saytrrose · 1 month
With all due respect, which is none, royalteeth shippers mischaracterize characters more than any other ship
I love the ship, but.. most of yall make me not able to stand it.. omfg
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riddlerosehearts · 1 month
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got them living in my head rent-free
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mensmommymilkers · 5 months
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Had to draw the trio from from my fave book by @sarahreesbrennan as I reread for the millionth time 😮‍💨 They’re so fun
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garmabawls · 2 months
Wtf are these ninjago fancasts.
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spinnysocks · 4 months
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finally made one of these again! :)
this was so funny to make, i missed doing these. i had so many thoughts so i'll put them in the tags as usual hehe
bonus :3
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quibbs126 · 4 days
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Oh yeah, so I went back and colored this in with his proper colors (or at least the ones in his Gacha illustration)
Maybe with the delay I’ll draw him again, but with the official full design, because I actually really like it
Also I was just going to put this in the reblog of my original, but I’m too lazy to go back and find it, so
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kesia-stupid-arts · 1 year
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I believe I read through Maxwell's dialogues 10 times already, it's my pastime
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vinnigami · 3 months
doodle your favorite demon :0
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I have too many ‘favorite demons’ to choose (Amanozako, Norn, Fionn mac Cumhaill, Kushinada-Hime, Bai Suzhen, and way too many more..) but i’ve been on an smt angels kick as of late. So I just drew Virtue
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hiis-theme · 6 months
i've noticed there's a slight problem on ao3 of people tagging undertale fanfics as deltarune when there's. literally no deltarune aspects. or only a couple here and there. i feel like that should probably be reserved for undertale fanfics that prominently feature deltarune characters/are a full-on crossover-
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samuraijackpostdump · 4 months
dude I was looking through clips for a reference image and it literally makes me sick with anger that Genndy chose to portray Africa like That. Literally racist caricatures like come onnnn man. The worst part is that I really want to LIKE that episode aside from the art direction. His mentor is a very sweet guy and I like Jack’s little rivalry with the other kid. I dislike that Jack has to save everyone and the other tribe is portrayed even worse, but at least Jack isn’t fighting by his fucking self the whole scene. there was so much potential in this episode if Genndy hadn’t been so fucking racist with his character designs. I do not fucking understand why he chose to make them absolutely pitch black in color. That’s not what humans look like. It’s like how he colors Jack straight up yellow sometimes. I know during the time this came out it was not very likely for bigotry to get called out but that had to have made some people uncomfortable. Jeeeeesus Christ. The guy portrayed China more respectfully than he portrayed literally any other culture including Japan lmao. Actually I take that back he gave quite a few Chinese characters racist accents. The man wanted a ‘multiethnic’ feel to his show but could not fucking stop being white and racist for it
#samurai jack#I HAAAAATE ITTTT#I love the character of the African Chief I just can’t stand his fucking character design. you didn’t deserve that king#I say he didn’t portray Japan well bc he barely even did. it was like some hand wavey Vibe of Japan and nothing concrete#he at least bothered to portray Shaolin monks without just making them aggressively Chinese#Genndy straight up knew more abt China than he did Japan bc there are SO many times#where what Genndy thinks is a Japanese culture thing is more just him considering all East Asians the same#listen I love samurai jack but I think it got away with this a little too easily. I think Genndy should get some flak for that#that whole ‘great ancestors’ prayer is cool and all but Jack wouldn’t be praying to them like in fucking Mulan. that’s not his religion.#in Japanese culture you can and do pray to your ancestors but not like. in the middle of nowhere in battle?#it made for a cool moment to show Jack wasnt abandoned by his culture but it was. not even a little accurate LOL#I GGUESS the argument could be made Jack was just sending a little prayer up but it still felt. off#not even people in China prayed like that to nebulous ancestors in the sky LOL#it’s just kind of an orientalist thing. idk maybe Genndy pulled the idea from somewhere like most of his Jack scenes but#it’s not Japanese in nature LOL#I can see it coming from a Conan scene. a goood chunk of Jack was inspired by Conan#anyway. the most accurate fucking Japanese culture scene was when the Jack robot was praying to what he could scrounge up as a small shrine#and it WASNT EVEN REAL JACK.
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pebblezone · 1 year
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Thinking so hard about sertegra dancing fic that has not yet been created
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unnamed-idi0t · 4 months
hey btw i don't really appreciate my identity being used as an excuse to ship aro/ace characters
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koskela-knights · 4 months
What if I told you I'm assembling a closet cosplay for Ilmo Koskela and also did a quick test, taking some thotty pics for future reference material 🤪💅
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dexter-erotoph · 3 months
little rant about roy and kinda hatzgang in general for a second… i Really liked him this episode lemme explain. tons of people love roy but i feel like they don’t actually like. ofc they like him but they don’t entirely recognise and appreciate that he really is a bad person because of how he’s been brought up . and that’s what makes him GOOD it’s the times that reminds you he’s just a kid and he really wants to be good especially for his friends who are there for him despite everything. and i feel like how he was here was a really good way of reminding everyone like roy IS a bad person and he lashes out at anybody that he feels like is threatening him and that’s what makes him a great character. idk i just think the way he behaved was a really good reminder of that
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skunkes · 8 days
I'm v curious abt Talon's mesoamerican origins and evolution in general how does his accent sound when written out? after such a long life what is the strongest vestige of those times he has (aside from physical features and so on). I can't believe some rando bloodsucker colonized my boy
I have no idea what his accent wld sound like as the few videos i cld find of people speaking his original language, are, of course, mainly spanish speakers! And I can sometimes hear the difference in spanish as they switch between the 2 while being interviewed but i struggle to mentally transplant that as to how it'd sound in English ykwim 😭 there's also the fact that its the modern language spoken by them so it has evolved alongside and borrows from spanish anyway, by those who still speak it and speak both Today
Im actually still zeroing in on fleshing out more of that lore, since I can't find too much info on the specific culture i envision for him, it may really just have to be "fantasy culture INSPIRED by the people" instead, so i dont completely botch actual historical info 😮‍💨 either that or go very vague off of the info available
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hell0mega · 19 days
like 12 years ago i saw someone online say that white people using reaction gifs featuring black people was "digital blackface" which i think can be true if it's like a 2013 era buzzfeed article written by a white person that exclusively uses gifs of black people for no reason but it's otherwise a very exaggerated way of thinking and yet any time i use a gif of a black person i think of that post
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