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Apple is facing tremendous anger from Israel after consumers discovered that the iPhone keypad suggests the Palestinian flag when typing 'Jerusalem'.
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nesrodesigns · 8 months
Free Palestine 2
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but-a-dust · 3 months
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batterymaster01 · 4 months
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Isaac Herzog should probably read this.
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Divine Creator, Y a Allah
We come before you with heavy hearts, filled with compassion and a deep longing for peace. We lift up the land of Palestine, particularly Gaza, in prayer. We pray for the people who are enduring immense hardships, grief, and loss.
Grant strength to those who have lost loved ones, comfort to those who are injured or suffering, and solace to those who are displaced. Bring healing to the wounded, both physically and emotionally, and provide support and resources to those in need.
We pray for an end to the violence and conflict that has plagued this land for far too long. May peace prevail, and may justice be served for all those affected. Help us to recognize the shared humanity of all people and to work towards reconciliation and understanding.
Guide the leaders and decision-makers to seek peaceful resolutions, to prioritize the well-being and safety of the people, and to work towards a just and lasting solution. Instill in them wisdom, compassion, and empathy.
We also pray for the international community to come together, to extend aid and support, and to advocate for a peaceful resolution. May the voices of those who seek justice and peace be heard and amplified.
Divine Source of Love and Compassion, bring healing, unity, and hope to Palestine and Gaza. May the people find strength, resilience, and the courage to rebuild their lives and communities. May they experience a future filled with peace, security, and prosperity.
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clickedge23 · 7 months
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(via Save Palestine Unisex Hoodie)
Save Palestine Unisex Hoodie
Who knew that the softest hoodie you'll ever own comes with such a cool design. You won't regret buying this classic streetwear piece of apparel with a convenient pouch pocket and warm hood for chilly evenings.
• 100% cotton face • 65% ring-spun cotton, 35% polyester • Front pouch pocket • Self-fabric patch on the back • Matching flat drawstrings • 3-panel hood • Blank product sourced from Pakistan
This product is made especially for you as soon as you place an order, which is why it takes us a bit longer to deliver it to you. Making products on demand instead of in bulk helps reduce overproduction, so thank you for making thoughtful purchasing decisions!
#HoodieSeason #StreetwearFashion #ComfyStyle #FashionForACause #ClickEdgeApparel #EthicalFashion  #WinterWardrobe 
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blaqsbi · 8 months
Post: Demonstration in support of Palestine in Kenya...
Demonstration in support of Palestine in KenyaHundreds of people gathered in Mombasa, Kenya and organised a demonstration in support of the Palestinian people. https://www.blaqsbi.com/5tj6
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avikats66 · 5 months
The state of Israel is, by legal definition outlined in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, committing genocide against the Palestinian people of the Gaza Strip. This is a fact, and even if what Israel was doing somehow didn’t meet the official criteria for genocide, that would still not make its actions any less horrific, or somehow acceptable, justifiable, or not war crimes.
Genocides are an unfortunately common occurrence throughout human history. When most people think genocide, they think of the Holocaust, but they are over 40 legally recognized genocides which have occurred - some of which are still currently ongoing - since the start of the 20th century alone. The one in Gaza should soon be on that officially recognized list thanks to the filing made by South Africa against Israel at the International Court of Justice. You can read the full document here: https://www.icj-cij.org/case/192
The fact that South Africa and other nations are standing up and speaking out against the genocide in Gaza, which is taking place on such a publicly known scale, is especially relieving after many other governments have either been complacent through inaction or directly supportive of Israel’s war crimes to various degrees, including providing the Israeli Defense Force with bombs and other resources with which to continue their assault, something which should also be legally investigated, though of course stopping the genocide is first priority.
The responses and responsibilities of national governments are on a different level than that of me and most people as average individual civilians, though. Our individual power and influence may be mush smaller, but there are still things we can choose to do, many of which can have cumulative affect when more of us do it, such as putting pressure on governments and corporations through protest or donating to relief efforts.
It is not within the responsibilities or capabilities of any one person to somehow stop all the world’s evils - though some of us certainly posses more responsibility and/or capability through virtue of our circumstances - but most of us can do something, no matter how small. We can always do something, no matter how tiny or ultimately insignificant, to help others, and I think that’s so important. Something is always more than nothing; doing nothing makes nothing better, or even allows things to get worse. We’ll never manage to completely stop human suffering and wrongdoing, but we can and do manage to stop some of it through action, and only action. So choose to take action, whatever action you’re willing to take.
#GazaGenocide #SupportPalestine #israelpalestineconflict #humanrights
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He stressed in a recent remark that he represents the oppressed Palestinian people. In his declaration, President Erdoğan reaffirmed his steadfast commitment to upholding their rights and aiding them in their fight for freedom and justice.
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nesrodesigns · 7 months
Freedom For Palestine 2
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ahmed-kamels-world · 8 months
In the face of the ongoing crisis in Palestine, it is crucial that we, as supporters of the Palestinian people, come together to express our concern and solidarity. The horrific atrocities committed against innocent Palestinians are deeply troubling and have left scars on our hearts. I, like many of you, have witnessed scenes that are difficult to put into words - the wanton disregard for human life, where bodies have been kicked, dumped, urinated upon, and even run over. It's a stark reminder of the injustices that have plagued this land for far too long. Amidst all this, this image of a young Zionist attacking an older woman. Such acts of aggression only intensify our concern for the lack of accountability. But we should remind ourselves that accountability isn't just a worldly concept; it extends beyond this life. The day of judgment is a belief held dear by many, and it serves as a reminder that all our actions, good or bad, will ultimately be accounted for. In these trying times, let us continue to stand together, united in our support for the Palestinian people, and call for justice. The world is watching, and together, we can work towards a brighter, more equitable future for all. #SupportPalestine #JusticeForAll #StandForHumanity
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kakashis-kunoichi · 8 months
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pennyappealca · 5 months
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Urgent Aid for Palestine: Your Support Makes a Difference!
Alhamdulillah! Witness the impact of your generosity as aid flows into Palestine. Our dedicated teams in Egypt are tirelessly coordinating with Palestinians to identify and address urgent needs. Your donation can make a meaningful difference in their lives. Join us in supporting this critical cause.
Donate now at https://pennyappeal.ca/program/emergency-response/ or contact us at 1-855-880-4141. Together, let's make a positive impact on the lives of those in need. #PennyAppeal #SupportPalestine
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digitalmarketintips · 8 months
Supporting Peace and Justice: Social Bookmarking for Palestine and Israel .
In the heart of Israel, we advocate for a world where both Palestine and Israel coexist in harmony. Let's strive for a future that ensures the rights, dignity, and security of all individuals in the region. By coming together in support of Palestine, we aim to foster dialogue and understanding, urging for peaceful solutions to the longstanding conflict. Regardless of our backgrounds, we believe in the power of unity, empathy, and compassion. Together, we can work towards a brighter future, where the people of Israel and Palestine can live side by side in peace and prosperity. #SupportPalestine #PeaceInIsrael #shameonyou .
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blaqsbi · 23 days
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Post: What could sweeping UNGA support for Palestine’s full UN membership mean? https://www.blaqsbi.com/5RBW
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vipnoviny · 1 year
VÁLEČNÉ ZLOČINY: Ukrajina přiznává zavraždění „poměrně dost“ ruských civilistů a plánuje vyhladit 3 milióny Rusů na Krymu
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Ukrajinský generálmajor Kyrylo Budanov, člověk který má na starosti teroristické operace proti ruským civilistům.   Vysoký ukrajinský představitel přiznal, že jeho země zavraždila „poměrně dost“ ruských civilistů, kteří podporují Putina a jeho válku, vedoucí k získání kontroly nad regionem Donbas. V rozhovoru pro The Times of London generálmajor Kyrylo Budanov, který vede ukrajinskou vojenskou zpravodajskou službu, také slíbil, že přijdou další útoky. "Úspěšně jsme se již zaměřili na několik lidí," řekl Budanov. Neuvedl žádné z obětí, ale řekl, že „existují dobře známé případy, o kterých každý ví, díky mediálnímu pokrytí“. Od invaze na Ukrajinu v únoru 2022 bylo v tažení zabito nebo zraněno několik významných ruských příznivců invaze – a mnoho nevinných přihlížejících. K jednomu z nejvýraznějších útoků došlo loni v srpnu, kdy bomba v autě zabila novinářku Darju Duginovou – pravděpodobný pokus zabít jejího otce, politologa-filozofa Aleksandra Dugina. Stejně jako její otec byla Darja hlasitým zastáncem Putina a jeho invaze. Ona i její otec byli po začátku války sankcionováni Spojenými státy. Vzhledem k jejímu profilu je možné, že ji Ukrajina úmyslně zavraždila ve zlověstném aktu trestu dva v jednom. Naposledy byl spisovatel Zakhar Prielepin zraněn při bombovém útoku na auto ze 6. května a ruský vojenský blogger Vladen Tatarsky byl zabit na dubnovém veřejném vystoupení poté, co mu žena darovala sošku s ukrytou bombou. Dalších patnáct lidí bylo zraněno. Here's a longer video of Tatarsky being given the bust of himself by a woman who called herself Nastya. He invited her to sit closer. It was made of plaster covered in gold paint. https://t.co/itNryquxZl — XSovietNews 🇺🇦 (@XSovietNews) April 3, 2023 Pro srovnání, hypotetickou paralelou tohoto tažení by byla irácká zpravodajská služba, která v roce 2003 vyhodila do vzduchu propagátory irácké invaze, jako byli Bill Kristol, Jeffrey Goldberg, Ann Coulter a Max Boot. Jsou to ukázkové příklady válečných zločinů. A co víc, pokud přijmete definici terorismu jako „úmyslné použití násilí proti civilistům za účelem dosažení politických cílů“, Budanov implementoval do Ukrajiny státem sponzorovaný teror – takový, který od války obdržel americkou vojenskou pomoc v hodnotě 37 miliard dolarů  a možná dvojnásobek pomoci od dalších. Budanov není jen neomluvitelný terorista, je to vychloubačný terorista. "Tyto případy se staly a budou pokračovat," řekl The Times. Takoví lidé dostanou zasloužený trest a přiměřený trest může být pouze likvidační a já ho provedu.“ Graphic: BLOOD everywhere on floor as sources say popular war reporter Vladlen Tatarsky KILLED in brutal terror explosion in cafe in Saint Petersburg, Russia. UPDATE: Sources say a woman hid an improvised explosive device (IED) and gifted it to pic.twitter.com/PGjbpOI7HB — #SupportPalestine #BDS #Yemen #Kashmir #Assange (@ChristineJameis) April 2, 2023 V samostatném rozhovoru, pro ukrajinský kanál YouTube, Budanov naznačil, že kterákoli země může být svědkem zabíjení civilistů z jeho strany, kteří říkají nebo píší špatné věci: „Naprostá lůza bude nakonec potrestána v jakékoli zemi na světě. Pouze eliminace může být zaslouženým trestem za takové činy.“ Slovensko News.Front-Info píše: "Do našich mainstreamových televizí. Povinně večer ve všech zprávách! Šéf GUR ukroreichu Budanov chce vyvraždit 3 miliony obyvatel Krymu." Budanov to přímo řekl v živém rozhovoru. Ještě jednou připomínáme, že Budanov je ukrajínský generálmajor. Žádný neznámý konspirační teoretik, nebo dezinformátor, kdyby jej tak někdo chtěl označit. Vzhledem k tomu, o jak vysokou funkci se jedná, bychom jeho slova neměli brát na lehkou váhu. Jinými slovy udržet si Krym a dobytá území Maloruska je pro Rusy (a hlavně civilní obyvatelstvo) otázkou přežití. Kromě svého drzého přiznání – které bylo téměř všeobecně ignorováno západními médii – Budanov řekl moderátorovi na YouTube, že „potenciál ruské armády pro postup je zcela vyčerpán, ale stále má významný obranný potenciál“. Vzhledem k tomu, že ukrajinská tolik dlouho očekávaná a medializovaná protiofenzíva je stále ve svých přípravách, Budanov řekl: „ vybudovalo vícevrstvý obranný systém. Přesto se nejedná o stejnou ruskou armádu, od které by se dalo očekávat, že povede rozsáhlé útočné operace." Budanov, ambiciózně a možná i klamně, v představě vyhnání ruské armády z celého obsazeného ukrajinského území, řekl, že jeho země by měla žádat o 60 mil (96 km) demilitarizovanou zónu uvnitř Ruska. „Tohle by měl být náš cíl. Pokud se nechystají zaútočit a nerozhodnou se, že se za pár let chtějí pomstít, neměl by to být problém." Překlad a redakční úprava: Martin Kirschner (www.vipnoviny.cz), Zdroj: infowars.com Read the full article
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