lunegrimm · 2 years
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Solarcult I - January
Part one of a personal art book project I’m working on
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foodandfolklore · 1 year
The Mermaid of the Magdalenes
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Photo by Artemis Winterford
Canada has a weird hodge podge of folk tales. Our stories tend to be a blend of first nations mythology and European fairy tales. Then as books and later movies came into popularity, traditional oral story telling started to die out. One might think, Canada was just too young of a country to develop it's own folk tales to pass down. Well, think again. In 1918, former member of the house of commons Cyrus Macmillan, compiled a number of Canadian Folk Tales into a book called Canadian Wonder Tales. He wrote them in the style similar to the Brothers Grimm, sometimes adding vessels for magic. His hope was these stories would be accessible to not just more people, but schoolers as well. However, while he thanks the first nations people or "Indians" as he got many of these stories directly from them, he called Canada "a country with a romantic past." with many stories told in a way where it looked like the white man and the Indian were old chums. For those unaware, Canada has had a very problematic history with oppression of our first nations people. For that reason, today I'd like to focus on a Maritimes story, likely shared by sailors. It is a uniquely Canadian story about a girl who just longs for some sardines. Sardines when used in Kitchen Magic can attract luck, health, boost family bonds, community, and prosperity. This is the story of the Mermaid of the Magdalenes.
Far off the north-east coast of Canada is a group of rugged islands called the Magdalenes. They are a lonely, barren group, where grass and flowers and trees grow scantily. There, the northern storms rage with their wildest fury, and the sea breaks with its greatest force upon the bleak rocks. Numberless birds of strange cries and colours fly constantly about. On days when the storm dashes the sea white and angry against the coast, even the thunder of the surf is almost shut out by the screaming of countless gulls; and on clear days the sun is hidden when the birds rise in clouds from their nests. The "Isle of Birds," the Jesuits called one of the islands when they first visited the group hundreds of years ago, and it is an "Isle of Birds" still. It is a wild and rock-bound desolate land.
But although the islands are barren of grass and flowers and trees, the waters around and between them are rich in fish. "The Kingdom of Fish," men call the place, for adventurous traders grow wealthy there reaping the harvest of the sea. The greatest product of the waters is the lobster. He always inhabited these northern seas, and about his power in olden times strange tales are told. Away off the coast of one of the islands, you can still see on fine moonlight nights in May, and also during the day once a year, a maiden holding a glass in her hand, combing her long hair, and looking wistfully to the land. Sometimes, too, on calm nights you can still hear her strange song above the murmur of the waves. She is the phantom lady of the Island over whom the Lobster in far away days used his power. She is now a prisoner in the deep, held there as a punishment for her deeds.
Now, it happened that long ago when fish were first canned for food there was a great slaughter of sardines—the tiny fish of the sea—by cruel money-greedy traders who caught them, packed them in small boxes, and shipped them to far countries, just as they do to-day. These traders received large money rewards for their labour, for people all over the world liked the little fish and paid a high price for them. The sardines saw their number slowly growing smaller, for, being little, they were helpless against their captors, and among all their family there was great sorrow. In despair they asked the big fish of the sea to help them. At last, in answer to their appeal, a meeting of all the fish in the sea was called. Here the big fish took an oath to help their small cousins in their struggle with man, and to punish when they could all who ate or fished the sardine family. And the little fish rejoiced greatly.
One May day a large ship loaded with packed fish was wrecked on the sunken rocks of the Magdalene Islands. Soon the ship was broken up by the heavy surf on the sharp reef, and her cargo was strewn along the shore. It happened that in the cargo were many boxes of sardines, and they too were washed up on the beach by the tide. In the evening, after the sea had calmed, a fair maiden who lived on the Island with her father, a fish trader, walked along the shore alone to view the wreckage of the broken ship. She found, to her delight, one of the boxes in which the sardines were packed. She resolved at once to eat the contents, for she too, like all the world at that time, liked the little fish. But although she tried as hard as she could, she was unable to open the box. She sat by the side of the sea and sang a song of lament, calling on anyone who could to open the box for her. She sang:
"I love sardines when they're boiled with beans And mixed with the sands of the sea."
Away out from the beach a skate-fish was resting on a sand-bar. Hearing the song of the maiden, he quickly swam towards the shore. When he came close enough to hear the words of the song and to know what the box contained, he swam away in great disgust, for he was cousin to the sardines in the box, and came from the same family tree as they. But he was too timid to try to punish the maiden. Then a bold merman heard the song. He had long looked for a land wife to live with him in his home under the sea; now he said, "Here at last is a shore maiden for me," for the voice of the singer was beautiful to him. So he went to his looking-glass to dress himself in the most genteel fashion. From bright clean sea-weeds and sea-leaves he quickly made himself a new suit, all green and yellow; and he covered his feet with bright-coloured shells, and his neck with pearls which the oyster gave him; and dressing himself carefully, he hastened in the direction of the song. But when he came close enough to hear the words and to know what the box contained, he remembered his oath at the great gathering of the fish, and although he loved the singer he swam hurriedly away. For, like the skate-fish, he too feared to try to punish the maiden.
The maiden was now sore distressed, for it was growing late and the moon was already far up in the sky. The box was still unopened, and the girl was hungry for the fish. Going to the edge of the sea, she knocked the box hard against a large rock that lay in the water, hoping thereby to break it open. But the box would not break. Now, it chanced that under the rock a large black lobster lay sleeping quietly after a long battle with an enemy in the sea. The tapping on the roof of his sleeping-place awoke him, and he rubbed his eyes and listened. The maiden was again singing her song:—
"Oh I love sardines when they're boiled with beans, And mixed with the sands of the sea. I am dying for some. Will nobody come And open this box for me?"
Then the Lobster remembered his oath at the great gathering of the fish. Unlike the skate-fish and the merman, he had no fear of the maiden, for he knew his power. He determined to punish her, and he resolved at once upon a crafty trick. He came out of his hiding place, and waving his claw politely he said, "Fair lady, I can open the box for you; give it to me and let me try." But when, in answer, she held the box out towards him in her hand, he grasped her by the wrist with his strong claw, and, holding her fast, he swam with her far out to sea. Where he went and what he did with her, no man knows. It is believed that he sold her to the merman who had long sought a shore-wife, and that she is still being slowly changed into a fish. One thing is certain,—she never came back to land. But on the first day of May she always appears on the water away off the coast of the Island; and if that day is fine and clear you can still always see her there. She holds in her hand a looking-glass in which in the sunlight she looks at herself to see if she is nearer to a fish than she was on May Day the year before when she last appeared in the sun; and she is combing her long hair which is now covered with pearls; and she looks with longing eyes to the shore and her old home. And sometimes on moonlight nights in May, when the wind is still and the sea is calm, the fishermen hear her strange sad song across the waters. They know then that she is lonely, and that she is singing her song to lure land-comrades for company to her side. And on these nights they stay on shore, for they know that if they venture out to sea she will seize them and carry them off for playmates to her home of bright shells far under the sea.
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lokiharris · 6 months
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My partner is a dork
We left out water for the eclipse, but we set it all out last night.
So now its being called the "Meyer water"
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diaryofadaringwitch · 2 years
What do you think of Joyofsatan.org? They claim to follow the Sumerian God Enki-Satan, they’re pro-choice, they follow gay Pagan Gods and they’re the largest Satanist group in the world
Hey friends! This is a spam message. If you type in that URL, it takes you to a website full of antisemitism, Holocaust denial, and other neo-nazi rhetoric. It's a cult using a warped version of satanic philosophy to justify white supremacy.
They use bots to send these asks out in massive numbers because if more people go to the website, the engagement pushes the site to the top of search engines.
So fuck joyofsatan and fuck all nazis everywhere. Antisemitic bullshit is not welcome on my blog.
Edit- here's a link to additional info and sections I'd like to emphasize. Maxine Dietrich is the founder of this sect.
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beginningwitchyshit · 2 years
Me: *working on a lil hex in the kitchen*
Spouse, just coming in for a drink: are you...stabbing the fuck out of a lemon?
Me: yea
Spouse: hm. okay. 👁👄👁
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Confidence spell
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Gather up:
• a small red or orange candle
• paper and pen
1) Start by writing your intention for more confidence. Experience how it feels to have more confidence and think about what you will do with your confidence. What will you start doing? What will you stop doing, when you have the confidence to say 'no'?
2) When you feel you're inner confidence growing, light the candle.
3) Place your paper near the candle, but don't light it.
4) Sit with the candle, feeling your confidence and repeating your affirmation until the candle burns out.
5) Place your piece of paper under your pillow for the next eight days.
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Broom closet excuses ✨🧹🚪
Crystals/rocks “I like using crystals to decorate my bookshelf" “I like geology” “It’s a souvenir from the beach trip” Grimoire/BOS “It’s a meditation journal” “It’s for sketches and doodles” “I painted it so it looks nice on my bookshelf” “It’s a school notebook for (insert most boring class)” Candles “Candlelight helps me relax” “I use the candle as a timer for doing work” “I like how they smell” “My friend sells candles, I want to support their small business“ Cleansing “I’m trying to make my room smell better” (works for cleansing spray and incense) “It’s perfume/body spray” “I like listening to bells and chimes for meditation” Alter “It’s a diorama for a mythology project from grade school” (works best for shoe-box alters) “It’s some things for a project that I never got around to” “It’s a box of things to put downstairs/in the attic from when I cleaned out my room” Herbs and spices “I’m doing some baking” “I use them for tea/warm milk” “I want to grow an herb garden” “It’s potpourri” Plants “I wanna be a plant mom” “I want to freshen up the air in my room” “I’m redecorating my room”
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sir3nofth3s3a · 3 years
Hey beautiful beings!
I will be continuing my reading for tonight until I go to bed, and tomorrow night. I can do tarot, or Oracle reading. My asks are also open for any questions relating to spirituality, witchcraft, deities , etc.
Peace light and blessings 🔮
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frog-mints-united · 4 years
I thought of my experiences with religion but in terms of a relationship.
Had a 13 year long toxic relationship with the catholic religion, a rebound with the greek pantheon, and now am in a committed relationship with the norse pantheon.
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northmanworld · 3 years
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#Repost @odins.wulf ... #paganontour #warriorspirit #longship #ancestors #vikingseverywhere #norse #odin #ulfhednar #wikingar #unleashtheviking #vikingphotoshoot #pagancommunity #vikingcummunity #vikingpride #vikingspirit #warriorspirit #warrior #pagan #paganisim #heathen #ætt #heathenofinstagram #norsefitness #sheildwall #warriorofodin #wodan #heathenwarrior #paganontour #warriorspirit #warrior https://www.instagram.com/p/CTlr7ITjaj-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ew-please-stop · 3 years
friendly reminder that angels arent exclusive to the Christian religion despite everyone treating it that way
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Pendulum Displays
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Those who use pendulums will know the struggle. You set one down for all of 2 seconds next to another one, or put it in your pocket, and the chain(s) end up tangled. So rather than spend a bunch of time untangling your pendulums, why not make a display? All you need is a wooden frame for photographs, a drill or small hand saw, a ruler, a pencil, and potentially; wooden blocks to make it a stand or hooks to hang it, and sandpaper.
The size of the frame you use will depend on how many pendulums you plan to display with it. The more pendulums, the bigger the frame you need - unless you plan on making multiple smaller displays. I personally like to put a centimeter or up to an inch of space between my pendulums on my displays, to further prevent any tangling.
Once you’ve decided how many pendulums are going to be displayed on your frame, mark where each is going to go using your ruler and pencil, trying to space them evenly. Once you have the spaces marked, you’re going to want to pick a drill bit smaller than the bead on the end of your pendulums so that the chain won’t slip through when displayed. If you don’t have a drill, you can use a small saw or whittle with a knife, but the groove has to be smaller than the bead.
Be sure to test the size of the groove with your pendulums often, especially if you’re using a saw. You run the risk of splintering the frame if you’re not careful, and this means you’re more likely to have a pendulum that won’t stay in its spot. It needs to be deep enough that the pendulum will stay put, but shallow enough that it won’t weaken the frame too much structurally.
After that, you can either turn it into a stand with two extra pieces of wood as shown in the picture above, or you can place hooks onto the upper corners of the frame. Once again, drilling a hole for the hooks is a good idea so you’re less likely to damage the frame, so go slowly.
After that, it’s up to you if you want to paint or decorate it further, or just put it right on display!
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lokiharris · 6 months
My partner is a dork xD
But we're now calling it "Meyer water"
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diaryofadaringwitch · 4 years
Really want to write about my personal experiences with the Catholic church/religion because being raised in that religion impacted me emotionally & spiritually.
But I really don't want to open the door for comments like:
"Well not all Catholics are like that" I know, I'm not claiming to speak for the experiences of over a billion people
"You just don't understand the doctrine." Why I left has less to do with my understanding and more to do with how I was treated/what I was taught. I'm not a theologist, but I practiced for 18 years and even taught Sunday school.
"Any attempt to help me return after I've 'strayed' " I chose to leave, I'm much happier now, please put that energy into those who want to convert.
"You just hate Christians." Nope. Do I hate what I experienced? Yeah. Do I harbor resentment towards some of the people within the church? Yep. But I hate neither the religion nor the people who practice it.
Idk, Catholicism is a big part of my pagan path, since it's the faith I left to start it. I respect Catholics and I respect their practices (somewhat) but I worry that anything I write about will get drowned out by people jumping to conclusions and invalidating what I grew up experiencing.
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lonley-witch · 5 years
Hey! I’m looking for new people to follow!
So rb if you post anything related to
Hellenic worship
Kemetic worship
Spirit work
Spirit boards
Divination/ Tarot
Or you are
An lgbt+ witch
A baby witch
Or A worshiper of any of the following gods:
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Imbolc marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. Imbolc was originally a pagan festival honouring Brigid, the celtic goddess of fertility, fire, midwifery, and the young. The name imbolc derives from old Irish and means "in the belly" or alternatively "ewes milk". This holiday celebrates fertility, reproduction and the young overseen by the goddess Brigid. It begins at Sundown on the 1st of February, carrying on until the following day. The fertile womb of Mother Earth is ready to give birth to New life, as shoots burst forth and tiny buds turn their heads towards the sun. Light is emerging from the darkness of winter, and excitement abounds as this fresh season sweeps the land. This is a time for new beginnings, for sowing seeds and making plans.
⬇️Your Imbolc Rituals⬇️
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Cleanse Your Self Spiritualy
Immerse Yourself In the Belly of the Earth by taking a cleansing bath. This is best carried out on the night of the 1st of February.
1) run a warm bath and sprinkle in some epsom salts, as these absorb negative energy.
2) add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil to promote inner peace.
3) before you get in the bath say: "by the power of the season, and the energy of light, cleanse mind, body and soul, upon this sacred night".
4) relax in the water, close your eyes and visualise yourself nestled in the womb of the Earth, about to burst forth full of positive energy.
5) if you have any plans or hopes for the year ahead, bring them to mind and see yourself for filling your potential.
Candle Magic
Imbolc is a fire festival, and flames of any kind of symbolic and used to mark the occasion. Invite fresh opportunities and thrilling new adventures into your life with this easy candle ritual.
• a white candle
• a piece of paper
• a pen with silver ink (silver is a color associated with imbolc)
Light the white candle and watch as the flame grows. Visualise a spark burning inside are you just below your belly button, see it extending upwards into a flickering flame that feels you with inspiration. Take the paper and write a list of all the things you would like to invite into your life, so you might say: "a new house", "more love", etc. Fold the paper up, snuff out the candle and let some wax drop onto the paper as a seal. Keep this list somewhere safe.
Channel Goddess power
The Celtic goddess Brigid is linked to imbolc . She's associated with healing, poetry and smithcraft, and appears in her maiden form at this time of year.
Take a length of white ribbon or a white scarf and either tight around a tree beneath the light of the moon, or lay it on a window ledge where it can catch the moons healing rays overnight. Ask Brigid to bless the material as you do this. In the morning, lie down and place it over your heart chakra in the middle of your chest will stop breathe deeply and visualise healing rays of white light filling your entire body.
Did You Know?
In ancient Irish myth, the goddess Bridgid was born with fire on her head and drink the milk of a mystical cow. However, after Christianity came to Ireland, she was transformed into St Brigid, the patron saint of Irish nuns, dairymaids, newborns, midwives, and cattle.
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