#Personalised learning
schoolseducation · 2 hours
How can creativity and innovative thinking be used on a daily basis in the classroom?
At EuroSchool, creativity is at the core of our teaching approach. Our ARGUS digital learning ecosystem supports personalised learning where we help students explore subjects in a way that sparks innovation and curiosity.
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thisisgraeme · 23 days
Discover Key Findings from Our Ako Aotearoa AARIA Research on AI in Adult Tertiary Education: 5 Important Insights on Impact, Challenges, and Future Trends
Discover the latest findings from our Ako Aotearoa AARIA research on AI in adult tertiary education. Learn about the impact, challenges, and future trends of AI integration in education, and explore how AI is shaping the future of learning in New Zealand.
Key Insights on AI in Adult Tertiary Education Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming various sectors, and education is no exception. In the realm of adult tertiary education, AI holds the potential to revolutionise teaching, administration, and student engagement. But what does this transformation look like in practice? To explore this, we conducted a comprehensive study,…
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lucubratemagazine · 2 years
Without Technology School will become Irrelevant
Harnessing the value of tools like ChatGPT to unlock powerful new learning capabilities and all learner possibility has the potential to prepare students to navigate a world in which artificial intelligence becomes the curve and our inherent human skills
Lucubrate Magazine, February 1st, 2023 ChatGPT is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool taking the world by storm. The biggest lesson about the real world and the future of work is that technological change is not looming over a distant horizon – but now – and many in education are already late.  Students return to their school. In the coming weeks, students in Australia will return to their…
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kikizoshi · 3 months
youre learning Russian, right? I've also started learning with borrowed textbooks, and the consensus I've seen online is that its not enough, and that a course is necessary. if you don't mind I'd be really appreciative to know how you got where you are and if you think that's true.
Спасибо за помощь (ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
Unfortunately, I don't really know what I'm doing either. Just kinda stumbling through, and "where I am" isn't all that far. I can only ever be an authority on what helps me learn Russian; in my experience, there's never been a one-to-one, "follow these steps I took to become fluent" method. Everyone has to figure out their own quirks. (And if this isn't true for someone then I'm very jealous of that person.)
I've seen about as many different opinions as there are ways to learn. Some think you need courses. Some think courses are useless. Some like textbooks; others hate them. The one consistent thing seems to be input--everyone agrees you need a lot of comprehensible input (meaning, you understand some of what you're consuming). But is a course necessary? I don't think so. Whether it could be vastly beneficial or a waste of time and money is something that depends entirely on the person's learning style. A resource I've linked further down may help you determine whether it'd help you. I've never taken a course, so I don't have any experience there.
Also: I have ADHD, so everything here is working around that. Motivation is a massive issue for me, and I've generally found that forcing my way through something droll for long periods of time just... isn't something I can make myself do. It burns me out. I try to make everything something I want to do, or at least not very painful. But my methods are also slower and less effective than something more structured.
Comprehensible Input
How I got to it being helpful:
People go on about comprehensible input all the time, and I can see why; it's extremely important. It's what finally moved me from mid-A1 to late-A2. But actually getting to a place where input even can be comprehensible was so horrifically painful for me that for a long while I felt completely inept. So, here's the things I did, in order, that I think helped:
A0-A1 (not helpful yet)
Duolingo + Twitter: Don't get me wrong--I hate Duolingo. And non-fanart Twitter. But it was a great combination for learning Cyrillic. I used Duolingo's earliest levels to get familiar with Cyrillic and some very basic words. Concurrently, I followed some Russian fanartists on Twitter who also posted text posts frequently, and turned notifs on for them. That made it so that 3-5 times a day, I would get a notification for a post in Russian, and I would practise reading/sounding out Cyrillic. I wasn't too focused on understanding what the post was saying, just getting a familiarity with the alphabet.
Memrise + Anki: Pain. God, so much pain. This was the worst. Necessary and effective, but the absolute, God-forsaken worst. Once I felt comfortable enough with Cyrillic, I started working through two decks: a. Memrise: vlarya's 10k most common Russian words deck. It goes in order of most to least common, has audio, and has typing practise. This replaces Duolingo. (When Memrise inevitably removes community courses altogether, feel free to ask for a backup of this deck. If I'm still on here by then, I should be able to give my backup that works with Anki.) I don't recommend Memrise's official courses. b. Anki: Neri's Russian Sentences (blog link) deck is great for practising the simple words you're learning with Memrise, getting common phrases down, and starting to see how Russian as a language comes together. It'll take a bit to click. c. keybr: I also started practising a little with keybr, mainly because having to type in Russian on Memrise sucks with the on-screen keyboard. keybr is the best site I've found to learn to touch type different keyboards. It's extremely effective. If you're already a touch-typer, a few hours should be enough to type well enough for Memrise.
YouTube: Russian With Max's 'For Beginners' Playlist was really helpful and motivating, at this point. He speaks slowly, simply, and clearly enough that I could understand him, where I couldn't understand anyone else yet.
I... God, I hate the A0-A1 stage so much. You can't do anything. At least now, I can watch TikToks, read comments, enjoy memes, and understand enough of those to enjoy myself. The stage where you understand nothing is by far the most awful to me. I wish I had anything to make it more bearable, but it's really just the worst. Hopefully you're either past this already, or close to past it. The small mercy is that it doesn't take too long to claw your way out of.
A1-A2 (helpful now)
[Active Immersion] Memrise + Reading/Watching (comp input): keep working through vlarya's 10k deck. My routine is: speed review due cards; finish the 10 cards I started learning yesterday; start learning 10 new words today. That's my reps and warmup. Then, depending on my mood, I'll either read at least 30 mins of 'Дом, в котором...' (with or without audiobook, again depending on mood), or watch at least 30 mins of Max's intermediate vids w/ Russian subtitles. Sometimes in my free time I'll watch Russian lit or ДВК TikToks.
[Passive Immersion] Music/Audiobooks/Let's Plays: pretty self-explanatory. My passive input isn't as comprehensible rn, but I focus on things I enjoy. A let's play to fall asleep to, an audiobook while I'm doing something that requires on-and-off focus. The goal here is just to understand snatches of whatever I can, not so much the whole thing. Eventually, those snatches become more frequent.
I'm sure more dedicated study would help me a lot right now, but I don't really have the time or motivation to, so I don't try to force it.
Regarding Russian language learning YouTube channels, and why I only recommend Max:
I've found that most popular Russian learning YouTube channels feel... well, like school. They're not very interesting, they don't feel very organic. It doesn't feel like I'd be watching their videos for any other reason than learning Russian, which is bad for me, because I need to make Russian part of my life to have any motivation to do it.
So, the reason I like Max's channel so much is that he talks about things that're actually interesting and relevant to me. This video is a personal favourite, but he has a lot of videos about all sorts of topics--some of which I'm genuinely interested in. And his demeanour is more vlogger, less teacher. I like him as a person. (Protip: in this stage, don't be afraid to start his intermediate videos early, even if you don't feel you're there yet. It can still be very helpful to pick out the words you do know, and most of his videos have Russian and English subtitles if you're confused.)
Regarding how to find a good Russian book to read:
I... don't know. Reading ДВК with the audiobook really, really helped with my reading ability, and continues to. I can't state enough how important it was for me. But how to find a book that you can read over and over again... I don't know. I just know that Harry Potter would be absolute torture.
I've seen people say that you should start reading simple things, like children's stories. I personally haven't done much of that, because children's stories bore me out of my mind, but if you like them then I'd give that a shot. I've also heard that Chekhov's stories are good for beginners (I've heard that about Pushkin too, but I'm not sure how easy poetry would be to understand). Read-alongs on YouTube could be good too. Russian With Max has some old livestream read-alongs, and there are plenty of Russian read-alongs on YouTube.
Aside - if you're curious about 'Дом, в котором...', this fan-made trailer is the entire reason I picked up ДВК; the vibes captivated me and I had to know what it was about. So for anyone interested: if the trailer looks cool to you, you may like the book. The English translation is called 'The Gray House'. ДВК is fairly long, and different POV characters have differing levels of complexity with the language. The early chapters are the simpler ones, conveniently, so starting from the beginning should be fine. It's a slice-of-life type story, so easy to pick up and put down. I recommend the Князев audiobook, which is almost certainly the one you'll find if you search 'дом в котором аудиокнига' (it's a fan-made audiobook, so I don't think you can buy it, but like LOTR the fan version is by far the best).
r/languagelearning's resources page is a good place to skim through, see if anything sticks out. I recommend reading through their 'How to Teach Yourself a Foreign Language'. It's good for giving you an idea of how different people learn, different learning methods, how those methods work for others, and what might work for you.
Refold's Roadmap is very helpful for me to understand where I'm currently at, and what sort of activities it would be beneficial for me to be working on. I use their definition of levels (i.e. A1), so if I wasn't clear what I meant by A1 vs A2, reading through this could be helpful.
Anki's for decks I have to create myself, or if I need a more specialised deck. I prefer Memrise for vocab, mainly for typing practise and the better UI. If you want to use Anki for vocab: Refold's ru15k deck is good for A2+. There are plenty of simple word decks to pick from for A0-A1. If you want to word mine to create your own Anki decks, see FLTR below.
New Penguin Russian Course is supposed to be good for grammar. I looked through it, and it does look good. If you understand grammar. I don't, but putting it here for those who do.
u/La_Nuit_Americaine's post about reading helps me with motivation, and gave me some pointers about how to do it.
FLTR (Foreign Language Text Reader) is a good Windows program alternative to LingQ, if you can't or don't want to pay for LingQ's subscription. You have to input the word definitions yourself. I used Reverso and Yandex Translate together for this. Your word list can be exported to Anki.
ReadLang is supposed to be a good web-based alternative to LingQ (its free level is still usable, unlike LingQ's). I've not used it much, but it seems pretty good. My preference is using some translation extension that will let you click on a word and automatically translate it and move on quickly. Simple Translate on Firefox is what I use.
Video Media:
Language Reactor is a subtitle extension for YouTube, Netflix, etc. that has a bunch of cool features. I hardly use it because it's not on Firefox, but if you use Chrome, Opera, etc., it's really handy. For YouTube, it will translate the auto-generated subs for videos, so if you have a Russian video that only has Russian auto-generated subtitles, you can use Language Reactor to get English subtitles.
Other ADHD Accommodations:
Being kind to myself is very important. I can't make myself study by thinking "why can't you just" or "it's not that hard, what's wrong with you". I can't make myself study with positive words either, but using positive language helps my morale so that I have more motivation to study more often.
I use a different browser (Opera) solely for learning Russian. I chose Opera because Language Reactor works on it (would've used Chrome but Chrome is set up for work), but the general idea is having a separate space for Russian. I put Opera's language in Russian, and I keep all my Russian-learning tabs open there, so that when I'm ready to study it's as simple as opening Opera. Having it separated like that also helps my brain see active study as a task that can be opened and closed, rather than combined with everything else (Firefox).
I try to give myself enough options of things to do for immersion that it's always a choice. My brain has so many different states: motivated; unmotivated; foggy; clear; distracted; focused. Each one will want--or even need--something different. If it's a foggy day, I may be able to read along ДВК with an audiobook, but not able to read words without that help. If I'm distracted, TikToks may help more than reading; if I'm focused, reading may help more than TikToks. Or if I'm completely unmotivated, watching one of Max's vids is more passive than reading, therefore less painful.
I love Russian. Not much to this one. I don't think I could stick to learning a language I didn't love for the sake of the language itself.
I wasted time and motivation watching things I wasn't interested in, trying to find media in Russian that appealed to me. I don't recommend that. I don't know the alternative, but I always felt horrible about myself after. It's important to have media you like, but forcing it won't work. Russian movies don't interest me. Everyone else's favourite Russian YouTubers don't appeal to me at all. TikTok is much better for me in that regard, because I can search for specific fandoms that interest me. Luck seems to be the only thing that works for finding good YouTubers.
Textbooks are my kryptonite. I can't use them. They drain motivation so fast. If they work for you, that's great. If they don't, I don't know that forcing it is the solution. It wasn't for me.
I scroll language learning subreddits sometimes for motivation. It's not productive, generally. But it's fun. And I do get some ideas sometimes.
I've mostly accepted that my progress is going to be slower than others. I'm trying not to compare myself. I'm enjoying it now, mostly, learning slowly but learning, and each time I reaffirm that that's okay, it becomes truer.
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hardygalwrites · 3 months
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"Lost little boy, without a home, pretending to be a knight... What is your request?"
It's been a hot hot hot minute since I posted about my TTRPG characters (or posted anything at all really), but look who it is again!
For as long as he can remember, Nova was raised by the "Order of the Ever Watchful," or "The Everwatch," a knightly order focused on aiding others and preserving knowledge. Taught and nurtured by the men and women who made up the order, Nova longed for the day he would finally be old enough to be declared a knight of The Everwatch himself.
But that day never came. Instead, a year before Nova's eighteenth birthday, the order was wiped off the face of the continent. Nova ended up being captured by the mercenaries who did the deed, and was held captive for a whole year before he finally managed to escape. When he returned to the tower he called home, all he found was rubble and the rotting remains of those who had raised him.
Never having been one who could process grief, Nova simply shut down for a day, lying amidst the ruins of his home.
Credit for this incredible art piece goes to _simpera_ on Instagram! The line work is sublime, and the expression on Nova's face is especially perfect :']
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umhiimv · 1 year
i wanna rant about some of the setters real quick. so you know how oikawa, atsumu, and kageyama are all shown to use jump top spin (spike) serves? well, there’s a reason for that!!
typically, setters are the first to specialise in their positions, so they’re training and developing setter skills while everyone else is still doing all-around basics. but what happens, as a result of this, is setters end up having weaker arm swings or being awkward with their hand placement in hitting/serving. oikawa, atsumu, and kageyama are the only setters we see using jump top spins that have also been shown to be setting at a young age. i feel like oikawa had a beautiful standing float but had a low ball-back percentage due to how soft it was.
i’m thinking atsumu and kageyama both had weak and awkward arm swings and were taught jump top serves in their last year of middle school so they would have time to perfect the serve. i also think semi experienced this too but either wasn’t able to or didn’t want to perfect the jump top on such short notice, hence why shirabu plays, despite having the firmer hands; he has the better serve.
this also shows us which setters have the best hands!! setters who have weaker serves tend to have the better hands, whereas setters with strong serves usually don’t have as-good hands; it’s all in the wrists.
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seaofreverie · 2 months
Delivery day!!!!!!!
#my comic and zine and wooden pin arrived from the uk#i would be so powerful if i could get stuff like this from the us too. but alas customs and fees not going through that again#but yeah i was just thinking yesterday about how it's been a while since i ordered them. so yay!#they already look sooooo cool can't wait to read them#when you get a personalised note from the seller along with the order 💗💗 ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ )#plus there's just something so nice about having something from smaller artists. feels personal and sort of unique!#because it really is both of those things when you think about it#all of the mini-comics and zines i own now i have acquired over the past couple of months#still getting used to the fact that 1) i'm an adult 2) i have some money of my own that i got from freelancing for a while#and can therefore buy whatever stuff i want if i wish so really#but speaking of zines its even cooler when one of them has your own art in it!!!!!#this is such a huge thing really. if there's one thing that made studying at this other university for one semester worth it in the end#it's the long trail of events that led to me learning about this project and then actually deciding to participate!! and getting accepted!!#anyway. my piece is a short comic based on the lyrics of eaten of the monster of love and it's my favourite thing i've ever made possibly#ok sorry for the ramble. my point is.#yayyyy getting a delivery and yayyyyy surrounding yourself with things you like and that inspire you. so cool#goosepost
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fingertipsmp3 · 11 months
Living in a small town for pretty much all your life is like being in a sitcom that’s been going on for way too long
#you end up being like ‘it’s season 27. why are we now bringing back a character who hasn’t been seen since season 16’#aka guy i had a crush on in secondary school’s mom is in my pilates class#ya girl never forgets a face so as soon as she walked in i was like ‘i Know her. i swear to god i know her’ my mom was like ‘you don’t know#anything’ i was like ‘hush. it’ll come to me’#it bothered me throughout the whole class but then at the end i walked out into the church car park and literally laughed#she has a personalised number plate with her surname and first initial. i turned to my mom and was like ‘don’t ever tell me i don’t know#something ever again’ she’s like ‘what’ because she’s not even familiar with this person as a concept#so i have to explain about the time this boy turned up at my house unannounced and was like ‘do you want to go for a walk’ and i was like#‘hell yeah’ so we went back to his house and his three dogs jumped all over me and his mom asked me about a bazillion questions#that was 11 years ago#i have not seen her since that day but i swear to you i remembered her. i just couldn’t figure out from where until i saw the car#anyway he’s doing like a postgrad in geology now somewhere. i bet she’s mad. she was one of those parents who hires like a billion tutors#and hopes their kid will become a doctor. babe your first mistake was sending him to a state comprehensive with a bad ofsted rating 👍🏻#literally just pretending to be catholic long enough to get him into the catholic school would’ve done way more than hiring tutors#and it would’ve been free! no one can tell me lying to the church gets you nothing#my best friend from primary school went there and got to do free violin lessons and learn german; japanese and french AND they had macs#meanwhile i was playing cricket without a bat because our school couldn’t afford bats. life isn’t fair#personal
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fishthegenderwitch · 7 months
Today I realized that I have enough energy to A, tidy my own area and maybe paint something, or B, wash the dishes that have been annoying me in the sink that my roommates have left there for the past several days.. I only had enough Carnival tickets for One Ride, so I chose to clean my craft area. 😊
Decided to revisit something that I learned years and years ago, when I get a thing personalize it make it mine.
So far, I have painted my personal set of chopsticks that I got for Christmas; they look snazzy now. Got some gold and cream accents up at the top. And a pair of wooden earrings that I realized sort of look like they have thistles on them, so I'm painting them to look like that
I also have my music playing because it's always silent on this floor. Actually I never listen to music anywhere but at my PC normally. Today I've got whatever's on my phone going through my little Bluetooth speaker. Currently "Roots" by In This Moment
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itadori-san · 1 year
no because u can see ukai and takeda just see the karasuno boys as . kids.
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daemonhxckergrrl · 2 years
thinking about community-provided access to certain resources and how actually they're not gonna steal your toothbrush. having library computers and "free long-term loan" laptops isn't incompatible with owning a personal computer. same w/ musical instruments, or like art supplies etc.
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smithsella · 22 days
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Top 5 Reasons Why Kids Require the Personalized Learning
Personalized learning is key in the 21st century. Gain insights from Chester Hill childcare centers to guide your child effectively.
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thisisgraeme · 24 days
Unlocking the Future of AI in Education: 3 Key Insights from Our Latest Report
🚀 Explore how AI is shaping the future of education in NZ! Our latest report dives into the challenges, opportunities, and ethical concerns educators face. Learn more about the impact of AI on culturally responsive teaching and what the future holds.
I recently posted our literature review on AI in Education. You can read about it here or download the whole thing. Shortly, we’ll have the findings report completed that pulls together survey data from educators and technology experts. Here’s a preview of what we found. Summary In an age where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming industries, education is not immune to its…
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techdriveplay · 3 months
What was Announced at WWDC 2024?
Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2024 is in full swing, and the tech world is buzzing with excitement. This annual event is where Apple unveils its latest innovations across its ecosystem, from operating system updates to groundbreaking new products. Here’s a comprehensive look at the major announcements and features that have been revealed so far. Apple Vision Pro Expansion and…
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bewithus4u · 4 months
What is The Magic of 1 Hour Business Cards?
Time is money in today’s fast-paced world, so finding quick and effective solutions is crucial in all facets of business. An idea that has become extremely popular in recent years is “1 Hour Business Cards.” We’ll explore the definition of one-hour business cards, their growing popularity, and their potential advantages for your company in this blog. What are 1 Hour Business Cards? As the name…
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kickassclefable · 6 months
garfield's revenge
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