#Baylan: on second thought--
sixtysixproblems · 6 months
so i saw some sort of clickbaity article when the ahsoka show was still coming out about how baylan was going to be revealed to be plo koon's former padawan, and this has been canon to me ever since. like it just works so well. also, the wolf motif.......my dudes I came up with the most cursed friendship (crackship) as a result of this, send help
Wolffe hates him instantly because of some miscomunication I haven't decided, meanwhile Baylan can sense it and is like "this guy's fascinating...anyways--" (proceeds not to think about him at all or resolve the situation in the slightest)
Baylan, internally: oh it's that strange commander again. alright (starts zoning off about the Mortis gods)
Wolffe, internally: I can't kill him, Plo would be sad. I can't kill him, Plo would be sad. I can't kill him, Plo would be sad, I can't fucking kill him-
Plo, who can sense both of these:
they do become friends though (eventually) and tease Plo about Ahsoka. Plo's glad his son-figures close friends are finally getting along, but at what cost?
Baylan: We have both been replaced. Forsaken
Wolffe: *nods morosely*
Baylan: You as his favorite Commander, and me as his favorite Padawan.
Wolffe: Betrayal.
Plo: I'm not even training Soka...
ALTERNATELY, if they met in some post-order-66 AU
Baylan: ...You're Commander Wolffe, correct?
Wolffe: *only vaguely recognizes his face, has no idea who he actually is* and what about me
Baylan: *ignites lightsaber* and you were General Koon's commander who carried out order 66, also correct?
Wolffe: *finally connecting the dots on who this guy is* oh fuck me
Plo, entering after the fight started: NO, BAYLAN, PUT HIM DOWN (pulls out spraybottle)
Wolffe: (stares at toddler Shin) what is that. is it possessed
Baylan: * head tilt * I believe I'm going to try and kill you again
Plo: *distracted* I HAVE A ✨GRANDCHILD✨???
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critter-of-habit · 9 months
How we feeling, Ahsoka fam?
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argonapricot · 9 months
your tags on this post tumblr(.)com/argonapricot/729580866921218048/yo-baylan-just-up-ditched-shin-after-putting
encapsulate perfectly how i feel and how i wished they handled the relationship between baylan and shin. especially given that this is the only performance we’ll get of ray. i’m so so bummed. i guess i had my expectations set too high :(
Thank you for saying so! Yeah, it just breaks my heart and I definitely wouldn't feel so strongly about it if Ray Stevenson were still with us. It would honestly make sense if the showrunners had been trying to hold back on Baylan's plotline so that it could be explored in a movie or in the following season... but it's just such a misfortune.
I'm worried that there won't be enough time in the last remaining episode for Baylan to get the conclusion that he deserves. But I'm still grateful that we have had such incredible scenes that showcased his performance and character in previous episodes.
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redskull199987 · 9 months
Love me again
Ezra Bridger x fem!Jedi!reader
Word count:2.1k
Warnings: !SPOILERS! for Ahsoka Ep. 6, minor injuries, canon typical violence, you can maybe notice that I was a bit pissed at Sabine-
Summary:After being knocked out by Baylan Skoll, you regain your senses on his ship as a prisoner on your way to find Ezra…and Thrawn
Part I (you are here), Part II
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“Ezra…please, don´t go”
“We will see each other again, I promise.”
“I love you, Y/N”
Your head was pounding, as you slowly came back to your senses. Memories of conversations long ago haunting your dreams and making you want to wake up again.
“Ezra…”, you mumbled, as your eyes slowly opened, the world before you still blurry.
“Easy there, you hit your head pretty hard”
As you finally managed to gain your full consciousness again, you realized that the person in front of you, very much wasn´t Ezra. It was Sabine. You looked at her with confusion written all over your face, as you slowly sat up.
“Sabine? Where are we?”, you mumbled, taking in your surroundings. It looked like you were in a small prison cell. Only a bench adorned the dimly lit room. Taking another look at Sabine, only confirmed your suspicion.
“We were captured.”, Sabine finally said, after a few moments of silence, “By Baylan. We are currently on the way to the place where Ezra is.”
“And Thrawn.”, you mumbled to yourself, as bits and pieces of what had happened on Arcana came back to you…
Fear filled your eyes, as you arrived at the battleground. Ahsoka was fiercely fighting Baylan Skoll, trying to obtain the map.
“Ahsoka!”, you yelled, as you grabbed your own lightsaber, joining in to the battle.
Just in time, you jumped forward, preventing Ahsoka from being cut in half and pushing Baylan back a few inches.
“Get the map!”, Ahsoka instructed and you nodded at her, ready to sprint towards the small orb, but before you could reach it, a blazing red blade appeared right in front of you, blocking your path.
“Not so fast”, Baylan mumbled, preparing to strike, but you managed to block him beforehand. Your lightsabers colliding in an explosion of colors, as your green blade pushed against his red one. And those few moments were already enough for Ahsoka to lunge forward and grab the map. A scream of pain left her lips, as the glowing orb burned her skin and she dropped it to the floor.
Momentarily distracted by your companions' actions, Baylan managed to push you back. You only had seconds to react, but you were too slow. You felt the burning pain in your hand, as Bayllan hit you with his lightsaber, causing you to drop your own. You looked up at him, thinking that he would kill you right then and there. But instead of impaling you, he used the force to send you flying against one of the gigantic stone pillars, knocking you unconscious almost immediately.
You heard Ahsoka yell your name, but what happened afterwards was not known to you. 
“Where is Ahsoka?”, you finally asked, after a few minutes of thinking. Sabine looked at you with sorrow in her eyes:”She…She was fighting Baylan, when I arrived, but he knocked her over the edge of the cliff. I don´t know if she's alive or not.”
“And then what?!”, you pressed, trying not to think about the possibility of Ahsoka being dead,”Did you just give them the map and left her behind?”
“I had no choice!”; she tried to defend herself, walking up and down the small room, even if that were only a few steps.
“I thought she was dead! You were laying there, also possibly dead. I was alone and this was the only way to ever see Ezra again!”, she explained, finally looking at you, still sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall.
“Sabine…”, you began, taking a slow breath in,”Believe me, out of all people that you know, I am probably the only one who understands how much you want to see Ezra again, but preventing Thrawn from returning to our galaxy is more important. We can´t let him start another war. That's not what Ezra wanted. He made this sacrifice, so that Thrawn would forever be exiled and now, we have to make sure, it stays that way.”
Before Sabine could say anything, the door to your prison cell opened and two Storm Troopers entered.
“Time to get up!”, one of them said sternly, as he grabbed your arm, harshly pulling you to your feet, while the other grabbed Sabine.
It took you a few seconds to gain your footing, the blunt force that had caused your knockout on Arcana still affecting you. As the Trooper realized you were struggling to stand, he pushed you forward, causing you to stumble to the ground again.
“Get going already!”, he yelled, as you slowly stood up again.
“Hey, she's injured!”Sabine yelled, but the Troopers ignored her. As you were finally standing on your feet again, the Trooper grabbed your arm again and they both started escorting you and Sabine out of the prison cell. 
After a few minutes of walking in silence, you finally reached your destination. You couldn`t believe your eyes, as you took in what was in front of you. 
Grand Admiral Thrawn himself was standing there, waiting for you and Sabine. He looked exactly like you remembered him. His red eyes bored into your skull, as he looked you both up and down. 
“Sabine Wren”, he said, as you came to a halt in front of him,”And Y/N L/N”
“Thrawn…”, Sabine said quietly, looking at him with the same disgust in her eyes, as he held for her.
“What a delight it is after so long to see familiar faces.”, Thrawn continued, not one ounce of emotion in his voice,”I understand it is you I have to thank for my escape from exile.”
“Where is Ezra?”, you finally spoke, ignoring his question entirely.
“Ah yes.”, he smiled, looking down at you,”The desire to be reunited with your long lost Lover…”, he briefly turned around to Sabine,”...and Friend.”
He paused, looking to the ground for a second:”How that singular focus will reshape our galaxy.”
“Just answer the question.”,Sabine interrupted him, anger lacing her voice. 
“No need for hostility.”, Thrawn smiled, as calm as someone who was about to start a new war, had ever talked.
“I´m aware of your agreement with Baylan Skoll, and I intend to honor it.”, Thrawn continued to explain as he turned away from you. You eyed Sabine from the side, as she had never told you about any agreement.
You watched how a Storm Trooper with a patchwork armor of white and gold walked over to you, taking off your cuffs.
“You shall have provisions, a mount, and our latest intel on Bridger´s whereabouts.”,Thrawn revealed.
You furrowed your brows in confusion:”So, that's it? You´re just gonna let us walk out of here?”
“You two helped my cause. Now I shall help you.”, Thrawn explained with a little bow of his head,”You should know, though, that once my starship departs, you´ll be stranded here forever. It's also quite possible that your friend…is dead.”
You shook your head, a sarcastic grin lacing your features. You knew that he had to be up to something. He would never just let you walk out of there.
“If you survived, I'm sure he's doing just fine.”, Sabine suddenly said, her voice sounding like venom.
Thrawn seemed to be agitated by her statement and stepped towards her concerningly slowly:”You have gambled the fate of your galaxy on that belief.”
“You wouldn't understand.”, Sabine countered, staring up at Thrawn with nothing but hate in her eyes.
Even though you knew what she meant, you couldn't help but agree with Thrawn. You had to find Ezra now or else, everything would be lost. You needed to turn this battle to your favor or the galaxy would fall into darkness.
After a few seconds of silence, Thrawn looked over to you, inspecting your face for any signs of disagreement, but you didn't let him see your concerns, so he finally looked back at Sabine:”Perhaps not.”
“We'd rather not waste anymore time.”, you interrupted their little conversation,”What kind of ride you got around here?”
After being given back your belongings, you were escorted to your ride. Much to your and Sabine´s dismay, it wasn't a speeder, but a domesticated creature called Howler. It apparently went by the name Tota. 
You looked at the creature for a few seconds before stepping forward and petting it´s snout. Tota happily licked your hand in response.
“You're injured. You ride.”, Sabine said, patting your shoulder, leaving no room for protest. You only nodded and mounted the Howler, as Sabine grabbed the leash.
“Be warned”, One of the Troopers instructed,”Nomads wander this wasteland and prey upon each other for survival. Here are your weapons.”
He first handed Sabine her two blasters and then her lightsaber, before walking over to you. The man pulled out your lightsaber and you were relieved to see that it was still intact.
He stepped back, ready for your departure:”Die well.”
You eyed him for a second before turning around, as the door in front of you opened. Sabine led the Howler outside and the doors closed behind you. Now, you were on your own.
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To say that your ride through this wasteland was eventful, would be an understatement. You were out for maybe an hour or two, as you were attacked by those nomads the Trooper had warned you about. Much to your dismay, Tota jumped in panic and threw you off before running away.
Luckily, You and Sabine had managed to defeat the attackers, before  anything worse could happen. It also didn't take you long to find the Howler again. Sabine was heavily against taking him with you again, but after a bit of convincing, she accepted him and you continued your journey. 
Which led you to where you were right now. Following a small creature you had encountered, hoping they would lead you to Ezra, even though you didn't understand a word they said.
You had grabbed Tota´s leash firmly, to keep them away from the small creatures.
“It's alright, Tota.”, you mumbled, staying back a bit to calm the Howler down. You smiled as one of the people gave you an unknown fruit. You took it, thanking them before trying to feed Tota with it. They smelled it first, before finally taking a bite, judging that it was tasty.
Your eyes widened as you were led to a village. You saw lots of small tents, at least a hundred people running around doing Maker knows what, but most of them were looking at you curiously, as you entered their home.
“I knew I could count on you.”
Your Head shot up as you heard his voice. A few meters in front of You, Sabine turned towards a small hut, presumingly staring at a Person you couldn't see from where you were standing. You watched how a smile unfolded on Sabine´s face before she stepped forward.
And so did Ezra.
You only took in his form as they started conversing. He was much taller now, his long hair hanging around his face, that was adorned by a beard. You watched how the two of them hugged each other,  you finally decided to step away from Tota and closer to them.
“Ezra?”, You said quietly, your voice trembling, as his eyes finally landed on your form. The smile on his face dropped, as seriousness that you never seen on him before, took over.
“Y/N.”, he mumbled and only seconds later, he ran towards you, engulfing you in his arms.
“It's really you!”, You exclaimed, tears in your eyes as you wrapped your arms around him. Ezra happily lifted off your feet, spinning you around.
“It's really me!”, he smiled, as he let you to the ground again. You looked up at the boy you loved. He had grown into a man. You smiled as your hand cupped his cheek. He immediately leaned into your touch, closing his eyes.
“Maker, I missed you so much.”, he mumbled, putting his hand on top of yours.
“I missed you too.”, You smiled and looked into his eyes. His appearance might have changed, but his eyes were still the ones you fell in love with.
“I'm gonna kiss you now”, Ezra muttered and you only nodded, before his lips collided with yours. And that's when you finally felt the relief of having him back again. His beard tickled against your skin, as he poured all his emotion into the kiss and you felt connected to him even through the force. 
You were gasping for air, as you finally parted again. A soft smile now adorned Ezra´s face and he leaned forward to give you another kiss on the forehead.
“I love you, Y/N”, he said firmly. And this time, you got to reply to him. Finally, after all this time.
“I love you too, Ezra.”
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jedimasterbailey · 9 months
Furthermore, I’m going to be completely honest in this review so if you’re someone who truly enjoyed the show, you’re a Rebels stan, etc. then this post isn’t for you. Haters will be blocked immediately so take your negative energy elsewhere. You have been warned!
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For everyone else, buckle up because I’ve got a lot to say and I’d love to hear your thoughts on this as well. All comments are welcome so long as they are respectful to everyone.
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Okay, so now that the show is done for now. I’m going to be listing some major talking points. We’re there some aspects of the show that I enjoyed/appreciated? Absolutely! But overall, I’m leaving this show very disappointed, confused, and frustrated. The finale left me feeling empty and never have I personally been more silent after a Star Wars show. Now mind you I think this has a lot to do with the fact that I love Ahsoka’s character dearly as well as the Clone Wars and the prequels so there is bias here. Furthermore I am pretty indifferent with Rebels so going in knowing that the Ahsoka show wasn’t going to be…well about Ahsoka but rather a Rebels sequel, that already put a bad taste in my mouth and I was very nervous how this show was going to go and well…it was exactly what I expected from a Filoni/cheap Disney production. Without further ado, here’s a list of all my beef.
1.) Lack of a Coherent and Cohesive Story
So I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, but my main issue with Dave Feloni productions is that the story seems to be going all over the place and there’s a lot of moving parts that don’t necessarily meld well together. I often think to myself that Ahsoka is an example of a poorly written fanfiction brought to the screen. So the plot of the show initally was focused on Ahsoka bringing Ezra home. Okay, that’s simple, there’s many different ways we can make that cool and interesting but that’s not what happened here. We’re just filled with a ton of confusing information and we’re in for a very boring journey heading for a very anticlimactic and unsatisfying ending.
For starters, we the audience are informed that Ahsoka and Sabine had started an apprenticeship (which I have ALOT of issues with but that’s for another talking point) but they got into a tiff (which we never find out about and/or see) and now things are just depressing and weird between them. First of all, anyone who has seen Rebels KNOWS that Ahsoka and Sabine literally had very little to do with each other; I can’t recall a single conversation those two have had in the past, nor was it ever eluded to us that Sabine is Force sensitive.
Second we see that Hera and Sabine don’t have anything to do with each other for some reason? Which is weird considering all that’s happened and their history but okay suddenly Sabine, a grown ass 30+ year old woman is Ahsoka’s responsibility, which again why? We don’t get any background information, we’re just expected to accept and go with it.
Third, Ahsoka and Hyuang are reunited and working together immediately but again do we know how that became to be? No. We see none of that.
Fourth we are told that Morgan Elsbeth, a one off antagonist from the Mandalorian that Ahsoka fought is suddenly a Dathormirian woman even though she looks nothing like one besides her outfits in the show nor was that eluded to previously.
Fifth, we are introduced to these two new…I don’t even know what to call them “dark siders” “non Jedi” Shin and Baylan (who is apparently a former Jedi from the Clone Wars but did we see that or see how he knew Ahsoka and Anakin? No.) but we aren’t given any reason to care about them other than they’re in Ahsoka’s way of completing her mission. They end up being more like time fillers that anything else and end up walking away from the big conclusion. Like…why are they even in this show and why should we care?
Perhaps Dave Feloni has this big grand story in his mind but he’s so far up his own ass that none of us get to see this story. It’s like seeing a little kid play with their action figures and they’re super passionate about it but as a outsider you have no idea what’s going on. Now this isn’t good not only for the sake of good storytelling but it’s bad for business too.
Disney wants to make as much money off of Star Wars as they can. That’s extremely obvious. However here you have a show that isn’t going to pull in a casual Star Wars viewers (they would have to watch so much content to catch up on whose who and what is going on) nor is it really going to pull in fans of Clone Wars and Rebels because while they overlap, the fandoms are different and Feloni hasn’t done a good job melding those worlds together thus the divisive opinions on this show. This leaves for an incredibly small niche of people and honestly I think whatever toy sells they make from this show will do better than the actual ratings. I would be shocked if they greenlit for another season because I’m pretty done with this story as is many of the people who would be willing to watch.
All in all this is embarrassing how Feloni and the gang with all the money and resources can’t pull off a simple and epic show when there are thousands of unpaid fanfic writers that could pull off a much better story and build these beloved up characters, which leads into my next point.
2. The Characterizations of Ahsoka, Sabine, and Hera Are Bad
Now I have mentioned previously how much I love Ahsoka but damn it upon watching this show, she may as well be dead. Ahsoka has been given the Luke Skywalker treatment in that Ahsoka has been stripped of everything that made her lovable in Clone Wars and Rebels and is left as a sorry shell of who she once was. Her dialouge is hollow and lifeless not like the lively Ashley counterpart that made us all love Ahsoka in the first place. And no don’t give this “well she’s older now” bullshti excuse because Obi Wan Kenobi never lost his cheekiness and charisma as an old man, neither did Yoda, or Leia, etc. Just because you age doesn’t mean you have to be lifeless. Maturity does not equate to emotionless. Secondly for a woman whose well into her fifties and still acts very much like a Jedi Ahsoka’s views on the Jedi and their philosophy seem very warped and the audience is again left confused as to where she stands on the Jedi. I mentioned in a previous post how I couldn’t stand Ahsoka’s negativity towards the Jedi and how nobody seems to matter but Anakin (even though he’s put her through a ton of trauma and has tried to kill her as Vader) because it’s just so distasteful to the people who raised her and loved her that died by genocide no thanks to Anakin. Ahsoka has zero character development other than she seems to forgive Anakin for his wrongdoings despite the nonexistent apology. For a show that has her name on it, she sure is boring. Makes me miss Ashley and old Ahsoka even more.
As for Sabine I probably could write a whole thesis on how unlikeable she is but I’ll keep it short. One, I find it sick on Feloni’s part that he’s having a grown 30+ year old woman act like a teenager and be snarky with just about everyone. Ezra, who annoyed me immensely in Rebels, was WAY more mature and grounded. And again I’m sick and tired of the Mandalorian excuse of you getting to be an asshole because youre Mandalorian. Shut up. No one is above manners and decency. Sabine’s actions in this show have been far from Jedi like and thanks to her immaturity, she left Ahsoka for dead once and is indirectly responsible for the death of New Republic officers who were trying to stop this very dangerous mission that could possibly bring Thrawn and the Empire back ensuing more death and destruction of innocents. Ahsoka deserves to be angry with her for her words and actions, but of course Sabine gets a free pass and her bad behavior will continue to be enabled.
As for Hera…when did she become such a Karen? Just because you’re an officer doesn’t mean you get to abuse your power for your own personal agenda. That Senator was right about her. Finding Thrawn is a threat to the galaxy and using resources and putting lives at risk for it is a big deal. Hera was depicted as honorable and responsible in the Rebels series and I swear I was watching a different person on screen. Also she is a major Sabine enabler and that needs to stop. Sabine is grown and needs to grow up and fix her attitude.
3.) Anakin’s Role In the Show
Now don’t get me wrong, I love Hayden and I love Anakin, I have the dude tattooed on me for Force sake so don’t come at me for that, but I had some issues on how his character was used here. First, I’m tired of Ahsoka’s relevance to Anakin being the only defining trait about her. Second, I’m continuously annoyed by Anakin’s lack of accountability in these shows; he never once apologizes to Ahsoka for all that’s happened, he never once’s has a meaningful conversation with her; he just basically beats her down until she finally lets go of her past. Did I love the Clone Wars flashbacks! YES! They were my favorite part of the entire show and I want MORE of that; but I so wish Anakin could have been reflecting on his own actions with Ahsoka instead of being like “Is ThAt WhAt ThIs Is AbOuT?” Like come on 🙄
4.) Ahsoka’s “It’s Time To Move On” Line
Are you kidding me Ahsoka? There is still so much more to unpack with her past such as all the other relationships she’s had that completely changed her trajectory like BARRISS and REX and she could also be a mentor figure to Luke and Leia, etc. But nope the only thing that matters is getting over Anakin and all is well despite being stranded in another galaxy and Thrawn being unleashed back home. Like THIS IS NOT OKAY!
5.) The Cheap Ass Production of this Show
I’m not normally one to comment on production but it was so obvious in this show how many corners were cut. For one characters like Thrawn look god awful. Dude looking like a blue Elon Musk instead of an intimidating villain. The use of fog and the volume were very obvious and the places we went to were so boring minus the red leaves forest. The worlds of Star Wars used to be so cool and otherworldly but that’s not the case nowadays and it’s sad. Also why does Force ghost Anakin look better in the 2000’s than it does now? I prefer quality over quantity so I really wish Disney would quit churning out these cheaply made productions and have the audacity to rise their Disney plus subscriptions and not pay their people well.
I’m so fucking tired of this y’all! 🤬 of course make the Jewish actor in the shipyard be greedy and power hungry. Of course make the Asian Senator the asshole and not any of the white protagonists. The antisemitism and racism against POC is unacceptable to me and it should be unacceptable to you too.
I’m sure I’m missing some talking points but these are my biggest grips and as an Ahsoka fan I’m disappointed. Being a miserable Jedi not Jedi responsible for bringing a new evil into the galaxy but being content being stranded in another galaxy is not the future I believe Ahsoka deserves and I sincerely hope they don’t continue this story. It’s just bad all around. Except for the Loth cats… the Loth cats can stay. And Clone Wars flashbacks.
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cethlyarlo · 9 months
I think it's interesting how Shin was dressed in darker clothes in her last scene of S1. Everything about the scene itself spelled darkness, even her saber looked more red and the way she approached the bandit nomads seemed very Anakin-and-the-younglings-esque.
What got me though, was her expression and how she held herself.
She's torn and lost. She's no longer standing on solid ground and she doesn't have anyone to turn to. Baylan ran to the mountains after leaving her without warning and with no word on where he went. Ahsoka was made out to be the enemy by those around her, but she's probably having second thoughts on that too based on the gentle offer that was extended to her only hours earlier.
Everything she's known has been turned on it's head and she's just so terribly lost and unbalanced. She has no guidance on how to bring herself back up, and I have a feeling she will begin to lose herself if she doesn't find a counterweight. It's a darkness different than anger and hate.
Girlie is in for a tough journey of self discovery
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moonflowerdamie · 7 months
the injury of finally knowing you
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Word Count: 7.9k
Title from 'Unknown/Nth' by Hozier
You’re frozen. Sabine is skewered on the end of a guttering orange lightsaber, her eyes wide in shock and pain, immobilised, and you’re frozen.
You’d heard her distress call, you and Ahsoka both, and had come as quickly as you could. You’d both drawn your sabers—the blue of yours with the white of your master’s lighting up the interior of the rattling ship—before Huyang had even opened the drop-doors. Ready to fight, ready for action.
And then Sabine’s assailant had turned in the headlights and you’d turned to stone.
It’s been years—years­—and her hair is different, her frame taller and leaner, but you know those eyes. You’d know them anywhere.
“Shin.” You breathe, and you feel something you thought was dead reawaken in your chest.
She meets your eyes for a split-second, fear and anger and brief recognition flashing across her face, before she turns tail and runs.
She doesn’t look back.
Once Sabine is stabilised in the medbay on Lothal, Ahsoka finds you.
“You knew her.” You look up from your hands. Your master leans against the door to Sabine’s room, staring at you with an unreadable expression. You hate it when she does that; it makes you feel scrutinised, like the Togruta is peeling back the layers of your skin, staring at your very essence.
“The mercenary.” She prompts after a moment of silence. You sigh. Though the conversation was almost certainly inevitable, you’d hoped it could wait until after Sabine was up and about again; she was a pain in the ass, but your best friend, and you’d always dealt with things better when she was around. Things, this time, being the sudden reappearance of a girl you’d thought was lost to you.
“I do. I used to, anyway.”
Ahsoka stays quiet but raises an eyebrow. Go on, she gestures.
“Back on Aris, my home planet—before I got out—Shin was…” you trail off. How do you even begin to describe what you and Shin were to each other? Barely teenagers, you’d found one another in the dusty underworld of your shithole of a planet. Both orphans, friendless, starving, you’d stuck together, first for convenience and necessity, and then, after trust was built and connection found, for companionship. She’d been your only light in the darkness of your life, and you the same for her.
My sunshine, that’s what she used to call you. With that achingly fond smile, the one that made your heart skip and your hands shake. She’d brush her hands against your cheek, brush lips against your temple, and then you’d share the food you’d both scavenged for the day, huddled together for warmth in some back alley or abandoned building.
What had you been to each other? Something undefined, something unable to be put into words. You’d sunk desperate teeth into one another, searching for survival, searching for a home neither of you had anymore. She stuck to the back of your teeth even now, over a decade later. How on earth could you compress what Shin had been to you into something understandable?
“Shin was my friend.” Is what you settle on, averting your eyes, swallowing harshly. “We hung around together when we were kids. Scavenged food, kept each other out of trouble.”
“What happened?” Your master asks and you wince at the memory of what came next.
“There was a man. Baylan, he said his name was. Came to us both one night saying he could…he could sense us. The Force, I mean.” You bring your hands together in your lap and take a breath, fighting to keep your voice steady. “He said he wanted to train us, to—to help us, and…”
You still remember the look on Shin’s face, how her eyes had glimmered as Baylan spoke of freedom, of power beyond your wildest dreams. You feel sick even now, just thinking of it.
“He offered to get us out. To take us with him, away from Aris. I…I didn’t trust him. He felt—dark. But Shin, she didn’t listen when I told her something was up with him.”
You had fought that night, your first and only fight. Shin was frustrated that you couldn’t see the opportunity Baylan was offering, and you were afraid. Afraid of what would become of you if you went with this stranger. Afraid of the girl you knew—the girl you loved—being changed into something she wasn’t. And so—
“Shin left. She went with Baylan, and I stayed on Aris for a few more years. Then, made my way to you. I never saw her again. Until last night.”
You’re trembling by the end of your story, and Ahsoka places a gentle hand on your shoulder. Heart clenching, you swallow back the lump in your throat. Pull it together.
“She had a padawan braid.” Sitting up, swiping a hand down your face, you focus up. Ahsoka nods.
“Which means she’s probably taking the map to her master—to Baylan.”
“We have to get it back, Master.”
“We do. We will.”
The next time you see Shin, she tries to kill you.
Sabine and Ahsoka are occupied with the other one, with his full-face mask and spinning double-saber, leaving you to chase after her.
You call her name through the trees that seem to cover half the surface of Seatos, and when she stops running and turns to face you, there’s a wildness in her eyes that takes the breath from your lungs.
“Shin.” You say again, voice soft, panting from your race through the forest. Her jaw ticks at the sound of her name, hands clenched in fists by her sides. You take a step towards her, hoping for—you don’t even know what you were hoping for—and then her lightsaber ignites and comes swinging at you.
You manage to dodge her strike, heart cracking as you grab your own weapon and ignite the blue blade, not even getting a chance to decide if you really want to do this—if you really will fight her, the girl you once rested your head upon, who once called you sunshine with adoration in her eyes—before she’s attacking again, lightsaber arcing towards your head.
You catch the swing and hold it, grunting in effort as she bears down. Your faces are inches apart, lit by the glow of your weapons, and a warring plethora of emotions rage against your ribcage.
A part of you wants to step back, to sheath your blade and plead with her. You want to tell her you were wrong not to go with her, that she was wrong to leave—that no matter what, you should’ve stayed together, because she had been your only family for years and you had loved her and—fuck—you love her now, even still, after all this time.
But this is not the Shin you once knew. This girl, with snarling, snapping teeth and feral eyes, she is not the girl you once called home. She is changed, just as you feared she would be, and you sense that if you try to reason with her, she will simply run you through, just as she did Sabine.
So, you grit your teeth. Push back against her and send her stumbling back a step. And when you collide again, both of you have murder in your eyes.
The fighting is brutal and quick; Shin is clearly well-trained and you barely manage to parry her strikes, using all your energy to keep yourself in the battle. Your blades clash and hum angrily, lighting up the clearing as you charge each other.
You’re not sure you’d have survived if not for Ahsoka and Sabine taking out Shin’s accomplice. Your knees are close to buckling, arms shaking violently as Shin’s head whips around to see her masked partner dissolve in a burst of green smoke. Shock is evident on her face, lips parting and eyes widening, and she steps away from you. Your arms drop to your sides, breath escaping you in wheezes and coughs.
There’s a moment then, where you see the chance: her attention is drawn, she’s distracted; you could just kill her now, one clean slice, and be rid of her. But you know the way she haunts you—her memory has lingered for over a decade now, slicking your gums, nestling in your bones. Death would not keep her away.
Besides, some stupid part of you still has hope. Hope that, one day, she will smile at you again, call you sunshine in that lilting accent of hers, and you will finally come home to each other.
That day seems a long way off when she turns back to you, fury boiling over in her eyes, before throwing a smoke bomb at your feet and racing away.
Ahsoka goes over the cliff, Sabine hands over the map to Baylan, and all in all, it could’ve gone better.
Now, you’re sitting in a holding cell—bare, apart from the solid metal ledge you suppose counts as a bed—with your hands bound and your head absolutely pounding, flying on a giant golden ring through hyperspace towards perhaps the one man with the power to restart the Empire. Outnumbered, outgunned, and fresh out of ideas. Fucking brilliant.
You’re leaning back with your eyes shut and your head on the cool metal of the cell, trying to alleviate your headache, when the door to your prison slides open with a hiss.
You don’t open your eyes. You can sense her now, feel her presence—both of you now being strong with the Force is probably to blame for that extra fun little sixth sense.
“What do you want?” You ask flatly. Defeated, exhausted and more than a little angry, you want to be left alone.
Shin doesn’t answer, but you hear her step into the room, the door sliding shut behind her.
You sigh and open your eyes, staring defiantly up at her as she lingers by the entrance. She’s watching you, eyes intense but also curious. Her lightsaber hangs from her belt, a visible threat, but you don’t feel anger coming from her like you did on Seatos. The air sizzles with unspoken words and thick tension.
“Y/N.” She finally speaks, and it feels like a relief to hear your name rounded by her voice after so many years. It seems to catch between her teeth though, uncertain, and you huff out a mirthless laugh.
“So you do remember me.”
“Of course I remember you.” She almost spits, that familiar fury bubbling under her tone, and you raise an eyebrow. You see her swallow, eyelids fluttering, reigning herself in.
“It’s been a while.” You remark, unsure of what to do. She has all the power here; you’re on her ship, shackled in her prison, weaponless, armourless, defenceless. Yet somehow you feel her wavering. She seems just as uncertain as you, just as…lost.
She inclines her head in agreement and takes a step forward, saying nothing. You keep quiet too, for no other reason than you simply do not know what to say. What can you say? To Shin, what can even be said? ‘You have changed and it scares me but somehow you still keep a piece of my heart’? ‘You left me and it damn near killed me, but god you’re so pretty it hurts’? No, you can say none of it, none of how you feel, so you stay silent.
“You’re a Jedi now.” She ventures after a while and you shrug.
“I guess. I’m not fully trained yet, plus Ahsoka isn’t technically a Jedi, so.”
Another stretch of silence.
“What’s it like?”
You cock your head in confusion. Shin looks smaller now, more vulnerable, and it baffles you. Angers you too. She has you locked up in here, comes to see you of her own free will after god knows how many years apart, just to..what? Make small talk? Fuck that.
“What’s it like? You left me, left me stranded on that hellhole without a second thought, tried to kill me and have taken me prisoner and you come here to ask what training to be a Jedi is like?” You say, venom in your tone, hands clenching into fists as rage climbs the ladder of your ribcage.
Shin starts towards you, eyebrows furrowing. Her mouth opens to reply but you cut her off, lost to the currents of your rising anger.
“We were supposed to stick together, Shin, that was how it worked. I needed you and you needed me and we survived together.” You rise from your seat, blood roaring in your ears, heart pounding as all the hurt, all the confusion and the pain and the anger comes flooding out of you.
“I told you not to go with him and you didn’t listen.” You take a step towards her. She is motionless, eyes stuck on you. “I told you not to leave me, and you did it anyway.” You’re getting louder, losing control. You’re barely a metre apart now, your chest heaving as she watches you.
You step into her personal space, inches apart.
“You told me we’d stay together no matter what and you fucking lied. You abandoned me.”
Shin, who has been silent throughout your little rant, finally reacts, mouth drawing into a thin line as you practically corner her against the wall.
“I didn’t abandon you.” She whispers, and her voice is hurt. It surprises you enough to suck in a quick breath, eyes darting about her face. “We were both supposed to go with Baylan. You were supposed to come too.”
It feels like your heart is crumbling to dust as you stare at her, realising the pain she’s in. You can see her clearly, can see the girl you knew hiding behind a hard mask of stoic indifference. She’s still there, just tucked away behind anger and hurt and suffering, and it feels like breathing for the first time to know it.
“Shin.” You breathe, wanting to reach for her but your hands are bound; wanting to run from her but the door is locked. All you can do is stare, try to convey everything you’re feeling with the weight you put on her name.
The moment is broken by the communications panel of her vambrace beeping loudly and insistently. You step back, dazed, blinking and trying to come back to yourself. Shin seems similarly disarmed, shaking her head and clearing her throat before looking down at the message. She furrows her brow. You want to ask her what’s wrong, want to ask her to stay. But you don’t get the chance. She taps a response out, the door to the cell opens, and she leaves without a word.
After she’s gone, the door closed behind her again, you slump back against the wall. Your mind is spinning, heart twisting itself into knots. You don’t know what you’re going to do now—Shin is technically the enemy, and her master killed your master, but she is also the girl you loved, the girl you love, and you feel light-headed with all the complications.
You slide to the ground, rest your head against your knees. You’re fucked and you know it.
Peridea is beautiful, in its own deserted, haunting way. The Noti take you in, and Ezra is going home, Ahsoka is alive and Sabine seems to be making her own peace, and yet you remain restless.
It’s not just being stuck in an unreachable galaxy, far away from everything you’ve ever known, whilst a warlord capable of unspeakable evil speeds away to destroy all you worked to rebuild—though it’s certainly not helping.
Aside from that, you’re restless. And you know why.
You can still feel her.
After the fight, after Ahsoka offered her hand and Shin ran, you’d assumed that would be the last of it. She’d isolate herself on some remote corner of the planet and starve, and you’d finally find some measure of peace. But no.
She’s there—barely—but there all the same. At the edge of your awareness, tiptoeing on the borders of your consciousness. Her presence is hazy, cloudy, but undeniable. You don’t know if she’s a mile away or hundreds, but she’s there. Her confusion, her anger, her desperation…it’s all buzzing just out of reach, millimetres from your fingertips, and you’re not sure if you want to grasp for it or shove it away. You try both. Neither works.
The days roll on and you fall into a routine of sorts: you wake with the sun, spar with Sabine, help out with chores around camp; you meditate with Ahsoka, practice your lightsaber forms and sleep when the moon rises. All of it is permeated by that tickle in the back of your brain, that sense, her.
You know your friends notice the distance in your eyes—both Ahsoka and Sabine approach you separately to ask what’s bothering you, but you give them the same non-answer: ‘I’m just worried about home.’ You can tell neither of them believe you, but thankfully, neither of them push the issue.
You’re sure you’d have gone mildly insane with it, had she not shown up that night.
The hand slapped over your mouth jolts you from a turbulent sleep, and your eyes widen in shock as you immediately begin to squirm, trying to throw your attacker off. It’s dark out, with only the stars lighting the sky, and your eyes haven’t adjusted yet, so you can’t see your assailant.
Panic rises in your chest, heart pounding as you try to yell, only for the sound to get muffled by the gloved fingers curling over your lips. You toss and turn, slapping at the arm of your attacker, trying to bite their fingers, kick them, claw them, anything.
“Shh, shh, stop it. It’s me, it’s me.” The person hisses, alarmed, and your body goes slack with a mixture of shock and relief.
“…Shin?” You whisper once the hand is removed from your mouth. You blink rapidly, and Shin’s face comes into focus above yours. Her eyes are wide and frantic, dirt smudged across her cheeks. She looks wild, looks skittish, and you can’t even begin to describe how you’re feeling.
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” Is what comes out of your mouth after you’ve composed yourself a little, sitting up quickly, narrowly avoiding headbutting her.
She shuffles backwards and her eyes dart to the ground, like she hadn’t expected the question. That pisses you off to no end—she fucking snuck into your camp in the dead of night, like some kind of predator, and now she has the audacity to look sheepish?!
“Seriously, Shin, start talking, or I swear to—”
“I didn’t know where else to go.”
Her voice is small, weak, and it’s just then that you notice the way her left arm is hanging, slack and limp, by her side. Blood covers her armour and sleeve, some dried and some still dripping, and immediately your brows furrow.
“What happened?” Your tone is low and concerned, and you reach for her hand without even thinking about it. She flinches away and you draw your hand back quick as lightning. You mutter an apology under your breath.
“Bandits. I tried to join them…to rule them, but they mutinied. I wasn’t quick enough. One of them got me with their sword.”
There’s pain in her voice now, and it’s clear to you that she’s struggling. She wouldn’t have come to you unless she really needed help.
Part of you wants to turn her away. Wants to tell her to get lost and to stay the hell away from you; there’s still a lot of unresolved tension between the two of you, with your history both old and recent. She’d abandoned you. She’d tried to kill you, for heaven’s sake.
But, looking into her eyes, you see that girl you knew on Aris. You see Shin, your Shin, and you know you can’t leave her like this. You sigh. Stand up and jut your chin towards the log settlement around the fire in the middle of camp.
“Come on, then.” You start walking, not waiting for her to follow. You start gathering the supplies you’ll need to clean and wrap her wound, and when you turn back around, you see Shin sat by the fire, warming her hands. It’s pitiful and endearing in equal amounts, and you shake your head to try and rid yourself of those soft-rounded thoughts.
Once you have everything you need, you take a seat next to her. Her eyes dart your way, a flicker of…something glimmering deep within them, but you can’t afford to overanalyse right now—not with how blood still drips from Shin’s fingers, how she has started to shiver.
“I need to touch you to help you.” You murmur, warning her, and she nods faintly in return, turning back to face the fire. The flames cast a warm glow over her cheeks, making her seem softer. That biting edge, that snarling fury you’ve come to know of her seems a distant memory as you begin to cut away her sleeve, being mindful not to nick her skin or graze the wound.
A quiet sigh of relief escapes your lips once you finally see the full extent of the wound; it’s a deep cut—you can see where the sword bit into her arm, swung likely with a fair amount of force—and it’s probably causing Shin a decent amount of pain, but it doesn’t look like it’ll cause lasting damage. It’ll almost definitely scar, but she’ll heal. She’ll be alright.
You’re not sure why that makes you feel so much quieter inside.
The process of cleaning her arm is methodical, relaxing. You lose yourself in it for a while. Silence settles over the two of you like a comfortable blanket, enveloping you in a world of your own, and you haven’t felt this peaceful since before Lothal.
Surprisingly, it’s Shin who speaks first. You’ve applied some bacta to the cut, wiped the blood and grime away, and you’re just waiting for her to bolt—the job finished, your services no longer required—when she opens her mouth.
“Baylan abandoned me.”
The words are measured, quiet, but you can hear the betrayal and the hurt seeping into her tone. You swallow, unsure of what to say, but she continues before you can start rambling.
“He said he could sense something here. A great power, greater than the witches. He told me to kill you, Sabine and Ezra, then join Thrawn. Then he was just…gone.”
Shin’s lower lip is trembling, eyes glazing over, and an ache of sympathy pangs in your chest. The bond between a Master and a Padawan is almost unbreakably strong—to have it shut off like that, cut so abruptly, must be agony. You felt a little of it when you thought Ahsoka was dead, and you know that if she actually were to perish, or, Makers forbid, abandon you, you would feel it like a knife through the heart.
“Shin, I—” You start, but she cuts you off, head turning to face you, and you see clearly the tear sliding down her cheek.
“He was like my father.” And there is rage now, undercutting her sorrow. “Why did he leave me?”
It’s a question you cannot answer. Yet she looks at you with such desperation, like you’re her anchor as she is tossed about by towering waves, that you wish so gravely that you could.
You don’t know what compels you then—she had flinched back when you tried before—but she looks so angry, so sad, so broken, that you reach for her. To your surprise, she meets you halfway, collapsing into your arms, burying her head in your shoulder. You wrap your arms around her, let her cry silent tears as your heart beats out of your chest.
Holding Shin, feeling her pressed up against you, is something you haven’t had in a very long time. It takes you back to a simpler time, to nights snuggled together for warmth; to blushing smiles and brushing hands and eyes that looked like home. It breaks open something you’d buried and tears of your own gather in the corners of your eyes.
She pulls away after what feels like seconds, like an eternity, and clears her throat, swiping harshly at her eyes. You feel cold almost immediately, the absence of her touch chilling your skin.
“Sorry.” She mutters gruffly and you shake your head, waving her off. The air between the two of you is changed now, somewhat awkward but still charged.
“What are you going to do now?” You venture to ask after a moment. It’s a valid question; after all, Thrawn and his ship are gone, Baylan is off on his mysterious quest and the bandits (whatever’s left of them) have made clear that Shin isn’t welcome with them. Her future seems highly uncertain.
“I don’t know.” She replies, shifting uncomfortably. Clearly she hadn’t thought about what came next after you’d patched her up. “I can’t go back to the bandits.”
“Yeah, no shit.” You murmur and she chuckles, a low sound from the back of her throat, and it brings a smile to your face. Quiet falls between the two of you again.
In the silence, in the gaps between your breaths, an idea starts to take root. It’s stupid and illogical and entirely driven by your nonsensical heart, but once it plants itself, it grows and grows and grows, until it covers every corner of your mind like ivy.
“You could…stay?” And it’s out of your mouth before you can catch it. Your own eyes widen in surprise at what you’ve just suggested; Shin is the enemy. She’s tried to kill you, had damn near killed Sabine, has hunted you and hurt you. There’s a darkness in her that almost scares you, and she is so far from the girl you once knew, but she isn’t at the same time. She’s Shin, feral and furious, but still Shin, all the same. You look in her eyes, and you still see home.
You lost her once. You won’t lose her again.
“With us, I mean.” You carry on, confidence seeping into your voice as you fall more in love with the idea. “Ahsoka already offered and the Noti would appreciate the extra help.”
Shin’s expression is unreadable. It almost throws you off, but you’ve convinced yourself of this now, and you won’t let her go unpersuaded.
“Stay? Why?” She asks, seeming genuinely curious, as if weighing her options.
“Because you have nowhere else to go. Because you’d have somewhere to sleep here, somewhere to feel safe. Because we have food and water.” You quiet your voice. “Because I’m asking you to.”
Her eyes meet yours at this last sentence, and you think you see something akin to hope blazing in their depths.
Your pulse is hammering as she looks at you. You’ve laid yourself bare, made yourself vulnerable, and your heart is in the palm of her hands. Should she so choose, she could crush it, turn it to bloody pulp between her fingers. The thought of it scares you. But not as much as the thought of her leaving again.
“You want me to stay?” She whispers, voice raw. Her body language is open, fully turned to face you, hands by her sides, eyes wide and searching. She looks, for a second, just as she did the night you first met: shaking, terrified but hopeful, wanting help, wanting a friend, wanting to put down the weight of the world and to just breathe.
The moment feels monumental; make or break. She has your heart in her hands, as you believe you might well have hers.
“I want you to stay.” You whisper back, and with her bashful nod, something inside you knits itself back together.
Sabine is sceptical, to say the least.
Ok, she’s downright furious. Understandable, the rational part of you whispers as your friend draws her saber, she did try to kill her.
“Sabine, please, just listen.” You start, a hand out to placate your angry companion as she stares murderously at the woman standing behind you.
“What the fuck is she doing here.” She spits, eyes narrow and blazing. Ahsoka stands off to the side, arms crossed over her chest, expression unreadable. You sort of wish she’d intervene—after all, she had been the first to offer Shin a place with your group, surely this is what she wanted? But she remains impassive, watching on as you try to talk your best friend down from attacking the silver-haired mercenary.
“It’s ok, I promise. She won’t hurt any of us. Right, Shin?” You call over your shoulder, not taking your eyes off Sabine in case she tries to go for her.
“Right.” Her monotone voice decidedly does not fill you with confidence, and Sabine takes another step towards the two of you.
“Hey, hey, stop.” You raise your voice, panic seeping into your tone. “She’s alone. Baylan left her, the bandits attacked her. She has nowhere else to go.”
“So leave her to it then. Let her rot, what do you care?” Sabine snarls, and you feel Shin’s anger pulse. You try to project calmness into the air, trying to push it both ways between the two women on either side of you. You’re not sure it’s working. Ahsoka, for the love of everything that’s sacred, please step in.
“We have a history. You know this; I told you. Remember?”
It’s true. It had felt wrong to leave your friend out of the loop, so you’d sat her down on one of your first nights on Peridea and told her everything. Your past with Shin, how you’d survived together, and how she’d eventually left you. It doesn’t seemed to have changed anything about how Sabine feels about Shin, judging by the dangerous look in her eyes as she advances.
“I remember her stabbing me. I remember her trying to kill us all on multiple occasions. I remember that she’s the enemy, Y/N.”
“Sabine.” Ahsoka calls, stepping forward at last, and your shoulders lose a little of their tension. You heave a relieved breath, chancing a glance away from your friend towards Shin behind you. She meets your eyes, and behind the frantic gleam, you see her soften. She nods, almost imperceptibly, and you relax even further.
Sabine looks to her master, eyebrows furrowed.
“There is no such thing as enemy out here. On this planet, there can only be survival.” Ahsoka’s voice is level, easy. She speaks softly but firmly, and you nod along with her.
“But Master—”
“Sabine.” The Togruta arches an eyebrow, like a teacher admonishing a schoolchild, and Sabine falls silent. “Shin will have to gain our trust, this is true. But we will give her that opportunity.” She turns to you, and to Shin. “And should she fail—betray us or hurt us in any way—then, and only then, will we, as you say, ‘let her rot’. Is that clear?”
You wait with bated breath for Sabine’s response. Almost unconsciously, you take a step back, closer to Shin, ready to defend her should you need to.
After what feels like an eternity, Sabine sighs. Shakes her head.
“Crystal.” She murmurs, and a ghost of a smile dances on your lips.
It takes a while, but eventually, Shin starts to settle in.
Ahsoka takes over from Baylan with her training—something that had taken a lot of convincing from both you and your master—and the Noti welcome her with open arms (they’re mostly just happy to have someone else to help with the constant moving, but it’s a win and you’ll take it). Sabine even stops trying to murder her with her eyes after a couple of days.
It’s actually pretty painless, the way she slots into your lives on Peridea. She spars with Ahsoka whilst you spar with Sabine, helps out with chores around camp with minimal complaining, goes hunting and returns with fresh kills for the Noti to cook and eat. She’s…calm. Calmer than you’ve ever seen her, come to think of it. Perhaps it’s something to do with community, or belonging, or any of that sentimental bullshit you think about when the stars come out.
Things between you and Shin are complicated, but also unbelievably simple. Simple, in the way that you trust each other (somehow, after everything). In the way that you go to each other when something is wrong, when you are happy, when you need peace. Gravity. Simple gravity, holding the two of you close, keeping you in each other’s orbit. She sleeps beside you at night, and you listen to her breath even out and fall asleep yourself.
She begins to open up more; about Baylan, about her time with him, her travels and fights and the life she’s lived apart from you. You sit around the fire in the evening, after everybody else has gone to bed, and watch the moon rise together. Sometimes, she rests her head on your shoulder, like she did when you were younger, and it makes your heart race every single time.
That’s why it’s complicated.
Complicated, because the more Shin grows comfortable, the more she softens and opens herself up, the more you start to realise just how deep your feelings for her go.
And it’s stupid. It’s absolutely idiotic, nonsensical and just downright dumb. You want to do silly things like hold her hand. You want to brush her hair out of her face after she spars, want to kiss her forehead and hold her at night, and it’s all so out of place. You’re on a graveyard planet, surviving day by day, uncertain whether your home has been destroyed by Thrawn and the Empire, and all you can think about is Shin. Her eyes. Her smile. Her stupid, kissable lips. Fuck, it’s disarming how much you want to kiss those lips.
You kick yourself for it internally, scold yourself every time you catch your thoughts wandering into dangerous territory, but what doesn’t help is the fact that you’re almost certain she feels the same.
It started small—you catching her staring just a little too long across the fire, her getting distracted when sparring with Ahsoka—and you almost hadn’t noticed it. But as the weeks pass and you all settle further into life on Peridea, it becomes more obvious.
A hand on your waist as she passes you. Toothy smiles you’re sure nobody else gets to see. Blushes when you compliment her fighting style or praise her for her contributions to the camp. All of it begins to add up, to the point where now you’re just dancing around each other, waiting for the other to make some kind of move.
It’s maddening. It’s exhilarating.
It is, apparently, glaringly obvious to those around you.
“When are you two gonna stop eye-fucking and actually get together?”
You almost spit your mouthful of food out, eyes nearly bugging out of your head, as Sabine plops herself next to you by the fire. You cough, clearing your throat, before turning to her with incredulity written across your face.
“What?! What are you talking about?”
She gives you a look. A ‘come on, really?’ look. You don’t waver.
“Seriously? You and Shin. When are you gonna woman up and do something about the tension between the two of you?” You sputter and stammer, trying to string a sentence together to deny the truth. Sabine watches you with amusement.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Is what you finally manage to spit out, and she scoffs. You feel your cheeks turn pink and your mouth dries. Is it really that obvious?
“Bullshit. It’s impossible not to notice you two staring at each other, pining all the damn time. It’s annoying. Please do something about it, it’s making her testy. She almost cut my head off when I asked her to stop snoring the other day.”
So yeah, maybe Sabine and Shin have formed something of a friendship. Well, enough of a friendship where Sabine feels safe antagonising Shin without the fear of murder. It’s almost sweet.
You struggle for words, unable to fully explain just how much you want to do something about it, but also just how scared you are. Not just of rejection, but of ruining everything. You and Shin are just getting comfortable together again. She trusts you. Keeps you close again. You don’t wish to jeopardise that by acting on your feelings, no matter how much you want to. It could ruin things between you for good, could scare her away from the camp entirely. And then you’d be abandoned again, heartbroken, and you’re not sure you’d survive that a second time.
“I can’t, ‘bine. It’s just too complicated.”
Sabine snorts, and you’re offended for a full second before she explains herself.
“Is it though?” You tilt your head, confused. She sighs, shakes her head with a wry smile. Softens, a little. “She came back for you. She’s staying for you. We all know it’s not for me and my stellar company.” You chuckle a little at that, a fond smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “She feels the same way about you, you know. My advice? Don’t lose her again.”
Her words strike a chord, and you feel very, very stupid all of a sudden. You meet her eyes.
“Thanks, Sabine.”
“Anytime, Y/N. Now, please, for the love of the Makers, kiss her so I can sleep in safety once more.”
The next day, you offer to spar with Shin.
It’s not something you’ve done since she joined the camp—Ahsoka had tried to make you, but you’d refused; unsure of whether it was a good idea, given your past. She had sparred with Ahsoka only, their skills in battle fairly evenly matched, whilst you had continued to work with Sabine.
But you know you need to do something, and you need to be alone with her, so when morning comes, you both ride out of camp to a little plateau you had found on a scouting trip.
The journey there is comfortably quiet. Even now, Shin is still a woman of few words, and you respect that. It’s nice, though. Being with her, not speaking. It’s comfortable. Peaceful.
When you arrive, you let your Howlers loose and begin to warm up. You feel nervous, jittery. You know it’s not from anticipation for the fight.
You watch Shin as she moves through some forms with her saber. It steals the breath from your lungs, so at one with her body is she. She is grace and savagery all in one, and you know right then that you’ll love her until your heart stops.
“Ready?” She eventually asks, rolling her shoulders into a fighting stance, and with your nod, you’re away.
Instantly, you see the improvements Ahsoka has made to her form. She fights just as fast she did when you’d clashed before Peridea, just as dangerous with a blade in her hand, but she is also more deliberate. More defensive. She’s precise and calculating and so, so beautiful.
Your lightsabers clash over and over, humming through the air and buzzing against one another, sizzling in the space between you. You’re panting, gritting your teeth, fighting with everything in you. You catch her swings and attack her back, but she’s just too fluid to pin down. You’re losing this, and you know it.
When she looks like this, though—eyes bright and cheeks flushed, teeth bared in a playful snarl—you can’t really find it in yourself to care.
Shin disarms you after nearly 5 minutes of sparring with a move you should’ve seen coming, and your lightsaber is sent flying out of your hands. Triumphant, she levels her blade under your chin, a Cheshire cat smile on her lips, and cocks her head to the side.
“I win.” She declares, smug and proud and blazing bright, and it’s all you can do not to fall to your knees in front of her.
“Yeah, you win.” You agree hoarsely, hands up to show your defeat, gazing at her from the other end of her orange blade with worship in your eyes.
Something shifts, then. On that plateau, with nobody else around for miles, you at the mercy of her blade, Shin seems to crumble. She shuts off her saber, throws it to the ground. Your eyes widen. Your heart races.
Shin throws herself into you and the both of you shatter.
The kiss is bruising, nearly painful in its intensity, and you grin into it like a madman. Shin’s hands are in your hair, on your face, your shoulders; pulling, scratching, digging in, touching you like she needs to prove you’re real. You reciprocate in kind, gripping her waist hard, pulling her so close there’s not an inch of space between you. It’s too much and not enough.
Heat floods your body when she bites down on your bottom lip, the iron taste of blood coating your mouth, and you groan, feeling like you could burst, like you could float away, like you could die in this moment and be forever immortalised by the moan she releases into your mouth, the way she scratches at your scalp, the blood smeared across both of your lips.
Her tongue breaches into your mouth, curling over the backs of your teeth, and the shiver that runs down your spine is involuntary, inevitable, indescribable. Your hands scrabble for purchase on her lower back as hers cup your face with antithetical tenderness. The stroke of her thumb over your cheek almost makes you want to cry—this is all you’ve wanted for months now, all you’ve wanted since you were teenagers on Aris, and it feels like finally coming home.
“Shin.” You breathe in between kisses, forehead resting against hers. She pulls back a little, just enough to look you in your eyes. She looks wild again, but in the best way: her hair is tousled, cheeks pink, eyes half-focused. You think you’d rather go blind than ever see anything other than her.
“Lie down.” You murmur, after having caught your breath. Her pupils, already blown, flash dangerously, and you can’t help but surge forward and press another heavy kiss to her lips.
You manage to manoeuvre yourselves down to the ground, Shin on her back, you hovering above her, one leg slotted between hers, arms holding you up beside her head.
She looks so pretty like this, you think, and screw it, you’re in this now, might as well tell her.
“You’re so pretty, Shin. So beautiful like this.” Your words elicit a low whimper from the woman below you, her hands reaching for you, tugging you down until she can connect your mouths again.
She kisses you hard, filthy; licking into your mouth like you’re her last meal, and you moan, wanting more, wanting everything. You disconnect your lips, and Shin’s whine of protest morphs into another whimper when you begin to trail open-mouthed kisses over her jaw and neck.
Red and purple marks rise in the wake of your tongue and teeth, sucking and biting hard enough for Shin to gasp and arch up into you, leaving bruises that will stay on her skin for days. Just the thought of it, of claiming her like this, is enough to have you nearly feral with need.
It’s not long before Shin’s moans turn desperate, the hands on your shoulders beginning to scrabble.
“Y/N.” She groans, tone pleading but frantic, like she’s not even sure what she’s asking for.
“Yeah?” You murmur, pulling away. The marks littering her throat make something dark inside of your roar proudly, and your mouth practically waters at the sight of her—needy, wanting, begging.
“Please.” She sighs, eyes wide and dark, and you couldn’t deny her even if you wanted to.
Between the two of you, you manage to tug her pants and underwear down her legs. If you’d been back at camp or on the ship, you’d have taken your time. Worked her up slowly, spent hours worshipping her body. But you’re out in the middle of nowhere, and Shin is practically halfway gone already, and you’d rather die than leave her hanging.
The first swipe of your fingers through her folds makes her gasp, makes you moan. She’s dripping, so riled up she’s soaked, and you feel a little light-headed, nearly overwhelmed.
“Fuck, Shin, you’re so wet.” You mutter, moving your fingers to her clit and starting to rub it in slow circles. She whines again, head falling back, mouth dropping open. You lower your mouth to her neck, biting another mark into her pulse point. She writhes underneath you, hips bucking, and you feel like you could come from this alone.
You keep your attention on her clit, not wanting to overwhelm her with anything too soon. You keep it relatively slow, occasionally pressing harder in order to draw out another of her pretty whimpers, or drawing back to hear her beg. Every so often, you press your lips to hers, kissing her softly, whispering praise and encouragement, telling her how beautiful she is, how well she’s doing.
It doesn’t take long for her thighs to start trembling around your hand—if she’s the same as you, she’s been worked up enough about this over the last few weeks to hold out much longer. Her moans take on a higher pitch, coming more frequently as her eyes clench shut. You keep your pace, circling her clit, pressing kisses to her neck.
“Let go, I’ve got you.” You murmur, when it’s evident she’s close, and she falls over the edge with a cry of your name. Her back arches off the ground, hands holding you tight as she shudders through it. You think stars would be jealous of her beauty in this moment.
She comes down slowly, breath evening out, and you pull your hand away once you’re sure it’s over. Her grey eyes open, hazy and soft, and you chuckle at the sight of her. Hair mussed, lips bitten-red, dazed look in her half-lidded eyes; she looks like the rest of your life.
“Hey.” You whisper, cupping her face. She grins lazily.
“Hey.” Shin murmurs back, reaching up to card through your hair with one hand. “You’re pretty good at that.”
You laugh, bury your face in her neck, blushing. She scratches gently at your scalp.
“I think I might love you.” You say quietly, waiting for the regret to hit you. It doesn’t.
“I think I might love you too.” She says back, easy as breathing, and you feel something loosen in your chest that had been wound tight for years. You smile. Press another kiss to her throat.
“Wanna show me?” You ask, cheesy and silly and lovesick. Shin laughs, and you hear eternity. She smiles down at you, presses a kiss to your forehead before rolling you onto your back. You look up at her, breath stolen by her beauty.
“I’ll show you.” She breathes, capturing your lips again, and you let yourself be lost in the wonder of her.
A/N: Holy shit this took a long time to write, and I'm so sorry about that! But it's finally here, and I hope you guys enjoyed it :)
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silver-starss · 10 months
I have (spoilery) Thoughts on Ahsoka episode four
First of all how dare you
Second of all how dare you
Bro why is Hera taking Jacen on this mission? I know she has a penchant for lugging around badass kids, but he's what, 10? A bit young imo.
Called it. Marrok was a red herring. Filoni knew that we'd all go nuts about the identity of yet another cool masked dude and let fan speculation run wild. Though him turning to dust does bring up new questions...
Sabine and Shin round two! I like that Sabine was actually able to use her armor/equipment this time and fight Shin on more even ground.
That moment when Marrok died and Shin seemed genuinely shook? And Sabine recognizing this and trying to take advantage of Shin's shookness? *chef's kiss*
Really good special effects in the shot with the ring coming out of the atmosphere! That was stunning!
Ahsoka and Baylan fight was genuinely cool, and the choreography felt much more Ahsoka-esque. Particularly that flip she did, which didn't look wired like the one from Ep 2.
So Clan Wren is dead. :/ Not surprising, I assumed that would be Sabine's character arc when the series was first announced (feeling survivor's guilt after the Purge), but what does Ahsoka have to do with that? Is it an emotional support thing?
Sabine joining up with the bad guys makes sense. Her #1 priority is finding Ezra and they're her only means of getting there. She's probably planning to gun down Thrawn in the process, though I imagine Baylan is fully aware of that and planning accordingly.
On the bright side, this gives us more opportunities to explore her rivalry with Shin...
Speaking of, love the dynamic with Shin being the feral one yet actually listening to/respecting her master. I imagine there's a story there and I'm very curious to hear it.
I don't know whether to be mad or impressed that Jacen said part of the Iconic Star Wars Line but not the full thing.
Beautiful transition between the ocean and the World Between Worlds. It looks absolutely gorgeous in live-action.
Why and how is Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds?
HAYDEN ALREADY???? I didn't think he'd show up until episode 5.
"SNIPS" (!!!!!)
Holy fucking shit I'm losing my mind.
He looks way better than he did in Kenobi, but the de-aging isn't 100% great. Still though.
Interesting that Ahsoka's first instinct was to call him "Master". Old habits (and attachments) die hard I guess. They're going to have some serious issues to sort out next ep though.
Lmao casuals must be super confused by this ending. Imagine that.
Goddamn that's a cliff-hanger. And on the strongest episode so far!
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orangedodge · 10 months
“Stay together. You always did better that way.”
One thing this episode did well to highlight was how truly alone in the universe Ahsoka and Sabine have made themselves, once robbed of each other for support. There were hints in previous episodes, such as when Sabine froze up during Ahsoka's space walk, when she thought her hurt, or in Ahsoka's initial refusal to accept help on what was clearly not a solo mission. Tonight, in the fourth episode, the fear broke through, and allowed Elsbeth to triumph over them despite her agents being consistently outmatched.
The moment Shin arrives at the star map, Ahsoka is overcome with unbearable doubt and self-recrimination, believing herself to have failed another companion. She stops fighting to save everyone, and resolves instead to die there and then as yet another (former) Jedi giving her life in service to the Republic. By the time Sabine arrives and Ahsoka realizes her mistake, it's too late. Spiritually she is already defeated, and has concluded she can only hold Baylan off long enough for Sabine to destroy the map, sacrificing both her own life and that of the very friend the Force had just returned to her.
But it didn't have to go that way. Sabine stood ready to shoot Baylan in the back of the head. He cannot defend himself from Sabine while Ahsoka controls his lightsaber, nor can he finish off Ahsoka when Sabine would just kill him in the process. Baylan is not a hothead who would force the issue one way or another. He is not a fanatic that would give his life only to take one of theirs. Time was on their side to stall, and allow Ahsoka a moment to catch her second wind. Every second that passes with the map free of the pedestal, is one where their position grows stronger. Instead she falls.
Without Ahsoka, it became impossible for Sabine to defeat Baylan alone, but her position wasn't hopeless even then. Destroying the map as Ahsoka asked would guarantee her own death, and there was surely no certainty that she would even be able to finish the job while a rogue Jedi master was trying to stop her. But there was equally no guarantee that Baylan would be able to stop her before she could destroy the map.
Baylan hesitates, and stops advancing once the threat is made. He knew there was great uncertainty, that he might not be quick enough to stop her (otherwise he, a telekinetic wizard, would not bother trying to talk her down instead of just trying to take it!)
Time was again on the New Republic's side. Sabine knew Huyang was signaling for help. And Sabine should have known that Hera would never abandon her, regardless of the Senate's orders. Every second that she stalled Baylan would be one that drew Phoenix Squadron closer to their location. She was not bound to choose between death and surrender.
Instead she lets herself think “Ahsoka is dead,” just like Kanan, and Ursa, and Aldrich, and Tristan, and that she was finally truly alone. She becomes vulnerable to Baylan's counter offer of “well, what about your foster brother? What about Ezra Bridger?” It doesn't even occur to her that Hera is still here, until she was directly confronted with how giving in has only placed new lives in danger. It was just over already, without Ahsoka there.
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kalevalakryze · 9 months
I Don't Need A Jedi, I Need You
Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Ahsoka Pairings: Shin Hati/ Sabine Wren,  Characters: Shin Hati, Sabine Wren, Ahsoka Tano, Baylan Skoll Warnings: Abandonment, Revenge, Rage, Violence, The Dark Side Of The Force, Healing, Force Bond, Blood and Violence Notes: For Whumptober Day  10  This is going to be small, but def something I plan on delving into more Prompt: No. 10: “You said you'd never leave.” Word Count: 3,174 AO3 Link: Here!
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They found him three weeks after Shin had been cleared to get up and start moving. Three weeks after she started the journey of rebuilding muscle and herself. Ahsoka and Sabine left her alone, for the most part. The Togruta’s cloak hadn’t left Shin’s shoulders since that first night, waking with it draped around her shoulders. 
Her tunic had been ruined with blood and holes that even she could not repair, so the Jedi’s cloak became all she had to cover her modesty, though Sabine had helped her repair the straps of her bra. The pants she’d been given upon her reluctant rescue were tied to her waist, double knotted to prevent the article from sliding off. Her pauldrons not longer shined where they sat strapped to her shoulders beneath the cloak, smeared with blood (an unfortunate amount her own), with a thin layer of ripped fabric separating metal and skin. 
Shin’s gloves and pauldrons stopped just before her elbows, bare skin and muscle just barely covered by Ahsoka’s cloak where it sat when her arms were down. Sabine helped give her a proper haircut, though there was nothing that could be done to force the brown from their head, leaving the only blonde in her hair for the frayed Padawan brain that settled over her right collarbone, dirty green beads untouched from where they were intricately woven the last time Baylan had helped them dye their hair. 
When they found Baylan, Shin had only found out through Huyang receiving his comm as droid and apprentice worked on fixing her saber, the charge pack wouldn’t hold and the crystal inside was reluctant; like Shin closing herself off from the force and from the kyber had harmed it. Huyang had spent days working with Shin to work with the blade, to reach back into the pool of the force no matter how much it hurt to reconnect.
It had been impossible, up until this point. The blade kept coming out warbly and unstable, before sparking back into its emitter and threatening to spark through the Apprentice’s hands. Huyang hadn’t even had the time to turn towards Shin, to warn that he knew their thoughts, order them to stay behind. She was gone in seconds, leaving only the tail of Ahsoka’s cloak whipping in the wind as she whistled for her Howler. 
Shin rode hard and fast across the Peridean wastes. The Nomads that had allied with the ‘Rebels’ had done what Shin’s own bandits could not; They found Baylan Sköll, and she would be damned if she let him get away. 
“We need not be at odds.” He was trying to worm his way out of the circle the Nomads had him trapped in, trying to talk his way out in an illusion of peace. Shin slipped from the Howler’s back, boots thudding in the dirt as she breezed closer, shoving past an armored being. Baylan was facing away from her, but she could see the way his shoulders tensed.
“You were supposed to return with the Imperial fleet,” His chin rose, yet he still did not look at her, igniting the anger that sat dormand in her veins. 
“I was supposed to die.” They snarled, venom in their tone as their hand wrapped around the hilt of their saber. The crystal resonated with her anger, with the hurt she knew was pouring off in waves, knew her Master could feel it too, the danger of the person he’d created. “I was supposed to die when Thrawn realized you were gone.” 
Baylan’s head turned until Shin could see the hard line of his lips. “You turned against me.” They snarled, finger hovering over the ignition of their saber. Anger flooded their mind, they could strike him down right here, prove that they could choose for themselves, choose this desire for revenge over it all. 
“Only a Sith deals in these absolutes, Shin. We are not Sith,” He sounded tired, like a father explaining to his child that the park was closed and they could not go play until another day.
“I am what you made me!” When their saber ignited, the orange of her saber was bled out, barely visible behind the tangible reality of the pain Shin had been carrying. “This is the end for you, my Master.” 
Near red arced through the air towards Baylan’s head, he’d seemed to be in acceptance of his fate, Shin could finally be free of this pain. She could finally let the past die, she just had to kill it, and maybe then she would be able to breathe again.
A pillar of pink energy stopped her blade, Sabine Wren placing herself between Shin and Baylan, supporting her saber against a beskar gauntlet. “Shin, you need to stop,” The Mandalorian was out of breath, like she’d ran the whole way here, or had worked herself up at the thought of what she knew Shin would do.
“This isn’t you,” Sabine pleaded, trying to get yellowed eyes to look at her, to turn their murderous intent away from the man at her back. 
“You don’t know me,” Shin snarled, teeth bared. Her muscles were still weak, arms shaking as she pushed against Sabine’s saber, moving one foot forwards to attempt to bring her down like they had on Lothal. 
When the connection broke, Shin sidestepped, avoiding interlocking blades with Sabine again; She wasn’t their objective. If the Mandalorian wanted to stop her, then she would have to take Shin’s like. 
Baylan’s gaze was somber, yet he did not probe the bond he once had with the apprentice, did not offer a vocal apology; He felt he knew how this story would play out, that if Shin would commit themselves to killing him, then it was their destiny. “You promised!” Shin hissed, emotion closing at her throat as she swung her blade. Sabine’s use of the force was growing, enough to prevent the blade from doing much else to singe her Master’s robes. 
Throwing her saber to the ground, Shin decided she wanted to feel the life leave his body. He abandoned her, Thrawn left her to die, and the Force was nowhere when she needed it most. She would not kill him as his apprentice, but as the daughter he raised, as the bandit and the monster he’d crafted. 
Her fist cracked against his jaw with a snap of his head to the side. Her second hit went into the unarmored section of his gut, knuckles cracking over his liver and sending him doubling over. The armor at her knee rang when she brought it up to smash into his chin, his blood flying from his mouth in spittle as teeth cracked under the pressure. 
Shin followed him to the ground, knee pressing into his abdomen as her hands secured themselves around his throat. His hands pressed into her wrists, but the armor stopped him from being able to do anything. “You promised me, Master.” A fat tear dropped onto his cheek as Shin’s face reddened. ‘What did I do wrong?”
A large hand settled against Shin’s shoulder as Baylan’s face turned purple. “You need to let him go, Shin,” Ahsoka’s voice washed over her, urging her grip to loosen. Baylan’s breath rushed past his lips in a choked rasp. 
“No.” They vehemently declined like a petulant child. She wanted it to stop hurting- she needed it to stop hurting so bad. She could feel the stubble of rough hair against her fingertips in the holes of her gloves, could feel the warmth of his skin like a beacon of his life, life that she needed to take away. “He deserves it,” 
“Perhaps,” Ahsoka agreed, kneeling in the dirt beside Shin. “But you don’t want to be the one to do this.” The hand on her shoulder was an anchor, as was the warm thumb that pressed past the thick material of her cloak, rising goosebumps to sweat damp skin. “You don’t know that,” They argued, even as they felt the fight abandon them too. “You can’t know that.” 
“But I do, Shin.” Their eyes were still yellow, overpowering the pools of blue and silver, with dark veins spreading across pale skin, but Ahsoka could see that glimmer of hope, that promise that Shin was still good. “You’re in an unimaginable spot right now. And try as I may, I cannot make this decision for you. You have to decide for yourself.”
Ahsoka’s hand begun to raise from her shoulder, willing to leave Baylan’s fate up to the turmoiled blonde. Two hands wrapped around her wrist, keeping her hand in place; the choice was made. 
“Come on,” Ahsoka guided them up, off of Baylan, guiding their sorrowed eyes away from his broken face. They turned back at him one last time. “You said you'd never leave.”  Sabine was picking their saber from the ground, though instead of offering it back to the Apprentice, the weapon was handed to Ahsoka. Shin did not argue as the Togruta clipped it to her belt; wanted nothing to do with the near red blade, the reminder of how much she was failing in all of her teachings. 
Ahsoka walked with Shin all the way to the shuttle, where she dropped bonelessly into a seat in the cockpit, hands in her lap, staring at the flashes of scarred, pale skin that poked through the holes in her gloves. Their fingers clenched and unclenched; Baylan deserved to die, he promised he’d never leave, promised he would always be there, and yet… He left, he left her alone on a planet far from home, on a mission she did not agree with. 
Now she was stranded on the graveyard planet, housed by the enemy, and abandoning all of the teachings she had once been so eager to learn..
Ahsoka settled into the seat across from her much more gracefully. Her hand reached out once more to touch the cool skin just above their gauntlet, bringing their focus back up. “You did good, Shin,” Ahsoka praised, fingertips grazing tensing muscle, easing the stiffness. 
“I was going to kill him,” They argued, though their voice held no fire, their accent thicker than could translate to basic, words slurring as she reverted to a language that had been dead to her for so long. “I wanted to kill him… I want-”
“But you didn’t, because that isn’t who you are.” “Why is everyone so intent on telling me who I am?” They seethed, leather gloves creaking as their hands flexed in anger. 
“Because you need the reminder that you are more than you’re seeing yourself as, right now.” Ahsoka pulled Shin’s saber from her hip, holding it into the chasm between them. Shin stared at the weapon sourly, as if it could be at fault for her pain. “Take your kyber,”
With a sigh, Shin reached for the saber, though it was pulled away before her fingertips could brush cold metal. “With the force, Kurs’kaded.” Sabine spoke up, alerting the Apprentice to her presence, leaning in the open doorway; she hadn’t heard the Mandalorian come in, the force hadn’t given her the brush of whatever it was she’d grown used to with Sabine’s presence. 
“I don’t need the force, and I don’t need you.” They snapped, rising to their feet harshly. She turned away from her saber and faced the door, staring past the faded paint on Sabine’s pauldron as they started for the door. “I can’t let you go,” Sabine’s hand reached out, pressing on Shin’s shoulder, barring her from the exit. “Not like this,”
“It’s none of your concern,” Shin had growled, fingers wrapped around Sabine’s elbow, rearing to flip their positions, to fight her way out if not for the burn of muscle, than for the promise if she got too far, they would kill her.
“What if you don’t come back, Shin?” Sabine wasn’t looking at her, golden eyes focused on the ragged scars from the blade that had ripped her open, had brought her to them after months of isolation from everything. This was enough to give Shin pause, to stop pressing against Sabine’s hand, and to watch as The Mandalorian’s hand shook where it parted Ahsoka’s cloak further across her bare abdomen.
Her fingertips were cool against inflamed scar tissue, still in the painful process of healing without the aid of bacta or any real medical supplies over the alcohol created by the Noti to help keep it sterilized. Shin swallowed thick in her throat. She could feel the Togruta’s eyes on her back, but the glide of Sabine’s fingers along her scar and the way the Mandalorian’s hand pressed against the plate of armor over her abdomen, where Shin knew her own scar sat healed under all the layers.
“What if you leave, and we can’t get to you in time?” There was a vulnerability to Sabine’s voice, a hurt that Shin found she did not like being the cause of on her face. “What if you come back wrong?” 
“Careful, Mandalorian; Someone might start to think you care.” Their voice was raspy, cracking with unidentified emotion as their hand finally dropped from Sabine’s elbow. 
“Seriously?” Sabine scoffed, the jab of her finger into their stomach had them yipping in surprise, stepping back, away from the shock of pain. “All this and you didn’t figure that one out? Are you a di’kut?” The next time Sabine touched her, it was with the palm of her hand into their shoulder, forcing them back into the chair. 
Shin’s head turned to pass a helpless look towards the amused Jedi Master as Sabine’s fingers gripped at her jaw, forcing them to look her in the eye. “Of course I fucking care. I’ve cared since you stabbed me, I’ve cared since Seatos, I’ve always fucking cared.” 
Shin’s gaze was fixed on Sabine’s narrowed eyes, on the twitch of muscle under the collar of her flight suit, and on the smooth furrow of her brows. 
She’s beautiful…
Ahsoka stood and brushed past Sabine; The Apprentice watched in her peripherals as their saber hilt was clasped to Sabine’s belt, before the Jedi was sweeping from the cockpit with the door swooshing shut behind her.
The moment the door shut, Sabine’s lips were pressing against theirs, urging their eyes to close and their hands to move back to the Mandalorian’s elbows as she leaned onto the arm rests of the cockpit’s chair. 
Shin’s heart thudded against her chest, with each thump entwined with the glide of Sabine’s tongue across her lips, the anger faded, the hurt eased, finally offering the sought after reprieve from the hurt. 
Sabine pulled back, breathing hard as their eyes blinked open. “I care, and I’m not leaving.” She whispered in their shared air, hand raising to brush against their cheekbone before she was leaning back, dropping into the chair Ahsoka had once occupied.
“Now take your saber back; we’ll fix it together,” 
Begrudgingly, Shin sighed and raised her hands. Opening back up to the force after months of trying didn’t go as she’d prepared herself. For the first time since Seatos, it felt like coming home again, as she felt the life spark back into her being, reclaiming her space in the cosmic flow of life, interweaving her story back in the threads of the universe. It was overwhelming and it hurt, until she felt the warmth of someone pressing forward with her, someone whose fate was  so so intricately woven with her own existence. When silver eyes opened, Shin caught the look of concentration on Sabine’s face, and the crack of a smile on her lips when her eyes opened and caught Shin staring. 
It took some work to figure out the flow between them, as Shin’s saber was brought to hover between them, pieces unfolded from each other as they slowly worked to expose the wounded Kyber. She’d bled it a lot, had made her crystal hurt the way Baylan had made her hurt, and it was evident in the darkness and the blood of the force threatening to overshadow the orange, but… it wasn’t too late. 
Shin had many dreams healing from her wounds, months back, but in her fever, she could recall the feeling of Ahsoka’s hands brushing through her hair, of delicate fingers smoothing the rough edges of her braid, and the promise of “It’s never too late.” Passed between the silence, a promise that they hadn’t been able to understand.
Now though, with Sabine’s form rising from her seat, Shin watched as the woman’s fingers brushed against her Kyber, the pad of her thumb trailing along the ridge from where she’d snapped it from the peak on Ilum herself. “It’s okay,” Sabine promised, gently; Shin could feel it, could feel her words and her touch as if her and the Kyber were of the same entity, as if, in the red that Sabine was urging away from the crystal, she was easing the darkened blood from her own presence in the force.
Shaking her head, Shin rose, trapping the Kyber between their hands as they interlocked their fingers with Sabine’s. The Mandalorian glanced at her once, before her eyes shut. Her forehead pressed against their joined hands. Shifting their weight between their feet, Shin’s head bowed, fingers squeezing against Sabine’s. “I am one with the force…”
“And the force is with me,” 
When they separated, there was no red to be found in the glowing Kyber, a bright, vivid orange, paler than she’d seen but still bearing the unique coloring, floated between them peacefully, held up by the combined force of both apprentice and padawan. 
“I know you,” Sabine promised, as they worked to reassemble the saber together. “Forever. You hear me?” She grabbed the saber from its stasis, pressing it into Shin’s waiting palm. “You can stab me, you can call me names, and you can walk away right now, but don’t you dare forget; I know you, and I care.” 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Shin promised, closing the distance and hesitantly moving to rest her forehead against the feisty Mandalorian. 
Sabine’s arms circled their neck, noses bumping together as she leaned up on her toes, fingers carding through the short, scruffy hair on the back of their head. “Better… say it again,” 
Rolling their eyes, Shin pressed forward to shut her up, pressing their lips together with little fanfare, hands moving to rest on Sabine’s sides, thumb pressing into the space between beskar and flightsuit to brush against the fabric over her scar. 
Baylan Skoll would go on to become their prisoner, but Shin would not give him the glory of a reaction, or a response when, the next time they visited, her padawan braid was gone, cut with care by the Togruta who held out her hand in kindness when he had left. 
She wasn’t a Jedi and she wasn’t a sith; She was just Shin Hati, and Sabine was just Sabine; together and individually, they were both Enough, and that was good enough.
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melanie-ohara · 6 months
Take Yourself Apart For Me - Chapter 2
Whumpuary2024, Day 08 - Prompt: "Help Me"
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Shin confronts her deepest fear: asking for help
I'll level with you: I cried a bit writing this one
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Shin spent the next two days in the Mandalorian's bed. Despite her escape attempt, they never attempted to put her back in the restraints - maybe they thought her injury would keep her captive. Or maybe they trusted her not to kill them in their sleep. Ahsoka Tano had given her back her lightsaber and from the weight of it Shin knew she hadn't removed the power pack, and she wondered what Baylan would have expected of her now. Tano was a war hero, he had told her, and she had no chance against her. She would sense her intentions even in the deepest of sleep and cut her down in seconds. But Sabine was weak: barely able to use the Force unless her life depended on it, unbalanced, and with aggression that rivalled Marrok. Shin had bested her in every contest they'd had, and she could kill her without breaking a sweat. 
Her eyes shifted down to the drawings on the wall. Did she want to kill her?
Baylan had sent her to Lothal. Morgan Elsbeth sent her on Seatos. Thrawn sent her on Peridea. Not once had she decided for herself. 
The door opened and Shin rolled onto her side to face the wall before Wren could see her face. Murley's portrait looked up at her, and Shin felt that its stare was a little accusatory.
"Brought you food," Sabine said, with cheer that didn't sound forced, no matter how much Shin wished otherwise. She lifted her hand and Sabine pressed the carton into her fingers without complaint. As always, she'd already put the straw in for her.
At Huyang's insistence, Shin was on a liquid diet of blended protein infusion until she was fully healed, and the thick, flavourless gruel she had to suck down through a straw sometimes made her wish Feldspar had actually killed her. She could hear Sabine beside her, unwrapping a protein bar for her own breakfast, and wished her presence didn't comfort her so much. She was sick of eating alone.
"Your armour," she said, after a long silence broken only by Sabine's chewing. "I heard the droid saying."
"It's wrecked," Sabine said, trying and failing to sound flippant. 
Shin remembered Sabine kneeling under a barrage of blaster fire from the bandits that had once been her allies. "Why did you save me?" she asked abruptly.
She didn't need to look to know Sabine had shrugged before she answered. "Ahsoka saw something in you," she said. Neither of them spoke for a moment. "Why didn't you go back to Thrawn?" Sabine finally asked.
Shin closed her eyes. She wanted to reach out for her lightsaber, sitting on Sabine's desk on the other side of the room - not to attack, just to feel the weight of it in her hand for a while. Instead, she pictured it: the orange crystal sitting at the centre of the emitter matrix, the delicate twists and curls of the cables that ran along the core to the power cells, the thick insulation sheath and the metal hilt that sealed it away. 
"I don't know," she lied.
"Right," Sabine said, scrunching up the wrapper of her protein bar and getting to her feet. "Good talk."
She sounded annoyed, and it reminded Shin uncomfortably of the way Baylan had spoken when she was younger, and failed one of his drills or didn't put her all into an exercise.
"Wait," Shin said, before she could stop herself. She rolled onto her back to check that Sabine hadn't left, and saw her standing with her head cocked slightly and her hand on her hips as she looked at her. 
"Go on," Sabine prompted. Gently this time. 
Shin swallowed hard, and then nodded. "Baylan left me," she said. The words caught in her throat, but she got them out. She had barely admitted it to herself before now. "I… couldn't leave him."
Sabine sat down again. "He's family."
Shin shook her head. "We're not related. But I've never known anyone else."
Sabine moved her hand, and for a frightening moment Shin thought she might touch her. Instead, she just laid her fingertips gently on the edge of the mattress, an inch away from Shin's arm. Her nails were painted deep red.
"I lost my family too," Sabine said quietly. "My planet. And Ezra, twice now."
Shin looked away from her eyes. "I never had any of that," she said to the ceiling. 
Sabine tilted her head. "Well, not many people have an Ezra to lose."
Shin thought it might have been a joke, but she didn't feel like laughing. It would hurt too much anyway. Sabine sighed and Shin felt her weight shift like she was about to get up, and she opened her mouth just to stop her.
"I haven't felt anything since that day." 
Shin couldn't tell which of them was more surprised by what she'd said, but it was true so she didn't try and take it back. She did try to stop the tears welling in her eyes and the tightness constricting her throat, but it didn't work. Slowly, Sabine leaned forwards.
"I've been there," she said softly. Shin felt a tear breach the corner of her eye and roll down the edge of her cheek into her hair. 
"Then… can you help me?" she asked.
This time Sabine did reach out to her, and Shin tried not to flinch too obviously when her palm came to rest on her forearm. She could feel the warmth of her touch even through the sleeve of her shirt. 
"What do you need?"
Sabine took her weight as she guided her across the common room to the cockpit access, one of Shin's arms over her shoulders. Her instinct was to loop her own arm around Shin's waist, but she had noticed how little she liked to be touched without warning and instead left it pressed awkwardly between their bodies as they walked. She kept an eye on the white surgical patch Huyang had pressed over Shin's wound once the skin had healed enough, looking for signs that she'd torn her stitches again, but they made it to the cockpit without incident. She lowered Shin carefully into the pilot's chair and then took her usual seat once she was settled. 
Sabine flipped the intercom switch. Ahsoka had left early to scout the mountain path ahead, but Huyang had stayed aboard with them. "Huyang, I'm taking us for a ride," she said.
"For what purpose?" the droid asked.
"Uh… We've been hovering for a week now, I want to run the engines for a bit. Make sure they don't dry out," she said, shooting a glance over at Shin. She was too busy familiarising herself with the cockpit to return it.
"This is a T6 Jedi Transport," Huyang complained. "The engines do not 'dry out'." 
"Ignore him," Sabine said. Shin was already ignoring both of them.
"Taking us out," she said, and tugged the yoke towards her. The ship rose gracefully into the sky and Shin accelerated a little as they climbed towards the clouds. Sabine watched her hands move over the controls with the ease of an experienced pilot and the care of someone who dearly loved to fly, and was reminded strangely of the way Hera flew the Ghost. She felt a pang of sadness then - Hera and Zeb and her old life were so far away now, and she would probably never see them again. Kanan was further away still.
"This suits you," Sabine told Shin, more to get out of her own head than anything else. It was true though: the other woman was sitting up straight with a look of calm concentration Sabine had never seen on her. When they fought, she looked feral - blistering focus and a vicious will to win - but now she looked in control.
"Baylan didn't like flying the ship," Shin said without taking her eyes off the wisps of cloud starting to break apart on the screen. "I taught myself."
She banked the ship a little faster than necessary and Sabine saw her relish the brief rush of G-force pressing them sideways into their seats. She didn't smile, exactly, but her wide unblinking eyes softened and the tension in her jaw eased for a moment. It returned quickly, though, and Sabine noticed her knuckles tense a little against the yoke.
"What is it?" she asked, and immediately regretted it. Shin hated her prying, but she couldn't help it.
Shin's lip twitched, but she answered the question. "The last time I flew, I was trying to kill you."
"That was you?" 
"You didn't know?"
Sabine thought for a moment, remembering the one-man fighter craft diving and twisting out of her gunsights every time she thought she had them locked. "The gold one," she said, and Shin nodded. "No wonder I couldn't hit you."
The tiniest hint of a smile tugged at Shin's lips, and Sabine let herself grin openly at the victory of finally cheering her up as Shin took one hand off the yoke to adjust the thrust vector of one of the engines, and then instead of putting it back on the controls she laid her hand, almost casually, on the console between them. 
Sabine stared, slackjawed and stunned, for several seconds. Then she looked up at Shin, who was looking very intently the other way. It was obvious, overt even, in a way she would never have expected from the woman who communicated in angry glares and five-word sentences. She almost didn't believe it, especially when Shin shied away from any attempt to touch her. Cautiously, Sabine moved her own hand - not close enough to touch Shin, but near enough that she would know she had noticed. She was reminded of facing off against her on Seatos, and the way she had read Sabine's guard and taken a counter-stance to match her. Sabine's heart was racing the same way, too. She looked over at Shin to see what she was going to do next. A barely perceptible blush rose on her cheeks under her gaze, and slowly, without taking her eyes off a point on the distant horizon, Shin moved her fingers out until they brushed against Sabine's own. 
Sabine couldn't help the gasp that slipped her lips, and she worried for a second that the sound made scare Shin off. Instead, when she looked over, she saw Shin looking back. She hadn't turned her head much, just enough that Sabine could see both of her pale, blue-green eyes. Her usual wide-eyed stare had softened, and now there was a definite smile lifting the corners of her mouth.
"Thank you, for this," Shin said. 
Sabine nodded slowly, and flicked out her tongue to moisten her lips. Cautiously, she lifted her little finger and let it drift gently across Shin's until she could curl it into the space between her third and fourth digit. Shin took her counter-stance: her little finger closed around Sabine's.
"So what happens now?" Sabine asked. 
"I don't know." This time she was telling the truth.
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loth-creatures · 6 months
Do Wolfwalkers have a kind of Dark Side reaction? I can see Ezra threatening to tear off Maul's face as a wolf---
The wolves are in part a manifestation of one's connection to the Force (see Lore) and would definitely be affected by the Dark Side.
I imagine they slowly become more unpredictable and dangerous as wolves. The wolves may be restless even when they are awake, ravenous, itching to rip and rend. They grow unsettling. It's subtle but they seem ever so slightly off to those around them. They have too many teeth. You turn your back and feel like you are being watched and hunted even if you know them. They seem normal when looking directly at them, but turn your head and for a split-second you see this in your peripheral.
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I've also been toying with the idea of wolfwalkers having a sort of kill mode, but it's just a wolf thing, not necessarily a Dark Side thing. Though I imagine it is way more volatile in dark wolfwalkers. But think about it, usually the wolfwalkers would be instinctively very careful with their teeth. Unless fighting another wolf, they fight without biting as much as possible, at least not enough to draw blood. So as not to wolf random people. Until they intend to kill you. You piss one off enough, if they hate you enough, you're gonna bypass bite safety and activate kill mode. It no longer matters if they bite as long as they finish you.
I've actually decided this is how Baylan gets wolfed. By Sabine. She'll try to kill him at some point (probably attempting to escape the Sion after they've landed but gets caught) and nearly succeeds but Wolf Shin intervines, and bc Baylan survives (barely), he's now a wolfwalker. Sabine's real unhappy about it. She made him worse.
I haven't done much with the Maul situation bc I haven't thought of anything interesting that wouldn't create a domino effect I don't want to deal with. But like I can't not so we'll see if I squeeze in a short chapter about it. Maul would probably just be like. Wow neat trick, you must be sooo powerful to be able to do that, waaay more powerful then your pathetic Jedi master deserves to train, I'm just saying all the more reason to be my apprentice-
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whiteravengreywolf · 6 months
The Witching Hour - a Wolfwren fanfiction
A/N: Hello everyone! I have just posted the first part of three of my new fanfiction! It is based on some revelations about Shin's character that were released recently. This is the beginning, but if you want to read the whole story, the link will be at the end!
Baylan’s trail had grown cold. Shin had followed him as far as she could, through forests and mountains. Ahead, a ruin was stuck between two cliffs, as if the earth had opened to swallow it, only to find its taste repugnant. Shin couldn’t blame the earth either. It was a Dathomirian ruin. Every step she took toward it made her skin crawl.
She had always hated witches and their magick, for as long as she could remember. She’d had faith in her master and would not have questioned his involvement with Elsbeth, but she had hated the woman and every second spent with her had been nerve wracking. She was glad the witch was dead.
Behind her, her ash-colored howler whined and pulled on its leash. It didn’t want to enter the ruins either. Shin had grown used to its cowardly way now. She turned to it and ordered:
The howler fell on its haunches, its tongue lolling out of its huge mouth. She patted it between the ears then walked away. She climbed ancient fallen borders to get to the entrance of the temple. The sun was behind the tall cliffs, their shadows soaking the warmth out of the air. Shin brought her cape tighter around her. The shivers running down her back were not caused by the cold, however, but by the eerie energy coming off the temple.
Two statues held the entrance up, their bodies snapped to pieces but kept upright by moss. Shin could barely guess their features. She assumed they were witches of some kinds. What else could witches worship but themselves? Shin stepped through the doorway. The anxious energy she felt grew tenfold, making the back of her brain buzz with discomfort. The roof of the temple was partially collapsed, leaving holes of light to fall within. The vegetation of Peridea had taken back its place within the structure. Moss and grass carpeted the cracked stone floor in equal measure. All the windows were blocked by the cliffs on either side. The head of the giant statue at the end of the room had snapped at the neck and fallen to the ground. The neck and shoulders were covered with sticks and feathers, nests made not too long ago.
Shin took a few steps forward, her footsteps echoing through the temple. She couldn’t see any sign of her master, but knowing him and his quest, he must have come through, she thought. She closed her eyes, feeling for the Force and his presence in it. Nothing came to her, as usual. If only she’d mastered it more. She’d spent so many years with her master but could emulate so few of the things he’d taught her. Sometimes, she couldn’t help but wonder why he had taken her as his apprentice when she wasn’t talented. Maybe he had been right to leave her behind, she thought bitterly. She would have only slowed him down.
Full Story Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52369444/chapters/132478294
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skoulsons · 8 months
Hopefully I’m not grasping at straws, but this has been making my brain melt out of my ears for weeks. Maybe it’ll just be a hc if I’m wrong and everyone disagrees <3
Baylan’s stance. In almost all of his scenes, he stands (or walks, on the rare occasion) with his right hand resting on his saber.
The first example of this is in episode 1 when he sends Shin to Lothal. Baylan doesn’t have his hand resting on it when he’s standing near Morgan when he and Marrok return, but when Morgan leaves and Shin stands beside him, he does. And when Shin leaves, the shot is wider and we see Baylan standing in this way as Shin walks away.
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Then, at the beginning of episode 2 when he and Shin bring the map to Seatos, he has his hand there as they walk up.
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He continues to keep it rested there throughout the scene. As Morgan plays around with the star map and shows Peridea, his hand is always resting on his saber.
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This shot was a specific kind that I was looking for when it came to making this post. While you can kind of see his arm here, the main thing is that his arm position is drastic enough to change how his cloak sits around him. He doesn’t keep his arm close to his side when he stands like this. His elbow juts out enough that it makes a difference in his cloak.
BUT, before I talk about my original plan, a few more things.
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This is the only scene he has in episode 3, and it’s at the very end. Obviously, he’s not standing like he usually is.
And, you guessed it, his hand is rested there in all their scenes in episode 4 as well, even when they talk to Morgan on the Eye of Sion through the weird hologram thing.
And I think, personally, this comes down to primarily Shin. I think he stands how he does out of protection for her. So for that ^ scene? He’s just standing, waiting. No one to protect.
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Then this scene. They’re not around anyone. We see Morgan’s ship flying away and I guess, til Thrawn got there, the Great Mothers just dipped for a while?? Either way, they’re alone. They’re comfortable. Shin’s tone is borderline teasing sometimes. They both smile and have a good conversation. And still, in the comfort of each other, his hand is still there. A scene where he could drop his guard and relax a little bit, he still doesn’t. Comfortable stance? Sure. They’re on a strange, dangerous planet with people they both don’t really trust? Also true. She’s his padawan and we’ve seen before how protective he is over her? Yep, that too.
She’s been with him for a long time. He’s protected her for a long time. He’s cared about her for a long time. He’s trained her for a long time. He’s been her father (figure) for a long time. It’s a habit that’s been created through their time together.
And I don’t think he does it because it’s the most comfortable way for him to stand. If it were, I don’t think he’d ever bother standing with his arms out in front of him.
Now, I did say primarily Shin. There are some scenes (really just one lmao) where he does it with Morgan when Shin is not around.
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Though, in the second one here, he does immediately take his hand off and hold them out in front of him because Morgan is leaving and he’s staying to wait for Ahsoka. No one to protect.
Do I think he stands like this to have his saber ready in an instant if Shin is in trouble? Absolutely. Do I also think that, in the scenes where he stands like this with Morgan, it is also used to protect Morgan (albeit maybe a little selfishly) because Peridea is Baylan’s goal and she is needed to make sure that he gets there? Yea, probably.
So. A day or two after watching the finale, I was thinking about Baylan’s last scene (as you do). I didn’t have the scene pulled up, but I remember thinking, “Wait, did he have his hand resting on his saber?” For a few days. I didn’t open my computer to even check (brain and life ynow the vibes) whether he did or not, so I just kind of daydreamed in ignorance thinking that his hand wasn’t resting on it.
For those few days, that thought had me going. If that was a habit he’d built up for years because I won’t lose another padawan (dphc willing), then. mmm yea that had me a bit sad. A habit he built up to protect Shin at all costs. To not risk anything for her life. To keep yet another dead child from haunting every decision he makes. To just not lose someone else. Furthermore, a habit like that is going to be difficult to break. If the jump from Ahsoka and Sabine settling down with the Noti was a few weeks from Baylan standing on the Father’s hand, I could maybe see him losing the habit. Shin isn’t there with him, so what’s there to protect?
But if the scenes are only a matter of a few days apart, then I’d think he’d still have that habit.
And whether it was a few days or a few weeks, he still does it.
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As he walks up, which isn’t always the case with scenes where he walks (the scenes where he does walk with his hand on his saber are around Shin), his arm is at his side.
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This shot, you can see the hint of metal at the top of his saber. Usually, if his hand were there, you would see all of his fingers by now.
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But then, there’s his final shot. Much like the third screenshot in this post, his cloak is covering his arms and it’s slightly hard to tell. And even with his new and gorgeously improved cloak with what I can only imagine is Howler skin, you can still see how the position of his arm affects how his cloak sits around it. Even easier than that, you can see the crook of his elbow and just the fact that his arm is bent.
That means the habit is still there. He’s still doing it without thinking. Whether it took him three days or three weeks to find the statues of the Ones, the habit is still there. That need, that part of him that spent year after year after year protecting Shin is still prominent, even with her gone. Even though they’ve parted. Even though he put distance between them, that need, that inclination to protect is still there.
Maybe it’s because it’s a dangerous planet. Maybe it’s because he’s had to kill a lot of things to get there. Maybe it comes from his determination to stay alive and to find the beginning he so desperately wants.
But… I honestly think it is the part of him that is still holding on to Shin with a vice, white-knuckle grip.
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redskull199987 · 9 months
A good Feeling
Ezra Bridger x fem!Jedi!reader Part II
Word count:2.9k
Warnings: !SPOILERS! for Ahsoka Ep. 7, minor injuries, canon typical violence
Summary:After finally seeing Ezra again, You barely have Time to celebrate, as Thrawn and his goons are still hot on your tail…
A/N: Decided to make this into a series, so here is Part II :)
Part I , Part II (you are here)
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Merely a day had passed, since You and Sabine arrived on Peridea. The sky was still tinted in a cold gray and the landscape looked exactly as uninviting as before. The only thing alive seemed to be the small tribe of hermits that had led you to Ezra.
Speaking of the young Jedi, he had decided that it would be safer to get moving again and so you were back on Tota the Howler, protecting the little flock from the back, while Ezra and Sabine lead them upfront.
You watched from afar, how the two of them talked. Sabine was probably catching Ezra up on what had happened in the last ten years. You were happy to see the two of them talking so freely again.
While the first few hours after your arrival were filled with hugs and small kisses between You and Ezra, you had realized that him and Sabine deserved some time to talk alone too. They had known each other much longer and were like Siblings to each other. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by a strange feeling that spread within you. A feeling of dread and restlessness. You turned around for a second, looking out for something. Anything, that might have caused this feeling.
And then it was gone.
And a new feeling arose. A familiar feeling. The presence of a person. A Person close to you. You let your eyes flutter shut and concentrated on that feeling, pulling it closer and closer, until it felt like you could almost stretch out your hand and touch it. And then, all of a sudden, you heard it loud and clear. Saw it before your inner eye.Felt the fabric of her clothes under your touch. Her smell that you had known so well from combating against her.
It was Ahsoka. She was calling out to you and Sabine.
Immediately, you grabbed the leash of the Howler tighter, making your way towards Ezra and Sabine.
“You felt it too, didn't you?”, You asked, upon reaching the two. Ezra only gave you a confused glance, but Sabine nodded.
“It was Ahsoka.”, she said plainly, “She's alive.”
You couldn't help the grin that spread over your face. Ahsoka was alive and she was on her way to you.
You didn't have time to answer, as the small shuttles of the Noti surrounding you suddenly came to a halt and several of the small hermits pointed towards the hill, located in front of you. You followed their gaze and spotted two small figures standing on top of said hill. Upon seeing the two of them, the feeling of dread you had felt earlier returned.
“They have been following us.”, You said, looking over to Ezra and Sabine.
“Friends of Yours?”, Ezra asked, looking back and forth between Sabine and You.
“No.”, Sabine said coldly and you couldn't agree more with her. You weren't exactly keen on facing Baylan and Shin again, after how your last fight with them ended.
You watched how Ezra slowly turned his shuttle around, directing the flock the other way, away from Baylan and Shin. You followed close behind, but had your eyes still on the two Sith standing on the hill.
“We're having company”, you yelled, as the flock gained speed again. But it was useless. Shin and her group of murderous nomads were close on your heels.
You watched as Sabine grabbed both of her blasters and started shooting at the nomads. You nodded at her and let yourself fall back, as you grabbed your lightsaber to deflect the enemy fire.
While you were busy protecting the Noti shuttles, you saw from the corner of your eye how one of the Nomads was closing his distance towards you.
“You gotta stay real still for me, okay Tota?”,You mumbled to your Howler, as you let the leash fall out of your hands. You continued acting like you didn't notice the nomad sneaking up on you, but when he was about to attack you, you quickly jumped up, aiming your lightsaber at him.
Merely a second later, you landed securely on the back of the howler where the nomad had been sitting just a few seconds ago. But he was now laying on the soft grass behind you, a hole in his chest.
But the moment of victory only lasted a few seconds, as the Blaster fire of the other nomads was directed at you again, after they realized what you had done to their comrade.
“Tota!?”, You yelled out to your Howler. Upon hearing your voice, they immediately ran over to you, ready to be mounted by you again.
“Good Howler.”, You mumbled, as you jumped onto Tota´s back again. You deflected the incoming shots as good as you could, pushing a nomad off of their Howler here and there. But as you saw one of the shuttles malfunction and crashing to the ground, You quickly grabbed Tota´s leash, slowing the Howler down. You quickly jumped to the ground, as you saw the rest of the flock turn around, coming back for the shuttle.
“Are you alright? Is everyone okay?!”, You quickly asked, waving at the Noti. You didn't understand a word they said, but they seemed fine, so you just gave them a thumbs up.
You watched how Ezra directed the rest of the flock back to where you were standing next to the broken shuttle. The nomads were following close behind and started to circle you, as all the shuttles came to a halt.
“Get inside. I'll handle this.”, Ezra said to the Noti and they followed his directions without much hesitation.
You quickly jogged over to him and Sabine, your lightsaber still drawn and resting in the palm of your hand, as the nomads were still very much surrounding you.
But you couldn't help the smile that rose to your face, as you recognized the familiar outlines of Ahsoka´s ship quickly closing in on your position.
“You two alright?”, you questioned, looking up at Ezra and Sabine. Both of them nodded quickly, but upon following Ezra´s gaze, you saw that Shin and what seemed to be the leader of the nomads, were now making their way over to you.
“Who´s that?”, Ezra asked, looking down at you for answers.
“She's like you, but lacks your sense of humor.”, You described Shin for him. Looking back at her, the young Sith apprentice was staring holes in your head, like she wanted to kill you right then and there.
Ezra nodded at your answer,”Lightsaber?”he asked, not taking his eyes off Shin.
“Oh yeah.”, Sabine tuned in. You slightly winced at her annoyed tone, as you remembered the injury she had suffered from an attack by Shin.
“Great.”, Ezra mumbled, clearly understanding the emotions Sabine and You had towards Shin,”We better get ready.”
You watched how the leader of the Nomads lifted his spear into the air, shouting in a language you didn't understand, while Ezra and Sabine made their way out of the shuttle and over to where you were standing already.
“You okay?”, Ezra asked, slightly touching your forearm. You nodded at him, giving him a warm smile, before turning back around.
The nomads were now closing in on you. You calculated that your odds were about even.
“What´s the plan?”, Ezra asked, glazing over to you and Sabine.
“She only pulled out her lightsaber, wanting to hand it to Ezra:”You and Y/n. Do your thing.”
“What thing?”; Ezra asked, about as confused as you.
“Your lightsaber. Take it”, Sabine explained, her eyes still locked on the enemy.
Ezra pursed his lips at that:”You keep it.”
A small smile spread on your lips, upon hearing his words. This was so typical for Ezra. He always did something unexpected.
“I don't need it.”, Ezra explained further,”Besides, you´ve been training.”
“Very funny.”, Sabine mocked, still holding the lightsaber out to him.
Ezra only repeated himself:”No, I´m serious.”
“Take it.”, Sabine persisted, slightly slapping the lightsaber against his chest.
But Ezra refused again:”I gave it to you, it´s yours now.”
“At least take a blaster.”, Sabine groaned, but Ezra only grinned at her:”No, the Force is my ally. That´s all I need.”
“For God´s sake! Are you two finished?!”, You finally butted in, spinning around and cutting straight through a nomad that had been sneaking up on Ezra and Sabine,”Now is not the time for Talking!”
“Sabine started it!”, You heard Ezra yell, as the three of you dispersed into different directions.
You rolled your eyes at him, a small smile pulling at the corner of your lips, as you engaged another enemy that rounded a corner in front of you. It took only a few swings from your lightsaber before he was down. 
You kept moving around the shuttles, looking for the nomads, as you heard Sabine near you,”I did not start it!”, she answered to Ezra´s previous statement.
“You two are like children!”, You exclaimed, as you took a stance back to back with Sabine, fighting off the few Nomads that had surrounded you.
From the corner of your eye, you saw a Nomad that was about to jump Ezra from behind. You quickly stepped forward, reaching out your hand to use the force to send him flying towards the nearest shuttle.
Upon hearing the Nomad crash to the ground, Ezra quickly turned around. As he spotted you, he gave you a soft smile. But you had no time to return it, as You felt a sharp graze your shoulder and you quickly jumped back, raising your lightsaber in defense. 
The Nomad that had attacked you wasted no time and jumped at you, his spear raised over his head in an attempt to stab you. But before you could do anything, the Nomad was thrown against a Noti Shuttle, just like his comrade a few seconds ago. 
Your gaze lingered on his unconscious body for a second, before you looked up and saw Ezra sprinting towards you.
“Are you okay?”, he quickly asked, his gaze directed towards the small cut on your shoulder.
“I´m fine. Thank you, Ezra.”, You smiled and leaned up to quickly press a kiss to his cheek. The boy´s grin only got wider, but your small moment was interrupted, as you saw Shin behind Ezra coming closer.
“Look Out!”, You shouted and pulled Ezra away by his arm, as Shin swung her lightsaber at him.
A hand flew to Ezra's hair, as he grabbed a strand that had been grazed by Shin´s lightsaber.
“Close.”, he mumbled before jumping at her. You watched in awe how he managed to push her off, before also joining into the battle. Right as Ezra dodged one of Shin´s attacks, you stopped in, her lightsaber colliding with yours, as you pushed her back. The look of surprise that she gave you was unforgettable. 
You continued to fight together with Ezra, as You suddenly saw Sabine from the corner of your eye. She had drawn her lightsaber and joined your battle against Shin, swinging at her with full speed. Upon realizing that she now had to fight with three Jedi, two of them with lightsabers, Shin took a step back.
“It´s not looking good for you.”, Ezra stated the obvious. But he was interrupted as you could see several troop carriers closing in on you.
“We need to take her, now!”, Sabine exclaimed. Ezra nodded and was about to attack, but this time, Shin was faster and sent him flying against one of the shuttles.
“Ezra!?”, You yelled, but he wasn't reacting. You hoped that he was just unconscious and turned back around, locking eyes with sabine. the Mandalorian nodded at you and together you stepped forward to attack Shin together. The Sith managed to dodge your attacks, but you were able to slowly push her back, until you realized that Ezra had gotten up again and joined your side once more.
The fight stopped as you realized that Storm Troopers had surrounded you and each and every one of them was pointing their weapon at you three.
“Destroy them.”, Shin finally ordered and you heard the safety of all blasters around you lock off.
“Wait!Wait!Wait!”, Ezra yelled, lifting his hands to the air,”We could…talk. Or we could just…We…Don´t you wanna take us as prisoners? As Prisoners?”, He pointed his hand at Shin like that would help in any way.
But she didn't seem amused at all, her face was not showing any sign of emotion, as she yelled:”Fire!”, towards the troopers.
But they didn't have the chance to do so, as three of them were thrown off their feet and flung across the field. Mere seconds later, a Howler approached your group and from their back, Ahsoka jumped in front of you, her lightsabers drawn, ready to fight.
You, Sabine and Ezra quickly looked at each other, before dispersing into the field again, while Ahsoka took on Shin.
You saw Ahsoka´s ship flying above you, probably steered by Huyang, as you started fighting against the Troopers. It wasn´t particularly hard to take them down, the problem was the number of them. They attacked you from every corner possible.
You were in the middle of a fight against three Troopers that had been shooting on you for a few minutes, while you tried to get closer to them, as they suddenly stopped and started to retreat. Rounding the closest corner, you joined the rest of your team again. Shin was standing in front of Ahsoka, clearly surprised by the sudden order to retreat.
“Surrender your weapon. I can help you.”, Ahsoka ordered calmly. Shin only looked up at her, the fear on her face as clear as day. But instead of following Ahsoka´s orders, Shin turned around and ran off to her Howler.
“Ahsoka.”, Sabine finally said after a few seconds of silence. Ahsoka turned around and smiled at her apprentice.
“I thought you were dead.”, Sabine explained, sadness lacing her voice.
But Ahsoka only smiled, clicking her tongue:”And miss this reunion?”
She  looked over to Ezra, who also had a smile on his face, before the two shared a heartfelt hug. As the two parted, Ahsoka looked up to Ezra and a genuine laugh left her lips. 
After a few seconds, Ezra turned around towards Sabine and You:”Wait, you thought she was dead?”
“Clearly. We were wrong.”, Sabine answered, with a smile on her face. You only grinned, raising your hand to pat her shoulder:”I´m glad, we were.”
The sound of Huyang landing the ship behind the four of you, interrupted your little conversation as you all turned around.
Your gaze wandered over to one of the Noti, that had left their shuttle and waddled over to Ezra. Right behind them was Tota, who upon seeing you, Immediately ran over to you, rubbing the snout against your hand.
“Hey Tota.”, You mumbled and petted the Howler, as you watched Ezra reassure the small hermit;”Hey, it's okay. These are friends. All friends.”
You looked around you, as all of the other Noti now also started to come out of their shuttles, chattering away about God knows what.
Yeah, this feeling was pretty fucking great, you decided. 
“Guys. I´m getting a feeling.”, Ezra finally said,”I think I might be going home after all. "
You smiled at him, patting his shoulder, as the four of you gazed back towards Ahsoka´s ship.
A small squeal left your lips, as you suddenly felt Ezra´s arms wrap around you in a tight hug. You didn't have any time to react before, he pulled you off your feet spinning you around in circles. 
“Ezra!”, You scolded him, your hands resting on his shoulders for support, but You could only hear his beautiful laugh in response, before the two of you toppled to the ground. 
You could hear the laughs of Ahsoka and Sabine behind you, as you finally looked up. You realized that you were laying on top of Ezra. The jedi was of course already looking at you, his hands resting on your hips.
“I saw you fight today.”, he mumbled, only for you to hear,”You were awesome. You´ve really improved.”
“So have you.”, You chuckled, quickly pecking his lips, before slowly setting up again.
You saw a small blush creep up ezra´s neck, as he sat up next to you.
“We should take care of your shoulder”, He said pointing at the small scratch on your shoulder.
“It's just a scratch.”; You tried to dismiss him, but Ezra had already stood up again, holding his hand out to you.
“No excuses.”, he said sternly as he pulled you to your feet.
“Come on.”, You heard Ahsoka say, as she lightly patted Sabine´s shoulder,”Let´s give the lovebirds some time alone.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, as Sabine gave you a smirk, before following Ahsoka towards her ship.
“Shall we?”, Ezra asked after a few seconds of silence. You turned to look at him and saw that he held his hand out towards you.
“Always.”, You smiled before grabbing his hand and letting him lead you to one of the Noti shuttles, to take care of your shoulder. 
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Star Wars Fun Facts Part 2 WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD, Spoilers for Clone Wars, Rebels, and Ahsoka
Ahsoka and her 3 should-have-died experiences:
The first time Ahsoka Tano probably should have died was in The Mortis arc in the clone wars, after being released from the Son’s possession, his power was killing her, however, the Daughter’s last wish was to save Ahsoka, Anakin then used the Force to transfer the Daughter’s life force into Ahsoka, saving her life. It is theorized that this is why Morai follows her.
The second time was in Star Wars Rebels, when she fought Darth Vader in a sith temple/weapon. Before this fight we got this amazing exchange: DV: “Anakin is dead” AT: “Then I will avenge his death” DV: “Revenge is not the jedi way” AT: “I am no jedi” It was a badass line and I still love it, we don’t see him kill her but we only see Vader leave, and there is no news about ahsoka for a few episodes, she is presumed dead. Later, on the planet Lothal, Ezra finds a mural of the Mortis gods, and touches it, the loth wolves on the mural move and start running in a circle on the wall, he touches it and his hand passes through, he then goes through and we see the World Between Worlds (WBW) for the first time. In the WBW we see moments in time, and Morai is sitting above one of these windows through time, Ezra sees ahsoka fighting vader and pulls her through. She does have to go back through that window of time, but she goes back after some time has passed and vader has left, the episode ends with her leaving the sith temple she is thought to have died in.
The third time was in her own show! In the ahsoka show, Ahsoka is fighting Baylan Skoll on a cliffside overlooking a choppy sea, and in the battle, Baylan wins, pushing her off the cliff, you would think that that would mean she was dead. NOPE! Back to the WBW! This time in the WBW, she sees Anakin, he looks like his force ghost. He asks her live or die, and they fight, she falls off the pathway and ends up in a memory of the clone wars, her first fight in the war. After that memory they are at the siege of mandalore. After this they end up at the WBW paths again, and he once more asks live or die, this time she wins, this was him teaching her one final lesson. She ends up in the sea and Hera Syndulla gets her out.
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