#Pier 11
fishmech · 2 months
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Boarding the Ikea Ferry
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concertphotos · 3 months
The Brooklyn Bridge, Financial District, and The Battery Skyline of Lower Manhattan Aerial View by David Oppenheimer Via Flickr: The Brooklyn Bridge, Financial District, and The Battery skyline of Lower Manhattan in New York City nighttime aerial view - © 2024 David Oppenheimer - Performance Impressions aerial photography archives - performanceimpressions.com
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Jiang Cheng doesn't realize what he's done until the rain has long stopped, water soaked into his clothes, into his skin, everywhere. He's shaking, cold, slowly coming down from his hysterics - and his hands are around Wei Wuxian's neck.
And Wei Wuxian is not moving.
Wei Wuxian is not-
Jiang Cheng stumbles a few feet away, so terrified he doesn't even think he's breathing. He thinks he almost feels Wei Wuxian's fading pulse under his fingertips.
Wei Wuxian is not-
He's laying in the grass, eyes closed, his mouth slanted open in an attempt to breathe. Is he-
He's pale and there are patches of blood on his robes but they're not his own... are they? After all, Madam Yu did-
Why is Wei Wuxian not-
Jiang Cheng finds himself scrambling even further away.
Did he-
He can't finish the thought.
He has to go. He has to run. He has to- to- where could he-
There is a violent cough, and Jiang Cheng doesn't know whether to be glad or even more terrified. He doesn't expect- he doesn't know-
Wei Wuxian slowly sits up, painfully rubs at his bruised neck, gives himself a brief once-over, but says nothing.
Why is he not-
"Let's go." His voice is coarse when he says it, but that's not what makes Jiang Cheng realize something's changed about him.
It's when he says-
"It's not the first time you've tried to kill me." Wei Ying says with a half smile. "Come. There's a long journey ahead."
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Migrations Box: Winter 2024.
I really enjoyed this subscription last year, so I'm participating again! Of the lot, I'm actually most excited for VERDIGRIS (I know, right: wild, given that cover). I love getting surprise books I'd never pick out myself hand selected and shipped directly to me.
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saint-end · 10 months
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kitty-chan-art-den · 1 year
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joeyisourranger · 1 year
cool! just had to explain to a man that being gay doesn’t affect your ability to be good at your job
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zee-man-chatter · 2 years
'Great sadness': Piers Morgan pays touching tribute to Her Majesty the Queen
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cinnabeat · 2 years
anyways i went down to santa monica with my mom today for the exhibition and we walked around the pier a bit but its horrendous how much parking cost
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sayruq · 2 months
The current status of Joe Biden's Gaza pier project
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Here's an article about the various mishaps facing the Gaza pier project
There are 7,000 aid trucks sitting in the Egyptian border but Biden has to help Israel starve Gaza because Netanyahu thinks that will force the Palestinian resistance to accept a terrible ceasefire deal.
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fishmech · 2 months
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Waiting for the Ikea Ferry
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haverwood · 2 years
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9/11: Minute by Minute Piers Garland UK, 2021 ★★ There is some weird and very annoying anachronistic use of stock footage throughout the documentary (for no reason, really) but the idea of using mostly audio from air traffic control recordings is a good one.
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nyx-is-missing · 5 months
Could you write Clarisse La Rue x Fem Poseidon, where the reader is also a forbidden daughter like Percy?
Rises the moon
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Clarisse la rue x fem!reader (posseidon's kid)
Summary: when your new sibling gets claimed, you cannot sleep, thank Gods Clarisse cares enough, or too much.
Warnings: none really, but fluff, comfort, clarisse being sweet, life crisis
(Again, i did not rewied it, and it is probably mediocre, but we love our girl clarisse)
That was a moment of rare peace.
It mas the middle of the night, everyone was sleeping, and i had escaped for a quick swim.
The truth is that i couldnt sleep, some days ago, a little boy arrived at camp, poor kid, his eyes had such sadness, lost the only family he had, and just as every newly found demigod, he was confused.
And then, he is my brother, his claim was fast, like a clean cut, but to me it felt like ages, i was watching the trident appear on his head in slow motion, and every tought came to me, specially because i knew, i knew the feeling, i knew the pain, i knew the revolt.
And oh how i felt it all again, not only my father was fucking my life, our life, he was making it 11 times worst, no gods would like the fact that there is now 2 forbidden children, it was unsafe, and now we were unsafe.
"Sneaking out are we?"
I turned around with such speed i almost got dizzy.
"Clarisse! You scared me"
I half whisper, she was standing on the pier next to me, with her hair in a low ponytail, some old soft shorts and a oversided worn of shirt, simple, but so beautiful in my eyes.
"Why are you whispering? We are alone"
"I was trying not to get caught"
"And how exactly is that going for you?- wait you're swimming in your underwear?
Clarisse squinted her eyes trying to see me inside the water.
"...I was going to wake percy up if i opened the drawers to search my bikinis and went changing, besides, Posseidon kid, i can get dry in a second."
And before she could do what i tought she would, insult percy, i said:
"...do you want to join me?"
"Can you dry me too?"
She smiles while taking her shoes off.
"I can try"
I say, turning my back to her while she took the rest of her clothes off.
Seconds later i feel her getting into the water, more seconds later, i feel her hands on my shoulders, compared to my own skin, her's was hot
"You can turn around now..."
She looked even more beautiful in the moonlight, smiling shyly, glowing togheter with the water.
I hold her hand, those hands who made many fall to the ground everyday, those hands made me calm, reminded me of myself, that i was alive, that i was okay.
The way she always pressed the middle of my palm whenever i was nervous made come back to reality everytime.
How could that she, so mean, with a heavy presence, always made me feel light?
Like i was eternally into water, letting the flow take me wherever, so so happy.
I layed my head on her shoulder, letting myself be hugged, be light again.
"Are you alright? Do you want to talk about it? Hm?"
"Tomorrow...for now, can you just hug me?"
She didnt answered, but i could feel, her arms tightening, and a quick kiss on my forehead.
I was all so beautiful.
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lowkeyerror · 1 month
The Family Business Ch.11
WandaNat x Reader
Word count: 2.7k
Ch. Notes: Violence, Physical assualt
Summary: Fisk is not happy with the way things turned out regarding the docks. He makes his own power play in retaliation that puts everyone on notice.
An: Sorry for not updating yesterday guys but Im planning on posting again before Monday to make it up to you
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
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Wilson Fisk was never one to shy away from the reality of a situation. To him, living life in such a make-believe state would not propel him to the success that he craved. He had built an empire, a kingdom, but had no one to share it with. He lost his family, and with them gone the only thing to fill the void was power.
Fisk was addicted to it. He needed it. It was only thing that made him feel good. So, though his empire was large he was acutely aware that it wasn’t the largest. The Maximoff’s presence cast a large looming shadow over his own. So, he looked to take care of the problem.
Fisk knew he would shoot Dragos Maximoff as soon as they agreed to meet in private. He assumed the Sokovian was a man of his word and would come alone. He was mistaken, and he hated making mistakes.
Knowing that the Dragos was hospitalized was good at first. Fisk didn’t care if the man lived or died because he thought without Dragos in the way the Maximoff’s would crumble. He was again, mistaken.
The reality of the situation was the Wilson Fisk underestimated the remaining Maximoff’s. He was foolish to believe that New York city would become his so quickly.
An oil spill was clever. It was big, messy, and destructive, but it would always go over as an accident. Fisk realizes that simply blowing up the pier wouldn’t have halted things as much. The play was high IQ.
His large fist slammed against his desk nearly snapping in half. While the Maximoff’s were getting calls placing orders, Fisk was taking order cancelations. He was having the people he got on his side retract their support. He was losing the power, and he would not take kindly to giving up anymore.
Watching them retreat would never be enough.  He wanted the Maximoff’s to crumble beneath him, to beg him for mercy. They had embarrassed him in one foul swoop age he wild stop at nothing to have them burn with the same feeling.
You weren’t naïve enough to believe retaliation wouldn't be coming. It arguably was giving you anxiety. All the waiting and looking over your shoulder would've taken a larger toll on you if you were dealing with them alone.
However, you weren’t alone. In fact, contrary to your previous belief Wanda did not forget the terms you agreed to. You spent your nights between the spy and temporary crime boss.
It became somewhat of a routine. Even if you went to your apartment after work, you’d always end up at their place soon after. It’s nice, and that's why you refuse to question it.
It helps you sleep restfully but occupies to much of your mind when you're awake. It makes you feel like a teenager. The only person you can confide in is Kate. You tell her, but she’s not much help. Kate encourages this and pushes you to take more emotional comfort from the women.
Your feet hit the ground a little harder than normal as you run this morning. You think about the familiar, almost instinctual attraction you have for Wanda. Then your mind turns to the new undiscovered feelings you have for her wife. You found yourself craving to be in proximity with the Russian more and more.
Natasha had a warmth around her. She had no problem taking the backseat and blending in, but the moment she sensed anything was amiss she sprang into action quickly. Recently she had started making sure you had a lunch at work after Kate told her you’d usually skip it. There was no point in trying to turn down anything from the woman. Though you hadn’t known each other long it seemed like she just understood you.
You’re too occupied with your thoughts, and not paying enough attention to your surroundings. When you stop running, you go to turn around but a firm hand on your shoulder stops you. A gun is pressed firmly against your spine.
“We’re going to have a little chat. Now keep walking,” the man says guiding you with his hand.
You don’t say anything, you simply follow his instructions. Your nerves don’t fret, even as he directs you to an alley. Once you’re out of public view, he turns you to face him.
“Y/n L/n, high ranking employee of the Maximoff Family,” he spoke the gun now aimed at your sternum.
“Fisk,” you’re glare is unwavering.
He sizes you up, “Aren’t you a sweet little thing? Unfortunately, I’m going to have to put a dent in that pretty face you got.”
“Killing me would only hurt you in the long run,” you say to him.
He smiles, “It would, you’re absolutely right, but hurting you sends a message.”
“I’d like to see you try,” you keep your eyes on his.
He laughs, “Me? No, I don’t get my hands dirty for people like you. I’m only here to make sure you relay this to whoever’s in charge. Tell them that I won’t stop, tell them that surrender is no longer an option, and tell them they should keep an eye on the hospital.”
The last line sends you over the edge and before you know it, you’re attempting to disarm the mob boss. Your movements are fast but as soon as the gun is in your hand, you take a blow to the knees. You fall to the floor and the gun slides out of your hand.
Fisk bends down and picks up the gun, he tucks it into his coat. He looks down at you with a smile on his face, “Make sure she's recognizable boys. Until we meet again sweet thing."
That’s when you notice your predicament. The alley that had once been empty was now filled with Fisk’s men. The large man himself, gets into a car at the end of the alley which drives away promptly. The circle around you, but you refuse to be fragile in this moment. You slowly stand and look at the men, there’s around 8 of them. It seems like time works in slow motion.
You move first to the closest man to you and immediately twist his neck with a satisfying snap. He drops onto the floor and before you can get to another your on the floor with him. The men stomp you out harshly.
Once they’re certain they have the upper hand they begin to get more creative. The start using their fists and elbows connecting anywhere they can. The screams don't displace the pain you feel.
Your attempts to fight back only anger them further. You don’t know hoe long the beating continues for. You feel yourself slip in and out of consciousness a few times.
Blood coats your body in multiple places. You can’t tell when it starts or stops. You can barely breathe when they finally stop their assault.
“Send the Maximoff’s our regards,” one of the lackeys spit on you before laying a final nasty kick to your gut. He walks out of the alley with his men behind him.
Your back lay flat against the concrete as you stare up at the sky. Turning your head hurts, but you do it anyway. Carefully, you scoot yourself over to the wall and try to prop yourself up.
It was only a matter of time before someone came looking for you. You should’ve been by now and you weren’t. Knowing Wanda and Natasha the search party would be deployed soon.
However, keeping your consciousness was becoming a task. Your breaths are shallow and labored. The pain finally starts to set in, and tears fall from your eyes. Everything hurts, so much so that you're afraid to try to stand up.
It couldn’t have been longer than half an hour when a car pulls up in the alleyway. Your head hangs heavy, and you hope to God that these people are on your side.
Pietro is the first to reach you. He can’t find any words to say as he sees you in this state. He begins to shake his head as he bends down to get a better look at you. His hand cups your face gently and it trembles.
It hurts, but you reach your hand out to hold his wrist, “Jesus Christ, Y/n.”
You hear more steps approaching, but you stay focused on the man in front of you.  You’re scared for them to see you like this.
“Y/n,” There’s disbelief on her tongue as she whispers your name. She doesn’t want this to be you, but as your bloody tear-stained face raises to meet her eyes, her resolve crumbles.
Wanda can’t help the tears that immediately begin to fall out of her eyes. Your face had begun to swell, blood dripped from your nose, your lip was bleeding too. They could see the bruises beginning to form over your exposed arms and torso.
You gaze over at the other redhead who refuses to look at you. Her body posture is rigid, and her eyes are cast firmly on the ground, you can see how cloudy they are.
“We have to get her to the hospital,” Pietro says.
You nearly scream out, “NO!”
They see the alarm and panic in your face, but Natasha tries to reason with you, “Y/n, you’re hurt badly. They need to check you out or-"
“Bucky,” you cut her off, looking between Pietro and Wanda.
“Y/n, he doesn’t do that anymore and you know that” Pietro says softly.
“Try,” you counter back.
Pietro looks to his sister who nods. He reluctantly leaves his position next to you and pulls out his phone to make the call.
“Why not the hospital?”
You shake your head, but then wince, “It’s not safe.”
“Who said it wasn’t safe baby?” Wanda takes Pietro’s place hand in yours.
“Fisk, he said- he won’t stop, there’s no surrender, and that we should watch the hospital,” you attempt to struggle to your feet.
“We have to get Papa out Wanda. He’s not safe there, we have to move him, we have to,” you begin to work yourself up feeling the anxiety finally starts to hit you.
It's Natasha’s firm hand on your shoulder that keeps you in place, “Y/n, breath with me.”
You go to protest, but the look of worry in her eyes causes you to pause. She takes a deep breath in, and you try to copy her, but you end up wincing.
Wanda sees this and lifts up your shirt to see your midsection badly bruised. Her touch is tender as her fingers glide over the faded cut on your side.
“You think anything they did will leave a scar like that?” You say with shallow breaths.
“If they weren't already going to die for doing this to you, I’d kill them for leaving a cut like that on you,” she says pulling your shirt back down.
Pietro walks back over to the three of you, “He said he'll do it, we just have to get her there.”
Wanda scoops you into her arms and walks you to the car. She carefully lays you down in the backseat before getting in herself. Pietro drives and Natasha takes the passenger seat. Wanda’s hand finds its way into your hair, trying to bring you any type of comfort.
“He told them to leave me recognizable, so they didn't focus to hard on my face after awhile,” you say to them.
“How many were there?” Natasha asks.
“8, 7 really I snapped that guys neck first,”  you recount.
“How did he get you?” Pietro asks next.
You frown, “I wasn’t paying enough attention when I was running. He came up behind me and put a gun to my back.”
“He pulled a gun on you?” You can feel the woman getting upset.
You take your hand and place it in hers, “I will be fine. Bucky’s going to patch me up real nice.”
Once you arrive at the former doctors house, you’re greeted by a less than enthusiastic James Buchanan Barnes or Bucky for short.
“I retired for a reason you know?” He says as he let’s you all into his home.
The sight of you in Wanda’s arms startles him a bit. Wanda asks, “Where are we putting her?”
“Upstairs second door on your right,” he finds himself quickly leading them to the room.
Wanda is careful as she lays you down. They all stand as Bucky begins to prepare for this job.
“What happened to you kid, were you hit by a bus?”
“8 on 1 attack,” Pietro explains.
“The bus might’ve been better then,” Bucky says as he begins to check the extent of your injuries.
You try not to move too much as he pokes and prods your body. Sometimes you hiss, groan, but you don’t flinch.
“So, what’s the diagnosis Buck?” Wanda has her eyes on you as she speaks.
“Luckily, I don't think anything is broken, but her ribs are severely bruised, and I think her right ankle is sprained. Besides that, I think it's just bruising and some small cuts. Her nose is fine, her lips are fine, and her head is fine. She’s going to have to keep her weight off of her leg and wrap her torso until she’s healed.”
Wanda nods, committing the words to memory, “What do I owe you?”
He shakes his head, “Nothing, anything for your family.”
Pietro smiles, “What would take for you to come back and be our family doctor. We’re going to need one soon.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, “What you need a check up?”
Natasha speaks for the first time, “We’re going to war with Fisk.”
He winces, “Definitely sounds like you'll need a doctor, but I’m retired Ms.…”
“Natasha, Wanda’s wife,” she introduces herself.
“Congratulations, I hope you enjoy your marriage like I enjoy my retirement” he speaks genuinely.
“Buck, we could really use you on our side. Without Papa leading us, we need all the help we can get,” Wanda tries to sway him.
“What do you mean Dragos isn’t leading you?”
The room turns somber as Wanda begins to explain the situation to Bucky. The man keeps a neutral face through it all. He lets out a large sigh at the end of everything.
“When this is over, I'm going back into retirement understood?”
Wanda nods, “Thank you.”
After you leave Bucky’s, Pietro drops you all off at home. Wanda and Natasha help you into their apartment. They sit you on the couch with them on either side of you.
“I’ve sent some extra forces to the hospital to keep watch over Dragos. I’ve also told some of my people on the inside to take care of any of those men that did this to you,” Natasha’s jaw twitches as she speaks.
“Good,” you say flatly.
There’s a tension in the room. It’s weird considering how comfortable you’ve all been around each other. However now as you sit silently on the couch the air feels thick.
“You could’ve died in that alley,” Wanda speaks first.
You nod your head slightly, “I could’ve.”
“He could’ve shot you down right there,” she continues.
“But he didn’t,” you counter.
Wanda looks at her wife, silently asking for help. Natasha knows what Wanda wants to do and she supports it.
“Y/n, we have to talk about something, and we don’t know how it’s going to make you feel,” Natasha says taking ahold of your hand.
You nod at her words.
“And please, just listen before you say anything else,” Wanda’s nerves are present in her voice.
The tension hasn’t left the room. You sit there, between the couple still slightly in pain. You hardly feel it though, all you could feel was the anxious air around you, waiting for the women to speak. It was nerve-wracking, it was stomach churning, and it was scary.
The thought of losing you terrified Wanda. The thought of losing you, without ever telling you how she felt was even more terrifying. She couldn’t wait any longer after the events of the day. It was her sign, and she was ready.
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Taglist: @natashaswife4125 @autorasexy @alexawynters @blkmxrvel @toouncreativeforausername @likemick @sgm616 @bstvst @dorabledewdroop @sapphic-simp4015 @natty-taffy @justarandomreaderxoxo @mmmmokdok @tarathia @bgwlsmahf25 @lezzylover @og-kxsh-420 @vanessashands @untoldreader @sxlfishbrokenheart @marvelgirlx @elle161989
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shanastoryteller · 6 months
happy halloween! i would love some more Lady Mo :D
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Now that both Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng are frozen in place and staring at him like idiots, Wei Wuxian takes a step back levels a stern look at them, hoping that neither of them can tell that he'd been crying. "If you're quite done? I should send both of you to bed without supper. What were you thinking?"
Jiang Cheng says nothing, instead just staring at her in a way that's honestly a little unnerving.
He rounds onto Lan Xichen to get away from it, "And you! Just standing by and watching! What are all of you thinking? We're in the middle of an inter-clan nighthunt and banquet! Not even the middle! It's just begun and you're causing trouble."
He's scolding someone for getting into a fight at an inoportune time. Something has gone terribly wrong.
Oh, right. He's pregnant with Lan Zhan's baby. He's pregnant with a baby that Lan Zhan doesn't want. Everything is terrible and wrong.
No, he can't think like that. It's not fair to Lan Zhan.
"Come back with me to Lotus Pier," Jiang Cheng says abruptly, still with that strange look on his face. "I told you to believe in Lan Wangji and he's made a liar out of me." Both Lan brothers look startled at that. Jin Guangyao even raises an eyebrow. "The Jiang will take care of you. Have the child, don't, it doesn't matter. I said you'd be safe and you will be."
Oh, Jiang Cheng.
His heart seizes. His honorable, idiotic little brother. He wishes he could go over there and ruffle his hair and kiss his cheeks. "It's alright, Jiang Cheng. It's - it's not a problem. If Wangji does not want the child, we will not have the child. It's fine."
He feels like he's going to throw up and he hasn't even eaten anything.
He turns, confused, to Lan Zhan who's looking at him in confusion and horror.
Wei Wuxian's eyebrows dip together and he echoes, "What?"
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straykids-97 · 11 months
Call Me by Your Name
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"Words have meaning, but names have power."
There are a lot of things in the world that Chris loves... But hearing you say his name, is probably his favorite...
Warnings: soft! Dom Chan, sub!reader, mentions chubby thighs, (Chris is a thigh/ass man, you can't convince me otherwise), slight bondage, manhandling, teasing, unprotected sex, cuddling, and fluff at the beginning and end lmk if I forgot anything!!
Word Count: 2.6k
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Chan has many hobbies. Playing piano, singing, writing, you name it. Some of them had long forgotten the day you walked into the lobby of the hotel he was staying in. 
The poor man nearly tripped over his bags when he watched you pull your sunglasses off your face, a bright smile spreading across your face. 
He knew he was a goner when your eyes fell on his shocked face. 
It had been a little over a year since that day, and you two were deeply in love. That much was evident because Chan always had his hands on you; PDA was his favorite. He loved that everyone knew you were his, one way or another. 
“Chris!” You shout, getting his attention from across the pier. You were standing with his friend, Felix, watching people mill about the beach below. Chris looked a little startled when you said his name, his face looking confused and panicked as his brown eyes found yours. It quickly dissolved when he found a smile on your face. “Come here!” You waved him over and he instantly left the booth he was at and joined you by the railing. 
You pointed down at the beast swimming around the wooden pillars of the pier, “Look! It’s a shark.” You whispered, almost as if saying its name would invoke its wrath. He giggled, “I forget sometimes that you don’t see this kind of thing.” You playfully shove him, “Don’t be rude.” You grumble as he pulls you into his side, “You’re like a baby,” he murmured in your ear, sending a chill down your spine. “I like seeing you experience things for the first time.” He nibbled your earlobe and you tried not to squeak. Felix was used to the display of PDA. And luckily he hadn’t heard what your boyfriend whispered in your ear. “Good thing no one swimming right now,” Felix sighed, relieved. “I don’t wanna see something like that.” His implication made you shiver. No one said the words, but you knew what he was talking about. 
“Let’s go to the Ferris wheel!” You plead, trying to change the subject. “Are you sure? It’s getting kind of late.” Chris checked his watch to see that it was nearing 11:30.” You pout at him, “But you promised me that you would take me on it before we left.” He couldn’t argue with that. 
A bright smile spread across his face, “Alright… Let’s go.” 
After the long wait in line, you and Chris manage to get a good spot on the ferris wheel. “Oh my,” You stare at the horizon as the large machine takes you higher into the sky. Chris beams at you, “Pretty, isn’t it?” He asks, making you turn to him. “Of course,” You mirror his cheeky grin. 
The ferris wheel spins a few times and now it’s slowing down to let people off. You realize that you’ll be one of the last people off, not that you mind. You lean into your boyfriend's side and squeeze his arm, “Tonight was perfect, thank you.” You tell him as he squeezes your thigh, “Your welcome, baby.” He purrs. You stiffen, his voice made you tingle with heat. 
“Chris,” you warn. He chuckles at your reaction, “What?” He asked innocently. You glare at him, “You know what.” His hand slides up the bareness of your thigh, “Oh? Do i?” He teases, biting his bottom lip as his fingers dance along your damp panties. The air that Chris sucked between his teeth sounded like a hiss, “Someone a little… Needy? Hmm, princess?” Your mouth falls open as he presses a soft teasing kiss to your lips. 
He rubs the now wet cloth of your panties and you let out a soft moan, “Chris.” You whine his name, digging your nails into his forearm as he grins wickedly. “What baby?” he sucks on his bottom lip before he kisses you again, his tongue dancing along yours, “What’s the matter?” 
Your head is spinning as he rubs gentle teasing rings over your clit. Your head lulls between your shoulders and Chris wastes no time latching his lips to your neck, nibbling your skin as he trails up to your ear, “Baby-” You pant as he pulls away, pulling your skirt down. You were about to protest but then realize that the wheel was closer to the ground, and you were about to climb off. You huff out an annoyed breath and follow Chris out. 
Felix is waiting diligently for you two on the ground, holding up a paper bowl of food in the air like it was the largest bounty he had ever managed to find. You can’t help but laugh at him, “Felix-” Felix interrupts you, “The pier is closing soon but I managed to get you some of those nacho fries you wanted.” He held the bowl to you, “Oh, you have to have some too,” you say, and Felix doesn’t protest. 
“It’s getting late anyway,” Chris checks his phone. “We should drop Felix off and get going.” 
The drive to Felix’s home was shorter than you expected or remembered. Maybe it was because Chris was drawing slow circles on the skin of your thigh, driving you mad. “Bye, Felix!” You wave at him as he offers you one of his cheeky grins before going up the stairs to his house. 
As soon as you roll up the window, you turn and glare at Chris as he pulls away from the curb. “How dare you.” you try to move his hand but he digs his fingers into your plump thigh, “Ah, ah.” He chastises, “Don’t.” His voice is low and threatening. “Your teasing.” You whine and give up, glaring out the window. 
The rest of the way back to your and Chris’s shared home was torture. He was running circuits between your knee and thigh, but never touching you where you wanted- needed him. You were close to smacking his hand away as he put the car into park, but the pause between turning the car off and unbuckling himself made you stop. 
You watch as he moved his seat back, giving you a heated glance before patting his lap. “Come here, Princess.” He pulls his black jean jacket off as you unbuckle and climb onto him. He pushes your skirt up to reveal your soaked undergarments. He lets out a sound that sounded like a mix of a groan and a growl. He brushes his thumb over your clit, and you dig your fingernails into the headrest as he lets out a breathy chuckle. 
“So fucking wet for me.” He sucks on his bottom lip as he looks up into your eyes. “Wanna play a game?” He asks, and the question catches you off guard. “What kind of game?” You inquire, a wicked grin plastering over your face. “A chase…” His voice was low, sending shivers down your spine as his fingers ghosted up your sides, “What about it Doll? Are you up for a game? Or are you too spun tight?” His teeth clamped over your earlobe, making you squeak. Warmth flooded your veins as he spoke again, “I could just keep teasing you… I like to see you beg.” 
You shake your head, “No- I’ll play.” You squeak, earning a chuckle as he pulls away. “Perfect.” He opens his door, “I’ll give you the count of 10 to find somewhere to hide. If I find you in less than 5 minutes, I get to do whatever I want to you…” He trails off, his dark, lust-filled eyes ghosting over you before he continues, “If not, then you get to do whatever you want to me. Deal?” You nod and he smiles, “Alright then. One… Two…” He starts to count and you scramble off his lap and into the open garage door.  
You yank open the door and sprint into the house. Not the kitchen, that’s too obvious… Easy. You sprint up the stairs to the second-floor bathroom and pause, maybe I could trick him? You think and go to the closed bedroom door, cracking it open just enough to look like you didn’t have enough time to close it before running back to the bathroom and sliding into the room, closing the door. 
The room was dark so you had difficulty finding the door handle to the closet. You managed to get it open just as you heard Chris enter the house and you slide into the door, settling on the cool marble floor. You cover your mouth to conceal your panting as you hear Chris singing on the first floor. The blood was pumping so hard in your ears that it was hard to hear what it was. 
Not that it really mattered. You held your breath as he climbed the stairs to the second floor, you realize that he’s singing ‘House of Cards’ by BTS. You glare at the dark door in front of you. That smug bastard singing that song-
You freeze when you hear the bedroom door open, had he taken the bait? You wait and to your shock, he didn’t. 
You hear the bathroom door open and Chris chuckle, “You almost had me.” He admits, turning the bathroom light on, “But I remember closing this door before we left… And your purple robe definitely wasn’t sticking out of it.” You groan as he opens the door to the closet. You slump in defeat, “Damn it.” He holds his hand out and he pulls you to your feet. “Almost, baby.” He grins as he turns to the robe, pulling out the rope. “Come with me.” 
He leads you to your room where he closes the door, “Strip.” He demands. You gasp, “Wha-”
“You heard me.” He glares at you and you instantly follow his demands. You pull your white t-shirt over your head and shove your skirt down your thighs, leaving you in your mismatched undergarments. Chris grins, “White bra, black panties…” His smile only seems to deepen as he closes in on you. “An angel mixed with a demon… How fitting.” He winks and reaches behind you to tie your arms together. 
You gasp as he nudged you back toward the bed. 
There was a smirk on his face as you land on your ass. Gasping, you look up to your smug-looking boyfriend as he takes a few steps back. “Now this…” He trails off, admiring the view in front of him, “I can get used to.” 
You watch as he kneels in front of you, pulling your legs apart and resting them on either side of his shoulders. “I’m starving…” Chris hums, massaging your skin as his rough hands climb higher up to the apex of your thighs. You whimper, biting your lip as his thumb brushes where you need him most, making him chuckle. “Always so needy…” He nibbles the skin of your plump thigh and you nearly faint. 
How could someone be so gorgeous and act so sinful? Maybe Chris wasn’t a heaven send, maybe he crawled up from hell- 
You are drawn back to reality as he licks a bold strip across your panties. You gasp, your head lulling between your shoulders, “Chris- please!” You beg, tears pricking your eyes. He had been teasing you ever since the ferris wheel. He laughs as you squirm, “Awh, poor baby can’t take what she dishes out?” You groan, “S’not funny.” You grumble as he rights himself. 
“Oh? It’s not?” He hums, pulling his black shirt over his head, and stares down at you. “Only funny when your giving, not receiving?” The silence was his answer; he grins down at you salaciously. He grabs you by your upper arms and pushes you toward the headboard, causing a shocked squeak to erupt from your throat. 
He crawls up your body like a snake, and you are a squeaking helpless mouse. Chris holds himself up as he makes fists by either side of your head, staring down at you. His silver chain dangles as he watches you. Chris cocks his head to the side and uses one hand to pull your bra down to let your breasts bounce free. 
You whimper as he shifts back onto his calves and watch as he undoes his belt, the button of his jeans. Biting your lip as he frees himself from the confines of his jeans and holds his cock in his palm. Chris hisses as he drags his hand up the length, “Fuck,” he draws out the word as if it were the best thing he had tasted. He shifts forward and rubs the tip against you, making you become stiff, your mouth falling open. 
“Chris-” you hiccup as he moves your panties to the slide, that same lustful grin plastered on his face. He bites his lips as he rolls his hips into yours, his mouth falling open and his eyebrows knitting together. You both moan into each other’s mouths, satisfaction finally finding both of you. 
He growls and begins to thrust fast into you, your mind instantly becomes mush. Chris grips your throat and buries his face into the crook of your neck, panting as he fucks you into the bed. 
You wish you could hold him, dig your nails into his skin, anything but your restrained hands could only clutch the bedding to prevent your head hitting the headboard. “Fuck- Chris!” You squeal as your pent-up orgasm washes over you so suddenly that you’re breathless.
Fucking you through your bliss, Chris leans up and waits for you to stop clenching him before he flips you onto your stomach. You suddenly realize that your bonds weren’t just for keeping you restrained. 
They were also a handle for Chris to hold. 
He grabs the rope and pulls you so that you were a few inches off the bed, gasping and trying to balance yourself. Chris groans as you adjust to the new position, and he wastes no time fucking you like that, a hand on your hip, and one laced between the soft rope of your robe. 
You hear him groan, panting behind you as he tries to remain in control but you could tell he was slipping. Just as you thought that, he lets go of the rope and your chest falls to the mattress, making you gasp in surprise. He presses his hands into the small of your back, raising his hips up so that he was quite literally fucking you into the mattress. The springs squeaked as he fucked you harder, groaning, “Fuck!” Before stopping, his hips smacked against your ass cheeks one last time before he pulled out. 
He flopped beside you and you curled onto your side, staring over at Chris for a few moments. After his post-nut clarity faded, he turned to you and sat up to untie you. “Are you alright? These weren’t too tight were they?” You shake your head, “No. They weren’t baby.” You smile up at him softly. He mirrors your smile as he tosses away the rope and pulls his clothes off as well. 
Chris pulls you into his chest and gives you a sloppy kiss on the forehead, “Fuck- we should do that more often.” He admits with a sigh. “You didn’t last that long.” You note, making him pinch your side playfully, “I wonder why.” He growls, nipping at your nose. You giggle, pushing at his chest. “That makes two of us then.” You sit up and go to slide off the bed but the grip on your arm makes you pause. “Where do you think your going?” He asks, looking you over. “To the bathroom? To clean up?” 
“Oh no angel, we’re not done yet.” 
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Tag list: @leeknowri @ilevaar @sky-outta
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