#Pet Care As Therapy
solhwellness · 1 year
How Pets help in overcoming common Mental Disorders | Solh Wellness
Domestic animals like dogs, cats, and birds are popular pet companions in today's world. Even though the pets become reliant on the person who cares for them on a daily basis, they also have something to offer in return. People suffering from common mental health disorders can benefit greatly from having pets. Interacting with pets can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety by increasing the feel-good hormone oxytocin and decreasing the stress hormone cortisol. Pets provide companionship and a sense of purpose, which can be especially beneficial for lonely or isolated people. Pets can help people suffering from common mental health disorders and improve their quality of life.
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Pets companionship for an Individual’s emotional development 
Pets can have a significant impact on a person's mental health, providing unconditional love and helping to build healthy attachments and self-esteem. Pets can also teach responsibility, compassion, and empathy, and studies have shown that people who are emotionally connected to their pets are better able to form relationships with others. Caring for a pet can stimulate creativity, curiosity, and perseverance, while also increasing emotional intelligence.
The Benefits of Pet Companionship for the Elderly
Pets provide valuable companionship for older adults, helping to alleviate loneliness and bring joy into their lives. As people age, they may lose things that once gave them purpose, such as a career or close family ties. Caring for a pet, often one adopted from a shelter, can provide a sense of accomplishment and increase self-worth. Pets, particularly dogs, can also help older adults stay socially connected, facilitating new friendships and conversations. Additionally, pets can help improve vitality through playfulness, laughter, and exercise, thereby enhancing immune function and energy levels. Pet companionship can significantly improve the emotional and physical well-being of older adults.
Pet Care as Therapy
Taking care of pets has also been proven to be an excellent therapy for relieving stress, anxiety, and other mental disorders. Some of the most important benefits of pet therapy in mental illnesses are:
Playing with a pet can immediately relax you by boosting serotonin and dopamine levels, providing sensory stress relief.
Pets can help their owners meet new people, with dog owners often socializing during walks or at pet-related events.
Children with autism or learning difficulties may find it easier to connect with pets than with people, helping them to learn social cues and regulate stress.
Pets can be especially helpful for children with learning disabilities, improving their attention, self-esteem, and coping skills.
In summary, pet therapy is about taking care of others in need and, in doing so, helping to improve your own life. Pet therapy is one of the best holistic approaches to treating mental disorders. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, consider reaching out to the Solh Wellness platform. Preventive mental health options are key to a happy life, and Solh Wellness provides holistic approaches, non-judgmental safe space, self-help tools, and much more. Download the Solh Wellness App and become the best version of yourself.
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oh no! emotional over the idea of scp 682 being an angry kid again!
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prototypelq · 3 months
Dante for character bingo?
THE MAN HIMSELF?! g l a d l y
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Everyone is wrong about them is about the tons of Dante mischaracterisation around
The fandom is so mean - Subhuman RULES, you guys are just mean, genuinely the best theme for Dante and the lyrics fit him perfectly.
*puts him in the salad spinner* - this man is F u n TM to see in Situations TM (wink-wink nudge-nudge)
That's a solid design and I love this aesthetic so hard - Listen. Listen, I have THREE separate blonde gunwielding loner idiots with a heart of gold and a red jacket-clothing-thing, who have a craving for (1) specific kind of food, I know my type of fave character perfectly well.
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*btw it's insane just how Different the three of them are, despite the numerous surface similarities
He sure does exist - This man is An Icon, and I love him for it.
He sure is silly - King Cerberus is my favourite weapon. Besides the obvious strong sides of it, it also has Dante shouting the silliest """kung fu""" sounds possible .
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madame-mongoose · 4 months
want kitty to aid my mental health but pet fee at my apartment is $300 💔
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express-archives · 29 days
ummm hello!!! faye who knows she is little more than a dog. faye who knows what her coworkers think of her (they're afraid of her, no doubt, but she also knows that she is a hot gossip topic among the lower ranked fatui members). faye who knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she is a fucking dog, and faye who embraces that role. faye who will show everyone a goddamn dog if they piss her off enough—snarling fangs that tear through flesh and muscle in the name of a goal far greater than herself, in the name of a goal that the man currently holding her leash believes in, in the name of a goal that she is starting to believe in with every passing day and every new failure of deities to protect their people.
(because at least when she is a dog, she is wanted in some way beyond just being a little maid that runs around completing menial tasks like cleaning or being a punching bag for some rich fontainian asshole that never lifts a finger to do anything.
because at least when she is a dog, she does something worthwhile with her existence.
because at least she is more loved as a dog than she ever was as a person.)
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totaleclipse573 · 4 months
So what I’m understanding is
Team Dark apartment inhabitants :
• Shadow
• Rouge
• Eclipse
• Terios
• Therapy pets for the doom bros (Clippys kitty, Cookie the Jade Wisp, and Shadow’s chao)
(Omega and the Dark Arms should NOT be in there but alas)
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praiseinchains · 3 months
Mental Reset Day (6/23/24)
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I had a really tough week last week, between my neck hurting so much and just all the stress of my loan. I know I’m not the only one who thinks that if there was just a specific day or holiday that came along everything would be so much better, but the bad part of that is having to WAIT for that day and then just putting everything on that day to make you feel better. The last day I had, where I really just took a time out and relaxed from everything, was a few days after my 30th birthday. I spent the whole day just doing everything I loved that made me feel relaxed and making plans for my new year.
I didn’t want to wait for another special day or holiday to come along (like Thanksgiving, Halloween or Christmas), so I decided to make every Sunday sort of a ‘Mental Reset Day’ to unwind from the stress of the week. I started by writing myself a letter (much like I did for my birthday) and writing about how my week went, and how I could make it better the following week and just my general goals. Then at the end of the day, I wrote in my journal about moments that I really enjoyed and what my favorite part of the day was.
My favorite part was just taking the time to unwind and really focus on the things I want to do in life, like writing and exploring a career as a bookkeeper (something I’d tried to get into once before).
I really enjoyed having special time with Lucy (my cavapoo) on the bed. It was one of the rare times she behaves anymore and having her sleeping next to me on the bed really made my heart happy.
I’d say watching ‘The Finest Hours’ was one of the most meaningful moments. Not many movies can make me emotional enough to cry, but that one sure does. It didn’t mention God, but you could just see His hand at work. It was nothing short of a miracle and He put a spirit of courage and hope in those men that couldn’t be tamed. It was supposed to be an impossible situation, but He made it possible, and He brought the men and a community together, and I can’t help but wonder if that’s part of the reason God allows horrible situations to happen – not only to prove His power through ordinary people, but to draw them closer and inspire hope in others. (And yes, Chris Pine is INSANELY cute! I'm just mush when it comes to blond-haired guys, lol!)
If you don’t already have a day dedicated to just focusing on your mental health, you really ought to consider it. I’ve only had one mental health day, but I can tell it’s already making my week better and I look forward to next Sunday when I can have another.
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This is me today having outside time. I didn't stay out for too long because it's cold today!
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aashiquidreams · 1 month
Since there’s a full moon in Aquarius tonight, I’ve been reflecting on the past six months. Six months ago, on February 9, there was a new moon in Aquarius, marking the beginning of a significant cycle for me. During this period, I’ve experienced profound emotional and physical challenges that made me feel like an entire chapter of my life was closing. But upon deeper reflection, I realize that this wasn’t just about the past six months—different cycles have been closing for a while now. The past one and a half years have felt like one big “Tower moment,” a period of upheaval and transformation, akin to the Tower card in the Rider-Waite tarot deck.
My health issues began in early 2023, forcing me out of my comfort zone and into making serious lifestyle changes. By spring, these health issues had cost me my job, and with that, my dream of making a career in a field I had just entered was lost. Last year also brought the revelation of two major secrets, both shocking and life-altering, leading to the abrupt end of two friendships—one in the spring and the other in the summer. These experiences were painful but necessary, teaching me invaluable lessons about myself and the kinds of people I attract into my life.
In the fall of last year, a close friend and I discovered something together that left us both in shock. Even now, I’m amazed at how certain events and meetings in life play out. Unfortunately, our friendship slowly faded after that, but I’m grateful for the experiences we shared. They helped me let go of what no longer served me and furthered my healing journey. Around the same time, I had a falling out with my brother, and we stopped talking until spring.
By November, I had to move on to another chapter of my health journey and part ways with someone who had helped me realize the importance of my lifestyle change. I had mixed feelings about moving on—my health was improving, but I felt like I had to step out of my comfort zone once again. Yet, I had built enough confidence to take this step, and the encouragement I received from him was immensely helpful. Looking back, I can see that this was meant to happen. It was also around this time that I began learning about trauma and how it manifests in the body. This step was crucial in bringing together my physical and emotional healing journeys and in meeting the people who would later play a significant role in my healing process.
The year took a turn for the worse in October/November 2023. My sweet cat, Tijgertje, who had been with me for 15 years, started showing symptoms of illness, and another stressful period began for both of us. Despite all efforts, in February of this year, I had to make the heart-wrenching decision to end his suffering. His passing devastated me, and I was overwhelmed with grief.
To make matters worse, a day after his passing, I experienced a sharp pain in my abdomen and could hardly move. The pain was unlike anything I had felt before, and I had to call the doctor. Before I knew it, I was in an ambulance, on my way to the hospital. After several painful examinations, I was diagnosed with stomach ulcers. In hindsight, I had noticed changes in my body but didn’t pay much attention to them. That night, when I returned home, I was overwhelmed by emptiness and loneliness.
I remember taking a shower, crying loudly, and begging God to take my life or give me the courage to end it myself. At that moment, nothing made sense anymore. My life felt completely turned upside down, and I had reached my limit, unable to see any way out. I cried and pleaded with God until I couldn’t cry anymore.
That same weekend, while I was still processing Tijgertje’s passing and my hospital visit, I faced disappointment from two friends I thought were close. One friend’s reaction to my loss wasn’t entirely surprising, as I had already sensed our friendship was nearing its end. But the other friend’s behavior was completely unexpected and out of character. When I found out they were having a party that weekend, which I was invited to but couldn’t attend, I felt abandoned. A short visit or even a phone call would have sufficed, but their lack of empathy made me reevaluate our relationships.
The weeks that followed are somewhat blurry, likely due to exhaustion. However, my prayers changed. Instead of begging for an end, I asked God to take me by the hand, give me strength, and show me what I needed to learn. I thanked Him for what He had shown me so far. I’m not religious, but I believe in God, and I trust that He always takes care of me and reveals what I need to know at the right time—maybe not always in the ways I want or expect, but He knows best.
By the end of February, I had an important conversation with one of my coaches from CrossFit. This conversation provided me with a sense of direction for my healing journey. Although I didn’t know this person very well, his presence felt comforting and safe. He understood my health issues, my grief, and that I felt lost and stuck in life. He suggested breathwork to see what might surface. He and his colleague literally taught me how to breathe correctly and helped me look inside myself to gain insights that I could work with. I did two breathwork sessions with them, and what emerged were deeply buried traumas. The sessions were intense, bringing up old wounds that I had never properly dealt with, either because I was in survival mode or simply out of denial.
Meanwhile, my mental health was deteriorating, so I sought help. Since May, I’ve been back on antidepressants and started attending CrossFit classes more regularly—this combination is what keeps me going. I also have an upcoming appointment with my old therapist to reassess my needs. Interestingly, this appointment coincides with my sweet cat Suzy’s death anniversary. It was her death that triggered my depression back in 2019. I remember the first few sessions were mostly about her passing and what both my cats symbolized in my life. It feels like everything is coming full circle.
Another important cycle I closed this year is that I quit smoking weed on January 8. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve made, and I’m proud of this achievement. I never doubted that I could quit, but it was a habit that had no place in my current lifestyle.
Now, with everything that has happened, the astrological context is quite interesting. As I wrote before, the lunar eclipse in Libra on March 24 and the solar eclipse in Aries on April 8, alongside the transformative influence of Pluto in Aquarius from January 20 to September 1, have all played a role in shaping my experiences. As a Libra rising with my 7th house in Aries and Chiron in Taurus, these celestial events heightened my awareness of personal boundaries and the importance of self-assertion. With Pluto in Libra in my 12th house, I’ve delved deep into introspection, confronting hidden truths and emerging with a newfound sense of empowerment.
Additionally, the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in my 8th house on April 20-21 stirred a desire for radical change and liberation from outdated patterns, symbolizing a journey of death and rebirth, where old ways dissolve to make room for transformation and renewal.
Currently, with six planets and Chiron in retrograde, the astrological climate is especially reflective. These retrogrades are amplifying the introspective and transformative themes I’ve been experiencing, aligning with the shifts and revelations in my life. This period of review and reassessment is adding to the depth of my personal journey, making this time particularly rich for growth and understanding.
What’s even more astonishing is the realization that the Tower card in tarot corresponds with Mars in astrology. I have Mars in Gemini in the 9th house, and I just finished my profection year in the 9th house on my birthday, August 3. This connection has blown my mind because since February, I’ve had clear visions of the Tower card, even though I haven’t touched my tarot cards for over a year. The Tower card represents sudden upheaval and the breaking down of old structures—much like what I’ve been experiencing. With Mars in my 9th house, this upheaval has been tied to areas of higher learning, beliefs, and long journeys, both literal and metaphorical. My recent 9th house profection year forced me to confront and re-evaluate my beliefs, perspectives, and life direction, aligning perfectly with the transformative energy of the Tower.
Figuratively speaking, I feel like I fell from the burning tower, much like in that tarot card. As I was falling, I couldn’t tell where I would land, and sometimes I’m still unsure. Once I hit the ground, I was unable to move. But eventually, I began to get up—slowly, painfully. I learned that sometimes, in order to survive, we must stand still, process what has happened, and take time to recover from such a fall in life. I also learned that it’s okay to be lost at times and to stand still, to look inside and around for guidance. Sometimes I still don’t know where I’m going, but I’ve come to accept that this is all part of the journey, and I trust that I will be okay.
As I navigate this transformative period, I’m learning to embrace uncertainty and trust in the process. I’ve gained a much deeper sense of self-love and appreciation for who I am becoming. Physically, mentally, and emotionally, I’m beginning to truly like the person I’m evolving into. While I don’t have all the answers, I’m finding strength in the journey itself and in the lessons it brings. With each step, I’m gradually piecing together a new sense of direction and purpose. The path ahead may still be unclear, but I trust that, as I continue to grow and heal, I will find my way. Here’s to embracing the unknown and moving forward with hope and faith. Happy full moon!
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fruifruit · 2 months
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you guys liked kat as a bnha villain more than i thought so have some more of her JKLFJSKL
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sleepis4theweak · 11 months
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roboraindrop · 6 months
Me, stroking my Chu.cky doll's hair, smiling like an idiot
I really do have very big and very real feelings for very fictional characters huh fjdjsks
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wellthatschaotic · 10 months
how to convince aunt to get a kitys. and/or a ouppy
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serenwanders · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Interview With the Vampire (Movie 1994), Vampire Chronicles Series - Anne Rice Rating: M
Relationships: Armand/Daniel Molloy, Daniel Molloy & Louis de Pointe du Lac Characters: Armand (Vampire Chronicles), Daniel Molloy, Louis de Pointe du Lac, Lestat de Lioncourt 
Before he could even fully grasp the door he felt sharp nails dig into the wound on his neck. He whimpered and dropped back to the seat, turning weakly to watch Lestat lick the blood from his fingers.
  “Don’t be impolite Daniel.” Lestat said with the voice of one explaining something to a disobedient child. “I didn’t say I was going to kill you.”
 After Daniel is attacked by Lestat he finds himself the prisoner of a vampire he knows only from Louis’s tale. In the space between life and death, fear and love, Armand and Daniel come together.
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
hey mod do you have any insight into why dog food smells wretched?
their sense of smell is more sensitive than ours, but it isn't that different, is it??
why do we make food for them that smells like crap garbage and why do they accept this
there are dogs who think the highest dining experience is cat shit, i can't know their machinations.
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askethandothers · 1 year
How fit is Eth? Would he consider himself the healthy kind or does he have any issues at all with sicknesses or anything?
While eth is surprisingly (physically) healthy, his mental health however isn't the best as he has to deal with some mental disorders and past trauma
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