#PROTECTOR OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS     [ . . . ]     arc.
franzkafkagf · 2 months
back here again SORRY cant get over them having aegon say his cock exploded but he can still piss?? baby your cock didnt explode youre just physically disabled
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arc-misadventures · 2 years
Smol AU: Do the Happy Huntress go to Lunaris to treat with the smol king and gazed at the glorious manly beard?
The Truth Of Liers
Robyn: Okay… This place is… massive…
Fiona: Didn’t they say this place was was a town…?
May: A town: this place is a city?! I heard it had a population of just three hundred, now they say it has nearly seven thousand!
Joanna: With enough food to feed them for two years, enough dust to last a lifetime, and has a military on par with, Atlas.
Robyn: And, this place has only excited for two weeks…
Fiona: Do you really think we can get their help?
May: They’re anti-Atlas, of course they’ll help us!
Robyn: Mantle, is Atlas, and Atlas is, Mantle. It is one, and the same. That fact alone will give them pause.
Fiona: That doesn’t sound good to me.
Joanna: Sounds better to me then how, Atlas has been treating us.
May: That’s a reassuring thought.
Robyn: Enough, all we can do is the best we can do. That will be enough.
Fiona: I hope so…
Soon the quartet of Huntresses stopped before a large gate, a small girl with orange hair dressed in bulky silver white armour with pink fabric underneath slammed her massive war hammer upon the ground, stopping their procession dead in its tracks as she stared them down.
: I am, Nora Valkyrie! Thunder of the Mountain, Knight-Commander of the King’s Shield Guard! Who dares approach the Mountain King!
Robyn: I am, Robyn Hill, of Mantle. I wish to speak to your King.
Nora: And, what do you seek?
Robyn: Aid to help us defend, Mantle from the, Grimm.
Nora stood there for a moment before she made a small grunt sound, and called forth for her second-in-command. A woman wearing bulky towering over her commander in her armour that the quartet all recognized, but one that none expected to find here.
Robyn: Elm? Elm Ederne? What are you doing here.
Elm: I am here serving as the second to the Knight-Commander.
Joanna: But, don’t you serve, Atlas, and General Ironwood?
Elm: I renounce my loyalty to, Atlas, and General Ironwood. I now serve the King of Lunaris; both as his protector, and one of his many lovers.
May: You quit?!
Fiona: L-Lovers…?
Nora: Enough! Lieutenant. Alert his Majesty that a group of individuals wish an audience with him!
Elm: As you command, Knight-Commander!
Elm pounder her fist to her chest plate as a salute to her commander before the doors to the throne room opened long enough for her to disappear behind it. The doors soon shutting with a thunderous clash as it echoed throughout the vast unground kingdom.
Joanna: Well, this seems to be going easier than we expected…
Robyn: It’s not over yet, stand on your guard, and watch your words.
May: Got it!
Fiona: Let’s do this!
Soon the doors opened, far wider this time, as Elm walked out she stood behind her Knight-Commander, bending down to whisper in her ear, before standing back at attention behind her.
Nora: His Majesty; King Jaune Arc the Engraver. King of Lunaris, grants you the pleasure of an audience with him.
The duo soon stood to the side, as a contingent of the Shield Guard slammed their poleaxes, as the duo stood to the side as the quartet slowly made their way inside.
The Throne Room to the King of the Mountain was massive, dozens of civil servants, and officials littered the hall way. A deep blie carpet, with finely woven gold threads marks its path to the Throne. Alcoves rested along the wall, a dozen of them in total, upon each of them sat a rather small bulky looking individual. A flight of stairs lead to a throne high above all, upon it sat one figure, he was smaller then most, but his piercing blue eyes made him appear as if he was staring down on all, even if he was eye level with, Robyn, and her party. He was above them all.
A small figure stepped towards them, he wore a deep grey blue cloak, keeping his face hidden, showing nothing, but the thick white beard he sported, and his glowing eyes of ice, and snow. He stepped forward, slamming his staff on the ground, drawing everyone’s attention towards him, as the raven atop his staffed cawed out silencing all before them.
: I am, Wojtek, the Storm Caller! Counsellor, and High Shaman for his majesty, King Jaune Arc the Engraver, King of Lunaris! Speaketh thy names, and why thou do seek a audince with da, King!
Robyn: I am Robyn Hill, of Mantle, Leader of the Happy Huntresses. And, these are my companions, Fiona Thyme, May Marigold, and Joanna Greenleaf. We wish to ask for aide in the defence of, Mantle.
: Da Happy Huntresses…? Da fuck kind of name is dat! Sounds more like a name they’d give to some young whelps kiddy show!
Laughter echoed throughout the hall as the quartet turned to stare at a small woman, encase in deep scarlet armour with auburn gold details about it.
May: Told you we need to do some rebranding…
Wojtek: Kenina the Burnt One, of Clan Azar Blades. Have thou something to say?
Kenina: No, High-Shaman Wortjek. I have nothing to say.
Wojtek: Den’ allow our guest ta speak der minds.
Kenina bowed her head in respect to, Wortjek who bowed his in response. He then gestured with his hand to, Robyn to continue speaking.
Robyn: Thank you. We have come here today to first offer our warm greetings to the mountain folk, and ask for your help for the people of, Mantle.
Silence hung in the air, a few whispered words blew throughout the throne room until one voice spoke. It was a voice that echoed throughout the vastness of the mines with a might roar. A voice that struck like a hammer against blazing steel spoke. From upon the throne, a man with a crown of gold embedded with sapphires, and with a thick golden beard with clasps of silver, and ruby’s woven into it. Thick plated armour, of white, with gold rest upon his body, as he sat upon his throne as if he was carved from the throne itself.
For before them sat the King of the Mountain, King of the Kingdom of Lunaris. Jaune Arc, the Engraver.
Jaune: And, what… does da people of Mantle demand of my people, dat dey can’t beg from doe’s arrogant, Atlasian bastards?
Robyn: We don’t demand anything of you, we just ask for your help for the sake of the people of, Mantle.
Jaune: Da lines between, asking, begging, and demanding is, but a tone of ones voice.
It was a simple phrase that that effortlessly put, Robyn on the back foot. A simple phrase delivered with such gravity that shook their world to the core. But nonetheless, Robyn would not back down.
Jaune: However… I have yet ta ear yer request. So, tell me, ‘Little Bird…’ What do you ask of da, King of Lunaris?
Robyn: We ask for supplies: Supplies to help rebuild the walls of, Mantle. And, food to feed the people of, Mantle.
Jaune: Da walls of, Mantle are broken, and Atlas has not sought ta fix it: Why?
Robyn: Yes, the Grimm have breached the walls, and invaded, Mantle. They are in a desperate need of repair, and Atlas are not offering anything to fix this.
Jaune: Dat is an explanation, not an answer…
: My King. I wish to speak.
The group turned to see a short man, with a finely trimmed, and combed beard. A pair of black tinted glasses rested on his nose as he wipped a pipe with a handkerchief.
Jaune: Speak, Siriden the Forbidden Ismênê, of da’ Duibhin Clan?
Siriden: My thanks, my King. From what da Ravens say: Atlas is buildn sometin. Sometin dat requires a vast amount of der resorces ta build. What dat is, we know not.
Jaune: Hmmm… Do ye know, ‘Little Bird?’
Robyn: No; We have seen a massive amount of supplies being transported into the middle of the wastelands. We have tried to learn what they are doing, but no one is willing to tell us anything about it. We have asked time, and time again for their help, but they have offered us nothing.
Jaune: And, what do ye offer us for our aid?
Robyn: We offer our help to improve relations with, Atlas, and Mantle. One that will further benefit the Kingdom of Lunarisfor years to come.
A roaring cries of laughter soon erupted the halls of the throne room. Robyn, and her team looked about the hall in disbelief as it appeared they were all part of some sort of hidden joke.
Jaune: HAHAHA! I’m afraid ye offer of support in such a manner, is meaningless to us.
Robyn: What do you mean?
Jaune: Worjek.
Wojtek: Yes, my King?
Jaune: Summon da, Levana Fox.
Worjek bowed his head as held out his hand, the raven perched atop his staff landed on his out stretched hand. He whispered a few words to the bird before sending it flying away.
Minutes passed, the only sound being heard was the sounds of pipes being lit, and the sounds of smoke being blown through open lips. Soon the raven returned, and landed upon, Worjek’s staff. Soon a pair of door were heard opening, and from behind the kings throne entered a sight they did not expect to see.
: You summoned me, my King?
Joanna: What the hell?!
Fiona: I-Isn’t that, Winter Schnee? Specialist Winter Schnee?!
May; The fuck is going on?!
From the side of the throne, stood, Winter Schnee, dressed in an icy blue dress with bands of silver jewels with deep blue jewels embedded within them. Upon her head rested a circlet of gold, and silver. A smaller companion that matched against, Jaune’s crown.
Winter: You are both correct, and wrong. I am indeed Winter Schnee, but, I am no longer a Specialist in the service of, Atlas.
Robyn: Then, what are you…?
Winter: I am the Levana Fox. Consort to his majesty, Jaune Arc, the Engraver; King of Lunaris.
May: You’re his wife?!
Fiona: You’re the Queen then?
Joanna: Typical for a Schnee…
Winter: I am not the, Queen. That position belongs to another far more worthy of such a position.
Robyn: Wait… You have two wives…?!
Winter: More than two actually.
Winter: Do you have need of me, My King?
Jaune: Indeed. The, ‘Little Bird’ ere wishes for us ta give her, and Mantle, our elp. She’s offered to elp improve relations with der people of, Mantel. Splain to dem why dat ain’t happening.
Winter: Since this relates to me I believe it is for the best that I do as you ask, My King.
Winter, bowed to her lover, and king before she turned to address their guests.
Winter: As soon as I came here, I pledged myself to my, King. To be his consort, or whatever he decided of me. Graciously he accepted me as one of his many lovers.
Robyn: So you just met him, and asked to marry him…?
Winter: For a price.
May: What price?
Winter: I offered to help the kingdom smooth out their relations with the SDC, and the Kingdom of Atlas. However, despite my best efforts, they have both made impossible demands of us that we have most whole heartily refused. Such is the behaviour of my father, and General James Ironwood. They both see us as a threat that must be crushed: My father as a rival, and a threat for his Dust monopoly, and the General for our rapid, and overwhelming military strength. Because of this, I see little to no possibility for good relations between our two great kingdoms.
Robyn: No, there is a possibility of their being good relations between us!
Winter: And, how is that?
Robyn: The supplies we asked for, they are for the people of, Mantle, not Atlas. We ask for you to offer your support to the people of, Mantle, in doing so we can spread word of your good will to the people, and help provide the bases for good relations between our two great kingdoms.
Winter: That is a possibility… If enough of the people of, Mantle see us in a good light, Atlas will reap the benefits of such relatiobs. It should gradually ease the worried tensions the General has for us. My father, Jacques Schnee would still be upset however.
Robyn: Is there any way we could ease tensions between, Lunaris, and the SDC.
Winter: Short of the removal of my father from the, SDC. No, there isn’t.
The King stroked his beard as he hummed softly. He chuckled softly as he eyes scanning the room as he spoke.
Jaune: Where is, Gawen the Creator, of da Enver Clan! Is he ere, or is da git hobbled away in his lab again?
A small chortle of laughter broke out, soon followed by a cry of alert.
Gawen: Aye, my Lord, I am ere!
They saw a short man smoking on a pipe wave towards him. His thick, and long beard, was fazzled, and slightly burnt in some places. A thick leather apron covered him, filled with a wide assortment of craftsmen tools across his apron.
Jaune: Good. Lords, and Ladies, of da Arven Council! We shall offer aide to da citizens of, Mantle. First we we send them supplies of food. Gawen, send two of yer finest workers to inspect der walls. After dat, send forth a request for supplies to fix der walls. Understood?
Gawen: It will be done my, Lord.
Robyn: You willing to do this?!
Jaune: Indeed I am. Atlas, fears we desire war with dem. We desire peace, dis should help pave da way for said peace.
Robyn: I offer you my thanks, King Arc! This should help both the people of, Mantle. And, spread word of the kindness of the kindred of, Lunaris!
Jaune: I deed it shall. Now, go. We have much to do, and ye need yer rest. We shall talk more tomorrow.
Robyn, and her team respectfully bowed to the Mountain King as the made their way out of the throne room, with a smile on their faces, and pride at a job well done.
Fiona: We actually got help!
Joanna: Id didn’t think that would work…
May: I heard he was a hard ass, immovable like a mountain! But, I guess that rumour is just that, a rumour.
Fiona: Yeah, he seems far more appeasing than I thought too.
Robyn: Whether he is, or isn’t doesn’t matter. Now we have a chance to really help the people of, Mantle! And, that is all that matters, so come on girls, we have work to do!
As the Happy Huntresses left the throne room, the King, and his councillors waited there for a moment before they resumed there council meeting.
Kenina: Is dis a wise decision, my King? Givin supplies to dos, ‘Happy Huntresses?’
Jaune: It is indeed; for how else da ya think we can test, Atlas?
Siriden: Ahh… You want ta see how dem, Atlasian’s will react ta us sending food ta, Mantle. If dey let, Mantle take da food, it’ll show, Atlas is willing ta work with us.
Winter: And, if they confiscate something as simple as food, it shows an unwillingness to cooperate with us on anything. And, based upon how the act, it will either make the people of, Mantle look favourably upon the Kingdom of Lunaris, or deepen the resentment of the people, Mantle towards the people of, Atlas.
Siriden: It is a lose, lose scenario for, Atlas. Damned if dey don’t, damed id dey do. Excellent choice my, King!
Jaune: Der request was simple… And, good favour may benefit us… But, knowledge on how da others see us, is far more valuable than a barrel of grain. Dis is a good test to see how dey will react to us. All that matters now is ta wait for da results…
Wojtek: But, what about da, ‘Discerner of Lies?’ What is your test for her, My King?
Winter: A test? What are we testing, Robyn Hill for?
Jaune: She was given da power ta ascertain truth from lies, and lies from truth. It tells us many things, my Love. Chief among dem is dat she is untrusting of others unless you agree with her truth, wholeheartedly.
Winter: Her truth?
Jaune: Aye, her truth… For a lie is da truth ta one, and da lie ta another. And, who is she ta say we are liars… Siriden!
Siriden: Yes, My King?
Jaune: Make sure da, Raven’s know der faces! And, make sure to inform me of der results!
Siriden: It will be done, My King.
Jaune: Good, very good… Now den… Let us wait, and see, what da, ‘Little Bird’ does…
Ahh! It took me days to write this! But, it is done! World building for the, Kingdom of Lunaris has begun!
Do enjoy~!
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fuckfacetheunicorn · 3 years
Just imagine what the Sansa vs Daenerys conflict could have been in Season 8
Disclaimer: I am a Sansa fan. I understand the appeal of Daenerys I just believe she was in the wrong. So maybe take some of this with a pinch of salt.
So Season 8, Episode 1, Dany and Jon arrive back at Winterfell with two dragons and an army. It is immediately clear that the two characters have been pinned against each other, which I agree with but of course, D&D had to fuck it up.
The two characters are, or at least up to season 5, some of the most nuanced female characters in the show. They have arc's shaped by the people they meet and their experiences, and that is clear to the viewer. By this point, in my opinion, the seeds of madness are definitely within Dany and resistance from those within the Seven Kingdoms isn't helping. In comparison, Sansa now has the potential to be the major political force in the show.
Littlefinger is dead. Tyrion, Varys and Cersei have been relegated to 2D versions of their original characters and it now feels like everyone is just blindly preparing for battles. Sansa has been abused for the most part of the show in different ways by different people, but it all adds up. This would be the time for that to be shown.
Her deep distrust for the South and her independent (not on the back of Robb being previously crowned) belief that the North needs independence could be properly established. The lessons she learned from the likes of Cersei and Littlefinger could be put into practise. Instead we get an odd catfight which always seems to revolve around Jon and forgets their independent stories.
(And I get that at this point Jon is the closest thing there is to a main character but it doesn't change the storylines of the first seven seasons.)
On the other hand, there's Dany, who has been told all her life that she had a right to Westoros and has arrived and been promptly told to fuck off. She presents an opposing view to Sansa. She is a military force she gives orders, but leaves it too Tyrion and Varys to handle the politics of running a country. Cunning and planning are not what she does best and that does actually lead her to butt heads with Sansa. One of the few things I think they did right, although the entire interaction was laced with an odd cattiness and placing Jon in the middle didn't help that.
It all boils down to right vs duty.
Dany feels she has the right to the throne through her bloodline, which should have lead to some form of tension with Jon that just didn't happen. Sansa feels the North should be independent because her duty is to the North and that is what she feels is best for it. The Starks have been its protectors for generations and she will do what she needs to do to carry it on.
And maybe this is just a general extension of the motifs of duty and honour which have always circulated the Stark family but it feels different with Sansa. She was so ready to give it up to go South and marry Joffrey, but found that she would always be a Northerner at heart.
Whereas, while Dany may have been born on Westorosi soil, she is not Westorosi. She does not know its people or its customs, especially in the North.
Which then leads to, which I imagine may have been the original point of the show: a nuanced discussion on what a monarch should be in relation to their people. A ruler or a protector. Even in Season 1, it was clear that Robert was the ruler and Eddard was the protector and I really wish that contrast had been carried through in different characters.
OK, rant over.
Actually rant not over. This entire storyline is why the Sansa vs Daenerys dialogue is clogged with Jonsa vs Jonerys instead of the actual conflicts between the two characters.
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rainhadaenerys · 3 years
Dany’s AGOT arc
Dany's AGOT arc was always my least favorite Dany arc. And it still isn't my favorite, but making my AGOT edit gave me a new appreciation for her arc in this book. It's actually quite an incredible arc of learning and maturing.
Dany starts out as a meek girl who is unable to free herself from her brother's abuse. She is already shown to be a perceptive girl from the start and it's not like she doesn't have any experience of the world (after all, she grew up in poverty, in the streets, she listened to the talks in the streets, etc), but her perceptiveness and experience are tempered by the fact that she can't express her real thoughts due to her brother having power over her, and she still doesn't have experience in many things (like war, slavery, etc).
But throughout AGOT, Dany experiences an amazing growth. Drogo is also her abuser, but having him as her protector from her brother helps Dany find the courage and security she needs to stand up to her brother. This was the initial push Dany needed to become a more confident person and to stand up more for herself and for others. Initially she only stands up to Viserys (because she has Drogo as a source of protection), but this allows her to grow bolder, and later in the book, she defies Drogo and his khalasar in order to protect the Lhazareen. And even after Drogo falls from his horse, she finds the courage to stand up to Mago and Qotho, despite the fact that Drogo is dying and no longer can protect her. If initially she had Drogo to protect her from her brother and this allowed her to start defying him, now she has grown more bold, and stands up for herself and for others even when she no longer has Drogo's protection. We see Dany grow from a meek girl to a courageous person who stands up for herself and others.
Her growing confidence and defiance to her brother also makes her start to believe that she could be a leader instead of her brother:
Dany could not pretend to surprise at the disdain in his tone. "What … what if it were not Viserys?" she asked. "If it were someone else who led them? Someone stronger? Could the Dothraki truly conquer the Seven Kingdoms?" - Daenerys IV AGOT
Another thing that shows Dany's growth are her views of the Dothraki. Dany starts out thinking of the Dothraki as barbaric:
Yet now Viserys schemed to sell her to a stranger, a barbarian. - Daenerys I AGOT
As the hours passed, the terror grew in Dany, until it was all she could do not to scream. She was afraid of the Dothraki, whose ways seemed alien and monstrous, as if they were beasts in human skins and not true men at all. She was afraid of her brother, of what he might do if she failed him. Most of all, she was afraid of what would happen tonight under the stars, when her brother gave her up to the hulking giant who sat drinking beside her with a face as still and cruel as a bronze mask. - Daenerys II AGOT
She ends up learning their language, adapting to their customs, and genuinely respecting them, going so far as telling her brother to not call them savages (which shows both Dany's growth in regards to the Dothraki, and Dany's growing courage to stand up to her brother for what she believes in and for what's right):
"They are my people now," Dany said. "You should not call them savages, brother." - Daenerys IV AGOT
In the last five chapters of the books, she also learns plenty of things. With the assassination attempt by the wineseller, she learns more of her own political reality and connection to Westeros, learning that she and her child are seen as threats to the Iron Throne. With Drogo's attack on the Lhazareen, she learns about the realities of war (and tries to do what she can to protect people). With Mirri's betrayal, she learns more about oppression:
"I spoke for you," she said, anguished. "I saved you."
"Saved me?" The Lhazareen woman spat. "Three riders had taken me, not as a man takes a woman but from behind, as a dog takes a bitch. The fourth was in me when you rode past. How then did you save me? I saw my god's house burn, where I had healed good men beyond counting. My home they burned as well, and in the street I saw piles of heads. I saw the head of a baker who made my bread. I saw the head of a boy I had saved from deadeye fever, only three moons past. I heard children crying as the riders drove them off with their whips. Tell me again what you saved."
"Your life."
Mirri Maz Duur laughed cruelly. "Look to your khal and see what life is worth, when all the rest is gone." - Daenerys IX AGOT
With Drogo's death, she learns about the illusion of her power and safety as the Dothraki attack her and try to kill her, how she had no real power within the khalasar because her power had always derived from Drogo. And of course, with Mirri's lessons and her dragon dreams, she learns about magic and what she needs to hatch the dragons:
"I will," Dany said, "but it is not your screams I want, only your life. I remember what you told me. Only death can pay for life." - Daenerys X AGOT
AGOT is, for Dany, all about learning and maturing. She frees herself from abuse and becomes more confident, standing up for herself and for others. She learns about a new culture, she learns about politics, power, war, oppression and magic. Which is why two of her last lines in Dany X AGOT are so fitting. One of them is this line:
The godswife thought her a child, but children grow, and children learn. - Daenerys X AGOT
This is a quote in which Dany is talking more specifically about the lessons Mirri taught her about magic, but it also perfectly encapsulates Dany's arc in AGOT, as a child who grew and learned. And then we have Dany's speech at the very end of AGOT, which is the perfect way to end Dany's arc in this book:
"You will be my khalasar," she told them. "I see the faces of slaves. I free you. Take off your collars. Go if you wish, no one shall harm you. If you stay, it will be as brothers and sisters, husbands and wives." The black eyes watched her, wary, expressionless. "I see the children, women, the wrinkled faces of the aged. I was a child yesterday. Today I am a woman. Tomorrow I will be old. To each of you I say, give me your hands and your hearts, and there will always be a place for you." She turned to the three young warriors of her khas. "Jhogo, to you I give the silver-handled whip that was my bride gift, and name you ko, and ask your oath, that you will live and die as blood of my blood, riding at my side to keep me safe from harm." - Daenerys X AGOT
This is really a great moment because it's the culmination of Dany's maturation and learning throughout the book. She has learned about war, slavery and oppression from Mirri, so she frees the slaves of the khalasar and swears to treat them with equality and to protect them if they choose to follow her. She has learned about Dothraki customs, so she gives Jhogo, Rakharo and Aggo the whip, arakh and bow and asks them to be her bloodriders. But at the same time, she has grown more confident and learned to stand up for herself, so she also defies Dothraki traditions by asking them to follow a woman. And of course, her own willingness to assume the responsibility of leading and protecting the khalasar is also a result of her growth into a more confident person, because the Dany of the beginning of AGOT would never be confident enough to lead a khalasar, but this Dany is.
And finally, we have the amazing line "I was a child yesterday. Today I am a woman. Tomorrow I will be old." It perfectly encapsulates Dany's AGOT arc, from a child who was abused and afraid, to a woman (even if she's still very young) who is confident enough to lead her people, to stand up for herself and for her people. From a child who didn't understand the realities of war and oppression, to a woman who does understand and tries what she can to fight against this oppression.
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metanoiamorii · 4 years
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❛One day, the Imperium shall fade and crumble, but their names shall always be remembered in the hearts of all who yearn for freedom.❜
♧ Title: Mercy No More [MNO]
♧ Status: Drafting & Brainstorming
♧ Point of View: Third Person, most likely past tense, multiple
♧ Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Action, a dabble of darker elements
♧ Warnings: War, death, slavery, racism, classism, gore, colonialism, the use of religious beliefs to commit atrocities, violence, nudity, forced relationships, forced violence; and I'm sure more will come onto it as time progresses.
♧ Featuring: Diverse LGBTQ+ characters, complex and complicated characters, morally grey characters, complex world building, plenty of symbolism, fantasy religions, character redemption arcs, character corruption arcs; and I'm positive more will come on as it progresses.
♧ Setting: Primarily it will take place in an Ancient Roman inspired setting. With mention and traveling to the places inspired by: Gaul, Ancient Egypt, the Library of Alexandria, Mesopotamia, Ilyria, the Persian Empire, Carthage, and various more.
♧ Tease: Upon our backs, their mighty kingdom has been built— with our hands, we built this kingdom! At the expense of our blood and our lives, their kingdom was created! And I say to you now: no more! No more lives given to their fucking kingdom! No more blood given to them! No more will we suffer at their hands!
♧ Synopsis:
In the far southwestern seas of Viogia, the Luc'rivinus Imperium has grown in might and influence over the years. It dominates the world as a powerhouse that no other country is able to rival: in army, influence, ancient rooms, and blood-soaked histories.
When the campaign to take over Agriste comes into play, the Lucrians never would expect this would throw their society into a downwards spiral and lead to their potential end.
After the enslavement and escape of Liulfr of Clan Caintigern, they have roused all of the Agristic people into open arms and hostility of the Lucrians. By far yet, it would prove the most difficult campaign yet. Even then, the Lucrians push. They push their luck. While no Liulfr to rouse the whole of Agriste, taken slave and captivating society, the slave to become Tiraste rouses a slave rebellion to shake the foundation of the Imperium from the inside, while still from outside they find their campaigns.
Through these actions and Perseverance for justice, this army of ex-slave challenge history and expectations.
♧ Excerpt:
It took several moments before the slave spoke. A hand raising to wipe the blood from his face. "I have done this thing because it is just. Blood demands blood."
When the others nodded, the slave only lowered the sword back to his side; stepping forward to pick up the one he had discarded. "We have lived and lost, at the whims of our masters for too long. I would not have it so. I would not see the passing of a brother for the purpose of sport. I would not see another heart ripped from our beating chest, or breath forfeit for no cause."
"I know not all of you wished this. Yet it is done. It is done. Your lives are your own!" With a breath, exhaled, he finally turned to face the others. That wild wolf grin to find his face, eyes to take that verdant glow. "... Forge your own path or join with me, and together we shall see the Imperium tremble!"
♧ Characters: As this is a series I'm expecting to span over six, possibly seven books, I'm only going to list the ones I know who are the most major characters. As I will be doing them a bit different than my other ones.
♧ Elgaslir: Trik'Rjrkite; The Breaker of Chains
Slave Deity • He/They • Homosexual • Demiromantic • Patron of Kyrian
♧ Dar'nen: Aktoyron; The Great Wolf
Elvhen Deity • He/Him • Gynesexual • Demiromantic • Patron of Tiraste
♧ Cariña: Elsu'amabilxika; The Dreamweaver
Nature Deity • She/Her • Pansexual • Demiromantic • Patron of Diantha
♧ Jhaeros: Agisar; The Great Protector
Elvhen Deity • He/Him • Hetero-Flexible • Demiromantic • Patron of Ek'ran
♧Tryst: Tyronjis; The Black Lord
Human Deity • He/Him • Bisexual • Aromantic • Patron of the Imperium
♧The Dreamer: Diantha; The Black Wolf
Wood Elf • Vespanian • Intersex • Genderfluid • He/She • Pansexual • Grey-Aromantic • Ex-Body Slave • One of the figureheads of the rebellion
♧ The Soldier: Ek'rán; The Brown Wolf
Sky Elf • Agristic • Intersex • Demiboy • He/They • Asexual • Aromantic • Ex-Gladiator • One of the figureheads of the rebellion 
♧ The Speaker: Kyrian; The Red Wolf
Spirit Elf • Júrcan • Intersex • Agender • They/He • Asexual • Aromantic • Ex-Body Slave • Cousin of Astraea • One of the figureheads of the rebellion
♧ The Saviour: Astraea; The Golden Wolf
Demigod • Júrcan • Intersex • Genderfluid • He/She • Demi-Homosexual • Demi-Homoromantic • Ex-Body Slave • Cousin of Kyrian • Half sibling of Cyk'ste • One of the figureheads of the rebellion
♧ The Rebel King: Tiraste; The White Wolf
Sun Elf • Agristic • Intersex • Agender • He/They • Pansexual • Demiromantic • Ez-Gladiator • One of the figureheads of the rebellion
♧ The Healer: Cyk'ste
Intersex • Genderfluid • They/He • Asexual • Aromantic
Demigod • Appears Athylian • Intersex • Agender • They/He • Asexual • Aromantic • Joined only due to Astraea • Half sibling of Astraea • The major physician of the rebellion and a trusted advisor
♧ The Seaside Terror: Vul'kyrinus
Minx • Gerussi • Intersex • Queer • He/Him • Pansexual • Aromantic • Pirate • An avid supporter
♧ The Soul-Link: Lythier
Spirit Elf • Lydstian • Intersex • Agender • They/Them • Asexual • Aromantic • A former slave of the Citadel of Taiblyus • A trusted advisor to the Five
♧ The Doctore: Askari
Goliath • Rycamish • Amab • Agender • He/Him • Bisexual • Biromantic • Ex-Gladiator • The former Doctore of the Vettius Household
♧ The Rival: Riaglis
Shifter • Rycamish • Male • He/Him • Bisexual • Demiromantic • Ex-Gladiator • A viewed rival of Tiraste • A trusted advisor • The bodyguard of Astraea
♧ The Imperator: Loukios Sistko Martialis Tok'lani Valerianus; The Red Serpent
Half Sun Elf • Lucrian-Agristic • Intersex • Agender • He/They • Closeted Homosexual • Aromantic • Consul • The embodiment of War
♧ The Slave Queen: Clementia Edesia Coralee Achlys Eleutheria; The Green Serpent
Witch • Lucrian • Afab • Agender • She/They • Homo-Flexible • Aromantic • Magister • The adopted daughter of Sabine • The embodiment of Pestilence
♧ The God of Politics: Lucretia Livius Phoenicis Ferrea Sabine Regnare; The Black Serpent
Witch • Lucrian • Amab • Queer • He/She • Pansexual • Aromantic • Magister • The adopted parent of Clementia • The foster parent of Tok'lani • The embodiment of Ruin
♧ The God's Chosen: Severi Agrona Brennius Blaire Blandine; The Pale Serpent
Human • Lucrian • Transmasc • Agender • They/He • Asexual • Aromantic • Magister • The favoured of The Black Lord • The Embodiment of Death
♧ The Heir: Augustus Laskaris Aurelius Stylianos; The Golden Serpent
Demigod • Intersex • Lucrian • Queer • He/Him • Questioning • Magister • The son of the Black Lord
♧ The Dog: Severi Agrona Helios; The Tapian Serpent
Half Sun Elf • Intersex • Genderfluid • He/They • Pansexual • Demiromantic • Freed slave • A trusted associate of both Blaire and Tok'lani
♧ The Child Magister: Vavianus Thracius
Human • Male • He/Him • He is a child and therefore there is no such talk in this house of romance • Magister
♧ The Silver-Tongued: Ios Erebos
Changeling • Intersex • Nonbinary • They/Them • Asexual • Aromantic • Praetor • The right-hand of Tok'lani
♧ The Advocate: Severi Agrona Atticus Órlanus Alys
Human • Amab • Genderfluid • He/She • Homosexual • Homo-Demiromantic • Magister • The foster child of Blaire • One of the only public advocate to end slavery
If you would like to be added to the taglist, feel free to drop a message, send in an ask, or remark it in the tags!
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Writeblr Intro
Hello! I’ve seen bits and pieces of the Writeblr community, and just as I sometimes do when something ends up catching my attention, decided to throw myself head first into it. A bit of a bad habit of mine I think, but hey it can help with confidence right?
Introduction Time!
My name is Hope, She/Her (cis female), Canadian, Autistic, Scorpio and nearly 20. I went for a 1 year college course but decided to take the year off not only because of what’s been happening in the world but to also figure out what I exactly want to do with my life (with job searching). I’ve been creating stories for a few years, and am primarily an artist but I wish to start writing and sharing the stories I’ve made to the world.
Some media that I like is,
Magical girls (PreCure, Sailor Moon, Madoka Magica)
Shonen (not as much as magical girls but I’ve watched mainly Fairy Tail and Fire Force, and also The Promised Neverland)
Murder Mystery (Danganronpa, Zero Escape, Murdoch Mysteries)
Slice of Life (Fruits Basket, Ascendence of a Bookworm (though that’s also Isekai? I dunno I just really like the characters and world building) )
Final Fantasy! Kingdom Hearts! The World Ends With You! Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Fire Emblem, Persona Series and Zelda.
Stuff in my writing! Found Family is always a win, sibling relationships always seem to be popping up, redemption arcs or morally grey characters I think, loss, magic (no seriously, all my wips include some form of magic), lgbt+ characters (for Jewel Protectors and SIC, Deities Game and Mystica are that old but I’m still attached to them and will be revising the stories for sure).
I’m still trying to figure out what I use in my writing so I may make another intro in the future with more solidified ideas despite this being a solid list already. (I just know I use more but it’s late and I can’t wrack my brain for them)
My WIPs!
Jewel Protectors - My current wip, I plan to make this into a comic someday but until then it’s in writing format! It started blatantly more Magical Girl (group? There’s boys in the group, Magical Hero?) but now it’s a bit more sci fi, but still very filled with magical hero stuff and slice of life as well. It follows seven people, five high school students, a university dropout and an amnesiac alien all navigating life and strange new powers along with the dangers that come with them. Planning/Outlining stages
Back burner wips! I do want to work on all of these eventually
The Mystica Chronicles - In a world where more and more citizens are being born without connection to the myst (magic), young Ashton worries that he may not have any at all. What comes after is travels around the world, Kraken fights and being careful of what you wish for. Current plans is to make this into a novel/book series eventually once Jewel Protectors is done
Deities Game - What started as a survival/murder mystery story takes a 180 to slice of life/fantasy in concept. I hope to return to it and refresh it sometime in the future for sure.
Supernatural Investigation Club - University Students investigate supernatural occurrences in their town of Bellton.
I think that’s all from me? I follow back from @hopeeternia. I still have much to learn, but if you are interested in my current wip or maybe one of my back burner wips please send an ask (I will try to get an Introduction done for my current wip as soon as I can). Procrastination is mean but it’s time to get started on all of these stories starting with Jewel Protectors.
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swtzutara · 4 years
after reading through the moon, I decided to make a post with all my predictions for season four, especially because it changed the course of what most of us were expecting for it (rather tragically). i think it’ll be fun to come back here when the season drops and see what I got right. most of these predictions were already in my mind before the comic came out, but I had to change them just a bit to fit what happened at the end of thought the moon. under a read more because of ~spoilers 
Rayla won’t appear on the first episode, and maybe not on the second one too (though I think we might see a little bit of her at the end of the second ep) but we’ll see her on the end credits art, like maybe clues showing where she is, or the places she went to
I think callum is gonna be desperate about her, and will want to go after her right away, but won’t be able too for some reason, probably ezran and soren convincing him to go back to katolis first, or maybe something in the letter she left for him? 
Callum and ezran will have a fight about callum wanting to leave everything behind and go look for rayla, because ezran is also worried about her but he can’t leave because of his duties, and he feels abandoned by rayla already and doesn’t want callum to leave him too. rayla leaving the way she did would impact them both, but since callum can be a little bit of jerk towards ezran when he’s got his head full, I think maybe he’ll focus on how rayla leaving affected him and how hurt he is, and forget that ezran also cares deeply about her. they’re brothers and it’s easy to get overly emotional with family, and to have a lot of complicated feelings, and I’d like to see it being explored on the show with them. also callum can’t just leave his brother like that, i think he knows that deep down, but after the events at the end of season three i think he would be really worried about rayla 
(that’s a popular one already) I think we might get a “Rayla Alone” kind of episode, since I believe rayla won’t appear much in the first episodes. the episode will show the scenes referenced in the end credits art from the previous episodes and also where she is now. i believe we will see her struggling mostly with her feelings, since survival is not a problem for her. she will have nightmares like the ones in through the moon, and maybe new ones, since she left callum and ezran behind and will probably feel guilty about it, even though she believes it was the right decision. it will be a very emotional journey, which i think would be great, rayla’s feelings are incredible to analyze and really complex, there’s just so much potential for her on this season
I think Terry the Earthblood Elf will appear on book four
Ezran and callum will have a Big Feelings Time and solve their fight (not fast or easily, but i’ll leave these details for the show lol), and then maybe they will send corvus or soren after her, but at some point i think callum will go too, perhaps after they got a clue? i love rayllum but i can’t think of callum just leaving his baby brother (who’s king) for only God knows how long, especially knowing that rayla can take care of herself during her journey, the biggest problem here is to where this journey is taking her
Rayla will be able to reach viren because I believe she will get the coins in this season. they need time to develop all the conflicts that will explode when runaan, tiadrin and lain are free, so I think she will get the coins by the end of season four, they will be freed on season five, and we’re gonna have seasons six and seven to develop the characters and the conflicts between them
Rayllum will have a Big Fight when they get together again. i think their inicial reactions will depend on the situation they will found themselves into when they reunite, but after this they will have a fight that will turn into a serious conversation about what happened; i think they just need to put their feelings out there and with the way things happened, it would be through some screaming. callum will talk about how he felt betrayed by her, how she left him and ezran, how he just wants to help her and be there for her, she broke his trust, and as much as i think he’ll understand her motives, it’s still very hurtful, and she doesn’t need to do things alone anymore. rayla will talk about how difficult it was for her to see everybody apparently moving on while she was stuck in the past, how she didn’t want him to distract her of her pain but just accept that she was hurting and let her deal with it on her own, how she COULDN’T let it go because only answers would bring her peace, though it is true that she didn’t have to run away and try to hunt viren on her own. they will be fine by the end of the season, but we’re gonna get some pretty heavy emotional moments before that
I think ezran won’t be able to go after rayla with callum because of his kingly duties, and we’re gonna get a lot of human kingdoms politics with his narrative, and maybe some aanya-ezran bonding (PLS I WANT IT SO BAD). it would be nice to see callum dealing with the politics to, awkward as he is, and he is a prince after all, he can’t just ignore this part of himself
I think amaya will be torn between lux aurea and katolis. i think she and janai will be pretty close when the season starts, and since janai, as the new queen, will be dealing with the disaster viren caused at lux aurea and with no doubt being stressed a lot by it, amaya will want to support her and be there for her, but then she’ll found out about what’s happening at katolis (aka her nephews fighting all the time and rayla’s disappearance and all the crazy politics ezran will be dealing with) and she’ll want to be there for them too. i think it would be nice to see amaya having more of a emotional conflict, she’s so tough when it comes to physical conflicts, but emotions are something that can really shake you to the core
I think ethari will help the boys on finding rayla, maybe with some spell he knows?? he might work with corvus or soren to track her, they both joining their abilities, that would be really sweet and also reinforce the show’s theme of humans and elves working together. i think maybe we won’t get A LOT of ethari on season four because I believe he will be of great importance on season five helping rayla free runaan, tiadrin and lain from the coins, but it wouldn’t make sense for him to NOT be a part of season four too, considering all the situation with rayla, and how he needs to make up for what he did to her
Aaravos will take great interest in claudia, but she won’t trust him. we already saw on the show that he thinks she’s a “useful asset” and that he’s impressed by her resourcefulness, and he’ll probably want to use her for his own gain, but she doesn’t trust him because she hates elves. the creators said aaravos is really manipulative, especially because he was able to manipulated viren, that is also very clever, so sooner or later he’ll find a way to manipulate claudia or get her to trust him, and I believe it’ll be through viren. he’ll either threaten viren behind viren’s back or manipulate viren so he manipulates his own daughter (what a mess)
I think callum may connect to the moon arcanum by the end of the season. i’m not really into the theory that he’ll connect to all six primal sources, because as badass as it sounds I’m not sure if that’s what the creators are planning for his arc or if it’s really necessary, but I do believe that he’ll connect to at least two, sky and moon. he already have the set up to forge his connection, especially after both his experiences at the moon nexus, and I think the process will happen more smoothly now. he’ll be reflecting about something, maybe his situation with rayla and the lies she told him, and also remembering the “white lies” quote from the comics, and he’ll suddenly realize that he has connected to the moon arcanum (again, it wouldn’t happen as lame as i’m sure i’m describing it, but i’ll leave the details to the writers). callum struggled a lot to understand the sky arcanum because it was his first try, and he had no clue of what exactly to do, and I think it would show great character growth if his second connection came more easily, especially because of his feelings for rayla, and the way he’s trying to understand her. she being the key to his connection with the moon arcanum would be really sweet 
I think we’ll see soren also struggling a lot about his place on the castle. he doesn’t have his family around anymore and he used to be very close to claudia, and all the experiences at the storm spire affected him deeply. he loves the boys and want to be their protector, but I think he might feel lonely. i’d love to see some bonding between him and ezran or him and callum (hopefully both!), and I also think he’ll be worried about rayla too, they seemed to be starting to develop a friendship in ttm (i loved it so much), they talked about his father and how dangerous he is, he knows rayla will be in big trouble if she finds viren, and he’ll be afraid of another confrontation with his father
I’m honestly a bit lost about how the ending could be. if rayla will be found or come back willingly after getting the coins, i don’t know which one i’d like better. also rayllum being separated from ezran again is so hurtful, but there’s no way callum wouldn’t go after rayla at some point, and it would look really bad for ezran if he abandoned the crown again, right after the war, but i hope we can have callum and ezran together for most of the season at least. i’m also expecting a big fight between claudia and rayla, i think it would be great.
I already thought that rayla and callum would be in separate places during s4 or s5, but I sure didn’t expect for it to happen like THAT. I also expected a fight between callum and ezran because I think their relationship needs to be a bit more tested, especially now that ezran is king. I’m so excited about season four I can’t barely sleep at night lol (a release date when??). I know this predictions are a bit (or a lot) vague, but they’re really supposed to be just overall ideas of what could possibly happen on book four. 
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chicagoindiecritics · 4 years
New Written Review from Mike Crowley on You’ll Probably Agree: 10 Reasons Why ‘Blade Runner 2049’ is better than ‘Blade Runner’
If you haven’t’ seen the movie, see it then read this. No intro, let’s jump right in.
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1. K is a replicant
The reveal of K’s genetic code, or lack thereof, flips everything we assume the movie will be on its head. We are learning along with K what it means to exist. Do we as humans, live like replicants? Do we obey a society that treats us like trash but breath anyways out of the fear of death? Where we viewed “Blade Runner” mostly through Deckard’s eyes who didn’t have much of a personality, K’s lack of a character is his entire purpose for existing. For K to emote is to face death.
Where Harrison Ford’s Deckard entire arc was us questioning if he’s human or not (despite what Ridley Scott unequivocally says), there’s nothing much of substance to Officer Deckard. He gets drunk, retires replicants, that’s it. Name one thing that makes Deckard standout? I’ll wait. Ryan Gosling’s Officer K goes from a machine that is dying spiritually on the inside to someone wanting to have a purpose in life. All while maintaining his composure, if perhaps too much poise for the film. Anything with a conscious can feel. Whether or not how it was made is as relevant as where you were born or what skin color you are. The importance is that you’re here.
K doesn’t seek gratitude nor affirmation. He doesn’t suffer from a narcissistic personality. All he wants is not just to be another useless piece of metal.
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2. Deckard has depth this time
Being a daddy changes you a lot. Rick isn’t just a slouchy drunk who likes to shoot robots out of legal obligation. He’s a man who’s principles and love for forbidden things cost him his life. What kind of soul did Deckard have in the first film? Who did he care for? Please don’t say, Rachel, we all know why he was attracted to Rachel. Like Winston in 1984, Deckard rejects Big Brother for a life of pain to gain a glimmer of happiness. 
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3. It’s horrifyingly relevant
Denis Villeneuve based the imagery in 2049 on a planet that has become degraded with pollution. The buildings are extrapolating enormous amounts of water into the atmosphere, the sea wall at the end of the picture will be our new Mount Rushmore, the orange Vegas is happening now. Denis Villeneuve didn’t predict the earth looking like this, but his production team was still spot on. A picture that transcends its very style, developing a look that will be discussed on its merits separate from the ubiquitous original, is a stunning achievement.
Everything isn’t dystopian because that’s the way it was in the book. It’s what will happen to us in real life, why we’d look for colonies to live on if we had the technology or funding towards NASA to do so. God help us all.
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4. The love story questions the essence of relationships
The story between K and Joi further examines the meaning of love, sex, and mortality, with the two being different versions of artificiality. When the default sexed-up version of a naked Joy pops up on the screen, we are emotionally mortified. Some of us may be repulsed to observe a character we care for utilized like a thirsty Godzilla.
The towering ad tries to seduce K tempting him to buy it, rendering everything Joi said to K throughout the picture questionable. Its manipulation solidifies his final decision in life to help another man. We’re not sure if she loved him or said what it thought it wanted him to hear throughout the narrative. Possibly Joi herself didn’t know her intentions. An unusual amount of nuance and uncertainty rests in the love story. Who do we love? Why do we love? Do we love by the heart or the heart of our designers whom we don’t know?
Meanwhile, Deckard was just drunk and horny when he bashed Rachel up against the wall. Sorry, that really was all there was to their passion despite what Wallace says.
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5. The movie was an honest commentary about how the world views woman
Here’s a controversial one. A lot of women were disgusted by the way they were depicted in the film. Outwardly watching the movie, I can’t blame them. I’ll let Mr. Villeneuve speak for himself. “I am very sensitive to how I portray women in movies. This is my ninth feature film and six of them have women in the lead role. The first Blade Runner was quite rough on the women, something about the film noir aesthetic. But I tried to bring depth to all the characters. For Joi, the holographic character, you see how she evolves. It’s interesting, I think. What is cinema? Cinema is a mirror on society. Blade Runner is not about tomorrow; it’s about today. And I’m sorry, but the world is not kind on women.”
Villeneuve is right. Women today are still sexualized. Even with the Me Too movement, women are continually seen as sex objects or subservient slaves in a male-dominated society. Villeneuve isn’t interested in painting a rosy picture that Hollywood does for female roles to make the audiences feel comfortable. It’s an honest reflection on who we are. What we see is what we don’t want to see, but that’s part of the honesty of cinema.
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6. The score is mesmerizing
Another point in which I may face some contention. Yes, Vangelis’ score is iconic, but it only works for the era it was composed in. Much of its mixture of bleeps, blops, and wind chimes are a product of its time. A lot of emotion is missing from the score other than the opening theme and “Tears In Rain.” Hearing much of the soundtrack while on the road, I sometimes thought I was listening to something from a porno. Take a listen to “Wait For Me” in the soundtrack and tell me otherwise. Hans Zimmer and Benjamin Walfisch’s score is timeless while also paying respect to Vangelis’ synthetic use in the original. It dives into the character’s mind providing a replication of something more human than what Vangelis composed.
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7. It thematically ties more directly to “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” than “Blade Runner” does.
“Blade Runner” got the overall gist of Phillip K Dick’s novel. Replicants are scared, trying to find a way to survive as Deckard hunts them down. However, the Andies in the movie almost deserve to die. In their quest for more life, they torture and kill multiple civilians. What did the guy making the eyes do to deserve being frozen to death? What about J.R. Sebastian? He was nothing but pleasant to Roy and Pris. Did Roy eye gauge him when he was done with Tyrell?
Aside from Luv (Sylvia Hoeks), our replicants are fully rounded people. Sapper Morton is a watchful protector who was meant to be a NEXUS 8 combat medic; Joi’s true intentions come into question for herself and us. K’s inner conflict is the central core of the story. All of this revolves around the meaning of existence within a world that has forgotten about you. The introduction of Robo procreation is an evolution of Dick’s ideas, widening his notion of why life exists in the first place.
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8. It doesn’t get lost in the scale
Many sequels love scope over characters. Remember “The Matrix”? Remember how they talked about Zion and all these other things we didn’t see? When the sequels brought in Zion, the focus got lost in the spectacle. “The Matrix Reloaded” was a bumbling CGI mess of Agent Smith Clones and cave orgies. “The Matrix Revolutions” was a glorified “Space Invaders” game. Shoot as many sentinels as you can before becoming overwhelmed. Amidst the sequels bumbling chaos, I missed the smaller scale of the Nebuchadnezzar crew.
The story of “2049” could have focused on the replicant uprising with thousands of robots slamming into humans. We could have gone off-world to finally see what all these other colonies we’ve heard about are like. Some have argued that the movie could have borrowed some of its source material from the later novels about replicants creating humans, so on and so forth. All of that sounds incredible in theory. In execution, you would likely get “The Matrix” sequels.
A movie that overreaches in scope, attempting to please fans by showing everything. What we got was an incredibly meaningful story that further explores the themes of the original while building upon its world without going too far. We see what’s beyond L.A. on the dilapidated west coast. The answer is not much. The film aims at minimalism over extravaganza.
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9. We’re still talking about it
After being MIA for decades, “Blade Runner 2049” isn’t forgotten. I can’t say the same for “Superman Returns,” “Monsters University,” “The Incredibles 2,” “Live Free or Die Hard,” and “Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull.” In fairness, people do talk about Indy 4, but not in a positive fashion. “Blade Runner 2049” returned to the limelight with disastrous box office results yet high accolades, even gaining the Academy’s attention. Ironically it seemed destined to live the life of its predecessor.
“2049” may have tanked because it was a multimillion-dollar art film that respected its audience’s intelligence. Maybe “Blade Runner” was too far gone amongst the public to gain an interest geared almost entirely towards comic books and Disney. I think the trailers after the reveal teaser looked too generic for my own two cents, turning me off from the film for a short while.
Here we are with Honest Trailers in 2020, making a video about a film that came out in 2017. Bloodsoaked orange skies from the headlines mention the atmosphere of this film. Somewhere, about 100 other people are writing their analysis of “Blade Runner 2049” as I type right now. Seven years from now, we’ll be talking about why the world is still like “Blade Runner 2049.” Villeneuve made a timeless sequel to be remembered.
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10. It’s better than the first film and one of the best films in the last ten years
Here’s why you’ll probably agree with this one when you put your pitchfork down. Remove your nostalgia goggles. I know it’s hard to do, please, trust me. Look at the points I made above. Think about how ironic the love story is to our lives. The layers of meaning behind K’s existence is lightyears beyond the featureless Rick Deckard. The picture isn’t flawless. Niander Wallace is spectacularly corny in his scenery-chewing grim monologues. Dr. Eldon Tyrell had some ambiguity regarding the morale of his intentions. For that, I’ll give the original the benefit of my doubt. I understand Ryan Gosling was cast to be intentionally deadpan, but it’s okay to emote once. His distant stare in all of his other performances made it difficult for me to discern myself from the actor’s rather dull persona.
With this said, “Blade Runner 2049” understands cinema. Its atmosphere is why we venture into a dark room that takes us to a different place. Denis Villeneuve’s masterful follow up is one of the most orgasmic cinematic experiences I have witnessed in the last ten years that demands a re-screening in 2022 when theatres reopen at an entirely safe capacity. The style doesn’t overshadow its substance, which is far richer in detail than the original without grasping at blatant metaphors. “Blade Runner 2049” is slow cinema at its finest, letting us into the character’s heads, knowing when to be quiet and when to be loud.
Like “The Empire Strikes Back,” not everyone appreciated the movie at first. Time has been incredibly kind to it, though. I wish the Academy recognized “Blade Runner 2049” beyond its technical marvels in 2018. I suppose it wasn’t the type of picture that catches Oscar voter’s eyes. But it has acquired the audience’s to this day. Now, if you could just look up and to the left for me?
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shadowsong26fic · 5 years
Soooooo yeah. I know I’ve been kinda least-in-sight lately and have a very overdue Precipice chapter in the wings, etc., etc. Uh, basically, my BB got behind and then a little bit away from me. Deadline is not an issue in terms of completeness, but it’s gonna be quite a bit messier than I like at this stage in an event like this. Well, I’m planning to Power Through over the weekend and hopefully I’ll get more tweaking done than I expect? We shall see.
ANYWAY. I don’t know how March will look--more on that in Monday’s Coming Attractions post, of course, but work will get SUPER BUSY, along with other ongoing challenge commitments--but I’m still hoping to start posting my regular fics again? Lol. At least finishing Arc Seven so I can move on to Promises and Preludes because I’m super excited for some of the stuff happening there.
But for now, since I know I haven’t posted much lately, and because I’ve been rereading the Valdemar series so it’s been on my mind, I’ve decided to share some more from my Jedi of Valdemar AU! Specifically, this is the Ginormous Timeline of Doom that covers everything from, like, two years before Anakin gets to Haven to Leia’s kids’ generation getting Chosen, etc. (working in a Blended Canon because that’s how I roll) Obviously, this includes many spoilers for the AU in question--and also, because I like to keep certain plot points/character beats consistent, a few things for other fics. Also, this is an admittedly niche-appeal crossover with a fair amount of self-indulgent stuff in here JSYK.
Let’s see, what else...oh! Those of you who read the Family of Spies AU will recognize some OCs from there. One of them actually technically originated in the Valdemar AU, even. Nikolai and his brothers, who get mentioned here, are OCs of mine who in the regular timeline/galaxy are Kallus’s sister’s sons.
Also, Much Much Credit to Roommate TK for serving as a sounding board/helping with brainstorming/letting me use some of her OCs in this XD
I think that’s all the disclaimers I need so...here we go! Feel free to comment, question, etc., on anything in this post or whatever else you’re curious about!
Valdemar AU Rough Timeline (covering 64 goddamn years; including ages and broken into three arcs because easier to count, etc.):
-3 – Obi-Wan is Chosen (by Hondo) - Obi-Wan is 13; Padme is 11; Anakin is approx. 6; Bail is 15; Breha is 14; Palpatine is 40
-2 – Padme is Chosen (by Sabe) - Obi-Wan is 14; Padme is 12; Anakin is approx. 7; Bail is 16; Breha is 15; Palpatine is 41
-.5 – Padme’s parents and Mace are killed; Bail is Chosen as Queen’s Own; Palps becomes Lord Regent/Lord Protector (I haven't decided which title I like better yet) - Obi-Wan is 15/16; Padme is 13/14; Anakin is approx. 8; Bail is 18; Breha is 17; Palpatine is 42/43
0 – Anakin arrives in Haven after being Chosen by Ahsoka - Obi-Wan is 16; Padme is 14; Anakin is approx. 9; Bail is 18; Breha is 17; Palpatine is 43
2 – Obi-Wan is put into full Whites - Obi-Wan is 18; Padme is 16; Anakin is approx. 11; Bail is 20; Breha is 19; Palpatine is 45
3 – Padme is put into full Whites and Palpatine’s regency ends with a deceptively smooth transition of power - Obi-Wan is 19; Padme is 17; Anakin is approx. 12; Bail is 21; Breha is 20; Palpatine is 46
5 – Bail and Breha marry - Obi-Wan is 21; Padme is 10; Anakin is approx. 14; Bail is 23; Breha is 22; Palpatine is 48
6 or 7 – By now, the OT3 and a select few in their inner circle know that this is a Lifebond situation (not that they’re doing anything about it until Anakin, at minimum, has his Whites/finished his internship/etc., but they’re Aware and planning their futures with that in mind) - Obi-Wan is 22/23; Padme is 20/21; Anakin is approx. 15/16; Bail is 24/25; Breha is 23/24; Palps is 49/50 ((Note - I am going with an OT3 lifebond here for several reasons, including the fact that I don’t think Obi-Wan would be a very good Companion for Anakin (i.e., it would go like canon/Gala and Tylendel and No One Wants That), and this still showcases their extremely tight connection and also I like the OT3.))
8 – Anakin is put into full Whites; Dooku leaves Court and begins stirring up Trouble; discussion of when/who Padme should marry picks up/starts in real earnest. - Obi-Wan is 24; Padme is 22; Anakin is approx. 17; Bail is 26; Breha is 25; Palps is 51
9 – The civil war officially erupts - Obi-Wan is 25; Padme is 23; Anakin is approx. 18; Bail is 27; Breha is 26; Palps is 52
10 – Anakin loses his arm - Obi-Wan is 26; Padme is 24; Anakin is approx. 19; Bail is 28; Breha is 27; Palps is 53
11 – Dooku lays siege to Haven; Anakin and Ahsoka sneak out of the city and kill him - Obi-Wan is 27; Padme is 25; Anakin is approx. 20; Bail is 29; Breha is 28; Palps is 54
11 or 12 – Padme and Anakin marry (and make a similar private vow/commitment to Obi-Wan; Anakin gets the legal title because Obi-Wan emphatically does not want to be King, but doesn’t think he could refuse the responsibility if he was Padme’s legal spouse even if the Council/etc. would let him. Also Anakin becomes Weaponsmaster’s Second somewhere in here, but not 100% sure on exact timing, but almost certainly before the wedding.) - Obi-Wan is 27/28; Padme is 25/26; Anakin is approx. 20/21; Bail is 29/30; Breha is 28/29; Palps is 54/55
14 – Leia is born; her parents are not 100% sure who her biodad is but don’t particularly care. - Obi-Wan is 30; Padme is 28; Anakin is approx. 23; Bail is 32; Breha is 31; Palps is 57 ((Note: Luke is Leia’s Companion, as I’ve posted before, which is why he’s not here :D))
16 – Lavinia is born 2 years after Leia; her mother dies in an accident shortly thereafter - Obi-Wan is 32; Padme is 30; Anakin is approx. 25; Bail is 34; Breha is 33; Palps is 59
[ARC 2]
-4 – Leia is Chosen (by Luke); Lando and Amilyn arrive in Haven as Bardic students - Obi-Wan is 43; Padme is 41; Anakin is approx. 36; Bail is 45; Breha is 44; Palps is 70; Leia is 13; Lavinia is 11; Ezra is 12; Lando is 15; Amilyn is 12; Kanan and Hera are 25ish
-2 – Ezra is Chosen (by Ventress because the Kingdom clearly needed a little Pure Chaos) and joins Leia’s inner circle - Obi-Wan is 45; Padme is 43; Anakin is approx. 38; Bail is 47; Breha is 46; Palps is 72; Leia is 15; Lavinia is 13; Ezra is 14; Lando is 17; Amilyn is 14; Kanan and Hera are 27ish
0 – Kallus defects and comes to Haven with Zeb; Lando goes off on his Journeyman period - Obi-Wan is 47; Padme is 45; Anakin is approx. 40; Bail is 49; Breha is 48; Palps is 74; Leia is 17; Lavinia is 15; Ezra is 16; Lando is 19; Amilyn is 16; Kanan and Hera are 29ish; Zeb and Kallus are 35ish
1 – Pellaeon becomes Lord Marshall; Lavinia is Chosen (by Thrawn) and exposes her father’s crimes; Palpatine flees Valdemar (going West, discovering he has a latent Mage-Gift, and meeting Mother Talzin); Kanan is blinded as Palpatine has his minions try to kill the three people responsible for his downfall (Kanan, Lavinia, and Pellaeon) - Obi-Wan is 48; Padme is 46; Anakin is approx. 41; Bail is 50; Breha is 49; Palps is 75; Leia is 18; Lavinia is 16; Ezra is 17; Lando is 20; Amilyn is 17; Kanan and Hera are 30ish; Zeb and Kallus are 36ish; Pellaeon is 50
2 – Zeb and Kallus get their first kids; Ezra is put into full Whites; Amilyn goes on her Journeyman period - Obi-Wan is 49; Padme is 47; Anakin is approx. 42; Bail is 51; Breha is 50; Palps is 76; Leia is 19; Lavinia is 17; Ezra is 18; Lando is 21; Amilyn is 18; Kanan and Hera are 31ish; Zeb and Kallus are 37ish; Pellaeon is 51; Orryn and Mirah, are approx. 5
3 – Han meets Lando and is Chosen (by Chewie); I’m guessing Jacen is born around now, too? - Obi-Wan is 50; Padme is 48; Anakin is approx. 43; Bail is 52; Breha is 51; Palps is 77; Leia is 20; Lavinia is 18; Ezra is 19; Lando is 22; Amilyn is 19; Kanan and Hera are 32ish; Zeb and Kallus are 38ish; Pellaeon is 52; Han is 22
4 – Zeb and Kallus by now have all five kids probably? - Obi-Wan is 51; Padme is 49; Anakin is approx. 44; Bail is 53; Breha is 52; Palps is 78; Leia is 21; Lavinia is 19; Ezra is 20; Lando is 23; Amilyn is 20; Kanan and Hera are 33ish; Zeb and Kallus are 39ish; Pellaeon is 53; Han is 23; Nikolai is 14/15; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 9ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 7
5 – To the delight of their friends, Han and Leia finally start sleeping together and there is substantially less UST floating around - Obi-Wan is 52; Padme is 50; Anakin is approx. 45; Bail is 54; Breha is 53; Palps is 79; Leia is 22; Lavinia is 20; Ezra is 21; Lando is 24; Amilyn is 21; Kanan and Hera are 34ish; Zeb and Kallus are 40ish; Pellaeon is 54; Han is 24; Nikolai is 15/16; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 10ish; Mirah and Orryn approx. 8
6 – Lando and Lavinia start sleeping together regularly, but it’s Just Casual Let’s Not Make It Weird - Obi-Wan is 53; Padme is 51; Anakin is approx. 46; Bail is 55; Breha is 54; Palps is 80; Leia is 23; Lavinia is 21; Ezra is 22; Lando is 25; Amilyn is 22; Kanan and Hera are 35ish; Zeb and Kallus are 41ish; Pellaeon is 55; Han is 25; Nikolai is 16/17; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 11ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 9
9 – Shamie tells their dads they want to be a Sunpriest, studying with Chirrut in the Haven Temple; if he hasn’t already, Palpatine decides he no longer needs Mother Talzin and kills her; he starts building his power base/collection of client states in earnest - Obi-Wan is 56; Padme is 54; Anakin is approx. 49; Bail is 58; Breha is 57; Palps is 83 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 26; Lavinia is 24; Ezra is 25; Lando is 28; Amilyn is 25; Kanan and Hera are 38ish; Zeb and Kallus are 44ish; Pellaeon is 58; Han is 28; Nikolai is 19/20; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 14ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 12
10 – Leia and Han get married; Lavinia and Lando finally admit that Okay It’s Probably Not Casual - Obi-Wan is 57; Padme is 55; Anakin is approx. 50; Bail is 59; Breha is 58; Palps is 84 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 27; Lavinia is 25; Ezra is 26; Lando is 29; Amilyn is 26; Kanan and Hera are 39ish; Zeb and Kallus are 45ish; Pellaeon is 59; Han is 29; Nikolai is 20/21; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 15ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 13
12 – Jaina is born; Lavinia and Lando probably Officially Get Married or something - Obi-Wan is 59; Padme is 57; Anakin is approx. 52; Bail is 61; Breha is 60; Palps is 86 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 29; Lavinia is 27; Ezra is 28; Lando is 31; Amilyn is 28; Kanan and Hera are 41ish; Zeb and Kallus are 47ish; Pellaeon is 61; Han is 31; Nikolai is 22/23; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 17ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 15
[ARC 3]
-2 – Anakin dies. - Obi-Wan is 62; Padme is 60; Anakin was approx. 55; Bail is 64; Breha is 63; Palps is 89 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 32; Lavinia is 30; Ezra is 31; Lando is 34; Amilyn is 31; Kanan and Hera are 44ish; Zeb and Kallus are 50ish; Pellaeon is 64; Han is 34; Nikolai is 25/26; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 20ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 18; Jaina is 3
-1 – Obi-Wan dies, then Padme; Leia becomes Queen (Han is also technically King at this point, crowned and everything, but this is generally considered Leia’s reign rather than Leia and Han’s reign as Co-Consorts) - Obi-Wan was 63; Padme was 61; Bail is 65; Breha is 64; Palps is 90 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 33; Lavinia is 31; Ezra is 32; Lando is 35; Amilyn is 32; Kanan and Hera are 45ish; Zeb and Kallus are 51ish; Pellaeon is 65; Han is 35; Nikolai is 26/27; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 21ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 19; Jaina is 4
0 – Bail dies; Lavinia becomes Queen’s Own; Thrawn Chooses Pellaeon (who is a little bit What about the whole thing) - Bail was 66; Breha is 65; Palps is 91 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 34; Lavinia is 32; Ezra is 33; Lando is 36; Amilyn is 33; Kanan and Hera are 46ish; Zeb and Kallus are 52ish; Pellaeon is 66; Han is 36; Nikolai is 27/28; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 22ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 20; Jaina is 5
1 – Elena and Alysia are born - Breha is 66; Palps is 92 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 35; Lavinia is 33; Ezra is 34; Lando is 37; Amilyn is 34; Kanan and Hera are 47ish; Zeb and Kallus are 53ish; Pellaeon is 67; Han is 37; Nikolai is 28/29; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 23ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 21; Jaina is 6
2 – Baby Anakin is born - Breha is 67; Palps is 93 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 36; Lavinia is 34; Ezra is 35; Lando is 38; Amilyn is 35; Kanan and Hera are 48ish; Zeb and Kallus are 54ish; Pellaeon is 68; Han is 38; Nikolai is 29/30; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 24ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 22; Jaina is 7; Elena and Alysia are 1
4 – Palpatine starts his real push at the Border and so there is War; Lavinia and Rolan go to work building a network through his client-states; Kallus has probably taken Cassian on has his Second by now - Breha is 69; Palps is 95 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 38; Lavinia is 36; Ezra is 37; Lando is 40; Amilyn is 37; Kanan and Hera are 50ish; Zeb and Kallus are 56ish; Pellaeon is 70; Han is 40; Nikolai is 31/32; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 26ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 24; Jaina is 9; Elena and Alysia are 3; bb!Anakin is 2; Cassian is 35ish (maybe a bit older?)
6 – Jaina is Chosen (by Winter) - Breha is 71; Palps is 97 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 40; Lavinia is 38; Ezra is 39; Lando is 42; Amilyn is 39; Kanan and Hera are 52ish; Zeb and Kallus are 58ish; Pellaeon is 72; Han is 42; Nikolai is 33/34; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 28ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 26; Jaina is 11; Elena and Alysia are 5; bb!Anakin is 4; Cassian is 37ish
6/7 – Final battle with Palpatine; Lavinia’s diplomacy fragments his army; Ezra and Ventress and their Semi-Controlled Chaos carve a path; Leia slays him on the field - Breha is 71/72; Palps was 97/98 (but doesn’t look it because Magic); Leia is 40/41; Lavinia is 38/39; Ezra is 39/40; Lando is 42/43; Amilyn is 39/40; Kanan and Hera are 52/53ish; Zeb and Kallus are 58/59ish; Pellaeon is 72/72; Han is 42/43; Nikolai is 33-35; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 28/29ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 26/27; Jaina is 11/12; Elena and Alysia are 5/6; bb!Anakin is 4/5; Cassian is 37/38ish
8 – Poe is Chosen (by Baby/BB-8) and comes to Haven; Breha has probably passed away by now but I’m not sure exactly when - Leia is 42; Lavinia is 40; Ezra is 41; Lando is 44; Amilyn is 41; Kanan and Hera are 54ish; Zeb and Kallus are 60ish; Pellaeon is 74; Han is 44; Nikolai is 35/36; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 30ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 28; Jaina is 13; Elena and Alysia are 7; bb!Anakin is 6; Cassian is 39ish; Poe is 14
13 – Lavinia dies; Finn and Rey are Chosen (by Shaak-Ti and Rolan, respectively) and come to Haven; Rose comes to Haven and she and bb!Anakin enter Healer’s Collegium at the same time - Leia is 47; Lavinia was 45; Ezra is 46; Lando is 49; Amilyn is 46; Kanan and Hera are 59ish; Zeb and Kallus are 65ish; Pellaeon is 79 (and has Retired by now); Han is 49; Nikolai is 40/41; Julyta probably the same or a bit older(?); Shamie is 35ish; Mirah and Orryn are approx. 33; Jaina is 18; Elena and Alysia are 12; bb!Anakin is 11; Cassian is 44ish; Poe is 19; Finn and Rey are 13; Rose is 11
Not in the timeline because Space (and also too many additional characters/ages to add): - Anatole and Ziya probably get married somewhere around when Leia and Han do (year 10 of part 2); he’s 22/23 and she’s about Nikolai’s age. Pavel goes into the Guard at roughly the same time, at 18/19; serves with distinction during Palpatine’s invasion; transitions to spying/covert ops type stuff somehow, working as an agent for whoever the Herald Spymaster is at this point (maybe Cassian? Doubling as Weaponsmaster (when said position is filled by a Herald) makes a lot more sense than doubling as Monarch’s Own, and those are the two we’ve seen…plus it would make sense with Cassian’s canon backstory.)
- Sergey, Alexsi, and Sofya are probably born in reasonable intervals over the next 10 years; Sergey will eventually be Chosen. Spellings on the boys’ names are still subject to change.
- Irene is still a Healer; though she’s a few years younger than bb!Anakin and Rose, probably 4 or 5 when they enter the Collegium.
- Bodhi and Jyn are still a big ol’ question mark (though I'm leaning towards her being the Companion and him the Herald?).
- Baze and Chirrut are around Kallus and Zeb’s age, maybe 5-10 years older. Chirrut is the Priest in the Haven Temple; Baze is retired Guard and currently a blacksmith.
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annes-andromeda · 4 years
GOT Virtues AU: Not Enough to Understand
N/: So, I’ve finally written a chapter for Tyrion. I’m mostly gonna go by his arc in ADWD, but take out things like Young Griff and Jon Connington. As much as I believe those characters to be very vital to the books, this AU goes mostly by showverse with hints of the books and my own additions. However, some characters from ASOIAF will be incorporated here, just maybe not the same as the books. Tyrion has never really been my favorite character, but he’s definitely an interesting one. It sucks that the show turned him into a Dany cultist that licked her boots and kissed her ass. So, hopefully I’m writing Tyrion and Varys correctly. Also, please don’t think that I’m trying to villainize Tyrion (even if that may be the route GRRM is taking. But I’m not him sooo...), I’m just trying to show that he’s currently in a dark state of mind.
Somehow for Tyrion, the soils of Essos were more frustrating than the pile of shit that was the Seven Kingdoms. Ever since he strangled his lover with his bare hands and shot his father with a crossbow, somehow he’s never been the same. And yet somehow, the minute his brother opened his mouth and spoke of his first wife, of Tysha... somehow that hurt more than any slurs Tywin Lannister could ever reprise.
I trusted him, Tyrion thought hatefully. My big brother who was my protector, was no more than a liar.
The walls of Pentos where Varys had sneaked him away were beautiful no less. A perfect grave for a drunken lion. To drink himself to death seemed far sweeter than returning to Westeros where Cersei would surely want his head. But the Spider gave him another alternative.
“You have a choice, my friend” Varys had said, “You can stay here at Ilyrio’s palace and drink yourself to death, or you can ride with me to Meereen, meet Daenerys Targaryen, and decide if the world is worth fighting for”
The Dragon Queen. Tyrion had heard stories of her. How she liberated the city of Meereen and its slaves, ending the practice for good. But he had heard other stories as well. How she crucified the masters and burned men alive with her dragons. Common folk told of the Queen Across the Sea, a woman who walked with fire and left nothing but ruin wherever she trailed.
Tyrion didn’t know what to believe. So many tales, so many rumors. The people of Kings Landing spread whatever words they spoke to entertain themselves from the early graves that awaited some of them. Such as naming Tyrion the Demon Monkey. Or Sansa the Traitors Daughter. He hoped she was safe. Wherever his lady wife had gone to escape her fate. And to escape him.
But the one he thought of most was his oldest companion: Cira. His dear lioness that mewled sadly as she was taken away from his cell the day of his trial. She had been left in the Red Keep, wandering alone. Tyrion no longer seemed to care of hope, but he prayed to all the Gods that she was safe. That neither Cersei or anyone else had gotten hold of her. If he were to ever find out of her death or much worse... may the Gods help them.
Once leaving Pentos, Tyrion and Varys began their journey to the so called free city of Meereen. Before doing so, they had to go through the streets of Volantis, as Varys stated that the road to Meereen was in Volantis. Bored of the confinement their carriage brought, Tyrion decided to take a walk. If anyone were to ask his name, he’d be no more than Hugor Hill, a bastard of the Westerlands who wished to see the known world alongside his companion Rugen, a former servant of the Red Keep. Nothing more, nothing less.
The Long Bridge was filled with many people. Builders, merchants, and many, many whores. All were marked by their masters, their cheek defining who they were.
“Strange that the Mother of Dragons hasn’t stepped foot in this city, as many have claimed she is a liberator” Tyrion acknowledged
“Meereen has had its run of slavery since the beginning of its construction” Varys began “If Daenerys were to leave the city as it is, the masters would simply take it back, sending the slaves into their chains once again”
“Hasn’t Astapor already done the same?” The dwarf noted “From what my ears have heard, the city is in ruin while children are sold like cattle and slavery runs rampant. I would’ve been certain the dragon queen would ensure the freedom of the people she liberates. Wouldn’t you agree?”
The Spider simply remained silent, and Tyrion gave a look as if he’d won a great victory. As they walked the pavement, they heard the booming voice of a woman who spoke to the slaves almost as if she had cast a spell upon them. A red priestess of R’hllor, whose cheek was branded with the mark of a former whore, preached her teachings to the lowly slaves of Volantis.
“Lord, cast your light upon us” she spoke in Valyrian, as the crowd followed “For the night is dark and full of terrors”
Tyrion didn’t hear what Varys had said to him, as he’d moved closer to see and hear the Priestess’s words “I was once as you are now” she said “Bought and sold. Scourged and branded” She pointed to the mark on her cheek, the mark of a slave. A former slave now.
“The only red priest we had in King’s Landing was Thoros of Myr. This one’s much better looking...” Tyrion boasted. He had heard that Stannis’s red priestess was beautiful, with blood red hair and eyes that glowed like the ruby around her neck. Granted, he’d seen and heard of many beautiful women in his days: the Mother of Dragons was said to have flowing silver hair and eyes of amethyst, whilst he remembered Shae’s curves and her full lips that kissed him once. But yet, they were not the most beautiful of women. For Tyrion gave that achievement to a maid with sunset in her hair and whose gaze held the waters.
“The Lord of Light hears your voice. He hears the king as he hears the slave; he hears the Stone Men in their misery...” The red priestess continued
Tyrion could only scoff “Stone Men. Good luck stopping this spread of grayscale with prayer. You’d have better luck dancing away the plague” Varys shushed him before he could say anything else.
“He has sent you a savior!” The red priestess proclaimed “From the fire she was reborn to remake the world! The Dragon Queen!”
Tyrion looked over to Varys, putting on a false smile “We’re going to meet the savior! You should have told me. Who doesn’t want to meet the savior?” His voice reeked of sarcasm, and the Spider was not impressed by it. As he spoke, he could feel eyes looking directly at him, shooting daggers from their post. The red priestess had turned to gaze at Tyrion, and the dwarf hid his face from her.
“Let’s go” He warned, as he and Varys left the gathering. The atmosphere had turned casual once again, with only the chatter of the slaves being heard. Tyrion turned to look up at Varys “Tell me, Varys” he began “Do you believe in the prophecy of The Prince That Was Promised?”
Varys cocked an eyebrow at him “It’s a legend derived from the red priests of R’hllor, of how a great hero shall be born of salt and smoke to save the world from a terrible threat. Mere superstition created by fanatics who haven’t a mind of their own”
“And I suppose these ‘fanatics’, as you call them, believe that Daenerys Targaryen is this prophesied savior, yes?” He saw Varys nod his head, but then cock it back once he spoke again “Seems rather curious, does it not? I thought Stannis was this great hero the Lord of Light had gifted upon us. In the words of the priests, I mean”
“If every fanatic claimed that every person in the world were this great prince, then the whole world would be engulfed in flames of proclaimed freedom” Varys stated “Who is to trust the words of druid priests that worship a god who only ever wishes upon the sacrifices of his kin?”
“Apparently the kneelers gladly hold their faith in the hands of merciless gods and these ‘druid priests’” Tyrion insisted, his mind wandering to the different tales that lied across the Narrow Sea “It just seems rather interesting. I myself have read of the legends of Westeros so many times that they’ve grown rather boring and repetitive. Aegon the Conqueror, Bran the Builder, even my own house’s ancestor, Lann the Clever; their stories have be so overheard that even their graves must hear them”
Varys let out a chuckle of mockery and agreement. His own experience with sorcery and religious views have left him skeptical of such practices, along with the hatred of all that used magic. Tyrion wondered if the former Master of Whisperers ever despised the great houses due to their holding of the mysterious Virtues, whose power traced back to even the ages of the Children.
As the two walked through the streets of Volantis, Tyrion’s mind wandered to a brothel where Varys and him could not be noticed by any wandering eyes. But he couldn’t bring himself to say the words. He could only think of his wife. Of Tysha. Somehow, Tyrion’s first thought wasn’t Shae, as she was a true whore compared to his first wife. A brothel wouldn’t ease his pain, no matter how many women he brought upon his bed.
Perhaps a mere book with a glass of wine will calm my suffering, Tyrion thought. Question was, where was he going to find a library in the mists of such a large city? The Temple of the Lord of Light could hold some scrolls for him to read through, but they’d mostly be filled with the teachings of the priests. And as if Varys would ever agree to going to such a place.
“You wouldn’t happen to know if there’s an inn in these parts, would you?” Tyrion asked, looking up to Varys
The man raised his eyebrows “I figured you’d rather be more interested in the confinements of a brothel?”
“No” Tyrion said abruptly “After everything that has happened, I’ve made the conscious decision to stay out of the whore house for a time”
“Well then, we can continue down this trail to a nearby atheneum where we’ll be able to blend in with the small folk”
“Perhaps I can indulge myself in some wine there”
“I thought you said you no longer wanted to take part in fornication. ‘For a time’, as you said”
“I never said I’d give up drinking”
Once reaching the atheneum Varys had mentioned, Tyrion could hardly believe his eyes. He had heard that the library of the Citadel were home to many knowledge and tales, so he didn’t expect much from the atheneum in Volantis, which only held two stories yet books upon thousands of shelves.
Entering the establishment, Tyrion and Varys took their seats all the way in the back where no one would disturb them. The only people that walked trough there were the workers sorting the books into shelves or customers looking for a more interesting read. Either way, no one would ask them of their reasons to coming into the place, as they did not speak the common tongue.
Tyrion flipped through the pages of a dusty old book that read ‘The Blood Betrayal: Fall of the Great Empire’ in High Valyrian. He didn’t know much of the language, but enough to understand what some of the sentences said.
He turned to Varys, who scoured through the rippling parchments and scrolls that smelled like old leather “It says here that according to the people of Yi Ti, the Blood Emperor slewed his older sister, the Amethyst Empress, and his rule ushered in the Long Night. Apparently he slept with a tiger woman, feasted upon human flesh, and enslaved his people. And I thought the myths of Westeros were too theatrical”
“The YiTish also speak of the Maiden-Made-Of-Light, who turned her back upon the world whilst her husband, the Lion of Night, punished the wickedness of men” Varys added. Tyrion wasn’t really surprised of his response, as the man had grown up in Essos himself “The Essosi paint their gods in the forms of animals and great beasts, as they’ve never seen the deities with their own eyes. Perhaps their gods forms gives them some sort of pride in their religion”
Tyrion simply shrugged, and before he could come up with a witty remark, he noticed a librarian sorting some used books that were left by previous visitors. He raised his hand to get the attention of the man. Thankfully he noticed him or else he’d have to resort to introducing himself In Valyrian, which was not his strong suit.
Getting the attention of Varys so as to translate for him, Tyrion began “Hello” he said, as his companion repeated the greeting in the local tongue “I was wondering, if you could tell me what this creature is?” He pointed down to the page he’d stopped on, which held an illustration of a winged creature. Its wings looked as if they were burning, and it was emerging from a pit of flames.
“I can speak some of common tongue, if you’d wish” the librarian said
Tyrion raised his eyebrows and sighed “Well... that’s a relief. I don’t think my companion here would’ve been able to handle doing all of the work for me” Though he didn’t clearly see it, he could tell that Varys was rolling his eyes and quietly scoffing.
The librarian carefully took the book from Tyrion’s hands, almost as if he grabbed it forcefully, the whole thing would fall apart. He examined the drawing, and his face crinkled “Their presence lost to history, I’m afraid. But people of Essos spoke of them as ‘The Devils Daughters’”
“How come?” Tyrion asked
“Essosi believe that daughters were born in home of evil spirits” The man said, his voice frail and his common language quite broken, but still understandable “They thrived in times of dragons, some even believe that two were foes who battled for fires hearth”
Varys leaned towards Tyrion “Many strayed far from the Fourteen Flames because it is believed that The Devils Daughters made their homes within the pits of the volcanoes. It was also thought that the creatures cursed the pits if their common enemy were to ever return”
As much as Tyrion wished to speak on more vital matters, such as whether this Dragon Queen truly was worth his troubles, he couldn’t help but be intrigued “Where did the daughters come from?” He asked the librarian
The old man sat down and fidgeted in his place to get comfortable “The oldest legend is that seamstress from Yi Ti sewed gold string for Opal Emperor in days of the Great Empire. According to scrolls and writing, the monarch adorned silks with golden string, and payed seamstress for more. So seamstress worked days on needle, so much so that the string shined in sunlight and her talent spoken of across all Yi Ti ”
“Sounds a bit exaggerated” Tyrion muttered to himself
“However, Opal Emperor wanted more than gold. He was so impressed of seamstress’s work that he gave her the challenge of creating embroidery and turning it into jewels”
Varys looked as if he didn’t want to listen to the mans story. Tyrion could only guess that it was either he had heard it a thousand times or of the great distances himself kept from religious practices and fables.
“Now, seamstress argued that what the Emperor proposed was impossible, but Opal Emperor granted her a seat in his court if she were to complete his task. So, she stayed in her shop for days, and the days turned into weeks. Finally, the seamstress stepped into Emperors palace, where she presented embroidery to him and his council. Seamstress had created a bird, whose wings shined with not golden, but silver string and encrusted with what many believed to be sundrops and starlight. The Opal Emperor, impressed he was. Yet, he asked more of seamstress. He ordered her to take embroidery on the fourteenth day of her time within the palace and burn it in a pyre of all the spices her expenses could buy. On the day of burning, seamstress took embroidery upon fire and...”
He paused for a moment, his face showing an expression of wonderment and perhaps, even pure bliss. The old man looked to the ceiling as if he’d been envisioning the story while he spoke.
“And?” Varys cut the silence, stopping Tyrion from shaking the man out of his delusion.
“When the seamstress placed her creation upon pyre, the embroidery burst into flames, leaving nothing but ashes and cinders. But then, without tamper, a great miracle happened. Embroidery of creature, had become real. Embroidery, became Devils Daughter. No larger than her teat, the baby was frail, yet soon would be powerful. Upon third setting of sun and second rising of moon, Daughter had disappeared from seamstress’s shop. Never seen again, until Old Valyria found dragon”
The man got up from his seat, continuing with his previous action of sorting books upon shelves. Varys had little to no reaction, clearly thinking of the fable as nothing more than that.
Tyrion furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding why the man had decided to end the story so abruptly, with hardly any payoff “You wouldn’t happen to know the creatures diets, by any chance?” He joked “Whether they ate, just out of curiosity: lions? Preferably lionesses, on my end”
The image of his sister being devoured by this creature, every inch of her destroyed by its jaws as she joins their father in a place where their every sin haunts them, was something Tyrion gladly wished to see.
“I’m afraid not, good sir” The librarian answered, his voice hinting at slight annoyance. Almost as if he knew what Tyrion was truly asking “Lions we’re not perceived as good by Yi Ti because of Lion of Night. They saw beasts as omens of misfortune, and even death”
“Well” Tyrion exasperated “That’s rather disappointing” His eyed widened in delight when he saw that Varys had called for a serving girl to bring them two glasses along with some red wine. Pouring the drink into his glass, Tyrion took a sip, savoring the rich, sweet taste it produced inside his mouth.
Varys joined him in the pleasurable drink, taking a long sip from his cup “With the Daughters gone, the dragons are the rulers of fire. However, it seems that not even the flames wished to stay in their grasp. The Doom definitely is an example of that”
Tyrion looked at him in somber silence “You truly believe that the Mother of Dragons is the one to bring upon a new age of Westeros?” He asked
“Are the freed slaves not enough proof for you?”
“Neither of us were there when she liberated those cities, so how can you expect me to just join her cause and serve her blindly instead of believing that she chose to break chains for another reason?” Tyrion took another drink of his wine “From what’s been heard about Meereen, she nailed men to wooden posts where they roasted about the heated sun. I distinctly remember someone else doing something similar with the corpses of their enemies. And that someone just happened to be my father. Tell me, does House Reyne not ring any bells to you?”
“All leaders must inspire a level of fear upon their enemies. If not, it’ll make them appear weak. Too much kindness does not bode well in a world as cruel as this one” Varys circled his glass, making his wine move about the cup.
Tyrion raised an eyebrow at him “Come now, my friend, we both know you’re not that naive. What monarch who has inflicted pain to everything they touch has had their following last?”
“Would you rather have stayed in Pentos to drink yourself away?” Varys raised his voice “Would you have liked it if I’d denied your brothers request to set you free?”
“Don’t talk about Jaime” Tyrion sneered, his eyes darkening. Despite his outburst, Varys was not fazed.
“You may not like it, my friend,” Varys began “But the truth is that your brother is the reason you’re still living. Even after he had lied to you, think of why he did it. We both know you cannot truly spite him. Not after everything you’ve been through. And certainly not after all the people who are much more deserving of your hatred”
Tyrion didn’t speak. I want to hate Jaime, he thought. I have to hate him
“What’s the point of love and trust if the people closest to you just end up hurting you?” He got up from his seat to pour more wine, until the cup was filled to the brim “Love is pointless. It’s a disease that spreads more pain that any sword or poison in the known world. And to trust is to be willfully blind to the truth, all while everyone breaks a chunk off of you until your left with only the remaining pieces of your heart. I’ve loved and trusted for too long, and I’ve lost too much of my heart already. I’ll not loose my mind to foolishness such as love nor trust any longer”
Varys could only stare emotionless at him, then averted his gaze to his cup “So what will you do know? Replace love and trust with hate and deceit?”
“I’d settle for knowledge and revenge” Tyrion said simply “After all, it has a better ring to it”
“The Dragon Queen will not accept those who will hatch plots and schemes under her nose” Varys warned “Do you truly think that what you’re doing is wise?”
Tyrion turned to him, his stance wobbly due to the increase of alcohol consumption “Tell me Varys: you said that Daenerys Targaryen has three dragons under her control, yes?”
“Those are what my little birds and I report” His companion replied
“Dragons have scorn for their enemies. Raw and untamed scorn. The largest of them had teeth the size of swords. While a lion may not control the skies, it is the king of all beasts, who commands respect and fear upon its subjects. After all, ‘In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws’. Imagine Cersei’s terror when there comes a dragon and lion knocking at her door”
“Are you implying that your allegiance to the Dragon Queen is purely to spite your sister?” Varys asked
I never meant to imply it, is what Tyrion wished to say, but instead, his mind changed to another response “If that’s what you wish to think, go right ahead”
He put down his wine glass, which nearly tipped over and spilled “Now then” Tyrion began “I believe we should find an inn to stay. All this drinking has left my head reeling and my body tipsy” Varys seemed to want to argue, but he pursed his lips tightly that they seemed to disappear.
He didn’t even speak a word when Tyrion grabbed the book he was reading (among others) and sneak them into his tunic for future use.
On the road to the inn, Tyrion spoke more about the Devils Daughters, and if they were real, he wondered what horrors he’d inflict on his Cersei and even his father if he were still alive. He could see that Varys was growing mildly concerned, but Tyrion assumed that he had heard worse.
What neither could have predicted, was that the halfman would be stolen away as a gift for the Dragon Queen herself.
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spiringempress · 5 years
jonsa thoughts and the whole ‘duty is the death of love’
Hiya. So, I wrote this one night at 2am months ago and I let it languish in my drafts. I only just remembered it because I was reading a post about Jonsa, and the whole duty and love line then went “hey that sounds familiar.” Please forgive any similarities between this and other metas, but I do argue this from the perspective that Jon isn’t portrayed as being interested in protecting the realm and it’s another angle to put out there. 
Early am thoughts. So, I’m having a midnight tumble and looking at this meta about the GOT script when I stumbled across a post that essentially argued that Sansa = love and Dany= Duty. I am blown away. And wondering how I missed that entire perspective. Now, this is super rough as a fair warning. 
This entire time I’ve seen it from the Jon*rys perspective. In that, Jon’s love for Dany was placed second to his duty and it effectively ended it. But, I think there are a couple of important points to consider that are NOT clearly defined. One being: what exactly is Jon’s duty? 
Sure, he wields some influence. It wouldn’t be hard to say that he’s supposed to protect the realm, but his whole arc wasn’t about the seven kingdoms. It was about the wall, the north, and Winterfell. For me, the only way to argue that Jon chose duty over his love for Dany would be if he saw himself as a protector of the realm but I really don’t think he does. I’m defining protector of the realm here as more in the sense of someone, who strives to use their talents and skills, to defend the kingdom from enemies, serve the sovereign and give their life to do uphold the word of the ruler. So, a knight in service to the king. 
Instead, what I am proposing is that Jon saw himself as protector of Winterfell, his family and most importantly, Sansa. What happens after Jon is resurrected? He kinda hangs out at the Wall until Sansa arrives and gives him a purpose: take back Winterfell, save their brother and restore the Starks to their rightful place. In the course of accepting this, Jon also inherently becomes a protector to Sansa, the seemingly last of the Starks. We see this in how he fights during the Battle of the Bastards and his interactions with Sansa, where he promises that he won’t let her got back to Ramsay. In the end, they are able to take back Winterfell and Jon creates a safe space for Sansa.  
Now, you can argue that he loves her platonically/as a sibling or more interestingly, Jonsa. Of course, I’m learning towards the Jonsa view. When he goes off to Dragonstone and loses his personality, I still think that pol!Jon was real and it was an attempt to protect Winterfell from Daenerys. If I heard the Dragon Queen was coming and often liked to burn down cities that resisted her, I would definitely be taking a boat to see her and make peace. While Sansa is blatantly asserting Northern independence, Jon is subtly trying to lead Daenery’s attention away with the White Walkers and eventually, Cersei. 
Jon succeeds in some capacity but the situation is complicated by his heritage and how Daenerys is not swayed by that. I think this is evident in the scene after the feast and even when she remarks that it will be fear when asked if Jon loves her. He has been called out on his ploy and hints at his ultimate priority being Winterfell. Now, the story falls apart in the last episode but if we look at the script and the actors, I think there’s no doubt that Jon chose Sansa over Dany. 
Let’s break this down. If this story was really about Jon being forced to kill the woman he loves to save the world. Then Jon would have been more clearly depicted as a ‘protector of the seven kingdoms’ and we could also argue would have lead to him being king himself (that’s a post for another time). Again, Jon has really never shown an interest in the throne or the political intrigue. Maybe it’s the Night Watch drilled into him, but he’s never depicted as someone like Varys. However, the only way to make sense of Jon killing Dany for duty means that he has to see himself as a realm protector. He has to NOT do it for personal stakes or his family, but instead to serve the realm. It would make their ‘love story’ more focused on them and not on other players. Ultimately, it would’ve also made the story more tragic because Jon’s loyalty to the realm = duty is more important than his love for a tyrant, who is letting the world burn. Can you imagine that story? Jon would have been forced to realize that the woman he loves is b*tshit and that he cannot let her go on. That would have been a masterful performance as Jon comes to term with this and makes up his mind. BUT, this did not happen at all in the show. 
Instead, what we get is interesting. Jon goes from questioning Dany’s destruction to having a mind-numbing conversation with Tyrion, where he looks like an ignorant fool. There are important things to notice. He goes from clearly being disturbed by Dany’s destruction to uttering ‘my queen’ until Sansa and Arya are brought up. Tyrion tells him that Sansa will never bow, Jon gets upset but he goes to the throne room and kills Dany. Other players besides the realm are brought into the equation. Jon was perfectly content to let her continue down her path until Tyrion and Arya reminded him about Sansa and Winterfell. If the story was really about Jon protecting the realm then why was it necessary to bring up his family? It’s because that’s what drives his motivation. 
Jon chooses duty over love, but not the realm over Dany; he chooses his family and more specifically, Sansa. Whether you look at it romantically or not, Jon gives up the ability to return home and resume his place at Sansa’s side. He chooses to fulfill his duty, i.e. protect Winterfell and Sansa, and kill Dany, which ends in him being exiled once more. You can read this as either him giving up familial love or a chance to be happy with the woman he loves. Ultimately, Jon does not win, but he fulfills his duty and gives up love in whatever form he wanted it. 
that’s my ted talk. I’m sorry if you already know this and I am slow to catch up. 
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tluohsalohcin · 5 years
How to "fix" Jon's arc by taking full Political!Jon?
We've discussed for two years about the small hints that could prove Political!Jon was a thing, but since that didn't happen, I founded myself thinking in how Political!Jon could have been inserted in the actual plot, making his character more grey and his actual ending (and the whole story ending) turning into something much better.
Let's start in season 7.
I'll respect the first two episodes, where Sansa and Jon have differences in political matters, but I believe the relationship needed to be closer between them. I think Jon should have been more observant of how Sansa played Littlefinger with «knowing how to use the weapon between your legs».
Jon leaves Winterfell with the purpose of mining dragonglass and to convince Daenerys to join the fight against the Night King. (Leaving that as it was)
When Jon first met Daenerys, the heated argument was great because they're polar opposites and Jon is smarter than Daenerys, so they needed to insert that in the argument (Targ 300 years dynasty was peaceful? Hell nah! The actual last King in the North was Robb Stark, if your advisors didn't tell you. You are declaring yourself Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, and that means you're also Protector of the Realm, and you refuse the first call to save the people you plan to rule just because I won't bend the knee?), and even he wouldn't succeed at first because Daenerys is stubborn.
I'll leave every part where Jon kept trying to convince her, even though he still is prisoner in Dragonstone. I'll leave the cave scene. I'll leave out all those nonsense of Davos and Tyrion saying Jon is in love with Daenerys (there wasn't signs of it). That argument with Daenerys and Tyrion about Jon needed to be about Daenerys and how she is the one falling in love with Jon but she isn't accepting it at all.
I'll leave the «sorry, your grace, but I'm a king and I don't need your permission», but the wight hunt meeting should have gone differently (because wight hunt was stupid in sole purpose). I would have made Daenerys take everyone beyond the wall and try to take down the Night King with a few men going for the head of the Night King and her three dragons dealing with the wights, ending in the same result of Daenerys losing Viserion, but they got a wight at least to take him to King's Landing in order to ask for a ceasefire. Jon's missing as well, but saved by Benjen, he goes back to Eastwatch injured.
I'll leave the «bending the knee» as it was, but I would have made Daenerys being the one taking Jon's hand which would made him realised about Daenerys' feelings for him, and he would never call her Dany (because that came out of nowhere, honestly).
The meeting at the Dragonpit I'll leave it as it was.
The scroll Jon wrote to Sansa about Cersei and Daenerys joining to the fight should have reduced to only Daenerys joining, meaning that he realised at the moment Cersei won't help (because he listened to Sansa about Cersei's tactics).
Jon warns Tyrion about Cersei playing all of them, but Tyrion «convinces him» otherwise and tell him about the baby. Jon doesn't buy it, but at least he tried.
Daenerys should have been the one insisting traveling in the boat with Jon by her side, and Jon realises the move and embrace her because «they need to be seen as allies».
The ePiC bOaT sEx should have been with Daenerys going to Jon's room and her making the first move over Jon. Jon kind of refuses it at first but then he kept things as it happened, but a shot of him kissing Daenerys with his eyes open would have changed the game.
In season 8 (in chronological order):
The entrance at Winterfell left at it was. That shot of Jon exhaling after Sansa said «Winterfell is yours, your grace» needed to make the final cut, since Jon was kind of relieved about Sansa knowing how to play nice.
Jon playing in the hall as «sorry I gave up my crown, but she is a nice person» I'll leave it as it was.
The «If she can't respect me» needed a bolder reaction of Jon, but he still keeps it to himself. He still plays nice around Daenerys, but he is visually bothered by it and the viewer needed to smell more of it.
The «a whole new world» scene was ridiculous but that was useful to justify Jon riding Rhaegal in the battlefield, so I'll leave it as it was. Jon and Daenerys «romantic» moment I'll leave it as it was, but Daenerys starting both kisses, and adding a little bit more emphasis about Jon's reaction of being very uncomfortable with it.
Sansa and Jon's argument I'll leave it as it was. I'll change Jon's reaction of blushing to himself after the «she's prettier» to try to make it an internal joke with Sansa. The «did you bend the knee to save The North or because you love her?» shouldn't be left unanswered, but maybe with a ambiguous response to the viewer like «You know that I'll always search for what's best for everyone», or something similar.
Sam confessing Jon about Daenerys' atrocities and him being Aegon Targaryen I'll leave it as the general context and I would take out the «She's our queen x1000». Jon just stays quiet and should have been enough with his facial expressions.
Jon avoiding Daenerys stays the same way.
Jon confessing Daenerys about his parentage and real name should have been left out before the battle. Maybe I'll finish the moment after he says Rhaegar and Lyanna did love each other.
I'll leave the celebration after the Battle of Winterfell as it was (not Jon related, but Sansa should have said to Sandor «I was never a little bird, I was and I will always be a wolf.)
After the celebration, Jon is too drunk and he rejects Daenerys'. She asks why and Jon hints enough his blood relation for Daenerys to understand he is son of Rhaegar. Daenerys then asks how many people knows it and he answers that Sam and Bran only because they found the truth. Then Daenerys asks him not to tell anyone about it because of her quest, happiness and stuff, and she plays the «Sansa doesn't want me to be queen» card. She still tries to have a intimate moment with Jon, but he refuses again and she leaves giving him the order of not telling Sansa and Arya about his real name. Jon realises he fucked up telling Daenerys.
At the war planning meeting, Jon tries to play nice and keep things chill with Daenerys and agree with her in everything, but doesn't disrespect Sansa and Arya's opinion so openly. Sansa and Arya still want to talk to him for his attitude.
At the godswood, Jon needed to be the one confessing about his parentage and tell them Daenerys' now knows it. Sansa now insists Jon should push his claim to the Iron Throne and he refuses because he doesn't want more people to die, so he will leave it as it is.
Sansa tells Tyrion about Jon's parentage, since she noticed he is terrified of Daenerys. (And Tyrion tells Varys, and Varys proposes Jon to push his claim and actually spreaded the news to the realm, and that would have been better story arc for him and Daenerys burning him for treason against her would have been for a more «solid» reason).
Daenerys warns Jon again about spreading the truth. Jon now plays the «I don't want it» and «You are my queen» cards. Daenerys' offers him to stay by her side and tries to have an intimate moment with him again, but he refuses again.
I'll discard Daenerys burning King's Landing almost totally (because I want political conflict later), I'll leave Daenerys burning only Lannister army in the streets, even though they surrendered, and then going after Cersei at the Red Keep. Jon after seeing the destruction caused by Daenerys, he takes his men and rides back to Winterfell.
At Winterfell, rumours of Tyrion being imprisoned are heard. Later, ravens brought scrolls to all important lords of all Seven Kingdoms demanding to go to King's Landing and bend the knee to Daenerys. The North, Riverrun, Storm's End, The Vale and The Reach refuse the call and will only accept Jon as King by right. Daenerys rides Drogon and leaves several warnings in those kingdoms and keeps demanding them to bend the knee.
Going to war again is risky. They outnumber the Unsullied and Dothraki left, but Drogon is a problem. Sending Jon to negotiate with Daenerys could lead up to his death since she doesn't trust him anymore. So they decide to go to war against Daenerys, where Bran plays a big part to take down Drogon.
Once Daenerys' army is defeated and she is taken as prisoner, Jon is crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms by the lords of Westeros and sets up a public trial for Daenerys for all the crimes committed against the realm and executes her.
He changes Winterfell to be the new capitol of the Seven Kingdoms, but King's Landing stays an important city.
As a political move, he marries Sansa and decides to take the Stark name. They end up growing to love each other and have a peaceful reign.
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acre1984-blog · 5 years
Here are some good alternate endings!
1. Dany and Jon destroy the Throne together, ending the Game of Thrones.
"In short, the story should have been the last two Targaryens in the world finding their way back to each other and destroying the Throne (which was ultimately the downfall of their house) and thus ending the 'game.'
Rheagal should have lived and Dany and Jon should have used their dragons to burn the throne. The wheel would be broken — the throne having been created by dragon fire (and the Targaryens), and then destroyed by dragon fire (and the Targaryens) – bringing the story full circle.
It would have been clever if throughout the whole story we were made to believe that Dany wanted to sit on the Iron Throne when really all she wanted to do was destroy it."
2. Jon kills himself after killing Dany.
"Jon Snow should have died a la Melisandre after Dany (in a sort of Romeo & Juliet type manner) as he had fulfilled the Lord of Light's purpose. Drogon should have taken both of them away."
3. Brienne decides to be with Tormund.
Gendry on that effing boat [with Arya]. Sandor still alive with both his eyes and on the boat with him. I shipped Brienne with Jaime, but since he chose his sister...Brienne getting knighted and then choosing Tormund. Jon, King of the Seven Kingdoms.
Dany would still be dead. Since Mereen, I felt that she was a different person and lost her morals."
4. Bran is actually...the Night King?
"Everything stays the same. The credits roll then go to a cut scene of Bran warging out. The camera zooms in closer and closer until the shot is just Bran’s eyes. He blinks. His eyes flash to Night King blue. The end.
George R. R. Martin trolls all of us. The show's ending is actually the ending to The Winds of Winter. A Song of Spring will be where we are given the true ending."
5. We see where Drogon takes Dany.
"Keeping it as is cuz whatevs, but we actually see where Drogon takes Dany. He lands on a field full of dragon eggs because come on, we really think there were only three dragon eggs left in the world? He puts Dany on the eggs and sets the whole thing on fire. Dany is reborn again, but spends the rest of her days on the other side of the world just chilling."
6. Arya wears Grey Worm's face to kill Dany.
"We watched Arya for TWO GOD DAMN SEASONS learning to become a faceless man and she used it once to kill Walder Frey?!?
Arya should have killed Grey Worm and worn his face to kill Dany. Also, Arya needed a bad ass kill in the finale. That would have put Jon on the throne and Jon could have then exiled Arya so she could sail the world like she wanted."
7. Arya wears Jon's face to kill Dany.
"I wish Jon had realized he wouldn’t be able to kill Dany, so he sacrifices himself so Arya can take his face, get close enough to Dany and kill her. Jon is dead, but he did it to save everyone and still show some love for Dany. Arya would be exiled to go west anyway in my brain. Same general story but with a bit of umph to it, I guess. But I must say I thought it was very good in its simplicity."
8. Dany and Jon rule together.
"I’m such a sucker for happy endings that I really hoped Dany and Jon would just rule together, and because of that Sansa would still have the independent North. I understand the Mad Queen thing probably made for a more interesting plot, but I still hated watching Dany’s downfall considering everything she’d ever been through and coming out even stronger for it. I still hoped for them to rule together or at worst Jon giving up his right to the throne so she could rule on her own. But again, I’m just a sucker for happy endings, so to each their own."
9. Dany kills herself.
"All could be the same until after Danys Speech...Tyrion is sentenced to death by fire. Jon stands in front of Drogon and stops the execution. Tyrion explains to the Army why Jon was able to stop Drogon – because he's the rightful ruler. The army, and Grey Worm bend the knee to Jon. Dany is upset at losing power to Jon, losing the army, and losing power over Drogon, so she kills herself."
10. Bronn isn't on the small council because "that makes literally no sense."
"I don't know how it should have ended but I would personally like to have seen:
Brienne starting the next page of the knight book with her name and the first sentence would be that she's the first female head of the Kingsguard, and she helped form a constitutional monarchy.
Bronn NOT on the small council because that makes literally no sense.
Ending shot of the show should be a shadow of Drogon flying and a faint dragon's cry over some land that we've never seen before.
Sam should have said A Song of Ice and Fire is not yet finished.
Dany's eyes should have turned purple to honour the original writing, and she should have sat on the throne."
11. Bran was actually able to walk all along.
"Honestly I wish it would’ve just ended with Bran standing up and being like 'HAHA GOTCHA I could walk this whole time.'"
12. Brienne is pregnant with Jaime's baby.
"A glimpse of Brienne’s writing should have revealed: 'Fathered a child with Brienne of Tarth.'"
13. Dany melts the throne, then flies away with Drogon. Westeros becomes seven independent nations.
"Dany melts the throne, then her and Drogon fuck off. Jon and Tyrion are held responsible. It's decided that Westeros will be seven independent nations, with Bran serving as the protector. Jon is still banished to the Night's Watch (but we all know he's now King Beyond the Wall).
Final scene is an elderly woman tending to a lemon tree in the yard of a house with a red door. She looks up and smiles as Drogon flies over."
14. Jaime kills Cersei.
"Basically the gists of what I was hoping would go down is:
Jaime kills Cersei (thus fulfilling Maggy's prophecy).
Arya kills Dany (thus fulfilling Melisandre’s prophecy and completing her ‘no one’ arc).
Jon is nominated as King of Westeros (whether he rejects it or not is up to him, but damn his name should really be among the nominees, not because he’s a Targaryen, but because of his credibility).
Sansa remains Queen of the independent North.
If Arya exploring west has to remain the same, then I hope this happens: Gendry eventually realized that he’s not really feeling the ‘Lord’ title anyway and suddenly shows up at the harbor and tells Arya he wants to join her.
The people in the court council remain the same.
Flash forward to coronation day like in the finale, with Jon Snow visiting Castle Black (now no longer a place for the banished, but a middle meeting point for Westerosi and Freefolk to discuss matters when needed) to say hi to old friend Tormund and to pet Ghost."
15. The white walkers are the final enemy, and Jon has defeat them by killing Daenerys.
"I wanted the white walkers to be the final enemy and hoped for a more literal re-telling of the Last Hero/Prince story that was promised. Basically the winter is getting worse and people are losing the fight. The hero (Jon) tragically puts his sword through his lover (Daenerys) to create the weapon that drives the Others back where they came from and ends the winter... At least for the next couple thousand years. Jon, wounded and having nothing left to lose, is last seen chasing the remaining enemy way beyond the wall, knowing he won't make it back."
16. Sansa is queen of the seven kingdoms.
"I wish Arya was the one that killed Dany, but Jon still refuses the throne, and Sansa ends up on the throne of the seven kingdoms. She’s so level-headed and would’ve been so much better than Bran. And I wish Arya ended up with Gendry so that at least one couple could have a happy ending. But seriously, anyone but Bran."
17. Gendry becomes king.
"Should have been Gendry. Do you know how much fanfiction I'm going to have to read to make up for this?"
18. Dany gets killed, then is brought back to life, then kills everyone...again?
"Tyrion is killed by Dany for betraying her. Arya kills Dany. Drogon takes Dany to a wizard that brings her back to life, and comes back and torches everyone again to take back the Iron Throne."
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soundofvesper · 5 years
GOT EP4: my two cents
To begin with, Braime Stans, can you all. Just. Calm. The f*ck down?!
Your talk is so whiny I can’t even.
Yes the writers messed up big time with everyone on that episode, and I do mean everyone, except perhaps Bran and Sandor Clegane, for obvious reasons.
Seven seasons worth of character arc and redemption development and — what?? You actually believe he abandons the purest love he never thought he’d find for the ex “love of his life” now that she’s winning?
Please use your common sense. Valonqar or not, well-meaning!Kingslayer Jaime has never been one to act rashly, especially when it comes to his own family or heart.
The Mother of Dragons literally has nothing to face Cersei with, how is she going to win up against Euron Greyjoy’s fleet and the army she’s bought herself??
Unless. He slinks back into King’s Landing, disguised as the besotted twin brother which he knows to do so well (give the man an Oscar! An Emmy! Something!), SO THAT HE CAN GET CLOSE TO CERSEI AND JUST END IT.
I’ve been reading *essays* about each tiny scrutinised glance between Jaime and Brienne for years, now you’re all abandoning ship and spewing hate? You have to be better than this!
Fight me on this, I’m ready, he didn’t leave Brienne to run back to Cersei’s unwelcoming!open legs (pardon the crudeness), he’s trying to keep the person he loves most safe. And that’s the tea, drink it or choke on it, as you will.
Can we all just take a moment and appreciate his character arc before we start criticising?? From unwanted bastard who doesn’t fit in and wants desperately to do so, to young man off on an adventure away from the only family he’s ever known just so he could be away from all the things he knew he’d never have. Gave his life to the cause. Was brought back regardless of whether he meant to live again and never once complained, just got on with the job of trying to save everyone’s asses. Won everyone’s respect, and I DO MEAN EVERYONE. Even Cersei B*tch Queen of the Iron Throne Lannister knew he’s as solid and honourable as they come. His side, thanks to his efforts, dragons and dagger aside, EFFECTIVELY WON THE WINTER WAR. All the people who swore they’d never be in the same room without killing each other? They were all there supporting HIM. Do you have any idea HOW POWERFUL that is? Has anyone ever seen Jon wield power because he wants it? No. Can we all agree he does it beautifully regardless? No really, say “no” go on, make my day. Does he deserve to be on the Iron Throne? From a simplistic point of view, yeah, him being THE ACTUAL HEIR and all; but does anyone truly believe he’d be suited to that life, when really all he’s ever known is fighting? And I don’t just mean fighting for the Night’s Watch and for Winterfell. And still, people just naturally flock to him, because they know a good man when they see one. And despite all this, he truly believes (albeit naively) that everyone can carry on as they were, knowing the truth, and he can still have that peaceful existence with the love of his life by his side. Everybody is hating on him because he, what? Didn’t pet Ghost after making the best decision for him??? Are you all seriously that childish?? I’d die before I let anything happen to my dog, and Jon has gotten really good at saying goodbye to the things he loves most (see above). Take my advice and move past that moment. Not patting Ghost on the head doesn’t mean he discarded him without a second thought, or that he doesn’t love him. Will he be given a dark ending? That remains to be seen. I believe in him, in plain Jon Snow and in Aegon Targaryen. I hope they give him the life he’s always wanted, and not the heaviest burden of all; wearing the crown of the Protector of the Realm.
A LOT of people have been fighting over her increasingly, and it just makes me shake my head, because yes she’s being portrayed all wrong. But can we just take a moment and analyse the following:
Yes she was a good little girl who only felt it was her burden to liberate all people and take her throne back because she’s always wanted to go home, home to a place she’s never known and has only ever heard stories and songs about. After seven seasons of betrayals, attempts on her life, of being sold into marriage!slavery and losing it all only to get back up and tell the world “no, THIS is who I am”, do you honestly believe she knows how to be anything else? When have we ever seen her be merciful without annihilation first? Does she ever, ever, talk about defending the North in terms other than “Jon’s War”? And this is a woman who feels entitled to become the one true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, the North included. All xenophobia aside (and this is the writers’ work, not necessarily the original story — haven’t read the books, correct me if I’m wrong), she’s done nothing but storm in waving her dragons around - pardon, her “CHILDREN” - and demanded that everyone automatically fall over themselves to accept her. The minute she sees how effortlessly people flock to RealKing!/LoveOfHerLife!Jon, she gets ugly. Were you watching her face when Tormund was talking our ears off about his little crow, and how proud he was, dropping the k- word and all? Her face was the UGLIEST thing I’ve ever seen on her in all the seasons. Like, really, is that all she is? Just an empowered woman who’s become a tyrant and needs the love of her life to stay under her boot heel to remain empowered? Apparently, that’s what the writers are going for. Daughter of a mad king? Yeah, she is. Should she go ahead and incinerate half the kingdom in order to sit on smouldering ashes? If that’s what her character development has reduced her to, then I say let her have it. I’m still hoping she’ll realise before it’s too late, and actually take the chance to be happy (though doubtful at this stage.) I believed in her, right up until the moment she set foot on Westeros and started proving us all wrong, and he really isn’t different from the others “she’s just more of the same.” She’s made it clear that love is only second best for her, whereas for Jon it’s everything without abandoning honour, so it’s going to get REAL INTERESTING REAL QUICK, the power play for the future of the Kingdom.
Just this: I can’t believe y’all would actually take her out of character and have her accept Gendry’s proposal for a life she’s NEVER wanted, even before her father died. Have we been watching two different shows or something? She still needs to kill Cersei, and has hinted that life for her will not be at Winterfell, because after all, what is there for her there? A brother she doesn’t truly recognise and still nearly gladly died defending, a sister she’s learned to respect but who doesn’t need assassins roaming around to protect her, a title she’s never wanted, and the beloved one who actually turns out to be her cousin and real heir to the throne. Can we see how this life is not hers? Regardless of whether Gendry can make her happy, she stayed true and that’s beautiful, ok?
THE ENDING: I just hope they do all characters right at this stage (Avengers, anyone?) regardless of who gets to sit on that bloody chair, and everyone gets what they DESERVE even if it’s not what they (or we) want.
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rosesisupposes · 6 years
Do It For Us
Sequel to Do It For Him
word count: 5,881
pairing: Royality, background Analogical
warnings: Some mentions of poverty, forced ending of friendships, Deceit Is A Bit Of A Dick, mention of arranged/forced marriage, but mostly Quite A Lot of Fluff
reader tags: @residentanchor​ @royally-anxious​ @bewarethegrammarpolice​ @jemthebookworm​ @arandompasserby​  @sparkly-rainbow-salt​ @astral-eclipse​​ @thelowlysatsuma​ @adorably-angsty​
And, of course, happy birthday month to Royality Queen @notveryglittery and a million thanks to my beta reader and platonic wife @mariniacipher
I had so much fun with the previous fluff, and then @xxxbladeangelxxx inspired me to give the sunshine gays a sequel <3
Read on ao3
Sun glinted and flashed over the metallic staccato of swords clashing against each other. Grunts of efforts mixed with heavy breathing, as two men squared off in the castle courtyard. One feinted to his right then brought his blade in a flashing arc to his left, but his opponent saw through the ruse and blocked easily before retaliating with a snake-like thrust, laying his blade on the other’s neck. The man knelt, acknowledging defeat.
“I yield.”
“A good match, Ian!”
The kneeling man smiled, shaking sweat-matted hair out of his eyes. “It’s kind of you to say, but we all know you’re just so gods-cursed fast, Sir Roman. All we can hope for is to hold our own.” The standing knight grinned, auburn hair only just barely dark at the edges from exertion. “That’s what training’s for, is it not? Learning how to beat me.”
Roman was stretching and chatting with other knights and soldiers in the training yard when he caught sight of a silent audience member to the early morning exercises.
He slipped over to the corner to greet his Prince, grabbing a damp towel on the way to wipe his face.
“Patton, dearest, what wakes you so early?”
The young heir to the throne grinned up impishly at the knight-captain of his guard. “A little birdie told me you practiced shirtless.”
None of his bravado and bluster was enough to prepare Roman for this. A blush immediately spread across his cheeks as his gaze dropped. He was the man primarily responsible for the kingdom’s heir, and he’d run his mother’s farm for years before beginning the rigorous knight training of the past decade and a half. Every inch of his body had been toned in service to the crown and the prince in front of him. And said prince was gazing besottedly at his muscled chest with a warmth that had nothing to do with lust. Or rather, almost nothing.
Pulling them both around the corner, out of view of the soldiers, Roman leaned down to kiss Patton softly. Patton smiled up into the kiss, feeling the heat of Roman’s continuing blush. He broke apart, letting the sensation linger, when suddenly he squeaked as Roman lifted him and spun him around.
“Who knew our sweet prince was so shallow?” he asked with a lopsided grin.
“Only my gaze is shallow: my love is deep,” the prince responded, giggling as he regained his footing. He kissed Roman’s cheek and delighted in the pink tinge that resumed there.
“Dear one, as much as I love to see you, I am starving. I’m on my way to the kitchens unless you need my protection now?”
Patton’s smile dropped for a moment before returning. “No, sweet. I would never keep you from your meals. I will be in my room.”
Growing up as a single child in a royal family meant a young Patton had to be rather creative when it came to making friends. An impressively strong sweet tooth combined with an ability to easily slip past his etiquette teacher led him to toddle down to the kitchens almost every other day. Puppy eyes earned him cookies from the maids and chefs unable to resist. It was after a successful mission, when he was sitting in his favorite alcove, munching on macarons, that he spotted another boy his age.
“Hey! Hello! Who are you?” he piped up happily, waving with his free hand. The other balanced his haul of violet cookies in his now-stained tunic.
The boy froze, eyes wide as he realized the comment had been indeed aimed at him.
“Me? ‘M no one.”
“Silly, no one is no one!” the little prince said cheerfully. “Do you wanna mac’ron?”
The boy approached shyly. “Yeah, that would be nice. They’re my fav’rite color too.”
Patton handed the dark-haired child one of the tiny sandwiches. Cautiously, the other bit into it.
“Oh! ‘S good!” he exclaimed, mouth full.
“What’s your name?”
“Um, Virgil. Virge.”
“I’m Patton! Hi!”
Virgil nearly dropped the remaining half of the cookie. “The prince?”
“Uh-huh! Here, do you want another?”
“I, uh, no, I can’t, they said I can’t talk to the prince or the king or the duke because I’m too little and shy, I don’t wanna be bad.”
“That’s silly,” the little prince said. He squinted at the other boy. He’d already decided that Virge was his new best friend - for the first time, an adult hand wasn’t immediately pulling him away from him. “Dada is very nice. An’ Lyle is silly. You won’t be bad for talking to them!”
Virgil swallowed, then ate more of the cookie. “You sure?”
“Of course!” Patton responded, beaming. “Do you wanna play with me?”
Every day, Virgil expected he’d see the last of the prince, that playing hide-and-seek with a scullery servant would lose its appeal. But instead, their friendship only grew as the years stretched on.
When they were ten, he’d snuck Patton out of the castle for the first time, checking behind him every second. But they’d made it into the city without detection. They’d played hopscotch with other children in the main square, helped a seamstress hold her fabric still, and found a mother cat giving birth to a litter of kittens. Not even discovering his allergy to the fluffy creatures had dampened the young royal’s spirits, and they’d snuck back into the castle high on success.
When they were fourteen, Patton had found Virgil hiding in the dark corner, trying to calm racing thoughts that wouldn’t shut up. Patton had held his hand, talking quietly, and gotten him to start listing what he could see and feel. Virgil had confessed that he’d never tried those strategies before. Patton had hugged him tight to make up for all the times he hadn’t been there.
Roman had put a shirt on, at last, to go find food after training. Following his nose, he spied jam tarts cooling on the counter and slipped into the kitchen through the back door. Cautiously, he went to take a treat, only to get his hand slapped by a mixing spoon. Virgil’s glare made him smile sheepishly.
“Just one?”
“If you want to explain to the full Noble’s Council why their pastry tray isn’t perfectly arranged, then yes, you may have ‘just one,’” the pastry chef complained. “You know we have regular food down here, too.”
Roman sighed dramatically. “But without pastries, how will I survive? How will I live? I beg of you, take pity on me!”
“Then beg,” Virgil responded flatly. Then he made the mistake of making eye contact with the knight and snorted, falling into true laughter. “I’m making regular jam cookies later, Ro. Come back in the afternoon, I’ll keep some on the side for you. These are just the nice ones, kay?”
Roman grinned. “This is why you’re the coulis-t person I know, Virge.”
Virgil groaned in response. “I never should have taught you proper pastry terms. Talyn has some sliced ham and rolls in the next room, go beg from them, alright? I need to finish decorating.”
The knight gave a small mock of a bow and obeyed.
He and Virgil hadn’t always been so friendly. As a young man arriving to the castle for knight training, he’d haunted the kitchens every waking moment. The idea of a full belly was still exciting to a boy whose farm had struggled with droughts for almost half his life. But his sister and her husband had taken over the farm, and he’d been picked out for his strength to become a fighter.
He’d spent his first month in the castle sneaking into the storerooms at every given opportunity, eating anything he thought he could get away with. The kitchen helper, who was about his age, perhaps a year younger, had caught him first in the middle of the day, despite the lunch rush, then in the dead of night. How had he even been awake?
Roman was self-conscious of his hunger, surrounded by all that wealth, and lashed out at the creepy cookie who kept turning up when he least expected it.
But then, one quiet afternoon, he’d been sure the kitchens would be entirely empty. It was the rest period, so surely the safest time for a quick snack. Walking cautiously, he’d rounded the corner, only to see Virgil, covered in flour and butter stains as he carefully plaited a pie crust into a sheaf of wheat. The serenity of his concentration, the clear ease that came with no kitchen madness around him, and his proud smile as he successfully sealed his pastry forced Roman to see him in a new light. He’d cautiously come forward and complimented a job well done. One would think he’d actually seen a field of wheat, once!
The other man had nearly jumped out of his skin at first, but had then calmed enough to wave off the compliment with a smile. They’d had an actual conversation for the first time ever, and hundreds more soon followed. A strange friendship, perhaps, one that was tested every time Virgil made homemade jam for a treat that Roman wasn’t allowed to eat, but a strong friendship all the same.
Roman often wished he was able to show his love for Patton more openly, so that he could introduce the prince to the friends he’d made in the castle.
As he got into uniform to begin an official day as Patton’s protector, Roman spared a sigh for an old friend he’d yet to find here in the capital city. Growing up in a small farming community on the furthest borders of the kingdom, Roman had known only his siblings and parents until a new family moved into the plot next door. Their house burst with children, but there was one boy his age, one who viewed his very energetic siblings with a world-weary eye, even at seven years old.  But Roman, the youngest by a huge age gap, was lonely, and jumped at even a stick-in-the-mud as a potential playmate.
Their parents saw Logan and Roman’s friendship as oil and water, yelling matches during chores, long arguments that stretched through the harvest. But their clashes only showed how well-matched they were, how their competition forced them both to improve. Logan brought home books from the headwoman’s private library and introduced Roman to classics and plays, if only so they could immediately argue about the proper interpretation. More than one winter’s night found them in one of the barns with Roman leaping around a makeshift stage in an effort to prove how dramas were meant to be seen, not read.
But then, Logan left. The headwoman knew how much his parents struggled through the droughts with so many mouths to feed, and saw Logan’s innate brilliance. She found an opportunity for him to receive room and board in the capital city itself, and he’d be able to receive the best education Solarya had to offer. It was everything he could have wanted - except, he couldn’t bring his friend. Roman couldn’t leave his farm, anyway - his older brother was serving in the army, his sister had married and moved, and there was no one else to help his parents.
“Lo, I promise, someday I’ll come join you! You’ll see!”
“Roman, while I hope you’re correct, do not make promises you may never be able to keep. It is enough to say that we will try to reunite one day.”
They were standing at the gate, waiting for the coach that would take Logan and his few worldly possessions away, when Roman impulsively hugged the other boy. “I’ll miss you, Logan.”
The eleven-year-old stiffened, then hesitantly hugged back. “I… will miss you as well, Roman.”
Logan hadn’t expected the capital to be so overwhelming. Obviously there would be more people, but why was it so loud? Did more people in one space mean everyone needed to shout all the time? Even inside the castle, there was ambient sound everywhere. He didn’t find his first moment of peace until he was shown to the library. And the quiet of the room couldn’t compare to the symphony of excitement in his brain. Who knew there were so many books? So much knowledge to be unlocked! He was about to dive in when the closing door behind him caught his attention.
“Hello there!” a cheerful voice said in a very energetic library whisper. “You must be Logan!”
Turning, he caught sight of a jovial-looking man in the robes of a Royal University scholar. Round glasses balanced atop a long nose above a huge smile. “I’m Dr. Picani, your tutor. Do you how do?”
Logan stared. This man was not at all what he’d pictured as the most-respected professor in the kingdom. And what was that last sentence? He recognized all the words, but not in that order.
“Uh, hello?” he murmured back. “Yes, I’m Logan. I… sorry, you’re my tutor?”
“You betcha!” the happy man replied. “Not yours alone, of course. We’ll be sharing our time with one other student, who should arrive any second. Let’s go to the study room, shall we?”
He led the way to a small room that contained even more books in addition to a huge slate hung on the wall and two tables with a handful of chairs. Logan sat, still a bit dazed.
Barely a moment had passed before a rap sounded on the door. Dr. Picani opened it to reveal a huge soldier with a no-nonsense expression. “Dr. Picani. His Highness for his lessons.”
The professor nodded, and the soldier stepped aside to reveal a boy a bit younger than Logan. He had clean golden curls and wore a silk tunic. Logan was immediately uncomfortable. Sharing a class with a noble? Who’d probably be much smarter and resentful of sharing a class with a less-educated commoner? He looked down at the wood grain of the table, swallowing disappointment with the reality of what had appeared to be all his dreams coming true.
“Hiya!” a voice cut through. “I’m Patton, what’s your name?”
“Uh, Logan,” he replied, looking up once more.
“Nice to meet you Logan! I’ve never seen you in the castle before, are you new?”
“Yes, I just moved to the city.” Logan decided to not mention where he’d come from - better not give this noble any more reason to look down on him, no matter how strangely friendly he appeared to be. “I presume you’ve lived here for many years?”
“Since I was born! Not that I remember it exactly. Or really anything until I was three. Maybe I only moved here then? No but Dad says we’ve always been here so that’s probably right…”
Logan stared at the other young man as he happily chattered away. Was this what all nobles were like? The few who’d ridden through his hometown had barely made eye contact, let alone talked to commoners like normal people.
“Your Highness, maybe we better start the lesson?” Dr. Picani interjected with a smile.
Logan’s eyes grew huge in his face as he stared at the boy next to him. The guard had said it too - was this really the Prince of Solarya? Yes, Logan knew the Prince was named Patton, but it had become a very popular name in short order since the royal family chose it. The heir to the entire kingdom was grinning bashfully up at their shared tutor, practically still bouncing in his seat with anticipation.
The capital city was bizarre. But seeing the eager smiles on both his tutor’s and the prince’s faces, Logan realized he was probably going to have to get used to it.
As he neared his eighteenth birthday, Prince Patton was pulled into a small audience with his father and the vizier. Both men were stern.
“Prince Patton, why have you been neglecting your deportment classes?”
Patton winced - he’d hoped they wouldn’t notice. “Actually, Father, I have been using that time to learn more about my future kingdom and subjects-”
“You mean you’ve been spending excess time with your servants,” Duke Lyle cut in. Patton fell quiet, seeing his father’s frown deepen.
“Patton, you’re the crown prince; one day, you’ll be king. Our entire country’s fate will be in your hands. But the throne is only as strong as the respect our people have for it. If the prince himself doesn’t exercise proper decorum, doesn’t maintain the acceptable boundaries between liege and vassal, then no one will. Order will disintegrate, and every noble house in our realm will be affected. Now that you are coming of age, you must end these distractions, before another day passes.”
“But Father-”
“No buts, Prince Patton. My decision is final. If you cannot treat those who serve us in the proper manner, and insist on treating them as peers, I will be forced to dismiss them entirely.”
Patton felt tears brimming at the edge of his eyes. He was to lose his friends, then, no matter what he did. At the very least, he would not cost them their livelihoods.
“Very well, Father. I will do as you ask.”
Duke Lyle watched, eyes glittering in victory, as Patton left his father’s study and slowly trudged up the tower steps to his room.
Patton’s birthday arrived, and he was officially presented to the realm as the now-adult heir, no longer just the son of the king but now the official Crown Prince and king-to-be. He performed his role in the pageantry well, smiling and appearing solemn in the appropriate moments. He greeted dignitaries who brought well-wishes, he listened to subjects’ petitions as they appealed to his father, and he did his best to follow the deliberations of his father’s council of advisors. But under his polite mask, he was miserable.
Without his friends, he was alone in a world filled with adults who expected him to carry himself with all the dignity of a royal, yet did not listen to a single suggestion he made. Without the ability to visit Logan in the library, or Virgil in the kitchens, Patton’s days started to blend into one another as he was sent from meeting to audience to meal to meeting.
He begged his father to at least let him visit the city. “I won’t forget my position, Your Majesty. But I wish to be visible to them, at least. Please?”
King Thomas weighed his son with his eyes, then relented. “You may, then. But you’ll need a guard with you at all times.”
Patton deflated the slightest bit. “I suppose that would be most proper, wouldn’t it. One of the castle guards, then?”
Duke Lyle piped up, “Your Majesty, now that the Prince is of age, he ought to have a personal contingent of guards, shouldn’t he?”
The king nodded. “Indeed. There are a number of promising knights who might perform the job quite well.”
Patton was able to even smile naturally at both men. Having to keep the common folk at arm’s length wasn’t ideal, but at least he’d be able to talk to them. And having a knight-guardian would mean he’d at least have companion, if not a friend.
“Your Royal Highness,” Duke Lyle spoke up. “It has come to my and His Majesty’s attention that your silver jubilee is approaching.”
“My what?”
“You turn 25 this year, son,” the king answered. “When I was your age, I had been married a year, and you, my first child, had been born. It is time we look into marriage for you.”
“Father, Duke Lyle, I hardly think such a thing is necessary, not when Father is in such good health-”
“This is not just for the purpose of heirs and lineage, your Highness,” the vizier said smoothly. “Through your marriage, we can make an alliance, or settle tensions with noble houses in our realm or our neighbors’.”
Patton twisted hands in his tunic, hoping neither man noticed. How could he bear to marry another, when Roman’s love was all he wanted or sought? But they’d never approve, or allow such a thing.
“For instance,” the duke continued, his tone one of careful detachment, “the great house of Sanders has a son about your age. His parents are actively searching for an eligible match for him. And of course, they would never want to match him with someone entirely outside his preferences, just as we never would for you, Prince.”
“There are also some younger sons in neighboring kingdoms who could potentially make for a good alliance, but securing the support of House Sanders would be my preference,” the king added.
“I, uh, I thank you, your Majesty, your Grace. May I be excused to think on these options?”
“Of course, son. We will resume at another time.”
Patton walked outside quickly. Pushing through the door into the hall, he came face-to-face with Roman, who was smiling at him with that same gorgeous light in his eyes that always set the butterflies in his stomach a-flutter. But now the butterflies were sluggish and frail, disintegrating into a nauseating goo.
“Roman, can you come to my room? We need to talk,” Patton said. His normal smile quivered as he looked around the hall for observers.
“Of course, dearheart,” Roman said warmly, leading the way. He was so graceful in all his movements that Patton’s heart burned just to watch him walk away.
“Roman, my rose, it’s my father, and the vizier. They… want me to marry. A political marriage. One who just so happens to be Duke Lyle’s nephew. The young Baron Remington of House Sanders.”
Roman stiffened, then smiled sadly. “We knew it would come to this, did we not? We dared to love, knowing the impropriety of it, but we dared all the same. Sunshine, I would never interfere with your duty. I will always guard you, with my heart and my life, but if you must needs marry this noble, I will not stand in the way.”
“You wouldn’t resent it?”
“Would I pine and sorrow for my misfortune?” Roman asked, kissing Patton’s hand softly, then holding it against his own cheek. “Of course I will. I’ll curse my ill luck in being born common, cry fie upon the stars for separating us by our lineage. But I could never resent you, dearheart. Nor can I regret having the chance to have known you and loved you these past six years, not when I treasure each adoring glance and each kiss as dearly as I treasure my life. I only ask that you allow me to remain your vassal and guard, to hold you safe when I cannot hold you close.” Patton melted, hearing Roman’s rich, caramel-sweet voice speak such tender words of devotion. He leaned in to kiss the knight’s affectionate words while they lingered on his lips, and in that moment made a decision.
“Roman, I am to be king, am I not?”
“You’re already the king of my affections, but yes, you will be king of Solarya too, in time.”
“And the king’s rule of Solarya is absolute.”
“As it has been since the Sun herself named the first monarch, yes.”
Patton nodded. “If I’m to be the absolute ruler in the future, I can’t let anyone push me around with edicts that go against my heart and conscience.”
Roman caressed his prince’s cheek with a quizzical expression. “What do you mean?”
“I mean I won’t be coerced into marrying for politics when it necessitates a revolt against my affections. I will refuse to marry Baron Sanders.”
Roman felt his heart galloping in his chest as he met Patton’s shining, determined eyes.
“Patton, do you mean…?”
“Yes, my dear knight. Please, if you’ll have me…” He sank to one knee in front of Roman, keeping their hands clasped. “Sir Roman, will you marry me?”
Roman felt tears leaking out the edge of his eyes as he smiled so wide that his cheeks started to ache. “I will follow you to the ends of the earth, Prince Patton. I have been and always will be yours. Yes, I will marry you, dearest sweet.”
Patton found he was tearing up as well Roman pulled him up to stand with him. Brushing his cheek with light fingers, Patton kissed his now-fiancé thoroughly. As the kiss suddenly turned salty from spilled tears, both men started to giggle. Roman felt his breath catch in his chest, watching the afternoon sun catch Patton’s curls as he threw his head back to laugh. The knight pulled his prince back to him, tasting the sound of laughter on his love’s lips.
“Father. I am not going to marry the Baron. I will be marrying my guard, Sir Roman.” The king stared in shock as his son continued, doors still hanging open from him barging into the king’s private study. “I will be also inviting my old friends from within the castle to our wedding. You may rule as you wish while you continue on the throne, but my reign will not be so divided between classes.”
The vizier, in his customary place by the king’s side, found his voice. “Your Highness, this is all highly-”
“‘Highly improper’? Yes, your Grace, I’m sure it is. And I plan to do it all the same.”
“Your Majesty, you must intercede-”
King Thomas turned to face his chief advisor. “Lyle, you know I value your judgment and advice, but it’s true. Patton will determine his own ruling style. I won’t undermine it, through marriage or otherwise.”
The duke tried once more. “Perhaps, then, a small, private ceremony within the castle?”
“No, your Grace. I am not ashamed of my fiancé nor his status. It will be a full state wedding.”
And it was.
The day dawned bright and sparkling. Keepers of the royal dovecote prepared the white feathery creatures for the grand finale. Footmen laid yards and yards of carpet along the aisle and lined up the benches and chairs of the interior ceremony, while even more footmen and maids displayed bouquets down and out of the public audience doors where the rest of the crowd would watch.
In the office that had been taken over as the central location for the wedding planning, Patton knelt to be on eye level with his floral consultant. “Is everything in order?”
“Yup!” Val responded with a grin the displayed a missing front tooth.
“Even the crowns?”
“You don’t get to see them yet!” she responded, sticking out her tongue. “No peeking!”
Patton grinned and kissed her hand. “I’ll leave them in your capable hands then!” Standing, he exchanged a quick hug and kiss on the cheek with Teresa. He’d commissioned them to arrange every single flower for their celebration, with the full power of the royal treasury behind them. Looking around this room, still filled to bursting with lovely blooms and wreathed in a rich bouquet of scents, he knew he’d made the right choice.
He left and went through the kitchens.
There was Virgil, head pastry chef, forehead creased in concentration as he directed the last details of the grand wedding cake, as a helper delicately placed a sugar-spun rose on the top. The chef turned and caught the eye of the prince with a shy grin. Patton mirrored it and flung himself forward to hug the man.
“Thank you for forgiving me, Virgil.”
“Hey, it was royal duty and all that, right? Knowing you wanted us back, and to be part of your wedding - how could I say no? Even if it is to that lunkhead of a knight.”
“Excuse you!” Roman said, entering with an offended gasp.
Virgil smirked and hugged Roman as well. “Oh good, I didn’t want to talk about you behind your back. Always better to call you a simpleton to your face.”
Roman grinned. “I’d expect nothing more from my favorite marzi-pain. You’re going to be free for the ceremony, right?” He slipped his hand into Patton’s, still getting a tingle of excitement from being so open in front of others.
“Yes, I’m just finishing up here. Is L-, uh, is Logan getting pulled away from his books too?”
“We twisted his arm, or rather, Patton asked very kindly and possibly offered to increase the library budget. So yes.”
“Why, is there a reason you’d perhaps like our resident scholar to be present?” Patton asked in his blandest-possible court voice.
Virgil ducked his head in response and said nothing, but Roman and Patton made eye contact as they both noticed the tiny smile playing across their friend’s lips.
A servant popped his head through the kitchen door. “Your Highness! And Knight-Captain! Thank goodness. We’re getting close to the ceremony, we need to get you both ready!”
The fiancés squeezed their linked hands once more before following the servant out, waving to Virgil as they left.
Royal fanfare sounded as a string quartet began to play processional music. King Thomas stood at the altar as  Duke Lyle attempted to conceal his glower in his place at the king’s elbow. They looked with the rest of the audience as people from the city, the guard, and the castle turned in their seats. Two aisles curved on either side of the seating area.
As gentle tones played, young women strode down the carpeted aisles, sprinkling flower petals. One wore light pink and purple under a blonde updo, and the other in blue and white under a matching hairdo in light brunette. Patton and Roman emerged in their wake from separate entrances. Virgil and Logan, in matching slate-grey suits, accompanied each fiancé as they paced deliberately down the aisle. Roman wore a custom dress uniform, a beautiful work in red and white, accented with gold filigree. The seal of the ancient House of Solarya had been reworked into his own flattering colors. His auburn hair was perfectly curled and shone in the sunlight. But it was nothing compared to the blaze of his smile as he neared his beloved Prince.
Patton gripped Virgil’s elbow tight as he strove to keep his steps in time with the music. The prince had kept the pomp of his station for the ceremony itself, but when it came to his own person, his modesty shone through. He did not wear the silken doublet and hose of the royal family, nor the yards-long cloak. He had chosen to leave off even a modest tiara or circlet to show his rank. Instead, he dressed in the finery of his citizens: tailored long jacket and long pants in his signature light blue. In his lapel, a rose as red as cherries in summer was affixed proudly, mirroring the lovely sprig of hydrangea pinned to Roman’s sash.
At last, both journeys down the aisle were complete, as Roman and Patton came face-to-face at the aisle. Taking his hands, Patton smiled so wide his face was practically split in two. The musicians finished on a last sweet note as King Thomas stood forward to officiate.
“Ladies, lords, nonbinary nobility, and all our treasured friends of Solarya,” he spoke, his strong voice projecting out the open public doors to the waiting public beyond. “Thank you, one and all, for joining us on a day of such bliss for our family. Our son and heir, Prince Patton, means today to wed Sir Roman, Knight-Captain of the Castle Guard. We are beyond proud of our son, and bless this union wholeheartedly. They have prepared their own vows.” The king stepped back, bowing their head. Virgil, far too close to the current head of the nation for his comfort, was startled to spot the king wiping away a single happy tear that coursed down the royal cheek.
“Dearest Patton,” Roman began, clearing his throat. “Whether near or far, I am always yours. I was content to be your guardian from all the world. Now, I pledge to be your champion, protecting your person, your throne, and your heart. I will tell you each morning those qualities of yours that I’ve fallen in love with, and I will never run dry as I fall in love more each day. From now until forever, dear sweet. I love you.”
Logan watched his childhood friend glowing with adoration and found his normal distaste with sentiment had entirely vanished. Or perhaps it had curled up in his throat and was the reason he now felt almost close to tears. He surreptitiously sneaked a glance as his fellow groomsman and saw Virgil’s shining eyes grow soft in his face as he watched the gentle kiss Roman planted on his beloved’s hand.
Patton carefully wiped an eye underneath his glasses and took his turn to speak. “My precious Roman. I feel as if I have loved you for a thousand years, and yet I know I will love you for at least a thousand more. Glorious knight, your courage takes my breath away, and your ideals alight a fire in my mind and heart. I pledge to never again be your liege, but your partner, equal in every sense. You will be no royal consort, but my king as I will be yours. From now until forever: I love you.”
At the prince’s pronouncement, Virgil watched Roman’s eyes widen. He risked a look behind to see a similar level of shock in the king’s eyes, and something that looked like speechless indignation in the Duke’s. It seemed Patton hadn’t told any besides his best men of his plan to elevate Roman to full royal status, including his husband-to-be.
But Roman recovered as Patton elegantly bowed to kiss his hand in return, and Teresa, glorious in a coppery gown, stepped forward with a mahogany box. Virgil and Logan walked to meet her as she flipped open the top, revealing two flower crowns nestled in a velvet bed. Tiny red roses and individual blue hydrangea flowerheads created two circlets as the best men removed them and set them upon the grooms’ heads. Long silken ribbons in gold connected the two crowns to each other, allowing room for Roman and Patton to turned to face the crowd. As the audience caught sight, there was a gasp followed by a roar of approval and joy. The binding crowns, as they were called, were part of the age-old Solaryan commoner marriage ceremony. Only the most progressive or least-connected noble houses had adopted the tradition that almost every other citizen of the country practiced. But now the citizens of Solarya watched as their crown prince stood with his husband in the finery they themselves had worn on their wedding days. And the delicate crowns sat where soon would lie the two crowns of their future kings.
King Thomas was barely able to speak through his delighted tears, but managed to squeak out: “Husband and husband!”
Roman took the opportunity to dip his love deep and kiss the prince in full view of the entire kingdom as white doves took flight and celebratory bells began to peal, bright and loud. They’d done it, in spite of all. They’d defied, class, norms, and propriety to declare and affirm their love to all who cared to see. A new age of Solarya dawned on the horizon, as bright as their patron Sun and just as warm.
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ironforgedrp · 5 years
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     ⊱⊱⊱   after a muttering and murmuring amongst the crown and the northern heir as the body of the barrowton lord’s champion was dragged away, it is decided.       the next morning, in the hour following breaking of dawn the disgraced lord edderion stark will be beheaded upon the steps of the great sept of ashar.
        𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰 𝔡𝔞𝓎; 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔢𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔥 𝔪𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔥,                    𝔱𝔥𝔢 16𝔱𝔥 𝔡𝔞𝓎, 505𝔞𝔠 -  𝔧𝔲𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔰𝔴𝔦𝔣𝔱 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔰𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔭.
        ⊱⊱⊱      the crowds of both noble & smallfolk alike gather in the large courtyard at the foot of the sept eager to see the traitor lose his life - eager for justice.   the looming structure bathed in morning glow as the light breaches the horizon and figures stand atop a raised platform; king arryk and queen rhaena, grand maester aethelmure, the kings justice and on a slightly lowered and very well guarded platform; the heir of winterfell and his lady sister, who’s daughter had been kidnapped alongside the lannister princeling as well as the princess of house martell, who’s younger brother had been slaughtered at the order of lord edderion near the very spot they stood.
             the solemn-faced king of the iron throne stood just off centre, behind him the black shadow of his (and his father’s before his) executioner, ser morder lorch, waiting for his call as the shamed, dishevelled, lord of barrowton is hauled through the riotous crowd by the kingsguard, shackled at ankle, foot and around his throat, pulled like a dog on a leash.     ‘murderer’   ‘traitor’    ‘coward!’   - the voices of the angry ripple on & on, as the boot of the kings justice in edderion’s back drove him to his knees.
      the golden haired king stepped forward, a hand raised to quiet the throngs.   a minute passes until silence is reached and his voice echoed across the filled courtyard.  “the reading of the charges the prisoner has been convicted of stand as follows;”  grand maester aethelmure stepped forward, unfurling a short scroll of parchment and began to read in a booming tenor:
       ⊱⊱⊱          “the prisoner, edderion of house stark, stood accused of multiple kidnapping, including the prince of the seven kingdoms, nobles of houses arryn, tyrell, baratheon and tully as well as his own grand-niece of house stark,” the BOOING drowned out the words for a moment, the closer smallfolk spitting in the barrowton lords direction and king arryk raised his hand once more until the noise reduced to a murmur. the grand maester continued, clearing his throat;  “-the murder and mutilation of prince mors martell as well as the murder of five crownlands civilians, the arson upon the street of flour, the attempted murder of numerous nobles of westeros and high treason against the iron throne.”
    the lion king stepped forward once again and stared down at the scowling, still shackled stark,   “i, arryk of the house lannister, first of my name, king of the andals and the first men, LORD OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS and protector of the realm, do sentence you, edderion of house stark, lord of barrowton, to death for your crimes.    your champion fell, and the gods have judged you guilty - do you have any last words?” he nodded at ser morder and the executioner removed the gag from the northman’s mouth.   edderion stared icily at the lion king, the dragon queen, then at his niece and nephew before raising his voice to announce loudly over the courtyard.
           “my death marks only the BEGINNING of war.”
       ⊱⊱⊱        dismissing the words, the king motioned to the guards who removed the shackle from around his neck - allowing for ease of access as ser morder stepped forward, black mask donned and blade drawn.   held down over the executioner block, edderion struggled slightly, a few curses falling from his lips as the executioner raised his sword, looking to the king who gave his final nod.     with a swift heave of the blade, edderion stark of bbarrowton no longer possessed his head - as ser morder wrenched the sword from the corpse and the wooden block it rolled through the puddle of blood that pooled on the podium... drip drip dripping down on the steps of the sept.
       ser morder stooped to grab the cranium by the scalp of his hair, blood oozing freely and dirtied with gore and dirt, the executioner held it aloft for ALL to see.  many in the crowd cheered, scattered boos, some turned away in disgust and there was the not-unfamiliar sound of vomiting at the sight.      whatever their feelings, whatever their reaction to the execution however, they could all breathe a collective sigh of relief... despite cryptic words from a desperate, dead man - it would seem the terror had finally been ended with the icy fell of a blade.
   OOC:   this officially concludes the KIDNAPPING plot arc!  use this time between arcs to wrap up any threads you’d like as very exciting things are on the way!
      the next arc will be announced come this weekend (19th oct!)
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