#Pirate Moon
neonlazycat · 2 years
Pirate ☀️and🌙 got outfit upgrades
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starrspice · 6 months
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Some things never change
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Royal Y/N: hey, sorry, what's the wifi password in here?
Pirate Sun: weren't you tied up?
Royal Y/N: yes, but I got bored. You could have left me a magazine. Such an uneventful captivity this is.
Pirate Moon: what the bloody blazes is a wifi password?
Royal Y/N, leaving the chamber: you know what, fine, I am going back to my room.
Pirate Sun: the disrespect, after everything we have done for them.
Pirate Moon: we need to start enforcing some discipline here, we spoil them too much.
5 minutes later
Captain Eclipse, appearing ominously in the dark corridor, leaning closer and whispering to Y/N: it's clipsyrulez87. Don't tell my brothers.
Royal Y/N, with a sly smile: I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship, Captain.
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icy-gendango · 1 year
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Net??? I can't draw nets...
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
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Boooys~ I like them as one animatronic but also i love drawing them together??? the struggle is real STILL trying to nail them down to where I can just whip out scribbles. struggling on not constantly fucking up proportions but I get there eventually~ AGAIN happy as fuck with the hands. This is some black magic bullshit that hands look like hands from my pen. Face proportions also give me struggle but again, eventually i get there~ mostly mouth placement after the eyes are there??? idk yall ALSO here have a pirate boy Cap’n Moon~ as inspired by the fic Daybreak on AO3 which... i don’t know if the author has a tumblr? I think they have insta and twitter but i don’t think I could find a tumblr when I was reading it. It do get smutty if you give it a read, both as a teaser and a heads up if you wanna avoid that, but the concept of pirates is in my brain now too lol
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Veeeery happy with how Cap’n moon came out~ Naughty stowaways will be forced to sleep... in Davy Jones locker.
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salty-rey · 1 year
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Maybe not exactly win Rudi over, because they're know that they're pirates and Rudi's a Commodore. So, a romantic relationship may be impossible. But there is a hope that a kiss could happen *wink wink*
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Oh no, Rudi wants to capture the pirates. They have a hatred towards all pirates (omg lore??). But they can't help that their heart goes thump-thump-thump hard whenever they see the brothers approaching.
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lec743-my-art · 6 months
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My contribution to the March 22nd Magma Event in the Star Bench Server. Thank you for the fun @daycarefriendpickup
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souplessvoid · 9 months
Sails and Scales Au (wip)
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I’ve come up with a new Sun and Moon au called Sails and Scales!
This au is basically about Sun and Moon accidentally catching a young siren in their net. They care for and bond with the siren. Eventually, Eclipse finds out about the little fishy and wants a new pet.
That’s all I’ve worked out so far, but I think this is going well! Also I’m still working some of the character designs out, so if you see any changes that’s why. If you have any recommendations or constructive criticisms, feel free to let me know!
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squidthesquidd · 2 years
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Chapter three of ‘The tides of fate mean nothing’ is finally out!!
so have some quick sketches of the boys :D
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shizuyotoshisuta333 · 2 years
Don't read if you are squeamish or don't like extreme gore, violence, and horrific deaths because there's a lot. Also in later chapters there is mention and flashbacks of past abuse.
A Siren's Sea and Pirates' Fee
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You reach the Enchanted forest and almost get eaten.
The sirens in this aren't based on real sirens.
Mine have color changing eyes, elemental crystals and powers, and different forms like humanoid siren and full siren in the water, as well as on land human form and animal form based on the clan you choose.
This is a reader-insert type story, so I will write the reader-insert parts like so:
(y/n):your name (l/n):last name (e/c):eye color (h/c):hair color (h/l):hair length (b/s):bust size(chest size) (c/s):clothes size (n/l):nail length (n/c):nail color (l/c):lip color (b/t):blood type (f/s):favorite smell (f/t):favorite taste(sweet/salty/sour/etc.) (f/c):favorite color (s/f/c):second favorite color, (s/c):skin color (f/e):favorite element(ice/lightning/air/etc.) (e/p/c):element power color(based on your favorite element, fire=red, ice=light blue, water=dark blue, air=white, lightning=yellow, light=orange, dark=purple, metal=gray, earth=green.) (f/j):favorite jewel (f/a):favorite animal (f/f):favorite flower (f/w):favorite weather (f/o):favorite ornaments/accessories (it can be more than one.) (o/p):ornament place(hair/ankle/neck/etc.)(If you have multiple, just imagine where they all are.) (c/l):clothing length (c/c):clothing colors (c/n): clan name (Snake tongue=Snake, Bear claw=Bear, East pacific=Spider, Dragon scale=Dragon, Tiger teeth=Tiger, Bunny tail=Bunny, Frog spots=Frog, Bird feather=Bird, Horseshoe=Horse, Turtle shell=Turtle, Butterfly wings=Butterfly, also feel free to make your own) (c/a): clan animal(based on clan)(f/d)favorite drink (f/a/d): favorite alcoholic drink
Yes, I know it's a long list. But, I wanted to give as much freedom to the reader as possible, and I know this isn't how sirens are, but this is my version of them.
Chapter 5
Rivers And Mountains
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Heading south for two thousand miles then turn and head southeast for three thousand miles, we finally reach the Enchanted Forest, I walk into the captains’ quarters to alert the captains of our arrival at the humongous forest’s beachy edge, “We’re in Dragon scale territory captains!”.
Sun sighs then stands, “We’v been traveling for two weeks now and we’v asked ya to call us Sun and Moon since the third day, how many times must we ask ye?”.
“But-” I start and Moon cuts me off, “No butsss.” he says while extending the ‘s’ like a hiss.
“We’ve made it to the Enchanted Forest, the tallest tree in the world is in the center of the forest.” I state continuing where I left off.
The twin captains roll their optics at the notice of me sidestepping their request again, “Alright, can ye tell us what of the land is Dragon territory?” Sun huffs then points to the map on the table of the enchanted forest and all surrounding areas.
“The main forest with the thirty-seven thousand meters tall tree named the tree of Tatsuki in it’s center and trees of all varieties ranging from three thousand meters to seven thousand meters, the two closest of the three islands above the mainland, and the bottom half of the closest district in the Celve region.”, “Then what is the third island?” Moon asks.
“Horseshoe territory. The island was gifted to the Horseshoe clan by Kenatatsu the king of Dragon claw to gain their trust and form an alliance between the two, the island itself is the only part of the Enchanted Forest that houses more beings with human-like intellect than just dragons, on that island lives humans, horse sirens, dragon sirens, normal dragons, and one other species of intelligence that lives only on that island. That's why when you said that you were meeting up with some from the Enchanted Forest I knew that we'd be headed to Pegasus Island." I inform them, "Ar' Pegasi the other species yer was talkin' 'bout? I'm guessing that based on the island's name.” Moon responds.
“Yes, they are, pegasi are half dragon and half horse. When the first pegasus was born a burst of energy caused trees to sprout, trees that no one had heard of, they’re called Toumaki trees and are only on that one island.” I state, “There ar’ pegasi, can I ride one?!” Sun screeched excitedly while flapping his hands. 
“I mean, if that’s what you’re into.” I state with a smirk, Sun stares at me with a confused look and Moon notices and snickers, he then whispers something into one of Sun’s audio sensors.
Sun’s cooling fans whir to life, he lightly blushes, and steam shoots out of all of his joints as he realizes the innuendo, “That's not what I meant!”, Moon gives a raspy chuckle at his reaction, “Ya know Y/n’s just messing with ya.”
Sun's blush darkens a little and he clears his throat into his fist, "I knew that, I was just trying to play along." He states as he looks away from me and Moon, "Sure ya were, we totally believe that." I state and laugh.
"I really was!" He states as he crosses his arms and puffs out his silicone cheeks in a pout, "We could go back and forth with this all day, but we need to meet Captain Casey first." Moon states, "Fine, but ye gonna answer me question first Y/n." Sun negotiates, "Okay." I agree.
“I’d advise that you don’t unless you’ve known them for a while and they trust you, you also have to ask their permission first and foremost, also don’t just go up to one and ask to fly on their back. Most importantly never come up to a horse or a pegasus from behind, you will get kicked in the crotch at two hundred miles per second because they’re not normal horses, aka your internals will explode from the sheer force.” I state while maintaining a serious look to show them that I'm not exaggerating.              
The twin captains visibly cringe at my last comment then they swallow the lumps in their throats at the same time, "Definitely don't do that Sun." Moon states while glaring at Sun, "I won't." Sun states with a sigh.
"Well if we visit the Tatsuki tree after this then you may be able to fly, but not on a pegasus, and I said maybe because Tatsuyo isn't a people person." I state, "Okay, we'll go after we come back to the ship to get ye." Moon states and they start to walk to the doors, "Hold up, I'm going with you two!" I shout as I catch up with them on the main deck.
"No ye'r not, this trip will contain very sensitive information." Sun states, "Tell me then, have you guys ever walked through the Enchanted forest?" I ask with my hands on my hips, "No and we'r not going to, we'r goin through the bottom of Celve district three." Moon states angrily.
The rest of the crew see the argument and start to watch to see who wins, "No you're not, pirates are banned from Celve let alone district three! The people in district three are horrendous, they will tear you limb from limb just because you're pirates! The only way you're going to get to Pegasus Island is if you go to the Enchanted Forest, do you know what lives in the Enchanted Forest!?" I state after I raise my voice, the captain's have never heard me raise my voice, let alone to them, so they're standing there with matching shocked expressions, I wait a bit longer and notice that they're not going to say anything,"Well there's dragons, giant crabs, giant butterflies, giant lizards, giant bees, giant everything! They all eat humans or anything the size of a human, and yes they eat metal, in fact dragons love eating metal it helps their digestive tracts! Not only that but everything in that Forest will eat you alive, and all the trees are jumbo sized, all the plants are jumbo size, the flowers are the size of our normal trees and will eat anything they can reach!"
The two captains stare at me and awe, when they finally process exactly what I said their expressions turn grim.
They both look at each other then look back at me,"Fine ye can come, but when we tell ye to leave you're going to leave, and ye ain't going to listen to a single thing we talk about with Captain Casey!" Moon grumbles in annoyance, Sun nods his head in agreeance and they push down the plank to deboard the ship, before Moon steps on the board to leave the ship he turns to the crew who are still watching and yells at them,"And what are y'all looking at?! Get back to work!" The crew all quickly look away, scared, and scurry back to their positions.
We descend the plank onto the beach and walk forward ‘till I’m three meters away from the ship, the sand swishes between my toes because of the fact that I still haven’t acquired a pair of shoes yet. The wind blows past the skirt that I refuse to take off, it was the last gift I got from my brother before… Anyway I still wear it regardless of my pronouns. The twin captains join me on the tan particles and order the crew to remove the plank and guard the ship, they turn to the bright greenery of the lush forest.
They share an apprehensive look as I start to head in, "WAIT!" Sun yells, causing me to look at him in shock, "Ye don't have any shoes, ye'r going to stab yer feet." He says that he gestures to my bare toes. 
"How've ye not cut yer feet on loose nails in the ship yet? Moon says as steps towards to scoop me up.
"Woah, hey!" I shout as he sits me on his right shoulder, "Sirens have tougher skin than most creatures, even in our other forms, though Shield-scaled sirens have the strongest skin and scales of the siren species. Plus there's no need for you to carry me, I've been in and out of this forest so many times without even a scuff." I say with a huff.
"Welp, yer already up here so." Moon responds then starts heading for the greenery, "Hey moon, wait for me!" Sun shouts.
I tell them ways to avoid different giant homicidal animals' nests but the first time they completely ignore me, that's how we got in this situation. Slime and shit scented mucus covers us in this dimly lit area, the smell of stomach acid slowly getting stronger as the dissolving fluid comes closer to the top. A humongous fucking flower, that's what we're stuck inside, waiting for the acid to finish accumulating and release from the stem into the petals that have incased us in this large space that seems so small because of us three being jammed together. 
"Damn it! I told you to go right, not left! This is why I wanted to walk instead of being carried!" I scolded the twins from my perch on Moon's shoulder, "Now, there's only one way we can leave. I'ma need you both to listen very closely to my instructions.” I state after I turn their heads towards me. 
I tell them the plan and they nod, I hold out my hand so Sun can give me his sword. The center of the floral ceiling is the weakest point but out of reach due to it being seven feet taller then me when I stand on Moon’s shoulders.
🌙~Pov change~🌙
Swallowed and melted by a tall flower, what a way ta go. We go into this situation when we came to a fork in the road, Y/n tells us to go right, the path looks old and like it hasn’t been used in a long time, large vines with thorns coil around tree roots and hang from above. Sun being the way that he is decided against going that way, so Y/n doesn’t get hurt. Without saying a word he takes the left path with long strides, I don’t want to separate from him, he gets lost easily. I follow him through the ferns all while ignoring the harsh whisper pouring out of the siren on my shoulder and catch up with him. We walk for a while on the well worn path, nothing bad seems to be here, at least that’s what me and Sun thought. Now we’re in a carnivorous, purple lily, with black goo dripping from the ceiling. The slime doesn’t seem to have any affects on any of us but the smell of acid is burning my sensors and Sun is panicking, his determination slowly deteriorating as he repeatedly tries to stab the petals that have cage us but his sword just slides off because of the slick black liquid dropping from above. I reach over and put my hand on his shoulder, he stops to face me with terror in his optics, like prey in a predator’s grasp. 
“Ye been trying to make a hole for twelve minutes now, ya have tried every petal in every way possible.” I tell him in a calm voice to calm him, his shoulders slump.
"Damn it! I told you to go right, not left! This is why I wanted to walk instead of being carried!" Y/n says in a semi-harsh tone, they turn my head with a hand and turns Sun’s with one of their legs, "Now, there's only one way we can leave. I'ma need you both to listen very closely to my instructions.” They state while maintaining eye contact. 
“The center of the floral ceiling is the weakest point, Moon is gonna have to stand on Sun’s shoulders while I stand on Moon’s,  that way we can reach the top. I’ll need Sun’s sword so I can stab it through, but the petals are so thick that stabbing even the weakest spot will only let the blade go though half way, so after I stab it Sun’s gonna need to jump so it’ll got the rest of the way through. When it’s in there fully it’ll be easy to slide the blade down along the side of the flower and cut a way out on the side near the ground like Sun was trying to do.  Okay everyone understand the plan?” They ask, we both answer with a nod, Sun’s determination returns tenfold as he hands them his sword. 
Sun kneels so I can step onto his shoulders and grabs my ankles so I can’t slip off, “Eveyone ready? I’m goin’ to stand up!” Sun says under me then stands in one swift motion causing me to sway forward in backward. 
“W-Woah, be careful!” Y/n says with a shaky voice from the sudden elevation change, Sun apologies as we all stabilize ourselves.
Y/n starts to stand up on my shoulders and I look up as I grab their ankles to make sure they don’t fall, looking up was the wrong move.
‘O-Oh shit! I forgot they’re wearing a skirt, I can see their underwear!’
Me and Sun got them many pairs of socks, underwear, and we were going to get them bras but they already had a waterproof binder. They didn’t have any of those things before because, well… They live in their siren form most their life. Sun noticed their lack of under garments a week after they lived on the ship, they tripped in the storage room when they both were looking for wood glue. Long story short he got an eye full of ass and turned into a sputtering mess, he didn’t let them leave our quarters until we docked and brang them underwear. They refused to wear any of it for a few days but we finally got them to understand why they needed the extra clothing, but they still refuse to wear the socks. 
‘They’re wearing the star print ones me and Sun agreed to get them.’ 
Me and Sun were arguing about what underwear we should get them. We argued about the color, the style, the print, so we ended up with an assortment of colors and patterns from each style. The one pair we agreed on were the panties are that are white with deep red, dark blue, and bright yellow stars of all sizes across them, the pair they are wearing at this moment.
I’m so distracted that I don’t hear the to people I’m sandwiched between ‘till Sun looks up to see what I’m doing, he realizes and positions his he slightly to the right and notices the panties. His optics widen and he starts to lose his balance which knocks me out my trance, he rebalances be for we all fall, he breathes a sigh of relief as Y/n gets our attention. 
“I can’t reach! Moon, could you lift me a few inches higher?” They ask as they stretch their arms and legs. 
“Y-Yup, on it!” I respond as I let go of one of their ankles to remove my hat, I hang it on my belt then return my hand to their ankle to lift them and let them stand on my head. 
“I can reach now!” They exclaim before they stab it center causing Sun to wobble, “Sun jump!”
Sun slams a foot on the ground then pushes as hard as he can, the sword slices the rest of the way and Y/n pulls the sword down the side with both hands as we brake formation and fall out the hole made from one of the petals being cut down the middle. Me and Sun hit the ground harshly and Y/n land gracefully on their feet like a cat, they slide the air with the grace of a skilled swords man to flick the green blood of the flower off Sun’s sword then goes to put it in a holster on their hip. They realize that there isn’t a holster and look at the sword in confusion, they seem to snap out of a fog and turn around to make eye contact with me. They look past me so I turn to see Sun sitting with his back facing us, I look back at Y/n and they put a finger to their lips to gesture me to not tell him. They smile and make their way to Sun to pat his shoulder to see if he’s okay, he stands and brushes himself off while reassuring them that he’s fine. He turns to them to inspect them to make sure they haven’t gotten hurt, he doesn’t even find a scratch and huffs in relief. 
‘Just who are they?’ I think to myself as I start to get up from the ground. 
Sun finally looks my way as I rise and they both make their way over to me, “Well at least we’re all okay! Let keep going, I was hoping we could reach there before dark.” Sun says with his signature bright smile, acting as if we didn’t just escape getting digested by a mother-fucking flower, typical Sun. 
I shake me head and smile as he bounces after Y/n, letting them lead the way this time.
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neonlazycat · 2 years
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* throws another au at you *
this has been sitting on my wips folder for way too long so I decided to post it . Basically mermaid au fused with pirate au
I had the designs for mermaid au and somewhat a plot for the pirate one so I merged them together
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starrspice · 1 year
Obsessed with the pirate au, how serious were Y/N's physical injuries? How long did it take them to recover from psychological injuries and how did they do it? What are their roles on the ship? Oh oh! Since they don't speak, did Sun and Moon try to communicate with Y/N through signs or writing?
Their injuries weren't anything TOO insanely severe. The worst they had when Sun and Moon rescued them was a deep gash in need from stitches, a twisted ankle and some bruising (especially where their chains were)
Although Sun and Moon were horrified to see all their old scars plenty of which were caused by Y/N just surviving in the sea. But plenty of which were caused by brutal batterings from previous "Owners" trying to tame them as though they were a beast
As for their Psychological injuries those are a bit more complicated. Y/N was discovered to be a siren years ago so they've been sold, traded, "tamed", and "trained" countless times. They have an innate distrust of everyone they meet now, and have some pretty heavy trauma that continues to affect them. But they're trying to heal and move on.
Along the way they kind of recognized that just like there are good and bad sirens, some humans are good, and some are bad. It took a lot of help and kindness from some nicer people for them to learn how to trust again but they're certainly more wary than when they were younger. So they're extra cautious with Sun and Moon. Scared and debating whether they can truly trust the two or not. As for the how, when you're chained up like an animal left alone in a cage one has lots of time to think and introspect
As for their role on the ship they really don't do much at first, as Sun and Moon insist on their injuries healing first. But after that they're just slowly eased into general shipwork. Mostly like cleaning until they learn the more intricate jobs. They still remember a littke from their early years becoming a sailor but they're very rusty.
That is indeed the trouble! Truthfully they don't really communicate at all. Since they refuse to talk, they didn't even acknowledge when Sun and Moon talked to them until a little after their injuries healed. At one point they tried talking through sign (only to realize they only know mer sign and Sun and Moon couldn't possibly know it)
As far as human languages go they can speak a few fairly well (perks of being a siren) but they're pretty illiterate with anything other than Mermaid and Siren literature so Sun and Moon just kind of learn to read their body language and facial expressions
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theohnocorral · 2 years
Pirate Moon doodle from my phone, unfortunately will not finish
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outlandishscenarios · 2 years
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Oh my God. I'm so sorry I didn't see this was submitted. Thank you so much!! As an apology have a quickly made valentine
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I'm so sorry for not seeing this, I am so used to Tumblr eating everything that comes into my inbox cause it always showing there something but when I check it's empty so I stopped checking but this time there was something when i checked. I am so sorry
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feralmoonlight · 2 years
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nakey moon
working on pirate AU designs and... the lack of pants really doesn’t do them any favors XD. Next up is nakey sun so I’ll probably just throw that somewhere? idk
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salty-rey · 1 year
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It's Complicated | Pirate AU
I never realized that I didn't share my Pirate AU designs, except for Rudi so here you go!
Sun and Moon are pirate lords and brothers while Rudi is a Commodore in the Royal Navy.
Sun is very open about his emotions with Rudi, flirting and teasing them whenever their paths cross. Moon also teases Rudi, using the Commodore's height against them. The brothers can get possessive of Rudi, fighting other pirates that want to cause trouble.
Only they can steal and fight Commodore Rudi.
Enemies to lovers maybe?
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