#Pet Feed
roadkilli-art · 6 months
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erm i think something got inside the ship
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unusualshrimp · 1 year
internet safety tip: to protect your identity, you can start going by a "fake name" online. But Watch Out
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batshaped · 3 months
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the continued adventures of an internet user who was frozen in 2004 and defrosted in 2021: some things are just the way you left them
previous 2004 internet user comics are here: one, two, three, four, five; or just in my 2004 tag
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officialspec · 5 months
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International Man Of Food
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hellenhighwater · 3 days
Hey, if your cat happens to love the churu squeezy cat treats, or similar equivalent, I'm here to tell you to just buy gerber ham or turkey baby food instead. It's less expensive and higher quality--it's human food grade--and the baby food is literally just pureed meat in water with cornstarch as a thickener. I use it for kittens that are struggling to maintain weight, and also as a special treat for Malice and Vice.
It shouldn't be a substitue for a good quality cat food, but if your cat is motivated by the churu treats, this is a better option in every regard.
Plus you get tiny glass jars.
Here's both items on amazon--the churu treats are $1.12 an ounce, the baby food is $.56 an ounce. You can probably find both of these in your local big box store, this is just for comparison.
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I just cap the jar and stick it in the fridge, they don't get anywhere close to the whole thing in one go.
Edit to note: I say gerber specifically because it's unseasoned. You do NOT want to use a meat baby food that has onion, garlic, or any other kind of seasoning, that's very dangerous for both cats and dogs. Check the ingredients!
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canisalbus · 3 months
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Yeah sorry I drew this.
Hope you feel better soon ♡
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arttuff · 3 months
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booger gold, booster mold, looser hold,
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shanmugam1202 · 2 years
Pussycats need a high- protein diet, rich in fats. They typically eat small refections all through the day. pussycats maintain their body weight by sticking to the diet they take in. Refer here for more on this https://petcocare.blogspot.com/2022/09/best-food-for-pet-cats.html
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englishsloth · 13 days
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makethiscanon · 1 month
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Artists who draw Laios with his canonically soft belly and muscles deserve all the best things.
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s-aint-elmo · 2 months
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girl who has suffered more than alll-mer
(ID in alt text)
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thatbuddie · 1 month
after buck and eddie get together, eddie starts giving buck absentminded kisses all the time.
kiss on the forehead after he passes him his morning coffee. kiss on the cheek while buck is cooking dinner. kiss on the back of his hand as buck drives them to bobby’s house for a family bbq. kiss on top of his head while they cuddle watching a documentary. kiss on his shoulder while they sit on the station couch reading in between calls.
but buck’s favorite kisses? the ones edde blows him from a distance. when no one is looking during a call and they have to separate, buck doing evac and eddie treating some minor burns. when buck is pulling out of the their driveway to go meet maddie and jee for lunch and eddie sees him off from the front porch. during their family night out at the movies with chris in between them before the action film their son chose and they’re both probably going to hate begins.
every single blown kiss is always followed by eddie mouthing “i love you” at him, and every single time buck feels himself start to blush, the butterflies in his stomach staging a very chaotic and uncoordinated flash mob.
there’s something so exhilarating about knowing that no matter how close or far away they physically are eddie always wants to be kissing him. like eddie knows just as well as buck does that his lips were always meant to graze buck’s skin and leave behind goosebumps for hours to come.
even when they can’t see each other at all, buck knows eddie is thinking about it too because eddie does not go more than 3 hours without sending him little 😘 emojis. he doesn’t say anything else, doesn’t contextualize them because he doesn’t need to. it's just random 😘 throughout the day, scattered in between the rest of their texts.
buck [3:33pm]: got caught in traffic, chris and i will be there soon! eddie [3:33pm]: ok, hen and denny just arrived eddie [6:03pm]: 😘
eddie [11:27am]: can you write “chris dentist appointment” on the kitchen calendar for 10/17? buck [11:31am]: done! eddie [11:32am]: thanks, baby eddie [2:16pm]: 😘
buck [10:08am]: we also need eggs! buck [11:43am]: remind me to replace the lightbulb in chris’s bedside lamp eddie [1:14pm]: 😘 eddie [3:09pm]: your amazon package just arrived buck [3:09pm]: yaaaaaaay eddie [7:24pm]: 😘
eddie [6:02am]: 😘 eddie [8:56am]: 😘 eddie [9:07am]: 😘 eddie [12:31pm]: 😘 buck [3:17pm]: 😘😘😘
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rebeccathenaturalist · 8 months
Unsurprisingly, a lot of the commentary I'm seeing about this has been of the "But--but--I would do the same thing because I don't want anything bad to happen to the deer!"
Look. I love wildlife, and I love getting to see deer, coyotes, and even the occasional black bear in my neighborhood. But they are here because there is good habitat nearby with lots of natural food sources, not because I deliberately put out food for them to eat. I respect them as wild animals with whom my relationship is very different compared to the domesticated animals I take care of every day. A deer is not a sheep or a horse; a coyote is not a dog.
People who do things like try to tame deer or, worse yet, try to raise a fawn or other young wildlife like pets are robbing those wild animals of their natural existences. We've already wrought our own preferences on the landscape to a severe degree, tearing the wildness out of it to create lawns and farms and subdivisions and strip malls. When we then dismiss the wildness of these animals and impress our own desire for connection on our terms on them, we are harming them.
I've already written elsewhere about the difference between "tame" and "domesticated". No matter how docile that deer seems, it is never going to be as (relatively) safe and tractable as a domesticated sheep or goat. It will always be more unpredictable, and more likely to lash out suddenly at a person due to fear, or hormones, or protection of young.
These animals need their wild instincts to be intact if they are going to survive without being dependent on us. They need those instincts in order to find mates and keep the gene pool stirred up. Their instincts keep them safe from danger, including humans. And their instincts never totally go away, no matter how much we may try to tame them otherwise.
This is why a good wildlife rehab is going to minimize handling of the wild animals they care for, especially those that are going to be able to be released back into the wild. The less comfortable these animals are with humans, the better their chances of surviving in the wild and having fulfilling, natural lives. Wildlife that retain their wariness of humans are less likely to end up falling prey to hunting, or being killed as nuisance animals when they get too aggressive in seeking food or otherwise coming into conflict with people.
The person who painted "pet" on a fully grown white-tailed buck and put a collar around his neck may have felt like they were doing that deer a kindness, but they have likely robbed him of the chance to just live a natural life as his own, independent being out in the woods and fields. He might be out there, sure, but perhaps he won't mate because he imprinted on humans. Or maybe he will end up shot by a hunter in spite of the precautions because he's just too friendly and those antlers are worth taking the shot.
There will always be something missing from this deer's life because of the arrogance of someone who thought they could own and keep and control a wild-born animal for their own enjoyment, instead of allowing him to come and go as he pleased. Honestly, it reminds me of King Haggard from Peter S. Beagle's The Last Unicorn, whose response to seeing something beautiful was to capture it and keep it rather than simply enjoying and remembering that magical moment:
"I like to watch them. They fill me with joy. The first I felt it I thought I was going to die. I said to the Red Bull I must have them, all of them, all there are. For nothing makes me happy but their shining and their grace. So the Red Bull caught them. Each time I see the unicorns, my unicorns, it is like that morning in the woods and I am truly young, in spite of myself."
That's how I feel about people who are willing to drastically alter a wild animal's behavior for their own selfish benefit, even if they think they're being kind. I know I'm fighting a bit of an uphill battle in this, but I'm rather stubborn that way.
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jacky93sims · 4 months
PETKIT Automatic Pet Feeder for The Sims 2
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This is a 4to2 conversion from Helenmay, low poly. This pet bowl will automatically refill itself and charge sims ten simoleons each time. It's cloned from Jfade Pet Bowl. It has 13 colors and a dirty state too.
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Any dc writer with balls should have Bruce go through a whole ass mental breakdown when Jason dies
I don’t mean just yelling no at the sky and then punching people in the face- I mean going catatonic for hours at a time, refusing to eat or sleep, he goes mute again like he did as a child, he maybe even makes an attempt on his life, and yeah he’s also punching people but he’s Lettjnf them Hit him Hurt him because Alfred took away anything he could use to hurt himself with at home
It drives Dick away not because he doesn’t care but because he Can Not Do this. He’s also grieving and his dad looks through him like he’s not there. He doesn’t talk or even look at him most of the time and so he can’t be home he physically cannot fucking be home
And then Tim comes along. And Tim will talk to Bruce even if he’s not listening, even if he’s not there because he’s used to talking to himself. And he’s said robin died but he’s not in grief like Bruce is- he follows him out on patrol where if Bruce gets hurt or refuses to talk Tim could get hurt a Child could get hurt. Bruce is forced to eat and sleep and take care of himself because Tim is there and Tim needs him, or at least he pretends to and that’s what matters
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hoofpeet · 9 months
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