#Please tell me everything about roleswap au
trousseau keeps the 'chief' nickname for castti in the roleshift au, because she was always the leader of their missions in the blacksnakes
Oh I forgot about thief Castti.. Don't do this to me, k Mav?
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yellowcry · 11 months
Masterpost of my encanto content
Other accs:
One-shots for general Encanto: Broken, healed | Who am I if I can't carry it all? | Darkness | Protector | Until there's nothing left | Sisterly wrath | Fear in the night | Like mother, like daughter | Stitches
All the heavy things she can(not) shoulder — Mirabel dies in Bruno's tower. Luisa can't help but feels that it's her fault
Works with few chapters
The brain is flooded, Luisa and Bruno: Part 1 | Part 2
Deeper throught | Luisa gets lost while searching for Mirabel | Chapter | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Luisa with insenetivity to pain (oneshots): Rain drops | A burning flesh | Misfortune kids | Hot issue |
Bad things happen bingo: Touch starved | Falling through the ice | Chickenpox | Unhealthy coping mechanisms
Video content
Dancing monkey | Oh no!
The guilty tango Luisa-centric
Solgier, poet, king - Middle kids
We're reliable with ladies - second-gen couples
idk how its called -Luisa-centric
Abuela's girl — Isabela-centric
So I'm thankful for my sister — Mirabel and Luisa-centric
Pedro and Alma swap: Alma dies, Pedro lives
A bit of explanation
What does fear cost? - fic about Alma's death
More stuff mainly about how Pedro treats his family
It's a great night — the proposal evening
Who walk back down again to feel your words and their sharp stings? — Pedro has a chat with Luisa about protection and emotions
Cursed gifts: Instead of dying, the magic turned gifts into curses
Curses explanation: Grandkids | Adults
How gifts work
Light — Bruno gets sick over his endless visions
As tough as the chrust of the Earth is — Luisa's body changing. It's definiteny not a pleasing expirience.
How can you keep everything together? — While gifted Madrigals are in troubles, the others have to balance between everything
Cracked: The cracks don't appear. The problems keep growing.
The next generation part 1
Cold sisters
Hidden and left to rot — Kellie learns that her mom never wanted to marry nor to have kids. She isn't happy with this discovery
Sobering drunkenness — Luisa wasn't sure why she started to drink. It just happened.
Hair and brain — Dolores bruching her daughter's hair. The other one thinks that it's her time
The weight of responsibility — Isabela thinks about her role as the new matriarch
Married to the grave — Isabela's wedding
Gluing the broken glass — gift swap au
Chapter 1. — Nothing in this world could ever bring them down
Chapter 2 Tell me what to do to make it all feel better
Chapter 3 Todos vienen a celebrar
The cost of a world
Place your trust in me, you have no one else
You left me dripping in the wax (YLMDITW/wax) — Mirabel runs away. Luisa is unhappy
Chapter 2
Garish — roleswap
Sisters || Triplets
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emeraldthelynx · 8 months
Roleswap (Again)
Canon Netto meets my Roleswap AU Lightman.
(@dunedragon started these Nettoverse shenanigans, and I'm just jumping on board.)
"Please let me start from the top-"
"I can explain it!"
"No, Lightman!"
"Why not? You stutter too much!"
"No I don't!" Netto just blinked in slow confusion.
"Uh, Papa? What happened?" he asked. Papa leaned back, and let out a breath of air.
"I'm honestly not sure, Netto. We were working on an experiement here at the lab to prove the Beyondard theory, and, well, this happened." he said. Netto stared at the other two. Rockman appeared with his hologram, and was just staring at the blue-hoodied lookalike.
"I think that one is me." he whispered. Netto turned his head towards the other Navi hologram. That Navi looked a bit like Rockman, but he was orange and had a bandana thing instead of a full helmet. He looked at Netto with cyber-blue eyes, and blinked. They went wide.
"Awesome…" he breathed. The human Rockman looked down at the ground, and started rubbing behind his head.
"Well, I guess which one of us… You know… Is different in this world." he said. He was a lot more soft-spoken than Rockman, and that was saying something! Navi-Netto bounced around, grinning.
"Awesome, awesome, awesome! Saito, that's a human me!" he said. Saito sighed, dragging a hand down his face.
"I know, Lightman." he mumbled. Lightman kept grinning. He whirled around, waving his arms around in excitement.
"You have to tell me what your favorite food is! Please, please, please!" he said, talking a mile a minute. Netto gaped.
"No way… How could you not know?!" he exclaimed. Lightman glared at him, and stuck out his tongue. Rockman gave Netto 'the look.'
"That was very insensitive, Netto-kun." he said. Netto frowned.
"Sorry…" he trailed off. He glanced at Lightman again, and pointed at himself. "I'm Hikari Netto, and that's Rockman. My favorite food is curry!" he said. Lightman's grin stretched across his face.
"I knew it!" he exclaimed. Saito sighed, a very long-sufferieng sigh. Now that was definitely Rockman-like. He looked at Rockman.
"Do you want to know?" he asked. Rockman shrugged.
"I think I just want to try everything." he said. A look of relief spread across Saito's face.
"Me too." he said. He took out his PET. It looked just like Rockman's, except it was orange and white. "I wonder if there's a chance of getting in contact with Ebisu and Breakman…" he mumbled. Netto blinked.
"Don't you mean Enzan and Blues?" he asked. Saito stared at him with a very odd, and slightly uncomfortable look. Lightman gaped this time.
"Wait, does this mean that everybody is swapped with their NetNavis here?" he asked, looking slightly incredulous. Netto imagined a Navi Enzan for just a moment, and started to snicker. Lightman started to snicker too. Probably thinking about human Enzan.
The image of a human Blues came to mind, and Netto started to laugh even harder. How would he even manage all that hair? Papa scratched his cheek.
"And we've gotten off-topic again…" he mumbled. Rockman shuddered.
"Two Nettos, both with short attention spans." he said. They'd never get things sorted out at this rate!
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writingpaperghost · 5 months
I think I'm going to give a little snippet each of my two other Rider roleswap AUs. This is the Fourze one, since I want to maybe get a bit more of the W one before I show anything.
Everything about Amanogawa High School was too bright; its students, its faculty, even its uniform, with its bright blues and reds. Amanogawa was where you went when you wanted a bright future – when you wanted to go to the stars. In that regard, Ryuusei Sakuta was horribly out of place, he had no desire to go to the stars, and his new uniform felt more like a prison compared to his old, dull, uniform back at Subaruboshi. Though he’d shed Subaruboshi’s brown uniform for Amanogawa’s bright blue and red, he wasn’t happy about it.
Amanogawa was a step towards the stars, and Ryuusei wanted nothing more than to stay on Earth.
Where Jirou was.
As he walked past the gate of Amanogawa, his new school, he checked his watch. He still had plenty of time, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit anxious. His parents thought that a change of scenery would be good for him, leave behind his problems at Subaruboshi. Ryuusei begged to differ, though, as now he had to start at a new school and deal with the fact that his best friend was in the hospital showing no signs of waking up.
“Make sure to make a few friends,” his mother had told him when she’d seen him off that morning. The last thing Ryuusei wanted to do was make friends, at Amanogawa of all places. Not when he was more worried about the friend he already had.
The homeroom teacher of class 2B seemed nice enough, Ms. Sonoda. He didn’t get to talk with her much, before class, not that he particularly cared to. He wanted the next year or so to go as quickly as possible, so he could go back to Subaruboshi. The bell rang and the class began to quiet down.
“Everyone, we have a new student, through the exchange program with Subaruboshi High School.” Ms. Sonoda introduced Ryuusei, and now all eyes were on him.
It was fortunate, or unfortunate for Ryuusei, that Subaruboshi had recently begun an exchange program with Amanogawa. That program was the only reason he’d found himself at a different school, now. He had the grades for it, but it was his parents who’d practically forced him to apply. It was just his luck that Ryuusei was the one chosen.
“I’m Ryuusei Sakuta,” He hated that he had to be here. “Let’s get along.”
“You can take the empty seat there in front of Utahoshi.” It wasn’t like Ryuusei knew who that was, but it was easy to tell where she was referring to. There was only one open seat in the classroom, after all. He supposed that made the grouchy looking boy behind it Utahoshi. Not that it mattered much, Ryuusei figures as he heads to sit down. He’s not here to make friends.
The girl beside him smiles, “I’m Yuuki Jojima,” she seems too friendly for Ryuusei’s liking. Ms. Sonoda begins to talk, though Jojima doesn’t seem to pay her much mind. “I can show you around-“
“Please pay attention, Jojima,” Ms. Sonoda called out. Jojima winced a little, but turned her attention towards the front with a small frown.
The next few hours went by quickly enough, Ryuusei let the instruction hold his attention more than much else. It was still far too long for his taste, and he was relieved when lunch finally came. He had intended to make a beeline for the cafeteria, but was stopped by Jojima.
“Let me show you around,” Jojima insisted.
Ryuusei hid his grimace with a polite smile, “No thank you, I’ll be alright.”
She frowned just a little, before that smile returned, “Amanogawa’s got some interesting groups, you’re new here, so you’re probably not going to fit in with anyone…”
“I’m not too worried about that,” Friendship isn’t needed here anyway.
“Come on,” Jojima grabbed his wrist and began to drag him out of the classroom, barely giving him any time to protest further. He sighed, deciding it would probably be best to let her do what she wanted.
At the very least, she waited until he had gotten lunch to launch onto her explanation of Amanogawa’s cliques. “You’ve got the popular kids, the football jocks, the nerds, the delinquents, the occult goths…” She listed, gesturing to each group. “And then you’ve got groups like them. I don’t even know what they’re deal is.” She gestured to where Utahoshi sat with another girl, who appeared to be something of a goth.
“All schools have their in groups of some kind,” Ryuusei responded. That was true even of Subaruboshi, though perhaps not as noticeably as here. Amanogawa appeared to allow a lot more leeway in their dress code. Well, Ryuusei had read the handbook, he knew for a fact their dress code was very lenient, not even requiring the school uniform. His parents had simply insisted he had to wear it, to his own dismay.
“Maybe…” She frowned a little again, before looking at the time. “Ah! Sorry, I have to go, I’m supposed to meet with someone!”
Ryuusei shrugged, “It’s fine.” He wants her gone, anyway. Something about her smile was starting to get on his nerves. She was way too earnest.
Oh, and that odd pair of Utahoshi and the goth had disappeared. They, like Yuuki, must have had somewhere else they’d rather be. Then again, so did Ryuusei, unfortunately for him, he just couldn’t go to where he’d rather be.
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ravs6709 · 2 years
What Are You Doing, Standing Here- 999 LJH Centric
Read on ao3 here.
Word count: 2.4k words
My borijihye roleswap au was in the brain again, though, my decision to write from 999!ljh pov ended up making this fic less about borijihye and more about 999. basically just a rewrite of the 999 arc except it's also a roleswap, and i only skimmed those chapters as i quickly made this
warnings: typical orv warnings
anyways, enjoy!
"I've found the worldline that the Secretive Plotter has been frequenting," the Living Flame, Uriel announced to them.
Kim Namwoon clenched his fists, while Lee Jihye gritted her own teeth. Lee Hyunsung was absent. "He's been frequenting a new worldline now? After what he did to us?"
"It's worse," Uriel said, her eyes ablaze, burning brighter than they ever had for a long time. "This worldline is one that was never meant to exist."
Lee Jihye narrowed her eyes. "How?"
"Someone interfered with a worldline, and it sparked a new one. Who else do you think is responsible?"
Of course, it was the one who had messed with their worldline, the one who ruined everything for them. Of course the Secretive Plotter was responsible for the disruption of yet another worldline.
“The Dokkaebi King from there has given us an offer,” Uriel continued. “We can go there and capture the Secretive Plotter.”
“Is that seriously all you called me for?” Kim Namwoon asked. “I don’t care, I’m leaving.”
His words made Uriel’s brows pinch in irritation, but she said nothing as he left. Lee Jihye stayed. "What else is the Dokkaebi King offering? Tell me more.”
Lee Jihye descended upon Seoul of the 1864th worldline with the intention of bringing forth its destruction. It was a world that looked a lot like her own, with so many incarnations all around, prepared to fight for the world’s survival. A world where there was a Yoo Joonghyuk living this far with so many companions. A faulty worldline about to be scrapped, was this really the worldline that had managed to get so far with so many people? Out of all worldlines, why this..? What was the Oldest Dream thinking?
As she soared above the waters in her ship, she could see just how many people there were. Once she and Uriel were done, there would be nothing left.
She prepared her attack, only to spot a familiar ship on the waters, waiting. A much smaller ship than her own, but one that was familiar nonetheless. Of course, the her of this worldline would be there.
【Load the cannons,】she called out.【Fire.】
The cannonballs from her ship split the ocean, and sent that other Turtle Dragon ship falling. There was yelling, and the enemy ship was then being piloted by their Maritime Admiral.
【Load the cannons.】
“Oi, Lee Jihye!” An unfamiliar voice called out, waving a white flag. “Did your master teach you to attack the opponents waving white flags?”
Lee Jihye lowered her arms, not giving the signal to fire just yet. For someone like that to bring up her Captain like that… Captain had taught her the signs of an enemy surrender. She stepped forward and looked down towards the enemies.
Sparks crackled, and for a brief moment, she could see it. She could see her first meeting with her Captain, she could see Captain again…
【Mas…ter…】she called out weakly, reaching out towards him.
No. She shouldn’t. She shouldn’t be delusional, because her Captain was dead.
“Lee Jihye!” the man continued, “Please remember who you once were! Don’t destroy this worldline, please! This place is the same as the world you used to live in! Yoo Joonghyuk is here, so is Lee Hyunsung!”
The same word as Yoo Joonghyuk and Lee Hyunsung. Her own world had that, before she lost her Captain and Lee Hyunsung had become an Outer God just like herself. She bit her lip.
“Don’t close your eyes, make sure you see who you’re about to kill!” The words intertwined with the story that she remembered.
What was the point? That world had ended up a failure, destroyed, and so would this world. What did it matter? What did it matter what this world had or didn’t have?
The man continued speaking, speaking of her Captain and all the lessons that he had taught her. She had enough of him bringing up those memories. It was time to do what she had come here for.
“Wait!” the man continued, “Lee Jihye—”
“Ahjussi, that’s enough,” a new voice declared. This person stepped out from behind the man, looking up at her with eyes filled with emotions. “You told me to hide behind you, but I can’t stand behind you anymore.”
The voice was almost familiar, the face too. A short woman, just barely an adult, with short light hair. Where had she seen someone like that before?
“Jihye, do you hear me?” The woman yelled, almost crying—crying, what was someone like her doing here, crying at the sight of her?
Lee Jihye stared down at her, wondering who this new face was.
“You’re seriously gonna destroy this world, Crybaby?” the woman asked, a hand fidgeting with the hilt of her sword, where a tassel hung from it.
Lee Jihye had never felt so aware of every sensation of her body, not since she had first become an Outer God. The tassel was the same as the one that she had owned—long broken from going through the apocalypse, but a piece of what had remained was placed in her own pocket, the weight of it suddenly unbearable. Her own eyes stung, not with tears, but what might have been thousands of years ago. Her lips trembled as they formed the words of a name she hadn’t uttered in so long, the syllables foreign to her.
Na Bori.
“I always wished that I could see you again, one more time,” Na Bori said, continuing to stare up right at her. “Never did I think that I’d see you again as my enemy.”
She already knew that this worldline would be full of surprises, a faulty worldline filled with new people, but never, never had she ever expected something like this. Never had she expected to come across a world where Na Bori was alive.
Her feet were moving before she could even think, as she ran and jumped off her own ship to land on the enemy ship. Her sword was flying forward and Na Bori was suddenly right in front of her, blocking her attack.
【What are you doing here? How are you alive?】
Na Bori stumbled back, but continued to hold her ground. “The same way you lived. You sacrificed yourself for me, the same way I had for you! You remember that, don’t you?”
She kept moving forward, ignoring the flashes of images that she thought she’d long forgotten. 【So you live here.】
She wanted to laugh, she almost wanted to cry. Of course, out of every world with a Lee Jihye and a Na Bori, they all ended the same, except for this one damned worldine!
“I'm here because you told me to live!”
Something pierced her heart, but she shrugged off the pain, because emotional pain was something she was well versed in defending against. 【You are here, with so many people.】 Na Bori trembled from the force Lee Jihye attacked with. 【In this world where you have replaced me, you’re weaker. Na Bori, how would you expect to defend yourself should I have attacked you with the intention of killing?】
Na Bori smiled. Lee Jihye shook with the urge to pull back, to stop attacking, but this Na Bori was of the false worldline, she could never be. Lee Jihye had lost her, had lost so many, it didn’t matter. “I’m fully aware I can’t compare to the Lee Jihye of Ways of Survival, all I can do is hope you wouldn’t try and kill me, Jihye-yah.”
【I’d already decided what I would do, before I came here,】she declared, pulling back. 【Fire.】
Cannons rained down on the ship, and Lee Jihye jumped on them to make her way back up to her own ship. 【Show me what you’ve learned from living here, Na Bori. Load the cannons.】
“Load the cannons,” Na Bori said solemnly, but with determination.
Each of their ships began firing at each other, spewing flames at each other. Their Giant Stories each played through, and Lee Jihye watched as this world’s Maritime War God blessed this world’s Maritime Admiral until she was blossoming into the Monarch of the Great Sea. With her sword held high, Lee Jihye had to admit that she looked befitting of the role. Na Bori, incarnation of the being she admired, she thought. The Maritime War God that had sacrificed himself for the sake of her was now blessing Na Bori.
"Na Bori, you—" the man from earlier called out.
"Ahjussi, it's okay. I know what I can and can't do." She sent the man a wan smile, then looked back up at Lee Jihye. "You're not my Lee Jihye."
【Of course, you only now realize that?】
Na Bori said nothing, let her stories say everything. ⸢"I want you to live."⸥
An old story of hers awakened from some long forgotten part of her. ⸢"You must live."⸥
"I'm not going to pretend to know what you've gone through. But you must have gone through a lot in these scenarios, haven’t you? You lost people you cared about. I’m living your story, so I can understand that much, at least.”
Na Bori’s story played out, and even though they were two different beings, her own story ached to unravel. Two similar stories that echoed each other, urging each other to continue on, no matter how much she tried to reign her story in. A girl who lost her best friend, a girl who fought so hard to live, and gained companions, A girl who wielded her sword to protect those companions. A girl who watched as the leader made sacrifice after sacrifice. But unlike her own Captain, Na Bori’s ahjussi, Kim Dokja came back whole each time, never missing a limb, his sight, his life.
“Lee Jihye, stand down!” Na Bori called out. “We can both continue to live and move forward!”
It would be so easy to stand down, to surrender everything. To put down her sword, to get her cannons to stop firing with a mere order. She could put down her sword, and this world would live.
What about her own world and life then? What about herself? On this worldline clearly built upon the foundations of her own ruined one, what was she supposed to do? What was left for her?
【I’ve survived for so long, it’s impossible to live like this!】Cannons shot out faster than before, and she jumped towards Na Bori again with a swing of her sword, sending her backwards, knocking her unconscious.
This story, I’m envious of it, she thought, rushing towards Kim Dokja, grabbing him, preventing him from fighting back, I want to have it.
She turned towards where that brilliant story was shining, beckoning. That story could have easily belonged to her, it could have been hers. It still can be, she thought, manic, letting her Story mix with Na Bori’s. If she devoured it, would that story become hers?
A steel barrier formed from the deck of the ship, separating her from her enemies. She tore the wall in half, only to freeze at a familiar status.
【Jihye-yah. Our story had come to an end a long time ago already.】
【King of the Silver Heart,】she addressed Lee Hyunsung’s new sponsor. 【What are you doing?】
He stood there, opposing her, opposing the Outer Gods who had become a calamity for this world. So soft hearted, that was what he was, trying to protect this worldline, going against the ideals that he’d told her. It didn’t matter. It didn’t matter if she managed to find the full reason as to why everything was ruined, as long as she made sure that this world was truly destroyed beyond repair, she’d have something to go to.
To start everything all over again. To regress and regain everything…
The boundary of water that had been around them the entire time split in two, and an oh so familiar face made an entrance.
He was Captain, but not her Captain. He was Yoo Joonghyuk, he was Secretive Plotter. Somewhere in there, her own Captain had to be there. He was surely there, and she held on to his sleeve, desperately hoping for it to be true.
【Captain, let’s destroy this world together, we can be sent back and…】
“Is that what you really want?” Yoo Joonghyuk asked her. “A man who regressed 999 times can grow tired by the 1000th.”
【No..!】It couldn’t be, this couldn’t be her Captain…
“That Yoo Joonghyuk is dead. He shall not regress anymore.”
【No! Why? Why? Why?】
Why this world? Why stay in this doomed world? Her world was right there…
She summoned a tsunami, an island rising from the water beneath her. Let everything drown, and then he’ll realize that he was wrong! He’ll have no choice!
Nameless Ones crowded everyone, the world was blurred from the attacks of both her allies and her enemies. Kim Namwoon and Uriel were holding their own, and for a brief moment, everything started blurring together. Everything to be destroyed. But then Kim Namwoom was losing, he was nearly dead.
He was my companion back then.
【No!】 She screamed, abandoning her island, rushing forward to save him.
All her attacks stopped as she let go of everything. No matter how much she wanted to start everything anew, it didn’t matter if everything fell here, if her companions fell. The Star Stream wouldn’t save them, wouldn’t save her, it hadn’t saved Captain. How could the Star Stream, the Dokkaebis, how could they do anything to fill that gaping hole in her heart?
She already knew. Destroying this world, making a deal with the Dokkaebis, none of those wouldn’t do anything. Still, knowing that Captain was there, even if he didn’t agree, it felt like the end of her story—no, merely the end of this long chapter. Maybe there was some next chapter, and she could witness it through the incarnations of this world. When the incarnations defended against Uriel’s last attack, she stepped down as a calamity.
If there was a new chapter, she hoped that she’d find all the answers that she wanted.
Orv taglist: @subrosasteath
want to be added/removed from the taglist, just let me know!
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lunar-wandering · 3 years
me? making my own Monkie Kid roleswap/personality swap AU??? haha, no way.....unless-
anyways I do not have a name for this AU yet but I do have content lets go-
- Red Son runs a coffee shop, and befriends literally every person that enters the building. (his parents support this endeavor and supply him with money.) *gives him a light green jacket instead of a red one. hksdfjsfkjs he got them christmas tree vibes-*
- MK started working part time in Red’s coffee shop about 2 months ago, and has been shyly starting to warm up to being Red Son and Mei’s friend. *light lavender jacket + yellow headband*
- Mei doesn’t have a motorbike, because she’s trying to separate herself from her parent’s money. She just has a normal bike instead. *SOFT PINK JACKET TO LIGHTLY CONTRAST WITH THE GREEN IN HER HAIR HELL YEAH-*
- Mei and Red Son have known each other for a while, and they’re both doing a kinda.. vigilante thing together, defeating rogue demons... while also protecting the Monkey King’s staff from being taken, as it currently seals the White Bone Spirit.
- Mei tends to do most of the heroing stuff, while Red Son does more of the tech stuff. Red built Mei’s hero suit and gadgets, he very rarely actually goes out and fights himself.
- Sandy is the one who actually owns the building Red’s coffee shop (and secret underground hero lab) is in, and supports them in their efforts. He treats their injuries if needed.
- MK has no idea about any of this.
- MK lives with Tang and Pigsy, who are both history professors at the local university. Pigsy sometimes drops by the coffee shop to tell a story or two, Tang is typically too busy working to come along.
- one day, Mei and Red Son get a notification that “Monkey King’s staff has been pulled” and they’re both like “uh, thats probably not good” and then they show up at the location, to find the WBS is already gone and-
- MK is there. holding the staff.
- Mei: what do you have?!
  MK: ......Monkey King’s Staff.....
  Mei: NO!
  Red Son: oh my gods, why does he have Monkey King’s staff-
- “it uh..... it felt like the staff was calling me” “that is NOT a good reason to pick up an IMMENSELY POWERFUL ITEM”
- MK: so like....where you ever going to tell me you two are heroes?
  Mei: we’ve literally tried to on multiple occasions. you kept leaving before we could tell you.
 MK, remembering all the times they looked like they wanted to have a serious conversation so he got nervous and made up an excuse and left: ha ha... i don’t know what you’re talking about
- when they bring up this problem to Sandy, he just sighs and goes “i figured this would happen eventually....guess we gotta go see my brother”
- they dont even manage to make it to the mountain because Wukong bursts into the room like “which one of you fuckers lifted the staff. you? alright, you’re my successor now you bitch.”
- Wukong’s reason for wanting a successor? “hey, it means i can just sit back and relax for once and not do anything instead of fighting all those fucking demons. wait, what do you mean i have to train him-”
- Wukong is forced by literally everyone else into training MK. he’s not happy about it but begrudgingly accepts the responsibility.
- Wukong: aren’t you tired of being nice? dont you just wanna go apeshit?
   MK: not really no
- Wukong tries not to get attached but oh fuck he mentally considers MK as his son now-
- Red Son: its nice to see that yet another person cares about MK
  Wukong: *(offended sputtering)* wh- i do n- I don’t care about anybody. In fact, I care about nobody.
  Red Son, to MK: so when were you going to tell me you changed your name to Nobody-
- Pigsy and Tang refer MK to a therapist. It’s Macaque. Macaque is a therapist. yes this decision is 100% purely because i think it’s funny.
- MK: Macaque you will not believe what happened today
  Macaque, pulling out his note book and sipping on a black coffee: tell me all about it.
  MK: I’ve become the Monkey King’s successor-
 Macaque: you’ve wHAT
- Macaque, breaking down Wukong’s door: were you going to tell me you adopted a kid, or was I just supposed to find that out by myself
 Wukong: I did not adopt MK! geez, why does everyone keep saying that....
 Macaque: I never said which kid it was.
- Macaque goes HOG WILD with this information, and this is how MK finds out that. oh. his therapist Macaque is THE Macaque. interesting.
- Macaque stops by the coffee shop a few days after this discovery like;
  Macaque: hey, do you kids want to hear some embarrassing stories about Wukong?
 MK: i mean, that might be kinda rude-
 Mei and Red Son: yes, we absolutely want to hear them, please tell us all of them
- Pigsy and Macaque take turns telling stories about Wukong, and when Wukong inevitably walks in on them doing so he grabs the item closest to him (a salt shaker) and just chucks it at them. Pigsy takes that as his cue to leave while Wukong proceeds to chase Macaque around the coffee shop.
- Wukong: *(teases MK a little too much)*
  MK: *(looks like he’s about to cry)*
  Wukong: oh gods, oh fuck, shit, jeez, come on kid don’t cry, oh no, hold on-
- if MK actually does start crying Wukong starts crying too and its like;
  Wukong: I don’t know- I mean, I’m not crying.
- forgot to say this earlier but MK gets brought into Mei and Red Son’s little heroing gig! Red Son designs a costume for him and everything. (Not that MK ever actually remembers to wear it....)
- MK never actually talks about what really happened the night he pulled the staff, accidentally freeing the White Bone Spirit. If asked, he laughs nervously and changes the subject.
- at some point, this happens.
  WBS: I brought the boy to his destiny.
  Red Son: you fucked up a perfectly good MK is what you did. look at him. he’s got anxiety.
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foreteller-ava · 2 years
Fallen Star: Chapter 14
[Previous Fic] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
Fic Summary: The Clone Wars have raged on for three years. With Dooku dead, the war’s end is finally within reach, and peace may come to the galaxy.
For Jedi Knight Padmé Naberrie, Senator Anakin Skywalker, and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, the world seems to have too many other plans to let it.
[Or, a Revenge of the Sith Roleswap AU]
Chapter Summary: Anakin tries to talk Padme down.
A/N: I don't really have anything to say, next week's upload will be wonky because I picked up overtime next Friday but we'll get it up!
Anakin lowered the ship to the ground gently, trying to focus on piloting safely over anything else. Padmé was here. He could reach her. He just had to remember those two facts. They had to be true.
If they weren't, he wasn't sure what he would do. She was his everything, and the only thing that even possibly rivaled that was Luke and Leia.
This was for their sake. He could remember that.
"Anakin, are you sure you want to…" Obi-Wan let the sentence fall as he sensed the determination coming off of the Senator. "Very well, but please, be careful. I can't lose you too."
Anakin gave a grin, hoping to appear much more confident than he felt. "Don't worry, if things get out of control, that's what you're here for."
Distantly, Anakin was aware that he was arriving on a planet covered in lava, going to meet a Jedi who had very recently fallen, and likely still had a normal Lightsaber rather than the glowing red of the Sith and thus could be confused for a Jedi in any visions Padmé may have had. But that fact didn't matter. Reaching her was more important.
He stepped down the ramp slowly at first, exiting the ship, only to pick up his pace as he saw Padmé. He pulled her into a hug, and it was jarring to even vaguely feel her in the Force. It wasn't just cold, everything about her Force signature felt wrong, felt so unlike Padmé as he'd known her.
Palpatine would pay for doing this to her. Anakin was sure of that.
They pulled apart moments later. "Ani, what are you doing here? You were supposed to stay on Coruscant."
Anakin shook his head. "I couldn't stay." He had to pick his arguments carefully, at least for now. "Obi-Wan came by to visit."
"Obi-Wan's alive?" Padmé's voice softened, and for a moment, even if her Force presence was clouded by darkness Anakin could feel her deep in there. She was still his wife, somewhere. He just had to reach for that glimmer of light and pull.
"He is. He survived an attack from his clones and returned to Coruscant." Anakin frowned. "He said that you led the attack on the Jedi Temple." He waited for a response, a denial he knew wouldn't come. "He told me that I can't trust you Padmé."
A flicker of hurt appeared on Padmé's face, but it was quickly buried as her face hardened. "Then he was with the Jedi." She shook her head, as though she were disappointed. "Anakin, you can't trust Obi-Wan, he's turning you against me, against the Republic."
"He's not trying to turn me against you." Anakin shook his head. "He was trying to find you. He doesn't want to hurt you."
"Then why would he tell you that?" Padmé shook her head. "If he was with me, he would've known that the Jedi were wrong. He would be joining me in trying to stop them, he wouldn't have mentioned me killing them like it was a bad thing."
Anakin wanted to protest, but right now, he just needed to get through to her. His wife had to be in there somewhere. "I don't care that you did it." Padmé looked at him, startled. "I've never cared what you've done. Nothing short of hurting Luke or Leia could ever make me stop loving you." She remained silent, so he continued. "We need to go, we can hide out anywhere, just you, me, Luke, and Leia. We can raise them as a family. No Sith. No Jedi. No anybody but us."
Padmé shook her head, and grabbed one of Anakin's hands. "I need to stay here. I need to learn how to protect you from the Emperor."
"Protect us from what?" Anakin asked. "The Jedi? Well you took care of that problem when you killed all of them. Obi-Wan wouldn't kill me, that's clear." He shook his head, disappointed by how she just accepted all of this. "There are no more threats. You don't have to learn anything anymore."
"There's always a threat." Padmé argued. "You're powerful in the Force. Our children are powerful in the Force. Somebody will want them. We will never be able to run far enough."
"Because you're working for the one person who would want to hurt us." The moment those words left his mouth, he knew it was the wrong thing to say. He felt her anger spike, but he didn't regret them. Palpatine was the only threat to them that could hurt him, that wanted Luke and Leia. He couldn't back down now. "The person you're working with? He'll want our power for himself. He'll take our children and he'll twist them until there's nothing left of them but his tools. Don't let him ruin them."
"You're lying! Palpatine would never!" Padmé defended the man, and that made Anakin see red. He'd attempted to try to see her reason, to avoid fighting her because that wouldn't bring her back to him, but her stalwart belief in Palpatine broke that. He had manipulated and turned her into something she would hate, and would do the same to her children if he had his way.
"He will, because that's exactly what he did to you."
Despite the magma around them, the hot environment around Anakin felt nothing but cold, and he looked up to see Padmé's normally warm brown eyes to be a cold, liquid gold. Despite himself, despite knowing that Padmé would never hurt him, he felt a flash of fear.
Because right now, whoever was in front of him might have worn her face, but she wasn't Padmé.
"Nobody ruined me, Anakin. I made this choice, I'm not the victim you seem to think I am." She was closing herself off, shutting him down. He needed to come up with something fast to reach her.
"Padmé, Angel, please. You don't have to do this. You don't have to become a Sith."
"You don't understand."
"Of course, I do, more than anything!" He was sure if he was in her position, he'd do the same thing to protect her.
"Then why are you trying to stop me?"
"Because this isn't you!" Anakin snapped. "I love you, more than else in this world, but right now I don't even know who you are!" His words hung in the air for a moment, and the tension that had built between them, the anger, was ready to overflow. "I don't know why I bothered to come here, I thought maybe there was a chance I could reach you, but I was wrong. Obi-Wan was right, you–"
Before he could keep talking, it felt like the air was suddenly rushing out of his lungs. Somebody was grabbing his throat, and he couldn't breathe. There was no air left. No way for him to get more. He was lifting in the air, and Padmé was the one causing it. She was Force choking him. Killing him.
As black spots filled his vision, he heard somebody shout, and Padmé let him drop to the ground.
His final thoughts before he lost consciousness were of how hot he was, and how it seemed as though their visions would come true after all.
Obi-Wan had entertained Anakin's request, no matter how ridiculous it seemed. Padmé was a Sith, there was no reaching her. Yet as they reunited, even he couldn't deny a small amount of hope for his Padawan. It was clear that she still cared about Anakin more than most. Maybe the Senator was right, maybe he could reach her, maybe he could save her.
It was only a few short minutes as he realized his hopes were dashed. Padmé's presence was getting darker, and darker with every passing second, and they were no longer embracing. He doubted either of them noticed, but Anakin had been slowly backing away from the very woman he claimed he loved.
There wasn't time to keep hoping, not if he wanted to save Anakin. He left the ship to arrive on the surface of Mustafar just in time to see Amidala holding up Anakin by the throat, the poor Senator scratching at his throat desperately in an attempt to get air. "Let him go!"
She released him, and for a moment, there was pure terror on her face at what she had done, but it hardened moments later into a cold mask. "You both were working together! You turned him against me! To kill me."
Obi-Wan let the devastation he felt seeing her like this show on his face, but this wasn't Padmé. Padmé would never hurt Anakin. This was Amidala, and Amidala was a Sith that needed to go. "I did no such thing. Anakin was here to try to save you. You're the one who pushed him away."
Amidala shook her head, and rage sparked in her eyes, seeped out of every facet of her. "You're lying, I wouldn't push him away if he wasn't trying to hurt me first."
Obi-Wan stepped around Anakin's unconscious body. He leaned down next to him to feel for a pulse. Anakin was still alive. That was good. "No. You've let the Sith turn you into something unrecognizable. Something you aren't." Something dark. Something evil. Something not Padmé.
He just had to keep reminding himself of that. Maybe if he thought it enough, it would become true.
Instead, Amidala just laughed. "If you really believe this isn't me, then maybe you didn't know me at all."
Obi-Wan winced, but in a way, she was right. He'd never thought that it would be possible for this to happen. It was only in his worst nightmares had he ever considered the possibility that Padmé would fall. "What would make it worth this?"
"You wouldn't understand." There was a sorrow in her voice, as though she genuinely believed that. And maybe she was right. Obi-Wan loved Satine, he loved Padmé, he loved Anakin, but despite how much he cared for them all, he would never have sacrificed himself, never would have fallen for them like this.
Obi-Wan simply shook his head. "Perhaps you're right. I couldn't imagine anything would push me to do this. I wouldn't want to put anybody through what I'm feeling right now."
For a moment, Amidala winced, as though his words had hurt her. Rather than react, she reached out. "Obi-Wan, we don't have to fight. We can work together to save them. All of them."
She would never know how tempting it was to join her. He wouldn't have to use the dark side, he could stay with her.
It was also just him lying to himself. Sidious would never let him near Amidala after this. He would never have a chance to save her. He'd be lucky to be alive until Amidala decided she no longer cared for his fate. "I can't do that, Padmé. You know that."
She didn't answer. "Then you're my enemy." He didn't have to be, but she wouldn't see it any other way. It wasn't in the Sith's nature to see things from another point of view.
"Only a Sith deals in absolutes." Obi-Wan took a breath to steady himself for what would come next. "I will do what I must." He pulled out his lightsaber, igniting it. There was only one way this confrontation could end, an inevitability from the start.
"As will I." She charged, her lightsaber in her hand, and the two glowing blue blades met. Amidala placed strike after strike, on a constant offense as she started to drive Obi-Wan back. It took all of his energy, his focus, his effort just to continue to keep up with her strikes. With the exception of how much more angry and violent she was, he could almost pretend that the two of them were simply sparring, practicing. The moves of the deadly dance were familiar, her fighting style might have been the only one he knew as well as his own. But her eyes were gold, and she wasn't slowing, she wasn't stopping. She wanted the kill. He wouldn't let her.
Slowly, as he moved backwards and away from Anakin's ship, he became aware that he was being forced into the building where the Separatists had been hiding, it was obvious they were there given the bodies littering the floor. Obi-Wan stepped over them as he blocked another of Amidala's relentless strikes before finally launching his first attack at her, a weak strike.
If he was honest, a part of him didn't want to return any of her attacks. Blocking was one thing, but if he attacked, then he'd be hurting Padmé. And while he knew she was gone, maybe he could keep stalling. If he could keep the fight going long enough, if she was tired out, then he could get her on the ship, he could try to reach her. He could do something.
Amidala struck again, Obi-Wan deflected the strike into the controls, and it sparked, causing them to separate to avoid the electrical surge. She lunged moments later, but rather than use her lightsaber, she kicked him, causing Obi-Wan to fall to the ground on the floor and his lightsaber to leave his hand. She raised her saber, preparing for the final blow, but he managed to pull his back to his hand and activate it just in time to block before standing back up. And then their lightsabers were locked again, constantly clashing against one another with no reprieve, no slowing, no stopping. Obi-Wan tried to push Amidala, she tried to push him, and they both flew backwards.
The moment Obi-Wan hit the wall, he heard an alarm start to blare in the building, but he didn't have time to contemplate it as once more he was forced to begin deflecting Amidala's strikes. He fell onto the balcony, giving up ground once more. He tried to put space between them, walking onto the pipes, but Amidala refused to stop for even a moment. She jumped after him, and the two continued trading blows, ignoring the steam that proved a distraction and made the fight worse. He jumped off onto a bridge, continuing to fall back, still doing all he could to avoid every single hit.
The magma from the planet exploded behind them, melting the bridge, and suddenly they were climbing up what was now a tower, desperately trying to avoid falling into the lava. Despite the fact that Amidala was only holding on with one hand, she continued trying to strike, and so Obi-Wan continued blocking, not allowing her to land a single hit. He looked behind him to see a waterfall of magma ahead, and he grabbed one of the disconnected ropes, swinging around while blocking more of Amidala's strikes, all the while desperately looking for a platform to land.
He saw one, and with a final swing on the rope, he landed on a sheet of metal in the river of lava. With Amidala still looking for somewhere to land, he took it as a moment's reprieve. (He hoped she wouldn't, that the magma would do her in. He wouldn't have to kill Padmé then.)
She jumped, and landed on a small droid nearby, and they were fighting again, lightsaber meeting lightsaber one after the other. "I'm so sorry, Padmé."
"No, no you're not." Her eyes narrowed, and all Obi-Wan could see was that sickly gold. But she didn't strike. Maybe she was too far, or maybe she was fighting regrets too. He could never know.
"It's not too late, you can stop serving Palpatine." He wanted her to take him up on his offer. He needed her to take him up on his offer. "You can come back with Anakin and I."
Amidala simply laughed. "I won't be able to have Anakin again until you're dead." She jumped onto the platform, striking at him once more, an attack that despite starting to feel fatigue, Obi-Wan managed to block as they started striking once more.
There was no saving her, this one exchange was just further proof. Padmé was gone.
He saw a bank with a hill to the side that he could arrive on and made the jump, landing on his feet as he looked at the piece of metal that he had been standing on earlier. Amidala stood there, a miasma of anger and rage in the Force. Neither moved. It would be a mistake for Amidala to make the strike, even as illogical as she was right now, she had to know that.
Then suddenly, she jumped, aiming to hit Obi-Wan by surprise. He'd planned on simply blocking her strike, but the suddenness gave him no time to think through his action, and he swung his lightsaber, slicing cleanly through her legs and forcing Amidala to tumble to the ground, now missing legs, her lightsaber fell to the ground as she used her two hands, one flesh and one metal, to keep herself on the slope and away from the lava.
Neither moved. Amidala had fallen behind him on the hill, and was using her metal arm to support her body as she looked him dead in the eyes, making it impossible for him to miss her anger at him. "Obi-Wan!"
"Please, Padmé! Come to your senses! You can't believe this is right." She couldn't, he wouldn't let her.
"It's the only way to protect my husband! My children!" And she thought that, she really did. And it just left Obi-Wan feeling numb, overcome by the feeling of loss as he looked at a face so familiar that he could no longer recognize. "You'll kill them, just like you are me!"
His voice fell quiet as he responded. "I didn't have to kill you Padmé, you did that to yourself." He walked to where her lightsaber lay and picked it up, beginning to return his trek to Anakin's ship, so they could leave this cursed system. This terrible place.
"I hate you!" Obi-Wan froze, and turned around to take one final look at Padmé. Though her glare was murderous, there were tears in her eyes. He didn't know whether she was crying because of potentially conflicted feelings towards him, or if she was crying for everything she'd lost. Perhaps she was simply goading him to try to get him to kill her? (he didn't have to, the planet would do it for him.)
Whatever the reason was, he didn't need to know Amidala's reasoning. Instead, held Padmé's lightsaber a little tighter in his hand. "You were my sister, Padmé! I loved you!" He still did, if he was honest, but Darth Amidala wasn't Padmé Naberrie, even if she wore his Padawan's face. And though she continued her screams of anger, he ignored them, walking away. He stopped by Anakin's still unconscious form to pick him up and load him onto the ship before setting the hyperdrive coordinates to Polis Massa, the space station Bail had set up as a rendezvous point for after their missions were complete.
As the ship shot off into hyperspace, Obi-Wan desperately tried to ignore the tears stinging in the corner of his eyes as he finally took the time to process everything he had just lost, and grieve.
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starsfic · 3 years
10 Different Happenings: Red Son
In different worlds, there are different what-ifs.
Here’s ten what-ifs for Red Son
(1 is the Swap AU of @winterpower98, 2 is the roleswap au of @ninja-knox-ur-sox-off, 3 is @masterbuilderintern’s Spirit Monkie AU, 6 is inspired by an art piece done by @fre-dream, and 8 is Smoke, Flasks, and Unfinished Tasks by @skellebonez.)
It burned around him. Through him. In him.
There was something about it though... but did it matter? No. No, it didn’t. All that mattered, all that remained was the fire. He walked, focusing on the flames as he walked, focusing on the heat, the-
A voice?
Ignore it. It doesn’t matter.
“Red! Listen to me, please!” The walking stopped, although he wasn’t sure why. Some part of him demanded it, demanded he focus on the voice. It brought a different heat then the soothing flames. And... a memory. A memory of a pretty smile...
“Please come back to me.”
Then the heat was wrapping around him, almost overpowering the heat of the flames. It stroked... what? Pity? Sadness? Grief that the pretty smile’s owner was attached to something so foul...
The heat’s voice spoke again, in a whisper, low enough that he had to strain to hear it.
“I love you too.”
And then the hoop was around his neck and Red Son was back.
It had been bugging him since he had been knocked out.
Red had barely caught a glimpse of it, but the gold around everything revealed that it was the truth.
Xiaotian was currently rummaging through his closet, looking for a hairband before they headed to the arcade, leaving him to sit on his bed. Now was a perfect time.
Red took a deep breath and blinked. When he opened his eyes, the world was cast in a lovely shade of gold. Then Xiaotian stepped out of the closet. “Hey, Red. Ready to go?”
But he couldn’t respond.
Because the sight in front of him was both lovely and utterly awful.
Xiaotian was green, like a pretty jade figurine. But cracks ran through him, blue-green and yellow bouncing off each other to create an unsettling image. The worst part was the dragon wrapped tight around him, claws digging into his eyes, which were now nothing but blue-green.
Then Red blinked again.
“Red?” The world was back to color and Xiaotian was normal again. Except he wasn’t. “You okay?”
Was he?
Red groaned as he poked his head behind the corner, looking around. He resisted a shiver at the cold temperature- he had plenty of time to get used to the cold. “I can’t believe you had to wake me up of all people.”
Behind him, the dragon girl snorted. “You’re welcome, your Highness.”
The title was only reminding him of the blue and white robes he wore, stuff he would save for his mother’s stuffy dinner parties. Stuff that Xiaotian had dressed his sleeping body in.
Okay, time to go away from those thoughts.
“All that power going to his head,” Red explained, looking around again. “He needed something to tether him to what’s real. Someone on his side.” And Red had happily been that tether, making sure Xiaotian didn’t do something too wild. He whirled around on her.
She needed to know how badly she’d screwed up.
“In the dreaming world, I could talk to him any time I wanted. What you just did-”
And the chill became an overwhelming cold.
Red breathed out, noting the clouds that had formed at the breath, and sighed.
“You just took a knife to that tether.”
When the message about his father’s defeat at Sun Wukong’s hands came, Red turned back to his meditation.
Princess Iron Fan waited for her son to come home, but he never did.
When Xiaotian came down, he found DBK madly cackling, red painting his hands.
Red Son turned the necklace over in his hand, considering it.
The Demon Bull family’s symbol was on the front in careful red strokes. His mother had assured him that he’d always worn it. And besides, it would remind their enemies who their defeat came at the hands of... except that had been a lie. It had all been lies.
“I think I had a traumatic childhood.” he admitted out loud.
Both to himself and the black-furred monkey next to him.
Red stared at the image.
He blinked, rubbed his eyes, and then returned to staring.
On-screen was the campus’ latest meme. He couldn’t tell you if he wanted to what the words were. What he was focused on was the image that created the meme.
It was of him.
Dressed in what could barely be called an outfit, just a piece of gossamer fabric that had been wrapped around him for practice of fabric, lunging at Qi Xiaotian. He could remember the event- it was last Friday, his most recent modeling session. He and Xiaotian had been doing their regular argument when the latter had said something and...
He hadn’t been able to control the urge to throttle him.
And now the outline of his ass was out for all to see.
Red barely noticed the screen of his phone cracking under his grip. All he could focus on was finding that stupid noodle boy and finishing the job.
His father was gone.
His father... was gone. Had left him. Had disowned him and cast him out and abandoned him. Was never coming back for him.
Red Son felt his knees grow weak. He collapsed onto them, staring at where he had last seen his father. Unnoticed by him, tears rolled down his face, turning to steam as they touched his skin.
He wasn’t sure how long he stayed there, on his knees in the little corner his father had secluded them in. At least he had given him the mercy of privacy before disowning him.
Finally, Red Son staggered to his feet.
With nothing else to it, he disappeared in a rush of flames.
Heading towards Flower Fruit Mountain.
Xiaotian and Xiaojiao stared at the scene- the empty digsite and the fact that Red Son was digging in the middle of it.
He paused. “Don’t worry. I won’t attack. There’s no need anyway. It’s all gone.”
“Then...” Xiaotian paused to reach the bottom of the slope. He held out his staff just in case. “Why are you digging?”
“Oh, it’s simple really. My parents needed this artifact to power Father’s armor since going after the staff would be a waste of time.” Unwillingly, Xiaotian’s grip tightened on his staff. He and Xiaojiao shared an uncertain look. “Since I failed my last mission, I thought hey! A chance to make up for it! Except,” Red gestured grandly to the dig site, empty of people.
And artifacts.
“And I can’t go back empty-handed! Not like last time! So,” Red Son returned to pawing through the dirt. “This is my grave.” He glanced over his shoulder, his wide grin and messy hair revealing his unravelling state. “Want me to dig you two ones as well?”
The two shook their heads.
“Suit yourself.” Without another word, Red Son faceplanted in the dirt, dragging dirt over his head.
Xiaotian and Xiaojiao shared another worried look.
Oh boy...
Red Son stared at the scene in front of him. Finally, he had to speak.
“And, pray tell, do you want me to join this little...” He picked up one of the figurines. It looked like the Noodle Boy’s little sister, the real one glaring at him, except this figurine was dressed in white and blue. “Gaming session of yours?”
“Uh, because it’s fun?” The Dragon Girl handed him a figurine. Much to his displeasure (and secret amusement) it was of him. A little scowl on his face and all. “Come on... It’ll be fun!”
“That’s your opinion.” the pig demon said. The next moment, he winced as if she kicked him.
Red eyed the rest of the room. Sun Wukong didn’t seem to be paying attention, quietly whispering to the Noodle Boy’s sister. The Noodle Boy himself seemed to be unsure but was still smiling gently. The pig was rubbing his leg, whispering to the scholar.
“Fine.” He sat down at the table, resisting an urge to make a face at the cheap beer that was pushed over.
“Now that’s settled,” Wukong grinned from his place. “Let’s begin.”
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starbuckie · 4 years
Malia’s 400 Follower Writing Challenge!
Hey there, my gorgeous, lovely followers! First of all, thank you so, so much for 400 followers!! This is incredible that there are 400, let me repeat, four-fucking-hundred people following me on this hellsite, that enjoy my friendship and/or writing. It’s nearly been a year on tumblr, and every piece of writing I’ve published, the friends I’ve made have just been absolutely monumental in my life. 4 is one of my lucky numbers, and so as a tribute to that times 100, I figured that now would be a great time to have a writing challenge. As I work on a few fics of my own, I’d also love to see what y’all come up with as well, so let’s go :)
Tumblr media
rules (ugh i don’t like that word let’s go with guidelines):
- you don’t actually gotta be following me, but that’d be pretty cool
- if you could be so kind, even if you don’t participate, please please reblog, as that would be very much appreciated
- to participate just send me an ask with the prompt or prompts you’ll be using, and the character you’ll be writing for. you can definitely choose two prompts from separate categories, but remember that prompts will become unavailable after two requests
- i’m pretty versatile with fandoms, so i’m gonna say marvel, harry potter, supernatural, star wars, criminal minds, bridgerton, and any sebastian stan characters, but if you’d like to write for a character not in any of those fandoms just tell me in the ask (so basically any fandom, i don’t know how to speak)
- please be x reader! doesn’t have to be fem!reader at all, but please make it y/n
- the fics can be any length, a drabble, headcanon, oneshot, twoshot, series, just make sure to tag me in any multipart fics because i’d love reading all your amazing fics
- while any fics are welcome (angst, fluff, smut, darkfic), i draw the line at incest and pedophilia, and make sure to TAG AND WARN YOUR FICS PROPERLY. if you are under eighteen and i see you have requested to write a smut fic, i will say a big fat NO because you should not even be reading that.
- to make sure i see it, make sure to use the tag #mals400followerwritingchallenge and tag me in it
- if i don’t reblog your fic within two days just shoot me an ask or message because i may just be dead or my tumblr is being stupid, and i will get my ass in gear
- all the fics will be put on a masterlist i’ll have on my masterlist as they are submitted, and it will be reblogged every time a new fic is added
- i know a lot of us may be in school right now or have jobs and families and shit just happens and sucks sometimes so i’m gonna make the deadline june 30, and you can sign up or submit any fics until then :)
NOW FOR THE PROMPTS:)) btw, all the line prompts are from @a-cure-for-writers-block​
angst line prompts:
“This will be the last time you lie to me.”
“You know it’s not like that.”
“How could you think this wouldn’t hurt me?”
“You’re never going to be the same after this.”
“I just think it’d be best if we never met.”
“I can’t believe you would even think to leave me like this.”
“You never loved me, did you?”
“It didn’t have to be like this, but now you’ve ruined everything.”
“What did you want once this was all through? Tell me!”
“You could’ve- could’ve stayed. You could’ve helped me fix things.”
“This isn’t going to be fixed. You’ve ruined this for good now.”
“I hope I’m not put in the same part of hell as you.”
“When did you think you could hurt me again? Today? Tomorrow?”
“You’re back in my life and I want to die again.”
“You only ever brought me pain and I’m sick of it.”
“You put yourself in that position! That wasn’t my doing!”
“When was it that you realised that you didn’t love me?”
“I really think it’s easier for people when I’m not around.”
“I know, but you didn’t have to use them like that!”
“I’m not someone who breaks easily, but I must commend you on this.”
random line prompts:
“You look like you’re going to punch me.” “I was actually going to kiss you, but if you’re into that sort of thing then I’m out.”
“I mean, if we hadn’t met at a strip club.”
“Can we get coffee?” “Is this a date or is it because you’ll end up strangling someone if you don’t get caffeine in your system.” “I shouldn’t have asked.” (@spaceodditybarnes with Bucky Barnes or Chris Beck)
“… and then he came up up to me and kissed me until I was-” “I’m going to have to tell you to shut up now.”
“We should do this again sometime!” “I would honestly rather do anything other than that again.” (@extremelyblackandwhite)
“I hope you don’t think that we all act like this.” “There’s more than just you? Jesus.”
“I’m just tired.” “That’s understandable. Go and sleep, I’ll sort everything out.”
“You drank it?!” “Yes, it was quite delicious, did you know?”
“Can you just act normal for this evening. It’s all I’ll ask of you.” “You’re asking for a lot then.”
“I haven’t got laid in like forever.” “Oh sorry, did I look like I was offering? Because I’m most certainly not.” (@adorkably​)
smutty line prompts:
“Do I look like I’m messing around? Do I look like I won’t punish you?”
“Fucking is a reward, but you haven’t been good.”
“Move an inch and you won’t be coming tonight.”
“You look just about good enough to eat.”
“Take your clothes off. Right now.”
“We’re really going to fuck here? What if someone sees us?” (@bvckysmoon​ with Bucky barnes)
“Hands behind your back.”
“Open your mouth for me, baby.”
“Is it good when I touch you here? Or maybe here?”
“You’re so in for it when we get home.”
“You can take it, you’ve done it before.”
“Just a little more.”
“I won’t apologise for marking you up, everyone should know you’re taken.”
“Suck on my fingers.”
“You look so good with my hands around your neck.”
“Keep your eyes open, look at me, baby.”
“Look how good you take it.”
“My baby, you did so well.”
“God, you feel amazing.”
“Swallow. All of it.”
enemies to lovers
friends to lovers
mutual pining
arranged marriage
sex pollen (@jimmypagesandbrianmayshair)
sharing a bed
slow burn
arranged marriage
unrequited love
childhood sweethearts
fake relationship
established relationship
Highschool AU
Soulmate AU
College AU (@spaceodditybarnes with Bucky Barnes or Chris Beck)
Coffee Shop AU (@jimmypagesandbrianmayshair)
Detective AU
Historical AU
Bodyguard AU (@i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend​ with Steve Rogers)
Bakery AU
Royal AU
Mob AU
Mythology AU
Modern AU
Hospital AU (@captainscanadian with Bucky Barnes)
Bakery AU
Demon AU
(Guardian!)Angel AU
Criminal AU
Burn - Hamilton
Dancing With Your Ghost - Sasha Sloan
Tears Dry On Their Own - Amy Winehouse
Silly Girl - Chloe Moriondo
Me and My Husband - Mitski
Something - The Beatles
Uptown Girl - Billy Joel (@blueberrythor with Bucky Barnes)
I Can’t Help Myself - Four Tops
She - dodie
Let’s Fall in Love for the Night - FINNEAS (@subtlebucky with Valkyrie)
Everybody Loves Somebody - Dean Martin
A Sunday Kind Of Love - Etta James
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Hi. You can call me PD (Pronouns She/her and They/them). And I like Regular Show. And I like making AUs about Regular show and I made this blog so I don't clog up my main blog with them. Please be aware that I am going to make AUs at an alarming rate, because I have nothing better to do. Most of these AUs are also crossovers because I really like those
Also as a quick disclaimer, if you like Benson and would like him to be alive, you will not like this blog. Trust me. You won't
Current AUs
(Note: The ones in bold are the ones I hyperfixate on the most)
Doug and Park AU - An AU where Mordecai and Rigby are roleswapped with Doug Shablowski and Park Avenue respectively. That's the whole AU
Everything Is Fine AU - a crossover with this kinda obscure webcomic where Mordecai and Margaret both live together in a society that actively punishes people who do not fit the status quo in harsh ways, and I don't have much planned because the webcomic only finished it's first season. Go read it, please I'm begging you
Wizard With a Gun AU - An AU for an as of now unreleased game that you should play when it is released. It's what it says on the tin. Everyone is a wizard. And they have a gun
FNAF AU - Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man and Hi-five Ghost work or used to work at a pizza place with animatronics. Benson has an argument with Mordecai in his office and he overeacts just a tad bit and kills him. Benson hides his body in the freezer. The others find him in the freezer, Benson locks them in the freezer and they all die. Lovely. But then they posses the animatronics and fuck with the guards until the place is closed and Benson dies in a fursuit. Very lovely. Then he goes to the Fazbear Fright of the AU and then it burns down
Mystery Flesh Pit AU - The park workers work at a strange national park owned by the Anodyne CEO, Benson Dunwoody. It's just funny shenanigans of body horror and horrible deaths until the 2007 incident where everything goes horribly wrong. Most of the park workers escape and Benson dies. I don't know how but it's in a way that makes being apart of the Circus Clown Chymus look comfortable
Hotline Miami AU - In 1989, strange phone calls start popping up giving people locations and different animal masks and they tell them to kill people from the Russian mafia, this strange group does this by manipulation and threats. Six of these individuals, Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man, Hi-five Ghost (he has a human name I gotta think about it), Skips and Park Avenue are all visited by a strange being known as Richard who asks them questions about their morality. Still working on it. All I know is that it involves the park workers (and Park) dressing up as animals (they're humans in this AU) and killing lots of people, and maybe each other too. Benson is also a really, really terrible piece of shit
Mandela Catalog AU - Things in this AU is actually... Regular... Too Regular. There may not be giant evil arcade game monsters, a bunch of baby ducks or even sandwiches that kill you, but rest assured, there's still something. And honestly between the chaos you originally got, and the chaos you have now, you might want to go back to we're you were before. Because trust me, even if things seem more peaceful, nothing is worth the risk
Dinosaur AU - Regular Show... But they are Dinosaurs
The Amazing Digital Circus AU - Benson is trapped in a strange digital world with numerous past enemies (and some girl he might have known) and they all go on adventures being terrible to each other. Except for the only nice one. The only nice one
Again. I will probably add more so yeah :)
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2020 Masterlist
Here’s a list of all the fics I’ve posted this year! (Listed by category, then chronologically:)
Link to my ao3 where you can read all of these: embarrassingresultofmyfreetime
Currents wips:
And They Were Quarantine Mates
An old disease has resurfaced on Earth- one which most humans recover from but is permanently lethal to Time Lords.
Because of this, the Doctor stays on Earth to make sure her humans make it through okay.
And because of the Doctor, the Master- against his better judgement- also chooses to stay.
Reluctant to leave the safety of the Doctor's Tardis, the Doctor and the Master find plenty of ways to pass the time but it can be difficult to enjoy each other's company with so many things left unsaid.
Good thing they have plenty of time in isolation to work it out.
Word Count: Currently 88,172
Spyfall: Battle For Humanity
This is a little number I like to call: Roleswap AU with Dhawan!Doctor and Whittaker!Master
It's sort of a rewrite of Spyfall p2 but it's better.
Word Count: Currently 5,688 (will be about 12k when finished)
Main fics (completed):
Please Tell Me Why Do We Worry
Summary: After learning about the final loss of Gallifrey, the Doctor takes some time to grieve and finds herself with surprisingly mixed feelings about the whole ordeal.
To her surprise, a knock at her Tardis door soon reveals the Master not only alive, but in uncontrollable mental agony as he reveals that the Doctor's suffering has been amplifying his own emotions via their telepathic bond.
Note: (After so many kind and positive comments on this fic, I finally gained the confidence to start posting more! A huge thank you to so many people it means so, so much to me!)
Word Count: 5,068
Second Chances
When Graham finds a teleportation cube offering an all-expenses-paid vacation, he, Ryan, and Yaz take up the offer and give the seemingly-distant Doctor some time to herself.
After the events of Skyfall 1&2, the trust between the trio and a certain timelord is shaken. However, when their vacation quickly becomes a nightmare, it's up to the Doctor to bring about peace on an upsettingly familiar planet.
Note: (A rewrite/fix it of S11 episode Orphan 55)
Word Count: 7,130
All’s Fair In Love And War
Having escaped alive and alone, the Master dwells on his failure and uncertainty at what to do next.
Purely by accident, he runs into a version of the Doctor he's never met before and she gives him a much needed perspective on their relationship.
Word Count: 4,653
Truth and Reconciliation
“I... I destroyed a lot of things, but not this... trove of secrets. This is what started it all.”
Missing Scene where the Master goes to Gallifrey and discovers the truth of the timeless child for the first time + alternate ending to The Timeless Children episode
Word Count: 7,563
The Doctor Finally Gets Some Rest
(Ch2 update Missy pov)
The Doctor promised to guard Missy for 1000 years, but Missy doesn't mind returning the favor.
Word Count: 5,671
I Wouldn’t Wish It On My Best Enemy
"Just deserts appeared to finally be served for the Doctor. All her running had come to an end, all the lives she's taken or caused had finally been assigned a numerical value, and all the morals she had once believed in seemed to crumble to dust right before her eyes.
A life sentence.
She had JUST BEEN TOLD she would never die, and the first thing the universe does is give her a life sentence.
What kind of cruel joke is that?"
Basically: The Doctor reflects on herself while in prison, the Master rescues the Doctor and actually helps her, and idk read the tags
Word Count: 4,629
Brand New Reality
In an alternate timeline: The Master is killed in the Time War but the Doctor finds a way to salvage his oldest friend's mind by binding it to his Tardis and building him an android vessel as a way to interact with the physical world.
The Doctor also manages to save the Time Lords from their war- but he is still a renegade in their eyes. As punishment, the High Council uses the Doctor- and by extension the Master- as their personal diplomats/field agents.
The Master isn't too happy about being trapped on the Doctor's Tardis, the Doctor is fed up with being the equivalent of a dog on a leash to the Time Lords, so in a moment of anger and also pure luck- they break out from their world and end up on a parallel one with a very different version of their universe and very different versions of themselves.
(Shalka!Universe Doctor and Master meet their modern counterparts- the Thirteenth Doctor and Dhawan!Master)
Word Count: 10,148
The Imposter(s) Among Us
The Doctor has been searching the universe for the Master, but it's only when she takes a break to help a damaged space vessel that she runs directly into him!
The Doctor has a hundred and one things to ask him, but there's no time for any of that now. The ship is barely functional and if the mysterious murderer doesn't get to the Doctor first, then the trigger-happy crewmates might throw her out the airlock before the killer gets a chance.
Word Count: 12,655
My Dear, Doctor…
The Doctor investigates an anomaly to find that her previous self has stood up their oldest friend for the umpteenth time.
Confused as to why the Doctor can't recall ever receiving Missy's invitation in the first place, the Doctor goes searching for answers and ends up finding far more letters than just one…
Word Count: 6,657
And They Were Happy Au Parts 1-4:
Part 1: Dinner and a Show
All his lives, the Master had always believed that he and the Doctor could hold on for about the same amount of time. He always imagined that when they reached their last lives, they would both give all this up and spend their retirement years bickering and raising bees or whatever. The Master didn't particularly like bees, but he had always imagined that the Doctor did and as long as they were together, that was enough to satisfy him.
What he had discovered in the Matrix had proved his ideal endgame impossible.
The revelation that the Doctor was The Timeless Child meant that the Doctor would always live on. They would always evolve and survive no matter what happened. The Doctor would always race to people in need; and now, they would never have any reason to stop.
(AU where the reason the Master wanted the Doctor to kill them both in The Timeless Child is bc he's on his last life)
Word Count: 5,120
Part 2: Dinner and a Show One-Offs
"The Doctor did her best to space out her visits with O. For every couple adventures she had with her 'fam', she would stop by his home once or so. Sometimes she let months slip by, because she knew that the longer she waited, the less of O's limited time she used up.
She felt guilty to calculate it, but if O was already in his mid-thirties and he lived a full human life...
Suffice it to say, she wanted it to last for as long as possible. She had never had a situation as stable nor as safe as she now had with O. After everything they had both been through to get to this point, she refused to jeopardize a single moment.
For all the pain the Master had caused her, O was well worth the wait."
(By popular demand, a continuation of 'Dinner and a Show')
Word Count: 10,926
Part 3: Unjustifiable
O- having no recollection of his actions as 'The Master'- returns to being Earth's Horizon Watcher.
O is proud of his work and he cherishes the Doctor's frequent visits, but it's becoming increasingly apparent that she's been keeping more secrets about his past than he had theorized.
To make matters worse, the arrival of an advanced species of aliens on his doorstep brings with it a whole new plethora of problems. Something terrifying resurfaces when O hears they're searching for a Tardis and things go terribly wrong.
Word Count: 23,870
Part 4: Found Family
The Master finally gets around to seeing the universe in a more peaceful way and runs into a young woman looking for her father.
Word Count: 3,663 (Will possibly be updated at a later date, but complete for now)
Oneshots Inspired by others (specific inspiration in the beginning notes of each):
All Alone In The Dark
While heading back to Earth, the Doctor hears someone calling for her help.
She tracks it back to the Master- injured yet alive- and finds him trapped in his own head, reliving his last confrontation with The Time Lord Council before the destruction of Gallifrey.
Word Count: 1,926
You Again
The 10th Doctor and Missy each escape their last canon appearances believing that the other is dead for good.
So imagine their surprise when they run into each other at a party in the 1920's.
Word Count: 6,943
Sick Day
The Master has everything set up for his latest evil scheme but when he tracks down the Doctor, he realizes his best enemy is in no condition to fight. So the Master does what any good nemesis does and takes care of him.
Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
Word Count: 2,807
Prompt: "Right now, I don't know if I want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge!" "Can I pick?"
The Master’s Tardis had traced the call seven minutes in advance to this exact time and location. He pushed open his Tardis door to find himself in front of some no name bar with graffiti scrawled on the side, situated in front of an empty ravine. He was on Earth, and there was probably a similarly ramshackled city around him, but he didn’t so much as spare it a glance.
The Master’s steps were determined, his jaw clenched, and his hands shaking despite his signature device in hand.
He had been on the other side of the universe, licking his wounds like any old villain would when disappointed by their latest nemesis showdown. It all made his blood boil to have caved so soon. To come back and HELP the Doctor.
The Doctor still had O’s number and her call was scheduled to be made in exactly seven minutes. A hysterical, agonizing call that begged the Master to intervene. He wasn’t sure what was worse, hearing the Doctor in so much despair, or the disappointment that hearing her in such agony somehow didn’t lessen his own.
Word Count: 2,410
The Beginning and The End
Prompt: First Doctor, Dhawan!Master, Gallifrey, and the dialogue: "I know my words mean close to nothing for you. But I do, in fact, love you very much."
Basically Theta (Academy Era Doctor) accidentally runs into the Master on a burning Gallifrey
Word Count: 4,499
Kisses Like That
The Doctor's never understood why humans enjoy kissing so much- but a certain, somewhat familiar woman piques his interest.
(Missy goes back in time to give 10 a lil kiss)
Word Count: 1,885
Spyvember 2020
Collection of short fics I did inspired by Spyvember prompts (from Tumblr)
Word Count: 15,506 (6 separate chapters)
Thank you to everyone who has inspired me, commented on my work, read any of my writing, and overall has just supported me in any way this year!! Thank you for keeping me motivated and helping me improve as a writer!
My best wishes to you in the new year! <3
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seoafin · 4 years
Me: *sees yuki tsukumo* do u smell the pOtenTiAL? Idk, but she seems a little shady to me. I think her talk played a big part in... y'know. Everything that happened. (I am traumatised about this. I need to re read the HI arc bc of a ff of mine but... am i ready for the angst? No. Will i read it nevertheless and cry? Yes.) Geto is torn between remaining sane and miserable and going bersek, and boom. There she comes. What happens after their little talk? Boom. A goddamn slaughter. *squints suspiciously in direction of yuki.* plus, even the brain getwo himself doesn't seemed too pleased to see her. Idek at this point, jjk is way too unpredictable for my poor brain. Gege pls have mercy. Stop the angst. Or at least, hurting the children
Oh, and that roleswap au of yours where rip!mc takes geto's place and gets... brainswapped? (Is that a thing?) Is absolute gold. No really. Had me wheezing this morning and chanting in my room something along the lines of omygodthisisgenius. Which makes me think: when did the... brainswap thingy happened? Would brain!mc chose to ally herself with it (go to hell maSHITo), jogo hanami and co? Most importantly, would suguru side with her and tell gojo: oh btw, our almost-girlfriend is back from the dead but she's an impostor, anyway bye? Would they even find out? When?? (So many qUeSTioNs)
oh yeah she’s shady as hell LOL but...hnghhhh she’s hot and drives a motorcycle im so WEAK....
my anons are galaxy brained bc all their ideas for the AU are heartbreaking lmaooo
i’d say rip!mc died after geto defected probably (she quit afterwards). and i’d assume that the brain’s objective would be the same but since rip!mc died so early, mahito (and the other curses) probably haven’t been born yet. so that means that the brain’s had a lot longer to plan. good luck @ the college lmao
so maybe the brain joins forces with geto in the meantime because it’s geto’s body it covets, and rip!mc’s body is just a means to end until then. but then the brain finds geto much more.... open to negotiations in rip!mc’s body because when she bats her eyelashes and calls his name so sweetly the brain sees the split indecision that flashes across geto’s face and ultimately decides that maybe it doesn’t have to be so impatient to steal geto’s body!!
since we don’t know what or who the brain is currently, that’s is all i can say but geto going to gojo??? them temporarily teaming up because they have a common enemy?? MWAH or maybe geto doesn’t go to gojo at all 👀
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xianglingslesbian · 4 years
way of kings, Satsuki’s moving castle (👀), Daiki’s basketball (👀👀), oh no he’s hot, and unstoppable force/immovable object pls
ah hihi! ty for the ask!! <3 this got very long so i am putting it under a cut
the way of kings
this is basically just a knb stormlight au lmaooo. i actually dont have much yet its just a vague outline and the main character placements. i also have to work out a LOT of stuff bc. heralds. i’ll list the placements i have for now!!
kaladin - hyuuga OR aomine i really cannot decide smh. EDIT HOLY SHIT MIDORIMA IS THE PERFECT KALADIN 
adolin - kise bc you cant tell me that ‘“fight me!” adolin said’ isn’t PEAK kise energy
shallan - .......izuki. puns? puns. also yay for shared insecurity complexes and refusal to address their own mental health
dalinar - kasamatsucchi <3 he has the eyebrows and the blue uniform don’t @ me
jasnah - uhh araki, solely because i didn’t wanna change au!jasnah’s gender. otherwise 100% would have been midorima
sadeas - imayoshit :) everyone flip off the manipulative bastard
renarin - kurokooooo!! okay but the idea of a person construed as weak finding their own way in the world is really similar b/w these two
sylphrena - momoi <333 syl rlly do have momoi energy tbh
i do have a couple more placements BUT idk where ur at in the series and it could be a potential spoiler so i’m gonna shut up now. tagging @serenesavagery bc i think she’d like this ily saori
satsuki’s moving castle
ok here’s an AU i actually have shit planned out for (and some chapters written) lmaooo it’s a momoi/riko howl AU!! riko = sophie + momoi = howl is rlly fun to write lol. also aomine is calcifer bc let’s be real that tiny fire demon was basically just demon!aomine. the chapter titles in this one are gold tbh i’m really proud of them -- examples are, “Do YOU Want A Charming Stranger To Sweep You Off Your Feet? [Not Clickbait]” and “Riko Aida Presents - Being Old Sucks, Part 1/? (Also, There's A Demon But That’s Not Important)”.
tiny snippet: 
Riko could feel the stirrings of heat in her cheeks as Satsuki pressed against her, arm laying on her hand. 
“Let me,” she said sweetly. Dazed, Riko did so, moving aside so Satsuki had better access to the food. 
“Hand me a couple of eggs and some more bacon, please,” Satsuki instructed. Riko complied, doing her best to keep her composure. This was the wicked wizard Satsuki, not just any pretty girl - she had to be on her guard. 
Satsuki cooked much the same way Riko did, planting a few doubts in the now-aged girl’s mind. Eggshells in the eggs, blackened bacon… perhaps her cooking really was bad.
Then again, from what she’d seen of Junpei, he did have a tendency to exaggerate.
“no its totally not gay for a girl to cook over your shoulder what do you mean” - aida riko, circa 1920 (approx. when this is set bc it follows the ghibli movie)
daiki’s basketball
yes its an aomine-kuroko roleswap yes i like torturing myself because it comes w/the bonus of inflicting this upon my readers. it’s my first multichapter, and like ewbts it’s also half posted and then i realised how shittily i’d written it so i started rewriting smh. the only redeemable bit about v1 is the summary bc it’s good for my summary standards: 
tetsu had changed. tetsu was no longer his partner. but daiki saw that same spark in kagami, and even if he wasn’t one for sappy romantic stuff like tetsu, maybe this time… maybe this time the light he picked would stay with him.
im not crying you are
a small snippet: 
“Well, you like painting. Maybe paint a basketball on the school wall or something?” Satsuki suggested absently, still looking at the giant chocolate fountain. It couldn’t hurt to go in and try it, right?
“Thanks, Satsuki.” Daiki’s voice had a sudden spark to it, and Satsuki’s eyes shot wide as she realised what she’d said.
“No - Dai, wait! You can’t-” But he’d already cut the call.
Oh, God save Satsuki Momoi.
(yes. he did actually. paint the fucking school wall. god save momoi indeed)
oh no he’s hot
this is an older idea but one i still love tbh! i have to work around the setting bc i wanna set it in not-america 😂 i have a summary written up which describes it well so i will plug it: 
Everything was in place. Zuko would have adopted Izumi by this time tomorrow; would have met the demands of his company; would be a father, the best one that he could. He had to admit he was a little more than excited - it’s not every day that you get to be a father, and especially not to a firecracker like Izumi. Now, if only Izumi’s social worker weren’t this attractive… and if only he weren’t the same man that Zuko had been absolutely, abominably horrible to the previous week.
its a zukka modern AU in which zuko is running his dad’s company after ousting ozai, and the board pressures him to get an heir. ace gay bean zuko decides he’ll adopt instead. also azula/katara subplot with katara being an intern at azula’s hospital (NOT in charge of azula tho bc that can lead to some weird power dynamics). highkey slowburn romance tbh. zukka hate each other for only a bit, but the friendzoning is unreal lmao
immovable object meets unstoppable force
this is a set of legend of korra rewrite oneshots! basically im trying to fix all the colorism, sexism and other issues + give a better rep to korrasami bc lbr we deserved more development. also side character rights <3 
i actually have posted one fic of it here so i suppose this counts as a snippet? its pema/lin hahaha yay for lesbians
thank you so much for this ask i just really ran away with it i get excited talking about my projects and wow now i have fuel for daiki’s basketball again so that might just be the one i finish soonest <3 
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seijuurouxryuu · 4 years
who are we in these unwanted skins
Title: who are we in these unwanted skins Author: Shiro (TeitoxAkashi [AO3]/ seijuurouxryuu [tumblr]) Rating: G Pairing: Sasagawa Kyouko & Sawada Tsunayoshi Event: @khrrarepairweek Prompts: Roleswap AU | Platonic Cuddles Tags/Warnings: No Archive Warning
Day 5: Rain Day
Her skin, doesn’t felt like her skin sometimes. Some days, it felt right as it should be, comfortable and her, but other days, she felt like she was an impostor, wearing someone else’s skin, stomping around in a body not hers.
Some days, she felt like she was alright, but other days, she felt like she should be another. 
Her skin, doesn't felt like her skin sometimes. Some days, it felt right as it should be, comfortable and hers, but other days, she felt like she was an impostor, wearing someone else’s skin, stomping around in a body not hers.
Some days, she felt like she was alright, but other days, she felt like she should be another.
And today was the day she felt weird. She—they—stared into the mirror, seeing themselves yet not, so familiar yet so foreign. They pulled at the dress that she would usually love and felt that it doesn't suit them. It made their skin itch and what they wanted to do was to peel it off their burning skin. It made them so uncomfortable, so aware of themselves. Weird. Out of place. They couldn't stand it.
They were aware that they were running late for their date with the other girls, but they couldn't help but stare longer at the mirror and their wardrobe, scanning again and again to see if there was anything that they can change into and let them feel alright. There was suits and all, of course, but they were all rather skin hugging and.... Girly. They felt that changing into anything else that is in their wardrobe wouldn't make them feel any better. It might make them feel worst.
They bit down on their lips hard.
Suddenly, their phone rang--thank god white and neutral, breaking them from their trance and almost panic episode. They hurriedly picked it up from their dressing table and finally—finally—turned away from the mirror.
"Hey! Sorry I got lost track of time. I'm coming over right now!" They turned off the lights and headed out, a mask of comfort in place.
The incident was soon forgotten as time passed. She soon returned to herself, distracted by her friends and life in general. It was as though a dream, now that she looked back on it. Like it was just her imagination, that it never existed.
At least, until it hit her again, harder.
They looked around their room, far too pastel, and felt uncomfortable all over. If it wasn't their room, they wouldn't feel anything but it was theirs. They are used to the pinkish orange wallpaper, so that was fine, but the dressing table, the wardrobe, the bed sheets—too pastel. It wasn't the furniture's fault as much as it was theirs, but they were out of their norm that they couldn't actually convince themselves that it was alright. Not to mention that they still couldn't find any clothes relatively suitable for them at the moment.
It was difficult.
They closed their eyes and sighed, lips trembling slightly. They would have to buy new clothes. At least, some that can be used when they have moments like this. (Yes, they acknowledged that they felt very weird some days and it just made them annoyed, unworthy and guilty.)
They sat up abruptly.
Picking up their phone and wallet, they checked their money and decided to pull out some more from their drawer that they saved from the previous allowances. Before they went out, they stopped and looked down at their clothes—a knee length shorts and a plain white t-shirt. Pondering for a while longer, they decided to steal Ryohei's hoodie and left.
As it was a weekend and they didn't want anyone who recognise them to know what they were doing in the shopping district, they pulled the hood over their head and scanned through all the boutiques. They avoided the normal boutique they frequent—those sells clothes that they didn't really desire at the moment anyway—and looked for more gender neutral or masculine ones.
They paused right in front of one, pretty small and unpopular one, that was probably going under. Which was understandable because those clothes looked old and ugly—if they were targeting young people anyway. But they found that they have a selection of plain shirts, sweaters and black jeans—long and short—that looked nice and acceptable. Not to mention that it was on sales.
Tugging the hood lower, they headed in and started browsing, picking up a few as they go. They didn't want to try it now so they just picked a size larger than they normally wear. It wasn't until they had more about 8 articles in their arm when the shop owner—or they presumed—appeared.
"W-welcome to the Goldmine. H-how can I help you?" Perhaps they were probably too zoned out mentally calculating their money and the cost, they couldn't recognize the voice and mumbled. "It's okay. I'll look through on my own."
Then silence.
Perhaps finally realizing that something was wrong, they looked up just in time for the worker to stutter incredulously. "K-kyoko-chan?"
They flinched so hard that they almost dropped everything on their hand. Their hands trembled as they tried to smile. "A-ah, Tsuna-kun!"
Tsuna tilted his head, blinking. He wasn't as nervous as he was before, and he was curious. And worried. Kyoko's face was pale and fearful, eyes darting anywhere but him. It wasn't like the Kyoko he knew—something was wrong.
"W-what are you doing here?" Kyoko asked first, a little skittish. Tsuna, bless his soul, decided not to question Kyoko (yet) and started complaining. "Well!" He sighed loudly as his shoulder sagged. "Reborn is the reason. He suddenly asked me to tend this run-down shop and tell me to hit /a week's/ target sale in one day!" He grumbled, ruffling his hair roughly.
"Worst, this isn't even his shop! He just—accidentally injured the owner and decided to leave me to clean up his own mess! It was bad enough that no even a fly would come in, how am I going to hit the target!"
If he could, he would've wailed until the whole world could hear.
Somehow, through his rant, Kyoko finally calmed down and laughed. "Well, that's Reborn alright."
"No shit..." Tsuna grumbled under his breath. Seeing that there weren't any other customers and that Kyoko was probably still slightly uncomfortable, he asked. "Do you want to.... Talk inside? You don't have to say anything you don't want though. I can just wrap things up for you while we have some tea."
Kyoko hesitated. They looked down at the pile in their arm and bit their lips. They were caught, and they didn't want to give up on their finding. Not when they finally managed to muster the courage to choose men's clothing. They knew Tsuna wouldn't tell anyone if they didn't want others to know, and that Tsuna wouldn't judge them, but this was a secret they had held for almost their whole life. It wasn't easy for them to finally talk about it.
They looked up and right into Tsuna's brown eyes again, honest and kind. Accepting. And they finally nodded. "Yeah. Why not."
Tsuna smiled and brought them to the back of the shop. Surprisingly, despite its closing down, small and rather cluttered appearance, the storeroom slash employees rest room was clean and comfy. Probably the only place maintained by the owner. There was a small round table, two chairs and one sofa.
At Tsuna's gesture, Kyoko sat on the sofa and placed the pile of clothes beside them, patting it absently while the other moved around the small room rather clumsily to make tea. Setting it down with the cookies he managed to find, Tsuna sighed and plopped onto one of the plastic chairs.
"Thank you for appearing. With you here, I have an excuse for slacking off."
Kyoko laughed awkwardly. They gingerly reached out to the cup of tea—printed with Kero the frog—and sipped it. Surprisingly, it was calming. "I won't save you from Reborn."
"Welp I guess I'll just die."
"I'll help with the burial though."
Tsuna sobbed. "Harsh!" Kyoko chuckled and munched on some cookies, which weren't as delicious as the ones they made (yes, their bakery is the best shut up).
Seeing Kyoko happy at his demise, however, brought relief to Tsuna. The face Kyoko was sporting was similar to the one in the future-that-never-is, and Tsuna had sworn not to do anything that will brought forth that kind of face to his beloved family anymore, even if it wasn't him who cause it. (A part of him just wanted to X-burner everything that hurt his family down to nothing but ashes, but more of him knew that that wasn't possible.)
Tsuna tilted his head and smiled, eyes warm. It almost made Kyoko flinch again, because they felt like they don't deserve receiving kindness from Tsuna. Not since they became friends, not since they rejected Tsuna—they don't feel anything else other than familial love for the new brother they found—and especially not since they were so ungrateful for what they have. (Their clothes, beautiful and lovely, yet revolting in moments like this. Their body, perfectly flawed yet just a skin they wore uncomfortably in times like this.)
They didn't know what was so amazing about them to be accepted by the kindest and sanest person they knew. It made them happy, yet it made them guilty for something that they can't control.
Kyoko shifted uncomfortably, still eating the pastry while thinking about what they should say. It was times like this that they were bad at small talks. Not that they ever were good at it though. "U-um, Tsuna-kun..." They managed to get out, wincing slightly at how high pitched their voice was. God, they wish that they could just control their voice like a machine. They coughed and continued.
"... Please help me keep today's meeting a secret..." They plead, not ready for even the slightest moment to tell anyone else they knew.
Tsuna nodded immediately. Bless his soul, he didn't even ask about what and just took it as everything. "Sure." He smiled, uncharacteristically calm and understanding. "Until you're ready."
Kyoko suddenly has a hunch that the boy, now eighteen, knew what they were hiding.
Kyoko let out a watery smile and muttered, "Thank you."
It was emotionally wrecking, that day with Tsuna. Of course, Tsuna held onto his promise and did not speak about it even after he was punished by Reborn for slacking of, or so Kyoko had heard. She was very grateful for that, yet she was very guilty of that.
"I'm sorry, Tsuna-kun. For..." She trailed off as they stood on the roof of Namimori High, third year and graduating with the college entrance exams in the horizon. There were only the two of them, with Tsuna sporting a large bump on his forehead for getting hit by Xanxus who came to visit. (It was already a miracle that Xanxus came to visit, let alone not kill him.)
"Oh, it was nothing." He grinned, as though it never bothered him. That only made her even more guilty. She couldn't hold it any longer—especially not when the previous time marked such a huge scar in her heart. (Not the boutique encounter, but the one time she met Tsuna, Gokudera and Yamamoto outside again, except that her hair was tied into a tight bun and her clothes were the opposite of what she would where. Gokudera and Yamamoto had questioned her from heaven to hell since they were both curious and worried, and it was Tsuna who saved her out of it. It earned Tsuna a lot of troubles, trying to find excuse for her.)
Steeling her heart, she decided to talk about it. Tsuna wouldn't judge her. He never had, and he never will. Nodding to herself and taking a deep breath, she called out. "Tsuna-kun!"
Tsuna jolted, but kept quiet as she started rambling. "T-the thing is, there are days that I don't feel like--like me. Those days I hate the girly stuffs I own, and I hate- hate this body. I hate the world in those days and everything just makes me uncomfortable. I know I shouldn't feel that way and it doesn't make sense but I- I just don't feel like myself.
"I hate the fact that I am a girl then, and I just don't feel like anyone normal. I-" She sobbed, unaware that she had started crying during her vent. "I just wanted to be normal... That's why I tried... Wanted to have clothes that don't make me feel like a girl...
"I know this is selfish of me... I should just accept myself as who I am and appreciate everything I have, but I couldn't help it. I—" She choked. All the pain she harbored, all the guilt and sorrow she bottled, all overflowed out of the small cage she locked them in.
"I-I'm sorry..." She didn't dare to look up, not wanting to see Tsuna's face. She was afraid, afraid that she wouldn't be accepted. If she wasn't, she wouldn't blame Tsuna. Not when the boy remained her friend even after rejecting his feelings for her. (She never understood love other than the one she had with her family.)
Her hands trembled, sweating as she clutched them together tightly. She realized that she was afraid of losing this precious friend of hers.
Tsuna was silent for a long time, and just when she started to regret everything, Tsuna asked. "Can I hold you?"
Kyoko was so surprised by the question and looked up. Something, probably relief, swelled in her as she saw the smile, kind and accepting smile, on Tsuna's face. He reached out to her at her tiny nod, and hugged her tightly. He gently tucked her face onto his shoulder, calming her as he rubbed her head. "Sister mine," Her heart beat in delight at that. "First of all, don't apologize for what you feel.
"Don't apologize for who you are. You are you, you are just fine the way you are." He said softly as he cradled her. "Girl, boy, none, all, it doesn't matter. As long as you remain true to yourself, accept yourself, then it is all alright. I don't mind what you define yourself as, as long as it is not self-depreciation. And I'm sure no one else mind. If anyone does, then you are better off without them."
Kyoko sobbed louder, feeling liberated. "Thank you, Kyoko, for telling me. It must have been hard... I'm sorry that you have to suffer."
Kyoko shook her head, only for him to hush her more. “It’s fine if you aren’t ready to tell others—I’ll keep it a secret between the two of us. Only, you don’t have to hide from me anymore, okay?”
“D-don’t you think it’s… Weird?” Kyoko silently asked, a little afraid.
“Not really.” Tsuna said, then paused for a moment with his lips pursed. He was contemplating whether to tell Kyoko of his own secret. He trusts Kyoko, obviously, but he didn’t know whether it was okay to tell her. In the end, he decided that she was okay to know. He would carry the consequences later.
“… Actually—I’m a pan.” Kyoko blinked in surprise.
“You’re a cooking pan?”
“Wha—no! I mean—I’m pansexual.” Kyoko blinked again, flushing when understanding dawned her. “Oh.” She was glad that she currently had her face on his chest that he couldn’t see how red in shame she was.
“Yeah. But that’s mostly because I’m not really sure of my gender sometimes too… I might be a genderfluid, but I still haven’t properly settled on it yet… Which is why I said pan—because I’m more attracted to males.”
Kyoko jolted out of his arms and looked at him in the eyes. “Are you sure you’re okay to tell me all that?”
Tsuna smiled and shrugged. “Yeah, why not? It’s not exactly a secret actually. I just never told you guys.”
Kyoko was a little unhinged by how carefree Tsuna was with that. She had always been tormented by herself that she couldn’t understand how easily he accepted all that. “I…” Kyoko felt a little stupid and weird.
Tsuna reached out and patted her head. “Hey, I’m fine telling you because I know you will accept me regardless of how I am. I know the others will too. I just haven’t said anything because…” He trailed off before changing the subject. “I know it can be scary, to tell your loved ones who you truly are. After all, who knows how they will react. But Kyoko, we’re your friends—family—we will accept you for who you are, just as how you accepted us for who we are.”
Kyoko nodded as he continued. “You can take your time telling others. Do it whenever you are ready—but remember that we will love you still.”
She teared up a little and nodded again, smiling as she rubbed her eyes. “Yeah—thank you.” She sounded a little choked up, but relief was in her voice. “Thank you, Tsuna-kun.”
Tsuna hugged her again. “Anytime, sister. Anytime.”
If Gokudera and Yamamoto noticed how crumpled Tsuna’s shirt and how puffy Kyoko’s eyes were, they said nothing.
“Say, is the person who sexually awakened you Xanxus?”
Tsuna choked on his chips and coughed so hard that he almost dislodged Kyoko, who was lying on top of him reading his manga. They smirked as Tsuna turned red from the sentence (and the chips).
“I knew it.”
I've nothing to say :3c Happy reading.
Also yes, I did not edit it so I died like Byakuran COUGH
[I apologize for any grammar, spelling, etc. etc. mistakes]
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This will be a massive list that’s basically, in order: DNI/DNF, About, Rules, Main AU description, Muse List.
Sorry it’s so long. I’ll be editing the pages again, but it is kind of important to have a pinned post since pages aren’t viewable on mobile.
(I will likely edit things off and on and I may make temporary posts referencing to here when I do that; particularly with the muse list. Aka, working on adding George even tho he’s baby...)
Do NOT interact/follow me if you:
 Fit the general criteria (Anti-LGBT+ (including excluding any part of the community), Racist, Sexist, Etc. If your shit can be seen as hate speech Don’t Follow.)
If your blog is mostly NSFW/Kink. If I can skim your blog and not know, I don’t really care.
If you mostly rb discourse/drama. Like the above. Doesn’t matter if I can’t immediately tell, but once it’s a majority of your blog content it makes me anxious.
If you ship incest (J0/na/D10 ESPECIALLY COUNTS WITH THIS), because that shit is a huge trigger. Yes. Legitimate trigger. Don’t argue this with me.
If you ship underaged and adult characters, too. Please don’t. There’s people out there who like these things or don’t care, follow them instead, not me.
First off, this is kind of a mashup shitpost/ask/roleplay blog, though... I do usually tend to roleplay with very specific people (and my format is weird, but has an on blog reason to be), and tend to still use images in those. I’d rather not have a bunch of blogs so I kind of push it all into a couple, so feel free to come at me with anything! I try to be as inclusive as I can be. Though there are a few rules that weren’t covered in DNI.
Also, all blog “canon” overlaps with my Jotaro blog! (jotaro-hoards-belts) They both stem from the same AUs.
Obviously, no asks about ships that would be included in the above list.
While heavier content asks aren’t forbidden, I’d say to handle them with care. (Please consider the muse in question when considering how to bring up trauma. Aka I’d rather a “good” Dio not be taunted with his mother’s death; I’ve some headcanons that make that especially bad.)
Know that any triggering content in my stuff will be tagged and even if it’s of a certain variety I will not romanticize it. But I have some heavy headcanons and AU developments.
While muses can have a bit more freedom in reacting to muses on assumption, I’d rather muns and anons be openminded. For example, muses can be shitty about traumatic experiences, muns and anons cannot do that; however, anything that would relate to muses’ gender/orientation/race, I’d rather not deal with from muses OR muns.
AU Explanation:
With the rules out of the way, time to explain the AU situation. First thing’s first, is that actually all of this is kind of a multiverse situation. Think like Spiderverse or something like that, yeah.
I ALWAYS tag my AUs, now. I don’t have a list of which tags are for which AUs, but just clicking them and skimming them SHOULD clear some things up; if that doesn’t help just ask! I’m aware I do kind of a lot and it’s not always chronological, so I’m always A-Okay explaining things!
Fateswap is basically a Jonathan-Dio roleswap. Though, slap it with a heavy dose of butterfly effect and it basically means “oops everything’s different!” Granted, there are kind of 2 timelines, but I use completely different tags for those muses, so it should be easy to tell which is which. The one I usually use is also referred to as “Fateswap-B”, and it’s essentially the “main” timeline, now.
The general gist of the AU is Vampire Jonathan and Hamon User Dio. There’s other changes too, since I refer to it as “Fate” swap, not “Role” swap. Dio has George in the AU, for instance. There’s lots of changes, but instead of making this longer, I will just say that there’s always sending asks to muses. (Or to me, but it’s a character ask blog for a reason, yeah?)
This blog will stay more focused on Part 1 of the AU, outside of events. If you’d like to ask about other parts, my ‘Jotaro’ blog is at part 6 in the AU!
Muse List:
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Name: Dio Joestar Display name: Ham!Dio Age/DOB: 25 // April 20 Height: ~5'10"/178cm AU: Fateswap-B ;; fateswapSCRATCH.exe AU Overview: Dio turns Jonathan into a vampire, learns hamon, then- wait. Oops Time traveled, learned life (more like death) spoilers and decided to apologize instead of go for the kill. Extra info: By the power of unexpected time travel and universe hopping he was set on a path that basically can be summed up as “Fateswap but mostly everyone lives.” Has since bettered himself and, to split all associations with a certain man, has just taken his adoptive family’s last name. He avoids fighting as best as he can. He lives with Erina who helps him take care of his son, George. He also has been adopted by or adopted various JoJos. Give him the chance and he’ll adopt more. Also, did I mention? Dude fucking hates moose.
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Name: Erina Pendleton Display name: FS!Erina Age/DOB: 23 // March 18 Height: ~5'10"/178cm AU:  Fateswap-B ;; fateswapSCRATCH.exe AU Overview: [See Dio’s entry.] Extra info: Lives with Dio to help raise George; only slightly regrets it. With her around you can’t roast Dio in any way that matters, she’s got it covered. She takes no shit and is always prepared to fight, and isn’t scared of much; regularly tussles a hungry vampire. Loves moose only because Dio hates them. Despite that, and other ways in which she harasses Dio she’d consider him her best friend at this point. If you care for your life don’t imply they are anything more in front of her. She helps Vampjo hunt for food; or rather, does it for him. Definitely considers Jonathan to be another dear friend, and truthfully nothing more.
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Name: Jonathan Joestar Display name: Vampjo Age/DOB: 24 // April 4 Height: ~6'5"/195cm AU: Fateswap-B ;; fateswapSCRATCH.exe AU Overview: [See Dio’s entry.] Extra Info: Despite needing to eat people to survive, he’s quite hesitant to kill. With Erina’s help he eats anyway, to stop from attacking innocent people, or the few people he cares about. He definitely has a lot bottled up, though doesn’t like to speak much until he warms up. He also tends to try to stay to himself, though is slowly becoming more comfortable around people since completely isolating himself proves to just be self destructive. As such he goes from staying at Windknight’s Lot, to staying in the manor, moving between the two depending on how he feels. He is far from completely trusting Dio again, but does his best to be at least moderately friendly. Mostly for Erina and George’s sakes.
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Name: Dio Pendleton Display name: ??? Age/DOB: 23 before death. // April 20 Height: ~5'10"/178cm AU:  Previously Fateswap-A ;; fateswapDisk1.exe         Currently lives in between universes ;; withinTheFurthestRing.exe AU Overview: Turned JoJo into a vampire, tried to kill him but only destroyed his body, married Erina, had George, then got killed and body snatched. Basically Hamon Dio without the cross universe stuff. Also is now a dullahan, of sorts. Nice. Extra info: His head will come off if his ribbon is removed. Also, since he’s a really busted ass ghost who is NEVER invisible he drains the energy of the surrounding area like a bitch, making places he goes cold. Used to use Joestar-Brando as last names but after finding the rest of his family he took Erina’s last name like mostly everyone else did. They just chill in between universes, now. Also the best way to describe how he acts is Hamon Dio but if the only thing he felt bad about was disrespecting Erina and not All Of The Bullshit He Did. Has been recently given a bit of a gift...
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dragynkeep · 4 years
Neo politain for Owl please?
send a character & i’ll tell you my.
first impression.
ohmygod i’m fucking in love look at her outfit LOOK AT HOW SHE KICKED YANGS ASS GO BABY GO —
impression now.
it’s really become evident that everything i did enjoy about neo was either a. tied to her relationship with roman or b. has been dropped from her entirely so she can be cinder’s lackey. it feels worse & less fulfilling than the relationship she had with roman because you could tell roman respected & cared for neo ; whereas cinder’s lack of a character combined with her uppity, derisive attitude to neopolitan just Annoys me. neo & cinder is walmart neo & roman with none of the pizzazz or flair that made the latter enjoyable & neopolitan’s character suffers the most for it.
favorite moment.
her & roman absolutely curbstomping ruby on the airship. it absolutely showed off just how good they are at fighting with the other, how much they trust each other & truly how dangerous she is, not only alone but with her other half. we saw neo about to kill yang before raven deus ex machina’d in, but this was the first time i was truly afraid for ruby because she just stood no chance against them.
second favourite is her bouncing cinder around lil’ miss malachite’s hideout & then when they’re outside, it reveals to her wearing roman’s hat & you don’t even need to think about what she’s been through or what her motivation is, you just know. it killed me to see that.
idea for a story.
i’ve seen a few interesting roleswap aus for the bad guys if they were the good guys, i’d love to see one come to life in fanfic form. other than that, her life before roman or how he found her would be number 1 way to get me Weak.
unpopular opinion.
neo shouldn’t of been brought back rip. everything that made her fun with roman has been completely sucked out in her partnership with cinder, because while neo is fun, she’s not a developed enough character to stand on her own & while roman was, cinder most definitely is not. combine this with neo now being a glorified lackey & getting her ass beat by oscar of all people, yeah. pls bring back og neo lmao.
favorite relationship.
roman. it’s absolutely neo’s defining relationship, whether romantic or not, because everything about neo eventually redirects back to him, to their bond. one thing encapsulates just how much she misses him & how she’s willing to go to the ends of the earth to avenge his death & everyone who had a hand in. get u an mvp like neo lmao.
favorite headcanon.
neo after v3 kept her eyes green most of the time because she liked to look in the mirror & see roman’s gaze staring back at her.
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