#Permanent hair removal cream
onefite · 4 months
The best product for permanent hair removal / Ulike
The Benefits of Ulike Laser Hair Removal System for Men and Women Introduction Introducing Ulike Laser Hair Removal System The Ulike Laser Hair Removal System is revolutionizing the way we think about at-home hair removal. Designed to be both effective and gentle, this innovative device uses IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology to help users achieve smooth, hair-free skin without the pain and…
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nykaaonline · 2 years
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Permanent Hair Removal
Does a Permanent Hair Removal Cream Work? Depilatory creams don't remove hair permanently. They do not work to permanently reduce hair, though. A chemical cream's mixture of ingredients may dissolve the hair shaft, and certain creams for hair removal will cause Keratin to break down.
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barever · 2 years
Get a glowing face with facial hair problems.
Facial hair in women is not an uncommon problem. Most hair removal methods, however, are available at your grocery. Some women have to be treated by an endocrinologist or a dermatologist.
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Hirsutism. the facial Hairs: The Problem
Everyone has facial hairs that are very fine and doesn't prominent. But some women have thicker, darker hIn addition, someone their an upper lip or chin. Some medical conditions and medicines can cause thick facial hair to grow. If you face these problems, you must consult your physician.
The short-term solution
There are many ways to remove facial hair. Shaving and plucking are the most common. While plucking hurts a little bit and shaving cuts irritate your facial skin, and it doesn't last forever, it is the most common method women use to get rid of facial hair. Waxing is another way to remove facial hairs at once, but it irritates the delicate facial skin. Chemicals, i.e., hair removal creams, can be used to dissolve the hair.
In the modern era, a laser beam can be used to eliminate hair by destroying the hair at its base. But, unfortunately, it is probably the most expensive way to get rid of hair.
The side effects
Skin irritation and redness are routine hair removal's most common side effects. Shaving causes skin cuts and ingrown hairs. Waxing can burn your skin. Hair removal creams dissolve hair and cause allergic skin reactions.
The ultimate solution: The Barever
Barever, the Natural Permanent Hair Inhibitors Cream is a 100% natural, safe, and effective product. It works on all body skin types over the face, body, bikini line, and underarms. It's a hair removal method that removes hair gradually by inhibiting growth in hair follicles. The potent formula of Barever inhibits the follicle cell activity at the very root level of hair. As a result, it slows down unwanted hair growth so that you enjoy soft, silky, and smoother skin for longer. It works with hair removal cream, which delays hair regrowth after hair removal cream application. It starts giving results on proper and regular use for some weeks. However, the results may vary from person to person as it highly depends upon the various hormone level of individuals. Nevertheless, if not the best, it is one of the best hair removal creams available on the market.
Just Barever your skin and enhance your presence!
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mybombae · 5 months
Hair Removal Spray operates on a simple yet innovative principle. The formulation typically includes active ingredients that weaken the hair structure, making it easy to wipe or wash away. This method provides a quick and painless alternative to traditional waxing or Shaving.
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bodyglo · 1 year
Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?
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Laser hair removal is a popular cosmetic procedure that involves the use of laser light to remove unwanted hair. The laser light is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicle, destroying the hair from the root.
This process is repeated over several treatment sessions to achieve long-lasting results. But is laser hair removal permanent? The answer is: it depends.
Laser hair removal is often marketed as a permanent solution to unwanted hair, but in reality, it is not always permanent. While laser hair removal can significantly reduce hair growth, it does not guarantee permanent hair removal. Factors such as skin color, hair color, and hormonal changes can all impact the effectiveness of laser hair removal.
Studies have shown that laser hair removal can reduce hair growth by up to 90%. However, the remaining 10% of hair can still grow back, albeit finer and lighter. This regrowth can occur due to the presence of hair follicles that were not affected by the laser light during treatment.
It is important to note that laser hair removal only targets hairs in the active growth phase. Hairs in the dormant phase will not be affected by the laser treatment and will continue to grow. This means that multiple treatment sessions are necessary to achieve the best results.
In conclusion, while laser hair removal can provide long-lasting results, it is not a guaranteed permanent solution for unwanted hair. Factors such as skin color, hair color, and hormonal changes can all impact the effectiveness of laser hair removal. If you are considering laser hair removal, it is important to have realistic expectations and to understand that multiple treatment sessions may be necessary to achieve the best results. It is also important to consult with a licensed professional to determine if laser hair removal is right for you and to ensure that the procedure is performed safely and effectively.
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bby-deerling · 3 months
happy accident (law x reader)
law runs into a familiar face :)
wc: 1.5k masterlist || commissions
cw: fluff, slight angst (in past), reader has an abusive parent, can be read as either platonic or the start of something more :)
tagging: @willowbelle @eelnoise @sanjisprincesswifey @ragethebunny @kaizokuniichan @mirillua @cloudzoro @risenwrites @atanukileaf
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Swirling in apprehension, Law isn’t quite sure how to approach you.  Years spent apart had changed you less than he had expected them to; your jaw was sharper, your posture more askew, and the deep purple rings underneath your eyes were even more pronounced than his—and yet, Law thinks, he finds you softer.  The hair that frames your face curls inward and is no longer jagged and choppy, the black in your wardrobe had evidently been replaced with creams and tans and small floral prints, and the edge that had been imbued in each of your carefully selected words no longer emanated from your being.
When he had met you all those years ago in a rural North Blue doctor’s office, you were determined, stubborn to a fault as you begged your father to treat him—or at the very least do something to ease the pain or slow the progression of his disease.  The plea was met with nothing but vitriol, with him screaming at you for disappointing him by being mentally weak and letting emotions cloud your thinking.  Corazón wasn’t spared either and caught an earful too, both for walking in when he wasn’t accepting new patients, and for expecting him to be able to remove the lead from Law’s body at all—let alone in a small, outdated facility.  Despite the insults flung at you, you stood tall and simply bit the side of your tongue and trembled, unwilling to allow the tears welling up in your eyes to fall. The yelling continued long after Corazón had stormed out of the office with Law—enough to be heard from a decent distance away, the vibrations from your father’s screaming reverberating in the snow; it gnawed at the pair to the point where Corazón turned on his heels and scooped you up despite Law’s insistence that it was too dangerous to bring you along.
You were by no means a permanent traveler, only spending roughly a week and a half with them hitching a ride to the next island; your aunt had a house in the country there, and Corazón was more than willing to use his rank as a Marine Commander if need be to spin some yarn to justify why you had to live with her now, by ‘order’ of the World Government.  However, the short time spent with you was a bright spot during his illness.  Quiet, but sharp, you had gotten along well with him, and though you were a bit jaded, you were hopeful, swelling with pure optimism that just as you were headed for a more stable and happy life, that he would get better—that he would live—you were like Corazón in that way.
But now, in stark contrast, Law watches you flip through another row of antique books, looking wholly defeated.  Tension hangs heavy between your neck and shoulder blades as you search in vain for a novel to throw yourself into in a futile attempt to ward off the pain accumulating in your chest.
“Hey.” Law murmurs as he approaches; his fingers skim along the spines of books nearby yours, but he isn’t truly looking—instead, he’s fixated on quelling the rapid beats of his heart as he waits to see if you recognize him.
Your head snaps toward the sound of his voice, lips parting slightly as starry eyes come to life; the sands of time had changed Law immensely, but his strong, steely gaze coupled with that silly snow-leopard print bucket hat that he still wears are a dead giveaway.
“Law!  It’s really you!” you exclaim, trembling with excitement as you soak in his presence, melding the image of the man in front of you with the hazy, murky memory of the boy you had befriended so long ago.  You weren’t surprised that he had survived—earlier this week the World Government had issued a small bounty on him; assuming he was already sailing out of the North Blue and towards the Grand Line, you had resigned yourself to the idea of never seeing him again, though it seemed fate had other plans for you.
“I heard you were living around here, so I figured I’d pay you a visit.”  Law says with a sly smile, slightly shocked by how smoothly the words come out.  It was a bit of a fib—he was secretly hoping he might run into you when traveling through this set of islands, but the real reason he was here was to stock up on food; still in the process of figuring out how to properly manage resources on the Polar Tang, Law had unfortunately found out that if left unchecked, Bepo was capable of going through a week’s worth of provisions in less than an hour.
“I really appreciate it—” you sputter out.  Often the one pouring effort into others, being on someone's mind was foreign to you. “I—I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately.” you admit with a nervous laugh, face flushing pink as you struggle to spit your words out.
Amused, the edge of Law’s lip quirks upward. “So, I take it you’ve seen the poster.” he says, leaning in slightly and lowering his voice in case there were any prying ears nearby.
“Yep—though I figured you’d be long gone by now.” you reply sheepishly.  Law notes you’re markedly more relaxed than before, letting your shoulders hang loose as you mirror his actions and lean a smidge closer to him.
“Tch.  Not without you.” he says with a crooked grin; as the words come out, he momentarily worries about a potential rejection of his offer that’s admittedly phrased more like an order, but the way your face lights up stabilizes his confidence.
“Are you sure?” you ask with a hopeful grin, giving him one last out before fully emotionally attaching yourself to the opportunity.
“I wouldn’t have said it if I wasn’t sure.” he teases; his voice is deeper, but he still speaks to you with the same direct, blunt nature that you found so endearing years ago.
“Just making sure.” you say with a soft giggle, a bit embarrassed from his sly reassurance.  With the matter of whether or not you were coming with him now settled, he gives you a run down of the Polar Tang and their current situation, rambling for quite a while before realizing that he’d barely asked you any questions about what you’ve been up to as of late.
“I’ve been studying chemistry—I actually just finished an accelerated program.” you tell him; now it was your turn to ramble on about your thesis project, and everything you’d studied beforehand, happy to have a captivated audience as he hangs onto your every word.
“Good.  It’ll be useful to have someone able to synthesize basic analgesics and extract compounds on board.” he says in response when you bring up your experience with chemical synthesis, though his words make you start to sputter once more.
“I don’t know too much about medicinal chemistry yet, I don’t know how helpful I’ll be—” you reply, worried about overstating your abilities, but Law interjects before you can put yourself down too much.
“Don’t worry.  You’ve got all the time in the world to learn.” he says reassuringly, leaving no room in his tone for opposition; it clicks for you in that moment that it didn’t matter what you planned to do to make yourself useful on the Polar Tang—he simply wants your company.
As you talk, he catches your head peering past his shoulder every so often, gaze fixed well above his head as you scan the room; Law knows exactly who you’re looking for, but his tongue twists into a knot, unable to string the words together to tell you what happened to Corazón—at least not right now.  Instead, he gestures behind him at the three young men—one significantly furrier than the other two—intently watching you with dopey grins on their faces.
“This is Shachi, Penguin, and—” he begins, only to be cut off by his navigator introducing himself with enthusiasm.
“And I’m Bepo!” he shouts happily, though he quickly hangs his head and apologizes upon catching a glare from Law for interrupting him.  Finding his silly behavior endearing, you can’t help but let out a tiny giggle that you stifle behind your hand. 
As you mingle with them, laughing at all of Shachi’s painfully corny jokes and making some of your own in return, Law can’t help but smile as he hangs back and observes.  Watching the sway of your skirt as you ask Bepo a dozen curious questions about cartography, he notices the flowers adorning the fabric are bleeding hearts; touched by the sentiment, his hand unconsciously traces over his tattoos through his sweatshirt.  Though you still were blissfully unaware of Corazón's fate, Law is glad he isn’t the only one who has carried his memory with them all this time.  The loss often weighs on his heart like a heavy blanket of snow, but finding you again—someone who knew him, even for a short while, eases his burden ever so slightly.
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Paring: Daichi Sawamura x fem!reader
Requested: No
Genre: Smut
Warning(s): Somnophillia, cunnilingus.
Summary: Daichi is annoyed after practice, thankfully you look a bit too delectable today.
Word count: 650
Other works
Beta reader: None
a/n: I would greatly appreciate it if all of you could take a moment to comment on this fic. As an author, I find great value in your feedback, as it allows me to better comprehend my readers, and I thoroughly enjoy interacting with all of you. Constructive criticism is always welcome, so don't hesitate to talk about this fic or send me an ask. Moreover, if you loved it, don't forget to reblog and help me reach a wider audience. So please don’t be a silent reader.
[permanent taglist] [only for those interested, don’t fill the form otherwise]
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Daichi loves hearing you blabber as he rams into you with all his might. It's not always that he gets this horny and needy, but on the days he does, you are in for a ride—literally!
It started right after he got back from practice, extremely angry at himself for not being up to the mark and messing up the practice for the whole team.
The moment he came in, he immediately searched for you, only to find you asleep on the couch. It's not a rare sight to see you waiting for him, but those shorts paired with his tee were the breaking point for him.
You looked so beautiful lying there all pretty for him.
No matter how freaky you both were in bed, the topic of consent always took first place. So when he first heard you suggest trying somnophilia, he was a bit concerned, to say the least.
But the first time you both tried it, it was like heaven for him. So, the sight of you sleeping in shorts was too inviting for him to resist.
Immediately going towards you, he quickly removed your shorts and latched his mouth onto your cunt, hungrily lapping at it to create some wetness.
Your reaction was a bit slow, but he could slowly but surely hear the small moans emitting from you. Soon enough, you were awake, the feeling of his mouth on your now throbbing cunt too much for your sleep-induced brain to handle, so it woke you up.
Your moans immediately increased in volume, prompting Daichi to add a finger along with his his already attached mouth. Your hands soon found their place in his hair, pulling on it.
"Tastes so good I could die here," he says before continuing to abuse your pussy.
Within seconds, you are bursting onto him, squirting all over the man's face with a loud moan of his name. And being the man he subhe wastes not a drop of your precious cum lapping it all up like a starving man.
As Daichi emerges from your pussy, he gives you a look of extreme need. Within seconds, you are underneath him.
"Gonna fuck you so well," he says as he takes off his pants, letting his throbbing cock breathe. It's been almost five years since you and Daichi have been together, but the size of his cock still shocks you.
You used to wonder how it would fit, but from previous experience, you know it will. He immediately sinks into your puffy warm hole with a moan.
"So good Mura," you can barely form a sentence with how good he makes you feel. A ring of thick cream forming at the base of his cock due to the endless thrusting.
"How are you still so fucking tight? Did I not prep you enough?" he groans. Before you can respond, he starts moving, inducing moans after moans from you.
"Will fucking fill you up with my seed until your tits are all swollen with milk," he says while thrusting into you with all his might.
"Do you want that? My babies?" He rams into you like his life depends on it.
"Need, need your cum," you are just a blabbering mess at this point, barely able to form a sentence. The pleasure is so intense that it makes you almost cry. Soon, you reach your climax, cumming all over his dick, making him reach his peak too.
After a few loud moans, and a few "you milk my dick so well," you both calm down. He immediately moves over to hold you, making you rest your head on his chest.
"You want me to make us a warm bath?" he asks gently while rubbing your shoulder.
You nod, numb from all the lovemaking. Kissing your forehead, he immediately takes you to the bathroom to clean you up and get you ready for bed.
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The End
a/n: thank you so much for reading, please don’t forget to leave a review
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ququb444hm · 8 months
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭, 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝
part 25 / nair hair removal ☆
warning(s): possible typos (this is not proofread in the slightest :3), profanity
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normally it would take someone an average of 10 minutes to get to shinrinyoku flower shop from yūgen university’s campus on foot. maybe a bit longer if they were leaving the boy’s dormitory. 
but rintarou suna got there in 5 minutes. 
“holy shit rin. did you sprint here?” cecily had rushed downstairs when she suddenly heard loud banging against the shophouse’s doors. “let me go get you some water-”
rin quickly disregarded the offer, completely focused on finding his friend. “yn. where- where is she?”
“upstairs, but-” before cecily could finish her sentence, the drummer pushed passed her and trudged up the building’s stairs, ignoring his breathless state.
“hey yn?” his voice was gentle, a heavy contrast to his usual sarcastic diction. “it’s rin. could you let me in, please?” 
no response.
“mori said you left practice early without saying anything and you aren’t answering the group chat so we got worried…”
still no response.
while waiting for yn to answer, rin took the time to catch his breath, bringing out his phone to text the rest of the group about yn’s whereabouts: she’s here at shinrinyoku
as quick responses of 'thank goodness’ and ‘we’re on our way’ came from mori and koushi, cecily ascended the stairs with a glass of water for the junior college student. “you didn’t let me finish. yn ended up crying herself to sleep once we got home,” she turned the doorknob to let her and rin enter the dimly lit room. “I don’t know if you know what happened, but thank you for coming either way. I think it would be best if you just wait until she wakes up. are the others on their way?”
fox-like eyes surveyed the sleeping figure that belonged to yn. tears stained her rosy cheeks and a sorrowful expression seemed to lay permanent on her face. his heart ached at the sight before him, wanting nothing more than to find the root of the situation and punch whatever or whoever was responsible. and for some reason, he had a hunch that it was all due to a certain blond– not atsumu, though someone declaring you left practice early because you had diarrhea is definitely something to cry about because what the fuck dude! 
“yeah. koushi finished class a few minutes ago so he's probably on his way with mori right now and tooru might be here a little later because he had a modeling gig today.” 
“okay then, let me know if you need anything.” cecily placed the cup of water for rin down on yn’s nightstand before quietly slipping away to make dinner. 
once it was just the two friends in the room, rin walked over to the side of the bed closest to yn’s head and sat down. her hair was disheveled, strands either sticking to her face or sprawled elsewhere. a heavy sigh escaped rin’s lips as he tucked yn’s hair behind her ear, her face now unbothered by the h/c mess. absentmindedly, he continued to comb through yn’s hair as he waited for the others to arrive and as if yn’s body knew who he was, she subconsciously leaned closer to him.
by the time the whole friend group resided in yn’s room, it was nearing 9:30PM.
“okay, so! they ended up not having any whipped cream–”
“no one asked for whipped cream.”
“can you can it, rintarou. some people like adding a little cream to their cream.” tooru scoffed, slightly glaring as he continued emptying out the grocery bags. “anyways, before I was rudely interrupted, I ended up getting one tub of (ur fav ice cream flavor), another of cookie dough, and..” he rummaged the bottom of the bag, pulling out a small pill bottle and handing it over to yn, “stomach pills.”
yn sat crisscrossed on her bed, blanket wrapped around her and mori who leaned against her figure. a puzzled look painted her face, “oh… thank you?”
“atsumu said you had diarrhea,” mori informed, “we didn’t know if he was being for real or not.”
“ohmygod. he did not..please tell me he did not.” 
 koushi nervously laughed at his friend’s worry. “only if it makes you feel a little bit better…”
“what even happened?” rin asked, eager to find the reason why his friend was now puffy-eyed and sluggish.
yn let out a lengthy whine, falling onto her back as the events with kozume resurfaced her mind in clear detail. tears started to brim her eyes once again as she felt the familiar stinging of her heart. “I thought…I thought he actually liked me back all this time.”
“oh baby…” koushi immediately stood up from his spot on the floor and joined yn on the bed, his arms instinctively pulling her into a tight hug as she cried onto his shoulder.
“kozume said everything was a…mistake. he-” choking back a sob, yn tried to continue despite the constant cracks of her frail voice. “he looked me in the eyes and said it too!”
“ugh! that jerk!” mori shrieked.
“but he-”
“but he fucking kissed you. twice.” rin stated, finishing tooru's sentence. “what the fuck is he even thinking.”
“you know what we need to do?” koushi started, rubbing comforting circles on yn’s back.
“rock his shit.” rin declared, arms crossed against his chest.
“steal his cat.” mori added.
“put nair hair removal in his shampoo and conditioner bottles so he slowly balds. then we secretly steal his hair and make a voodoo doll out of it.” tooru finished, nodding to himself.
“wait I like that idea.” rin and mori unanimously agreed.
the gray-haired senior pursed his lips, wondering how many paychecks he'd need to pay for all three of the boy’s therapies. “uhm… all good ideas class, but I was going to say let all our emotions out and forget about kozume tonight.” he motioned to the defrosting tubs of ice cream on the floor which the group momentarily forgot about.
rin, mori, and tooru all slowly let out a slow ‘ahh yeah’, not having anything to say against koushi who was the most level-headed in the group.
“maybe next time…” tooru mumbled, mentally noting his idea.
yn let out a weak laugh at her friend’s antics. “I think that'd be the easiest option for now. thank you guys for coming, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“aw, of course, baby.” koushi grinned, pulling the girl back into a hug. he motioned for the others to join them and they all complied without another thought.
“oh but guys,” yn spoke up, earning several hums. “you cannot let my brother know about any of this.” the request caused the friends to break away from the hug, confused as to why the only other person besides yn who could knock some sense into kozume couldn’t be informed of the situation. “it’s just… with the game coming up, I don’t want the team to turn to shit because one of the co-captains suddenly can’t cooperate with the main setter.”
mori clicked his tongue, feeling conflicted with yn’s choice. “okay… I understand where you’re coming from but what’re you gonna do when your brother does find out? I mean, he’s not dumb.”
“mori’s right.” rin chimed. “he might start getting suspicious with your change of attitude towards kozume and start piecing things together.”
yn groaned. she knew her friends were right. tetsurou could read her like a book, he is her brother after all. and having been friends with kozume since childhood, he would probably start asking questions when he sees the lack of interaction between the two, especially after the conversation they had during practice. “this is so shit. just give me the tub before I end it.”
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part 24 towels <- | masterlist | -> part 26 mic drop
note(s): IM NOT DEAD. AND I WILL BE UPDATING AGAIN. also lmk if i missed ur taglist request </3 i've been inactive for so long i am so sorry T^T +none of the pictures used are mine!!
✩⡱ taglist !! + @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @sherryuki-callmeyuki @anny-bah @ast4rg1rl @sukunasrealgf @dani-shitting-around @whokillednyx @vernon-dursley @limaswife @sugawara-levi @sixxze @ryoiii @literally-a-ferret @444sunarin @llearlert @lloyd4x @usermins @2baddies-1porsche @vernon-dursley @lyzisbitchingagain lmk if u want to be added (msg or inbox)ヾ(・ω・`;)ノ
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adobe-outdesign · 4 months
What do you think of the various fruit and vegetable Chias?
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Chias are one of those all-time classic Neopets that are probably one of the first things that pop in your head when you think of the site (or they are for me, at least). Design-wise, they're about as simple as you get; a simple oval-ish torso with basic feet and arms, a bit of hair, and permanently closed eyes.
I'd argue that what makes them so memorable is less their design and more their other attributes—for example, their fruit colors (more on that below) and their tendency to get hunted by Lupes. Adding traits like that to a pet helps them stand out amongst other Neopets and is just fun all around.
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I'd argue that Chias benefited from customization, because while they were saddled with a fist, they also had very old art that needed updated anyway. The converted design is pretty faithful to the original, just doing things like improving the shading, lengthening the arms so they don't look so stubby, detailing the hair more, etc. It also fixed a lot of the weird, misshaped parts of the original, such as the right foot and even the overall body.
The big improvement though was removing the godforsaken lip. It just looked so out of place and weirdly detailed for an otherwise very simplistic pet, and while it's nice that it drew the darker accent color through the design, it definitely looks better without it. Granted, I do wish that the converted mouth was up a bit closer to the eyes and the eyes were a bit more curved like the original, but I'll take what we got if it means that lip isn't there.
Favorite Colours:
One of the Chia's most iconic attributes is that they can be changed into a variety of fruit and veg shapes, both real and fantasy, via Magical Chia Pops. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good non-fruit/veg Chia colors (I love how Maraquan's a sea cucumber, how Relic has ferns for hair, etc.), but if you're getting a Chia, there's a pretty good chance you're after the fruit/veg designs. They're all pretty good, but for the purposes of this review I just picked out the ones I think are particularly interesting.
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Onion: Onion is a super basic design, yet it still manages to delight me. I think it's the lack of arms; it's the only Chia color that doesn't retain them, and something about that just makes it 100% more appealing. I also like how nicely the feet compliment the body and some of the subtler details, like the striping.
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Pepper: While lots of Chias change shape, the pepper Chia is probably one of the most extreme examples of this, and all the better for it. I love how skinny it is compared to a regular Chia, and things like the stem shape really add to the design. I also have to highlight the shading and highlights, which are particularly well done here, and how there's some very subtle speckling over the body that helps the design from feeling too flat.
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Juppie: Rounding off the list with a Neopets-specific fruit, the Juppie Chia actually existed pre-customization but went unreleased for years. I'm honestly not sure why; it's a great addition. Perhaps it's because, while juppies come in a lot of colors, this blue swirled design is exclusive to the Juppie Chia. At any rate, it's nice to see an iconic Neopets' fruit get a colour, and I really like how striking the swirls and the cream/blue palette art.
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BONUS: While I think the body's a bit too ovular (something that the pre-conversion version didn't have going on) and the shading's pretty rudimentary, the pea Chia is fun and iconic in its own right just because it's extremely tiny and looks like a super attack pea. Good stuff.
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sleepycatten · 10 months
PSA about hair removal
This post is for anyone who's seeking hair removal, but especially for the many other trans women / trans fems I see being given misinformation by laser or electrolysis technicians, especially in the US and UK 🥺
Laser hair removal
* Permanent hair reduction.
* Always shave the area closely beforehand. Laser is less effective if you do not shave.
* Ideally look for a clinic that uses something like a Candela GentleMax Pro or newer. Such machines are less painful & more effective than ones like any of the Alma Soprano devices.
* 6-8 sessions will typically be the sweet spot before moving on to electrolysis.
* If the technician or clinic tell you not to use numbing cream, that's a massive red flag against their knowledge. A technician does not need pain feedback from you to know they're using safe levels!
* Permanent hair removal.
* You must let the hair grow at least a few mm before a session.
* Ask your electrologist for an estimate of how long it will take to clear an area, as their expertise and speed will vary. For example, NHS Scotland estimates it can take 250-400 hours to fully clear a face of facial hair. My own highly-experienced electrologist estimated 100-150 hours max for me, but has nearly cleared my face in under 25 hours. She's not yet taken more than about 120 hours to clear someone's face / neck fully.
* Again, numbing cream is not only absolutely safe, it's in fact highly recommended if you cannot afford local anaesthetic injections.
* For most folks, it's as much a mental challenge as it is about physical pain management. Even with numbing cream and strong painkillers, it's gonna hurt, especially in 2 hour+ sessions and around sensitive areas (especially the top lip and around the mouth).
* Aloe vera gel helps with post-electrolysis swelling and recovery.
Numbing cream
* The most common brand of numbing cream is EMLA, which is 2.5% lidocaine and 2.5% prilocaine.
* The strongest cream I've found without prescription is Tattoo Numbing Cream, which is 5% lidocaine and 5% prilocaine.
* If you can get a stronger cream on prescription at an affordable cost, this is definitely something to consider.
*To help with absorption, exfoliate and clean the area before applying cream, apply 60-90 mins before a session, and cover in an air-tight, water-tight dressing (cling film / plastic wrap works well).
Sadly, I can't provide much information on local anaesthetic injections. In the UK, they're typically arranged either by a medically-trained specialist at an electrolysis clinic or separately (such as at a dentist's) immediately before attending a session.
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youtastelike-sunlight · 2 months
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 for the tattoo asks! Thanks! 🤪✌️
Katey for the love of god just tell me you want a video call where I strip down and show off my ink 🤣
(Also, the number of times I checked this list absolutely convinced you would have skipped ONE for the lulz)
1. How many tattoos do you have?
Uh. Somewhere around 35-ish? There's been a lot of, like, building out on existing ones and making them cohesive, so it's really hard to say. 40-50 sessions in the chair, for sure.
2. What is your favourite tattoo you've gotten?
Stop asking pansexual ADHDers to pick favourites. Actually, speaking of, that joke on Dropout's Breaking News a few weeks ago about how Dropout fans are "pansexual nerds with drama mask tattoos and anxiety disorders" called me the fuck out, four for four baby, so maybe right now it's my drama masks with a Shakespeare quote 😅
3. What is the most meaningful tattoo you've gotten?
Any of the multiple memorial tattoos for deceased family members, or the matching tattoo I got with my spouse after our wedding
4. What is your dream tattoo?
I'm hoping to get something cool on my chest post-top surgery, but that's a long-ass way away yet.
5. What was the most painful tattoo?
I fully used numbing cream when I got my inner thigh tattooed, but I missed a spot. Ask me how I realised.
Also my knuckles, jfc. Fully cussed my tattoo guy out for that one, it was his idea to extend the design down to cover a couple of knuckles in the first place lmfao.
6. What was your first ever tattoo and how old were you when you got it?
My uncle's initials after he died when I was 17. I had this deal with my mum that I could get all the facial piercings I wanted, dye my hair all the batshit colours I wanted, as long as I didn't get a tattoo until I turned 18. And I'm grateful for that, because I wanted some tacky-ass shit at 15-16. But we negotiated for the one at 17, which there was little to no chance of me regretting.
7. What is your most recent tattoo?
An envelope with a piece of paper coming out of it that says "wish you were queer xo" for a flash day fundraiser for RainbowYOUTH.
8. What does your family think about your tattoos?
My mum is fucking petrified of needles, so her objection isn't to the permanent ink on my skin so much as willingly subjecting myself to being stabbed lmao. I hid them from my paternal grandparents until my wedding day and then said 'fuck it they can't yell at me today!' and they have never, ever mentioned them since. My maternal grandmother hated my first few, offered to pay to get them laser removed when I was at about 4 or 5, then begrudgingly acknowledged that some of them weren't terrible, and when she went into hospice in 2017 she gave me a list of the sorts of things she wanted included in her memorial tattoo 🤣
9. What meaning do your tattoos have?
Everything from very personal connections/memories/experiences in the memorial tattoos down to "I rolled three dice and got three words and the artist designed something based on that and slapped it on my body", and everything in between.
10. How many tattoos do you want?
As many as I have good ideas.
11. Where is the most painful place you've been tattooed?
Is this a different question to #5?
I will say - back of calf tattoos are surprisingly difficult. Not the MOST painful place, but probably the longest I've been really genuinely uncomfortable? (Though, again, sans numbing cream on my inner thigh this would be a VERY different convo)
12. Where is a place on your body that you will NEVER get tattooed?
I dunno... butthole? Eyeball?
I'm unlikely to do a face tattoo, but who knows, really.
13. What is a design you love on others but would never get for yourself?
I can't think of a specific design!
14. What is your favourite style of tattoo?
New School, for sure. Though I have a bit of nearly everything 🤣
15. Would you trust a friend to choose the design of your tattoo?
Depends on the friend. Katey, you will not be designing a Fiona/Dragon tattoo for me, soz.
16. What are some tattoo assumptions you think need to die?
That having ever gotten a tattoo in the past means you have a ton of disposable income now (the amount of "omg they're on a benefit but they have tattoos" I've heard from dipshits how the fuck do you think tattoos work?????), that it's not a valid and fucking impressive form of artwork.
17. Do you have one tattoo artist who does all of your art or a stand out tattoo artist? Hype them up!
These days I do! Only since I moved back to my current city in 2017, though, so a lot of my older stuff is by other artists. His name's Steve, he's a fucking delight, every day I'm in his chair is a fucking party. When my grandad died I just booked him out for the day and chatted to him about my grandad for the morning until inspo struck him and then he turned his iPad around with the loveliest design on it.
18. Is there any artist you would love to get work done by? Tell us about them!
There are lots of incredible artists out there, but I don't think I have, like, one bucket list person.
19. What is your worst tattoo experience?
I had an apprentice go too deep on my pansexual tattoo and I still have a bit of raised scar tissue there lmao
20. What has been your best tattoo experience?
Getting my grandmother's memorial tattoo designed and tattooed. Per #8 I went in with a bit of a chaotic list and what the artist put together was just fucking stunning. It's my whole upper arm and every single element of it has really personal meaning.
21. Do you have any matching tattoos with people?
Yep! My spouse and I got matching Doctor Who tattoos after our wedding. I'm a DW fan of old, got my spouse into the show after we got together, and we had a reference in our ceremony but without discussing it, we'd both put references in our individual vows as well lmao.
I also have a few like... standard tattoos, for lack of a better word? As well as a few flash sheet designs. So I definitely have matching tattoos with strangers 🤣
22. What is your opinion on face tattoos?
Follow your bliss, babes, but you know the society we live in and you're accepting the potential bullshit. (I have hand tattoos!! I'm not saying it's RIGHT I'm saying it IS.)
23. Do you think tattoos make people look less professional?
No, but I know people think they do. Where's that tweet about how tattoos make you perfect for corporate culture because it shows you can sit through the most painful bullshit and that's every corporate meeting ever?
24. Post a picture of your favourite tattoo.
It me, the Dropout fan.
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25. Give us a tattoo tour!
Katey I will absolutely get booted off tumblr if I do that.
[tattoo asks... except katey's already asked them all so]
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screampotato · 1 month
Can I just say, apropos of nothing, that "anti dark spot" skin cream is just skin lightening cream by any other name, and as somebody with freckles, its existence is (a) offensive and (b) a scam.
(b) first: freckles are made of melanin, and melanin is INSIDE your skin, no amount of snake oil scam cream is going to remove them. You might be able to reduce how many form by using suncream, but you'd be amazed how easily they form (I just have to glance at the sun and I've got another half dozen), and besides, suncream will not have any effect on freckles that are already there, or on birthmark freckles, which are just a permanent feature of your skin.
So let's get to (a). Freckles come with certain specific complexions: ginger and pale complexions historically associated with Saxon and Celtic heritage; darker complexions associated with combined white and African heritage; and very dark complexions e.g. in India. All of these groups have historically faced prejudice. You might be surprised by the first one, but in the UK, the class system is derived from racial differences between colonising Normans and indigenous groups, and prejudice against features like freckles and red hair were a way to discourage intermarriage with "bad stock". Ancient history? Not as much as you'd think, this place likes to stack new prejudices onto old ones - never throw away something you might need!
For the other two, I'm sure you can see how freckles are used in the same way, as a convenient marker of somebody who has the "wrong" ethnic background, with consequences much more current and grave than the first example. As a freckled white person in the 21st century, who's not upper class, I don't encounter much trouble. Even if I was ginger, all I would face is teasing, weird preconceptions and intrusive questions about carpets and drapes. If I were a darker freckled person, the implications would be much more sinister. And this is without even getting into the very existence of "lightening creams" and what it implies for skin tone and social status.
Freckles are freckles, not "dark spots", and they are beautiful, as is every variation of skin and hair and body that humans manifest. Reject colourism and don't fall for the snake oil salesmen. And please think of all this if you're ever tempted to talk disparagingly about "sun damage" next time you see a freckled face.
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
oh ho hO im back 💕 can i get some robin buckley hcs for her and bookworm!gf?
♡ scoops and books - r.b ♡
it's true your honour, i'm the bookworm girlfriend
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starstruckwillows 🂱
pairing; robin buckley x reader
category; fluff
summary; headcanons for robin buckley with a bookworm girlfriend
warnings/content; none
other; headcanons, bookworm!reader
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you met at scoops ahoy - everyday like clockwork, you'd take your lunch break from work at scoops ahoy, ordering ice cream instead of substantial lunch food (half for the cost, half for the pretty girl at the counter)
the two of you vaguely knew each other from high school, but you didn't speak. you didn't speak for a while that summer either, other than "strawberry, please".
both of you were intimidated. you, because she was always with steve 'the hair' harrington. robin, because you always had your face in a book. a new one almost each day.
so when you came strolling on in with a book she'd actually read, and enjoyed enough to read again, her heart inflated in her chest, and she practically shoved steve aside to serve you
and conversation started from there until you were best friends
who made out a lot
and celebrated an anniversary
and bought each other gifts constantly
and were attached at the hip
and got strangely jealous of other... friends?
only steve was any the wiser
library dates, because you love to read, and she loves to make out with you in the back where nobody ever comes (look at the population of hawkins and tell me how many seem like they go to the library)
buys you books all the time, but never duplicates, because she knows everything you've read and if she's not sure, she'll find out
gives you free ice cream - nothing to do with being a bookworm but she does, and later on, free films
robin's 5"8. if you're shorter and can't reach a book, she will lean over you to get it down, leaving you completely flustered. if you're taller and can't reach a book, she'll have you up on her shoulders and refuse to put you down until you've done at least a lap around the room, trying not to giggle too loudly
speaking of loudly, robin has no volume control - chances are you'll be removed from the library on more than one occasion
wants you to read her to sleep all the time
quotes things from your favourite book to you
mutters them under her breath too, when she's concentrating
definitely walks into your bookcases and/or piles of books all the time
will never borrow your books because she's afraid of permanently damaging them, but will occasionally get some from the library
even though she isn't a huge reader, she's intellectual enough to talk to about whatever you're reading - steve is always so lost, looks to nancy and eddie to see if they're equally as confused. they aren't, half the time they join in
she got a night light installed in her room so you could read when you slept over at her's
if you're also into writing, she wants to read it every time you change a word
you came home late once, and threw a book on your bed without looking. yelp. robin had fallen asleep waiting for you
she'll always cuddle up to you at night, only to realise at least one book is digging into her side everytime
she moves it and it falls off the bed, making the loudest thud imagineable every single night, without fail, even if it's a tiny book
makes you custom bookmarks with polaroids or photo booth photos
you practically go deaf when you're reading, much to robin's amusement. she says a lot of things to which you just mindlessly agree to - like a film you complained about her wanting to watch, for example
the only time you heard her through your reading was the first time she (albiet accidentally) confessed her love for you
wants to provide you with one of the romance stories from your books, but you quickly reassure her real life with robin is much better than any story about princes and dragons
still, she does put effort into being romantic - she can't give you a "normal" relationship, but she's determined to give you a good one
just wants to be near you all the time
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@anordinarymuse @kingshitonly
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ramayantika · 1 year
Filmi prompts from old and our favourite bollywood songs that can be used for your desi romantic stories or as a cute little idea for your fake scenarios. Kya malum sochte sochte kab manifest hojaye?
1. Neele Neele Ambar Par (Kalaakaar)
-- This summer vacation you are at your nani ghar. The nights provide respite from the scorching heat so you run off to the terrace every night to sit and gaze at the moon until one fine evening, you see a boy opposite to your house wistfully gaze at the moon and scribble something on his notebook. His wavy hair falls gracefully on his eyes, and you can feel your heart melt. It's full moon, and she is right on the top of the terrace, letting her moonbeams fall on this handsome quiet writer. Perhaps, he realized someone's gaze over him. He looks up, and you swear to God that you have never seen such a beautiful boy ever. The boy blushes and continues writing while stealing glances at you.
2. Mitwa (Chandni)
-- It's the last day you both will ever meet in the school premises. Yes, it's farewell today. You are dressed in a yellow chiffon saree. For the first time, your school decided to make the boys wear kurtas instead of the usual suits, and the sight was too pretty for your eyes. Your boyfriend wore the typical black kurta with cuffed sleeves that made your heart go dhak dhak. Loads of fun filled dancing, canteen ka khana, principal ke speech ke baad arrived the time to say goodbyes. School had kept the farewell after board exams so this was literally the last time you all gathered together. After hugging your friends, you go to the school main gate and find him leaning against the adjacent wall.
Hand in hand, both of you walk outside the school. 'Everything is going to change, isn't it?" You ask. He takes a bite of his ice cream, and answers, "Yes. No more school classes, no more sneaking out and we might have a long distance going on, but some things will stay permanent."
"Aur voh kya?"
"Tere mere honthon pe mithe mithe geet mitwa.."
3. Bole Chudiyan (K3G)
-- You are the bride's sister, and that boy is your acadmeic rival at school. However, for now, he is also your jija's dear brother. Today is Sangeet, and you were determined to outperform ladke vale. Both of you were good at academics, but also at dancing. This was a test and a chance to rub defeat on his face.
That was your actual plan until two days ago, your didi jiju decided to have a group combined performance where you and your rival would be the lead dancers to unite both the enemies (you and him). Needles to say, you were mad. There was no way you would dance with his smooth moves and charismatic style. He was mad too. He would never dance with your graceful bollywood moves straight from 90s Saroj Khan choreohgraphy.
Keeping aside snide remarks and your school rivalry, both of you managed to choreograph and coordinate everyone dashed with a little tension that did not go unnoticed by didi jija and cousins. Dressed in a baby pink lehenga, you see him arrive on the stage in a golden white sherwani. He sends a two finger salute to your direction while you roll your eyes.
'Aake meri duniya mein vapas aajana' you pull him gently as per the choreography. He stumbles towards you, not aware of his scarf clinging on to your bracelet. 'Sehra baandh ke mahi tu mere ghar aana...' He twirls you halfway and you notice that his scarf is stuck on your bracelet.
You hate how his stupid handsome smirk is making butterflies fly in your body. After the semi twirl, he turns you over in front, his arm around your bare waist causing you to gasp silently. God knows what came over him. He lightly pecks your cheek in front of everyone and discreetly removes his stuck scarf.
'Oye soni kitti soni aaj tu lagdi ve bas mere sath yeh jodi teri sajdi ve' Didi and jija come in and dance to their assigned part. You run away from him quickly to calm your racing heart.
He is looking at you, a grin gracefully sitting over his pretty lips. You bashfully look up. 'Haan main ho gaya tera sajna.' It's the time for all the boys to come together on the stage. Your rival shoots a smooth wink before going to dance.
4. Ek ladki ko dekha toh aisa laga (1942: A love story)
You accidentally fell from your cycle by speeding over the speed breaker. Obviously you won't cry. You are fifteen now. A girl quickly arrives towards you, and in a soft voice asks, "Hey, you okay? That was a terrible fall. Dhyan kidhar tha?" Wincing, you look up, and see a pretty girl with silver jhumke and white salwar blowing at your wound. She is wearing a multi coloured bandhani dupatta. In two seconds, you forget the blood oozing out of your knee. The only red your eyes are focused on are on the pretty red shade of the girl's lips.
She is about to tear her dupatta to tie it across your wound. Your hand immediately holds her wrist, and you feel electricity jolt in your fingers. "Itna sundar dupatta kharab mat karo. Ghar idhar paas hai. Just help me to reach my gate, please."
Shaking her head, she tears her dupatta while you let out a gasp. "You are bleeding too much, besides I can always buy a new dupatta." She finally looks up at you and smiles. That's when you get a clear picture of her face.
Doe eyes lightly lined with kajal, a small bindi right between her eyebrows, and a small stone nath on her nose. She looks heavenly! You think how in front of such a beautiful girl, you look dust laden after falling off your bicycle.
"Aise mat dekho... tumhe pyaar ho jayega."
*:..。o○ ○o。..:**:..。o○ ○o。..:**:..。o○ ○o。..:*
Okay so the last one was inspired from @morally-gayy series.
There are going to be more. I can make them shorter though if you would want that.
Guys padh lena 🙏
Me forgetting to tag people again: @sanskari-kanya @manujanolavu @ma-douce-souffrance @kaal-naagin @ketchup-jar-ka @arachneofthoughts @irlparvati @krishna-sahacharini @krishna-priyatama
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adiduck · 20 days
Two more kisses for SaintSpy May! Here's one I hope you'll find cute about them between MI3 and MI4, starting to grow towards the equilibrium they'll have later in their relationship.
Send me a kiss for SaintSpy May! One more day left, y'all!
13. Kiss on the stomach
“Leave me here to die,” Tony says, slumping into the hotel bed and dragging one of the pillows over his own head.
“Don’t be so dramatic,” Ethan says, and steals the pillow, fussing until Tony sits up slightly and then shoving it behind Tony so he’s not laying down fully. “You have a stomach bug. You’re going to live.”
“You misunderstand,” Tony says. “This was not an indication that death is imminent. This was a request.”
Ethan pauses, and then makes himself continue, hauling the blankets out from under Tony and pulling them over top of him again. He turns and casts eyes around until he finds an enclosed wastepaper basket, moving it to the bedside table. “I can do that if you want me to,” he allows. “Though I’d like you go maybe drink some water and try to take some meds first.”
Tony catches his wrist as he tries to pull away and tugs him backwards. Ethan releases the tension in his shoulders, letting himself be pulled onto the bed and then cuddled like a particularly large stuffie. “I don’t want to drink water,” Tony complains, as Ethan rearranges himself so he’s not lying directly on Tony’s gut—it just seems like a poor decision just now. “I am never eating falafel again.”
“You were feeling bad before the falafel, sweetheart,” Ethan points out, and drops a kiss on Tony’s belly. “I don’t think we can blame the airline food for this one.”
“Stop being reasonable—” Tony says, and then clamps his mouth shut, taking slow, deep breaths.
Ethan pets Tony’s side, leaving another soothing kiss on his belly. “I’m sorry you feel like shit, baby,” he says.
Tony sighs, and slumps back into the pillows again. “I never get sick,” he grumbles. “This is so inconvenient. I feel like shit, I look like shit—”
“You look fine,” Ethan insists. Tony raises an extremely skeptical eyebrow, so Ethan reaches up and brushes some hair off his face. “You do, I promise.” He hesitates, and then shrugs. “I’m glad I can be here to help.” It’s nice that Tony’s letting him see him like this, instead of throwing him out and then curling up in the corner and licking his metaphorical wounds. It feels… more permanent.
Tony’d certainly never let Ethan see him sick before their little break, at least.
“Ugh,” Tony says, and collapses back into the pillows dramatically. After a moment, he sighs. “Can you get my wig off, and get me my contact lens case and makeup remover cream?”
Ethan drops another kiss on his lover’s stomach, and then hauls himself to his feet. “Absolutely,” he says. “We’ll get you comfortable, and you’ll be feeling better in no time.”
“Thank you,” his partner says, and Ethan drops one more kiss on his head before going to get the contact lens case and cream.
He brings some water, too. Just because.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
What He Tells Himself
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Author’s Note: The brainrot for these two is real! I’m thinking of writing a counterpart to this one from Phoenix’s perspective. Let me know if that’s something you’d like to see!
I’d recommend checking out My Favorite Mistake and Friends With Benefits before reading this one!
Warnings: Some language, mentions of casual sex (nothing explicit), lots of secret yearning and angst.
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Jake Seresin was not a man who got attached.
Sex, for him, was transactional. It was pleasurable, even mind-blowing at times, but nothing more than a casual exchange when all was said and done. He’d been with enough women in his lifetime to know that it was easier to remove feelings from the equation altogether. They were messy and just made things more complicated than they needed to be. Pure carnal lust, with no insincere words of love or false promises or tears when it all inevitably came to an end, was exactly what he was after.
Sex with no strings attached. 
And that was exactly what he had found with Phoenix. With her, there was no smoke and mirrors. There was no need to butter her up with phony compliments or operate under the pretense that he would call her the next day. There was no need to pretend their relationship was anything other than what it was. She would tumble into his bed at night, that dark hair splayed across his pillows as she screamed his name, or cascading down her back as she climbed on top of him. And then she was gone. No strings attached. Just like he wanted.
That’s what he kept reminding himself as he lay awake in his bed at night, feeling strangely bereft once she was out the door. Phoenix was exactly what he wanted, exactly what he needed—a girl who could blow in, blow his mind, and then blow out again as quickly as she had come. A girl who didn’t need or want pretty words. A girl who didn’t get attached. Just like him.
Jake Seresin did not get attached. And he most certainly did not get attached to insufferable little pains in the ass like Natasha “Phoenix” Trace.
No, it didn’t bother him how she refused to spend the night in his bed after they’d finished fucking each other senseless. No, he didn’t spend all night privately wondering if she had gotten home alright in her late-night Uber. No, it didn’t frustrate him how she never texted him at night, just to let him know she was home safe. No. Because that would mean he was getting attached. And he wasn’t. He really wasn’t.
Not to Phoenix, of all people.
The desire to start doing things with her outside the bedroom was just a natural result of all the extra time they were spending together, he told himself. The subtle mentions of a new restaurant he heard was good, the question of whether or not she was interested in seeing a new movie that had just come out, hell, even the invitation to get ice cream one particularly hot evening—those were all things people did with their friends. Just because you happened to be fucking that friend on an almost nightly basis didn’t make that any less true.
They were friends. Sort of. Which meant that all of those things were totally normal to do together. It also meant that he had no reason to feel like someone had punched him in the gut whenever she invited Payback or Fanboy or Bob to tag along.
It didn’t bother him. That’s what he kept telling himself.
It didn’t bother him how Phoenix, one of the smartest fucking people he’d ever known, seemed so oblivious to every subtle hint he attempted to drop. It didn’t bother him the way she seemed so unaffected as she climbed out of his bed each night, slipping her clothes back on with nothing more than one of those damn smirks. It didn’t bother him falling asleep every night with empty arms, arms that had not long before been holding on tight to that lithe little body.
What did bother him was the way she had permanently embedded herself under his skin, like an itch he could never quite scratch. What bothered him was the way the ghost of her kiss teased him all night long, the taste of her stuck on his lips long after she had left him. What bothered him was the way she treated him exactly like everyone else, like Bob and Payback and Rooster and all their fellow pilots.
What bothered him was the fact that all of that bothered him.
Because if it bothered him, then that meant he wasn’t as immune to getting attached as he had always believed himself to be. And if he wasn’t immune to getting attached, then that meant he wasn’t immune to developing feelings. And if he wasn’t immune to developing feelings, then he wasn’t immune to falling in love.
Jake Seresin was not attached to Natasha Trace.
Jake Seresin did not have feelings for Natasha Trace.
Jake Seresin was not in love with Natasha Trace.
That’s what he kept telling himself.
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