#Permanent hair removal device
onefite · 7 months
The best product for permanent hair removal / Ulike
The Benefits of Ulike Laser Hair Removal System for Men and Women Introduction Introducing Ulike Laser Hair Removal System The Ulike Laser Hair Removal System is revolutionizing the way we think about at-home hair removal. Designed to be both effective and gentle, this innovative device uses IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) technology to help users achieve smooth, hair-free skin without the pain and…
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bosidinseo · 1 year
BoSidin OPT Hair Removal: How to Reduce Hair?
One of the top five non-surgical treatments carried out in the United States in 2016 was a laser procedure, according to the American Academy of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. BoSidin with the latest version of Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT) maximizes the benefits of both laser and IPL technology with a perfect mix of energy intensity and wavelength. The quality of the light used to penetrate hair follicles has improved, allowing more energy to be transferred below the skin's surface while leaving the top layer unaffected. The heat action that results puts the hair follicles to sleep, which can prevent hair growth. OPT provides a professional hair removal service in the convenience of your home.
hair removal, permanent hair removal, home laser hair removal, permanent laser hair removal, IPL laser hair removal, laser hair removal device, IPL hair removal device, hair removal device, laser hair removal home device, permanent hair removal device
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refeminizeme · 1 year
who wants to buy nudes?
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nowhere302 · 2 years
my hot girl transformation is underway. I will be unrecognizable by the end of the year
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queerspacepunk · 2 years
when someone raises a concern w me about the "irreversibility of allowing children and teens to transition" (which is a lot, having these discussions w people is literally my day job) i think about the fact that when i was 13/14 my mum bought me an epilator for christmas. my cousin got one too.
now i had shaved my legs maybe once or twice at this point, because my (frankly barely visible) leg fluff was apparently "bad" and did not enjoy the process or result. my mum, to her credit is p progressive and never pressured me to shave (except for my pits. she's odd about pits. convinced having armpit hair is bad for the skin or something idk) but there was this ASSUMPTION that bc i "was a girl" i would now inevitably need to remove the hair from my legs for the rest of my life. we were both given epilators SPECIFICALLY bc our mums believed that if we started epilating early, the follicles would get damaged and the hair would stop growing.
we were too young to get our belly buttons pierced (something that if we changed our minds could be removed and leave only a tiny mark as evidence), too young to start even puberty blockers among the people i often talk to, but plenty old enough to start the attempting to permanently destroy all the follicles on a good third of our bodies to the extent we were gifted these devices despite showing no real desire to do so!!
now quite apart from being trans, i love my leg fuzz. love all of it actual. had to shave my pubic hair for surgery once and threw a FIT i was so mad (turns out it wasn't actually 'necessary' at ALL) i would have been gutted to have missed out on that because I'd used the fucking epilator.
these arguments are always framed as 'what if they change their minds' or 'blah blah some risk' or 'they're too young to know what they want' but it's never actually about that.
the issue isn't that they MIGHT 'change their minds about being trans and wanting to transition', it's that those people are HOPING they will. its not a fear of those young people regretting their decision, it's a fear of running out of time to talk them out of being trans.
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levi-venn · 1 month
Been having Thoughts about the Mirror Batch! I picture Void and Memento with black hair (like most of the regs), and I picture Headshot with gray hair a couple shades darker than Crosshair's. Do you have any headcanons about what they look like? Or if they have any tattoos?
I'm so happy you asked! Here's your answer below. For anyone curious about these OCs, here is more information on The Mirror Squad
Physical Appearance of the Mirror Squad
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It isn’t often Striker is found without his helmet and his jumpsuit which helps regulate his hypersensitive senses. However, his helmet and suit can’t protect him from the sensory overload of his own hair. For this reason, Striker isn’t just bald. He is hairless. He has pale thin cuts over his body from shakily and obsessively shaving any hair he can find. Circuit crafted a laser hair-removal device for his brother to protect his skin from that dangerous obsession.
Striker has no tattoos.
His eyes are a stormy light gray that constantly bounce around his surroundings, drawn to every sound and flicker of light that isn’t often heard or seen by his brothers.
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We actually get to see Cryptid-style images of Circuit in the series finale of Bad Batch. While Circuit's hair is cut short here, Circuit's hair tends to be up in a messy bun, his face scruffy from sheer disinterest in personal grooming until Headshot tells him to clean up. His hair is salt and pepper, the white strands borne from the stress of his augmentations. 
Circuit is a brilliant artist and is covered in tattoos he applies himself. The gentle buzzing and the consistent rhythmic pain allieviates the stress of his overactive mind and calm his twitchy body.
While his skin heals, Crunch happily volunteers as his “canvas” and will sit for hours while Circuit tattoos his brother. Circuit's tattoos are a series of colorful vectors, geometric shapes, a strings of lime green binary that spell out things like “I joined the GAR and all I got was insomnia and this tattoo” and “If found, return to Crunch”
Circuit is leaner than his brothers teetering on underweight due to an instable, high metabolism and nausea caused by sleep deprivation.
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Crunch's pigment is lighter than his brothers, more freckled, with sandy blonde buzz cut and a neatly trimmed beard. His eyes are dark brown that are rumored to turn black when he is in "Rampage Mode", though this is mostly due to extreme pupil dilation.
Most of Crunch's body is tattooed at this point thanks to Circuit. Crunch’s favorite tattoo is on his chest of a Rancor wearing a rainbow party hat sitting next to a broken growth jar eating uj cake. This was a surprise tattoo from Circuit for Crunch's "Growth Jar Day", a holiday only Circuit and Crunch celebrate. 
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Void, our Eerily Calm Soldier, has no tattoos as he does not see the point in them. “The body is a decaying vessel, temporary like everything else.” Void does, however, see the point in paying special attention to his hair. In fact, Void is obsessive about his coal-black hair (black hair in honor of Fanfictasia's suggestion!), sculpting it daily into a short, narrow mohawk. His facial hair is meticulously groomed into a devilishly thin mustache with a stripe of hair on his chin.
Void has a multi-branched, red lightning scar on the right side of his chest that travels up his shoulder. The scar is from a mission gone wrong that resulted in Headshot saving his life, earning a permanent scar himself. Void never speaks of that mission, but he refused medical treatment of his own scar, wishing it to be permanent. It was a souvenir of the time Headshot saved his life.
Nothing "moves" Void emotionally, but Headshot's self-sacrifice was a fascinating event he thinks of often.
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Headshot (CX-2)
Above is concept art for CX-2 ("Sniper Clone") by Dawn Carlos for the official Star Wars Bad Batch Episode Guide.
Headshot is the only Mirror Squad member that kept his appearance as close to a Regulation Clone as possible. It helped diffuse tension between his brothers and the Regs since the Regs saw him as a “familiar face”. This conscious choice was also part of his larger plan to convince more Regs to defecting from the GAR (a plan that ultimately sealed his and his squad's fate to be put On Ice, their memories wiped, and become CX Troopers).
Headshot's facial scar came from an IG-100 MagnaGuard's electro staff, a scar he earned saving Void from a fatal blow. Under normal circumstances, Void doesn’t aid his squad unless directed by Headshot, but on this mission the injured Void scooped up his unconscious brother and carried him back to base himself. Void nursed Headshot back to health personally, firing warning shots at any medics who tried to approach. 
Most of Headshot’s wound healed, leaving only a single long facial scar.
Void never talks about the incident, but the squad noticed Void was quicker to obey Headshot's directions after that day.
Thank you again for the ask @fanfictasia. These characters are so much fun to explore and they develop just a little more with every ask!
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freckle-face-ace · 4 months
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Portgas D Ace X CisFem Reader
A/N - < text > = typed dialogue. 
The room was dark and smelled heavily of cleaning products. Despite the darkness you were enveloped in familiar warmth, though unlike every other night this time your head rested against his chest. You could feel his body rise and fall with the even breaths of his slumber, surprised he wasn't snoring. Shifting you attempted to raise your left hand to rest on his arm that reposed across your chest, stopping with the sharp tug the I.V. implant.
So, it hadn't been a dream. Your beetle was gone and you weren't even aware of the extent of your own injuries.
Ace startled with your movement lowering himself to be face to face with you. He greeted you with a guilty smile, eyes searching your features carefully. You smiled back meekly just happy to see him again.
His lips began to move but you were met with silence. Come to think of it you hadn't actually heard anything since waking. Not Ace's breath, not the movement of the sheets, not even the air moving through the room; just simply nothingness.
Ace saw the panic reflected in your eyes as your heart monitor began to beep at a quickened pace. Quickly he removed his phone from his pocket and opened a notepad app and began to type. Calmly running his fingers through your hair he drew your panicked attention back to his face before turning the phone to you.
<You've ruptured your eardrums. We don't know how permanent it is.>
<I know it's hard to process. Please breathe>
You exhaled the breath you were involuntarily holding and gasped for another. Placing the device aside momentarily Ace cupped your face and forced you to focus on just him. You felt your heart begin to steady as the dull ache of your fingers told you to unclench your balled up fists. A new wave of white hot pain rolled through your head.
"It hurts." you murmured squeezing your eyes shut.
Ace's warmth left your side; you opened your eyes to see him vanish from the room. Seconds later he reentered with a nurse. She moved to your side fiddling with the tube attached to your hand. Your gaze shifted to Ace as he typed a message out on his phone.
<Morphine. You'll be able to relax soon.>
The fear in your eyes was nearly heart shattering for the raven. But he smiled calmly letting his thumbs pad over your cheeks hoping to give you some comfort as a fuzzy warmth spread from your hand through the rest of your body. You hadn't noticed the nurse leave the room while you focused on your boyfriend's freckles.
<If you get tired sleep, I'll be right here>
You nodded wanting to speak but it felt strange to know sounds you couldn't hear would be leaving your lips.
It took a few days to feel somewhat normal and get moved to a different floor.
Ace had gone to get something to eat in the cafeteria while your morning shift nurse, Michael entered to change your bedding and help you bathe. This was the first time you'd have a shower in the hospital and you were not a fan.
<I'm fine really I can wait until later.> you typed on the tablet Ace brought from home.
<It's standard procedure. I'm afraid you don't get much say.> the nurse typed back.
Your real issue was that he was extremely attractive aside from being a complete stranger and opposite gender. You knew he was a medical professional but your medicated mind only intensified your chronic stubbornness. He huffed scooping you out of the hospital bed after carefully removing your IV and monitor.
"Noooo." You whined out loud settling in the wheelchair.
Ace entered and spoke to Michael before giving you an inquisitive look.
"He's trying to get me naked." You slurred your words unknowingly, a side effect of your hearing loss.
Your freckled raven chuckled at how adorably upset you were over a bath; it reminded him of Luffy. Crossing your arms you puffed your cheeks at his reaction, you were serious. He spoke again to the other male and approached you, wheeling you into the bathroom before exiting.
Ace returned with a towel, clean hospital gown and undergarments along with the tablet.
"I'll wait." You murmured.
He shook his head and grinned mischievously, <I'll help you instead of Mike>
Heat exploded across your face; you didn't know what could be worse Ace or a stranger bathing you.
<I've seen you naked.> the raven deadpanned at your mortified expression.
You snatched the tablet unsure if you could keep yourself from yelling, <Not in such a compromising way!>
<Y/N. Why are you being so impossible?> He looked at you sternly. 
Your bottom lip jutted out involuntarily. You weren't used to giving up control and having or needing help to do everyday tasks. A warm kiss to your forehead followed by your nose made your lips curve into a smile.
"Damn you." You blurted louder than intended.
<It'll be quick and painless.> he winked before helping you out of the chair and onto the stool in the shower.
You tugged the rubber band out of your hair allowing it to cascade around your face while Ace untied your gown and pushed it down your shoulders. He turned on the detachable shower head and began washing your hair while you closed your eyes and enjoyed having his fingers massage your scalp.
A small smile bent his lips watching you visibly relax under his touch. His eyes trailed down breath hitching once he caught sight of the massive bruise staining your skin from your left shoulder, between your breasts and curving around your right side. The smile he'd been holding falling to a frown as his eyes moved over you nicked up hands resting on the hospital gown bunched up in your lap.
"Ace." Your small voice drew his attention back to your face, "It's ok."
Even as you sat before him littered with injuries and deaf you tried to comfort him. You knew he was still wrestling with the unnecessary guilt laid upon himself for keeping you home passed your planned departure time. There wasn't an ounce of you that blamed him. In fact over the past days you'd told him many times.
He kissed your forehead again feeling a little less anxious and continued with your bath.
In the afternoon Thatch and Grace arrived to be present for your appointment with the ENT, Dr. Swepman. After taking an in depth look at your injuries and running a few tests he sat with all of you to talk about your recovery.
Ace typed out the conversation while you looked on impatiently.
"Right now we're looking at nearly 100% loss of hearing in both ears. Even if it's a loud sound it's likely she won't hear it." the doctor ran a hand through his sandy locks, "First I'd recommend a service dog."
"She has one," Ace replied referring to Kuma, "for anxiety."
"Is there a chance she could regain any ability to hear?" Grace questioned from your left side.
"Crazier things have happened, but I don't think it's very likely. Implants are an option down the road, right now her insurance won't cover the procedure and she needs to heal." he paused, "The hospital has connections with a nonprofit that helps people adjust after the loss vision or hearing. I've contacted them to set her up with an ASL teacher. The sooner she learns the better."
You sighed, frustrated with having everyone speaking as if you weren't sitting right fucking in front of them.
<Your sign language tutor will be here in a few hours.> Ace typed.
You made the most ironic face you could muster and gave him a sharp thumbs up, not in any mood to see any more people. It was exhausting and painful just to be awake.
<Don't be like that. I'll learn with you.> the raven offered a heart clenching lopsided smirk.
You couldn't help but slip even further in love with the sweet freckled pirate. What good deeds did you do in a past life that allowed you to have such a man? You pressed your forehead to his smooching his nose.
Thatch and Grace stayed most of the day having lunch and deciding to meet the ASL tutor.
Ace opened the door just as an impressively tall blond stumbled into the room catching himself with his free hand on the foot of your bed. Hazel eyes met your gaze from under his shaggy bangs as a wide friendly smile took over his features. Quickly he brushed himself off and held up a tablet with his other hand.
You chuckled at his slapstick entrance as he typed a message.
<Sorry about that! I've been told I can be a bit clumsy.>
<Are you ok?> you asked.
He gave a sharp nod, <To everyone in the room : My hearing is not impaired but I am mute. Don't be afraid to speak up!>
The boys and Grace introduced themselves and turned to you.
"F/N." You mumbled extending your right arm.
The man excitedly shook your hand and typed a new message on his tablet.
<Wonderful to meet you! I'm Rosinante Donquixote.>
Ace and Thatch shared a surprised look.
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answersfromzestual · 4 months
Phalloplasty Procedure Full Outline Offical (Radical Free Flap Procedure)
What is phalloplasty/ phallo?
Phalloplasty - "includes several surgical procedures that aim to construct male genitalia that looks as natural as possible. The surgery is divided into several steps that may vary from patient to patient. Generally, they are the three following steps" (Source1) . We aren't going to count if the prerequisite of hysterectomy. Since my surgical procedure, they have removed the requisite of an oophorectomy, that procedure is now optional thanks to the always advancing technology.
The first step:
a surgery that consists of creating a penis from a skin flap from a specific area of your body (most common areas are forearm and lower back) of the body that you would chat about with the surgeon(s) and that specific skin will be grafted to the genital area.
The second step:
Here, surgeons construct the urethra that will llow urination. This is known as Urethra Lengthening (often referred to UL) (Urethra Lengthening Procedure Post)
The third step:
At this stage, you will receive testicular and erectile implants that will allow for penetrative sex. Note: this is not the only type of phalloplasty sugerical options.
The first surgical step consists of:
the creation of a penis or phallus from a skin flap and fatty tissue of the donorn site involving the removal of blood vessels (to create a blood supply) and nerves (this is where nerves are disconnected and reconnected, which can take some time to gain full tactile function or feeling. This skin will be grafted to the genital area where a penis would naturally sit on your body. The next part of the procedure is:
"the burial of the clitoris at the base of the phallus;
the creation of the penile urethra within the phallus;
the lengthening of the biological urethra;
the creation of the glans;
the creation of the scrotum;
the closing of the vaginal cavity; and
the removal of a layer of skin from the thigh to compensate for tissue loss
on the donor arm." - (Source1) Some of these things are not the same for every surgeon, be sure to ask about if your clitoris could be not buried for example, or different pumping systems, varying styles in surgerical procedures from clinic to clinic, even surgeon to surgeon.
The second step consists of the construction of the urethra:
This procedure connects the penile urethra so the part of the urethra inside the phallus itself to your biological urethra that was elongated in the first step of the phalloplasty surgical procedure. The connection of the urethra is made by creating a tube from the skin of the scrotum between the openings of both parts of the urethra.
Note that the anatomical makeup of the phallus is composed of only skin, fatty tissue, blood vessels, and nerves.
It does not contain any muscles or a sphincter (a muscle that opens and closes like your butt does aka "the breakwall"), which means that after the second step, you may have to empty your urine either temporarily or permanently manually from the portion of the phallus by applying pressure to the phallus. (UL Article)
A minimum of a six month waiting period is necessary between this and the next stage planning.
Permanent hair removal from the area that will be used to construct the urethra is also required to avoid complications (unless during the consult the doctor states otherwise). Note that it is impossible to determine in advance which area will be depilated since it must be evaluated after Step one. It is at this time that you will receive information about hair removal,
The third step:
Involves insertion of implants (erectile device and testicular implants).
This procedure will allow you to be able to get an erection in your penis (phallus) and now you have the ability of penetrative sex. Erectile Devcies Post
You will have to wait a minimum of three to six months after the second step (healing and surgeon(s) pending) and have no urinary problems before planning the third step. If complications do come up, they will have to be completely treated and healed before the implant surgery can be performed.
"Depending on the surgeon's assessment, the second and third steps may be reversed." (Source1)
Everyone has to decide whether to undergo one, two, or all three steps. Meaning you can stop after any phase/step of the three)
This choice is super personal and must be made according to what you need, your expectations of the outcome, and the impact it has on your daily life.
There are a few factors that may influence your decisions, such as wanting to urinate while standing, the desire to have penetrative sex, having more masculine genitalia, etc.
The estimated time to complete all three stages of phalloplasty can vary from two to three years, including the waiting I'm between surgeries.
These results may vary according to the age, weight, quality, and elasticity of the skin at the donor site, the scarring process, lifestyle habits and the overall health of the patients, healing, how well you take care of yourself, etc. The radial forearm free-flap technique is shown to produce the best results from bottom masculinizing surgery options.
Mandatory Prerequisites for Phalloplasty:
Hysterectomy with removal of the cervix done minimum six months before the phalloplasty procedure. *There are two options for this: removing the uterus only (called "total hysterectomy"), or option two removing the uterus, fallopian tubes, and the ovaries, also called "total hysterectomy with salpingo-oophorectomy"*
Permanent hair removal (second step when recommended to start). The recommended options are laser hair removal or electrolysis, which may be more beneficial for results. from the area of the phallus donor site to prevent complications with hair growth (fistuals), which can cause issues such as infection and even surgerical intervention to fix the issue area(s). Surgeons typically like to see the graft site not have any hair growth for a minimum of three months.
Talk to your primary physician and/or gynecologist to help you make an informed decision about your choice on the type of hysterectomy you get.
And talk to your surgeon and your primary doctor about which option of hair removal is better suited if one is not insisted on you using it.
A vaginectomy can be removed since only 2 cm will be used for the phallus.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Before phalloplasty can be performed, it is important to know that you must have a healthy weight or have a BMI under 30, and you can not have excessive fat accumulation in your abdominal area.
"Being overweight and abdominal fat can compromise the connection of blood vessels during the procedure and lead to significant surgical complications.
If your BMI is 31 or higher you be most likely required to lose weight before the surgeon will perform the procedure.
Patients with a high BMI also have a decreased potential for healing and decreased satisfaction with surgical results." - (Source1)
Source List:
Source1 -GRS Montreal,Quebec, Canada - downloadable PDF -used as the direct quotes and most of the information
John Hopkins Hospital - used for an information source. -https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/phalloplasty-for-gender-affirmation
Cleveland Clinic -an information source (I barely used this)- https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/21585-phalloplasty
Article- Self written on Urethra Lengthening Procedure
Article- Self Written - Erectile Devices Available
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merakiui · 1 year
i need to hear your thoughts on anything about yan! alhaitham i don’t know why he has me in such a chokehold on me but he does 😭🙏
It’s the same for me as well. T-T the chokehold is extreme. I’ve heard his rerun may be coming soon and I fear for my restraint. Is one Alhaitham worth more than Scara constellations???? 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
I may not have many coherent yan!Alhaitham thoughts to share, but there is one that’s been taking up residence in my head a lot recently. It’s a concept in which Alhaitham confines you to his house, but he can’t always stay at home to watch you and he isn’t so cruel that he’d lock you up and prevent you from getting proper exercise. He allows you the mobility, so long as you won’t leave the house. To ensure your obedience, he’s put a tracking cuff on your ankle. It’s essentially the Teyvat-equivalent of modern day house arrest. T-T he’ll know the minute you take one step out of the house or if you try to remove the cuff, and though you’ve never known Alhaitham to be violent you’re still unsure of the lengths he’d go to to keep you hidden like a secret.
Only you’re not a secret, at least not one that only Alhaitham keeps.
Kaveh never says much regarding your predicament when Alhaitham’s around (you think he’s given up trying to debate the oh-so-rational Alhaitham on why keeping you here is necessary), so instead he keeps quiet. It’s obvious he disagrees; you can tell when he looks at you with so much pity softening his eyes. When Alhaitham isn’t home, you try to convince Kaveh to help. You pull all the tricks you know: sad eyes, weeping, complaining, bemoaning your stifled future, pleading for freedom, persuading him to help you now otherwise he continues to keep this terrible, horrible, criminal secret regarding your whereabouts. Kaveh breaks by the second week, but truthfully he’s been on your side the minute you became an addition to the house.
He sits you down at the table and, very seriously, asks if you have a plan. You tell him you can’t leave or else the tracker will notify Alhaitham and it’ll just leave you under more surveillance—or worse: permanently shackled. You’re trying to avoid a punishment and Kaveh understands. You also don’t want Alhaitham to know you’ve found an ally in Kaveh, though both of you know it won’t take much for him to predict and suspect. You and Kaveh plan over tea every day Alhaitham’s busy, swapping ideas like one might trade cards. And when Kaveh can’t be home, you’re mulling over the situation, hoping to find some loophole Alhaitham has yet to close. You’re always second-guessing yourself. If you do find a loophole, what if he’s intentionally left it open? But then how far ahead could he possibly think? And does he really know how to predict your every move? Surely not, right?
Eventually you realize something. The tracker may have technology you’re not very well-versed in, but surely Kaveh knows something. And something is better than nothing. You sit down with him one day and blurt the question: “Is it possible to re-wire the device so it’ll stop sending regular location updates to Alhaitham?”
“So, in other words, you mean you want to break the signal?”
“More or less.”
Kaveh drums his fingers on the table, considering it. “It’s possible,” he says after a silent minute. “But he’ll notice.”
“I’ll be gone by then.”
“You really think you can outrun him?”
“I’d rather test what little odds I have than let this chance slip away.” You take Kaveh’s hands in yours and squeeze reassuringly. “I’ll pay you. I’ll find a way to give you enough so you can get your own place. Or we could leave together. We could be roommates instead!”
Kaveh’s chuckle comes out strained, more wheeze than actual laughter. “It sounds great in theory. In practice, it’s more complicated than simple wishful thinking.”
“Then help me with the device first.”
Kaveh slips a hand out from your hold, and at first he intends to run it through his hair. But instead he places it over yours. “We’ll need a plan…and a back-up plan. This isn’t something we can do overnight. One misstep and you’ll fail, (Name). You have to take every little detail into account. Alhaitham is meticulous. You need to be even more meticulous.”
“I know. I…” You exhale an exhausted breath. This situation is far from ideal. “I know. I can wait. I’ve been obedient and cooperative. He won’t suspect a thing.”
Kaveh’s smile is thin. Somehow he doesn’t believe that, and neither do you when, hours later at dinner, Alhaitham asks if you’ve busied yourself with a new puzzle lately. You think it’s a trick question, but then you’ve been pondering for too long because he adds, “You’ve filled the workbook, haven’t you?”
Right. The workbooks he brings you. They’re simple puzzles: crosswords and whatnot. It’s meant to keep your brain sharp, to give you something to do so you can’t complain that Alhaitham treats you like a prisoner because, in his words, “Are prisoners awarded the right to entertain themselves with brain games?” Right. Just the workbook puzzles. He wasn’t referring to anything else.
You think you’re in the clear when you give your response and dinner carries on as it usually does. But you still can’t shake the feeling that he’s seen through you…
As you’re clearing your place at the table, Alhaitham, who is never one for pointless conversations, says, “You spend a while in the kitchen during the day. Is there something particularly riveting in there?”
You look at him. The kitchen is where you meet with Kaveh to discuss strategies. Of course he’d recognize an unusual pattern. He’s always so observant. But then he wouldn’t know Kaveh keeps you company. He wouldn’t know. He doesn’t know.
He doesn’t know.
“Nothing special,” you say, shrugging, feigning nonchalance.
Alhaitham is quiet. The gears in his brain are turning, no doubt. Before he can come to a conclusion—the correct conclusion, you keep thinking—Kaveh comes to your rescue. He makes a show of tripping on his way to the sink, his plate crashing to the floor with a noisy clatter. It shatters and he curses, chiding himself for his clumsiness.
“That was my favorite plate, too!” he mourns with a groan, gathering the shards, exchanging a sharp glance with you from his place on the floor.
Alhaitham’s expression doesn’t change, but he says, “The plates look the same, Kaveh.”
“No, they don’t. Their differences are subtle, but I wouldn’t expect someone like you, who lacks an eye for aesthetics, to recognize it.”
And so their debate begins, and for the moment you’re spared. Thankfully. But Alhaitham never takes his eyes off of you, even when you’re in his peripheral, as if he intends to dissect you with a calculating stare. You have to be sneakier next time. No more kitchen discussions.
You’ll move rooms often. He can’t catch another pattern if you aren’t settling into one, right?
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sickficideas · 6 months
I love whumping the Vs from Hazbin Hotel – all three of them, not just Valentino, since rich bastards are my favourite type of victims – and here’s some cute ideas I’ve come up with for maximum pain.
Valentino has a tendency to lose his wings. A moth’s wings cannot grow back once ripped, so it’d be permanent karma on his part. Piercing and cutting them without removing them could also be fun. Another insect-specific whump could also be dosing him in smoke or nailing his limbs to a surface.
Velvette’s main target are her hair and face. She’s an influencer and values her beauty. Her ankles are also vulnerable. She seems to be the toughest of the trio, though, so she’s usually the spectator and caretaker.
But the most whumpable by far is Vox. He’s an electronic device, so there’s so much one can do to break him. Shatter his screen. Dose his exploded circuitry with water. Leave him without battery to recharge, making him weaker and weaker until he passes unconscious. One time I had the whumper – Crimson from Helluva Boss – wire him to a running car battery until he overloaded and his head exploded in smoke. He was repaired but… it wasn’t amusing for him.
His fragility can also force the other two to do things against their will to keep him safe.
Do you like these ideas so far? What else can we do to bring the dreaded Vs down to everyone’s level?
Hazbin whump is so much fun specifically because almost all of them are at least half non human, there's so much room for creativity with whumping them LOL these are absolutely fantastic. I think especially anything insect or generally animal related is always fun and really interesting so I love your ideas for Valentino but these are all great 😈😈
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noelle666 · 6 months
Heinrix van Calox - a collection of headcanons
I was thinking about headcanons for Heinrix for some time after rewatching his romance dialogues for several times (to search details I might've missed), thinking about his life before the events of Rogue Trader. So I am making a little collection of them.
Warning! These thoughts are fanfiction/headcanon, some of them may be close to what we see in game (or maybe even repeat some events), some of them related to my RT Noelle (because they are in relationships and of course it is a great base for fan thoughts) and maybe to Maarden too. So please don't take them seriously. =) I think I'll be adding new thought to this post from time to time if I come up with something new.
As I mentioned in this post it was not necessary to remove Heinrix's psyker implants he recieved after completion of his training - he was stripped down of them because Calcazar wanted to test his new acolyte, to see if he is good and strong (and maybe stubborn) enought to recover himself.
Heinrix doesn't waste his powers on small things, like shaving, but he is very picky about his hair (as Tanakia mentioned in chapter 5), so he controls his haircut.
He sees dreams almost every night. He tried to use different technics to sort of "discipline" his slumber because even after many years he still from time to time sees dreams about his past which trigger different emotions he would like to forget on one hand, but on the other they make Heinrix overthink the events of his whole life. This overthinking and analysis makes him "alive", it reminds him he is not emotionless servitor but his longing for home and sisters can be very distractful. Over the years Heinrix learnt not to dive deep into those thoughts.
Heinrix's and Noelle's hearts literally beat in unison but only under specific circumstances: when two of them are together and no one else is around or if one of them is nervous and the other one is near (the heart beat of the one who is calm sort of affects the other one's). Heinrix knows about this detail, he noticed it during Commorragh events: he thinks Tervantias the Archmachinator did something to both him and Noelle. Probably during his experiments he somehow learnt the interrogator has feelings towards Lord Captain (maybe Heinrix was screaming Noelle's name while being tortured and/or something else related to her, or maybe the haemunculus used Idira's telepathic skills to read Heinrix's mind before putting his monstrous device on her). At first Heinrix was worried that such effect could cause a lot of trouble especially if it is permanent and can work on long distances, so he started his observation and research. After discovering that only some conditions are needed to trigger this unison effect, Heinrix felt some relief (but he is still cautious and makes notes about anything unusual).
Heinrix is a tactile and a touch-starved person. Most of a time he distances himself from physical contact because it is not necessary at his work field, plus during his psyker training the discipline was very strict: don't touch if you are not allowed, dont speak if your are not asked, don't look if you are not ordered to do so. He thought he got used to it; even brief contacts with women who were his short-term lovers, did not trigger strong emotional reaction and desire for developing long serious relationships (mostly both parties from the very start new it is only an affair and all were comfortable with it). In the situation with the rogue trader Noelle von Valancius everything was different: she sincerely wanted to know Heinrix better, step by step, she sincerely started to sympathize with him after learning what he had to go through, she saw him as a human being with his own desires and feelings and never treated him as the Inquisition's tool. When Noelle kissed Heinrix at her Magnae Accesio ceremony, the interrogator felt something he never felt before, a pure bright feeling, so strong it could've broken you into pieces and revived the moment after. At this very moment he wanted time to stop, he wanted to never let Noelle go (warmth of her body and lips were something he desperately needed as he realized some time after) and at the same time he experience fear which was as strong as this new emotion born thanks to a woman next to him. Heinrix tried to use all his discipline skills to put out the flames in his chest but eventually realised he failed. Between the ceremony and Commorragh events, Noelle and Heinrix played regicide couple of times, and after each party he was holding Lord Captain's hand in his hands for some time and then he was kissing each of her fingers. In responce Noelle was caressing his cheek: a little gesture, but very important for someone who wanted to feel real human warmth, real touch. After some time, when the two of them developed stronger and deeper relationships and started to share a bed, Heinrix allowed himself to satisfy his "touch hunger" during long foreplays (and Noelle was not against it, on a contrary - they both enjoyed mutual touches with hands, fingers and lips).
Neither Heinrix, nor Noelle never could've thought their first intimate moment would be spent in one of the most cursed places of the galaxy, but both of them agreed - now or never. The place was not the most comfortable: no proper bed, eyes are everywhere, the time they could've shared together was terribly short and both of them were not in the best shape, so they had to act as fast and cautious as possible. Heinrix noticed bruises and scars on Noelle's body (the result of Tervantias and Malice's "surgeries"); this view broke his heart, he couldn't hold himself: he started covering Lord Captain's wounds with kisses while using his powers for healing. Noelle felt cold breath of Heinrix and asked him to stop and to not wasted his talent on her, especially after the torture he survived, but the interrogator only shaked his head: "I cannot just look at you and do nothing. I know we do not have much time now, but please, allow me to heal your wounds. I promissed to help you and be here for you and this is a part of it". In the end, when Heinrix finished his job, they still had time for intimacy. When Noelle and Heinrix were spending their first "proper" night together in Lord Captain's quarters, the interrogator inspected his beloved's body: he was looking at her silently and very attentively checking if all her wounds are healed and to make sure he hasn't missed one.
At first Heinrix didn't really like a company of Maarden: the interrogator found the pyromancer annoying because of his almost endless desire for chatting. After some time two psykers became more open and friendly towards of each other: Maarden explained why he acts as he acts and reduced the degree of his blabbering and Heinrix helped his "collegue" with some technics when Maarden's telepathic powers became stronger. From time to time Maarden was allowed to enter the interrogator's quarters and talk to him on different topics while two of them were drinking recaf.
Heinrix bears a great amount of self hatred. He learnt to suppress it over the years, he almost forgot about it but the problem was always there. Noelle's attitude towards him, her strong empathy, love and sympathy opened old wounds, cleansed them and helped them to start a process of healing: Heinrix slowly started to understand he can show his "weak" sides and not to be judged. Noelle become his "home", her quarters now are the safest place, hence when the "breach" happened whole Heinrix's being, his instincts automatically led him to his beloved's room. He experienced animal terror when Lord Captain was not found in her quarters, he started to call her mentality even understanding it will have no effect since he is not a telepathist, but the sound of her name in his head brought some comfort and helped the interrogator to focus for some time and not be swallowed by ice.
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ryan-the-dark · 8 months
Claire McCallister knows Becky Botsford is WordGirl.
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I know! I know! Give me a second to explain and break this down.
In the very first episode of the series "Tobey or Consequences", Claire is shown to be intelligent enough to craft together devices to counter her son's robots.
This shows she's just as if not more intelligent than Tobey! There's the argument that could be made that Tobey made those devices but why would she make him? He would be able to program ways to short-wire them.
In the same episode, it was referenced that WordGirl calls Mrs. McCallister whenever Tobey commits crimes. Now I know this isn't much evidence, but let's say for this theory, she met Becky by now. This could be when she was suspicious because of how similar "Becky" and "WordGirl's" voice was.
If that ain't enough to convince you, maybe this will. In "By Jove You've Wrecked My Robot", Tobey tells Becky and I quote:
"And if you try to run off and turn into WordGirl, I'll use all the robots to destroy the city."
Now, if Claire's as smart as Tobey and we're using that for this theory, I'm pretty sure when she sees Becky, she'll put the pieces together in similar reasons. "The same hair color, the same skin tone, the same lips" as Tobey points out: "You and WordGirl are the same height, the same hair style and color... The same sparkingly smile. The same ruby lips..."
Now if Tobey put these pieces together, I think Claire, through enough time, could do so as well. I think the reason why she doesn't say anything is because one she has to make sure her son is punished for his crimes. And two, she respects WordGirl enough to not risk anyone who would use that information incorrectly to find out. The only reason she doesn't say anything to Sally who is her friend is because she either found out she doesn't know, think she knows and just playing an act and so acts none the wiser, or just don't want to ruin the current dynamic with the possibility that the Botsfords doesn't know. Another reason, she knows Tobey's happier around WordGirl and doesn't want him to be bothering Becky in her private life.
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This is "Robo Camp", a fairly early episode, being season 2 episode 11. At this point, she was trying to push him to cease doing robot activities:
Claire: This is going to be an important trip for you, Tobey, because you’re going to learn to appreciate nature. And hopefully grow out of this silly robot phase.
Tobey: Yes, Mother. That would make sense, except that nature is a thing of the past! Technology and robots are--
Claire: TOBEY! No robots! I don’t want a repeat of what happened last summer at basketball camp... Or two summers ago at baseball camp!.. Or last, last, LAST summer at drama camp!... I mean it, Tobey! No giant robots, end of story! You need to be more independent, and learn to do things on your own!
Btw, I think the reason why they're not very close is because they don't understand each other not that she doesn't care about him or vice versa, but I won't get into that into this blog.
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I can see Claire having a moment where she realizes: "Wait a minute Tobey's not happy around other kids. He's more lively around WordGirl and enjoys her company..." That type of thing. So she doesn't do much to try to stop him, not that she approves, but because she genuinely loves Tobey and values his feelings, even though she wishes he would stop with the robot attacks.
It would also explain the reason why she doesn't remove his robot privileges permanently. For people who follow abusive Claire, there's so many things to debunk this. Like in the "Talent Show Tobey" episode where she was cheering Tobey on and was genuinely proud of him until his robot destroyed the building. Given Tobey entrapped WordGirl into reading poems in this episode, you would think she wouldn't care about WordGirl. Well, do remember that it's not like Claire knows. She just thought WordGirl agreed, and was happy that Tobey was doing something she'd viewed as productive and WordGirl was kind enough to help him out.
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(More happy Claire please! 💯💯💯)
In the "Guess Who's Coming To Thanksgiving Dinner" episode, she was trying to enjoy the holiday, and when he left, she was searching literally everywhere for him. When he came back, she was happy to see him.
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In "New Year of Doom!" Tobey and Claire smiled at each other on top of a robot throughout the New Year count-probably the most touching moment between the two and shows she supports whenever he builds his robots just in a constructive way.
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I think if she wanted to, she would scrap all of his robots. She literally could, but she knows she would end up breaking his heart. He would be broken because he'll be forced to quit similar to when Miss Power threatened to never allow Dr. Two Brains to have cheese again. She always gave me reluctant disciplinarian type of vibes and would never do anything that would break his little heart. Off topic for a bit, that's why I wish there were more fics about Claire redeeming Tobey instead of Becky because, while I'm all for Tobecky, I feel like that makes more sense considering Tobey pressed so many buttons and disrespects her, and Becky's still a child at the end of the day while Claire is an adult so her mind is wiser, he's her son, and has more reasons to redeem him. Most of all, WordGirl's one of the superheroes of the city and don't have any obligation to redeem any of the villains besides maybe Dr. Two Brains with the whole mouse brain dilemma. She could guide them, but I feel like she would be suspicious about Tobey's change at least for a while. One last thing, while I do like redemption stories, the characters themselves have to change. Guidance is different from forcing them to switch sides. Claire redeeming Tobey stories would allow more ground to be given if that makes sense.
That aside, now, let's say Tobecky happens, and they sort out their issues especially with Tobey's (there's plenty of them as Go Gadget Go shows) I can imagine something like this occurring when a teenager or adult Becky inevitably has to tell Claire she's WordGirl because let's be honest it would avoid a lot of awkwardness. I even see her telling her family eventually, but this is how I actually see it going:
"Mrs. McCallister, I'm WordGirl..."
"...I am not blind, Becky. Though I have tried to be, for Tobey's sake. And for yours. I have suspected things about WordGirl a long time ago. I have put the pieces together as he had, though we do not speak of it. I... pretend that I don't know. And I was happy to, because it made him happy. WordGirl made him happy, when nothing else ever truly could."
If a teenage or adult WordGirl series or some other thing that continues the show ever happened where this theory was true, how do you think Becky would react to Claire knowing that she was WordGirl?
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sleepycatten · 1 year
PSA about hair removal
This post is for anyone who's seeking hair removal, but especially for the many other trans women / trans fems I see being given misinformation by laser or electrolysis technicians, especially in the US and UK 🥺
Laser hair removal
* Permanent hair reduction.
* Always shave the area closely beforehand. Laser is less effective if you do not shave.
* Ideally look for a clinic that uses something like a Candela GentleMax Pro or newer. Such machines are less painful & more effective than ones like any of the Alma Soprano devices.
* 6-8 sessions will typically be the sweet spot before moving on to electrolysis.
* If the technician or clinic tell you not to use numbing cream, that's a massive red flag against their knowledge. A technician does not need pain feedback from you to know they're using safe levels!
* Permanent hair removal.
* You must let the hair grow at least a few mm before a session.
* Ask your electrologist for an estimate of how long it will take to clear an area, as their expertise and speed will vary. For example, NHS Scotland estimates it can take 250-400 hours to fully clear a face of facial hair. My own highly-experienced electrologist estimated 100-150 hours max for me, but has nearly cleared my face in under 25 hours. She's not yet taken more than about 120 hours to clear someone's face / neck fully.
* Again, numbing cream is not only absolutely safe, it's in fact highly recommended if you cannot afford local anaesthetic injections.
* For most folks, it's as much a mental challenge as it is about physical pain management. Even with numbing cream and strong painkillers, it's gonna hurt, especially in 2 hour+ sessions and around sensitive areas (especially the top lip and around the mouth).
* Aloe vera gel helps with post-electrolysis swelling and recovery.
Numbing cream
* The most common brand of numbing cream is EMLA, which is 2.5% lidocaine and 2.5% prilocaine.
* The strongest cream I've found without prescription is Tattoo Numbing Cream, which is 5% lidocaine and 5% prilocaine.
* If you can get a stronger cream on prescription at an affordable cost, this is definitely something to consider.
*To help with absorption, exfoliate and clean the area before applying cream, apply 60-90 mins before a session, and cover in an air-tight, water-tight dressing (cling film / plastic wrap works well).
Sadly, I can't provide much information on local anaesthetic injections. In the UK, they're typically arranged either by a medically-trained specialist at an electrolysis clinic or separately (such as at a dentist's) immediately before attending a session.
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tokiro07 · 29 days
Undead Unluck ch.218 thoughts
[We Have a Title]
(Contents: Immediate reactions - excitement, character analysis - Ruin; thematic analysis - unity; speculation - Ruin/arc progression)
I think I've made it clear that I'm not a fan of hype. I don't like when expectations are constantly being built up and blown out of proportion, as that can only lead to disappointment. I much prefer a pleasant surprise where I can be proportionally excited with what's happening in the moment rather than allowing the pressure to build beyond what can be reasonably maintained
UU doesn't usually have a spoiler problem, at least not in my personal circles, so I was surprised that there was someone passing around leaks for this chapter. I managed to avoid them, and boy am I glad I did, cus this was the hypest god damn chapter in the whole run so far
Ruin's comeback, Fuuko's brutal display, and of course, Andy's return! I've said a thousand times that Tozuka is a master of iconic panel composition, and not only were there a ton of great panels here, but that final two-pager was just absolutely sick!
Fuuko's hair fluttering in the wind, Andy's blazing descent from the sun, the symbol of Fuuko's Unluck pinned to Ruin's back by the symbol of Juiz's Unjustice, the Sun and Moon both positioned at the top of the page as if watching on as everything unfolds. This is the end of an era and the beginning of a new one - no longer is Fuuko the lone leader of the Union, her right hand is returning to usher in the final phase, and everyone is bearing witness, the heavens themselves shining a spotlight on this momentous occasion
I kid you not, I was shaking when I realized what Fuuko was doing, and it took everything I had not to scream and jump with excitement when Fuuko dropped what will no doubt become her most iconic line in the series (my wife was still asleep, I didn't want to wake her). If I'd seen any spoilers, my realtime reaction would have been split up between knowing what happens out of context and then seeing it in context, and neither would have been nearly as fun, so I'm so glad I got to have the experience I did
Onto the chapter itself, I definitely wasn't expecting to see Ruin this soon. I thought for sure we'd get a breather chapter or two to hang out with Tatiana, but I think Ruin is a character we can make an exception for
The first time Ruin showed up during the falling action of an arc, it felt a little like drama for drama's sake at first; I got over it pretty quickly, since it was clearly being used as a narrative device for transitioning into the next phase, but I could understand if people felt like a new character being introduced as a game changer is a bit of an asspull
This time, though, Ruin doing that is a callback to his introduction, an established modus operandi for the character to serve as an explicit agent of the narrative towards...well, ruin. Frankly I would have been disappointed if he'd come back any other way, as this way allows us to see the difference in how the Union responds to him
Before, no one saw him coming, and Fuuko got killed for it. Now, while no one was "ready" for him, Fuuko was able to react in time to make sure that no one died and then even got to retaliate in a way that demonstrated shocking level-headedness in the face of her own killer. Whereas Andy struck in a blind rage without any concern for what kind of ability Ruin might have, Fuuko immediately and brutally removed his head with the intention of inhibiting his regeneration. She was wrong, of course, but she made a conscious effort to win the fight rather than simply reacting on instinct as Andy did
While Chikara and Gina did end up getting hurt, they're not dead and likely not permanently wounded either (corneal damage is perfectly healable, it's retinal damage we'd need to worry about). Ruin is still very much a credible threat, but the Union of today is not the Union of yesterday, and they're definitely fit to overcome the so-called King of Negators
Ruin's Redesign
That said, I am left to wonder if the Ruin of today is the one of yesterday. His design has undergone some interesting changes, all of which completely incongruent with his own ability
Not only is his hair shorter, it's also lost color on one side, and the scar over his left eye has started to spread down his torso and arm, almost like it's metastisizing. Unruin's name implies it's supposed to keep its user perfect and pristine, but Ruin himself has only gotten worse for ware over the course of the loop. I'm wondering if this is a side effect of Unruin, like the more he uses it the more corrupt his body becomes, and it isn't negated by Unruin specifically because it's the cost of the ability and therefore the proper judgment of God or something
The fact that his hair has started to lose color further cements the parallels between him and Andy. Previously he just had the scar over the same eye, but now his hair has become short and slicked back, split between black and white while his scar creates a delineation in his skin tone, not unlike when Andy's personality reemerged from his Remember wound when Victor was in control of their body. The scar moving down the left side of his body also means it now covers the areas of Andy's 1985 and DEAD END tattoos, suggesting that perhaps his personal journey that we haven't been privy to is a parallel to Andy's after waking up from his own grave
Speaking of tattoos...I haven't seen anyone mention that Ruin is missing his Sun tattoo. What this means is unclear, but if I had to guess, it's a sign that Ruin does not currently occupy the role of Regulator. He hasn't been "chosen" by God yet, which I think suggests that this isn't L100 Ruin crossing between loops, it's L101 Ruin, whose life hasn't quite taken the same path as it did before. This might even explain his body - L100 Ruin told us he was sickly, so perhaps L101 Ruin simply got Unruin later this time around. Perhaps that scar is the deterioration of his body from his illness prior to gaining Unruin, and therefore either outside of the ability's purview or, again, seen as God's will and therefore not an imperfection
Ruin's fighting style also seems to be a bit different, as not only does he not seem to be making blood claws or moving through shadows, he also removed his shirt (which was UMA Blood last time) without turning it into some kind of construct first, suggesting that he doesn't have Blood or Shadow with him this time around. Instead, he seems to be fighting more like Andy, using his Soul to fire his own blood as a weapon, as evidenced by the fact that his fingernails were bleeding after attacking the Union
It's definitely possible that I'm misinterpreting it, but I have to imagine that this is a new Ruin being manipulated by Soul rather than the same Ruin going about business as usual. We'll most likely get that answered for us next week, so I wanted to get my speculations out of the way now
Ruin's Future
So if Ruin doesn't have his UMA friends with him and isn't a Regulator, what does that mean for his role going forward?
I don't think any of you will be surprised to hear that my thinking is that he's going to join the Union, as I've been speculating that for a long time and other folks have definitely followed suit since. I am saddened by the idea that he won't have his companions with him, but they could easily serve as an upgrade/character moment for him later, so I'll take it for now
The main crux of my thinking right now is that Ruin is clearly poised to undergo a character arc. As I said, he's starting to resemble Andy more and more and Victor less and less, suggesting that he's going to transition from being the one Negator that serves God and become the final Negator that opposes him
If the Union is a collective of the oppressed rising up against their oppressor, then Ruin is a bootlicker who fell for the propaganda that there was nothing he could do to resist the powers that be and joined them out of a sense of learned helplessness. The idea that Tozuka or Fuuko would see someone so brainwashed that they embrace their own enslavement and just leave them to blissfully suffer their fate runs pretty antithetical to the story we've been told so far, so I think it's far more likely that the coming chapters will be used a way to change Ruin's mind and teach him that he has the agency to live for himself and not live as the cultish servitude of a God he's never met and who clearly is willing to sacrifice him at a moment's notice
When Fuuko said there was still one member left to recruit, obviously she meant Andy, but the timing of that statement immediately preceding her noticing Ruin seems quite deliberate. Andy isn't present, sure, but for all intents and purposes, he's already part of the Union. He doesn't need to be recruited, just retrieved, and that could feasibly happen at any time since Andy could probably just decide to come back on his own. Instead, Ruin is the only Negator that still needs to be shown which side is correct, so while Fuuko may not know it, she was most likely talking about him, not Andy
Even her line about completing the Union with Andy's return can be left open to interpretation, as the act of his returning could either complete the Union with his arrival or with his help in proving the lie that Ruin believes in to be wrong
Of course, I don't think that can happen with just Andy showing up; rather, I think that the most recent additions of Tatiana and Kururu ideally would play a part to help flesh out their inclusions, though I wouldn't object to Julia getting Unjustice here. If absolutely nothing else, I'm banking on Chikara using Unmove, eyes or no eyes. What better time to learn how to use his soul to overcome his weaknesses than when he literally doesn't have eyes?
Whoever participates in fighting Ruin, I'm kind of hoping it ends up being a Summer or a Sick situation, where the group is so well coordinated that they basically just combo Ruin to hell and back. While the alternative of either Andy soloing Ruin or Andy and Fuuko tag-teaming him would be sick as hell, it wouldn't do much to further the themes of unity overcoming oppression, so it'd be much better for everyone involved to get to participate
Like I said before, the Union serves as a symbol of overcoming oppression through unification, so we can't have one or two members carrying everyone else - they all need to contribute to the whole, at least in some small way. After all, that's what Soul is afraid of, the Union having enough members to overcome anything that's thrown at them
Given the current political climate, Fuuko's retort to Ruin's claim that humanity has no hope of beating God struck a chord with me.
"It's the opposite. They're afraid of the Union being complete. The Ten Superior Rules normally only intervene during Quests. The mere fact that they've sent you here as an assassin is proof that they're panicking."
Union-busting, voter suppression, gerrymandering; those in power make a concerted effort to ensure that the masses believe that opposition is useless by removing every means of opposition available to them, but the message it should send is actually the reverse. Why are they taking away the means of opposition if opposition is useless? If it wouldn't work, why do they care? Why not let us struggle in vain until we learn on our own that it's pointless to try, that we're wasting our time?
Because we're not wasting our time. Our struggles may seem pointless, taking years and years, generation after generation, but change is inevitable. A stone is not split in two by the final blow, but the hundred that had gone before. So long as humanity perseveres, we move ever closer to happiness, even if the path there is arduous
Every loop, the Union has managed to hold back Sun from destroying Ark. And yet, the Regulators were new to Juiz in the 100th. Sun's most direct agents, with the ability to permanently remove players from the game, only became a problem at the end. Why? Because the Union isn't the only one running out of time
If Sun managed to destroy Ark even once in the last 100 loops, the game would be over, just as it would be if Juiz had managed to kill Sun, but neither of them have succeeded. Which is to say, both sides have reason to be desperate, to be feeling the pressure now. And between the two, only one has been getting stronger, by amassing more allies
Meanwhile, Soul's the only one who seems to think of his team as friends. He mourned the loss of Beast and Language, he offered to keep major enemies alive for the sake of Change and War's whims, and he tried to enable his entire team to escape Andy's defenses by rallying them to work together. The rest of the Master Rules, though?
Infighting for who gets which seat, abandoning Soul when he was trying to benefit everyone, insisting on taking glory for themselves. Everything that God designed the Roundtable system to do to the Union, it ended up doing to the Master Rules instead; it divided them, when it should have unified them
Just like Ruin is a demonstration of the Negators falling for God's propaganda, the Master Rules are a demonstration of the Union falling prey to the rigged system. Fortunately, the Union are Negators; the Rules were never going to be a problem for them in the first place, now were they?
Of course, since Soul is the only one to actually be trying to operate as a team player, naturally he's taken all of this into account already. Sure, the Union's about to be complete, but we all saw him smiling as Andy finally left his post
Soul's plan was never to have Ruin kill off the Union, though it would have been nice if he had; no, his plan was to get Andy's crispy, bare ass off of his goddamn house!
With Ruin attacking, Andy is a must for fending him off, so Fuuko was forced to bring him back. Now that he's gone, the Master Rules aren't restricted by his soul, and can leave the Master Room whenever they please (though they may still be restricted to acting during Quests, it's somewhat unclear). What this means that while the Union is complete, so too is their opposition
Really that's the perfect scenario, though. The Union has to beat back all of the Master Rules sooner or later anyway, so why not just make it a battle royale, huh? A bit more of a traditional shonen battle format, like with the fight against Under during the Spring Arc. And I'm willing to bet Fuuko considered that when deciding to bring back Andy
With Andy's return and the Master Rules set free, we're just about to enter what I presume to be the penultimate phase of the story, as all that will be left after defeating the MRs is to face the Gods. I don't know how Tozuka plans to pace this, whether it's going to be a free-for-all like I said or if the MRs are going to have individual arcs with some breather chapters in between, but it's clear that we're moving into the endgame
Personally, I'm hoping for the latter. I shudder to think that that brief moment of Tatiana looking at Chikara's photo of her is the last bit of downtime we'll get before the epilogue, but it's definitely possible. After all, after Spring we had the Final Cherry Blossom Viewing, and then suddenly we were dealing with Revolution and Ragnarok. If we're going to have another high-tension, no-breaks stretch like that, Ruin's return is the most appropriate time for it
That said, I wouldn't hate it. That was a super exciting time, and some of the best story beats in the whole series came up during that storyline, so I have faith Tozuka can handle it just fine. I just want to see some more chill moments, y'know? Especially since Andy's coming back! No one knows him yet! We need him to reestablish his dynamics with everyone!
I want him to be happy to see everyone! I want memories to stir in Yusai's soul of a love long lost! I want Gina to see what her past self saw and angle for a triad with Fuuko! I want Julia to see Victor in Andy and form a bond with him as an altered soul!
Rip, Billy, Shen, Feng, Nico, hell even Void - there's so many opportunities for resolving rivalries and grudges, I need Tozuka to give us at least a couple of them before we hurtle into the endgame and no one has time to say anything fun to each other ever again!
But I suppose I'm looking a little too far ahead. We still need to deal with Ruin right now, and after that we should be seeing how everyone reacts to Remember. Hm, I wonder if maybe we're going to have an entire Remember Arc, actually, like a macro-version of Gina going into Fuuko's book and meeting her past self? I'm not gonna hold my breath for that, but that'd be a neat way to extend the runtime while also finding a perfect excuse to get some more characterization for everyone
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
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femmeclefable · 7 months
has anyone ever used an at-home permanent hair remover device ?? are there any you’d recommend?
(i’m looking into the N00d (?) 2.0 flash or whatever and am very much on the fence if it’s worth trying it. it’s $200 so not something i could casually just try, but if it actually works that’s a WAY better price than electrolysis or laser sessions)
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How to Remove Arm Hair Permanently
Unwanted arm hair can be a nuisance for many, affecting confidence and comfort. Thankfully, there are effective methods to achieve smooth, hair-free arms permanently. In this guide, I will explain how you can remove arm hair permanently using the most advanced techniques available.
Understanding Permanent Arm Hair Removal
Permanent arm hair removal involves techniques that target hair follicles to prevent future hair growth. The most popular and effective method is laser hair removal. This procedure uses concentrated light to destroy hair follicles, resulting in permanent hair reduction.
Steps to Remove Arm Hair Permanently
Step 1: Consultation with a Dermatologist
The first step towards permanent arm hair removal is consulting with a dermatologist. A professional evaluation will help determine the best course of treatment based on your skin type and hair texture.
Step 2: Preparing for the Procedure
Preparation is crucial for a successful laser hair removal session. Here are some essential tips:
Avoid Sun Exposure: Stay out of the sun for at least six weeks before treatment. Sun exposure can make the skin more sensitive and prone to adverse reactions during and after the procedure.
Shave the Area: Shave your arms 24 hours before the procedure to allow the laser to target hair follicles more effectively. This also reduces the risk of burns on the surface of the skin.
Avoid Other Hair Removal Methods: Refrain from waxing or plucking as these can interfere with the laser treatment.In order for the laser to target hair properly, these treatments eliminate the hair from the root.
Step 3: The Laser Hair Removal Process
During the laser hair removal session, a specialized laser device is used to target and destroy hair follicles. Here's what to expect:
Application of Cooling Gel: A cooling gel is applied to the treatment area to protect your skin and enhance the laser's effectiveness.
Laser Treatment: The laser is directed at the hair follicles. You might feel slight discomfort, but it is generally tolerable. A common description of the feeling is that of a rubber band cracking against the skin.
Post-Treatment Care: After the treatment, you can have some redness and swelling, but these should go away in a few hours.
Step 4: Post-Treatment Care
Appropriate post-treatment guarantees optimal outcomes and reduces possible negative effects.
Avoid Sun Exposure: Protect your arms from direct sunlight to prevent skin irritation. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher if you need to go outdoors.
Use Mild Skincare Products: Avoid using harsh chemicals on the treated area. To lower the chance of irritation, choose soft, fragrance-free items.
Moisturize Regularly: Keep your skin hydrated to promote healing. Use a soothing lotion or aloe vera gel to calm the skin.
Step 5: Multiple Sessions
Achieving permanent arm hair removal requires multiple sessions. Most individuals need 6-8 treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. This allows the laser to target hair in different growth stages effectively.
Benefits of Laser Hair Removal for Arm Hair
Choosing laser hair removal for permanent arm hair removal offers several advantages:
Precision: Targets hair follicles without damaging surrounding skin.
Speed:In a split second, a single laser pulse can cure several hairs at once.
Long-Term Results: Provides lasting hair reduction, significantly reducing the need for ongoing maintenance.
Common Concerns About Laser Hair Removal
Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?
In general, laser hair removal is safe when done by a dermatologist with training. The procedure has been extensively studied and is approved by health authorities for safe use. Side effects are usually minimal and temporary, such as redness and swelling.
Does Laser Hair Removal Hurt?
The discomfort associated with laser hair removal is often compared to the snap of a rubber band against the skin. Most people tolerate the procedure well, and many clinics offer numbing creams or cooling devices to enhance comfort during treatment.
What Are the Costs Involved?
The size of the treatment area and the number of sessions needed determine how much laser hair removal will cost. Although it could appear pricey at first, the long-term advantages and savings on other hair removal expenses make it an investment well worth it.
Alternatives to Laser Hair Removal
While laser hair removal is the most effective method for permanent arm hair removal, there are other options you might consider:
Electrolysis is another permanent hair removal method that involves inserting a fine needle into the hair follicle and applying an electric current to destroy it. This method is effective but can be time-consuming as each hair follicle is treated individually.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
IPL uses broad-spectrum light to target hair follicles, similar to laser hair removal. It is less precise than laser treatment but can be effective for some people.There are IPL equipment for use at home as well.
Preparing for Your Laser Hair Removal Appointment
To ensure the best results and minimize any risks, here are additional tips to prepare for your laser hair removal appointment:
Discuss Medical History: Inform your dermatologist about any medical conditions, medications, or previous skin treatments. Certain medications and conditions can affect your skin's reaction to the laser.
Avoid Tanning: Tanned skin can increase the risk of side effects and make the treatment less effective.Prior to your session, stay away from self-tanners and tanning beds for at least two weeks.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps keep your skin hydrated and may improve the treatment's effectiveness.
Aftercare Tips for Optimal Results
After your laser hair removal session, follow these aftercare tips to ensure the best results and minimize any potential side effects:
Apply Cool Compresses: If you experience redness or swelling, apply cool compresses to the treated area to soothe the skin.
Avoid Hot Showers and Baths: Hot water can irritate the treated skin. Opt for lukewarm showers and avoid hot tubs and saunas for at least 48 hours.
Exfoliate Gently: After a few days, gently exfoliate the treated area to help remove dead hair follicles. Use a soft cloth or mild exfoliating scrub.
What to Expect in the Long Term
Laser hair removal offers long-term hair reduction, but it is essential to understand what to expect over time:
Maintenance Sessions: While most people experience significant hair reduction, maintenance sessions may be needed once or twice a year to keep the area hair-free.
Hair Regrowth: Some hair may regrow over time, but it will likely be finer and lighter. Regular maintenance sessions can address any regrowth.
Choosing the Right Dermatologist
Selecting a qualified and experienced dermatologist is crucial for achieving the best results with laser hair removal. Consider the following factors when choosing a dermatologist:
Credentials: Ensure the dermatologist is board-certified and has specialized training in laser hair removal.
Experience: Look for a dermatologist with extensive experience in performing laser hair removal, particularly on arms.
Reviews and Testimonials: Check reviews and testimonials from previous patients to gauge their satisfaction with the treatment and results.
Permanent arm hair removal is achievable with the right approach and professional guidance. Laser hair removal stands out as the most effective method, providing lasting results and boosting confidence. If you're ready to embrace smooth, hair-free arms, book your appointment now and take the first step towards a confident new you.
By following these steps and choosing the right professional services, you can achieve the smooth, hair-free arms you've always wanted. With proper care and maintenance, the results of laser hair removal can be long-lasting, giving you the confidence to show off your arms without worry.
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