artcentron · 11 months
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(via Jordan Nassar Traces History of Palestine in New Works)
Jordan Nassar traces the history of Palestinians through hand embroidery in his recent works. The new works reveal his longing for a utopian future where the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts are a distant memory.
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rebelwithacauze · 5 months
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sarzkh31 · 9 months
Jesus was Palestinian
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i-am-aprl · 1 year
mother in law of Scotland first minister pleads for help from Gaza and cries for Palestinians.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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My "Palestine Quiz" cartoon has bounced around the Internet for some time, so If you know someone who actually believes that there was ever a country or state called Palestine, don't argue with them. Just quiz them.
Dry Bones
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jojou2 · 9 months
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⚠️⚠️أيها العالم⚠️⚠️ مثال بسيط من بين مئات الأمثلة فيما يتعلق بالصراع الفلسطيني القائم، تذكروا أنه بينما تركزون جميعًا على حماس (حركة تحرير ومقاومة)، تمت إدانة بن جفير، وزير الأمن القومي الإسرائيلي، بثماني تهم على الأقل، بما في ذلك دعم منظمات إرهابية والتحريض على العنصرية، وجمع سجل جنائي طويل لدرجة أنه عندما مثل أمام القاضي، قال القاضي: "كان علينا تغيير الحبر الموجود على الطابعة"
هذه هي الشخصيات التي تحظى بدعم لا يتزعزع من الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة وأوروبا وغيرها! في الأساس، لقد أدانت الحكومة الإسرائيلية علناً أعضاءً مجرمين إرهابيين، هل هذا مقبول؟؟
إلى ماذا وصل العالم؟ الديمقراطية والإنسانية معكوسة؟! ... هذه الديمقراطيات المزعومةهي أصل كل الفظائع والمعاملات اللاإنسانية التيشهدها العالم! الحقيقة واضحة جدًا، لا تكن ساذجا فهي تحدث أمام أعيننا 👊🏻
⚠️⚠️Dear World⚠️⚠️ A simple example among hundreds regarding the Palestinian conflict… remember that while you are all focused on Hamas (A Liberation Group!), Ben-Gvir, Israeli Minister of National Security, has been convicted on at least eight charges, including supporting a terrorist organization and incitement to racism, compiling a criminal record so longthat, whenheappeared before a judge, “we had to change the ink on the printer”.
These are the characters that have the unwavering support of the US، UK, Europe and others! Basically, the Israeli government has openly convicted terrorist criminal members and the West finds that acceptable!
What has the world come to? Democracy and humanity reversed?! … These so called democracies are the root cause of most historical atrocities and inhumanities the world has witnessed! The truth is so apparent just don’t be naive it’s happening right in front of our eyes 👊🏻 Among all that’s wrong with the world today, the basics of morality must be restored along with humanity!
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mdyusufseo · 1 year
Elderly Palestinian man dies during arrest by Israeli army
The 80-year-old man was assaulted and died of a heart attack in a village near Ramallah, his family members say.
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Ramallah, occupied West Bank – An elderly Palestinian man has died during his arrest and assault by the Israeli army in the village of Jiljilya on the outskirts of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, according to his family and local Palestinian officials.
Omar Abdulmajeed Asaad, 80, was driving home at around 2:30am on Wednesday when he was stopped by Israeli soldiers during a military operation in the area.
list of 4 itemslist 1 of 4
Infographic: Palestine’s olive industry
list 2 of 4
Palestine underground: A new face for local radio
list 3 of 4
Bonus Edition: Palestine, India evictions, celebrity activism
list 4 of 4
As Israel threatens power cuts, how can Palestine pay its bills?
end of list
His nephew told local media from Ramallah hospital that “soldiers handcuffed him and blindfolded him, and dragged him on the ground”, and “when they saw that he died, they left”.
The family said he had breathing problems and died of a heart attack at the scene. Head of the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah, Ahmad Bitawi, told Al Jazeera that Asaad had arrived dead at around 5:30am.
Bitawi said doctors are currently conducting comprehensive scans of his body, and that his case is now with forensic medicine and the public prosecution.
Yasser Qattoum, the Fatah movement’s secretary in Jiljilya, told Al Jazeera that the army was conducting an overnight raid.
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yellowmanula · 3 months
The Israeli military has trained dogs to attack and literally tear people apart alive. They sic them on sleeping Palestinians. Can anyone still tell me that the Israeli government employs civilized methods and is protecting us from the "wild Arabs"?
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maybeamultiverse · 11 months
@wafflingchemist Thank you for sharing your opinion. I hope you are doing well during this time, and I hope you take care of yourself. I just want to firstly reply to what you have said to me, both as an 'anon' and from your account, as well as re-address some of the names you have called me from the presumed safety of anonymous, so we don't forget before I address your other points, which I know were made non-anonymously and in a clearer state of mind.
You have quite literally claimed a hate anon, so I feel I have a right to reply. I have no real interest in arguing extensively with anyone online, but I think this can be an opportunity to learn ways NOT to communicate if you are an ally to Palestine, Palestinians, etc. And no, I will not apologize, because I don't have anything to apologize for. If I was too 'harsh' or hurt someone's feelings because I talked about the cognitive dissonance from the sci-fi/fantasy/Star Trek community on contemporary issues of social justice, genocide and oppression, then fine. It will never compare to my close Palestinian friends whose family members are being killed now, as I write this from the safety of my home in the US.
To review. You have called me...
an "anti-semite" multiple times (I am pro-Palestine, Muslim and a hijabi but of partial Jewish descent from my grandfather)
my post had "nothing to do with current events" (I shared 3-4 essential infographics from Palestinian organizations working on the ground in Palestine and Gaza today.
that I used "slurs" (you claimed this was a 'mistranslation' which is fine, but that is a seriously big accusation to make).
that I am being abusive and an "abusive bully" towards my community, without knowing ANYTHING about the non-stop passive, racially-motivated private convos I've experienced with many, many white Americans (the majority demographic) on this Tumblr and in other related fandoms for YEARS. Please consider that people might have experiences that are beyond the realm of your knowledge and experience (that's a good sentence to use against me later, I'm sure, only if you want though, just a recommendation). If you felt 'called out' maybe think about why you jumped to the defensive.
claimed that I had written a "shitpost" (because information about the Gaza Strip's lack of clean water and the discrimination we as Muslims are experiencing in the US as a result of the occupation is a "shitpost"... news to me...).
"as soon as it is anything else than 'Free Palestine' you'd bully them" This is advocacy. This isn't bullying, it just makes you uncomfortable.
"you didn't even care to include a line that you condemn what [x] hamas did" As I said earlier, we shouldn't have to declare that we don't support all forms of resistance, even if it is violent and religiously militant. Palestinians have been called 'human animals' by the Israeli Minister of Defense very recently. They are presumed to be automatically violent, barbaric, etc. without question-- I am a loud and abusive bully, after all, right? Please, please reconsider the way you talk to pro-Palestinian advocates/people, because this approach especially de-centers Palestinian voices. If you are an ally as you sort of claim, you simply need to know better than this.
You have claimed to typically respect people who are pro-Palestine, but not me... because you feel that I 'insulted' you specifically as a Star Trek/fantasy/sci-fi fan and as a Jewish person. That my discussion and my language was too impassioned.
I would just really like you to sit for a moment and consider why this was upsetting you ONLY when I mentioned the fandom community being unkind and discriminatory, and why, when someone is sharing about Palestinian oppression, you then share your own family's trauma, which is real and valid and I am sorry your family experienced that, assume that I don't condemn Hamas (which, to me, at the very least feels like I'm being accused of terrorism, or at least sympathizing with terrorists, which, in the US, is a legitimately dangerous claim to make on the internet), and, finally, when I said that someone who doesn't fight openly and proudly against oppression isn't a 'main character' (feel free to go back and read my earlier post).
Haven't we all complained for YEARS in the fiction/fantasy/sci-fi community about the excess of white protagonists? Of stories that overly center whiteness, that use stories of uprising against dominant powers without the critical understanding of contemporary global issues or culture? That's such a tremendous complaint from many in the fan fiction/book/fantasy/sci-fi world. My framing of a narrative that addresses this is an intentional means to garner attention and reach out to people. If you were hurt by this, just consider how Palestinians especially are hurting in REAL LIFE. This is my point.
Lastly, I do want to say that I don't think this conversation will be valuable or productive if we keep bringing up Star Trek and Bajor, eek!!! I kind of wish I never brought that up as a particular point-- the narratives around it, the Jewish creators involved in it, and accusations of anti-semitic character designs and stories in some spaces (now is probs not the time to get into that, it's a whole other discussion, but one worth having for sure) just dilutes the essential aspects of the Free Palestine movement. So, if I were to revise my point, I'd probably not bring that up again because I think it detracted from my overarching argument. BUT I do still think Bajor's struggle for liberation undoubtedly possesses meaningful parallels to Palestine. That's specifically why I got into the show years ago :)
Look, I think it's clear that we both fundamentally care about similar things, and I don't have any personal ill will against you.
I just think you really need to examine your language and your reactions towards me and others. If I have insulted you and your safe space because I wanted to approach this issue from a specific angle, which is my fandom/writing blog on Tumblr, just realize that I am not speaking to your family members who survived the Holocaust and calling them 'nobodies.' That's an incredibly huge reach to make about my assumptions and my audience here.
What you are implementing is a common rhetorical tactic used to deflect from conversations about Palestine, forcing advocates to (and I've done this here, just above) defend their humanity and assure you that we are not evil people who don't have an understanding of what the Holocaust was and that we have an innate dislike or disrespect of Jewish people. This argument is so overused that it has even been applied to anti-Zionist Jews and those with Jewish heritage whose families ALSO faced horrible oppression (hi there, it's me!).
I'm talking to people living comfortably in the first world who, unlike those in Gaza, have stable internet access, (you said you live in Germany-- don't even get me started on how many Muslim immigrants are treated there, that's another can of worms) who are currently turning a blind eye to what's going on and whose internalized racism is, whether they realize or not, which, in turn, has a profound effect on their perceptions of Palestinians as brutish and inherently violent.
I won't be making more posts addressing you, but I will occasionally share posts supporting Palestine when I get the chance or see them. Again, please take care of yourself during this time. My best friend in the whole world, an anti-Zionist Ashkenazi Jew, feels so unsafe at home right now because his pro-Palestinian advocacy work, so it's hard for everyone out there.
I hope I have clarified my stance.
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wahyu-----putra · 11 months
Mendidik bukan menghardik
memberi tak harap kembali
merendah bukan berarti rendahan
hidup bukan untuk kehidupan
tapi hidup untuk menghidupkan yang hidup
dan hidup untuk kehidupan setelah kehidupan
karena manusia adalah hamba
bagi pencipta manusia
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lamahat · 26 days
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because this porn in Palestine that is happening
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Dreams on their own won't get you far; they require proactive effort, determination, hard work, and dedication. We’ve just completed another successful campaign, and if you need expert help to boost your own campaign, let’s collaborate to make it a success. Contact me for more information.
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rebelwithacauze · 5 months
On April 2, Tehran vowed to retaliate against an Israeli airstrike that killed 13 officers in an Iranian consulate building in Syria.
When Iran retaliated then this is how #Biden addressed the media briefing.!
So I guess it's confirmed ,Israel controls The USA!!!
Unfortunately yet again ,"Israels right to exist",is top priority while the American tax payers right to safety and security from a possible retaliatory attack from Iran and/or its nuclear powered allies is blatently swept under the carpet!
#Iran #usa #Biden #joebiden
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He stressed in a recent remark that he represents the oppressed Palestinian people. In his declaration, President Erdoğan reaffirmed his steadfast commitment to upholding their rights and aiding them in their fight for freedom and justice.
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i-am-aprl · 1 year
Scotland first minister mother in law crying for Palestinians
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mejtahid · 10 months
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