#Plo who is so tired of this: children please
sixtysixproblems · 9 months
so i saw some sort of clickbaity article when the ahsoka show was still coming out about how baylan was going to be revealed to be plo koon's former padawan, and this has been canon to me ever since. like it just works so well. also, the wolf motif.......my dudes I came up with the most cursed friendship (crackship) as a result of this, send help
Wolffe hates him instantly because of some miscomunication I haven't decided, meanwhile Baylan can sense it and is like "this guy's fascinating...anyways--" (proceeds not to think about him at all or resolve the situation in the slightest)
Baylan, internally: oh it's that strange commander again. alright (starts zoning off about the Mortis gods)
Wolffe, internally: I can't kill him, Plo would be sad. I can't kill him, Plo would be sad. I can't kill him, Plo would be sad, I can't fucking kill him-
Plo, who can sense both of these:
they do become friends though (eventually) and tease Plo about Ahsoka. Plo's glad his son-figures close friends are finally getting along, but at what cost?
Baylan: We have both been replaced. Forsaken
Wolffe: *nods morosely*
Baylan: You as his favorite Commander, and me as his favorite Padawan.
Wolffe: Betrayal.
Plo: I'm not even training Soka...
ALTERNATELY, if they met in some post-order-66 AU
Baylan: ...You're Commander Wolffe, correct?
Wolffe: *only vaguely recognizes his face, has no idea who he actually is* and what about me
Baylan: *ignites lightsaber* and you were General Koon's commander who carried out order 66, also correct?
Wolffe: *finally connecting the dots on who this guy is* oh fuck me
Plo, entering after the fight started: NO, BAYLAN, PUT HIM DOWN (pulls out spraybottle)
Wolffe: (stares at toddler Shin) what is that. is it possessed
Baylan: * head tilt * I believe I'm going to try and kill you again
Plo: *distracted* I HAVE A ✨GRANDCHILD✨???
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Can you explain Palestine vs Israel. I have done my own research and still do not understand. From my understanding Palestine attacked Israel first, and this war has been going on for so much longer than just now. So why is it suddenly so important and how is Israel in the wrong?? Genuinely trying to understand since you are spreading news of the Genocide on your page.
hey so i cant really explain all the complexities and details in a singular tumblr post. i dont really know how much research you did if october 7th is your earliest knowledge of ‘attack.’ israel has been an apartheid state since 1948 and during that year they were downright deplorable to palestinians to get them to be conpliant. nakba is probably the most notorious case but there is more.
this issue is important because this is the first time we see such atrocities in mainstream media and online. Its so oversaturated with suffering that it sets a precedent for how the world (the general public in particular) reacts outside of politicians and activists. will we continue to care when we see other people suffer, or will we grow numb and desensitised? it’s important we don’t lose our humanity like capitalist neoliberalism would prefer. just because we live comfortable lives, it doesnt mean we should be ignorant to those who are suffering. in fact, we should inspect ourselves and ask whether their suffering lends to our comfort and vice versa (it usually does). for instance, many western countries are profiting from this apartheid, hence their support.
i’m not going to list through everything (plus i myself don’t know everything) but i can tell you where to go, and hopefully some others can add on to it.
for israel’s crimes against palestine since october 7th on the account of genocide i feel like south africa has done an amazing job putting together documentations of evidence against them in the ICC. you can find the full thing on youtube or online. some of the crimes include bombing and stopping aid trucks from reaching gaza, preventing women from giving birth by bombing maternity wards, bombing hospitals (there are now 0 active hospitals in gaza, whereas before october there were 36. this info has not been updated in the case) to prevent civilians from getting life-saving treatment, psychologically tormenting civilians until they lose the will to live (particularly in children), and so on.
of course please pay attention to palestinian journalists within gaza specifically— they will show you firsthand whats happening. there’s many apart of al jazeera. al jazeera has also done some articles on the history for you. here is one on nakba. amnesty also did a good job on explaining what an apartheid is.
theres also quite a few independent ones that have become journalists through this attack from israel. bisan is one of them if youre active on tiktok. noor harazeen is a journalist on instagram.
here is a link on how israel funded hamas to rival the plo
here is al jazeeras article on the cultural genocide of palestinians through bombing ancient historical sites and artefacts.
kind of seperate to all that but still related is how support for palestine affects other people. people are losing the jobs over supporting palestine (such as melissa barrera in scream). yemen, another third world country who has been going through crises such as food insecurity for years, has been suspended aid by the UN because it has been aiding palestine throughout the conflict.
The UN in general has been useless about calling for a ceasefire. The United States vetoed during a UNSC meeting because the USA sucks ass. you can look any of this up and they will come with multiple sources im just too tired to find something rn (i’m currently on vacay and heavily sleep deprived).
also general advice to not ask a percy jackson account but an account dedicated to spreading information on the palestine-israel apartheid because they would be able to help you more. yes, ive talked about it on this account but that doesnt mean i’m qualified to explain 75 years of oppression.
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
oooh please tell us ab your clone oc!! i just saw ur post ab making his ct number I’d love to hear more!
of course!! i now have 3 oc's to share and i was going to post about all of them anyway, so here they are!!
the helmet drawings still need to be colored but everything else about them is done :) hopefully the pictures are visible, i have a very light hand when drawing
CT-2808: “Getaway” 
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Medic of the 989th Battalion
The running joke is that if you injure yourself doing something stupid, you better “get away” 
His CT number is the last digit of the kudo count of my four favorite fics i’ve written (one from each fandom that has been a principle one of mine at some point: marvel, agent carter, star wars, and the x files!)
Asexual, willing to date but doesn’t see the point in it because they’re at war
Has a tattoo on the back of his right shoulder that says “the best of times, the worst of crimes” in aurebesh 
Won’t tell anyone the story behind it - Ricochet is the only one who knows because he was there for it all
Has a fairly simple helmet design, a few accents around the bottom half of the helmet, along with the medic symbol at the top
Impulsive only when drunk 
Big fan of karaoke night at 79’s
Likes fruity drinks, his brothers tease him for it
Loyal, compassionate, and kind
Dry humor when you least expect it
Has a candy connection on Coruscant, has a stash to give to his brothers when they’re recovering from particularly dangerous wounds
CT-2714: “Ricochet”
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ARC Trooper of the 989th Battalion
His CT number is the last digit of the kudo count of my second four favorite fics i’ve written (from the same four fandoms!)
In the nicest way possible, this man is a little bit of a slut (but we love him for it)
Talks a big game about himself, but secretly is a big softie when it comes to love 
Likes to paint his nails when they’re on leave
Can outdrink every other trooper in the battalion
Preferred weapon is two pistols
Kama is teal with white swirl patterns, color scheme matches the armor of the battalion
The best person to have with you in case of a crisis, he can always come up with some kind of solution
Has a bad habit of ending up in the medbay with random injuries
Sleeps like the dead, not even a droid attack can wake him up
Gets his name from the way his mind moves between thoughts, is likely a bit ADHD 
Scared of needles, Getaway keeps trying to convince him to get a tattoo
Jedi General Vera Callisto 
i didn't like the star wars picrews i found, so i used a random one i did like, here's vera in some civvie clothes :)
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Human, with dark brown hair and purple eyes 
Grew up with Obi Wan, helped train Anakin
Originally from Alderaan
Studied under Plo Koon, friends with the Wolfpack because of this
Wields two green lightsabers 
Powerful warrior, but would rather spend her days in the Jedi Archives
Served as a General in charge of the Coruscant Guard until the 989th was formed, and then her service was required on the front lines
Makes friends with every clone she meets instantly, she likes to give the men in her battalion little trinkets from markets if she gets to travel
Compassionate, kind, caring, and tired of the war 
Likes to paint her nails with Ricochet 
all her troops are trying to set her up with one of the bartender’s at 79’s
They’re kind of convinced that the no attachments thing just means you can’t have children and she’s tired of correcting them at this point, so she just rolls with it.
okay, maybe she actually does think the bartender at 79’s is cute, but don’t say anything!!!
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Hi Teddy!
So what's your history? Like with ObiWan, Plo Koon, Din, etc???
-💫 anon
hi 💫 anon!
That's actually great that you've assigned yourself an emoji!
I'm Anakin's sister, twin sister, but just a lil bit younger. I was taken to the temple with him, and originally was assigned to Master Plo. He's like my dad/uncle who collects children.
Note that I said originally.
Long story short: I was too gay for the Order. 🏳‍🌈 (well, bi, but still)
hehe...so um I decided to have a crush on a fellow Padawan, and as you can see, she was:
a) not gay and b) a total tattletale
So I was kicked out because "aTtAChMeNTs aRE fOrbiDdEN yOunG sKYwAlkEr" 🙄
But Master Plo convinced the council to keep me on to be a healer. I owe @104th-plo-koon everything. 🥰
I watched Anakin grow up...and did a bunch of illegal chaotic things with him. Obi-Wan basically had two Padawans, but since I was only allowed to use the force (in the temple, at least) to heal people, my connection/ability to use it...diminished, in a way.
Timeskip to the war.
The council decided to assign me to the 501st, so that I could keep an eye on my brother and so that Obi-Wan could keep and eye on us both. I met Ahsoka there, I smacked Anakin upside the head for being a jerk, yadayadayada, you get the idea.
But one day I was reassigned to Clone Force 99.
The Bad Batch.
Because they got into wayyyy too many incidents and the Republic was tired of spending medical funds on them. A Jedi Healer is cheaper.
And then I found out that Echo was still alive...
And then I somehow got separated from them??
And now there's Din, Obi-Wan, and Plo...from three different points along the time-line...
My best guess is that we're stuck in an alternate universe. My encounter with Vader told me that much. I'm dubbing it the HoloVerse...
And yeah!
Other info about me:
amab femme enby! she/ze
biromantic asexual!
i was dating echo...and now i have no idea so yeah
i found out that anakin was dating padme right after they came home from geonosis. cmon, i'm not stupid
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Anakin and the Jedi Babies: Where There’s a Whill, There’s a Windu
Context: original post, chrono
(Summary of the AU: Disaster lineage got tossed back in time. Anakin stayed 21-ish, but Obi-Wan and Ahsoka got deaged, took new names for time-travel reasons (Ylliben and Sokanth, or Ben and Soka) and have been officially adopted by Anakin.)
“You’re attached.”
“You’re just now noticing?”
Master Windu eyes him for a few long moments, and then joins him on the ground. Anakin can’t help but smirk. There’s something gratifying about having respect from the man, in this life.
“The other members of the council are concerned.”
“And you aren’t?”
“I am, but for other reasons,” Windu says.
Anakin doesn’t meet his eyes, doesn’t even respond for a long minute. He just looks out over the Room of a Thousand Fountains, spread out below them like hundreds of jungles pieced together in a jigsaw of flora. It’s been his favorite room in the Temple since he was a child, and it’s always overwhelming.
“Most of them have accepted that you adopted them because of Mandalorian customs, and that you stayed where you were due to the will of the Force,” Windu continues. “But they are… uncomfortable with how blatantly your attachments show.”
“Mandalorians are loud and refuse shame. It rubbed off.”
“You said you would kill for these children.”
“I’m their father. That’s kind of expected.”
Windu’s expression is tired. A little tired of stress, but mostly tired of Anakin’s shit. “You know what I’m trying to get at.”
“Do I?”
“No, I’m serious. I need you to spell this out. I’ve had a million slightly-contradicting lectures on this topic, and I’ve been told pretty clearly that I misinterpreted a solid half of them. If you want a constructive conversation, you can’t be vague. I’m thirty-three years old and a father of two, Master Windu, so yes, I’m attached. What you mean by that word is going to change where this conversation goes.”
It’s gratifying to see the Master actually think it over.
“Ylliben’s tattoos have been causing the most recent stir,” Windu finally says. “They nearly all relate to family, whether new or old, and the symbolism is concerning to those who are already upset about the Mandalorian upbringing. They worry that he’ll remain too tied to people he grew up with, and unable to maintain neutrality in future diplomatic ventures, or at risk of a fall if one of the people he’s seen fit to memorialize is injured or killed. The assume a similar state of mind may be applicable to your daughter and yourself, especially given the off-color jokes about how possessive your children are about each other.”
“They’re worried about emotional immaturity,” Anakin summarizes. He offers a wan, unimpressed grin. “They do realize he’s fourteen, right? Nobody’s emotionally stable at fourteen. The hormones are out of whack.”
“I’m aware,” Windu grinds out. “And I’m aware that your histories, of war and all such things, make your ties much stronger, but you can see why the Council worries, especially those who are wary of the memories your children carry but won’t explain. I’m the only one you’ve told, Skywalker.”
“Plo and Depa know.”
“Plo and Depa aren’t on the council.”
He relents. “It’s not about Mandalore, Master Windu. It’s about Tatooine.”
Windu lets that sit for a few moments, and then sighs. “I don’t know enough about Tatooine to parse that.”
“Shmi and I are former slaves,” Anakin says, as bluntly as he can. “I was freed at nine, she at eleven, and for all that we are free, we’re not freeborn. We were born slaves, and raised slaves, and we were freed too late to forget that life. The way we think is always going to be affected by the way we grew up. That applies to all sentients, more or less, but it’s… the slave mentality is completely at odds with Jedi teachings, because Jedi teachings can only be taught in a safe environment.”
Windu nods slowly, and says, “That does make sense, but it’s… forgive me, but that’s why we don’t normally take children older than four.”
“From the perspective of teaching cultural values, that makes sense,” Anakin allows. “Teaching a Jedi child that’s cared for with communal resources that they do not need material things to be happy is fine; trying to convince a slave child of the same, someone who grew up being told they do not deserve material things, and that their owner can take anything at any time, including family? I lived that life, trying to adjust to ascetic Jedi values that coincided poorly with slave rules. I know exactly how poorly that transition can go when the person caring for the child doesn’t know how to handle the points of conflict.”
“Do you regret joining the Jedi?” Windu asks.
Anakin shakes his head. “My Jedi master, bless him, cared, and tried very hard, but he wasn’t ready to handle a kid like me and in hindsight, I know that. He needed grief counseling, and I needed therapy, and neither of us was getting it. I don’t… I don’t believe anyone in the Temple would have known how to handle a kid like me.”
“But you don’t regret it.”
“I was meant to be a Jedi,” Anakin says, as firmly as he can without getting unnecessarily bitchy about it. “My struggles with the Code aside, I was meant to be here. But the Temple doesn’t have any resources for children who come older, and I think… I think you do need that.”
“You just outlined why a child can’t follow the Code if they come from a different enough background,” Windu says.
Anakin shakes his head. “No, that’s not—I think a kid like me can learn to be a Jedi, if a little unconventional, if they’re taught correctly. The desperation to cling to anyone and anything you have can be unlearned. It takes time and effort, but it’s possible. Soka and Ben are good at balancing Tatooine care with Jedi control. If you talk to Ben, you get an entire philosophical breakdown about it, but I’m more concerned with the child psychology, because that’s what could have broken me.”
Windu frowns. “You’re building up to something.”
“I think the Jedi need programs for children found older who can’t become full Jedi,” Anakin asserts. “Even those who cannot reconcile what they absorbed growing up with the Code and Jedi tradition… they, we, need guidance. The Council tried to reject me for being too old, and now that I’m grown I understand why, but… Master Windu, what do you think would have happened to me if I hadn’t had my Master to fight for me, and had been turned away?”
“We’d have looked into placing you back with your mother and, upon finding out that she was still enslaved, secured her freedom,” Master Windu says. “Qui-Gon Jinn had taken responsibility for you, and thus you were a ward of the Temple until such a time as you were safe again. It would have been cruel to keep you from your mother if we were not to raise you a Jedi, and crueler still to allow you to return to slavery.”
“And you think I’d have been safe with her?” Anakin asks. He needs Master Windu to understand this. “You think that would have ended well?”
“You don’t?”
“Ventress,” Anakin says. “Maul. Aurra Sing, even.”
Windu considers that. He looks across the grand, green room of the garden, and finally speaks. “You think you’d have been found and corrupted by a Sith.”
“I’d already helped Naboo win a battle. I was a powerful child with no support system in this respect, eager to please,” Anakin says. “Ventress and Maul both got twisted into Sith Apprentices. Aurra Sing was just a bounty hunter, but… even if the Jedi had never found me, and the Sith remained unaware, do you think I’d have ended up better than Sing? Or would the pressures of slavery have led to my Fall anyway, eventually slaughtering my owner, the Hutts, the entire system of Tatooine’s hells?”
Windu rubs a hand over his forehead. “I understand what you’re getting at.”
“It’s not just me,” Anakin says, as carefully as he can. “Even without the Sith, there are plenty of Force-Sensitive children in terrible situations that are liable to Fall just because of how power is wielded by those at the bottom. Refusing to take on students who are already at risk… the Jedi are meant to monitor Force users to prevent Sith and other dark-aligned people from harming the galaxy. It’s one of our primary duties. If the Jedi are allowing darksiders to rise just because of an age limit…”
“I get it,” Windu says, just a little aggressive. “I understand. Give me a minute.”
Anakin tries to wait. He’s older now, he can do that. He can be patient.
He tries to convince himself that it’s true.
“You have a point,” Master Windu finally allows. “And with the knowledge that the Sith are out there, still, it’s a more salient point than most would think. The EduCorps already has a subdivision for teaching meditative techniques to low-level force users who need to learn shielding but aren’t sensitive enough to be Jedi, or are just too old, but I see your point about encouraging a program for powerful Force-Sensitives that aren’t discovered early enough to integrate into the community in full.”
“And a more comprehensive Search pattern for the Outer Rim?” Anakin suggests. He shrugs at the look he gets. “What? You’ve seen my midicount. I was on Tatooine for almost a decade, and the only reason anyone found me was that Qui-Gon had to crash a ship in the middle of nowhere. I’m sure the Force led him to me, given all the coincidences, but that’s still a solid nine years that nobody did, despite how I apparently ‘shine like the sun’ or whatever.”
“The last time I took a midichlorian test on a portable counter, it literally broke the device. That’s not arrogance, that’s just absurd.”
Windu looks exhausted by the comment. Anakin can’t bring himself to feel too bad about it.
“What about Jedha?” Anakin suggests instead. “Jedi find the kids, but if they’re too old to be Jedi, we could coordinate with one of the temples at Jedha to see about having them raised in the traditions of the Whills? They’re a little less orthodox, aren’t they?”
“In some respects,” Master Windu says. “More constrained in others, but… it’s a possibility. Most of the overlooked children, yourself included, are from parts of the Outer Rim that aren’t part of the Republic, Skywalker.”
Anakin shrugs. “And many of them would have been happy to be found and collected by a Jedi, even if they couldn’t become Jedi. Not the Dathomiri, since they’ve got their own thing going on, but… from what I know about Ventress, she actually did have a Jedi Master before the situation on Rattatak became… what’s the word… untenable? He died and she was left alone, and she’d been a slave already and it just… did not end well for her. But that was a planet overrun by pirates and warlords, and would have been approved as a planet the Jedi could help without it being a weird colonialism thing… if the Senate weren’t made up of cheapskates, at least.”
“My name isn’t actually a reprimand, you know.”
“You’re not supposed to just say that,” Windu groans, running a hand over his face. “The Senate’s choice in funding is not optimal, but insulting them in that way, even in private—”
“They’re assholes,” Anakin says, and doesn’t let his humor show. “Except my late wife, but she’s not part of the Senate in this time, so I feel no shame in accusing the entire shitshow of being cheapskates.”
Windu looks about ready to push him off the ledge.
“You’re never allowed to go on diplomatic missions, are you?” Windu mutters.
“Unless it’s to Mandalore,” Anakin clarifies. “Also, never send me to Tatooine. Ever. Please. I kriffing hate that planet.”
“I’m going to assume you have plans to kill a Hutt if we ever send you to—”
“Okay,” Windu sighs. “I’ll discuss this with the Council, see how they feel about reaching out to Jedha for your suggestion regarding the Whills.”
“And you’ll tell them not to worry about my kids?”
“Skywalker, they are never going to stop worrying about your family,” Windu tells him.
“That’s fair.”
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swbumblebee · 4 years
He wasn’t hiding. Jedi Masters don’t hide. Mace Windu doesn’t hide. He just so happened to be in the furthest, quietest part of the archives where it was unlikely anybody would run into him.
He closed his eyes, breathing in the silence as he progressed. This period in time was turning out to be much more taxing than it had been the first time around. Then again, last time he wasn’t trying to formulate a plan to assassinate the Chancellor and decide the fate of a few million potential clones, at the same time as running the order and keeping an eye on two of the most unpredictable boys he had ever met.
Well, a boy and a young man.
Another reason for his journey. He could sense young Anakin’s blindingly strong presence and Obi-Wan’s steady, shielded light, getting closer and closer as he journeyed through the stacks.
What in the galaxy were they doing here?
A high-pitched giggle stopped him in his tracks.
“No Master! It’s Goodd`e da Lodia, otherwise it doesn’t make sense!”
“Alright alright, how’s this? Goodde da Loddia”
“Don’t just repeat it Padawan. Sound it out for me, like we do with Basic”
“OK, Goo-dd-è”
Mace cleared his throat.
“Good day”
Both young Jedi started, Obi-Wan nearly dropped the mug of tea that seemed to be permanently attached to his hand these days.
“Master Mace!” ten year old Anakin cried happily, pushing pleasure into the Force with enthusiasm, to a wince from his Master, who was exuding just the right amount of polite welcome from behind his shields.
“Hello Master Windu” Obi-Wan nodded at him with a somewhat tired smile. He made to get up from the dusty little table squeezed into the alcove and tucked into the wall, but the Master of the Order waved a hand.
“What’s all this?” he asked, eying the various pads and pieces of flimsi littering the table and the floor.
Instead of the usual bouncy response there was an unexpected, rather pregnant, silence and young Anakin gave his teacher a (not terribly subtle) worried look.
“Anakin is teaching me Huttese” Obi-Wan answered smoothly. The boy in question nodded vigorously, and Mace watched with a small amount of amusement as he ever so slightly kicked a piece of flimsy further under the table.
“Yes, as you probably heard, it’s not going terribly well” Obi-Wan gave him a self-deprecating smile, no doubt taking note of Mace’s incredulity. He turned to his Padawan.
“Anakin, could you make sure Madam Nu doesn’t close up this section yet, and let her know we won’t be long.”
The boy looked at his Master, and they gave each other a tiny understanding nod. Anakin’s Force signature flared ever so slightly with…fear? before it was quickly soothed by Obi-Wan, Mace assumed.
“Sure Master, be right back” The child took off among the stacks with a smile at Mace.
“Walk please, don’t run!” the young Master called after him, shaking his head.
Mace took the empty seat at the table, taking in the mess once more.
“So…Huttese?” he asked mildly, looking at a nearby pad “and…The Bantha who came for Life day?” he raised his eyebrows at the simple children’s story in Basic.
“Ahh, yes.” The young man chewed on his lip a little as he gathered his thoughts. Mace waited patiently, eyeing a nearby piece of flimsi with the Galactic Basic alphabet written out half a dozen times in shaky writing.
“Anakin is a bright boy” Obi-Wan began slowly. “He has an incredible knowledge of mechanics and electronics, and mathematics comes very easily to him.” He said, unable to keep a proud smile off his face, until he turned serious eyes on Mace again. “There are some areas, however, where he has a lot of catching up to do. He isn’t quite at his age level yet with his literacy.”
Mace frowned.
“Not quite at his age level?” he clarified, with a sinking feeling.
“Ah, no.” Obi-Wan paused again. “Obviously there wasn’t much cause for reading and writing in his previous…position” Both of them scowled at the euphemism “and whilst he can obviously speak it fluently” Obi-Wan sighed. “Anakin never learned to read and write in Basic.” he finished, rather apprehensively.
Mace blinked.
“He…can’t read or write?”
Obi-Wan shook his head. He crossed his arms in front of himself, wrists aligning with elbows. Mace recognised the nervous tick even if it was usually under his robe sleeves.  
“He is getting there though” the young man implored “we’re working on it, and he’s a fast learner. I assure you he’ll be up to standard in the next few months.”
Mace breathed out, shaking his head. He could’ve kicked himself.
One more way they had all let Anakin Skywalker down. Of course he wouldn’t be able to study at the level of core-educated temple younglings. He was a slave, the very idea was preposterous.
“But…how has he got on with his classes so far? He’s been here nine months already” Mace asked, deliberately keeping his voice light. He wasn’t going to admonish the only being in the temple who had actually been helping the boy. And it looked like, spending all his free time doing it.
Obi-Wan nodded.
“We work on assignments together, Anakin records his comprehension and writing class and we go through it afterwards.”
Mace took a moment to marvel at the kindness of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
“Obi-Wan” he said gently. “You have your own teaching and advanced training to work on, not to mention the Master level courses.”
He instantly knew he’d said the wrong thing when fierce blue eyes turned on him and the younger Jedi straightened his posture.  
“I am perfectly capable of teaching him Master, he is my Padawan.” He paused, looking down at the table “I won’t put him in a class with the younglings. I won’t allow him to feel like he is less than the other Padawans, like he’s unintelligent.” He said firmly.
For a moment Mace was transported to council meetings with his friend, Master Kenobi arguing his point with words as strong as durasteel and a determination that could move planets. He felt a sudden pang of loss, looking at his friend’s twenty-two-year-old face.
“Of course not” Mace assured, pushing apology into the Force around them. He looked at the table. “But this isn’t sustainable Obi-Wan. You don’t need to do this alone.” He said quietly
The Knight blinked in surprise. Mace nearly rolled his eyes. Had asking for help really never crossed his mind? He made a mental note to focus more of his and Plo’s energy on Kenobi Support Duty.
“Yes.” He repeated firmly. “I will take him for an hour a week” he winced inwardly when he thought of his already busting schedule. Save Skywalker, save the Galaxy he reminded himself. “As, I’m sure, will Master Plo.”
Obi-Wan was giving him a look that was very difficult to decipher, halfway between wary and relieved.
“I…thank you Master” he bowed a little in his seat “that’s very kind of you and I…appreciate it.”
Mace smiled again, satisfied. He couldn’t sense the ball of energy that was Anakin Skywalker yet, obviously still on his quest.
“So you’re teaching Anakin Basic, and he’s teaching you Huttese…?” Mace raised his eyebrows in question again.
Obi-Wan’s ears started to turn ever so slightly pink.
“Ah yes” he cleared his throat. “I just thought…if Anakin considers the way a language is formed and taught, it might help with his own practice. And this way we’re learning together; it might boost his self-esteem a little.” The young Knight paused thoughtfully. “I want to emphasise that learning happens at any age and stage” He explained slowly, and then gave a sheepish smile. “And it’s quite fun” he admitted shyly.
Mace regarded the wise young man across from him. Obi-Wan Kenobi had been wasted in a war, in that other time.
Nerd. He thought fondly.
As Anakin practically skipped back over to them, attempting to sit on his Master in lieu of a third chair, he observed the two Jedi (bickering happily) who could have existed that first time around, if only they’d had more than each other.
Well, this time they had Mace, and Plo. And they’d be dammed if either of their boys ended up carrying the weight of the Galaxy, this time around.
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OC Personality Sheet / Tag Game
tagged by my faves @penguinkiwi and @certified-anakinfucker
Rules: Copy and paste these questions and make your own post, please do not add onto this one, it’ll get too long too fast. Mahalo. Then tag some of your friends to let them know you’d like to hear more about their ocs!
Name: Dara Idella
Pronouns: she/they but she isn't overly fussed about any of them. just uses she most often because it's what they told her when she was a child.
Nickname: Dar
One Word To Sum Them Up: Mommy (works both ways)
Noun to Describe Them: Warm
Temperament: Dara likes to think she is fairly easy going and relaxed. She isn't really, she has some hard lines in the sand that can't be crossed. She's also fairly likely to just internalise her dislike or annoyance, preferring not to cause any trouble or difficulty. Eldest Daughter Syndrome. For someone who says that she is perfectly content by herself she has a lot of romantic partners and close friends, and later on in life, plenty of children. Though in general she finds interacting with other people exhausting, there are a few that don't tire her out like most. These people she holds closely, saying they don't count as 'other people'.
MBTI Type: I don't understand it and I wont respond to it
Enneagram Type: see above
Other’s First Impression of Them: Warm. A force of nature, and depending on what mood she is in, a bit of a hurricane.
General Likes: Rocks. Looking out across a dramatic landscape and feeling like the only person in the Galaxy. Rocks again. Drinking wine and eating home cooked food and laughing with her loved ones. Sitting under a blanket with her loved ones and coexisting. blankets in general, she likes soft things. Also she is quite fond of rocks.
General Dislikes: The Senate. The Chancellor. Public transport. People who tell her it's rude to wear her headphones so often.
Romantic Status: Poly and quite happy about it.
Love Interest (s): Depends on which AU. Generally Kit Fisto, and also Plo Koon or Ashe Lark (@penguinkiwi). Since she collects partners like she collects children like she collects rocks, other romantic interests in other AUs include Agen Kolar, Cin Drallig, Nocte @purgetrooperfox) and occasionally Fox and Quinlan Vos.
Enemy: While she is a Jedi, the Chancel-dick. That's what she calls him. She doesn't like his interest in her research and the types of questions he asks her when she's forced to report to him. The Empire. Arseholes in general.
Hobbies: Collecting Rocks. Collecting troubled children who need a quiet space to sit and just exist. Sketching, sometimes she colours it in. Cooking, and drinking wine while she cooks. She bakes occasionally, but is a little too haphazard and resents the restrictive rules. Some would call it the recipe.
Songs They Relate To: Open Arms by Elbow. Once In A Lifetime by Talking Heads. Weather With You by Crowded House. 100 years by Florence + The Machine. White Noise White Heat by Elbow in the more angsty AUs.
Fictional Characters Similar To Their Personality: Pass.
Fun Fact: She is a geologist, and assuming no O66 takes place (I don't know her) she eventually takes over as head of the Planetary Sciences Division.
Free Space/Ramble: While Dara is my self-insert character, she also isn't in a lot of ways. She is what I want to be. Me plus, if you will. In contrast, her padawan Lami is the voices in the back of my head. The part of me that just wants to sit inside and wrap myself in blankets and hide. I guess having Dara look after him and take him out into the world, to let him experience it in a way that is a manageable to him, is some kinds self care. IDK.
Tags: @irresponsibility101 @cyarbika @milf-maul @maulpunk @mandoposting and since I know it wanted to do more @certified-anakinfucker
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
Hullo, you said you’ll take prompts? I’ve never asked anyone here before but could you maybe write Ahsoka and her (too many) parents? Like Plo,who is very wise, anakin and Padmé who she flees to if she needs cuddles, obi wan who she goes to to play strategies games with and maybe if she’s upset (if you want you can also thrown in her visiting Obi because she’s upset and Jango teaches her some fighting stuff and obi shows her how to make it a healthy meditation thing) Just Ahsoka and family fluff
(i uh. accidentally put this in my jangobi fix-it ‘verse ‘cause i’m soft for senator Obi and i hadn’t done anything with Ahsoka yet, and it’s very found family-focussed anyways. Obi just like. collects children. Anakin wasn’t even the first. gonna call this the hunger ‘verse because reasons. sorry this took so long! it super got away from me)
  Ahsoka supposes she shouldn’t be surprised that Anakin takes them to Naboo as soon as they drop the clones off on Coruscant, but she’s thankful for it anyways. They haven’t had leave in months, and though she’ll miss Rex and the others, she’s so tired she wants to cry, and would like nothing more than to curl up with Padmé’s handmaidens for a long kriffing while.
  And, as if the Force is blessing her for being patient, Obi-Wan is there to greet them in the hangar on Theed with Padmé, rich green robes certainly giving the former Queen a run for her money.
  Obi-Wan takes one look at Ahsoka, stumbling down the shuttle ramp, and opens his arms; she takes the invitation full-heartedly and crashes into him despite the numerous guards surrounding the landing party. Chuckling deep in his chest, Obi-Wan wraps himself around her, and his robes are even softer than they look.
  “Hello there,” Obi-Wan laughs softly. “Miss me that much?”
  She pulls away just enough to smile up at him. “We thought you were still on Coruscant.”
  He snorts and pats her head, sending Padmé a good-humoured glare. “I’m quite sure I told Massere Amidala to tell General Skywalker that I would be on Naboo during his leave,” he says, and Padmé laughs, with a hand on Anakin’s elbow to pull him over to join them.
  “Senator,” she says loftily, as Anakin rolls his eyes, “you should know better than to trust subspace communications that far into the Outer Rim.”
  Ahsoka grins and lets Padmé whisk her away from Obi-Wan to give her a hug of her own. Anakin sniffs jealously, and it’s almost funny how long he’s held onto his puppy crush, especially with Sabé standing just a few yards away with an amused expression. Padmé either doesn’t notice, or ignores it outright, and holds Ahsoka indiscriminately with a soft murmur of,
  “It’s good to see you, Snips.”
  “You as well, Massere,” she replies happily, sending a smug smile to her master when Padmé kisses the top of her head. 
  Anakin surprises exactly no one when he rolls his eyes again and loops an arm around Obi-Wan's shoulders; despite his disgruntled expression, Obi-Wan still lets him, and Ahsoka thinks Naboo had been a very good idea indeed. 
  She finds Obi-Wan in the gardens of the Naberrie household the next morning, where Ruwee and Jobal had been kind enough to house her and Anakin while the Queen sorts out guest quarters in the palace. Apparently her master had given Padmé all of half a cycle's notice before arriving on Naboo, and the court had been wholly unprepared for a war hero to be staying with them.
  It's still early enough that the humidity hasn't set in for the day yet, and Ahsoka doesn't bother changing out of her soft sleepwear before joining Obi-Wan in the centre of the garden; there's already a second meditation mat laid out across from where he kneels near a fish pond, with a Togruta focusing crystal sat between them. 
  She tries not to disturb him as she settles onto the mat, folding her legs into a full-lotus before easing into her own meditation. 
  Anakin is a good master, and she's thankful to be his padawan, but he can't meditate for kark, and Ahsoka is thankful Obi-Wan is more than happy to fill those needs when they see each other. 
  Which is more often than she would have expected, considering the war, but if there's one thing Obi-Wan can't do, it's keep out of trouble. The senator is driving Anakin spare, and Ahsoka is all too happy to watch it happen. 
  She must have projected the thought further than intended, when Obi-Wan's presence brushes against hers in amusement. He never asks to enter her shields, even though she would probably let him if he did, and it still amazes her that someone with so much control could have been sent away by Master Yoda. 
  She releases her confusion back into the Force and allows the hum of the focussing crystal to draw her back on task. Such thoughts could wait. 
  They have three ten-days of leave before the GAR wants them back on the front lines, and after the first night, Padmé's Queen sets them up in adjoined chambers in the palace. They aren't the standard guest quarters, which are currently occupied by a few foreign dignitaries — and a “friend”, Padmé had said with a suspicious twinkle in her eye. 
  But her and Anakin's rooms are in the same hall as Padmé's remaining handmaidens, and Ahsoka doesn't even spend her first night in the palace in her own bed, having stayed up so late talking that they let her stay over.
  The next morning, she meditates with Obi-Wan before breakfast, and then spars with Sabé and Rabé; she wonders where Anakin has gotten off to when she doesn’t see him until lunch, because she has it on good authority that Padmé had spent the morning with Obi-Wan.
  After reminding herself that it isn’t her job to know where her master is 24/5, Ahsoka takes a nap in one of the courtyards, tucked under a flowering tree and wrapped up in one of Rabé’s cloaks. It’s a little more humid than she’s used to after so many months in space, but the temperature is perfect spring warmth, and she happily loses a few hours there doing absolutely nothing. 
  The sun is only just beginning to think about setting when she senses someone approaching the courtyard. She reaches out with the Force, hoping it’s Padmé or one of the handmaidens, but she doesn’t recognise the Force signature that stops in the little archway across from her tree.
  Frowning, Ahsoka pushes herself up and finds a young boy watching her with brown eyes slanted in suspicion; he’s oddly familiar, for how much darker his skin is than most of the palace Naboo.
  “Who’re you?” the boy asks with a slight accent that is decidedly not Nabooian, and a glare that Ahsoka swears she recognises. 
  “I’m a guest of Padmé and Obi-Wan,” Ahsoka says, noting with surprise that the boy perks up at Obi-Wan’s name. 
  “Are you a jetii?” he asks. At her confused silence, the boy makes a swishing motion with an arm and Ahsoka has to laugh. 
  “Am I a Jedi?”
  He nods vigorously and finally steps into the courtyard properly, though he stays several paces away, and she tries not to be disturbed by the blaster strapped to his thigh; they’re at war, after all. 
  “I’m an apprentice, yes,” she says, trying to look as non-threatening as possible; if he’s a friend of Obi-Wan’s, Force knows where he managed to pick the boy up from. “My name is Ahsoka.”
  “I’m Boba. Are you a general?”
  He inches closer as Ahsoka laughs again. “No, but my master is!”
  Boba perks up even further, but it doesn’t click for her until he excitedly asks, “You fight with the vode?”
  Well, when you lay it out that obviously for her. 
  “You— You’re Jango Fett’s kid?”
  His smile immediately disappears back into that glare that of course looks familiar, she’s seen it hundreds of times on the faces of her men— “Why do you say his name like that.”
  “Um, no reason,” she quickly amends. “I was just surprised. A lot of my troopers have mentioned him, but I’ve never met him.”
  “Obi’s still mad at him about the vode, he tries not to get involved.”
  Ahsoka frowns, at both the nickname (he never lets her call him ‘Obi’), and the implication that Obi-Wan has known him that long. She had always thought he only got involved in the war because of Anakin, but if he personally knew Fett...? It certainly raises more questions than answers.
  “Are you here to visit Obi-Wan, then?” she asks, instead of any of those questions, and is pleased to see Boba start to relax again. 
  “Yeah, buir was helping him with something. I don’t know what, though, I wasn’t allowed on that mission.” He scrunches his face cutely, and Ahsoka laughs as she gets to her feet; if her quick math is right, he can’t be older than eleven, though she still isn’t clear on the clones’ aging cycle. 
  With this in mind, she doesn’t offer her hand as she would to the temple younglings, but still smiles down at him and gestures for the hall. “You wanna go find Obi-Wan and ask, then? I’ll teach you how to give him tooka-eyes until he can’t say no.”
 Boba gets a sly little smirk then, and Ahsoka wonders if she won’t instead be learning from him. Force, Naboo had been a great idea.
Mando’a— jetii: singular jedi vode: brothers/comrades, specifically the clone troops buir: parent
Other— massere: gender neutral address of high respect, specifically those in government or of cultural importance
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prongsisabadger · 3 years
The Wolf Pack Chapter 12
The 104th battalion ended up being assigned to Master Plo after the heavy losses they suffered under Master Ki-Adi. The battalion had taken the name "The Wolf Pack" and given their commander the title of Wolffe. Which I found very cute. I told them so once we all arrived back at Coruscant, but they all started either mumbling, stuttering, blushing or aggressively dismissing my comment. It was very entertaining to watch grown men -who happened to be soldiers- blush like schoolgirls.
Master Plo and I returned to the Temple because he had to meet with the council and start organizing the war effort. Several different battalions had been deployed already, but that only made the need for a solid leadership more pressing. I took the two weeks at the temple as an excuse to recover. Even if the medic had done an incredible job of patching me up, I still had to re-train my arm slowly and get it back into shape. Ahsoka was in the final stages of her training so I didn't see her much with how busy she was. That's why, when Master Plo came looking for me, he found me outside in the gardens catching up with my Huttese.
"Kriari, child. We need to talk." He said as he sat next to me on the bench. "I have come to realize that with the war effort as it is, and my duties in the Council, I will not be able to complete your training."
I put my tablet down and turned towards him.
"Master, please, don't say what I think you are going to say." I pleaded.
He sighed.
"I am not letting you go, not entirely, my child. You will still be my Padawan, but you will be having another Master." He must have seen the confusion in my eyes, so he took a deep breath in and sighed.
"I cannot pull you back from the war effort, we have a pressing need for Jedi in the battlefront. But I also cannot be the one to get you there every time. For that reason, you will be assigned a second master." He explained. "Whenever I am deployed, you will come with me, and whenever I am held down by my duties in the council, you will be learning under another master."
I nodded along as he spoke. It did make sense, Jedi were lacking and the war would only escalate with time. Pulling even one Padawan back from the frontlines would compromise the entire war effort. It still didn't make it all any less painful. I liked Master Plo, he was my friend, and an incredible master. But as all things in life, everything comes to an end. Only in this case it wasn't permanent. Or so I hoped.
"I understand, Master. I will miss you and the 104th." I said honestly.
"You will still see us from time to time, Kriari. And the Master we are assigning you is an incredible Jedi, and a good person. You will learn much from him." He said patting my head softly in an attempt to comfort me.
"So, when will I meet my new Master?"
I could feel ahsoka vibrating in her seat next to me. She was giddy with excitement and couldn't get her knee to stop bouncing. She had never been outside Coruscant since she had arrived at the temple, and now, she was headed straight to the frontlines. To her new master.
"'Soka, pleas, you'll make a hole in the ship at this rate." I teased.
"Sorry I'm so excited I can't stay still." she smiled sheepishly.
"Just try not to kill your master with all that excitement, yeah? We are low on Jedi as it is" I jabbed, and laughed when she punched my arm.
"We are here, girls." Said the admiral, who had personally delivered us to the surface.
"Thank you, Admiral. Take care on the way up, the battle looks nasty."I said as the ramp started to open.
"Will do, Padawan Foreas. Good luck to you two."
That was all we heard, because once we excited the shuttle, it took off once again and returned to the command ship.
"Oh, great, we ask for reinforcements and they send two younglings?" Said a man approaching us.
"We are Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Kriari Foreas. We brought you a message from the council, It's urgent." I said, trying not to get annoyed at the guy's attitude.
"Let's hear it then, young one." Said the other.
"You two need to go on a rescue mission. Jabba the Hutt's son has been kidnapped. The council hopes that by rescuing him we can secure passage for the fleet through Jabba's territory." I informed.
The clever one chuckled dryly.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but we are in the middle of a battle and have absolutely no reinforcements except the two of you. We can't leave on a wild goose chase for a huttling halfway across the galaxy."
"The council had not heard from you and sent us with the message, if you have any complaints, sir, you can take them up to the council. Have the cruiser redirect a signal and make contact with Master Yoda." I answered cuttingly, getting pretty tired of his tone.
Had he never heard NOT to kill the messenger?
"We will, young one." said the older one. "What I don't understand is why the council sent two of you."
Ahsoka, a little tired of being left out of the conversation, decided to chime in.
"Kriari is your new Padawan, Master Kenobi. I am Anakin Skywalker's." She said excitedly.
Master Kenobi was my new master? I had wondered why Master Plo had decided to keep me in the dark about it, but I never thought it would be for dramatic effect. Master Kenobi was well known in the temple for being a little unconventional, maybe it was so I didn't object to the idea.
"I see, we will have to get acquainted later then, we need to solve this mess we are in first."
The council told both masters what we had, only that they promised to send reinforcements as soon as possible so that we could all get underway. Master Skywalker decided to be a little touchy about Ahsoka's lightheartedness and sent her with Captain Rex to get acquainted with the camp. He was not happy to have a Padawan to say the least, and complained to Master Kenobi about it. At length. I decided to stay quiet, it was not my business, Ahsoka would have to deal with her Master on her own. I couldn't always be there to protect her.
"So, you are my new Padawan? Kriari, was it?" Said Master Kenobi beside me.
"Yes, Master. I was initially assigned to Master Plo, but he is a little busy with council matters at the moment. You'll have to share me."
It was funny how this conversation seemed more about divorce and custody of children than actual Jedi matters.
"I have no quarrel with that. I hope we can get along, given the circumstances." He said. "You were present in the first assault on Geonosis, were you not?"
I watched the clones set up the defensive line and patrol the perimeter.
"I was."
"So you are not completely inexperienced. Good. Is there any suggestions you'd like to make before the battle begins?" He asked.
I looked at him confused. It wasn't often that masters asked for their Padawan's opinions, they usually gave orders and expected them to be followed.
"If I may," I said cautiously.
"Go ahead."
"I would choose a location behind the line of fire and establish a medical triage, so that if we get any casualties, they can be taken off the field and onto a safe area for treatment." I suggested.
Both there and on Geonosis, I'd noticed the lack of organisation when it came to caring for injured clones. Often they were left where they had fallen until the battle ended and taken to a medic if they were still alive by then.
"A sensible proposal, young one." He said stroking his beard. "I'll have it arranged right a-"
"Master, we have a problem!" Interrupted Skywalker.
"What is it, Anakin?" Asked Master Kenobi.
"The enemy, Master. They have a shield generator."
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nimsajlove · 4 years
Brothers (IV)
Hey, I did it! Please just look past all the small mistakes, work has been hard and I don’t have more energy, to look much closer at mistakes than I already am.
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Brothers-AU  Ao3
Part III , Part V
She was standing in front of the council with her hands clenched behind her back. She knew what to do. Her terms stood and she refused to leave the council alone to vote. Finally Plo Koon spoke up. 
“I don't see, what would speak against it. It shows great selflessness, that she has returned.”, he said and finally, it was Master Windu of all people, who agreed with him. “I agree, having such control over your emotions deserves this reward.” Most of them quietly agreed, only a few voices turned against them. "I support this.", Obi-Wan Kenobi announced after a few seconds of the babble of voices and she looked up, her gaze met his and she winced as if she had been hit. He had also been her mentor and now she stood here, left alone by all the Jedi Masters. "All right, Padawan Tano.", Yoda agreed with a smile that actually eased the pain in her chest. A tiny bit. 
* ~ *
 Proud and somehow in tune with herself, she had returned to her old quarters in the temple and packed up her things. Her fingers tingled with excitement and she was electrified, when she looked in the mirror and saw her new robes. She only took off her headdress, it seemed wrong to present it after the betrayal. In the end, it was just another evidence of the weakness of so many. Her own, those of the Council… Since passing the exam two days ago, she wore a headdress that looked a little like the shape of the clone helmets, something she was very proud of!
The last few days had not been easy, but she knew what she was fighting for. Just as she finished thinking about it, there was a knock on her door and she opened it. It wasn't as if she could shut out the other Jedi from now on... Anakin Skywalker stood in front of her and a sad smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, the sight of him noticeably depressed her mood. "Master, how can I help you?", she asked cautiously and turned back to her small luggage. "I just wanted to tell you... I'm still proud of you.", Skywalker mumbled from behind her and she sighed, against her will the praise was like balm for her soul. But when he reached out to touch her shoulder, her back straightened and the alarm went off in her head. The last touch of a Jedi had ended in incredible pain, so she dodged him and stared at him. "Thank you Master.", she managed and saw the pain in his eyes, but found no strength in her, to overcome hers to alleviate his.
"What are you going to do now?", Anakin asked after a few seconds of silence, this was the easy part for her and she swung her small bag over her shoulder. “I’ll go get some men, there's a war out there and someone has to do something, right?” What Anakin Skywalker didn't expect was that she would simply demand most of Torrent. 
* ~ * 
"What do you plan to do with your men?", the chancellor asked calmly, watching Ahsoka straighten her back. “I'll be honest, I want to get these men of of the battlefield. If I could, I would save them all. I'm a Jedi, my job is to keep the peace and these clones have agreed to do the same.", she explained and observed her surroundings closely, one of the senators present spoke up angrily. "So you want to weaken our army?", he yelled and Ahsoka was so infinitely grateful to Fives, that he had put the words in the perfect order for her beforehand. He was a better speaker than she was. “No, but I want to expand the function of our troops. If the republic wants to hold conquered worlds, they must also be rebuilt. We would devote ourselves to humanitarian aid and join the battles, if it is necessary.”, she pressed out, wanting to be as quick-tempered as the politicians around her. But that would only let the plan fail, the Jedi in the group had to stand behind her idea. 
The people in the room got loud and she wanted to wrap her arms around herself, but resisted the temptation. Finally, the chancellor called for calm and quiet. "I think, this is a lovely idea! You have my permission.", he said and she knew, that his smile had always seemed so kind before. But suddenly, there was this strange look around his eyes, as if he had lost one battle and won another at the same time. 
* ~ *
 "We... did it.", she announced, fingers intertwined and a little tired. She was standing in the doorway to her brothers' quarters and was completely blown away, but she relaxed a little when Kix came up to her and patted her shoulder, satisfied. Hevy and Cutup were less subtle, they wrapped their arms around the Togruta and almost cracked her bones. She finally laughed and clutched the two clones before letting Hevy lift her up. Under her protest he put her on his shoulders and her laughter echoed into the hallway, the others became curious and joined them. "You did it?", Tup asked incredulously, but enthusiastically. Ahsoka nodded and the news immediately went through the entire accommodation. "May I finally make you a suggestion?", Wolffe called across the hall. Of course, he had quickly learned everything he needed to know from Plo Koon. He didn't hold a grudge against the girl. Ahsoka laughed and motioned for him to say what he wanted to. "Let's forget what has been.", he grinned devilishly and his men pulled out tons of alcohol. Where did they got all of this from? No idea. Should Ahsoka have been concerned, that the wolf pack seemed to be ready to get wasted anytime, anywhere? Maybe. But, she couldn't have cared less. That night was to celebrate and she joined her family. 
"Where's Ahsoka?", Anakin asked and looked around, he searched for her in the Temple already. Obi-Wan stood next to him in the hallway and glanced out the window, worry and joy fighting at the same time and finally he raised the corners of his mouth to a small smile. "I hope, Master Plo warned her beforehand.", he muttered, directing his former student's gaze to the brightly lit, densely packed buildings at the foot of the temple. 
The next morning started with a headache for everyone, except Wolffe and his men. They were back on their feet early in the morning and took pity on clearing up the chaos. The noises woke Ahsoka, she was somehow tangled with Fives and Droidbait and sorted herself once, before she snaked ((wtf google? Not what I was thinking but know what? Gonna keep it...)) out and scanned the area with small eyes. She grinned, when did the top of Codys blacks became loose? It was also quite funny to see, how he was stretched across Rex and snoring softly. That didn't bother the captain below, he slept as if nothing was different than the other nights. She decided to go out and find some water, her tongue dry in her mouth.
But she hadn't considered the headache that hit suddenly in the bright light of the hallway. She groaned and pressed her fingers to her temples. She looked for her way into the canteen with half-squinted eyes, and was greeted with laughter. "Ah, General. Boost, you lost! Gimme the egg! ", somebody said a little too loud for her taste and immediately a little fight broke out over a breakfast egg. Sighing, she sat down and put her head in her hands. "What did he bet on?", she asked brittle and Wolffe grinned next to her, he looked dangerous when he was enjoying himself. "That you wouldn't take a single step today." Oh by the Force, she let her forehead drop on the tabletop. She'd acted a lot like a general last night… And even less like a Jedi!
A medic from 104th passed her with a soft laugh and put a glass in front of her, she suspected something more than just water. For a brief moment she wondered, if her stomach could take it. But with the headache, she would never be able to meditate enough to have any effect. So she poured the medication down without a word. 
* ~ * 
"Hands off, this one is mine!", she laughed and chased after the fleeing droid, Jesse gave up and watched her go. He wouldn't keep up at her pace, but neither would the droid. It wasn't more than a second, before she put him on the ground and reattached her lightsabers to her belt. Jesse caught up to her and looked at the junk pile in front of him. "You haven't left anything.", he complained, but had to grin. He hadn't seen his general in such a good mood for a long time. But this month was one of the good ones, and she laughed most of the time. On the way back they discussed when to call the cruiser back for. The mission here was almost finished, the residents were provided with everything they could offer them and most of the remnants of the Separatists were also removed, more than one droid had fallen victim to their lightsabers today and the clones never tired of complaining about it.
Ahsoka was absorbed in the conversation, but the past few months had made her a better Jedi. Since she was more on her own, she had worked hard to strengthen her senses and so, she felt the little girl long before it came out from behind the bush and attacked her from behind. Well, almost. In a flash, she turned around and grabbed the laughing human child. "What was that supposed to be?", she asked and the girl wrinkeld her nose laughing, before she threw her arms around the Jedi's neck and let herself be carried the last steps into the village.
Behind the first houses, Ahsoka let her down and the girl scurried away. "They like you, General.", Jesse said casually and watched, as Ahoska watched the small figure for two more heartbeats. "I miss the younglings.", she muttered and Jesse saw a touch of gloom, that he couldn't tolerate. "Who doesn't, everyone likes bustling children that are always in the way." She looked over at him and pouted. "Oh, be quiet.", she had to smile. She knew most clones were not trained to handle children or other civilians. But she thought, that her men were very good at it! 
When they entered the camp, Rex was already waiting for them. He and the men in the camp all looked tired and exhausted, but somehow satisfied with themselves and the world. She took the ration the captain held out to her as she passed and grinned at him, before scurrying off and pouncing on her reports. Perhaps, she had underestimated the amount of work a general had to do. There was enough paperwork to keep her busy on this planet for a month, and they all had to be handled in a matter of days. It was not uncommon for her, to almost forget to eat, if not one of her brothers did always gave her a ration. Or sleep, what exactly was that again? Sometimes she smiled, when she thought about the fact that she was getting less sleep than Rex. And as a child, she had sometimes thought that the captain would never sleep! That evening was another one like that, the mission was almost over and she buried herself in work at nightfall. Usually, she was left alone for a few hours until one of her brothers was on the night watch and chased her out of the command tent.
Today it was Droidbait, who suddenly stood in the entrance and observed her briefly, before he quietly approached her. Before he could grab her, she raised her finger, grinning. "What do you want, Droidbait?", she asked, when the battles and objectives for the day were done, she let herself relax a little. This also meant abandoning the fixed structures that were in place during the day and treating her brothers for what they were to her.The clone huffed behind her, then leaned over her shoulder. "You know what time it is?", he asked and she shrugged her shoulders, in fact she had lost sight of something like the time. But now that he brought it up... She yawned and Droidbait laughed, before he took a step back and gave her room to get up. “Well, now I got caught. You won’t let me work any more, right?", she sighed, but grinned broadly and went out with the man. He accompanied her to one of the tents with the beds and then said goodbye, combined with the threat that Jesse would probably have the watch after him. She knew that he would just grab her and toss her into bed, no matter how loud she complained.
Shaking her head, but happy, she crept into the tent. All around her were sleeping men and only one of the last beds in the back was still free. She walked quietly through the rows of bunk beds and then swung onto one, over Kix. Briefly she looked down at him again, she had never seen the clone so relaxed or satisfied! They still had a chance to hunt down a few droids and let off steam. However, on these small, quiet worlds it was more of a sport for the men, than a heavy duty. It soothed her sore heart, which would probably never fully recover.
The next morning, as so often, she woke up with the sunrise and went out to watch it. With crossed legs she sat on a stone in front of the camp and watched the bright ball of fire rise above the strange-looking tops of the few trees in the valley. It was like meditating... and it was the only time of the day, when she could be surprised! A fact that some of the clones were happy to take advantage of. Hands grabbed her from behind and she inhaled so quickly, that she began to cough. Laughing, someone patted her vigorously on the back and when she had calmed down, she glared at her brothers. 
"You!", she growled, but Cutup and Hevy sat down next to her, unimpressed and the latter held out a ration of breakfast. She thought for a moment, then she took her breakfast. "What is he doing now?", Cutup asked, Ahsoka knew only too well what bothered the two men. If Droidbait were already up, he would be sitting here as well. "You know Fives, he's going to drive Skywalker and Kenobi crazy, to make up for our absence.", she grinned and devoured the next bite. 
* ~ * 
It had been his decision to support Skywalker, Tiplar and Tiplee. It was his fault, that all of them and Tup were there. And also that Fives suddenly landed on his hit list. Rex was upset, tried to stay calm and do anything but scream. He avoided common quarters on the cruiser, as he always did when he didn't want to alarm the men. The only problem was, that was what alarmed his brothers and Ahsoka. It was exactly an hour after the end of his shift, when she stood at his door. In her hand she had a datapad, her reports and news. He saw it in her eyes, she knew it too. 
"Where could he be?", she asked and entered his study without hesitation, the men shouldn't overhear. Should all of this get through to Cutup, Hevy, or Droidbait, they'd be tearing the ship and Kamino apart looking for Fives.
Beaten, Rex sat down on his bed and rubbed his forehead. “I don't know, he could be anywhere. He's inventive, fast, trained to survive anytime and anywhere.", he rattled down. He looked up and Ahsoka wasn't his sister, just his general was standing in front of him. Like him, she had switched to a different mode. He knew the expression on her face; she had learned this ability to be completely on autopilot after Echo's death and perfected it after Hardcase's. "I think, he will go to Coruscant.", she said silently after a few minutes and Rex was startled. "Why? He'll be seen there, the chance of being caught is high.” He doubted his general's decision, but the Jedi raised her hand and he fell silent. “He's going to be looking for someone, Fives has rarely gone through his endeavors alone. At first he had Echo, then Hardcase and Tup. All three cannot help him now, so he will seek help. He will fly back.", she said and turned to the door, she stopped for a moment.
Her shoulders trembled and Rex fell out of the learned pattern and grabbed her. Now that he couldn't hold back the emotions himself, he was terrified of losing another brother. Ahsoka turned around and they wrapped their arms around each other, he could hear her breathing deeply and evenly and it calmed his pulse. "We'll find him.", she muttered against his shoulder and he pressed a kiss against her temple. "Thank you, vod."
So they made their way home and a single look between Ahsoka and Rex was enough, they agreed not to tell either of the men the real reason for this little vacation. 
* ~ * 
Did they found Fives, or did he found them?
In the end she was almost too slow, even though she had escaped his trap. Fox had already fired, when she threw herself in front of her younger brother and deflected the shot with her shoto. She heard the gun drop to the ground behind her and Fives fell to his knees. She looked back, he had his hands on his head and looked so incredibly small and alone. His eyes were huge and just stared at her. Fox pointed the gun again, at her. "General, I have to ask you to step aside." She turned to the attackers and deactivated her lightsabers, but didn't move. "And I have to ask you, to lower the gun and go back to the quarters." Fox didn't move any more than she did, but his finger was no longer on the trigger. “Please, this soldier is one of my men and I will take responsibility for him. Just give me one chance to sort it out.", she pleaded calmly and watched with serious eyes how Fox now relaxed noticeably, after all he wasn’t a bad man. 
Not all of it was entirely true, Fives was under the command of Anakin Skywalker. He had insisted on keeping the ARC-soldier with him after she got all the other experienced clones. "If you think so, General.", he muttered. She nodded tightly and waited for him and his men to leave. Then she spun around and slapped her hand against the back of Fives' head, a gesture she might have copied from him when someone was doing something very stupid.
It wasn't really hard and yet, he immediately held his head. Only now did she notice, that his hair was shaved and that there was a plaster on his head. She immediately regretted her overreaction, but she seemed to have grounded the man again. "I guess I deserved that.", he muttered and she held her hands on her hips. Oh, she was mad! Not because he'd picked up a gun. She was proud of him, he was determinded to not give up under any circumstances. But not sendig a single message to her or his brothers had been almost cruel. Her nerves had been tense for the past few days and now, they were slowly ripping to pieces. "You idiot!", she snapped and threw her hands in the air. "You knew the last position of our cruiser, you have a special private connection to your brothers and me and still you didn’t told us a single thing!" "I had no access to external communication.", he apologized and she stopped. When was the last time, he had apologized for something? "I'm sorry!", she muttered, realizing how small he had become because of her outburst and got down on her knees to wrap her arms around him. Only now did any tension leave his body and he shivered, his weight slumped against her and she held him upright and ran one hand over the back of his head, strocking the little fuzz that was left. "It's okay, we're here now.", she mumbled and gathered herself a bit, she would sort this mess out.
"Snips?", somebody asked softly from the side and she looked up, Skywalker and Rex were both still trapped and Rex seemed, as if his fingers were actually trembling. Ahsoka carefully straightened up again and propped Fives up a bit as she stood and deactivated the barrier. Rex was quickly with his brother and carefully held him upright, she saw Fives shudder and they talked softly to each other on mando’a. She and Anakin took a few steps back and she crossed her arms, it was already working hard behind her forehead.
"We can't just hide him.", Anakin muttered and Ahsoka looked at him with sharp eyes and wrinkled her nose. "Oh, so you would hand over a friend to the council and the senate once more?", she provoked, her heart still hurting at the thought, and already saw her former master puffing up. He hadn't lost any of his quick-tempered manner in the past few months. "You know that I didn’t had a real…", he began, but her raised hand stopped him and he saw her face soften a little. There was a slight pain in her eyes. "I know. But I have a choice and I will not hand my brother over, this would be a death sentence. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone deserves a second chance. Besides... “, she thought and listened to herself. Her disposition in the Force had always been, to be able to guess the truth of the words that the people around her spoke. "I don't think he made a mistake.", she finished and looked at her Master with a raised eyebrow as he sighed resignedly, it pulled a familiar smile at the corner of her mouth.
"Fine, I'll see what I can do in the Temple.", he relented and she nodded, grateful. 
* ~ * 
Less than two hours after that conversation, she had practically locked Fives in a quarter in the Torrents quarters. His eyes had looked panicked when she explained, that the code on the door had been changed to let no unknown person in. “It's okay, there will always be somebody here with you. I'll see, that we can get out of here as quickly as possible.", she assured him and saw him nodding slightly, he still shuddered now and then and hesitantly, she sat down next to him and put a hand on his back. A blink of an eye later, he slumped against her shoulder and pushed his nose into her collar. With soft fingers she ran over the five on his temple and earned a deep sigh. "Missed you.", the clone mumbled and she had to giggle softly, her heart overflowed with joy to have him here and now she wrapped both arms around his shoulders. "Me too.", she muttered before loosening her grip and standing up. There was a knock and she let the others in.
Droidbait, Cutup and Hevy practically threw themselves on their brother and buried him under themselves. The others sat down on the lower bunks and waited with a relieved smile until the four younger clones had sorted themselves out. Ahsoka was a little surprised to find, that right next to Rex, shoulder to shoulder, Cody was sitting with his helmet between his feet. At some point everyone had settled down properly and the first information began to be obtained. “Rex told me as much as he knows. Fives will be kicked out of all units, but maybe we can avoid a court martial.”, the Commander began and Ahsoka nodded, stood up and rocked slightly from one leg to the other. Her nervousness was thick in the air. "Maybe I can save him? Transferring him to my command?", she asked hopefully and Cody shrugged. "I don't know that much about it, but maybe someone like the Chancellor can..." "No!" Ahsoka's head shot up and an oppressive silence fell. She thought hard, Five's last meeting with the Chancellor hadn't gone very well, she knew that by now. "Don't get the Chancellor involved, we have to take care of the issue internal.", she decided, no one contradicted her.
Fives now reported again, to the clones present and Ahsoka, his discoveries, they were all deep in thoughts after listening. "That's ... wow.", Cutup muttered. Rex propped his arms on his thighs and rubbed his forehead. “If all of this is correct, then we have a huge problem! We know very well, that the Jedi don't do anything wrong on purpose.", he grumbled and although Ahsoka would have loved to blame the Jedi for her pain, she knew he was right. It also impressed her, that after all this time, Rex could still trust the most of the Jedi. "We could remove the chips from some units.", Hevy suggested, but Cody immediately disagreed. "We have to be loyal to the Republic, we have to follow the plans.", he said bluntly and although Ahsoka knew that only his boundless loyalty spoke from him, she got angry and crossed her arms over her chest. “And what if an order comes, and you have to shoot one of your brothers. Or Kenobi!”, she growled and saw guilt flicker in his eyes.
There was another knock on the door, she opened it slightly irritated and looked into the faces of several Jedi. In front of all of them stood Anakin Skywalker, a slight smile curled the corners of his mouth upwards. Ahsoka hurriedly slipped out of the quarters, tried to leave all anger and fear behind the locked door, and took the Jedi a few steps down the hallway until she stopped. "So you've found help?", she smiled exhausted, she was well aware of the shadows below her eyes, but she wouldn't find anything like sleep anyway. Obi-Wan Kenobi folded his arms loosely across his chest, the wide sleeves of his robe covering his hands. He rocked his head slightly, as if he was chewing on something. Aayla Secura stood there, unbreakable as a rock and with a fighting spirit in her eyes, that reminded Ahsoka why she had once felt such a bond with her. Plo Koon slowly rubbed his fingers, his face drawn in a thoughtful expression.
"Wolffe reported, that your friend seems a bit confused.", he remarked softly and Ahsoka snorted, when would the day come when she was faster than Wolffe with his reports? But somehow she admired the Commander for his loyalty... "Of course, which clone wouldn't be confused if his brothers pointed their guns at him.", she defended Fives loudly and a hand on her lower back sent a shiver through her bones, but she kept herself together. She looked up at Obi-Wan and studied his serious eyes closely. “I understand, that you want to protect him. But we can't just decide against every instance.", he said calmly, the hand behind her back was strangely cold and she straightened up, she was no longer a small child. Just a few more years and she would be on an equal footing with the Jedi-Masters! "Would you just let Cody be taken away like that?", she asked seriously and he sighed and shook his head, Aayla uttered a satisfied sound. "Now that that has been clarified, what exactly do we have to do?", she asked and her thirst for action rolled in waves towards the others.
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Chapter 3
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Warnings: Language, canon typical violence, eventual smut Link to the High Fae language Sylvarus Word count: 3.1K Join my taglist here Tagging: @miss-spixx​ and @roseofalderaan​, @hounding-around​ Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
“Are you sure you want to do this? Tyr was goading you into a reaction and it worked.”
Wolffe and I were in the stable, getting Sleipnir acquainted to his scent and presence, the large, black ronki taking to him immediately. I’d never seen Sleipnir accept someone so quickly besides myself and the horsemaster, so we at least had this going for us.
“He’s gonna learn the hard way not to challenge a superior officer,” Wolffe responded with a snort of derision. “Besides, I can win without a problem. I’m a quick study, princess, don’t worry about me. Worry about your captain getting his ass handed to him.”
“Stars above, okay, fine, let’s go do this then.” I could only shake my head and sigh, annoyed as hell with Tyr for baiting Wolffe like this. Someone’s pride was going to come out damaged by the end of it and I was almost certain it was going to be my captain. I got Sleipnir saddled up and ready to go while Wolffe got settled into his armor and took up the lance that was used as well as a shield with an Ellodeem rose painted onto it, walking back to the jousting list with me. Tyr was there waiting, a smirk on his face, and a small crowd had gathered to watch what was about to unfold.
“So what’s the prize for winning?” Loghain called out from where he was lounging on his ronki’s back, a lazy grin on his face.
“How about a token of affection from the Princess?” Tyr suggested with a wink and I made a rude gesture right back at him with a saccharine smile. “Oh come on Danica, be a good sport about it.”
“That’s Commander or my lady to you, Tyr. Don’t forget your place.” A warning flash of my fangs quickly shut him up, his eyes avoiding my glare. “But I’ll play along just this once, if only to get you to shut up. Take your places then. There will be three chances, the person who has been unseated the most loses.”
Sinker and Boost came up to stand on either side of me, arms crossed over their chests, and Sinker had a shit eating grin on his face. “Your captain is about to get his ass handed to him.”
“Oh, I know. And I’m not rooting for him.” I shot back with a grin of my own, my attention going back to the two men in front of us taking up their positions. Sif shouted the go ahead and like that, they were off, the ronki flying down the lanes, lances at the ready, and I watched on in awe as Wolffe easily unseated Tyr, sending the captain flying. All the cheering had drawn more people over, bets going around on who was going to win the next two rounds, clones and Fae alike laughing and having a good time while Tyr and Wolffe took their places again. Tyr’s eyes were narrowed, lips twisted into a sneer as he settled back into the saddle, his shoulders tense.
“Beginner’s luck, Commander. You won’t unseat me again.” He called out as he readied his lance once more. He was furious under that cocky demeanor, I could see it in the way he gripped his lance and the way he kicked his stallion into action; he hadn’t been expecting Wolffe to best him in a sport that he’d never even heard of before. Wolffe didn’t even acknowledge Tyr’s childish jeering, choosing to ignore him, too focused on hitting him again and unseating him. The moment Tyr hit the ground, everyone erupted into cheers, my own people finding it hilarious that he was getting beaten by an outsider. This was twice now he’d been unseated, the fury that had been under the surface was quickly shining through the cracks in his calm facade.
“Come on Commander, kick his ass!” Boost shouted over to Wolffe with a laugh, Sinker and some of the other men chiming in a well. I smiled but stayed quiet, having to at least try and seem like I was impartial to who won, but was cheering Wolffe on in my head. It was nice seeing Tyr get put in his place by someone other than me, this experience hopefully a humbling one for his cocky ass.
“He’s pissed. Look at him.” I nodded towards Tyr, who was taking a moment to adjust his now dented armor. “I think your Commander has gotten under his skin.” It was clear to see just how irate the man was with Wolffe and I was beginning to worry a little. Tyr had a reputation for being a hothead, his temper famous throughout the city, everyone aware of just what he was like when he was angry. I had the feeling a duel would be issued by the end of the night and someone was going to get hurt or killed.
“What is it? You’ve got a weird look on your face.” Boost nudged me gently with his elbow, watching me with concern.
“Tyr is famous for his fiery temper. I’m worried that if Wolffe wins, he’ll challenge him to a duel and if someone challenges you to a duel, you have to accept it, a refusal is considered cowardly.” I pulled my lip between my teeth nervously. We couldn’t afford for him to try and challenge Wolffe, it could lead to some serious diplomatic issues that could hurt this alliance mother and father were attempting to negotiate with Plo Koon.
“Oh shit.” I muttered when Tyr went flying through the air, hitting the ground hard enough that it made everyone watching wince in sympathy. “Congratulations are in order, Commander Wolffe. You’ve bested our captain fair and square.” I spoke louder so everyone could hear. Wolffe was smug as all hell as he and Sleipnir came riding over, Sleipnir tossing his head with a pleased snort, pushing his head into my chest for some loving. I laughed, lifting his large head and pressed a kiss to his velvety soft nose, giggling as his whiskers tickled my face. “Your prize is a… a… hm… ah, it’s… a kiss.” I had to think quickly on my feet, realizing I didn’t actually have anything to give as a token of my affection on me.
Wolffe dismounted off Sleipnir, a smug look on his face as I stood up on tiptoes, chuckling slightly when I still couldn’t reach. With a muttered curse, I scaled Seipnir’s back, at the perfect height now to press a gentle kiss to his cheek, grinning when he got flustered. Tyr had staggered to his feet by now, jaw clenched, but he shook Wolffe’s hand before sweeping off, hiding his face in embarrassment. Wolffe’s men immediately surrounded him, along with some new admirers, different people talking all at once excitedly.
“Come on boy, let’s get you back to the stables for a bath and dinner.” I murmured softly, gently nudging him away from the group, a faint smile on my face when I glanced back to see Wolffe awkwardly accepting praise and compliments from my people while his brothers laughed and talked excitedly about his victory. We got to the barn, the attendant pushing the doors open for us with a nod of his head.
“Danica.” Tyr was there getting his ronki settled in for the evening, his gaze going from his mount to me and back to his mount.
“Tyr. I hope you’re not too upset over losing. We don’t need a diplomatic problem with you issuing a duel to Commander Wolffe over damaged pride.” I was brushing Sleipnir out, frowning slightly when I glanced over at Tyr.
“Don’t worry, my lady, I’m not stupid enough to do that,” He slammed the stall door shut and crossed over his chest. “Where is your new champion by the way? Shouldn’t he be here, too?” The bitterness practically dripped off his words, a betrayed hurt in his eyes. He knew I’d been rooting for Wolffe to win and I winced a little at the bite in his tone.
“He got caught up with admirers. Have a good rest of your evening, Tyr.” I bit back, passing over the care to the horsemaster and swept out of the barn with a scowl darkening my face. Sometimes it would just be nice if he wouldn’t open his mouth and talk. It had been like this since we were children, this incessant need to always be the winner, to always be right. He had wonderful qualities, too of course, he was a stellar friend who would be there if someone needed him in a heartbeat and he would go out of his way to help children and elders, but that temper and constant need to be right was… infuriating, to say the least.
Ugh he needs to get over himself. What an ass. I walked back towards the fairgrounds where the laughter was still ringing out over the fields and the smells of so many different baked goods had my stomach growling, reminding me that I still had yet to grab something to eat. We had gotten so caught up with Tyr’s bullshit, that I had forgotten to get a ma’asso.
“There you are, where’d you get off to?” Sif came bounding up with a huge grin on her face.
“Had to go put Sleipnir away. What’s going on? Did something happen?” We fell into step with each other, heading towards the food stands so I could grab a bite to eat.
“Oh, no, nothing happened,” Sif had the largest smile on her face and a teasing lilt to her words. “Commander Wolffe certainly did well kicking Captain Tyr’s ass, didn’t he?” She nudged me with a wink, her grin only getting wider.
“He did. Tyr certainly seems to disagree, though.” I snorted.
“Oh I’ll bet he did. You know he -”
“Mommy!!” Two little voices cut into the conversation as Sif’s twin daughters came running as fast as they could towards us, her wife hot on their heels with a newborn in a baby carrier on her chest, tired silver eyes lighting up upon seeing the girls go crashing into Sif’s legs.
“Hey girls! How are my favorite ladies doing? Are you behaving for mama?” She hefted the two up, kissing their foreheads and kissed Aslaug.
“They’ve been great, mirr haesd. They’ve been chomping at the bit to see you since your joust, so we’ve been looking for you,” Aslaug leaned into Sif, resting her head on her shoulder. “It’s so good to see you, your highness. How are you?”
“I’m fine Aslaug, how are you? How’s the newest little one doing?” I peered curiously at the little pearly golden purple bundle in the sling, smiling at the sleeping baby.
“He’s good, loud just like Sif is.” She laughed softly, reaching up to push bright gold locks out of his face.
“He’s beautiful, really. Congratulations to you both, I’m truly happy for you.” I reached out to squeeze Aslaug’s hand gently when Wolffe, Sinker, and Boost approached, hanging back slightly to give us a chance to finish our chat.
“Ah, looks like your new champion is here.” Sif immediately took up the teasing again, Aslaug gently whapping her arm with a soft laugh.
“Stop teasing her, love. Come on, the little ones need to go to bed.” They waved goodbye, Sif giving me one last grin and a wink. Sinker and Boost shoved Wolffe forward towards me before taking off, giggling amongst themselves as they hurried off. Wolffe glared after the two, his expression softening quickly when I cleared my throat, suddenly nervous all over again thanks to Sif’s teasing as well as Sinker and Boost adding in their two cents to the narrative.
“You… really made quite the impression on my people tonight. I don’t think anyone expected you to participate, much less kick Tyr’s ass,” My voice was soft, almost shy really. “I’m… impressed. You actually put a rather large dent into his armor, no one’s been able to do that before.” I looped my arm through his again, pulling him with me so I could get a bite to eat, my stomach reminding me once more to feed it with a loud growl that had my cheeks heating up when Wolffe laughed.
“A lot of your people thought it was hilarious to see Tyr get his ego busted down a few notches. Is he really that big of a problem?” He questioned as we walked towards the ma’assos stand I’d mentioned earlier.
“Yes and no. He’s got a temper on him and it’s… well known among the city. He truly is a kind person, but sometimes he lets his ego and temper get the better of him. Like tonight, for example. Challenging you was foolish and could have ended so much worse. Honestly I’m surprised the idiot didn’t try to challenge you to a duel after losing.” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes in annoyance at the mention of Tyr. I was sick of talking about the man if I was being honest; I wanted to hear more about Wolffe, not discuss my ass of a captain.
“Sounds like someone’s a sore loser,” Wolffe chuckled low in his throat, the sound gravelly yet warm. “So what else do we have planned?”
“There’s not much left for the first night, though we do have a rather impressive fireworks display that’s coming up. You can see it best from the palace.” I pulled a piece of ma’asso off and popped it into my mouth, chewing thoughtfully on the sweet bread. “My balcony has the perfect view, you’re welcome to join me if you wish.”
Brilliant flashes of lights lit up the sky, dazzling the crowd with bright blues and greens, reds, pinks, and whites making appearances as well. I was watching on my balcony, squished between Wolffe, Sinker, and Boost while Comet was on Wolffe’s other side.
“Guys? I’m a touch warm, do you mind spreading out just a little? My balcony is big enough for us to have a little breathing room.” I squeaked out, letting out a soft sigh of relief when they inched away a bit. “Thank you. I’m going to grab some blankets to sit on, be right back!” I popped back into my room and strode over to the large wardrobe, throwing it open to look for the blankets.
Damn it, they got put on the top shelf again. I groaned under my breath and scaled to the top shelf to grab the blankets. You would think that people would remember that I was only five feet tall, I needed things put on shelves that I could actually reach without having to climb things. Sometimes I thought people did this on purpose because it’s hilarious to see their princess scale furniture to get things that I needed. Once I was sure I had them all, I brought them out and laid them out so it would be more comfortable to sit on.
“You weren’t kidding when you said that it was impressive. How long does it take to prepare all of this?” Boost asked, peering around Sinker to look at me.
“It takes a few months to get it all together and planned out. Worth it, though considering how beautiful these displays always turn out.” Every year the displays only grew more elaborate and impressive, our scientists always wanting to one up the others involved in the project. I leaned into Wolffe, hiding a yawn behind my hand. Today’s events had kicked my ass and I was so tired, but I wanted to stay awake for the show and so I could spend time with Wolffe and his brothers.
“Tired?” Wolffe murmured softly, moving so he could wrap his arm over my shoulders as I snuggled in close, resting my head on his chest.
“No, what? Me? Tired? Absolutely not.” I joked after yawning again, my eyes growing heavy. “What makes you think I’m tired, my dear Commander?”
“Hmm yeah, not tired huh? Then you’re just dozing off for no reason?” He chuckled low in his throat, teasing me.
“I am not tired.” I protested with a slight scowl. Wolffe only laughed softly and held me closer, moving me so I was curled up in his lap, wrapping a blanket around us. He was incredibly warm, the warmth comforting and only making me more tired, but by the goddess, I didn’t want this moment to end. It felt right, like coming home or getting a cold drink of water after being thirsty for so long. Something about this moment just felt… perfect, like it was meant to happen.
Soon enough the show was over and it looked like everyone but Wolffe and I had fallen asleep; Boost and Sinker leaning their backs against each other, heads dropped down towards their chests while Comet was sprawled out on his blanket, mouth slightly hanging open as he snored softly.
“I should get them up and out of here so you can get some sleep, princess.” Wolffe grumbled, looking at the passed out troopers with a frown.
“No, no, they’re fine. Well, we should maybe move Boost and Sinker so they’re a bit more comfortable, but honestly, you’re welcome to crash here. My room is plenty big enough, I mean, I even have a couple of foldout beds I can set up for them.” I got to my feet, wincing as feeling came back to my right leg.
“You don’t have to trouble yourself on our account -” Wolffe began to protest and I shook my head, smiling.
“It’s not troubling me if I’m offering. Honestly, it’s not a big deal. I just need to pull the beds out and grab some sheets for them.” I leaned down and patted his cheek gently, a soft smile on my face as I stepped away from him and went inside, shoving furniture out of the way and getting everything set up. “Hmm… that’s odd. I appear to be missing one.” I tilted my head to the side, puzzled as to just where the other mattress I had had gone off to. Someone must have borrowed it and forgotten to tell me or something. Well, now what was I going to do?
“Everything okay? Need some help reaching something?” Wolffe rumbled from behind me, teasing me about having to scale my wardrobe earlier for the blankets.
“Ha ha, you’re so funny Commander. No, it’s just… one of the mattresses is missing. I don’t mind sleeping on my chaise lounge and letting someone borrow my bed.” I was still frowning slightly as I spoke, trying to recall where that other mattress went off to. “Still, it’s strange that it isn’t here. I’m not sure what happened to the damn thing. Well… whatever, it’s not a big deal. Come on then, let’s get them more comfortable than sleeping on my balcony of all places.”
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dishonoredrpg · 4 years
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Congratulations, CAROLINE! You’ve been accepted for the role of THE FOOL with the faceclaim of RIZ AHMED. The way in which you expressed two sides of Saif at war -- the good man, who wishes to see things bettered -- and the bad one, who cannot bring himself fully to complete the task -- was perfect. The juxtaposition of his position and his responsibilities in comparison to the legacy he feels he owes (or owed) his father is paramount and you nailed it every step of the way. It really puts emphasis, I think, on the lesson that no matter how deep you’ve dug yourself up, you can always try climbing, and even if Saif fails to do that, I’ll certainly enjoy watching you write it out.
Please review the CHECKLIST and send your blog in within 24 hours.
NEW BEGINNINGS // NAIVE You are not born with a sword in your hand. You are not born in the ashes and the flames. You are born the only son of a good man. You are born in a world you should never have turned your back on.
You will learn to regret your departure. But long before that you will learn by your father’s side.
There is dirt that rests under your fingernails that never leaves.  There are stains in the cracks of your skin that you cannot scrub out. On the palm of your hands are calluses from a hard day's work. You father turned them over once, stared down at your hands. They are good hands, working hands. You smiled at that.
The good work you did, under your father’s careful eye, always showed in your hands. The next time you pick up a hoe it is easier. The weight of your labor feels lighter, the rewards sweeter. When it is something you have done, and done well, it makes you preen. Prideful in a way only young boys can be. For days you work harder, push yourself further. Until it is your father who stops you with a hand and a grim smile. You do not wonder if your father has played you for a fool, not at this young age. Not when you have the memory of your successes so vivid in your mind.
That thought will come much later, when you realize the breadth of your naivete. How it has let you down throughout the years.
One day you will craft a thicker skin, learn a more agile mind. You will no longer be shifted by the whims of those you trust.
One day.
There is a sword that sits by your father’s bed. It is old, but well maintained and it sings stories of war and victory whenever you get close enough to listen to it. Your father sees you watching. The depth of your interest is not lost on him. There is a disappointment in his features the first time he hands it to you, but you miss it. Too focused on the steel in your hand.
The object is foreign to you then. Something of a toy, not the weapon it should be. The weight doesn’t sit right. Your hands don’t find the purchase they should. Behind you, your father schools his features and sets you right.
He shifts your stance, adjusts your grip, shows you to go through the motions. His hands are heavy with the weight of years of training. Years of war. But you are a child, and war is just a word.
Your enthusiasm is catching, a spark of unbridled joy that does not often reach your household. The must be the reason, you will think heavy with nostalgia, why he let you hold the damn thing in the first place.
It’s not that you are unhappy. It is that you do not know there is more to the world than this. You do not even realize the more you could be. Your father does.
There is a sadness, a disappointment in his actions when he hands you a sword and sends you on your way. But you are too naive to see it.
This is the start of your fool’s journey.
IDEALISM // GULLIBLE The city is bright, and loud, and joyful. Drunkards prop themselves up on buildings, whistle at those who walk by. Children, dirty and unwatched, duck behind corners. Men keep their heads down as they march through the crowds. The city smells. It’s dirty, and dark in too many places. But you cannot see that. You are a child yourself, but you feel big in this new world.
There is a tarven near the city gates that you fall into. A woman behind the bar sizes you up in an instant. It’s easy enough, your face is still round from youth. “You don’t belong here,” she tells you but she says it with a smile. There is no threat there. There is nothing to fear. Your father told you to watch your back, a fool trusts too readily and he did not raise you a fool. But she takes you upstairs, and settles you in a room. And you are not a fool. There is good in this city, more than your father ever said. There is death in the city, magic and turmoil. You are not so naive you cannot see it, but it is not all Tyrholm has to offer.
“This goodness is in need of protection,” she tells you. Somehow you know she does not speak of herself. She speaks of those who taught her to be kind, of those who believe in heroes. And she tells you, because she can see behind the glow of your youth. Or perhaps she can see what you are yet to become. Or just maybe, she can see what you will do when you become it.
You pay her monthly for the room. You enlist in the City Guard. You flourish.
Round a campfire in the damp of the woods you sing. You sing loudly, and drunkenly, and happily. The man next to you knocks his shoulder into yours, smacks your cups together. Beer splashes and falls. You laugh.
It feels right to be here. Sitting here amongst these men, under these stars. You feel grateful. This is a family found. You miss your father dearly, but he has given you this gift. This opportunity to find joy, to succeed in a new way. A way you think might be better.
Out here you are protecting the goodness that rests in the heart of the city. There is a pride in your chest that threatens to consume you. You think you wouldn’t mind letting it.
You would be a fool to miss the signs, and you were not raised a fool. It is not a coup, but rather the idea of one. A mess of half thought plans, and poorly communicated thoughts. Stopping it is as easy as reaching out your hand. So stop it you do, because it’s the right thing to do. You are protecting the good, you are protecting the king.
What happens next is a whirlwind. You see the faces of revolters put to death. They are not the steel faced insurgents of your childhood dreams. They are men and women, tired and hungry. Something akin to doubt flickers through your mind.
Your King does not let that feeling fester. He grants you a gift.
The title is not something you expect, but you find the weight of it feels solid on your tongue. You hold it in your mouth until it bursts out into the crisp air. The sound of it feels right. It straightens your spine, brings a smile to your face.
Captain. The sweetest reward yet.
You have been remade, reborn, revolutionized over and over. The face you wear now is almost unrecognizable. Would your father know you now? No, not as you stand in armor with a sigil that disgusts you where you once found joy. These days you hold your head high out of practise.
Your father once said you had good hands. Hands of a man who would do good work. You look at your hands now. There is dirt that rests under your fingernails that never leaves.  There are stains in the cracks of your skin that you cannot scrub out. But this is not the dirt of a man doing good work. These hands are stained black with the blood of your own men. You’re no longer smiling.
Perhaps it is time for one final revolution.
Loyalty is a hard word. It tugs at your heart, and your mind. It made you who you are. This loyalty you have to a figurehead on a gilded throne. You are here today because of your king. You’ve succeeded because of your king. That used to be all your ambition stirred for: success. The feel of it, the weight of it on your shoulders.
This life you lead does not make you happy, but you are comfortable. For the days you can shut your eyes and disappear into dreams or ale, you could be fine. So few are happy, you have long since given up on that hope for yourself. The people who surround you are not bad. They are foolish, and rich, and untouchable. They are hypocrites and liars. But they raised you up, let you walk on the backs of your compatriots. Let you paint a picture of who you are that hides the darkness of reality. They are fools, but you are one of them.
Honor is a fickle mistress. You should be more than this. More than what you’ve let yourself become.
Your father doesn’t write anymore, and you understand why. There is nothing to be proud of in his son. There is nothing good, nothing honorable. There is nothing to smile at.
The image of him, his grim disappointment, haunts you. You draft a final letter. It cannot, will not, be sent. There are too many watchful eyes, too many careful ears. It does not matter, you write it all the same.
In it you tell him what you will do. In it you tell him a plan you weren’t even sure of yourself. But written in front of you it comes to life. You stopped a coup once, you write. Who better than you to know how to fix the mistakes of the past?
By the time you are finished you have come to your own grim realization. The weight on your shoulders is still there, no matter the pretty words you have written. It will take actions to clean your hands. You will become a man worthy of your father’s pride. Or you will die trying. plot ideas 001 Saif, for all his posturing in the most recent months, isn’t all that honorable. He wants to be, and is desperately trying to be but it’s a bit like closing the barn doors after the horses have already escaped. He already has the blood of too many on his hands, and he’s let himself follow orders seemingly blindly for the sake of what he thought was his ambition. But with the weight of what he’s done coming to fruition, he’s slowly realizing that this isn’t actually what he wants.
As a result I want him to be held accountable for his actions in the past, and I want to make him prove himself, most notably to Strength, that he finally has his heart in the right place. I don’t think he’ll like it, and I think the tension that it will cause will be fun to play out, but make this man suffer for his shitty actions!!
002 While his relationship with his father is complicated, Saif still holds a lot of love for the man. I think it could be interesting to use that relationship against him, should the loyalists find out about his plans. They’d also have to find the man. I feel like he’s done a very good job of hiding himself.
On top of that, I don’t really have a clear idea who exactly his father was before he became the father Saif knew him as. So that could be an interesting thing to sort of flesh out with others.
003 One of the most interesting dynamics to me, right off the bat, is the relationship between The Fool and The Sun. I think pulling them to the side of the revolters is going to make Saif feel a hell of a lot more legitimate than he currently does. It would feel a bit like a trump card, especially to those who still see him as weak willed and spineless in the face of the King.
But I also think there could be something said about Saif’s stubbornness and recklessness in pursuing The Sun as an ally. He very much is courting Death, and coming back over and over again to do so.
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hellsbellssinclub · 6 years
Across the Stars. Part 31.
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5/ Part 6/ Part 7/ Part 8/ Part 9/ Part 10/ Part 11/ Part 12/ Part 13/ Part 14/ Part 15/ Part 16/ Part 17/ Part 18/ Part 19/ Part 20/ Part 21/ Part 22/Part 23/ Part 24/ Part 25 / Part 26/ Part 27/ Part 28/ Part 29/ Part 30/ Part 31/
Hello. I am alive. Sorry about the two month wait. Here is a new chapter.
Obi-Wan, The Doctor and Donna finally get to see Master Qui-Gon Jinn! And there is a lot of exposition.
The walk to Master Jinn’s quarters was slightly awkward.
Donna was still angry and annoyed. She was keeping it under control, like how the Guardians of the Whills taught her several months ago. The Doctor was not that much better. Whereas Donna was like a raging fire in the wind, The Doctor was the hidden rapid pools on Rankonkana; calm on the surface but twisting and turning where the eye could not see.
Master Plo more than likely could also feel Donna and The Doctor’s anger, but the Master said nothing of it. Instead, the Master Jedi gave a small history lesson about the Order and the Temple, pointing out various busts and architecture and explaining their significance to the Jedi. Obi-Wan was aware that they were going the long way around to where Master Jinn’s quarters were but he said nothing, hoping that the longer walk would calm his friends down a little.
Which it did, a little bit anyway. By the time they reached Master Jinn’s quarters, Donna no longer looked like she wanted to murder someone and The Doctor seemed to be calmer. When they did reach the door to the Jedi Master’s quarters, both Donna and The Doctor quietly allowed Master Jinn to introduce himself and let them into the room.
The room itself was spacious and warm. There was a small table in the middle of the room by some couches and a kitchenet on the far wall by what looks to be the bedroom. The whole area looked comfortable and homely.
There was an awkward silence between all of them for a few seconds before Donna marched up to Master Jinn and slapped the Jedi Master across the face.
Master Jinn winced and gave a painful smile down at Donna. “I deserved that.” He said rubbing his cheek.
Donna was gently pulled back by The Doctor, who looked slightly pleased. “You deserved that. And more.” Donna hissed. “You and this whole organisation of yours all need a damn good reality smack down to realised what the hell you have done to the children in your care.”
Master Jinn nodded in agreement. “We have already had one of those. Well, several of those if I am to be honest. A lot has happened in the past several months.” The Jedi Master paused before looking down at Obi-Wan. “Obi-Wan Kenobi; I owe you my deepest apologies for the way I treated you.”
It was weird to hear the older man say that. While there is a small little part of him that still felt resentment for the way he had been treated, the last six months had helped him to learn to move past a lot of what he had gone through and unlearn things he had been mistaught by the Order.
“I accept your apology, but I do want to know why you said those things.” Obi-Wan stated, chin raised and voice calm.
The Jedi Master quirked his lips and gestured at the couch. “Why don’t we all sit down, the explanation to everything would be a lot easier to give if we were all comfortable.”
Donna and The Doctor shared one of their looks that Obi-Wan could never fully understand before they both moved towards the couch. Obi-Wan and Master Plo followed them with Master Jinn behind them. Once they were all seated together, Master Jinn spoke.
“To put it simply; the reason why I spoke to you the way I did was because your words accidentally set off a panic attack.” Master Jinn said with a painful look. “I should not have lashed out at you the way I did and my having a panic attack is no excuse for what I said. I had gone to apologize to you the next day but by then you had been sent to space station.”
“Panic attack?” The Doctor tilted his head slightly, a frown appearing on his face.
Master Jinn nodded. “I am unfortunately prone to them. It is one of the reasons I do not and cannot have a Padawan. When young Kenobi here asked me to be his Master it was really the straw that broke the pack mules back after a very long week. It is no excuse, as I said. And I had gone to explain and apologize to young Kenobi but then he disappeared with you and well.” The Jedi Master waved his hand.
Master Plo spoke up. “I would like to add that young Kenobi here was not supposed to be left alone at the space station and that he should not have been sent there in the first place. But because he was, the Jedi Order was able to uncover a plot to harm our younglings from inside our Temple.”
“What do you mean by that?” Donna said with a frown. “Obi-Wan being humiliated and sent away was a good thing?”
Master Plo shook his head. “The humiliation no, the being sent away yes. If Obi-Wan had not been sent away like he was then Qui-Gon would not have gone to confront Master Windu about his reasons for doing so. It took us a while but we soon realised that Bruck Chan, the boy who had accused Obi-Wan of harming him and Master Windu himself, had been under the control of a Sith Master.”
Obi-Wan blinked in shock at that. He thought that the Sith were all gone, destroyed by their own Rule of Two philosophy. The fact that there had been a Sith in the Temple who had managed to control both Master Windu and Bruck was just mind boggling.
“Is Bruck okay?” Obi-Wan asked with a frown. From what he could remember from his classes in the Temple and from what he learnt out while traveling with The Doctor and Donna, being mind controlled could have ill effects on people. Redirecting someone’s attention is one thing but full control of someone’s actions can do a lot of damage.
Thankfully Master Plo nodded and said. “Yes, young Bruck Chan is well. Our mind healers worked to help fix the damage that was done. He has been eager to speak to you in person. I believe he wants to also apologize for his actions.”
“How did you find out they were being controlled?” The Doctor asked, frowning and looking confused. “Also, I was under the impression that the Sith were gone? Or at least the original Sith’s anyway. These new Sith’s though, weren’t they supposed to have been defeated by the Jedi years ago?”
Master Jinn sighed and looked tired. “To answer your questions, I realised something was wrong with Mace when he could not fully answer my questions about why he had not followed protocol for sending away a youngling who has either aged out or has shown signs of not having the right mentality to be within the Order. Since Mace was one of the ones who updated these protocols himself, it was disturbing to see him deflect and ignore my questions. So, I knocked him out and took him to the healers.” The Master shrugged as if knocking someone out was a completely normal reaction to suspecting something is wrong with your friend.
“You knocked him out?” Donna raised her eyebrows at Master Jinn. She seemed to share the same thoughts as Obi-Wan about the strangeness of knocking out one’s friend.
The older Master nodded. “I have known Mace Windu since we were younglings. His behaviour was disturbing. The healers were able to determine that he was under the control of a Dark Sider. Once we realised that fact we pulled Bruck Chan aside and checked him over too. We found the same energy was on the youngling and set about healing and helping him too.”
“You said you uncovered a plot to harm the children? What plot was that and has it been resolved?” The Doctor asked, looking at both Master Plo and Master Jinn with a serious expression. “Because we don’t want to send Obi-Wan back to an environment where he could get hurt.”
Master Plo leaned back in his chair. “The plot was to slowly take our younglings away from the safety of the Order, much like how young Kenobi was. Force Sensitive children are a rarity and they could either be sold off into slavery or they could be taken and retrained in the ways of the Sith. From what we have found out so far is that Obi-Wan was the first they have tired to take. It was no coincidence that the man you helped apprehend was a slaver. We have put in place many new security measures to protect out younglings. Obi-Wan is quite safe with us.”
“And this Sith Lord, person, whatever, what happened to them?” Donna asked, sharing a look with The Doctor.
“He escaped.” Master Jinn stated. “But he is being hunted down by Jedi Shadows. They will be able to track him down and either put a stop to him or capture him and take him to a prison that will hold him.”
“So, Obi-Wan is safe here?” The Doctor asked. “And all of your other younglings? There is no way that this Sith can get in and do that again?”
Master Plo nodded. “Yes, Obi-Wan is safe here. As are all of our younglings. We have put into place more security, as we said. And while it is not impossible for the Sith to get back into the Temple, he would not be able to do it without everyone knowing that he was there. We are taking ever step we can to ensure the safety of our younglings and our fellow Jedi.”
There was silence for a few minutes as everyone digested what had been said. Obi-Wan had not thought that things had been this bad or that there could have been a Sith involved. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought that any of this could happen. A Sith, an actual real life Sith had been in their Temple and had controlled both Bruck and Master Windu. It was a terrifying thought. There has to be more to the story and Obi-Wan was eager to find out more.
But before he could ask either Master to go into more detail about what had happened, Donna spoke up and said. “I take it that Obi-Wan’s friends have been eagerly awaiting his return, right? And they are probably all excited to see him. Why don’t we send Obi-Wan down to his friends and let them speak to each other?” Her smile was slightly sharp.
“Oooh that is a good idea!” The Doctor grinned and Obi-Wan silently cursed in his mind. Of course, they were both going to still be angry.
“You guys just want me out of the room so you can both yell and swear at Master Plo and Master Jinn, don’t you?” Obi-Wan frowned at them. He was thirteen, he didn’t need to be sent out of the room while The Doctor and Donna yelled at the two Masters or possibly the Council if they got the chance again.
Master Jinn gave a laugh. “No, no. It is fine. She is right in saying that your friends have been eager to see you. Padawan Bant should be done with classes for the day. You should go and see her and send her Master down here to us. I am sure Tahl would very much enjoy having Miss Noble yell at us.”
Donna looked over at Obi-Wan, giving him a softer smile than the one she gave the two Masters. “Obi-Wan, I know that you don’t like being sent away from the conversation, but I think it would be best for this conversation not to happen around underaged ears. You said that you did want to see your friend Bant first, didn’t you?”
Obi-Wan pouted slightly. He could tell there was probably another reason as to why Donna and The Doctor wanted him to leave the room but he decided not to push it. In the last six months of traveling with them, neither The Doctor or Donna had lead him astray. He was willing to trust them with this. If they needed him out of the room he would leave the room. Though he cannot say that he is happy about it.
“Okay.” He nodded before looking over at Master Jinn. “What room should I be going to?” He asked.
The Jedi Master gave him the room number and directions. Obi-Wan stood and walked to the door, he would have liked to have stayed to hear what Donna and The Doctor wanted to talk about with the two Masters but he was definitely excited about seeing Bant again. He wondered if any of his other friends were also in the Temple. It would be great to see them all again.
And he would need to track down Bruck, if he was still in the Temple. They both needed to sit down and have a talk about what happened between them. They had never been friends, nor had they overly liked each other but Obi-Wan had never hated Bruck and he was sure now that Bruck did not hate him.
He gave the Masters and his friends a smile before he palmed open the door and ran down the hall. He was going to go see Bant!  
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