#Peter’s secret identity be hexed
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“Kaine,” Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 3/2024), #1.
Writer: Steve Foxe; Penciler: Greg Land; Inker: Jay Leisten; Letterer: Frank D’Armata
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doitwritenow · 3 years
Supreme Super family gets sucked up into WandaVision(let's imagine Tony's alive in this or is from the multiverse). Ironstrange think they're married with a high school kid. Tony is a science teacher, strange is town doctor, and peter is a regular kid. No memories of they're real life. Rhody, Pepper, and Aunt May and Morgan could be added to this too if you wanted.
OHHO! Sorry it took me so long to reply to this; I had to finish the show, for one thing, and then my brain started going all sorts of places with the prompt... and well. I have on heck of a ramble coming, so buckle up! 
(Also, spoilers through the series, so watch out!) 
— — —
It starts with a question on Vision’s job application.
That’s all. So simple, so innocuous, so innocent. Vision is casually recording information that he doesn’t yet realize he can’t remember, and he arrives at a line that asks his family history. It’s nothing complex, left on the application only because Wanda’s subconscious had glossed over the question. So does Vision’s, as a result. But he wants this job. They want to fit in, and so they answer the question truthfully.
Vision writes ‘Stark’, unaware. ‘Tony Stark.’
And pop. Just like that. 
On the edge of Westview, there suddenly is and has always been a small, well-kept mechanic’s shop. It’s run by an aging man with a bright mind and a brighter smile. He’s lived here since he came back from the war, but no one knows for how long. And he has no memory—no memory at all—of what came before. 
Of the round scar in the center of his chest. 
He doesn’t need to know. No one needs to know; he’s just a side character, after all. Just the answer to a line on a job application.
Just so that something, anything, about Vision’s life here isn’t a lie. 
Yeah, so Tony gets manifested within the Hex—but because he’s one of Wanda’s creations and not someone being mind-controlled, he is able to exist with agency within Westview. He has no reason, however, to believe anything is amiss; he’s been resurrected only to play a character, and his memories and surface-level motivations only extend to the limits of that character.
But Wanda has other regret. Wanda has other anger and understanding and forgiveness and gratefulness, and she knew Tony Stark, once. 
She knew his worst nightmare—and it’s easy to craft a soul from that, really.
(But it’s fine, of course it’s fine. Tony has no reason to pull down the walls of that hidden spirit. He’s content in his role, just like Vision. So it’s fine. 
… Right?) 
Agatha stands at the base of a towering barrier with her hands on her hips. One side of her mouth is quirked up into a considering, scheming smile, and her magic probes out around her curiously. This is the source of the power she’d felt; she’s sure of it. The spell work… the instinctual, unconscious spell work is so intense she can almost taste it.
How is it possible? What’s the secret? 
Agatha must know. And besides; this is the most interesting thing that’s happened to her since the seventeenth century. 
She’s about to reach out, about to cross into the heart of the magic, when she hears it. A footstep. Quiet and dark and making no attempt at stealth. 
Agatha grips her magic. “Who’s there?” she demands. 
Someone steps out of the trees. A human, Agatha thinks, though you can never be sure nowadays. He wears a hood of green and his hands are dark where they hang at his sides. 
“Witch,” the figure declares.
Agatha raises an eyebrow. “Can I help you?”
“Yes,” says Karl Mordo. “I rather think you can.”
Okay, cut to New York. Stephen Strange is exhausted, wrung dry trying to keep the edges of the universe from deteriorating now that the stabilization factors of the Infinity Stones have been destroyed. One task runs into the next, one morning into the night. One future into all the others. 
But Stephen likes the work; it keeps his mind in one place. He’s always alert these days. Always listening. 
So when someone calls out to him from New Jersey, he can hear.
It’s Mordo luring him in, of course, but he doesn’t know that yet. After Dormammu, and certainly after all those futures, Stephen has too much experience for Mordo to hope to get the better of. The old Master is still dedicated to his ‘too many sorcerers’ shebangerang, though, so he’s employed help. Maybe he can kill two birds with one stone. Two world-threateningly powerful magic users with one stone. 
Stephen follows the call, because of course he does. It sounds like a call for help; what else is he supposed to do? The kelpie situation in the Thames can wait. Wong waves him off, tells him to be careful without much hope of Stephen listening, and takes over the Sanctum for the few hours Stephen intends to be gone.
(It’s not for a few hours.)
But there’s someone else we should mention before we see what Westview has planned for Stephen. See, a certain spider-kid has just had his identity outed, and his only allies once called themselves Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
Nick Fury and Maria Hill, Peter discovers, are not Nick Fury and Maria Hill.
“You’re aliens?” Peter demands, his hands warding the space in front of him. 
Of course they’re aliens, part of him sighs. Of course. Why wouldn’t one more thing just go crazy in his life? Why let him remember what ‘normal’ even felt like? Why the hell not? 
“Er, yes,” says not-Fury. “My name is Talos. But we do still want to help you.”
Helping Peter doesn’t go according to plan. See, the Skrull try to approach SWORD for Monica Rambaeu’s help regarding the kid who saved their lives, but Monica has disappeared. 
Talos only turns around for two seconds. Really, it’s only a moment. But when he turns back, Peter Parker has disappeared, too.
Stephen stops, a hand coming up to shield his third eye as he squints into the absolute maelstrom of power swirling in a hexagonal wall in front of him. It doesn’t feel like the Order’s magic—not like something of the Mystic Arts. It’s something far more human and gritty. Stephen’s perception can’t extend through it. He frowns.
He takes a step forward, the Cloak swirling around his ankles, and begins to stitch his mental walls into place. His wards are strong, even unconsciously.
That’s probably what saves him, in all honesty. 
Two strong, human hands plant themselves in the small of Stephen’s back and shove him into the barrier. Stephen opens his mouth to yell, raises his hands to cast a spell— but blue and red are surrounding him now. Devouring him, now. They lick at his mind, slamming against unbreakable walls.
But they are unbreakable too. 
Stephen disappears. 
(Mordo used a portal to get behind him and knock him into the Hex, btw.) 
It’s those hasty mental walls that keep Stephen from being completely consumed into the Westview spells. He is not fully mind-controlled, nor is he left half-animated and frozen like most people near Ellis Avenue. But there is one main rule of Wanda Maximoff’s Westview, and that, Stephen can’t escape completely. 
‘No one remembers outside.’
Stephen doesn’t. In fact, he doesn’t remember anything at all. 
Tony Stark finds the man lying on the side of the road. He’s just finished dropping his kid Peter off at the Westview high school (it hasn’t occurred to him that it’s weird how he never sees the boy’s classmates. Or that Peter never seems to have stories from school. Or that the kid is always waiting in the exact same place that Tony dropped him off at whenever Tony comes to pick him up. Tony has no reason to think too hard; he’s just a side character—right?). 
“Uh, hi?” Tony pauses, the car puffing it’s irritation when he stops it too quickly. He cranks down the window and leans out. 
The man blinks, slowly, at the sky. He sits up hesitantly, like he hasn’t noticed Tony, and rubs his hand across his face. He pulls it away after a moment and frowns at it. Tony wonders why he looks so confused—it’s not like there’s anything wrong with the man’s hand. No scars or anything. 
“Hi, sir,” Tony says again. “Are you alright?”
The man jumps. He looks over at Tony—and there’s something weird about his eyes. Something… really weird. (Color, says a voice in the back of his mind that he hasn’t heard for a very, very long time. That’s color.)
“Who are you?” Tony asks. He parks the car completely now. 
The man looks down at his hands again. “I’m—” he begins. He’s frowning again.
“Come on now,” Tony encourages. “How hard can it be?”
The man tugs at the scarf around his neck—and it must be windier than Tony thought, because the edges of it are swaying as if of their own accord— and swallows. 
“I don’t know,” he says.
So of course Tony brings Stephen back with him. He prods at the man until Stephen manages to blurt out ‘Doctor Stephen Strange’ for no reason either of them can remember. But it makes Stephen relax, a little, to have it on his tongue. 
Tony catches Stephen staring at him after that. A lot. When he asks him why, Stephen has no clear answer; just a vague “you remind me of someone.” For Stephen’s part, all he knows is that seeing Tony gives him an indistinct sense of relief. Like he’d been missing someone deeply, and has now found it again. 
Still. He can’t quite put his finger on it. Just like he can’t quite put his finger on why his hands don’t hurt when he tries to write…
Vision visits Tony, sometimes, whenever he remembers, or whenever someone in the town mentions the old mechanic. He brings Wanda. They have fun, but Vision always goes home feeling slightly baffled. And Tony always feels like something hurts, deep in the center of his chest. 
Vision likes his adopted younger brother. (And Peter gets along just fine with the twins, too, when they come along, so Wanda doesn’t change anything about it). But when the man with the bright eyes stares at him with just a bit too much calculation on his face, Vision starts to be reminded of… things. Of suspicions. Of Geraldine and how she had no home and no history. And he doesn’t quite look Wanda in the eye that dinner. 
“What do you do?” Wanda asks, her voice a little hard, a little suspicious. Vision tries not to wince. Whatever it is she’s not telling him, this man at his father’s dinner table reminds her of it. 
Tony flips his fork, balancing it like one might a wrench. “Stephen’s a doctor,” he says.  
Wanda’s face flickers. “That’s funny,” she says blankly. “Because no one in this town ever needs one.” 
For a while, Tony Stark didn’t see anything amiss here. He was created, was consistent, was emptily and vaguely pleased. But Tony Stark is Tony Stark, whatever character he’s been told to play. Tony Stark wants to help people. 
And this man, this strange doctor with the eyes that would sometimes go blank for long minutes and the tears that would stain sharp cheeks for a reason he claimed not to remember, needs help.
So Tony Stark begins to scratch at Wanda’s walls. 
 “What do you mean he’s here?”
“I mean your little plan didn’t work,” Agatha says. She stands on the edge of Westview, speaking through a mirror of magic to the man outside. She’s liking this sorcerer less and less the more she works with him—but he has been rather helpful so far, so she continues to put up with him. 
“Does he remember?”
“No,” Agatha says. “The dad that Wanda made up for Vision has taken him in. It’s kind of adorable, actually.”
“Hm.” Mordo’s mouth twists. “You’ll finish the job?”
Agatha shrugs nonchalantly. “Sure. When I get around to it.”
“You don’t want to wait. Deal with Strange now, before he remembers how to be a threat.”
Agatha laughs. It’s brittle, fully conveying her hostility. “Ha, my good sorcerer, listen. Unless you want to come in here and do the job yourself, you’ll let me handle this my way.”
Agatha’s way involves getting to the bottom of things, of course. And that’s rather convenient… because Vision has begun to try to do the same thing. 
— — — —
Okay that’s all I have for now? The other bits are still solidifying in my mind, and it’s basically all Horrible Angst. I hope this scratches a little of the itch of your ask, though! Feel free, anyone, to add onto this if you’d like! I really enjoyed the show, and I think it has some really awesome AU potential. 
Thanks for the ask!!!
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fictionimitateslife · 3 years
I had an idea for a possible young avengers’ storyline in the MCU. So I decided to post it here. I know nobody asked for it, and most likely nobody will read it. But I wanted to post it somewhere, so who cares?
This is an idea based on what we already know is gonna happen in the MCU as well as some speculations.
Now these are just a bunch of ideas that I think would be interesting to see happen in the MCU for the YA. I have no idea if anything like this is gonna happen. At all.
First, I would like to point out that I am a huge YA fan. They were my first superhero comic ever. So, I would love for the MCU to adapt them as close to the source as possible. But I know that is not happening. So, let´s move on to the “plot”.
So, for starters, let´s answer the biggest YA question right now. Iron Lad. I think we aren´t getting Nate Richards as Iron Lad. Rather, I believe we are getting Harley Keener as Iron Lad. Now I could be wrong, and all this would be useless, but I don´t think Marvel would do such a complicated time travel storyline like Nate´s. Add to that Harley´s appearance on Tony´s funeral, and I think he will most likely will become Iron Lad.
The other option would be for Ironheart to take his place. And nobody really wants that to happen. It would be dumb and insulting. So, between no Ironheart, and Harley as Iron Lad, (knowing he has no personality yet, and therefore can be given Nate´s personality), the only option to take is the second one.
With that in mind, here is how I would turn Herley into Iron lad:
1) Give him Nate´s personality, trading his obsession with time travel, for science.
2) Make him responsible for the first big YA villain. Which one? Ultron. More specifically, his return with a new body.
How Harley would make that? Well let´s return to infinity war for that. We know Shuri downloaded most of Vision during the movie. I think it would be interesting if Tony salvaged what she did download of him, and rebuild Vision, as an AI, without his emotions. At this point, I think it would be interesting if Harley was on an internship on Stark industries. Like the one Peter said he had, except a real internship. We know Tony pushed himself away from most of the world between IW and Endgame. But what if Harley was the exception? Tony set up his internship so that Harley could have a good future, and kept watch over him. That would explain his presence in the funeral. Even if he was far from Tony, they kept a connection through science.
Now, let´s move to Endgame. If Tony rebuild Vision, why was he using FRIDAY? Simple, he wasn´t done yet. Maybe he had just finished it and didn´t have time to start it. Or maybe he didn´t even finish rebuilding Vision, Harley did it.
Now, where is Vision then? I think it would be interesting to contrast Harley to Peter Parker here. While Peter is Tony´s legacy on superheroics, I think Marvel should make Harley Tony´s legacy in science. And that is why I think Tony could have given Vision to Harley. And contrasting Peter to Harley, gave the latter access to Stark Industries scientific/information resources, while Peter got more access to resources that could be used for superheroics. Now, I know MCU Peter is a scientist too, but differently from comic´s Peter, that is not his big thing. Harley, on the other hand, is much more of a scientist/builder.
If I could touch one both of their storylines, then I would move Harley´s into a hero´s jorney, while I would slowly make Peter more of a scientist/builder. But that is just me.
Anyway, like this, Harley would have both access to Vision, and access to Stark Industries resources, which he could use to build Ultron´s new body. How that happens? After Tony´s death Ultron pretended to be a human, and talking to Harley online, influenced him into helping Ultron create an even better body than Ultron ever could. Then influenced him into creating a prototype, just to prove they could do it. And that was enough for Ultron. He took over the prototype, and flew away from Harley´s lab, went into hiding, and slowly upgraded his prototype body, according to Harley´s project.
Harley, ashamed, hide this and decided to take care of Ultron himself. Now it´s important that I think both Harley and Tony didn´t want the boy to become a superhero. Which means maybe Harley promised Tony he wouldn´t do it. However, he has to break his promise, and for that, creates a new suit of armor, based on Tony´s own armor, and his new Ultron project.
With access to an Iron man type of armor, and an objective, Harley realizes that he can´t defeat Ultron alone. So he uses a hidden file on Vision (left behind with express orders to only be used in extreme emergencies), the avengers fail-safe program. A program made to find youngsters with ties to the avengers who could become new avengers in the future.
Harley finds 3 close candidates: Eli, Billy and Tommy.
Now, moving on to these 3, Tommy and Billy would appear in doctor strange 2, but still end up dying, and being resurrected. Billy is close and Harley recruits him. Tommy is in Juvie, and therefore Harley can´t reach him. How Vision found them? Once Hex!Vision connected to White!Vision, he also connected to AI!Vision. At that point AI!Vision was able to keep tabs on the boys. He learned they had superpowers, as well as the signature energy for those powers. So, once AI!Vision found said energy signatures, he put them on the program.
Eli shows up in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, where I would use the Truth storyline. Now, I think Tony (or maybe only JARVIS) could end up finding out the truth about Isaiah, and decided to keep an eye on the Bradley family, even if just to protect them. I would end Eli´s storyline in TFATWS with him getting shot to save Bucky, and getting the blood transfusion from his grandparent. Which would put him in in the program again, since AI!Vision would predict him getting super soldier powers.
Iron Lad, Asgardian and Patriot form the first version of the young avengers. They start training, but not superheroing yet, while Harley looks for Ultron. The other boys don´t know he helped Ultron rebuild his body. Just that he found out Ultron was still alive somehow. Their first adventure happens in secret invasion.
Moving to Captain Marvel 2, we already know the enemy is gonna be the religious skrull. I would also use the movie to introduce Teddy. Basically the movie starts with us fiding out, in a flashback, that Mar-vell had a son, Genis-Vell. He fell in love and had a son with the princess of the skrull. Except he had to abandon them, in order to hide their existence from the kree. When her child was still a baby, the princess´s ship was attacked, and she was killed. She was able to give her son, Dorrek VIII, to her handmaiden, so he could be hidden. The handmaiden went to earth, and sought refuge with Talos´ people, not telling anyone the boy´s real identity. She raises him as a human boy.
At some point in Captain Marvel 2, we find out about a prophecy that tells Dorrek VIII will turn the Skrull into an Empire, and that said Empire will start on earth. Therefore, the new wants to capture earth to ensure that will happen. We are introduced to “alien” magic, which Monica confirms is like earth´s magic. The queen is defeated and then religious skrull decide to go after their prophecised emperor.
They find Teddy on earth, when he starts using his powers for Greg. He fights with Greg tho, and ends up in a bad place. The skrulls appear before him in the middle of a school day, and try to get him to join them, except he refuses. Billy is present for that, and calls for Harley and Eli, so they can help Teddy, thinking it´s a kidnapping. They “rescue” Teddy.
The religious skrulls end up revealing their presence on earth, alongside their violent intentions, and start a takeover of the planet. Secret Invasion starts. The boys help Teddy escape the skrulls, even releasing Tommy out of juvie, in order to have more firepower. Billy and Teddy start a romance. Teddy, at some point, takes the form of his favorite avenger, the Hulk, and discovers his super strength. Secret Invasion ends, and Fury helps hide the boys´ identity, including Teddy´s. He helps close the juvie that made experiments on Tommy. He also promises to keep watch over them.
They become the young avengers.
Hawkeye ends with Kate mentioning her sister´s wedding.
Ant-man 3 ends up with Cassie having a suit build for her, so she can travel through the quantum realm. She is forbidden from using the suit after it, and from becoming a superhero. She steals the suit anyway.
Young Avengers movie starts with Jessica Jones being hired to investigate the boys, who have started superheroing for real after the end of secret invasion.
The boy´s try to stop and attack on Kate´s sister wedding. The attackers have special weapons that incapacitate them. Kate saves the boys.
Close to the place where the wedding happened, Cassie, who was looking for the boys to join them, meets Kate, who also wants to join the team. They also find Jessica, who tries to convince them to give up being superheroes, given her experience. She realizes she can´t convince the girls, and decides to help them find the boys, thinking they will be safer in a bigger number. Jess, being Jess, finds them easily. The boys answer they are busy, since they realized the wedding was a trap. Harley says it was probably a trap from Ultron, who figured out what Harley was doing.
They decide to go after Ultron, since he is probably doing something big at that moment, hence, the trap.
Now, this is where things get fun, since I would mix up the children´s crusade storyline, with the “kang” storyline.
My idea would be for Ultron to have learned about magic, since he was connected to AI!Vision, who learned the truth behind Wanda. Ultron realized he couldn´t do shit alone, so he joins up with whoever is the villain from doctor strange 2. Now, for this, I would use Mephisto as the villain.
Now, I think Wanda won´t go bad, after the multiverse storyline. She will end up in a horrible place, but will remain a superhero. At the start of young avengers, she ends up in NYC.
Ultron and Mephisto set up a trap for her, and joining technology and magic, are able to take control of her. Or at least try to. The boys find them and start trying to free Wanda, who is passed out. The girls show up and join in saving Wanda. However, they still lose, since they had set up traps for the boys in case they appeared.
They disappear. Not before Harley is able to hack into Ultron and find out their plan. They wanted to use Wanda to cast a spell that would kill all humanity (for Ultron) and would give their souls to Mephisto. They came up with the spell together, and kept it inside Ultron´s memory. Harley stole the spell and erased it from Ultron’s memory.
The young avengers go to their hideout, where Harley explains what he found out. He decides to use the spell as bait, in order to save Wanda.
The villains, in control of Wanda, find the young avengers. They start losing, because of Tommy´s speed. Mephisto uses his power´s along with Wanda´s and they resurrect Pietro, another speedster, to fight against Tommy. The young avengers flee.
They decide to find out more about Wanda, and end up in westview, after Harley probs AI!Vision. They find out about what happened in there, at which point AI!Vision finishes explaining the truth about the twins. (This point could be used to have Ralph tell he is actually Simon Williams, and have him turn into Wonder Man in some way, I actually have a whole idea about how this could happen). Ultron and Mephisto find them. The YA runs away.
Cassie leads them to the pym laboratory. They explain what is happening, and Scott berates Cassie. They end up being found again.
At some point, Billy undoes Wanda´s magic control over Pietro, and he joins the kids.
Ultron and Mephisto realize they need to take the kids seriously, and get more violent.
The YA tele-transport again, but are intercepted by Doctor Strange, who noticed the insane amount of magic being used. They explain the situation to him.
Mephisto and Ultron remember they are heroes, and decide to attack New York to make them come out of hiding. Now, I hate the “save New York, save the world” trope. But seeing as most of the YA are from New York, this is one of the few situations where it would fit well. Mephisto releases a horde of demons on New York.
A final battle starts. Ultron steals the spell back from Harley. Wanda starts casting the spell. Agatha says she believes Tommy and Pietro´s powers have some sort of magical nature. They can bend time, and because of it, they can cancel out magic. Therefore, after the spell is activated, they circle Wanda and keep the effect of her spell inside.
The avengers from the D+ shows appear to help.
They divide into 3 teams. One to defeat Ultron. One to Defeat Mephisto. And one to stop Wanda.
They realize Wanda´s spell can´t be stopped, since only the caster can stop their spell. However, Billy can undo Wanda´s spell (when he released Pietro from her control), maybe because his powers come from hers.
He doesn´t know how to do it tho. Strange tells him to release his magic, and the other spellcasters will mold it to undo Wanda´s spell. Billy does so, but ends up losing control. We have the iconic YA vol. 2 scene, where Teddy helps Billy control his magic (in a perfect world, they would end up kissing in this scene).
The spellcasters use his power to undo Wanda´s magic. That also undoes the control over her. They all converse on Ultron and Mephisto.
Hawkeye realizes Mephisto has messenger demons. Teddy turns into one and takes him down by surprise.
Ultron builds a shield around himself, and tells the heroes he still has a second plan. He has control over the nuclear nukes on the world, and he will activate them. Eli tells him they have a Cassie. She appears inside the shield and stomps on Ultron, winning the day.
Of course, I also have many other ideas for specific character storylines. But I am tired of writing, and might add them on another day.
IDEK why I wrote this actually. I guess I just wanted to share it somewhere.
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amyhasbluescreen · 3 years
Wandavision episode 5 spoilers
Spoiler ahead you have been warned
so firstly omg omg omg ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ok, now that, that is out the way on to my thoughts and theories. 
So this episode was a wired one since we are no longer doing whole sitcoms or sword episodes, now just Jumping between the two. which seems like a better format (especially for the people who didn't understand the previous 3 sitcom episodes.) 
Wanda cant control the children. this could be because Billy is also a magic user and its cancelling out her powers or another kind of proof that Wanda is losing control her reality; we saw a similar thing with the stalk in one of the previous episodes (Now in Colour). 
Children are growing up quick. Tommy and Billy are growing up super quick like in the start of the episode they where 6 months to a year and at the end they 10, this is because they will want Tommy and Billy to play a bigger role in the future and you cant do that with babies (basically want they did with Cassie in Endgame). However, it seems like Wanda isn't changing the kids, this is proven when she says later in the episode when sparky dies (RIP Sparky) “Don’t...Don’t age yourselves up”. once again this could be Billy or even Tommy (since he fast) and they do seem aware of it happening however I don't think so its more likely this is Mephisto and Agnes or Nightmare or who ever is actually pulling the strings here (as in my opinion Wanda is too obvious to be doing this all by herself). 
roll the opining credits 
i just wanna give a shout out to baby vision in this segment (who is now up there with Grogu and Goot in my eyes). 
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And where back to Monica who is have a scan, she explains that the feeling of being in Westview is painful  and “feels like drowning” to then finally saying it felt like grief. so now we know that it isn't really a picnic for the residents trapped in Wanda’s world (interesting), but most immortally in this scene the scan comes back empty like there is nothing there which could be because of Wanda blasting her though the forcefield maybe giving her, her photon powers like in the comics. 
also thanks to Darcey who gave Wanda’s powers a name “hex” which is what her powers are called in the comics and for the the best line “Hay Haywards a Dick” witch funnily get over shadowed with the word terrorist, maybe Hayward is one of those evil Skrulls Woo wrote about on his board. we know the other skurlls are coming in secret invasion. 
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also Wanda Braking into to a sword facility to steal her dead boyfriend is a mood.   
But back to the sitcom where Tommy and Billy find a dog but not any dog Sparky the green synthezoid terrier from the Tom King vision comics (however he is not green). even though he last all of one episode I will miss him.
But hang on Vision is starting to realise things are not right here. things like Agnes not caring about the fact Wanda is using her powers and later in the office he awakens Norm and he tells him about his really family and he needs to find his phone cause his dad is ill. Which links to the identity board in episode 4 ( We interrupt this program) where it mentions Vision awakening Norm.
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There is a bit where Monica explains that they need a Aerospace engineer who will be up for the challenge or creating a machine to go through the forcefield. So how about Mr fantastic himself Reed Richards or Victor Von Doom (who btw is part of a big scarlet which comic ‘Young Avengers children's crusade’).
They also do a bit were we find out Wanda is re writing reality its self not just creating an illusion (Monica, Darcey and Jimmy are really just out here doing all the work). 
Sitcom time again this time Wanda and the boys hear a noise that spooks the dog and he run off this causes Wanda to go investigate and the boys follow. its shown to be a drone from the 80s in an attempted to contact Wanda (as she can’t change it since it is already linked to the time period in question and seems to only change things  that don't fit in with sitcom year). so Monica tries to make a calm interaction but escalates quickly after Hayward (the dick) tries to shoot her. this causes Wanda to get angry and confront the sword guys on the outside. in short she tells them to get lost cause she isn't harming anyone and warns them if they continue she will stop them, showing this by manipulating the men around her to aim for Hayward not her and fly back in but not before making the forcefield stronger and visible.
This weeks advert is for Lagos paper towels, if you forgot or didn't know Lagos is the place in the beginning of civil war when team cap is storming the Ex Hydra base and Wanda kills a bunch of people by accident. this is emphasised with the tag line “for when you make a mess you didn't mean to” since Wanda didn't mean to do what she did in Lagos however because of it, it leads to the Sokovia accords . 
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sparky dies and the children are sad, however they ask Wanda to bring the dog back to life which she explains that not even she cant bring back the dead (sureeee). 
Vision returns home and presumably buries the dog off screen and then tries to confront Wanda about what's happening to which see tries to stop the episode suggesting they watch tv or turn in for the night however vision stop her and as there start arguing the credit roll only for them to glitch as she and vision leaves the room.
Vision tells Wanda he know she is doing this and pleads with to stop. he also tells her he doesn't remembers who he was before Westview and that he is just generally scared. however they are intruded by a door bell which Wanda says isn't her but Vision doesn't believe her. 
she opens the door and surly not, he’s gone, he’s died, she explained in this episode that she couldn't bring people back from the grave so no it cant be. oh god, it is him, its really him, ITS ARRO...EVEN PETERS’ quicksilver. 
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So ya, in short they bring back Petrio (YAY I missed him). However it’s not Arron Taylor Johnsons it ends up being a weird amalgamation between Even peters’ Quicksilver from the X-Men movies and Arron Taylor Johnson’s. and suddenly cuts to Darcy saying Wanda recast Petrio but the next scene Wanda seem generally shocked she looks at Vision confused like she had not planed in this part. 
My theory is its Mephisto messing with Wanda but maybe its not maybe she pulled Quicksilver from the X-men universe smushed him with this earth’s quicksilvers memories and called it a day or maybe he’s just back, I really have no clue all I can say is that is seems a bit like a wolf in sheep’s clothing situation.
 But please let me know in the comments what you think is happening. I would really like have a discussion on what's happening in Wandavision and the MCU and comics as a whole.    
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orarobotvampire · 5 years
Lily Evans and the Mystifying Marauders Map
This is super cute and getting lost in ao3 so I need someone to pay attention to it on here.
Also, I apologize now, I'm on mobile so I can't do the read more thing.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21191540
Remus and his friends had just finished a project, Lily was sure of it. They’d spent months locked up in their dorm room; Lily practically had to force Remus to leave and get some fresh air every few days. On March 31st, the boys got even more preoccupied, spending more time watching the minutes tick by than listening to a word anyone was saying. Then, the next day, the boys were bouncing off the walls in excitement. The size of their smiles didn’t match up to how small their April Fools pranks had been that year, meaning something must’ve gone on that everyone else didn’t know about.
She just couldn’t figure out what the project had been, but she knew it had something to do with the piece of parchment she had nicked off Peter when they accidentally knocked into each other earlier that day. It was barely even her fault, it was an easy mistake, it just looked like a standard blank piece of parchment that she added to her pile of things as she hurried off to class.
Lily hurried up to her room with the new piece of paper. Once she knew she was alone, she pulled out the parchment and unfolded it. “Revelio, ” she cast.
Ink flooded across the paper
Mssr. Padfoot sends his regards and encourages Lily Evans to quit obsessing over Mssr. Prongs and go back sending mediocre hexes our way when we give her oily lost puppy what he deserves.
What? She knew the Marauders’ nicknames for each other, how dare Sirius say that, and also why? She was going to kill him.
Mssr. Prongs is okay with this obsession and would like Mssr. Padfoot to kindly get his nose out of matters that aren’t his’.
Now she rolled her eyes.
Mssr. Padfoot is confused, he thought they were supposed to insult the people who stuck their large noses into things that didn’t involve them? Also, it is partially Mssr. Padfoot’s matters, since she’s obviously stolen this parchment from someone.
Mssr. Moony would like to remind his associates that they’re all idiots and he’s not going to do this. Mssr. Moony does, however, request Lily Evans put the parchment back where she found it.
“Fat chance,” Lily exclaimed, then felt her cheeks redden as she realized she was talking to a piece of parchment.
Mssr. Wormtail suggests that Lily should just give the map back to the owners since he doesn’t want to insult her.
Mssr. Prongs agrees with Mssr. Wormtail, he’s sure James Potter would be willing to take Lily out for a drink to show his gratitude for returning the map.
Lily scoffed and rolled her eyes. Even in a parchment, Potter was still insufferable. “I just want to know what this is,” Lily insisted. “Then I’ll give it right back, I swear.”
Mssr. Moony thinks Lily should get to see what it is, she did help Mssr. Moony practice casting the correct spells needed to create it, after all.
Mssr. Prongs agrees, Lily should be able to learn what they created, she’ll be incredibly impressed.
Mssr. Padfoot knew Mssr. Prongs would say that because he is wrapped around Lily’s finger. He’d be happy to let Lily in if she knew how to unlock it, but she doesn’t, so she should just return it.
Mssr. Wormtail agrees, Lily needs to know the password to get in, it’s only fair. Even the map makers need the password to get in.
“Fine, how do I figure out the password?” Lily asked. “Marauders? Assholes? Idiots? Moony’s a freaking werewolf?”
Mssr. Prongs thinks they should change the password to “Moony’s a freaking werewolf.”
Mssr. Moony would like to remind Lily that he’s trying to help her out and that maybe she shouldn’t be such a smartass.
“Sorry, but it might help if you would just give me the password,” Lily laughed. She was glad she was the only one in the room, so no one saw her laughing at a piece of parchment.
Mssr. Padfoot complains that that would take the fun out of everything.
Mssr. Wormtail thinks that it’s also worth noting that they couldn’t give Lily Evans the password even if they wanted to since it was against the purpose of the charm.
Mssr. Prongs suggests discussing the topic, along with other things, with James Potter, he’s sure that he could help Lily out, and he’s an exceptional conversationalist.
“I know who you guys are,” Lily told the handwriting, rolling her eyes. “You don’t have to keep pretending I don’t know who I’m talking to.
Mssr. Wormtail has no idea what Lily Evans is talking about, of course, they didn’t have secret identities that they were hiding.
Messr Moony instructs Lily Evans to really just hand the parchment back to the owners: she has a much better chance of getting what she wants from them.
Lily sighed, leaning back in her bed, sadly thinking that Remus, or Remus’s alter ego or whatever, was probably right. This charm was most likely a form of security the boys placed on the parchment t keep its secrets safe. The fact that they charmed it with a part of their own personalities meant that the spell was an impressively complex as well. Chances were almost nonexistent that she would be able to get any straight answers out of them.
“Fine,” Lily relent, “but only because I’m so curious.”
The next day Lily wandered over to where Remus, Peter, James, and Sirius were all sitting in the common area, looking more stressed then they had in a very long time.
“I think this got mixed up in my things when I accidentally ran into Peter yesterday,” Lily lied, handing over the stolen parchment. The boys exchanged looks of relief and surprise.
“Thank you!” Remus exclaimed. “We were looking for that exact piece of blank parchment!” His tone sounded sarcastic, but Lily could see the relief in his eyes.
“Yeah, nice try,” Lily scoffed. “I wanna see what’s in it. Half of your security guards agreed I should see it, they just wouldn’t give me the password.”
Lily watched as the boys had a silent conversation with increasingly complex looks.
“Fine,” James agreed, unfolding the parchment. “I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good.”
Ink flooded across the parchment and Lily felt her mouth drop open in wonder and amazement. She didn’t want to admit it, but Mssr. Prongs may have been right: she was incredibly impressed.
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1283
Monday, October 14, 2019
 Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to one and all. Thank-you for reading this. The Jee Gang gathered for a turkey dinner yesterday with the littlest 2-month-old Ashton being passed around like a hot potato because he was tired and cranky. His mom got him settled but you couldn't hear his tiny cries for the raucous noise from his cousins. The kids took over the larger formal dining room now that they outnumber us old folks. It was a nice big family affair.
 Gwenpool Strikes Back #3 - Leah Williams (writer) David Baldeon (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Gwenpool tries to save herself from cancellation by holding a "Contest of Champions" in this issue. Guest stars galore. This thing is so much fun.
 Catwoman #16 - Joelle Jones (story & art) Laura Allred (colours) Saida Temofonte (letters). I'm glad I checked the credits on this issue since I said that I was going to let this cat out after reading last issue. I will always read a book by Joelle Jones even though this one had me befuddled with some jumping back and forth in time and the added "Year of the Villain" thing. I am curious to find out Catwoman's decision.
 Loki #4 - Daniel Kibblesmith (writer) Oscar Bazaldua (pencils) Oscar Bazaldua & Victor Olazaba (inks) David Curiel & Carlos Lopez (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I love a good trickster. Loki uses a good one to defeat Nightmare. I like this Loki.
 Detective Comics #1013 - Peter J. Tomasi (writer) Doug Mahnke (pencils) Keith Champagne & Christian Alamy (inks) David Baron (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). It's Batman versus Mister Freeze as the super villain tries to resurrect his dead wife. Batman's flame thrower costume is a cosplayer's wet dream
 Doctor Doom #1 - Christopher Cantwell (writer) Salvador Larroca (art) Guru-eFX (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This was a pleasant surprise. The art caught my eye but the story is really good too. There's no sign of the good guy Sorcerer Supreme from a while ago. Just good old fashioned arrogant Victor. He scoffed at a new technology to reverse global warming and is accused of being jealous of it because it was invented by Reed Richards and Tony Stark. When disaster strikes, Latveria is blamed and Doctor Doom sacrifices himself for his country. The mystery is who framed him and I will keep reading to find out.
 Web of the Black Widow #2 - Jody Houser (writer) Stephen Mooney (art) Triona Farrell (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). What the!? Two Black Widows? Doctor Doom isn't the only one being framed for murder. I liked the clever cut-out on Nat's bathing suit.
 Miles Morales: Spider-Man #11 - Saladin Ahmed (writer) Ze Carlos (art pages 1-8) Ig Guara (art pages 9-20) Dono Sanchez-Almara with Protobunker (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Miles must solve the super hero's dilemma of saving a family member or a stranger's life. His decision leads to a confrontation with the Prowler. Is it Uncle Aaron? I can't wait to find out.
 White Fox #1 - Alyssa Wong (writer) Kevin Libranda & Geoffo (art) Israel Silva (colours)
VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Another Agent of Atlas super hero gets her origin story told. She's based on Korean folklore. It was very well done and almost makes me want to read the new team book. There's also a peek at the Future Avengers by Alyssa Wong (writer), Ale Garza (art), Dono Sanchez-Almara with Protobunker (colours) and VC's Joe Sabino (letters). They're an Asian version of the Young Avengers but these guys used to be Hydra agents in training. Read on if you're wondering what turned them into good guys.
 Age of Conan Valeria #3 - Meredith Finch (writer) Aneke (art) Andy Troy (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). I wish the art inside was a nice as the Jay Anacleto cover.
 Marvel Action Spider-Man #9 - Delilah S. Dawson (writer) Fico Ossio (art) Ronda Pattison (colours) Shawn Lee (letters). The Black Cat gets caged as the kids finally work together and start to treat each other with respect. Next, things get even darker as Venom attacks.
 Batman 100 Page Giant #1 - There are five superb stories in this $4.99 US one-shot and you'll feel like you just read five $3.99 comic books when you hit the last page. The only story that was disappointing was the Batwoman story mainly because she was fighting a lame villain named Lord Death Man. It was written by Steve Orlando, who has never impressed me. The other four stories more than make up for it though, especially Scott Snyder's lengthy contribution. This book is a steal at twice the price.
 The Amazing Spider-Man #31 - Nick Spencer (writer) Ryan Ottley (pencils) Cliff Rathburn (inks) Nathan Fairbairn (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). More hints are given to the secret identity of the super villain Kindred. Definitely related to Norman Osborn. That mystery is the only thing keeping me reading this book. As if the waters weren't muddy enough, the guy in the straight jacket isn't even Norman. I hope we don't get strung along too much longer because there will come a point where I say screw it, I don't care anymore.
 Batman Universe #4 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Nick Derington (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Josh Reed & Tom Napolitano (letters). I don't mind this time traveling if it means that we see Batman and Green Lantern team up with Jonah Hex. The chase is on as Vandal Savage gets his hands on his prize. I know I've said that I don't like time travel and Vandal Savage, but this is a Bendis book and I'm a sucker.
 Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #2 - Jody Houser (writer) Adriana Melo (pencils) Mark Morales (inks) Hi-Fi (colours) Gabriela Downie (letters). I think the Floronic Man chowed down on Swampthing and Ivy is next on his menu. Well, it's Harley to the rescue and the girls seek help from a fellow super villain to see what's wrong with Ivy. I'm reading this because it looks so pretty.
 Powers of X #6 - Jonathan Hickman (writer) R.B. Silva & Pepe Larraz (art) Marte Gracia & David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The house is built and the power has been connected for a new X-verse. Jonathan Hickman has managed to make mutants relevant again for me. There are a half a dozen new mutant books coming out in the next six weeks starting with X-Men #1 hitting the racks October 16. I'll be reading them all to see how I feel about them but I can't imagine that they'll be all worthwhile.
 Event Leviathan #5 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Alex Maleev (art) Josh Reed (letters). I'm curious to find out who Leviathan is but it's not going to have a big impact on me since I'm not a huge DC fan. I'm sure DC fans might be able to suss out the secret given the Manhunter clue in this issue but I'm going to have to wait until next issue when all is revealed.
 Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity #1 - Kami Garcia (writer) Mico Suayan & Mike Mayhew (art) Richard Starkings of Comicraft (letters). I love new and different takes on iconic characters and this one is a killer. Harleen Quinzel is Doctor Harley Quinn, GCPD profiler, who is working a 5-year-old cold case of the murder of a hospital employee. Meanwhile there are other new murders landing on her desk. The writing is tight and the characterisations are vivid, helped by the beautiful art. Mico's black and white art chronicles the present while Mike's gorgeous colour art handles the flashbacks. DC's Black Label imprint is well worth checking out if you're a mature reader. This mystery not only looked good but made me feel good after I finished reading. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
 Contagion #2 - Ed Brisson (writer) Stephen Segovia (art) Veronica Gandini (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). I know I said that I wasn't going to read any more of this 5-issue mini but this was on the racks with the awesome Power Man and Iron Fist cover so I snagged one after I finished reading all the others for the week. This issue was better thought out and the story flowed smoothly. Ben takes Sue, Reed and Johnny to Doctor Strange for help and the two of them go back to Yancy Street to contain the infectious bad guy. Danny and Luke are there helping the first responders and a couple of surprise super heroes show up too. The villain is briefly subdued but Doc Strange and Power Man succumb to the disease at the end. Uh-oh. The next issue teaser has Jessica Jones so that's reason enough for me to want to read it.
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ciestessde · 5 years
Phantasma Magica Ch. 7
Clockwork and the Observants send Danny to Hogwarts on a special mission. But, cryptic as ever, that Old Stopwatch never actually told him what would happen on it!!! “All you need to do right now, Daniel, is stay focused on your mission. And remember, the-” “‘The Lions with the time-turner, lightning-bolt scar, and hair like fire are friends; watch out for the rat; and the black dog is not a threat.’ Yeah, you’ve only repeated that a few dozen times today.”
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‘... I…’ ‘-I need to find him.’
Tracking a normal living soul was hard enough -- let alone one hidden within the form of an animal. But thankfully, Sirius hadn’t gone far. Danny found him, still in dog form, a little ways inside the Forbidden Forest. It looked like he’d been living there… He made sure Black saw him -- hands up and feet firmly on the ground, trying to be as non-threatening as he could -- before he spoke. Black growled at him.
“I- … I’m sorry. -Look, I’m not going to hurt you…” Sirius’ ears perked up. He transformed back, but stayed ready to run in an instant. His sunken eyes stared into Danny’s glowing ones. “... What are you?” His voice was hoarse, showing how little he had talked during his years in prison. “-Uh…” Danny stuttered nervously, ‘He’s gonna run again…’ “I’m a, uh… I’m a phantasm.” Black’s eyes narrowed, “What’s a ‘phantasm’?” “It’s a … type of ghost.” “Oh yeah? Never seen a ghost control fire.” “...”
“Why are you following me?” Danny swallowed. ‘Moment of truth…’ “I’m friends with Harry Potter.” Sirius’ eyes widened. “You know Hh-arry?” His voice cracked. Hope had returned to it. “How is he? Is he doing alright?” “Uh, yeah. He’s… He’s doing okay.” Sirius relaxed slightly, his eyes drifting out of focus. Danny could see, now, just how tired he was. His prison uniform was worn and dirty, and it hung off him like he was a walking skeleton. His face was more wrinkled than it should’ve been. “Can I…?” Danny asked, and Sirius looked back at him. “... Why did you come here?”
He hesitated. “You said you’re a friend of Harry Potter.” He didn’t continue. “... Yeah?” “Why aren’t you turning me in? You must know who I am. I wouldn’t have even blamed you if you had tried to kill me back there. So why aren’t you attacking me now?” “Ah! Well, um… That’s a bit- complicated. Uh…” Danny rubbed the back of his neck. “See I, um, was sent here by… my boss! To collect these…” He could feel his face burning. He sighed. This was going to take too long. “I’ll explain, just…” Danny looked around, “Not so close to the dementors.”
Black flinched, quickly agreeing. “Yes, we can talk back inside the shack.” He began to transform. Before he could, though, Danny grabbed him and phased them both back through the ground and into the bedroom he’d found him in. Black was, understandably… not comfortable with this. He tore out of Danny’s grip as soon as they were tangible again. “MERLIN’S BEARD!!!” He looked down at his body, the floor they’d just come out of, and at Danny. ‘Really? For all the weird things wizards are used to, I didn’t think THAT would freak him out!’ “... Ok. How about you start by explaining -- in more detail -- what the bloody hell a ‘phantasm’ is?!”
Danny gave him as much information about his phantasmal nature as he had given to the Trio by that point (which was less than he’d given to Lupin), then began asking his own questions. Starting with why Black had come there. Sirius looked pained. “How much do you know about why I got arrested?” Danny hesitated only a second, “You betrayed Harry’s parents by revealing their location to Voldemort-” Black looked impressed. ‘What is it about this guy’s name? How bad was this guy for people to be afraid of his name?!’ “- and you blew up your other friend, Peter Pettigrew.” Rage flashed across Sirius’ face at the second name. “Well first of all, I wasn’t the traitor! Pettigrew was.” He pulled a newspaper clipping out of his clothes. It was a photograph of Ron’s family; they had won some trip to Egypt or something that summer. Sirius pointed to the rat Scabbers on Ron’s shoulder. “This is why I’m here. I’d recognize him anywhere. Peter Pettigrew. Wormtail. Our so-called ‘friend.’”
And he explained: how he, Harry’s father “James,” Peter Pettigrew, and Remus Lupin were close friends while at Hogwarts; how Remus was secretly a werewolf; how they had secretly (illegally) learned to transform into animals so they could keep Remus company when he turned each full moon. … And how he, Sirius, had convinced Harry’s parents to switch to using Peter Pettigrew as their Secret Keeper at the last moment, believing the secret would be safer with Peter, who was the less-obvious choice. “Did you hear… about the part where the largest thing they could find of Pettigrew was his finger?” Danny nodded. Black sneered, “The rat cut it off before transforming and hiding in the sewers! And look here.” He held out the photo. “See its paw?” Scabbers was missing a toe.
He muttered under his breath, “‘Watch out for the rat…’” “Hm?” “Nothing- So what are you planning to do? How are you going to clear your name?” “If I can get that traitor to turn human in front of witnesses, it should be enough.” His face twisted into a snarl, “But even if not -- I can be satisfied just killing him.” “How, though? How are you going to get him to change?” “It’s a simple spell, I just need a wand. If I can get Remus to listen to me…” Sirius leaned back against the wall, “That’s why I came here- to the Shack. I’ve been staying in the forest for the most part, as a dog. But a full moon is coming in a day of two. If he doesn’t come down here like he used to, I’ll sneak into Hogwarts--” “No need.” Danny stood up. “I’ll help you. Harry’s my friend, and I can’t just let an innocent person -- Harry’s godfather… I’ll convince Lupin.” “You’d really do that?” Sirius looked surprised, but then smiled and shook his head. “No. Look, I don’t know what your relationship is with Remus, but-” his eyes hardened, “I need to be there.” “But what if he-” “He won’t turn me in.” He grinned, and some light returned to his eyes. “We’ve gotten in too much trouble together over the years. He’ll at least hear what I have to say first.” “... Fine. But I can back you up, at least. For whatever that’s worth.” “It’s enough just knowing there’s one person who believes I’m innocent.”
So it was set: Sirius would talk to Lupin just before or after he turned, and if that didn’t work, Danny would step in. Until then, Danny would keep Scabber’s/Pettigrew’s identity -- and Black’s innocence -- a secret. They couldn’t afford to spook him and risk losing their only solid piece of evidence. Danny also decided to start sneaking Sirius food from the Hogwarts kitchens. There was no reason for him to keep living off of wild animals and trash when there was more than enough to eat inside!
But with nothing else left to do, no leads left to follow, Danny decided to enjoy the holiday. Harry wasn’t in danger after all, so there was no more reason to stress out. Well… For him to stress out. When he found out about Harry’s broom being destroyed, Sirius decided that he was going to make up for missing all of Harry’s Birthdays and Christmases by buying the boy the absolute best flying broom available. Which was a fantastic Christmas present… If Hermione hadn’t convinced the teachers to be suspicious of the anonymous, overly-expensive gift, and if the teachers hadn’t then decided to strip it down and tear it apart in search of any hexes, curses, etc. that might have been put on it. Harry was upset, sure, but Ron… It wasn’t even his broom, but he acted like Hermione had become the worst person in the world when he found out. If there was anything their interactions had convinced Danny of, it was one thing: ‘They really need to start dating already.’
Drama aside, Danny was in awe of the decorations in the castle. ENORMOUS, REAL trees were lugged inside by Hagrid, and covered in everything from some sort of golden bubbles, to frost (inside the warm castle). And the Great Hall! It was where announcements were made and food was served (which Danny could guarantee was delicious, even if he wasn’t interested in most of it), but it now had thick streamers of holly and mistletoe criss-crossing the ceiling -- and even warm, dry snow falling inside of it! And during lunch on Christmas day (which was very small. Only some of the teachers, the Trio, and three other students were there) Danny was introduced to “crackers” -- these noisemakers you pulled apart, revealing a prize inside. Hermione assured him the magical-variety were much more exciting than their non-magical counterparts. The best part was when Dumbledore decided to wear this stuffed-vulture-hat he got from one! He definitely did NOT seem so scary wearing that and grinning like a goofball!
A couple days after Christmas, before classes started again and the students who had left returned, Sirius informed Danny that Lupin was still unconvinced -- that he needed more proof before he’d help them. So Danny asked Lupin if he’d be interested in another “interview.” He said yes, they’d have one right after Harry’s promised anti-dementor lesson.
Danny arrived right as they were finishing up. Harry stood trembling from exertion in front of… what appeared to be a dementor, but felt far too weak to actually be one. More interesting was the wispy, silvery shape coming out of Harry’s wand. It smelled… pretty good. Danny drooled a little. Before too long, Lupin jumped in front of Harry and yelled, “Riddikulus!” and the ‘dementor’ disappeared with a loud crack, the silvery shadow fading soon after. Lupin forced what looked like… a tiny moon?… into a case, then came back to where Harry had collapsed into a chair.
“Excellent! Excellent, Harry! That was definitely a start!” “Can we have another go? Just one more go?” “Not now,” said Lupin firmly. “You’ve had enough for one night. Here-” He handed the boy a large bar of chocolate. “Eat the lot, or Madam Pomfrey will be after my blood. Same time next week?” “Okay.” Lupin started extinguishing the lamps around the room. Something seemed to occur to Harry. “Professor Lupin? If you knew my dad, you must’ve known Sirius Black as well.” Lupin turned quickly to look at him, asking sharply, “What gives you that idea?” “Nothing -- I mean, I just knew they were friends at Hogwarts too…” Lupin relaxed. “Yes, I knew him. Or I thought I did. You’d better be off, Harry, it’s getting late.”
Once Harry had left, Lupin addressed Danny, “Was there something in particular you wanted to talk about? You seemed very interested in having this conversation in private…” “Yeah. What kind of evidence would you need to believe Sirius is innocent?” Lupin dropped his briefcase and turned to stare at the phantasm floating and illuminating the otherwise dark room. “How do you… You’re in league with Black?” All of the color seemed to have drained from Lupin’s face. “I should’ve -- you’re how he got out of Azkab- no.” He took a moment to breath, the color returning to his face, “No, no you couldn’t have. The dementors would’ve… But then…” He looked up at Danny, his eyes hard. “... How did you get into the Hogwarts’ Grounds? How do you know Black?” And so, finally knowing he could trust the teacher, Danny let a fifth person into his circle of trust.
With one difference: “But before sending me here, Clockwork made me memorize these three phrases: ‘The Lions with the time-turner, lightning-bolt scar, and hair like fire are friends; watch out for the rat; and the black dog is not a threat.’ At first I thought it meant to protect Scabbers -- Hermione’s cat seemed to have it in for the poor thing, but now...” Lupin lowered himself into a nearby chair. “I’m sorry. I’m still a bit… uncertain about all of this.” “I’d be surprised if you weren’t. I mean, ‘The Keeper of Time sent me here on a quest’ isn’t exactly-” “Actually, that part I completely believe. Oh, don’t look so surprised -- you’re a terrible liar. There’s no way you could’ve come up with all that. And really, I’d have a harder time believing any wizard could’ve set all of this up. Not only is it far beyond most people’s capabilities to begin with, but even if someone could have done it, nothing adds up to a believable goal.” “Ok… So, uh, what proof do you need?” “I suppose…” Lupin looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded, his jaw set. “If you can capture the rat, I’m willing to perform the spell that will change him back to human form -- if he is, in fact, a human.”
And that’s exactly what Danny tried to do that very night. After all, why wait? Invisible, Danny snatched Scabbers and phased them both right out of the building and into the freezing air -- hundreds of meters above the ground. Lupin was waiting with Black inside his office, but Danny didn’t dare risk the rat’s squeaks waking any of the students. He phased back inside almost immediately. But Scabbers was flailing and squeaking madly in his hand. He’d just about made it three fourths of the way to the office when- The rat seemed to grow and shrink suddenly, loosening Danny’s grip just long enough to escape.
And in the maze that was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry -- a maze Peter Pettigrew knew far better than just about anyone… Danny cursed. He’d lost him.
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(Updates every Wednesday until completion.)
Other places you can find this fic: Fanfiction.net/~ciestess ArchiveOfOurOwn.org/users/Ciestess/profile Deviantart.com/Ciestess
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january3693 · 6 years
(A conversation between Remus and Snape set during the end of Prisoner of Azkaban)
As he packed, Remus kept the map open on his desk. On it he could see Harry and his friends were down by the lake, enjoying the sun. He watched their small dots, labeled with his own handwriting, as they moved about lazily. He was happy to see they were already out of the hospital wing, that they had suffered no lasting damage from the night before.
Physical damage at least.
It was thanks to the map that he caught sight of another dot heading toward his office.
Remus smiled bitterly at it.
“Good morning, Severus,” Remus said when Snape opened the door. His voice might have lacked the false cheer and friendliness he’d been using to needle Snape all year, but he was still perfectly, precisely polite. That, he’d discovered all the way back in fourth year, was the best way to annoy Severus Snape. To treat him precisely like he was the sort of acquaintance one was polite to for convention’s sake, but that once he was out of sight he would be completely out of mind.
James and Sirius had never had the patience or temperament to accomplish it, but Remus had amused himself all year by being unfailingly polite and friendly, smiling blandly while he’d watched Snape seethe more and more every time Remus said thank you or commented on the weather. 
It was the Slytherin in him, Remus guessed, a sort of ambition to be relevant, to be appreciated, to be noticed, even if that attention took the form of loathing or rivalry. He wondered briefly if that was part of what had driven Snape to Voldemort. Not that that mattered now. Dumbledore was convinced Snape was firmly on their side. Remus just wasn’t sure if that would ultimately prove to be a good thing or a bad thing. 
“You’ve never struck me as the sort for saying farewells,” Remus continued when Snape remained hovering in the doorway, his lip curling in annoyance. He’d destroyed Remus life this morning, if he couldn’t punch the git in the teeth then annoying him was a sorry little consolation prize.
“I’ve come with an offer to continue making the wolfsbane potion for you,” Snape said with a dismissive sneer.
Now that actually surprised Remus. His hands froze as they arranged books within his magically enlarged traveling case, but he didn't let the shock show on his face. Remus had expected Snape to gloat, to rage perhaps, maybe to even demand answers about what had happened last night after he’d been knocked unconscious. Surprised or not, Remus knew his answer instantly.
“No. Thank you, but no,” he said, still rigidly polite.
It wasn’t the answer Snape had been expecting. From the nascent smirk on his face he’d probably expected Remus to thank him, to sob with relief or forgive him for his “slip of the tongue” at breakfast. The little smirk turned sour.
“I don’t know if you’re offering because Dumbledore told you to or so you can have something to hold over my head later on, but no. I need one final answer from you, and then I don’t want anything from you ever again, Snape.”
Snape regained his sneer. “And what do you want to know?”
Remus looked up from his packing and let the polite mask of civility he’d spent so many years cultivating slip just an inch, because Remus wasn’t politely indifferent; he was furious.
Remus had never been the sort to burn hot though. No, his anger was hard and cold and sharp as a sword. He could feel that sword buried hilt deep in his chest right now, and he didn’t think it would be coming loose any time soon.
It was rather gratifying to see Snape pull back like he’d been stung, even if he was just as good as Remus was at smothering the reaction almost instantly. For the moment, it was almost enough. Remus let the shudders fall closed again, resuming his carefully neutral expression again.
“Did you know?” Remus asked.
It was one question that contained multitudes. He could tell that Snape understood them all.
“I did not,” Snape said carefully. “Just as I did not know your delinquent friends had broken the law to turn themselves into animals.”
“You suspected though,” Remus said. This was not a question, so Remus didn’t expect Snape to answer, but Snape surprised them both by speaking.
“There were rumors of a spy in Dumbledore’s ranks,” Snape said, his voice surprisingly free of malice or contempt. “I believe the Dark Lord was familiar with the history I shared with your little gang, so I was not informed of the spy’s true identity. Others knew though; they often gloated about the knowledge.”
Snape didn’t specify who might have known that Peter was the spy. Remus understood this to mean there were bridges Snape didn’t want to burn, which meant not all of the people who had known about Peter’s treachery were dead or in Azkaban. The sword in Remus’s heard cut just a little deeper, frost flowering in its wake.
“You suspected though,” Remus repeated.
Snape sniffed. “If I’d had to suspect one of you four of treachery, Lupin, it would have been you. The Dark Lord had more than his share of werewolves yapping at his heels.” 
You suspected though. Remus didn’t say it a third time. Snape wouldn’t admit to it, and it wouldn’t help anyone even if he did. Snape might have guessed Remus for the Order’s spy during the war, but afterward, when Dumbledore had vouched for the both of them, when Sirius had been thrown in prison, when everyone thought Peter was dead… 
Then, Snape was brilliant enough and had enough inside knowledge of Voldemort and his Death Eaters and the Marauders themselves to suspect that Sirius might not have been the spy and secret Death Eater everyone believed him to be. He’d suspected, and yet he’d told Dumbledore, his new master, nothing. He’d suspected and told Remus, Peter’s friend, James’s friend, Sirius’s lover, nothing.
“Yes, I thought as much,” Remus said blandly as he resumed his packing. He chose to dismiss Snape with his indifference. Part of it was a slight against the man himself, but part of it was a choice Remus made consciously. He was angry at a hundred different people right now, but he was choosing—consciously and decisively—not to let that anger rule him. 
That frozen sword could remain lodged in his chest as long as it was needed, but Remus wouldn’t let it rule his hands, his tongue, or his mind. He had better uses for them.  
Snape didn’t seem to know what to do with this response though, because he remained hovering in the doorway, mouth shifting between sneers and scowls and scoffs. Remus almost smiled as he put away stacks of handwritten notes. Poor man always had been more used to fighting with James and Sirius, who shouted, punched, or hexed their way through the end of fights.
Remus threw a casual glance at the Marauder’s Map beside him.
“You’d best be going, Severus,” Remus encouraged. “I do believe Harry’s on his way here, and it’s for the best that he doesn’t see you right now.”
He almost expected Snape to stay put just so he could provoke Harry’s temper and have a proper fight with someone. Instead, he sniffed haughtily and turned to leave in a dramatic swish of black robes.
He left the door open behind him.
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lokis-b1tch · 6 years
Infinity War Conspiracy
Note: The following statements are sent to me by my friend. Feel free to then habe a mind palace discussion below.
-The movie starts where the Avengers: Infinity War left off
-Everyone are reeling in shock about the loveones they lost
-Tony manages to operate Benatar(GOTG spaceship) along with Nebula off from Titan heading to Earth
-a mass Wakandan funeral pyre scene
-Wakandan officials elects M'Baku as a temporary viceroy of T'Challa to lead the country on the BlackPanther's absence
-World govts are trying to understand what tf just happened and summons the Avengers, only handful who have signed the Sokovia Accords were present to make a statement.
-Defense Sec. former Gen. Thunderbolt Ross blames the Avengers, Tony defends Avengers role in the aftermath of the Thanos Snap in national tv
-Tony learns Pepper is gone from Happy
-Tony breaks the bad news to Aunt May
-Tony finally reunites with Captain America for the first time, both were devastated and emotionally embraced.
-Nebula consoles the grieving Rocket Raccoon
-Thor plans to rebuild New Asgard in Norway, opens a Bifrost for the Asgardian refugees who have escaped Thanos' attack, this includes Valkyrie, Korg and Meik.
-Tony jumpstarts Avengers Initiative of SHIELD, re-establishing the new SHIELD under his leadership secretly funding peacekeeping missions of Cap's Secret Avengers. Cap gets his shield back.
-Col. Rhodes still a liaison to the Sokovia Accords.
- Secret Avengers led by Cap, along with Natasha goes on covert missions to keep the world safe.
-Cap orders Natasha(BlackWidow) in search of Clint(Hawkeye) who is MIA since the Thanos Snap incident
-Clint suffers nightmares every night replaying the incident of his family vanishing before his eyes during the Snap.
- to recover from that traumatic experience, Clint goes to Japan coping under the guidance of the elders and gets the identity Ronin, a dark version of Hawkeye.
-Tony establishes massive BARF(Binarily Augmented Retro Framing) tech centers across the globe to help families around the world overcome traumatic experiences from the aftermath of Thanos-Snap.
-Tony is obsessed on defeating Thanos and tries to learn the Infinity Stones using his memory, scanned thru his advanced version of BARF tech and he has help with his new young protege' Harley(the kid from IronMan 3).
-Tony learns more of Thanos via Nebula's memories using BARF tech. He also tries to figure out what did Dr.Strange mean in Titan.
-Tony realizes that the only way to undo the Thanos Snap is to possess the power of the Infinity stones.
-Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne still grieving to the absence of Hope Van Dyne(The Wasp), and Scott grieves for Cassie as well who both were victims of Thanos Snap.
-Hank Pym and Scott Lang(AntMan) goes to see Tony, and proposes the idea of getting the Infinity Stones from specific points of time in a parallel universe before Thanos had assembled the stones in the gauntlet via Quantum Realm access.
-Tony plans to create his own Infinity Gauntlet in order to harness the power of the stones.
-Thor rebuilt Asgard in Norway, making it a home to the Asgardian refugees and the grieving Rocket Raccoon who have alcohol problems.
-Rocket begs Thor to hunt Thanos down across the cosmos but Thor doesnt know to respond-- discouraged that he wasnt able to defeat Thanos, blaming himself for the Thanos Snap made him to refuse the plan.
-causing Rocket to break down, left New Asgard and travels to NY to convince Nebula join his crusade.
-in Wakanda, Cap arrives and knows that Shuri and Bruce were rebuilding Vision, here we learned that Shuri downloaded Vision's memories before he died in the hands of Thanos
-Thanos is now at peace on his Shrine he created in honour of her beloved step daughter Gamora, although years have passed he still mourned for her.
-Thanos constantly visits Vormir to commemorate Gamora's death.
-Thanos still possessed with the heavily damaged Infinity Gauntlet.The gauntlet is beyond repair and incapable of controlling the gems together but he can still use the stones one at a time.
-Hank Pym determined to get her daughter back as well as saving others who were victims of the Thanos Snap... proposes that if they harnessed the power of the Quantum Realm there's a possibility, that they will be able to open a portal to a parallel reality where Thanos hasnt yet gathered the stones.. In that way, they get the upperhand of getting the Infinity stones before Thanos does.
-as explained by Hank, Quantum Realm is a place where the concepts of time and space are irrelevant, hence molecular displacement in particular time periods to a parallel universe are possible..
-in Japan, BlackWidow tracks down Hawkeye who now identifies himself as Ronin.Natasha told him that Avengers needs him. Clint refuses to join, saying that all is lost referring to his family that vanished in the Snap, blaming the Avengers.
-BW later convinces Clint to join the team, when he told him that Tony plans to set everything right. The promise of getting his family back.
-Clint/Ronin, Black Widow, Cap, Rhodes/WarMachine, Bruce, Vision, Shuri and Thor meets Tony, Nebula, Rocket, Hank Pym and Scott in the Avengers HQ in the Upstate NY to devise the risky plan.
-Thor provides Tony and Shuri the schematics on how to create their own Infinity Gauntlet he got from Eitri in Nidavellir, calling it Stark Gauntlet.
-Hank Pym explains that in order for this Plan to work, each of the Avengers were given with Pym tech Quantum regulators they wear in their hands, so that in that way they retain their memories during their travel in the fabric of irregular space-time of Quantum Realm.
==Parallel Universe Quest using Quantum Realm==
-==Cap goes first in the Quantum Realm, and was spefically displaced back in time of World War 2, to ensure that Peggy and SSR(later SHIELD) gets a hold of Tesseract(Space Stone) from Hydra. Cap made the last dance with Peggy before going after the Hydra base of the Red Skull. Cap goes to battle Red Skull but escapes, and crashes again in the Arctic. (this ensures that Cap will be discovered by SHIELD in the Arctic and have the Tesseract)
-==Tony, Thor, BlackWidow, Ronin, Hulk, Antman, War Machine, Vision and Cap(who awakened from his icy slumber in the Arctic by SHIELD with his memory of the Main Universe) goes in the Quantum Realm to battle Loki in NY again.
-at one point, Cap weilds the Mjolnir to defeat Loki
- Loki was taken by SHIELD, Nick Fury interrogates him using The Scepter(Mind Stone), revealing Thanos being responsible for the Attack. Thor's agrees to imprison Loki in Midgard instead of being held in Asgard.
- while the Avengers deal with Loki..Thor travels back to Asgard to retrieve The Aether(Reality Stone) from the Vaults of Asgard. Odin seems to have the understanding behind Thor's actions and let his son have the Aether.( this averts the events of Thor: Dark World, the dark elf Malekith still in its deep sleep)
-Rocket and Nebula goes in the Quantum Realm to get the Orb(Power Stone) in Morag before Peter Quill retrieves it.(this caused for Peter Quill to be captured by Korath emptyhanded, the events in GOTG never happened but Quill managed to escape from the Kree by the help of Yondu)
-Meanwhile, the Avengers created a diversion to get the Tesseract(Space Stone) and Scepter(Mind Stone) of Loki knowing that SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra already. They successfully got the stones. (this averts the creation of Ultron and the events of Age of Ultron to have never happened in this universe)
-Tony and Cap goes to Sanctum Sanctorum, meets Dr.Strange which already a Sorcerer Supreme by this time in this universe. Tony explains that they need the Time Stone. Dr. Strange told them that he is expecting to see both of them
-Somehow, Dr. Strange of the Parallel Universe communicates with Dr. Strange of the Main Universe peering thru the Eye of Agamotto(Time Stone) who was currently in Titan(as if the events of Avengers: Infinity War was about still to take place), checking 14,000,605 alternate timelines.(and this very moment, Dr. Strange of both realities sees that this is the ONLY way they can defeat Thanos, by making the Thanos Snap happen in order to have Dr. Strange INSIDE the Soul Stone). Dr.Strange realizes they have no way of getting that gauntlet off from Thanos hands but they have to destroy it from the inside.
-As they were speaking, the battle with Thanos in Titan takes place in the main timeline, events that happened in Infinity War.
-Dr Strange of the Parallel Universe awakens Dr. Strange of Main Universe inside the Soul Stone plane of existence. Dr. Strange of the Parallel Universe then provides Tony the Time Stone and a Sling Ring.
-Dr. Strange of the Parallel Universe also reveals to Tony that all those perished in the Thanos Snap are inside the Soul Stone in astral bodies trapped in an astral plane called Soul World.
-Here, also revealed that Dr.Strange puts a hex to the Time Stone and the Infinity Gauntlet so that by the time Thanos does the Snap, which Dr. Strange knew because Thanos himself told Dr.Strange what he will do once he gathers all the stones; if used together, the Gauntlet will break.
-==Back to the Main Universe using Quantum Realm==
- Avengers came back to Wakanda bringing Space, Mind and Time Stones respectively, Thor bringing the Reality Stone and Rocket with Nebula brought the Power Stone. 5 stones in all.
- Shuri completes the creation of the second gauntlet and struggles in placing the gathered 5 Infinity Stones except for the Soul Stone.
-Tony deduces that there's no way they'll sacrifice one of themselves in Vormir in return of getting the Soul Stone in the alternate reality although Captain America is willing to put forward his self as sacrifice. This caused a heated argument among the Avengers.
-Nebula instead put forward a plan to lure Thanos to Vormir for the Avengers to get the Soul Stone. Which they are doubtful if will work. Nebula who has a change of heart, tries to redeem herself with this act of sacrifice.
-meanwhile, Thanos learns that the Infinity Gauntlet in no time cant hold the Infinity Stones any longer due to the inflicted damage caused by the Snap and the stones arent working together properly to what he wishes..the stones powers were dampened Except for the Soul Stone. Thanos sensed that the Avengers must have been the reason behind it. Thanos orders for an attack, sending his fleet to Earth.
-Thor and Rocket proposes IF they will attack Thanos in his Shrine, the Earth would be render defenseless from Thanos armada. so Thor put forward a plan to gather a massive army, an alliance of sort, enough to repel Thanos forces that is coming to Earth. All agreed.
-Thor and Rocket travels the distant galaxies to summon an army using the Bifrost ability of the Stormbreaker, meets all Ravagers under Stakar's(StarHawk) leadership. The Ravagers joins them against Thanos.
-Captain Marvel receiving the Code Red distress signal coming from Nick Fury, alerts her.
-Carol Danvers were patrolling the Negative Zone, which she was tasked of guarding so that Skrulls-Kree war criminals will not be able to escape the dimension, which she use as their prison. Because of time dilation effects, Carol hasnt aged that much since the time she stayed in the Negative Zone.
-with the use of nega-bands, the device allows her to travel from Negative Zone to the main universe. Her having cosmic awareness 7th Sense ability, learns of Thanos and what he had done to the universe. Thor and Rocket met her along the way, joining allegiance to defeat Thanos.
-Avengers on Wakanda plans to enter the Soul World in order to contact Dr.Strange that is inside of it. AntMan proposes an idea to join Nebula on its way to the Shrine, to attempt on using his shrinking regulator to pass thru sub-atomic to enter the Soul Stone.
-as Thanos were about to go to Earth, he was put in a halt because of Nebula's arrival in the Shrine. Nebula tries to deceive Thanos telling him that she is giving her loyalty back and tries to convince him that there's a way to revive Gamora without undoing the Thanos Snap.(it was revealed that Thanos were trying to revive Gamora in the past but unsuccessful because the Soul Stone requires a sacrifice upon ressurecting someone -- "a soul for a soul").
-Nebula offers herself to Thanos as a willing sacrifice to Vormir in order to revive Gamora.Thanos dont believe her.
-Thanos uses the Mind Stone to read Nebula's mind, revealing the Avengers plan, and learns that its a trap. AntMan right away, uses his regulator to shrink sub-atomic to enter the Soul Stone. Thanos notices it.
-enraged Thanos, follows AntMan to the Soul World. Nebula's plan work, as Thanos astral body enters the Soul World he leaves behind his physical body vulnerable. Avengers(Ironman, Cap, Black Widow, and Vision) then sprint to action, hiding from the distance to get the Infinity Gauntlet off from the weakened, immobilized Thanos.
-meanwhile, Dr.Strange of the main universe awakens from dormant state inside the Soul World. He was contacted by his self from an alternate universe assisting Tony and Cap ensure they will win against Thanos. Dr.Strange then used his magic to locate other heroes like Spiderman, Mantis, etc in the Soul World. Mantis awakes all of these heroes.
-inside the Soul World, an astral plane inside the Soul Stone where trillions of trillions of souls trapped in hibernation. AntMan and Dr.Strange along with the rest of the vanished heroes meet. Antman gave Dr.Strange a Sling Ring provided by Tony. Thanos finds them and battles ensues. While this was taking place, the rest of the Avengers were battling the weakened physical Thanos in order to get the gauntlet.
-back on Earth, Thanos forces were about to enter the atmosphere but intercepted by the Ravagers, Thor, Rocket and Captain Marvel. in Wakanda, Bruce and Shuri were still working with the stones, placing them one at a time in the Stark gauntlet. Ronin and WarMachine watches from afar, ready to defend the Stark gauntlet at all cost from Thanos forces attacking Earth.
-Thanos inside the Soul World overpowers Dr.Strange, AntMan, The Wasp, Spiderman, BlackPanther, WinterSoldier, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, StarLord, Drax, Groot and Mantis. then Thanos realized it. He left his physical body vulnerable to attack and realized that this was all a diversion to get the gauntlet. Thanos hastily went back to his physical body.
-Avengers were unsuccessful to get the Gauntlet from Thanos. When the Mad Titan was about to use the damaged gauntlet, Dr.Strange unleashed the hex he casted in the Time Stone in their previous battle back in Titan. The hex caused disharmony among the stones. the Power Stone can no longer be hold into place, it exploded!!! Disrupting the Time stone, Reality Stone and Mind Stone while it caused the Soul Stone to broke off from the gauntlet.
-Thanos engages combat with the Avengers over the Soul Stone. Dr.Strange uses the Sling Ring to transport them out of the Soul Stone. They have now the fighting chance since Thanos cant use the other stones aside the Space Stone.
-with all of them together now, Cap finally said it "Avengers Assemble" and they fought Thanos with him using the power of the stones. Thanos still knock-out almost all of them. Cap is the last man standing facing the Mad Titan.
-Cap orders Dr.Strange to get them all out of here along with the Soul Stone. Cap tries to hold off Thanos so that they can escape with the Soul Stone. Dr.Strange opens a portal for all of them that lead them back to Wakanda. Cap left fighting Thanos and dies.
-in Wakanda, Bruce and Shuri places the Soul Stone in the Stark gauntlet, while the rest of the Avengers where wounded or knockout.
-Thanos teleports to Wakanda to stop them from using the Stark Gauntlet. Hawkeye and Warmachine attacks Thanos but they are no match. Thanos arrives in the lab but the Stark gauntlet is not there.
Clint stand up against Thanos for the last time with a ticking bomb arrow in his hand. Ronin dies.
-Thanos teleports himself to safety. Captain Marvel and Thor along with Dr. Strange fights Thanos. Bruce weilds the Stark gauntlet and inside the Soul World talks to his Hulk self. Bruce convinces Hulk to merged as one, ultimately becoming Professor Hulk.
-the rest of the heroes fights off Thanos in a epic brawl. Hulk finally comes out and has the intelligence of Bruce Banner. Finally, Prof.Hulk uses the Stark Gauntlet to get back to the moment Thanos wasnt able yet to do the Snap in Wakanda.
-the scene goes back to the time, the Stormbreaker hurled towards Thanos. This time, the Stormbreaker cuts of the left arm of Thanos, rendering him helpless and cannot use the Infinity Gauntlet.
-Cap gets the Infinity Gauntlet and uses it to end the battle. Thanos was exiled to a distant planet where he wished to live in peace as a farmer.
-Tony's wedding scene with Pepper, they have a baby named Morgan.
-Avengers petitioned to have the Sokovia Accords abolished. T'Challa declares the Sokovia Accords no longer valid in UN Summit, it infuriates Gen. Ross in some way.
-Clint got his family back, and abandons the Ronin identity.
-Scott reunites with Cassie and Hope. They lived happily with Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne
-Bruce lives with Natasha far from their troubled pasts
-Cap retires, gives the shield in the care of Bucky and Falcon.
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jefd3v · 6 years
Tumblr media
Plot Theory "Avengers: Endgame" *please be warned, spoilers ahead for those who happen not to have seen Avengers: Infinity War movie. *the following post contains possible spoiler as well, on what would take place in the upcoming untitled Avengers 4. *this plot theory was loosely-based to the plot theory that the 4Chan user Anonymous leaked, and set photos of Avengers 4* *Prologue* -The movie starts where the Avengers: Infinity War left off -Everyone are reeling in shock about the loveones they lost -Tony manages to operate Benatar(GOTG spaceship) along with Nebula off from Titan heading to Earth -a mass Wakandan funeral pyre scene -Wakandan officials elects M'Baku as a temporary viceroy of T'Challa to lead the country on the BlackPanther's absence -World govts are trying to understand what tf just happened and summons the Avengers, only handful who have signed the Sokovia Accords were present to make a statement. -Defense Sec. former Gen. Thunderbolt Ross blames the Avengers, Tony defends Avengers role in the aftermath of the Thanos Snap in national tv -Tony learns Pepper is gone from Happy -Tony breaks the bad news to Aunt May -Tony finally reunites with Captain America for the first time, both were devastated and emotionally embraced. -Nebula consoles the grieving Rocket Raccoon -Thor plans to rebuild New Asgard in Norway, opens a Bifrost for the Asgardian refugees who have escaped Thanos' attack, this includes Valkyrie, Korg and Meik. -Tony jumpstarts Avengers Initiative of SHIELD, re-establishing the new SHIELD under his leadership secretly funding peacekeeping missions of Cap's Secret Avengers. Cap gets his shield back. -Col. Rhodes still a liaison to the Sokovia Accords. - Secret Avengers led by Cap, along with Natasha goes on covert missions to keep the world safe. -Cap orders Natasha(BlackWidow) in search of Clint(Hawkeye) who is MIA since the Thanos Snap incident -Clint suffers nightmares every night replaying the incident of his family vanishing before his eyes during the Snap. - to recover from that traumatic experience, Clint goes to Japan coping under the guidance of the elders and gets the identity Ronin, a dark version of Hawkeye. -Tony establishes massive BARF(Binarily Augmented Retro Framing) tech centers across the globe to help families around the world overcome traumatic experiences from the aftermath of Thanos-Snap. -Tony is obsessed on defeating Thanos and tries to learn the Infinity Stones using his memory, scanned thru his advanced version of BARF tech and he has help with his new young protege' Harley(the kid from IronMan 3). -Tony learns more of Thanos via Nebula's memories using BARF tech. He also tries to figure out what did Dr.Strange mean in Titan. -Tony realizes that the only way to undo the Thanos Snap is to possess the power of the Infinity stones. -Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne still grieving to the absence of Hope Van Dyne(The Wasp), and Scott grieves for Cassie as well who both were victims of Thanos Snap. -Hank Pym and Scott Lang(AntMan) goes to see Tony, and proposes the idea of getting the Infinity Stones from specific points of time in a parallel universe before Thanos had assembled the stones in the gauntlet via Quantum Realm access. -Tony plans to create his own Infinity Gauntlet in order to harness the power of the stones. -Thor rebuilt Asgard in Norway, making it a home to the Asgardian refugees and the grieving Rocket Raccoon who have alcohol problems. -Rocket begs Thor to hunt Thanos down across the cosmos but Thor doesnt know to respond-- discouraged that he wasnt able to defeat Thanos, blaming himself for the Thanos Snap made him to refuse the plan. -causing Rocket to break down, left New Asgard and travels to NY to convince Nebula join his crusade. -in Wakanda, Cap arrives and knows that Shuri and Bruce were rebuilding Vision, here we learned that Shuri downloaded Vision's memories before he died in the hands of Thanos -Thanos is now at peace on his Shrine he created in honour of her beloved step daughter Gamora, although years have passed he still mourned for her. -Thanos constantly visits Vormir to commemorate Gamora's death. -Thanos still possessed with the heavily damaged Infinity Gauntlet.The gauntlet is beyond repair and incapable of controlling the gems together but he can still use the stones one at a time. -Hank Pym determined to get her daughter back as well as saving others who were victims of the Thanos Snap... proposes that if they harnessed the power of the Quantum Realm there's a possibility, that they will be able to open a portal to a parallel reality where Thanos hasnt yet gathered the stones.. In that way, they get the upperhand of getting the Infinity stones before Thanos does. -as explained by Hank, Quantum Realm is a place where the concepts of time and space are irrelevant, hence molecular displacement in particular time periods to a parallel universe are possible.. -in Japan, BlackWidow tracks down Hawkeye who now identifies himself as Ronin.Natasha told him that Avengers needs him. Clint refuses to join, saying that all is lost referring to his family that vanished in the Snap, blaming the Avengers. -BW later convinces Clint to join the team, when he told him that Tony plans to set everything right. The promise of getting his family back. -Clint/Ronin, Black Widow, Cap, Rhodes/WarMachine, Bruce, Vision, Shuri and Thor meets Tony, Nebula, Rocket, Hank Pym and Scott in the Avengers HQ in the Upstate NY to devise the risky plan. -Thor provides Tony and Shuri the schematics on how to create their own Infinity Gauntlet he got from Eitri in Nidavellir, calling it Stark Gauntlet. -Hank Pym explains that in order for this Plan to work, each of the Avengers were given with Pym tech Quantum regulators they wear in their hands, so that in that way they retain their memories during their travel in the fabric of irregular space-time of Quantum Realm. ==Parallel Universe Quest using Quantum Realm== -==Cap goes first in the Quantum Realm, and was spefically displaced back in time of World War 2, to ensure that Peggy and SSR(later SHIELD) gets a hold of Tesseract(Space Stone) from Hydra. Cap made the last dance with Peggy before going after the Hydra base of the Red Skull. Cap goes to battle Red Skull but escapes, and crashes again in the Arctic. (this ensures that Cap will be discovered by SHIELD in the Arctic and have the Tesseract) -==Tony, Thor, BlackWidow, Ronin, Hulk, Antman, War Machine, Vision and Cap(who awakened from his icy slumber in the Arctic by SHIELD with his memory of the Main Universe) goes in the Quantum Realm to battle Loki in NY again. -at one point, Cap weilds the Mjolnir to defeat Loki - Loki was taken by SHIELD, Nick Fury interrogates him using The Scepter(Mind Stone), revealing Thanos being responsible for the Attack. Thor's agrees to imprison Loki in Midgard instead of being held in Asgard. - while the Avengers deal with Loki..Thor travels back to Asgard to retrieve The Aether(Reality Stone) from the Vaults of Asgard. Odin seems to have the understanding behind Thor's actions and let his son have the Aether.( this averts the events of Thor: Dark World, the dark elf Malekith still in its deep sleep) -Rocket and Nebula goes in the Quantum Realm to get the Orb(Power Stone) in Morag before Peter Quill retrieves it.(this caused for Peter Quill to be captured by Korath emptyhanded, the events in GOTG never happened but Quill managed to escape from the Kree by the help of Yondu) -Meanwhile, the Avengers created a diversion to get the Tesseract(Space Stone) and Scepter(Mind Stone) of Loki knowing that SHIELD was infiltrated by Hydra already. They successfully got the stones. (this averts the creation of Ultron and the events of Age of Ultron to have never happened in this universe) -Tony and Cap goes to Sanctum Sanctorum, meets Dr.Strange which already a Sorcerer Supreme by this time in this universe. Tony explains that they need the Time Stone. Dr. Strange told them that he is expecting to see both of them -Somehow, Dr. Strange of the Parallel Universe communicates with Dr. Strange of the Main Universe peering thru the Eye of Agamotto(Time Stone) who was currently in Titan(as if the events of Avengers: Infinity War was about still to take place), checking 14,000,605 alternate timelines.(and this very moment, Dr. Strange of both realities sees that this is the ONLY way they can defeat Thanos, by making the Thanos Snap happen in order to have Dr. Strange INSIDE the Soul Stone). Dr.Strange realizes they have no way of getting that gauntlet off from Thanos hands but they have to destroy it from the inside. -As they were speaking, the battle with Thanos in Titan takes place in the main timeline, events that happened in Infinity War. -Dr Strange of the Parallel Universe awakens Dr. Strange of Main Universe inside the Soul Stone plane of existence. Dr. Strange of the Parallel Universe then provides Tony the Time Stone and a Sling Ring. -Dr. Strange of the Parallel Universe also reveals to Tony that all those perished in the Thanos Snap are inside the Soul Stone in astral bodies trapped in an astral plane called Soul World. -Here, also revealed that Dr.Strange puts a hex to the Time Stone and the Infinity Gauntlet so that by the time Thanos does the Snap, which Dr. Strange knew because Thanos himself told Dr.Strange what he will do once he gathers all the stones; if used together, the Gauntlet will break. -==Back to the Main Universe using Quantum Realm== - Avengers came back to Wakanda bringing Space, Mind and Time Stones respectively, Thor bringing the Reality Stone and Rocket with Nebula brought the Power Stone. 5 stones in all. - Shuri completes the creation of the second gauntlet and struggles in placing the gathered 5 Infinity Stones except for the Soul Stone. -Tony deduces that there's no way they'll sacrifice one of themselves in Vormir in return of getting the Soul Stone in the alternate reality although Captain America is willing to put forward his self as sacrifice. This caused a heated argument among the Avengers. -Nebula instead put forward a plan to lure Thanos to Vormir for the Avengers to get the Soul Stone. Which they are doubtful if will work. Nebula who has a change of heart, tries to redeem herself with this act of sacrifice. -meanwhile, Thanos learns that the Infinity Gauntlet in no time cant hold the Infinity Stones any longer due to the inflicted damage caused by the Snap and the stones arent working together properly to what he wishes..the stones powers were dampened Except for the Soul Stone. Thanos sensed that the Avengers must have been the reason behind it. Thanos orders for an attack, sending his fleet to Earth. -Thor and Rocket proposes IF they will attack Thanos in his Shrine, the Earth would be render defenseless from Thanos armada. so Thor put forward a plan to gather a massive army, an alliance of sort, enough to repel Thanos forces that is coming to Earth. All agreed. -Thor and Rocket travels the distant galaxies to summon an army using the Bifrost ability of the Stormbreaker, meets all Ravagers under Stakar's(StarHawk) leadership. The Ravagers joins them against Thanos. -Captain Marvel receiving the Code Red distress signal coming from Nick Fury, alerts her. -Carol Danvers were patrolling the Negative Zone, which she was tasked of guarding so that Skrulls-Kree war criminals will not be able to escape the dimension, which she use as their prison. Because of time dilation effects, Carol hasnt aged that much since the time she stayed in the Negative Zone. -with the use of nega-bands, the device allows her to travel from Negative Zone to the main universe. Her having cosmic awareness 7th Sense ability, learns of Thanos and what he had done to the universe. Thor and Rocket met her along the way, joining allegiance to defeat Thanos. -Avengers on Wakanda plans to enter the Soul World in order to contact Dr.Strange that is inside of it. AntMan proposes an idea to join Nebula on its way to the Shrine, to attempt on using his shrinking regulator to pass thru sub-atomic to enter the Soul Stone. -as Thanos were about to go to Earth, he was put in a halt because of Nebula's arrival in the Shrine. Nebula tries to deceive Thanos telling him that she is giving her loyalty back and tries to convince him that there's a way to revive Gamora without undoing the Thanos Snap.(it was revealed that Thanos were trying to revive Gamora in the past but unsuccessful because the Soul Stone requires a sacrifice upon ressurecting someone -- "a soul for a soul"). -Nebula offers herself to Thanos as a willing sacrifice to Vormir in order to revive Gamora.Thanos dont believe her. -Thanos uses the Mind Stone to read Nebula's mind, revealing the Avengers plan, and learns that its a trap. AntMan right away, uses his regulator to shrink sub-atomic to enter the Soul Stone. Thanos notices it. -enraged Thanos, follows AntMan to the Soul World. Nebula's plan work, as Thanos astral body enters the Soul World he leaves behind his physical body vulnerable. Avengers(Ironman, Cap, Black Widow, and Vision) then sprint to action, hiding from the distance to get the Infinity Gauntlet off from the weakened, immobilized Thanos. -meanwhile, Dr.Strange of the main universe awakens from dormant state inside the Soul World. He was contacted by his self from an alternate universe assisting Tony and Cap ensure they will win against Thanos. Dr.Strange then used his magic to locate other heroes like Spiderman, Mantis, etc in the Soul World. Mantis awakes all of these heroes. -inside the Soul World, an astral plane inside the Soul Stone where trillions of trillions of souls trapped in hibernation. AntMan and Dr.Strange along with the rest of the vanished heroes meet. Antman gave Dr.Strange a Sling Ring provided by Tony. Thanos finds them and battles ensues. While this was taking place, the rest of the Avengers were battling the weakened physical Thanos in order to get the gauntlet. -back on Earth, Thanos forces were about to enter the atmosphere but intercepted by the Ravagers, Thor, Rocket and Captain Marvel. in Wakanda, Bruce and Shuri were still working with the stones, placing them one at a time in the Stark gauntlet. Ronin and WarMachine watches from afar, ready to defend the Stark gauntlet at all cost from Thanos forces attacking Earth. -Thanos inside the Soul World overpowers Dr.Strange, AntMan, The Wasp, Spiderman, BlackPanther, WinterSoldier, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, StarLord, Drax, Groot and Mantis. then Thanos realized it. He left his physical body vulnerable to attack and realized that this was all a diversion to get the gauntlet. Thanos hastily went back to his physical body. -Avengers were unsuccessful to get the Gauntlet from Thanos. When the Mad Titan was about to use the damaged gauntlet, Dr.Strange unleashed the hex he casted in the Time Stone in their previous battle back in Titan. The hex caused disharmony among the stones. the Power Stone can no longer be hold into place, it exploded!!! Disrupting the Time stone, Reality Stone and Mind Stone while it caused the Soul Stone to broke off from the gauntlet. -Thanos engages combat with the Avengers over the Soul Stone. Dr.Strange uses the Sling Ring to transport them out of the Soul Stone. They have now the fighting chance since Thanos cant use the other stones aside the Space Stone. -with all of them together now, Cap finally said it "Avengers Assemble" and they fought Thanos with him using the power of the stones. Thanos still knock-out almost all of them. Cap is the last man standing facing the Mad Titan. -Cap orders Dr.Strange to get them all out of here along with the Soul Stone. Cap tries to hold off Thanos so that they can escape with the Soul Stone. Dr.Strange opens a portal for all of them that lead them back to Wakanda. Cap left fighting Thanos and dies. -in Wakanda, Bruce and Shuri places the Soul Stone in the Stark gauntlet, while the rest of the Avengers where wounded or knockout. -Thanos teleports to Wakanda to stop them from using the Stark Gauntlet. Hawkeye and Warmachine attacks Thanos but they are no match. Thanos arrives in the lab but the Stark gauntlet is not there. Clint stand up against Thanos for the last time with a ticking bomb arrow in his hand. Ronin dies. -Thanos teleports himself to safety. Captain Marvel and Thor along with Dr. Strange fights Thanos. Bruce weilds the Stark gauntlet and inside the Soul World talks to his Hulk self. Bruce convinces Hulk to merged as one, ultimately becoming Professor Hulk. -the rest of the heroes fights off Thanos in a epic brawl. Hulk finally comes out and has the intelligence of Bruce Banner. Finally, Prof.Hulk uses the Stark Gauntlet to get back to the moment Thanos wasnt able yet to do the Snap in Wakanda. -the scene goes back to the time, the Stormbreaker hurled towards Thanos. This time, the Stormbreaker cuts of the left arm of Thanos, rendering him helpless and cannot use the Infinity Gauntlet. -Cap gets the Infinity Gauntlet and uses it to end the battle. Thanos was exiled to a distant planet where he wished to live in peace as a farmer. -Tony's wedding scene with Pepper, they have a baby named Morgan. -Avengers petitioned to have the Sokovia Accords abolished. T'Challa declares the Sokovia Accords no longer valid in UN Summit, it infuriates Gen. Ross in some way. -Clint got his family back, and abandons the Ronin identity. -Scott reunites with Cassie and Hope. They lived happily with Hank Pym and Janet van Dyne -Bruce lives with Natasha far from their troubled pasts -Cap retires, gives the shield in the care of Bucky and Falcon. -Vision and Wanda live together now, and part of the Secret Avengers program of Tony. -Peter Quill still grieving for the loss of Gamora. Nebula encourages him that they will find a way to lead a life that Gamora wants for them. Guardians heads off to space for their next adventure. Peter still hopeful to have Gamora back someday. -Peter Parker reunites with Aunt May -Captain Marvel founds Earth new to her and swears to protect this vulnerable planet. She gets back to space -T'Challa restores Wakandan affairs to the world -Thor leads as the king of the New Asgard in Norway, ensuring the legacy that Odin has bestowed upon him. -Tony kept the Infinity Gauntlet in secret and destroys it. -the Avengers disbanded, but Vision had proposed an idea to Tony for the future generations and to protect Earth. Mid-Credit scene -Tony reveals to have in possesion of the Infinity Stones. He summons Peter Quill, T'Challa, Captain Marvel, Thor, Vision and Dr.Strange to form the Infinity Watch. Tony task them to guard the stones with their lives for future use as last resort if another universal threat comes around. Tony gives the Soul Stone to Peter, Power Stone to T'Challa, Space Stone to Capt. Marvel, Reality Stone to Thor, Mind Stone to Vision and Time Stone to Dr.Strange. - in the not-so-distant future, Tony funds a new Avenger Initiative program, recruits young Harley Keener(IronLad) his protege since IronMan 3 and Cassie Lang(Stature), daughter of Scott Lang as the very first members. Teasing the advent of Young Avengers and the looming threat of Kang the Conqueror. Post credit scene Main Universe -Defense Secretary Ross reveals to be a Skrull, contacts someone about the Invasion to be commenced. "Avengers are gone, Time for the invasion to start" Teasing the Secret Invasion of the Skrulls Parallel Universe -Loki was shown in a high-tech SHIELD prison being freed by Crossbones. Crossbones led Loki to his master, the one in hood none other than the Red Skull. Red Skull says "my fruitless campaigns to have the power of the gods ends here. Its time, I will have the power of a god himself fight on my side. The era of Avengers has come to pass and we the Master of Evil shall rise" Loki smiles.
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wazafam · 3 years
One thing the Marvel Cinematic Universe is great at is bringing characters from the page to the screen, both in personality and in design. WandaVision is no exception, since the series introduces several new characters and updates the looks of several existing characters as well, to bring them closer to being accurate.
RELATED: WandaVision: Wanda's Best Outfits On The Show, Ranked By Decade Accuracy
However, although they do a good job most of the time, not every character is a perfect adaptation of the character they're based on. So, while the majority of them get pretty similar to the comic book versions, others don't even feel close.
9 Wanda Maximoff
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Wanda Maximoff has gone through several costume upgrades in the MCU, from the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron and then one in Captain America: Civil War that lasted her all the way through Avengers: Endgame. However, aside from the color scheme, none of the designs featured in the movies really resemble her comic book look. In the finale of WandaVision, the Scarlet Witch finally got the closest costume to her classic look after defeating Agatha and absorbing her magic, even getting her iconic crown that fans have been waiting for.
Even though it isn't practical for live-action, the original comic design even gets a reference when Wanda went as a Sokovian fortune teller for Halloween. In terms of physical appearance, Elizabeth Olsen shares the character's green eyes and at 5-foot-6, is only one inch shorter than Wanda, who is 5-foot-7 in the comics. Her hair has also changed, like the character's has in the comics, going from brown in Avengers: Age of Ultron to auburn in Avengers: Infinity War.
8 The Vision
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Unlike his wife, Vision's look has remained largely unchanged since his creation in Avengers: Age of Ultron and for good reason. His MCU design is basically just a modernized version of his comic design, with the green and red skin remaining intact and the only real missing element missing from his green and gold costume being the lack of a pronounced collar.
Like Wanda, Vision also gets a chance to wear his classic costume on Halloween, with it being meant to resemble a wrestler's. Paul Bettany is the exact same height as the character, at 6-foot-3, but the major difference between the two characters is the fact that Paul has blue eyes and, in the comics, Vision has pupilless gold eyes.
7 Monica Rambeau
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Not only is Teyonah Paris a perfect casting of an older version of Akira Akbar, who played a young Monica in Captain Marvel, but they both are also extremely similar to the character from the comics since Teyonah shares both the character's brown eyes and black hair.
RELATED: WandaVision: The Main Characters, Ranked By Likability
In WandaVision, Monica's hair is in many different styles when she's inside the Hex, but outside of it, she wears her hair in curls, which is closer to the style the character had in earlier comic appearances. Paris also happens to be five inches shorter than comic Monica, who is 5-foot-10. Despite those differences and lack of a proper costume, which she'll likely get in Secret Invasion or Captain Marvel 2, the version WandaVision fans see is pretty accurate.
6 Jimmy Woo
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Jimmy Woo is one of several Marvel characters that made their return to the MCU after his first appearance in Ant-Man and the Wasp and he was likely the easiest character from the series for Marvel to adapt.
Randall Park is pretty much a perfect choice for the role, considering he shares the character's brown eyes and black hair. He is also only just one inch taller, at 5-foot-9, than Jimmy is in the comics, and also in the comics, Jimmy doesn't really have a superhero uniform and is mostly seen wearing suits, like he does in the show.
5 Billy Maximoff
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While many of the characters in the series were already featured in other MCU projects, the Maxmimoff twins made their MCU debut in the series. The youngest twin, Billy Maximoff aka Wiccan is played by the child actor, Julian Hillard. Although he is shown wearing a costume that's based on his comic book uniform during the Halloween episode, complete with his red cape and headband, he usually wears regular clothes that are blue and red.
Aside from the obvious height difference, with Billy standing at 5-foot-8 and Julian being 4-foot-5, the two also have different hair colors, with Wiccan's hair being black and Julian's being brown. The main similarity between them is the fact that they both have brown eyes.
4 Tommy Maximoff
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The other Maximoff twin, Tommy aka Speed, is played by Jett Klyne. On account of him still being young, he is pretty far from his character's height of 5-foot-9. He is the only member of his family that doesn't wear their comic-accurate costume during the Halloween episode, however, his wardrobe is a nod to that uniform, with it consisting of mostly green outfits.
RELATED: WandaVision: Which Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
The biggest difference between him and his comic book counterpart is that is in the comics, Tommy actually has white hair like his uncle Pietro, with whom he also shares powers, but in the series, his hair is dark brown. Luckily, seeing as the character will likely be returning in the future of the MCU, Marvel will have another chance to get his look closer to the source material.
3 Agatha Harkness
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Besides the twins, who are still growing into their roles, Kathryn Hahn's Agatha Harkness is the character that looks the most drastically different from her comic book counterpart. In the comics, Agatha appears much older than she does in the show, with her hair color usually grey or completely white, and while it makes sense that it was changed since the version in the series is much younger, it's still a departure since young comic Agatha also had blonde hair instead of brown like she does in the series.
Kathryn Hahn is also significantly shorter than Agatha, who is 5-foot-11 in the comics, and her green eyes differ from the character's blue. The only real element consistent between both versions is the character's signature purple being a part of her wardrobe and the broach that she is often shown wearing in the comics.
2 "Quicksilver"
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Evan Peters appears in episode 5 posing as Wanda's older twin brother, Pietro Maximoff, who is later revealed to be a Westview citizen named Ralph that was under the control of Agatha and sent to spy on her. Despite not being the real Quicksilver, Ralph pulls off a very convincing performance as him, even wearing the speedster's classic costume, a blue outfit with the white lightning bolt across the chest, during the Halloween episode.
While he manages to share the character's iconic white hair, he doesn't have comic Pietro's blue eyes, since his are dark brown. He is also 5-foot-11, making him just a bit shorter than the 6-foot Quiksilver.
1 White Vision
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In addition to playing the regular version of Vision, Paul Bettany also got to play Spectral Vision, which was the original version of the character in the MCU that was brought back to life by SWORD director, Tyler Hayward. While both versions are pretty much identical in terms of silhouette, the major difference seems to be in color with Spectral Vision's white color being similar to how vision looked when he was restored in the comics.
In addition to the fact that his eyes aren't completely white like they are in the comics, the only major difference is that the MCU version has gold accents on the arms, belt, and legs, as well as the fact that he possesses a small orange panel in his forehead where the mind stone used to be.
NEXT: WandaVision: 10 Unpopular Opinions (According To Reddit)
WandaVision: How Each Major Character Is Supposed To Look (Based On The Comics) from https://ift.tt/2QkCYIg
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gadgetgirl71 · 4 years
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December Reading List
This month, I’ve only chosen one ARC to read as I’m trying to catch up with all of my book reviews before the end of the year. So you will find that the majority of this months books are from my GoodReads TBR list. I also hope that I do manage to read all of the books on this months list because that will mean that I have completed my GoodReads 2020 Reading Challenge.
Don’t forget to pop by again on the 6 December to see what book I pull out of the Random Jar of the Month.
December’s Books
Late Love by Scarlett Hopper, Pages: 208, Publication Date: 13 October 2020
Protecting Caroline (SEAL of Protection #1) by Susan Stoker, Pages: 282, Publication Date: 2 September 2014
The Vine Witch (The Vine Witch #1) by Luanne G Smith, Pages: 263, Publication Date: 1 October 2019
A Typical Family Christmas by Liz Davies, Pages: 282, Publication Date: 15 September 2019
Influential Magic by Deanna Chase, Pages: 318, Publication Date: 6 March 2013
Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman, Pages: 286, Publication Date: 1 July 1995
The Blood Covenant (Medici Warrior #1) by Emily Bex, Pages: 550, Publication Date: 18 February 2019
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Synopsis: Lottie Night didn’t expect her year to turn out this way. After finding out she’s carrying more than just the emotional baggage of her breakup, life as she knows it quickly changes. Panicked, she attempts to balance everything alone until she meets Owen. Owen Bower didn’t know what he was missing until Lottie crashed into his life. She’s everything he never knew he wanted, but a relationship is the last thing on Lottie’s mind. Yet when a chance encounter between the two reveals Lottie’s biggest secret, a bond is immediately formed.   Owen quickly becomes Lottie’s closest confidant, but it’s clear their connection is anything but platonic. Emotions can only be ignored for so long until someone cracks, and it looks like Owen will be first. Forced to confront her feelings, Lottie must decide, can she move forward without her past getting in the way?
Let me know if you’ve read or reviewed any of these book, and tell me what you think of them. Or just let me know what books are on your reading list for December.
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Synopsis: **Protecting Caroline is a stand-alone love story. It’s Book 1 in the SEAL of Protection Series.**
Matthew “Wolf” Steel hated flying commercial. Luckily his job as a Navy SEAL meant he didn’t have to do it very often. He’d been unlucky enough to be assigned a middle seat on the cramped jet, but fortunately for him, the woman next to him was willing to switch seats with him. Hoping for a relaxing flight, Wolf was pleasantly surprised at the good conversation and sense of humor the woman had as they flew 36,000 feet over the countryside.
When Caroline boarded the plane to Virginia to move across the country for her new job she never expected to be seated next to the hottest guy she’d ever seen. She also never expected he’d be so easy to talk to. She knew he’d never be interested in talking to her if he hadn’t been trapped in the seat next to her, but it was a nice way to spend a long plane ride.
Neither Wolf nor Caroline were prepared for a terrorist hijacking of their plane, but if Caroline thought that would be the last time she’d see, or need, Wolf, she’d be sorely mistaken.
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Synopsis: A young witch emerges from a curse to find her world upended in this gripping fantasy of betrayal, vengeance, and self-discovery set in turn-of-the-century France.
For centuries, the vineyards at Château Renard have depended on the talent of their vine witches, whose spells help create the world-renowned wine of the Chanceaux Valley. Then the skill of divining harvests fell into ruin when sorcière Elena Boureanu was blindsided by a curse. Now, after breaking the spell that confined her to the shallows of a marshland and weakened her magic, Elena is struggling to return to her former life. And the vineyard she was destined to inherit is now in the possession of a handsome stranger.
Vigneron Jean-Paul Martel naively favors science over superstition, and he certainly doesn’t endorse the locals’ belief in witches. But Elena knows a hex when she sees one, and the vineyard is covered in them. To stay on and help the vines recover, she’ll have to hide her true identity, along with her plans for revenge against whoever stole seven winters of her life. And she won’t rest until she can defy the evil powers that are still a threat to herself, Jean-Paul, and the ancient vine-witch legacy in the rolling hills of the Chanceaux Valley.
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Synopsis: For once, Kate Peters would like a happy, family Christmas; the kind of Christmas seen in the movies. She wants harmony and happiness, smiling, glowing faces, tables groaning with food, carol singing around the tree. She wants love, kindness, and goodwill to all men, especially in her own house.
What she doesn’t want is drama. Absolutely no drama, whatsoever.
But what she gets is three stroppy children, two equally stroppy grandmothers, a husband who can’t manage to change a lightbulb, and Pepe the poodle.
It’s no wonder she feels unappreciated, overworked, and ignored. At the end of her tinsel-coated tether, and with the only Christmas spirit being in the form of a bottle of raspberry gin, Kate decides to leave them to it, and see how they manage without her.
A quiet little hotel somewhere near the sea, where she can pretend Christmas doesn’t exist, is just the thing she needs. Isn’t it?
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Synopsis: It’s tough being a faery in New Orleans, a city fraught with vampires… especially when their very existence drains your life-force.
Willow Rhoswen, owner of The Fated Cupcake and part-time vampire hunter for the Void is having a rough week. Four years after her twin brother’s mysterious death, Willow’s life is threatened and the director saddles her with a new partner—her ex-boyfriend, David. To her horror, he’s turned vamp, which causes her physical pain whenever she touches him… and any other specimen of the undead.
In order to save Willow’s life, David agrees to turn double agent against the most powerful vampire organization in New Orleans. Or so he says. And she’s convinced they know something about her brother’s death. Unsure where David’s loyalties lie, she turns to Talisen, her childhood crush, to help her solve the mystery.
Caught between two gorgeous men and a director who’ll stop at nothing to control Willow’s gifts, she’ll have to follow her instincts and learn who to trust. Otherwise, she risks losing more than just her life.
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Synopsis: The Owens sisters confront the challenges of life and love in this bewitching novel from New York Times bestselling author Alice Hoffman.
For more than two hundred years, the Owens women have been blamed for everything that has gone wrong in their Massachusetts town. Gillian and Sally have endured that fate as well: as children, the sisters were forever outsiders, taunted, talked about, pointed at. Their elderly aunts almost seemed to encourage the whispers of witchery, with their musty house and their exotic concoctions and their crowd of black cats. But all Gillian and Sally wanted was to escape.
One will do so by marrying, the other by running away. But the bonds they share will bring them back—almost as if by magic…
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Synopsis: When he met her, he knew how it would end.
Shade Medici, a warrior king and sole male heir to the dynasty, is expected to mate and produce an heir to secure the continuation of the Medici coven. He’s waited over five hundred years for the right mate, and when he meets Kate Reese, his attraction is more than primal – it’s merciless.
She’s also mortal.
Kate is fresh off a broken engagement and reluctant to open her heart, but her hesitations are no match for the unrelenting pursuits of the vampire King. Their passion for each other is searing…and not everyone is happy about it. Namely the ruling Council.
As they fight against deceit, treachery, and those who aim to see their love fail, Shade also struggles to control his impulses as Kate is immersed into his dark and dangerous world, but it’s imperative he prepare her for the changes that will be demanded of her should she choose to bind herself to him through the blood covenant. All that scorches and glitters isn’t gold, and she quickly learns that falling in love with a vampire King comes at a hefty price:
It may just cost her everything.
*** Let me know if you’ve read or reviewed any of these book, and tell me what you think of them. Or just let me know what books are on your December reading list. ***
#ARC, #BookBlogger, #Books, #Bookshelf, #December2020, #December2020ReadingList, #GoodReads, #NetGalley, #NetGalleyuk, #ReadingChallenge, #ReadingList, #XpressoBookTours, #XpressoTours
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jayne-writes · 7 years
New York Magic
A/N This is completely @melyaliz fault. She got this idea in my head and i haven’t been able to leave it alone :P  Its short and not great, but enjoy some Layla and Peter Parker!
Tags: @the-shadow-of-atlantis @speedypan @insideoflit
New York was magical. There was no doubt about it. But the real magic? The magic that actually did stuff? Yeah, that was in Queens. Goblins and ghouls, heroes and villains all found themselves drawn to Queens. Heading to New York, Layla knew what she was getting into. She knew that these monsters would be drawn to her own magic and wouldn’t think twice before revealing their true selves to the blue haired girl.
Layla had laid a trap, trying to lure a creature wreaking havoc over the city. Using herself as bait, Layla waited in one of the quieter and more poor areas of Queens.
“Come on. Hurry up.”
“Do you always talk to yourself?” Whipping around, Layla was face to face with a guy in unitard. Confused, she whipped out a flurry of snow onto the stranger, only to have her wrist fly backwards onto the brick wall, barely able to move it.
“Who the hell are you?”
“Thats no way to thank the person who just saved you,” The stranger spoke. He couldn’t be more than 18. “I’m your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman, by the way. Also you can make snow? Thats awesome! I have a friend who would love that! You never answered the question, by the way. I’ve been following you for 5 blocks and you’ve barely stopped muttering to yourself.”
“I wasn’t in any danger, moron! And why the hell have you been following me for 5 bloody blocks?” Layla threw back at the costumed boy, trying to free her arm.
“Like i said, I’m spiderman and its my job to protect people. I was following you because my spidey senses told me I needed to follow you. So i did. Pretty simple really.”
“Spidey senses? Uh huh. Right. Would you get this stuff off my arm now? I’m not in danger. I can take care of myself perfectly well, too. So let me go and bugger off so I can finish what I started.”
Taken aback, Peter wasn’t sure what to do. Does he let the pretty girl go and possibly get hurt or was she the danger his spidey senses was worried about? ‘When did life get so complicated?’ He wondered.
“Stop thinking so hard. It looks like your head is going to explode,” Layla didn’t know what this guy’s deal was but if she didn’t start moving again soon, the creature was going to catch up to her before her trap was properly set.
“How do I know you’re not the danger?” Peter asked.
Groaning, Layla stated the obvious. “I’m obviously not the danger because you only restrained one arm.”
“And that makes you good why…?”
“Because,” Layla started. “I could have iced you with my other hand. Hell I could have hexed you with no hands. Only my voice. You still have your free will, therefore I'm not a bad guy. Now let me go!” Layla roared, scaring the blue and red stranger.
Spiderman walked up the girl, cautiously took the webbing off her wrist and moved back slowly, trying not to anger her.
“Finally!” Rubbing her wrist, Layla started down the alleyway again, this time without a spider following her.
Peter could see the blue haired girl walking away, knowing he couldn't do anything to stop her. Despite being so intrigued by her.
“Hey!” Layla shouted getting Spiderman’s attention. Looking up curiously, he saw the girl looking at him.
“I’m Layla by the way. We’ll probably run into each other again. With us both being the good guys and all. Till next time Peter Parker.”
Before Peter could even digest that this stranger knew his name, his secret identity that only a handful of people actually knew, she had jumped into a black hole that disappeared just like the girl herself.
“Could this day get any weirder? Great, now I’m the one talking to myself…” Peter mumbled, shaking his head before sending his web out to watch over the rest of the city. All the while thinking about the blue haired girl, Layla
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