#LED light permanent hair removal
onefite · 7 months
The best product for permanent hair removal / Ulike
The Benefits of Ulike Laser Hair Removal System for Men and Women Introduction Introducing Ulike Laser Hair Removal System The Ulike Laser Hair Removal System is revolutionizing the way we think about at-home hair removal. Designed to be both effective and gentle, this innovative device uses IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology to help users achieve smooth, hair-free skin without the pain and…
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swordsandholly · 5 months
Ch 1: Here’s Your One Chance | Next | Ao3
Vampire! Poly! 141 x Plus size! Fem! Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Summary: A permanent darkness rests over the city. You’ve lived here your whole life - in the slums, just another human to be pushed and pulled at the whims of the vampires that run it. Another human made to bleed and crawl their way through a meager life.
Maybe, just maybe, a meeting by happenstance will change your fate for the better.
A permanent darkness rests over the city. Cold, too. Despite living here your whole life you’ve never quite adjusted to the artificial nature of it - to the shadow hanging above the miles and miles of city and the constant chill on your skin.
Really, you aren’t meant to be here. This place isn’t built for humans despite the mass that live within the confines of the city’s dome. It’s made for creatures - beings of the night that stalk and rule. The air has become rotten in the lower neighborhoods over a century due to pollution and overpopulation. It will turn your lungs black before the age of five without the proper protection.
Apartment buildings are crowded and decent living conditions are hard to come by. Many have a waitlist longer than the human lifespan. Most operate on a dorm system - at least one person per room. Randomly assigned of course, based entirely on who can pay the rent. You’ve lucked out enough to earn a shitty studio to yourself. It’s cracked and crumbling but the locks are tight and it has a window - even if the view is just a building across the alleyway.
You squeeze into a black mini dress, tying your hair up to show off the double string of pearls on your neck. They’re the nicest thing you own - the only thing worthy of this club. The only thing that can project the image needed to get proper tips. Red lipstick as a final touch. It’s corny, you know, but the vampire clients are always suckers for it. Pun intended.
This job is important. There can’t be a hair out of place. This is your chance. Your one chance to make enough money to get out of the slums. To at least make it to the middle city. You can practically hear the grime on the sidewalk as you make your way toward the metro station. Dirt and debris so caked into the very air down here that you have to wear a respirator as you go. It’ll leave marks when you first take it off, but they usually disappear by the time you’ve made it from the depot to the club.
You don’t bother with sitting on the train. Hell will freeze over before you chance catching whatever new disease has grown in that Petri dish. Instead you join the rest of the patrons in awkwardly standing in the center of the cart, damn near falling over when the train lurches to begin its journey from the slums to the upper city. There are actual names for the two areas, but nobody uses them anymore.
The respirator makes a hissing sound as you remove it after stepping out of the train. The cool, clean air of the upper city fills your lungs. It’s satisfying in a way its sticky, filtered sister could never be. The faux fur of your cropped coat tickles a bit as you walk, blown by that strange breeze that never seems to stop in the upper city. The one that blows all the grime and smog downhill.
The club sits square in central downtown - the bottom level of a historical hotel. It’s an elegant building. Red with curled metal accents over the windows and doors. Modeled after the ancient art nouveau movement. It sparkles underneath the artificial LEDs of the city - all signs and glowing windows. You can always tell where the humans are, catching glimpses of that unmistakable glow only a UV light gives off.
You duck down the alley behind the hotel. Grimy and dark, the complete opposite of the front entrance. Your heels clack on the concrete loudly - echoing off the hard walls of the building surrounding you.
It’s easy enough to slip into the routine of your job. Going back and forth to the bartender, carrying various drinks and placating the egos of cowardly men and the vampires they lie to themselves about being equal to. You can see the hunger in their eyes when you tilt your head, exposing more of your neck to the light. When your wrists just pass their noses as you set down their glasses.
It’s hard work. Long hours and more days of the week than you would like, but it pays enough for you to afford your little apartment and save some for your future.
“Hey! New girl!” The owner barks at you as you gently set your tray back into the stack to be washed.
You whirl on your heel. Shit, did you fuck up? Ruin everything? Your mind runs through every interaction over the course of the night - every comment, every stilted moment. “Y-yes, sir?”
“Need you as a Companion.” He stands in front of you, the pinstripes of his suit warping over his massive crossed arms. The wrinkle in his nose makes his mustache twitch.
“C-companion!” You squeak. “I’m not-“
“We had a call out. Need you to take the private booth in the back.”
Your eyes are saucers - heart beating so hard you almost can’t hear his words. You don’t know what to make of this. His words are harsh and cut right though you, but the prospect they hold…
“You paying attention?” He grunts.
Your voice shakes. “Just… why me?”
“You match their preference.” Its blunt. Uncaring. Not that you would ever expect much sympathy from the owner of a place like this - feeding girls to vampires and their kin.
Generally, you’re not the type to be preferred - too big and soft for most. It’s what kept you as a server exclusively, you’re sure. Companion is such a major step up, too. You haven’t had any training. You never thought you’d get there - only a few girls make it from Server to Companion. To have it by happenstance…
With a deep breath you remind yourself that this is temporary. Just for tonight. You are acting as a replacement, nothing more. If you pull this off maybe you’ll get enough tips to finally replace the air filtration in your apartment. Maybe you can even get an overhead UV light. Oh, wouldn’t that be lovely!
Another tray is shoved into your hands. Is this… actual gold? Ornate designs line the outer rim - all weaving in and out of each other inlaid with iridescent mother of pearl. It’s cold on your hands and so shiny you catch your reflection in it before the bartender sets a bottle of wine and four glasses on it. You’re fairly certain between the wine and the tray you are holding upwards of four thousand dollars a in your hands. It takes everything to keep your hands from trembling.
You slowly head for the back booth - just beyond the main floor of the bar. It’s far more quiet here. The music from the floor muffled by distance. There are only a few private booths and they are only ever occupied by the city’s elite. The top of the top. You pause at the heavy, velvet burgundy curtain separating you and your clients for tonight. They could be anyone.
You hope they aren’t the type to get rough.
Balancing the tray on one hand, you use the other the push the heavy curtain to the side - entire body alert and tense as your eyes land on the four men sitting around the rounded booth. Their eyes meet yours, and you freeze. A shiver runs down your spine.
They’re beautiful in that way only vampires can be. Untouchable. Marble-esque. Eyes clear and bright even in the low light of the booth - that sheen of night vision apparent. Lions staring down their prey and you, who walked into the den willingly.
“Good evening.” It takes everything to keep your voice steady. To slip back into that comfortable customer service headspace you’ve curated over the years. “I’ll be your Companion tonight.”
“What happened t’ Cherry?” The man on the outer right side of the booth asks. His arm is slung carelessly over the back of the booth, body slack and comfortable.
“She was unfortunately unable to come in tonight.” You say softly, carefully sliding the tray onto the table. “If I’m not to your standards-“
“Well, now, none of us said that.” A man with an imperial beard smiles. It softens his face - makes him look less like stone. “What’s your name, dove?”
“Fancy.” You murmur. It’s your chosen work name - based on a song your mother used to play from a century ago. One of your earliest memories is her lifting you into her arms and spinning around to the song. All the workers names are single words. Easy to remember. Easy to request for returning quests.
“Fittin’.” The man to your left grins, bright blue eyes sparkling. His fangs catch the light - your hands tremble for a brief moment.
“Do you know who we are?” The masked man beside him asks. His voice rumbles through your nerves, all the way into your bones. You can hardly look at him - the skull covering the top half of his face makes your gut churn.
Should you know them? Oh, fuck, you probably should. Vampires live forever - their names and legacies travel across centuries. Millenia. It’s going to give you away. You’re just a low class human from the slums. You don’t know Vampires from the uppers.
The illusion of luxury only goes so far.
“It’s not a trick question.” The man to your right smiles gently, tilting his head to the side.
“No, sir.”
“Well,” The one with the beard sits a little straighter. “I’m John Price and these are my… confidants. Cohorts. Kyle Garrick, Johnny MacTavish and Simon Riley.” He gestures to each as he goes.
John Price… John Price… Nothing comes to mind. Nothing about any of them, for that matter.
“Lovely to meet you.” You smile pleasantly, slipping back into the script. Swallowing roughly and steadying yourself, you reach for the bottle and slowly pouring a tester amount into the four glasses. “Tonight we have a vintage red from 2089.”
John hums, swirling the glass before taking a sip. His eyes glow in the low bar light. “You remember the 80’s, Simon?”
“Which one?” The makes you pause. How many 80’s could there be?
John laughs, whole and hearty. Little crows feet appear in the corners of his eyes. “Which d’you think?”
“I remember the blood.” The masked man mutters. He doesn’t look at John - dark eyes locked on you. You keep up the well trained smile. Neutral, comfortable.
“Och, ye would.” Johnny scoffs, taking his own glass after John gives you a nod to fill the four properly. “Cannae ever remember the good.”
“Well what’s your finest memory then Johnny?”
“There’s was this lass… think her name was Cassandra. Had the biggest tits and-“
“Enough of that. Theres a lady present.” John waves his hand. To your surprise, Johnny actually listens despite looking muffed about it. You can’t help but snort. Lady. As if.
How old are they, anyway? They look young - especially Johnny and Kyle. Definitely below thirty when they were turned. John obviously leads but that doesn’t necessarily mean he turned the rest of them. They could have just come together over the years. Vampire covens vary heavily as to why they came together. Sometimes friendship, sometimes relation, sometimes just convenience.
Simon is still staring you down, hooking a thumb under his mask to raise it just over the end of his nose. Scarred lips sip from his glass.
“Come sit, luv.” Kyle pats the booth beside him.
You snap out of your thoughts at the prompt - moving to sit in the empty spot beside Kyle. The next thing you know hands are on your hips, passing you over until you’re sat square in the middle as if you weigh nothing. You know vampires are strong - you’ve gotten thrown around by your fair share in the slums, whether a mugging or fucking - but it still startles you. They could crush you with barely a flick of the wrist.
Fingers brush over your shoulders, tracing the shape of them before lowering to rest between your exposed shoulder blades. They’re cold and leave a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
“Tell us about yourself, hm?” John prompts.
“Oh, not much to tell.” You shrug and smile. “I’m from the city. Started here about a year ago-“
“How have we never seen ye then?” Johnny interrupts, eyes locked on your chest. “A bonnie thing like ye…”
“Well…” You raise your hand to your mouth like you would when whispering a secret. “I’m not supposed to tell but I’m actually a server, normally.”
“Oh, really?” Kyle leans his chin on his palm. “In a dress like that?”
“What’s wrong with my dress?” You huff, letting the pliant facade slip just enough to make yourself seem real. Just a little less doll like before you return to the script.
“Absolutely nothin’.” Simon hums beside you, eyes near black under the shadow of his mask.
Your face heats. Client compliments never get to you and you’re not sure what about his feels so different. All of their attention is so intense. It dives under your skin and burrows deep in your marrow.
“So, seeing as you implied I should know who you are-“ You tilt your head and meeting John’s eye, “who are you?”
John chuckles, leaning close. “Oh, no one important. Contractors. Independently employed.”
“Ah, so, criminals.” You laugh.
“If you say so.”
“I can’t exactly judge.” You lean in as well, shoulder pressing against his broad chest. The material of his suit is soft and thick. High quality. “I mean, look where I am, hm?”
“Are ye a criminal, lassie?” Johnny grins at you, tilting his head. How he makes a mo-hawk cute is beyond you.
“Shh.” You press a finger to your lips.
It’s easy enough to look sultry, to play the part, to mindlessly flirt. Easy enough to fall into the simple back and forth. Scripted. Basic. Nothing out of the ordinary. They’re just clients at the end of the day, even if they have more money and power than your usual crowd.
You carefully refill each of their glasses. You can feel their eyes on you - boring through your very being. It takes more concentration than you’d like to keep your breath from hitching when John’s hand rests on your upper thigh. You lean forward, pushing each glass back to their respective owners.
Johnny takes your hand before you can retract it, placing gentle kisses from your palm to your wrist. He sighs shakily, teeth catching your skin ever so slightly.
“Johnny.” The masked man rumbles in warning.
“Not gonnae bite, LT… she just smells incredible.” Johnny murmurs against your wrist.
“Have you ever been bitten, dove?” John asks, eyes half lidded as he stares you down. That feeling comes back.
Prey. You’re just prey.
“N-no…” You shake your head, voice smaller than you’d like. You’re not supposed to. Clients aren’t allowed to bite the girls here - it’s not one of those clubs - but in reality you’re at your mercy. To book one of these rooms they surely have the money to pay whoever necessary to do whatever they might want with you.
“Donnae look so afraid.” Johnny chuckles.
“We’re not goin’ t’bite.” Kyle leans forward. “Just curious.”
“Oh…” You whisper. Johnny drops your wrist and you pray that they don’t notice how quickly you retract it.
“Alright boys, time for business.” John sighs. He suddenly grabs your chin, turning you to face him. It’s a light touch, not too rough but solid. His pupils dilate and yours with them. “You’ll forget everything we say from now until I snap my fingers.”
The next thing you know you’re blinking blearily, sitting in John’s lap with your legs across Kyle’s. The younger man’s hand rests on your leg, thumb gently stroking your ankle as you come back to sentience.
It’s like coming up from the undertow and getting your first gasp of air.
“There she is.” Johnny murmurs, smiling softly.
You were compelled - you know that much. It’s disorienting. You rub the corner of your eye, purposefully evening your breath. At least your clothes are all still in place. You don’t feel… touched. Not bitten either. A choked sigh escapes you against your will, hands trembling in your lap.
“You’re alright, dove.” John coos, cold breath puffing against your neck. A shiver runs down your spine. How much time has passed? When… what… “Can be hard t’come out of it, hm?”
“I’m okay...” You whisper.
“Have some water.” Kyle pushes a glass toward you. The concern on his face feels foreign.
A large, empty decanter of scotch sits in the center of the table accompanied by several empty glasses. That’s the closest hint you have to how long you’ve been here. You take the glass of water shakily and sip, leaving an imprint of red lipstick on the rim.
John continues to coo and soothe down your hair. His other hand travels down to rest on your hip, holding you in place against him. It’s strange… this feeling. You’ve been compelled before briefly but it wasn’t like this. John has to be strong. Old. He’s been around a while to have that kind of power - for it to be this difficult for you to come out of the haze. It’s taking more concentration to keep from crying than you’d like.
Stranger, though, is the way they watch you. The way John works you back to reality. Most vampires would have been inappropriate while you were gone, wouldn’t bother with the borderline aftercare needed when coming out from under their spell. Most would have left you slumped in the booth - drained of blood and pleasure - laughing as they went.
You clear your throat, sitting up a little straighter and gathering your wits. “Can I get you gentleman anything else?”
They share a look, one that you can’t quite interpret.
“You’re sure you’re alright?” John asks, voice low.
You look up at him with big eyes. Childlike, almost, staring up in wonder. It’s so strange how vampires aren’t quite white - they just lack the redness of life. The pink under the skin that signifies a beating heart and limited life span.
“I’m sure.”
John presses closer, breath caressing the shell of your ear. “Thank you for being so gracious f’us, tonight.
“Always…” There’s an honestly behind the word that startles you. A craving deep in your bones to prove yourself worthy of him and his men.
“We best be on our way.” Simon rumbles, prompting Johnny to let him out of the booth.
John’s eyes flick between yours briefly before he moves you off of his lap with the gentle touch one might use when handling fine china. As much as you want to stay there, dazed and still coming down, you have work to do. So, you stand after them and begin slowly gathering the empty glasses on the tray. They feel heavier in your hand the normal.
A cold touch runs up your back and you freeze. Fingers trace the curve of your spine. You straighten, turning slowly only to meet those soft blue eyes again. John takes your hand, eyes alight with something you don’t understand. “I’ll tell the owner he’s wasting you as a servin’ girl. You’re made for more.”
Before you can even possibly decide how to respond, he’s gone. Disappeared through the curtain and into the forever night. Something crinkles in your hand. When you look down, slowly opening your fingers, the contents make your heart jump into your throat.
Cash. A massive roll of neatly banded cash.
How much is this? A thousand? More?
With frightened eyes and slippery hands you tuck the cash into the secret pocket of your coat. Having that much cash on your person is so out of your wheelhouse - out of the realm of possibility- you don’t know how to react.
You didn’t even get to say thank you.
Your mind whirls as you finish up your shift, eyes glazed over while slipping on your coat. The other girls look off put. A few whisper and stare.
What do they think you did?
Then again, you think as you brace yourself for the lurching and squealing of the metro, there isn’t any way to know what happened. Not unless one of the vampires tells you, and good luck prying any information out of one of them. Even if they tell you, they can just make you forget all over again.
How did you behave? Were you the same as always? Were you an entirely different person?
Some people forget themselves when under compulsion - every inhibition thrown to the wind carelessly. You need your inhibitions. They keep your job secure and yourself safe. You can’t afford carelessness.
The walk back home is tense. That small bulk in your pocket burns a hole though you as your mind runs with every possibility of what might have happened. What you might have done to earn such a massive tip. It can’t have been dignified, could it?
There’s no way they just like you. That’s not how vampires are.
It takes everything to motivate yourself to actually take off your clothing and jewelry before falling into bed. However long they had you, it drained you. Left you tired and shaky as you crawl under the thick bundle of quilts that make up for the lack of heating in your home.
Your eyes meet the wad of cash that barely fit in the inner pocket of your coat. It feels like a threat. Use me well or lose me forever! Make me count because you’ll never see me again!
For now, at least, you can bask in it.
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handspunyarns · 10 months
You Were Marked: Days Sixteen to Nineteen, Part I
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pairing: din djarin x fem!O/C   
word count: 4.4K  
chapter summary: Fennec feels worn out, Din feels hungover, and Marathel doesn’t know how to feel 
warnings:  fluff, angst, mention of blood and injury, rape aftermath, English and Mando’a cursing   
***Please feel free to comment, kvetch, or otherwise speak your mind about my work. ***     
You Were Marked: Masterlist   
<- You Were Marked: Previous Chapter 
Fennec was very, very tired.  She hadn’t had a full night’s sleep since meeting this Marathel woman, who currently lay tranquilized on the cot before her.  Marathel, who tried so hard to make herself as unobtrusive as possible, had instead sent the palace into an uproar.  The silver-haired woman collected champions everywhere she went.  Silnima was ready to adopt her as well as make her chief baker, if Marathel wished.  Din Djarin was obviously completely in the most stupid variety of love with her, and right behind the Mandalorian, Cobb Vanth was hurriedly catching up in the adoration race.  Boba had admitted to her that even he found her charming, and he was ready to jump into any fray to protect her, like an old mobster uncle would protect his favorite niece.   
It might have been more amusing if Marathel was actually manipulative.  Marathel was not.  She was in fact so simple she was straight.  She had no guile, no artifice whatsoever.  Cobb had mentioned to Fennec that he thought of her as a full-grown child who had dropped from the sky, an apt description if there ever was one.  Everything was black and white in Marathel’s world.  She had a child’s sensibility, a child’s gullibility, almost to the point where Fennec wondered if the woman even had object permanence. 
Fennec had just witnessed another emotional breakdown from Marathel, the reasons for which were still unknown to Fennec.  Marathel had been lying quietly, appearing to be deep in thought, before she suddenly began to weep, and had become hysterical enough to require intervention from the medi-droid.  Obviously — at least to Fennec — it was all somehow the Mandalorian’s fault.  The fact that Din had both cleared the room and turned the lights off led Fennec to believe that he had: one, removed his helmet, and two, most likely kissed her, and three, probably told her he loved her.  Both apparently had trouble with complex emotions, but at least Din should know better than to run in, declare his love like a soldier heading off to war, and run out as if a Hoth blizzard were approaching.  At least give the woman a chance to reply, thought Fennec.  After Din had left — having given her a handful of the Aurodium coins — Fennec had turned the lights back on in the med-bay to see a flushed and bewildered Marathel, sitting up on her elbow, her hand to her mouth, and tears in her eyes as the sounds of Grogu screaming “MAMA!” reverberated through the ship.   
Then the ship began take-off, which shifted Marathel from bewilderment to panic until the ship ceased quaking and began to fly smoothly.  Marathel had then commented that the persistent engine noise was somehow soothing to her, and she began to relax enough to rest.   
It was shortly after this that Marathel’s latest crying jag occurred, and Fennec was nearly out of patience.  After Marathel was tranquilized, Fennec left the med-bay in search of the Modifier, who was in the cockpit with the pilot.  The pilot looked like the average mercenary: faceless, nameless, and uninterested in the cargo. 
“Is the commotion all over?” asked the Modifier. 
“It’s never over with that woman,” mumbled Fennec.   
“Something new offended her delicate sensibilities?” Fennec sighed, and reminded herself that Marathel was doing her level best to cope.  Then the Modifier asked, “Did the Mandalorian provide payment?”  Fennec flicked her eyes to the back of the pilot’s head.  The Modifier nodded.  Some things were never discussed in front of a mercenary, regardless of how inconspicuous they were. 
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Din awoke in Marathel’s bed alone, curled up on his side, his mouth feeling as if he’d chewed on a Jawa all night.  His nose was stuffed up, his neck was sore, and although his visor kept out the blinding light of the two suns, his eye sockets were throbbing with the dehydration headache.  He felt around him, looking for Grogu, for Cobb, or even the Jawa he believed he was chewing on.  But he was alone, and the door to Marathel’s room was shut tight.   Din scooted over to the edge of the bed to peer at the side table, which held a large, beautiful pitcher of glorious looking water, several hydration powder packets, and a glass. 
Silently thanking Silnima, Cobb, Frith, whomever had left him this morning-after gift, Din drank the entire pitcher along with all the hydration powder, took a runner-beast-sized piss, and had a quick hot shower to cook out the remainder of the booze from his pores.   
Feeling human again, he straightened up Marathel’s bed, smoothing the sheet over her pillow.  He sat in her padded chair to pull on his boots when he noticed items on her large treatment table that had not been there yesterday: a large, waxed bag that looked as if it contained sweets, three large hanks of yarn, a big ball of near-white fluffy wool, knitting needles, and two jars of dark honey.  Set off to one side of these items was a new pair of shoes.  The shoes were an ankle-high slip-on style in a deep grey leather, flat-heeled, simple, and very appropriate for someone like Marathel.  There was a tiny scuff on the outside of one of the shoes, a few grains of sand on the inside of the other.  Din had a fleeting desire to smell the inside of her shoe.  That’s weird, right?  Yeah, that’s just weird.  I’m still drunk.  Din stood, making sure his bandolier was properly buckled, and his blasters were properly positioned on his hips.  He lifted his helmet and held it above his head to put it on when his eyes fell on Marathel’s shoes again.  He dropped his helmet into one arm, grabbed Marathel’s left shoe and took a deep whiff.   
Well, that was disappointing.  All he could smell was new leather.  With a laugh, Din put down her shoe, wondering if he would have preferred her feet to smell badly or not. He put on his helmet and opened the door.  Cobb was leaning against the opposite wall, drinking from a mug of caf. 
“How are you feeling, friend?” asked Cobb. 
“Better now.  Thank you for the water.” 
“That wasn’t me,” said Cobb with a shrug.   “I just supplied the hydration packets.” 
Din looked up and down the corridor.  “Where’s Grogu?” 
“With the other palace kids.” 
“How did he seem?” 
Cobb shrugged again.  “Subdued.”  He smiled wryly.  “He ended up between us, and we had positioned ourselves like a little fort around him.  Our arms made the roof.”  He raised his eyes to Din’s visor.  “It was quite nice. It felt good.  Made me a … little jealous of Marathel.”  Cobb went silent for a few moments, and then he took a drink from his caf.  “Look, I gotta head back to Freetown.  I trust the new deputy only so far, and I really have no reason to hang around if I can’t get my arm worked on.” 
Din remained silent.  Both men stood still for a while before Din reached out to take Cobb’s arm.  Pulling himself close to Cobb, Din whispered, “You’d leave me?” 
Cobb’s eyes went wide, but after a moment’s thought, he squinted his eyes and said, “You’re pullin’ my chain.” 
“Mostly,” said Din.  “I need to go find buyers for the Aurodium, and I need a distraction for Grogu.”  Din’s hand went to Cobb’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze.  “Come with us.” 
“Uh … no.  I’m not stepping off this planet.  Jumping around the vacuum of space in a tiny metal box is my personal vision of hell.  Not even you can change my mind.”  Cobb lifted Din’s hand from his shoulder and held it.  “But give me updates on Marathel.  And … consider her staying here for a while when she’s better.”  Closer to me.  “The palace is a controlled environment for her.  Out there … I think it’s hard for her to feel safe.” Cobb dropped Din’s hand.  “She was scared of a Trandoshan she saw in Mos Espa.” 
“She should at least be cautious.  They’re assholes.”  Din nodded.  “You’re right, though.  Here at the palace Marathel would have only a limited number of people to contend with.  She’d be safe, even if I’m not here.  And Silnima can help her have a purpose.  Marathel is not one to be idle.” 
Cobb grinned. “And she now knows where to buy yarn.” 
Under the helmet Din was smiling too.  “Thanks to you.”  He leaned forward and hugged Cobb, hard.   
Cobb squeezed back, and in Din’s ear, he whispered, “Love her.”  Din drew back.  “What?” 
Din shook his head.  “That’s what … the Dahl told me.  Rodanthe.  I figured … I imagined it.  That she’d growled and my brain turned it into words.  But she hadn’t made a sound.” 
Cobb tilted his head.  “That was something you mentioned last night.” 
“I did?”  Din reached under his cuirass and scratched the bite mark; it was suddenly itchy. “I guess it wasn’t a dream after all.” 
“You don’t think it’s strange?”  asked Cobb.  “That this —Rodanthe critter ‘talks’ to you and then the next day Marathel can seemingly control you?” 
Din scoffed.  “The whole damn thing is strange.  A woman can bond with an animal on a biological – chemical – neurological manner to the point where she allegedly loses physical control and goes into a heat cycle?  And drags me into it as well?”  Din looked up and down the hall.  Seeing no one, Din leaned in towards Cobb.  “She could barely look at me at first, and the next thing I know, she’s wrapping her legs around me and climbing me like a damn tree.” 
“And I’m sure you fought that little wildcat as long as you could,” Cobb said with a smirk, but then he sobered.  “You can’t think she’s been manipulating you.” 
“I know she’s not telling me everything.”  Din scratched the bite wound again.  “I know she’s lied to me.  I probably … shouldn’t have told her I love her yesterday.” 
Cobb rolled his eyes.  “Someone’s got morning-after guilt,” he said with a sigh.  “Look.  You need to fence those coins.  She needs to get better.  Then you two must seriously talk.  And I recommend not starting with, ‘Marry me’. Or whatever it is you Mandalorians do.” 
“Oh? What should I start with?” 
“I suggest you tell her about the land mine to your sack.  That should give you two a lot to talk about.” Cobb shifted sideways. “We should both get going, you know.”  The two men clasped each other’s hands, and Cobb began to walk towards the landing tunnel, whistling.  After about 5 meters or so, Cobb turned and said, “Man, you didn’t even tell me about the land mine.  That’s classic.”  Din shot him the finger, and Cobb walked off, laughing. 
After Cobb had left, Din heard the pounding of feet and happy shrieks of children coming from the opposite direction.  He turned, and a whole passel of kids were running full tilt straight for him; one of the taller girls was carrying Grogu on her shoulders.  Upon seeing Din, Grogu squealed and leapt from the girl’s shoulders to Din’s arms, doing a forward flip in mid-air.  The other children cheered; the noise went right through Din’s helmet and exploded somewhere behind his hung-over eyeballs.  One of the boys yelled, “Let’s get something to eat!”, leading the other kids to run to the kitchen.   
Grogu bounced on Din’s arm, chanting, “Mama? Mama?  Mama?” while slapping Din’s cuirass with his little hand.   
Din took hold of Grogu’s hand, shaking his head.  “We haven’t heard anything yet, little guy.” 
Grogu scowled and jerked his hand away.  “MAMA!”  
“I want to know how she is just as much as you do, buddy, but … Mama needs to go far away for a little while.  She needs special doctors who can help her.  Special … secret doctors.” 
Grogu grunted, his face in a deep frown.  “See-kit.” 
“See-kit, that’s right,” said Din, a flush of pride going through him at Grogu saying another word.  That’s my boy.  Din held Grogu close, pressing his helmet to the little green fuzzy head.  “What say we go fly while we wait?” 
“Wizard.  Let’s go.” 
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Fennec got a message from the medi-droid that Marathel was waking up.  She got into the room just in time to see Marathel roll to her side, rubbing her eyes.  Fennec sat back down on the stool next to the cot.  “Doing better?”  Marathel still looked distressed, but she nodded.  “Can you tell me what upset you so much?” 
Marathel swallowed and closed her eyes.  “He lied to me.  The Bounty Hunter.” 
We’re back to calling him Bounty Hunter.  Dank ferrik.  “What did he lie to you about?” 
“The Bounty Hunter still had the coins.  He was … he was supposed to give them to his covert, but he still had them!” 
Fennec sighed inwardly.  “He gave me some of the coins to pay for your treatment, wherever it is we’re going.” 
“But he’s not supposed to still have them!  Why would he lie to me about what he was going to do? “ 
Maker, save me.  “Marathel … please consider that there is a perfectly logical explanation.” 
Marathel sniffled.  “Like what?” 
“Perhaps the covert wouldn’t accept them.  Those coins are … very old, and they don’t exactly work as money anymore.  Perhaps Din needs to find a buyer for the coins so he can exchange them for usable money.” 
“Then why give them to you?” 
“Well, it’s not as if we had a lot of time to figure things out.  We needed cash in hand for whomever these Reconstructionists are.  Now, please, Marathel, please try to stay calm. Try to not worry about every damn thing so much!” 
Marathel colored and looked away.  “I’m sorry,” she said, barely above a whisper.   
“Don’t be sorry.  Be calm. Be quiet, and we will all get through this,” hissed Fennec, near the end of her own rope.  
Marathel took a shaky breath.  “Yes, Fennec,” she said in such a conciliatory tone Fennec felt bad for snapping at her.  Fennec dropped her face into her hands for a while, upset herself.  Now she had these damned coins to deal with.  Either this Bishop was completely daft, or the men on that planet had no clue what those coins were worth.  When Boba had first shown them to her, Fennec insisted they first count them, just so she could feel the gold in her hands, and then they spread out the coins on the bed and … well, rolled around on them a while.  They had quite a time locating all the coins after that. 
Fennec still had no idea where they were going — the Modifier was being very tight-lipped about that — but she needed something to go on in case she needed to find buyers for the coins herself, and she was already nervous about this whole escapade going sideways. 
Fennec looked up at Marathel, who had been quiet for some time now.  Marathel’s face was as blank as fresh quarried slate.  Her eyes were unfocused, and her breathing was slow, her head slightly tilted to one side, her lips slightly parted. The slack look on her face put Fennec in the mind of someone who was mentally challenged, or in a fugue state.  Fennec shook Marathel’s arm.  “Marathel? Are you all right?” 
 Marathel’s pupils constricted, and she blinked.  “I’m fine, I’m fine, I was just … being still.” 
“That’s what you mean by be still?  You just… check out and go into a near-trance?” 
“Yes, it … it quiets the mind when they… make you do things to them.” 
“Make you do things to whom, Marathel?” 
Marathel took a shaky breath.  “The Elders … the Bishop, of course.” 
Fennec felt uneasy.  “Even before you left the Hold?” 
“Ever since I can remember,” said Marathel, matter-of-factly.  Fennec nodded.  She thought so, but it was still painful for her to have it confirmed.  No wonder Marathel was so wounded.  The poor woman’s never had a damn chance.  Fennec was wracked with guilt for her unkind thoughts about the silver-haired woman.  “Fennec?  Don’t pity me.” 
Fennec nodded again, and angrily swiped her knuckles under her eyes. “I should check your wounds.” 
“Fennec ...” said Marathel, reaching for her hand.  “My wounds are not getting worse, nor will they get better with anything you can do.  Just … sit with me, please.”  Fennec held Marathel’s hand, and in her eyes, Fennec could only see a kind of … sad tranquility that spoke of defeat. “Tell me again what I’m to say if they question me.” 
“You’re to say that you managed to escape from a Red Room; that you don’t know where you are, or how you got there.” 
“Yes, a Red Room.  I couldn’t remember.  I was thinking Dark Room.  What is a Red Room?” 
“I don’t think you need to know that, Marathel.” 
“I think I should know … I should know about what lies I need to tell.” 
Fennec sighed.  “A Red Room is where … people pay to watch and/or participate in the torture and killing of … another person.” 
Marathel furrowed her brow.  “Why in the name of Frith do things like that exist?” 
“It’s a sick, sad, galaxy.  I’d like to say it’s gotten better recently, but … not really.” 
“Is a Red Room always red?  Or is it named … because of the blood spilled there?”  Marathel sighed.  “I suppose that doesn’t matter.”  She closed her eyes for a moment.  “I miss my little hut.  Life was so simple there.  Make bread, set traps for food.  Weave if I wanted, pick flowers if I wanted, do flat-out nothing if I wanted.  Even when … Din and Grogu showed up, it was still such a lovely uncomplicated life.  Made them meals, sewed their clothes.  Made them bread.  I made more bread for those two in that short time than I would ever make for myself in three moon cycles, those greedy guts.”  Both women chuckled.  “And I got to pretend I had my own family.  We had fun, the three of us.  I even got to hear Din laugh.” 
Fennec pulled a face.  “I don’t believe that man knows how to laugh.” 
“He did!  He laughed at me; that’s why I had to throw eggs at him.”  Marathel launched into the story of the morning she wore her yellow dress and ended up in a tree because she had the temerity to scold a Jedi toddler.  By the time Marathel was demonstrating where Din’s hands had ended up on her breasts as she dropped down from the lowest branch, Fennec was near howling with laughter.  “So, I chucked an egg right at his helmet.  Splat!” 
“Oh, kriffing hell!  Then what?” 
“He said that I should be a … oh, what did he say … a storm …?” 
“A Stormtrooper?” 
“Yes!  What is that?” 
“A soldier of the most useless variety.” 
Marathel frowned.  “Should I have been insulted by that?” 
“Absolutely you should have.” 
Marathel giggled.  “Good thing I hit him with another egg and told him to piss up a rope.”  Fennec laughed.   “I stomped all the way back to my hut; I was that angry.  Later, Grogu brought me flowers, and Din brought me my favorite fruit to apologize.  No man had ever given me a gift before.”  Marathel smiled.  “The next day, Din made me breakfast.  The man made a meal for me.  Never had I considered a man would do such a thing.  We weren’t allowed to eat what we made for the men, not even the scraps from their plates.  But Din cooked for me.” 
Fennec smiled as well.  And we’re back to calling him Din.  “Men can be different when they’re from other places.” 
Marathel was silent for a while.  “I didn’t even know that there were other places until Din told me.  I didn’t believe him.  How was I supposed to understand that a tiny point of light in the sky was another big place like the one I lived on?” 
“Well, not all those points of light are planets.  There are also stars.” 
“He said that too, but I don’t know what a star is.  I don’t understand half of everything he said to me.  He probably thought I was quite dumb, which is true … I don’t know much.”  Marathel sighed.  “When he asked me to come with him, it terrified me, because I knew I would only be a burden to him.” 
“Din asked you to leave your planet with him?” 
“Yes … we had been digging clams, even though clams make him sick, but he didn’t tell me that.  I was dancing in the water with Grogu, and Din put his arm around me, held me close …  and said I should go with him and leave the Aurodium behind.” 
My, my. “But you said no.” 
“What else in Frith was I supposed to say?  I was already ruined, I’m … nothing.  I’m plain, fat, and stupid.  Sullied.  Filth.”  Marathel sobbed, tears running down her face.  She rolled over to her side and curled up in despair.  “And I knew I was going to finally die — just sooner than later — but I also knew if I could help him in some way, then … my life could have meant something to someone.  Even just for a few days, to a frightening man made of metal and his little green boy.  I love Grogu so much, Fennec.  And he’s calling me Mama.  He shouldn’t be doing that.  Not someone like me.” Marathel was weeping again, to her dismay.  She was so tired of weeping but could not stop any more than she could stop her slow loss of blood.  Fennec held Marathel’s hand and said nothing.  She had heard things like Marathel spoke of before, and no number of words to the contrary would change Marathel’s mind in her current state.  Not all fears or hurts or ugly thinking could be slayed with logic.  
After some time, when Marathel’s current storm seemed to have passed, Fennec asked, “So, what did Din say to you when he came in here?” 
Marathel sniffled and scrubbed her nose with her hand.  “Well, he turned off the lights, and then I felt something heavy drop on my lap.  It wasn’t until he was kissing me that I realized it was his helmet.” 
Fennec gave a small smile.  “So, he did kiss you.” 
Marathel’s cheeks flushed.  “Did you know how heavy those helmets are?  I thought he tossed a rock on me.” 
Fennec rolled her eyes with a chuckle.  “So, he did kiss you.” 
Marathel shyly dropped her gaze.  “Yes.” 
“And what did he say?” 
“He said …” Marathel took a breath.  “He said, ‘I love you, Marathel, ma’mwsh ha’laa, nothing else matters.’” 
“And what does ma’mwsh ha’laa mean again?” 
“‘Wounded acorn.’” 
Fennec chuckled again.  “That’s so adorable it’s almost sickening.  What was the kiss like?” 
Marathel frowned.  “Hard.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Hard.  He pressed his mouth very hard to mine.”  Marathel put her fingers to her own lips; they were almost tingling with the memory.  “But I could tell he had a mustache.  And I touched his cheek; he had facial hair, and his skin was soft.  He had told me his eyes were brown, and I saw his brown hair once, briefly … he was throwing up the clams in the tall grass, and I could just see the top of his head.” 
Fennec wasn’t about to tell her she had gotten a glimpse of him without his helmet; it probably would upset her, and Din wasn’t looking his particular best at the time, what with the concussion and the blood everywhere. “Din doesn’t sound like he’s very good at kissing.” 
“I wouldn’t know.  Kissing is only for Diwhyns and babies where I’m from.”  Marathel glanced sideways at Fennec.  “I suppose Boba is a good kisser?” 
Fennec’s head snapped up.  “Excuse me?” 
Marathel squeezed Fennec’s hand.  “Boba Fett is good to you, isn’t he?” 
It was Fennec’s turn to blush.  “I didn’t think we were that obvious.” 
“Well, I noticed.  And if I noticed, I’m sure Cobb did too.”  Fennec groaned.  “And Silnima knows too, but I don’t think anything gets past that woman.” 
“And that’s why she’s such a good Headwoman.   She would love it if you’d stay at the palace once you’re well.  She has designs on you being her chief baker.”  
Marathel curled her lip.  “I don’t know if I want to be a kitchen drudge for the rest of my life.” 
“No one’s talking about forever, just for right now, for kriff’s sake.” Fennec sighed.  “So how do you feel about Din?  Do you share his feelings?” 
Marathel thought for a while before answering.  “I told him that I loved him before I went into the Hold; at least, as much as I knew how to love anyone.  I know that I’m grateful for him, grateful that he took me away from there.  But … it’s … it’s his Creed I’m having trouble with.” 
Fennec frowned.  “What do you mean?” 
“The day before he took me to the Hold, I asked him if he would take off his helmet, that he could have me if he wished,” — Fennec frowned at this — “but … without the helmet, so that I would have his face as a last memory.  He said no, of course.  He told me that his affection for me was less than his devotion to his Creed.  And I suppose I understood that, but then … he asked if I would sleep next to him, so he could hold me, caress me while he slept.  Fondle me.  As if I were only a toy.  Not a person.  Certainly not an equal.”  Marathel sighed.  “Perhaps he does love me, but … I’m afraid I will always be in the shadow of his Creed.  That shadow may be too cold for me to bear.” 
“Well, Marathel, that’s certainly a valid thing for you to feel.”  Fennec patted her arm.  “It seems like you two have much to discuss.” 
“I wouldn’t know how to even begin.” 
“The truth is usually the best place to start.  But … for now I suggest you concentrate on what’s coming up with these Reconstructionists.  Okay?”  Marathel nodded, then sat up enough to hug Fennec hard.  Fennec hugged her back.  “It’s going to be okay, Marathel.” 
“I hope so.”  And she did. 
You Were Marked: Next Chapter->
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raisethestake · 1 year
Sirius Black x reader (NSFW)
18+ only please
If you want a THIRST story, here you go.
From a few years back, but may as well put it into the world for anyone simping for Sirius as hard as I do.
Warnings: dominance, light BDSM, full on sex, suggestions of abuse.
Character backstory here (not relevant to enjoy this story, but might provide more insight):
She heard footsteps, and instantly prepared herself for the worst.
A few moments later, Sirius appeared at the dining room door, where she was cleaning the stove. Her hair was tied back messily and her hands were covered in black muck. She returned her attention to scrubbing after brief acknowledgement of his presence, seemingly unwilling to begin a conversation, so Sirius took this liberty.
Bad idea.
"You realize the dirt has been made by magical creatures? You can't remove it permanently." Sirius was right. For the past few days, she had been so tense that any words exchanged between them had led to an argument. She seemed to have taken to rising and going to bed later and later just to avoid his presence, and frankly he'd had enough.
"Do you realize there's also a hell of a lot of plain dirt from the fact that since living here you've not even lifted a finger?" She didn't even have to look up to deliver such a retort, and its infuriated Sirius all the more.
He scaled the side of the long room, down to where she was, picked up her bucket of water and began to make his way to the back door, when he felt a burning sensation. She had her hand wrapped around his wrist, exuding so much energy it was scorching his skin. He tried to snatch his hand away but she held firm, her eyes finally meeting his. He'd got her attention.
"Give it back. I'm busy." Her voice seemed to come out as a menacing growl. Sirius fought back a strong urge to give her back the bucket. If he hasn't had so many years practice with Remus' wolf speech, he would've given in. Instead, he managed to use his free arm to open the closest window and toss the bucket out.
He expected her to attack him, but she simply let go of him and attempted to make her way to the kitchen to get another. He discreetly pointed his wand and whispered a barrier spell, smirking a little when she was unable to walk down the stairs. She stood on the first step and every inch of his skin burned as she looked at him with shining golden eyes.
"Why are you trying to stop me from being useful?"
"Because you’re only doing it to avoid me." Sirius stated confidently. He refused to let her get her way this time.
"So, I'm useless."
"I didn't say that. I said cleaning is useless"
"Why are you trying to control what I'm doing? I'm my own person not a fucking servant"
"A fucking servant would do a better job"
At this, she snapped. She took a step back from the stairs and advanced on him. "How am I supposed to do a better fucking job if you won't let me?!"
"You offered me this house as my home! And you do nothing but act like a self-righteous brat who fucking owns the place!"
"I do own the-"
"Then treat the people in your home with some fucking respect!"
Sirius hated when she interrupted him. She seemed to be the only person who had the nerve to, which just fuelled his anger. "Look at you talking! If this is your home too, why don't you treat me with some fucking respect?"
"You don't deserve it!"
"Right, okay. I don't deserve respect but don't think you have a permanent place here.” Sirius instantly regretted his words as she finally broke her gaze away from his, a trace of hurt in her eyes.
"Yeah, sure. You can guarantee I'll be gone by the morning." She began to walk out of the room. He'd fucked it. He didn't mean that last comment. If she was to leave, things would go back to the way they were. Drawling days and lonely nights, just him and Kreacher. The rooms would no longer fill with music and geranium oils, but the same old dust mites and musty stench; his voice would crack when greeting someone after days on end of silence.
He couldn't do it. He couldn't go back to normal. The thought alone filled him with an aggression he couldn’t contain.
What he did next even surprised him. He moved before he had the chance to think, grabbed the back of her neck, and pulled her into a violent kiss. A few moments passed, and he could have sworn she started to kiss him back, when yet another sharp pain shot through his body. She had bitten his lip. Her neck still in his grasp, she pulled away by lowering her head onto his chest - the only way to separate their lips.
"Sirius, you can't do that." She said in a low, quiet voice.
"I can and I know you won't stop me." He felt like he had no control over his own body as he watched himself swallow down the taste of blood and pull her mouth back onto his. They continued to kiss - he was right. She was kissing him back. He dared to loosen his hold on her neck, and she didn't pull away. In fact, he wasn't sure she'd even noticed he'd practically let go. He used both of his now free hands to rub down the back of her thighs, pick her up and set her on the table with her legs spread.
"I could kill you right now." He heard her growl as he grabbed her hips and pulled her pelvis in to meet his.
He leaned over her, pushing her back, one hand keeping a firm hold on her backside, and said with a smirk "You definitely could but you don't want to."
"Oh, believe me, I want to."
As he pulled her in for another rough kiss, he ran his hand down her torso, down her pelvis and slid his fingers over her dripping pussy. "Oh, I can tell you want to." He said with a sly grin.
"I have a boyfriend, Sirius!"
Sirius grasped her jaw and pulled her gaze up to meet his. "Then tell me, right now, to stop."
Her eyes seemed to glaze over slightly, but she held his gaze firmly. "...I have a boyfriend, Sirius."
He held her gaze as he proceeded to slide his fingers inside her. He heard the smallest intake of breath as her whole body tensed. "Tell me you want me to stop."
She seemed to stare into his soul for a moment - her eyes filled with hatred. Sirius took the silence as a cue to kiss her again. He noticed her writhing unwillingly under his touch as his fingers moved inside her.
A few minutes passed, leaving them both panting and barely able to contain themselves - thirsty for more. His brutal side long having taken over, he pushed her further onto the table and climbed on top of her - using one hand to pin her wrists above her head, and pressed his hard cock into her body - letting out a low groan as he did so.
He kissed her again as he grinded against her. Their muscles seem to work in harmony. Her abs contracted with arousal and he noticed she had closed her eyes, seemingly in the moment. Overcome with greed, he released his grip on her to take off his shirt. She tried to bring her legs together to slide off the bench, but Sirius had his legs strategically placed so she was completely immobile from the waist down. He unzipped his pants and released his hard cock from his boxers. He leaned over her, breathing heavily into her neck as he pushed himself inside her. Hearing her sharp intake of breath, and he just made out the words "You fucking vile bastard" through a sigh of pleasure, causing him to scowl.
"Useless whore." Grunting in pain from a sharp nip on his neck, he grabbed her hair and fucked her as hard as he desired.
• • •
She had not expected this.
Since a few weeks back, when Sirius had offered her a home, he had had a few fits of anger. Mainly from people shutting down his ideas or playing it safe in meetings. She had been told to always keep her distance when this happened. Other people turned their backs, ignored him or became extremely interested in the closest book. They seemed convinced this was the best way to calm him down, and she had followed this tactic with the determination of becoming a good housemate. They were, of course, right, but she'd had enough of treating him like a child. Over the past few days, she'd begun to put him in his place, and he did not like it.
Whenever he made a snide comment, she pulled him up on it instead of letting it slide. She forced him to eat proper sized meals instead of picking at a block of cheese from the fridge, and made him carry a fully charged phone whenever he left the house without an explanation. It was probably the hardest challenge she has ever taken on, and she had been dragged into the underworld to make Hades his very own pet sun. All the same, she found herself compelled to see it through.
But this? I mean, a few minutes ago she had been cleaning as she did almost on the daily. Now she was lying under Sirius Black on the kitchen table getting fucked to oblivion. However, it's not as though she was complaining.
Wait. No. Of course she was complaining! Charlie was the most perfect boy you'd ever meet. He was outdoorsy, had the most charming grin and never failed to crack her up with his humour. She loved Charlie. She had always been certain. She loved his family, they worked well together and never really fought. It was perfect. So why was she suddenly questioning that whole relationship? The feeling right now was brand new. Something strange in her body. She was almost certain it was just plain old hate, but there was something different - she couldn't put her finger on what.
He had the strength of a berserker. He was able to hold her down even with one hand, his heavy hands grasping firmly. They owned her body so confidently she almost begged for more before stopping herself. She told herself she wouldn't let him get any satisfaction from this, but the more she resisted, the harder he seemed to get.
At one point she thought he'd had enough. He pushed himself off her and left her wrists go. Feeling a little let down at this early finish, she almost forgot to take this opportunity to get away. She tried to slide off the table, but Sirius had pushed his legs out into a certain position which meant she literally couldn't move at all. It was when she felt his cock enter her that she completely gave in.
"You fucking vile bastard." She heard herself say, and heard the response "Shut up you ugly, useless whore." She pushed her pelvis up, hoping she hit his balls for this comment. Sure enough, he let out a groan in pain, and pushed his cock in even deeper.
Thoughts were forgotten and instinct took over. It was only afterwards that she was able to process what happened.
She should have felt guilty. She was very much cheating on her boyfriend. But in that moment, all she could feel was bliss. She opened her eyes for a second and saw Sirius looked the exact same way. She didn't understand how she felt so good. There was nothing but tension and hatred between herself and Sirius. They could barely be in the same room most of the time. How had she ended up in this situation, and why did she like it?
Besides, Sirius was almost twice her age. Trivial things like age had never mattered in the demigod world, but she was in the wizarding world now. She had to get accustomed to the things that were different, and she was sure this would be looked down upon should anyone find out.
When Sirius started to slow a little, probably nearing climax, she pushed him off. He allowed her to sit all the way up, and, standing again, she pushed him over to the kitchen counter. She used one hand to cup his jaw, the other to caress his cock. Looking powerfully into his eyes, he got the message and started to sink to the floor. She straddled his lap and sat on him, letting him sink inside her again. She rode him deep ad she stripped off her cami and let him kiss between her tits.
When Sirius was too desperate to wait, he grabbed her waist, held her close to him and maneuvered them so he was on top of her, lying on the floor. Both were nearing climax and fucked until creamy white fluid dripped out of her vagina onto the cold slate floor. Sirius collapsed on top of her, panting into her neck for a few moments, before kissing all the way down her torso and finishing with a single lick of her vulva.
He knelt up and they stared at each other in silence, both still panting. Still lying on the floor, she crossed her legs defiantly, as if to say 'No more.' As Sirius set his back against the counter, She knelt up and began to get dressed. Wiping Sirius’ blood from her mouth, she picked up the blackened cloth that had been forgotten, wiped the fluid off the floor, and made her way down to the kitchen to wash. Sirius, aware that he was now covered in black dirt from her hands, grabbed his clothes and head up the stairs to shower.
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austajunk · 1 year
So then maybe YomixMakoto for 36 and 7? With Yomi getting his punishment after getting arrested.
Oh myyyyy. You know, this is pretty much my headcanon after Yomi was arrested. Fufufu.
Triggers: Stuck in Wall/Glory-Hole sex, degradation, public use, conditioning, Yomi being Yomi but this time with consequences :)
Makoto’s grip was gentle as he guided Yomi’s head down his cock. Yomi Hellsmile couldn’t tell which made him more sick: being forced to deepthroat that freak, Makoto Kagutsuchi, or the way he went about it.
That masked bastard could choke him, slap him, spit on him, or castrate him, but no. Instead those hands caressed up his cheeks and led Yomi into staring into that ridiculous mask of his while he took Makoto’s cock between his lips. Even when Yomi proved too vile in this little glory hole in the prison, Makoto was still “kind” enough to have his arms restrained to the wall above his head.
Until he learnt his lesson, Yomi would be a permanent fixture in the cement wall of the Amaterasu prisons. Makoto ordered him to be made into part of the wall so that he could look upon all of his underlings as they used him like he had used them. It was disgusting and filthy. Naked and encased in a wall, Yomi wanted to vomit every time Makoto visited him and offered him an “out”.
“Renounce your ways and promise to redeem yourself under my guidance. It’s that easy, you know,” Makoto would say playfully, his hands behind his back.
Yomi told him he would rather die and be buried in excrement before he ever conceded to Makoto and so he was left to rot under the city in a wall. His anger built throughout the months and he would never stop trying to yank himself free, dreaming of all the way he would tear Makoto Kagutsuchi apart.
If he could just get free—
But no. He was a captured piece of trash cemented in stone. Yomi Hellsmile wouldn’t go anywhere. And worse, he was free for public use.
That being said, no one would actually dare to use Yomi except for the sole person in the world he despised with every fiber of his being.
“Careful,” Makoto said with a light chuckle. “If you use your teeth, we can always have them removed, you know?”
Yomi choked on his former superior’s cock with an infuriated growl, but he didn’t think he could suffer looking even more pathetic. Reluctantly, he made sure to watch himself as Makoto’s cock reached the back of his throat. He wanted to gag, but Makoto shushed him calmly and urged him to take it.
“You’re doing really well, Yomi…”
That voice, that polite and understanding tone… it made him seethe, made him boil, and made the growls deepen in his throat. Of course, that only served to make Makoto groan pleasantly from the vibrations running along his cock.
The pulse alerted Yomi to Makoto’s quickening end but just as it reached its height of pleasure, Makoto pulled out and aimed his shot of seed across Yomi’s reddened lips. The string of cum hit the redheaded prisoner across his nose and the rest dribbled down his chin. Yomi spat in disgust, turning his head away from the white mask kneeling down to meet his face.
“You’re getting much better at this, Yomi. Have you been thinking about practicing for me?” Makoto prodded. Yomi could practically hear the glee in his voice.
“You sick freak—!” Yomi spat, his eyes surging with blood. “I see how it is… keep going about, playing the savior of that shitty city and all…but you’re keeping a criminal locked up to fuck on your personal time! You’re a new breed of goddamn hypocrite, you know that-?!”
Makoto merely shrugged off Yomi’s insults, brushing a tuft of his red hair from his eyes. “You could say that, I suppose, but honestly… I simply just don’t find it productive to destroy you.” His hands lowered and lingered upon Yomi’s chest, sliding his exposed nipples between his fingers.
Yomi huffed and gritted his teeth, trying to ignore him. But after all these weeks, he was used to Makoto’s touch. He wasn’t a foreign invader to his body any more. Yomi knew how to make Makoto climax and blow his load down his throat. Makoto knew how to touch him in the ways that made him crave more when he was alone.
Was he, Yomi Hellsmile, breaking?
He hissed at the thought, earning a chortle from Makoto in amusement.
“I hate you too, you know,” he said to Yomi, scooping some of his salty cum from Yomi’s chin and smearing it to his lips. “There’s a part of me that wants you to die… and yet… when I think about it, I only want to keep you more. Is this what it felt like for you when you kept Miss Electro?”
“Don’t compare yourself to me!” Yomi barked.
“Why not? I can do however I please,” replied Makoto thoughtfully. He sighed and pressed his head to Yomi’s. “You can spit on me all you want…but I still wear a mask. Hehe.”
“I HATE YOU!!! DO YOU REALLY THINK THIS IS OVER?!” That cruel, unending streak of rage and insanity burned brightly behind Yomi’s dark eyes. He thrashed against the walls, tried to whip his arms away from the chains restraining him.
Makoto simply rose up and left him there, entering Yomi’s other side of the cell. But Yomi wouldn’t let up.
But for all the threats he made, nothing could quiet him sooner than the loving, velvety soft stroke to his cock from the other side of the wall. A croak left Yomi’s sore throat.
A pained and needy shudder ran through him. Makoto stroked his cock again and the whine nearly passed through Yomi’s lips.
“And yet, you’re so hard, Yomi. The more you fight this, the sadder I actually get for you,” said Makoto’s voice on the other side.
“Shut up…” A bead of uneasy sweat traveled down the back of Yomi’s neck. His struggling had ceased. His body ached. He wanted to be touched so badly.
“You won’t come,” said Makoto simply. From the other side, something hot pressed to his puckered asshole. But even as Makoto moved his hips and his cock began to urge apart his asshole, he kept a tight grip on the tip of Yomi’s shaft.
“What are you-?!” Yomi’s eyes widened and his face paled. “No, let me-!”
“No,” was all Makoto had to reply. Then he thrust inside of the former Director of Peacekeepers. The softness was gone. Sinking his nails into Yomi’s slender hips, he plunged into his tight depths and claimed his insides for himself.
Yomi yelled, shrieked, and swore until he was certain his voice was lost. His eyes had started to water. The unbearable feeling of fullness consumed him and made his cock throb mercilessly in Makoto’s hands. But he wouldn’t come.
He couldn’t come.
And even if he would never admit it, he was put down. He fell limply against the chains binding his arms, he closed his mouth, and he whimpered as Makoto fucked him for as long as he pleased—until Makoto filled him up and left him with nothing.
Nothing but a promise.
“It’s okay, Yomi. I’ll visit you next week. And the week after. Eventually… you’ll be ready to leave at my side and obey…”
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yourfellowhuman07 · 1 year
Where Do We Go Now?
A She-ra: Princess of Power 2018 fanfiction
The war is finally over. Prime is dead, the hive mind is broken, and everyone is reunited with their loved ones. However, there are some questions left unanswered. What will be the fate of Catra and Hordak? What are these new memories Wrong Hordak has? What is Etheria's place in the wider universe? Where do we go now?
Hey guys, here's chapter 25. I wrote most of this morning, so I'm sorry if this is so short and not the best quality. This past week had been hectic for me. Still thank you for the support I have gotten.
I'll say this again if you have any questions or need to say anything to me please comment it or use my asks box (or whatever it is called I'm new). Have a great rest of your week.
Chapter 25: System One
The six brothers walked into the mountain. Hordak led the way through the winding pathways highlighted by the map Entrapta made him. The lights in the cave were dim, which wasn’t a problem since they could see just fine even if it was pitch black. When they turned the next corner, they shut their eyes at the sudden abundance of light illuminating the larger cavern. After letting their eyes adjust, they saw rows of shops and vendors coming out of every nook and cranny bathed in soft blue and purple lights. 
Many of the smaller vendors sold handmade crafts. Most of it was jewelry made from the gemstones found deep in the mines of Dryl along with other amenities made from leather, iron, and even clothing. The larger shops in the center had more professional brands that could be found in some of the other countries across Etheria.
The six brothers made their way through the winding roads of the market. Whispers wove their way through the hustle and bustle of the masses. The glances and glares from the crowd unsettled the brothers, all except Hordak who was used to looks of disgust and whispers of contempt.
ZD tapped Hordak on the shoulder.
“What is that?” ZD pointed at a black building with silver trimming. Just inside the window, a person was sitting in a chair while another person made black marks on their skin with a pen-like device.
“It is a tattoo parlor.”
“What is a tattoo?”
“Come with me,” Hordak guided his brothers to the shop’s window. “A tattoo is a permanent piece of art embedded within the skin. This is achieved by puncturing the skin with needles and inserting ink.”
“Can I get a tattoo?”
“I would advise against that. A tattoo can only be removed with lasers, otherwise, it is completely permanent; thus, much thought and consideration must be put in before attaining one.” ZD’s ears drooped. “However, if you can come up with a fitting design with ample thought, I will pay for it.” ZD’s face lit up.
“Thank you, HK.” ZD gave a small bow.
“What are they doing there?” LD pointed at two people in the back of the shop. One was sitting on a stool while another person held a device to their ear.
“That person is getting their ears pierced. Many beings decide to make harmless holes in their body, and insert jewelry.”
“Is that reversible?”
“I believe so, once the hole is healed up.”
All five gave Hordak a pleading look. He sighed and pulled out his wallet.
“JJ, did you seriously have to yelp when the woman pierced your ears?” TD asked as they exited the shop.
“I just didn’t expect it to hurt.” JJ’s ears drooped in embarrassment.
“It didn’t even hurt!”
“I- uh. Shut up!”
LD walked up to Hordak.
“Hey HK, do you think maybe we could get She-Ra to grow our hair out too? Just whenever is possible.”
“I will ask her about it.”
“Thank you… where are they going?” LD pointed to the rest of his brothers running off into the crowd.
“Come on, let’s go chase after them.” LD ran off to find them and Hordak tried to follow him, but something was holding him back. He turned around to find a short middle-aged woman with lilac skin and dark purple hair holding onto one of his overall straps. As he looked into her cerulean eyes he saw a kind of wisdom that reminded him of his mother.
“You are the former Lord Hordak, are you not?” She asked, letting go of him.
“I- I am, madam.”
“I had a feeling. I’m Morella, the overseer of System One of Dryl. Many people call me Mother Morella.” She stuck out her hand for Hordak to shake. He took it nervously, trying to regain his stability.
“Ah yes, Entrapta has mentioned you before. It is an honor to meet you, madam. May I ask what you require of me?”
“I simply wanted to meet to person our dear Princess was in a relationship with.”
“How did you know?”
“Word travels fast within the mines of Dryl. Besides, by the way, she spoke of you, it was only a matter of time before you two got together.”
“What did she say?”
“It was more how she said it. She spoke with such admiration about you. I can’t describe it, I just know things.” Hordak’s ears flicked down, and his cheeks flushed.
“Is there anything else you need, madam?”
“I only ask that you protect Princess Entrapta. You of all people should know how reckless she can be.”
Hordak looked into her warm eyes.
“Rest assured madam, for as long as my heart beats Princess Entrapta and all she holds dear will be my priority.”
By the way, Morella is whatever species held that party/ trap in season five. I don't know if the name was mentioned because I haven't watched the show in a while. Oops.
Update: It was Elberon
Also fixed the errors that Grammarly pointed out after I posted this.
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animatedinugami · 2 years
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Art by Gilbert Nightray on Facebook
Name: Kosho
Aliases/Nicknames: Little Snake
Age: Actual age unknown, appearance late twenties
Sex: No
Gender: Yes
Sexuality: Pansexual
Kekkai Genkai (if any): Snakes?
Nationality: Land of Sound
Rank: Jonin
Appearance: Pale purple hair, yellow snake eyes, with small facial tattoos on a pale form. They wear a short is cloak over themself most of the time, normally light or off grey. Underneath is the more traditional green and blue kimono top and baggy black pants that reach their knees. Said pants are tucked into the knee height black ninja shoes. Family: Kosho's blood family is quite possibly bigger than they realize, being that they're a clone of Orochimaru and every other clone of Orochimaru is therefore their defacto family.
Occupation: Medical-nin, Acting Kage Rank: Jōnin, Otokage Relationships: Kosho has taken a liking to anyone who wishes to learn or gain power, by whatever means. They're closest relationship is with their parent, but is then followed by the members of the new Sound Four. Personality: Kosho is much of a bookworm who’s fairly inquisitive and wants to learn as many medical techniques as possible. Their understanding of humanity has grown along with their father’s. However, Kosho is fairly friendly and respectful when need be. History: Child to Orochimaru, Kosho predates Log and Mitsuki. They were Orochimaru’s first real attempt at having a “child they cared about”. Growing up Kosho was subject to many of their parent’s experiments but were able to voice their opinion about undergoing which ones. They grew up with a strong understanding of who they were and what was allowed to be done to their body. As their interest in medical ninjutsu grew, Orochimaru helped teach them, which led Kosho to essentially replace Kabuto in that field. Over the years, they’ve assisted their parent in not only running the Land of Sound, but also with research. They’ve learned many kinjutsus from their parent as well as surpassing their parent in being able to become a Sage.
As the new leader of the Sound Five, Kosho was chosen to to lead Team Kosho, with Odorune and Uchiha Karasu.
As Orochimaru wants to focus on gaining knowledge and not running the village, Kosho is chosen to become Otokage.
Abilities: Kosho is able to permanently remove others' affinities, sealing said affinities into their snakes that they can then use to implant said affinities into others. Many of their abilities are closely reminiscent to Orochimaru's. Kosho is also considered the best medic in Otogakure and the Land of Sound. Kosho is a Sage of Ryuchi Cave.
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sidabd · 5 days
Discover the Best Skin Services in Lucknow for Radiant, Glowing Skin
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In the heart of Lucknow, a city renowned for its rich heritage and vibrant culture, there is an equally thriving hub for skincare and beauty. For those seeking to rejuvenate their skin and achieve that enviable glow, Lucknow offers some of the best skin services around. Whether you’re aiming to tackle specific skin concerns or simply looking to indulge in a pampering session, here’s a guide to finding the best skin services in Lucknow.
Why Choose Professional Skin Services?
In a city where tradition meets modernity, the quest for perfect skin has led many to explore professional skin services. These services offer targeted treatments that go beyond the capabilities of at-home skincare routines. From addressing acne and pigmentation to enhancing overall skin health, professional skin services are tailored to meet individual needs with precision and expertise.
Top Skin Services in Lucknow
1. Advanced Facials and Peels
For those looking to revitalize their skin, advanced facials and chemical peels are among the most sought-after services. Top clinics in Lucknow offer a range of facials, from hydrating and anti-aging to deep-cleansing varieties. Chemical peels, on the other hand, work wonders for improving skin texture, reducing dark spots, and promoting collagen production. These treatments are designed to provide immediate results and long-lasting benefits.
2. Laser Skin Treatments
Laser technology has revolutionized the way we approach skin care. In Lucknow, several skin clinics offer cutting-edge laser treatments for various skin concerns, including acne scars, pigmentation, and unwanted hair. Fractional lasers, for example, are popular for their efficacy in skin resurfacing, while laser hair removal provides a permanent solution to unwanted hair.
3. Customized Skin Care Regimens
A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for skincare, which is why customized regimens are highly valued. The best skin services in Lucknow include personalized consultations where experts assess your skin type and concerns. Based on this, they recommend tailored treatments and products that align with your skin’s unique needs.
4. Anti-Aging Treatments
Aging is a natural process, but the right treatments can help you maintain a youthful appearance. In Lucknow, many skin clinics offer anti-aging services such as Botox, dermal fillers, and radiofrequency treatments. These procedures are designed to smooth out wrinkles, restore volume, and enhance skin elasticity.
5. Acne and Scar Treatments
Acne can be a persistent issue, but advanced treatments available in Lucknow can help manage and reduce its impact. Services such as LED light therapy, microdermabrasion, and specialized acne facials target the root causes of acne and promote clearer skin. For acne scars, treatments like microneedling and laser therapy can significantly improve skin texture and appearance.
Finding the Best Skin Services in Lucknow
Choosing the right skin service provider is crucial for achieving the desired results. Here are some tips for finding the best skin services in Lucknow:
Research and Reviews:
 Look for clinics with positive reviews and testimonials. Personal experiences shared by others can provide valuable insights into the quality of service.
Credentials and Expertise: 
Ensure that the practitioners are certified and experienced in their respective fields. Expertise plays a significant role in the effectiveness of skin treatments.
 Opt for a consultation before committing to any treatment. This allows you to discuss your concerns, understand the options available, and set realistic expectations.
Hygiene and Equipment:
 The clinic should adhere to high standards of hygiene and use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure safe and effective treatments.
Embrace Radiant Skin with the Best Services in Lucknow
Lucknow’s thriving skincare scene offers an array of options for those looking to enhance their skin’s health and appearance. By choosing from the best skin services in Lucknow, you’re not only investing in your skin but also in your confidence and well-being. Whether you’re looking for a quick rejuvenation or a comprehensive skincare solution, Lucknow’s top skin service providers are ready to help you achieve your skincare goals.
So why wait? Treat yourself to the exceptional skin services Lucknow has to offer and unveil your most radiant self!
Have you experienced any of these skin services in Lucknow? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
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Achieve Radiant Skin with Advanced Treatments at Revive Med Spa in Murphy, TX
In today's fast-paced world, everyone desires glowing, healthy skin. At Revive Med Spa in Murphy, TX, cutting-edge treatments like LED light therapy, laser hair removal, clarifying acne facials, and Diamond Glow advanced skincare technology are making it easier than ever to achieve radiant skin. These modern skincare solutions, combined with personalized care, provide effective and lasting results, helping clients address a variety of skin concerns. Whether you are battling acne, unwanted hair, or just want to rejuvenate your skin, Revive Med Spa offers the perfect solutions with its advanced technologies and treatments.
Benefits of LED Light Therapy Treatment
LED light therapy is one of the most popular non-invasive skin treatments available today. By using varying wavelengths of light, this therapy targets different skin issues, such as wrinkles, acne, and hyperpigmentation. At Revive Med Spa Murphy TX, Led Light Therapy Treatment is offered as a safe, effective solution that stimulates collagen production, reduces inflammation, and heals damaged skin. What sets this treatment apart is its ability to penetrate deep into the skin, accelerating the healing process and improving overall skin health.
This therapy is ideal for individuals dealing with acne breakouts, as the blue light kills acne-causing bacteria. On the other hand, red light reduces wrinkles and fine lines by boosting collagen levels, making it a go-to treatment for anti-aging. With no downtime required, you can enjoy the benefits of LED light therapy during your lunch break and return to your daily routine without any hassle.
Smooth, Hair-Free Skin with Laser Hair Removal
Unwanted body hair can be a nuisance, but with laser hair removal in Murphy, you can say goodbye to time-consuming shaving, waxing, or plucking. At Revive Med Spa, this treatment uses advanced laser technology to target hair follicles, permanently reducing hair growth over time. Laser hair removal is highly effective for all skin types and areas, including legs, underarms, bikini lines, and facial areas.
The laser emits a concentrated beam of light absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle, destroying it without harming the surrounding skin. This method is both quick and virtually painless, making it a popular choice for those seeking long-term hair reduction. After a few sessions, you'll notice smoother, hair-free skin that requires minimal maintenance, giving you more time to enjoy your daily activities without worrying about unwanted hair.
Rejuvenate Your Skin with a Clarifying Acne Facial
Acne can be a frustrating condition that affects both teenagers and adults alike. If you're tired of over-the-counter treatments that don't deliver the desired results, consider a clarifying acne facial at Revive Med Spa. This facial is designed to deeply cleanse the pores, remove impurities, and exfoliate dead skin cells, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and revitalized.
The treatment includes a combination of professional-grade products and techniques, such as extractions, to reduce inflammation and prevent future breakouts. The facial targets clogged pores, blackheads, and acne-prone areas, promoting a clearer complexion. Regular treatments help reduce the frequency of breakouts and improve the skin's texture, making this facial an essential component of an acne-fighting skincare regimen.
Transform Your Skin with Diamond Glow Advanced Skincare Technology
For those looking to achieve a radiant, youthful complexion, Diamond Glow advanced skincare technology offers an unparalleled solution. This innovative treatment exfoliates, extracts, and infuses the skin with customized serums tailored to your specific skin needs. At Revive Med Spa, the Diamond Glow system is designed to treat a range of concerns, from fine lines and wrinkles to dullness and hyperpigmentation.
Using a diamond-tipped wand, the treatment gently buffs away dead skin cells while simultaneously delivering serums deep into the skin's layers. This combination of exfoliation and infusion leads to immediate improvements in skin texture, tone, and hydration. Unlike other treatments, Diamond Glow requires no downtime, allowing you to resume your normal activities right away with visibly glowing skin. With regular sessions, you can maintain a healthy, luminous complexion that reflects youth and vitality.
Why Choose Revive Med Spa in Murphy, TX?
At Revive Med Spa, the experienced team prioritizes client care and satisfaction. Offering a range of treatments from LED light therapy and laser hair removal to clarifying acne facials and Diamond Glow advanced skincare technology, the spa combines state-of-the-art equipment with a personalized approach to ensure optimal results. Whether you're looking to enhance your natural beauty or address specific skin concerns, Revive Med Spa provides professional, high-quality services that deliver real, lasting improvements.
From the welcoming atmosphere to the knowledgeable staff, every aspect of Revive Med Spa is designed to give clients a luxurious experience while addressing their unique skincare needs. The variety of cutting-edge treatments ensures that every client can find the right solution to achieve their skincare goals, leaving them with a rejuvenated and youthful appearance.
Investing in your skin's health is one of the best ways to maintain a youthful, radiant appearance. At Revive Med Spa Murphy TX, you have access to a variety of advanced treatments, including LED light therapy, laser hair removal, clarifying acne facials, and Diamond Glow advanced skincare technology, all designed to enhance your natural beauty. With professional care and customized treatments, Revive Med Spa ensures that every client leaves with skin that looks and feels revitalized.
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idhhmedicalspa · 2 months
Med spa in Destin
Medspa in destin
Our Med Spa in destin, provides a calm haven where cutting-edge skincare and wellness procedures coexist with contemporary elegance. Located in the heart of the community and surrounded by immaculate beaches, our spa is well-known for its dedication to providing rest and renewal.As you enter our warm greeting room, you'll be met with calming scents and a peaceful atmosphere. Our skilled team is committed to offering individual consultations to customize treatments to your particular requirements and preferences.
Our services:
injectables and fillers
Hair loss clinic
Permanent makeup
Cosmetic skin care treatment
Cancer revival
 Lutronic ultra laser
injectables and fillers:Our Destin Med Spa specializes in injectables and fillers to help you reach your unique objectives and look naturally young. Our skilled professionals provide a variety of treatments with the newest methods and high-quality supplies, guaranteeing effectiveness, comfort, and safety.
We offer thorough consultations to create a personalized plan that addresses your concerns and highlights your natural beauty, whether you're looking to rejuvenate your skin with collagen-stimulating injections, improve facial contours with dermal fillers like Juvederm or Restylane, or smooth fine lines and wrinkles with Botox or Dysport.
Facial: Deep cleaning, mild exfoliation to remove dead skin cells, extractions if necessary, and an opulent massage to improve circulation and encourage lymphatic drainage are common facial treatments. To treat certain issues and enhance skin tone and texture, we provide cutting-edge procedures like chemical peels, LED light therapy, and microdermabrasion.
Visit our Med Spa in Destin to discover the transformative power of our facial treatments, where expert care and luxurious surroundings converge to deliver exceptional results for your skin and overall well-being.
Hair loss clinic:Our clinic offers a comprehensive approach to hair loss that combines expertise with compassion. We recognize that hair loss can be a sensitive issue that affects self-esteem and confidence, so we start with a thorough consultation to understand your specific concerns, medical history, and goals. Our experienced specialists then create a tailored treatment plan designed to stimulate hair follicles, improve scalp health, and encourage regrowth. The Hair Loss Clinic in Destin is located in a serene environment conducive to healing and restoration.
Permanent makeup: Our specialty is using precision and skill to bring out your inherent beauty. Permanent cosmetics, sometimes referred to as cosmetic tattooing or micropigmentation, is a long-lasting way to highlight and define features like lips, eyeliner, and eyebrows.
Your comfort and happiness are our top priorities at our studio during the whole procedure. In order to fully understand your intended look, facial shape, and skin tone, our expert technicians start with a thorough consultation. To make sure the finished product accentuates your distinct qualities and way of life, we talk about color choices and design preferences.  Let our expert technicians help you achieve effortless beauty in a welcoming and professional environment dedicated to your satisfaction.
Cosmetic skin care treatment We specialize in cutting-edge skincare treatments designed to revitalize and improve the health and appearance of your skin. Welcome to our Cosmetic Skin Care Treatment Center in Destin. Our center provides a wide range of treatments to meet different skin conditions and goals. It is located in a serene setting intended for relaxation and restoration.
In order to determine your skin type, issues, and desired results, our skilled skincare professionals start with a thorough consultation. Next, in order to attain the best possible outcomes, we develop a customized treatment plan using the newest technology and high-quality skincare products
Cancer revival : The phrase "cancer revival" generally describes the recuperation, healing, and revitalization that follow cancer treatment. It includes all facets of psychological, emotional, and physical recovery aimed at regaining general health and quality of life following cancer diagnosis and treatment.
 Lutronic ultra laser: The Lutronic Ultra laser is a versatile and advanced medical laser system known for its efficacy in aesthetic and dermatological treatments.The Lutronic Ultra laser is widely used by dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and skincare professionals for its effectiveness in achieving aesthetic enhancements and skin rejuvenation with minimal discomfort and downtime. For specific treatment recommendations and to determine if the Lutronic Ultra laser is suitable for your needs, consulting with a qualified healthcare provider or aesthetician is recommended. 
Conclusion :Visit our Med Spa in Destin to discover the transformative power of our treatments and embark on a journey to enhanced beauty and well-being in a welcoming and serene environment. Your journey to radiant skin and rejuvenated spirit begins with us.
 Visit us  https://iedhhmedicalspa.com/
medical spa in Panama city
med spa in Destin
Medical facial treatment in Panama
skin care treatment
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adonisbeautyclinic · 4 months
Laser Hair Removal
Say Goodbye To Unwanted Hair: Embrace Laser Hair Removal For Lasting Results!
Unwanted hair can be a bothersome issue for many individuals, impacting their confidence and self-esteem. Traditional methods like shaving, waxing, or using depilatory creams provide temporary relief but can be time-consuming, painful, and often result in skin irritation. 
Fortunately, advancements in cosmetic technology have led to the development of laser hair removal, a revolutionary solution that offers lasting results with minimal discomfort. 
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Let's explore how laser hair removal works and why it's becoming the preferred choice for those seeking smooth, hair-free skin.
Understanding Laser Hair Removal:
Laser facial is a cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated beams of light to target and destroy hair follicles. The laser emits a specific wavelength of light that is absorbed by the pigment in the hair follicles, effectively heating and damaging them without harming the surrounding skin. 
This process inhibits future hair growth, leading to smoother skin that lasts much longer than traditional hair removal methods.
The Procedure:
Before undergoing laser hair removal, it's essential to consult with a qualified dermatologist or licensed technician to determine if you're a suitable candidate. The procedure begins with cleansing the treatment area and applying a cooling gel to minimize discomfort. 
The technician then uses a handheld laser device to deliver short pulses of light to the targeted areas. Depending on the size of the treatment area, sessions can take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour.
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal:
1. Lasting Results: 
Unlike shaving or waxing, which only provide temporary relief, laser hair removal offers long-lasting results. After a series of sessions, many individuals experience a significant reduction in hair growth, with some achieving permanent hair loss.
2. Precision: 
Laser technology allows for precise targeting of hair follicles, ensuring that only unwanted hair is affected while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed.
3. Time-Saving: 
With laser hair removal, there's no need to spend time shaving or scheduling regular waxing appointments. 
Once the treatment is complete, you can enjoy smooth, hair-free skin without the hassle of daily maintenance.
4. Reduced Ingrown Hairs: 
Laser hair removal helps prevent ingrown hairs, a common problem associated with traditional hair removal methods. By destroying the hair follicle, the likelihood of ingrown hairs is significantly reduced.
5. Improved Skin Texture: 
In addition to removing unwanted hair, laser treatments can improve the overall texture and appearance of the skin, leaving it smoother and more radiant.
Safety Considerations:
While laser hair removal is generally safe for most skin types, there are certain factors to consider before undergoing treatment. It's essential to choose a reputable clinic with experienced technicians who use FDA-approved laser devices. 
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Additionally, individuals with certain medical conditions or skin sensitivities may not be suitable candidates for laser hair removal.
Say goodbye to the hassle of unwanted hair and embrace the convenience and effectiveness of laser hair removal. With its lasting results, precision, and minimal discomfort, laser hair removal is revolutionizing the way we achieve smooth, hair-free skin. 
Consult a qualified professional to learn how Facial can help you achieve the silky-smooth skin you've always wanted.
Find Us On Google Maps: ( Adonis Beauty Clinic )
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narwatharsh01 · 3 months
Aesthetic Laser Market Top Players, Share, and Outlook
Aesthetic Laser Market Overview
The global aesthetic laser market has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by the increasing demand for non-invasive and minimally invasive cosmetic treatments. The market size is expected to reach USD 6.2 billion by 2028, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.5% from 2023 to 2028.
Market Segmentation
The aesthetic laser market can be segmented based on various factors, including:
By Application
Skin Rejuvenation: This segment includes treatments such as laser skin resurfacing, fractional CO2 lasers, and non-ablative lasers for skin tightening and rejuvenation.
Hair Removal: This segment includes treatments such as laser hair removal, diode lasers, and Nd:YAG lasers for permanent hair reduction.
Tattoo Removal: This segment includes treatments such as Q-switched lasers and Nd:YAG lasers for tattoo removal.
Vascular Lesions: This segment includes treatments such as pulsed dye lasers and Nd:YAG lasers for removing vascular lesions such as port wine stains and rosacea.
Other Applications: This segment includes treatments such as laser-assisted lipolysis, laser-assisted hair transplantation, and laser-assisted skin tightening.
By Technology
Laser Technology: This segment includes various laser technologies such as CO2 lasers, Er:YAG lasers, Nd:YAG lasers, and diode lasers.
Light-Based Technology: This segment includes various light-based technologies such as intense pulsed light (IPL) and photodynamic therapy (PDT).
By Region
North America: The North American market is expected to dominate the global aesthetic laser market, driven by the high demand for cosmetic treatments and the presence of key players such as Cynosure and Cutera.
Europe: The European market is expected to grow at a significant rate, driven by the increasing demand for non-invasive and minimally invasive cosmetic treatments.
Asia-Pacific: The Asia-Pacific market is expected to grow at a rapid rate, driven by the increasing demand for cosmetic treatments and the presence of key players such as Lumenis and Syneron.
Market Drivers and Trends
Several factors are driving the growth of the aesthetic laser market, including:
Increasing Demand for Non-Invasive and Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Treatments: The demand for non-invasive and minimally invasive cosmetic treatments is increasing due to the growing awareness of the benefits of these treatments, including reduced downtime and minimal risk of complications.
Advancements in Laser Technology: Advancements in laser technology have led to the development of more effective and safer treatments, driving the growth of the aesthetic laser market.
Growing Demand for Hair Removal and Skin Rejuvenation Treatments: Hair removal and skin rejuvenation treatments are becoming increasingly popular, driven by the growing demand for cosmetic treatments and the increasing awareness of the benefits of these treatments.
Increasing Demand for Tattoo Removal and Vascular Lesions Treatments: Tattoo removal and vascular lesions treatments are becoming increasingly popular, driven by the growing demand for cosmetic treatments and the increasing awareness of the benefits of these treatments.
Growing Demand for Laser-Assisted Lipolysis and Laser-Assisted Hair Transplantation Treatments: Laser-assisted lipolysis and laser-assisted hair transplantation treatments are becoming increasingly popular, driven by the growing demand for cosmetic treatments and the increasing awareness of the benefits of these treatments.
Key Players and Recent Developments
The aesthetic laser industry is dominated by several key players, including:
Cynosure: Cynosure is a leading player in the aesthetic laser market, known for its innovative laser technologies and treatments such as laser skin resurfacing and laser hair removal.
Cutera: Cutera is a leading player in the aesthetic laser market, known for its innovative laser technologies and treatments such as laser skin rejuvenation and laser hair removal.
Lumenis: Lumenis is a leading player in the aesthetic laser market, known for its innovative laser technologies and treatments such as laser skin rejuvenation and laser hair removal.
Syneron: Syneron is a leading player in the aesthetic laser market, known for its innovative laser technologies and treatments such as laser skin rejuvenation and laser hair removal.
The aesthetic laser market is expected to continue growing at a rapid rate, driven by the increasing demand for non-invasive and minimally invasive cosmetic treatments, advancements in laser technology, and the growing demand for various aesthetic treatments. The market is expected to reach USD 3.5 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 12.5% from 2023 to 2028.
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seseherbs1 · 4 months
One-Stop Hair Restoration: Comprehensive Solutions for Hair Loss
Hair loss can be a distressing experience, affecting self-esteem and overall well-being. Fortunately, advancements in medical science and technology have led to a range of effective solutions for combating hair loss. A one-stop hair restoration approach offers a holistic and convenient way to address hair loss, combining various treatments and therapies to deliver optimal results. In this article, we'll explore the comprehensive solutions available in a one-stop hair restoration clinic and how they can help you regain your confidence and a full head of hair.
Understanding Hair Loss
Hair loss, or alopecia, can result from a variety of factors, including genetics, hormonal changes, medical conditions, medications, stress, and poor nutrition. The most common form of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia, also known as male or female pattern baldness, which is largely hereditary. Understanding the underlying cause of hair loss is crucial for selecting the most effective treatment plan.
Comprehensive Solutions in One-Stop Hair Restoration
A one-stop hair restoration clinic provides a full spectrum of services tailored to address different types and stages of hair loss. Here are the key components typically offered:
Diagnosis and Consultation
Scalp Analysis: Advanced imaging technology is used to examine the scalp and hair follicles, identifying areas of thinning and potential causes of hair loss.
Medical History Review: A thorough review of the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and family history helps in diagnosing the root cause of hair loss.
Personalized Treatment Plan: Based on the diagnosis, a customized treatment plan is developed to meet the specific needs and goals of the patient.
Medical Treatments
Minoxidil: A topical solution that stimulates hair growth and slows down hair loss. It is commonly used for both men and women.
Finasteride: An oral medication that reduces hair loss by inhibiting the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone linked to androgenetic alopecia. It is typically prescribed for men.
Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): A non-invasive treatment that uses laser light to stimulate hair follicles, improve blood circulation, and promote hair growth.
Non-Surgical Treatments
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: Involves drawing a small amount of the patient's blood, processing it to concentrate the platelets, and injecting it into the scalp. The growth factors in PRP stimulate hair follicles and promote hair growth.
Mesotherapy: A technique where vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are injected directly into the scalp to nourish hair follicles and improve hair density.
Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP): A cosmetic procedure that involves tattooing tiny dots on the scalp to create the appearance of fuller hair. It is particularly effective for those with thinning hair or bald patches.
Surgical Treatments
Hair Transplant Surgery: The most permanent solution for hair loss. Hair follicles are harvested from a donor area (usually the back of the head) and transplanted to the thinning or balding areas. The two main techniques are Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
Scalp Reduction: A surgical procedure that removes bald patches and stretches the remaining hair-covered scalp to cover the area. This method is less common due to advancements in hair transplant techniques.
Supportive Care and Maintenance
Nutritional Counseling: Guidance on a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals essential for hair health.
Stress Management: Techniques and therapies to manage stress, which can contribute to hair loss.
Regular Follow-Ups: Ongoing monitoring and adjustments to the treatment plan to ensure optimal results.
Benefits of a One-Stop Hair Restoration Clinic
Convenience: All services and treatments are available under one roof, eliminating the need to visit multiple specialists.
Comprehensive Care: A multidisciplinary approach ensures that all aspects of hair loss are addressed, from diagnosis to treatment and maintenance.
Customized Solutions: Personalized treatment plans tailored to the individual’s specific needs and goals.
Expertise: Access to experienced professionals and the latest technologies in hair restoration.
A one-stop hair restoration clinic offers a holistic and effective approach to combating hair loss. By combining various treatments and therapies, these clinics provide comprehensive solutions tailored to each individual’s needs. Whether you're dealing with early-stage thinning or advanced hair loss, the personalized care and advanced treatments available at a one-stop hair restoration clinic can help you achieve a fuller, healthier head of hair and regain your confidence.
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jatin11 · 4 months
Laser Hair Reduction in Pune: by Dr. Ajinkya Patil
Laser Hair Reduction in Pune
In recent years, laser hair reduction has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures, offering a long-term solution to unwanted body and facial hair. This advanced technology appeals to both men and women seeking a convenient and effective alternative to traditional hair removal methods such as shaving, waxing, or threading. Pune, a bustling metropolis known for its medical advancements and skilled professionals, is home to numerous clinics offering this service. Among these, Clinique Internationale, led by Dr. Ajinkya Patil, stands out as a premier destination for laser hair reduction.
Understanding Laser Hair Reduction
Laser hair reduction works by targeting the pigment (melanin) in hair follicles with a concentrated beam of light. This light is absorbed by the melanin, which in turn heats up and damages the follicle, inhibiting future hair growth. The process is selective, affecting only the hair follicle while leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. This method is suitable for various parts of the body, including the face, legs, arms, underarms, bikini line, and back.
Why Choose Laser Hair Reduction?
Long-term Results: Unlike traditional methods, laser hair reduction offers a more permanent solution. After a series of sessions, many patients experience a significant reduction in hair growth, with some achieving permanent hair loss.
Precision and Speed: Lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged. Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs simultaneously.
Minimal Discomfort: Modern laser systems are equipped with cooling mechanisms to minimize discomfort. Most patients describe the sensation as a mild snapping of a rubber band against the skin.
Convenience: The need for frequent shaving or waxing is eliminated, saving time and reducing the inconvenience associated with other hair removal methods.
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Clinique Internationale: Excellence in Laser Hair Reduction
Clinique Internationale in Pune, under the expert guidance of Dr. Ajinkya Patil, offers state-of-the-art laser hair reduction services. Dr. Patil, a renowned dermatologist with extensive experience in cosmetic procedures, ensures that every patient receives personalized and effective treatment.
Advanced Technology
Clinique Internationale employs the latest laser technology, which is both safe and effective for various skin types and hair colors. The clinic uses FDA-approved devices known for their precision and efficacy. The lasers are equipped with cooling systems to enhance patient comfort during the procedure.
Personalized Treatment Plans
Dr. Ajinkya Patil and his team understand that each patient is unique, with different skin types, hair colors, and treatment goals. During the initial consultation, a thorough assessment is conducted to develop a customized treatment plan. Factors such as the patient's skin tone, hair color, hair thickness, and the area to be treated are considered to determine the most appropriate laser settings and the number of sessions required.
Expertise and Experience
Dr. Ajinkya Patil is a highly qualified dermatologist with specialized training in laser treatments. His expertise ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care. Dr. Patil's approach is characterized by meticulous attention to detail, a deep understanding of dermatology, and a commitment to patient satisfaction. His extensive experience allows him to address any concerns or complications that may arise, ensuring a safe and effective treatment process.
Comprehensive Care
Clinique Internationale offers a holistic approach to laser hair reduction. The team provides pre-treatment and post-treatment care instructions to optimize results and minimize potential side effects. Patients are educated on how to care for their skin after each session and what to expect during the treatment process. Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.
Patient Comfort and Safety
The comfort and safety of patients are paramount at Clinique Internationale. The clinic maintains strict hygiene standards and uses advanced laser systems with built-in safety features. The treatment rooms are designed to create a relaxing and stress-free environment. Dr. Patil and his team ensure that patients feel comfortable and informed throughout the procedure, addressing any concerns or questions they may have.
Success Stories and Testimonials
Many patients have experienced remarkable results at Clinique Internationale, enjoying smoother, hair-free skin. Testimonials from satisfied patients highlight the effectiveness of the treatments and the professionalism of Dr. Patil and his team. These success stories are a testament to the clinic's commitment to excellence and patient satisfaction.
Laser hair reduction is a revolutionary solution for those seeking a more permanent method of hair removal. In Pune, Clinique Internationale, led by Dr. Ajinkya Patil, offers top-tier laser hair reduction services using cutting-edge technology and personalized care.
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advanced-wellnessblog · 5 months
Dispelling Myths: Debunking Common Misconceptions About Laser Hair Removal in Ghaziabad
Are you tired of constantly battling unwanted body hair, trying various methods that only offer temporary relief? Laser Hair Removal Ghaziabad emerges as a promising solution, offering long-lasting results and a smoother, hair-free skin. However, despite its growing popularity, misconceptions about laser hair removal persist, causing hesitation and uncertainty among potential candidates. In this blog, we aim to debunk common myths surrounding laser hair removal in Ghaziabad, shedding light on the truth behind this revolutionary treatment.
Laser Hair Removal Is Painful
One of the most prevalent misconceptions about laser hair removal is that it is an agonising procedure. However, advancements in technology have led to the development of innovative laser systems that prioritize patient comfort. While you may experience a mild sensation similar to a rubber band snapping against the skin during the treatment, most individuals find the discomfort tolerable. Additionally, practitioners often utilize cooling mechanisms to minimize any discomfort, ensuring a relatively pain-free experience.
Laser Hair Removal Is Not Suitable for All Skin Types
Another common misconception is that Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Ghaziabad is only effective for individuals with fair skin and dark hair. While it's true that traditional laser systems may have limitations in treating certain skin types, modern advancements have resulted in the development of lasers that can safely and effectively target hair follicles across a wide range of skin tones. Skilled practitioners can tailor the treatment parameters to suit your unique skin type and hair color, ensuring optimal results with minimal risk.
Laser Hair Removal Is Expensive and Time-Consuming
Contrary to popular belief, Best laser Hair Removal in Ghaziabad offers a cost-effective and time-efficient solution in the long run. While it may require multiple sessions to achieve desired results, the time and money saved from no longer needing frequent waxing or shaving quickly outweigh the initial investment. Additionally, many clinics offer affordable package deals and financing options to make laser hair removal accessible to a broader range of individuals.
Laser Hair Removal Causes Permanent Damage to the Skin
Some individuals fear that laser hair removal may cause permanent damage or scarring to the skin. However, when performed by a qualified and experienced practitioner using FDA-approved laser systems, the risk of adverse effects is minimal. Laser hair removal targets only the hair follicles, leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. Moreover, any potential side effects such as redness or swelling are typically mild and temporary, resolving within a few hours to days post-treatment.
DIY Laser Hair Removal Devices Offer Comparable Results
In today's age of convenience, DIY laser hair removal devices have become increasingly popular as an at-home alternative to professional treatments. However, these devices often lack the power and precision of medical-grade lasers used in clinics, resulting in subpar results and increased risk of adverse effects. Professional laser hair removal treatments conducted by trained professionals offer superior efficacy and safety, ensuring optimal outcomes with minimal risk.
As the demand for laser hair removal in Ghaziabad continues to rise, it's essential to separate fact from fiction when considering this transformative treatment. By dispelling common myths and misconceptions, we hope to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their hair removal journey. With the best laser hair removal treatment in Ghaziabad, you can achieve the smooth, hair-free skin you've always desired, safely and effectively. Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional hair removal methods and embrace the confidence that comes with silky-smooth skin, courtesy of laser hair removal.
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vivaaestheticclinic · 6 months
Viva Aesthetic Laser Hair Removal in South Mumbai: Your Ultimate Guide
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Say goodbye to unwanted hair with Viva Aesthetic Laser Hair Removal in South Mumbai! Discover the latest in hair removal technology and achieve smooth, hair-free skin effortlessly. Let's delve into the world of laser hair removal and why Viva Aesthetic Clinic is your go-to destination for this revolutionary treatment.
What is Laser Hair Removal?
Laser hair removal is a cutting-edge medical procedure that eliminates unwanted hair using a concentrated beam of light. This procedure targets the hair follicles, destroying them to prevent future hair growth. It is a globally recognized and painless technology with no discernible side effects, making it a popular choice for those seeking long-term hair reduction.
Procedure and Benefits
During the treatment, the laser interacts with the pigment in the hair, generating heat that destroys the hair follicle. The result? Smooth, hair-free skin that lasts. With advancements in laser technology, treatments are faster, relatively painless, and FDA approved for their reliability and effectiveness.
Treatment Pre and Aftercare Instructions
Prepare for your laser hair removal by avoiding activities like bleaching, waxing, and threading for 2 to 3 weeks before the procedure. Aftercare is equally important; refrain from waxing or shaving between sessions, keep your skin hydrated, and follow the doctor's prescribed time intervals for optimal results.
Types of Laser
Viva Aesthetic Clinic offers a range of laser options tailored to different skin types and hair colors:
ND YAG Laser: Ideal for pigmented skin types, including Indian skin, due to its safety and effectiveness.
Diode Laser: Suited for fairer skin types, providing precise targeting of lightly pigmented hairs.
IP Laser: Designed to remove fine hairs on all skin types, with a quick and efficient treatment process.
Permanent Solution with Minimal Discomfort
Contrary to popular belief, laser hair removal is virtually painless compared to traditional methods like waxing. With 6-8 sessions typically required for permanent hair reduction, you can enjoy long-lasting results with minimal discomfort and maintenance.
Why Choose Viva Aesthetic Clinic?
At Viva Aesthetic Clinic, we pride ourselves on offering the latest Triple wavelength laser technology for superior hair removal results. Our team, led by Dr. Deepam Shah, MD. DNB. FAM – Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Hair Transplant Surgeon, ensures personalized care and guidance throughout your treatment journey.
Contact us at 022 3573 1556 | 93245 89084 or visit us at Opera House for a consultation. Say goodbye to unwanted hair and hello to smooth, flawless skin with Viva Aesthetic Laser Hair Removal in south Mumbai!
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