#Pilgrim's Barge
nicki0kaye · 1 year
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basically after my dad's passing, I could not pick up anything I had started prior to losing him. Thankfully, I've had this lil project percolating in the back of my mind for years now. Because this kept me going through a family tragedy, I humbly request if you see this and hate it, please just keep scrolling. I'm going through a lot.
I'll do a full write up sometime, but basically my goal was to get at least one of every type of playable race in 40k onto one ship, living harmoniously and being queer as fuck. From left to right we have; Fighter-caste alien who wants to punch and kiss everyone, pilot-caste alien who is mom and tired, space-elf who is your auntie and does community theatre (murderously), pilot-caste alien first time father who has adopted all the orks, human imperial inquisitor secretly married to space-elf and is therefore your uncle, and in the back, an ex-Space Marine super soldier who has realized She is Girl
We are missing the two space deamons who kidnapped--I mean helped the space marine realize she is Girl, the horde of tiny orks who's imagination literally keeps the ship from imploding, the big ork who loves to cook, the adopted skelerobot who thinks its an ork, the giant murder machine grandpa who is very proud of you and is almost done knitting you a scarf, and the lovingly hand-raised fuckbeast named Baby
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
Unlocked new Tanquardinus lore that Wiegandt, the coward, withheld from me, and decided since the historical person wouldn't fit in the timeframe anyways, traitor extraordinare from Irish Problems, Ricardo Caito, gets to play him.
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nekohime19 · 1 month
Mini Mac # 34 : Monkey King baby fear
Wukong is questioning his ability as a future father
Wukong was on his cloud, looking up at the endless blue in thought. Sometimes, his eyes would drift downward to check on the lil guy curled in his heart-pocket. Macaque was becoming more and more sleepy since he birthed the bud, he often curled around the precious folded flower and drifted off to the lands of dream. Wukong thought it was unbearably cute. His tail wail wagged on its own each time he looked at the lil guy and his bud.
The great sage was excited at the prospect of a kid. He loved the infants on Flower Fruit Mountain after all. But at the same time, another part of him was filled with anxiety. He never raised an infant, the mothers on Flower Fruit Mountain never exactly allowed him to be near the newborn babies, perhaps because they knew of his brash nature. Wukong knew vaguely what he needed for a newborn (milk, clothes, toys…) but still there were many things he didn't know. And that would be Macaque's kid. His crush's kid. It could as well be his own considering he wanted to court Macaque. Wukong didn't know if he would make a good father… He wasn't exactly the most responsible monkey around.
“You're okay, Wukong ?” The great sage was startled by the voice and turned towards the young monk with a sheepish smile.
“Yeah, yeah… Don't worry Master.” Awkwardly chuckled the golden-furred monkey.
“And how about Macaque? Is the baby okay?” Inquired Wujing, all eyes turned towards Wukong at his words.
“Just sleepy.” Shrugged the great sage.
“Can't blame him, being pregnant is exhausting.” Groaned Pigsy, he still had some cramps after their adventure with the child giving river.
“I still have so many questions about fairy pregnancy! Like does the type of flower matter? What does it mean? Can we consider the child to be entirely made with Macaque DNA?” Rumbled Sanzang, Wukong snorted at his enthusiasm.
“The baby will be so tiny, that's cute.” Perked up Ao Lie, still in his horse form.
Wukong was about to propose a well-deserved rest but they were interrupted by a large figure barging in from the nearby bushes. Wukong immediately crouched down and curled around his pocket, his protective nature flaring angrily. The great sage had always been very protective of Macaque, but since the birth of the bud, it was like he couldn't even control his instinct. Any deemed threat made him bristle in fury.
“Simian, I need your help.” Sun Wukong calmed down at the familiar voice, his eyes widened in surprise when he crossed eyes with the Demon Bull King.
The Bull crouched down before the pilgrims and explained his situation, his son was being consumed by his own power and he needed help to seal the power out of the baby’s body.
Wukong had a lot of mixed feelings about his ex-sworn brother. On one hand, he was happy the Bull found someone to love and began a family. On another hand, he felt bitter that his ex-sworn brother never thought of visiting him while he was suffering. But even with his feelings, he couldn't say no and ignore the Bull's plea, especially since it concerned an innocent child, his nephew.
Helping the Bull wasn't easy, getting the lotus prince, Nezha, to help was even less easy. Wukong put the sleeping Macaque in Sanzang's hands, not wanting him to be in the middle of the ritual.
Wukong had to admit, the fire was even more powerful than he thought, he slipped up at the end and had to watch Ao Lie take the burn of his action. The great sage promised himself to pamper Ao Lie horse form even more than usual after this.
In the end, everything was worth it. As he watched the Bull lean over his sleeping baby, Wukong felt his heart soften. Hesitantly, the great sage approached his ex-sworn brother.
“Hey.” Awkwardly greeted the golden-furred monkey.
“I thank you for that, simian.” Replied the Bull demon with a curt nod.
“... Yeah…” Wukong looked at the newborn baby in the Bull's hands and gulped. “Is it easy?”
“What is?”
“Raising a kid.” Clarified Wukong. Bull King regarded him for a moment, perhaps to see behind his mask of nonchalance.
“It's not, they can be little monsters at times, but it's worth it.”
Wukong felt his heart beat faster at the soft tone of his ex-sworn brother, he glanced in Sanzang direction, where the sleeping macaque resided. “Can I… come see you for some advice, sometimes?”
“... We had our differences… But you saved my son today, for that you can seek my advice on parenthood as you wish.” Wukong felt the weight pressing on his shoulders lessen.
Shortly after that, Macaque woke up. He found Wukong pensively looking at the horizon, unusually quiet. The black-furred monkey checked the flower bud inside of his front pocket and carefully moved towards Wukong.
“Hey, you okay?” Asked Macaque as he climbed on Wukong’s leg, the sage looked down at him with a soft smile.
“Yeah… I saw Bull King today.”
“Really? How did it go?”
“... Odd.” Sighed Wukong, to be honest he didn't know what to make of his interactions with the Bull King.
“Can I do something to lift your spirits.” Wukong chuckled at that, how sweet.
“No it's okay.” The black-furred monkey frowned, he then looked down at the bud and asked :
“You wanna touch the bud?”
Wukong's heart quickened, he looked down and gulped. Then, the great sage tentatively reached for the lil flower, grazing it with the tip of his fingers. It was warm and soft.
Wukong had to bite his lips to stop himself from crying.
+ cut scenes
Bull King *after coming home with Red Son* : wait...does that means Sun Wukong will have a child!? 😯
Macaque *seeing Wukong on the verge of crying* : Oh my Gods are you okay? Why are you crying? 😥
Wukong *lying* : I'm not crying I just have dirt in my eyes 😭
Fun fact : when the pilgrims saw Wukong with swollen eyes they all decided to have peaches for dessert tonight.
Ch1 / Previous / Next
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gonzo-rella · 9 months
The Benevolent Girlfriend | Kim Pine (ft. Wallace Wells)
Relationship(s): Kim Pine x sick!gn!reader (romantic), Wallace Wells x sick!gn!reader (implied romantic)
Summary: Your roommate Wallace is repulsed by your cold, so he gets your girlfriend Kim to come over and take care of you.
Warnings: You're gross and sick, sorry. (Let me know if I need to add any)
Word count: 0.8k
(A/N: I finally rewatched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, because I wanted to watch it before I watch the anime (haven't seen it yet, but once I have I'll make a post and add it to my fandom list), and damn I'm in love with Kim. I've been enjoying writing these sick fics whilst I recover from the common cold, so I figured I'd try writing something about Kim, and I was motivated to write something that wasn't just headcanons, which I've already done with the Yellowjackets ladies, Abed and Annie from Community and Charlie, Todd and Neil from Dead Poets Society. This is my first Scott Pilgrim fic, so hopefully it's alright! I tried to capture the spirit and tone of the movie and characters. I'd like to write more for both Kim and Wallace specifically. Maybe I'm delirious from being sick but I'd love to write a fic where the reader is the S/O of both Kim and Wallace to indulge myself because I'm in love with them both.)
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A mattress on the floor in a very cold country surely couldn’t have been the best place to recover from a cold- an idiot could tell you that. Wallace had very kindly made you soup and brought you countless glasses of water, but he had hauled his chair as far away from you and the bed as he could manage in the small apartment because, to quote him, you were ‘repulsive and contagious, no offence’. He had been very gracious in letting you pick out what daytime TV crap you wanted to watch.
It reached the late afternoon when there was a knock at the door, and, with a huff, Wallace got up to get it, leaving you to stare absently at the TV through the mist of your mild headache and clogged ears. Your neck was beginning to ache from craning it to look up at the screen.
“Kimberly. You’re here. What took you so long?”
“Nice to see you too, Wallace. Are they awake?”
Wallace cast a glance in your direction and tilted his head; he then looked back at Kim.
“Well, the lights are on, but it doesn’t look like anybody’s home.”
He punctuated the sentence with a shrug.
“Kim?” you said finally, voice hoarse and nasal from your sore throat and blocked nose respectively. 
Kim peered at you over Wallace's shoulder then barged past him. She stood at the foot of your ‘bed’.
“What are you doing here?” you mumbled. “You didn’t have to come.”
“Wallace texted me that you’re sick.”
Wallace left the door ajar, prompting you to wrap your blanket tighter around you. He reached over to grab his coat and slid his arms into it, then stood beside Kim.
“I’m going out with Other Scott, and I thought it’d be cruel to leave you alone, so I told your very benevolent girlfriend-” Kim rolled her eyes as Wallace indicated to her with a nod. “That you were sick and that she might wanna come over and take care of you in your equally benevolent roommate’s stead.”
“Okay. Thanks, Wa-”
You were interrupted by a sneeze. It was so sudden that you made the split-second decision to cover it with your hands. When you peeled it away, droplets of snot coated your palms.
You groaned.
Wallace scrunched up his nose.
“That’s disgusting,” Kim commented monotonously. 
“I’m sorry,” you muttered. “I’ve been told.”
“And, with that,” Wallace said, stepping over to the door and swinging it open. “I’ll leave you kids to it. Good luck, Kim. And, I hope you feel better soon, dear.”
“Thanks, Wallace,” you mumbled.
“Fuck off, Wallace,” Kim said dryly, in unison with you.
He waved at you both then closed the door. There was a moment of silence in which you and Kim just stared at one another. Your snot-covered hands were still held out in front of you.
“So, you’re sick, huh?”
“Are you going to clean that up?”
You stared at her blankly, before realising what she meant.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry.”
You went to reach for your box of tissues before you realised that they were on the kitchen counter after Wallace had used a few to shield his hands from direct contact with your glass of water. Kim’s gaze followed yours, but her attention returned to you when she noticed that you were readying yourself to get up.
“One sec. I’ll get them for you.”
You relaxed as Kim made the very short journey to the kitchen counter and knelt down to put the box next to you. She yanked a few tissues from the box before placing them in your hands, careful not to touch your snot.
“Thanks, Kim.”
“No problem.”
She stayed kneeling down beside you, watching as you cleared up your hands. There was a look of contemplation on her face.
“You need anything else?”
You glanced up at her and smiled.
“No, thanks.”
She climbed over you and took a seat beside you- shoulder-to-shoulder- on the mattress. You looked at her incredulously.
“Are you sure you wanna get so close? Wallace hasn’t come near me all day.”
She folded her arms.
“I don’t care.”
“But, I’m disgusting.”
Kim smirked so faintly that anyone who didn’t know her wouldn’t have registered that it was there.
“I wouldn’t be your ‘benevolent girlfriend’ if that bothered me.”
You chuckled and rested your head on her shoulder, and Kim rested her head on yours.
“Holy shit, you’re hot,” she stated.
“I meant you have an alarming fever.”
“Oh. Right.”
There was a pause, and Kim huffed.
“Fine. You’re the other kind of hot, too.”
“Thanks, Kim, that’s very-”
You broke into a series of coughs and doubled over. You covered your mouth with the inside of your elbow. Kim rubbed your back soothingly. Once again, the faintest of smiles tugged at her lips.
“Sorry,” you groaned. “That wasn't very hot.”
“Maybe not,” she said. She rested her hand on your shoulder and pulled you closer, once again resting her head on yours. “But, I love you anyway.”
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
Monkey Queen meets Male Y/N, she is constantly flirting and teasing him and they did the do and a few months later she comes back to male Y/N with a very noticeable belly bump.
If you're screwed and you'll know what clap your hands😨😨😨
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(Lmk Wukong) You were a male celestial monkey who territories in a jungle biom And you were relaxing. Until the great sage equal to have been showed up, the monkey queens been flirting with you for months. You didn't understand why but she just had a very unique interest in you and will not leave you be. She once again came to your jungle island to Woo. You once again and that's when you finally had enough. Yup, you decided to throw the immortal monkey a bone and spend a day with her. And one thing led to another apparently your mate's now, according to her. But after the day do you went back to your island hopefully she'll leave you alone now that you gave her what she wanted.
But in a few months later, you weren't suspecting. Mk and the gang came barging onto your island demanding to see you. You came out of your tree house home to see what the commotion was Until you finally see the group It's Glaring at you with Anger and disbelief Even what appears to be a female Macaque is their.
Monkey (M/N) I'm sorry who are you and what are you doing in my territory
Female Mk: Forget your territory we need you to look at what you did!😠😠😠
Mk moved out of the way to See a blushing monkey queen With a belly that was not big like that before. Well aren't you screwed😂😂😂
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) It all started when you were challenged into a fight. The monkey Queen had apparently felt inferior to you and came to you and challenge you to a battle. Of course you guys fought And totally kicked her ass. This enraged her to the max and she came every other day to challenge you to a rematch. You're wondering what's the point of any of this before you saw how she would move her body a Certain way. Or how she would wear nicer clothes or the blush on her face That's when it hits you like a freight train. She is in to you, she wants you And dare you say she is in love with you. Don't get it twisted. She is attractive herself, but you didn't think she would ever give you a second thought. And so finally neither if you couldn't take it anymore and release your passion, Rage, and desires in a very explosive but enjoyable way.
A few months later, as you were hunting for food. You came across a rather familiar monk and a group of pilgrims. The monk gave you a stern expression as the pilgrims looked at you dumbfounded.
Mistress tang: Excuse me are you (M/N) The boy any chance🙇‍♀️
Monkey (Y/N) That's me what can I do for you
Mistress Tang: Well my disciple has something to tell you or rather Show him Wukong 🤨😮‍💨
Sunny Wukong The great sage equal to heaven approaches you with a five Months pregnant belly bump. Oh what a world
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(HIB Wukong) Okay so this time you approached her. You notice how clearly lost her and the little girl named Liuer.She's with so you thought you would give the two some directions. While you were leading the two out of your jungle territory, you chatted up with the monkey queen and fell when you have some similar interest with her. When you both got Got them through you said that they can call me. Visit you anytime and that's exactly what they did. One day the Wukong came by herself Ask you a very personal question. If you can help her throw her a heat. Because apparently she's been struck with it and And the only one that can help her was you. You were shocked as she trust you with this A hundred percent so you had no problem helping her.
A few months later after the defeat of Dun Hun And his demon army the Wukong and Liuer Came to visit you again. Apparently the little girl had some exciting news to share with you.
Liuer: Monkey queen has a monkey baby in her tummy!!!🤩
Your jaw touched the floor as you look towards the monkey. Queen with a very noticeable belly bump and a rather light blush on her face. Well this is interesting
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(NR Wukong) Okay this woman is a whole new different breed of Whore. You always have a Blush and a look of horror on your face whenever she shows up. She spotted you in your Jungle territory and she would not leave you with a hell alone ever since. From very x-rated pick up lines to very inappropriate hand gestures You obviously know what she wants from you, but you Still avoid her like a plague. But she keeps coming back Like a girl scout or worse covid. One night she came over with alcohol To share with you and you're like you know what whatever because well You happen to like Bourban. You really wish you could take back the last few hours back because the next morning You woke up in her bed. And you speed it out of there like a bat out of hell.
A few months later There was loud banging on the door of your home. And when you open that you came face to face with a human girl??? Well, you think she's a human with? Because the ribbon on her wrist looks very familiar. She then introduced herself as Li And she said that somebody owes you an apology and an explanation. Being mad confused, you listened to what she had to say before she Dragged the monkey queen In your home and put her right in front of you. It would be even more confused if it wasn't for Belly bump And it hit you like a truck. Your immortal life just got a whole lot more scarier.
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(Netflix Wukong) She was so innocent. She is innocent cute naive you name it. And very very young At least to you. You didn't mind having Her around your territory just as long she doesn't break anything. She came every day just a attempt to rizz you up or something Like that but her cheesy pick up lines just make you laugh like crazy. She's also pretty curious and has asked you some pretty bizarre questions. But other than all of that you genuinely enjoy her company. And over the time of being together, she shared some rather heartbreaking news to you. She feels that she's always gonna be alone and stuff. But you didn't want her to think that because she's got you. That's when you shared your guys's first kiss And then she told you that she trusts you with her first time as well. You discussed a little more But she claims that she's ready so you decided to give it a go.
You haven't seen her in a few months. And you're really beginning to miss her. Then again, she has told you about all the demon attacks in her village. So she's probably caught up with that. It's not far fetched to you so you just went back to your business. One morning there was a loud banging on your cottage door and apparently You came face to face with a little boy. The boy introduced himself as lynn And he says that he's friends with the monkey queen. You wonder what brought him here and then he calls over Wukong. The little monkey girl approached you shy leave While hiding something behind her armor. When Lynn told her to remove the armor you both saw a unusually big Bumping her mid section. Well that is Explains almost everything.🫥
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genieofthebooks · 2 years
Could you do one where the reader is wicth ( powers like scarlet witch) her bff is enid and evetually Wednesday and she dates kent ( the siren if not i understand
A/n: I hope you like what I did with this, Sorry It took so long. Sorry if it isn't any good. Based on the Events of the last episode. I am not sure if this is what you meant, sorry if it wasn't. This isn't exactly like the last ep but there are moments in it. Wanda Is mentioned.
Pairing: Kent x Fem!Witch!Reader [Established Relationship]
Warnings: Kent being a worried sweetheart, Fighting, Wednesday Spoilers.
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You were floating on your bed with your red magic floating around you, chanting an incantation in Latin when Enid suddenly barged into your room breaking your concentration.
"Y/N! We need your help"
With no explanation Enid grabbed your hand that was doing a spell and pulled you out of your dorm and dragged you to the Edgar Allan Poe statue where Ajax was waiting for the two of you.
"What is going on, It is cold"
Ajax sighed in exhastperation at your questions because he had enough of them from Enid.
"Just follow me"
He snapped twice at the statue which then spun around to reveal an entryway.
"What the-"
You started to swear but were cut of when Ajax walked into the darkness and you and Enid shared a look of disbelief. Enid soon walked in and yelled back up at you.
"If I die I will come back and haunt you both" You muttered hesitantly walking into the passage way and going down the winding staircase which you soon illuminated red with your magic.
"N/n stop being so paranoid"
"I will stop being paranoid when you explain what in the actual hell is going on" You had reached the bottom of the steps seeing Enid looking confused yet worried and Ajax acting worried yet sheepish at the exact same time
"What are we doing and what is this place" The two turned to you and Ajax just nodded his head to the entrance where the three sirens of the school walked down. "Seriously, how many people know about this place and what is it."
"What is up with you N/n?" Bianca asked with a slight grin on her face knowing exactly why you were in a bad mood as everyone could sense the power radiating off you.
"No one will tell me why I have been dragged in here" You pouted but your mood was raised slightly when Kent walked over to you and held you from behind, kissing your temple in the process.
"Okay as cute as you two are we need to get back on track" Ajax butted in happy that his friends were together but worried.
Enid looked at him and then sighed, she pulled out a folded piece of paper that showed a photo of a girl who looked like Wednesday and a menacing figure who had the outfit of a pilgrim, they were obviously in the school courtyard but it was on fire. "Wednesday is in danger and Ms Thornhill has reanimated Crackstone"
The three sirens looked at each other and pulled off their necklaces that held their siren control. Bianca spoke up for the group. "We will use our siren song to lead the school to safety"
While everyone was planning what they were going to do you were staring at the painting, but in particular an intricate symbol that was hidden in the painting underneath Wednesday's feet. "I need to help Wednesday" you stated causing everyone to stop talking and look over to you.
"No, It is too dangerous"
"You see that symbol underneath Wednesday's feet that is the Chaos Magic symbol and I am the only witch in existance with this power so I have to help her" You spoke up determined to help your new friend.
Kent turned to you grasping your arms with a grip that made you wince slightly. "You can't be thinking of doing this it is too dangerous"
You placed your hands on his arms and stared directly into his eyes. "I will be okay, but I have to do this"
Your eyes glowed red showing the usage of your powers until you dissapeared from the Nightshades room leaving wisps of red hanging in the air. You landed in the courtyard anticipating the arrival of Wednesday and Crackstone.
You sensed their arrival with a smirk on your face exhilaration washing over you as you felt you finally got to do something with your power than simole spells. You were ready, encanting a spell to be ready when Crackstone arrives.
Soon the figure of the dead pilgrim and the black pigtails of your best friend came into view their swords clashing and clanging against each other. A blast of your red magic hit the dead pilgrim causing him to be thrown backwards as you pulled Wednesday behind you, your magic sheilding her from harm.
Now it was you and the Pilgrim facing off one with a staff the other Magic flying around as you lifted of the ground.
You cocked your head at Wednesday to tell her to take the final strike while he was distracted with at this very moment at how similar you look to your ancestor.
She drove the sword through his undead heart as he fell to ashes.
You flew down, your magic slowly loosening until it was just you and Wednesday left in the destruction of the courtyard.
Wednesday turned to you where you noted that she had blood drying on her head. Waving your hand and red wisps flew over to her healing and cleaning her injury. "Thank you Y/n"
You shrugged your shoulders, as the two of you started to walk back over to the group outside of the school. "It was all in a days work"
When you got to the clearing with all of the students you and Wednesday were tackled into a hug by Enid where you and Wednesday finally relaxed.
You pulled out of the hug leaving the two and walked over to Kent who smiled in relief but also in concern at your battered frame. You lifted your hand up to his face cradling it while wiping a stray tear that had fallen from his face. You whispered to him "I'm okay"
He pulled you close, breaking at the words and you were held in his embrace him not daring to let you go. "I thought I lost you, I saw your magic and I know what will happened if you used to much of it."
You rested your head on his chest as he whispered those words in your ear, gently shushing him as you ran one of your hands through his hair to soothe him. "We are okay"
You pulled away from your hug but rested your forhead in his staring into each other eyes not daring to let each other go.
"Awww they are so cute"
"Ajax, shut up"
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mythologyfolklore · 1 year
The passive-aggressive revenge of Sūn Wùkōng or How to make Èrláng Shén suffer without using violence
#1 Sūn Wùkōng: A party is a celebration of a life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much they’re loved. Èrláng Shén has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for him. Liù'ěr Míhóu: By forcing him to have fun at a party that he doesn’t want to be at? Sūn Wùkōng: I knew you’d understand.
#2 Golden Cicada: Do you think different paints have different tastes? Sūn Wùkōng: They do. Èrláng Shén: ... Why did you say that with such certainty?
#3 Tripitaka: Well, Pilgrim, is there anything you would like to say to Èrláng Shén? Sūn Wùkōng: How do I put this delicately? You’re a horrible roommate and nobody likes you. Tripitaka: How about we frame our statement with “When you do this, it makes me feel this”? Sūn Wùkōng: When you live here, it makes me angry. Because you’re a horrible roommate and nobody likes you.
#4 Sūn Wùkōng: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming? Èrláng Shén: Can everyone in this godforsaken group please learn the skill called "Think Before You Speak"?
#5 Èrláng Shén: Hey, do you know the password to Wùkōng’s computer? Liù'ěr Míhóu: Fuck you, Èrláng Shén. Èrláng Shén: Hey!! Liù'ěr Míhóu: No, you misunderstood, the password is "fuckyouErlangShen".
#6 Sūn Wùkōng, about to mess with Èrláng: How do you tell someone that you wanna have sex with them in a polite way? Zhū Bājiè, playing along for the lols: "Excuse me Mx. Would you give me the honours of indulging in sexual activities with you?" Èrláng Shén: What the Díyú is wrong with you two?
#7 Sūn Wùkōng: Come on, Liù'ěr Míhóu. Nobody actually believes that Èrláng Shén is in love with me. Liù'ěr Míhóu, to The Squad: Raise your hand, if you think that Èrláng Shén is helplessly in love with Sūn Wùkōng. *Everyone raises their hand* (Èrláng Shén wishes for death)
#8 Liù'ěr Míhóu: Would you rather kill Èrláng Shén, or— Sūn Wùkōng: Yes, kill him. Liù'ěr Míhóu: I didn’t say the other thing— Sūn Wùkōng: I don’t need to hear it. Èrláng Shén: … I’m feeling a little unsafe.
#9 Sūn Wùkōng: We need a diversion. I say Èrláng Shén gets naked. Golden Cicada: No. Sūn Wùkōng: I could get naked. The squad: NO!!!
#10 Golden Cicada: So, what is Sūn Wùkōng to you? Èrláng Shén: The reason I wake up every morning. Golden Cicada: ... That’s adorable. Sūn Wùkōng earlier that morning, barging into Èrláng Shén′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!!!
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dearest-painter · 6 months
Before tallulah this would have def happened(yes this was taken from a Scott pilgrim thing )
Harvey,barging into doc ock!reader and his studio house type thing(like the place Wallace and Scott share in that one film): guess who’s drunk!
Doc ock!reader,still half asleep: I guess harvey
Harvey,throwing his bag and flinging the house keys at doc ock!reader: you guessed right
Harvey is the energetic and sensitive drunk. Harvey will flop onto them and begin to laugh uncontrollably while Doc ock!reader just stares at him with the most tired and confused face ever.
Harvey: I looooooove you!
Doc ock!reader: Mhm, you told me fifteen times already
Harvey: But I really really really looove you!
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melleonis · 1 year
under the middle sky
setting write-up for the Apocalypse World game i’m fixing to run:
Deadwater: On the plus side, you live here, you got the only lakefront property anywhere under the middle sky. On the minus side, Deadwater ain't named that for nothin. Don't go boating, don't drink the water. Leave the dead alone and they'll probably leave you alone. Around the lake you've got a bunch of steadings and a couple holds, some even populated still. Palings, at rivermouth, is the big one. Drinkable water without having to dig wells or rig dewcatchers. Everyone else round Deadwater sends tribute to Palings, if they're lucky.
 If they're not lucky, they send tribute to Roos and all her necro fucks on their barge out on the lake, and Roos takes tribute in flesh and blood.
On the east side of the lake, opposite Palings, is the Horizon Dam, or just Horizon. No one goes there except Lark and his family. Whatever they're building up there, best of luck to em.
Past Horizon, the world ends. Well, not ends ends, but whatever's down there is a long, long way down.
South about half a day, you got Santa Loba and their wolf cult. Also the world's last Waffle House. Worth the trip, if you've got something to trade the lobos for safe passage.
Past Santa Loba, the desert turns to glass. Nothing there but sharpness, heat, and mirage men.
North you got desert, desert, more desert, and then Matelas Vegas, hung with its perpetual thunderstorm. Don't go there. Kill anything that comes out. It'll look like a person, at first.
Northwest you got Rez, built into the river canyons with rope and sheet metal, and past that Riverhead and its bigwitch Aquaraina. Pilgrims sometimes go there. Water cultists, families with deadwater kids, the desperate and the lost. It's custom for whoever holds Palings to go up to show face, bend a knee.
And west, you got the best goddamn racing land anywhere, should you got the knuckles for it. Flats, buttes, arches, and honest earth. And why would you risk the howler winds, the lightshows and the occasional uninvited copilot? Speed, brother. Speed and glory. Heaven's shut, but for a few seconds this comes close.
Past that, in the far west, you got silver flats - salt shallows out to the horizon. At night, sometimes you can see the gold and towering form of the holy city, and it casts the angel road all the way to shore. Angelinos walk it, sometimes, perfect and hypnotic and deadly. They come to take something, or change something, and then they go back. Some folks think they can travel the angel road too. Shit, maybe they can. None of em ever come back to say otherwise.
One more thing I gotta tell you about, and that's the Agency. They show up out the desert - always two of em - in their shiny black cars with "DRA" painted on, wearing gold-age blacklux, with their shades and their books and their guns. They act all primo and touchless, and they got much hi-tech to back that up, killer stuff. Most times, tho, they just ask questions, then get back in their car and drive off. The other times, well. Like I said, killer stuff.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Coronation Coverage=Grifter Gold
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim here wishing a nice day to all. With so much news happening it is hard to focus but it did strike me the vanished Narc/Grifter must be working 24/7 to barge her way into the coronation spotlight like a moth to a flame.
Here’s a quote from Newsweek Sept 19, 2022- The 4.1 billion projection for Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral came from Carolina Beltramo, a television analyst at WatchTVAbroad.com. She spoke with the Daily Mail last week about how more than half the planet’s population is expected to watch Monday’s services.
“Generations of people across the globe won’t have been alive the last time pomp and pageantry were seen on this scale. While it’s a sad occasion, they can be forgiven for being enthralled by a spectacle that echoes throughout history,” Beltramo told the outlet. “For that reason alone they’ll be drawn to witness the dawn of this new age in their billions.”
Rinse & repeat for a live coronation! BBC News also from September projected: For King Charles III’s coronation, a potential worldwide television audience of hundreds of millions could be expected.
This must be like the Olympics for the Harkles going for more Gold Medals in Media. What if Harold is offered a job doing live commentary, possibly for CB$-his go to channel, which I think he might prefer. Where would that leave “precious”? Stomping her bunioned foot, demanding she too is included on the live TV stage with flowers and tea as they banter in royal world salad? That could be disasterous for ratings.
Actually, she might like doing her singular strut $olo, waving to H and the cameras. Most likely, Diva is pushing they both be on the other side of the cameras, she glued to him, as members of the royal family, even if it is back a few rows and arriving on the group bus. Hopefully, they are told to go pound sand. Rumbles can be heard in the hills above Mont-deceito…place your bets ladies & gents…LOL. Over and out for now from a wintery Cape.
Perfect,  thank you Pilgrim from a wintery Cape❤️
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strayguitarist · 4 months
Isn't this cheating? Whatever, let's go. Favorite hot drink: Persian cardamom tea with a few sugar cubes. Nostalgic and comforting.. Favorite cold drink: Mountain Dew White Out. They don't really sell it anymore, but god it's peak. Dish: Soltaani. A Persian dish, one barg kebab and one koobideh kebab served with basmati rice, a grilled tomato and sometimes salad Shirazi! We just.. make the best food. Hands down. If you ever get the opportunity to try Persian food, do not turn it down, you'd miss out on the best experience of your life. Fruit: Me, obvs. Okay but probably red pears!! Veggie: uh.. oh gods.. that's tough.. Potatoes??? Potatoes. Mmm... Holiday: Shaab-e Yalda, Halloween, and Bonfire Night are my favorites, in that order. Hard to pick just one, so there's my top 3! Game: Fuck. This is far too broad for me to pick, so I'm going to specify video games, and say Splatoon 2 and its Octo Expansion. That's the only game I got so into that I went to official sanctioned tournaments, and my god the story and setting of Octo Expansion still rings in my head as it did the day I finished it. Runners up include RockBand 3, Pokemon Silver and TF2.
Sport: Football! Er, soccer. It's very very popular back home, and it's the only physical sport that I got into growing up. I'd probably try it again if trans-friendly groups existed..
Animal: Me! Okay, rats. I adore rats so so much and I miss having them and they go "sqk sqk chitter" and give you licks n kisses and ask for attention and cuddle so good and aaaAAAA!!! in second place is the animal my sona is based on, the Asiatic Cheetah
Flower: IDK if it counts as a flower, but the pitcher plant is my favorite. God they're so cool, a carnivorous plant!! If I absolutely have to pick a flowering plant, Atropa Belladonna, also known as "Deadly Nightshade." God the flowers are beautiful, and it's poisonous!
Weather: Rain. I adore when it's raining so hard that you can't see past your face, I love hearing it pitter patter against all the surfaces around me, I love the smell that rises from the ground, I love the way life slows down for it.. Place: Home. Iran. Shiraz, specifically. Nobody is surprised. Blorbo: Ah.. What's a blorbo? Kind of favorite character from a franchise, I think? That doesn't make it much easier, though.. Probably Moxxie from Helluva Boss. Please don't hate me for this. Meow Meow: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Unless you just want me to... Mrrowr~! Nyaa~... Mrrrr.. Meowwr! Prrrh....
OTP: Not sure if I'm 100% on what this means but I think it's about ships, and my favorite ship is Aziraphale and Crowley from Good Omens. IDK how much it counts considering how verbosely that dynamic is actually written into the show, like. Part of the plot is them exploring their romantic feelings. But y'know. If they don't count, then it's Pearl and Marina from Splatoon hehehe TV Show: Good Omens. No contest. Movie: Everything Everywhere All At Once, Scott Pilgrim VS The World and Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog all share my favorite spot. Sorry, can't pick one - management told me it's not allowed. Management is my fucked up brain, btw. Book: I AM A LIBRARY EMPLOYEE I CAN'T PICK A FAVORITE BOOK! ARE YOU INSANE?! But if I had to, it'd probably be Vinland Saga, the manga. I guess that's more of a book series, but whatever. Holy shit it's absolutely amazing. Few things make me feel as hard as that has. Musical artist: I AM A BASSIST I CAN'T PICK A FAVORITE MUSICIAN! ARE YOU INSANE?! But I can give you a top 5 in no particular order? Metallica, Lemon Demon, Mindless Self Indulgence, Jonathan Coulton, The Birthday Massacre. This was so hard to pick even just 5, but those are probably my biggest favorites.
You probably thought you were so clever for picking me so many and making me ramble about myself. Little did you know I love talking about myself, because I'm the best. Hah. thank you for asking me things I appreciate it I was worried nobody would I mean, I'm so cool.
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auburniivenus · 6 months
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He glances his eyes once over towards the redhead before returning back to his work, not really amused to have visitors from the living world barge into his division in the soul society on this day. All because Orihime wanted to tell him about her saintly compassion that didn't really necessarily needed to have strife to cause such great lengths of kindness in his own opinion.
"I do not agree with your assessment".
Byakuya is one to know that hardships in life generally don't define a person. It's their will and personality. You could have many people go through the same amount of suffering and turn out to be completely different. It's all in how someone dealt with the circumstances. Going though suffering had varied results. Surely, the redhead in front of him knew that. Perhaps she didn't.
"However, I can make directions on how to reach Rukia if needed. This seems like more of a thing to discuss with her than myself".
And it is true to an extent. Byakuya is stating an obvious fact. It's not like he's trying to divert this line of conversation to someone else. His adoptive sister had more understanding of this topic more than Byakuya himself could ever have. @braveryhearted
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Her   sojourns   are   frequently   comparable   to   a   devout   pilgrim’s   solemn   voyage,   seeking   tranquility   and   communion   within   the   ethereal   embrace   of   souls   forever   interlaced   with   her   own   in   destiny's   beautiful   tapestry.   Rangiku   and   Rukia   have   perennially   operated   as   her   sanctuaries   in   this   sepulchral   domain.   Yet,   upon   this   particular   excursion   into   the   shadow-draped   vestibule   of   the   afterlife,   her   path   diverges   from   its   customary   trajectory,   propelled   by   a   yearning   to   convene   with   an   unforeseen   individual.   
Thus,   she   stands   before   him,   her   arrival   an   elegiac   impediment   to   his   labors,   a   disturbance   in   the   stagnant   waters   of   his   sequestered   repose.   Inoue,   with   a   consciousness   keenly   attuned   to   the   onerous   mantle   of   his   captaincy,   casts   no   aspersions,   for   his   dominion   and   perspicacity,   sculpted   from   the   resilient   bedrock   of   his   experiences,   evoke   not   condemnation   but   a   profound   admiration.   Perhaps   it’s   this   synthesis   of   sagacity   and imperturbable   stoicism   that   magnetizes   her   to   his   vicinity,   notwithstanding   the   potential   disobedience   against   the   importance   of   his   solitude.
Her   auburn   tresses   unfurl   in   undulating   rivulets,   tracing   the   curvilinear   silhouette   of   her   facial   structure   as   though   caressed   by   the   ephemeral   fingers   of   a   tender   zephyr,   her   caramel   orbs   ensnared   by   the   austere   elegance   of   his   figure,   ensconced   behind   his   desk.   The   vermilion   perimeters   of   her   lips,   permeated   with   the   faintest   bloom   of   rose,   part   as   if   to   kiss   the   silence,   before   yielding   to   the   tender   cadence   of   her   speech. “I   appreciate   it,   but   I’d   like   to   hear   your   point,   Kuchiki-sama.”   Proffers   her   speech   a   seraphic   whisper,   coated   with   a   shimmering   softness   that   seems   to   croon   upon   the   listener’s   tympanums.   
“Compassion   is   a   trait   that   was   born   and   nurtured   in   me.   However,   after   experiencing   terrible   suffering,   abuse,   I   feel   that   I   can   be   more   compassionate   than   before.” Divulges,   form   leaning   against   the   wall,   a   silhouette   where   shadow   and   luminescence   converge.   “Or   do   you   adjudge   compassion   to   be   an   Achilles'   heel?”   Her   gaze,   formerly   anchored   to   the   terra   firma,   ascends   anew,   in   search   of   his—a   silent   entreaty,   a   question   perched   delicately   on   the   fulcrum   between   timidity   and   fortitude.   Her   presence,   though   unsolicited,   oozes   with   a   poise   that   transforms   this   intrusion   into   an   intimate   colloquy.
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nekohime19 · 1 month
Mini Mac # 33 : lil guy pregnancy
It's the child giving river chapter 👀
The pilgrims were on a wooden boat, being transported across a river by a ferrywomen. Macaque was on Wukong's head, watching the horizon . The black-furred monkey liked to be on Wukong's head, his fur was nice and soft, and, sometimes, the great sage would extend a hand and give him a piece of fruit he kept hidden from Bajie's greedy paws. When Macaque felt particularly bold, he would lightly kiss the tip of Wukong's fingers in the guise of thanks. The great sage always giggled when it happened, his tail wagging in delight.
Macaque found it cute and he was always very embarrassed by his own thoughts the second after. Wukong was his friend, one of his only really, he couldn’t think that of him could he? Macaque didn't know a lot on what was acceptable between friends. Wukong was a very affectionate friend to begin with, so perhaps it was okay? The wind always teased him resentlessly when it happened, flapping his ears around and ruffling his hair.
“Bajie, can you give me a glass of this fresh water?” Asked Sanzang as he looked at the clear water of the river.
“Of course Master, in fact I'll take a glass for me too.”
“I'm kinda thirsty too.” Added Macaque as he leaned over Wukong head.
“I'll give you a glass.” Eagerly answered the sage. Bajie gave the young monk a bowl full of water and kept one bowl for him, Wukong filled Macaque thumb-sized glass of water and gave it to the lil guy. Macaque patted his head in thank.
The water was oddly tasty, it had a sugary aftertaste that Macaque quite liked.
Once the pilgrims reached the other shore they settle around a campfire. Sanzang sighed and huddled close to the fire, he was always the more sensible to the whims of winter. Wukong began to clean Ao Lie hooves, removing the dirt stuck inside and cutting it clean. Bajie prepared the vegetables for dinner and Wujing searched the bag for a blanket, once he found it he wrapped it around the young monk. Macaque watched them with a soft smile, it was quite nice to have friends like this, of course Wukong would always be his favorite friend but… the pilgrims weren't bad either.
As he thought this Macaque was seized by a sudden stomach ache. He gripped his belly and winced, his skin glowed in the night's somberness. Wukong immediately stood up and crouched down before Macaque, fretting over him. Macaque felt his stomach rumble, it grew and grew until it was full and round. The lil guy blinked in surprise at his state and looked down at his round stomach in confusion. Then Macaque panicked when he felt something coming out of him.
“Okay, what is going??” Asked Bajie in confusion.
“Are you okay? Mac?” Fretted Wukong as he took Macaque in his hands. Soon enough Bajie and Sanzang stomachs rumbled too.
“Let's find a village!” Called Sandy, he hauled both Bajie and Sanzang on Ao Lie back and ran towards the nearbiest village. Wukong delicately took Macaque on his cloud and flew fast after the running dragon-horse.
Macaque gripped Wukong's finger and winced, something was coming out of him and it was beginning to freak him out. Before they could even reach the village, Macaque gave birth to a peach blossom bud. The lil guy’s belly stopped aching and deflated like a pierced balloon, Macaque held the warm peach blossom bud in his hands, dumbfounded. Wukong broke down the door of the first house he saw and shouted “HELP!”
Bajie, Sanzang, Ao Lie and Wujing followed soon after and barged in the house. The women that lived there explained the extraordinary ability of the river, shocking all of the pilgrims. It was a child giving river. Wukong bursted out laughing after a few minutes of awkward silence.
“It's not funny, Monkey face!” Shouted Bajie, he grabbed the nearest thing, which was a plate, and threw it at the wheezing monkey.
“Careful! Think of the baby.” Laughed Wukong.
“I'm too young to be a mother!!” Panicked Sanzang. “Oh my Gods, does this violates my Buddhist teachings??”
Macaque just silently stared at the flower bud nestled in his hand, he touched the folded petal and recoiled at the warmth. The lil guy didn't even notice when Wukong delicately put him on Sanzang's shoulder and patted his head. He didn't notice when the great sage left with Wujing to retrieve the water of abortion. Macaque attention was focused on the bud in his hands. He couldn't look away from the rosy soft folded petals, couldn't tear himself away from the warmth.
Wukong came back after a few hours and both Bajie and Sanzang were able to relieve themselves from their unexpected pregnancy.
“You're okay lil bud?” Asked Wukong as he took Macaque in his hands and brought him to his face, Macaque looked up, panicked and lost.
“I'm… I can't…I have…” Macaque just couldn't process what happened.
“So you gave birth to a flower bud, huh? Do… Babies are inside?” Carefully asked the great sage, Macaque nodded.
“I'm gonna be a terrible father! I'm awful with kids, and I don't even have milk!” Finally bursted Macaque.
“Hey, hey, shh, you're great with kids. The infants on Flower Fruit Mountain loves you.” Reassured Wukong, Macaque didn't felt reassured at all.
“It's not the same! This will be… my kid, I can't..”
“Hey,I'll be with you, okay? You're not alone in this.” Macaque looked up at this, hopeful. “I'll help you, lil bud. I, huh, I'll sew a lil pocket in the front of your tiger skirt so you can put the bud there, okay? Like a kangaroo. We'll figure this together.”
Wukong smiled at Macaque, something soft and tender. The lil guy blushed and his fur puffed out.
Oh, Wukong really was cute.
+ cut scenes
Macaque putting the bud in his front pocket : It's quite secure 🙂
Wukong : awww, lil kangaroo 🥰
Macaque : Is it gay if I think my best bud is cute? 🤔
The wind : Yes, yes it is 😌
Macaque : mmmm *press doubt* 🤔
The wind : 😭
Sanzang : So how does this pregnancy work? How will the baby be born? 🤔
Macaque : They wil bloom, like me. 😌
Sanzang : Aww, a baby flower fairy 🥹
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History of Aylesford
Aylesford seems to have attracted famous battles throughout British history; Hengest the Jute fought the British leader Vortigern here in 455 AD, King Alfred defeated the Danes in 893 AD, and Edmund Ironside did likewise in 1016, pursuing the fleeing invaders all the way from Otford and killing many by the time they reached Aylesford. And the royals kept coming; William the Conqueror took Aylesford manor for himself after the Norman Conquest.
The origins of the village are a matter of some mystery. Legend has it that a local; chieftain named Aegel controlled a river crossing, and thus the village was known as Aegel's ford, which in time became shortened to Aylesford. The river provided a boost to commerce during the Middle Ages and into the 18th century with barges carrying goods up and down the waterway.
The parish church of St Peter and St Paul dates to the Norman period, and probably existed long before then. It may have served travellers crossing the ford, who could pause and pray for a safe crossing or give thanks for successfully completing the passage. The double-nave and chancel are out of alignment, possibly because they were built at different periods.
The oldest part of the building is the base of the tower. Within the church are the 17th-century Colepepper tomb, a memorial brass set in the chapel floor, and several funerary helmets and swords hanging in the chapel and chancel.
The most iconic structure in Aylesford is not the church, however, but the 14th-century bridge that still carries traffic over the River Medway into the village.
Of the historic buildings remaining in Aylesford among the most striking is the mid-Victorian mansion of Preston Hall. Architectural historian Nikolaus Pevsner was not impressed with Preston Hall, calling it 'hard to love'.
The Hall was built in 1849 for Edward Betts by architect John Thomas. The result is either a lovely example of Victorian Gothic or a ponderous attempt at gentility by an architect who wasn't up to the task, depending on your taste. The Hall has long since passed from private ownership and now serves as a nursing home.
Near the village is Aylesford Priory, a restored medieval monastic house of Carmelite friars that dates to 1242. After the Reformation, the friary was sold into private hands, and the monastic buildings were converted into a luxurious mansion. In 1949 the Carmelite order bought the site and re-founded it, restoring many original medieval features. The historic highlight is the Pilgrim's Hall, built around 1280.
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holysweetnachofries · 3 years
"Matthew Patel" sounds like a name that will pop up in The Magnus Archives.
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Wilderness: Down the Sentinels’ Way
Since a time before empires the sentinels have stood, stone colossi guarding the old road against an unseen threat from beyond the horizon. Time has thinned their ranks but seems unable to conquer them completely. 
Setup: Stretching from a high mountain pass to the lowlands sheltered within the heart of the continent, the Sentinels’ way is perhaps one of the most ancient roads in existence. The sentinels in question are giant statues, ranging between four to twenty stories tall, erected in the dawn age by some long forgotten empire for an unknown means, each depicting a warrior standing ready and proud. 
Well over eighty and a hundred miles long, the actual “way” of Sentinels’ way ranges from well traveled roads between settlements, crumbling cobbles half swallowed by the land, and long drowned sections of the path washed out by encroaching rivers and lakes, navigable only by boat. Still, this ancient highway is well traversed, and the party can expect to have many adventures as they traverse it in search of greater adventure. 
Adventure Hooks
Caravans of merchants and pilgrims make their way up and down the Sentinels’ way constantly, connecting isolated temples and backwater towns in a vast network of support. A party can earn good coin as guards on these circuits, getting to know the caravanners, the watering holes, and the people who frequent the route. Exploring and mapping out their own routes through the Way could make up the arc of an entire campaign, ensuring the party is familiar enough with the terrain, people, and politics to launch into a really in-depth war adventure, or an in-depth drama involving trade disputes, sabotage, and rival business interests. 
The party comes into possession of a very abstract treasuremap, depicting three sentinels facing the viewer, and a top down view of a particular highland valley & lake. Only one of the statues is actually NEAR this valley, where as the other two are scattered miles away from one another. A clever surveyor may understand that the secondary two statues actually look out over the landscape at different angles, and that by overlaying this intersecting angle on the original map (anchored by a few more symbols) their intersecting views can point the way to a buried vault of treasure. Asking around for the location of these statues may draw unwanted attention, as rival treasure hunters will be eager to steal the map, or to jump the party once they’ve  made the claim. 
A rivertroll has been harassing the barges along one of the flooded sections of the way, demanding tribute in exchange for not sinking the boat or snacking on any of the oarsmen.  Though investigation the party learns that the troll has a particular fondness for alcohol, and that by staging a bargewreck ( as well as somehow acquiring enough hooch to do the deed) they may be able to get their quarry drunk enough to properly ambush, negating both its sharp senses, and its titanic strength. 
( This adventure can be part of a larger adventure arc, which I’ve outlined HERE, feel free to check it out. ) 
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