#Affordable permanent hair removal
onefite · 7 months
The best product for permanent hair removal / Ulike
The Benefits of Ulike Laser Hair Removal System for Men and Women Introduction Introducing Ulike Laser Hair Removal System The Ulike Laser Hair Removal System is revolutionizing the way we think about at-home hair removal. Designed to be both effective and gentle, this innovative device uses IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology to help users achieve smooth, hair-free skin without the pain and…
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baredmonkey · 2 years
Are you tired of the daily hassle of shaving? Bared Monkey offers professional and affordable laser hair removal in NY. Our laser hair removal service is the perfect solution for those looking for a permanent hair removal solution. Our laser hair removal spa in NY is staffed with experienced professionals who will provide you with the best laser hair removal experience. Call us today to make an appointment and say goodbye to the daily hassle of shaving!
Know More:-  https://baredmonkey.com/services/laser-hair-removal/
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themoonsbeloved · 9 months
I still need help
Its now the 8th of January and despite being told by my friend who spoke with her boss 3 weeks ago during their meeting that he was to hire me in the beginning of January and would reach out to me, he hasn't. I'm hoping somehow, eventually, when this man finally bothers to, he will contact me for a job offer since he reassured me back in november that he still intends to hire me. But since I have no idea when that will be, that means I'm left hanging completely.
long story short I am mentally ill and disabled who was dismissed from my last and only job that I struggled 2 years to get, only to be fired in 2 months in June because of my chronic fatigue and abusive managers. I rely a lot on my henna but bookings are not consistent enough to make regular income, and majority of the money ends up going to contributing to house bills for my family.
My therapy picks up again this week, very honestly been the only thing keeping me from harming myself at this point with how painful life has been and I want to be able to continue getting it low cost (£25 per session), my therapist is so amazing and we recently came to the understanding that I have complex-PTSD, and plan to look into it more this year. I'm too mentally ill to try and look for jobs right now and am basically doing 3 jobs already (one being joint caring duties with family members for my grandparents since I live with them, which I'm not paid for obviously) with inconsistent money coming in/sessional work that I will be paid for once completed further into the year.
I have so many other costs that are coming in the near future, like paying for more medication, and for more lazer hair removal sessions for my severe hirsutism, which usually is around £300 if I'm lucky to catch offers. This is another I thing I mentally can't afford to stop doing, struggling with severe hirsutism and the trauma of it all my life means its important I can feel and live somewhat comfortably in my body. Lazer hair isn't permanent and I'm looking into electrolysis, but again, I don't have that money yet and would prefer to not leave a huge gap where I don't do lazer and the mental torture of watching my body hair grow back. I also haven't gotten my eyes checked in over 3 years, and know I will need a change in perscription and need new glasses. I hate nothing more than what its come to. I'm just exhausted and burnt out from the constant anxiety and depressive episodes, I'm barely eating or sleeping, I'm sick of everything and everyone and I just wish god would give me a break.
With all of the above in mind I'm aiming for about £600. This is all basically to help me just function and continue getting the things that help me not succumb to my mental health issues. If anything, my birthday's coming up in feb so I would appreciate it if folks gave some money if they have the means to. Anything is fine at this point.
Thank you so much
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theesirenteller · 10 months
maybeee a little domestic Drabble btwn my faves before the night ends?!😂👀👀👀
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*•.¸♡ 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙤 𝙢𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙨𝙠 ♡¸.•*
Every November Christopher caught the flu. Like clockwork, it came and slipped into his system like a thief in the night. Usually, he would pump himself with various herbal teas, supplements, and any other immune-boosting products a month before so that the cold would come and go. He couldn't afford to miss out on work for longer than a few days. He could afford it but he didn't want to or like to. This year he didn't prepare due to not remembering. He had a lot more on his plate these days with juggling around new business ventures, plotting around keeping a certain councilwoman out of his hair and being back in a serious relationship. So when that Mucus monster hit him, it hit him hard.
He was currently lying across the couch in his apartment with his headphones tucked snugly against his ears. His arm draped across his eyes as he tried to drown out the body pain and discomfort he felt on the inside. This was the faze of body pains, sore, fever, and a sore throat. He had been past the mucus, stomach aches, and chills.
A light tap on his chest caused him to remove his hand from his face and open his eyes. Only to be faced with Epiphany seated beside him with a glass mug of bright yellow liquid, "I ain't drink'n that shit again," he stated with a horse tone. His eyes lowered and glared as his lips held a permanent scowl.
Which caused Epiphany to giggle, "Yes you are. If it wasn't for this 'shit' you'd be still sounding like a cat loaded with hairballs." She caressed the side of his face with the back of her hand, "aw papíto, you're still so hot." she pouted.
"Come on...just a few sips." she coos in an attempt to sway him.
Christopher stared at her, His eyes trailed along her face and body as he inhaled deeply.
He slowly sat up wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his arms. Epiphany huffed at the sudden overwhelming sensation of heat that overwhelmed her body. He laid his head against her chest, snuggling his chest against her breast as Epiphany hugged him tightly. 'my poor baby' she thought to herself until she heard glass click against the wood. "Hey! Come on you still have to-Chris!" Epiphany's bickering ended with a sudden yelp as he flipped her onto her back on the couch.
"Better luck next time champ." He chuckled before placing a kiss on her head as he hovered over her.
"Ew!" Epiphany squirmed with a huff as she smacked her hands against his chest, "Get your zombie ass off me."
"Aw, that hurts." He chuckled deeply with a mocking tone as he stood up, "That ain't what you said last night though. What was it again? 'oh papi ven a dormir dentro de mi te extraño'," (come sleep inside me I miss you) he mocked her, raising his voice to a lighter tone.
"Whatever, it's your fault I'm needy." She dismissed with an eye roll with her cheeks blushing red.
"And I ain't complaining," Christopher called over his shoulder as he made his way across the living room and collected his black high-top sneakers from the closet.
"Where are you going?" Epiphany questioned as she sat up.
"Back to work." He replied with a flat tone.
"Hey, Daddy! yikes, you like the little girl from the ring." Marcus interrupted the pair by running into the living room from his bedroom.
Almost as if both Marcus and Epiphany had jinked him, Christopher started coughing. Strained and rough mucus-filled coughs left his mouth causing both Marcus and Epiphany to squeal in disgust.
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sleepycatten · 1 year
PSA about hair removal
This post is for anyone who's seeking hair removal, but especially for the many other trans women / trans fems I see being given misinformation by laser or electrolysis technicians, especially in the US and UK 🥺
Laser hair removal
* Permanent hair reduction.
* Always shave the area closely beforehand. Laser is less effective if you do not shave.
* Ideally look for a clinic that uses something like a Candela GentleMax Pro or newer. Such machines are less painful & more effective than ones like any of the Alma Soprano devices.
* 6-8 sessions will typically be the sweet spot before moving on to electrolysis.
* If the technician or clinic tell you not to use numbing cream, that's a massive red flag against their knowledge. A technician does not need pain feedback from you to know they're using safe levels!
* Permanent hair removal.
* You must let the hair grow at least a few mm before a session.
* Ask your electrologist for an estimate of how long it will take to clear an area, as their expertise and speed will vary. For example, NHS Scotland estimates it can take 250-400 hours to fully clear a face of facial hair. My own highly-experienced electrologist estimated 100-150 hours max for me, but has nearly cleared my face in under 25 hours. She's not yet taken more than about 120 hours to clear someone's face / neck fully.
* Again, numbing cream is not only absolutely safe, it's in fact highly recommended if you cannot afford local anaesthetic injections.
* For most folks, it's as much a mental challenge as it is about physical pain management. Even with numbing cream and strong painkillers, it's gonna hurt, especially in 2 hour+ sessions and around sensitive areas (especially the top lip and around the mouth).
* Aloe vera gel helps with post-electrolysis swelling and recovery.
Numbing cream
* The most common brand of numbing cream is EMLA, which is 2.5% lidocaine and 2.5% prilocaine.
* The strongest cream I've found without prescription is Tattoo Numbing Cream, which is 5% lidocaine and 5% prilocaine.
* If you can get a stronger cream on prescription at an affordable cost, this is definitely something to consider.
*To help with absorption, exfoliate and clean the area before applying cream, apply 60-90 mins before a session, and cover in an air-tight, water-tight dressing (cling film / plastic wrap works well).
Sadly, I can't provide much information on local anaesthetic injections. In the UK, they're typically arranged either by a medically-trained specialist at an electrolysis clinic or separately (such as at a dentist's) immediately before attending a session.
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thotsoflore · 24 days
I saw your post about bottom surgery and how your dms are open and I need help. I love in Canada and I'm lined up for bottom surgery but it's going to take over a year before I can get it, but I've been told conflicting answers about whether permanent hair removal is needed or not needed for bottom surgery. None of the people who have answered me are trans or Doctors, can you tell me if it's needed for MtF bottom surgery?
Permanent hair removal is usually required for vaginoplasty. There are some techniques that don't require it, but you're always safer getting at least the scrotum and perineum cleared. either with laser or electrolysis. it usually takes about a year, so as long as you can either get it covered or afford it, I would definitely recommend it. it's one of the longest and most roadblocky parts of the process, in my opinion.
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rehumanizewomen · 1 year
How will we come back from this?
The FDA has approved affordable at-home laser hair removal products for permanent hairless bodies.
Not only is being a hairless human more promoted than ever, it's more accessible than ever.
So much for aiming to re-humanize the female body. This ped*philia is right in front of everyone's eyes and women still partake in it, voluntarily self-objectifying and infantilizing full grown womanhood. What can even be done to combat this form of body hate and normalized misogyny when it is a permanent form of it?
Watch: Nood's "The Flasher"
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beta-lactam-allergic · 11 months
I find it stupid that there are arguments within the trans community to the point that we have insults like "truscum" & "tucute" inside the community.
I'm a binary transwoman & I don't get why any other binary transperson would pick on non-binary (NB) or genderfluid people. How is doing that any different from cisgender bigots picking on us? Why would we expect gender identity to be binary when sexuality is a spectrum & when BIOLOGICAL SEX IS ALSO A SPECTRUM. Seriously there are so many intersexed conditions that our binary focused society just ignores or pathologises, it's disgraceful.
I had my surgeries (FFS, trachael shave, breast implants & bottom surgery) because I wanted them but I don't expect all or even most transgender people to have surgeries.
Not everyone wants surgery. Some can fix their dysphoria by social transitioning alone. Others will use hormones without surgery (if AMAB usually also use body & facial hair removal methods like laser or electrolysis). I don't see how only needing this is any less than valid than me needing & getting the surgeries to fix it.
Of those who do want surgery, not everyone wants the full works.
Some AFAB (whether Non-binary, gender fluid or binary trans-male) only want top surgery not bottom surgery as their dysphoria is connected to their breasts. If that's all they want, than I don't see the issue.
Some AMAB (whether NB, gender-fluid or binary trans-woman) only want FFS & a trachael shave. I don't see the issue here either, tucking works perfectly well if the dysphoria isn't connected to having a dick (mine was) & all you need to do is pass. As for breasts, some people win the genetic lottery & grow C cups or D cups on hormones alone. Some are satisfied with breast forms. I was unfortunate enough to not be satisfied with breast forms & to want a B-cup whilst only having an A-cup because my genetics means that I can stuff my face with food & do no exercise without gaining much weight, which means minimal fat to redistribute.
Some people are scared of the risks of surgery. That's fine, bottom surgery is dangerous, so is FFS for that matter. I went into both knowing that, knowing the ways I could either die or be permanently impacted by a failed surgery. The surgeon I had for bottom surgery asked me if I was aware of the risks before agreeing to schedule an operation date. I'm pretty sure that if I didn't know the risks, he would've said no.
Even though my dysphoria was bad enough that I was willing to take the risk, & that risk paid off for me (I'm happy with my results & had no complications), I understand fully why some people just wouldn't take the risk. It doesn't make them less trans, it just means they prioritise decreased physical risk over increased mental comfort in their bodies.
And than many people who want surgery can't afford it. I only could because my parents allowed me to live under their roof rent free whilst I saved up for my surgeries.
To discriminate against those who can't afford it is too discriminate against our most needy, those either born to families too poor to help them or to bigoted families that kicked them out onto the streets for daring to be themselves. For someone who can afford what I got to tell those who can't afford it that they shouldn't have our support is class-based discrimination for its only an accident of birth separating us from them.
The bigots are coming for all of our heads. Gatekeeping & infighting just makes us weaker.
It doesn't matter if you are FTM, MTF, NB or fluid, if you are post-op, pre-op or non-op. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor. If you are white, black, Asian or MENA. None of this will make the bigots decide to spare you. The bigots want all of us, anyone who isn't cis, cleansed from the Earth the same way Hitler wanted a world without Jews.
The bigots won't stop until we are all dead, either by their hands or by suicide. We need to unite together amongst ourselves & with the cis allies we have or could have (& if you're in the Anglosphere, polls suggest there are more potential allies than there are bigots, even in places where the bigots currently hold the levers of power like the UK & the US South). That's how we weather this storm, that's how we win.
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cozycryptidcorner · 1 month
i'm sick and bored so here's a snippet of winter's first chapter.
let me know what you think, i'm trying to pull a "mysterious and weird thing is happening right now vibe." tristan is also looking for something specific.
Nevada opens her eyes, blinking rapidly at the bright, sun-like light blasting from the middle of the Central Square ceiling. It takes her a moment to remember how to breathe, the muted but familiar burn of acid settling in the back of her throat. Her knees buckle slightly, but she catches herself, holding out her arms for balance, trying to figure out how she got there. 
Is she hungover? That’d look bad, if she gets caught out in public while barely able to think sentiently. People walk slowly around her, in a neat, perfect current, the ones nearest sidestepping around her still body without so much as a glance. She sucks in her breath and slowly presses herself up against the wall, trying to check for the exits. 
One, two, three hallways open up in the wall, but they were always there. One leads to housing, one to the terminal, and one to the docking bay, and as Nevada blinks, everything else seems to snap neatly into place. Lights projected in an empty, rusted fountain to imitate the flow of water, the ballistic covers permanently welded shut over acid-worn fiberglass windows, layers of soot-covered posters going back six decades. 
Carefully, back to the wall, she slides her way over to the hall leading to housing, hoping to get back to familial units before she gets the wrong attention. Still, no one pays her mind, which is unusual, but Nevada is not about to complain. She walks, staring at the floor, rubbing the skin around her fake eye, but she trips and-
She’s home, sitting on a stool, up against the island counter as her mom stands by a cabinet, pinching pain behind her eyes. She doesn’t remember getting back to the unit, Nevada can only see her mom’s thick, frizzled hair, curls limp and ashy from a long shift at the refinery. There’s a quiet hum, a soft gurgle, and Nevada realizes her mom hasn’t moved for the past few seconds. Concern wretches through her body and she stands-
The shift bell screeches, and Nevada is standing over a broken vent she’s welding together. The soldering iron is in her hand, flame a little blue, and she shuts her helmet over her face. Something is wrong, she thinks, wondering if she’s sick. Isn’t she a little too old to be wearing her apprentice uniform, anyways? In fact, wasn’t she shuffled into another shop after getting into an altercation with her foreman? 
She wobbles backward, and she’s sitting in the office of her Chloe, quality of life coach, the couch sinking a little too much to be comfortable. Her knuckles are bruised and scabbed over, not fresh, but days old, though she catches herself picking the flayed flesh raw. Her quality of life coach moves some things around the desk, her blond hair tied up in a messy bun, her office tidy and corporate. It’s the only place that doesn’t smell like hot metal and soot, with an expensive air filter spraying a floral scent into the air as it removes any acidic properties. 
Nevada thinks, for just a moment, about tucking the sleek rectangle beneath her shirt and waddling out of the office with it. Not to steal it, necessarily, but to see if she can pull any kind of reaction from her quality of life coach, who has been so positively chipper that Nevada leaves the sessions angrier. If her assignment had any good intentions behind it, anyways. She hit one man, twice her size and twice her age, and her disciplinary committee has her sitting in an air-conditioned office full of life-saving luxuries she could never afford, coloring mandalas with half melted crayons-
Why is her quality of life coach staring at her like that? 
Nevada hadn’t even realized she stopped talking, she was too busy staring at the vent shaft, wondering if she could wriggle through it. Chloe isn’t saying anything, just looking, her eyes wide and almost accusatory, which is out of character enough that Nevada feels the hair along her arms stand up. 
“What?” Nevada asks, resisting the urge to be overly defensive. Chloe wouldn’t know about the boxing practice, yet, and she hasn’t gotten in any fights on the work floor. 
Chloe slowly quarks her head to the side, her features strange, blurry. But her eyes are clear, open, staring, in a studious way, like she’s gauging Nevada as some kind of threat. And strangely, colored, Nevada realizes, like she’s wearing colored contacts to make her irises purple. 
“What?” Nevada demands again, feeling annoyance rattle her chest. She narrows her eyes when Chloe doesn’t immediately answer, “what’s wrong?”
Another uncomfortable second passes, and Nevada stands to leave, only for a sharp pain to wretch through her body. She sits back down in the infirmary, a rotary blade lodged in her right eye. Nevada is still a metalworker apprentice, in the same unit as her mom, who is currently chewing out the foreman overseeing her shift. 
Nevada tries really hard not to cry, even though she can feel tears flow from her one good eye. She doesn’t want that foreman to see her weak, he’s such a mean-spirited dick who takes every opportunity to remind her of any mistake she makes. The only reason he’s here is because he thought Nevada and her mom were leaving their shift early and chased them down. Even after he gagged at the sight of her injury, now he wants to have an attitude about the cracked protective glasses that didn’t do shit to shield her eye. 
Anger blossoms in her stomach, and her headache worsens. It feels like there’s some kind of creature crawling around inside her skull. It’s not the same pain as the literal shard of metal slicing through her eye, but it feels somewhat familiar. Earlier- not this morning at breakfast, that doesn’t make sense- wasn’t she doing something else? Didn’t she hit that foreman and get removed from the unit? 
Wasn’t she just in her quality of life session to work on her anger management? 
The medic turns the corner, wearing a medical mask, and he kneels down to see the injury more clear. Nevada isn’t thinking about the pain in her eye anymore, because she’s suddenly aware that this- the accident, the doctor visits, the favor her mom had to pull to get a mechanical replacement. This is the same medic that helped pull the rotary blade and shards of the protective glasses from her skull. 
He looks her over, but Nevada sees a flash of white in the corner of her eye. Her entire face hurts as she turns, but it fades as she sees a shadow walk away just out of the infirmary, in the hallway. When she turns back to the medic, his eyes are the same, icy, light purple of- they’re the same as Chloe, who Nevada hasn’t met, because Nevada is fourteen years old and her mom is still alive. 
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fenmere · 3 months
So. Our beard makes us dysphoric. And when hugging or kissing someone, there is no better feeling than a smooth face brushing against another smooth face, and we deeply resent having hair that grows there and gets scratchy.
And the fact that we cannot afford nor endure the pain of permanent hair removal makes us even angrier and more distraught.
But, dispite that, there's something uniquely feminine and wonderful about being a scruffy and bristly trans girl kissing another scruffy and bristly trans girl and imagining that your beards could be like velco and get stuck together.
Especially when you know you both hate your own beards and have them only because shaving is too much work.
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battleangel · 1 year
Third Eye Realizations
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🧿Climate Change
🧿Protecting the Earth & the environment
🧿Banding together
🧿Pooling our resources
🧿End child hunger & poverty
🧿Eradicate homelessness
🧿Universal medical care
🧿Universal college & coding education
🧿Bodily Autonomy + Womens Rights
🧿Ancient Egypt
🧿Decolonizing the mind
🧿End paternalism + patriarchy
🧿Toxic masculinity
🧿End corporate America
🧿Restoring communities not policing crime
🧿Legalize marijuana & psychedlics
🧿End prison sentences for non-violent crimes (exception financial manipulation where people & families lose life savings like securities fraud)
🧿End school to prison pipeline
🧿End criminalization of normal childhood behavior of black & brown boys in elementary school that leads to juvenille halls, early prison records & sets them up for a life of crime for something they should be getting detention for
🧿End overmedicalization of black women by psychiatry & disgusting abuse of power through misdiagnoses, forcible drugging & forced hospitalizations
🧿Remove Protestant work ethic from public consciousness
🧿Strengthen unions & labor laws
🧿Stop prioritizing profits over people
🧿End preventable deaths from starvation, homelessness & curable illnesses and diseases by providing a universal living (not "minimum") wage, affordable housing & medical care so people stop dying needlessly in the "richest country in the world"
🧿Remove organized religions influence from laws, education systems, public sphere & culture at large as it has caused hatred, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, racism, persecution, genocide, unjust laws, oppression, suppression, indoctrination, brainwashing, forced baptisms, trauma, upheld patriarchy & paternalism, reinforced bullshit feminine ideals, subjugation of women & their forced submission to the "head of the household", dogma, blind faith, zealotry, corruption, grift, theft, "tithes & offerings", sex abuse, emotional abuse, psychological coercion, child abuse, hypocrisies and wars.
🧿Societal realization that feminine doesnt equal women, masculine doesnt equal men, anyone can wear makeup, heels, dresses, business suits, tuxedos, grow facial hair, not shave their legs, have acrylic nails, etc. and it has nothing to do with genitalia, sex or assigned gender at birth and everything to do with Spirit (as the Native Americans know with 2 Spirit), energy and how Source has divinely chosen to manifest itself in each individual soul and that expression of Source is as unique and individual as our fingerprints and if that expression is through gender affirming transitions, surgery, medical care, facial feminization surgery, changes in physical appearance, hormones, drugs then that is how that persons soul has chosen to express themselves in this temporal, corporeal, temporary and physical plane of existence -- the soul, our energy, Source, the divine is what truly matters and noone should question anyone elses unique soul expression which can be expressed and communicated in literally millions of different ways, through body art, body modifications, tattoos, piercings, hair adornments, permanent makeup, the list is literally endless and gender identity expression and gender affirming care is just one of these millions of ways and should not be demonized, hated, feared or legislated against.
🧿Opioids like fentanyl, percoset, oxycontin, etc. are dangerous, harmful and addictive. Millions are addicted and millions have lost their lives for no reason other than to enrich pharmaceutical companies. We can be healed with plants and herbs and we can be healed with our selves and our own inner healing power. We dont need these synthetic, unnatural, harmful & deadlydrugs. They should be made illegal.
🧿Cancer is nothing but a cottage industry and a money making tool -- with all the trillions and trillions donated and decades upon decades of research, where is the cure? Same with arthritis, lupus and other autoimmune diseases. Prescription drugs exist to make pharmaceutical companies richer, thats it.
🧿Satan was made up for Christianity, which is a bastardized & stolen form of kemet, Mary is a bastardized Isis & Jesus is a bastardized & fake ass Horus. There is no hell, hell is never mentioned once in the Old Testament, it was made up later for the New Testament to control and enslave. We are in hell, thats literally where we are now, what else do you call millions of children dying every year of starvation, from homelessness, from completely preventable & curable diseases when Apple is a trillion dollar company? What do you call the Earth dying because of profit and greed and capitalism? What do you call pointless wars over inside government jobs? What do you call genocide, systems of oppression, police killing unarmed Black men with absolute impunity, prison industrial complex, military industrial complex, school to prison pipeline, corporate amerikkka working people to death into literal early graves, money being valued over living human beings with unique souls, forests being destroyed, colonialism, colonizers, government experimentation, MK Ultra, minders, greys, the Bohemian Grove...youre in hell literally now.
🧿Decolonize your mind, heal yourself, commune with nature, unplug and disconnect, exit the rat race, stop treating yourself as a machine when you are a beautiful soul, stop overworking, stop hustling, stop overeating, stop overdrinking -- ethanol is a poisonous depressant, so how do you "drink to have a good time"?, stop overspending, stop overconsuming, stop retail "therapy", tap into yourself, tap into your soul, stop endlessly scrolling and tapping your phone, tap into Source, we are all infinite beings and they treat you like you are an inconsequential cog to be replaced -- if you die today, your job will replace you tomorrow i was a corporate recruiter and saw it happen more than once, listen to ocean waves, float weightlessly in a dark pool, stop listening to 24/7 news, stop being 24/7, youre not 24/7, you have a natural circadian rhythym, replenish your depleted melatonin levels, they treat you like a 5 below knock off when you are expansive & divine, stop killing yourself to make a CEO that doesnt know who tf you are and his shareholders richer they will brush your ass out the door this fall with the estimated 2 million more people being laid off, stop making yourself a number, stop being a statistic, stop being plastic, stop playing their game, be an individual, be yourSELF, know the Self, know Self, know thy Self, cant run away from Self forever, look inside because thats where all the answers are and thats the only place they dont want you to look so you google it but baybee what did people do before google, stop shortening your attention span, you are more than a Tik Tok, read a book, fight the power, fight the machine, take a slow leisurely walk to nowhere to do nothing, stop existing and curating your entire existence for social consumption on social media, you are not a thing to be consumed, you were wonderfully made by Source, you are Source, realize who you are and open your eyes...🧿
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Permanent removal of hair (experiment)
Alrighty. So, you want to permanently remove hair on your face (or elsewhere I guess) but can't afford/otherwise can't do electrolysis? Well, here's my experiment with this. If anyone wants to attempt it with me, I'd be very happy, but note that there are risks and it also may not work quite as well as you want.
First: If you have a needle, a battery (or better yet, a variable power supply), you can literally just do electrolysis on yourself just like they do commercially. You take the power source (ideally 4.5 volts, but absolutely no higher than 5 and 3 works okay) put the negative side or a wire attached to that side (the anode) somewhere around 3 inches away from where you're planning on doing the electrolysis. You then take the positive side, attach it to a (obviously it needs to be metal) needle. The thinner the better so that it can fit in the follicles better with less stabbing through skin. You carefully put the needle into the follicle and avoid stabbing yourself. If working with 3 volts, leave the needle in for 5-10 seconds or until the pain gets bad. If working with 5 volts, no more than 5 seconds. You just do this to all the hair follicles and then pluck them out. I'd say it barely hurts but I have a relatively high pain tolerance. Having done this to myself, I can guarantee that this works for permanent hair removal but you'll need to do it multiple times for complete success.
Second: (the possibly new method) You'll need baking soda (I used the cheap cleaning grade), boric acid, a power supply (either variable power supply or two 9 volt batteries), a small piece of cloth, two wires, a jar, and tweezers. I'm not positive that the boric acid or baking soda are necessary, you may be able to just use salt or baking soda on their own (but I can't vouch for them as I have not tried). Basically, you dissolve the boric acid and baking soda in water such that the baking soda is saturated (there is still some at the bottom which can't dissolve), then you soak the small cloth in it, wipe the area with the problem hairs with the cloth, re-soak the cloth, lightly squeeze the cloth so that it isn't dripping, wrap the cloth around a section of one of the wires, attach the cloth wire to the positive and the normal wire to the negative, hold the negative in 1 hand and with the other you carefully move the electrified cloth over the hairs. This should preferentially kill the hair follicles as the sodium hydroxide formed at the cathode will attack both the skin and the hair, but if the solution is placed on the face before the electrolysis, the solution will fill up the follicles, allowing for electricity to pass through them. And since the follicles allow for easier transport of electrons than through the skin, most of the electrolysis should be occurring in the follicles. Now, naturally electrolyzing a sodium salt on your face (especially at the 18-21 volts that seems to work best with this) has risks, like chemical burns and dehydrating the skin. In my case at least, I did not notice any negative effects other than dry skin. As of a week after attempting this, there's no regrowth, but that's also kinda expected since plucked hairs don't usually regrow that fast. One very good sign, however, is that the hairs that got electrolyzed were extremely easy to pluck out relative to the ones that weren't. So, even if this process is not a permanent removal technique, it makes plucking hair way easier and less painful. In 8-10 weeks I'll be able to say definitively how well this works. In case it's not obvious, don't do this if you have a pacemaker just in case. Also, a warning: I attempted this while having a septum piercing. Accidentally touching that metal ring with 20 volts was kinda crazy. My vision flashed white and I was left with a headache for the next 8 hours. I'm honestly still mildly concerned about it, but we're probably okay now.
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leak321 · 8 months
DIY hair colour: Reading instructions for optimal results
Embracing a fresh hair colour can be an exciting change, but the costs and maintenance often dim the allure. Fear not, because the solution lies in the realm of home hair colouring—a budget-friendly alternative with the added convenience of being on your own schedule. While the prospect might seem daunting for newcomers, armed with the right at-home colouring kit, the process becomes not only convenient and affordable but also remarkably successful.
Navigate through the journey of transforming your hair colour with our step-by-step guide, and you'll soon master the art of DIY hair colouring.
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Selecting the Perfect Hair Colour Kit
The key to a seamless home hair colouring experience lies in choosing the right kit. For an all-over, permanent colour, consider L’Oréal Paris Superior Preference Fade-Defying Shine Permanent Hair Color, known for its liquid formula that effortlessly spreads across the hair. If you're seeking multi-dimensional effects and preventing flatness, opt for L’Oréal Paris Feria Multi-Faceted Shimmering Permanent Hair Color in trendy shades like Chocolate Cherry.
Concealing grey hairs? Look no further than L’Oréal Paris Excellence Créme Permanent Triple Protection Hair Color, offering mess-free application with a non-drip cream formula. For dimensional highlights, explore L’Oréal Paris Superior Preference Balayage At-Home Highlighting Kit, complete with an expert touch applicator for that hand-painted balayage effect.
Pro Tip: If your hair is long and thick, consider grabbing two boxes of colour to avoid running out mid-process.
Brushing and Sectioning Like a Pro
Before delving into the colouring process, ensure your dry hair is tangle-free by brushing. Sectioning your hair makes the application more manageable. Part your hair down the middle, creating left and right sides. Further divide each side into sections, ensuring four even parts, or more if your hair is particularly long or thick.
Colouring with Precision
Start by applying colour to your hairline, blending gently with gloved fingers. Work systematically through each section, ensuring thorough coverage. Pay special attention to your hairline, revisiting it after colouring the front sections to catch any missed spots.
Crafting Your Unique Style
Continue the process, creating sections along your part and saturating the roots. Move towards the ear, flipping your hair back over and repeating on the other side. For the back, over-saturate by taking larger sections and pay extra attention to the nape of your neck.
Finishing Touches and Timely Rinsing
Once your hair is saturated, follow the instructions provided in your kit for the recommended processing time. Set a timer to avoid over-processing. After the allotted time, rinse out the colour until the water runs clear. Use the conditioner included, leaving it on for five minutes before rinsing. Dry and style your hair as usual.
The Journey Continues: Expert Advice on At-Home Hair Color
If you're stepping into the world of at-home hair colour for the first time or looking to enhance your DIY skills, expert colorists Millie Morales and Nikki Lee share valuable insights. From choosing the right shade to maximising colour longevity, their tips simplify the process for a seamless at-home colouring experience.
Insider Tips and Hacks
Embarking on the at-home hair colouring adventure might seem daunting, but with the right tips, it becomes surprisingly straightforward. Prepare for success with practical advice:
Wear a button-down or zip-up shirt for easy removal.
Keep a damp paper towel nearby for quick clean-ups.
Create a clear and organised workspace with necessary tools.
Apply conditioner from your kit along your hairline and ears as a skin barrier.
Section your hair into four neat parts for better control and coverage.
Rescue Mission: Removing Hair Dye from Skin
Stains on your face or hands from the colouring process? Fear not! Simple tricks using household items can come to your rescue:
Dabbing rubbing alcohol on the stained areas.
Creating a mixture of warm water and dishwashing soap for stain removal.
Applying a rich body cream or ointment, followed by thorough washing.
Using olive oil or micellar water for gentle stain lifting.
Decoding the Art of Choosing the Right Hair Color Online
Selecting a hair colour online may seem tricky, but these tricks can help you make an informed choice:
Avoid Ash tones for mostly grey or white hair.
Understand the tones: Natural, Warm/Gold, Auburn/Copper, Cool/Ash.
Err on the lighter side if unsure of your natural colour.
Match your colour-treated hair, avoiding overlapping on previously coloured sections.
Check the side panel for your natural colour reference.
Common Mistakes to Avoid While Colouring
Even seasoned DIY hair colorists can slip up. Be aware of these common mistakes:
Using the entire bottle for root touch-ups—focus on the roots only.
Leaving colour on for too long, leading to darker and ashy results.
Removing colour too soon, resulting in brassiness and insufficient lightening.
Attempting to stretch one bottle for long, thick hair—opt for two boxes.
Shaking the colour bottle before being ready to apply—mix and use immediately.
Hair Care Rituals for Colored Tresses
Maintaining healthy, coloured hair is achievable with the right approach. Keep your strands vibrant and strong with these tips:
Establish a regular cycle of shampooing, conditioning, and treatments.
Stay consistent with trims to eliminate split ends.
Make small adjustments to your hair colour, avoiding radical changes.
Limit the use of hot tools to prevent drying out your hair.
Adhere to a consistent hair colour application schedule.
FAQs: How Often to Shampoo and Color Treated Hair
Shampooing colour-treated hair requires strategic planning:
Wait 24 hours after colour application before washing.
Aim to wash your hair every other day, using dry shampoo when necessary.
Utilise sulphate-free, colour-safe shampoos like L’Oréal Paris EverPure Sulfate Free Bond Repair Shampoo.
Stick to a colour application schedule of 4-6 weeks to maintain consistency.
Choosing Colours for Blondes and Brunettes
The variety of blondes and brunettes is vast, so choose wisely based on your desired shade:
Explore the extensive range of blondes in Nutrisse for a diverse selection.
Olia offers rich brunettes and intense red shades.
Consider Nutrisse PL1 and PL2 for a platinum blonde transformation.
Crafting Your Colored Hair Journey
Maintaining vibrancy and health with coloured hair is a delicate balance. Adopt these practices for a flourishing coloured hair journey:
Stick to a consistent hair colour schedule of 4-6 weeks.
Choose colours that match your colour-treated hair for a seamless blend.
Embrace the journey with confidence, knowing that a well-maintained routine ensures the best results.
In the world of DIY hair colour, you're now armed with expert tips and tricks. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro, the key is in the details—choosing the right kit, applying with precision, and avoiding common pitfalls. As you embark on your at-home colouring journey, remember it's not just about changing your hair colour; it's an expression of creativity. So, enjoy the process, embrace the vibrancy, and let your unique style shine through. Happy colouring!
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pernlover · 8 months
I am all for not shaving if that is your preference.
I like to shave.
Why do people judge me for my preference when I don't judge them?
I just hate how hair feels. If I could afford permanent removal I would. Not because society. But because sensory.
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tugoslovenka · 10 months
Warding Bond - Chapter 7
Of Blood and Time
Surprise chapter because I really wanted a bit of a fight and tussle! Also happy belated holidays for my American readers. I hope that turkey stuffing was good! This is a bit shorter but hey, I was feeling like posting.
Also posting on AO3!
“Sing for me, Varra.”
The hair sticking to her sweaty forehead blocked most of what she could see underneath her. Her palms were burning from the heat of Raphael’s bare chest. Even after years of the same, rehearsed, vile display of affection she executed perfectly, she never accustomed her human body to the torridity of the Hells. The devil, true to form, clawed her hips, forcefully thrusting her down on his member.
She hadn’t noticed—not that she could have. Instead, Varra’s mouth opened as cries of pleasure escaped, echoing the name Raphael as she screamed into the winds that grazed her skin, spilling in through the open doors of the boudoir.
Haarlep too, mewed. His incubus form was busying himself where his master’s cock met her entrance, lapping away as he was told to.
“Little lamb…” Raphael cooed, removing one hand from her side to affectionately twirl the hardened nipple, which now bore a new accessory, a piercing in the shape of a horn. She had become something of a favorite, though Varra knew others in the House of Hope received similar visits—rewards. He had gifted it to her as a present, to mark the 134th anniversary of her freedom from the clutches of lord Cazador Szarr. 
The name held no significance to her anymore. Another face in the swarm that plagued her dreams, alongside the pale elf that seemed to permanently occupy her mind.
“You are remarkable, Raphael...” Haarlep’s muffled voice sounded. “Such power.” The smacking, wet noises of his own ministrations would haveelicited a groan of disgust, were it not for the performance she had to excel in. The devil often conquered Varra while forcing his incubus to watch, allowing him the occasional touch, lick—bite—to satiate his own lust. There was no end to the fiend’s stamina. After all, it was what they were born to do. 
“Say it, Varra,” Raphael moaned.
“You are cunning, master.” She raised the pitch of her voice to match the version he requested most often. “The most powerful cambion in all the Hells—”
“—Realms,” he corrected.
“And beyond!” she squealed, wincing as his nails scratched down the soft skin of her nipple, almost drawing blood.
This ritual of perverted love she had to accept.
It was methodical. It was expected. It was required.
Mephistopheles’s visit had unearthed a sentience she had long forgotten existed. It was difficult, explaining the absence of a thing suddenly finding purpose in directionlessness. Every day since the archdevil’s proposal, she uncovered new memories of old, revealed within the tiniest slivers of peace the House of Hope afforded.
One morning, she awoke feeling strange. Her hands touched the wetness underneath her eyes, trying to discern its purpose. The other servants couldn’t explain, but Haarlep’s excitement at the prospect of her return was evident. The incubus had no memory of what transpired when the Lord of the Eighth visited. Haarlep simply continued the act with the same forced benevolence that made Varra’s skin crawl.
She didn’t probe. She didn’t want to, really.
Knowing carried a strange unfamiliarity to her. The state of being that made her aware of her surroundings—of herself—was not an ability she possessed. And yet she found herself requiring, craving, demanding as if she had the will for it. It was smaller things—the smallest things—noticingHaarlep’s hand when they intertwined hers, disliking when Raphael mocked her, detecting the latest guest in the House of Hope.
Varra D’allrnir of Cloakwood, child of Gur, used to aspire. To think. To feel. To be. 
What was it like, staring into a reflection and seeing someone she used to know?
Althea slowly rose to her feet, keeping a hand outstretched towards the spawn. His frenzy had turned into anger, which turned into hostility, which turned into indifference. Astarion’s shoulders were slumped in defeat and yet, his eyes were fixated on her.
Detecting his thoughts would have proven useful. Even if he was not a vampire lord capable of instructing legions of spawn to do his bidding, he held an authority over the servants most devils craved. A collective delusion of servitude with no real merits. Althea recognized the fangs. Red eyes. Pale skin. The vampire did not have the magical capabilities to change their compositions at will. Even if he did, the ploy could not have withstood one hundred years.
“How did you survive it?” he finally asked. 
“How did you survive it?”
“I didn’t think I did,” he confessed. “It was the most excruciating pain of my life. It probably lasted a few moments, but it felt like days to me. And then it was better. I was better.”
“Stronger. The power—I can still feel it surging through me in all its potency.” He tried swirling his hand to demonstrate, but Althea’s magic kept it at bay.
“And yet he lived.” She pointed to Cazador’s corpse, not dead nor undead. 
“I do wish you’d stop saying that,” he sighed, annoyance evident in his tone. “He’s crossing the border to eternal rest, endlessly experiencing his own killing at the hands of, well, me. He can’t fully depart in this state. Someone was missed during the rite.”
Slumber. Rest. Eternity.
The perimeter between the living and the souls they came to be. Some priests called it the bridge to peace, though those who crossed it never came to know. The many Gods across the Planes each demanded a different ritual from those who worshiped them, their reward manifesting in eternal slumber at the end of the line. It was a brief moment, giving a final remembrance to the souls who would return to the pool of circulation. It was said that those who died in killing had the misfortune of experiencing their final breaths one more time.
If those tales rang true, then Cazador Szarr would have been experiencing the hundred cuts Astarion inflicted upon him for over a century; every waking—every dying—second.
“What of the others?” She furrowed her eyebrows.
“What of them?” he chuckled, humorlessly. “Gone to the weave, the Gods, the void—wherever we go when we die.”
While Althea was no cleric to understand the complexities of what the former vampire lord was undergoing in his undead dying, she wasexperienced enough in infernal contracts to know the terms could not be completed without the subjects preordained in writing. This meant the souls tied to the Rite of Profane Ascension could not be consumed by Mephistopheles as promised. The laws of the Hells simply would not allow this sort of breach. It also meant that their new subject could not gain the rights promised in blood and sacrifice.
“In you.” She realized, looking over his body as if she could see the poor sods in there.
Another chuckle, though this one reeked of irony.
“What a clever detective you are, my dear. Maybe offer your services to the Fists.” 
Partially ascended. Partially reaping the benefits of the contract while still cursed with the drawbacks of spawnhood. Althea’s head began pounding from the risks associated with this predicament, especially the ones that directly impacted her deal with Mephistopheles. Much like any other subject of a devil—archdevil’s treaty, she was not allowed insight into the fine print. All she knew was that killing Astarion would save her from Raphael.
It was unfortunate, then, that she lost concentration during her conundrum, feeling the weave dissipate from her fingers far earlier than she had wanted to.
A window of opportunity Astarion did not miss.
She didn’t even register the dagger striking the side of her leg, not until searing pain shot up her body, and her vision clouded. When her eyes opened to search for the vampire, he had already disappeared. Like one of the Shadows plaguing the cursed-lands near Moonrise Towers, he blended into the walls of the estate. Or teleported somewhere she could not follow.
The answer came with another sharp pain, this time from behind. The invisible force that struck her left another knife lodged inside her lungs.
“On second thought, maybe don’t join the Fists. I wouldn't want any upstanding citizen dying on account of your lack of skill.” She heard his taunts, but she could not see him.
Spinning around, she frantically scanned the room. If he had turned invisible, her abilities would allow her to locate him. This was not a spell, not one that required focus at least. Her mind searched for solutions to the danger at hand, ignoring the throb in her body that quickened her breathing. Reaching down, she yanked the blade out of her shin, hissing before turning heel for the door of the altar room.
She would not risk the one in her backside. Blood loss was a dangerous condition for any fighter, but blood loss for a vampire spawn meant loss of control. The ringing in her ears also grew stronger. The smell of iron emanating from the droplets of blood on the floor reawakened the desire to feed.
Her muscles seized, constricting fully when the compulsion began taking over. Althea forced her mind—screamed at it—to move, to keep running. Closed corridors and tight spaces were not where she preferred fighting anyone.
And yet, her knees began shaking, hands trembling, mouth drooling with need.
“Poor little vampling...” She heard him chaff, somewhere behind her—yet everywhere all at once. “You need to feed, darling.”
Feed. Food. Blood.
The clouding had begun taking hold. Any tactical maneuvers she had in mind were lost to the insatiable craving to sink her teeth into soft flesh and extract its vigor. Luckily, she still held a small semblance of direction, even if it was bordering on instincts.
A mist had formed from the very wood she was standing on. It rose, filling the space until it created a perfect shadow replica of Astarion. It looked at her, tutting in disapproval and—disappointment.
Althea opened her mouth to scream.
Any words that came to mind failed her.
“How sad.” It spoke in his voice, though muddled with a choir of many others who spoke in unison.
Shoulders. Core. Foot. Heel. Toe. Think.
She repeated the desperate cries coming from the woman that pleaded for her life once Althe—Varra lost control beneath the infamous glacier of T’chemox. The same mind toxin now coated itself in her spine, instructing her movements towards the poisoned well that was inevitability. 
Forcing her muscles to yield, she slowly rounded one shoulder, twisting her body painstakingly slowly while screaming, willing her tissue into obedience. One foot slid forward, which prompted her shoulder to hit the mists of Astarion.
It was corporeal.
The mists of vampirism.
A spawn, Astarion Ancunín was not. A full vampire, Astarion Ancunín was not.
“Impressive.” The figure moved, gently nudging her shoulder with his own. “Even still, incomplete.”
The pale elf appeared from the shadowed fog, studying her with a rather unimpressed expression. The clothes he wore were different—a black vest replaced the charred burgundy leather that she burned during their dine. A cape now cloaked his shoulders, ruby in color to match his eyes.
Althea let out a shriek as, without warning, the blood-soaked blade retracted from her back. The vampire raised his palm, beckoning it into its grasp. In an instant, her mouth began to water. Her saliva foamed at the crimson essence spilling from her flesh.
“I wonder…” he pondered, pointer finger slowly caressing the edge of the blade until she heard the slice of skin. The curse allowed her taste buds to pick up the most subtle tang of injury even when a booming fuzziness overwhelmed her. Slowly, he moved his hand towards her, watching with interest as Althea began snarling.
Shoulders. Core. Foot—Food. Feed. Blood.
A smile. He knew.
Any semblance of restraint dissipated as soon as his finger made contact with her upper lip. Any concentration she may have held onto was whisked away at the drop of blood that painted her skin. Her canines became fangs. Her brown eyes turned bloodshot and reddened. Her skin began paling to snow. Astarion’s finger had already pushed past her lips, and she now began suckling at the pooling blood like a newborn calf would her mother’s milk.
The sweetness from it was unlike anything she had ever tasted before. It was rich, complex, as if concocted with the intention to keep her addicted.
She drew with a moan, hands involuntarily finding themselves holding onto his wrist, nails digging into the firm leathers of his coat. Having sustained on nothing but animal blood for over a year, she felt the nerves in her body splitting and reforming at unnatural speeds. Pleasure turned into pain once her fangs ached at the intensity of his flavor. Her stomach began to growl and sore from the fullness.
A loud smack at the back of her head interrupted her feast, propelling her knees to connect with the hard planks below her. The side of her face planted against the wood, and she crained her neck, panic overwhelming her body when she couldn't sustain her bloodlust.
Astarion was now standing over her, bearing the same bored expression as he suckled on the self-inflicted wound to nurture it.
“I imagine you taste delicious, my dear. Let’s see, why don’t we?”
The sole of his boot, hovering exactly above her cheek.
And then, darkness.
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answersfromzestual · 1 year
Do you have any advice for preparing to get phallo/the process leading up to it? Also any advice on staying stealth while getting the surgeries done? I'm currently stealth and am looking to get phallo if/when I can afford it, but I don't know where to begin or how to not out myself to people during the whole thing.
Okay, lots to answer here. We will start with phallo prep. Alright, so one of the first things you have to think about is your donor site. You have a few options: forearm, lower back, and thigh. You want sensitive skin because this will form your member. And if course making sure you are healthy, no smoking, etc.
I chose my forearm. No matter where you pick, hair removal is important. For example: check the inside of your non dominant arm and see how hairy it is. They use the inside of your forearm to make the urethra. We don't want fissures, so most important for hair removal is your inner forearm. You can easily stay stealth while prepping your donor site with hair removal. Lots of people "don't like body hair". Or "I really want this tattoo to be perfectly visible". You don't need to offer a lot of information, people really dont care. "I want to prep my arm for a tattoo sleeve, and i dont want the hair to grow back and wreck the design". But lets be honest, they are in the busy of hair removal and they want you there. They dont care why lol. Explaining the scarring on the forearm after phallo: I say I burned my arm working at one of my first jobs in fast food. People have never questioned me. In fact, they usually will take it upon themselves to tell me some sort of burn story of their own to relate? I guess. Either way, it's chill. dont sweat the scarring. Definitely look up places that laser or electrolysis in your areas, or if you're worried in a city over. The point is: your skin will continue to grow hair, whether it's thick or teeny soft ones. You don't want that inside you. Same goes for the outside, your member will grow hair if you don't get the hair permanently removed.
It hurts, I'm not going to lie to you. But you'll be very happy with the results in the future. It's worth it. So... look into some hair removal places.
Exercise is important. Wrist exercises to strengthen are good if you choose forearm.
I'm not sure if you've had any surgeries. But you will need to get a hysterectomy and an oophorectomy as like the first "surgery step" of phallo. It's important to have these surgeries, especially if you've been taking T for longer than 10 years. If you don't remove the uterus and ovaries but keep taking T... you have a very high risk of getting cancer. So please, if you can try to see an endocrinologist at least once to get some basic knowledge on the effects of the hormones in relation to the inner workings of the human body, that would be good.
Stealth wise: it's your body and you can be rid of whatever innards you want lol. Meaning: tell the doctor you don't want the uterus and ovaries, and you want them removed. When asked "why...are you sure". "Yes, I am absolutely sure. I could go into surgery today if you have an opening" They won't have one open obviously but the point is: be insistant and strong and stern. If the doctor needs reasons here are a few: I don't want kids. I am in pain because of my period and it's affecting my quality of life". USE SPECIFIC LANGUAGE: "this affects my quality of life"
When you're in the process of phallo to stay stealth I used the excuse of needing to have corrective surgeries on my penis. Honestly. I was staying with my inlaws for the last two surgeries and they do not know at all. And I told them I had issues with my urinary tract (for me i have kidney stones and I said one tore me up inside so I needed to fix it). And honestly you won't be up and moving a lot after the first process of phallo, I don't really think you'll have an issue having to hide that. I want not just you but every dude to know men pee sitting down a lot more often than you think. After your first stage chances are you will have too much swelling to do the urethra surgery at the same time (but it can be done, I've heard people tell me). Basically the internet can provide you with medical excuses and stuff to tell others if they get too "intimate" with you.
Hopefully this helps a bit. If you have follow up questions, you know where to go!
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