideals and his desire to be a hero.
It pains me too to see Izuku get treated like this.
You would think we would get an episode or a chapter or whatever explaining WHY he wanted to be a hero in the first place other than being inspired by All Might. But we don't.
Hell, we don't even know MOST of 1A's reasons for becoming heroes themselves! But this is about Izuku specifically.
Now it just feels like he HAS to be a hero because he inherited OFA and needs to live up to it's legacy.
The Izuku solo arc is garbage when it should've been in insight on his pov and what he thinks of everything nowadays but we don't get that.
This would've been PERFECT to see what he thinks of everything after what he went through, to question the world around him and what he's been fighting for all this time.
Take this scene from Madoka Magica for example.
There should've been a scene like this in the arc, having Izuku come across some corrupted heroes and confronting them, then question what he's been fighting for all this time.
THIS is what was missing in Izuku's arc and his reason to be a hero.
THIS is what should've happened...
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seri-41 · 2 years
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Imagine ur own dad calling you a “piece of worthless trash”
I mean my mom sometimes calls me that-
All jokes aside, I’m still clinging onto that 0.5% chance Dad for one is real… there must be an explanation for this!!! :((
All for one used to say shit like this to Yoichi to break his spirit so MAYBE
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madmanwonder · 1 year
Ask how would toga feel after izuku friendzones her
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